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Middle East & Islam Key ?: ◦ None Performance Task Outcome: ◦ Using concepts, vocabulary and...

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Middle East & Islam Middle East & Islam Key ?: None Performance Task Outcome: Using concepts, vocabulary and connections to text answering ss ?s, BCRs, SRs, and graphic organizers 2/14/13 Warm-up: What are the 5 Characteristics of a Civilization? Get out your Study Guide.

Middle East & IslamMiddle East & Islam

Key ?:◦ None

Performance Task

Outcome:◦ Using concepts,

vocabulary and connections to text answering ss ?s, BCRs, SRs, and graphic organizers


Warm-up:What are the 5 Characteristicsof a Civilization? Get out yourStudy Guide.

5 Characteristics of a Civilization

Get ready to be the Last Historian Standing!

Define oasisDefine oasisA small area in the desert

watered by underground springs.

Used as an adaptation by the nomadic Bedouins to survive in the desert environment on the Arabian Peninsula.

Define frankincenseDefine frankincenseAromatic gum or resin used as


Obtained from trees

Used by Bedouins to keep bugs away from the camp while providing an aromatic scent

Define caravanDefine caravanA single file of pack animals

journeying together to transport goods.

In the Arabian Peninsula desert, these animals are camels which help transport trade goods like salt, pepper, silk and gold.

Define peninsulaDefine peninsulaAn area of land that is

surrounded on three sides by water & connected to a larger land mass on the fourth

A narrow piece of land that extends out from the mainland into an area of water

Define pilgrim Define pilgrim A person who travels on a sacred

journey to a sacred place or shrine

While on the hajj, the special journey to Makkah that all Muslims must go on once within their lifetime, they are called pilgrims.

Define pilgrimageDefine pilgrimageA journey to a sacred place or


Muslims make a pilgrimage to Mekkah once within their lifetime called the hajj.

Define IslamDefine IslamOne of the largest religions of the

world.Translated as submission to Allah

The belief in Allah (God) and that Muhammad is the final prophet sent to tell the world Allah’s message.

This is commonly known as the faith started my Muhammad.

The word Muslim means… The word Muslim means… One who surrenders to Allah’s


Those who follow the religion of Islam are known as Muslims.

Define nomadsDefine nomads

People who go from place to place with their herds

Define Qur’anDefine Qur’an

Muslim holy bookWritten with the help of Angel Gabriel

Define hijrahDefine hijrahIn 622 C.E. the migration of

Muhammad and his followers from Makkah to Yithrib (Madinah)

Created the first Muslim community when they arrived in Yithrib

Define SunnahDefine SunnahLiterally means to “practice”

This is the written tradition

Known as the example that Muhammad set for Muslims with his words and deeds which provides examples of what to do or say in certain situations.

Define AllahDefine AllahArabic word for God Muslims use this word when the

profess their faith or perform shahadah!

Define ShiDefine Shi

Muslims who believe that only Muhammad's blood line should become a caliph

Define SunnisDefine Sunnis

Believe the caliph should be elected by councel

Define Ka’bahDefine Ka’bahCube shaped shrine which

Muslims face towards to pray every day

Most important shrine in the Islamic faith

Tradition states that it was made for Allah by Abraham and Ishmael

Define hadithDefine hadithThe written collection of the

Sunnah, stories and accounts of Muhammad. It tells of Muhammad’s words and actions that are accepted as having authority for Muslims to keep them on the “right path”.

Define hajjDefine hajjPilgrimage to the holy city of

MakkahMust be made at least once a

lifetimeJourney mirrors the steps of

Abraham and Muhammad with stops at important sites like the Ka’bah and the ZamZam Well

Complete using the 5 Pillars of Complete using the 5 Pillars of FaithFaith

Pillar 1 2 3 4 5


Shahadah Salat Zakat Siyam Hajj

English translation

profession of faith

Ritual prayer


Fasting Pilgrimage

Description of the pillar

One god Allah and Muhammad is his prophet

5 times daily

Giving 2.5 or 1/40th of your salary (wealth) to the poor

Not to eat or drink from sunrise to sunset during the month of Romadan

Journey to the holy city of Makkah once in a lifetime; visits the Ka’bah & ZamZam well


