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MHoC Green Party Manifesto February 2016

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a Manifesto February 2016 Only One Party gpuk.tk Worth Your Vote
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Manifesto February 2016

Only One Party gpuk.tk Worth Your Vote

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The Party

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The Green Party is unique, which I think well fits our election slogan “Only One Party”. We stand for social justice, equality, economic policies that benefit the worker, and an environmental policy that preserves the one world we have. As a party, these are some of our fundamental beliefs, and ones we do not ever forget. The Green Party of MHOC is filled with incredible and passionate members who want to work harder than ever in the next parliament to protect the environment, our rights as citizens, our democracy, our economy, our healthcare, and our country, and we need your help to do it. Our party is beyond dedicated to the policies which fill this manifesto. We’re determined to achieve them. In past parliaments we have accomplished so much as a party. From

two fantastic Prime Ministers, to countless pieces of legislation ranging from environmental and energy bills, to education, defence, and more. We want this next parliament to be a repeat of our best past successes, and an improvement on them for us. I joined on a whim back during March of last year and have never failed to be impressed by the passion in the Greens. Members of all ages, races, sexes, and sexual orientations have built a family here. We have an incredible list of candidates up for election on the 22nd, we’re a passionate and dedicated party, and I have never been prouder to be a member of the Greens. I hope we’ll earn your vote in this election and your mindfulness to our cause.

/u/irule04 Principal Speaker

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The Vision

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Right from the start of MHoC, the Green Party was one of the driving forces in politics. There are many reasons behind this, but one of the most relevant is clear: we are a party of change. We have introduced many changes in parliament, and been in 5 out of the seven cabinets and arguably we have been in the cabinets with the most change. However, our vision has still not been met. Still the poor are poorer, the rich are richer, the oppressed are further oppressed, and the diverse are further alienated. We still have a long way to go until our goal is reached. The Green Party has always had 4 main goals: • Ecological Wisdom • Non-Violence • Social Equality • Grassroots


We are still working hard to achieve these goals, and we have written many bills this last government, as a party and as the government.

/u/electric-blue Principal Speaker

88% Average MP Turnout

46% LGBT Membership

2 Green Prime Ministers

5 Green Coalition Cabinets

200+ Green Party Members

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Energy and Climate Change

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The Green Party are strongly opposed to the continued use of fossil fuels as a primary source of energy. We plan to decomission all gas, oil and coal fired power stations by 2025 to replace them with renewable, sustainable sources of energy that will help protect the future of the planet for the rest of society. The Green Party does not, as long as they are built safely, oppose the building of Nuclear Fission Power Plants, but we do not believe that we should send government funds into power stations which will produce highly dangerous nuclear waste that we will be saddled with. Instead, the Green Party will send these funds to support local, publicly run energy

companies, using local renewable sources, as well as supporting homeowners with micro generation. Ensuring a clean global environment is a global endeavor, and we will ensure that the UK remains a global power in politics, ensuring that we can lead by example, and pressure nations who are recklessly damaging our global environment into taking actions to rectify this. Protecting the planet is the responsibility of us all and only the Green Party will make every move possible to ensure we do so.

/u/irule04 /u/DF44

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Foreign Affairs and Defence

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In Government, the Green Party achieved much on the international scene. We prevented a warmongering Lib-Lab from invading Syria, while we also took action to address the human rights abuses by Saudi Arabia by banning UK arms sales to the country. The Green Party believes that the United Kingdom’s foreign policy must reflect the complex, interconnected world we find ourselves in today. We must provide aid and assistance to developing nations, many of whom will shape the future of their regions and many of whom have been oppressed under centuries of our own imperial interests. The UK must focus on helping to provide education, economic opportunity, health care, and different freedoms as much as possible around the world and must continue to play a role on the international stage - ideological isolationism will not end climate change, nor wipe out poverty or rid the world of conflict. The Green Party believes,

much like many in the UK, that our role should not be one of military peacocking, but rather one of assistance, diplomacy, and understanding, three tools that will define the 21st century far more than military action shall. The Green Party believes passionately in the right to freedom of movement and recognises the benefits that come from immigration; the UK must accept its responsibility to take its fair share of those displaced by war, climate change, natural disasters and the reckless foreign policy of Britain’s past. The UK must continue to be a world power through diplomatic acts, foreign aid and assistance, and work with other nations, and the Green Party has done and will continue to promote these ideals.

