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midterm review packet 9R - seaford.k12.ny.us · Fill out the chart below of the four civilizations...

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Global 9R MIDTERM REVIEW PACKET TEST: Tuesday, January 27 th 7:30AM please bring a pen and pencil (This packet will be collected and graded the day of the midterm. It will then be filed for your convenience to be saved for the final exam in June ) Name: _________________________________________ Period: ____________ Teachers: Mr. Milano (Special Thanks to Mrs. G) Parent/Guardian Initials: _________

Global 9R


TEST: Tuesday, January 27th 7:30AM

please bring a pen and pencil J

(This packet will be collected and graded the day of the midterm. It will then be filed for your

convenience to be saved for the final exam in June J)

Name: _________________________________________

Period: ____________

Teachers: Mr. Milano (Special Thanks to Mrs. G)

Parent/Guardian Initials: _________



Table of Contents

Questionnaire page 2

Part I: Review Questions/Graphic Organizers (#1-15) pages 3-14

Part II: Practice Questions (47 questions) pages 15-23

Part III: Practice Documents (5 documents) pages 24-28

Part IV: Themes (11 Themes) pages 29-30

Part V: Practice Introduction Paragraphs (#1-10) page 31


Please complete to following questionnaire fully and honestly prior to the Midterm.

1. What is your goal (numeric score) for the midterm? (0-100)____________________

2. Give examples of how you will obtain this goal: ___________________________


3. If any, what challenges do you hope to overcome to obtain this goal? ________________


4. What parts of the test do you think you will do best on? (i.e. Multiple Choice, Essay, maps, documents)


5. What parts do you think will be a challenge?____________________________


6. What are your predictions of the essay? (What do you think the essay topic will be?)




Part I : Review Questions /Graphic Organizers

1. Who are the key social scientists and what do each study?





Political  Science        













2. Compare and contrast the Neolithic Age to the Paleolithic Age. Include at least four aspects for each. Paleolithic Age Neolithic Age

3. What are the characteristics of a Civilization?


4. Fill out the chart below of the four civilizations (Mesopotamia, Indus River Valley, Yellow River, Nile River).

Civilization Geography Key Aspects Contributions Government


Yellow River




5. Describe the multiple code of laws we have discussed so far. (examples: Hammurabi’s Code, Justinian’s Code, Twelve Tables…) Code Location (Region) Effects

Overall, what do all these codes have in common? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


6. A. Describe main characteristics of the time period during the classical civilizations (India, China, Greece, Rome). INDIA CHINA GREECE ROME


6B. Emphasize on one of these civilizations’ time of achievement (ex: Gupta, Hellenistic Age, Pax Romana…).

Conditions that helped the Golden Age to occur:




Examples of why this civilization is a Golden Age (BE SPECIFIC):

Civilization: Political System

Economic System/Trade

Social Classes/Division of Labor

Belief System

System of Writing

Science & Technology


Gender Roles


7. Describe the five religions we learned from our class projects (Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Judaism). Include key aspects, deity, founder, beliefs, code of conduct, and key people.









8. Describe how geography has impacted specific regions. Give four geographic examples. Oceans/Sea- Mountains- Rivers-


9. What are the key aspects of Africa and its kingdoms.


10. Compare and Contrast Sparta and Athens.

11. What were some major trade routes ? What did they trade? Where were they located? What effects did they have on their regions?



12. What are the main empires (ex: Mauryan, Rome, Han…) and what were their achievements?

13. Create a timeline including important aspects of each dynasty. (ex: Zhou, Qin, Han… )




Zhou   Qin   Han  


14. Who are the important people. (ex: Hammurabi, Shi Huangdi, Liu Bang, Confucius, Chandragupta, Asoka, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Augustus, Wudi… ) of ancient world history we have discussed so far? What are each person’s main contribution?

Key  People  


Shi  Huangdi  

Liu  Bang  




Alexander  the  Great  

Julius  Caesar  




15. What are the key political terms.

Term Definition Who is in Charge

Regions Practiced













Mandate of Heaven




Part II: Practice Questions (46 questions)

Before answering the following questions, circle or highlight important words and define them on the left side of the margin. Then write outside information or facts about the question before looking at the answers on the right side. See below as an example:

1. Which river system is found in Mesopotamia? (1) Nile River (2) Yellow River (3) Tigris and Euphrates rivers (4) Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers

2. The Bantu migrations in Africa (500 B.C.– A.D. 1500) had the greatest impact on the development of modern African (1) languages (2) market systems (3) transportation systems (4) architecture

3. Oracle bones, Daoism, and the Mandate of Heaven are all associated with early civilizations in (1) Egypt (3) India (2) Russia (4) China

• Fasting during Ramadan • Praying five times each day • Giving charity to the poor 4. Followers of which religion engage in these practices? (1) Christianity (3) Islam (2) Buddhism (4) Judaism

