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MIL-Q-45970(WC) 12 February 1975 (See 6.3)

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\ i, \, \ \ MIL-Q-45970A(WC) 1 October 1975 SUPERSEDING MILITARY QUALITY ASSURANCE FOR MIL-Q-45970(WC) 12 February 1975 (See 6.3) SPECIFICATION WEAPONS AND SUPPORT MATERIEL This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification establishes quality assurance requirements for parts, assemblies, subsystems, and systems. 2. APPLICABLE COCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this speci- fication to the extent specified SPECIFICATIONS Military MIL-C-6021 MIL-I-6866 MIL-I-6868 MIL-R-11468 - MIL-R-11469 MIL-R-11470 MIL-M-llft73 - MIL-P-14232 MIL-I-45607 MIL-C-45662 MIL-R-45774 herein: Castings, Classification and Inspection of. Inspection, Penetrant Method of. Inspection Process, Magnetic Particle Radiographic Inspection; Soundness Requirements for Arc and Gas Welds in Steel. Radiographic Inspection; Soundness Requirements for Steel Castings Radiographic Inspection; Qualification of Equipment Operators and Procedures. Magnetic Particle Inspection: Soundness Requirements for Weldments. Parta, Equipment and Tools for Army Materiel, Packaging and Packing of. Inspection Equipment, Acquisition, Maintenance, and Disposition of. Calibration System Requirements Radiographic Inspection, Soundness Requirements for Fusion Welds in Aluminum and Magnesium ?iissile Components. FSC MISC Downloaded from http://www.everyspec.com
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1 October 1975SUPERSEDING



MIL-Q-45970(WC)12 February 1975(See 6.3)



This specification is approved for use by all Departmentsand Agencies of the Department of Defense.


1.1 This specification establishes quality assurance requirementsfor parts, assemblies, subsystems, and systems.


2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date ofinvitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this speci-fication to the extent specified



MIL-I-6866MIL-I-6868MIL-R-11468 -



MIL-M-llft73 -





Castings, Classification andInspection of.Inspection, Penetrant Method of.Inspection Process, Magnetic ParticleRadiographic Inspection; SoundnessRequirements for Arc and GasWelds in Steel.Radiographic Inspection; SoundnessRequirements for Steel CastingsRadiographic Inspection; Qualificationof Equipment Operators and Procedures.Magnetic Particle Inspection:Soundness Requirements for Weldments.Parta, Equipment and Tools for ArmyMateriel, Packaging and Packing of.Inspection Equipment, Acquisition,Maintenance, and Disposition of.Calibration System RequirementsRadiographic Inspection, SoundnessRequirements for Fusion Welds inAluminum and Magnesium ?iissile Components.


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FederalFED-STD No. 151









MIL-STO-126 3

Metal; Test.Methods

Sampling Procedures and Tables forInspection By Attributes.Quslity Assurance Terms and Definitions.Identification Marking of U.S.Military Property,Finishing of Metal and Wood Surfaces.Test Methods for Electronic andElectrical Component Parts.Wized Equipment Classification ofVisual and Mechanical Defects.Nondestructive Testing Requirementsfor Metals.Nondestructive Testing PersonnelQualification and CertificationInspection, Radiographic.Standard General Requirements forElectronic Equipment.Welding Procedures forCor,str.uct-iurdSteels.Qualification and Certification ofinspection Personnel (Ultrasonic.

(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publication requiredby suppliers-in connection with specific pro~urement” functiona sho~ld beobtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contractingofficer. )

2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of thisspecification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated,the issue in effect on date of invitation for bida or request for proposalsshall apply.

American National Standards Institute (ANSI)

ANSI B66.1 - Surface TextureANSI Y32.3 - Welding Symbols

(Application for copies should be addressed to the American NationalStandards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018. )



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American Society for Testing and Materials (AS22+)







Mm E142








Method of Tests for BrinnelHardness of Metallic MaterialsFree Bend Test for Ductilityof WeldsMethod of Tests for RockwellHardness and Rockwell SuperficialHardneas of Metallic MaterialsNotched Bar Impact Testing ofMetallic MaterialsRadiographic Testing, RecommendedPractice ForSteel Welda, Reference RadiographaForControlling Quality of RadiographicTestingInspection of Aluminum andMagnesium Castings, Series 11,Reference Radiographs ForHeavy Walled Steel Castinga,Reference Radiographs ForGuided Bend Test for Ductilityof WeldsInvestment Steel Castings forAerospace Applications, ReferenceP.adicgraphs FcrTin Bronze Castings, ReferenceRadiographs ForSteel Fusion Welds, ReferenceRadiographs ForSteel Caatings Up To Two InchesIn Thickness, Reference RadiographsFor

(Application for copies should be addreased to the American Society forTesting and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103.)

Technical society and technical association specification and standardsare generally available for reference from librariea. They are also dis-tributed among technical groups and using Federal agencies.


3.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified inthe contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for theperformance of all inspection requirements as specified h?rein. Except


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MIL-Q-459 70A (WC)

as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the contractor may usehis own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of theinspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by theGovernment. The Government reserves the right to perform any of theinspections set forth in this specification where inspections are deemednecessary to assure that supplies and services conform to prescribedrequirements.

3.1.1 The contractor is responsible for complete compliance withand conformance to all contract, drawing and specification requirements.

3.2 Quality assurance terms and definitions. Quality assuranceterms used herein shall be as defined in MIL-STD-109.

3.2.1 For purposes of interpretationwithin this specification,the term “inspection” incorporates the meaning of examination, inspectionand testing, as required.

