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  • 7/28/2019 Mibi Focus 1 2


    Volume 1.2, 2009olume 1.2, 2009

    New Detection Method

    of Pathogenic Fungi inTissue ...........................p2

    Cronobacter spp. ..........p3

    Photo Competition .......p6

    Identifying Micro-organisms Using SilverStaining Techniques .....p 7

    Fluorescence Detection of fungi in tissue

    New Fast and Specific DetectionMethod of Pathogenic Fungi in Tissue

  • 7/28/2019 Mibi Focus 1 2


    Figure 1: Direct one step binding of uorescentlabeled lectins.

    Atto Dye



    Fast and Highly Specic Histological Detectionof Pathogenic Fungi in Human TissueMonika Baeumle, PhD, Product Manager Biochemistry ... [email protected]

    Bernhard Schoenenberger, PhD, Supervisor R&D

    Jakob Zbaeren, Thrombose Laboratory, Inselspital Bern

    Lectins are ubiquitous proteins or glycoproteins that can be isolated from plant and animal sources and can bind to specic carbohydrate moieties.

    Due to their high afnity to sugar residues,lectins have become important tools forsensitive detection of cellular carbohydrates,revealing subtle alteration in glycosylationbetween otherwise indistinguishable cells.This allows identication of cellular surfacestructures , e.g. cell surface, cytoplasm, andnuclear structures. Furthermore, lectin afn-ity binding allows for the detection of patho-genic degeneration of tissue as well aspathogenic infestations such as fungi.

    Histochemical studies are of importance inthe histological and pathological investigationof tissue in clinical research Lectin. Histochem-istry can be performed on living cells in sus-pension, on cell smears, tissue imprints, xedtissue sections or fresh cryostat sections.

    The recently developed Atto-dye labeledlectins have many applications, includingcarbohydrate, mitogenic and histochemicalstudies. Atto-dyes have very bright uorescentsignals and high photo stability, which enablea direct one step tissue-binding protocol.Time-consuming multistage amplificationprocedures are not required for Atto-dyelectin conjugates. Here, we demonstrate ahighly specic identication of pathogenicfungi on human tissue via direct uorescencedetection using uorescently labeled lectin(Figure 1) .

    Lectin histology was performed on bothpolymer and parafn embedded human skintissue. The lectin conjugate used was Phy-tolacca americana - Atto 488 (Cat. No.39905). The conjugate was diluted 100 timesin PBS buffer (pH 7.4) before incubating witheach specimen for 30 min. After washing toremove any unbound lectin and counterstain-ing the nuclei with DAPI (Cat. No. 32670), thesamples were examined using a microscopeequipped for epiuorescence with a 450490nm excitation bandpass lter and a 520560nm barrier (emission) lter.

    The images obtained show a very speciclabeling of pathogenic fungi infecting humantissue (see Figure 2 ). The image demonstratesthe ne laments of the fungi containingtypical mycelium, and individual fungi cells areclearly visible. A slightly higher uorescence

    is observed in the separating cross-walls be-tween two cells (septa), which are due to ahigher concentration of target carbohydrates.Very low background is observed.

    Fungal cell walls contain chitin, a polymer ofB(1 4) linked N-acetyl-D-glucosamine,while animal and plant cells do not synthesizechitin. The lectin Phytolacca americana targets

    the fungal carbohydrate fragment chitotriose[(BN -Acetyl-D-glucosamine) 3, (GlcNAc)3 ]shown in green ( L ex 485 nm). Due to the lackof the target carbohydrate chitotriose in theskin tissue, no specic interaction betweenthe lectin Phytolacca americana and the tissueis observed. The bright and stable uores-cence properties of the Atto 488 dye providea strong uorescent signal without requiringadditional amplication steps. Further ex-periments with staining different fungal in-


    Figure 2: Fluorescence microscopy of human skin tissue section (parafn xation) with fungal infectionThe target carbohydrate subunit chitotriose [(GlcNAc)3] of the pathogenic fungi are specically boundto lectin fromPhytolacca americanaAtto 488 conjugate (green). The nuclei are counterstained withDAPI (blue). Image by J. Zbaeren, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland.

