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Michigan Mirror | Happening* I 6UR DEMOCRAC by Mat Y...

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mw*< TW i^V;. ^•'".- ''?.' ••<•• .^ Volume 67 Ths Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday, May 17, 1950 No. II Michigan Mirror | *<»** Happening* I 6 UR DEMOCRACY by Mat , , . White snapdragons and A hard hitting political cam | branch candlelight flanked thel pcdqn for HJ50 for Michigan is in .altar in St. Peters Evangelica: I prospect Gov. Williams surpris- [Lutheran church. S. Clair, at 4:30 ed but few when he accused the) o'clock Saturday afternoon when Republican legislators of being |Mi S3 Audrey Arm Scott became! controlled by Big Business at the . th9 bride of Beryl Amburqey. C. L O. Convention where he Rev. G. W. Lens, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony before some 200 guests. Th*? bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Han by Scctt, St. Clair, was given in marriaqe by, 1 her father. She wore a white! spoke last. week. He charged special interests fcaye been served and the -pea pie neglected by Republican do ruination at Lansing. He-cigssed the legislature a s a do-nothing one. He criticized their failure to enact a fair employment law, tc« correct inequalities in the unem- ployment compensation law. fail- ure to act on public housing and their qranting public utilities high) er rates. Also their failure -to baj; ance w )he budget by not enaciing j a corp. profit* tax. j The Republicans claim th.l spatial session was about 30 perj cent window dressing for the gov j ernors campaign as the tfepubiil £an party couldfcecounted on tc ' oppoce any business tax. They did lust that. August Scholie, president c~ the C. I. O. charged the newspap ers of Michigan are being control leer: by big advertisers. All • this sets the stage for a red hot name | callina campaign. The Republicans will be at a elight disadvantage as they will have no nominee for governor until the Sept primary. The legis- ' lature will speak for them and they are not all in agreement.- The campaign will be founght on *the Rich vs Poor issue. State G. O. P". Chiarman Clear-y calls/ the Governors program one of inj tellectual dishonest. The qovern i or says he has blocked the Rep j aown 0 f satin and crHcxntillv l a c a i . Ublicah effort to impose new tax i onq pomtea 6 ] eeves distinguish es on wage earners, farmers and ^ hodiee and the skin was •: small business men. < i sylea with inserts of lac?. Her ' .^ . ) JeweLry v/as a single strand of pearls. She wore a fingertip veil H^Stf SCHOOL ALUMNI JUNE 3 held by a white satin, heacdress The Pinckney Alumni Assal i She carried a arm^ bouquet of will hold its annual Bangui,-white qladioluses tied with Sat. June 3 in the Pinckney hiah j streamers oi satin and step fech-oql, the sdhoo! will be open . hanotis. - ' A\ v;\ -ALL TOGETHER NOW- TH£ VOLUNTEER. FIRE DEPARTMENT DEVEtOPEP IN THE EARty DAYS OF OU*, COUNTRY BECAUSE, tN CASE OF FlftC, ONE MAN ALOHE STOOD SMALL CHANCE OF SAVING WIS PROPERTY — BUT A GROUP OF^TOWNSMEN WORJVNG TOGETHER- MADE AN Er FJCIENT ' PlRg-FI<SHTlW<5 TEAM.,, ,,.. ,, l, , ,. _ _ '-//'/ ^ji;lfi School Notes I Current Comment PINCKNEY LOST AT DEXTER ! ' Pinckney was defeated at Dex-J It does seem t W »k ,-, ter Jrnday night under lights .n pominick Atteo of New w, ^% 0t a close game 5 to 4. The qama was airtiqht uo to the 5th inn inq beinq tied at 1 to 1. Then Hewlett lost control and. walked 4 men which with Dextej 3 runs New York City oeen saved last nuont have ,^ 4 week. He operated a car wash iaq service and beinr, L ? * |o use water by the ci^? de , n with .2 hits gave [ &e shortage, started X H! t0 . Pinckney got a well, he had gotten down 2, <? the 6th on hits by Jeffreys when it caved m en him f? L and Schneider and tied the score'** leas were caught AnJi^Z the 7th nn n wrrlV n h,t u„ M I to dm him „,.• x_r™" Attempts run the 7th on a walk, a hit by M. Mattison and 2 Dexter errors, Curtis went in to pitch for Dex ter. HoweVer Dexter was not ta! be wer^J?stH 0l f i aiieCi; Cia ^ettes SSuVJF ° hlm and when *•* lighted • one an ex»plo^on took denied and Howard opened . ed down to him. Atreo was burn the last of the 7th with a hit and i e ^ badly. Finally alter 27 houri BCored on Gregory's outfield hit.| an o^her shaft was duq and a Pinckney qot 4 hits and Dexter; tunnel throuqh to him but he was 5. Hewlett ie:ui<?d 5 walks whik. dead whe n rescued. Such an ac- Howard only qave one. Pine'-: : tia^nt occured here some 27 ney made no errors while Dex j Years aqo, harry Utchenik from tor made 3. WNCKNEY OUR. HISTORY IS R.ICH IN EXA*',PLCS OF ACHIEVEMENT TWttOU^H VOLUNTARY COOPERATIVE EFFORT^P THE" AMERICA^ *PO iTyFOR. YOURSELF ^SPIRIT, ONE OF THE GREATEST or THESE IS THE PROTECTION WE HAVE BUILT UP POR, OUP- FAMILIES THROUGH LIFE IN$URANC6 -^ PROTECTION MAOe POSSIBLE ON& #£CAUSS M/LUONS OF US A&e SHAKING QUft JZ.ISKS ANO POOLING OUR, FUNDS* J. Mrofka, rf M. Mattison A. Mrofka. lb Jeffrey, 3b hebman, 2b Schrieider c Hewlett, p J. Mattison, cf Coy It, li Ware, If Totals DEXTER Cuaninqham, 2b Howard, lb, p K^Gregpry,- lb M^rogorV, 3b blanchard, ss Curtie, if p Haschle! If Eennett, cf Toma, c Totals Detioit bouqht the Nancy Beebe jtarm on Hinchey Rd. He went AB R H aowr. a duq well there to repqir 3 0 0 .it when it caved in on him. For 4 i 11 seveiai days trie attention of the 3 0 01 SJate oi Michiqan was focused 4 2 2 on this and huqe crowds qathsr 4 0 0! ed at the Beebe farm. A larqe 2 0 1 'stone kept the debus irom falling 2 0 1: pn him ana it was possible to 2 1 0 - lower food to him. The state poi 2 0 0 | ice and U. of M. enqineers took 1 0 0 charqo of. the job and after '3 27 3 5 1 Oays completed another shai A B R H ; ana tuneiiod over to the imprison 4 0 0 i ed man. He was gotten out alive. 4 2 2; Several attempts failed as the 3 1 1 ( qround repeatedly caved in 2 0 0 3 0 1 I Back nearly 30 years aqo aqit- 1 0 1 ,aticn for a St. Lawrence water- 3 0 Chway whareby ocean vessels 3 0 0 coula come to Detroit and Chic- 1 2 0 ago started. The late Senator 24 5 b Charles Townsend of Michigan OFrjiClAL STANDINGS [was one of the early bcosters.He i W 1. Pet. i has boon dead now for 25 years South .-Lyon 4 . \ -¾¾! o r m o r e - Beyond surveys etc. the Doxter Pinckney Briqhton fyJ.anch'-'Stor i-ii/ ^it (iO'irt IMeu * at 2tUU p. m. for renewinq V"« . » . .11 !_ OiU I In circuit court last week div . orcee were qranted to Mildred, (Church Notes PreceedLa^f the bride to th- trom Harold Scott and Maratha' St Mary's Catholic CLurcri Pinckney, Michigan REV. FR. ALBERT J. SCHM1TT 4 1 -^0 project today only exists on pap 3 3 .5 JO er. Conqress has aqain doomed 2 2 .500 it by sondinq the request for $800 0 6 .000 000,000 to start the work back,1o —^ committor.-.. To complete the pro- BERNARDINE BURNS ri&HT , ¾ ¾ dred ^^ <* ^ While on her way \o pick u p , , ;f ^ ronds (UQ tfog/measure as it would a prive m. I.,** Co teuiSt was ^ ¾ ¾ ^ ^ i £ S ^ ^ ¾ ¾ 1 ¾ ^ vol on lusli L^'t: friendship- dinner will be served airaf were iler sisters,!*^ Eileen from Harold Hams. 6:30 p. mjafter which will be al Scott, as maid of honcsr. and Mis.' Joseph Colquist < good progrcro dcmcinq to start ai R o ^ s ^ * , * bridesmaictThey wore.-defcralt Mgemen> aqaart •-Earl ^ V P ^ a V/ed 7'^^^tir^ 10:00 p. m. thru 1 a. m. | | e r ^ M qowns of siiqht blue mar Grandall for $4547.70 Th<^ Mc- -'SS^gSSSn* SSt" 7 ¾ ^ . m • Paid-reservations must be ini tho. q¥(, 3 eWfashioned with a fitted d e a r y Tire Co. one r gainst £^ e "»*f at ' ^ * y -^ P' m hands^pf the secreatry Mi dred b o d ^ s i ee ves ( and full skirt. Harr/Mutter for $3 2 6 2 . 6 0 ¾ ^ ^ ^ ° ^ b:00 " ^ , Ackley" Pinckney, Mich, no, a^ Their -headdresses ^'were of pmk the U. S. Rubber Co. one against f^ovs after Noveuna Devotior er than Thursday, May tz rnce carnations and they earned cas- him for $1.079 46 . $2.00 each person, bnnq your cad9 bouquels ci more carnaL .. Lec> ]vdQe cha rqed with beinq! CONGL'L. COM. CHURCH i w:ui jin-veiai boys who took out Rev, L-onaid D- brady. pastor Committee p l ^ ^ ^ , u - A ^ oar ^ mot ors from the Wilson l g^oir Practice , Wed Nights i-incknev Head. G. Reqpon P^res , The bridegroom who. is trw iSalys d Rental Service at Lakk ,; Orgauist & Choir Director her brother, Joe, who was work ma at the Louis Coyle farm about 5 p necessary. The he .opponents oi '* ^Xi t '".I"' « M T of considerable oi their bus E&7 S??i'^£2 & Al thr recent conaress.on Hd. n^ir. the R. K. El..ot! f-r-m ^ ^ P f ^ . ^ ' e d t Q j a k p a stand on the nqression nq the American Feder , Labor who control most * e railroad employees refus qaes< i Uon. GtEN KINGSLEY INJURED Bernarcin^ was - Ph-»son f.o."jn| 1. Ho\v: . | biv , ( is a sophnv.ro in Pinckriov highj school ana .nught-r oj^Mr. cm ; FrG ^ a ^ r Mr«. Rav Burns of the Howell. rree Pre:, proqrrjm of destroyinq potatoes , * ' •> keep the price up but like oth- ... Mrs. M.iwin Campbell SKlLLINtl CHAMIiONS 1^°^¾ 3 "^ reme f v to , ^ ep Sunday. 10:30 Church Service : Kenneth Lamb r,f the V-mDyko Pnr - o f potatoes^ from failing , n i £ * m \ Tuesday the" damage' suit of! Wednesday, 4:00 Junior Choir'school, Wayne county 13 years £' |U or ^ c per bushel. The tro burgey, also of P.ncknev. Guests £ ^ ¾ ^ % . v5S?ter Sybka-Practise. 7:30 Senior Cho.r pract old won the st„£ sp^ U n q ^ n m p [ : ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -' Vt' Sat ;n Detroit. Second place food then she can consume or ex groom, and rtobert Lassie; ^'u^^riZT'w"^ "u/Ti Church "^rvi^ ln-^n " ^ : ^ ^ . wmt to Donna DeVoe of th,, PQ,rL *<> ihn^w it all on the mark- Mildred Acklay; Sec j son of Mr. and : " s. Virqil Am- ' ^ * * ^ a ^ 7 ^ ^ : o„*u PiHar rmn't Sec I u^n,^ Di„-!,„«„ jt^u „ ^* ' Uieir.unq qot 9 months .o 15 yis Ruth Ritter, ass't Sec I burqey, Pinckney, Mich., was at , ... | tended by h's br^: ler, Hollis Am tin Sou>hern iMichiaan prison. Malcolm Binqay of the Detroit Mrs. Ray Burns of the Howell -**^e Prens pans the qovernment GLEN KiwuaLfii w™™'.L '. were seated by Newell Presley" , J Glenn Kinqslev of Chubbs C'*- T$<3shom bro Wm-law of the si f le ^ r as badlx. m^SL}Sl^ b ' brid £ groom, and Robert Lassie; ii n ^ Howell. Mrs MOTHER * D A U ? HTOT D ,SI br« Amburqey, v/cre a white figured wn and white ace The Pinckney Kinge ^ ¾ ^ lowers were also pi sponsored a Mother & ^qhter ti S£mi«t last nite attended . by banquet last nite motions. about 300. Mrs. Eloyse Campbeli A introduced Mrs. B. White toast- chu; A reception was held in ch parlors after the Decorctnq the was a weddinq cake anc for recreation and thou , cate". The w : . ^ „™^- -^.-^ cn mo n regular epidemic. The price support program, al- bioctionable has pre- any of these thinqs from 4 i, camnq with streamers & hanqers ~" T . . . , - - -,- me ,of blue and silver, the class -n Farm proqram to be led by| Tha Livinqston county _ cere i^i^r^ John Burg. There wilt be rousinq | Afdycr? Sharpe, Cody ^cnanM . D.J« lo their ability to produce bride'.s ! colore 3 1 The qrand march was led b^ sinqinq. Katherme Richards, Bnqhi^n anri' m&rc ^^ than CQn ^ consum . pfnl Miller responded. The w in-powers. | t d his Mend Mar ;i vn ciar;< Rene MUi©r respwi^ comedy- Mr. and Mrs. Amburqey plan T , H , ] nr \r^ n orchesi— c tTThThoS^d qSert^ werl'to Uve in St. Clair. ' lhe Hu * Jackion orChe ^ aqe. S^t^t^Moth^oSd to?. Sbtewa. a weddlna cake 0 , , ^ - ^ ^ - ^ ^ - ^ - " T J ^ 23rd Mee.ma of tho Prud! i^TBrikVFiemtaa were ehmi,, ^ lhe ' farmerB have had ^ tne icasi.. iw ** ,__, rpu ^ x n ,^.,flowers. i_ , __ J i.:_ ^ J »*...:!„.. r«u... ential Committee at the parson- ated early. . I strikes on them. Thev were al- -*—" ways in debt- and any measure . ] which would double price- and ^odu^ed""Mrs/Edith Peck was nFVTPIJ . c,^^, *,->*?>, \ There were the usual confettii 7:^0 Senior Choir practise, «:;• f fe the Finctcney HOII ^ ! f r^ cut their debts in two had the i r ^ ^ X ^ T ^ ^ V i o r rmrl Mrs. Bobt. _DEX1EH b-UnOUL &VAAU ) s howers and other events. „«=^w H - ...^^, ;M ^ , ,--- . 9 . l * in . e iJ i M" Thaver took pictures of tfie ool teachers. I week 4 to 1. The w.rm^r tea i; io puhcrm parties made them plen «!T*'- Ci thV'most dauqhters j tor tne new u*x:.« Agnculturali' dax ^ ers during the festivities. j Tnurs., 8:00 Teachers and offic 0 up IO the 7th when he scored Z jty o{ promises but S9 idom kept Haines ^ ^ ^ S o ^ S M r s . Ischool board. There ate U0n vot-j acmcers aunngjne_xesu , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^^P ^ ^^ qot L ^ [thrm In {he M dayg fh ^ ^^ K^ESSf Swarthours family and Mrs 1 ers in the district _ ^ _ • ^-^5; SHOWS WILL BE 'the parsonaqe. Important plann Batteries: leffreys, Twitch- w u **TL .. , TT 11 ^. M «^ «ro Thr; winners we 'Ann Arbor furnished trie m u s i c Wed., 4:00 Junior Choir mcctis;! SOFT BALL LE £GUE 'There were the usual confetti! 7:30 Senior Choir practise.. 8:f I In the Pinckney son rxui __. „_.. mit .„„ „ ^ .„,.„ meeting of Vacation Bible Sch-; que Jeffreys boat bhenan inoi c; Uppor t. Bolh Democratg and Re- 1 < ^ , . . 1 T l ... nnor e r ( / IO , i: »• _ 1 . i . _ 1 eur for the new Dax'^r schc ers n sent ItoV'Peck's dauqhter came C^e The winners were as lollow.5:« STARTED MAY 27th inq for summer. Shehan, Amburqey and Carr. the Dinke; ported tho Greenback party, tho Pop j list party, the Free- Silver , Wednesday nite tne urn**' party, all of which souqht to dou CAVALRY MENWONITE 'team took a loosely played qam^, ble pricen . when these failed w Rev. teJc rteasny, rt3iur 'from Reader 23 to 7 - Home runi^^^y souqri t to deliver their vote Kf^nateUTtalent show put on 467, Neil Nixon 458. l wiU"be^howii W by"'5e'"Fireman Morning Wfflhlp ^. 10:00 were hit by Bob D;rrow 2^ jo? t tho p^y which promised wf^^deeTresulted in the Two year Term: Munms^Kenny ^ the pinckn9y F [ re Department Sunda7s«*ooi 11:00 Lavey- Don Ambu-fev, ar.a Bul| lh9m ihe moSt . But these prom- OSSL ^ward^lst. to Delia 405, Jack^ Bradbury 330, Gladys , their w equipment., an.; ! Childr«'lH«sT 11:45 Enqquist and M. Mnttison.^____ ise s were not kept. Then the de Indiana* \-z.\ x n~\ p^^o.io^d vicinity are sponsoring the i Tnree year term: Carl ^ ^ , , ^ Free Shows whicn iollowing awards Davis, boggie to Ann Shirley the 3 Miller Sisters, __. ara and Mariory. Susan Camp-' test. Mrs. Gladys Younq'PteplM M#eHna » 7:30 Batteries.. Dmkel Evening Worship 8:15 Reader: Jack lehr Supt — .—.... doscoe Darrow STANDINGS Ass't Supt Marvin Shirev I Dinkel )f es & Carr; press ion hit with its huqe crop SSSffMisanaas didiDr. James Davis U. of M. prefect , - ¾ ^ ££"£ these pictures wlU ., ;... .. 8 :(J0 P.M.! Shehan Deu^anq Joan W*»A*«** »— .^n.^ > —,«^ Q oYtPTisvp camoaian in IIKiTVwBC'. Cecilie Hurtubise or made extensive campaiqn n ^ " HonevrriOC , n Lod a9 ' a cam Cottaqe IVayw Meetinqs . vVed-! Jeffreys i^Barbara Haixres. Donnale ''^ ' - ^ ^ S i . ^ drama, .tarring tho «ror | 8-nOi.M. -Reader ^artiiout and Agatha Henr ^ £ ^ ul,'^~™\ Popular and lovable Ozzie a to danced r* m l' ^ e r h ^ k C ?^T r I H a n ^ i Neison. A good pictur ^The^iations featuring •-« ^A BmdLurv. Lima farmer. | evor j g ()0 i . M. ;1 1 . -»eriwiv. * ~ « - — -- : •- -- nairi<ii JNei^on. A quoa ^«-IUJ> ihe{ Jack BradLurv. Lima farmer. \. ^ r ^ are {o see . It ^ b , i WIN 3 TO 2 i Schneider surp i USFOS nnc j j o w prices but Won -Lost Pcti^ip^jj,,^ the wos tern farmers did 2 0 -10^1 something nbout it. Wh^n an 1 0 ' ^ aftem P f w ' !5 made to forcfose on * 1 0 "^Xilfarmrrs who couldn't meet theii 1 2 .Joo obligations, their neighbors got r ««>^ITC ' out r '^ os anQl sn °tauns and kept TIC-COUNTY LEAGUE ]the G ffi cors from dispossessing day wore sjinbonnet dolls. jnen served. Thel The Detroit rJdison tree trimm-, 27 X950. shown on Sat'irday night, May In a game strapped by dark- i The TriiCounty base J^^J^ 1 , him or staged a 10c auction.This ling gang cut down the two big, These shoW8 wjll be h(?ld - on VtotheM Dav guests of Mr.andf poplar trees on the sguape ta.j- wch consecrative Sat. night foi:- W^KrlCook were Mr. and wec-k and George Webb is work QW[ that { the 27ih; ^^ h SS' S t o Meyer dE Ann Arbor ing them up into wood. This a ft^arl&to Bishop of. about nds mesguare ofpoplars h turnout and back ou. town proiect Only wit) a^iTiW Lvon 'Pinckney in the oid days waj yourco -operation will it be a sue JL^iriiSrin Melvin White is re-'partial to these-trees1 and most ot > C95S ^ and an enjoyable eveninc JLS^TMS^rn^PP«ntic oper-.them were set out 30 or 40 vea» !or the w M o ^ ^ . coyenna_rrom ori^aw'-/^^ ^ ^ . u~;~„ s^ntii Caroline pop, Xr^A^orThospTtal in Roriago. being South Choline po^ ^^c^^<^oVisited him :1cm purchased of James .While Sat)6rday n«<- Thursday nigiht Pmckney crue had a meeting at btocKDna-] may baye j ^ ^ anarc h v but it pdaed out th^ Chevrolet Motors qe last Wed night and macK made ^ ^ ^^ the nat i on took r\ Howell 3 to 2. Howell scored p i ans to put an 8 team ieaaue ^ noticf) of them. They flocked to 2 tt r first inninq on 2 hits and I operation, the first game to DP Franklin Rosevelt and his price a wall*. Pinckney pot 3 the third May 28 T^e l e a g u e ^ made up | support programjin 19* and in rr, 7 hits an error, and n walk. 1 two Webberville teams, rcwier , 1948 their suppOTt meant victory WilHamston, M^ison, Stocic for Harry 7^,,¾^ j t took cf ceil Bc'teries' Pinckney - Amburgey ( ville, T»"i»v~— r -- .-^. ..v*». T -.^.-^.,. -. ~^— >. w^^. jnd Roader; Chevrolet - Guy 6 bridge, Chelsea. ™«noY. Ann, tury |Q jj^^ i t i n t tri e heads ol yv n »fi iArb->r and Lansing C. 1 <->. mav tbe p^^Q that if the fanner pro nlso enter and Saline. G^? ro £, spered the rest of the nation pio- , Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rouch on ,^^ ., then in the nursery business. Dexier-Pinckncy Rd. spent the* ^ 1?iSu* Doyle has purchased.They were a fast growing tree- -, w ^,v ^ H•lit'ng th^r children[They_gre not from the same fam- *urioSf and oarage of «»» Matblbt* as septic tanks etc. were in ^ ^^ families in Detroit, Roy- <!y. fr~^.. BoTbrrra MiHer: Vice SS i ^ ^ o n - S HowelLSL, iust stalled became a nuisanca and al {Jak and Femdale who show Pres., Shirley- MUlet ^ wmewro^ , ^ ^ thg^^ave been remov ered ^^ Roush with Mothers ' Miller; Treas., Srily Miller at asx »*••-» *sjd. " ^ • day gifts and caxcto. STRICTLY MILLER ; Aschenbrenner represented Pmcic ( The Lakeland Teor^rs .King3. ne y at the meeting. Daughters elected all Millers to.j : "" %*;. a i Miss Horence Tupper, Miss _^ ^ Ina Robinson, Miss Neva Hewmj cing pupils of 3 otty Scorille wUI uak and Femdale who show Pres., Shirley- Millet: S^c., Julia' and Mrs. Florence Armstrong 01 ^ ^ gchedulsjd. on May 2& at, " - - - - - ^ -- Flmt W^W Hiickney callers Sun. 7:0< ^ ^ spered likewise. ANNOUCEMENT The dress rehearsel of the dan "n'vr?#m VI A ,&:: ^i> v "-v ¢--¾. >S' ;• * & ''*&' ^ Mi •W*' ,?.' lt/ "i*S- * v ^ ^ ^K-'I ••••'''*** •*». i>*;vji(r:i &i.u: L-V^te./a^aaii '-•v--'.^ f^'^ ^
Page 1: Michigan Mirror | Happening* I 6UR DEMOCRAC by Mat Y ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1950-05-17.pdf · 3 0 Chway whareby ocean vessels ... ma at the Louis Coyle farm about 5

