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miDAY, FEBRUARY M I Newsamd Event of Intt to I...

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miDAY, FEBRUARY 8, IS M Society I I Items / ^ riWIWATltAWilf aWAVJi^mi|j| ff B K[\d words to soothe B you have a kind word to say Bitot will lighten some sad heart, Quickly say the pleasant word BThat will, joy and peace import, Bait not until days of grief ^MpiU the heart with needless woe; But youf sweetheart sympathy, Bon the aching- heart, bestow. Hjus wiil grief be driven back B^r the sunshine of your love, ^Bid the heart that felt despair ^ W in spirit, led above ' .'nic of hope. L (jjg plessea ream... . . Kvhere the soul, sweet peace, will n Hid such comfort in your words, Hwhich were tender, loving, kind. H Martha Shephard Lippincott. Hfcj.. M. H. Hayes of Wise was at Warren ton on Monday. ^KUr. J- f- Crinkley was a visitor H town Monday. i 'jjjs, charlotte Story Perkinson of was a visitor at the county seat Huiss Pa'ttie Frazier spent the, ^K.: gnd at Weldon with her sister, Hrs. Edgar Wood. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gibbs and ^Bildren and Miss Sarah Hawkins: Charlotte are visiting relatives! Warrenton. r. and .Mrs. Sam Palmer and' ^Bidren of Richmond spent the! ^Mek end here with Mr. and Mrs. I G. Rogers. ^Bessrs. Jimmie Jenkins and PresH Janis of Zebulon were week ^Kd -.-firors at Warrenton en route ^ ichRmond. Va. I friends of little Miss Elizabeth " * * - I Ilvce regret to learn tnai sne iwo |e measles. Ilr. Walter Loyd of Macon was recent visitor here. Mr. William T. Polk departed for [leigh yesterday morning. He is pected home today. Mr. Theo Stallings motored to eensboro on Sunday to take his ter, Miss Bettie Stallings, who is student at Greensboro college. Jrs. E. G. Shaw and Mrs. M. C. les of Henderson were guests of s. A. C. Blalock one day last lessrs. P. K. and F. G. Miles were | e Friday en route to Newport its on business. Ir. Forrest L. Robertson of N. ijate college spent Saturday, yvith his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 5. Robertson at Areola. Irs. A. C. Blalock and family and s. M. J. Miles spent last Sunday Henderson. Irs. W. S. Robertson of Areola int Tuesday at Norlina where she it to visit her little grandson, red Crawley Collier, who is ill h pneumonia. lesdames Boyd Kimball and rbert Petar of Henderson were sts of Mrs. Palmer Scoggin on isday. Ir. and Mrs. Armistead BurI of New York and Mrs. Rob veil of Henderson were guests of Misses Lucy and Edith BurII on Tuesday night. Ir. and Mrs. Clement Coleman Wise were in town Monday, dr. and Mrs. Sam Palmer and ildren of Richmond spent the ek end in the home of Mrs. S. P. rington. )lrs. Mollie Smith of Oxford is Pting her sister. Mrs. W. T. AlsMrs. Henry Egerton of Littleton pishing relatives in town. Many friends are sorry to know kt Mrs. Laura Daniel is critically I in an Atlanta hospital. Mrs Worhnvf rv.i. * . *4Vt W/Ci I re tar 01 Henoer-1 B was a guest of Mrs. Palmer ^B>ggin for several days last week. ^Br. and Mrs. William Fleming ^Bd son of Salisbury are visiting ^Bir father, Mrs. \V. D. Rodgers Sc Jernian Hunter of Petersvas recent vis.tor here. Ray Weston spent Sunday B^T^ky Mount. Eyt David Gaskill of Littleton a visitor here Sunday. Jim Jeffress and son of Pals' Springs, Va., were in town on ^Burday. ^B: R. E. Limer of nfton was in j ^Br- on Monday. ^B*s. Alex Baxter of Ridgeway Bs here Saturday. Bhends of Mr. Howard Alston ^B Blad to see him out again after Be Absent from work on account sickness to* - several weeks. | Elmer Thompson of Macon here Tuesday. 1 ^bhs. j. h. Huni of Embro was inl B>n Monday. 1 Bhs. Morton Alston and daugh-| Mary Agnes, and Miss Perry 1 spent Sunday with the! wh. Peter Seaman of Axtelle was! 'town Tuesday. \ Bh. Jerman Walker of Norlinai B> here on Tuesday. 1 Walter Rodwell of Oaksville B* hi town Wednesday. ^fnends regret to learn that MasB^Wk Scott has measles. \ RUth PeltVi°hn of LynchVa. spent a few days* here 129Wurenton, North O miiuuiil.iiiMi.i.lHllillununiiiUM^ News" "a ufci Wk last week with her sisters, Mrs. Rob Watson and John Burwell. Mr. Macon Thornton of Macon, Mr. Will Harris, Miss Aim Rodgers, Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Rodgers attended a show at Raleigh one night last week. Miss Margaret Herrin spent last week end at Greensboro Friends of Mr. Alston Allen are sorry to hear that he has been quite sick with flu. Miss Ava Wilson of Palmer Springs is visiting Mrs. W. D. Rodgers Jr. Mr. Wallace Paschall of Wise was in town this week. Mr. Robert Rudd and Mrs. M. H. Hayes of Wise were in town Monday. Mrs. Morton Alston and Miss Sue Thompson of Inez visited Mrs. W. T. Alston Tuesday. Mr. John Burwell is at home this week. Mr. Robert Shaw of Macon was a visitor here Wednesday. MISS WILLIAMS HOSTESS The Thursday Card club met this week with Miss Kate White Williams with Mrs. E. E. Gillam winning top score honors. Delicious refreshments were served. Those playing were Mesdames H. N. Walters, L. C. Kinsey, T. J. Holt, Roy Davis, C. R. Rodwell, W. D. Rodgers, James B. Boyce, C. A. Tucker, J. G. Ellis, E. E. Gillam, and the Misses Cate Monroe Gardner and Dorothy Walters. MRS. ALLEN HOSTESS Members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy were entertained on Friday afternoon in the home of Mrs. E. S. Allen. Business matters were discussed and a social hour enjoyed, one present commented yesterday. CARD CLUB MEETS Mrs. R. B. Boyd Jr. was hostess to her card club at her home last last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. G. H. Macon won