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mi$C, C'tJt-;rqon• ,J • JA· -1-.. •11. ,,~, V,.J .. t- · OOLLUR 1 S 230 Park AYenue !law...

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- mi$C, C'tJt-;rqon• ,J •" c. C JA" · -1- .. •11. 4...l V,.J .. t-.J I II I


mi$C, C'tJt-;rqon• ,J •" c. C

JA"· -1-.. •11. ,,~, 4...l V,.J .. t-.J



rulltll -----


1tJ •Mr .a:r. ~lor, ba hrtbR rept.y to ~ur l•tt.•r ot o.c-h•r ~•Ul

Nl•U- to ~or l.llCODA, I M& to -cl.on h•n­

•Hll as ot poaslbl• illte.Nat a l•tter which I haft

!'at ~ift4 t'1'ca U:• ._rloea COAII'Ill OeD•Nl iD

l"lozea~ ia auwe.r to rq ~llht ot hia.

111\!l all &cod •1~. "'}

S~erel;r J'OU. /

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lli11111U Cll FIUIIAV .MIUA.., I) Af IIWC' CCI.tCI AT "'' •lllililiii Cl.lll I IICJI Ull ancn AIID Fl"" AYIIIIII IICIVCIII 011 .......

CDalllil- IPIJDI e 111101111 ...... AID • •. !III.LN·.!J~~ ·

cot~N""'" .. .,," """ " •m• aa .., *""• l'lll!ll!la•

/""" , A_/ ~ ~. '- arC; a4' /:~ .... ~~~ t'ZJ-t~· _ l~u~/~_.(?r) u_A ~

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r:or loyol l:.t - .• n .. oo r1ucoos 'elon11 or n.r.on1a ,

.011 ooinco. /ill a srortc . Fl tnll •

l a oo.td.lll£: a COl':" or a l· t ter tornrJu.1 t.:~ no b;r our l ooo< <lor "t .o::~e wl".l c L rorot·a to tl o cLoa or r • •• nconu . hlG tor your cont!<ldntlu! intur otlon. : hove not .:~vorl ol.e<l u. c. ao or r . .. rcoru. Lnd ill • o ohotovor l cun on hie bol.olr .

You oro r.:~bobly ouuro L~ t r\lol~ ~t .oo~ovolL lwo cocounlo: toJ t!lrou(;l.L .;r.bosoador Xhillito wi t:-. tho OUco ln tho hope or ollovi Unt; ·t.o coh41Uons l nvolvlng rorur.eoe conor lly. l ho ~ cone .~r• o t lsroctory . oluUon or tt.is whol e qu stlon .oy G ou ovontu t o.

• ro . 'oylor, uho l o wlth ao h ro , Jolno i n boot l n Yo r cr ootlni;o, ond kin.i ro& rdo •

..... lnoe ol~ ,

OOLLUR1 S 230 Park AYenue

!law Iork

Honorable Myron Tqlor, Claridge's Hotel , London, England.

Dear Hr. Taylor,

Jan 10 19)9

I got back ln London Just in time to bop a sblp for New Iork and ao didn ' t have time to oall you to thank you for your kindness to me.

I aa returninc the book you sent ae. I read it with a great deal of lntaraet. I also found the paaphleta ot great Yalue.

In ay refugee atory which we a re callin1 •UNVAITED•, and vhiob coaes out in the Feb. lOth iaaua, I don' t ot couraa abuae the oonUdenca you gave me, but you cl1d keep ae troa going wronc on a lot ot point e . The background you gave •• vaa invaluable and I cannot thank you enoucb tor it.

I bad lunch with Hr. Laaont the other day and foun d bia vary auob interaatad in the whole problaa or the Intergovarn­aantal Coaaittee and alao very approoiati•e ot the help you a••• ae.

I hope I ahall haY& the pleasure ot aaeing you when you re­turn to Jew York.


(Signed) QUENTIN R!YNOLDS. Assooiate Editor.


............ "-' ·-·· ··~" CABLE AND WIRELESS LI M ITE D .

I 1 CII'C:VIt.

H ELT 2 18 f1 ~----_L ________ _L __________ L_ ______________________ _

0! ... -!0 • ... ·- 0 . .

f ·" l b • ~ J 'i I ~ E s i _f Oo _ .. • o .!:'; ~ s §8 E • • • ~ · . ' ... ' ... »


1~ WID a& )1 20!51



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aot euplaloJ lt 11M ~ ~ ,_ 1otwo or ,._

applJiac lbr uabtaao, (a.ialT relaW lo ~U•), • •

pro'fl .. ,.. 111ltll tloo tall..,•• .-.-1 tJPM ot tar-Ua•

1. A...,..ta ~ta ~Ulataw. latamaU.

z. Aocnarato -.plato ~tal at.W. tar-u. ""IIUMut .....

a. •• 1Dto..aU.. relaUft to -.ritol at.-.

Tba ti ...... a•gol\W laft ~ dft• lfta a .-..pl.e

1091 ouatiDI ._..~aate~T lOll or U.o total a-.llor or appUMU.. sa

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aboo tho -

1. IIDI'itol atotua l!r a-t.z7 or ~t LNaU...

'!'he tip .... aader \1118 b...U.. I'IJIIIIa\ llaitoo.

z. Hlabor oL ~ •4 c-t17 or ,....., LNaUoa.

'l'lleoo ti&al'lo ..,. lilt ..,, '117• UtaU.• 1a

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a. Ill• or lfe!b \JC .j et ~ IS.wDI •N"nM•

.... .tac1a people or oiLUAlaoo ~·· 'l'lle .,..,

or u.. tw11 1 N are -u.



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Duri!!l la~ U -the - 19§8


Prepared 1:11• StaUaUcal Dllpe.rtMnt NatioMJ. Coordil>atina Coar.ittaa.

/ ll. r~.adoqW\cy of tho Data.

Occu~tlonal nformatlon relat ive to refuge• • l o fracmontary and innoa­oleto. It hat bean extracted from let·ors of peroono a~olyl~ for aid who or o•ldo uo • ' th the following general t~eo of Information.

l .Accurate CO"~" l tto OCC'lT~Ational inforaat. on. 2 . Accurate occupatlonel lnforlllllt lon without ac;eo . 3· General and lndotlnte Information. 4. No occupational in!ormatiotl.

Jho flgureo subm ttod arc for t ho flrat olovon ~ontbt of 1~38. Corrected flaur oo for tho 12 ""'"' h s of 1938 will oubmi tted a a ooon as the data lo uallable.

Where only scneral or indefinte ocou~~ional information -.e otven auch eo thnt a man Is employed In an lnauranco offlco be has boon clasalfiod undor ·~ualneeo• or In a bonk .ndor "Ranking•. There are a fe•o tbsr aeneral ca t egorlo or th a typo cbletly under ()roup 2 out tt:oot or the oatogorloo are definHe and accurate . It l o quito aafe to uoe the large. class grouplngo for comoaratiTO purpoaea .

2. Baaio of Claaalflcatlon. Tho claoelfclatlon composed by Alba Edwardo of tho United Statoa, Bureau

of the Cenaua hae been used to enable ua to make ~u1ck &Dd •ccurate cocparleona. (Soe Alba Edwarda- A Sosls Economic Grouping of GainfUl Workora in the United Stat• a Journal of the ~<rlcan Statlatlcal Aaaociatlon , December 1933) It it planned to :ako comparison• witn ~ho occupational diotrlbutlon In Germany and Austria later.

3 · As 1~ atando tho •Pro!eaalo~~ •Busicoaa and Clerlcal"(Groupo' l,2, and 3)predomlnate with the Profoaolonal croup markedly above ttle others .

We are uneble at t his time to aay whether thi$ lo due to tho predomloance of Jawa in profeaaiona or to Uhe tact ~hat they are more ar~iculate . more able and therefor e more hopeful of being reacuod or both. It wi ll necoesary to cheek further t o .fl'ind the anawer a to tb.eae probleme .

• OCC!JPATIQ!! 0!' !Uil!JC§

1tr Alt!, Sa:~~ and CO!!lt a ot l'r!t!st.R!!ill• e.

tgt&l All Cptr1M bz lklar Crourl.eg

- ::.fir 21 21-40 ... o. 0~ .1.: ~ to \oil. Gruel Oecu(!!,tlon • r-le lla.le r-1 t..... r-1• Lle r-3. 1-.J.a Feal t otal I ns l 401 I 59 ·~ ! l . OOF'!SSIOIIAL ll 9 115 lOt l,~u - l ,EOf

2 . I'ROl'!l.mORS, IIANACiiliS lJ. J0\5 M and OFTtC!ALS - - 208 ! 5 ~ 160 8 TgL

2-a l"o.rrMrs, Om on and 1s I I Tenanta - lS l s 1 Sf r S9

2-b ~esolea and R• t&U o.J.era 10 1 l.tT $ ~ $ 1!60 9 !69

2-e Other Propriatora, 19:5 88 j ~~&nAma ~ Qfficiall us • s 4 406 l S 4lt

:1. CLERKS & lUllllREil IIQRQRS 19 6 1ST T:l 159 H 51 1 tO :I8T us $10

4. SICILWI r.autERS & FlliU>IIEII 1:1 1 122 10 l o:l lS 61 u 299 :16 $$7

s. S£111 -""'"' .. n 'IIOR!!2lS 9 1:1 46 911 ~ :10 l'6 5I lSO 1Tl SOl S-a Sui..Sklllecl lforkera

in llfl· 8 9 ss ,. 4$ M 16 29 100 1S6 tS6 I ..-b Other Saai-sldllan

lfOI'Urs - 1 8 l! :1 " s 2 1" 19 ss S-o hauticiana, ~

1 10 l! ' 1 16 • 161_ n•r~ . .\ .Micurit~ts :1 5 s Sl!

6. tillS~~ ~ IORKn!S ll s tt 49 tO Sf 111 ss 6$ 1~ 19!1 6-a h.ra Laboren - I - _ , - - - - - - - -6-b Factory anll 8\lllllin& I

Coua true Uon Laborer s - 6 2 8 1 1 - 20 s t S

6-c Other LaboNn 6 - 9 - 8 - s - ttl - !8

6-4 Servant Claaaaa - s ' 41 " S6 10 :IS 21 lU 1.41: I •

TOTAL 6S S2 1~0:10 !146 il...OI.If 1'1'1l. 7:10 I tll. 1!. 910 T6S ~16TS


_jl_ ull .. ta :12 9 4$ • - - 54 I " l OS lf m

• .. ~ I I ~ ! I ~ ~~ II .!J ~ ... lb.

• ..

cupation >Oc

1. FRO!'ESSIOSAL Actors & Silo.....,. Architects Artists, Sculptors and T ... cllers ot Art

Authors, Edit. o ra IUid Renorters

Authors E,ditors RaPGrtora

Cheaists Clergymen (Rabbis) Colle~e Profcsnoro Dentists neoigners , Drftftamen & Invantors

.Al!yC'S llusicinns and Tea chers

of Music PhotCfll'Sphera Pbyai cions & Surgeons Teachers

Technical Enfineors Engineer unspecified)

• AoroN.utic • Chemical • Civil • Cons~ction • Electrical • llech&nical

Trained Nurses Veterinary Surgeou

Other Prot. Pursui ta • Die ticie.ns

Librarians Pllarmciat s Social Warkers Sta tis ti cisne

Religi ous Workere(Conto~

'I'O'!'AL -

OCCUPATIO~ OF REPUOE!S .!!IJA".• Sex and CountrY ot Preaen t Residence

Under 2l 21- "l 40 & over Unknown Total Crond Male Fetlllll llo.la reaa1 Male F.....U l llale FeMl llele Female Total '

1 1 1 2 1 6 5 9 2 2 4 4

1 4 6 1 7

' 5 2 1 7 1 8 J 2 1 & 1 4

1 1 2 2 , 1 2 2

2 s 5 2 12 2 14 s 6 11 20 20 l 11 8 1 20 1 21 2 6 9 1 17 1 18

1 1 5 5 5 16 4 15 3S ss

1 11 7 14 6 ss 6 59 2 2 5 5 2 7

22 6 24 2 15 s 61 11 72 s 14 12 7 5 s 7 24 25 49

. 5 5 5 11 11 2 1 4 7 7 - - - - -

1 1 2 2 - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -1 1 2 2

8 1 5 s 5 4 18 22 1 1 1

1 ~ 4 8 s 1 s 12 10 22 1 1 1

2 1 1 2 2 4 1 2 s 1 7 7

5 2 2 2 2 7 9 1 1 1

5 s 7 15 15 I

2 s 91 S4 95 14 108 so 296 81 577 ·I

OCCUPATI QJ! OF JII;.-.'IJQp;> By Age , Sex.!~~ of Present J! .. idenee

- Under 21 21 - 40 40 I OTer Unlcnown Total Grand

1Q!oul!!tion -- ll!ll~• Female llalo Female ll&l• Female )I~ Fe.al.e ~e tolllll.e Total_.