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    fected tissues were carried out. Similar results conrm this approachto be a successful and reliable way to detect fungi. This applicationmay encourage scientists to investigate further histological phenom-ena by using lectin interactions.

    Carbohydrate PackageDescription lex/lem (nm) Specicity Cat. No. Size

    Concanavalin A - Atto 565-conjugate 563 / 592 in PBS A-Mannose, A-Glucose 69535 1 mgLectin from Artocarpus integrifolia -Atto 594 conjugate 601/ 632 in PBS O-Methyl - A-Galactose 76158 1 mg

    Lectin from Ulex europaeus - Atto 488 conjugate 501 / 523 in PBS A-L-Fucose 19337 0.5 mgLectin from Ulex europaeus - Atto 550 conjugate 554 / 576 in PBS A-L-Fucose 94165 0.5 mgLectin from Ulex europaeus - Atto 594 conjugate 601/ 632 in PBS A-L-Fucose 73873 0.5 mgLectin from Phaseolus vulgaris - Atto 488 conjugate (Leucoagglutinin ) 501 / 523 in PBS GlcNAc - Man 75319 1 mgLectin from Phaseolus vulgaris - Atto 550 conjugate (Leucoagglutinin) 554 / 576 in PBS GlcNAc - Man 90852 1 mgLectin from Phaseolus vulgaris - Atto 647N conjugate (Leucoagglutinin ) 644 / 669 in PBS GlcNAc - Man 77363 1 mgLectin from Phytolacca Americana - Atto 488 conjugate 501 / 523 in PBS (GlcNAc) 3 39905 1 mgLectin from Phytolacca Americana - Atto 550 conjugate 554 / 576 in PBS (GlcNAc) 3 94816 1 mgLectin from Phytolacca Americana - Atto 647N conjugate 644 / 669 in PBS (GlcNAc) 3 03065 1 mgLectin from Triticus vulgaris - Atto 488 conjugate 501 / 523 in PBS ((GlcNAc) 2, A-N-acet ylneuraminic acid 16441 1 mgLectin from Triticus vulgaris - Atto 532 conjugate 532 7 558 in PBS (GlcNAc) 2, A-N-acet ylneuraminic acid 68917 1 mg

    Table 1: Fluorescence labeled lectinsReference: Lectin Methods and Protocols; J. M. Rhodes; J. D. Milton; Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, 1997

    The Atto-dye lectin conjugates below are now available from SigmaLife Science. Additional lectins and lectin conjugates from Sigma LifeScience may be found on at sigma-aldrich.com/enzymeexplorer .


    Figure 1: Drinking baby

    Cronobacter is a rod-shaped, motile and facultatively-anaerobic bac-teria of the family Enterobacteriaceae. Originally Cronobacter spp. werelisted as yellow-pigmented Enterobacter cloacae (see Table 1 ). Thebacteria was then later on called Enterobacter sakazakii . Taxonomicstudies have determined that E. sakazakii comprises a high geneticheterogeneity and should be reclassified as a novel genus,Cronobacter [1].

    Chronobacter spp. Classic andNew Detection MethodsJvo Siegrist, Product Manager Microbiology. [email protected]

    Enterobacter sakazakii, now reclassied as a novel genus called Cronobacter,is known to be related to neonatal infections.

    Kingdom: Bacteria

    Phylum: ProteobacteriaClass: Gamma ProteobacteriaOrder: EnterobacterialesFamily: EnterobacteriaceaeGenus: Cronobacter

    Cronobacter spp. are ubiquitous and frequently found on vegetable,meat, fermented bread, diary products and especially in baby food.Consumption of contaminated powderedinfant formula milk (IFM) can result insepsis, infant meningitis and necrotis-ing enterocolitis. In most cases thevictims are pre-term infants, lowbirth weight infants or immuno-compromised infants in the rstweeks. Mechanisms are not fullyunderstand now but it is assumedthat endotoxins are produced. Thebacterium can adhere to and pene-trate into various types of cells (e.g. en-dothelial cells). It also survives in mac-rophages.

    As Enterobacteriaceae are suspectible toheat they do not survive most productionprocesses and it is most likely that con-tamination happens after the process. Thepost process contamination can come from

  • 7/28/2019 Mibi Focus 1 2


    20% Test Discountfor Cronobacter spp.


