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Sayfa 1














Sayfa 2


The new government, comprising 42 ministers, state ministers, vice-presidents and

deputy-prime ministers, includes 18 cabinet posts for the National Alliance, occupying

159 seats in the 325-seat Parlilament, representing Maliki’s State of Law Coalition, the

Sadrist Trend, the Supreme Islamic Council and al-Fadhila (Vertue) Party.

The share of al-Iraqiya Coalition, led by former Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, occupying 91

parliament seats, will be 11 cabinet seats, whilst the share of North Iraq’s Kurdistan

Coalition, led by Iraq’s President and leader of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) and

Kurdistan President and leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP), holding 49

parliament seats, will be 7 cabinet posts, and the remaining cabinet posts will be

distributed among the small and independent blocs.

President Talabani had officially assigned Prime Minister Maliki on 25/11/2010 to form

the new Iraqi government, 14 days after Talabini’s election by the Parliament of a second

Presidency session, and the Parliament’s election of al-Iraqiya leader, Usama al-Nujeifi

for its Speaker’s post, with the leader of the Sadrist Trend, Qusay al-Suheil for his 1st

Deputy and the Kurdistan Coalition’s candidate, Aref Teifor, for the Speaker’s 2nd

Deputy’s post.

The Iraqi political status, that followed a Marathon discussions among different political

blocs had led to the formation of a national-partnership government, comprising the

main political forces, that encouraged Kurdistan President, Massoud Barzani, to call on

the main forces occupying the majority of Parliament seats, to meet in Arbil.

The Arbil meeting had succeeded to reach an agreement to distribute the leading State

positions and form a new cabinet, led by Nouri al-Maliki and shared by al-Iraqiya

Coalition, led by Iyad Allawi, that laid certain conditions to sharre in the new

government, forefronted by the formation of the National Council for Strategic Policies

Sayfa 3

(NCSP), enjoying new authorities, led by Allawi, along with an agreement to share power

among Masoud Barzani, Iyad Allawi and Nouri al-Maliki, on 10/11/2010.

“The candidates’ names are Hoshyar Zebari, Rafia al-Issawi, Ahmad Nasser Dali,

Mohammad Tamim, Ezz al-Din al-Dawla, Jassem Mohammad Jaafar, Hassan al-Shemri,

Mohammad Allawi, Abdulkarim al-Samerraie, Dindar Najman, Majid Hamid Amin,

Abdulkarim al-Laaibi, Ziyad Tareq, Saadon al-Dalimi, Ali al-Adib, Safaa al-Din al-Safi,

Gorgis Slewa, Aamer al-Khuzaai, Ali al-Dabbagh, Mohammad al-Shayaa, Ali al-Sajri,” the

government’s spokesman, Ali al-Dabbagh told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“Salah Muzahem, Hassan al-Sari, Sabah Muzahem and Tourhan Mazhar will be state

ministers in the new line up,” he added.

The majority of former ministers have been replaced by new personalities in the new

cabinet, with the exception of Kurdish Leader, Roz Nouri Shawes, who kept his deputy

prime-minister’s post, Kurdish Hoshiar Zibari of the foreign minister’s post, al-Iraqiya’s

leader, Tareq al-Hahshimi of the vice-president’s post, whilst Oil Minister Hussein al-

Shahristani, close to Maliki, had been assigned to receive the post of deputy prime-

minister for Energy Affairs. (Aswat al Iraq)

The new Iraqi government will consist of 42 ministers, including state ministers, a

members of the National Coalition Ali al-Dabbagh said on Monday.

The Prime Minister-designate Nouri al-Maliki presented the ministers’ names today to

the parliament’s chairmanship to vote on them on Tuesday.

“The candidates’ names are Hoshyar Zebari, Rafia al-Issawi, Ahmad Nasser Dali,

Mohammad Tamim, Ezz al-Din al-Dawla, Jassem Mohammad Jaafar, Hassan al-Shemri,

Mohammad Allawi, Abdulkarim al-Samerraie, Dindar Najman, Majid Hamid Amin,

Abdulkarim al-Laaibi, Ziyad Tareq, Saadon al-Dalimi, Ali al-Adib, Safaa al-Din al-Safi,

Sayfa 4

Korkis Saliwa, Aamer al-Khuzaai, Ali al-Dabbagh, Mohammad al-Shayaa, Ali al-Sajri,” al-

Dabbagh told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“Salah Muzahem, Hassan al-Sari, Sabah Muzahem and Tourhan Mazhar will be state

ministers in the new line up,” he added.

On Nov. 25, Iraqi President Jalal Talabani officially asked incumbent Prime Minister Nouri

al-Maliki to form the country’s next government after the rival political blocs approved

earlier a power-sharing deal that ended the eight-month political deadlock.

According to the Iraqi constitution, Maliki has to pick his cabinet within 30 days after his

official nomination as prime minister-designate by the president.

The new government and its programs will have to win the approval of an absolute

majority of the members of the parliament. (Aswat al Iraq)

A Katyusha rocket hit a house in Kirkuk, causing material damage, while police forces

arrested nine wanted men in southwest of Kirkuk, a source from the joint coordination

center said on Monday.

“The rocket landed on Monday on a house in Baghdad road region in al-Askari

neighborhood, southern Kirkuk, causing material damage to the house,” the source told

Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

“Joint force from the Kirkuk Districts Police Department and Tarklan police arrested at a

checkpoint on main road between Kirkuk-Huweija, a man belongs to al-Naqshabandiya

group,” the same source said.

“Another joint force arrested eight wanted men in accordance with Article IV Terrorism

Law in al-Huweija district, southwest of Kirkuk,” he added.

Kirkuk is 250 km northeast of Baghdad. (Aswat al Iraq)

Sayfa 5

“A group of armed men opened fire from silencer guns on an Iraqi Intelligence officer,

with a colonel rank, when driving his car close to central Baghdad’s al-Nisour Square late

Tuesday night, killing on the spot” the security source told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

The security source also said that a security force, cooperating with several citizens, have

managed to arrest an armed man, trying to plant an explosive charge pinpinted against a

Shiite procession in New Baghdad district, also on Tuesday night. (Aswat al Iraq)

Iraq has decided to sell all its aircrafts, parked in the airports of Jordan, Tunisia and Iran,

by its former Baath regime, the Flights Affairs Director in Iraq’s Transportation Ministry

said on Tuesday.

“The Transportation Ministry has got the approval of the Council of Ministers to sell all

its aircrafts, parked in Jordan, Tunisia and Iran, possessed by the Iraqi Airways and

covered by exception from the law on sellilng state property, because they have become

scrap and can’t return to service, as well as the rejection of international airports to

allow them land in them,” Nasser al-Shibly told Aswat al-Iraq news agency.

Shibly said that his Ministry “had sold 5 of the said planes to Jordan and its expected to

rehabilitate one of them only, whilst the close sale of two other aircrafts for Tunisia,

whilst Iran had refused to return the planes parked in its airports, as talks with it in this

regard had reached to a closed end.”

Noteworthy is that Iraq had flown the said aircrafts to Jordan, Tunisia and Iran, to avoid

their destruction by the U.S.-led attacks during the 2nd Gulf War, launched against Iraq

in 1991, following its occupation of Kuwait in 1990. (Aswat al Iraq)

Sayfa 6

“The number of families covered by the social welfare salaries in different parts of Iraq

has reached about 1.2 millions,” a Ministry’s media source told Aswat al-Iraq news

agency, adding that their salaries will be distributed at the end of the current month,

according to the mechanism laid by the Ministry for the elderly, disabled and

unemployed people.

He said that the salaries range from 50,000 Iraqi dinars for each person, 70,000 dinars for

two, 90,000 for three, 100,000 for four, 110,000 for five, 120,000 for 6 and above.

A U.S. dollars equals about 1,118 Iraq dinars approx.

“The Ministry has laid a new mechanism for persons, covered with social welfare,

comprising a committee of social researchers, a municipality member in earch area,

along with a social welfare employee, and the committee would carry out visits on

random basis to different areas of Iraq,” the source concluded. (Aswat al Iraq)


Iran has hanged 11 people with alleged connections to a Sunni Muslim opposition group

that killed 39 people in a mosque bombing.

The Justice Ministry said on Monday that those executed were all supporters of

Jundollah, which claimed a double suicide bombing of Shia worshippers in the southeast

on December 15.

"The people of Sistan-Baluchestan province, in their continuing campaign against the

elements of cruelty and insecurity, hanged 11 people at Zahedan prison," the ministry

said in a statement on the semi-official Fars news agency.

Sayfa 7

Iran has said that Jundollah members, who say they are fighting for the rights of the

ethnic-minority Baluch people, find shelter across Iran's southeastern border with


Iran asserts that the group is linked to al-Qaeda.

'Serious measures'

According to state television, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, held a

telephone conversation with his Pakistani counterpart Asif Ali Zardari, urging Pakistan to

arrest "identified terrorists" and hand them over to Iran.

Iran hoped it had neutralised Jundollah when it executed its leader, Abdolmalek Rigi, last

June. But the mosque bombing in the town of Chabahar, which wounded more than 100

people, was the group's latest riposte.

The families of the bombing victims sent a letter to Zardari calling for "serious measures"

against Jundollah and other "terrorist" groups, echoing a call from some Iranian officials.

"These anti-revolutionary groups which have been given shelter in neighbouring

countries like Pakistan and are being supported there should be pursued and suppressed

on Pakistani soil," Qolamali Rashid, a senior military official, said.

"The land forces of the Revolutionary Guard have the ability to do this," he said, referring

to Iran's elite military force.

A member of Iran's parliamentary national security and foreign policy committee said on

Sunday that "Pakistan should be served notice" to destroy what he called terrorist

training camps.

"If the Pakistan government refused to take measures to destroy the terrorist centres in

that country, then the Islamic Republic would have the right to take steps and make the

atmosphere unsafe for the terrorists in defence of its own nationals," Kazem Jalali told

the semi-official Mehr news agency.

Sayfa 8

Film director sentenced

Meanwhile, an Iranian court has sentenced Jaraf Panahi, an internaitonally renowned

film director, to six years in prison on Saturday, according to Farideh Gheyrat, his lawyer.

The court has also ruled that Panahi cannot make films, nor travel abroad for 20 years.