2. PROPRllTORS liANAOI.RS & OFFICIAL'! 2-& F&r~~era (owners & t enanta) s 5 1 6 14 1 15

P.-b Wholesale & Retail Deolera 26 47 II 27 1 100 4 104 Retail Doal.,-a 25 119 II 22 1 IWj 4 90 Wholesale Dealers 1 8 s 14 14

2-c Other Proprietors , llanagers and Official& 26 2 46 1 22 94 II 97_

llanufaoturerc 14 19 8 u 41 Factor)' Uanqera - - - - -Bankers & Brokers 6 5 2 111 l& Motion Picture Producers - - - - -Thoetrical Director s - - - - -Reataurnnt Keepers 1 1 1 Trade (unspecified) 2 9 5 16 16 Buainesa 4 2 ).~ 7 24 2 26

TtlrAL 55 2 98 5 55 1 208 8 216

11 . CLERI<S & KINDRW TIORICERS Inapoc tcra, Gaugera &: SamplerE 2 II 5 5 Iceurance AReats 2 II 5 5 Advertisins Agents l s 4 4

Decorator s & Window Droosers - 4 l 5 10 10 Decorators 2 l II 6 6 Window Dressers 2 2 4 4

•1-lerks• in Stores 5 2 2 1 1 II 8 11 Ccmnorcisl Travellers 1 1 1 1 2 Salesmen & SslteWOClell 2 14 II 19 19 Technicians & Lab ASsistants 2 4 4 II 1 1 8 1 15

Bcokkeeoers & Accountants 1 9 2 5 2 2 17 4 21 Bookkeepers 1 8 2 4 2 15 4 17

1 Accountants 1 1 2 4 4

I Clerks (except •clerks• in a to res) s 15 6 4 s 1 25 1 ti2

Stenographer s & Typists 1 17 1 2 2 1 22 211

TOT,IIJ. 6 l s 36 114 112 1 24 5 98 49 147

I \

I le I .. j


I ' I

OCCDPATIQ!! 9l RiPOOEm By Age , Sex and Countq ot Preaent Reaidonoe

Under 21 21 - 40 40 It over Unknown Total Grand !L P&tion llalo l'e-.J.e Na.le Female lilale Fu&J.e llde real• llalo P'e-.J.e Total

4 . SKILLED I\IORmlS o.nci!OJ!Eiml Cabinet llalcers l l 2 2 Co•poaitora, Press~en, etc . 1 5 6 6 Cooka l l l s 5 2 9 11 Electricians 1 1 2 2 PoreMn l l 1 FUrriers 2 ll 2 7 7 J ewe11era , Wa tcluoe.ltera

Golclalll.tlul It SUveralll.thG 1 1 1 2 4 1 5 Lool<lllll.tba 4 • 4 llaohanies (auto, raclio,

unapecU'iecl) ll 9 4 2 16 18 lletel llorkera 1 l 1 Painters & Cleziera 2 2 2 Peper hanger a - - - - - -PlU>IberS 1 1 1 s s Shoeakera 1 4 1 6 6 Tailors s 8 2 6 17 2 19 Upbo1aterer - - - - - -Weaver 1 2 2 l s

'l'Ol'AL 4 1 26 1 24 6 2S 5 77 lll 90

5 . SEIII-SltiLLEil IORXERS 5-e Sellli-Sldllecl 'llorkora in lolt~ • 1 1 7 12 16 7 4 12 so S2 62

Bakora 1 2 1 4 4 Butchers 1 8 2 11 11 Contect.Uoners 1 1 1 CorseUerea - - - - - -Dressmaker & Seamstress

(not in factory) 7 2 4 11 2 22 24 llilliners 1 4 1 1 1 1 2 7 9 OoeraUYes 4 1 5 2 1 10 s 1S

Cutter s 1 s 6 1 7 Hatooaker 1 1 1 1 2 Textile Ooerator 1 2 1 s 1 4

5-b Other Semi-Sldlled Workers 1 6 2 2 1 10 11 Nurses (not trainee!) 6 2 2 10 10

• Cbaufteeura 1 1 1 Soldiers & Sailors - - - - -

5-c Beauticians, Rairdreasera and llanieurieta 1 ll 4 1 1 4 6 10 Beauticians l s 1 I 2 ll 5 Hairdressers 1 2 2 1 s uanicuri.,ta 1 1 2 2

TOTAL 1 2 11 22 16 10 5 14 ss 48 as

J \

- ___ .,. Ubder U 21- 40 40 6 O¥U' Ul\lalo-.t total Cr&nd

j)_!'CUP!LU.2,1\ _ _ llale re•Ja l!al_e "••1• llale l'eMle llele Fe•h llele t'!!!'l!..... Tota]..._

6. Jlli§Y.IJ,}P. J~

S... 'ar• Labarera - - - - - -G-b hct017 A ilo•l}dln&

Con1t.r\lcUoo Laborer• 2 1 1 1 4 1 5 . 6-c Otber Laborer~ 4 4 4 2 14 14

6-d 1!r.v.ML9lal.~-- 1 s 29 5 20 4 24 10 74 64

Dolleat1c SerYaDta 1 2 29 s 20 5 24 8 7"4 82

Jaitere 1 l 2 2

~AL . ~ 8 1 7 &<> 8 20 7 t4 28 75 lOS

Studente 9 4 9 2 10 2 28 8 sa




J •

I I I ,

1,. I lo / t: 1 I I t OCCUPATION OF RfiFUGEES

8y Al!e , Sex and Country ot Present Rosidonco



~ 1.

Under 21 21 - 40 40 & Oftr Unknown Occ~tion ll&le F-lo ll&le Fomlo ll&lo F-1• ll&lo Foalo

f!!QF<SSIONAL Actors & Sbo'"""" 2 1 2 l 1 Architect& II 2 1 Ar~iots, Sculptors ancl

TMchers of Art 6 1 4 II ' Au thoro , Edi tore and RePOrters 8 2 16 ll 1

Authors II ' 5 !ditorK 1 II Reporters 1 5 2 ll & 1

Cbellliste 1 17 II 7 2 4 2 Clergymen (Rabbis) 2 1 2 College ProCoeeor s 4 II 6 1 l4 l Dentists 10 2 5 5 )'esignnrs , Draft aiM!l'l &

lnv-entors 1 2 7 1 5 1 Lawyers ss 4 55 1 15 2 llusic.l.al'ls t. Teacbore

of llue1c 2 1 15 6 12 10 29 4 Photogropbel·s 2 s 4 4 Peyaici!lno & Surgeons 60 6 65 6 26 7 Teach era 2 1 11 6 8 4 5

Technical &nEtneers S9 28 12 Enginearl unspecified) 12 12 5

" AeronauUe - - -II Cbelllie!ll 2 • CivU 1 s 2 " Construction 4 4 2 • Electricol 15 2 2 • llochonical I 7 5 - 1

Troinod llw·ses I 1 4 4 II Veterinary Surgeoea 2 Qther Prof, Pursuit& 5 4 11 7 s 4

• D1etic1a:na II 5 2 I L1bror1ona 1 2 2

Pbanlaciste 2 1 9 1 1 1 Social llorlters 1 1 St&t1at1c1one 2

Reli gious Workers(eantora) I - - -

'I.'OTAL 6 4 227 46 209 55 1115 so

Total Grand ll&lo Fealo Total

5 2 7 6 6

14 • lB

55 & 58 12 12

' 4 19 II 22

29 7 116 5 5

24 5 29 20 2 22

11 4 15 as 7 90

58 21 79 10 s lS

151 19 170 25 12 57

79 - f--~ 29 - -2 2 6 6

10 10 19 19 111 l5

1 11 12 2 2

19 15 li4 10 10

5 5 11 s 15

2 2 2 2

- -577 us 692




By yo, Sex andountrz ot Protent Reeidenet


aa ... l~~~·~ ~, w..~! - 4~, u!~.& ov~~ ~ .. 1 .. ,.;...;;lo I

• u .. ~~ ;;~~v•o ' & ,~.~. ~

,, ~ 1 s: 2 22 1

-n:ou.1o.;;-. ~~ i!" 2 1: 1

m.hlA~l A nAAl ~R 1 --2-e Oth!'" ~d.,,.~: •. , 7S 2 126 s 58 4

2~ 1 si -i2· 2 Pac::tory !htnagers 1 Bankers & Brokers 6 29 1 7 Motion Picture Producers 2 1 The<~trle.l Directors 2 Ree teurnnt Keepers 2 4 2 Tr ade (unspecified) ~~ 1 i: 2 : Businese 1

TOO'AL 115 s I 2os s sa 5

s.L & mDRED fiOJUCERS --lnspoct ors , Gaugers-& <:o Mnl•~· 6 a

Insurence Agents 6 6 Advert1e1ng-AJ!ento ~ ~ n. • + -& 1 1 2

IIi o- hW n : 1 1 1 2

•Clerks• in Stores 1 s 2 2 Commercla.l. Travallero 1 1 1 Sales..,n & Sttlosw0111en 2 1 26 1 19 1 s '!'eehnichna & Lab. Aoai. 5 7 1 2 2 2

& 15 s 35 2 s 2

; ·~ ~~ 2 i lf

C1erlus (except •clere• 1n storee) 4 1 26 lS M 4 6 1

~A:tenographero & Typist s 1 1 6 12 5 4 II 1

10 3 108 31 114 15 18 11

~.. .. ;~teJ. ,., ~~~

1~ 4 1;~ ~~ ~· : -~ 9 244

s 94 4 1 5

4 2 1 4S s s 2 2 8 a

~ ~ ~ S7S 15 S89

14 14 12 12

1~ 5 ~ : ~ ~ 4 4 8 2 11 s

so 3 S5 12 5 17

51 7 sa

~~ ~ ~

70 19 89 15 18 ss

248 RO 1108

) I

~&TJ!l.'UP: IWWWi Ill' Au. S.s!C!i..£.c!!nta ot Pree.,.t a .. ~~·


- - . Ullllv u u- 40 ·40 a onr "total G>Ud

Oe~u;>!. tlon '~· ,~. l .. i. t:-1• llal• r-1~ ~'ll• ,_1 111&1• ,~. Total

4 .~'elt•' 110Rmt.S etllmcms • lnet llalters t 4 1 7 7

COIIf'O&ltono , Preaaeen, etc . l 6 4 ll ll Cookal 2 8 s 6 l a 8 20 28 lleotrlci&.'\1 ~ ' 4 l4 14 FoNMn 1 1 1 P'urri er ll l • 1 2 17 2 19 Jt .. lltre, 'lla~babn

Go1claa1t.ha \ SllYVsaitM 8 H 4 28 2a Loclluithe 4 1 s s ••~ll..n1ca (auto , r•dio,

""" ;-L"itd) ! lS 10 s at at •• tal 11 or kart • 5 5 5 ~

Pailltere ~ Cl&aius • 2 • 6 Paperllancve 1 1 2 2 Pluaberl 1 1 l Sbol.akVI 5 1 l 5 s Tailor 5 l5 18 5 51 ll7 J phola tarer 5 2 5 5 WMYer t 2 2

TOTAL 8 - 80 9 7:1 7 2:1 6 184 22 208

& .SEIII..Sll~ _,RitEIIS j.!__ 21 I a_ ~~-&-a · Lll ed llorktrs in llr« 6 2:1 16 5 18 55 tl . llalter 2 2 llutcber 2 1 5 5 Contec t.1Diltr s 1 4 4 Coraet.lere l s 5 l 8 8 ~aa~t .... t s-t.ree••

