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Mike Bickle Pleasure of Loving...

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The Pleasures of Loving God by Mike Bickle Sundays 7:15-8:00pm - The Storehouse (H201) 10/5/14 Introduction/Summary 10/12/14 **No Prayer Discipleship** 6:00pm Prayer Service with Christina Reynolds 10/19/14 Chapter 1 – Your Identity as a Lover Chapter 2 – The Bridegroom God Chapter 3 – Restoring the First Commandment 10/26/14 Chapter 4 – The Fire of God in Holy Romance Chapter 5 – The Bride’s Portrait of Jesus Chapter 6 – Longings of the Bride 11/2/14 Chapter 7 – The Pleasure of Holiness Chapter 8 – The Bridegroom Fast Chapter 9 – The Forerunner Ministry 11/9/14 Chapter 10 – The Heavenly Symphony Chapter 11 – The Tabernacle of David Chapter 12 – Jesus as the Bridegroom, King and Judge Contact Info: Ted Amey - [email protected] 256-684-4942 Susan Taylor - [email protected] 256-656-4353


The Pleasures of Loving God by Mike Bickle Sundays 7:15-8:00pm - The Storehouse (H201)

10/5/14 Introduction/Summary

10/12/14 **No Prayer Discipleship** 6:00pm Prayer Service with Christina Reynolds

10/19/14 Chapter 1 – Your Identity as a Lover Chapter 2 – The Bridegroom God Chapter 3 – Restoring the First Commandment

10/26/14 Chapter 4 – The Fire of God in Holy Romance Chapter 5 – The Bride’s Portrait of Jesus Chapter 6 – Longings of the Bride

11/2/14 Chapter 7 – The Pleasure of Holiness Chapter 8 – The Bridegroom Fast Chapter 9 – The Forerunner Ministry

11/9/14 Chapter 10 – The Heavenly Symphony Chapter 11 – The Tabernacle of David Chapter 12 – Jesus as the Bridegroom, King and Judge

Contact Info: Ted Amey - [email protected] 256-684-4942 Susan Taylor - [email protected] 256-656-4353

The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 1 Your Identity as a Lover

Scripture to Memorize: “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” Psalm 16:11

Chapter 1 Outline Notes: :: Intimate (closely acquainted, familiar) knowledge of God will give us:

o A deeply satisfied soul o A personal sense of meaning and significance o A rich treasure store of divine pleasure

:: Our focus must be on two things: o Intimate knowledge of God’s beauty in terms of knowing His personality o What it means to be created in His image that is (what we look like to God

in Christ)

:: Song of Solomon 7:10 – Discovering and knowing that I am desired and pursued by God will cause me:

o To have long lasting renewal in my spirit and spiritual identity o To become a wholehearted lover of God o To have a profound sense of security and contentment o To have freedom from striving to attain a certain spiritual level o To sin less, quit less, obey more o To have less division in my relationships with others o To serve with greater perseverance and joy o To endure hardships with greater patience

:: Colossians 3:10 - Knowing God’s personality through regular, fresh contact with God’s Word where the Holy Spirit reveals to us what God is like:

o Encourages obedience o Motivates us to repent o Encourages our hearts

:: People who are depressed live through their emotions and usually do not know who the Lord is concerning them and who they are before the Lord.

:: There is a vast difference between a believer with a sincere heart who stumbles in his faith and a person with a betraying heart who goes beyond stumbling and actually falls from his faith.

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:: In our immaturity we will stumble; it is a lie of the enemy that we are hopeless hypocrites who do not really love the Lord.

:: Where do we place our security? In our own ability to accomplish things for God or in the fact that we are loved by God and we love Him?

:: Proverbs 16:18 “Pride comes before destruction; a haughty spirit before a fall.”

Extremes: Reckless pride…………………………………………………………Despairing condemnation

:: Matthew 26:41 “Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.”

:: We need a humble revelation of the weakness of our flesh so that through our spiritual pride we do not cause damage in ministry.

Acknowledgement that we are weak in our flesh and having a humble willing spirit; both are necessary for healthy spiritual growth.

Our identity in Christ is that we are loved and that we are lovers.

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Chapter 1 Review Questions: 1. What 2 things do we need to focus on for spiritual renewal and continued,

constant joy and peace?

2. Can we stumble in our walk with God and not lose our faith? Why or why not?

3. What is success for us in God’s sight?

Chapter 1 Practical Application: Begin your time of prayer and worship with the following statement – “Jesus, here I am again, the one You enjoy; it is me again-Your favorite one.”

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal God to you through His Word as you read it each day. 1. Read through the Bible in a year. 2. Join a Bible study.

Confess your identity in Christ with the following statement – “I’m the one that God likes, even with all my sin. God has chosen me as the delight of His heart. Yes, I’m the one that God likes. Yes, I’m the one that God enjoys. I’m am loved by God and I am a lover of God, therefore I am successful. I can never be insignificant again.”

Let this reality sink in, believe it, live it.