Gheyrat said that he was convicted of gathering, colluding and propaganda against the

Iranian government.

"Mr Panahi has been sentenced to six years in jail for acting and propaganda against the

system," Gheyrat was quoted as saying by the Isna news agency.

"He has also been banned from making films, writing any kind of scripts, travelling

abroad and talking to local and foreign media for 20 years."

Gheyrat called it a "heavy verdict" and said that she had 20 days to make an appeal.

Panahi, 49, supports Mirhossein Mousavi, Iran's opposition leader, in last year's disputed

presidential election.

The filmmaker was arrested in Iran in early March and detained for 88 days, when he

went on hunger strike due to his treatment. (Al Jazeera)

An earthquake in southeast Iran has killed at least five people and destroyed homes, a

regional governor has said.

The quake struck late on Monday in a mountainous region and was given a 6.3

magnitude by the US Geological Survey.

Kerman province is said to be the worst affected area.

Sayfa 9

"Seven people have been killed and hundreds have been injured. Hundreds of people are

still trapped under the rubbles," Esmail Najjar, governor of Iran's Kerman province, the

centre of the quake, told the semi-official Mehr news agency.

At least three villages were destroyed, leaving hundreds of people trapped under rubble,

according to Mehr, a semi-official news agency.

Nine aftershocks

There were nine aftershocks following the earthquake, one that was given a 5

magnitude, according to IRNA, the official news agency.

Mohammad Javad Kamyab, an employee of Kerman province governor's office, said that

30 villages lay in the affected area.

"These villages are not heavily populated ... We are not expecting a high death toll and so

far 25 people have been injured," Kamyab said.

Telephone lines were down while rescue teams have been dispatched, according to


Some reports said that the quake was felt in Sistan-Baluchestan province, including the

towns of Zahedan, Bam, Khash and Iranshahr. However, there were no reports of

damage in those locations.

In 2003, Bam was the scene of a devastating earthquake that killed more than 26,000

people. (Al Jazeera)

İslam inkılâbı rehberi Ayetullah Seyyid Ali Hamanei, bölgede Şii ve Sünni birlikteliğinin çok

önemli olduğunu ve her iki kesimin de yıllardan beri samimiyet ile yaşadıklarını söyledi.

Sayfa 10

Ayetullah Hamenei, Katar emiri Şeyh Hamed bin Halife Al-ı Sani'yi kabulünde yaptığı

açıklamada, bazıların Şii ve Sünniler arasındaki samimiyeti bozmak ve Şiilerle Ehli Sünnet

arasındaki bazı inanç ayrışmalarını sosyal bir ihtilafa dönüştürmeye çalıştıklarını belirtti.

İslam inkılabı rehberi Fars körfezi bölgesi güvenliğinin büyük öneminin farkında olmayan

bazı bölge ülkelerine sitem ederek, Amerika ile Siyonistlerin bu ülkelerin bölge

güvenliğinin öneminden habersizliğinden yararlanarak, bu yöndeki zihniyeti

körüklediklerini belirtti.

Ayetullah Hamenei, İran İslam cumhuriyetiyle Katar arasındaki ilişkileri iyi ilişkiler olarak

değerlendirip bu ilişkilerin gün geçtikçe gelişmesi gerektiği zira iki ülke ve bölge lehine

olacağını belirtti.

İslam İnkilabı Rehberi, başta Fars körfezi olmak üzere bölgede güvenliğin önemine

değinerek Fars körfezinde güvenliğin ayırım konusu olamayacağı, zira bölge güvenlikli

olursa tüm bölge ülkelerinin bundan faydalanacağı ancak bu güvenlik zedelenirse tüm

bölge ülkelerinin güvensizleşip zararlı çıkacağını belirtti.

Ayetullah Hamenei,katar emirinin Lübnan'daki hassas durum ve Refik Hariri mahkemesi

kararının çıkması ihtimali hususundaki sözlerine değinerek bu mahkemenin göstermelik

olup vereceği her hangi bir kararın da geçersiz olacağını vurguladı. (IRNA)

İran İslam Cumhuriyeti ve Rusya üçüncü ülkelerde santral kurmak için ortak iş birliğini

sıcak karşılıyor.

Rusya’nın Gazprom Techno Export şirketi yetkilisi ile görüşen Enerji Bakan Yardımcısı

Muhammed Behzad, şirketin geçen yıllarda santral alanında enerji bakanlığıyla iyi iş birliği

içinde olduğunu ve ülkesinin de elektrik sanayisinde Rus şirketlerin daha aktif katılmasını

sıcak karşıladığını belirtti.

Sayfa 11

Behzad “İran şirketleri, Rus şirketiyle İran, Rusya ve üçüncü ülkelerde yeni santraller

kurmak için hazırdır” dedi. (IRNA)

Analysts warned that France's harsh stance at the Geneva talks between Iran and the

Group 5+1 (the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany) and its

expectations from the next round of talks in Istanbul will pose a major threat to the

trend of talks.

Two weeks after the talks between Iran and the six powers in Geneva, Switzerland, the

western members of the G5+1 are trying to distort the atmosphere for the upcoming

talks in Istanbul in January.

Similar to Britain and the US, France is also seeking to ignore the agreement attained in

the Geneva talks and is talking about its unilateral preconditions for the next round of

talks, sources said.

Meantime, diplomats privy to the talks said that Jacques Audibert, the general and

strategic affairs director of France who also represented Paris in the Tehran-powers

negotiations, had taken the harshest stance towards Iran compared with other parties in

the Geneva talks.

Commenting on the reasons behind France's stance, analysts say that the unbalanced

stance adopted by Paris stems from France's willingness to move ahead of the US in a bid

to maintain a European identity for itself.

The second reason for France's stance lies in its intense feelings for revenge and

retaliation against Tehran's last year move for excluding Paris from the Vienna talks over

the supply of nuclear fuel for the Tehran research reactor, analysts say.

The pressure imposed on Paris by France-based pro-Israel lobbies is also viewed by the

analysts as yet another cause of France's harsh stance on talks with Iran.

Sayfa 12

As for the fourth reason, analysts say that France has always underlined the necessity for

banning Iran's uranium enrichment activities because it fears that the issue might lead to

bilateral bargaining and talks between Tehran and Washington.

The statements made by some of the western envoys to the Geneva talks with Iran is

fully different from they had said before. Iran's chief negotiator Saeed Jalili underlined

during a press conference after the end of the talks in Geneva that "our agreement was

one sentence which was concluded by Mrs. Ashton and we accepted it after all the 6

countries (of the Group 5+1) approved it, and that sentence is 'talks for cooperation over

common points in January in Istanbul'".

"Anything beyond this sentence is against our agreement and this sentence itself was not

my conclusion, rather it was the conclusion made by Mrs. Ashton, which was first

approved by the 6 countries and then by us."

The development came amid media reports that the United States and its allies are

planning to impose more sanctions on Iran ahead of next round of talks.

High-level envoys from London, Paris and Washington discussed the matter last Tuesday

in the French capital, the report said.

According to an article published in the Wall Street Journal on December 18, the US and

representatives of the European Union have agreed to impose joint sanctions against

Iran in January. It is unclear what shape the new sanctions will take, but it has been

agreed that the US and EU should act together with a uniform set of sanctions, rather

than seeking further United Nations sanctions.

The report said the US and its allies plan to finalize details of the plan by the end of the

year, then deliver the proposal to the EU sanctions committee to get the new measures

in place before talks are resumed in Istanbul.

Sayfa 13

Iran has strongly warned that any attempt to impose fresh pressures and sanctions

against Tehran would threaten continuation of talks between the two sides. (Fars News


Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a phone conversation with his Pakistani

counterpart Asif Ali Zardari called on Islamabad to take immediate action to identify and

extradite the terrorists behind the recent bombing in Chabahar city, Southeastern Iran.

During the phone call on Monday, Ahmadinejad announced Tehran's readiness for

exchange of intelligence and mutual cooperation with Islamabad in fighting terrorism,

and said, "Cooperation and firm action by the two countries will certainly uproot

terrorism in the region."

He also reiterated that eradication of terrorism is wished and demanded by both nations.

Zardari, for his part, assured Ahmadinejad that his country would spare no efforts to

eradicate the ominous phenomenon of terrorism through assistance and cooperation

with Iran.

Ahmadinejad made the phone call less than a week after a suicide attack near a mosque

in Southeastern Iran took the lives of at least 39 and wounded 95 people in a mourning

ceremony held to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hossein (AS),

Shiite Islam's third Imam.

The attack took place outside Imam Hossein Mosque in the port city of Chabahar, in

Sistan and Balouchestan province, near the border with Pakistan on Wednesday.

The Pakistani-based Jundollah terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack. The

notorious group has built a safe haven in Pakistan and escapes to this Eastern neighbor

of the Islamic Republic after staging its terrorist operations.

Sayfa 14

Iranian Interior Minister Mostafa Mohammad Najjar announced later on Wednesday

that the terrorists who carried out the bombings in Chabahar had received their

necessary trainings in Pakistan.

"A number of terrorists that are being trained beyond (Iran's) Eastern borders in Pakistan

have carried out this terrorist attack," Najjar told reporters on Wednesday.

The Iranian official pointed out that the terrorists received equipment and training from

foreign elements, adding that the Islamic Republic has warned Pakistan against providing

a safe haven for terrorists.

Meantime senior commanders of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps and the Army on

Monday stressed Iran's capability to chase and destroy terrorist cells beyond Iran's


"The anti-revolution grouplets which have been sheltered in the neighboring countries,

like Pakistan, and are supported there should be chased and suppressed there in

Pakistani territories and this is the only way to confront terrorist actions," Deputy Head

of the General Staff of Iran's Armed Forces Major General Gholam Ali Rashid told FNA.

Rashid also underscored that the IRGC Ground Forces enjoy such capability and can end

terrorist activities across Iran's Southeastern borders. (Fars News Agency)


Israeli fighter jets have attacked the Gaza Strip, wounding two Palestinian fighters,

according to a Palestinian medical source and witnesses.

