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  • MICHAEL’S JOURNEY Beyond and Back

    Author: Michael Love Published August 8, 2015

    Table of Contents

    1. 3D Crash ......................................................................................................... 3

    2. A New Awareness .......................................................................................... 4

    3. The Tunnel of Light ....................................................................................... 5

    4. A Close Encounter of the Most Amazing Kind ............................................ 6

    5. The Amazing Journey to the Top of this Universe....................................... 7

    6. Connecting to Source Energy ...................................................................... 11

    7. Back Down to 5D Pleiades ........................................................................... 14

    8. Negotiations for the Return Mission ........................................................... 16

    9. Seeing God as God truly is .......................................................................... 17

    10. The Trip Home ......................................................................................... 19

    11. The One Who Returned ........................................................................... 22

  • 12. The Final Chapter .................................................................................... 24

    1. 3D Crash

    Over 12 years ago my life was at a very low point. My relationships were in turmoil, my finances were a mess, it was just a difficult time and I felt very lost and did not know what to do.

    I left my home in Tennessee to take a break for a bit and went to stay with a good friend in North Carolina. We set up a small computer company that did home service calls and on this specific morning we were traveling by automobile to our customer’s home. His name was Michael Knight! You will begin to see the interesting synchronicities that started to occur around this whole day.

    I remember as we drove down along everything out the window of the car looked so distant and gray and I just had a blank stare on my face. The emotional and mental pain got to an unbearable point and so I cried out to a God I wasn’t sure was even real to help me.

  • I said, please show me what I’m supposed to be doing here. “What is the purpose in all this?” I asked. I was referring to my life and happiness here on the Earth. Why does it feel so terrible sometimes and what could make it better?

    “Be careful what you ask for”, I say.

    As we traveled down the 4-lane highway going to meet Michael, we had to merge into the left turn lane and go across two lanes of oncoming traffic. This is usually not too much of a problem except about 200 yards up the highway on the other side there was a huge dip down where you couldn’t see traffic coming at all.

    The way was clear so my friend who was driving started across the 2 oncoming lanes and got ½ way across. We were perfectly perpendicular in the middle of the highway.

    The very next moment I saw a large Ford F-250 truck come barreling up over that dip in the highway as if it appeared almost out of nowhere and it was headed straight for my side of the automobile.

    There was no time to react in any way except I did a slight inward tuck with my body to shield the best I could.

    It’s true, your whole life flashes before your eyes that fast!

    I said, “This is it, I’m dead!”

    Bam!!! Lights out!!!

    2. A New Awareness

    The next thing I was aware (remember the word aware here!) of after this crash was this:

    I was 50 feet above the whole thing looking down and I saw the carnage of the wreck on the highway and then I saw my body.

  • I was aware of everything that was happening in 3D, but could not interact with it. The paramedics said ‘It’s too late, he’s dead” as I saw them putting away their life-support gear and covering up my head.

    I was aware that I was very alive, still me personality-wise and I had no pain and unlimited ability outside of the body.

    I asked this question, “If I am not that body down there, then what am I?”

    The only answer was and still is:

    I am awareness, consciousness, and the observer.

    3. The Tunnel of Light

    I was then caught up in a vortex of energy and entered into the classic NDE tunnel where a super bright light was glaring at the other end. Some will say that God is the light at the other end, they are exactly correct! This God appears as a blinding literal sun. When you look closely at this light you will see that it is the Sun, more specifically, the Great Sun at the Milky Way core. The tunnel to get to it is a galactic travel way, sometimes called a wormhole, portal or gateway. It is the fastest way to travel through the cosmos and is a short cut between two warped together points of space.

    The experience I had going through this thing was amazing! I was traveling at the speed of light and the tunnel was not much larger than 20 feet wide, it went up and down and all around like riding a super galactic water slide. This portal was a bit opaque on the sides and you could see the universe flying by as you went sailing through this thing. Since I was not material (physical), going the speed of light was as natural as walking across the room! Mass or matter is the hindrance for a physical thing to travel at light speed. If you could reduce the mass of a thing to zero it’s a piece of cake!