/u/ContrabannedTheMC Shadow Foreign Sec

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There is a mass exodus away from the teaching profession caused by poor funding, unreasonable expectations informed by nescient education policy and a lack of professional agency. The ineluctable consequence is skyrocketing supply costs which tax already struggling school budgets, and a complete lack of classroom continuity. The Green Party is committed to ensuring an adequately funded comprehensive state system existed which offered diverse qualifications affording young people real choices about the paths they take. We would place academies and free schools under local authority control and reintegrate grammar schools into a fully comprehensive system to ensure equality of opportunity for students.

Increased investment will allow for more staff to be employed which will ease the pressure placed on teachers. Higher education fees would be removed and post-graduate funding offered to allow ambitious students to access this education irrespective of their financial situation, in the process equipping the next generation with the skills and knowledge to compete in an ever more globalised market. Vote for the future, vote Green! KS1 SAT’s Abolishment Bill PASSED

Abolished KS1 SATs Computer Science Education Bill PASSED

Python, HTML and taught to Year 9


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Globalization, in conjunction with the technological revolution of the twentieth and twenty-first century, has transformed the manner in which national economies are valued, and how they are managed for the benefit of their participants. Currently, the global economy, and the British economy, is run in such a way that benefits rent-seekers and the highest echelon of socioeconomic status, at the expense of those with lower socioeconomic status, and the environment. The Green Party is committed to radically transforming the economy through legislation, regulation and investment. The goal of such transformation is to create a sustainable, socially responsible economy for Britain, and a sustainable planet; one

that provides the basic needs of life for every person, prevents dangerous climate change, ends the perpetual assault of human activity upon the ecosphere, provides equality of opportunity for all people, ends and reverses the sham of austerity, looks after the disadvantaged and disenfranchised, and promotes democracy and worker's rights in the workplace. The Budget PASSED

Income tax set to 30%, 50%, 60% VAT set to 17.5% Income Tax at £12k p.a.


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In order for a country to function, good healthcare for everyone is essential - regardless of that person's economic wellbeing. In order to ensure this, the Green Party vehemently supports the taxpayer funded, free at the point of use National Health System. However, whilst as a country we should be proud of our NHS, we also realize that we cannot merely rest on our laurels. The Green Party fights to ensure the NHS has access to the highest quality medicine, equipment, and doctors, using an evidence-based approach at all times. We also acknowledge that healthcare extends beyond the physical. Not only do we push for our mental healthcare to be improved, we also push for a much more seamless integration of health and social care,

ensuring that those who need support do not find themselves isolated. A Green government would fight to protect our most vulnerable from those who would deny them healthcare, and consider healthcare a priority to consider in all our choices. Ultimately, we will push for a society where people can lead lives within which there is time to be healthy and to care for others. Physical Exercise Safety Regulatory Reform Bill

Ensures 1 hour of exercise a day, including break times Gives school funding for competitive sports

No cost for students participating in sporting events


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The Green Party is committed to a Zero Carbon economy, and one of the best ways to ensure that is through the use of low carbon transport. The Party believes in the construction of HS2 to improve links and commute times to the Northern Powerhouse. The party believes in a public rail network, and the expansion of the light railways as a low carbon alternative. The Green Party also encourages research and investment into hydrogen powered cars, and will prioritize funding to local transport, but will only fund road expansion if there is no viable rail alternative. We will also encourage the use of Low Emission Zones to ensure we do not exceed EU regulations. Transport for those less capable or unable to pay is essential, so the

Greens continue to fund free local transport for pensioners, people below the age of 19 and still in education. The Green party will also support the use of solar panels on roofs of stations, as well as the renovation of diesel engines into diesel-electric engines. We will also introduce more electric car charging stations, as well ensuring clean energy is funded. Having a fully operating infrastructure with the lowest possible emissions is key to a functioning city, society, and country. The Green party will continue to ensure this is possible.

/u/electric-blue Principal Speaker SSoS England

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Equality and Diversity

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The Green Party strives to be at the forefront of Equalities. Green Party MPs and Peers are constantly voting for the rights of everyone, regardless of Gender Identity, Sexual Orientation, Race, Religion, Disability, or Socio-economic status. The Green Party is committed to further the rights of minorities, our recent work has included supporting legislation to support Intersex people, calling for better Mental Health funding and support, and questioning the government on the lack of the Access to Elected Office fund. There is One Party where LGBTIQA+ people makes up 50% of the membership, There is One Party Committed to an Equal Future for all. Vote Green.