The overnight raids came after the Israeli army accused Palestinian fighters of firing nine

mortar shells on Monday into southern Israel, which fell on open ground and caused no


Sayfa 15

Three raids targeted the town of Khan Younis in the south of the Palestinian enclave

governed by Hamas, wounding two fighters of the Ezzedin al-Qassam Brigades, the

armed wing of Hamas, one of them seriously, the sources said.

Four other attacks were carried out in the north of Gaza, targeting the Jabailya refugee

camp and the towns of Beit Lahya, Beit Hanoun and Zeitoun, with no casualties reported.

The Israeli jets also attacked a tunnel between the Gaza Strip and Egypt near the

southern town of Rafah, without causing any injuries.

An Israeli military spokeswoman, contacted by the AFP news agency, spoke of seven air

attacks against tunnels used for smuggling weapons and "arms dumps used for terrorist


She described the raids as "reprisals for attacks on Israeli territory".

Nine mortar rounds were fired at southern Israel from Gaza on Monday, without hurting

anyone, the Israeli military spokeswoman said.

Earlier, on Saturday night, Israeli jets struck central Gaza, killing five fighters as they were

about to launch a rocket attack, according to the Israeli army and witnesses.

The raid was one of the deadliest since Israel's December 2008-January 2009 war on

Gaza's Hamas rulers, codenamed Operation Cast Lead, which cost the lives of 1,400

Palestinians, mostly civilians, and 13 Israelis, 10 of them soldiers.

Since Israel's war on Gaza, the number of rocket attacks has has gone down

considerably. The Israeli army says more than 200 rockets or shells have been fired since

the beginning of this year. (Al Jazeera)

Israeli security force have arrested nine suspects over the last two weeks suspected in a

string of attacks against Arab in central Jerusalem, a gag order lifted Tuesday revealed.

Sayfa 16

Seven of the nine suspects are minors and all are residents of Jerusalem or West Bank

settlements. The suspects were released to house arrest following questioning.

An initial investigation has found that the nine individuals formed a gang that used the

prowess of a 14-year-old girl to lure their prey. She would approach the chosen victim,

ask them for a cigarette or invite them for a walk, and then lead them to where the

assailants were waiting – the schoolyard of the Experimental School in Jerusalem, the

Independence Park or a nearby pedestrian plaza.

As soon as the girl would arrive with the victim, the assailants would begin to pelt them

with rocks, bottles or even spray tear gas at them, according to details of the


The Jerusalem Police believe that the nine are members of an organized gang led by a

14-year-old boy, that has made nationalist attacks against Arabs its central goal.

The young men have reportedly been roaming in and around Independence Park seeking

Arabs to attack, trying to identify them by their accent. Haaretz has learned of a number

of attacks over the last few months, and the stabbing of an Arab in July.

The same gang is suspected of attacking a Chilean tourist who they mistook for an Arab,

an incident that stirred uproar in the South American media and angered the local

immigrant community.

Silwan resident Annan Yagmor, 21, an alleged victim of one of these attacks in

November, he was approached by a group of men in Independence Park as he was

walking home.

They asked him for a cigarette, accompanied him a short way, jumped him and beat him.

He said they wanted to see his ID card and shouted "Arab, Arab." They also sprayed him

with tear gas.

Sayfa 17

Adem Sabih said he was similarly attacked on October 31 in the same area, by 20 or 30

skullcap-wearing young men. They asked him his name and then jumped him; one

shouted "kill that Arab." He said he was smashed in the head with a rock several times

before he could flee.

Jerusalem City Councilman Meir Margalit said it appeared that "a gang of thugs," some

with large knitted skullcaps and others with black skullcaps, were terrorizing East

Jerusalem Arabs. He said he could not "shake the feeling that if the situation were

reversed, if Jews were being attacked by Arabs, the authorities' response would be

different (Haaretz)

Fatah has rejected comments made by Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad

regarding the unilateral declaration of an independent Palestine, which he said would

render it a "Mickey Mouse" state.

Fatah sources told Asharq al-Awsat that these statements were unacceptable,

incomprehensible, and surprising. The Fatah source said that this statement came at a

critical time and represented a blow to the efforts being undertaken by Fatah and

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas to gain international recognition for an

independent Palestinian state. Fayyad’s comments came at a time that the Palestinian

Authority [PA] has gained the support of several Latin American countries that have

officially recognized the State of Palestine within its 1967 borders; the PA is also trying to

pressure European countries to officially recognize a Palestinian State.

Sources also confirmed that Fatah was extremely angered by Fayyad’s comments. The

source also told Asharq Al-Awsat that Fatah Central Committee member, Nabil Shaath,

contacted Fayyad to reprimand him and ask him to explain his comments. Fayyad

responded that the unilateral recognition of a Palestinian State – without first obtaining

official agreements on the sovereignty of this state – would mean that it is nothing more

than a "Mickey Mouse" state. Fayyad had also told Israel’s Channel 2 that he was not in

Sayfa 18

favor of unilateral recognition of the state of Palestine, as this does not change the

reality on the ground. In an interview that was recorded earlier this week in Washington,

and broadcast on Saturday in Israel, Fayyad said: "We want an independent Palestinian

state, not just more declarations [of independence]" in reference to the 1988 Palestinian

Declaration of Independence in Algiers. However the Fatah leadership has said that what

is happening now is actually an extension of the previous Declaration of Independence,

and that the Palestinian Authority wants countries which did not recognize Palestine in

1988 to do so now.

Fatah has linked Fayyad’s refusal to declare an independent state of Palestine to

Fayyad's call last year for Palestinian state institutes to be established prior to the

summer of 2011, as a prelude to the establishment of an independent state. Fayyad

stressed that his proposal was going according to plan; however sovereignty ultimately

depends on the approval of Israel. He said: "The reality is that the state can exist in terms

of functioning institutions, but whilst the [Israeli] army remains on our soil, it would

never be a sovereign Palestine, but rather a 'Mickey Mouse’ State."

Prime Minister Fayyad explicitly announced his refusal for the unilateral declaration of

the Palestinian state. Responding to Fayyad, Nabil Shaath told Asharq Al-Awsat that "the

people [of Palestine] do not need the permission of anyone to declare their


The Palestinian Authority is planning to go to the Security Council, aiming to secure a set

of resolutions that condemn Israel for its violations of Palestinian territories and force it

to halt its settlement activity, as well as call for the international recognition of an

independent Palestinian state. (Asharq Alawsat)

ABD ve İsrail Ortak Siyasi Askeri Grubu’nun 40’ıncı toplantısı 2009 yılının Kasım ayında

yapıldı. ABD Dışişleri Bakanlığı’na gönderilen kriptoya göre toplantılarda İsrail hükümeti

Sayfa 19

Suudi Arabistan’a F-15 uçaklarının satışından duyduğu kaygıyı gündeme getirmeye devam


Her iki taraf ta İran’a baskının, özellikle de Kum kentindeki nükleer tesisin açığa

çıkmasından sonra sürmesinde mutabık kaldı. İsrail tarafı Rusya ve Çin’in İran’a

yaptırımların genişletilmesindeki işbirliği konusundaki endişelerini aktardı. İsrail Hükümet

yetkilileri hassas teknolojiye erişimde çifte vatandaşlığın oluşturduğu tehlikeye ilişkin

endişelerini ve Türkiye’nin Suriye ve İran’a doğru “rahatsız edici yön değişikliği” ve

İsrail’den uzaklaşması hakkındaki görüşlerini dile getirdi.

ABD’nin Tel Aviv Büyükelçiliği’nden Dışişleri Bakanlığı’na 18 Kasım 2009 günü gönderilen

kriptonun “Türkiye” başlıklı paragrafında ise şöyle denildi:

“Türkiye: İsrail hükümeti, Türkiye hükümetinin şu anda Suriye ve İran’a doğru çevrilen

yönünü –ve İsrail’den uzaklaşmasını- gündeme getirdi. İsrailli katılımcılar Türkiye’nin,

bölgesel bir süper güç olma hedefiyle daha ‘İslami’ bir yön izlerken Gazze’de Hamas’ın

destekçisi olduğunu iddia etti. İsrail Hükümeti Türk ordusunun hükümet kararları ve

stratejik yön üzerindeki etkide bulunma yeterliliğini kaybettiğini iddia etti. İsrail Hükümeti

katılımcıları geçtiğimiz yıldan sonra, Türkiye’yle ilgili ‘kötü hisler’e sahip olduklarını

söylediler. İsrail hükümeti, İsrail Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanı’nın geçmişte Türk Hava

Kuvvetleri Komutanı ile konuşmak istediğini, fakat Türk mevkidaşı tarafından

reddedildiğini belirtti.” (anka)


Egypt’s State announced Monday it had seized a group working for Israel's spy agency,

Mossad, and planning to wiretap telephone conversations of high ranking Egyptian


Sayfa 20

The group includes an Egyptian, Tarek Abdel Razzak, 37, and two Mossad officers, “Diddy

Moshe” and “Joseph Dimore” who are currently fugitives.

The Egyptian is accused of supplying the two Israelis, from May 2007 to May 2010,

information on the Egyptians, Syrians and Lebanese working in the field of

telecommunications, and have selected those likely to cooperate with Mossad, the

Israeli secret service.

Abdel Razek allegedly was on contact with a spy working for Israel in Syria and he was

also recruiting spies from Syria and Lebanon, according to Emergency State Security High


He also allegedly received a call in 2007 from Israeli officer Dimore and both agreed to

meet in India and discussed ways of working together.

He faces charges of “Engaging in hostile action against neighbor countries and

endangering the diplomatic and political relations of Egypt with these countries”.

Egypt's telecom company Mobinil denied Egyptian media reports that some of its

employees were involved in the espionage case. (Al Arabiya)

Parliament alone holds the right to decide on the legitimacy of its elected members, said

Parliamentary Speaker Fathi Sorour in a interview with Egyptian Television aired on


Egypt's opposition says the recent parliamentary poll was marred by pervasive fraud and

voter intimidation. Some judicial officials echoed those calls and ruled to nullify electoral


Sorour said he would not recognize a fraudulently elected candidate. He added that the

Constitution states that a two-thirds parliamentary majority is required for parliament to

invalidate the elected status of one of its members.

Sayfa 21

The weak opposition representation in the newly formed parliament is troublesome,

Sorour said, since differing views positively influence the legislative process.