mw*< T W

i V;. •'".- ''?.' • • < • • . ^

Volume 67 Ths Pinckney Dispatch Wednesday, May 17, 1950 No. I I

Michigan Mirror | *<»** Happening* I 6 U R DEMOCRACY by Mat , , . White snapdragons a n d A hard hitting political cam | branch candlelight flanked thel

pcdqn for HJ50 for Michigan is in .al tar in St. Peters Evangelica: I prospect Gov. Williams surpris- [Lutheran church. S. Clair, at 4:30 ed but few when he accused the) o'clock Saturday afternoon when Republican legislators of being | M i S 3 Audrey Arm Scott became! controlled by Big Business at the . th9 bride of Beryl Amburqey. C. L O. Convention where he

Rev. G. W. Lens, pastor of the church, performed the ceremony before some 200 guests.

Th*? bride, who is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H a n b y Scctt, St. Clair, was given in marriaqe by,1

her father. She wore a white!

spoke last. week. He charged special interests fcaye been served and the -pea pie neglected by Republican do ruination at Lansing. He-cigssed the legislature a s a do-nothing one. He criticized their failure to enact a fair employment law, tc« correct inequalities in the unem­ployment compensation law. fail­ure to act on public housing and their qranting public utilities high)

• er rates. Also their failure -to baj ; ancew)he budget by not enaciing j a corp. profit* tax. j

The Republicans claim th . l spatial session w a s about 30 perj cent window dressing for the gov j ernors campaign as the tfepubiil

£an party could fce counted on tc ' oppoce any business tax. They did lust that. August Scholie, president c~ the C. I. O. charged the newspap ers of Michigan are being control leer: by big advertisers. All • this sets the stage for a red hot name | callina campaign.

The Republicans will be at a elight disadvantage as they will have no nominee for governor until the Sep t primary. The legis-

' lature will speak for them and they are not all in agreement.-

The campaign will be founght on *the Rich vs Poor issue. State G. O. P". Chiarman Clear-y calls/ the Governors program one of inj tellectual dishonest. The qovern i or says he has blocked the Rep j a o w n 0f s a t i n a n d crHcxntillv l a c a i . Ublicah effort to impose new tax ionq p o m t e a 6]eeves distinguish es on wage earners, farmers and ^ hodiee and the skin was •: small business men. < i sylea with inserts of lac?. Her '

. ^ . ) JeweLry v/as a single strand of 7 ¾ pearls. She wore a fingertip veil

H^Stf SCHOOL ALUMNI JUNE 3 held by a white satin, heacdress The Pinckney Alumni Assal i She carried a arm^ bouquet of

will hold its annual Bangui , -whi te qladioluses tied w i t h Sat. June 3 in the Pinckney hiah j streamers oi satin and step fech-oql, the sdhoo! will b e o p e n . hanotis. • - '

A\ v;\





' PlRg-FI<SHTlW<5 TEAM.,, ,,.. ,, l, , ,. _ _ '-//'/ ^ji;lfi

School Notes I Current Comment PINCKNEY LOST AT DEXTER ! '

Pinckney was defeated at Dex-J It does seem t W »k ,-, ter Jrnday night under lights .n pominick Atteo of New w, ^% 0t

a close game 5 to 4. The qama was airtiqht uo to the 5th inn inq beinq tied at 1 to 1. Then Hewlett lost control and . walked 4 men which with Dextej 3 runs

New York City oeen saved last nuont have , ^ 4

week. He operated a car wash iaq service and beinr, L ? * |o use water by the c i ^ ? d e , n

with .2 hits gave [ &e shortage, started X H! t 0

. Pinckney got a well, h e had gotten down 2 , <? the 6th on hits by Jeffreys when it caved m en him f? L

and Schneider and tied the s c o r e ' * * leas were caught AnJi^Z the 7th nn n wrrlV n h,t u„ M I to dm him „,.• x_r™" Attempts


the 7th on a walk, a hit by M. Mattison and 2 Dexter errors, Curtis went in to pitch for Dex ter. HoweVer Dexter was not ta! be

w e r ^ J ? s t H 0 l f i a i i e C i ; C i a ^ e t t e s SSuVJF ° h l m and when *•* lighted • one an ex»plo^on took

denied and Howard opened . ed down to him. Atreo was burn the last of the 7th with a hit and i e ^ badly. Finally alter 27 houri BCored on Gregory's outfield hi t . | a no^her shaft was duq and

a Pinckney qot 4 hits and Dexter; tunnel throuqh to him but he was 5. Hewlett ie:ui<?d 5 walks whik. dead whe n rescued. Such an ac-Howard only qave one. Pine'-:: tia^nt occured here some 27 ney made no errors while Dex j Years aqo, har ry Utchenik from tor made 3.