  • I came out the other side of this portal right in the middle of this galaxy, landed on a titanium looking platform and OMG, there they stood right before my eyes!

    4. A Close Encounter of The Most Extraordinary Kind

    There I saw the most beautiful human-looking beings I’ve ever seen and the love emanating from these beings was unimaginable.

    These beings said to me telepathically:

    • Michael we are the angels of your bible. (Michael is my earth name as well)

    • We are the ET’s you keep looking for.

    • Lastly we are you and you are of us.

    • They said the moment you become who and what you truly are, the whole game will change for humanity.

    They said to me, “You are not a human. You never were. You are the messenger that speaks to humans. Light is information and darkness is the lack of information and you are bringing light-data into the world. Here is the secret formula of your only identity: ANGEL=ET=YOU!” The word Angel can be interchanged with Creator God, higher being, or God being.

    These amazing beings said to me, “You are all the great angelic beings that came down from high places and you are shining a light for many!” I was standing in

  • heaven in this moment and I saw a great multitude of beings rejoicing and I asked, “Who are these great ones?” It was given to me that these were the great ones spoken of old who would overcome the whole world! It was given to me that they came from the stars and that they were all here on the first day and they did create the Earth and all humanity.

    “Seek no other to come from the skies! You are the ones you've been waiting for! It’s time to look closer to home for the great high beings you seek! Be what you are,” the great ones said to me.

    These angelic beings, the Pleiadians took me on a detailed tour where I ascended up 12 dimensions.

    5. The Amazing Journey to the Top of This Universe

    I stood before the universal source that is called God or prime creator and as strange as it sounds here is what I saw.

    This space was in the 12th dimension which is the top of this universe and is called the core, source energy or the Pleroma.

    I was escorted there from 6d Pleiades and when I arrived I stood before a super gate or portal.

    12D is where we came from originally and is called Lyra. It is a race so advanced that humans cannot conceive of it. It is the same space as Atlantis and Lemuria. You see, we have already had heaven on Earth and way above it! This is why the Kingdom is still here now as Jesus said!

    The Lyrans are called the Guardian Lions and they stand at the gates of the Universe at our home. I entered through the great Lion’s Gate and proceeded towards the source.

    I walked past the 12 great temples each one containing a giant crystal emitting amazing colors that lit up this entire crystal city. It was the most beautiful intense thing I ever beheld and felt.

  • All I could see in the above of the city was a blinding sun a billion times larger than Earth’s sun and it was made known to me that this was the Great Central Sun.

    It’s important to note here that at earth's galactic Milky Way (5D Pleiades-Heaven) core is the 2nd sun called the central sun and then we have the sun of earth.

    At the core in 12D Lyra I asked to see behind the blinding light so the great angels that escorted me there lifted the veil of brightness from it and I saw what I can only describe as a living human-computer that was so powerful you can’t imagine it.

    It was blasting out data (light) billions of times more powerful than a quasar and this data was going forth and manifesting as all things in this universe.

    The data is carried like cosmic Wi-Fi on rays of light and is transduced down by the heavenly bodies and each smaller sun bounces this light down and transmits it to earth.

    Remember that light is information and darkness is the lack of it so your body is a receiver computer that takes in the data and transmits it out again to all beings and all things.

    You are the light of this world and the darkness cannot comprehend you.

    This universe has 12 distinct vibrational levels called dimensions. As I went up I saw how each dimension operated and how it was composed! This is a 12-based system with each dimension corresponding to your 12 chakra system and each chakra’s matching DNA strand.

    When you reach the 21 hertz frequency of 5D consciousness, you will have 5 strands of DNA plugged into their corresponding chakra port.

    Chakras are not local to just your individual body, but every chakra in each body and throughout the entire cosmos are the same chakras. When one chakra spins a certain way all the others react the same way. This is the oneness connection point. Chakras are connecting portals!