Fourteen members of the opposition and seventy independents were elected to the

People's Assembly in 2010. (Al Masry al Youm)

Frustrated with the recent parliamentary electoral results, a number of former

opposition parliamentarians announced last week the formation of a parallel People’s

Assembly as the nation’s “true” representative body.

Analysts expect the shadow parliament to bring under its fold dozens of ousted MPs.

Opposition members and rights group say the parliamentary poll was marred by

pervasive fraud and voter intimidation.

Speaking to Al-Masry Al-Youm, Alaa Eddin Abdul Monem, one of the alternative

parliament’s founders, objected to the use of the term “parallel,” preferring the moniker

“the popular parliament.”

“There is nothing called a 'parallel' parliament because the word parallel implies the

existence of another parliament," Abdul Monem said. "We do not recognize the existing


The ruling National Democratic Party has a more than eighty-percent majority in the

newly-initiated People's Assembly, Egypt's lower house of parliament. Rigging allegations

and electoral violence that left at least 16 people dead prompted major opposition

groups to boycott the second round of the electoral race and dismiss the new parliament

as “void.”

“The existing parliament does not have a serious opposition that could level questioning

debate on legislation," said Abdul Monem who lost his seat to an NDP candidate.

"Whatever the government suggests will be accepted.”

Sayfa 22

In the last parliament, Abdul Monem was an established and ruthless critic of the NDP-

led legislative agenda. He is recognized for unveiling suspicious deals of public land

misappropriation perpetrated by former Housing Minister Mohamed Ibrahim Suleiman.

Aside from the participation of former MPs, the shadow parliament is expected to

include a number of public figures widely known for their vehement criticism of the

government. Founders are currently hashing out the details of their venture, including

the number of seats and the nature of bylaws to regulate the shadow institution,

according to Abdul Monem.

The initiative has been already endorsed by several groups including the Wafd, Nasserist

and Tagammu parties as well as non-official opposition entities such the Muslim

Brotherhood, Kefaya, the youth-based April 6 Movement and the Mohamed Elbaradei-

initiated National Association for Change, added Abdul Monem.

This wide endorsement, however, did not discourage President Hosni Mubarak from

voicing a sarcastic critique of the initiative.

“Let them have fun,” Mubarak mocked those involved in a recent speech. Critics cite

such comments as further evidence of the disconnect between the presidency and the

Egyptian population.

“It shows that he takes the people and their choices lightly,” said Saad Aboud, another

founder of the parallel institution. “We will leave the matter to the future. Only the

future can show whether this idea is worth implementing.”

For some experts, however, time will not benefit the initiative. Samer Suleiman, a

political scientist with the American University in Cairo, said the parallel parliament is

only for media consumption and is destined for failure.

“It is a joke more than anything else,” said Suleiman. “It is more of a media rather than a

political phenomenon. Politically, the issue is dead before it even starts.”

Sayfa 23

“This *parallel+ parliament does not represent different segments of the society and it

has no democratic mechanism of selecting the members. The selection is only based on

compromises between opposition figures,” he added.

“If it is truly a political project, it should be mobilizing people. Are they engaged in

mobilizing people or do they just talk to the press? Can this initiative garner a wide

appeal among Egyptians?"

For the founders, however, their initiative enjoys popular appeal. “If you check different

[local] sites, you will find that there is a big number of people who expressed their

support for the idea,” said Abdul Monem.

“Plus, as former MPs, we know what is going on in the street. We know how people feel

and we are aware of the level of outrage and disenchantment among people,” he added.

A number of groups endorsing the initiative have recently popped up on the social

networking site Facebook. Still, only a few hundred users have joined these platforms.

“I am not aware of a parallel parliament in any other country,” said Mostafa Kamel al-

Sayyed, professor of Political Science at Cairo University. “The parallel parliament is an

Egyptian innovation in order to cast doubt on the legitimacy of the existing parliament.”

Shadow cabinets are the only well-known example of parallel institutions, according to

al-Sayyed. “The most famous example is in Great Britain where opposition parties form

shadow cabinets as a sort of preparation for their members in case they win the majority

in parliament.”

But unlike Egypt’s parallel parliament, the British paradigm is not intended to cast doubt

over the legitimacy of the official government, explained al-Sayyed.

In recent weeks, the liberal Wafd Party formed a shadow government with nearly forty

ministers in an attempt to question the efficiency of the existing NDP-led cabinet.

Sayfa 24

“We cannot tolerate more failures. There should be alterative ways to solve all the crises

that surround us,"said Ali al-Salmi, the head of the Wafd shadow cabinet, in an interview

published in Al-Masry Al-Youm Arabic edition earlier this week. "This [cabinet] is also

meant to prove that Egypt has experts who could save it.”

The Wafd Party was dealt a blow in the last parliamentary elections. In the first round,

only two out of more than 200 candidates secured seats while less than ten were set to

stand in a run-off. Outraged by the result, the party boycotted the second round and

froze the membership of candidates who defied the boycott decision and persisted with

their bids.

“This is an imitation of the British example,” said al-Sayyed. “The only difference is that

in Britain the shadow government consists of MPs and the system allows for the transfer

of power through the ballot box. However, in Egypt, it is not made up of MPs and there is

no possibility for transfer of power through the ballot box.”

But al-Sayyed voiced skepticism over the future of the shadow parliament.

“There could be practical obstacles,"he said. "I am not sure that authorities will allow this

parallel parliament to meet."

Echoing this notion, Fathi Sorour, Egypt's re-elected speaker of the parliament, in a

threatening gesture told Egyptian television on Monday that he "worries" about

members of the parallel parliament, since Article 86 of the Constitution may be applied

against them for disturbing social stability. (Al Masry Al Youm)


Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Monday dismissed as "null and void"

imminent rulings by the UN court probing the 2005 murder of ex-Lebanese premier Rafiq

Hariri, state television reported.

Sayfa 25

The UN-backed Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) is reportedly set to indict high-ranking

operatives of the Shiite movement Hezbollah, Lebanon's most powerful military force,

which is backed by Tehran and Damascus.

"This tribunal is receiving orders from elsewhere and whatever ruling it hands down is

null and void," Khamenei told visiting Qatari Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani in a

meeting, state television reported.

"We hope that the influential sides which have a say in Lebanon act based on logic and

wisdom, so that this issue will not turn into a problem," said Khamenei, Iran's all-

powerful commander-in-chief.

The STL said on December 9 that it will "very, very soon" file indictments over the

February 14, 2005 killing of Hariri and 22 others in a Beirut bomb blast.

Iran is the ideological and financial backer of Shiite Hezbollah, which fought a devastating

war against Israel in 2006 that killed 1,200 people in Lebanon, most of them civilians, and

160 Israelis, mostly soldiers.

Iran's English-language Press TV carried a similar report.

"Khamenei says any ruling by the US-sponsored Special Tribunal for Lebanon is null and

void," it said on its website.

Hezbollah has said it expects to be falsely accused of involvement in the former

premier's killing and warned against any attempt to arrest its members, raising fears of

instability in the small, multi-religious Mediterranean country.

Hassan Nasrallah, who heads the militant movement, has urged Lebanon's deeply

divided unity government to step aside and allow him to deal with the STL, which he

brands a US-Israeli plot.

The Beirut government is meanwhile in paralysis, business deals are on hold and

rumours abound as Lebanon anxiously awaits indictments by the tribunal.

Sayfa 26

The awaited indictments have split the unity government, with Hezbollah and its

supporters pitted against the Western-backed camp of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, son of

the assassinated Sunni leader.

Iranian state television quoted the Qatari Emir as telling Khamenei that attempts were

being made to trigger a sedition in Lebanon.

"Some seek to create a new sedition in Lebanon, but we are trying to avoid this sedition

with the help of regional countries," the emir said. The report did not elaborate.

Last month during a visit to Tehran by Prime Minister Hariri, Khamenei told him to

strengthen his ties with Hezbollah.

Ahead of Hariri's visit, the media said the prime minister was coming to Iran hoping that

Tehran would help to reconcile his pro-Western camp and Hezbollah.

Hezbollah and Iran enjoy deep ties which were evident during President Mahmoud

Ahmadinejad's visit in October to Lebanon, where he received a rousing welcome.

The two also share a deep animosity towards Israel, which has not ruled out a military

strike against Tehran to stop its controversial nuclear programme. (Asharq Alawsat)

“Accusing a Shia group of killing a Sunni leader leads to a catastrophe,” Development and

Liberation bloc MP Ali Khreiss said on Tuesday, in a reference to the Special Tribunal for

Lebanon’s (STL) possible implication of Shia Hezbollah members in the murder of Sunni

former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in 2005.

“The international community must understand this issue,” Khreiss told the Voice of

Lebanon -100.5 (VOL) radio station.

Sayfa 27

He also said that Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s Monday statement –

that the STL’s rulings are “null” – was made “because Khamenei *believes+ that the

tribunal will likely indict Shia members *in the Hariri murder+.”

The STL said on December 9 that it will "very, very soon" file indictments for the killing of

Hariri and 22 others.

The court is reportedly set to indict high-ranking operatives of Hezbollah, which is

backed by Tehran and Damascus. (Now Lebanon)


The Convoy 'Asia 1', which is a constituent of the Asian People's Solidarity for Palestine

(APSP), reached Aleppo city on Monday.

The Convoy includes more than 70 activists from 20 Asian countries, of which are India,

Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Afghanistan, the Philippines, Bangladesh, Iran and Bahrain.

The Convoy received mass public and popular welcome that reflected the Syrian people's

support to the besieged Palestinians in Gaza Strip.

Governor of Aleppo, Ali Ahmad Mansoura, said that Asia 1 Convoy is one of many

convoys that headed to Gaza through Syria to break the Israeli siege on the Strip.

"Syria became a passage for all honest people in the world, and it will continue

supporting the Palestinian people and the Palestinian Cause until the liberation of the

lands and realizing the right of self-determination", he added.

For his part, Convoy Leader, Feroze Mithiborwala, said that the Convoy represents the

Asian countries and peoples and it aims at reaching Gaza, breaking the Israeli siege and

unmasking the Israeli policies.

Sayfa 28

Mithiborwala thanked Syria, leadership and people, for the warm welcome and the

facilitations provided to the convoy in the Syrian lands.