J. Mrofka, rf M. Mattison A. Mrofka. lb Jeffrey, 3b hebman, 2b Schrieider c Hewlett, p J. Mattison, cf Coy It, li Ware, If

Totals DEXTER Cuaninqham, 2b Howard, lb, p K^Gregpry,- lb M^rogo rV , 3b blanchard, ss Curtie, if p Haschle! If Eennett, cf Toma, c


Detioit bouqht the Nancy Beebe jtarm on Hinchey Rd. He went

AB R H aowr. a duq well there to repqir 3 0 0 .it when it caved in on him. For 4 i 11 seveiai days trie attention of the 3 0 01 SJate oi Michiqan was focused 4 2 2 on this and huqe crowds qathsr 4 0 0! ed at the Beebe farm. A larqe 2 0 1 'stone kept the debus irom falling 2 0 1: pn him ana it was possible to 2 1 0 - lower food to him. The state poi 2 0 0 | ice and U. of M. enqineers took 1 0 0 charqo of. the job and after ' 3

27 3 5 1 Oays completed another sha i A B R H ; ana tuneiiod over to the imprison 4 0 0 i ed man. He was gotten out alive. 4 2 2; Several attempts failed as the 3 1 1 ( qround repeatedly caved in 2 0 0 3 0 1 I Back nearly 30 years aqo aqit-1 0 1 ,aticn for a St. Lawrence water-3 0 Chway whareby ocean vessels 3 0 0 coula come to Detroit and Chic-1 2 0 • ago started. The late Senator

24 5 b Charles Townsend of Michigan OFrjiClAL STANDINGS [was one of the early bcosters.He

i W 1. Pet. i has boon dead now for 25 years South .-Lyon 4. \ -¾¾! o r m o r e - Beyond surveys etc. the Doxter Pinckney Briqhton fyJ.anch'-'Stor

i-ii/ ^it (iO'irt IMeu *

at 2tUU p. m. for renewinq V " « . » . . 1 1 !_

O i U I

In circuit court last week div . orcee were qranted to Mildred,

(Church Notes PreceedLa^f the bride to th- trom Harold Scott and Maratha '

S t Mary's Catholic CLurcri Pinckney, Michigan


4 1 - ^ 0 • project today only exists on pap 3 3 .5 JO er. Conqress has aqain doomed 2 2 .500 it by sondinq the request for $800 0 6 .000 000,000 to start the work back,1o

—^ committor.-.. To complete the pro-

BERNARDINE BURNS ri&HT , ¾ ¾ d r e d ^ ^ <* ^ While on her way \o pick u p , , ; f ^ r o n d s (UQ

tfog/measure as it would a prive

m. I . , * * C o t e u i S t was ^ ¾ ¾ ^ ^ i £ S ^ ^ ¾ ¾ 1 ¾ ^

vol on lusl i L^'t:

friendship- dinner will be served a i r a f w e r e i l e r s i s t e r s , !*^ Eileen from Harold Hams. 6:30 p. mjafter which will be al Scott, as maid of honcsr. and Mis. ' Joseph Colquist < good progrcro dcmcinq to start ai R o ^ s ^ * , * bridesmaictThey wore.-defcralt Mgemen> aqaart •-Earl ^ V P ^ a V/ed 7 ' ^ ^ ^ t i r ^ 10:00 p. m. thru 1 a. m. | | e r ^ M qowns of siiqht blue mar Grandall for $4547.70 Th< Mc- -'SS^gSSSn* SSt" 7 ¾ ^ . m • Paid-reservations must be ini tho. q¥(,3eWfashioned with a fitted d e a r y Tire Co. one r gainst £ ^ e " » * f a t ' ^ * y - ^ P ' m

hands^pf the secreatry Mi dred b o d ^ s i e e v e s ( a n d full skirt. H a r r / M u t t e r for $3 2 6 2 . 6 0 ¾ ^ ^ ^ ° ^ b : 0 0 " ^ , Ackley" Pinckney, Mich, no, a^ T h e i r -headdresses ^'were of pmk the U. S. Rubber Co. one against f ^ o v s after Noveuna Devotior er than Thursday, May tz r n c e carnations and they earned cas- him for $1.079 46 . $2.00 each person, bnnq your c a d 9 b o u q u e l s c i m o r e c a r n a L . . Lec> ]vdQe c h a r q e d with beinq! CONGL'L. COM. CHURCH

i w:ui jin-veiai boys who took out Rev, L-onaid D- brady. pastor Committee p l ^ ^ ^ , u - A o a r ^ m o t o r s from the Wilson l g^oir Practice , Wed Nights i-incknev Head.

G. Reqpon P res , The bridegroom w h o . is t r w i S a l y s d R e n t a l S e r v i c e a t L a k k , ; Orgauist & Choir Director

her brother, Joe, who was work ma at the Louis Coyle farm about 5 p

necessary. The he .opponents oi

' * ^ X i t '".I"' « M T of considerable oi their bus E & 7 S ? ? i ' ^ £ 2 & Al thr recent conaress.on

Hd. n^i r . the R. K. El..ot! f-r-m ^ ^ P f ^ . ^ ' e d t Q j a k p a stand on the

nqression nq the American Feder , Labor who control most *

e railroad employees refus qaes<

i Uon.


Bernarcin^ was • -Ph-»son f.o."jn| 1. Ho\v: . | biv , (

is a sophnv.ro in Pinckriov highj school ana .nught-r oj^Mr. cm; F r G ^ a ^ r

Mr«. Rav Burns of the Howell. rree Pre:, proqrrjm of destroyinq potatoes

— , *'•> keep the price up but like oth-. . . Mrs. M.iwin Campbel l SKlLLINtl CHAMIiONS 1 ^ ° ^ ¾ 3 "^ r e m e f v to, ^ e p

Sunday. 10:30 Church Service : Kenneth Lamb r,f the V-mDyko Pnr - o f potatoes^ from failing , n i £ *m\ Tuesday the" d a m a g e ' suit of! Wednesday, 4:00 Junior Choir'school, Wayne county 13 years £' |U or ^ c per bushel. The tro

burgey, also of P.ncknev. Guests £ ^ ¾ ^ % . v5S?ter Sybka-Practise. 7:30 Senior Cho.r pract old won the s t„£ sp^ U n q ^ n m p [ : ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ -' Vt' Sat ;n Detroit. Second place food then she can consume or ex

groom, and rtobert Lassie; ^ ' u ^ ^ r i Z T ' w " ^ "u/Ti Church " ^ r v i ^ ln-^n " ^ : ^ ^ . wmt to Donna DeVoe of th,, PQ,rL *<> ihn^w it all on the mark-

Mildred Acklay; Sec j son of Mr. and : " s. Virqil Am- ' ^ * * ^ a ^ 7 ^ ^ : o„*u PiHar rmn't Sec I u^n,^ Di„-!,„«„ jt^u „ ^* ' Uieir.unq qot 9 months .o 15 yis Ruth Ritter, ass't Sec I burqey, Pinckney, Mich., was at

, ... | tended by h 's br^: ler, Hollis Am tin Sou>hern iMichiaan prison.

Malcolm Binqay of the Detroit Mrs. Ray Burns of the Howell -**^e Prens pans the qovernment

GLEN KiwuaLfii w™™'.L '. were seated by Newell Presley" , J Glenn Kinqslev of Chubbs C'*- T$<3shom b r o W m - l a w of the sifle^ r a s badlx. m ^ S L } S l ^ b ' brid£groom, and Robert Lassie; i i n ^

Howell. Mrs


Amburqey, v/cre a white figured

wn and white ace The Pinckney Kinge ^ ¾ ^ lowers were also pi

sponsored a Mother & ^ q h t e r ti — S £ m i « t last nite attended . by banquet last nite motions. about 300. Mrs. Eloyse Campbeli A introduced Mrs. B. White toast- chu;

A reception was held in ch parlors after the

Decorctnq the was a weddinq cake anc

for recreation and thou , cate". The w : . ^ „ ™ ^ - - ^ . - ^ c n m o n regular epidemic. The price support program, al-

bioctionable has pre-any of these thinqs from

4i, • camnq with streamers & hanqers ~" T . — . . , - - - , -m e , o f blue and silver, the class - n Farm proqram to be led b y | Tha Livinqston county _

c e r e i ^ i ^ r ^ John Burg. There wilt be rousinq | Afdycr? Sharpe, Cody ^cnanM . D.J« lo their ability to produce bride'.s ! colore 3 1 The qrand march was led b ^ sinqinq. Katherme Richards, Bnqhi^n a n r i ' m & r c ^ ^ t h a n C Q n ^ c o n s u m .

p f n l Miller responded. The w in-powers . | t d h i s M e n d M a r ; i v n ciar;< Rene MUi©r respwi^ comedy- Mr. • and Mrs. Amburqey plan T , H , ]nr\r^n orchesi— c t T T h T h o S ^ d q S e r t ^ w e r l ' t o Uve in St. Clair. ' l h e H u * J a c k i o n o r C h e ^


S ^ t ^ t ^ M o t h ^ o S d to?. S b t e w a . a weddlna cake 0 , , ^ - ^ ^ - ^ ^ - ^ - " T J ^ 23rd Mee.ma of tho Prud! i ^ T B r i k V F i e m t a a were e h m i , , ^ l h e ' f a r m e r B h a v e h a d ^ tne icasi.. iw ** ,__, r p u^ xn,^.,flowers. i_ , __ J i.:_ ^ — J »*...:!„.. r«u... ential Committee at the parson- ated early. . I strikes on them. Thev were al-

-*—" ways in debt- and any measure . ] which would double price- and

^ o d u ^ e d " " M r s / E d i t h Peck was n F V T P I J . c , ^ ^ , *,->*?>, \ There were the usual confettii 7:^0 Senior Choir practise, «:;• f fe the Finctcney HOII ^ !fr^ cut their debts in two had the i r ^ ^ X ^ T ^ ^ V i o r rmrl Mrs. Bobt. _DEX1EH b-UnOUL &VAAU ) showers and other events. „«=^wH - . . . ^ ^ , ; M ^ , , - - - . 9 .

l* i n . e i J i M" Thaver took pictures of tfie ool teachers. I week 4 to 1. The w.rm^r tea i; io puhcrm parties made them plen « !T* ' - C i thV'most dauqhters j tor tne new u*x:.« Agnculturali' d a x ^ e r s during the festivities. j Tnurs., 8:00 Teachers and offic 0 up IO the 7th when he scored Z j t y o { p r o m i s e s b u t S9idom kept Haines ^ ^ ^ S o ^ S M r s . Ischool board. There a t e U0n vot-j a c m c e r s aunngjne_xesu , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ P ^ ^ ^ q o t L ^ [ t h r m I n { h e M d a y g f h ^ ^ ^

K ^ E S S f Swarthours family and Mrs1 ers in the district _ ^ _ • ^ - ^ 5 ; SHOWS WILL BE 'the parsonaqe. Important plann Batteries: leffreys, Twitch-w u **TL .. , TT 11 ^.M«^ «ro Thr; winners we

'Ann Arbor furnished trie m u s i c Wed., 4:00 Junior Choir mcct is ; ! SOFT BALL L E £GUE 'The re were the usual confetti! 7:30 Senior Choir practise.. 8:f I In the Pinckney son rxui __. „_. . „ mit . „ „ „ ^ .„,.„

meeting of Vacation Bible Sch-; que Jeffreys boat bhenan inoi • c;Upport. Bolh Democratg and Re-1 < , . . 1 T l . . . n n o r e r ( / I O , i : »• _ 1 . i . _ 1


for the new Dax'^r schc ers

n sent I t oV 'Peck ' s dauqhter came C^e

The winners were a s lollow.5:« STARTED MAY 27th inq for summer. Shehan, Amburqey and Carr. the Dinke;

ported tho Greenback party, tho Pop j list party, the Free- Silver

, Wednesday nite tne urn**' party, all of which souqht to dou CAVALRY MENWONITE ' t e a m took a loosely played q a m ^ , b l e p r i c e n . w h e n these failed

w Rev. teJc rteasny, rt3iur 'from Reader 23 to 7- Home run i^^^y s o u q r i t to deliver their vote K f ^ n a t e U T t a l e n t show put on 467, Neil Nixon 458. l wiU"be^howi i W by" '5e ' "F i reman Morning Wfflhlp ^ . 10:00 were hit by Bob D;rrow 2 jo? t t h o p ^ y which promised

w f ^ ^ d e e T r e s u l t e d in the Two year Term: Munms^Kenny ^ t h e p i n c k n 9 y F [ r e Department S u n d a 7 s « * o o i „ 11:00 Lavey- Don Ambu-fev, ar.a B u l | l h 9 m i h e m o S t . But these prom-OSSL ^ w a r d ^ l s t . to Delia 405, Jack^ Bradbury 330, Gladys , t h e i r w equipment., an.; ! Ch i ld r« ' lH«sT 11:45 Enqquist and M. Mnttison.^____ i s e s were not kept. Then the de

Indiana* \-z.\ x n~\ p^^o. io^d vicinity are sponsoring the i Tnree year term: Carl ^ ^ , , ^ Free Shows whicn

iollowing awards Davis, boggie to Ann Shirley the 3 Miller Sisters, __. ara and Mariory. Susan Camp-' test. Mrs. Gladys

Younq 'PteplM M#eHna » 7:30 Batteries.. Dmkel Evening Worship — 8:15 Reader: Jack lehr Supt — .—.... doscoe Darrow STANDINGS Ass't Supt Marvin Shirev I Dinkel

)f es & Carr; press ion hit with its huqe crop

S S S f f M i s a n a a s didiDr. James Davis U. of M. prefect , - ¾ ^ ££"£ t h e s e p i c t u r e s w l U . , ; . . . ..8:(J0 P . M . ! Shehan Deu^anq Joan W*»A*«** »— .^n.^ > —,«^Q oYtPTisvp camoaian in I I K i T V w B C ' . Cecilie Hurtubise or made extensive campaiqn n ^ " H o n e v r r i O C , n Lod a 9 ' a cam Cottaqe IVayw Meetinqs . vVed-! Jeffreys i ^ B a r b a r a Haixres. Donnale ' ' ^ ' - ^ ^ S i . ^ drama, .tarring tho «ror | 8 -nOi .M. -Reader ^ a r t i i o u t and Agatha Henr ^ £ ^ u l , ' ^ ~ ™ \ Popular and lovable Ozzie a to danced r*ml' ^ e r h ^ k C?^Tr I H a n ^ i Neison. A good pictur ^ T h e ^ i a t i o n s featuring • - « ^A BmdLurv. Lima farmer. |

evor j g ()0 i . M. ;11 .

