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Microsoft (Silverlight)

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Microsoft Silverl ight
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Agenda• What is Silverlight ?• Features• What’s new in C# 3.0• Controls and Containers• Third Party Tools• Hello World

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What is Silverlight?• Browser Plugin

• Earlier known as WPF/E (Windows Presentation Foundation / Everywhere)

• Cross-browser, cross-platform, cross-device implementation of the .NET Framework.

• < 10 sec download

• Provides animations, vector graphics, audio-video playback

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Cross Browser• Works on all major browsers

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Cross Platform• Works on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X

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Cross Device• Coming to Nokia and Windows Mobile phones

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How to Install ?

1. Install Visual Studio 2008.2. Install Visual Studio Service Pack 1.3. Install Silverlight Tools for Visual Studio.

(Optional) Install Expression Blend for designing XAML.

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Supported Languages• Silverlight 1.0– Javascript

• Silverlight 2.0–C#–VB.NET–Dynamic Lanaguages Supported• Microsoft JScript• IronPython• IronRuby

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Advantages• Single, consistent runtime for browser-based applications.

• Performance is promising. (Prime Number Calculator)

• There is an official open source implementation of Silverlight (Moonlight)

• Search engines can potentially index text within a Silverlight application, just as they can with Flash.

• Silverlight interprets XAML directly (Flex doesn’t)

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Disadvantages• The design tools (Expression Blend and Expression Design) are

comparatively new.

• Silverlight supports SOAP web services, or REST but doesn’t have an optimized binary protocol like Adobe’s ActionScript Message Format (AMF), which likely means slower performance in some scenarios.

• Silverlight is a browser-only solution (Adobe has AIR).

• Development on Windows platform only.

• Yet to penetrate market.

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New Features in C# 3.0

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New Features in C# 3.0• Implicit Type Variables

var i = 1;

When the compiler sees this in the code, it tries to figure out the type of the variable based on the value you assigned it.

• Object Initializer

Human h = new Human {Name = “Fahim”, Age = 23};

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Lambda Expressions

• A lambda expression is an anonymous function that can contain expressions and statements.

• Example x => x > 3

An Anonymous function that takes x (int) as an input and returns whether x is greater than 3 or not ( true or false).

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Lambda Expression (Cont)

• Func<int,bool> myFunction = x => x > 3;Console.WriteLine (myFunction ( 4 ) );True

• Func<int,int,bool> myFunction = ( x ,y ) => x < y; Console.WriteLine( myFunction ( 4 , 3 ) );False

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Attached Property

• An attached property is intended to be used as a type of global property that is settable on any object.

• Example<DockPanel>

<CheckBox DockPanel.Dock="Top">Hello</CheckBox></DockPanel>

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Extension Methods

• Special Kind of Static Methods

• Enable you to add methods to instances of existing types without creating a new derived type, recompiling, or modifying the original type.

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Extension Methodsclass Program{ static void Main(string[] args) { string name = "folio3"; Console.WriteLine(name.Decorate()); } }

public static class StringExtension { public static string Decorate(this string str) { return "**** " + str + " ****"; } }

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LINQ is a series of language extensions that supports data querying in a type-safe way

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LINQ Language INtegrated Query

• The most common extension methods are the LINQ standard query operators.

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• Results from a LINQ query are as IEnumerable<T> • Evaluation does not occur until you iterate the

results.• Some extension methods (e.g Count) iterate the

results.• Delayed evaluation means latest is always evaluated.

Re-evaluated if iterated again.• Use ToArray or ToList to get a “snapshot”

Delayed Evaluation

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• XAML or eXtensible Application Markup Language is a general purpose declarative language to create the tree of .net objects.

• Like XHTML and MXML.

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XAML Example<Grid> <Button x:Name="buttonClick" Click="buttonClick_Click" Content="Click Here"

Width="100" Height="100" /> <Label Content="Click the button" /></Grid>

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Layout Manager Controls• Canvas • StackPanel• Grid• Border

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Richer User Interfaces

• Calendar• TextBox (w/

Watermark)• Sliders• Buttons• Lists• Lots more!

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XAP File• Really a zip file in disguise

• Contains any content marked to be included in download and built in assemblies.

• .XAP file is what is downloaded to client machine

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App.Xaml• Contains Application Resources• Entry point for the application• This where you set your start page for the

application• Handles following events–Application Startup–Application Exit–Application Unhandled Exception

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Job Trends

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Third Party Tools

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Component Onehttp://www.componentone.com/

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Useful Links

• Official Website http://www.silverlight.net

• Useful Article• http://fahimilyas.blogspot.com/2008/05/road


• Silverlight Articles http://www.silverlightarticles.com

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Demo Collected ByVinayak Nandikal