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 2 The Bridegroom God

Chapter 2 Outline Notes:

:: Mike Bickle’s, the boxer’s son, ministry commission: Song of Solomon 8:6-7

:: Being the bride of Christ transcends gender as it is a position of privilege and nearness to God’s heart.

:: Many men of the Bible walked in this exalted privilege of intimacy with God. King David – OT worshipping warrior with a bride’s heart John the Baptist – NT lovesick worshipper

:: Many men may think this image undermines their masculinity but in fact the revelation of the bride establishes it.

:: To be a man who lays His head on the Lord’s breast and receives His embrace will set your heart ablaze.

:: God enjoys us no matter what because His enjoyment is based on His own heart and our sincere response to Him, rather than our own achievements.

:: Knowing that God enjoys us in our weakness unlocks an amazing source of power in our lives and leads to our spiritual maturity.

:: Song of Solomon can be understood in two main ways: a song that extols the beauty of married love a spiritual love song between Christ and the church both lead us to a greater understanding of God’s heart

:: How do we view God: A strict coach who is trying to discipline us by calling us to hard things and letting difficult things happen to us An exacting judge always trying to catch us in our sin and getting angry with us A type of army sergeant who will sacrifice us for the sake of the cause and believe that he gets angry when we blow it

:: Song of Solomon 8:6-7 reveals that God will impart His own love and jealousy within us that is as strong as death and nothing can escape its grasp if we yield our hearts to it.

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:: God’s love conquers our hearts and overcomes sin that lives in our hearts.

:: If we yield to God’s love, He can chase down the areas of our hearts that seem so prone to stray.

:: It takes God to love God.

:: When men and women are so preoccupied with the love and beauty of Jesus, the power to respond in wholehearted love toward God is the only reward they want.

:: Martyrdom is the supreme act of devotion toward God.

:: Romanced warriors, bridal warriors of God are secure, fearless, their hearts are protected as they experience Jesus’ love and beauty and they have the power to sustain in the battle.

:: Reading the Song of Solomon will unlock our hearts toward loving God more and more.

:: A Bridegroom God is our God in whom we feel liked, enjoyed, wanted, pursued and delighted.

:: We run to God even in our sin because our hearts desire to be different and we have sincere and willing spirits.

:: The beauty of God is opened to us by a revelation from the Holy Spirit.

:: God has plans to share intimacy and power with us so we should embrace our lives while looking forward to heaven.

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Chapter 2 Review Questions: 1. What are the three things we should think about when we consider the Bridegroom God?

His desire for us, His beauty, His plans for us

2. What do we need to do to become wholehearted lovers of God?

Chapter 2 Practical Application: :: Read the Song of Solomon and meditate on it as an allegorical representation of Christ the bridegroom and you (the church) as the bride.

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 3 Restoring the First Commandment

Chapter 3 Outline Notes:

:: Lover’s will always serve more willingly and easily than workers ever will.

:: As servants of God, we still obey Him but the servitude of workers of God changes; with God as their ‘husband’:

o Servitude is replaced with joy and energy o Work and serve more diligently o Obey God in a more intense way

:: God wants us to BE something before we DO something and that is to be a lover of God so that what we DO flows out of who we ARE.

:: When are minds are not renewed, we work to feel important and significant in the eyes of others.

:: God wants us to be a lover first then disciple the nations starting with our families and then our neighbors.

:: Martha (Luke 10:38-42) – her work distracted her from being a lover of God.

:: Many Christians are so consumed with self that they are neither lovers nor workers.

:: Study the Bible in a way that produces love in our hearts, not to debate or preserve the truth, not to be religious and “jump through hoops”.

:: When we share the gospel with others, our primary reward is the power to love others, to feel and receive love as opposed to missional sacrificial labor (work paradigm).

:: Galatians 4:6 – if we will be still and quiet, we will feel the lover’s cry deep in our spirit.

:: If we put the second commandment before the first commandment the result is: burn-out.

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:: If the first commandment is first, then when things don’t go our way, we know to run to the secret place where we are immersed in the knowledge that God still loves us and the result is: spiritual pleasure.

:: Rather than seeking after the experience, seek after God and let Him reveal Himself to you as an individual.

:: In dry seasons and difficult times, we can remember past God-sightings, God winks, glimpses of God and all of this helps us to mature properly and persevere in our faith.

:: Being a lover of God results in us being satisfied and sinning less as most sin in the body of Christ is a wrong response to pain, fear and the need for comfort.

:: Being a lover of God results in stronger relationships and less fighting within the body of Christ.

:: satan will try to distract us from the simplicity of undistracted love and devotion to God.

:: The Song of Solomon is the revelation of the cherishing ministry of Jesus where power springs forth from having a nourished heart exhilaration that springs forth from a cherished heart.

:: True Sabbath rest is not taking time off from work to rest it is time set aside to give our hearts to God, having our whole heart immersed in God undistracted.

:: When we are lovers of God, no matter what happens in the chaos of this world, a song fills our hearts, our spirits are stirred and our inner man is tender toward God.