    (see table 2; Promo Code T62.Valid until 30.09.2009)


    Reaction ofBiochemical Test Cronobacter

    Gram -oxidase -catalase +H2S production -nitrate reduction +citrate utilization +esculin hydrolyzation +arginine hydolysation +Lysine -L-ornithine decarboxy lation +

    Urease -Indole -ONPG +D-adonitol -L-arabinose +D-arabitol -D-cellobiose +Dulcitol -/+D-fructose +D-glucose +D-galactose +galacturonate +Inositol +/-Inulin +

    Lactose +Malonate +/-D-maltose +D-mannitol +D-mannose +D-melibiose +x-methyl-D-glucoside +D-rafnose +L-rhamnose +Salicin +Sorbitol -D-sucrose +D-trehalose +Xylose +Acetoin production (VP test) +methyl red test -tryptic soy agar at 25 C yellow


    Table 1: Biochemical reactions fromCronobacter spp.

    the addition of heat sensitive additives such as vitamins or other micronutirents or incorrecthandling while reconstitution or storage. It has been shown, that stationary phase Cronobacter

    spp. are remarkably resistant to osmotic and dry stress compared with other species of theEnterobacteriacae group. It is difcult to isolate Cronobacter spp. from samples as they are mostlikely stressed, unevenly distributed throughout the batch and also numbers will probably befairly low, often lower than 1 CFU per g.

    For the classical microbiological tests a pre-enrichment is used to recover the stressed cellsfollowed by a selective enrichment step.

    The FDA method recommends Enterobacteriaceae enrichment (EE or Mossel) broth which is thenstreaked onto VRBG agar and suspect colonies are subcultured onto TSA agar where the yellowpigmented colonies are conrmed by oxidase test and other biochemical tests. See also Table 1 with all kind of biochemical reaction from Cronobacter spp. species (not only from FDA).

    ISO/TS 22964:2008 methods recommends buffered peptone water (BPW) as pre-enrichmentmedium and modied lauryl sulphate broth with vancomycin (mLST) incubated at 44 C for thesecondary selective enrichment step. The next step is then a chromgenic agar for isolation andidentication (see Table 2 ).

    There are diverse chromogenic agars available which help to save work and time to result andare more reliable than traditional media. The detection principle is based on the alpha-glucosi-dase possessed by Cronobacter spp. (not by most other Enterobacteriaceae) which cleaves the5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-a-D-glucopyranoside or similar substrates. The result is a plate withe.g. blue colonies in case of Cronobacter spp. (see Figure 2 and 3) but biochemical conrmation

    is still required.

    Did you know why this novel genus is calledCronobacter ?Cronos, was one of the Titans of the greekmythology who swallowed each of his childrenas soon as they were born. As Cronobacter species are harmful to neonates, the namewas found to be adequate.

    Figure 2: HiCrome Cronobacter spp.Agar

    (Fluka 92324);Cronobacter spp. (blue),E. aerogenes(green) K. pneumoniae(yellow)

    Figure 3: HiCrome Cronobacter spp.Agar,

    Modied (Fluka 14703), withCronobacter spp.colonies

    Today there are also studies that not all Cronobacter spp. giving yellow pigmented colonieson tryptic soy agar and it was showed that some type of strains did not grow at 44-45 C.Also some selective media may be too selective to recover all the Cronobacter species. Thereis still some work to do to improve the ofcial methods.

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    A New Molecular Biology MethodRapid detection and identication of Cronobacter species is required, since even low cellnumbers have been reported to cause a disease. HybriScan D Cronobacter spp. is a newrapid molecular test system for detection of bacteria of the genus Cronobacter in food,especially in dried infant formula milk and its production environment. It is based on thedetection of rRNA by sandwich hybridisation and so no PCR is needed. It is a 96 wellmicroplate format and the workow is very similar to an ELISA test.

    Figure 4 shows the specicity of HybriScan - Cronobacter spp . Different cell amountsand related Enterobacteriaceae were tested within a validation study. No signals were

    observed using 2,3 x 108

    Enterobacter cloacae cells or 7 x 108

    Citrobacter freundii cells perassay, whereas clear specic signals were detectable using 2,6 x 10 3, 1,3 x 10 4, and 2,6 x10 4 cells of Cronobacter species, respectively. These results demonstrate that theHybriScan system is highly specic for Cronobacter spp.