(not in ractory) 5 2

I ~ ., ll 9 t 54 6S

ltlll\Mre 1 2 1 a 2 27 29 Ol>tl'a t 1 ... ·-1-4-~ 12 l2 1 5 4,.ss • 57

Cut tv 2 I 4

I s 5 1 10 10

llat.abr : 2 • 4 TutU• o-retor 4 7 1 :: . lt • 25

~-b Ot!!t'=..~;'t..SI!Ultd lor~..!.- f--} .. s-t-} 1 2 2 a 8 14 Hur .. a aot t.r&lntd) 2 ~ 8 8 Chaui'tturtl 5 2 s 5 ~<!!m a S!Yora l I l l

&- c u:!:"'', Ha.l:rd.-ava ~ • I • llaAl~l!£ a te 2 s l £ 7 7 lt BMuUcliAI I 2

s 1 I 1 1 6 7

.::..~· .... 2 2 2 8 6 curll\a 1 I 1 l

J'OTAL 8 ~0 its as 2f I 19 7 I 111 68 108 174

I (


------.. -...... ., - Uod61' 2i f.l - 40~1~ l OYU ~ Total • Cr.nd QCCUf!!t1on llale Fualolllal! Fo-.le l o r-1oi!!!ll.o ~ ~~ r-a __ !ll_a,\ _

6 . UNSX!I~ ~tl'UUJlS

6-o hra Laborer• - - - - - -6-b Factory & lluudinc

ConDtruct1on Laborers s 5 1 6 1 14 2 16

6-c Otbor Labore.ra 1 s 4 4

6-d Servant C)!sses __ c---1-·~ 1 l2 l2 1 6 t Sl ss DoalesUc Sernnta 1 lZ l2 l 6 2 Sl ss llait~. - - - - - ---

'!a!'AL s l 7 1S 9 lS l 6 20 l'S ss

_ ( ~udmta lS 1 17 6 l S6 :! S6


QCC!!PATIQN OF lW'!JOEES By Ace, Sox an4 Country of Preaent Rea1d .. co

Ull:m.D ST A'!;ES

t UDder 2l 2l- 40 .:f, (< OYer .I W..~~OWII Total. <ll'&ft4 Occm.Uon ..,le F.-J.e llloolo fo.al.o o F~a l e Female llalo Foalo Total

1 . PROF!iSSIO!W. Actors & Shocen 1 1 1 1 s 2 5 7 Arobit&ots 1 1 1 Artia ta , Sculptors M4 Teaallers of Art 1 1 6 8 8

Authors , Editors and Reporters 5 1 s 5 1 15 2 15

Autbors 1 2 1 4 4 &ditors 1 1 2 2 Ro1>0rtara 4 1 5 1 7 2 9

Cheaists 1 1 ' s 4 1 5 C1or~ (Rabbia) 1 5 6 8 Collage Profeaaors(Scholars 6 2 8 1 18 2 so 5 55 Dontiats 5 1 5 1 9 1 10 Des igners, Draftaaen and

ln'fl>lltors 2 4 6 6 t,.awyors 6 1 4 9 19 1 20 I aicians & Teachers

5 2 s 8 of Music 4 14 6 20 Photocraphors - - - - -Pb)ts1e1ans & SUrgeona 24 1!4 1 ss 4 86 5 91 Teachers 2 6 2 5 2 7 10 17

Technical Endneers 4 1 7 12 l2 ""&in•.,... ( unspec1!ie<l) 2 1 2 5 5

• .terCIOt\UtiC 1 1 1 • Cheoical 1 1 1 • Civil - - - - -• Construction 2 2 2 • Electrical 1 1 1 • llecbanie&l 1 1 2 2

Trained Nurses 1 1 1 Veterinary Surgeons 1 1 1

Other Prof. Puraui ta 5 5 1 5 8 7 11 18 D1oUciona 1 1 1

4' Librarians - - - - -Pbar.Dacista 2 1 1 1 4 1 5 ~oci.&l Workers 1 2 2 7 5 9 12 St&tistieiana - - - - -

Rallgious l•orl<ar s(Cantors) 1 1 1

'I'OT'AL 6S 18 47 5 U.s 25 226 48 274


/ I ~ I j.i.


By Age , Sex and Country ot Preaont R•.•i<!!!!s.!


r w~~er 21 21- 40 ~- "-'ij~~~a>oe

le Foale ll&le l'UAJ.e llalo VoMJ.olllalo ·•

2.~RS,IIANAOERS & Ol'FIC~ 2... ar.ers (owners & t<onanto l 2 l

2-b lholooolo .t. Rotoil Dealers 4 1 6 Rotoil Dealers 4 l s llbolesa1e Dealers l

2-o Other Proprietors, llanllgers and orfieialo ' 5 l 17

llsnulacturers 2 4 6 Factory lllmai•rs - - -Bankers t Brok6nl l Motion Picture Producers - - -Tbeatl"icsl Dir.,etors 2 Restaurant Keepers l

• Trade (unspecified) 2 l : Buainoae

tor at. 8 7 l 25 l .

3. CLEIU(S & KIND!Wl liORIBRS Inspectors , Gaugers & Samplol - - - - - -InaurMc~ Agenta - - - -Advertising Agents - - - -Docorators & llindow Droseers - - - -

Decorators - - - -'liindow Draaaora - - - -

"Clerks• in Stcrea l l Co=oercial Travellers - - - - -Sale:1•en & Saleswomen 1 3 Technicians & L4b. Assiotanto l 2 2

Bocklcoeoera & Accountant.& 2 l 1 Bookl<eepors 1 1 AccoW>tanta l 1

Clerks ( except • clerks• in stores) l 1 1

Stonographera & Typiata - - -

...... at 4 5 l 1 7 2

Tot.al ll&lo Fua1e

5 l

u 10


26 l l2 -1 -2


~ 40 2


---l l -3 l 2 s 5 l 1 1 2

s -l2 6

Crane! 'l'otal


ll 10 l

27 12 -l -2 l s 6


------2 -4 s 4 2 2

3 -

18 .

) \



/a OCCtJPAI IQN QP' REPOOg;§ By Age , Stx and CoUDtq o! Prea ent Rttic!Fct

UN ino su~

or.-.u on ~er 21 21 - 40 40 & OTtr Ulllcncwn

lila. o l"ualo llala Ffll&lo biale P'omalt llllt l'oale

4 . SKD I,l;!! IIORXERS and FORDIEH Cab1Att llalcare - - - -C~eitore, Pressmen, etc . - - - -Coote - - - -Eltctricio.na - - - -For..., - - - -l"urritra 1 Jewellera , Watchaakera

Coltlollitbs & Sllvorallliths - - - -Loc ka.lli t lus - - - -Mtchanica, (auto , radio

Wl8ptclf1ed) 1 2 llttal l!orkera - - - -Paillters & GlA&iero - - - -Paptrl>aJliero - - - -Pl,.bers - - - -Sbouoltera - - - -TaU ore 1

.pbolttorers - - - -oanrs - - - -

.,.,.,. ... 1 4

5.SP.III:::§~U I f;!! !QRIERS s .... Solli..Sid.lled llarkera in lit 1 2 2 a

Bal<era 1 Butchers 1 1 Con!actioners - - -Oorsetiero - - -Dressmaker & Seamstr es s

(not in factory) - - -111111Dere 1 1 ODArati ves 1 1 1

Cutter 1 1 Hatmaker - - -Textile 0""-tor 1

5-b Other Solli..Sldlled Workers 2 1 Nurses {not trailled) - - - -Chauffeurs 1 1 Soldiers & Sailora 1

5-c !::~~~::.~••aer• I l 1 Beauticians - 1- - -Haird.reasera 1 1 llanicurlata - - -

'I'NI'U. 1 2 4 - 5 1


~tal l'oalt



-----1 --5

6 2 1 2 ---1 1 2 1 1 1 -1

ll -

2 1

1 1

-l 1

-10 s


!Gl-and Total



-----1 --5

8 1 2 ---2 ll 2 -1

ll -2 1


-2 -



J ' •


I QCCtiPATlOII OP' !!EF310m!

By Age , Sex and Country of Prasent J!eoidenc!


Uncle~, 21 21 - 40 40 & over Unknown Total !Orand Occunat ion llale e..JA llale Fealo llalo Female llale Fe.U.e llalo P'eale Total


6-a Farm Laborers - - - - - - - - - - -6-b Factory & Building

Corutt.Nction Laborers - - - - - - - - - - -6-o Otber Laborers 1 s l l5 8 8

6-d Servant Classes 1 2 2 s 1 4 5 9 Oomeatic Servant. 2 2 2 1 2 I 7 Waiters 1 l 2 2

TO'TAL l - 4 2 1 2 6 1 12 s 17 -

' Stud en to 5 5 7 2 11 1 2l5 6 29


\ b t---

" - • Occupa Uon

1 . PROI'ESSIONAL Actors & Shomen Architect• Artists , Sculptors &

Teneh .. rs of Art Authors , Edi to:re and

RoPQrton Authors W.itora RePOr ters

Che:ol.ste Cleri)'llent (Rebbia) College Profossors(~cho~ Dentists Do signors , Draftemen and

Inventors 4 • wyen

• uaicians & Teachers of llud c

Pllotograpnors Peyn1cions & SurgeOM Teecbers

Teobnicel £nginaera Engine<>r ( unapecif'1ed)

" Aeronautic • Chellical • Civil • Conat.NcUon • Electrical • lleohenioa1

Tro.ined Nurses Veter inary Surgeons

Other Prot . PuiaUlts Dt.t1o1ene , Librariaml Pharlllt.ciata Social llorll:era StetiaUciena

Relisiouo Workars(Cantora


Bx Age, Se~eelt% !Pil!!nt Ret.idence

!lti!BR COI1N!Rrnl (lt&lz , - Caochos1ovakia,•tc. )

UDder 2l 21-40 ~ ..:~ & Ofll' ~nlato:,. luaa Foaale Male F•~l • Foal• . ,_ 1 1 5 1

2 1 1

2 s 4

9 6 ;!,1, s s ., s s s s 2

s s 1 1 2

II 9 s 7 2 8 s 1 s

1 1 1 15 5 5

1 9 1 1 12 s 1 1 1

52 lS 12 11 1 2 8 1 1 7 2

5 s 5 2 s 2 1 - - -- - -1 1 s - - -

1 2 l - - -l l 2 l - - -- - -1 1 1

l 1

- - -

s 2 94 15 50 5 76 19

Total ll&le Fe•1•

6 2 4


211 lS

6 • 6 1 s

24 5 7

s 25

25 4 2 1

57 11 10 12

lS 7 1 --1 4


-4 1 --2 1 1 1

-22S 41

Grand To tel

8 4


2f u

6 8

7 s

29 7

s 25

27 s

68 22

1S 7 1 --1 4

-4 -5 --s 1 1



\ 1-


( I ta.]y, Ci'eCiioolovalda, etc . )

Under 21 21- 40 40 & over Unlalown Tota.l Grand 011cupo. t i on ~ale Female ll&le Fell&le llale t' ... 1e llele Fe•1• llale Fel>ll1e Tota.l.

2. PROPRIETORS 1MANAGERS & Of?!ClALS 2-a Par...,ra (owners & t enants) s 1 1 5 5

?- b Whol esale & Re ta.il Dealers 5 10 8 1 25 !.. 24 Retail Dealers 4 9 6 l 19 1 20

. Wholesale Dealers 1 l 2 4 •

2- o Other Proprietors , Manager s ~d Officials 21 16 l l5 61 61

llanufac t urer s 5 4 l5 12 12 Factory lllaMger s 1 1 2 2 Bankers & Brokers 2 1 1 4 4 Uoti on Pic ture Prod ueers 1 1 1 Theatrical Producers 1 2 5 s Restaurant Keepere 1 1 l Trade (unspeci fied) 6 s : 15 lll Business 8 4 15 15

'l'I'I'I'AL so 27 22 1 79 1 80

S. CLERKS & KINDRED 'IIORKDlS Inapector s , Gaugere & Sampler• 1 s 4 ' Inaurance Agents - - - - -Advertisi ng Agents 2 2 2

Decor ators & l!1ndo'R Dressors 1 1 2 IL Decor ators 1 1 1 Window Dressers 1 1 1

•Cl er ks• in Stor es - - - - -C~cinl Travellers 1 1 2 2 Salesoen & Saleswomen 1 2 s s Technicians & Lab. hsiotan t1 1 4 1 l5 1 9 1 10

Bookkeeper~ & Accountants .1 2 s l5 Bookkeeper s 1 1 1 Accountants 1 -- 1 2 2

Cl erks (except •clerks• in stores ) 1 5 1 2 • s 7

S t enographers & Typis ts s 1 4 ' ...,WA~ l5 I 11 5 12 1 l5 I 2 29 8 57

I OCCUPATIO!! 01" J!I!P!!l100

liY Age, Sex and Country ot Preeent Reaidonce OTlli!:R COUNTRirs

(Itel;r. Csecboolovalda , etc.)