-»eriwiv. * ~ « - — - - : • - - - nair i< i i JNei^on. A q u o a ^«-IUJ>

ihe{ Jack BradLurv. Lima farmer. \. ^ r^ a r e {o s e e . I t ^ b , i WIN 3 TO 2

i Schneider s u r p i U S F O S n n c j j o w prices but Won -Lost Pc t i ^ ip^ j j , , ^ t h e w o s t e rn farmers did

2 0 -10^1 something nbout it. Wh^n an 1 0 ' ^ a f t e m P f w ' ! 5 made to forcfose on

* 1 0 "^Xilfarmrrs who couldn't meet theii 1 2 .Joo obligations, their neighbors got

r « « > ^ I T C ' o u t r ' ^ o s a n Q l s n ° t a u n s and kept

TIC-COUNTY LEAGUE ] t h e Gffic o r s from dispossessing

day wore sjinbonnet dolls. jnen served.

Thel The Detroit rJdison tree trimm-, 2 7 X950.

shown on Sat'irday night, May In a game strapped by dark- i The TriiCounty base J^^J^1, him or staged a 10c auction.This

l ing gang cut down the two big, T h e s e s h o W 8 w j l l b e h(?ld- o n

VtotheM Dav guests of Mr.andf poplar trees on the sguape ta.j- w c h consecrative Sat. night foi:-W ^ K r l C o o k were Mr. and wec-k and George Webb is work QW[ t h a t { t h e 2 7 i h ; ^ ^ h S S ' S t o Meyer dE Ann Arbor ing them up into wood. This a ft^arl&to Bishop of. about nds mesguare ofpoplars h

turnout and back ou. town proiect Only wit)

a iTiW Lvon 'Pinckney in the oid days wa j y o u r c o - o p e r a t i o n will it be a sue JL^ir i iSr in Melvin White is re-'partial to these-trees1 and most ot >C95S^ a n d a n enjoyable eveninc

J L S ^ T M S ^ r n ^ P P « n t i c oper-.them were set out 30 or 40 v e a » ! o r t h e w M o ^ ^ . coyenna_rrom o r i ^ a w ' - / ^ ^ ^ ^ . u~;~„ s^ntii Caroline pop , X r ^ A ^ o r T h o s p T t a l in R o r i a g o . being South Cho l ine po^ ^ ^ c ^ ^ < ^ o V i s i t e d him :1cm purchased of James .While Sat)6rday

n«<- Thursday nigiht Pmckney crue had a meeting at btocKDna-] m a y b a y e j ^ ^ a n a r c h v but it pdaed out th^ Chevrolet Motors q e last W e d night and macK m a d e ^ ^ ^ ^ t h e n a t i o n took r\ Howell 3 to 2. Howell scored p i a n s to put an 8 team i e a a u e ^ noticf) of them. They flocked to 2 tt r first inninq on 2 hits and I operation, the first game to DP Franklin Rosevelt and his price a wall*. Pinckney pot 3 the third May 28 T^e l e a g u e ^ made up | support programjin 1 9 * and in rr, 7 hits an error, and n walk. 1 two Webberville teams, rcwier , 1 9 4 8 t h e i r s u p p O T t meant victory

WilHamston, M^ison, Stocic f o r H a r r y 7 ^ , , ¾ ^ j t took cf ceil Bc'teries' Pinckney - Amburgey ( ville, T»"i»v~— r - - . - ^ . ..v*».T - .^ .-^. , . -. ~^— >. w^^. jnd Roader; Chevrolet - Guy 6 bridge, Chelsea. ™ « n o Y . A n n , t u r y | Q j j ^ ^ i t i n t t r i e heads ol yvn»fi iArb->r and Lansing C. 1 <->. m a v t b e p^^Q that if the fanner pro

nlso enter and Saline. G^? r o £ , spered the rest of the nation pio-

, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rouch on , ^ ^ ., then in the nursery business. Dexier-Pinckncy Rd. spent the* ^ 1?iSu* Doyle h a s purchased.They were a fast growing tree- -,w^,v ^ H•lit'ng t h ^ r children[They_gre not from the same fam-

*urioSf and oarage of « » » Matblbt* a s septic tanks etc. were in ^ ^ ^ families in Detroit, Roy- <!y. fr~^.. BoTbrrra MiHer: Vice S S i ^ ^ o n - S HowelLSL, iust stalled became a nuisanca and a l {Jak and Femdale who show Pres., Shirley- MUlet ^ w m e w r o ^ , ^ ^ t h g ^ ^ a v e been remov e r e d ^ ^ R o u s h with Mothers ' Miller; Treas., S r i l y Miller

at asx »*••-» *sjd. " ^ • day gifts and caxcto.

STRICTLY MILLER ; Aschenbrenner represented Pmcic (

The Lakeland Teor^rs .King3. n ey at the meeting. Daughters elected all Millers to.j : "" %*;.ai

Miss Horence Tupper, Miss _ ^ ^ Ina Robinson, Miss Neva H e w m j c i n g p u p i l s of 3 o t t y Scorille wUI

u a k and Femdale who show Pres., Shirley- Millet: S^c., Julia' and Mrs. Florence Armstrong 01 ^ ^ gchedulsjd. on May 2& at, " - - • - - • • - ^ - - Flmt W^W Hiickney callers Sun. 7 : 0 < ^ ^

spered likewise.

ANNOUCEMENT The dress rehearsel of the dan





^ i >


¢--¾. >S' ; • * &

''*&' ^


•W*' , ? . ' l t / "i*S- • * v ^ ^ ^ K - ' I • • • • ' ' ' * * * •*».

i > * ;v j i ( r : i &i.u: L-V^te./a^aaii

' - • v - - ' . ^

f ^ ' ^ ^

Page 2: Michigan Mirror | Happening* I 6UR DEMOCRAC by Mat Y ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1950-05-17.pdf · 3 0 Chway whareby ocean vessels ... ma at the Louis Coyle farm about 5

-T 7 ^


A — W M W 11 liM

; • > * , '



: : C . ^ ; • • *


Bowel] Theater Howefl, MkhiGtcm ^ ^ ^ ° ^ ^ t o n»* a fish ha

had cxxuqht Ebdon C. S B S £ 76 . of New Hudson fell <n*« ~ t i I . a n d ^ ^ ° ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ * » W " » * ««r II 1,..,, Brighton Township.. a r u l m -" Gregory P ^ J t

^ 1 ¾ ^ ¾ b a . e "TWELVE VCLOCK HIGH davs lets* w^Jt. TLqainf8 i 2 * t w o I . _ with



VAJM iii£ATJ C M M O . Mich,

Frt••# Sat.., May 19. 20


Roy Acuff Cartoon ''Bowery Bees Their only los l 3 ¾ ^ ¾ < ' " " " "" 1 W ° =

^ ^ ° ff

t ? e x , e r h a s b e e n - •/ Station postoffice in Ann Ar - 3r. He has been W,'MT \ i f 5 ^ 1

27 vprrre « ^ J * ? ^ A W1m the dent

-The DexW r v ^

The fc% M o . * * , B o „ | fc £ ^ 3 * * « * •»


Johnny WelssmuHer a s Jungle Jim


'T* I f\ • I

^ • c ^ M f ? ! ? * » « £ poll Humphrey S o w r t E W tatarl "CHRISTOPHER ' COLUMBUS


Dennis O'Keefe, j a n e Russell an<J Ruth Warwick, Charlotte Green]

Wood Musical Western "Girl from Gun]

^K Wed , Thur . Ma? 24 . 25 Showsw 7 ^ 1 ^ 9:20

D'CTO tk ZT t u Uit?vaior to re-P V ~ th» a n e destroyed by ° & .

I Sun Mon May 21-.22 a d Sunday Shows 2:15 p m Con*

^ f o r V ^ S ' I 0 * * P ° l j H u m p h r e * BogartEleaonr rancer ; . - ¾ ^

c d a s m ^ f i ? ^ ^ h t t S ^nstair '"CHAN LIGHTNING" i * » „ ^ , * D x c m a S ta r r in« T?, ^ S f ^ ^ o a r d counter . f with / FREDERICK MARCH, FLORENCE

O a u g W f g ^ ^ Whorfl J ™ 5 ? * ^ B O W D ^ was held at the I W * * q e i """"'^ ^ 8 ^ '«•* 1 ComHqtNext Sun. "Yellow Cub7 ' church May {2 b y t o c c i • lu* W e d ^ M°? 23.24.25 ' 1 with Red Skelton

The b u , i r ) ^ „ - „ - ' "HOME OF THE BRAVE Jack=o ^ U l ! d l n ^ s on the Bruce, "with ' ! " ^ S S S e K S B J B J B j a j ^ B B M

e d - d o w n T . , " T ^ S r ^ ^ i £ " * ? - ? * * " * L ° V ^ " A V O N . , 1 « » T 1 v i ~ . * T ? c e , £ « * held i S t L * B l * * e ' „ , " Corey [ A V O I \ 1 H E A X ' H i B


ed ^down last Tuesday. i Steve Bre^ie. Funeral services w.ere held] Cartoon

last week for the infant son of }'•«—* Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ricnmond ^ of (Jnadilia

The Holland Tulip Festival is May 17-20.

; Stv^ral Boy Scouts of Howell1 DEXTER. MICHICrAN jplan to .attend the national j a m ; — "••• — 'bores af Valley Forge this year. I Fri S a t M a ^l 9 "?° - ,

The ^annual Knight Tempier - Double Feoium • O I O B A R V convention is at Flint this year "CHALLENGE TO LASSIE" I L A W OF T H E B A R A COAST' ° n J U n f 3 ' iv VA~»r>A r ^ a S t a T ^ i A r « « t / G l o r i a Henry Stephen Dunne

Maple syrup was scarce this Edmund Gween, Donald Crist J a g t o r y oi z

wes, c o a sf gamt^ , •tyear and sold for $6 a gallon. Lassie 1 0 J.

Mr. and Mirs. Paul Bennett c ' j In Tecbn,swlor Howell have purchased the Alio home there on Riddle St. vacat Walt Disney's ed by the Francis Barron family f "SEALES ISLAND

Stoclpbridge, Michitcm

Fri Sat Mar 19-20

"MARSHALL OF AMARaLO" Rocky Lane, Eddy Waller

in a fast action weti | r-n

j Sun Tues May 21 23

Rev. Earl Wilier of Howell is i "d Cross Chairman. The coun

\ « Color by Ttchnicolor

° v/auauiuii, ine coun • — y. quota is $4,500 which was ov S u n ^on May 21-22

ed. Putnam raisea i Su»doy Saowt. 3.5..7.1 ' I Krir.tun 7.1 C —,.J a i r T«

ersubseribed . 3223.20. 'J s h o w s 7:1S m i d 9 :1S p M- j

i'tate police have had a wan , ^ictrk Gable, i.cretta Young] ant issued for Claude Jackson,, j to j 60, wi^so icirm o n Robert Rd. "KE\ TO THE CITY" near Fovv-erville burned down ' Novolty Cartoon -April 3C chargir.q him with setjTue'Wed Thurs May 23.24.^25 tjnq fire to it. Ho is a patient now shows at 7:15 and 9:15 at 1'crd hospital, Detroit, for ob BATTLEGROUND s.-rvcii^n. A sauilv' hearing will s ilonin^ be i,-id befcro Probata Judge of j V a n Johnson. John Hodiak

mith Mav 17 ' - -

: j "HOtHDAY INN" Bing Crosby Fred Astaire

| A song and dance festival plus newi *~ i Cartoon and coli champions

Coming: Song of India, Slightly French.


Sat. June

Lee Lavey. has purchased the* JEisele farm of Reynolds Wylie

Cartoon Hew* i o n {ne Pinckney-Howell Rd. [ay 23.24.*25~ ^ I

Millard Young is now employ ed at the General Motors Prov ing Grounds near Brighton. i Hiram Smith May 17.

Tii- Howell Chamber cf Com merce has nominated Mrs. R.C,( . - - - 1 - 2 1 - - - - — v «^iW *iutuiu bchicfer of that city as '"Mother' Coming: Lirl tninr, " A h ^ i T ^ . 7 I * , l i n c m d w i i e oi Howell W. of . t l : ^ Y e c < She has 5 dough! CoeteUo MeeI ^ B E ? & 4 S J ' ^ ¾ 6 ^ ° ¾ i a ? l l v o f H o w e l 1 a n d

1 Goes to Reno Y -s ^ ^ r d , M a r s h a l l and family of 1 Cedar Lake.

Richardo Montelbcm, | Mothers Day quests of Bill Bau George Murphy ( qhn and family were Harold

. - - ^ . . . - ^ ^ . ^ iers and one son.


Pinckney Alumni Association


4 J I C d i ^ i - i l i l O I Jay Pfilen and friend of Elhha/i Ind. spent the week end n re.

Mrs. Lulu Darrow hoc L-, C.:\ teaching scliool dur.ng ;!./• .^.-ness of Miss LlisabeiM D r/. r.

^^, A IcK'Q© delegation W.-M 1:;.ri the first 'thrashing' h n r 3 1O L-'nnon Sai. wi:h ot:i r

the township and \ county delegatione t•> p : \'u.on the %CCS' supervisor for 12 years. A ' " '" ' '

47 Years Jijjo Joseph Briggs of Oc-eolo, aged

74, died May 14. He was a^ ro ih «-?r of H. G. Briggs of Pinckne

Mrs. Guy Lewi-, 21, died ai 1 her home East of town May 15. She was born in Eaton county married Guy Lewis of Putnam'

last Dec. Funeral at the church j Mo.icay with burial at Pinckney j a guaretre composed of W. A. \

• Nixon,, Will Mclntyre, Mrs. Floyo*l ' Jackson and Miss Jennie Haze' sang. ,

'P-v. Fr. Ryan cf St. Jcseph'e ' Gaihclic chuich, Dexter, has letj the contract to build a fine n e w rectory at a cost of $6,000. Fred Wyman will do the maccnery work.

( Putnam got $207.60 as her , i shais cf the primary school mon J

Strawberries are now 15c a gt. Rev. W. H. Haze M. D. of Lan

sing who is 87 years old preach' ed at the Central M. E. church, Lansing last Sunday, He is a bra ther of the la 'e Dr. Chas. Haze cf Pinckney.

Bent lev's tent show will exhib-

'^-4^-4^ vi* ^ ^^4%^

Plumbing Water Sjrtemi etc.