:: John 17 is the “prayer of prayers” is: o the model prayer to grow in intercession o Jesus asking the Father to supernaturally impart the Father’s love for the

Son into us o Jesus’ gift to the church

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Chapter 3 Review Questions: 1. Why do we want to be lovers of God rather than workers for God?

2. Why is John 17, Jesus prayer of intercession for believers a gift to the church and what happens when we receive it?

3. What is the result of God revealing himself to us as the Bridegroom God?

Chapter 3 Practical Application: :: Read John 17 and ask the Spirit of God to reveal it to you so that you will grow in intercession.

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 4 The Fire of God in Holy Romance

Scripture to Memorize: Blessed are those you choose and bring near to live in your courts! We are filled with the good things of your house, of your holy temple. Psalm 65:4

Chapter 4 Outline Notes:

:: Something in us longs for love that knows no boundaries, love that knows no sacrifice in pursuit of the one it loves.

:: Life itself is only worthwhile if the heart burns with love.

:: When we understand the revelation of the fire of God, when we understand His burning desire for His son and human beings, it will radically change our lives.

:: God is planning glorious things for you and I. (1 Corinthians 2:9)

:: Gods fire of judgment is an overflow, a subdepartment of His fire of burning desire for His people; it removes everything that hinders love. (Deuteronomy 4:24,

:: Judgment will come upon the devil and his forces as God is stirred with fiery passion to protect His beloved and judge His enemies because of fiery love. (Daniel 7:10, Acts 2:3)

:: This consuming fire-His pleasure, His desire, His burning love-will burn up all that hinders love.

:: The focus of God’s pleasure is toward human beings, and He is jealous over them with hot, fiery emotion.

:: David developed a theology of holy pleasure, addressing the beauty of God and how His beauty is imparted to the redeemed.

:: Today’s weary and weak church needs a vision of God’s beauty to empower us to meet the coming times.

:: Carnal pleasure such as money and other earthly desires will be seen in an entirely different perspective and God’s people will redefine reward, success and pleasure.

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:: Currently, the Western church is focused on things of this world and not on the Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, thus, we are woefully unprepared to be agents of grace that the human race needs.

:: Moving into the depths of the Spirit will cause an individual to give up many wordly pleasures to experience spiritual ones and consider our sufferings “light and momentary afflictions” unworthy to be compared to the glory that is to come. (Philippians 3:8, 2 Corinthians 11:23-28)

:: Great bitterness and fear and confusion will tempt those who do not enter into the superior pleasure of the gospel.

:: The Bridegroom generation will receive an unprecedented revelation of the Bridegroom that includes:

o The Beauty of the Lord o Seen in great measure o Identity of the bride o Power to walk in the 1st commandment o Power to walk in the 2nd commandment

:: What could happen to our lives if we committed to invest the next 5 to 10 years to pursue the vision of holy romance with abandonment?

:: We must give people courage to seek and believe that they can experience the depths of God’s character.

:: Lovesick captured people: o Disturb the status quo and threaten religion o Have no fear o One part of the globe will follow o One part of the globe will be confused o One part of the globe will become enraged

:: Love will make you spiritually violent enough to endure persecution and even martyrdom. (Matthew 11:12)

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Chapter 4 Review Questions: 1. God’s consuming fire will burn up all that hinders love; what kinds of things will it burn up?

2. What are the unique characteristics of the “Bridegroom generation”?

Chapter 4 Practical Application: :: Ask for God’s burning desire for us to seal our hearts by praying: O Lord, let the burning heart of the uncreated God touch me! Let me swim in it; let me get lost in it. Let it make me a person of another age-let me burn like bright righteousness so that unbelievers will come in by the multitudes. Give me passion, O Lord. Give me courage to stand for the holy romance, for the beauty and the pleasures of the bride and the Bridegroom. Give me the power to seek it. It takes God to love God. Burning and jealous God, come and burn in me!

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 5 The Bride’s Portrait of Jesus

Chapter 5 Outline Notes:

:: Song of Solomon is a description of the Bridegroom (Jesus) through the eyes of a lovesick bride.

:: Song of Solomon will strengthen your heart with power to persevere through even the fiercest storm.

:: Through the Song of Solomon, God will open the eyes of your understanding and illuminate your heart to one of the greatest mysteries of our wonderful faith.

:: Song of Solomon 5:10-16: o Contains the most power descriptions of Jesus o The most outstanding expressions of worship in the Word of God o A love song that equips our souls to effectively worship God o Necessary for us to master as we grow in mature bridal affections for

Jesus o Requires deep meditation o Describes the glory of Jesus through 12 attributes (1 general, 10 specific,

1 summary) o Includes imagery of the temple combined with imagery of the human

body that can be spoken back to God in worship and prayer

:: MY BELOVED – persevering love for Jesus in spite of trials and that she is not offended

:: Negativity can flow out of our spirits in times of testing.

:: The goal is to open up our spirits and trust God’s leadership through the trial.