Under 21 2l- 40 i..!Q & OYer 11nlcnown

- t'le.Uon 1l.!tle Fel!lal.e llale Fe•1e le Femle llale ;~.

4 . SltiLL!ll T.ll~ and FOliEIIEN Cabinet llakers s Co111poaitore , Proanon, etc s 2 Cooks l 1 l S1octr1el.al>a 2 1 Fo,._,. - - -l"'lrr lor a l Jewollcrs , Wntchm&kere

Goldellitbe & Silverallithe 2 LockaAI.tbe 1 l Uechanics , (auto , radio

unspecified} 4 2 2 lletal ll'orloore 1 Paintore & Oleliore 1 Paperbaneere - - -Plumbers - - -ShoeiiiiU<ara - - -Tailors 1 s 1 1 Upbolsteroro - - - -.tea:vern l

TOTAL 1 - 16 - 5 2 11 1 - -5 . S!lll-5KIL!ED IIORJ(E]lS

5-e Selli-sldlled Workera in llanufac t_;>p.ng ,_1 •• 1 L __ .L_

1--- J-1._ 6 1-l,. Bnlters ----- -·c Butchers 2 Con!'ect1onen - - - -Corsetierea - - - -Dr.asiiiAI<era & Setu:~~~trc ~

(not in factory} 1 5 1 111111n•ra

l 4 1 1 ! Q~rn~~ve~

Cutter 5 1 He tiiiiU< er - - - -Textile Operator 1 1 --- 1

5- b Other Seai-skilled Worke I. 4 1 -Nureea \nOt trained) 1 Cbeurteurs 1

.....§.9_l_~ro & Sailors s

5-e Beaut.iciana1 HaJ.rdreaael"j ond llonicuriatjo 1 2 s

Beaut1e1ane 1 2 Bai.nireoae.ra s M&nl.curie te - - -

'l'OTAL 2 1 8 9 - 1 9 1

Total llale Follllllo

s 5 1 2 s -1

2 2

8 1 1 ---5 l -l

ss 5

11 9 1 2 --

7 1 2

!---'!-4 -s 4 -1

1 1 5

4 2 1 2 s -

19 12 -

. .

Crand Total

s 5 s s -l

2 2

8 1 1 ---8 -1

l56 ,._

20 1 2 --7 5 7 4 -__ 5 ___

5 1 1 5 .

8 f-5 - -·


J I \




0CCUjl&_tion ~21 lllal~ ~. ,.:f.•..::r. llo...l. r-1•

lQ'-1 I t;,t,;i llale F.-J.e ~.h....l.

G. UliSKll~E.D !lliXE:RS ~

6-<> rano Laborers - - - - - - - - - - -6-b Factcry aDd Blllldi.tl&

ConatructiQn Laborera 1 1 t t

6-c Other Laborera 1 1 r t

6-d ~.l£!!!· .. 1 t c l t t c $ ll 1~ Doloeatic SOl"fenta 1 l c t t c t u u lrllitera l l "'


TOTAL l 1 c c t • t • ~ 11 !0 - I !<~udanta li 1 10 ' ~ I l n

AnJ'•t..lN to lt\lo¥1 CaaHaa!'¥ C 'Stt! Pllri'f l tl!'!

n. ., .. Rl llllllll Ill 1.01 gr WIG)\ \

• agrm Ol, I IS!TJrl

C!w = .... l!t'T '"' ' JJttl

eo - s ' ~ liO

11 11 l e • • 1 ' 1 ' ' <a •• ,,= - -

- l.a\- H 1M t • '""r!dkl' n loll I I

lau& II 111 • • t*t"& !I .. 1 l 'PO s .... ,,- • • l • ' e),t'e- Jil it I d ill ~.!!Ia - l!

' ~a-· II " 2 • ' 1al

'10 Ul 2 s u 11M 2 .... ,,- eo 11 • • lOT I •••s a T lO 1 ' II ... w. ' 'W- lfi

I 1M • ' .. ul

·•..a....nw D f •• ... , .0 .. l I ' IT llll.lU 1.1 " t 1 .. ! tlaUbe • ., t I tl s Mf''. I I l u ' ••M-e

IU 111 10 llT • Til l III&M liZ JAn' • 14 " ... t .,,,. 1110 10 10 tl 11 Ill

!f:= 11 T I I .. .ti ..: - w ul uti • Total

' .-p NTM, l.W ),JM eo 101 1!1 2 .106 _

.. n••'- • IIUP1e or total applloaUoaa ... •t Uao •\lre ...-...

------ _;_;;:: .. :;;;;:;;;::;;=:,.,;_:::;_=~==-: --=-=--


January 1:1 19:19

Dear llr . Taylor •

Accordin& to the nawopaperd , Mr . Rubl•• and ~r .

Pall have aona to Berlin , and this auat ba a really

crucial tiaa tor you . I know you will ba ouccaeetul

--such a worthy caua~, with your outotandtnc ablli­

tiaa and patient apl andid planning, cannot tail.

There ia a vary cood appreciation hera on the part

or people who• 1 tallt with , or the ioportanca , del­

icacy and difficulty or your aission .

In a book I rocabod at Cbri•taao tiaa ("Na~olaon,

Soldier and Eaparor•) by Octave Aubry I find the

following paaoa11• which applies also atrlk Lncly to

you :

" I aa always living two years ahead• , ha (Napoleon) aaid. That faculty , curioualy coabinad with a clear perception ot t hin11• as they wara , enabled the soldier to bacoaa the •oat extraordinary handler or aan that bad appeared in the world aince tba tiaa or Alexander tba Great . '

Aga i n :

'Ha watched than (the intereatl of tba State) in the little things as wall aa In the blc . Orderl1naas , a gaooetrtcal ordar­line$a , was a prioa need with hi~ . I t an­ablod hia to act in a simple , re, ular , un­br olten ryth<O ."

Thoso are vary intaraeting parallels; Crowther ousht

Vary ainceraly,

,. . C. FITCH.


....... 'f' •••••

M•••••• Mu ... , o .......

Ta .. ..... .

,.j.....,..,-71'~~,.,.. •

~-~ ' ~ ;t_-~ ··-- r - ~ .

.) ~ ~~ .l;w- w:, ~, ..., ~

,.,.., 1.,r ~ ~ ;,..- .... 4~,:

~A.,- ~ ~· ;"-- ~ ~:}

~..c.f-. .I"""' ~ ~A.;~ ~

~ "'..,. ":!"""" . .It .wow ~ ;~ y,j...('~~ I 1/... A.AI A. _..., - W /, -v-~

~. ~ ~ ltlf"IA.J" /. -, ;4~

/'~~~ ,... ~~cl'~~ I ,/~ 1- " ~ 0

/---~ c/~Wj.,. y;.,



CHATHAM HOUSE. n . _...-·a-.

L.DTIG OBI. &.W..'

12th .!e•1 ,.,. • , l ~ •

De ar kr . Teylor ,

l'benk ) ou very a.uo!l tor your l et t ar , troe whlob ho-ever, we are very eorry to learn thet you do not tool eble t o ecce t our 1nv1t•t1cn to ereak here on the refu<oe problea ln vlew ot the negot1at1~~s in hlch )' OU ere at pr e sent onaeoed . '·• hed hoped thet

perhaps tho tact that the audience ner o wo 1ld have ccnsisted o ly ot me bers ot the lnstttute nd their personal suests, oth of whoa must be Brl t l sh subjects , mlght he ve ma o lt posul ble for you t o s peaa at Chatham House when • !llbllc addre ss woul d h11.ve been preclude • .

But whlle e very auch r e0 ret t ~at thls • 1 l not be pos lble wo tully appreciate the reasons whloh lead you to this decision .

Mr . ~~Pon c. Taylor C lari~oa. ::!rook S reot , r . 1 ..

Cav1d H. Looh Secret ary , Meotl~a ~•part ent .



,.. ... •

" ... ...


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.J i a..rft--~- A4-c.. .t..r .n, <W'C ~

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~"""' ,.,...,n.~ ... i-tt~ ~ ~ c.u...­.; . .,.... ,., ...... " ~- ,.,...,._ ....,.......!' .

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;..it .1~ 7 o,(u,r ~ 4tt.ytA .. ;,: ~;./

h 1v.1 ~- ""-''~iJj~ r~ ,·A~

,.;~~..A .


CHATHAM HOUSE, aT . ......... _ ...

o..oooDOM. a.w.1

9th J.nuary, 1939 .

Dear Sir,

I am writi ng on beholf of the Council of the Royal Institute or lntet•national Affairs to say !lo" vel')' glad they would be if you could accept an Jnv1tat1on to give an addresn at Chatham tlouse on some aspect of the refugee problem. This ques tion was the sub ject of a lecture here b~ Sir John Hope Simpson last summer , but so many davelor ments have taken place since then thot our members wo ld be greatl) interes t ed to have fUrther informstion about it, and the Council feel that no one would be better able to speak about this problem thun yo!arself . It would be very g re11tly apprecioted if you could see your way to give us such an address .

You are I d~·esay already aware of the general aims and purpose of Chatham House, but in order tnat you may acquaint yourself with the conditions in which our meetirga

•.•• are held l enclose a parer setting them forth. From this you will see t hat tho proceedings are private, that there is no Press raporting and that the report which we ouraelvea make is only made avAilable for consultation or published in "International Affairs", the Journnl of the lnst.itute (should the Ea.itorial Board so desire) with the direct assent of the apeoker. Members and the guests whom they are allowed to br ing to meetings mu~alike be Brltist• subjects.

M::; r n C. Ta,lor 'so .


- 2 -

A ~ooting of tho ki nd proposed ie usually held at B . ~ p .m. on a Tuesd ay evoni o · Up till tho middle of February our programme is , I em afrai d , alro•dy prett y full . But should you, as we eo much ho, e , look tavour~bly upon this invi tati on an evening that ~ould suit us wou d be Tuesday, F'ebruo.ry 28th at 8 . :.'10 p .m. or wore that no~ conven i ent Tues ay, March 14th, 2lat or .:Btb .

As wo are now making up our progr~~• for the weeks 1n question I should be most ~rafeful •f you would be so kind as to let ce know wbs thor, as 'liO so very much hope you can a ccept this invitation , and if so which or the suggested evenings would suit you best . I woUld only add thal if a Thur8da) evening mlght be more convenient to you we could easily arr •nse t or this meeting to take place on that day of tho weak soco ti~ a l tar the middle or Februarl •

•.r on •• Taylor Eaq . , ~laridgea Hotel , Brook Stroot, ' . l .

David H. Loch Secretary uaatings Departm~nt .


Roae, J&Duary 18 19)9

Dear Hr. Taylor,

I &a aorry the letter r r oa Princess Helene ~•• not

returned to you earlier. I brought it back v ith ae to

be aura that the Embaoay bad taken eoae action in the case

and had not understood that you bad vented it back.

Ve aball hope t o aee you in tbia neicbborhood before lon~:.

I trust you be•• 100d neva troa Berlin.

Myron Tft7lor, Esq. , Claridge '• Hotel, Brook Street, London, V. l.

Sincerely youra,

(Strnad) SAHO&L REBER.

J Ol'"~n on twloh 11; , ,

ubw- o~.o o , U~r '•1.lrn l r ·o . Lot!Co ,

'1e r r . a t. :.~ ...