• Creation of colorful murals in the Ajanta caves • Development of decimal system and concept of zero • Trade with Persia and east African cities 5. These accomplishments occurred during the (1) Han dynasty (3) Tang dynasty (2) Gupta Empire (4) Maurya Empire

6. Which achievements are most closely associated with the Golden Age of Islamic culture? (1) mosques, medical books, and algebra (2) gunpowder, pagodas, and silk (3) aqueducts, roads, and polytheistic temples (4) columns, theory of a sun-centered universe, and democracy

Rivers-­‐  water,  gives  fertile  land  

“land  between  two  rivers”    

I  know  one  of  the  rivers  was  Tigris…  


7.Some archaeologists believe the earliest human presence in the Americas is associated with the (1) migration of nomads across the Bering Strait (2) exploration of the Caribbean by Europeans (3) movement of tribes during the Bantu migration (4) journey of traders along the Silk Roads

8. An economist who focused on ancient societies would most likely study the (1) development of trade (2) evolution of family patterns (3) effect of fire on the lives of the people (4) role of religion in river valley civilizations

9. Which statement about the Neolithic Revolution is an opinion rather than a fact? (1) Early peoples made greater cultural advancements than did people of later civilizations. (2) The Neolithic Revolution resulted in changes for nomadic peoples. (3) New technology was developed during the Neolithic Revolution. (4) Agricultural developments resulted in the establishment of permanent settlements.

10. Both Ibn Battuta and Mansa Musa demonstrated their religious values by (1) meditating along the banks of the Ganges River (2) converting Africans to Christianity (3) making a pilgrimage to Mecca (4) visiting the wailing wall in Jerusalem

11. Which statement about ancient Greece is an opinion rather than a fact? (1) Mountainous terrain was an obstacle to Greek political unity. (2) The Spartan culture placed an emphasis on military skills. (3) Athens granted voting rights to male citizens only. (4) Greek architecture was superior to Persian architecture. 12. The Thar Desert, Ganges River, and Deccan Plateau are all geographic features of (1) Japan (3) India (2) China (4) Indonesia


• Keeping field notes from excavation sites • Analyzing radiocarbon dating test results • Examining and cataloging artifacts 13. Which social scientist directly engages in these activities? (1) political scientist (3) historian (2) archaeologist (4) sociologist

14. Use of terracing is an example of a society’s reaction to (1) religious beliefs (2) social stratification (3) geographic conditions (4) political situations

• If a son has struck his father, they shall cut off his hand. • If a seignior has destroyed the eye of a member of the aristocracy, they shall destroy his eye. • If he has broken another seignior’s bone, they shall break his bone. 15. Which document contains these statements? (1) Ten Commandments (2) Code of Hammurabi (3) Edicts of Asoka (4) Twelve Tables 16. Which geographic feature has helped isolate China? (1) Andes Mountains (2) Kalahari Desert (3) Himalaya Mountains (4) Great Rift Valley

17. Which statement about the Sahara is most closely associated with the West African civilizations of Ghana and Mali? (1) Irrigation systems made it possible to farm in the Sahara. (2) Salt mined in the Sahara was exchanged for gold. (3) Oases in the Sahara served as their capital cities. (4) The Sahara prevented the spread of Islam to the region. 18. Which religion includes the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and nirvana? (1) Buddhism (3) Judaism (2) Hinduism (4) Christianity


19. Which geographic factor affected the development of the Gupta Empire? (1) volcanoes (3) monsoons (2) permafrost (4) island location

20. The rule of Shi Huangdi, legalism, and the tomb of terra cotta soldiers are most closely associated with the (1) Maurya Empire (3) Persian Empire (2) Qin dynasty (4) Hellenistic culture

21. The development of which early civilization was influenced most directly by the Tigris River, the Zagros Mountains, and the Syrian Desert? (1) Chinese (3) Egyptian (2) Maya (4) Mesopotamian

22. Which name identifies the region located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers? (1) Cape of Good Hope (3) Mesopotamia (2) Sinai Peninsula (4) Horn of Africa

23. Which geographic feature most directly influenced the development of Greek city-states? (1) deserts (3) vast plains (2) mountainous terrain (4) monsoons

24. Which development is most closely associated with the beginning of the Byzantine Empire? (1) emergence of the Russian Orthodox Church (2) division of the Roman Empire (3) building of the Hagia Sophia (4) fall of Constantinople

25. The term monsoons can be defined as (1) seasonal winds (2) sand deposits (3) ocean currents (4) mountain avalanches

26. Which document is considered a primary source? (1) encyclopedia article (2) modern textbook (3) biography (4) personal correspondence

27. Which Neolithic Revolution development led to the other three? (1) complex civilizations (2) surplus of food (3) division of labor (4) domestication of plants and animals