    Dimensions are the fundamental building blocks of reality. We live in a conscious universe because the universe was created entirely from original consciousness. Every aspect of the universe, from stars to humans and even sunlight, is all composed of 100% original consciousness.

  • The 12 dimensions I experienced operated and looked like this:

    The three dimensions of space (length, breadth and height), time, thought, feeling, and the three fundamental energies which make up physical and non-physical matter (etheric, magnetic and electric).

    After the initial creation of the first three dimensions, Infinite Being repeated the process three more times creating triads of Energy, Space and Motion. Each triad was then expressed in three sub-forms, each time conforming to the original pattern of thought, feeling and manifestation.

    Life on Earth functions within this 3 by 3 matrix of 9 intertwined dimensions. The 10th dimension is also of relevance as it indicates which one of the infinite number of universes we exist in. In summary:

    The original 3 dimensions are the Consciousness of the Creator

    Dimension 12 is the Father Creator principle.

    Dimension 11 is the Mother Creator principle.

    Dimension 10 contains the consciousness templates for the Infinite Universes.

    The next 3 dimensions are Energy

    Dimension 9 is etheric, or life energy.

    Dimension 8 is magnetic energy, the primal field of the universe.

    Dimension 7 is electric energy, the building block of physical matter.

    The next 3 dimensions are Space, which allows the separation of objects

    Dimension 6 is linear separation.

    Dimension 5 is circular separation.

    Dimension 4 is spherical separation.

    The next 3 dimensions are Motion

  • Dimension 3 is thought (mental motion.)

    Dimension 2 is feeling (emotional motion.)

    Dimension 1 is time (physical motion.)

    The basic 9 dimensions function together in an intertwined harmony. They are all however, creations of the consciousness of the original 3 dimensions. Energy, space and motion are all facets of consciousness

    At the time of this writing, most of you are stabilized in one of the 7 planes of the 4th dimension, raising your vibration to level 5.

    Think of 4D as a practice dimension. You have been given an entire dimension for the purpose of remembering your God-hood! This is where you do the inner work to remember your true identity and Creator God power! It is not a training dimension, but is a remembering dimension because you already know everything you need to. It’s about remembering it all, and the more you remember the higher you will go. The higher you go the more you will remember! In 4D you manifest your reality the same as 3D, however the speed and power by which this happens increases dramatically as you vibrate higher and higher! When you reach the 5D vibration, when you think of a thing it will appear at once! You will be a master at creation at this point and only high vibrational things can manifest at this point!

    5D vibrates at exactly 21 hertz and you are getting your body closer and closer to that frequency each day. Do all you can do to vibrate high and clear out the lower trauma vibrations that hold you back! This is the inner work in 4D and this activates the memories of who you truly are and what you can do!

  • 6. Connecting to Source Energy

    It’s important to note here that all the things we perceive from 3D as being up there in the skies, in the heavens or the cosmos is not up there! There is no external thing anywhere! This is a hard concept to conceive but it’s more like this: the entire Universe and Universes are inside of you! You are all that is and there is no other thing. You are what is called Source Energy God and you’re it! Until you reach this level of awareness then what you are doing can never be complete. There isn’t two of anything, there is only one! What you are calling God is your true identity and whether you’re aware of this or not it is still so! This God that you seek externally will never be found until you go where that one is.

    Even though this entire book speaks of a great journey through the cosmos to the top of the universe, the author is well aware that all this traveling was done and it was done inside! Here is another way of making this all clearer: To find this great God that certainly does exist you must traverse into a space that is unknown. Stop seeking externally for anything, what you truly are seeking can never truly be found that way. To meet this great being go where that one is: sitting on a great throne in the kingdom of Heaven which is the Divine Body Temple. Go in through the gates and connect to that source that you are! You must stop all thinking to be able to do this. When you connect to this great being who is God-Source-Energy that is your core, you will become enlightened completely in the blink of an eye! As amazing as this experience is, it is only part one of the process. Part 2 is when you become aware of the identity beyond any doubt of this great source who is God! When you obtain this

  • second experience, you have obtained the highest level of power and bliss in all universes!