EQ11 Gender transition will be available through the NHS

EQ08 Forcing Heterosexual orientation will be a violation of human rights

EQ02 Sexual orientation will have no affect on employment

Gender Equality Enhancement Bill 3a All non-medically

necessary genital mutilation is prohibited

3c Intersex shall now be

identified on birth certificates

3d Intersex shall not be

considered a birth defect


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An increased consumption and demand for resources has placed strain on our environment and has threatened our National Parks, wildlife and green spaces; Britain, once a place of green pastures and ancient woodland, is slowly being destroyed by human interference. We will halt the continued destruction of woodlands and protect the drastically dwindling populations of native species by restoring natural ecosystems and rewilding, and reduce deforestation and construction in the countryside. We will further defend our environment with increased improvements to waste reduction policies and recycling incentives. We believe all citizens have the right to access to green spaces and will encourage the establishment of garden cities and communal living projects. We will continue to increase the welfare of farmed, domestic and wild animals by remaining

steadfast in our opposition to hunting and badger culling, replacing intensive factory farming with sustainable, ethical free range farming and supporting food establishments and education in providing meat free alternatives to lessen the demand for meat. Additionally, we aim to improve methods of reporting and prosecuting domestic animal abuse by integrating these crimes with the National Wildlife Crime Unit. We will work with farmers to ensure that farming is diverse, cruelty-free and with little impact on the surrounding environment. Globally, we will work internationally to increase ocean conservation areas to restore falling numbers of fish stocks and prevent overfishing. Plastic Bag Ban Bill /u/irule04 WAITING

Banned the use of Non-Recycled plastic bags

/u/irule04 Principle Speaker

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The Green Party is committed to a fair, rehabilitative justice system, recognizing that most crime is caused by circumstances out of the criminals control. The Green Party recognizes that punishment focused policies do little to prevent crime, and create a “revolving door” as criminals are thrust back into the lifestyles that put them behind bars in the first place. To this end, the Green Party will completely reform the British Penal system, including softer and friendlier prisons, sentencing reform, increasing the number of prison psychologists and sentencing reform. The Green Party will make the maximum sentence 25 years. Any prisoner sentenced to 25 years will have to undergo a psychological evaluation containing at least 3 psychologists. If they determine the prisoner is rehabilitated, the

prisoner will be set free, if not, he will stay in prison another 5 years. Prison cells will be private, and be designed to feel like an average home. On top of this, prisons will open up programs to provide prisoners with education and relaxation, with programs in music, shop and other fields available. Finally, prison guards will be instructed to take on a friendly appearance and demeanor, as well as encouraged to become friendly with prisoners. All of these policies have been proven to reduce second offender rights by massive amounts, as well as increase public confidence in the penal system. To reduce first offender rates, the Green Party will strike at the sources, by improving welfare and public mental health care. We believe in a Britain that treats all of its people like humans, do you?

/u/RavenGuardian17 Justice Shadow Secretary

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Welfare and Taxation

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The Green Party believes that the government should provide a true safety net for those in need. Over the course of the last parliament, the Green Party was able to ensure a Basic Income for all citizens, but not without strict opposition throughout. We will thus continue to defend it. We remain committed to our welfare system being fair and honest. When relevant, we will have qualified doctors and nurses confirm the state of someone's health, rather than give this role private companies, who are not supervised properly. The Green Party will fight against tax increases for the poorest in society, including fighting against incredibly discriminatory ideas such as the 'bedroom tax'. At the same time, we will ensure that the richest in society play on a level

field, and we will work to close the many remaining tax loopholes. We believe in the power of local communities - and to this end, the Green Party will ensure that taxes on small local businesses are much lower than taxes for multinational corporations. The Green Party would work to remove VAT, replacing it with eco-taxes, allowing environmentally and ethically friendly products to be available cheaper, thus helping local producers, local businesses, and the environment.


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Labour and Workers Rights

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The Green Party is concerned at how worker's rights are consistently under attack. We will fight to protect and enhance workers rights. The Green Party would introduce a true Living Wage, and ensure that this Living Wage keeps pace with inflation. The Green Party supports the strengthening of unions, and would support unions in reducing the work week to be 35 hours, as has been successful across many other countries. The Green Party is dedicated to equality within the workplace. For example, we will ensure this by ensuring that maternal and paternal leave last the same amount of time, thus ensuring both that women are not forced off their career track, and that men will be able to

take an active role in the raising of their child. We will also make large companies publish data to reveal the extent of any gender pay gap. The Green Party is completely dedicated to supporting legislation that would make it an offense to discriminate in the work place for any reason, and we will fight to ensure that any legislation focusing on these issues is thorough. TRADE UNION AND LABOUR RELATIONS PASSED

