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Microsoft Access access 2007 Lesson 1

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  • 7/25/2019 Microsoft Access access 2007 Lesson 1


    Lesson 1: Getting Familiar with Microsoft Access 2007

    for Windows

    Microsoft Access is a database software package. A database is an organized collectionof records. Telephone and address books are examples of paper databases. With Access,

    you can create a computerized database. For example, you can use Access to organize the

    students who attend a school, the courses they take, and the instructors who teach them.After you create an Access database, you can search it, manipulate it, and extract

    information from it. This lesson introduces you to Access windows and teaches you how

    to create a database.

    Getting Started

    ou use windows to interact with Access. To begin, start Access !""#. ou screen will

    look similar to the one shown here.

    $orthwind is a sample database you can download from the Microsoft website. % will use

    the $orthwind database to introduce you to Access windows. %f the $orthwind databaseis already on your system, open it, otherwise download it and then open it.

    To open orthwind:

    &. 'lick the Microsoft (ffice button. A menu appears.

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    !. 'lick (pen. The (pen dialog box appears.

    ). *ocate the $orthwind database.

    +. 'lick the (pen button. Access opens the $orthwind database.

    To download orthwind! connect to the "nternet and then follow these steps:

    &. 'lick ample. The $orthwind !""# icon appears in the center of the window.

    !. 'lick the $orthwind icon.

    ). 'lick the -rowse button. The File $ew atabase window appears.

    +. *ocate the folder in which you want to sa/e the $orthwind database.

    0. 'lick (1. The File $ew atabase window closes.

    2. 'lick 'reate. Access creates the $orthwind database and opens it.

    #nderstanding Sec$rit%

    %t is possible for an Access database to contain malicious code, such as a computer /irus.Access has security settings that disable code and display a security warning when you

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    open a database. %f you know a database is trustworthy, you can perform the following

    steps to enable it. ou may need to enable the $orthwind database.

    To ena&le a data&ase:

    &. 'lick the (ptions button. The Microsoft (ffice ecurity (ptions dialog box


    !. 'lick 3nable This 'ontent.

    ). 'lick (1. Access enables the content. %f you are enabling the $orthwind

    database, the *ogin dialog box appears.

    +. 'lick *ogin. Access opens the $orthwind database.

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    %f you know a database is safe, you can store it in a trusted location. atabases stored in

    trusted locations do not re4uire you to enable security.

    To create a tr$sted location:

    &. 'lick the Microsoft (ffice button. A menu appears.

    !. 'lick Access (ptions in the bottom5right corner. The Access (ptions pane


    ). 'lick Trust 'enter.

    +. 'lick Trust 'enter ettings.

    0. 'lick Trusted *ocations.

    2. 'lick Add $ew *ocations. The Microsoft (ffice Trusted *ocation dialog boxappears.

    #. 3nter the path to the location you want to trust, or click -rowse to locate the


    6. %f you want to trust subfolders, select The ubfolders (f This *ocation Are AlsoTrusted.

    7. 'lick (1. The location is now a trusted location.

    &". 'lick (1 again.

    &&. 'lick (1. ou ha/e created a trusted location.

    The a'igation (ane

    The Access window used in this example has been set up to make it easier to explain.

    This section shows you how to set up your window so that it matches the example. %f you

    are not already logged in to $orthwind, click the *ogin button.

    An Access database consists of the following ob8ects9 tables, 4ueries, forms, reports,

    macros, and modules. The $a/igation pane displays the ob8ects in a database.

    To manip$late the a'igation pane:

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    'lick the double right5arrows to open it. The arrows change to double left5

    arrows .

    'lick the double left5arrows to close it. The arrows change to double right5

    arrows .

    %n this example, the ob8ects are organized by type, which is not the default setting. ou

    may want to organize the ob8ects in your database by type also. ou can use the down5arrow on the top of the $a/igation pane to change the manner in which ob8ects areorganized.

    To organi)e o&*ects &% t%pe:

    &. 'lick the All Access (b8ects button on the $a/igation pane. A menu appears.

    !. 'lick (b8ect Type. Access displays the ob8ects in the database by type.

    The Access window with the $orthwind database open is shown here.