the high score prize. A salad course was served. Those present were Mesdames John H. Kerr, G. H. Macon, Frank Allen, C. C. Hunter, Annie Q. Quil, ford, W. H. Dameron, Henry A. Boyd, Ray Weston, R. J. Jones, M. C. McGuire, H. L. Falkener, and B. B. Williams, MISS GARDNER ENTERTAINS Miss Cate Monroe Gardner using the valentine motif attractively entertained her club on Friday evening. The high score token was won by Mrs. L. B. B^idoe, and the consolation by Miss Nell Benthal. A salad course was served. Those playing were the Misses Nell Benthal, Dorothy Walters, Cate Monroe Gardner; Mesdames Frank Hunter, R. B. Palmer, L. B. Beddoe, A. D. Harris Jr. and W. D. Rodgers. SURPRISE SHOWER A number of friends of Mrs. John Mitchell delightfully surprised her last Thursday evening with a miscellaneous shower. Refreshments were served by Mrs. B. R. Palmer and Miss Gayle Tarwater. Those present were Mesdames Tasker Polk, Lizzie Tarwater, Keppel Falkener, Matille Graves, G. H. Macon, L. B. Beddoe, Van K. Davis, James C. Moore, F. T. Read, B. R. Palmer, and John Mitchell; thej Misses Will Jones, Frances Robertson, Estelle Davis, Cate Monroe Gardner, Gayle and Georgie Tarwater. TAKES COURSE A. E. Harris of Harris & Gardner returned on Wednesday from Charlotte after taking a short course in the care of clothes. _ WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEET An interesting program has been prepared for the meeting of the Woman's club to be held next Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock in the Home of Mrs. W. N. Boyd, according to a telephone call for an officer of the organization yesterday. A large attendance is urged. Hostesses fAr mooHntr ore "Mrs "Bnvd. MXS. *v* WiV WVVVUig Ml* v ^ , H. A. Boyd and Mrs. John G. Ellis. Afton Locals Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Bowden and family, and Mrs. R. P. King were visitors in the home of Mrs. Peter Pelts of Cokesberry on Sunday afternoon. Misses Louise Weaver and Marie Pinnell spent Sunday in the home of Mr. Jim Limer. Mr. and Mrs. J.*K. Pinnell were visitors in Henderson Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Pinnell of Henderson visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Vilma Hull of Warrenton is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. A. H. Prazier. Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Moretz were visitors in Rocky Mount Sunday. We are very glad to welcome Mr. Sam Pinnell and family of Henderson to our community. Mr. Pinnell t ftroUna THE md Event .mm has taken Mr. Bowden's place in Pinnell and Bowden store, k Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Moretz were visitors in Henderson Saturday. A f .ITlkAVAm IIAWAW UAII tMWU-MlWVlVU UVUUA 1VV/U First grade.Stephen Bowden Jr., Thelma Choplin, Gertrude Ayscue. Second grade.Georgie Evans. Third grade.McRobert Daniel, Betty Louise Ayscue. Fourth grade.Gordon Limer, Leonard Daniel. Sixth grade.Deavrow Edwards. Seventh grade.Helen Thompson, Elizabeth Peoples. Eighth grade.Ida Daniel. Ninth grade.Marie Pinnell. Tenth grade.Joba Limer, Janet Limer, Mary B. Short. 1 Ridgeway Items Mrs. Willie Lassiter and little daughter, Helen Rebecca, of Potecasi are visiting at Mr. H. H. Grant's home. Miss Mary Fitts, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Petar went to Warrenton one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Banzet Jr. were at Henderson on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Petar and family of Warrenton were at Ridgeway Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Dameron of Warrenton was here one day recently. The scripture lesson at the Ladies' Aid meeting last week was from the book of Psalms. Areola Items Tho onnnj TiipsHnv mnminer was just enough to excite the children I and was gone all too soon for them. I Our roads have been "simply fine" J all Winter and they are certainly r used. Many strangers pass through s here daily since we are on the high- a way. £ Miss Annie Odom is in Park View 1; hospital for appendicitis. Miss Johnelle Shearin of War- J renton was with friends here Friday. Mrs. T. S. Tharrington of Rocky Mount and Mrs. Herbert Tharrington of Durham are visiting Mrs. R. L. Capps. Mrs. Mary King continues quite 1 feeble. Miss Mary Odom is contemplat- 1 ing taking training at the Walter 1 Reid hospital, Washington City. | Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hunter visited f their daughter, Mrs. J. C. Davis of 1 Creek, Monday night. . Miss Lucy Leach was on our ? streets Tuesday afternoon. Miss c Leach has a wonderful work and is thoroughly interested in it. Messrs. R. L. Capps and J. R. I King have recently purchased new 1 Chevrolets. Mrs. Frederick Williams and lit- c tie daughter of Inez, spent last 6 week with Mrs. Scull. ] Mrs. Leyla King of Liberia visited 5 Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Conn last week. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Walter Browning of 1 Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel ' Price of Rocky Mount attended the ( funeral of Mrs. Tucker last Friday. £ Ice was so thick during this cold 1 spell that Mr. W. T. Davis filled his ice box from a nearby pond. Satur- c day morning the young people en- * joyed skating on the pond also as * the ice was about six inches £ through. f Creek Items £ Mrs. R. E. Davis has been con- £ fined to her bed for several days, t but her condition has improved ^ much. e Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hunter spent c last Monday night with Mr. and a Mrs. F. C. Davis. Mrs. Harold Skill- £ man spent Monday with them also. Mesdames George Davis and F. C.' \ Powell attended the burial of Mrs. ra Miles Bobbitt near Fishing Creek Cleaning an * We are equipp Cleaning and I modern way-s speaks for i why our busine increasing. Phone Us fo Harris & Warrentoi I : WARREN RECOR :s of Intt :hurch in Nash county. Mrs. Bob)itt was Mrs. Ernest Harris' moth;r. Her death was somewhat a sur>rise. although she had been in deilining health for some time. Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Clarke went ,0 see Mrs. sneann at nouisier ast Sunday. Mrs. R. L. Capps of Areola and ler mother, Mrs. Tharrington, of locky Mount visitea Mrs. Edward Davis one day this week. The young people of the commulity enjoyed the two miscellaneous ihowers given Mr. and Mrs. Grey Sgerton in the homes of Mrs. J. 3. Powell and Mrs. R. O. Snipes. Wise Woman's Club Studies Rug Making The regular meeting of the Wise Woman's Club was held Friday ivening, February 1st. with Miss Darrie B. Dunn. Business of a outine nature was transacted and )lans for a community Chautauqua liscussed. If this idea is carried >ut it will be the first thing of the and ever held in the county, and pill consist in a week's entertainnent by all local talent, including wo plays, some music with possi>ly a speaker from the outside. Season tickets will be sold. The program for the evening insisted of a discussion of home nade rugs based on a book, "Hand klade Rugs," by Ella Shannon 3owles of Franconia, New Hampihire, published by Little Brown Do., Boston ($3.00). Crocheted ugs were discussed by Mrs. Ben Jowell, Braided Rugs by Mrs. M. J. Hayes, and "Hooked Rugs" by /Irs. Charlotte Story Perkinson. rhe fact that Mrs. Bowles was a chool mate of Mrs. Perkinson's and i life-long friend gives the book in added interest to friends of the atter. America's Tobacco Bill Two Billion Dollars Last Year WASHINGTON..Two billion dolars a year for tobacco! That is the bill the American peoDle paid last year for their favorite mstime, habit, vice, or what have rou, treasury experts estimated that Tom consumption and tax figures ssued by the Bureau of Internal Revenue. It amounted roundly to 116.80 for every man, woman and :hild in the country. Here's The Figures The bureau'# figures, with the ex>ert's estimates of value, made up ;he bill this way: Cigarets smoked, 105,915,200,080; ost, $927,500,000; cigars smoked, 1,453,000,000; cost, $645,300,000. Manufactured tobacco chewed, pipesmoked and consumed by those who still "roll their own," 343,000,000 pounds; cost, $343,000,000. Snuff, lipped, rubbed and sneered, 40,)00,000 pounds; cost, $80,000,000; :igarette papers and tubes, quantity inreported; cost about $12,200. Except for a slight decline as to :igars and smoking and chewing to>acco, the use of the fragrant weed lourished astonishingly. Nearly 1,000,000,000 more cigarettes were moked than in 1927. Experts credted women with having a lot to do irtth this. For those who view smoking with i jaundiced eye there was the :onsoling crumb of $411,000,000 on obacco and the related products, [his was the largest tobacco tax ;ver collected. It exceeded Uncle Jam's entire annual revenue, from ,11 sources, up to the time of the Spanish American war. Of the total nearly $318,000,000 ras collected on cigarettes at a tax ite of $3 a thousand. Americans bought 52,241,000 packs id Pressing ied to do Dry Pressing the ind our work tself - that's sss is steadily >r Service. * Gardner n> N. C* = ^ki Warren ton, Nor :rest to \ [CTinmnwwiwiwiWjfiTnriWrtn.,. tiwiwiMllllllil, of playing cards during the year, or over 4,000,000 packs more than in 1927. The tax paid on them was $5,200,000, and their total co6t was estimated at approximately $20,800,000. The bulk of the cigarette taxes was paid in North Carolina, wnose manufacturers turned in to the treasury $193,000,000. Virginia was second with $59,000,000 and New York third with $27,000,000. Pennsylvania, with $6,783,000 paid the largest tax on cigars. New Jersey was second with $3,151,000 and Florida third with $2,936,000. North Carolina led in taxes on manufactured tobacco and snuff, with Ohio in second place. LOST BLACK HORSE MULE, weigh sabout 1,000 pounds, had halter and bridle about neck. Last heard from in Embro section. Reward. W. E. Clark, Warren Plains, N. C. F-8-ltpd. WILL ALLEN CONNELL HAS pigs for sale. F-8-2tc. LEGAL NOTICES TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under the authority conferred upon Tasker Polk, Trustee, by a certain deed of trust executed to him by J. K. Green and Anette R. Green, his wife, on the 5th. day of January, 1921, and duly recorded in the Register of Deeds office of Warren County, North Carolina, in Book 111, page 229, default having been made in the payment of the bond thereby secured, and at the request of the owners thereof, we will on the 11th. day of March, 1929, at 12 o'clock Noon, at the court house door in Warrentop, N. C. sell to the highest bidder for cash, the following described two tracts or parcels or land situate in warrenton Township, Warren County, North Carolina: Tract No. 1. Beginning at a large Flat Rock at the East abutment of Green's (now Laura Taylor) Mill Bridge on Fishing Creek, and running thence North 25 East 73 Poles to a three-pronged White Oak Tree at the head of the Lane on the Mill Path, thence along the Mill Path North 82 East 7 Poles and 15 Links, thence South 70 East 28 Poles to a bend of the Path, thence North 65 y2 East 27 Poles and 10 Links to the old Frank T. Green corner on tTTe North side of Path, thence North 8 East 40'/2 Poles to a Stone near a Sweet-gum Tree, corner for