The convoy is scheduled to head to Hama and Homs provinces before arriving to

Damascus. (SANA)

Türkiye Başbakanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Suriye ve Türkiye arasında geçen yıl teşkil

edilen Yüksek Düzeyli Stratejik işbirliği Konseyi YDSİK’nin iki ülke arasındaki ilişkiler ve iki

ülke ekonomilerinin gelişmesine önemli katkı sağlayan sağlam bir alt yapının

kurulmasında büyük bir payı olduğunu belirtti.

Başbakan Erdoğan YDSİK’nin Ankara’da düzenleyeceği toplantılar münasebetiyle SANA’ya

verdiği röportajda, YDSİK’nin, bölgenin sadece kendisinin olduğunu bilmesi gereken

halklarımız için barış, istikrar ve refahı sağlayacak bölgesel bir dayanışmada ciddi ve

pratik bir çekirdeğe dönüştüğünü söyledi.

Suriye-Türkiye ilişkilerindeki güçlü ve hızlı gelişmelerin, halklarımızın ideallerine ilaveten

ortak sosyal ve tarihi bağlara dayalı bir şekilde politik yöneticilerden beklenenler ve iki

tarafın sahip oldukları güçlü politik irade ışığında meydana geldiğini kaydeden Erdoğan,

sayın Cumhurbaşkanı Beşşar el-Esad’ın ayrıcalık kazandığı ve kendilerinin de paylaştığı

uzun süreçli stratejik vizyonunun iki ülke arasındaki bu hızlı gelişmelerde önemli bir rol

oynadığını belirtti.

Yüzyıllar Boyunca Kardeşlik İçinde Yaşayan Halklarımızın Önündeki Tüm Engelleri

Kaldırmaya Birlikte Çaba Harcıyoruz

Türkiye Başbakanı Erdoğan, yüzyıllar boyunca kardeşlik içinde yaşayan halklarımızın

arasındaki soğuk savaş döneminden kalma tüm engelleri kaldırmaya ve tarih sürecini

doğru yola koymaya hep birlikte çalışıldığını açıkladı. Ayrıca halklarımıza daha parlak ve

ileri bir gelecek kurma yönünde ilişkileri genişletmeye yönünde iki tarafın birlikte çaba

harcadığını kaydetti.

Sayfa 29

Erdoğan, YDSİK’nin 2009 yılının Aralık ayında Şam’da düzenlediği birinci toplantısında; iki

taraf arasında anlaşmaya varılan belgelerin genelinin imzalandığını ve onaylandığın işaret

ederek, bir kısım anlaşmaların imzalanmadan önce Suriye ve Türkiye tarafından

uygulamaya konulduğuna dikkat çekti.

Suriye ve Türkiye'nin aralarındaki anlaşmaların kapsadığı alanların tümünde büyük ve

geniş bir ilerleme kaydettiklerine değinen Başbakan Erdoğan, Asi Nehri üzerine kurulması

planlanan Dostluk Barajı ve Türkiye'nin Suriye'ye gönderdiği su ve elektrik enerjisinin

miktarını arttırma çerçevesinde ortak teknik komitenin kurulduğuna işaret etti.

Türkiye Başbakanı, Turizm sektörünün iki ülke arasında yine büyük gelişmelere tanık

olduğunu ve geçen süre içinde turist sayısında büyük bir artışın kaydedildiğini söyledi. Bu

bağlamda Erdoğan, Suriye'yi ziyaret eden Türk vatandaşlarının 1.5 milyon, Türkiye'yi

ziyaret eden Suriyeli vatandaşların sayısının da yaklaşık olarak bir milyonu bulduğunu

ifade etti.

İki Ülke Doğalgaz Şebekerlerini Birleştirme Projesi 2011'in Sonundan Önce Bitecek

İki ülke doğalgaz şebekelerinin birleştirilmesi projesi ve bu projenin 2011 yılının

sonundan önce tamamlanacağına dikkat çeken Erdoğan, iki ülke arasındaki sınır

kapılarının ortak çalıştırılması projesi, gümrük standartları, sistemleri ve kriterlerinin

birleştirilmesi projelerine değindi. Ayrıca iki ülkeden işadamları arasında önemli bir çok

buluşmanın düzenlenmesi ve ortak fuarların organize edilmesi çalışmalarının

bulunduğunu söyledi.

İki ülke arasındaki ticaret hacminin arttırılması yönünde ise Türkiye Başbakanı Erdoğan,

bu konuda ilerlemenin sağlandığını ve 2010 yılının ilk 10 ayında ikili ticaret hacminin 2

milyar 2 yüz milyon doları bulduğunu söyledi. Erdoğan bu rakamın 2009 yılının aynı

süresinde 1 milyar 400 milyon dolar olduğunu hatırlattı. Aynı zamanda Suriye'nin

Türkiye'ye bulunduğu ihracat hacminin 2009 yılında 283 milyon dolardan 2010 yılının ilk

10 ayında 602 milyon dolar yükseldiğini ifade etti.

Sayfa 30

Türkiye Başbakanı Erdoğan, iki ülke yetkilileri arasında değişik düzeylerdeki karşılıklı

ziyaretlere ilaveten üstüne imza atılan anlaşmaların Suriye ve Türkiye ekonomilerine

gayet ciddi ve büyük olumlu etkilerde bulunacağını kaydetti. Ayrıca tüm bunların iki ülke

halklarının günlük yaşamlarını kısa ve uzun vadeli olarak olumlu etkileyeceğini belirtti.

YDSİK'nin Büyük Çalışmaları Uzun Süreçlidir

Erdoğan, YDSİK’nin büyük çalışmalarının ortak çıkarlarımızın hizmetinde uzun süreçli

olduğunu ve bu sürecin sürekli bir şekilde ilerlediğini ve geliştiğini belirtti.

Daha güvenirli bir dayanışmanın yanı sıra sadece iki halkın değil aynı zamanda tüm bölge

halkları için kalkınma, refah ve barışın sağlanması için iki ülkenin ileriye doğru adım

atacakları yönünde güvenini dile getiren Erdoğan, Suriye-Türkiye arasındaki bu sürecin el

ele kol kola yoluna devam edeceğini vurguladı. Ayrıca bu bağlamda, tüm bu konularda

inanç ve iradeye sahip iki ülkenin çıkarlarına hizmet ilkesi temelinin bulunduğunu


Suriye ve Türkiye arasındaki koordinasyon ve görüş alışverişinin devam ettiğini, bölgesel

davalara çözüm bulma amacıyla Cumhurbaşkanı el-Esad ve üst düzeyli Suriyeli kardeş

yetkililerle sürekli iletişim içinde olduğunu belirten Erdoğan, son seçimlerden sonra

Irak’ta ulusal birlik hükümetinin kurulması önündeki bir kısım engellerin yada geciktirici

faktörlerin kaldırılmasında ortak çabalara işaret etti. Ayrıca kardeş Lübnan'daki politik

gerginliklerin önlenmesi yönünde Suriye ile sürekli bir koordinasyonun mevcut olduğunu


Dörtlü İşbirliği Projesi Büyük İdealler Taşıyor

Suriye, ürkiye, Lübnan ve Ürdün arasında vaat edici dörtlü işbirliği projesine dikkat çeken

Türkiye Başbakanı Erdoğan, bu modelin gelişmesinin bölgede barış, istikrar ve refahın

sağlanmasına ciddi ve etkin bir katkı sağlayacağına işaret etti.

Erdoğan bu önemli dörtlü işbirliğinin, bölgenin daha önce benzerine tanık olmadığı

ayrıcalıklı bir model teşkil ettiğini ifade ederek, kapılarının tüm bölge ülkelerine açık

Sayfa 31

olduğunu belirtti. Aynı zamanda bu dörtlü işbirliğinin temel ilkesinin ideal bir gelecek

kurma yönünde tüm ortak olanakları kullanmak olduğuna işaret eden Erdoğan, ortak

gelecek, coğrafya ve çıkarları paylaşan halklarımızın kültürel ve tarihi bağlarından güç

aldığına vurgu yaptı.

Türkiye Başbakanı pratik düzeyde ise stratejik işbirliğinden amacın mevcut anlaşmalar ve

birleştirilmiş uygulamalar ışığında vizeleri kaldırmak ve serbest ticaret bölgesi kurmak

olduğunu kaydetti. Bu çerçevede Türkiye'nin Suriye, Lübnan ve Ürdün ile serbest ticaret

bölgesi ve vizeleri kaldırma anlaşmasına imza attığını belirten Erdoğan, dört ülkedeki

turizm, ulaştırma, enerji ve ticaret bakanlarının daha fazla işbirliği olanaklarını araştırmak

için sürekli olarak bir araya geldiklerine işaret etti.

Erdoğan bu görüşmelerden önemli, somut ve olumlu sonuçların elde edilmesi yönünde

inancını ifade ederek, Türkiye'nin önümüzdeki bir kaç ay içinde düzenlenecek önemli

dörtlü zirveye ev sahipliği yapma sorumluluğunu üstlendiğini belirtti.

Dörtlü işbirliğinin bölge sorunlarının çözümüne katkısı çerçevesinde Erdoğan, bölge

halklarının ancak ve ancak bu yol ile onurlu ve refahlı bir yaşama kavuşacağına inancıyla

Türkiye'nin Ortadoğu'da barış ve istikrarı sağlamaya çalıştığına vurgu yaptı. Aynı zamanda

dörtlü işbirliğinden hedefin; daha geniş bir çerçevede bu işbirliğini desteklemek ve

güçlendirmek olduğunu ifade ederek, ilkenin mevcut stratejik işbirliğini sürdürme aracılığı

ile uzun süreçli ekonomik entegrasyonu sağlama yolunda yayan yürümekle birlikte pratik

mekanizmalarla olduğunu açıkladı.

Türkiye Olumlu Ajandalarla Komşuları ve Bölgenin Tüm Ülkeleri İle Koordinasyon Kuruyor

Türkiye Başbakanı ülkesinin herkesin çıkarı için daha fazla dayanışma, çatışmalar ve

anlaşmazlıkları ortadan kaldırma, ortak çıkarlar ve planlar sağlamak için olumlu

ajandalarla komşuları ve tüm bölge ülkeleri ile koordinasyon kurmaya çalıştığını kaydetti.