:: HE IS WHITE – radiant, dazzling, brilliant, shining white; Jesus is dazzling and stunning to His bride, divine nature; the resurrected Christ possesses indescribable beauty and splendor.

:: The brilliantly fantastic colors associated with God and Jesus and His fragrance are real. (Revelation 4:3, 2 Corinthians 2:15)

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:: HE IS RUDDY – a red, a good and healthy complexion; youth, vigor, “He’s altogether lovely”, no blemish, utter perfection, human nature

:: He expresses both divinity and humanity elements without contradiction.

:: CHIEF AMONG TEN THOUSAND – Christ has preeminence above all creation

:: HEAD IS LIKE FINEST GOLD – most precious of all building materias; Jesus leadership over the church; Sovereignty of the Trinity; cannot be approved upon

:: HIS LOCKS ARE WAVY AND BLACK – His commitment and dedication to His people (unlike Samson); youthful and energetic, full of strength and vigor

:: HIS EYES ARE LIKE DOVES BY THE RIVERS OF WATER WASHED WITH MILK FITLY SET – omniscience “all knowledge” and discernment; singleness of vision and purity; He interprets knowledge through a clean heart; sees and judges every situation perfectly

:: When we understand that God knows all of our bad stuff that should make us draw near and praise Him more.

:: God also sees our good qualities and the willingness in our spirit and the things that are hidden from the eyes of men and He rewards you for it.

:: Jesus’ eyes see what you have been through, what you are going through and what you will face in the future.

:: CHEEKS ARE LIKE A BED OF SPICES, BANKS OF SCENTED HERBS – cheeks reveal emotions, inner countenance; extravagant fragrance, a most delightful garden which is His emotion for you

:: LIPS ARE LIKE LILIES DRIPPING WITH MYRRH – power of His Word, communication and intimacy, sweet and satisfying (when are hearts are set on obeying Him); myrrh involves death to the flesh receiving tough love and correction from the Lord that bring life

:: HIS HANDS ARE RODS OF GOLD SET WITH BERYL – He accomplishes His work through His perfect power, filled with wisdom, love and godly purity

:: HIS BODY IS CARVED IVORY INLAID WITH SAPPHIRES – tender compassion, tender mercy toward weakness is rare and unusual and brings repentance, wisdom, purity and righteousness in us

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:: HIS LEGS ARE PILLARS OF MARBLE – the administration of His will and His kingdom, the strength that holds up His church

:: HIS COUNTENANCE IS LIKE LEBANON, EXCELLENT AS THE CEDARS – the impartation of God to His people; light of God shining down and touching your heart infusing godliness

:: HIS MOUTH IS MOST SWEET – communication, spiritual intimacy which is Jesus releasing the grace of intimacy by enlarging our capacity to receive more of God

:: How blessed is the one that God chooses to draw near to Himself, those who are reaching out toward Him, even after we are saved.

:: The knowledge of God, hidden things, God will give only to the hungry who want to know Him more.

Chapter 5 Review Questions: 1. What is your personal description of Jesus and why; is it changing after considering Song of Solomon?

2. What is your favorite attribute of Jesus and why?

Chapter 5 Practical Application: :: Practice praying Song of Solomon 5:10-16 and journal what you hear God say to you.

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 6 Longings of the Bride

Chapter 6 Outline Notes:

:: The desire for Christ the Bridegroom is a consuming, passionate fire; longings which are a powerful force bringing the spiritual into the natural.

:: God has placed seven different desires/longings into our hearts that reflect seven different emotions in God’s heart and reflect our primary success in life.

:: Responding to Christ our Bridegroom will satisfy these seven longings; if we resist the Holy Spirit in fulfilling these longings, they can be very dangerous leading to destruction and perversion.

1. Having the assurance that we are enjoyed by God even while we are still spiritually immature; this addresses the fear of rejection in our hearts.

:: We must not confuse enjoyment with approval of every desire of our lives.

:: We must know that God loves and enjoys us even while correcting us in various areas of our lives.

2. Desiring to be wholehearted and passionate is very important to our spiritual health, knowing that we are giving ourselves to Him with all of our heart.

:: This longing is one of the greatest problems in the American church, a lack of wholeheartedness.

:: Many believers attempt to live in the grace of God without the abandonment to God in order to reinforce their carnal lifestyles.

3. Desiring to be fascinated, awestruck, filled with wonder and to marvel.

:: The secular entertainment world has attempted to satisfy this longing but it is a false attempt as we become spiritual dull, bored, and spiritually passive through this means.

:: Psalm 27:4 reveals the One thing that will satisfy our need to be fascinated and our continued fascination with God will require time in His Word with the approach of heart devotion.

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4. Desiring to possess beauty, which includes physical beauty, spiritual beauty and eternal beauty, all of which God wants to impart to us.

:: Jesus Christ’s resurrected body is the most beautiful body imaginable and Philippians 3:21 declares that this same resurrection body will be given to the saints.

:: We will love and walk with God and appear beautiful to others.

:: Our spiritual beauty can increase in this age as we love, think and feel more and more like God does.