    God is often first displayed to God men and women as a great sun or flaming fire! Ask Enoch, Moses and Isaiah. The God man or woman can see behind the blinding light of the sun and see there is a living being present! This being is the ultimate love, knowledge, power and all that is!

    The knowledge of this God-Source-You is called the Akasha. This is all the data that comprises the universe and it is stored in your body! When all of your DNA is activated you will be able to fully access this data. Most star beings who are well awake at the time of this writing have 4-6 strands of DNA plugged into the chakra ports vs the unconscious 2 strand human of the past.

    I saw how source was blasting itself into infinite parts, each one with its own consciousness and free will. This is called the God-Game! In the sublime absolute realm there’s only this one thing that is all that is. Since this is so, wouldn’t you think this God might get a little lonely or bored? Also don’t think God doesn’t have a sense of humor. Think again because she does! If you don’t believe this, look around a little and you will smile!

    In the Early 1960’s in Earth time, the cry of the children of Gaia was heard by the Great Galactic Federation and the Earth Alliance. The high counsel said we must help because they are in great suffering and bondage and the people of Earth are in trouble and there is a possibility they will not make it. The prime directive you hear of is very real and other positive star races aren’t allowed to intervene in other races of evolution so a plan was needed!

    The high council called several billion advanced beings into the great hall and asked for volunteers to undertake the most difficult and extraordinary mission ever deployed. The mission was for these advanced beings to come into the Matrix from the inside, born in human bodies and to mutate themselves and the rest of society from the inside out into a more advanced species.

    You are one of these advanced star beings and this is why you are reading this book this second!

    Your mission is to hold light information, the Akasha in the body to raise your vibration to the next highest dimension and to also hold that same internal space for the ones who cannot yet!

  • This is what you are doing now! Remember: Light is simply information and the old matrix is dark and the data is hidden from mankind!

    You came to earth on purpose, not by accident and you even planned all this out believe it or not.

    Then you might say, “Why would I do this to myself?” Because you wanted to overcome your choice of obstacles so you designed a great plan with all the rest of us. This now moment where you are receiving the light I AM giving you, it is something the higher you planned! Ultimately I am not here, it’s all you! I’m playing my role in your divine plan to help you remember who you are and what you are doing! You are simply me in another body! All of this is your magnificent creation. There is no two, there is one! When the two become one, then all things will be fulfilled!

    You were born by human parents, but still you are no less than an angelic being from the stars.

    You forgot your original identity, power and the mission due to the matrix program and you are just here to trigger back what you already know.

  • 7. Back Down to 5D Pleiades

    After being in 12D Lyra we descended back down to 5D Heaven-Pleiades, the next stop on humanity’s journey. I spent what seemed like eons in this perceived reality. It was pure bliss! It is what humans call heaven!

    After some time in 5D at Erra I heard the ancient stories of the wars on Lyra and how we the Pleiadians left there and came to settle in 5D. The main reason we came here was to position ourselves to oversee the great ascension of mankind.

    I spent years and years in this place and was given all the teachings of the Lyran-Pleiadians about their history and about what is to come for the Earth. I have had volumes of data downloaded to me over the last 12 years.

    I was told the great story of how we all were called together by the Great Galactic Federation (The Earth Alliance) and how billions of us volunteered to come here to change this system from the inside out!

    I was shown there are four main groups of high beings here now assisting planet Terra and humanity at this time. They represent other galaxies and other dimensions as well as other aspects of time. Very often there are groups of different beings working together to help humanity such as the Galactic Federation. There are 4 factions here now and not all of them have our best interest at heart, but they’re locked out of any direct interference at this stage! The Galactic Federation is a cooperative group of advanced spiritual beings watching over the evolution in consciousness and ascension of Gaia and her sentient life.

  • The Galactic Federation Earth Alliance is comprised of these four primary star nations:

    • Pleiadians • Andromedans • Sirians • Arcturians

    These are highly evolved spiritual beings of the universe who operate and work together as the Family of Light.