Mrs. Lizzie Henderson (now deceased), thence North 84 East 104 Poles to a Stone on the Mill Road, thence North 68 East 15 Poles and 5 Links to a Stone on the West side of the Warrenton and Louisburg Road, where the Mill Path enters the Road, thence along the Road Southwardly 267 Poles to Fishing Creek at the Long Bridge, thence up the Creek it various courses to the beginning, containing 177 acres, more or less, EXCEPTING therefrom that certain parcel thereof, containing 63'/4 acres - - « j__ » r wnicn was conveyea 10 uws ivi. Green by deed dated March 17, 1913, which deed is registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for said Warren County, to which deed special reference is hereby made for metes and bounds of said 63 y4 acres, and also EXCEPTING a certain other parcel thereof, containing 10 acres, which was conveyed to W. G. Rogers by deed duly recorded in said Registry and to which deed special reference is | IMPERIAL | | Saturday, February 9 v I Zane Grey's \ "Avalanche" % < » With IJ Jack Holt, Doris Hill. $ "Haunted Island," Serial. |[ ! Chapter No. 4. 1 |j| "Listen Lean," Comedy. Monday, February 11 I Lon Chaney "Laugh, Clown Laugh" \ » "Peaceful Oscar," Comedy. | | Tuesday, February 12 | ; ' Milton Sills || j' .In. ,, "The Crash" , With | K llleuiltt J.UUU. a '< "Here Comes Precious," | | Comedy. g (Wednesday, February 13 Ted Wells | "Greased Lightning" \ Kino News. j "Sailor Beware," Comedy, j! Thursday and Friday, February 14-15 j I Exnil Jannings \\\ i i .In. <i 1 I "The Patriot" ! * > With X Florence Vidor, Lewis Stone | and Neil Hamilton. 2 "Fighting For Victory," \ ? a Collegian Comedy. j| th Carolina PAGE FIVE kWmUkmmUUKkWklUHklUUklUkyVk'ikrHkMklkWkTkMUkWkWHUklUkWkWUkVS t t Fashion I Vomen . N li /Y /I + /Y r at id fi«»ifiwinT»aitimifitniHTiii»tnmmwTiiitmiiiinnTingiiiimmiyiTiwrinfMw»a hereby made for metes and bounds by Bragg Street, and being the same of said 10 acres. lot which was conveyed to said J. K. Tract No. 2. Being a lot in the Green by 0. E. Jackson and wife by Town of Warrenton, located on the deed dated June 1, 1908, and regisEast side of Bragg street and bound- tered in the Registry of said Wared as follows: On the South by the ren County in book 77, page 338. lot formerly belonging to Tarwater This the 7th day of February, Brothers, the land formerly belong- 1929. ing to W. J. Norwood and the land WILLIAM T. POLK, of H. L. Falkener; on the East by FRANK H. GIBBS, the lands of the late A. D. Harris; Administrators of Tasker Polk, on the North by the lands of the Trustee. late W. S. Wainwright; on the West F-8-4t. I ^ .~1 buy your new bord at the home of good service New $495 Tudor_ (F.o.B. Sedan [ Detroit) We have been selling Ferd cars for a great many years and we have installed every modern facility -fnr oriuincr vr»ii crnnr) sprvipo finr mppVianipa liavp *Vi. J v wvi I *vv« V/MJ. *JiiVViXMHXVW UW1V been specially trained to service the new Ford car. Our new precision service equipment duplicates factory manufacturing methods. You will find that it pays to buy your car at The Home of Good Service. Roadster, $450 Phaeton, $460 Tudor Sedan, $495 Business Coupe, $495 Coupe, $550 Sport Coupe, with rumble seat, $550 Fordor Sedan, $625 (All prices F. 0. B. Detroit) BOrO GILUlM MOTOR CO. & ......b. ...ca.aema.a..r«w>rtr v~..fat. * f .i......... "" » \ There are many reasons for the ease of steering the new Ford » THE new Ford is exception- the shaft and worm toally easy to steer because of gether. The steering worm the well - proportioned sector is forged and maweight of the car, the steel- chined in the same piece spoke wheels, the co-ordi- with its shaft, noted design of springs and ^ h<mgin #f (he g|eer. shock absorbers, the size ^ mechanism is made and design of the steering of8,hree gtee, forglng>, e]ec. YT Ut/^1* aiiu uiiuu«v « , , . .. r tricaiiy weiaea logemer. chanical construction of the rp,. , . . , , . I his housing is then electris eering gear. cally welded to the steering The Ford steering gear is column. Such a one-piece of the worm and sector steel unit is naturally much - type used on high-priced sturdier than if several parts cars and is three-quarter were used and bolted or rivirreversib eted together. In simple, non-technical Throughout, the new Ford language, this means that steering mechanism is so the car responds easily and simple in design and so carequickly to the steering wheel, fully made that it requires yet there is no danger of the practically no attention, wheel being jerked from the . , Land, of the driver by rate , °1nIy ll"n8foryo°«» or bumps in the road. A i. to have the front .teerlight touch guide, the ear, ,n« .»Pmdlf< , yet you always have that nectmg rod., and drag lntk J J r i r .1 i _ lubricated every 500 miles necessary lee.-oi-me-ruau »u d steeri Iabri essential to goad driving. ^ every 2000 mOes. Strength of materials and For |Ug work wiU careful workmanship give find be>, ,0 ^ unusual stability to the Ford Ford dea]cr He hag ^ steermg gear and housmg. 8pecially trained and The steering worm, for equipped to help you get instance, is splined to the the greatest possible use steering worm shaft and is from your car over the longstronger, of course, est period of time at than if a single key a minimum of trouwere used to hold WzjjSgP? ble and expense. Ford Motor Company i
Page 1: miDAY, FEBRUARY M I Newsamd Event of Intt to I Itemsnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn92073168/1929-02-08/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · miDAY,FEBRUARY8, IS MSociety I I Items / ^riWIWATltAWilfaWAVJi^mi|j|ff