1 v r, •·c • toroate4 in 'fO 1 u r or .To.nllflrt :St ll and t • o pro ,ro•• 'fOU oro 1 in t o rooonuo~ or tt.o ur-t1 o c~ on u.u ant coaat, 10M t: otll r obD• v ~~ o >'tlol ou huvu o ro1 tin• to tlo eottln up or a a •"l"" oll:lra ror tcnr,rc·ry rorur.o in oth r countri•• · l.o loat

r10<1 ;o l~ vo b on ao on .... ~ ln tho c n l ot wt t!o tl .,. " &>utt.or l lloa 11nj tbO o ln ~ or our ~cr:nl \lou on tho ' 1 llonat.i loot o•n "or-....nr-!' Will tho ,...ru:-oo . r obl., i n orcl U t allaY DOl lvo 0 c l;. r tor t <B YO 1 l:t b.t'f d no to tho rocturo OC 1 c o or t~ rur1 r<>t u .. . I boll u that ~lr r or.ort or110n

bee boon ., r_· ootlvo h t hu r1 1 .. r.n.S ~ eaUnr. h1A ot 11111..• r toni M to Iliac' aa tho whole rorucao u tlo • IB t 1 o. hoplnc t hl> t 110 O. GOOD 00 >0. •l1a1 Ia II " r :t Ol OOONlnOtlOn or o.ll orrorta i n thia n 1· , one~ tho ounvua• ~>n lth U1o Oar. "" on tl• • boalo .,, lnol loa h• vo boo oonolu.S

ra . a ; lor lo 1 ~rle hnlu, .,no ov but ~ ~ellv•e e'.e · 11.1. ro\.t.rn here ut~r• • and 1 bo-o .. n o~ >Ortunl\: •1~~ occur r r a d u a lt at nt t1 a.

Y ra inca 1., ,

• 1 th l<N • - J.8 l ut nok ,

tor orioa , ra . 8oatw1oh

·ron C. ""oyl r .




- --..., __ .._ __ .. ·----·-- ... _ ........ ............ ._

DH.r lEt'. ~lor,

__ ......... u.......- WOMJM4 P'\.ACIL

LOH.OOf4- W .C.1

tou 8&,1 be 1at.natH to blo• o.t Ute proc,t"en ot our plau tor a tr&aalt - tu ...,....... ft ~~a .. o'b­ta.1ee4 the l eue ot a ••.relt et ...,.,..u ... .-..p OA \De rea·t c~et. &.D4 a..re ao. b~r cettle& tt lato eo:41Uoa. •• hoptJ to ha.,.. oftl' ant " " tall• t1rat. p&r\7 ot o• burutred. &rl11U WO fkel"l tf'oa Oe.r...a.r • ttlo wlll 4.0 \.b.e •tc p&rt or tbll worll: lla4er b&lt•h 4JrecUoa. I.A4 Uaea 1a a t•• ... a " ah..U be \lrlJt.&l-c o-...r par-ttea troa Gl.re..A7 u4 &ua\1'1& t Ul • ~ .... \he tuU ca.pa.ol \7 ot about 3.$00. 1 eaoloae J'O\a a .,.,,..._., Ua:a t " 1111.1*4 a'bout lhe ou.p wl\b a •lew to cetUQC &1tU 1n .tied. TbeN baa ~ a aauataoto.rr reapoua; •4&• .. o.n p tt 1 ac t.U U.• U.'ber U4 pe.ta • ~"-""" tor Clio reoon41 t1oa1ac, o.t \Ae oup. •• )K)pt 1' wtll aer ... a ueetu.l pupoae1u4 \.bat " U...U be able to e&.rrJ out U.o oat...-uoo ot u.o .. - - to tllo place ot roru&e w1 t.b.iA aot '-00 .l~ a ,...r lot.. ,.. t • o:t eour:ae, la the real 011a or ella poet Uoa - W ouWt tor pe~\ oa1&r&Uoa. II ... \bare 'b .. a U1 roo-• f"roa ~tea to Clio •'CI6l>O•Uoa Ulot • w1UIIC - ..t.olll4 'be eaa.bl. .. bb.M 1a a. r .. s ...... ~r U10•• • lao -. .... \.be pro•­~c' o:t u .iaa.r10&a rta&t

111 •lr• 1o &<>1115 tc ,..It a:ro • ..,....... "'-!'lor u J0" ou &1.,.. us eo• 4&.7 tor lUdaM.a or a.a eft.D.111C.. She b.t..• a bout o:t 1atl•aaa. b'" Ul&' ta _. be'~· &all aM: 1o wrldllf; Oftl u tllo C:bUIIru'o lib-..•. f"t'OP. '".r7 au.eb. tha'" ell&ll. ... 1'0"• dJ~ Ito. ~ ----


Tb-Jre Uos b4~n o moveueo.t in many oountriea lo t eYOUr t"!" thO aate.bUab'='l!nt or oeops ~ temporary re.ruge tn whlob tru.:se •ho are t o"t"oe4 t1) l t!l'tte Germany an4 Aue tria tor·tbwi th MY bo ~-eooived pcn4 lu.S their ti.nal. aet'tlement. tbe Beleian 0 ,7ern-,cnt haa shD'fn thb t'le.y, and t he Netherl e.nde Go.,... ... nt, al.o ,, .:.;.JS :crmed scvet·.ll smll camps. The Counoll tCU" German 1~~ry. ~~e epplioation to the Home Ottloe has been oona14ered w1 "'h ~cot .tJi"CXIlPti t ude and sympa ttl)", baa now reoe 1Te4 eppro1'&1 r .. ·r t~c. eetJ.blieh!lont ... t such a retusee oamp, on. aon.41t1on \Lot 1" 1& :oepo~stblo tor tbo ce1ntenanoo. ~dtate m--Jaau:-~s or bein& talcen to propare an exteruti ve eno~aent on the Xont ooast, wb~ch boors Kltohoner•s name, an4 wbioh was u.a-d during tho G::oo t 1\o.r as a tratnln.g place . Thanlta t o tb.) tte!::).;."ul 1n~ervent1on ot Lord Gr eenwoOd t the owners, Jt.ssa-rs Poulson ond Dol'CI8n Long Ltd, are :plao 1ng e-yer y t ao111ty e t the d1sp09al ot the Couno1l tor the 1natallat1on gf the o~p and bave determined ~tb great generosity to anD nto pr ;_,f1t ou~ ot t he oooupo.tion ot tbelr propert.y by t b3 r~t,l.&eoa .

It !e hoped that somo U- ,500 per&ons, aostly young Mn wl t h a p:roapeo t ot emigration, will be brought over . u t hey l cove ~he oeap, t~eir plooes .tll be taken by otbera. 'tho provision d tb.e oup lftill su:pp l ement th6 ettorta ot 1nd1v1Jnal o to bring over retugeea under a.n individual euarantee tor a temporary sojourn in this ow.ntry peMins: t'loir Ulti.o ... t o W sra t!on.

Tt.~ ma~ge.r.ent o:· :ro l arge en encampment present. big probl ems ot or ga_o.isa tion; and an ort'er by the 1ow1a b Loda' Br i gade ~o undertake ~t:a work has been gladly aooep~ed by tbO cuu.to1.! ror C'Vrmnc. Jew:y . wr. a.tay, the seorete.ry t:o the Bl•:!gado, i a pr?oe'!Sding l.mmed1o.tely t o the c.aap to tate obargo Jr the ar~bnge~nts . Yr. Ernest Joseph, the arobitoot. will u~dert~ke the de~iled provis ion and supervision ot all tho n~~~Pao~y prep~rationa.

A ;o~1dcrable cm~unt ot moterial, tLmber, glaaa, b~a ti~st~vea, oan1 tery t1tt1ngs , eto . 1 and A large amount o!' t'W'.o't tur~o::~ and equ1JH~en~ will be r equtred tor tbe o•P· Tc .... ~ . ~lathing and 88:11.08 vill be required also tor \be OIJ.h'i.l,p.cuu . SOM t irm.1 be\-e already pres ented gitt s in k.1nd; o.uong thea o m.a.y be mec.tionod the International Paint a a:l Cccp~!tio~ Company Lt4, who are &ivins tho lGrge quant1t1ea ot p.'l iut r equired tor rcoondi t i oning tbe Oellll, and Measra. Ge:ae;nur Ltd . Any tirma or persona •ho oa.n otter oon~1'bl.lt1ona in kind choul4 oOliiiiUnioate wt.tb ur . Erneat Joseph, 2, Paul' s Bekohouae Court, E.C.4., vho ~sin obar£e ot tbo crr an&fJ.ll:enta rcr tho oamp .

J '

~nucl ,obur sc ., ~or1cnn ~ba•aY ,

~~.~; . enr r . n bur ,

2ut b JU\ uo r. , 1939 .

'i'hnnk •o\< for :·our l ottor of Jonuory l Oth ,

nn.J for retur ni n· tho l e tter fr<r. l r i ncoao Pclono .

I roce1ved tli"Se on n~ return to ondon.

1th buat r c-ur ..ta ,

Yours oincoroly,




25th January, 1939 .

I wao aaltod to for"' e~;• own opinion from nenon&l contaote in It&l!' u to 'lhat1 if anythin~, the Jew11h 'IIOrld outaido Ital!', and ..ore :>&rtloularl:- 1n En ·land could 4o to &llorlate the lot of Jowo in It&l!' l eaoeci&ll! louo of foreiGn nationl\li ty or Joua who haYB boon <1eurl ved of I talian nat1oru.l1 t y aoquirod ainco 1919 and are under ordora to 'l.eavo tho country by Uaroh1 •• 5th, I n oonoliance with thio requoot I ..,ant ton <la~o i n ulan and Roae t and 41ecuoaed the probloa vi th a eo ora of different ooOplol .Jovhh and not>-Jolrilh, on:;~~~:Gd in buoinoae, lan and aoaaOJ:Iic purouita , I wae &1110 in touch vith tho Britieh Scbaaa~, but for roaaona whioh will

be underetood refrained froa ~· otteDQt to ~ot into touch ui th It &lien of11c1ale or tho American E:Dbaoo:· , Tho v1 ouo u'.1ch I have !oraod aro, therefore, • kind of cotll)oaite ~ioturo; dosoito thoir co~oaito nature, houavor1 I boliovo that ooot of g:• informant a uoul d egroo aubetantial.ly vi th Ill<'

oonolue1ono, thou•:b they \IOuld poeaibly not all follou thO uoo nrocoea in arr1 v1n!t at thoa.

Ant1-ecait1&;~ 1e & 41oeaae \lhich rune & uel~r:>al'ltod oourao, •nd tho a·•.,.,to~:~a nreaent a vert oonoistent n ioturo ,

The character of tha infection varioe , houevor, .nd it ia nlainl" o! itll)ort&nca to attoq>t ecce 41a.,~'nooio of tho o•uoo

1n a ~articular o•oe if ono ia concerned to inquire into the

'lO&eib111t:o and nature of a ouro, In aoae c•eee, "" ve are all 'lainfully auaro tho onlY ouro, :\'ivon the 'lreoent oon41tion of tho patient, ie a aur ~ioal o~oration .

No-r the caoo of I tal:• 1s 'lOOuliar in that in soi to of anti-eoaitio 'lOlicy and lcrrtelation, anti-ocaili .. outside a roatrioted Government circle ie non-exiatent . I ~ aatiafiod that tho polio" ie urroonUlar. True , thoro are 1n41v1dU&le uho are nrofitil\'t '>Oraonally bl' tho 41wesl\l of Jouilh official a, funotionarioa and eq>la"Ooa, and it wuld bo aetin!; too •uoh of hlllllan nature to expect euob 1n41v1dU&la to rO!i&rd tho nolio:· \lhi ob 41rootly beno!i te them vi th uhole­

hearted a'bhorronoo , It muat bo true &lao that propartanda on linoa uhioh aro boiD!! alav11hly copied. from Oor11181'1:' ..uet in oourao of t1ao1 U 1t 1e autfioientl:r prolonsed, have .aae offoot on isnort.n~ minda. • The fact roaaina th<lt at the ao~:~ont it uould bo difficult to hear anythin!; outside offioial oiroleo in dotonoo of tho official policy , It ia

notoricua that I \alian Joua (I 41arORard tor tho minute tho c&ao of forcisn J O\l'D) wro alDOat ooq>letoly aaailllilated -eo auoh 110 that t uaa conot&ntll' hearing of in41 vidual a abooo

Jouieh ori(in had rOJ:Iainod unauapoctocl bl' tho1r oloooat aasooiatoa for thirty yoara until a fou months ago , I t ia currently atatod that tho anti-JOilieh aoaauroa 1110t 111 th aoriouo O'l'lOBi tion in tho Oovornoont i taolf, particularly

.. __ ,. .. ·--·-----------------~-• Tho office for tho Difooa della Rasza 41aplaya a p laque uith throe aupori~caod heads, tho firot of a no~o, tho aecond of a Jou , and tho third ?Niu::.al>l:t of an 1ar:•an1 , of aoat ~Italian .,-..oart.noo; I haw hoard that tho aryan head ia oopiod !roc tho otatue of David!