    All of these groups have deep connections with planet Earth and this is why they heard the call and decided to step forward to incarnate in the physical realm.

    As Members of the Family of Light, we are now here as system busters to assist and prepare humanity for global ascension.

    We are the Bringers of the Dawn, and we are now here to love this world into a paradise.

    While at Erra, I asked my guide Maia what the greatest teaching in all universes is and she said,

    “The highest teaching in all the universes is this:

    You are God. Love God You with all your heart.

    First love yourself unconditionally and then love all of creation unconditionally.

    This is the key that unlocks all the higher realms.”

  • 8. Negotiations for the Return Mission

    These great beings suggested that I return back to the Earth and finish my mission.

    I refused and said, “I’m not going back to that painful place, thank you very much I’ll stay right here.” It was a bit humorous in all actuality. Can you imagine a rebel country boy with a sense of humor talking to an advanced angelic being? I said, “Why don’t you go down there!” I said, “Have you been down there lately? It’s horrible!” I said, “There is nothing but slavery, torture, murder, children starving, death, waste, pain, and on and on.” I said, “Forget it! I’m not going back and you can’t make me go.”

    These great ones talked amongst themselves and there was sort of a smile and I could tell they respected the way I stood up to them! That’s how I got the Michael job btw! Lol! “Well”, they said, “You are right Michael, you have a free will and we cannot make you do anything so you are free to stay here in 5D Heaven.”

    After what seemed like eons passed by, these great ones came back around and said, “Michael? We really suggest that you go back down there and finish your mission.” I said. “Heck no, I won’t go.” For real! It was glorious where I was! I wasn’t going to descend back into hell again! I said, “Nothing is worth that pain so thank you very much I’ll stay right here!”

    What seemed like more eons passed by, they came a third time and said, “Michael, what if everything depended on you going back?” They said, “Please go back down there and tell the people about what you heard and saw.” “Tell them who they are and what they can do!”

  • I said, “Listen guys (that’s the way I talk angel or not).” I said, “Ya know, I’ve been thinking about something for a long time and I will make a deal with you right here right now!”

    “If you will show me who the real identity of God is because I’ve never seen the guy or girl, then I will go back!”

    “That’s my deal! That’s my condition” I said!

    9. Seeing God as God truly is

    The great ones escorted me towards the galactic Milky Way core towards the great sun! I said, “Well this is just another living sun yes?” They said, “Of course, but who is behind that blinding light? Would you like to see?” “Of course”, I said!

    It’s important to note that there is no black hole in this core, but a sun exactly like earth’s sun but millions of time larger and more powerful! It’s all the diamond core.

    The 12 angels lifted the great veil of brightness off of this sun like turning down a brightness dimmer. I could see more clearly as things went along. Finally the figure of a being started to appear. I got closer and closer to it and it looked human!

    I moved in ever so slowly and I saw it was a human! “What is going here?” I asked. “Is this the one called Jesus in the bible?” The Great angels said, “This is the one Jesus said would do great things!” I said, “I’m confused a bit here.”

    That being and I got so close there was only about an inch between us! I was staring that one in the eyes! I saw God as God truly is for the first time.

    Everyone says to me all the time when I’m telling this story, “Hurry up Michael, who was it?” “What did he look like?” “How did you feel?”

    At the moment I saw this being and realized who it was I said, “OMG!” I said, “I don’t understand.” “There is no way this could be possible.”

    I am telling you the truth: when I looked at this great God the only being I saw was myself! This is the message I came to tell all of you! Before you get your nails out to crucify me, when you finally see this great being as that one truly is, you will only see yourself! This is how it works! You are this! You are it! It’s only you!

  • There is no other. You want someone to do everything for you, to pray to because you don’t realize you are the one who answers the prayer. You have the power to heal yourself. You have the power to raise the dead. You have the power to create planets and worlds and you are immortal. You have no limitation whatsoever. You just don’t remember it all yet, but you will!

