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Microsoft Word Basics

Date post: 30-May-2018
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  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics




    Hands on

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics



  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Microsoft Office Button

    -Opens a menu

    where you canchoose to create anew file, open an

    existing file, save a

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Customize Quick Access

    -Similar to the

    Quick Launchtoolbar-Contains shortcuts

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Title bar

    -Found next to the quick access toolbar-Shows the name of your document

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Ribbons, Tabs, and

    Ribbon panel at the top portion of the document- has seven tabs (HOME, INSERT, PAGE LAYOUT,

    REFERENCES, MAILINGS, REVIEW, VIEW)Tabs composed of groupsGroups contain functions that you can use tocustomize your document

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Dialog box launcher

    - Contain additional features of a group

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    - Can be used to change the format ofyour document quickly

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  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    ExercisesExercisesMSWord Toolbars

    Hands on

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Exercise 1 Create

    Type =rand()

    Press ENTER.Three paragraphs

    should appear in your document

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Exercise 2 Select with the

    Place your cursor before the word On in thefirst paragraph.

    Press and hold down the SHIFT key. This showsthe beginning of the text you want to select.

    Press the right arrow key until the first line oftext is highlighted.

    Press the down arrow key until the firstparagraph is highlighted.

    Click anywhere outside the highlighted area toremove the highlighting.

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Exercise 3 Select with the

    Place your cursor before the word "You" in thesecond paragraph.

    Press and hold down the left mouse button.

    Drag the mouse until you have highlighted thesecond paragraph.

    Click anywhere outside the highlighted area to

    remove the highlighting.

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    Exercise 4 Placing the

    By using the arrow keys

    By using the mouse

    Place the cursor before the word pictures inthe first paragraph.

    Try typing something and note what happens.

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    Exercise 5 Starting a New

    Place your cursor after the word template. inthe last paragraph.

    Press ENTER.

    Press TAB.

    Type this sentence exactly as it is shown here:

    The Quick Brown Fox Jumps

    Over The Lazy Dog.

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Exercise 6 Type,

    Type the following sentence:

    Joe has a very large house.

    Place the cursor at the end of e inhouse. Press backspace until youerase the word house.

    Type boat. The sentence shouldnow be:

    Joe has a very large boat.

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Place your cursor at the beginning ofvery.

    Select the word very using SHIFTand arrow keys (Exercise 2).

    Press the delete key. The sentence

    should now read:Joe has a large boat.

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Exercise 7 Bold, Italicize,

    Type your first name, middle name, andsurname.

    Select or highlight your first name usingeither the SHIFT key or the mouse.

    Click the Home Tab, and click this icon inthe Font Group:

    Highlight your middle name.In the Font group, click this icon:

    Highlight your surname.

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Exercise 8 Cut and

    Type the following:

    I want to move. I am content

    where I am.Select I want to move.

    In the Home tab, click the Cut Buttonin the Clipboard group.

    The sentence should now read:

    I am content where I am.

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    Place the cursor after the period.

    Press spacebar to insert a space.

    In the Clipboard group, click the PasteButton.

    The sentence should now read:

    I am content where I am. I wantto move.

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Exercise 9 Copy and

    Type the following:

    You will want to copy me. One of me

    is all you need.Select You will want to copy me.

    In the Home tab, click the CopyButton in the Clipboard group.

    Place the cursor after the period in thesentence One of me is all you need.

    Click the Paste Button.

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    Exercise 10 Changing the

    Type: I can be any size you want me tobe.

    Select the whole sentence.

    In the Home tab, in the Font Group, click thedown arrow next to the font size box.

    Move your cursor over the numbers and CLICKthe number ONCE to apply it to the highlightedtext.

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Exercise 11 Changing

    Type: Changing Fonts.

    Select the whole sentence.

    In the Home tab, in the Font group, click thedown arrow next to the Font box.

    In the menu that will appear, move over the

    fonts and CLICK the font ONCE to apply it to thehighlighted text.

  • 8/14/2019 Microsoft Word Basics


    Exercise 12 Saving your

    Click the Microsoft Office Button andclick Save.

    In the Left Panel, click Desktop.In the File Name box, type your

    desired filename.

    Click Save.

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    Exercise 13 Exiting

    Click the Microsoft Office Button.

    In the bottom-right corner of the

    menu that will appear, click Exit.