:: If we pursue physical beauty to the extreme and get hung up on it in a carnal way, then this can be very destructive leading to addictions and perversions.

5. Desiring to be great, noble, and successful.

:: As the bride of Christ we have the highest position of honor and authority in eternity, above all other creation including angels. (Revelation 3:20-21)

:: Pursuing greatness to exalt ourselves out of God’s will is sinful, but God has ordained for us to be great in Him.

6. Desiring to impact others; to feel significant and to exhilarate others with the good news of Jesus Christ.

:: When we do not have an impact on anyone, our spiritual lives lose their joy and freshness.

7. Desiring for intimacy without shame meaning that all secrets have been unveiled and there is no shame. (1 Peter 1:12)

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Chapter 6 Review Questions: 1. Why has God given us the seven longings of the human heart?

2. Which of the seven longings is most difficult for you to pursue and why?

Chapter 6 Practical Application: :: Make a list of the seven longings of the human heart and how you are currently trying to fulfill them. If you are trying to fulfill them in an earthly, carnal way, ask God to re-direct your focus in this area to Him and give you strength to overcome your current fleshly desire.

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 7 The Pleasure of Holiness

Scripture to Memorize: They feast on the abundance of your house; you give them drink from your river of delights. Psalm 36:8

Chapter 7 Outline Notes: :: C.S. Lewis “We are half-hearted creatures fooling about with alcohol and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered to us. We are like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because we cannot imagine what is meant by an offer of a holiday at the sea.”

:: The pleasures of God are a banquet before us that deliver us from the emptiness of seeking earthly pleasures.

:: Holiness is a superior pleasure that transcends anything that sin can offer us.

:: When we delight in God, we are energized to say no to sin.

:: Endless lists of dos and don’ts and knowing the consequences of sin will not transform our hearts.

:: Hearing harsher and longer sermons against the sins we lust after will not make a long term difference.

:: We sin because we believe that it will provide pleasure that is superior to the pleasure of obedience to God.

:: The secret to conquering sin is satisfaction in God.

:: John Piper “Sin is what we do when our hearts are not satisfied in God.”

:: We are designed by God to be pleasure seekers; finding our pleasure in unrighteousness is what is sinful.

:: Experiencing the superior pleasure of living our lives for God will cause us to seek more pleasure found in Him and less of the pleasures of the world.

:: The glorious restraints and parameters in the Bible actually help to keep us in the presence of God where there is fullness of joy.

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:: God’s presence is the only place where the hungry soul will find true satisfaction.

:: Sam Storm, author of “Pleasures Evermore: The Life-Changing Power of Enjoying God” – “We must swallow up sin’s pleasure in the forest fire of holy satisfaction. The only thing that will ultimately break the power of sin is passion for Jesus.”

:: The knowledge of God that transforms the heart is knowledge by which we are ravished by the beauty of who God is.

Chapter 7 Review Questions: 1. Why do we sin?

2. What is the best way for us to conquer sin in our lives and the primary motivation to avoid sin?

Chapter 7 Practical Application: :: Press into the pleasure of holiness by sitting in God’s presence for 5 minutes each day. Find a place free of distractions. Turn off the TV, radio, computer. Put away the cell phone. Clear your mind and thoughts of distractions and focus only on God. Pick a holy word (such as light, love, or peace) to bring your focus back on God if your thoughts begin to wonder.

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 8 The Bridegroom Fast

Chapter 8 Outline Notes: :: Fasting can draw us into greater depth of God’s presence.

:: Fasting is a powerful spiritual tool that can turbo-charge our journey into the depths of God’s presence.

:: Fasting is a divine catalyst that increases your capacity to receive more from the Holy Spirit.

:: Old Testament fasting was primarily used to avoid disaster.

:: Matthew 9:15 is called the Bridegroom Fast. o When we believe we just can’t go on living without more of Jesus in our

life o Season of spiritual hunger o Need new depth in intimacy with God o Enlarges our capacity to receive freely from the Spirit of God o Changes us on the inside

:: Christ knew that once he was gone, the disciples desire, longing and lovesickness for Him would cause them to mourn to be close to Him as in the days He walked with them.

:: No other religion in the world has linked fasting to lovesickness.

:: Jesus knew His disciple’s hearts would desire more of Him and by the Holy Spirit, the Lord would release the fulfillment of their hearts’ desire.

:: Fasting is absolutely essential for developing a deeper experience of devotion to Christ.

:: The Word of God awakens this desire for deeper divine love in us.

:: Fasting is an intensely private thing, never done as a show or to gain a reputation of being more anointed.

:: Fasting to get God to pay attention to us is one form of legalism.

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:: Most people in the body of Christ are not ready for fasting so friends and famly may consider what you are doing is weird, that is why the fasted lifestyle is called “violent”.

:: When two people move at different rates of growth and maturity in God, they often begin to judge one another, so expect disruptions in your relationships as you begin a fasted lifestyle.