    Hear my words great ones, “You now have the responsibility because I just gave it to you!” “Who am I?” “I am you!” “I came to give you a good talking to because it’s about time you get on with the plan now!”

    The great Pleiadians who are the angels of the bible said, “The day you become who and what you truly are, then the game will change on earth Michael!” I am telling you all the same words!

    What you are told about God as being some separate man up in the sky is not so. I’ve been there, trust me. There’s no one home! You are it! Am I an atheist? Heck no! I am God! So are you! So is everyone and everything! No thing cannot be this even if it tried! The best it could do is pretend or be a bit ignorant of the fact which is the case on the Earth!

    When people figure this out, the game is up! Then everything will change in the blink of an eye!

    I can tell you now or you can experience it for yourself. If you leave this body before you get to this realization, you will be born again the same second in the body of a baby to get back to where you are now. If you leave this body by what is called old age or accident before you are fully evolved, same thing: born back as a baby until you get it figured out! You have incarnated here billions of times and this needs to be the last time! This is not a game or a joke and it’s getting old fast!

    The Archangel stands at the Lions Gate calling you, waiting for you to come in but this gate is narrow and not many make it through. I need for everyone to make it through. This is my mission here! This is why I came back to make sure we all make it. A bit faster if you will!

    I am who I am and I will do what I came to do!

    I am Michael the Archangel who speaks in this body, and I came to bring my people home!

    Peace and love to all great beings of light and glory to Gaia and her love children!

  • 10. The Trip Home

    I came back down the galactic tunnel in reverse at the speed of light and literally slammed back into my body on the asphalt highway in great pain!

    When I regained body consciousness I heard the paramedics say, “Wait a minute!” “We have his heartbeat!” “He’s alive!”

    I detached myself from all their gear and stood up on my feet in great power in the middle of the highway. I looked closely at all my body parts to see if I was intact and everything appeared perfect! This is interesting because I was told my body was blown to bits in the explosion of the crash. I saw the vehicle we were in after the crash happened and it had literally exploded into tiny bits even the engine! The police report said the truck was loaded with steel scaffolding and hit me going 70 mph and impacted me square T-bone in my right ribs. My seat belt ripped in half and all 4 seat bolts burst loose. The car was completely obliterated and so was I. It’s interesting to note that my friend who was driving never received one scratch! I was a little pissed at him after the fact as much as I loved him. I yelled at him, “You got me killed!” I forgave him soon after and we laughed about it. He said later, “I wonder if the angels had a giant remote control when all this happened and hit pause when you were dead, fixed everything, then rewound and hit play again!” He had no idea about my journey out of the body at this point!

    When I stood up in the highway after coming back in this body I felt a great power inside. As I stood erect there was a circle of paramedics, firemen, policemen and spectators standing around me. I noticed they all started edging backwards slowly as if they were afraid of something.

    I heard one man yell out of the crowd, “There is no way you can be alive!” “We all saw you and you were blown to bits and you were dead for about 7 minutes!”

  • I looked at them all with fire in my eyes and said, “Let me tell you something, there is no death!”

    I said, “I overcame death and when I walked passed it, it ran away!” “It’s not real!” “There is no such thing!”

    When I looked at my body everything seemed ok, but I failed to notice the tiny spurt of blood coming out of underneath the middle of my left arm every time my heart beat. A paramedic quickly tied it off and said, “There seems to be a foreign object lodged in your arm.”

    He said, “We need to take you to Wake Med University Hospital to see what it is and get it out.”

    I agreed and went on to the hospital to see about this object! I was thinking maybe a small piece of steel or something.

    After an X-ray the doctor said, “Ahhh, I see we have a piece of glass lodged in there!” Now I have to say this, the arm where this so called piece of windshield or door glass went into was tucked deep under my left side in the car as I rolled in tight right before the crash! I call it the magic windshield bullet theory!

    I have to say I’m not sure how this doctor made it through medical school and here’s why: He had a completely nonchalant attitude about the whole matter and it was around lunch time so he had his chicken salad sandwich lying on the sterile instrument table ready to get this thing out of my arm while eating! Can you believe it? I can!