- 2 -

troa t&lbo. .:o Co <"~oa!;1on ..m:- tho ceuu.roe have boon at.o ' tod I l nYarlabt·· !'(!COlftd t~• &n.VO% tha:~ onl~ ono aan ln Ital·· ,.... ln a -.ooi ~lou to l~o,.,. ""! nOIMl:• CUeeoHni hinoolt, ~· t~~!\er ctueet.lon to whl~ "thla voe rlao n..a:~ct·· *at vu ::-.. .. ollr.l I o 110U vo in ">IIZeuin~ a -.ollc:- ;;hlch aot 1rl. th CJI\"'ttil Uon in tAo Oovorn=cnt, 11 urmO?Ul&r in the countr ' • and .orvoe ~o brln I.al .... ln'to conto~t aoon- docent natlone loado ~nto tho r.la.ln o! oonJCOhll'o1 but thoro oeocod to to a univorMl conviotl.on that l.."Uenollnl had "'"ivcn hie .,rollieo to Hltlor . Aooo..,tanoo o! thie OX"''la.natlon a--:ain loa.da1 natu.ratly, to tho tllrthOr ln<!llir:· nh" hO oholllo1 havo ontorod into an unclortal<ln!:; tho ful!U=ont of \lhioh OM ~rocuro him l1 ttlo or no d1 root ad van ta:;o.

Varloue ruooure of var:"in 4«"%'001 of vo.r1e1D111 tudo aro !loattnr aro:.m.d-4 ~o ccono.aio gotl vo la eogotlooo eu..-oetod, but 1rl. :.'>out 11\lCh co.'l'rictlon . Tho to~al voal th of tho tlfty C>ouoan4 odd J-• ln Itat.- lo ocarcol- larro ono~ to bo t.~tln.. • It 11• oo.reovor. tor a lar::o n.rt 1n flxod aaeota u!llch aro Juot •• ~~eo!lll to tho Oo-.orn:oont in "JOTtloh ao i n other hMdo . llhat tho ltal1an Oo-.or.-nt roqlliroe h not Ulic:llid Itl\lle.n prcncrt)·, not o-.on ltallen oaah, but forcio;n ou.rrono1oe; aa tho Italian Covornaont alroa~' controlled all foro1~ ooolll'itiou no add.Hlonlll advMtll.'\0 ln the.t d1root1on ~~• to bo obtained troo tho co~uoetrat1on of Jouteh pronorty . Indood, H lo RCnorally bollovod t hat in the laet fou aontho thoro hU boon a oonaidorablo lOalta.'lC tlu'our;h tho ""u•;~lng ot ourronor . and that ~o.raa-eut ion h&e, thorofare, &lroacl)t roeulto4 i n a nl)~ loae of :torcia:;n Z'\)80\li'OOa.

tl.looolini 1o aaid to haYo> otatod that ho had rocolvod tro:> Ooraa.'l oo\:l'CCI docW>Onto oc lnoricinatinc tho Jouo that t!;&l r .,ublioa:ion '<'OIIld h&YI) roo Ill tod 1n a IMOlltMoouo " oroocutlon Co.:7>e.rGd 'lrl.th uhloh tho o!!1c1e.l !'Oller la bonlji;~>, It 11 to 'bo .,.rce\111041 if thoro 1a an:: tl'\lth 1n thia story, that tho doo'1,&;10nta uor o about aa hQnut.no and con'f'1nc1nc u tho orotocole of Zion.

.Ano ~or etor!' uhlch 1a not on tho taco of 1 t fa.ntaet1o 1a that thO dlooovory by tho Ooraane ot docuaonta in tho o.rahlvoo 1n Vienna, <!blah uollld have MdC lt aoceuh~>t d1tt1elllt for l:Uooollnl to defend tho loral ty ot hla foro1(;n polloy Ill> till %Zt\rob of lnat yoa.r, ;.avo Hi tlor a 'blMkmailin;. uc~~pon .

!lilt ?Orbeno tho aoat orodlblo oxplMatlon uhioh o&DO to r oaro vao that tho !lade Olq>lalnod the.t any olooo ailltary W\doretand.ln!; 'botvoon tho too oountr1ce vaa 1:w>oea1'blc eo lonj:t ao theN voro Jo'lrl.oh Gonoralo and Jo~oh A<L-:Ilre.lo ln tho I talian forcoo; to ubloh flnall~ vo ..._. add tho o!Qoloot o'xplL'\OUon ot all 1 'Cthich lo that !.'lloocllni dooirod to dltpl&:' 1n - otrllrtn;; fuhion hio OOOI>lOto oolldar1ty vith Ooruny, c'Nft tho\l!lh tho !>roof u!lich 110 ob.ooo to d.vo la rogardod ln uido oiroloo •• a doaonotration of I tatr To oomolot o donondonoo on Oor~.

Vhatovor tho exact .ot1vo or oombinatlon of mot1voa \lh1oh hao i11>ollOd 1:Uaaol1n11 lt 1o ohllndantly oloar that 1 t vao poll Uoal 1n oharaotori part and oarool of hlo 1ntorne.t1onal pollo!'i and tho qlli to elq> o oonoluol on ocorgoa the.t i t uould. bo too loh to IIDDo for ~ ttarkod alloY1atlon 1D Joutah oondl tlono ''"'"'Pt ao a roolllt of a r~orlontation of I tallM foroi~ 'OOllcy, 'llhothor 11\t..,ollni doolroo, and <!bother, l f oo1



- ) -

he could effoot, ~ chan3o of !r1ondah1~• 1o a DAttor of ~r~hooy Md noth1nt; olotl but no ono could Oll'>:><>OC that a o~o will co:>e quicl:l: , """ un~U a ohrnge hat boon con-ted it uould be idlo ~o omoot tho roYoroal of MH-Jollioh •• ouo·• . Botero nroooedlnr; to dra•.1 rathor obvtoue 1n.toroncoa

re~ardin£ tho ~oolbUi ty of externcl. aotlon, it "ill be uocful to break up tho probloa into ito oonoti tuont narto , Thoro aro wo 1arso onto:JC)rioa of Jovo in It Ill;•, ( 1) foroir'l'l Jwt, inoludina thoeo' \tho hl!od acquired but not loot ItaliM nationaJ.Uy, Md ( 2) Itcl1~bom JO\Yo, Tho' !iret oatoaory ,...., bo oub-divided into ( 1) "'"'oor"nn or o"""'uotrien Jo\1o, (2) RWM1Mo Md Poloo, end (}) JO<ra of other natlonaJ.iUoe 1noludlnc Britloh nnd A.-,nrioano \Jho haYo boon rceidont lor lhortor or lonaor rorioda in I t;!J; i~ io ootioatod that each of theoo eub-.olaoeoe include a fJOrho!>e oomo 11 vo thou•M(\ poreone . s~oorr;sane and ox-AuBtr1Nu, ,.,ho hnvo nou to tNJo n eooond or in aoae oaeee evan a thlrcl exile, aro the aoet to be !)ltiect. !he;• h&Yt loot thoir OOrnan nationalit!' , and tho OOraan autbori tloa uill hardly ooneont to roooivo them a-aln aoroee tho tront1ore unloea tor ~uroly oadietto roasono, ~Y ot thea are roco1Vlns ordore to leave I taly in advnnoo o1' tho dato fixed by la11, The Polco and Ru.:.aniana !orllins tho oooond aub-olaee aro only bettor o!1' i n that, if they could return to their """ oountrl oe they baTO no roaeon to o~oot oxoea•t•o brutality. In taott ~o~ovor, oven Vhore thoy have dono nothing to loao their R~&n1an or Poliah national i ty and havo tAken all tho nocoooary forcal ot~o to retain it, they aro finding it icooaoiblc to obtai n !roc thoir Oonoulatca tho "aport which ar• nocaeaary to 800\&l'O roadAlaelon in to thol.r om countrtoe.

Tho boat that OOrmano, Poles and Rumaniana can loot to~ar4 to is lQPrieonnont in Haroh. By tho circulation ot ruaourt and of throats tho Italian OOvcrnaont io doinG ita but to drivo thea abrood through illioit ohannola . 8~ and ou1o1do aro both taking thoir toll. On all f!%0\lnda tho oaao of the o""Oercanc 1o tho 1:10ot tragic and ooat urE:Ont , Tboy nroo\llilably fal l \tlthin tho ocbit of tho Evian Oom1ttoo 1 and aro to my mind entitled to at loaat ae ouch oonoidcration ao tho J oma ttho bavo not yot oeoar>od trou Oomanr. !'bo Govorr=onta rcproaontcd on the EYi-.n Oon!oronao cay bo able to bring nooo 1)l'Oeou.ro to bear on Poland. and Rumanb to 1nduoo thee to fulfil thoir obvioua duty and roadnlit thoir o1m nationnla .

tho tate of tho third .ub-claaa nood not oauao anr aorloua anxiety . It \Jill depend on tho otrongth o1' tho r~rooontationo uhi oh t heir d1nloma~1o reproeo:ntat1 voa can Jil.l\ko in komo1 and 1 t io nrobab'lo that 11' J>Ubl1o1ty 1o not given to tho matter ao that no qucation c1' prinoi.,lo ia openly ralood, tho Italian OeYorlli\IOnt \Jill bo found foCC()c:!lC)dating .

I ciB!It here mention tho e eoc of foroisn Jova, i ncl uding Ocman Jone, ~:~arrio4 to nolhfoni ah Italiano boforo tho ban on euoh aarriaaoa naa 1ntroduooc1. Evoryono uboa I t ntorrogatod. regardinG their nrobablo fate• inoluding ono OOrun lad:J doctor uho Yory recently .arr1od an Ualian doctor """"""" fairly oatioficd that tboy \1111 be treated aa Ita11an non-Jovo and eutfor no he.rdahi" , It 1o norbap o \IOrth recording that tho ll!ody in quoation had deliberately aboontcd horoclf from tho

I \



- ~ -hott'li tal at ·.rh1oh oh~J van vorl:lr , but va.u prooood to o br.ok and r..o~1vo4 u1th douonetr .. uvc e:'U'lath •,

~or\l r ..... '\in oo:::c flf~. t:10uaMd I .ol.1rn Jcue - M I .,ftll M J a-' bo1n;- dof1nod "" :M oll1lt of t\10 JoHiah '>&ro.,:o, and Jwtah pl\l"~nto ...,M111;.' .,<Hone (•'!Ia a~~.v or tit''' not hnvo bocn of 8on1 t1o rrc~) '"'" .,rl\0.1 o .'to Jo-'ia.'l fo.ith . i'hceo ·nth uhc>~ I tl\ltod '\.:or .. llt:\1 ~-.:0!'1\l l~\11t;!1\ld b:• r. bt\tl <lr ... Nl t'ro."l u211ch th":• hf\4 no·. ··ot ••!fionot\1 rnf. 1t """ oxcood1n:;l:• <Uf!lcult to fora M 0\1n1ol rn to \Jh,.,t tntJ:• hl\4 to t.:~,.,oct if th\ll"~ vna no t!.L\jor ohr.n:;o f)f ...olio. , Lnr-:;c nun:>tJrs hP.YO r•·nllod for 1c.Ueor1aint\t1on• i n tho1r ft\VOIU' tho :Jr<.nt of \lhioh \/ill Ont\l>lo than to Ntl\1n thu1; .,r..,ort:r 1nutol\d ot OltChMr,1nc; 1t for Govornmont Bonde, but ' rill not ont\l>lo thou to Ol\rn tho1l' o1m l1v1nc; , No ono OM tall on "hnt l>11o1o ' d1oor1u1nati on1 •rill bo nl\do; \lhnt uc do kno'.l h thn nONnll\1lo tro.l'-' <idcuo Md •mr-or..hr.ne nrc bai ng donrivod of tlloir noMo of Uvol1hcod. ::r.n.~ !>OO'llo , both J a11 r.nc! bont1loi OX'loot thnt tho Itr l1M Oovornoont 11111 f ollo'.l tho Gol'IJM o~ o eta.. by at"" unt1l t!>cro 1a not!Uftll to ohcooo batuocn tho fr.to of tho GornM Jov Me! tlu\t of !Ua I tn1 i M oe>-rol1$1on1at . It 1e uic!<>-1!' f olll'od tlv\t tb~ Benda U:Uoh nro to bo ':'lYon to tho Jc\to i n oxo!lN\!)(1 tor th~1r n:-o""Jcrt:rt Md \lbich tho:t trill be· .1,o 'lo to turn into ot\oh nt uq tl.uc1 v1ll o;rl\dunl.lr bo l\Ccordod lcuor end lo\IOr rntoo of 1ntor~~n . I r.n:· o ... a0 lirn Bondo OM ho.rdl.y bo rognrdod r.a "' 1;00d i nvoatgont ot omi tr.l , I n oouroo of tiao, thOroforo ouoll I tl\111\l\ J o\/a no <lo not obtr.1n 1d1uorie~inr.~1on6, · . .nothor to-4l\;/ tho:· t\ro oo.._,ar•.tivol l' 11011- off or not , \rill , u r.m;t bo •X!>•otod1 bo oln;.lOurinc ooonor or lntor for c. monno ot ooorvo, and muat th.orotort.l bo rognrdod t\G pnrt of tho J o\riah 'lroblOL>. Tho ooro nonoo ot outrn;.o uill i mcl lt\rl10 nWllboro to lot\vo I tr.ly no Mel \JhOn O?'>Ortun1ty oftcre; ono J o•rinh l~>V)'Or1 i ncleod.1 ootlaAtcd. tht\t ~ ot l tcl.ian J ono wUl4 hnvo d1at\..,..,oar·od uithin t'\li)lvo aonthe . .