Stanley Omkel contract to build a fine new Tb., P w * S r S . ^ M , C H l G i l ! l

>rv at n rost r,f Sfi 000 Frori I • / . ***• ^ ^ J y cJ Urtngiton

» sa id County on the 8th A T A D , 1950 d a y o i MaY

8ZAZ2 Of WCSOQMM *. ±9 Probafaw Offlo* in the City oi Bow>

UrlDOfttoii At a sossias el laid Ouuit uoU* ia * •

City of Howell In said County on toe 28th day oi. April A D , 1950

Present&aft. Hbam B. ftaHh, Jwog« oi Prolsate ,

lu the Matte* of ffae Eetate ef

_GEOBGE L RICHMOND, Deceased ft appearing to tn# oamt that th» It

Jars Ago Mr. and Mrs. James Marble

gDBt Putnam celebrated tne•:• 1 7 ¾ - 1 ^ ¾ ¾ a n n ^ e r s a r y M a y

'•W ~ rn - . » f


; . • ' < > •

« « estate should|L LtT" ° g a l n t t

^w«w ce apoomted tore-



large number were present at the anniversary.

Lambert T. Lambcrn, 72, died i l jat his home in Unadiila May 12. ®?He married Sarah Kuhn and is

^-survived by her and 5 aauqhter^ Funeral was at the home Sun. Rev. Stevens officiating. Burial in PincKney cemetery.

Luciiie Truhn, 16, died at th? i home of her parents, Mr. and ! Mrs. John Truhn, in Genoa May 14, of TB. •• j

The film "Janice Meredith" i^ | ^shoWinq crt the opera house. i

Alec Patterson died at th-


sta!.^ highway aept. who met there to build a paved r... ,a :.,:^

i ugh the county to Ann i-.:;:er. I 'the Conq'l. Ladies A.d s.,rv: i a dinner h^-re May 29 .for ,ne U. j of M. professors and i;,cJi..rs.- -

Tlie Church of the Waiters at-Hov/ell have secur?d tin.) ser­vices of Mrs. Grace Foster of Pon itac. tor there message services ! on Sunday, May 21st at 3 p. m. The Church is icccie-d up., . . . i# i ove r the Yax Jewelrv Store at IGii I E. Gr^ind River m Howell. Do




< >•+*


•hV-i m Ui


PreseatJios. Hiram H. Smuu t ^ Probate . SnUth* J u d » e °i

IN THE' M A n ^ Qp ^ura A Hcfi D o c e a g 9 d ^ ^ OP

•" appearing to the Cotirt t W »u tim^s for prosontauon of c t o J f • said cstalo should hi 7 °9ainst

r— - a time anH r,i«- u • i i m i t e d- and that i » time and Bl™« C - 4 4 4 ° ^ ™ thai it here M a y 25. ' iv e t a m / ? ** aPPoi^ed to rece I Wve. e w l T l J * G P ^ t e d tor*

Rev. G e o r g e Gordon pastor of f e L n T a " ! . " a d iU S t a U cla™ « f an*lSTe3l S - a d ^ «« clain* the North Lake M. E. church, will ' beio^tidcZ ^ ^ ° 6 fcy *** « ^ 0 ^ ^ 1 1

deliver the Memorial address at 2t°£ s™d, Co]f> ^ ^J^JV^f h e«" * «oid decw.' Pittsburgh, Pa r , / of ^ ° ^ S . f « «» of the creditor, • ^ S j J » « * • -tote of ^

The George Black family of sent theu ^ t ^ ° r e q u i r 6 d t0 ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ * " " ^ HouArbe od Anderson left for California Mon proba?e Sif ' , t 0 s a i d Cour t « ^ d T * ! , -

" ' " ^ Mens Club has tak 1« „!tG. ^ 1 0 6 a n d t0 ^rve a coov »h*r- - * * ^ That aJJ of „,„ a ^

preVnt 2 , ¾ ^ ^ d ^ ^ * ««id Probate c W cmd tot *"* • "

ten o'clock In «,1 «^L ' 1 9 5 0 < *

r i i i u f i a u n r - i t I U : w m w u i i u i » i ^ n Prnhrr.^ r?<f v ™ ' ui said »» . _

The Young Mens Club has tak 0f uDOn M ^ °T J ° " " • a C0Py ^ ' T ^ ^ ««« en in the fcllowina new mem ftetJ,: . ^ L Koii> Executrix oi said f °T* oi "*<* "tooeased u T ? ™ I . 7v/r . ^^ r r* T«^I. ^16 wfaoso address is piM«j,.._m«.-^ present th«{r^.i^_- .

m e m e 8 ! e r t: * ' " no11- executrix oi said jack. r i e hr,r..!drr .•• " - 1 » ^ .

son, Guy Hall, Jesse Henry, Cecil; ?950°r 6 * • " * *°Y of July A D

Sigler. They will hold a field , ^ 1 ' „ r i , ° d ° ! k i n ^18 ior^>on. s a i d day on the square May 25 with or th ^ 1 ^ - ^1119 h e r e b r pointed track meet and ball - "me . Dance c]aiZ ! ! ? ', n ° n d ^'^tment of all

ight. " c t r d d e m a n d s a9an i f i t 8 a i d d«

M^nhc • ^ ie bet u iB P H I I . ,^^, 1:' " ' " ^ t J 1 I ^ 6 1 °R 3 e ? 0 d ' " «* ^ b i i » no.

! Met thererf be given by pubtir.tion el a copy oi this oraer once each week to,

npw at ru

The ... . w-ron Hcwel! and completed.

Encs- Burden and Jenr.

i e ' V



r.ncs- Diiraen a n a jan;.-e uu:uwn / , - * w""-w *«CQ week to, " I U aeraanas agaiast sate) <w. J — both of Marion, were married in f " i r 9 6 »««ce«iye weeks previous to said I «>d ' « the aAudlca-Jt* ** J * ^ H o w . II, M o n d a y . ( o f h < * ^ ° ta the Pincknoy Dispatch I ** of me U t a at Jawjrf ^ d ? e r t t , n ^

M r , w ov a newspaper Drinted Howell, Monday. ) - — ww"»« « me nncknoy DiSp<

>at factory ex a J ^ W " Prin«ed and circulated io -'« fte Use "oTfcta" 111.1.^ " ^ ^ 0 ^ 8 0 ^ r or-d::ct on ' s a i d C « » ^ I it ft! 2 L J * . ? ^ • " ""^ to Jnher

The '.Chelsea pe pacts to have their pr

you dbubt, you can conrnunica; with the departed? If so, com • I

" 4 j

- I V 2 1S MAY 2 5 . 2 8 . ¾ ^ 1

the market :n duct

September . Hiram R. Smith Judge oi Probate

It «»e estate of which the died

It is Furajsr Ordeted Thai puhftc B 0 |

" * * * * * orde/. far three succe^" ^•w* prewoue to said i«m, - , T L ! / said da- - . J - / " * . *!T 0* ha<»ta' Dispatch,

said Countv. j A true copy

^____ ! Celesta Parshal]

Wm. Brash j r . 'and family ar»i'*1*". "' P'obm

h ^ T o n S ' R o b e ^ « ^ ^ ^ ¾ 1 ¾ - " - ' « " " " i S " ^ 2 5 ' 2 S ' " ' 1 % % L ^ W ^ f 7 ^ 1 " > W ^ B E A U T Y H ^ ' ^ 1 ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^

A larqe number from here point,.. bv a t tendi"- r - ' - - - - r e S ; ^ ^ r , , ^ ^ . " V ; ^ • - f i ; , r : ° , ° ' y a c ^ 1 1 ^ a n a son ( ionerf ftr d 1. i ^ " 1 6 1 p r c D o . ^ at tended the funeral of Peter v C ° s Trie Publi

Ntfjto* a t freckwfjrjdge Fridcry . His vited.^ W u r t P a s EltKrCkttk ci Pinckney. j . _. - - . - . . . ^ l t Weo ivmth«~

v ^ « « i * *^. W...P r w f t « , ^ , ^ «^^ I w-. ^ . _ ., „ D.r/ quests 'a t - the r T n ? ier&•-u T , - ^ hom^ - U •>• Clinton | the Lee Lavey home

y r Wii r tPas Eflia^Clark of Pinckney. i . ,£^m:.:-s of Detroit ^ g t 2 ? ? U ? r W ' E ^ a ^ ' ^ Q m d w i i *f Mrs. Dorothy Dinkel and child ^ : v ^ ° ^ a t * e f n B L ? ? T i ? r P % ^ j j j 1 ' LTen s p e n t Sunday with her nioi Mr?' VJ„n n \ fjifPfnt toK C. Vedder and wife (her dn Stockbridqe. f' Arbor last^T1" ^ a s in Ann

8JKK? :: : ••'••?""' !*>, • * ' '

* « ' • " ' ; . .


- ^ ' • . J

Page 3: Michigan Mirror | Happening* I 6UR DEMOCRAC by Mat Y ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1950-05-17.pdf · 3 0 Chway whareby ocean vessels ... ma at the Louis Coyle farm about 5

El^VE#l^ntf7V*eTfB^ltWnEBlSBBQSjnBH9rrrv T * T T ; » ^ " I ^ V -I?W 'j ^ 1 , ' / ; v ^ 1 ^ '» • r \A , . \ ' , , „ " * - M fc_ • I •' Xf

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!TH . . . Vedneedoy, I f e , 1% \m

^gUM^wjB*^*" 1 1 ?*"*•* ' C K v ^ " " ^ 1 " !

._» - . . _ . . — . . ! • « • ^• •^P^WPHWW* '

M l Paitor* Nrtiliiation loostf Mtaf, Milk Output awl Cuts

LOCAL NEWS* j _. Sunday quests oi the, Albert i " Shirley family were the Dalel Miller family oi Pinaree, the DoyI tie Templeton family of Keeao Harbor, the Misses Janet Lund een and Loraine Hilllger oi Detroit ' '..i ..:.....^4^-

Mr.s Kate Battle of Howell call ed on Mrs- Emma Dinkel one day last week. ' . Frits Wylie and wife leave this

week on an auto trip to Kentucky and Term, for 2 weeks.

Frits Wylie has severed connec tians win the Wylie Appliance Co., Howelland is in the electrl cal contracting business with H. Doolittle.

Well-Fertilised Future Give* Chetpest High] duality Feed for Livestock. CHICAGO—Topdressmg your pas­

tures and grasslands this fall with phosphate and potash fertilizer will give your beef and dairy cattle extra grazing days next spring, cut down your feed bill, boost meat and milk output per acre and reduce produc­tion costs, declared the Middle West Soil Improvement Committee, in s Statement made public here.

Fertilizer added in the fall helps deep-rooted alfalfa and sweet clover make a sturdier, denser growth, the Statement says. The plants are bet­ter able to resist winter kill. They come through the winter months in setter condition for vigorous early spring growth.

Earlier spring grazing means few­er days of barn feeding. It means e saving in the feed bill, for the pal-stable green pasture provides the cheapest high-protein feed your cat­tle can obtain.

The committee lists these advan­tages of fall fertilization of pastures, ss recently cited by M. O. Pence,

Purdue * University extension agron­omist:

1—Spreading fertilizer in the fall spreads tfce work, too. Farmers have more time for such work in fall than in spring.;

2—Plantifood added in the fall has a chance tto get down into the soil where the roots are. Nutrients are then immediately available for the legume roots when spring growth starts.

3—It is easier to spread lime or fertilizer in the fall when the turf is solid than in the spring when the ground is soft and wet.

4—You don't have to work the fer­tilizer into the sett. Crass roots close to the surface take up the soluble plant food.

"Farmers planning fall pasture improvement work," says the com-mittee, "can get advice from their county Agents or state agronomists on the kind and amount of fertilizer to use

Special School







Michigan Farmers Are Using More Fertilizer To Boost Per Acre Yields and Replenish Soil

i Ambrose Eichman oi Dearborn is buildinq a cottage at Hi-land Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Al Dewey have returned from Tuscon Arii. and

lore buildinq a sandwich shon at : Hi-land Lake. j ^Waiter Reason of Detroit called on the Wm. Mercer family Sun.

| Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grlover of Money Invested in Fertiliser Pays Oat in More Efficient Crop Production. Fowlerville called on the Asher

Wylie family Friday. ( practices that will accomplish this; ~ . . - . .

MH and Mfc*. Herman Wi% meyer entertained Mothers Day, Don Widmeyer, wife and daught er of Howell, 7£xnmett Widxneyer and wife, Wlllard Widmeyej frr\fj family and Tom Line and family.

Mrs. Lura Geddes and Mrs. H. Hoyt oi Chelsea called at the L. J. Henry home Sunday. * The Winston Bauqhn famii. were in Dexter Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lamb of £. Lansinq were Sunday quest* at the Tom Ware home.

Tony Morrocco of Detroit spent .the week end at the Lester McA fee home.

Mrs. Arthur Crawford entertain ed the North Hamburg Extension Society Thursday night

Mrs. Wayne Wagoner and Mrs. Lester McAfee attended a( dance recital in Ann Arnor Thur . night, j Please Take Notice that a special meeting of the qualified electors oi said School District will be

T ^ »,—ii m~,»» *™,*i„ ^ j held in the Putnam Town Hall in the Village of Pinckney in said District on the 25th day of May. 1950 TSX^STSMBSSi^i^ «t 8:00 o'clock, am., for the purpose of submitting t he following propositions: Edward Spears home.

Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Eichman f and Mrs. Ada Eichman had din ner at Black's in Chelsea Sun.

W. H. £uler and wife were Sun guests at the Kenneth Wylie name. •• ^ isvesitsriB

"A he Dr. Walter Mercer of East iLansino and Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Mercer spentSunday ai the Mc Gregor homein Brighton.

Mrs. Dale Miller and Mrs. Al­bert Shirley attended a shower Sat. niqht at the Hollis Holloway 1 home for Roy Wriqht family. I

To the Qualified Electors of Said School District: >i

CHICAGO—Michigan farmers are using more fertilizer in growing their crops, according to the Middle West Soil Improvement Committee. Figures made available by the Na­tional Fertilizer Association show that approximately 417,401 tons of plant food were used on farms in the state last year, compared with 883,274 tons in the preceding year.

This was ar increase of 24,187 tons or about 6 per cent over Michigan's 1947 consumption. It *•- resented a 151 per cent increase over the pre­war year of 1940. ^

The 1948 fertilizer consumption for the entire United States topped the

rrevious record year of 947 by about per cent or 15,956,239 tons as against

15,939,376 tons. The steadily increasing use of fer­

tilizer in the pefst 10 years is attrib­uted to these factors: 1—-The desire of farmers to boost crop yields per sere and their readiness to apply

2— Realization by farmers that plant food reserves in the soil are declin­ing; 3—Heavier demands for plant food by new high-yielding crop va­rieties; 4—Recognition that-pasture is a cash crop and should be fertil­ized. i )

Agricultural economists point out that fertilizer is a "good buy" at present prices, according to the com­mittee. These research men say that mqney invested in fertilizer will pay out in a short time. It will get more efficient crop production — more bushels or pounds of crops per acrr at little or no additional labor cost.