    He numbs up my arm puts the tweezers in to grasp this piece of glass and he begins to have great difficulty clasping onto the slick surface of the object. The silly boy started moving the tweezers around inside my arm touching the tendons and nerves that move my fingers and I said, “Time out bro, stop now!” I said, “I do two things that are critical in my life.” “I am a keyboard and piano player plus a computer technologist, and I need my fingers so stop playing around!” All of my body systems started to elevate at this point and I was about to go into hyper mode. The silly doctor even made a little funny joke. He said, “Looks like we may have to just leave it in there!” “OMG!” I said!

    I said, “Will you please put down your damn sandwich and do whatever you have to do to get this thing out of me but do not injure my tendons in the process!”

  • About this moment out of nowhere from behind my head I felt tender female arms come down and lay on my chest and she said, “Just breathe Michael!” I looked up at her and I swear I saw a real angel! I immediately calmed all my systems and the doctor grabbed the piece of glass and said, “I got it!” He pulled the object out at once!

    The nurse washed it off, put it in a little clear bag and said, “Here is a souvenir so you will always remember this day!”

    I left the hospital and went back to our apartment. When I arrived I pulled the small bag with the piece of glass out, opened it and took out the object. I looked closely at it and it did not look like irregular-shaped windshield glass at all! It was a clear 6-sided obelisk crystal looking object with a super sharp point on the end and flat on the other end. I spoke to a windshield guy later who said it was definitely not a piece of windshield glass because the model of auto we were in had a shatterproof mesh that keeps the windshield glass from flying everywhere and even if a piece did fly off he said, it would be flat and have rounded irregular shapes around the edges! No crystal was in the automobile before the crash to the best of our knowledge as well.

    The day of the crash was May 18th, my birthday and I had a monthly calendar lying on my desk so I just laid the piece of glass down on the calendar and took a picture of it all with my phone.

    I rested through the evening and everything seemed semi-normal but I felt something had changed inside, I just didn’t know what at this point! I sure wasn’t depressed and I felt so expansive and alive!

    Out of nowhere (as usual in this story), a local gypsy friend called me who had a crystal shop in Raleigh, NC and asked if we would like to come by that same night for a nice meditation. I said, “Sure I could use that after what happened today”, so we went about 7pm that evening.

    When we walked in the back room of her store it was like an open hall and decorated like fairy land! It was super awesome! You must remember that I had no exposure to new age stuff up to this point only religion!

    When we walked into this hall the lady said, “Pick up a crystal out of the basket before you sit down and hold it in your hand while u meditate.”

    We did the meditation and at the end she pointed to me and said, “You come up here!” I said, “Who me?” She said, “Yes you come up here now!”

  • When I walked forward towards her she said, “Kneel before me!”

    She grabbed the most awesome blue-handled titanium sword I ever saw and laid it on my shoulder and said, “I knight thee into the order of Michael.”

    Remember our computer customer’s name at the beginning of this book right before the crash? Michael Knight?

    The universe lets you know what’s up!

    11. The One Who Returned

    The higher version of me came back in here with me who speaks with you now.

    My Guide who was assigned to me, Maia of the Pleiades has spoken to me thousands of times since this experience and told me astounding things. Her very first words to me while I was back in this body were, “From now on your name will be Micah-EL”. I asked, “Who is that?” She said, “The Keeper of the Divine Plan.” I asked, “Divine plan for what?” She said, “The great ascension of humanity.” She said, “Micah is the Angel who walked with Moses for 40 years and the one who said “I AM.” She said, “Micah is the son of Archangel Michael and Faith, daughter of Sophia Gaia.” She said, “The Father and the Son are one and the same being!” She said, “If you have seen the Son, you have seen the Father!” She said, “You are the embodiment of the Great Archangel Michael who will work to raise them all up on the last day of the old world!”