Aynı zamanda bölge halkları ve politik liderlerinin bölge sorunlarının çatışmalar yerine

barışçıl yollarla çözülmesi yönünde sürekli olarak birlikte çalıştıklarını ve görüş alış

verişinde bulunduğuna dikkat çekti.

Sayfa 32

Lübnan'daki durumlara ilişkin Türkiye'nin vizyonu çerçevesinde Erdoğan, Türkiye

açısından ayrıcalıklı bir özellik taşıyan Lübnan'ı ziyaret ettiğine değinerek, Türkiye ve

Lübnan arasında tarihten gücünü alan sağlam ilişkilerin bulunduğunu söyledi. Aynı

zamanda Lübnan'ın doğu Akdeniz ve Ortadoğu açısından bir nevi kilit ülke olduğunu


Lübnan'ın istikrarını korumanın bölge istikrarı açısından önemli olduğunu belirten

Erdoğan, Türkiye'nin Lübnan'ın egemenlik ve bağımsızlığını desteklediğine vurgu yaptı.

Ayrıca Lübnan'daki istikrara büyük bir önem verdiğini bu bağlamda da Lübnan'da ulusal

uzlaşma hükümetini desteklediğini ifade etti.

Lübnan'da Suriye-Suudi Arabistan Çabalarını Destekliyoruz

Türkiye Başbakanı Erdoğan, Lübnan'a bulunduğu son ziyareti ve Lübnanlı yetkilerle

temaslarında uluslararası mahkeme sürecinin politikleştirilmemesi, ulusal birlik diyalog ve

uzlaşmaya bağlı kalınması gereğine vurgu yapıldığını belirtti. Aynı zamanda Lübnanlı tüm

taraflardan eşit mesafede durduğunu ve Suriye-Suudi Arabistan çabalarını desteklediğini

kaydettiğine dikkat çekti.

Türkiye'nin Irak geleceğine ilişkin vizyonu çerçevesinde Başbakan Erdoğan, bu ülkenin

ulusal uzlaşma temelinde tüm sorunlarını aşmasıyla birlikte refah ve istikrara kavuşması

temennilerinde bulundu. Aynı zamanda Irak’a ilişkin son gelişmelerden Türkiye'nin

rahatlığını dile getirerek, Türkiye'nin geçici üye olarak katıldığı uluslararası güvenlik

konseyinin eskiden Irak’a uyguladığı yaptırımları kaldırmasına işaret etti.

İsrail Barış Çabalarını Çıkmaza Soktu

Türkiye başbakanı Erdoğan ülkesinin Filistin-İsrail barış çizgisinde olası katkıları

çerçevesinde; ABD’nin yahudi yerleşim birimlerinin inşasını dondurma kararını yenileme

konusunda İsrail'i ikna etmede başarısız kalmasının Türkiye açısından derin bir endişe

yarattığını açıkladı.

Sayfa 33

Erdoğan İsrail'in son tutum ve davranışlarıyla bölgede barışın sağlanması yönündeki

isteklerine dair çok sayıda şüpheler uyandırdığını ifade ederek, uluslararası toplumun tüm

çağrılarına sırt çevirip yahudi yerleşim birimlerini inşa etmeye devam ettiğini ve barış

çabalarını çıkmaza soktuğuna dikkat çekti.

Barış sürecinde Suriye çizgisi ve bu yönde nihai bir çözüme ulaşmanın Ortadoğu barışının

sağlanmasında oldukça ciddi bir önem taşıdığını varsayan Türkiye Başbakanı, İsrailli

yetkililerin Türkiye'nin bu konuda dürüst bir aracı rolü oynadığını itiraf ettiklerini, fakat

İsrail'in Gazze'ye yönelik düşmancıl savaşı nedeniyle bu aracı rolünün hedeflerine

ulaşamadığını söyledi.

Suriye'nin Türk Aracı Rolüne Tutunması Onun Barış ve İstikrraın Sağlanmasına Verdiği

Büyük Önemi Kanıtlıyor

Erdoğan, Suriye'nin dolaylı barış müzakerelerine dönmesinde Türkiye'nin aracı rolüne

tutunmasının onun Ortadoğu'da barış ve istikrarın sağlanmasına verdiği büyük önemi

yansıttığını ve kanıtladığını var saydı.

Türkiye Başbakanı; İsrail'i barışı istediğine dair ciddi bir şekilde pratikte ve sözde

kanıtlamasına çağırarak, aynı şekilde ABD ve AB’de üye ülkeleri Suriye çizgisi ve Türk aracı

rolünün önemini idrak etmeleriyle birlikte bölgede barış sürecini aksatan halihazırdaki

politikasını değiştirmesinde İsrail'i zorlamalarına davet etti. Aynı zamanda Türkiye-İsrail

ilişkilerinde olabilecek herhangi bir olumlu gelişmenin şüphesiz bu konuda olumlu

yansımaları olacağını belirtti.

Türkiye-İsrail İlişkilerinde Türkiye'nin İsteklerinde Bir Değişiklik Olmadı

Türkiye-İsrail ilişkileri ve bu ilişkilerden beklenenler çerçevesinde Erdoğan; bu bağlamda

iki ülke dışişleri bakanlıkları arasında yüksek düzeyde Cenevre’de temasların mevcut

olduğuna işaret ederek, fakat; Gazze'ye yardım götüren özgürlük filosundaki Mavi

Marmara gemisine karşı İsrail saldırısı ve hayatlarını kaybeden 9 Türk vatandaşına ilişkin

Türkiye'nin isteklerinde hiç bir değişikliğin olmadığını belirtti. Erdoğan Türkiye ve İsrail

Sayfa 34

arasındaki ilişkilerin normale dönmesini İsrail'in Türkiye Cumhuriyetinden özür dilemesi

ve tazminatlar ödemesine bağladı.

ABD ve AB’de üye ülkelerin İnsan hakları konseyinde özgürlük filosuna yönelik saldırıya

ilişkin tutumları hakkında Türkiye'nin vizyonu çerçevesinde Başbakan Erdoğan; insan

haklarının yegane savunucuları olarak kendilerini öne koyan bu ülkelerden daha değişik

bir tutum beklediklerini ve bu konuda büyük eseflerini dile getirdiklerini kaydetti.

Türkiye-AB İlişkileri Sürekli Gelişiyor

Türkiye Başbakanı ülkesinin AB ile ilişkileri bağlamında, iki taraf arasında dinamik, geniş

ve kapsamlı ilişkilerin bulunduğunu, bu ilişkilerin politik, ekonomik ve kültürel düzeylerde

sürekli geliştiğine işaret etti.

Türkiye'nin AB’ye katılım konusunda üstüne düşeni yerine getirdiğini fakat, katılım

müzakerelerinin istenilen hızda yürümediğini kaydeden Erdoğan, AB’de üye bir kısım

ülkelerin müzakereler önünde koydukları engellerin hiç bir şekilde vaatleri yerine getirme

kriterleriyle bağdaşmadığını kaydetti.

Kıbrıs davasında ise Erdoğan, ülkesinin bu davada kapsamlı çözüm sağlayacak tüm

çabaları desteklediğini açıkladı. (SANA)



A storage facility holding Yemen's radioactive material was left unguarded for up to a

week after its only guard was removed on December 30, 2009, according to a US cable

released by the whistleblower website WikiLeaks.

Sayfa 35

The leaked cable, published by the UK's Guardian newspaper, was sent by a Yemeni

government official in Sanaa to the CIA, the FBI and the homeland security department

as well as the US secretary of state in Washington and others.

It was sent in the days following last year's failed Christmas day bomb plot targeting a

Detroit-bound airliner.

According to security sources, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the Nigerian-born would-be

airline bomber, was radicalised in Yemen.

The cable also disclosed that the single closed-circuit television security camera

monitoring the facility had broken six months prior to that and it was never fixed.

According to the cable, small amounts of the radioactive materials were used by local

universities for agricultural research, by a Sanaa hospital and by international oilfield

services companies for well-logging equipment.

The message, dated January 9, shows the concerns of a Yemeni government official,

whose name was removed, about the unsecured state of a National Atomic Energy

Commission facility [NAEC].

'Bad guys' warning

The cable reveals that the official urged the US to help convince the Yemeni government

to "remove all materials from the country until they can be better secured, or

immediately improve security measures at the NAEC facility".

The official has been quoted in the cable as saying that "very little now stands between

the bad guys and Yemen's nuclear material".

The cable showed that the embassy would push senior Yemeni officials to provide an

accounting of its radioactive materials and ensure storage facilities were secure.

Sayfa 36

However, on January 7, Abu Bakr al-Qirbi, Yemeni foreign minister told the US

ambassador that "no radioactive material was currently stored in Sanaa and that all

"radioactive waste was shipped to Syria".

Yemeni officials could not immediately be reached for comment on the Guardian report.

Attempted attacks

Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula [AQAP], an extremely active branch of the group, has

its headquarters in Yemen, the poorest Arab country.

AQAP has not only frequently targeted the Yemeni government but has also attempted

several attacks against the West, including the failed cargo-bomb plot in October and the

failed 2009 Christmas Day bomb plot.

Unlike uranium, radioactive isotopes are not explosive on their own.

However, Western governments, including the US, fear that a nuclear device can be

made combining these isotopes with simple explosives.

The radioactive elements in such a nuclear device are not likely to kill a significant

number of people, but are sufficient to easily damage and contaminate large areas,

turning them into no-go zones.

Hence the concern voiced by the Yemeni official to secure the radioactive stocks as

quickly as possible before AQAP operatives could get their hands on these. (Al Jazeera)

Iran and Qatar on Monday pledged to cooperate for greater regional security during a

visit to Tehran by the emir of the tiny but energy-rich Gulf state, official media reported.

"By consultation and harmony Iran and Qatar can strengthen unity among regional

countries and implement security and stability," Iranian President Mahmoud

Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying in a meeting with Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani.

Sayfa 37

Ahmadinejad also described ties between Tehran and Doha as "brotherly and excellent,"

state television reported.

"Cooperation between Iran and Qatar can guarantee security and stability in the region,"

the emir was quoted as saying.

It was the first visit by an Arab leader to the Islamic republic since US diplomatic memos

from Arab countries in the Gulf were released by whistleblower WikiLeaks late last

month, uncovering a fixation on the Iranian nuclear threat.