28. The trans-Saharan trade carried out by West African civilizations was primarily based on an exchange of (1) gold and salt (2) ivory and silk (3) silver and tea (4) hardwoods and animal skins

29. The Code of Hammurabi and Chinese legalism both rely on the idea that (1) governments must provide their people with rights (2) harsh laws are needed to control society (3) all subjects are equal under the law (4) religion and government must be brought closer together

30. Which generalization about democracy is most valid?

(1) democratic political systems require a highly industrialized society (2) democratic governments first evolved in North America (3) democratic governments prevent their citizens from traveling abroad (4) democratic governments protect basic civil liberties

31. The code of Hammurabi is an example of

(1) written rules for legal procedures (2) the power of strong kings to control trade (3) regulations on the way to conduct wars against neighboring nations (4) the power of a legislature to veto laws passed by absolute monarchs

32. In China, the development of ethnocentrism was most influenced by

(1) its historic reliance on foreign nations (2) a long history of democratic government (3) a strong belief in Christianity (4) its geographic isolation

33. The Chinese called their land “Middle Kingdom.” Europeans often used the

term “backward” to refer to China. These statements best illustrate

(1) the failure of geographers to establish a universal terminology (2) the importance of East Asia in world history (3) the adoption of policies of nonalignment (4) attitudes of ethnocentrism in both cultures


34. In India, the Caste System determined a person’s occupation, personal associations, and marriage partner. This situation shows that the Caste system

(1) has helped eliminate ethnic and religious rivalries (2) has promoted social mobility within Indian society (3) has been stronger in urban areas that in rural areas (4) has been a way of life as well as an element of religion

“When I go to the office, I put on my shirt and I take off my caste; when I come home, I take off my shirt and I put on my caste.” 35. What is the main idea of this quotation?

(1) the caste system continues to influence Indian society (2) the caste system has been reflected by most Indians (3) successful urban workers in India belong the same Caste (4) the Indian government officially supports the Caste system

36.According the teachings of Confucius, the key to the successful organization of society is that

(1) the ruler should be chosen democratically (2) the evil in humans must be eliminated (3) ancestor worship should be discontinued (4) individuals should know and do what is expected of them

37. The Buddhist religion teaches that salvation is earned by

(1) following the Ten Commandments (2) worshiping Allah as the one true god (3) learning to give up selfish desire (4) being baptized and confirmed

38. One way in which the Vedas, the Bible, and the Koran are similar is that these religious books

(1) provide guidelines to govern the behavior of believers (2) deny the existence of a supreme being who rules the universe (3) encourage strife between segments of believers (4) support political rebellions to overthrow existing governments


39. A major impact of Ancient Greece and Rome on Western Civilization was that

(1) the Greeks and Romans succeeded in achieving a classless society, which was later copied in Western Europe

(2) Greek sculpture and Roman architecture were much admired and copied in the 18th and 19th centuries

(3) Greece and Rome transmitted Islamic philosophy to the areas they conquered

(4) Greek and Latin are still widely spoken in universities throughout the West

40. An immediate result of the fall of the Roman Empire was

(1) a renewed interest in education and the arts (2) a period of disorder and weak central government (3) an increase in trade and manufacturing (4) the growth of cities and dominance by the middle class

41. The Ancient Athenians are credited with

(1) inventing and using the wheel (2) eliminating slavery (3) establishing governments that had democratic elements (4) inventing the printing press

42. The Ancient Greek city-state of Sparta

(1) was primarily concerned with the health of their people (2) was a powerful military state (3) granted universal suffrage to their people (4) placed great emphasis on literature and the arts

43. Which conclusion can be drawn from a study of the early civilizations of Axum, Kush, Mali and Songhai?

(1) these African societies flourished at the same time (2) farming was more extensive in the Nile River Valley than it was in the

Fertile Crescent (3) the Neolithic Revolution occurred in Africa (4) these societies had a long and rich history before their first contact with



44. Alexander the Great’s conquests of Greece, Asia Minor, Egypt, and Persia led to the

(1) spread of Hellenic culture (2) adoption of a feudal system (3) establishment of representative democracy (4) spread of Islamic culture throughout Europe

Which statement about the trip taken by Emperor Mansa Musa is accurate? (1) The trip extended beyond North African trade routes. (2) Mansa Musa used the Mediterranean Sea to reach Mecca. (3) The route primarily followed major rivers. (4) Mansa Musa traveled to Fez on his way to Mecca.

45. Which conclusion about trade is best supported by the information on this map (above)? (1) Timbuktu was a center of trade in West Africa. (2) The Sahara Desert prevented trade. (3) Cairo and Mecca were trading partners. (4) West African gold and salt were traded along the Zaire River.


Which title best completes this diagram?