M Society I

I Items /^ riWIWATltAWilfaWAVJi^mi|j|ff

B K[\d words to soothe

B you have a kind word to say

Bitot will lighten some sad heart,

Quickly say the pleasant word

BThat will, joy and peace import,

Bait not until days of grief

^MpiU the heart with needless woe;

But youf sweetheart sympathy,Bon the aching- heart, bestow.

Hjus wiil grief be driven back

B^r the sunshine of your love,

^Bid the heart that felt despair^ W in spirit, led above

' .'nic of hope.L (jjg plessea ream... . .

Kvhere the soul, sweet peace, will

nHid such comfort in your words,

Hwhich were tender, loving, kind.

H Martha Shephard Lippincott.

Hfcj.. M. H. Hayes of Wise was

at Warrenton on Monday.

^KUr. J- f- Crinkley was a visitor

H town Monday.i 'jjjs, charlotte Story Perkinson of

was a visitor at the county seat

Huiss Pa'ttie Frazier spent the,

^K.: gnd at Weldon with her sister,

Hrs. Edgar Wood.

^ Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Gibbs and

^Bildren and Miss Sarah Hawkins:

Charlotte are visiting relatives!Warrenton.r. and .Mrs. Sam Palmer and'

^Bidren of Richmond spent the!^Mek end here with Mr. and Mrs. I

G. Rogers.

^Bessrs. Jimmie Jenkins and PresHJanis of Zebulon were week

^Kd -.-firors at Warrenton en route

^ ichRmond. Va.I

friends of little Miss Elizabeth" * * - I

Ilvce regret to learn tnai sne iwo

|e measles.Ilr. Walter Loyd of Macon was

recent visitor here.Mr. William T. Polk departed for

[leigh yesterday morning. He is

pected home today.Mr. Theo Stallings motored to

eensboro on Sunday to take his

ter, Miss Bettie Stallings, who is

student at Greensboro college.Jrs. E. G. Shaw and Mrs. M. C.les of Henderson were guests ofs. A. C. Blalock one day last

lessrs. P. K. and F. G. Miles were |e Friday en route to Newportits on business.Ir. Forrest L. Robertson of N.

ijate college spent Saturday,yvith his parents, Mr. and Mrs.5. Robertson at Areola.Irs. A. C. Blalock and family ands. M. J. Miles spent last SundayHenderson.Irs. W. S. Robertson of Areola

int Tuesday at Norlina where sheit to visit her little grandson,red Crawley Collier, who is illh pneumonia.lesdames Boyd Kimball andrbert Petar of Henderson werests of Mrs. Palmer Scoggin onisday.Ir. and Mrs. Armistead BurIof New York and Mrs. Robveil of Henderson were guests ofMisses Lucy and Edith BurIIon Tuesday night.

Ir. and Mrs. Clement ColemanWise were in town Monday,dr. and Mrs. Sam Palmer andildren of Richmond spent theek end in the home of Mrs. S. P.rington.)lrs. Mollie Smith of Oxford isPting her sister. Mrs. W. T. AlsMrs.

Henry Egerton of Littletonpishing relatives in town.Many friends are sorry to knowkt Mrs. Laura Daniel is criticallyI in an Atlanta hospital.Mrs Worhnvf rv.i. * .

*4Vt W/Ci I re tar 01 Henoer-1B was a guest of Mrs. Palmer^B>ggin for several days last week.^Br. and Mrs. William Fleming^Bd son of Salisbury are visiting^Bir father, Mrs. \V. D. RodgersScJernian Hunter of Petersvasrecent vis.tor here.Ray Weston spent SundayB^T^ky Mount.Eyt David Gaskill of Littletona visitor here Sunday.Jim Jeffress and son of Pals'Springs, Va., were in town on^Burday.^B: R. E. Limer of nfton was in j^Br- on Monday.^B*s. Alex Baxter of RidgewayBs here Saturday.Bhends of Mr. Howard Alston^B Blad to see him out again afterBe Absent from work on accountsickness to* -

several weeks. |Elmer Thompson of Maconhere Tuesday. 1^bhs. j. h. Huni of Embro was inlB>n Monday. 1Bhs. Morton Alston and daugh-|Mary Agnes, and Miss Perry 1spent Sunday with the!wh. Peter Seaman of Axtelle was!'town Tuesday. \

Bh. Jerman Walker of NorlinaiB> here on Tuesday. 1Walter Rodwell of OaksvilleB* hi town Wednesday.^fnends regret to learn that MasB^WkScott has measles.\ RUth PeltVi°hn of LynchVa.spent a few days* here

129Wurenton, North O


News" "aufci Wk

last week with her sisters, Mrs. RobWatson and John Burwell.Mr. Macon Thornton of Macon,

Mr. Will Harris, Miss Aim Rodgers,Dr. and Mrs. W. D. Rodgers attendeda show at Raleigh onenight last week.Miss Margaret Herrin spent last

week end at GreensboroFriends of Mr. Alston Allen are

sorry to hear that he has beenquite sick with flu.Miss Ava Wilson of Palmer

Springs is visiting Mrs. W. D. RodgersJr.Mr. Wallace Paschall of Wise was

in town this week.Mr. Robert Rudd and Mrs. M. H.

Hayes of Wise were in town Monday.Mrs. Morton Alston and Miss

Sue Thompson of Inez visited Mrs.W. T. Alston Tuesday.Mr. John Burwell is at home this

week.Mr. Robert Shaw of Macon was

a visitor here Wednesday.

MISS WILLIAMS HOSTESSThe Thursday Card club met this

week with Miss Kate White Williamswith Mrs. E. E. Gillam winningtop score honors. Delicious refreshmentswere served.Those playing were Mesdames H.

N. Walters, L. C. Kinsey, T. J. Holt,Roy Davis, C. R. Rodwell, W. D.Rodgers, James B. Boyce, C. A.Tucker, J. G. Ellis, E. E. Gillam,and the Misses Cate Monroe Gardnerand Dorothy Walters.