But another leaked memo revealed that Sheikh Hamad had dismissed the threats of

proliferation, saying they were made only to scare Iran.

Iran insists its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful, but world powers suspect Tehran

is working toward an atom bomb.

In a meeting with the emir, Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said that all

countries in the region would lose if security were undermined, the official IRNA news

agency reported.

"Unfortunately, the Americans and Zionists fuel these countries' ignorance of the

importance of security in the region," Khamenei said without naming any countries.

"If the security of the region is hurt all of its countries will be unsafe, and lose," he


Meanwhile on Monday a group of Iranian Revolutionary Guards navy commanders and

forces headed to Qatar on five warships for a three-day visit to its military centres, IRNA


Deputy head of the Revolutionary Guards' navy, Alireza Tangsiri, said the visit came at

the invitation of Qatar after its military officials participated in Iranian wargames this


Sayfa 38

"Such programmes will definitely pave the way for mutual cooperation," he was quoted

as saying by the agency. (Asharq Alawsat)

In the Gulf, only water can be more precious than oil, and Arab leaders are taking steps

to protect their supply from possible sabotage by al-Qaeda militants or attacks by

another potential foe.

Abu Dhabi, in particular, is taking no chances.

In October, the wealthiest emirate of the United Arab Emirates federation launched a

pilot for the world's largest underground reservoir, with 26 million cubic meters of

desalinated water. Officials say they aim to protect from oil spills or plant breakdowns,

but others cite security fears.

Diminishing natural groundwater is a fundamental threat to Gulf Arab states. Today, Abu

Dhabi and its fellow emirates have only four days of water if desalination plants were


"A desalination plant is a large factory sitting on the coast, something that you could

easily blow up with a bomb or a missile. You could bring the country to its knees," said

Hady Amr of the Brookings Doha Centre.

Abu Dhabi's massive aquifer project is buried beneath the scorching sands of the Empty

Quarter, a desert stretching from the UAE to Saudi Arabia. The completed reservoir will

store 90 days of rationed water for its citizens.

Now Qatar, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Oman are interested in making aquifers too, the

project's developers and analysts said.

"Iran and Iraq have rivers. We (other Gulf states) don't. So in the future, they have the

upper hand," said Sami al-Faraj, of the Kuwait Centre for Strategic Studies.

Sayfa 39

The UAE risks depleting groundwater within 50 years at current consumption rates.

Desalination capacity, which Abu Dhabi has quadrupled in the last ten years, is at risk

from natural disasters and oil spills in the Strait of Hormuz, where 40 percent of the

world's seaborne oil passes.

"We need strategic storage against any type of emergency. We have no specific crisis in

mind," said Mohammed Dawoud, head of Water Resources at Abu Dhabi's Environment


But two sources close to the long-discussed project, to be built by the Arabian

Construction and POSCO Engineering and Construction companies, said the project was

also spurred on by growing fear of attack.

"They are concerned about unfriendly acts. It takes only a little effort to shut (a plant)

down," one source said.

Achilles' heel

Many see Gulf Arab states' water scarcity as an Achilles' heel. Saudi Arabia even

considered transporting icebergs from the South Pole for water.

Water installations are not only at risk of natural disasters, but attack as well.

Gulf Arab countries are among prime targets of the global militant network al-Qaeda,

which has an aggressive wing based in nearby Yemen. Several Gulf nations also fear the

possibility of attack from Iran.

Cables released by WikiLeaks showed the extent of Gulf Arab states' anxiety over Iran,

their non-Arab, Shiite neighbor.

The UAE may be known for whimsical schemes, from artificial palm-shaped islands to

Ferrari-themed amusement parks, but Abu Dhabi's aquifer plan is no vanity project.

Sayfa 40

"We can't plan (Abu Dhabi's) Ferrari World and not think about water supply, or a World

Cup in Qatar and not water," Faraj said.

Although energy facilities are the likeliest target for international impact, an attack on

water resources could cripple a Gulf Arab state like the UAE.

"They don't have any alternative to desalination plants," said Bruce Riedel of the

Brookings Institute in Washington. "Of their many vulnerabilities, this one is their most


Risk worth taking

Some question Abu Dhabi's $436 million plan.

"The reliability of such a system has not yet been demonstrated ... It's far from being a

fool-proof guarantee that they can store 90 days of water and don't have to worry," said

an expert from Exclusive Analysis, who asked not to be named.

"It's an unusual terrain, you're trying to store water underneath the desert near oil wells

that have salt water mixed with them," he said, pointing to the threat of contamination.

But Gulf Arab states may find this a risk worth taking.

Security experts envision many forms of attack to damage Gulf water supply, from

missile attacks to targeted oil leaks.

"It's easy with water, you can create a pollutant in say, the northern Gulf, and the water

will carry it, and you can disclaim responsibility," Faraj said.

Saddam Hussein in 1991 not only cut a water line to Kuwait City, he directed an oil leak

toward the Saudi coast, aiming to clog and shut down the desalination plant supplying

Riyadh. U.S. forces were able to stop that spill from reaching the coast.

But last summer's catastrophic five-month oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico may have

sparked new anxieties that some slicks would be too powerful to contain.

Sayfa 41

"I'm sure Abu Dhabi leadership, probably (Crown Prince) Mohammed bin Zayed, a

strategist and military man, wants to make sure something doesn't happen like that in

the future," the Brookings Institute's Riedel said.

Iran is seen as the most likely aggressor in the event of armed conflict with the United

States, Israel, or Gulf Arab states.

"If we consider a scenario in which Iran is losing, it may hit water resources because it's

the only achievable way to address failure on the battlefield," Faraj said.

Militant attacks are less likely. Oil facilities, a symbol to them of Western exploitation,

would be the preferred target.

Yemen-based al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) lists the UAE fourth on their hit-

list after the United States, Britain, and Saudi Arabia. AQAP has no known UAE presence,

but Abu Dhabi is sensitive to becoming a future target, Riedel said.

"It's probably beyond AQAP capabilities right now. But you don't want to wake up one

morning with two days of water and say to yourself, boy I sure wish we put that hole in

the ground." (Al Arabiya)



Pakistan Ordusu Basın Bilgilendirme Merkezinden (ISPR) yapılan açıklamada, 1300

kilometre menzilli füzenin her türlü başlık taşıma kapasitesine sahip olduğu bildirildi.

ISPR, Cumhurbaşkanı Asif Ali Zerdari ve Başbakan Yusuf Rıza Gilani'nin, füze denemesini

başarıyla gerçekleştiren orduyu kutladığını belirtti. (AA)

Sayfa 42

India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh said Monday that friendly ties with Pakistan can

only come when Islamabad ensures its soil is not used for “terrorist” activities against

Indian targets.

“We want friendly relations with Pakistan. But we know this will be possible only when

our neighbour will see to it that its territory is not used for terrorist activities against us,”

Singh told a ruling Congress party meeting.

India is still pressing Pakistan to bring to justice the alleged masterminds of the attacks in

which 10 gunmen attacked a host of targets including luxury hotels, a Jewish centre and

a train station. Nine of the gunmen were killed and the sole survivor was condemned to

death by a Mumbai court in May.

Singh’s remarks came as the Congress party passed a resolution that called on Pakistan

to “deliver with sincerity on its assurances to dismantle terror outfits.”

Singh also said there was “great potential for working together with China, especially in

economic matters.”

Speaking on the heels of last week’s visit by his Chinese counterpart to New Delhi, the

prime minister said India has “some outstanding issues with them (the Chinese) which

we hope to resolve in an atmosphere of friendship.”

Last week, Singh and Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao agreed to double bilateral trade to 100

billion dollars by 2015. (Dawn)

Pakistan ruled out the notion of any foreign troops operating on its soil, with its top

diplomat in Washington stressing that Pakistani forces are capable of handling the

militant threat within the country’s borders.

Sayfa 43

“Pakistani forces are capable of handling the militant threat within our borders and no

foreign forces are allowed or required to operate inside our sovereign territory,”

Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States Husain Haqqani said.

He was commenting on a story in The New York Times, which claimed that US

commanders based in Afghanistan were pushing for special forces raids on militant

targets across the border into Pakistani territory.

Haqqani said “US and Pakistani forces understand each others terms of engagement

well” and have a very high-level of cooperation as allies fighting a common enemy, along

the Afghan border.

“We work with our allies, especially the US, and appreciate their material support but we

will not accept foreign troops on our soil — a position that is well known,” he stated.

Reminding critics of Pakistan’s anti-terror efforts along the Afghan border, where the

country has deployed well over 100,000 troops, Haqqani said: “We have made enormous

gains and tremendous sacrifices in fighting terrorists over the last two years and will

continue our efforts for our own security and that of the whole world.”

He pointed out that Pakistani and US officials remain constantly in touch and “do not

need anonymous source news reports to tell us about each others’ thinking.”

In this context, the ambassador cited the recent visit of US Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff

Admiral Mullen, who during his trip “acknowledged Pakistan’s contribution”.

“Nothing discussed during his trip indicates the likelihood of ill-advised escalation or

unilateral action by Nato troops beyond their mandate in Afghanistan.”

Pakistan, Afghanistan and the US will “continue to work together to root out al Qaeda

and other terrorists and bring stability and prosperity to our region,” the ambassador

noted. (Dawn)

Sayfa 44

Top US military commanders in Afghanistan are seeking to expand ground raids by

Special Operations Forces across the border in Pakistan’s tribal areas, The New York

Times reported Monday.

Amid growing US frustration with Pakistan’s lackluster efforts at removing militants from

strongholds there, the officials are proposing to escalate military activities in the nuclear-

armed nation, the Times said in its online edition.

US forces have been largely restricted to limited covert operations and unmanned drone

strikes in Pakistan due to fears of retaliation from a population that often holds strong

anti-American sentiment in a country rife with militants.

Even these limited operations have provoked angry reactions from Pakistani officials. The

drones are believed to be largely operated by the CIA.

Amid a looming July deadline for American troops to begin withdrawing from

Afghanistan, military and political leaders pointed to a renewed sense of urgency.

Military commanders told the newspaper that the Special Operations plan — which has

not yet been approved — could help them secure much-needed intelligence if militants

were captured, brought back across the border into Afghanistan and interrogated.