(1) Elements of a Civilization

(2) Features of a Nomadic Lifestyle

(3) Basic Components of the Paleolithic Age

(4) Human Life 50,000 Years Ago

46. Which title best completes this diagram?

(1) Elements of a Civilization

(2) Features of a Nomadic Lifestyle

(3) Basic Components of the Paleolithic Age

(4) Human Life 50,000 Years Ago

47. Before the use of the Silk Road, how did geography affect early China?

(1) The mountains and deserts in western and southwestern China slowed the exchange of ideas.

(2) The northwestern region provided many fertile areas suitable for farming.

(3) The three major river systems provided barriers against invasion.

(4) The lack of deep-water ports on the eastern coast prevented China from developing trade with other nations.


Part III: Practice Documents

Annonate the following documents before answering the scaffolding question that goes along with it. This means define key words, circle main point of the documents and on left side of margin “quick jot” relative outside information. While on the right side of the margin analyze the information.

Document 1

1 … In the Mediterranean world, where there were not only

2 salt deposits but a strong enough sun to dry sea salt, salting

3 to preserve food was not a new idea. In preclassical times,

4 Egyptians and Romans had salted fish and developed a

5 thriving trade. Salted meats were popular, and Roman

6 Gaul had been famous for salted and smoked hams.

7 Before they turned to cod, the Basques had sometimes

8 salted whale meat; salt whale was found to be good with

9 peas, and the most prized part of the whale, the tongue,

10 was also often salted.…

Source: Mark Kurlansky, Cod, Penguin Books

According to Mark Kurlansky, why did people use salt? Which lines did you use to answer this?





What numbered line is the most important to the reading? Explain your answer.






Document 2

Based on this document, what was one result of the gold-salt trade in West Africa? [1]






Document 3

What conclusion about the Roman world can be concluded from this map?






Document 4

The Mandate of Heaven

According to the chart, how did Chinese rulers lose power?





How did Chinese rulers show that they had the Mandate of Heaven?






Document 5

1 We differ from other states in regarding the man

2 who holds aloof from public life not as “quiet” but

3 as useless; we decide or debate, carefully and in person,

4 all that matter of policy, holding, not that words

5 and deeds go ill together, but that acts are foredoomed

6 to failure when undertaken undiscussed.

-Speech of Pericles (431 B.C.) History of Peloponnesian War

According to Pericles of Athens, what was the best way for a government to make decisions?





Which line is the most impactful? Explain your answer.






Part IV: Themes

Global History and geography can be best understood if it is organized by studying key themes and key concepts that recur in many times and places. Give two examples from ancient world history and explain each.

Some Key Themes:

1. Belief Systems: ways in which groups or individuals look at religious faith or philosophy.

a. Example 1:

b. Example 2:

2. Cultural & Intellectual Life: patterns of human behavior that include ideas, beliefs, values, artifacts, etc.

a. Example 1:

b. Example 2:

3. Power: the ability of people to influence the actions of others. (authority)

a. Example 1:

b. Example 2:

4. Change: the basic alterations in events, people & ideas.

a. Example 1:

b. Example 2:

5. Movement of People & Goods: the exchange of people, ideas, products, technologies, and institutions from one region to another.

a. Example 1:

b. Example 2:


6. Human Rights: basic political, economic, and social rights to which all human beings are entitled.

a. Example 1:

b. Example 2:

7. Conflict: disagreement or opposition between ideas or groups, which may lead to armed struggle.

a. Example 1:

b. Example 2:

8. Interdependence – the reliance upon others in mutually beneficial interactions and exchanges.

a. Example 1:

b. Example 2:

9. Justice: Fair, equal, proportional, or appropriate treatment given to individuals in interpersonal, societal, or government interactions.

a. Example 1:

b. Example 2:

10. Political Systems: include monarchies, dictatorships, and democracies. It also provides for ways in which parts of that system combines to perform specific functions of government.

a. Example 1:

b. Example 2:

11. Geography: the study of the earth and its surroundings

a. Example 1:

b . Example 2:


Part V: Practice Introduction Paragraphs

Use the following tasks given to create an introduction on a separate piece of paper. Then attach to this packet.

*An introduction should include the following:

• Historical Background (Who, what, where, when)

• Thesis Statement

• Define the theme

1. Evaluate different perspective of government and Choose which government is the strongest.

2. Define the term civilization, identify a civilization that made a lasting contribution, evaluate the

contribution to global history

3. Compare and Contrast two religions. Evaluate one of the religions.

4. Describe one empire’s rise and fall.

5. Compare and contrast two historical figures. Evaluate his/her impact on his/her region.

6. Describe cultural diffusion. Give two examples. Evaluate cultural diffusion.

7. Discuss and evaluate different economic systems in ancient world history.

8. Describe a revolution and evaluate its impact on history.

9. List and describe how people have adapted to their environment.

10. Compare and Contrast two codes of laws. Analyze both codes.