Fertilizer is most effective when it is teamed with a rotation that pro­tects the soil and builds its physical structure and tilth. Well-structured soil is a better storehouse for plant nutrients4 and moisture. Such soil produces higher crop yields st a low­er cost per unit

Chem Albert

COMMERCIAL fertilizer is an "ex­cellent buy'- and should be ap­

plied liberally to res; ->nsive crops to beat the squeeze of high fixed costs and lower farm prices, according to fid. Longnecker, Michigan State Col­lege soil specialist.

Longnecker pole ted out that in the present period*, of declining farm prices increased crop producing efficiency is vital If reasonable farm grouts are to be obtained. This can

e accomplished;- he said, only if • soil productivity is maintained or I. increased economically. , He recommended several steps to good soil management. First, he ad-

! vised eliminating crops from land j where such crops grow poorly. He advised, too, that a soil test be made

(Of each field at least once during the [crop rotation. The results of these i tests can be considered Hi planning the fertilizer program.

Fertilizer, should be applied to re-isponsive feed crops such as oats, I barley, wheat and alfalfa and to corn I when grown on well suited land; also i to responsive cash crops, particu-| larly potatoes, sugar beets and ) wheat. As cash crop prices decline, such acreage should be reduced and

| the acreage of productive sod crops I increased, he said. t Longnecker recommended adding fertilizer to permanent pastures to increase production. This-is particu­larly important on poorly drained mineral soils sad muck soils. He also suggested olimmatrng excess tillage that adds expense and in­creases crop production costs pet acre. Michigan tests have shown that plowing, leveling sad peeking wul

L Shall the limitation on the total amount of to* as which m«y be assessed

against all property in Pinckney Community School* School District, livings-

ton and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan, for all purposes, except taxes levied

for the payment oi interest and principal on obligations incurred prior to

December 8, 1932, be increased, as provided by Section 21, Article X of the

Constitution oi Michigan, by nine-tenths of one per cesu (i.9 %) of the assessed

valuation of all property in the School District for a period of twenty (20) years, i f

from 1950 to 1969, both inclusive, for the purpose of providing a debt retirement

fund to pay the principal and interest on bonds of the School District in the

principal amount of One Hundred and Forty Thousand Dollars ($140,000) to be

issued for the purpose of erecting and furnishing an -additional elementary schoolhouse and acquiring a site thereier and remodeling and refurnishing the present schoolhouse in the Village of Pinckney in said District 7



II. Shall Pinckney Community Schools School District, Livingston and Wash*

tenaw Counties, Michigan, borrow the sum of not to exceed One Hundred and

Forty Thousand Dollars ($148600) and issue its bonds therefor, for the purpose

of erecting and furnishing an additional elementary schoolhouse and acquir­ing a site therefor and remodeling and refurnishing the present schoolhouse in the Village of Pinckney in said District ?

& -.r.

Gerald Dinkel of Lake una spent Sunday at the Dinkel home. , W. C. Bums and wife of Howell James Burns and family of Ann Arbor were Sunday guests of Ray Burns and wife

Dr. Harlow Shehan and famfly of Jackson was a Sunday ques. at the Wm. Shehan home. Mrs Madeline Roche ana family an Mrs. Polly Roche of Ann Arbo. ceded Thursday,

The Youna families of Gregorv went to Grand Rapids Tuesday, niqht to see Robert graduate.

Andrew Campbell underwent, an operation at St Joe hospital Ann Arbor last Friday for abdom inal rupture. He was expected ^ , . home today. ^1°11 P«*son voting on the propostion of borrowing and issuing the bonds oi said School District

Mr. and M». Don!^<^ o u > lmu«* *» <* <***•* of the United States, above the age of 21 years, and have resided in the State oi ch*d»m. and Eteie^DeWolfe ex Michigan six months, and in the School District^ days next preceding the election, and have i^perty

assessed for taxes within the SchooJ District or be4he>wful husband or wife of such person.

Each person voting on the proposition to increase the total tax rate limitation must be a oitisen of the United-States, above the age of 21 years, and have resided in the State of Michigan six months, and in the School IAstrict 20 days next preceding the election. ^ N

Well-fed soil produces bumper wheat yield.

peel to leave for California the first week in June to visit Mrs. Swarthout's broths**, Victor and Mrs.George Charbanneau, 9040

Farley Rad. received a very plea sant surprise on Mothers Day. A tonq-distance call from New Jer sey, torn her second oldest son, James.who had lust arrived back

' in the U. S. was received fust be fore noon. He had been station ed at Coberg, Germany with the Armored Division of the Air Force, lor the past nineteen mos. He left Germany two months ago and has been on a boat, on special trcdnina durinq that-time. His mother had not heard from him since early March and was worried but his ttall Sun. made

I, Jennie M. Eastman, Treasurer of Livingston County, Michigan, find that as of May 3, 195$ the total of all voted increases over and above the tax fate limitation established by Section 21, of the Constitution of Michigan, in any local lurfts ffft»"ting the taxable property located 1st Community Schools School District, Livingston and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan, is as

N O N E / s / Jennie M. Eastman

Treasurer, Livingston County

- - - -

give as good or better crop results ss seedbed preparation that includes double discing and spike-tooth har­rowing.

Conservation of soil and water are vital, he said. On rolling cropland this may require one or a combina­tion of practices such as cover crops, sod waterways, contour tiUecs, strip cropping, diversions or terraces. Where wind erosion is a problem, field strip cropping and windbreaks may be necessary.

He recommended further that crop residues be returned to the soil either as surface mulch or by plow-K! ing under. Manure should be care-w

fully stored to reduce leaching and decomposition tosses. Medium ap­plications of manure to fields st fre-

l William F. Vomer, Treasurer of Washtenaw County, Michigan, find that as of May 2, l.*50, the total of all voted increases over and above the tax rate limitation established by Section 21,

wumea xmi we «»u «-» •—— £ ^ X °f ** ^ 1 1 ^ ^ 3 1 1 oi Michigan, in any local units affecting the taxable property located in her very happy. He will be home """ntY Community 1 cols School District, Livingston and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan is as fel» by Thura. May 18 and rest allows*

*-4 i


ii n * ';&

a few days before returning to civ llian life. His parents are plan ning a steak supper for him Thur which was his one request when he called. _ _ ^ j

ROUTE SALESMAN NEEDED One of the nation's largest feed

companies needs a Routs Sales) man in this vicmity who is wlIB iaq to make repeat calls on eutl

N O N E / s / W. Vemsf ;f

Treasurer, Washtenaw County, Michiaaft l j »

.IS The poQs will open at 8:00 o'clock a.m., and close at 8:00 o'clock, p-m., Eastern Standard Time, * Take Notice that the Boara of Education has estimated the total expense of erecting and fur^sh-

tag an additional elementary schoolhouse and acquiring a site therefor and remodeling and refill nlsV oaters now buying large tonnaqg tog the present schoclhottse in the Village of Pinckney in said District to be One Hundred fjod Fortf 2 ^ c c O T h 2 t a t \ ^ S a l I 1 * 0 0 * * * M k n «MMW)<«* «t which it is necessary to raise by borrowing and issuing tfee bone*


• " • • • ^ •» * - . ' . .

lent earninqs and splendid ebon ce far ad?ancement Permanent full-time work. No trcmsxers de

Juent mtervals, he i ^ are i ^ . mahded. --Th«rcuqh ttatomq tn

[of the district.

This Notice is given by order oi me B a d of Btaootton of Pinckney Cqssj|pirf tcboosi Scisjei District Livingston and Washtenaw Counties, Michigan. ~M


•• -m

JLH ikl — .^. 4.


^-'J \



\&i&£>si&4 &£Ufc^ i *^i^ft«2S»^^ * * y (•>.»• .x

Page 4: Michigan Mirror | Happening* I 6UR DEMOCRAC by Mat Y ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1950-05-17.pdf · 3 0 Chway whareby ocean vessels ... ma at the Louis Coyle farm about 5

w Ill's


President Truman's Board sai

Still the leaders of the Railroad Firemen's Union say

This ridiculous strike is an affront to every citizen of the nation. It's not for more money. It's not because of hours. It's only for soft

feather-bedding spots for additional unneces­

sary firemen to go along in diesel locomotives just

for the ride. A leading liberal newspaper calls the

demands of the union leaders horse-feathers"! • The reckless leaders of the firemen's union want to force down the throats of the railroads and the public a ridic­

ulous •'toake-work" proposal which has been twice ruled out by Presidential

(Fact Finding Boards duly appointed under the provisions of the Railway Labor Act.

This demand of union leaders for t

^additional and unnecessary fireme to tide in diesel locomotives was rejfe ....[

It—after months of hearings—by a Board appointed by President Roosevelt in 1943.

, It was again rejected in 1949 by a Board appointed by President Truman.

Recent meetings with the National [Mediation Board 4rave brought no i change in the attitude of the union dictators.

Union Leaders Defy Intent of Law .The union leaders h^ped wjite the Railway Labor Act. Yet in an attempt to jam through this scheme of pure

"feather-bedding" by leading the mem­bers of their union out on strike and threatening paralysis to large areas of the nation, they are defying the spirit and intent of the very law which they helped to create.

This strike is not, for higher wages. It is a sti K.J to force the railroads to ennloy many more thousands of fire-mt.i who are not needed! It would be indefensible waste. The railroads have refused to place this additional and unnecessary burden on the public.

But more important than any other consideration, is the action of these few irresponsible union leaders in seek­ing to force a crippling strike upon the

This strike is one of the silliest strikes in history I What are these reckless union leaders trying to do? They seek to cause thou-sands of their members to strike, and throw hundreds of thousands of other employes on and off the railroads out of employment, with loss of pay to them and their families, plus a severe blow to industry and the citizens of the nation. What's the strike all about f If the union has its way—what happens? The present, members of the union won't get one cent more pay. They will merely have been assessed for a costly and in­defensible drive in an attempt to provide more dues-paying members for the union by creating "feather-bedding" jobs for additional and unnecessary firemen.

This is certainly one oi the silliest strikes in history!

***** **. E«at.of SET'S: *** FwSS JENNIE iAVW. * * « • « £ a l w f h ^ ¾ 1 ^ that s e v

P*"io«, praying that an imkvmm ft! t d £ M^J^S 2*M°**«Y *V* •a in said Court be admitted to Probate \ ¢ £ ^ a eluh '** °* B ' to o r

as the last will and testament oi said d. flh rvJiJ i T ~.

?? -..9"""*d • *• - - ^ f-* *e A*™""** c5£K& "2 , ? ! 'JS.ILrS! • * " "Utebl* P « " M I " * other m e m b e r s r f ^ ' & It It Ozdtni. That th. a day ol Hay wani» Club atamda?ih<. » , £ , « -

foreaoon. at taM trebate office, be and ©?V« were and to tell them the* i. hm.br appofcttd * h f a i t o g ^ were interested S - % ^ f f i

«? 8ta??*> this S otoS Phase oi 4 H Club work.

Mrs. Hart, County 4 H Club Agent, attended the meeting to explain Livestock Club work and to help organize a club. Roy Campbel and L J. Heniy are leaders, [erry Henry is President Jane* CampbeH was elected W Pres.; David Nash wai chosen tor Sec- Treas. The next meeting will be held at the home of Roy, Campbell on Saturday evening, May 20, at 8:00 p. m. Member­ship is open tetany boy age 10-20 interested in raising calyes^ pigs or sheep.

Th© Strathmoor-Detroit Kiwanis

itiott. It Is Further fedezed. That pubuiv

*• t N w b f pnhhr^p, oi a copy of this order once each week JT BUM sannesetiM ***** previous to

*aid doy oi hearing Is the Fiackney Dispatch,.a- M^**ptr ( stMsd a*d ok circulated t» tatd C*S*T. A true copy W/en» B. Smith Celesta ParshaU Judge r« ^obale




At a session oi said Court held at the Probate Office in the City of HowelJ __

A Tit ~Unty °n * e 13th * * °l May <** "aniois to heteta other"? H Clubs such as gardening, food Hiram R Smith, preservation, ion*

and food preperat

nation for their own selfish purposes. There is no other possible answer to

such a demand but "No!"

The railroads in makin»>such a reply believe they have the whole-hearted support of the people in whose interest they are willing to fight this out,«de-" spite the loss and inconvenience that all will suffer.

It is time to put an end to -such un-American demands.

A D 1950 Present. Honorable

Judge of Probate Qi THE MATTE1 OF TH* ESTATE OF

Fred Lake. Deceased Grace Stanton Hoyt.having filed her pet ition,praying that an instruement filed In Court be admitted to Probate as ibe last will and testament of said deceased and that administration of said estate uranted to Lura Geddes or to some oth er suitable person

i It is Ordered,- -the 3rd day of June A D , 1950 atjen o'clock in the fore r.oon at said Probate Office is hereby appointed for hearing said petition

, It Is Further Ordered. That public not ice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this order onoe each wee* for « ^ ^ j ^ y e a r s e " — f thousand successive weeks previous to said day dolours was spent on repair^ and of hearing In the Pinckney Dispatch a remodeling the church, dining newspaper printed end shwlated in »ak room, also a new oil , heating


Rev. J. $1 McLufcas a former ~ pastor of the Pinckney Cong'L h nurch received a ^unanimous caif

xl ^ e i q h t h ^6°1 to the Fin,? Methodist church, Brighton, Fri. j^fmng at the Annual Church Meeting and Fourth Quarterly Conference. During Rev. McLuc as pastorate at Brighton^- there has been a large increase in membership, attendance and fin

County A true copy Celestia Panhnll Register ol Probate

Hiram R, Smith Judge of Probate

plant was installed. The Novi Methodist church Which, is ser ved in connection with Srighton church also extended an unan­imous calL Rev. McLucas accept

STATE OF MICHIGAN ed the invitation to return for the The Probate Court tot the County of eighth year. The Annual Confer

Livingston. ence will convene June 13 to 18 At a session of said Court held In the in St. Marks Methodist church.

Probate Office in the City of Howell J>ftroit. The both churches grant

We are publishing this and other advertisements to talk to you at first hand about matters which are important to everybody.

New Skills for ^. renter Production

help prev ent floods

Swaf-ttout t!o have clefrfc write to Nick -.Rebel askinq about re pairi nq or tearinq down of crea­mery. . Carrie*

Motion by C. Clark supported by Swarthout to approve plat of land known as Read's Acres to

be tiub-divided into lots. Carried.