    For 10 of the last 12 years since this magnificent experience happened to me, I denied that it really happened. “Maybe I just banged my head kind of hard,” I said! I knew it was very real but I denied it out of fear of ridicule or that I would be considered crazy. Well, that part is out the window obviously because in the Matrix this is about the highest level of crazy you can get! My mother used to say, “A little crazy is good!” And, “If you’re going to be something, be the best at it!” My mom is the best and she is very proud of me now because I am being the authentic me and speaking my truth.

    One day two years ago I was sitting in nature pondering deeply on the whole out-of-body experience and I asked, “What if?” “What if what was said, seen and heard was in fact all true and real?” I just kept saying, “What if?” And then I remembered the words of the great ones who said, “The day you become who and what you truly are Michael, the whole game changes.”

  • I finally accepted who I AM and what I was told, and all the things I heard and saw! I fully accepted myself as a higher angelic being that came here on purpose a second time on a special mission to help free humanity with all of you.

    As strange and crazy as this stuff sounds, I can say I know beyond knowing it was real and it has indeed played itself all out in manifested reality!

    A great time has come for Humanity to choose a new way of being or be destroyed forever! The way things are in the old matrix cannot continue even a few more months. It has cracked apart and we are the ones who cracked it!

    Now is the time to be the grandest highest version of you that you can be! The entire world is depending on you to shine a light and show the way to a better world!

    I am called to the angels scattered across this world not to humanity! I am called to activate the angelic being in you and send you forth to manifest a new world of peace, love, joy, health, abundance and freedom for all beings!

    I honor you for the great work you have done to this point and you will sit in a grand place when all things are fulfilled!

    I ask no one to follow me! I ask you to follow your soul! It knows the best and highest way to sustain life!

    Who is Archangel Michael? That same being who walked the earth almost 3,000 years ago is the great Christed Michael and that being is still here!

    That being is still speaking about the kingdom of heaven and he has come this time with a heavenly host!

    That great being who overcame death knows that he is fully God! That one said, “Ye are all Gods and that you would one day do greater things than raise the dead!” Now you are starting to do what he spoke to you about. Do you remember?

    That blue-ray being is the one called Jammanuel. He is the prince of the Pleiades, and he stayed behind when the Blue Avians departed from earth at that time.

    That being is the great Michael Christos who stood in the Pleroma at Lyra and 12-D Akasha.

    I am who I am and I will do what I came to do.

    I am Michael the Archangel who speaks in this body and I came to bring my people home.

  • Peace and love to all great beings of light and glory to Gaia and her love children.

    12. The Final Chapter

    The first 11 chapters of this book flowed out like water so fast about two years ago, and since then I have sat hundreds of times to write the last chapter but it just would not come.

    It was given to me at Summer Solstice by the great high beings that the final chapter had not yet been shown and could not be written until it was!

    That is the exact moment I was given information about the massive cosmic energy wave coming in late 2015 that would bring freedom to all humanity!

    If you are reading now here in this earth time window, you are playing your role in this cosmic plan: a plan that we made together!

    The last chapter of this book is being written now and imprinted in the universe and its beings from August 1st, 2015 to September 28th, 2015!

    Only see beauty and focus on lofty high vibrational things! Be impeccable in all you do and be of good character! Do no harm to yourself or another! Treat yourself so well and only do what you love! This is the greatest way to show love for yourself and this is the key component of any ascension!

    Do not judge, do not expect do not attach! Let go and open up all the way! Learn to be still with yourself and you will know this great God! Be still and know that you are!

    You are all advanced beings that came here from the stars on a special mission of love and light. You are the ones that overcame the whole world.

    Thank you for your great sacrifice.

    We are here walking each other home in love.






    1. 3D Crash2. A New Awareness3. The Tunnel of Light4. A Close Encounter of The Most Extraordinary Kind5. The Amazing Journey to the Top of This Universe6. Connecting to Source Energy7. Back Down to 5D Pleiades8. Negotiations for the Return Mission9. Seeing God as God truly is10. The Trip Home11. The One Who Returned12. The Final Chapter