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    ote:our window probably does not look exactly like the one shown. %n

    Access !""#, the window display depends on the size of the window, the size of your

    monitor, and the resolution to which your monitor is set. :esolution determines howmuch information your computer monitor can display. %f you use a low resolution, you

    can fit less information on your screen, but the size of your text and images are larger. %f

    you use a high resolution, you can fit more information on your screen, but the size of thetext and images are smaller. Also, you can use settings in Access !""#, Windows ;ista,

    and Windows

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    $ext to the Microsoft (ffice button is the >uick Access toolbar. The >uick Access

    toolbar pro/ides you with access to commands you fre4uently use. -y default, a/e,

    ?ndo, and :edo appear on the >uick Access toolbar. ou use a/e to sa/e an ob8ect,?ndo to roll back an action you ha/e taken, and :edo to reapply an action you ha/e

    rolled back.

    The Title ,ar

    The Title bar is located at the top in the center of the Access window. The Title bar

    displays the name of the database on which you are currently working.

    The /i&&on

    ou use commands to tell Access what to do. %n Access !""#, you use the :ibbon to issue

    commands. The :ibbon is located near the top of the Access window, below the >uick

    Access toolbar. At the top of the :ibbon are se/eral tabs@ clicking a tab displays relatedcommand groups. Within each group are related command buttons. ou click buttons to

    issue commands or to access menus and dialog boxes. ou may also find a dialog box

    launcher in the bottom5right corner of a group. When you click the dialog box launcher, a dialog box makes additional commands a/ailable.

    Access +&*ects

    To 'iew or hide the o&*ects on the a'igation pane:

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    ou click the double down5arrows to /iew ob8ects. The double down5arrows

    change to double up5arrows .

    ou click the double up5arrows to hide ob8ects. The double up5arrows change

    to double down5arrows .

    As stated earlier, the $a/igation pane stores the ob8ects in your database9 tables, 4ueries,

    forms, reports, macros, and modules. (b8ects always display with an icon to the right.

    The icon tells you the ob8ect type9 table, 4uery, form, report, macro, and



    Tables %n Access, data is stored in tables. A table is a set of columns and

    rows, with each column referred to as a field. 3ach /alue in a fieldrepresents a single type of data. 3ach row of a table is referred to

    as a record.

    >ueries ou use 4ueries to retrie/e specific data from your database and to

    answer 4uestions about your data. For example, you can use a4uery to find the names of the employees in your database who

    li/e in a particular state.

    Forms Forms gi/e you the ability to choose the format and arrangementof fields. ou can use a form to enter, edit, and display data.

    :eports :eports organize or summarize your data so you can print it or

    /iew it onscreen. ou often use reports when you want to analyzeyour data or present your data to others.

    Macros Macros gi/e you the ability to automate tasks. ou can use a macro

    to add functionality to a form, report, or control.

    Modules *ike macros, modules gi/e you the ability to automate tasks and

    add functionality to a form, report, or control. Macros are createdby choosing from a list of macro actions, whereas modules are

    written in ;isual -asic for Applications.

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    ou double5click an ob8ect to open the ob8ect. ou right5click an ob8ect to /iew a menuof options. ou can use the menu to do such things as open ob8ects, rename ob8ects, and

    delete ob8ects.

    (b8ects that are open appear on tabs. :ight5click a tab to /iew a menu of options you can

    perform, such as sa/e the ob8ect, close the ob8ect, or change the /iew.

    hange iews

    A /iew is a way of looking at an ob8ect. For example, in Access, data is stored in tables.

    Two of the possible ways you can /iew a table are atasheet /iew and esign /iew. oucan see the data contained in a table in atasheet /iew. ou can see the design of a table

    in esign /iew. When you open an ob8ect, buttons appear in the lower5right corner of the

    Access window. ou can use the ;iew button on the ome tab to change /iews, or youcan click the proper button in the lower5right corner of the window.

    lose a ata&ase and 34it Access

    This completes the introduction to Access using the $orthwind database. The followingdescribes how you close a database and exit Access.

    To close a data&ase:

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    &. 'lick the Microsoft (ffice button. A menu appears.

    !. 'lick 'lose atabase. Access closes the database.