    1. Cawthorn, D.M.; Botha, S.; Witthuhn, R.S. Evaluationof different methods for the detection and identica-tion of Enterobacter sakazakii isolated from SouthAfrican infant formula milks and the processing envi-ronment. International Journal of Food Microbiology,127:129138 (2008)

    2. Isolation and Enumeration of Enterobacter sakazakiifrom Dehydrated Powdered Infant Formula, U.S. Foodand Drug Administration Center for Food Safety andApplied Nutrition (2002)

    3. Color Atlas and Textbook of Diagnostic Microbiology,5th edition, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (1997)

    4. Iversen et al., The taxonomy of Enterobacter sakazakii:proposal of a new genus Cronobacter gen. nov. anddescriptions of Cronobacter sakazakii comb. nov.Cronobacter sakazakii subsp. sakazakii, comb. nov.,Cronobacter sakazakii subsp. malonaticus subsp.nov., Cronobacter turicensis sp. nov., Cronobactermuytjensii sp. nov., Cronobacter dublinensis sp. nov.and Cronobacter genomospecies 1, BMC EvolutionaryBiology, 7:64 (2007)

    5. Bergeys manual of determinative bacteriology, D.H.Bergey, J.G. Holt, 9th Edition, Lippincott Williams &Wilkins (1994)

    6. M.B. Kleiman et al.,, Meningoencephalitis and Com-partmentalization of the Cerebral Ventricl es Caused byEnterobacter sakazakii, Journal of Clinicla Microbiol-ogy, p. 352-354 (1981)

    7. ISO /TS 22964:2006 Milk and milk products detectionof Enterobacter Sakazakii

    8. O. Guillaume-Gentil, V. Sonnard, M.C. Kandahai, J.D.Mauragg, H. Jootsen, A simple and Rapid CulturalMethod for Detection of Enterobacter Sakazakii inenvironmental samples. Journal of Food. Protection,68 (1), 2005, pp. 64-69

    9. K. Riedel, A. Lehner, Identication of proteins involvedin osmotic stress response in Enterobacter sakazakii byproteomics. Proteomics 7, 1217-1231 (2007)

    10. F.J. Pagotto, M. Nazarowec, S. Bidawid, J.M.Farber,Enterobacter sakazakii: Infectivity and enterotoxinproduction in vitro and in vivo; J. of Food Protection,Vol. 66, 3, p. 370-375 (2003)

    Brand Cat. No. Name Assays

    Fluka 12838 HybriScan D Cronobacter spp. 96

    Table 2: Ordering Information

    Figure 4: Specicity of HybriScan- Cronobacter spp . Different cell numbers ofCronobacter spp . and related EnterobacteriaceaelikeE. cloacaeand Citrobacter freundii were tested. Measure-ment data for HybriScan analyses represent absorption at 450 nm.

    A 4 5 0 n m






    0A B C D E F

    A. 26.000 Cronobacter spp.B. 13.000 Cronobacter spp.C. 2.600 Cronobacter spp.D. E. cloacae E. C freundii F. neg. control

    A validation study of HybriScan - Cronobacter spp . was performed using two differentenrichment procedures: (1) single step enrichment for 24 26 hours at 37 C in ESSBbroth ( Enterobacter sakazakii selective broth) and (2) two step enrichment starting with apre-enrichment for 18 20 hours at 37 C in buffered peptone water and followed by aselective enrichment for 24 26 hours at 45 C in mLST selective broth. The results of theabove mentioned validation study are presented in Figure 4 .


    Brand Cat. No. Medium Description

    Fluka 92324 HiCrome Cronobacter spp. Agar chromogenic mediaFluka 14703 HiCrome Cronobacter spp. Agar, Modied chromogenic media according ISOFluka 69965 Mossel Broth (E.E. broth) for pre-enrichmentFluka 77187 Peptone Water, phosphate-buf fered for pre-enrichmentFluka 22091 Tryptic Soy Agar for isolation and differentiationFluka 79872 Tryptic Soy Agar for isolation and differentiation

    Table 2: Media for detection ofCronobacter spp.