I t , u I 'boliovo, I :u-.v.., oorrootl.·1 1.f 1n ~!' fnlhion, !)ortrnyod th~ '-"ncaio end dlr:.>Onoi one of tho 'lrobloa, tho Mouor to t ho ar.in quoetion 1o not obaouro, Thoro 1o nothi ng \lhiob Br1t1ah J ovry or ilorlc! J ottr7 OM da d1rootly to produoo en ocno1blc 1~r9voaont 1n ~bo oitUI\tion. Tho oriGin of tho cnll\dy bol.n;; t>Ol1t1ccl. 1 tho curo auot bo .,ol1ticr~L Me! thor<>-forc ottootccl, if t\t ell, by Oo-.ornnont <lOtion , Thooo ttitb uhon I tl\llcod tJOr o l"lr.n1ooua in c!C!lrConti ng rr.y Ctwln18TI1 ayotomt\ti o Md Ol'SM1Sod1 by foro1.ttn Jo~'D • Their t.ttltud.o \lt\0 .,1\rtl:r hunMi tl\rlt,n ; thO)' d1c! not dcairo i nnooont I tcJ.iono nt hooo or 1\l>rol\d to au.tfor tor tho aina of tho I to.linn OovOriUilOnt , It \/no 'lnrtly d1otntod by fct\r Md n nl\turl\l rp~rohonaion thnt t n t\ gr.mo of rcr-.r188l.a tho aoro uneor""Uloua ~erty \1111 t".lUA:'I tt1n1 Md tho I tcl. i nn J at1 thorotoro onl; auffcr o.ll tho !lOre• thla c>onoic!oratlon uca, of ooureo, t>lll't1CUlUl~ proocnt to thO &>indo of thceo uhc ~.ro bo;>i ng for d1oor1al.nat1on. I no1dantn1l:r i t qae au~atod to ao in aoro then ono quertor tbet or1t1o1aa .,r01>or1y pbrneocl froc non-Joll1ah t or o1';noro of et~~ndlng ttne of oono aornl Tnl uo .

Vhat then, if ~r1vato 1n1t1nt1YO io rUled out, 1o tbo oonauro of eucooaa for vhioh i t 1e ro~Aonnblo to . ho~o from Oovorn=ont intorvont1ont I t uao kno\m uhon I r cechod I tnly thnt tho .AuorioM Oovornoont hnd 1:11\do " c!o,.nrohO; tho oontonto of th1o c!OJOI\rOho \/Or o not d1aolc oocl1 but ~her o """ n gonorl\l 1\ot>O thnt Proa141)nt Rooaovolt •a T)Oraonro.l 1ntoroet a1ght uoouro oomo 1\llovhtlono, I t naa nloo hcnod thnt llr, Obc.cborlain tiOUlcl rnioo tho quoot i on dUring hi o v1o1t to Roac1 end that,





'>r.rtioW.nrly it tht\t rtatt uno 1'roduot1vo ot fruitful roeulh in c. \ticlor tiolcl, hie intorvonUon too .,ight bo bono1io11\l . Tho tooling nttor bio vioit una tbnt thoro uno no chAngo in tho gonoral e1tut\t1on . ur . OhNSborltdn hNI, bouovo.r, roooiV'Od A nrom1eo troQ L~eeol1n1 thnt ho uoU14 co-operata in the aolution ot tho Oorcr.n problcc . 'rho nntUl'o ot tho oe>-oporntion \1M not do!inod1 but by '>iooin~ toGQtbor allah intur ftnt i on no I could obtr.in I n.rr1 vod c.t tho conoluaion tht\t llUeeolint ao,y prob~ly bo clcl?onclocl u~on to oo-<mor"to it 1 but only 1t 1 tho ETir.n Oomoi~too nt ito noxt aooting Can nr oeont OVidonoo thAt it hAe torQUlntod n oonatruotlvQ lon&-tcro plnn vhioh, oven though ita oxoouti on ~ roquiro e ooneidorablo tara ot yonra. ann bo bro~t i nto aQoratl on nt onoo in i ta ~oginninge . It npoonra to CIO thnt nothing ul.ll entiefy tho roqUircioonta of ouch a long-tara p l M oxoOpt tho provision o! t'..d.OQ.Ul\to torri~ory to receive ot'J\Y hundrod.o of thouaMdc, end avon milliono, of .Tone :frog Europa ovor n tara ot yoAra .

I boliovo thnt if tho Evir.n Oontorcnoo onn ohou that it is grcpplint; ttith tf.o !)lObloc on ootto ouch 11noo1 the I taliM QovOhu:lont utll bo ron~t to c~o"Oornto by Blouin« do'm i ta r.nti-Jouish aonau.roa to tho oxtont nooooanry to QOrait of an orderly aolution ot dittioultioo . I \1M ndviaocl tbnt1 1f r.n~ au.oh aoo.ouro of au.oooea o.ttondod tho next r.lOoting ot tho Oomittoc, i t \IOuid be highly dooirllblo that e ither llr, !!yron ~nylor or l!r , Rubloo ahoulcl i modiatoly nttorn.-rdo mnto a Tioit to Roao Md tclco uo tho oa.ttor "oreonr~ly u1 tb. tho- I ttll.io.n a.uthorltloa .

I epoke L\bove of the provision of terri tory for Jeuiah eettlooont and this la perhnna the p l aoe to oent1on thAt tthilo I TTC\1 1n dN.y thoro una aoce\hins like consternntlon nt a ruaour thnt the ~er1onn Prealdentrs suggeatlon had 1nc1Ud&d tho oett lenont of Sthiopio. nnd thnt Ethionin had 1\l oo boon monti onecl in tho oonvorontl onabotuoen ur . Ohamborlain and. Uusaol l ni . There o~ ooc.rcoly be one Jeu i n I taly tiho uoUld consent of h~a onn !reo vill1 'zhtl.tever tho o.dvc.ntagoa otterod, to aottlc in Ethi opb.. In tao tirot olMo thor o nould be a natural roluotance to bo uood by tho Ital1Qn Govornmont to • dovolOJ> terri tory uhioh the root of tho \TOr l<! r egards no ill­gotten goin_.. I n tho second pleco, and aoro 1CJ!)ortantl y, Itnlinn Joua uill not lonvo Itl\ly to ror.w.in under I tnllnn oovoroignty ulth tho OXPCOtation that it they aro ouoooeatUl 1n tho no\1 hone they tJOuld be oxpoaed to TonottOd poraoout1on . I ""' i n!orc:od on good authority that en~ euggootion rogarding EthiOJ)in might bo rognr<iod no dond. I t uno~ indood ouggoetocl thot Uuooolinl hod originally omitted ithiopin froo tho region• to tthi oh tho D0\7 lD!liolaUon Llj)pliocl T11 th tho idon thAt ho """ conforln(f Cl. !o.vou.l" on the Jona, Md thf\t 1 finding that they cUd regard 1 t i n tho smo ll!tht , ho rrnu po:r!ootl~ t>repa:rod to d:roD tho oubJcot .

Uy main oonoluslon, thoroforoa rosrottabl~ no«ativo in cho.rMtor • is tho.t tho only ro .;l oa of nn·' lr:portanoo l7h1oh Joue qutaido I tl\l:t oM tnko 1o to uoc 1\ll thoir in!luonoo uith thoir oun Govornconta to noouro B oonat.ruotivo lone-term plnn1 1..t ono oM bo formula.tod, in tho hopo that mor e t le,o a.r.y be nvt\1l nblo, nnd tbnt if ouffioiont timo ohoUld ,rovo to bo Avlliloblo, thoro any ovon bo a :rovoraal ot Itt\llNl pol l oy.



- 6 -

Oe.rta1n Qino.r allorlatlonl and tor.11 ot aatlatanee ".rt, 1t 1a tTue, 'tMtatlftl "' ·~••t•4• taa"l4 are reeoM.t tor ~· Nk• of corr.lotenoea.

(l) '!'hero 1o u ~ot not r.l\ICh dooUtuUon, 'but !ho nood tor roUot v1ll now. I tal ian J ofrr! 1o not conl0'>1c ouel~ ~lch,

end thooo abo aro reaoonal>lr voU.- t o-.:0 Ifill tlnd tholr eenUal Ullquld .n4 lf1ll 'be anxlouo to MJ.ntalll ao llllCh ao '>Oool'blo l llhot ao a r ooor .o ogalnot ot lll harder H110o, I n Ulan 111

nart1oular1 tho Rofu.~o Oo=lt.oo vould lUto to haYO a lUlu ooro aaolot.noo <lhloh vould ';'0 a long ""'!'· Tholr ob.lot req\llatte 11 'bou:or eocolD!Ddatl on; thr.- haYO t-uo 4i:M.ZO'"-nte, ono to .,rortcle 1nto...,.t1on and one to ~rondo rollot . n.o &"'W)llcante !Or both fora• ot eorrtce aro bordod. toO!!"''thcr , Mel 1 t not l nf,.,oquontly hon.,ono that thooo IIIIo ha"" IIOZO:llr co:oo for 1ntornat1on oonoo lvo tho ldoa t hat tho~~ ao woll oock rol1ot . I \l&l aleo l ntorood that a "orD&nont %'0')-l'~U¢:ntat 1vo of tho Ooncral D1otr1but1on OoJ:I::>1 ttoo otatlonod 111 Ulan wuld b" ot r-roat eorYicc .

(2) A COi.flt\ll\tlvol.• otiOll 11111:1bor ot norl!lih for Palootlno

oarcarltod for I tal1M Joua, Md partloularly for YO\Uii ltallM Jouol uould bo hol,!' .l , oocordlns to tho Ral>bi of 1!111111, 111 <loal n:; ul th that olaao ot I talian Je-.; \Co vill ~· oo aoooanodatlon \."ith hie co.."!:eolenoo .

(3) Soootb.ln:; r.Ur;ht bo dono to ..alto t..,.,.rary roaldonoo

outol do I taly oao1or tor thooe oho have A!!ldi\Ylto uhl oh will enable thea lator to "70 to tho Uni toe! a ,.atee .

(4) Thozo ezo a ontain n-r ot .,..,.,1• doG b&..., ..... ~

ol>rot\d .mt oh uoul<l bo out!iclont to onol>lo th"" to obtain tourist vi u··.u lor Paloatino . ThO!' d.uo not dlaoloec the-ir roal pooiti on vhilo they ezo 1n Italy . Tho b<nc 1o ox:-rooaod that ooDOthing air;bt bo <lone to t oo1l1tato tho1r <IC)>arturo \l1 thol>t

tho rlolt of dlooloauro 1n Itely, 14:ioh uould e>q>OIO thoa to IOYOl'O nunlab.Aent .

( 5) Varioua peroona O>:!>l'Ooood tho hopo that tho ol:>erloan Oo.arru:ont uo"Uld lo:;lllato to onol>lo ooao ttoO or tbroo :-oaro ot t ho Itel1an ouota to 'bo dra'lm UDOn 1n 4Yaooo and aaliP>od to

Italian Jouo.