:: Matthew 11:19 says that the wisdom of John’s fasted lifestyle would be openly displayed by the fruit in his life in the days to come.

:: Benefits of Fasting o Enables us to see spiritual things that we normally could not see. o Increasingly tenderizes our hearts by removing a spirit of deadness and

dullness so we feel the presence of God and His love in a more discernable way.

o Causes our spiritual commitment and intensity to grow. o Helps to protect us from discontentment, coveting and fleshly cravings. o Intensifies your detachment from worldly concerns. o Causes areas we are compromising to decrease. o Releases grace that insulates us from the discontentment, complaining

and griping that is so prevalent in our world. o Strengthens our spiritual identity in God and weakens our fleshly identity o Breaks the bondage of self-absorption

:: The strange thing about fasting is that we do nothing instead of doing something, so anyone can fast.

:: Developing a fasted lifestyle o Use when seeking God’s direction for your life o In times of crisis – personal, family, church o To bring breakthrough as a protest fast

:: Enter fasting with caution to ensure you are doing it for the right reasons because it can lead to eating disorders.

:: Fast in secrecy to keep your motives pure.

:: In our day, God is going to use people who are retired as a powerful force as they have time and passion for Jesus; no matter what your age, your most spiritually successful years are ahead of you.

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Chapter 8 Review Questions: 1. Why is fasting necessary for us to grow in a deeper relationship with God?

2. What benefit of fasting speaks most to you and why?

Chapter 8 Practical Application: :: If you are not already fasting, try fasting one day this week. Spend the time you are fasting in prayer. The typical approach to fasting is no food, only water.

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 9 The Forerunner Ministry

Chapter 9 Outline Notes: :: An entirely new generation is rising up out of the wilderness of obscurity to proclaim Christ’s second coming.

:: The last generation before Christ returns will witness the greatest demonstration of God’s power in history.

:: There are three supernatural generations (God’s people witness His power on a regular basis) described in the scriptures –

o The generation of Moses o The generation of the Apostles o The generation of the second coming of the Lord

:: Acts 2:17-19 a deluge of God’s power will be poured out on all people; every believer on earth will begin to experience the realm of the supernatural anointing.

:: These miracles will impact an entire generation.

:: Rev. 11:5-6 describes two forerunners preparing the way for the second coming of the Lord just like John the Baptist prepared the way for His first coming.

:: Malachi 4:5, Matthew 17:11 describes the fullness of the prophet Elijah being released in these two prophets and in the generation when the Lord returns.

:: Their own wills will be lost in the will of God.

:: These prophetic intercessors will operate in various measures of the anointing yet in a lesser degree than these two witnesses.

:: The power of God manifest through them will be substantial because they will have a forerunner spirit upon their lives.

:: Isaiah 4:2-6 is a key passage for the forerunner ministry and it speaks of all the dimensions of the glory of the Lord in the generation when the Lord appears.

:: The Father will reveal His glory through the Branch of the Lord, Jesus.

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:: Psalm 27:4 David reveals his primary goal was sitting for long hours gazing at the beauty of the Lord, that will become the focus of the church.

:: The glory of the Lord will be revealed: o Through worship of a depth that we have never experienced o Through the Word of God o Through a lifestyle of entering into God’s presence o Through dreams and visions of Jesus

:: Isaiah 4:5 is beckoning us to come and fast and pray. o Reminds of us of the anointing of the Holy Spirit that came upon Moses o God promises to divinely shelter His people from a storm breaking forth

upon the earth o Saints will gather across the earth to seek the Lord in unity and minister

to Him continually

:: Eschatology is the study of the End Times, areas of scripture for further study: Jeremiah 16:14-15, Joel 3:14-16, Hebrews 12:25-29, Exodus 7-12, Revelation 8, 9, 16.

Chapter 9 Review Questions: 1. What is the forerunner ministry and its purpose?

2. In what ways will the glory of the Lord be revealed during the generation of the second coming of the Lord?

Chapter 9 Practical Application: :: Ask yourself this question and journal your thoughts: If I knew for certain that Jesus was returning tomorrow, would I or how would I live my life differently today?

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 10 The Heavenly Symphony

Scripture to Memorize: I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem, and they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord do not keep silent. Isaiah 62:6

Chapter 10 Outline Notes:

:: There is no greater sound to the Lord than that of His church worshipping on earth together in unity with His orchestra above that fills the eternal city with heavenly music.

:: God is calling His church to long and lingering worship and prayer.

:: God is establishing full-time intercessors, modern-day Annas and Marys, to wait on God full-time.

:: The International House of Prayer in Kansas City is answering this call that began in 1983.

:: 24/7 prayer and worship began at the IHOP-KC in May of 1999 with full-time intercessors praying 40 to 50 hours a week and having raised their own financial support.

:: The nightwatchmen minister to God during the wee hours of the night.

:: The IHOP-KC conducts 84 2-hour prayer meetings each week with each prayer meeting led by a worship team.

:: Leviticus 6:12-13 “keep the fire burning on the altar” until Jesus comes.