MRS. ALLEN HOSTESSMembers of the United Daughtersof the Confederacy were entertainedon Friday afternoon in

the home of Mrs. E. S. Allen. Businessmatters were discussed and a

social hour enjoyed, one presentcommented yesterday.

CARD CLUB MEETSMrs. R. B. Boyd Jr. was hostess

to her card club at her home lastlast Thursday afternoon. Mrs. G. H.Macon won the high score prize. Asalad course was served.Those present were Mesdames

John H. Kerr, G. H. Macon, FrankAllen, C. C. Hunter, Annie Q. Quil,ford, W. H. Dameron, Henry A.Boyd, Ray Weston, R. J. Jones, M.C. McGuire, H. L. Falkener, and B.B. Williams,

MISS GARDNER ENTERTAINSMiss Cate Monroe Gardner using

the valentine motif attractively entertainedher club on Friday evening.The high score token was wonby Mrs. L. B. B^idoe, and the consolationby Miss Nell Benthal. Asalad course was served.Those playing were the Misses

Nell Benthal, Dorothy Walters, CateMonroe Gardner; Mesdames FrankHunter, R. B. Palmer, L. B. Beddoe,A. D. Harris Jr. and W. D. Rodgers.

SURPRISE SHOWERA number of friends of Mrs. John

Mitchell delightfully surprised herlast Thursday evening with a miscellaneousshower. Refreshmentswere served by Mrs. B. R. Palmerand Miss Gayle Tarwater.Those present were Mesdames

Tasker Polk, Lizzie Tarwater, KeppelFalkener, Matille Graves, G. H.Macon, L. B. Beddoe, Van K. Davis,James C. Moore, F. T. Read, B. R.Palmer, and John Mitchell; thejMisses Will Jones, Frances Robertson,Estelle Davis, Cate MonroeGardner, Gayle and Georgie Tarwater.

TAKES COURSEA. E. Harris of Harris & Gardner

returned on Wednesday fromCharlotte after taking a short course

in the care of clothes._

WOMAN'S CLUB TO MEETAn interesting program has been

prepared for the meeting of theWoman's club to be held next Tuesdayafternoon at 3:30 o'clock in theHome of Mrs. W. N. Boyd, accordingto a telephone call for an officerof the organization yesterday. Alarge attendance is urged. HostessesfAr mooHntr ore "Mrs "Bnvd. MXS.*v* WiV WVVVUig Ml* v ^ ,

H. A. Boyd and Mrs. John G. Ellis.

Afton LocalsMr. and Mrs. S. H. Bowden and

family, and Mrs. R. P. King werevisitors in the home of Mrs. PeterPelts of Cokesberry on Sundayafternoon.Misses Louise Weaver and Marie

Pinnell spent Sunday in the homeof Mr. Jim Limer.Mr. and Mrs. J.*K. Pinnell were

visitors in Henderson Tuesday.Mr. and Mrs. Joe L. Pinnell of

Henderson visited relatives here

Sunday.Miss Vilma Hull of Warrenton is

visiting her grandmother, Mrs. A.H. Prazier.Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Moretz were

visitors in Rocky Mount Sunday.We are very glad to welcome Mr.

Sam Pinnell and family of Hendersonto our community. Mr. Pinnell


ftroUna THE

md Event.mmhas taken Mr. Bowden's place inPinnell and Bowden store,k Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Moretz werevisitors in Henderson Saturday.


First grade.Stephen Bowden Jr.,Thelma Choplin, Gertrude Ayscue.Second grade.Georgie Evans.Third grade.McRobert Daniel,

Betty Louise Ayscue.Fourth grade.Gordon Limer,

Leonard Daniel.Sixth grade.Deavrow Edwards.Seventh grade.Helen Thompson,

Elizabeth Peoples.Eighth grade.Ida Daniel.Ninth grade.Marie Pinnell.Tenth grade.Joba Limer, Janet

Limer, Mary B. Short. 1

Ridgeway ItemsMrs. Willie Lassiter and little

daughter, Helen Rebecca, ofPotecasi are visiting at Mr. H. H.Grant's home.Miss Mary Fitts, Mr. and Mrs.

Herbert Petar went to Warrentonone day recently.Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Banzet Jr.

were at Henderson on Wednesdayof last week.Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Petar and

family of Warrenton were at RidgewaySunday afternoon.Mrs. John Dameron of Warrenton

was here one day recently.The scripture lesson at the

Ladies' Aid meeting last week was

from the book of Psalms.

Areola ItemsTho onnnj TiipsHnv mnminer was

just enough to excite the children Iand was gone all too soon for them. I

Our roads have been "simply fine" Jall Winter and they are certainly r

used. Many strangers pass through s

here daily since we are on the high- a

way. £

Miss Annie Odom is in Park View 1;

hospital for appendicitis.Miss Johnelle Shearin of War- J

renton was with friends here Friday.Mrs. T. S. Tharrington of Rocky

Mount and Mrs. Herbert Tharringtonof Durham are visiting Mrs.R. L. Capps.Mrs. Mary King continues quite 1

feeble.Miss Mary Odom is contemplat- 1

ing taking training at the Walter 1

Reid hospital, Washington City. |Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hunter visited f

their daughter, Mrs. J. C. Davis of 1

Creek, Monday night. .

Miss Lucy Leach was on our ?

streets Tuesday afternoon. Miss c

Leach has a wonderful work and isthoroughly interested in it.Messrs. R. L. Capps and J. R. I

King have recently purchased new 1

Chevrolets.Mrs. Frederick Williams and lit- c

tie daughter of Inez, spent last 6

week with Mrs. Scull. ]

Mrs. Leyla King of Liberia visited 5

Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Conn last week. 1

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Browning of 1Norfolk and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel '

Price of Rocky Mount attended the (

funeral of Mrs. Tucker last Friday. £

Ice was so thick during this cold 1

spell that Mr. W. T. Davis filled hisice box from a nearby pond. Satur- c

day morning the young people en- *

joyed skating on the pond also as *

the ice was about six inches £

through. f

Creek Items£

Mrs. R. E. Davis has been con- £fined to her bed for several days, tbut her condition has improved ^much. e

Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Hunter spent c

last Monday night with Mr. and a

Mrs. F. C. Davis. Mrs. Harold Skill- £

man spent Monday with them also.Mesdames George Davis and F. C.' \

Powell attended the burial of Mrs. ra

Miles Bobbitt near Fishing Creek

Cleaning an*

We are equippCleaning and

I modern way-sspeaks for iwhy our busineincreasing.