  • 7/28/2019 Mibi Focus 1 2


    FLUKA-Microbiology Photography Competition!General InformationThis competition for photography is sponsored by

    Sigma-Aldrich with the aim of encourag-

    ing microbiologist to show somethingabout their work and science.

    The four best photographic entries will bepresented in the Microbiology Focus and the

    Best of Show will get a place on a cover! All 4winners will be awarded a trendy USB stick .

    Rules of the Competition and Conditions of Entry1. The competition is open to all residents worldwide.

    2. Entries should illustrate any microorganisms (living or dead)or a microbiologist in action at work

    3. Picture size should be at least 400 dpi and 90 x 120 mm(max 3 MB). The le format must be in jpg, tiff or pdf.

    4. The entries will be judged on:- clarity of presentation- composition- illumination and contrast- congruency of subject matter and title of photograph- scientic interest and relevance- originality

    5. Winning entries will be retained by Sigma-Aldrich, who willhave sole rights of publication, reproduction and display.

    6. Closing date will be 30th Sept. 2009.7. Entries after the closing date will not be considered. Entries received

    incomplete, illegible, mutilated, altered or not complying exactlywith the instructions and theme may be disqualied.

    8. Decisions of the judges in all matters affecting the competitionwill be nal and legally binding.

    The competition will be judged by:

    Prof. Mohammad ManaMedical University of Vienna,Head of Department for Food Hygiene

    Dr. Antje Breitenstein Scanbec GmbH, CEO

    Prof. Dr. Corinne GantenbeinZHSW, Head of Microbiology Department

    Jvo SiegristSigma-Aldrich, Product Manager Microbiology

    Method of EntryThere is no entry fee. An individual may enter amaximum of 3 times and an entry form must becompleted for each entry. To submit a photo, go tothe following website:



  • 7/28/2019 Mibi Focus 1 2


    Identifying Microorganisms Using SilverStaining TechniquesMark Frei Technical Marketing Specialist. [email protected]

    Silver staining techniques rely on basic chemical reactions for themicroscopic examination and identication of microorganisms. These

    stains aid pathologists in the evaluation of disease states and helpguide physicians in patient treatment.

    Silver staining methods can be 10 100 times more sensitive thanother staining techniques that rely on dyes that must penetrate thecell, however silver stains have a tendency to be capricious. Non-specic silver deposition and over-staining can produce a loss ofdetail. Clean glassware, proper technique and high quality reagentsare necessary to obtain satisfactory results

    Sigma-Aldrich supplies two modied silver staining kits that allow morereliable and consistent staining compared to the traditional method.

    The Silver Stain Kit (Modied Steiner-Steiner) is intended for thedemonstration of spirochetes and non-lamentous bacteria in sectionsof parafn-embedded tissue. The method provides the option toutilise a microwave oven to accelerate and accentuate the silver stainin tissue sections. The heat produced in the microwave facilitates theimpregnation of silver nitrate into the tissues, resulting in a muchcleaner background than the traditional method. The organisms stainblack and the background is yellow-brown (see Figure 1 ). Try theModied Steiner-Steiner Kit (HT101-A) for consistent and reproduciblestaining results.

    The Silver Stain Kit (modied GMS) is intended for use in histologicalvisualisation of fungi, basement membrane and some opportunisticorganisms. The organisms are stained black whilst other tissue ele-ments are stained green (see Figure 2 ). Gomori Methenamine Silver(GMS) traditionally requires elaborate solution preparation and resultscan vary considerably due to the capricious nature of metal impregna-tion and photographic development. The Modied GMS Kit (HT100-A) incorporates a stable working silver methenamine salt along withbuffer, toning reagent and developer, avoiding these issues. The useof a microwave oven allows for more rapid staining. Silver stains areof great importance in biomedical research applications and diagnos-tic pathology. Due to their low cost and ease of interpretation, silverstains will remain an important complement to emerging molecularbiology technologies.

    Figure 1: Steiner-Steiner silver stain of spirochetes

    Figure 2: GMS silver stain of Pneumocystis


    What bacteria think about new methods

    Whathappenedto you?New hairstyle?

    No. I was treatedby electrosprayionisation andSURVIVED!

  • 7/28/2019 Mibi Focus 1 2


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