In conoluolon ~· I t _at tho riok of traYOllins outol<lo 10.• tol<1o of r otoronoo1 aM a '"'""' or tuo about tho ...,.turo an<! pooei 'bility ot a oolutlont I bol1oYo1 end I ltatod it ! "'ontly

vhon i n lt~l that tho lt1nc1 or part1ou 101\ltion rq,rooonto<l by oontln\IOd int ltraUon into tb.lo ooun~ h'anoo, llolland •"14

tho Ul\l tod States lhoul<l no lo~r bo tohowed, and 11 1n<llo<l to bo d.oprooo.tod.. It la of no u.eo to an.v Jew to hel,p to ~Hate an .nti - aolli tic problta i n oountrioa uh.lob aro at proeant un1ntootoc1. n.oro o.n 'bo l1 ttlo doubt that one of Hur Hl tlor•• obJooto 11 to innooulato oounuv a..'tor cow.trv lflU. tho rtruo ot ant1- ooi!I1Uoa, .nd oreato c\rtl ...... n thZo~l>t Euro~o trom uh1oh ho hoooo to satn .

It1 thoro!oro, onl,r a 11011oral oolution 1o ...,oalbl.,, 1t h

a a1ot""o to think too oloeol)' o! tho pro'blCD 1n I tal:r Ol'

Oor~ d1 YOl'OO<I t'roa otho: oountzloo. ~.h.l.n 11bio!l 11 -t or tho half ..Ullon od<l J on 111 I hll' and oar.an_.. 11111 orott c

a d.,aon<l in Polan<! Ruaanla on<! Hun~, and ral oo a .,roblca \1hloh J.lUot bo rou~hJ.• tlw tl.Doo ao fllO&t i n ito di.Aonalono.


- 7 -

Al>o•o nl11 no~!Un· o!>o\114 be 4ono tn tho Oor""" M4 Itt.llM ouoe uhlcb cr..koe tho ~xnort ot Jrr.n 1\ ,rot1t.nblo 0!\..n'ft.'tl on tor .;ho ooonoaioa ot ~ho C>I'>Orttn- oomtr1oo. P•n.ln- N.l nornl ouoetions r.oi<W ... N\d 1 t 11 no~ aornl to '1')1\'' 1\ blnct­QI'.llor - t1nMo1nl ono1•ittooo tw!.o b" tl\o outa1do vorl4 •ml ob

a1 'ilt ao.tle1:!' 0or.:~Ml' tn4 I tN.i:" uo\114 booollol lntoloral>lo uhon oxtoncSttd to oov..;.:r t\ll Oontrt>.l ~oen Jovr· . A ·ono.rnl eolutlon, tho oxocuUon ot u!\lob uo\114 nooooanrhv be O!)NM

ovor U(l\:' :onro1 ahould bo J')OID1blo, but it not , Mrd u tho an.•ri nc to. thor~ 1a nt 1onat ono 0\lntllo \lho 11 alnollrclv oonvtnood tht\t nothin ~ caoro lhoUl<l bll n.t~OQ')tcd, oxo~t DOrhme tho a1nl:lw1 of bUtU'J\lttu'l M Nl10f I M4 tbnt the Uno bna AlrceA:r ootlll) Won tho Jwe in Totl\lltnr1M 8tatoa aue~ be

rocnr4o4 "" hooti!,I;Oo •Ilion i t 1o ia>ooolblo to rllfteoa, or t1~ nto.,od poroono tor 1thom 'blood uonoy ott.nnot bo nrov1dod u1 t hout tnoronlllng tho .,not1 to of tMl r omtoro to n 401!1'00 <dUoll onn novor bo ••tlof1o4 •

( 81rno4) A!lllll:lr !;!cFADY"..AN

JM, 25, 19}9.

Undtt' the immediate Pattonagt of 144 H.M. QUEEN MARY


A SPECIAL MATINEE "f he Importance of Being Earnest"

Tueaday, February 7th, 1939

1.{eceii).J the sum~ /(/ ~for .~ Tickets, for UJhich 11ae MarUieaela ef l.a•IMne expres~s her oery grateful appreciation of your

generosity on behalf of The H ospital for Women, Soho Square.


cnress circle

Upper Circle


Tickets E nclosed

RoUJ . ... s ........ No:s .... J~/L.!f. Row .. . ... . ............ Nos ......................... .

~()&i) ••••• ~······· ············~()~ • •.•••••••••••••••••••••••

Row ........... ............. No.s ......................... .

Under U.e 1-ediate Patronage of



The Importance of Being Earnest MR. JOHN GIELGUD and an ALL-STAR CAST

w-Ul appear •t Lbe

Globe Theatre, Tuesday, February 7th, 1939. at 2 .30 p.m. Proc.edo to the HOSPITAL FOR WOMEN. Soho Sqllare, W. I

Viu..Cbu·..,• THE. LADY A.NNI\LV


Hfliff. Trt.sw,,. LT • ..OOL. C. W. GOURLAY. N.C. Biatclt.ya 8&1'11c, 16o Pl«adiU)', W I

CNir..,.• ~__.

THE MAJICmON&SS OF LAIISDOWIIE lllARGARET loL\CLitAN, S.S.ST.J ., 17 Cb.twa\ St .• ~" Sq......._$.\\', a

Ttl. SLO... M>n

31st Janua~y. 1939

.lith !.!rs • .l!.bClean ' t~ compliments

Tic ket.s <:.nd receipts enclosed L-t Lord " interton ' s request .

FU 11118

I ;


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,wo \.11 tor •••• .laa e•••· • • • \ lla tloa \•r •••

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~lod 'Lbl\ '"' .. "' .te•elo,-. ., .... r~s· ••• 0 • • •• • Ju •

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IITEK11T I ON1~ llCKATIOI ~llYICI tiC . Aaerloao l r aacb

Dtrector , Oeor1• L. Wa rr••

Cou.nt.tll Glacl71 Saecbtn.rl 1 laat $7t.b &~ .• ••• York.

ltt • • • , ftd ~ ... , ••• York

J a nu.ar7 :~ lt:t

o .... a.t . no. nut M7 dear Counteaa SltO~tft11 1

~ r. Myron Ta7lor 1 1 ltOrtt.ar1 , Mr. Fitcb , rtttrrtd 70~r ltt\t r or Dtceabtr £8th , •rlt~tn froa fatbtn,ton , to Mr . rerrtn , tecretar7 ot tbe Prtaldtnt ' e Ad•laor7 Coaait\tt on Polltlc•l lttvc••• · Aa l a tbt oua\oa , Mr . Warren bat \vrntd \bt lt\\tr o•er to \bt tattroatlon· a1 Ulcratloa Se r•lct tor rtpl7 , • • the • reatdeat 1 a Ad•taor7 co .. tt\tt dott not concern ltatlt wt\~ lo~l•ldual c••••· I •• la dall7 \OQC~ • lt.b Mr . Warren , and "no• ot all tlat dewelopatata or lAck or dt­••lopatnta in flcdln4 oppor\vol\ltt tor tbott • bo are ua4er pr••••r• to leave their eoua~rltl ot ettiaeneblp.

I -l•b •e could •~te a •~•~••tlon tor 70ur rrleftdt , tr . and Xre . Otorkt , and the i r ta•lly . It i a •oat ciatreaaln( \o report ~ha ~ the appllcations on til e ~~ tbe &••rlean Coaaulate tn ~•dapett a rt 10 nu•eroua ~bat it i a aai4 ~h• ~ 1~ will tat e the next f l Yt or al x yea r• before the quota will aaaln be open . ~. h,v, •••n h•a~d the rua or ~bat it would tate tltteen 1••t• tla• to c~r• tor •nplleatlont al ready on fi l e , bu t there are alwa71 ••~ on ~h• wa1t1n• lltt wbo cannot quality under t.ba t.er•• ot t.h.e lasl,ratioft la• tH'M! • t.beretore , \be • "iUn • llat. 11 re4uced b7 4t4r•••:

UDl••• jo~r trieQda are alrea4r on tb•t waltla' !lat . tber• la no proapect. of the ir aecYrlft4 •'•laalon to the Ualte4 f\a\el tor toa t 7ear1 to co•• • 1t tbare 11 no ••• lt£1 •l•ll~a to ~~anr.a the rreaen\ la• l la tbia cov.t.r 7 . £vea al a ~iat.ln•uilhl~ Pblticiaa , ~r . Ctorkt • ould not. be e.ll4ib-le to ea.ter t.be Calt.ed. ~t.atea , eacepUa4 a£ a aon~preterre4 quota l••i•ra nt , lt be ware to coa t tor ptra aoeat rea­JC:.enee , and there would be little aa \ latac:Uon \o IU• Jn coaiD• on a v111tor ' a v.laa , •• h• would ftOt. be per::ti~c.ed t.o e\"7 lonl¢er t.han a rear .

It \her hav e aea na to prov.l4e tor t.h•• •el••• it. at~ht be tb't ~he7 could secure a4a l t a1on to Oreal 8r1t.aln , luetral l• or Canada . Rave tb17 li'UD a r:.7 \bOUJbC. \0 \bat poeelbilit.)" t Uld b,V. \.!\e7 C:Oftlulted •ltb t.be coneular o f !"1ei ala ot t.boae IO'Y trnaen.ta? Tb•7 b.a'Ye 31Utb to otter • aDd St. ou~ht to be eaeler tor t.baa \0 eecure a4a1aalon \ban tor aaQ.¥ ot.bert . A~a\ralla b~• acre~ to tate 1~ , 000 retu•••• o••r a peri od or \.b.ree 7•ar• oa a eel ecuv. baele , aad. t t.lUa& 1\ • o1ll4 t e wort.b• b.lle tor Dr . ClJ'orkJ' \o cet la \ouc._ wl\la \lae lrh.tata Coaa .a.l lD. order \0 explore t.be poeelbl l i t i ee tor ent.erln1 la•land or with tbe Can~41an and l uatralian otrleia~ a.


Tbara ar1 auob ~ho~eaaua •••~tnc o~her laDda in ·~teb ~b•7 oan little ~nd be,tn lite over a,aln \b~~ it baa crea\vd aft 1acoap•r· able a1t~t1on . At pt111n\ ao1t co~a\riaa ha•• a ••rt ritid ra· ltr1c~Jon polict , and ~n\Ll \ba~ can be ~roten down b7 orrtcl•l coaaitt••• and la\er•4o••r••ea~al acr••••at , ~bere 11 !Jttla ad•lca tbat can be zl••• •

•111 70u let ae tao• it there Ja &Q1ibia4 r.r~ber th~\ t ••• dot I aa extreaelr 10rr7 tba' \be repl7 to rour letter h 1 'eea 10 loa, del'fed. l•err or,aalaatioa • ortlac oa tb••• .,,,,,, lt tloode4 •lib loq.trle• , all er • bleb raq~r• det&ll.O latoraatloa, aaJ aoat Ot it Ylt7 IDCO~•cl-. \0 \hOII • bo ar1 l1Yl8~ •adar IUCb a~Xli\Jo

8laeerel7 70~ra ,

(td) IU!~ ~~~D .



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tact•• •• '• .. 7 at • 1•''•• •-! .. •• •••• r••• l••• tt-a ~· ,._.... ..... •••••~1 \a r•••" -. ... ._,. • • a•la l.J•~'IU •M t.a.•i.., Uh• ., •• •t ....... . . . .. . ,. .a•~··~ ...... -,) .... , ........ ...... , .. . •• tad \A.a\ 1,1 ~ .. t-.:••r •• r • .......... 1. •l.a , ••••• , • • ••.t• rer u ••• ., •• l•• " •tc~ a H>&. .. ~ 'r C•a'••• ,...,...,.t • ._.. • • r•t•r "k• ••''•r t. 1 ._ \a ~· •• • \1la\ 7•• • ut .t.•• l\ ,...,. ""'•1 ••r•t'lt\ .... ...,..,..u. ue . ,\ .. u..- ... \ate ••H ••U•• •• 7•• .... • rl7 ..._ L• -. ••• u •t ' ". ..,.,...., .._... .,. h.a1 \..r.

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••r~ \e Dr. aa4 I r e . l e la 01erky aad

tae l\7 •T ~-••;e•\• ••• la \ae • • • ••••

et lr. t a )ler , • •• l • la Le .. ea, ~•••

l•~•• ''• aa\\or ~~ \A ro~c• \Ae Pr eal-

4e al.'a AUwia~~trJ Cvul\h• tor to1 U1·

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Socroc.• r 1 '\Oar. •7 r•• f • ) ler .


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