Phone Us fo

Harris &Warrentoi



:s of Intt:hurch in Nash county. Mrs. Bob)ittwas Mrs. Ernest Harris' moth;r.

Her death was somewhat a sur>rise.although she had been in deilininghealth for some time.Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Clarke went

,0 see Mrs. sneann at nouisier

ast Sunday.Mrs. R. L. Capps of Areola and

ler mother, Mrs. Tharrington, oflocky Mount visitea Mrs. EdwardDavis one day this week.The young people of the commulityenjoyed the two miscellaneous

ihowers given Mr. and Mrs. GreySgerton in the homes of Mrs. J.3. Powell and Mrs. R. O. Snipes.

Wise Woman's ClubStudies Rug Making

The regular meeting of the WiseWoman's Club was held Fridayivening, February 1st. with MissDarrie B. Dunn. Business of a

outine nature was transacted and)lans for a community Chautauqualiscussed. If this idea is carried>ut it will be the first thing of theand ever held in the county, andpill consist in a week's entertainnentby all local talent, includingwo plays, some music with possi>lya speaker from the outside.Season tickets will be sold.The program for the evening

insisted of a discussion of homenade rugs based on a book, "Handklade Rugs," by Ella Shannon3owles of Franconia, New Hampihire,published by Little BrownDo., Boston ($3.00). Crochetedugs were discussed by Mrs. BenJowell, Braided Rugs by Mrs. M.J. Hayes, and "Hooked Rugs" by/Irs. Charlotte Story Perkinson.rhe fact that Mrs. Bowles was a

chool mate of Mrs. Perkinson's andi life-long friend gives the bookin added interest to friends of theatter.

America's TobaccoBill Two BillionDollars Last Year

WASHINGTON..Two billion dolarsa year for tobacco!That is the bill the American peoDlepaid last year for their favorite

mstime, habit, vice, or what haverou, treasury experts estimated thatTom consumption and tax figuresssued by the Bureau of InternalRevenue. It amounted roundly to116.80 for every man, woman and:hild in the country.

Here's The FiguresThe bureau'# figures, with the ex>ert'sestimates of value, made up

;he bill this way:Cigarets smoked, 105,915,200,080;

ost, $927,500,000; cigars smoked,1,453,000,000; cost, $645,300,000.Manufactured tobacco chewed, pipesmokedand consumed by those whostill "roll their own," 343,000,000pounds; cost, $343,000,000. Snuff,lipped, rubbed and sneered, 40,)00,000pounds; cost, $80,000,000;:igarette papers and tubes, quantityinreported; cost about $12,200.Except for a slight decline as to

:igars and smoking and chewing to>acco,the use of the fragrant weedlourished astonishingly. Nearly1,000,000,000 more cigarettes were

moked than in 1927. Experts credtedwomen with having a lot to doirtth this.For those who view smoking with

i jaundiced eye there was the:onsoling crumb of $411,000,000 on

obacco and the related products,[his was the largest tobacco tax;ver collected. It exceeded UncleJam's entire annual revenue, from,11 sources, up to the time of theSpanish American war.

Of the total nearly $318,000,000ras collected on cigarettes at a taxite of $3 a thousand.Americans bought 52,241,000 packs

id Pressingied to do DryPressing theind our worktself - that'ssss is steadily

>r Service.


Gardnern> N. C*

= ^ki

Warrenton, Nor

:rest to \[CTinmnwwiwiwiWjfiTnriWrtn.,. tiwiwiMllllllil,

of playing cards during the year,or over 4,000,000 packs more thanin 1927. The tax paid on them was$5,200,000, and their total co6t wasestimated at approximately $20,800,000.The bulk of the cigarette taxes

was paid in North Carolina, wnosemanufacturers turned in to thetreasury $193,000,000. Virginia wassecond with $59,000,000 and NewYork third with $27,000,000.Pennsylvania, with $6,783,000 paid

the largest tax on cigars. New Jerseywas second with $3,151,000 andFlorida third with $2,936,000. NorthCarolina led in taxes on manufacturedtobacco and snuff, with Ohioin second place.

LOST BLACK HORSE MULE,weigh sabout 1,000 pounds, hadhalter and bridle about neck. Lastheard from in Embro section. Reward.W. E. Clark, Warren Plains,

N. C. F-8-ltpd.

WILL ALLEN CONNELL HASpigs for sale. F-8-2tc.

LEGAL NOTICESTRUSTEE'S SALE OF LANDUnder the authority conferred

upon Tasker Polk, Trustee, by acertain deed of trust executed tohim by J. K. Green and Anette R.Green, his wife, on the 5th. dayof January, 1921, and duly recordedin the Register of Deeds office ofWarren County, North Carolina, inBook 111, page 229, default havingbeen made in the payment of thebond thereby secured, and at therequest of the owners thereof, wewill on the 11th. day of March, 1929,at 12 o'clock Noon, at the courthouse door in Warrentop, N. C. sellto the highest bidder for cash, thefollowing described two tracts or

parcels or land situate in warrentonTownship, Warren County,North Carolina:Tract No. 1. Beginning at a large

Flat Rock at the East abutmentof Green's (now Laura Taylor) MillBridge on Fishing Creek, and runningthence North 25 East 73 Polesto a three-pronged White Oak Treeat the head of the Lane on the MillPath, thence along the Mill PathNorth 82 East 7 Poles and 15 Links,thence South 70 East 28 Poles toa bend of the Path, thence North65 y2 East 27 Poles and 10 Links tothe old Frank T. Green corner on

tTTe North side of Path, thenceNorth 8 East 40'/2 Poles to a Stonenear a Sweet-gum Tree, corner forMrs. Lizzie Henderson (now deceased),thence North 84 East 104 Polesto a Stone on the Mill Road, thenceNorth 68 East 15 Poles and 5 Linksto a Stone on the West side of theWarrenton and Louisburg Road,where the Mill Path enters the Road,thence along the Road Southwardly267 Poles to Fishing Creek at theLong Bridge, thence up the Creekit various courses to the beginning,containing 177 acres, more or less,EXCEPTING therefrom that certainparcel thereof, containing 63'/4 acres

- - « j__ » r

wnicn was conveyea 10 uws ivi.