    To e4it Access:

    &. 'lick the Microsoft (ffice button. A menu appears.

    !. 'lick 3xit Access. ou exit Access.

    reate a ata&ase

    When you start Access, the Betting tarted With Microsoft (ffice Access screen appears.

    ou can use this screen to create a database. Within a database, you can do such things asenter data, create reports, and retrie/e data. ou can create a blank database or you can

    use one of the templates pro/ided by Microsoft. When you use a template, Access creates

    forms you can use to enter data, reports you can use to retrie/e data, and more. ou canmodify the forms, reports, and other ob8ects to suit your needs. This tutorial will teach

    you how.

    The following templates are included with Access9 Assets, 'ontacts, 3/ents, Faculty,

    %ssues, Marketing =ro8ects, =ro8ects, ales =ipeline, tudents, and Tasks. (ther templatesare a/ailable online. 3ach template creates a database related to the title. For example, the

    Faculty template creates a faculty database that includes tables, 4ueries, forms, and

    reports related to faculty. %n Access, you use tables to store data, 4ueries to retrie/e data,forms to enter data, and reports to display data.

    To $se a template to create a data&ase:

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    &. tart Access. The Betting tarted With Microsoft (ffice Access screen appears.

    !. 'lick *ocal Templates. %cons representing local templates appear in the center of

    the window.

    ). 'lick the icon for the template you want to use.

    +. 'lick the -rowse button. The File $ew atabase window appears.

    0. *ocate the folder in which you want to store your database.

    2. 'lick (1.

    #. 'lick 'reate. Access creates and opens your database.

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    6. (pen the $a/igation pane. Access displays the tables, 4ueries, forms, reports and

    other ob8ects related to the database you selected. ou may wish to display the

    ob8ects by type.

    5ow do " create a data&ase &ased on the templates that are fo$nd online6

    (nline templates fall into the following categories9 -usiness, 3ducation, =ersonal, and

    $on5profit. To create a database based on one of these templates9

    &. tart Access. The Betting tarted With Microsoft (ffice Access screen appears.

    !. Make sure you are connected to the %nternet.

    ). 'lick the category for the template you want to create. %cons representing %nternet

    templates appear in the center of the window.

    +. 'lick the icon for the template you want to use to create your database.

    0. 'lick the -rowse button .

    2. *ocate the folder in which you want to store your database.

    #. 'lick ownload. Access prompts you.

    6. 'lick 'ontinue. Access downloads and opens your database.

    7. (pen the $a/igation pane. Access displays the tables, 4ueries, forms, reports, and

    other ob8ects related to your database.

    5ow do " open an e4isting data&ase6

    &. 'lick the (ffice button. A menu appears.

    !. 'lick (pen.

    ). *ocate the folder in which you stored your database.

    +. 'lick the database name.

    0. 'lick (pen. Access opens the database.

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    Tip:ou can also open an existing database by pressing 'trl5( and then

    following steps ) through 0.

    reate a ,lan. ata&ase

    A blank database is a database with nothing in it. ou must create all the tables, forms,

    reports, 4ueries, and so on. %f you cannot find a template that suits your needs, create ablank database. After you create the database, Access opens to a datasheet and makes

    a/ailable the tools you need to create ob8ects. 'reating tables is the first step in building a

    database. ou will learn more about creating tables in the next lesson.

    To create a &lan. data&ase:

    &. tart Access.

    !. 'lick -lank atabase.

    ). Type the name you want to gi/e your database in the File $ame field. Access willautomatically append .accdb to the name.

    +. 'lick the -rowse button. The File $ew atabase window appears.

    0. *ocate the folder in which you want to store your database. $ote that the name of

    the file appears in the File $ame field.

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    2. 'lick (1.

    #. 'lick the 'reate button. Access creates the database and opens a datasheet with

    the Table Tools a/ailable to you.

    $ote the Table Tools in the upper5right portion of the :ibbon.

    What is a atasheet6%n Access, data is stored in tables. A datasheet displays the information stored in a table incolumns and rows. The columns are called fields and the rows are called records. ou can

    use a datasheet to create a table, enter data, retrie/e data, and perform other tasks.