Born 570 - 572


Environment Human Adaptation Human adaptation

Oasis sedentary farming

Deep wells

Coastal plains International trade

Canals, dams, reservoirs

Desert Nomads using camel herds

Wear loose fitting clothing & headdresses

Mountains Terrace farming

Mud brick houses

Complete chart for the Arabian Peninsula

ECR #1ECR #1 Muhammad might think the following is his greatest achievement

◦ Hijrah; 1st Muslim community

◦ Hadith

◦ Hajj

◦ Foundation of Islam

◦ Qur’an written to capture his words

Muhammad might think the following is his greatest disappointment◦ Shi & Sunnah dispute

◦ People rejecting his message

Changes to culture◦ Monotheism

◦ Salat (everyone stops to pray 5 times daily)

◦ Zacat – giving a specific amount to the poor

Evaluate how these changes affected and influenced Arab society.◦ These changes helped unify the Arab world as well as encouraged education

and advanced understanding of the world

ECR #2ECR #2Contributions to math

◦Algebra Used to solve problems with unknown numbers

7x+4=25 using algebraic thinking the answer is x=3 Still used today for many different types of uses

◦Arabic numbersContributions to science

◦Zoology◦ ect.

Contributions to geography◦Calculation of Earth’s surface


Define desertDefine desertA dry arid area that receives less

than 10 inches of rain per year.

The camel has adapted to live in the harsh environment of the desert which is why the Bedouins use these animals as an adaptation to the desert environment.

Define myrrh Define myrrh Tree which provides a resin or

gum used for medicinal preparations.◦Headache ◦Joint pain◦Child birth pain

Define shaikh/sheikh Define shaikh/sheikh The leader of a tribe who

provides rulings over disputes

There where many disputes over water rights with many tribes so the shaikh would be busy settling these matters.

Identify who, according to Identify who, according to the Qur’an, built the the Qur’an, built the Ka’bah. Ka’bah.

Abraham and his son Ishmael

Identify the four Identify the four environments for the environments for the Arabian Peninsula.Arabian Peninsula.

1. Desert2. Oasis3. Mountains4. Coastal Plains

The ship of the desert is…The ship of the desert is…Camel

Why would the Arab people call this animal this name?◦There is not a river or large body of

water to quickly move trade goods but the camel can carry large amounts and survive the harsh desert environment acting like a “ship”

List the way trade cities List the way trade cities developed around oasesdeveloped around oases1. Trade routes through oases2. Stable food using fertile soil &

fresh water develops3. Sedentary farmers settle4. Trade btwn sedentary farmers &

nomads5. Trade center villages develop6. Trade towns

1. Stable food supply2. Specialization of labor3. System of government

Flow Chart of Muhammad to Flow Chart of Muhammad to identify 8 important events identify 8 important events which occurred in his life – which occurred in his life – start with birth & end with start with birth & end with death giving datesdeath giving dates1st box 570-572 CE

◦Muhammad’s birth in Makkah

2nd box

– In 610 CE

• Muhammad went to the Hira Cave where the angel Gabriel told Muhammad he was a messenger of Allah.

3rd box 613 C.E.Muhammad began to preach to other

Makkans but some within his tribe rejected his teaching.

4th box 19 C.E.

◦Abu Talib and Khadijah died after the difficult period during the boycott. This same year, Muhammad took a Night Journey on a winged horse to Jerusalem where he met other prophets and met Allah in Paradise

Cont. flow chart Cont. flow chart 5th box622 C.E.

◦Muhammad and his followers left Makkah on a journey known as the hijrah. They moved to Yithrib and developed the first Islamic community then renamed the city Madinah “the City of the Prophet”. This became the 1st year of the Muslim calendar.

Cont. flow chartCont. flow chart6th box 630 C.E.

◦ Muhammad to make a special pilgrimage to their city. While they broke the truce in 630, Muhammad and his army were marching toward Makkah. The cities leaders surrendered with out a battle.

◦ Muhammad forgave them and then destroyed all the idols around the Ka’bah.

Cont. flow chartCont. flow chart7th box632 C.E.

◦Muhammad led his final pilgrimage. In the town of his birth, he delivered his Last Sermon which reminded Muslims to treat each other well, to be faithful to their community and Allah.