Motion by Read supported by R. Clark to allow followinq bills lavey Ins. Ins. on Fire Truck

! on the 6th day of May A. D , 1950 I Present, Honorable Hiram R Smith, ' Judge of Probate i In the Matter of the ESTATE OF LOTTIE BREARLEY. Deceased..

> It appearing to the Court that the time lor the- Presentation ol claims against said estate should be limited and that a time and place be appoint-to receive, examine and adjust all claim* and demands against said deceased by by and berore said Court; and that the legal heirs of said deceased entitled to inherit the estate of which said deceas. ed died seized should be adjudicated.

It is Qrdered.That all of the creditors of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Court at said Pro bate Office and to serve a copy thereof upon Larry B. Undemer, Administrate-* of said estate whose address is Stockbridge. Michigan, on or before the 24th day of July A. D , 1950 a{ o'clock in the forenoon, said time

ed the pas'or a months vacation.


prov'tile trriqation water

provide domestic w ^ j ?

S 51.59 „ „,„,„ City Of Howell Work on catch ptec h.reby opPotat.d to ft. wamtoa ^ ^ M i c h i g < ^


A manulaciprer of electrical equipment (right) learns new skills at a tralniihg-within-industry institute, set up at Paris with the help ol the international Labor Organization (ILO), a U.N. Specialized Agency. The manufacturer will show the new methods he has learned to his foremen who will pass them along to their workers.

w provide weter power

basin Afce Haines Labzor on park and Streets ' 5QJ50 H. Haines Labor in Park and Streets 47.50 H. Haines Use of Truck 6.00 Carried. Motion to adjourn

Mlidred Ackley, Clerk.

23135 tion and adjustment of all claims and

STATE OF MICHIGAN The Probate Court for the County

Livingston At a session of said Court held in the

Probate Office in the City of Howell on the 8th day of May A. D . 1950 ,

Present, Honorable Hiram R Smith, Judge of Probate

In The Matter of the ESTATE OF George Washington Wakefield,Deceased

It appearing to the Court that the tjrae for the Presentation of claims against said estate should be limited and that a time and place be appoint-to receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands against *<ud deceaed

It is Ordered.Thcrt all of the creditor* of said deceased are required to present their claims to said Court at said Pro.

ten ' ° OK*0* a n a , 0 **rv* a copy thereoi a Q a upon Phillip Delraa Sprout, Exjcufor

of said ettatle whose address is on or before the

demands against said deceased, and for the adjudication and determination of the heirs at law oi said deceased at the time of her death entitled to inherit the estate of which the deceased died siezed. .

It is Further Urdered, That Public Notice thereof be given by publication of a copy of this ordeT once each week for three successive weeks previous to

We admit We do not know the said day of hearing * the Pinckney Dis ins and outs of the>railroad strike patch, a newspaper printed and circuiat

J The dispute seems to hinqe on ed in said Counity whether diesel locomotives need A true copy Hirom R Smith

24th day of July A. D , 1950 at ten o'clock in the forenoon, said time and place hereby appointed for the examina Hon and adjustment of all claims and demands against said decease'

It is Further Ordered, That Public Notice thereof be given oy publication of a copy of this order once each week for three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing in the Pinckney Dis.. patch, a newspaper printed and c>rculat ed in said County. A true copy Hirom It Smith Celestia ParshaU Judge oi Probate


, two fireman or one. In the old CelesUo Parshall coal burnina days the job of fire Register of Probate man was a back breakincriob. _ _ _ _ _ _ He shovelled the coal into the ^ * ,^M^mii enqine and was a hard working, T O WHOM *i «iAY CpNCEWI

Judge of Probate Register of Probate v


Tens oi thousands of perch

i*iESI P5fc fc£

sweaty beorimed man. When Qn and after his date I will not irQm 4 tQ l Q i n c n e 8 \onQ a r e r e I diesel enqines were installed this j ^ responsible fof any debts ex p ^ ^ funninq in upper penin-' ended. The present day fireman ^ ^ m o 9 e contracted by myselt. g u l a r i y e r g

, ,_!___ _.i_ .__ i _ . . , «—. Orqarnzed defense aqainst in­sects and othor forest enemies is planned in Mich, this year

sets and watches air, water, oil ^ " Adolph Hartman and pressure qauqes and the DATED: MAY 10« 1950 track ahead. The first diesels -~~—- w io *» Kiwi**i«7** ^ *.»w. —- , — had no fireman. Then one was pQR SALE: One buildinq 1 4 x } 8 ' by 6 federal and state aqencies. added. Now the unions demand ^SQ Q^O buildinq 9x9 ft. Inquire M l c h ; n o w ^aa 500,000 acres



two. i Jt:, jm.- ol Stanley DinkeL of pine plantinqs in the state.

Req-iu ar Meetinq bfl Vil rqfe* Council iMay 9, 1950

. • s ^ .

devices, such as artificial Urtfoi, shed (NT »*• f>Und, has been set up at^United Nations

to iMMflftrate to delegates and *Uir members what Jundicapped people back to productive em-

J$, sids iBemtoev govoninents Tn rehahilitntin; "flsTOfifh its advisor;- ^S-••'. welfare pr^rim, • r: i. . .

fifiewsh/ps and sc r- '»3 i.*r \ •:. tic:.-. fxpcrt3.

Called followed by foil call of oficers Present! Swarthout, Shirley, Ets

;ele, R. Cleffk.'C. Clark and Read Absent None

' Motion by Shirley supported by< Read to reliqht 4»Main St liqhts 3 in front of park and one (1) in

| front of new bowlinq alley. Also the St. liqht in front of the Geo. Thompson home on Howell St. Carried .

Motion by Shirley supported by


John Proctor, 2^, Howell Alice Salmrn, 18. Howell; Robert Biqe low, 20, Fowlerville, Helen Be

to order by Pres. Dinkel ment, 20, Webberbille; Leslie Par dee, \'32, Fowlerville, May Venas


T. , , * r ^ . j ' Five conservation dept. crews r^n SALE: One Model A Ford h a y e ^ ^ ^ mapplnq 70 lakes Coupe, with three new tlres.qooci l n 1 5 ^^ c o u n t i es . 1900 lakes condition, two power saw outms, a n n Q W mcvX)Qdt j h e s e maps and .Carpenter and *}****** are now available from the dept. Tools, also 18x15 linoleum, ruq g t f a r t h e gale if fishinq liceen-wheelbarrow, carden tools etc. iC9Big27 percent less than a yeda^

aqo. Trout stamps sales were 34 percent off. The number oi real mnnow dealers increased 14 per cent. . , ,

75 forest ftres last week burned over 1136 acres.

Bounty payments on foxef^cojj ottes and Dobcats were $7,200 la April. There were 1238 foxee

t f UBs slSsBBBBBBBBBBBBBs BBBB«B 50 ccyottes-ond 23 bobcats. , . _ : f H B ^ ^ B ; The ^ will accept bids on

State park attendance is o« ^ ffl^HKHB^H ^ ^connsc^ed < ^ "? * M < g

kci, 20, Fowlerville: Archie er. 2i, Fowlerville. Francis CatreH-23, Howell; Willard Herman, 22 Howell Delores Allison^ 19,: How* ell; James Featherly jr. 20, Ham burq, DorofhV Seay, 20, Whit more Lake; Russell Morqanif 4©Y Fowlerville. Rena LaMirdie'; -17, Hartland.

wmm ''*y:^i>rL

•'****-^i ^ •^^^^i^^w^t>£ ^ mi

Page 5: Michigan Mirror | Happening* I 6UR DEMOCRAC by Mat Y ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1950-05-17.pdf · 3 0 Chway whareby ocean vessels ... ma at the Louis Coyle farm about 5

ifi'-? * ; . & . • . • • '

mm lev*

^ ¾ ^ ¾

The PincJmey Dtepatch

Stofe /

go® Groceries, Camiaed Goods,

Gents Furnishings erie

" v


KenneityV $£en, S \ s j r i £ & % j «

'fho Pinckney Dlsporcn Entered a s 2nd class

act of March 3. 1877 matter at Postoifico

114 So.HoweM St. PmckneyMicl Subscription Price $i.50 a Tear

Pa>' W. Uuiott Pubiiafc« ' Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nuofia . , j Hon w^ie buiia-iy qaatnj ai ' i--oyd liv/naa..' name.

Mrs. Kennotii Wyi.w <* .... ch..„

[j lei int-aiw bunaay.

II Mr. and Mrs. 3. K. Carr cnt. i la.naa inc-i; cimaren iyio:iia:: ' Day.

'I he Leonard Lee fam ; jy n ' ;:ie wtei: end with nor mahe r in

i 4

| Bill VGri31aircum and Bill Enq I qmsc - _,xu Suriaay m Detroit

Ij The Sieve Geiyc^; family of DL•; f| roit wore Sunday quc-Jts cf Mr. !. axiu ivi; s. Gtra:... Kaason.

Dallas Cox and family of Eat tie jCre..^ woie Sunaay quca'ls of' i Mis.Boss Honry -ma tne Norman [ deacon family. k

f ., Mrs. Hossio Chambers, Oia. f : p..a,;on. and family and the Chi ford Chambers fum-ly wrr^ M< <'. hers Day quests at I ho H ji.au; on home.

ian ana Ivas. Frod Read an-'.h>..- HJ.VO ;I lie-id family hen atiia ;< at B.ackd in Cheis•-• i So .

M..:s Albc-ria Lamnei aoa Ms. ' (ivlcav iVi a:.n -of Howell voa-/- i; '

J'Arm AiOor Thursday. f Art our. bull:.j acd wife ri Gr.:-J

qory and ;he JSIUC? Held famny/ , of Stockbridqo were Sun. quean: 'at iv • i-iobea R-ad dome j M'o. ['red P'-aa •nitertain-d tind jfoilowinq Sat. nite in ho :o; al> j her husbands binhday: it .b .a ,

»I Reo.fi and family. Ross R> ' ; ! a n ; ! ,w;fn James Whiilav and f:ml:y,f Jar* Schons '/c and wif^ of Ann /• » bor iohn 'McGu:"? :n-l v..' _ D I

- a n d Mrs. Steve Brown and H. .. ! I McK•: nzie and wii of l > n 0 ' . | | Mr.^aaa M:o. L. 1. Hon-y, Mi.

i i y -

P£SL*!*J.L i 7 1 7 Upside Dr. Hughes

NII Ai'fii -::;-Y u; M D U I lb . v i ' \ | ,i ;

:ii' 'ii the


JI'CI EVE& I Siiecial de luxe PS:! GAS-IAP?AM liaiae


4 tutomatic, instant-lighting burners . . . removable porce­lain drip trays.

Visualiteoven with glass win- « dow and oven !:?nt. ^

24-hour clock vith luPt-in S timer. t f

Visimir.der signals cc-.-kir. \ time, up to 30 miiiu'cs. L

Vi^"^uidegives t.':- ^ rj.d tem­perature information.

V Illuminated signal t&l!: v. on oven is on. .

v jjlrfght il'uminsics entire top

i t t range. . •»i v

,Lcrge working area. Fori '-4ain finish. Concoaad o- ci; 1 vent.

, ^ £ A ^ ^ J B 3 K m ^ ^ - w ; J ^ ^ t ^ ^ ; ^ ono^'Mrs. Lloyd Nodi," Mr

' 1 J^.^^^TSrnf'"111 «5L-»:1 cSi5!'?: - a u a V . j riio aroom i.; a qrand:;on of Oi

0 - ^ ¾ q U 9 6 t S o f M a r k N a s h ' ' V i n d a ^ ' q i i - s ' s at !h- W I-f -'Ann A-hor "V.o V ' d " 1 " M°Vor ham.-., were Wm. .. oo I JV'rch S:"a° - , / ^ ^¾ N a ^ ' h o f ^11^ f ' ; m i l v o f Ann A^bor. ., : ;ol

ir"fomUv ' ° MvXli:' : : i : !" : M e v e r a n d i a m i ] V of Yps.: nit; ' m U Y - . inck MoGf.w and family- ,f lack ,Joh0 Caryer had *ifchcn ware 0 ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ' " ' ^

. demonstrations in Pontiar c \ M^o •?' • 'D. t roa last week - - u ' S ' a v Q u ^ ' ' " f ^ ' - ' / i V ' J " H( no w, -.-. Lynn If 10••

WOOK end o r ^ , „• »>,. T ° T ^ i , ^ Bert Appl.-ion -r n Shehan homo w e ^ c i n C ^ T ? D ' ^ - ' ^

P r ' q h t ° ^ M ; - M " : io r :

Shelaon^ h a : i G S p ^ s ^ d jack v„ -k { r o m , , , ^ ^ w : , t ; Shan- mo_t na m Om :ho N 1)--

Mn end M;s. Flo¥d W«.-ka an-i 0 M r ' C,':H M r s ' L'''U1- C '^ 1 rv daucrntor 0 Grana Ledge cmd ^unaay at the Ciar-nco St .pna

j Wrav riiockiey and wife W P P h°,1?'? nt T r C h o l s e a -

.Sunday quests of Mr. ana Mrs" J :'\Ll?r\n-r Ledv/idqe aitcr-.-; Clifford VanHorn. * " d r- birlnday p.orfy Sat. a* th

I Mr. ana Mrs. Olin Robineon - t i*1 B r o <^ a n h o m ^ in Chilso- f Menaeda meetinq of the M c h ^ r : : - Vpr^r-icn Broqari Wal i r -

b f ; a Telephone Co. Pion-^rs a' ':' Ambrose Konn^dy lam:•'-. Ine Noilhwocd Inn, Dot- \ i'. •-• o f ^r;wfell spent Sunday ca It niqht. " * "'J Jrvi.n K^rm^dy hoino.

Mrs. Winifred Graves was en- D a - " M-abon >:<r\6 Poy 5v, r< " ' "" of W.s. who are bath af fh-> r^y


\\ Ii'tt '.:ii".-l~ s;i\ ' j1!'a-<' JJ-I*- ihr-l-n!

:i 'ooil Jiost nr \\i^\r&* lo do jual l

ncr'P.o-ity of O/T<TJ/IJT tij»oI*>;:M's.

-Hirrc H no \w\\f\- -ian of ^ooil li\ infr ili.,n k n mj; j • f c TI f \ of Imilcr on die i;ili|<' a \sv\\ ;i~ in rooLiiJ f«unlM. 'W^

\>r>t pvijtr- <\ill fur luill-r. IT- hiiltrc lli.ii r?rl<ls zesi

and PII j<>\ nnnl lo ivcr\ < /i) /01 Naluir J'.i- endowed il \sith an iinnitial'l'', d<-Iiri.Mi n\j\or.