US officials said they were particularly keen to capture — rather than kill — militant

leaders from the Taliban or the Haqqani network in order to obtain intelligence about

future operations.

“We’ve never been as close as we are now to getting the go-ahead to go across,” a

senior US officer said.

But a senior official from President Barack Obama’s administration said he did not favor

cross-border operations, saying they have been mostly “counterproductive” unless they

targeted top al Qaeda leaders.

Sayfa 45

The official also worried that political fallout in Pakistan over the operations could

counter any tactical gains.

CIA-backed Afghan militias, previously believed to only carry out intelligence-gathering

operations, have also crossed the border into Pakistan’s tribal belt during secret

missions, including one in which a militia destroyed a militant weapons cache, officials

told the Times.

An Afghan political leader said one of the raids by the Paktika Defense Force — one of six

CIA-trained Afghan militias — was initiated to capture a Taliban commander in Pakistan.

The mission was ultimately unsuccessful but Pakistani militants opened fire on the


Another CIA-backed force near the eastern Afghan province of Khost was recently

deployed in the mountains along the Pakistan border, where it is due to try to intercept

Taliban fighters during the winter, an American military officer told the Times, saying the

militia has so far proven effective. (Dawn)

Pakistan on Tuesday successfully test fired a medium-range ballistic missile capable of

carrying nuclear and conventional warheads, the military said.

The military said in a statement that Ghauri Hatf 5, with a range of 1,300 kilometres (800

miles), could carry conventional and other warheads.

The launch was conducted by the Army Strategic Force command’s strategic missile

group at the end of a field-training exercise aimed at testing the force’s operational

readiness, the statement said.

Pakistan’s Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani, Joint Chiefs of Staff Committee chairman

General Khalid Shahmeem Wyne and other senior military officers and scientists

witnessed the tests, it said.

Sayfa 46

“You have made the nation proud and we salute you for your outstanding work,” Gilani

told the scientists and engineers.

Gilani said Pakistan could be proud of its defence capability and the reliability of its

nuclear deterrence. This capability, he added, formed the bedrock of Pakistan’s security

policy and will continue to be enhanced.

“The test amply demonstrates the credibility of our minimum deterrence strategy, which

is the cornerstone of our security policy and ensures peace in the region,” he said.

“It also sends the right signals internationally that Pakistan’s defence capability is

impregnable and should never be challenged.”Gilani said Pakistan was a responsible

nation with an extremely reliable nuclear capability and did not harbor any aggressive

designs against anyone.

South Asian rivals India and Pakistan — which have fought three wars, two of them over

the disputed territory of Kashmir — have routinely carried out missile tests since both

demonstrated nuclear weapons capability in 1998.

Pakistan’s arsenal includes short-, medium- and long-range missiles named after Muslim


“Let there be no doubt that Pakistan’s armed forces are highly professional, motivated

and fully capable of safeguarding Pakistan’s security against all types of aggression,”

Gilani added. (Dawn)


Imparting a new impetus to their “special and privileged” ties, India and Russia on

Tuesday inked 30 pacts in several key areas such as civil nuclear cooperation and

Sayfa 47

defence, including development of Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) to augment

country’s military capabilities.

During their nearly two-hour long annual summit meeting which encompassed a whole

range of crucial bilateral, regional and global matters, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev also took stock of the situation in Pakistan and

Afghanistan which impacts on the security of both the countries.

Besides deciding to enhance cooperation in crucial spheres of military, energy sector,

science and technology, space research and pharmaceuticals, the two sides agreed to

step up efforts to achieve the target of bilateral trade of USD 20 billion by 2015.

Apart from 11 pacts, which were signed after the talks, 19 agreements, including those

between private companies of both the countries were inked on the margins of the


The key pacts include Preliminary Design Contract for FGFA envisaging joint design and

development by Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and Russia’s Sukhoi Design Bureau and

Rosoboronexport, Framework Agreement on Cooperation in hydrocarbon sector and

MoU for joint research and development in reactor technology and related fields for

peaceful uses of atomic energy.

Other agreements

Other agreements pertained to simplification of visa procedure for certain categories,

including for businessmen, enhancement of cooperation in oil and gas sector, MoU for

cooperation in the pharmaceutical sector, MoU on combating irregular migration and

agreement on cooperation in the field of emergency management.

“Our talks have been comprehensive and result-oriented. We have signed several

important agreements covering a large number of sectors. This reflects our mutual

desire to bring our cooperation in other areas at par with our traditionally strong

Sayfa 48

cooperation in the defence and nuclear fields,” Dr. Singh said at a joint press interaction

with Mr. Medvedev.


The two leaders also discussed construction of additional Russian designed nuclear

reactors at Kudankulam, where two units are ready to be commissioned. While first unit

will be commissioned by end of this month or early next month, the second unit will be

commissioned by next year-end.

Recalling their Moscow declaration on International Terrorism of 2001, the two leaders

agreed that there is no justification whatsoever for any act of terrorism.

“The sides agreed that all terrorist networks must be defeated. They called upon

Pakistan to expeditiously bring all the perpetrators, authors and accomplices of the

November 2008 Mumbai attacks to justice,” the joint statement, issued after the talks,


Describing Russia as “a time tested friend of India that has stood by us in our times of

need in the past”, Dr. Singh said .

“Ours is a special and privileged strategic partnership. It is a partnership that has and will

continue to develop independent of our relations with other countries“.

Deserving and strong candidate

On his part, Medvedev said Russia supports India as a “deserving and strong candidate”

for a permanent seat in the UN Security Council as and when a decision for its expansion

is taken.

Noting that the reform of the UNSC should be carried out in a manner that reflects

contemporary realities and makes this body more effective in dealing with both present-

day and emerging challenges, the two sides decided to work closely in the Security

Sayfa 49

Council during the 2011-12 period when India occupies a non-permanent seat in it for a

two-year term.

They also agreed to consider cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy with

third countries.

Reviewing the efforts to establish joint cooperation ventures between companies of the

two countries in the oil and gas sectors, it was agreed that the inter-governmental pact

on cooperation in the hydrocarbon sector signed today, must serve as an effective

enabling legal mechanism to expedite governmental clearances to facilitate the creation

and operation of such joint ventures.


The two countries agreed to promote specific projects to encourage direct business-to-

business dialogue between Indian and Russian oil and gas companies, to ensure that the

contacts result in concrete and mutually beneficial commercial agreements.

They expressed satisfaction at the extension of the Integrated Long Term Program (ILTP)

for scientific and technical cooperation for another decade and its focus on identifying

innovation—led technology programs.

The two sides agreed to make efforts to continuously upgrade joint military exercises in

all forms including in the field of counter-terrorism.

The Russian side also expressed its readiness to assist and promote a discussion and

positive decision in the NSG on India’s membership in the 46-nation grouping.

Russia also took into positive consideration India’s interest in full membership in MTCR

and the Wassenaar Arrangement.

Apart from this, the Russian Federation agreed to make efforts along with other

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) members to accelerate the process of India’s

entry into the organisation.

Sayfa 50

The sides expressed concern at the deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, where

successful stabilization will be possible only after the elimination of safe havens and

infrastructure for terrorism and violent extremism that are present in Afghanistan and

Pakistan, the joint statement said.

Dr. Singh also said that India and Russia should cooperate in intelligence and information

sharing and devise effective counter-terrorism strategies.


During the talks, Mr. Medvedev also extended an invitation to Dr. Singh to visit Russia

next year which was accepted by the Prime Minister.

The two leaders also discussed global economic situation and agreed that to progress

towards the shared goal of strong, sustainable and balanced growth it is essential for

G20 countries to fully implement the Seoul Action Plan adopted at the recent G20


They welcomed the reform of the World Bank and reiterated their commitment to the

successful completion of the reform of the International Monetary Fund as agreed to at

the G20 Seoul Summit which will be a significant achievement in the general reform of

the international financial architecture, the joint statement said.

Climate change

On climate change issue, the statement ‘celebrating a decade of the India-Russia

Federation strategic partnership and looking ahead’ said the sides stressed the

importance of enhancing international efforts to combat the change under the aegis of

the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

They expressed satisfaction with the outcome of the Cancun Climate Conference and

agreed that the post Cancun negotiations should be part of a comprehensive package

covering all the pillars of the Bali Action Plan.

Sayfa 51

Mr. Medvedev, who is on a three-day visit, will travel on Wednesday to Agra followed by

Mumbai where he will go to film-city and IIT.

During his interaction with press, the Russian President talked about the popularity of

the Indian movies and songs in his country. (The Hindu)


President Hamid Karzai could inaugurate Afghanistan's new parliament on January 20,

officials said Monday, after months of uncertainty triggered by widespread fraud during

elections in September.

"I think we can expect the new parliament to be inaugurated on 20th of January," said

Karzai's chief spokesman, Waheed Omer.

"The constitution requires the parliament to be inaugurated on the 20th of January, after

the (winter break) period ends," the spokesman added.

Afghans voted in their second post-Taliban parliamentary election on September 18 but

the attorney general's office has called on the Supreme Court to cancel the results of the

vote released last month.

Karzai has so far refused to endorse the election outcome, which appears to have sapped

his traditional Pashtun powerbase.

The chief prosecutor's office says its investigations show that the vote was tainted by

massive fraud involving election workers.

The attorney general's office says it has arrested several vote officials it alleges were

involved in election corruption.

Sayfa 52

Election officials dismiss the claims and accuse the attorney general's office of interfering

illegally in the ballot process.

Last week, dozens of lawmakers demanded Karzai inaugurate the new parliament on

December 19 and draw a line under the disputed results of the ballot.

Electoral authorities disqualified 24 early winners, including allies of the president, and

threw out around a quarter of about five million votes cast. (AFP)

*This media summary is prepared by ORSAM Middle East Research Assistants Nebahat Tanrıverdi O and Sercan

Doğan. It covers news and commentaries as reported by the national media sources publishing in the Middle

Eastern countries. The views expressed are not those of ORSAM and their inclusion does not imply factual


*Bu bülten Kasım 2009’dan beri ORSAM Ortadoğu Uzman Yardımcıları Nebahat Tanrıverdi O ve Sercan Doğan

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