Cont. flow chartCont. flow chartFinal box632 C.E.Muhammad returns to Madinah

and dies shortly after.

Muslims believe the rule of Succession for Muslims under the Shi’ should be through _____________________________________While the Sunnis believe it shouldbe through ___________________.


relations or descendants of Muhammad

Elected by council

What is the Ka’bahWhat is the Ka’bah Cube shaped shrineLocated in MakkahBelieved to have been created by

Abraham & Ishmael for AllahUsed during the hajj; Muslims will

circle it 7 times as they believe Muhammad did

How did Muhammad & His How did Muhammad & His followers spread Islam?followers spread Islam?Merchants and tradersSufi poemsTerritory expansionConversion

Explain what Muhammad Explain what Muhammad said a jihad wassaid a jihad wasmeans “to strive” too to what is

just and right. A struggle to overcome

difficulties and do that which is pleasing to Allah.

He said that the “lesser jihad” was the external struggle but the “greater jihad was the internal struggle to fight evil.

What is Shari’ahWhat is Shari’ahThe collection of Islamic laws translated means, “the path to

be followed”based upon the Qur’an and the


Can you describe the Can you describe the environment of the desert and environment of the desert and give adaptations?give adaptations?

Environment:1. Hot, dry, sandy2. High temp above

120 degrees3. Winter & nighttime

can drop below freezing

4. Annual rainfall no more than 4 inches

5. Flash floods6. Blinding


Adaptations1. Nomads herd goats

& sheep2. Camels “the ship of

the desert”3. Wear loose fitting

long gowns and cotton headdresses

4. Trade with the sedentary villages around the oases

Can you describe the Can you describe the environment of the oasis and environment of the oasis and give adaptations?give adaptations? Environment1. Water seeps to

the surface from an underground spring

2. Grassy3. Fertile land

Adaptations1. Sedentary

villagers2. Small crops3. Deep wells4. Date palm tree5. Bartered with

the nomads

Can you describe the Can you describe the environment of the coastal environment of the coastal plains and give adaptations?plains and give adaptations? Environment1. 5 to 40 miles

inland2. Rocky cliffs3. Air is damp ad

moist4. Regular rain fall 5. Dry riverbeds

that fill with water

6. Natural harbors

Adaptations1. International

trade2. Farming3. Canals, dams &

reservoirs4. Myrrh &

frankincense to trade

Can you describe the environment Can you describe the environment of the mountains and give of the mountains and give adaptations?adaptations? Environment1. Rise from 1,000 to

12,000 feet2. Craggy mounts 3. Moist winds off the

Indian Ocean4. Cool temperatures5. Dry riverbeds that

fill during rainstorms

Adaptations1. Houses made of

mud brick2. Terrace farming3. Irrigation systems,

dams & other storage containers to collect or move water

4. Crops of fruits like pomegranates also frankincense & myrrh

5. Manure & ashes used to fertilize the soil

Can you list the 5 Pillars of Can you list the 5 Pillars of Islamic Faith?Islamic Faith?1. Shahadah –profession (declaration)

of faith, to show belief in one God2. Salat –daily ritual prayer; 5 x daily3. Zakat – almsgiving; sharing 1/40th or

2.5 % of your wealth w/ the poor4. Siyam – fasting during the holy

month of Ramadan5. Hajj – pilgrimage to the holy city of

Makkah, each Muslim must do this once in their lifetime during the 12th month

Create a list regarding how Create a list regarding how Makkah is different from other Makkah is different from other trade cities and how it remains trade cities and how it remains different todaydifferent today

a) Zamzam water; sweet tasting b) Protected pilgrims form attackc) Ka’bah created by Abraham &

Ishmaeld) Four trade routes going into the cityToday:a) Muhammad’s birthplaceb) City where the hajj, the fifth pillar of

Islamic faith, takes place

Fill in the chart using the 5 Fill in the chart using the 5 characteristics and the Bedouinscharacteristics and the Bedouins

Civilization Characteristic Evidence fm Bedouins

1 Stable food supply Camel herds used2 Specialization of

laborHerds, yogurt maker, tent maker, weavers

3 Social levels Shaihk other tribe members

4 System of government

Tribal law

5 Highly developed culture

Polytheistic religious ideas; pilgrimages made to the Ka’bah to leave idols around it