:: So often this invitation from the Lord goes forth to a church or ministry and then a year or two goes by and the people never respond to the Lord with a yes.

:: Prayer meetings are never cancelled, for holidays or vacations or birthdays, they are continous.

:: 24/7 prayer and worship has a catalytic impact by creating “divine jealousy”.

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:: Before the Lord returns, 24/7 prayer and worship will be happening in most of the cities of the earth.

:: 24/7 prayer and worship in cities will bring joy to people and along with comfort and thankfulness for its availability.

:: The fullness of God’s promises will be released when the condition for night and day prayer is met, and it is inevitable. (Isaiah 62:6)

:: All around the world the Holy Spirit is stirring God’s people and revealing His prayer strategy.

:: IHOP-KC goal is to see the divine order of worship restored.

:: We can study the worship model that God showed King David to get a better glimpse of the heavenly reality.

:: The worship model that occurred in the tabernacle of David was a prayer ministry that emphasized being led by worship leaders, musicians and singers who are bold in the prophetic anointing.

:: Intercessory worship is the interaction between worship and the speaking of prayers (harp and bowl/responsive singing); prayer becomes easy, refreshing, enjoyable and longer. 1 Chronicles 25:1, 6

:: Praying without worship can be like working a rock pile. Many believers in the Western world do not have a regular prayer life and most churches do not have a regular prayer meeting.

:: The church is fainting in prayer, however, the Lord has honored certain groups to pioneer in prayer.

:: Prayer ministry must go hand in hand with other ministries.

:: Isaiah 62:6 setting watchmen on the wall consists of two groups: o One primary calling is not intercession, but will participate in intercession

once a week o Second primary calling is intercession, their all-consuming function like

Mary and Anna, which transcends age and gender o Both groups are essential to the function of the church

:: Intercessory missionaries is not a new thing, present in the New Testament (1 Timothy 5:5-7), Catholic church and monasteries.

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:: Intercessory missionaries are a radical idea to protestant churches who have not provided a place for them.

:: The Lord wants us to have Marys (Luke 10:38-42) and Annas (Luke 2:37) connected with apostolic teams that plant churches and win neighborhoods to Christ, all working together.

:: The Protestant church must call the Annas forth, find a place for them, honor them and find ways of releasing them into their calling.

Chapter 10 Review Questions: 1. Why would people want to gather together to worship God and pray 24/7?

2. Should Asbury embrace the calling of intercessory missionaries? Why or why not?

Chapter 10 Practical Application: :: Spend an hour of prayer this week at the Storehouse. Journal your thoughts about whether God is calling Asbury to keep the fire burning on the altar (ie, 24/7 prayer and worship) and whether we are responding with “Yes”. If God is calling Asbury, journal what ways we can make it happen.

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 11 The Tabernacle of David

Chapter 11 Outline Notes:

:: We look to God to reveal the restoration of the tabernacle of David.

:: The IHOP-KC is operating in the spirit of the tabernacle of David as God has given a greater depth of understanding about the tabernacle of David and how to implement some of its components. (Acts 15:16-17; Amos 9:11)

:: The tabernacle of David will be restored fully so that the Great Commission can be accomplished. (Revelation 7:9-11)

:: The restored tabernacle of David is the church of Jesus Christ in mature unity and in full victory reaping the great harvest under a citywide apostolic anointing and authority.

:: David brought together the offices of the king and priest in the tabernacle of David.

o The OT priestly (NT prophetic) portion ministers to the Lord as a worshipper crying out “I Love You” (worship and intercession)

o The OT kingly (NT apostolic) portion fulfills the mandate to subdue and defeat the enemies of God (Great Commission task)

:: Prophetic ministry is an incense ministry of worship, prayer, hearing God.

:: Apostolic ministry is the mandate to fulfill the Great Commission thus defeating the enemies of God.

:: Citywide prayer ministries are merely catalysts to the release of the spirit of prayer upon the entire church.

:: The entire church, God’s House of Prayer, is made up of all the local churches around the world that have an anointing of prayer.

:: The tabernacle of David includes reaching the nations for Christ in power and evangelism as well as night and day prayer.

:: The ark of the covenant represented God’s divine presence with His people.

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:: In transporting the ark to Jerusalem, David surrounded it with 288 singers and 4000 musicians to usher it into Jerusalem and it was transported with great joy.

:: Through divinely orchestrated and motivated worship, the enemies of God were defeated in David’s time. It is the same today.

:: Revelation 5:8 “harp and bowl” includes two elements, music and intercession, that rise up before the Lord and are used to release God’s presence on the earth.

:: Harp and bowl is a model for intercessory spiritual warfare operating with interaction between worship, music and prayers.

:: IHOP-KC is seeking God to discover how to express on the earth the worship that is in heaven.

:: The more we worship, the more we will fulfill the Great Commission with apostolic power from heaven.

:: God’s truth (Scripture) combined with God’s music opens the deepest places of our emotions, touches us more deeply, brings us into greater unity as people in the same room experience the same depth of truth all at the same time.