Green by deed dated March 17, 1913,which deed is registered in the officeof the Register of Deeds forsaid Warren County, to whichdeed special reference is herebymade for metes and bounds of said63 y4 acres, and also EXCEPTING acertain other parcel thereof, containing10 acres, which was conveyedto W. G. Rogers by deed dulyrecorded in said Registry and towhich deed special reference is

| IMPERIAL || Saturday, February 9 v

I Zane Grey's\ "Avalanche" %

<»WithIJ Jack Holt, Doris Hill. $

"Haunted Island," Serial. |[! Chapter No. 4. 1

|j| "Listen Lean," Comedy.

Monday, February 11

I Lon Chaney"Laugh, Clown Laugh" \

» "Peaceful Oscar," Comedy. || Tuesday, February 12 |

;'Milton Sills| |j'.In.,,

"The Crash", With |K llleuiltt J.UUU. a

'< "Here Comes Precious,"| | Comedy. g(Wednesday, February 13

Ted Wells |"Greased Lightning" \

Kino News. j"Sailor Beware," Comedy, j!Thursday and Friday,

February 14-15j I Exnil Jannings \\\


1 I "The Patriot" !* >With

X Florence Vidor, Lewis Stone

| and Neil Hamilton.2 "Fighting For Victory," \? a Collegian Comedy. j|

th Carolina PAGE FIVE


t t Fashion IVomen . Nli /Y /I + /Y

r at id


hereby made for metes and bounds by Bragg Street, and being the sameof said 10 acres. lot which was conveyed to said J. K.Tract No. 2. Being a lot in the Green by 0. E. Jackson and wife by

Town of Warrenton, located on the deed dated June 1, 1908, and regisEastside of Bragg street and bound- tered in the Registry of said Waredas follows: On the South by the ren County in book 77, page 338.lot formerly belonging to Tarwater This the 7th day of February,Brothers, the land formerly belong- 1929.ing to W. J. Norwood and the land WILLIAM T. POLK,of H. L. Falkener; on the East by FRANK H. GIBBS,the lands of the late A. D. Harris; Administrators of Tasker Polk,on the North by the lands of the Trustee.late W. S. Wainwright; on the West F-8-4t.

I ^ .~1buy your new bord

at the home of

good service

New $495Tudor_ (F.o.B.

Sedan [ Detroit)

We have been selling Ferd cars for a great manyyears and we have installed every modern facility-fnr oriuincr vr»ii crnnr) sprvipo finr mppVianipa liavp*Vi. J v v» wvi I *vv« V/MJ. *JiiVViXMHXVW UW1V

been specially trained to service the new Fordcar. Our new precision service equipment duplicatesfactory manufacturing methods. You willfind that it pays to buy your car at The Homeof Good Service.

Roadster, $450 Phaeton, $460 Tudor Sedan, $495Business Coupe, $495 Coupe, $550

Sport Coupe, with rumble seat, $550Fordor Sedan, $625

(All prices F. 0. B. Detroit)

BOrO GILUlM MOTOR CO. &......b. ...ca.aema.a..r«w>rtr v~..fat. * f.i.........

"" »


There are many reasons

for the ease of steeringthe new Ford


THE new Ford is exception- the shaft and worm toallyeasy to steer because of gether. The steering wormthe well - proportioned sector is forged and maweightof the car, the steel- chined in the same piecespoke wheels, the co-ordi- with its shaft,noted design of springs and ^ h<mgin #f (he g|eer.shock absorbers, the size ^ mechanism is madeand design of the steering of8,hree gtee, forglng>, e]ec.YT Ut/^1* aiiu uiiuu«v «

, , . ..r tricaiiy weiaea logemer.

chanical construction of the rp,. , . . , , .

I his housing is then electriseering gear. cally welded to the steeringThe Ford steering gear is column. Such a one-piece

of the worm and sector steel unit is naturally much- type used on high-priced sturdier than if several partscars and is three-quarter were used and bolted or rivirreversible.eted together.

In simple, non-technical Throughout, thenewFordlanguage, this means that steering mechanism is so

the car responds easily and simple in design and so carequicklyto the steeringwheel, fully made that it requiresyet there is no danger of the practically no attention,wheel being jerked from the . ,

Land, of the driver by rate , °1nIy ll"n8foryo°«»or bumps in the road. A d® i. to have the front .teerlighttouch guide, the ear, ,n« .»Pmdlf<

, yet you always have that nectmg rod., and drag lntkJ J

r i r .1 i _ lubricated every 500 milesnecessary lee.-oi-me-ruau »u d steeri Iabriessential to goad driving. ^ every 2000 mOes.

Strength of materials and For |Ug work wiUcareful workmanship give find be>, ,0^unusual stability to the Ford Ford dea]cr He hag^steermg gear and housmg. 8pecially trained andThe steering worm, for equipped to help you get

instance, is splined to the the greatest possible use

steering worm shaft and is from your car over the longstronger,of course, est period of time atthan if a single key a minimum of trouwereused to hold WzjjSgP? ble and expense.

Ford Motor Companyi