And hnltrr i- ' IK<«-k full of'iM.iu i-Iii'i^ni f<>\ n j - tnad<' < nn'rrly of |})r ricliol pail of milk 1\'JI 1 ifrf'.s Most •Nearly I'rrfcrl J- •<><><J. f'um jiifi.a nf cr'-.irn nm info rvtr}' pound of Imtlcv.

IdttJe wonder we all fur.n make the request:

1 . i - i x -, i j . ; 11 i i " i : we

Ali.liiy.in Milk P„,d„ fcrs Asso, 1,,1,,,,, A Coopnativc oUUc<l and nporatvd'/,v

2.1000 J)„i, y.l'nr„„>n

Church ofihe Aipster cunday, Moy 2lsf

8:00. P.M. : 103 K O W t U MICHIGAN i - G r : n . P.v-; MESSAGE SERVICE BY tertamea for Mothers Day at " c f W : s ' w h ' ^ ^ro bah: af'th^ ,av J U T M 4 F 7 ^ ¾ " ' '- Z ! y i ^ ^ G E SERVICE BY

family qatherinq at the home of g ! !r 'Ti?inq schc^'l at Vjra;n :•: IVI !*£• \7yil2€» S"tt #J5 * itl^^A* her dauqnters, Mrs. Gerald B o a c n ' V n - spent th- w^ok r-nd * ««^^? ST%jr Rf*5# fOnf f f l s f Musson in HOWPII . at the G-orae M--nV»r-« ir n-X,- " * — " " ._ W " " » S J « S J %


Now is the ti:ao to modernize your

kitchen with F ionas . . . the th-ilty

bottled gas for fpnn and town homes!

Vou can l.unt ha- and wide, but you

won't find a b.Vror value anyvd.ore

than this bcautifuT de lu:;c rr.nge!

Remember, ioo, we will £;ve- ycu a

generous trro^r-in aIIow:uK'o on your

old r^ngc . . . rerr.rdlcrd of type, make,

or condiiiort!1 E \S- tern h! \'n ii you v.u>


Musson in Howell. < a t J h e G T C £ M ^ r n j r ' V ? 1

Mothers Day quests of Mrs. M r ' ' : :1^ Mrs. VVayn., AtLe-Cora Webb wore her sonsjam-s w r f ^P^01^ ^ r i d a V; „ „ C. Webb and family of Royal M^s Minnir? Toloa of Boy Ci|v

, Oak and Joseph Webb and -iani ^ ^ T ^ W^ncn.-ll a -d crmt!v jiiy oi Ypsilanti. o i Oxbow Lake were wodr eno ' D-:;r. Griffith and amily of Ann au-^ o f M r s ' iV!arV Hoff. [ Arbor spent the woek end at thr> Ka-y-nn^ rlanry ret>:rn-^d bom 1 joe Griffith home. from St. To<= hospital, An* Arbor

Mr. and Mrs. Murray Kennedy Friday where she underwent an , an,d son spen;/ Sunday at the appendicitis operation. I Culver farm in Deerfield. ' ~&* "^"^™"^~

Hubert Ledwidqe and family* ' .—» of Rcyal Ock were Sun. quests j

j of Mrs." Eleanor Ledwidqe.. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Carr en

Pertained the Roqer Carr family [and the Leo Bettes family at dm ner Sunday.

Mrs. Irvin Kennedy visited Mrs Inez Martin in Lansinq part of last week. i

Mr. and Mrs. Andrnw Nisbett spent the week end with the G o j

don Hestor family in Ypsilanti. Roy KiC3 end Mrs. Millie Char

chill of Detroit,-called at the Earl Bauqhn home^ Sunday


$150 A F T E R ^ , : m a P E , A L T Y of $ 2 o o ^ - - r o

JENNIE M. EASTMAN, Livingston County Treasurer

Anchor Inn

Full size Kikhen Ranges fr&m $7-7.50

Aw!*na:ie Wof«r Heoicn ' -om $C?50





14S ,4

Me did jm share! Now iff up to us


MAY 00


T K F I J N ! T r 0 S T A T E S


OPEN EVERY DAY 7:00 A. M. TO 2:00 A. M.SUNDAY FROM 12:00 P. M. TO2:00 A. M.


Kalevbda and His Orchestra MODERN SWn«J SATURDAY AND SUNDAY BY

Robbie Robinson, his Piano & Orchestra


z:^ -v«<i*iy



'< •


i.-'.^is iv'

Page 6: Michigan Mirror | Happening* I 6UR DEMOCRAC by Mat Y ...pinckneylocalhistory.org/Dispatch/1950-05-17.pdf · 3 0 Chway whareby ocean vessels ... ma at the Louis Coyle farm about 5

**:T::' r >•> • _ / U > 4i7V'*i

^: . -^

K * 3 _ V

h Wednesday. January 4. 1950 Vreaa«scl-"y, May IT, 1850

OT*_M*______•_M_M-M-_-_N ^ V " - \

fir"*.'" fl—'"—""""_*-•, ' * ^ T ^ V

» ;


• JT.54-J

<*' --V

XC-. •v


owcaseWPa O. E. S. — Bldg. Committee —. F. & A. M.

Pinckney Masonic Hall

SATURDAY, MAY 20ih, 1950 a! 8:00 P. M.*


ria_aey« *_sn» Daily ll;uu A . J*. to i;uO F. M.

Except Weanesaoy

Attorney* ess Law Hrrt Stoti andSavina* Bonk

Howell Mid-Jem MARTIN J. LA VAN

Attorney at Law Phone 13 Brighton. Mich,

I* A 3® QgyfQ Donation SI.00

Ono Pair of Pillow Slips ^ Each Table

Doc? Prize Refreshments

Da. G. a. Mcci-uttj_..< D intisi

li2)_ North Michigan j hone 157Hl Re>arny . Telephones, j MYRON J. HUGHES Otfice 9^5 . Kesfclence y H i ^ Wu_r__q and Heating


. * . .<*:


M _ MT Fr actor

-settings by Appointments State Howell* Michigan License

j ~ ] _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i / 1 L O O K I N G T O W A R D p h w 1 8 3 . 2 0 7 H t . 3 r a n d _ivw

Howell |_chigan









FARMING). 18 1-8 H. P. AT THE DRAWBAR, 20 1-2 H. P.







WE'KNOWO oue-=s



r= L.OCAI r«*.D£MAIKS. I»_

S P R I N G R e a l Estate, insureliqe_rokerage Your farm plans, now in the City* Lake and .1 Ism Property

making probably call for the A Spocul.ty use-of bonk credit. Why not Ua\ Your PropexJ/ with Me ^ come in at your convenience? - LEE LAv£Y We can lc:k over your needs for **"* Zl _ _ aheadBank Cr s_ _ e » l I n ^ c . is tho best farm credit. HLono S--3


HOWELL 1 farm Sales a Specialty 1 BERT WYUE

Under Federal Supervision p h o n e pinckaey 78F2. Member rederal Deposit Insur W M ' ™ ^ ""T«___;T_ once Corporation. AU Deposits In . STANLEY BERRIMAN sured up to $5,000 for each Depos • Attorney at Urw itox. ... 207^ £. Grand River , Howeli

8717 LafaMide Ddv. Rush Lalw



. i_tabLsned 1865 Repairs on AU MaKes | Incorporated 1916 ? k ^ e Pu?ckni»y 154F3

HOW SAFE IS YOUR MONEY ? ^1 — When you deposit your rundsin

Funeral Homo Don C Swarthout Director

Modern Equipment Ambulance Service

Phones 39 & 63« Pinekne/^Mich ^TRED C. nfiasHOFF s* *

OPTOMETRIST 120 West Grand Btrer Avo

HoweD Michigan For Appointment

Pk sr e 358 Residence 611

{ S O Y D "" HIJWDEE I l ive Stock HfjroBr

Weekly T/ips Made-to UetroT General Trucking

P^one C4F14 GARl jQfc_S

t Concrete Products. Crxrvai | Sand Top Soil Road G M T ^

E REED. Jeweler j a bank your first consideraion WATCH, CLOCK REPAIRING j ** 1 should be their safety. _A bank hccutnie _ F a g t _ p e asonable | provides safety for its depositors Guaranteed Work in several ways.

Fill Dir and Road Bu^ 'Blocks Laid* Piece o* Omtrat* :7628 Toma Rd. Piackney Bte. « 1 Phono JOextor'3 1 1 6

».v OR. C. T. TOWNFR

Dentist 8044 Portage Lake Road Dexter


^ j T a y r e l a k e d as the most « 0 W Vain S, Pinckne. M l c b i ^ ^ a ^ U U . important is -tho accumulation, - _ _ ^-



L A.VEI ar_i.

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daring prosperity, of capital in the for:n of capital, surplus, un­divided profits, and reserves for contingencies.

Classified 4dv« , ISANTER:™ RabhH/e^^u _ _ Phone 52F4 M.E. Leinbach

, _ . , FOR SALE: Small white"c i a _ S , F O R SPiLE'- ~ 1 9 2 9 4 D 0 0 1 F ? r d

| Wi-.h 51.00 of these for every K l t c ; - e n R a n q e i q o o d c o n t i o Sed'on, Hydraulijc Braketi. First SiO.CG of depo:.:.ts regarded by f^m: w o o d o r c o a L the banking fraternity as peing


April ? S V 0 v.-ey " ™ ovel FOR SALE: Used Davenport a... •„ _ .. 720 .housand daUar3 in these ac- " m r in qood.condition Brown Suite; Matching Davenport and

! one there takes it for $35.00 I l lSChi lson Rd

Phpna Huweli 1382W 8 pc. Dining Room



HORSES $2.50 COWS $2.50


Phone 38 Pinckney

Central D3a_ &t3*1n Co


— ~ • - . PI w r u . . 0< and Fawn crushed Mohair. c o u u i s a s a q a ^ 0^ ^ l - o n s o i Mrs. Cass Clinton do: era in dopor^iS, cr >i.uU in -—— i± capital t<a__ *G0 in deposits. WANTED: Male, short

Chair. Desk & Occasional Table; 12x17 Li\_ig Room Rug and Pad;

„ • .* « -.**•**



hc:ijdd Upright Eureka Vacum Cleaner. This hiqh percentago provider puppy, Gentian sheperd, cross Inquire at:

c pro'ec '>•;<* c_l-ion m tunes oi preferred. j • Robinson Soda Bar - -ss which sound banking has Daniel Phelps, Stockbridge. Mich 111 Main Street, Pinckney,_Mich Provided in more prosperous Phone 3-J.22 _ _ _.3^ ^^^^£^^ 'f^aro^

" IZt ! ^ L i " J 2 _ f ^ m ? , o S S and green onions. All other fr^sh


A _ F GLASS AND DO Ti.-W O r •' ?ROPOLV^->K3Mi'iL\.

__Ab_S iiU"?.0 PARTS — PHONE 1S1

1018 EAST GiiAND RIVER Ho\v:>d, Michigan _ _

Periods. , , - „ r n r A M c . P > M - ^ ° ^ W l t h ^ v a t e d oven $18.00 . v"^eta__* in "season. We ara M c P H E R S O N Sta te B A N : - - M a e Poller t c J J n a o r d e r s i a r flower and veq

unc^r ied&ral HiipHrvimon FOR SALE: Sir weeks old Pointer etable plants by the dozen or Member Federal Deposit Insuran a n d Spamel Pups. Prices $2 &$l. plant. ce Corporation. All Deposits uy Henry Winslow, Phone 112F22 George C. Charboneau to SSflfJU *or each Depos'to

Howeui Mich'oan m a

FOR SALE: Strawberry plants, ' Q040 Farlpy" Roa^l State Inspected, Robinson, Pre j Phone 161FU mier, Catskil, C:....oli bulbs. | . r r r . _


Pine State Inspected c , sizes manv • WANTED: -GOOD WAITRESS

Wm. R( Bairli ' loe LaRosa,. Dexter Michigan 728 East Sibiey St. Howell, Mich | WANTED:TO exchange rides to Phone Howell 321R j.Ford Rouqe plant, searting time

7:00 a. m. guitting time 3:30 p. m. Lester McAfee_ Phone . 157F2 WANTED: A Used Piano.-

Phone Pinckney 160F3 FOR SALE: BABY CTSCKS.

BOB SQUIRE HATCHERY 218 South Mich. Ave. ! SUIJi!l, tw^T*^ "ffi-Land l a k e

Phone 305 W k Howen j _ ^ _ T _ . ¾ ^ . ^ L a n d £ * !

WANTED: Will trade a Briqgs-Straton Lawn Mower motor for a' Small OutboaM Motor/


m. Ex-,ce $6500.00

133 or 17

1 1

Meats Fruit


Fish Elarke 4>

Courteous <*\



horn trailers whether o^nzd, rented, or bor­rowed when pulled fay passenger cdr$ for pfeasure use under bodily •fnjury and property daw-s??e $i no additional

dl|3. cue senile for women to | j ^ ^ / b e s t . <4 "

Har;v Clay, 7439 Bentley Hd. His | ^ a lot crvgUab 1 Pincknev _ K t _ i r^ i ' ja;.

FOR SALE:' Balsd Hav. $.50 p?r I WANTED: ^ ¾ ¾ ¾ ^ ^ - f i j 52!! Lee Lavev Phone 59F3 j a g * ^ ^ ^ J T S m S : FOI^ SALE: Good Ice Box. holds ; trailer for sale.

i 50 lbs. also Early Pontiac Red Seed Potatoes. Nelsort Buzzard 326 Main St.

Pincknpv. Michigan ,

^OR SALE: .... Reynolds dairy farm at 7769 Farley Road,' 19fl .

j acres good land, wood lot/ orch (Detroit ^ ard, Modern two Apt. house, coal iCJL_Uov_

trailer 101 »<-.!<?. --• _fc

Earl Schroedm 5486 M. 36 e a t WANTED:"- WiU do washings and Ironings. . , . , , . COPA

Mrs. M,-E. l . e i r ^ a c ^ P h o n e J f * WANTED:...POULTKl'. Will pay

Phono 62F1

or wood furnace, new artesion QQX Your SpriiW ^ f 0 3 1 ^ ^ ! } ! .

.' J > . . . • . ^

U /

j 3 in well, lots of water. A 30x60 I barn, 24 sianchions, new milk j house, and tile silo, garage grain ' arv, hen houso and tool sheds. Call at 545 PutncmvSt. Pinckney.

S l y . Wall and window wasWna

U?. Rd. RFD 1 or Call Mr* Rov Clark



We Have S p o t Ca^H






HOWELL 4 5 0 ~

licensee for DARLING & COMPANY

Farm Seed hick Starter Sot Your Needs

\&i Vc .<>?!..


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