:: The Lord will give His songs to the people by the Spirit; in the midst of the assembly of the people of God, He will give His brethren the songs of the Lamb before the Father, and the songs of the Father before the Lamb.

:: David’s model of intercession included a key factor of the prophetic spirit (spirit of inspiration of God’s heart) that came on the singers and musicians. (1 Chronicles 25:1)

:: The prophetic spirit results in responsive/antiphonal singing and speaking before the Lord, that includes singer answering singer, intercession with singer singing the intercession. (Ezra 3:11)

:: IHOP-KC uses apostolic prayers (prayers used by NT apostles) in prayer ministry (example Ephesians 1:17).

:: IHOP-KC uses hymns of Revelation, Davidic psalms, Song of Solomon and songs of the OT prophets (Worship with the Word).

:: It takes skill and training to develop antiphonal choirs as part of intercessory ministry.

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:: Forerunners are nourished and nurtured in the House of Prayer atmosphere. (Psalm 27:4)

:: David first inquired of the Lord to receive divine strategy for God’s purpose in any given season.

:: The tabernacle of David is vital in the process of gazing at the Lord, being empowered and being healed, renewed and restored.

:: The tabernacle of David is a place of spiritual warfare to secure victory before the action.

:: As we seek the Lord to give us the pattern to reestablish the prayer ministry in the spirit of the tabernacle of David as a place for gazing upon His beauty and a place of refreshing and protection, we pray for a release of His anointing to do so.

Chapter 11 Review Questions: 1. What are some reasons that the tabernacle of David needs to be restored?

2. How are prayer, worship and the Great Commission linked?

3. What is the “harp and bowl” model and what is it used for?

4. Why do we use scripture in intercession combine with music?

Chapter 11 Practical Application: :: Spend some time this week listening to the IHOP-KC to experience the tabernacle of David prayer and worship that has been revealed to them at http://www.ihopkc.org/prayerroom/ Pray for God to reveal His vision for the tabernacle of David at Asbury and in Madison.

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

Chapter 12 Jesus as the Bridegroom, King and Judge

Chapter 12 Outline Notes:

:: We cannot be preachers of the Bridegroom unless we prepare the way in judgment and likewise we cannot be preachers of God’s judgment unless we prepare the way in love by declaring Jesus as the affectionate Bridegroom.

:: Jesus is King of kings for He has always existed as King. (Revelation 19:16)

:: Jesus the King, with all power, has the heart of the Bridegroom.

:: Jesus as Judge has the justice and zeal to remove all that hinders love.

:: The Holy Spirit is unlocking the understanding of Jesus as the Bridegroom to the church throughout the world as people are beginning to preach Jesus as the passionate Bridegroom.

:: Jesus is going to move in the heavens, the stars, the weather, the oceans and nations by shaking everything that can be shaken. (Isaiah 13:13)

:: Jesus is the “Genesis 1 King”, the uncreated God, who spoke to cause creation itself to spring forth from nothing and is the same Creator God that He was in Genesis.

:: The mighty revelation of Christ’s power will manifest itself in terrifying judgments, healing miracles and unprecedented numbers of people being saved. (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10)

:: Such an awesome hour of fury and glory will be comparable to the display of power that He manifested in Genesis 1.

:: The Lover-Bridegroom, Gentle Shepherd, Lord of the Harvest is also coming as a righteous Judge.

:: God’s judgments will actually release His mercy and will increase the number of people receiving His redemption. (Isaiah 26:9)

:: The church in the Western world really has very little revelation or expectation of the Bridegroom God breaking into natural history as a terrifying Judge. Why?

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:: The forerunner ministry will instruct the church regarding God’s purpose in releasing these inevitable judgments.

:: Without an understanding of how His judgments remove the things that hinder love, the very church Jesus loves could be tempted to draw back from Him by accusing Him of cruelty and harshness related to His judgments.

:: His judgments actually increase love in the earth, not destroy it.

:: Three things will take place in the final generation: o The first commandment will be restored to first place where passionate,

extravagant lovers of God will be the norm in the church o There will be a great harvest of souls brought into the kingdom with more

people being saved than ever before o Unprecedented temporal judgments will result in one-third of the earth

being killed (Revelation 9:15)

:: The revelation of the Bridegroom will make us passionate lovers of God.

:: The revelation of the King will cause us to operate in the power of God as we go out to meet the great harvest.

:: The revelation of the Judge will cause us to participate with Him in loosing His judgments.

Chapter 12 Review Questions: 1. What characterizes Jesus as King, Bridegroom and Judge?

2. What 3 things will take place in the final generation?

3. How does God unleashing His judgments increase love on the earth?

Chapter 12 Practical Application: :: As you spend time in God’s Word in the days and weeks to come, ask God to reveal Himself to you as King, Bridegroom and Judge.

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The Pleasures of Loving God – Mike Bickle

:: What did you like about the book?

:: What did you not like about the book?

:: What is the Holy Spirit calling you to do or to change as a result of this book?

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