Emergency Industrial Action to be voted on

Emergency Services strikes to be limited to minimum employee

WR06 We will return power to workers unions


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Westminster governments do not adequately represent Scotland politically and it's needs and desires as a nation. Therefore, the Scottish Green Party supports substantial devolution to Holyrood and Local Authorities, in the last parliament we introduced a bill to this extent and a green government will ensure its passage. The Scottish Green Party does not support holding a referendum on independence in the coming parliament but we are the only party currently supporting Scottish independence and would campaign in favor of a split. We do not support full fiscal autonomy or a sterling zone and would prefer to see a Scottish currency in the event of independence. The Scottish Green Party aims to see Scotland using 100% renewable energy by 2020, this would make Scotland the First Nation worldwide to achieve this and we have the location to do it. Even after the age of oil the Scottish Green Party will protect jobs in our energy sector and ensure Scotland remains Europe’s power source. Many people, especially pensioners, are tricked in overpaying for renewable

sources of energy by rogue tradesmen who may or may not deliver on what they promised. To combat this, we will set up a public body to oversee the regulation of these phone and doorstep sales. Scotland had not benefited from our oil over the past 40 years, the potential wealth our citizens could have had has be squandered by every single government in this time. The Scottish Green Party will end this by creating an oil wealth fund similar to Norway so that our citizens can get what they deserve from our oil in the final decades of the industry. We also promise to promote the food and drinks industry in Scotland and sustainable production in all industries. SCOTLAND BILL 2016 READING

Creates a Scottish Parliament

Creates 4-6 Representatives

Appoints a First Minister

Allows for a Scottish Referendum

/u/mg9500 Shadow Minister for Europe

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Plaid Werdd has a long standing commitment to localism, supporting a Welsh Assembly with true power over important issues, including Taxation, and Minimum Wage. Plaid Werdd also will fight to improve funding per head in Wales to match the other home countries. Plaid Werdd supports the enrichment of Welsh Culture and will fight to promote the Welsh Language. Plaid Werdd will also fight to ensure that Wales's beautiful scenic areas remain protected, whilst ensuring that tourism in Wales rises. Plaid Werdd also supports the Welsh Language, and will fight both to make sure that it is present in Welsh Schools, but also ensuring that there is an increase in Welsh Language Broadcasts

within Wales, and fighting for all national services (Such as the BBC) to have Welsh Reading Options - for instance, in subtitling nationally broadcast TV. Plaid Werdd is committed to maintaining our EU Membership, and ensuring that EU Funding, such as the £2bn which will continue to arrive until 2020, is used appropriately, and distributed to the poorest parts of the country. Wales Policy WA01 We support the

creation of a Welsh Assembly where appropriate

WA05 We will promote

the Welsh Language as an integral part of its culture


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Government and Democracy

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Our nation needs good, sensible government. A government that only one party can deliver. The Green Party seeks reform on the national and local levels, ensuring that there is a strong connexion between the two. The Green Party will create an Additional Members System for general elections, a tried and true electoral process that will allow us to carve places for every voter in all that we do as parliamentarians. Further, we will lower the voting age to 16 years old and we will make sure that British students will graduate with an avid comprehension of our political system and how it affects all of us. Wonderfully enough, with an influx of new voters comes with an influx of new responsibility. The Greens will introduce a cap on political spending and end corporate donations. No longer will our Members of

Parliament be the pawns of big business seeking to further their aims to the detriment of us all. People of Britain, only one party can provide a government that will truly work for you. Only one party is not only willing, but capable, of creating the just democratic government outlined before you. Only a Greens Government will ensure that the British people are the sole controllers of our destiny as a nation. Let's get to work. GD01 The Green Party

will lower the voting age to 16

GD06 The Green Party

supports the reform of the HoL into a partially elected body


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Cover Page Image Credit: Kathryn Warmstrong ‘The Vision’ image Credit: Milton Keynes Greens

‘The Party’ Image Credit: Wandsworth Greens, Richard Carter Government and Democracy Image Credit: Ruth Hunt

Scottish Image: Scottish Greens Icons Credit: Freepix on FlatIcon

Design By /u/electric-blue

Only after the last tree has been cut down, Only after the last river has been poisoned,

Only after the last fish has been caught, Only then will you find that money can not be eaten.

Indian Proverb