3.2.2 Commercial items, for purposes herein, are considered to bethose items which are industry developed and manufactured and are availableoff-the-shelf to industry, the Government, andlor the general public,

3.3 In-process control. The contractor shall establish in-processinspection at strategically located points throughout hia manufacturingprocesses to assure continuous control of product quality. Except for.um,rhc~~f~e~?++14,.-,..++-.-., Standard ~r.d COm_m,e=Cia~ par Es (S~S ~.~. ~) , Eh.e contractor qs

inspection system shall provide for inspection and approval of the first ●piece at each operation, and/or the finished part, before quantity production.In addition, the contractor shall provide and maintain work gages andother measuring and testing devices necessary to accomplish inspectionand control quality during his nmnufacturing processes.

3.4 ~nspection records. The contractor’s records of inspection shallbe accurate, complete and available to the Government upon request. Thecontractors records of inspection shall provide, as a minimum, thefollowing information:




Contract order numberDrawing and specification numberwith revision letter and dateNomenclature of items inspectedNumber of pieces inspectedIndividual characteristics inspectedConformance/nonconformance criteriaDescription and quantity of defects foundResults of inspection (e.g., identification of conformingand of nonconforming product). Actual inspection and testresults shall be recorded when actual measurements and teatswere the baais for conformance/nonconformance decisions.

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MIL-Q-459 70A(WC)

i. Date of inspection

j. The following shall be included when sampling is used:

(1) Sampling :~lan(2) Acceptable Quality Levels (AQL’s) used

(3) Lot size and lot number(4) Sample size

3.4.1 The contractor shall make available to the Government repre-sentative records of qualifications of operators and equipment forspecial processes (i.e., magnetic particle, radiographic, etc) toapplicable specifications and standards. ‘Thisshall apply whether thespecial processes are performed at the subcontractor’s facility or at thecontractor’s plant. All inspection records, including certified testreports, opera torlprocess certifications, test reports, reports of visitsto the subcontractor, etc shall be maintained on file at the contractor’splant and made readily available to the Government representative, uponrequest, for the duration of the contract and for three (3) Years”thereafter.

3.5 Certification provisions.

3.5.1 Certified test reports (CTR). When specified in the contractor in documents referenced therein, the contractor shall make availableto the Government a certified test report for each lot of parts, assemblies,


subsystems and systems by lot number prior to acceptance. Certified testreports are NOT required for Military standard and commercial items (see3.2.2 and 3.5.2). This test report is in addition to, ~nd not in lieuof, any rights of the Government under this contract or la\?. A CTR may beused as an element incident to, but shall not be used as the sole basis for,Government acceptance of the contract item(s) .

shall contain the following:

a. Name of company and dateb. Contract number or purchase order

number and drawing numberc. Conmlete nomenclature of suvulies

As a minimum, the report

number, national stock

together with lot number. .or other identification. The quantity in each lot or ship-ment shall be given.

d. AU inspections and tests required by contract (i.e., material,processes, performance, functional, etc.) shall be recordedin test reports. These reports shall identify each lot,submitted for acceptance by lot number, the specificationor drawing, revision and date, grade or type as applicable,number of specimens tested, specified characteristics andrequirements, and actual results obtained.

e. Reports of the raw material producers chemical, mechanical,and physical analysea


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f. A statement, as follows, certifying that msterial meets all

requirements of the contract:

“The undersigned individually, and as the authorizedrepresentative of the contractor, warrants and representsthat: All of the information supplied above is true andaccurate; the material covered by this certificate conformsto all contract requirements (including but not limited tothe drawings and specifications); the inspection and testresults, and the analyses appearing herein are true andaccurate; and this certificate is made for the purpose ofinducing payment and with knowledge that the informationand certification msy be used as a basis for payment.”

El. Signature and title of certifying official.

3.5.2 Certificate of conformance (COC). A Certificate of Conformance(COC) is required for Military standard and commercial items. When aCertified Test Report (CTR) is NOT required for material and process speci-fication requirements, a COC, supported by inspection and test data,msterial analyses, or certification from the raw material producer orprocessor, shall be made available to the Government for specificationscovering raw material, processed msterial, snd processes. The contractorshall make the COC available to the Government prior to or with therequest to perform acceptance inspection approval by the Government. Thisis in addition to, and not in lieu of, any rig’nts oi Liw Govel-nmerat.miderthis contract or law. A COC may be used as an element incident to, butshall not be used as the sole basis for, Government acceptance of contractitem(s) . As a min imurn,the COC shall contain the following:

a. Name of company and dateb. Contract number or purchase order number, national stock

number and drawing numberc. Complete nomenclature of supplies together with lot

number or other identification. The quantity in eachlot or shipment shall be given.

d. A statement, as follows, certifying that material meetsall requirements of the contract:

“The undersigned individually, and as the authorizedrepresentative of the contractor, warrants and repre-sents that: All of the information supplied above istrue and accurate; the msterial covered by this certi-ficate conforms to all contract requirements (includingbut not limited to the drawings snd specifications) ;the analyses appearing herein are true and accurateanalyaes; and this certificate is made for the purposeof inducing payment and with knowledge that the informa-tion and certification may be used as a basis for suchpayment. ”


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●e. Signature and title of certifying official.

3.6 Examination, inspection and test provisions.

3.6.1 Quality Assurance Provisions. Quality Assurance Provisions, usedin conjunction with this specification,specify those product characteristicsconsidered to be minimum inspection requirements for acceptability to assureconformance with performance and interchangeabilityrequirements of the item.The application of Quality Assurance Provisions and use of this specificationand Supplementary Quality Assurance Provisions (SQAP’s) does not relieve thecontractor from his responsibility to submit to the Government only productcomplying with all drawing, specificationand contract requirements.

3.6.2 Application of SQAP’S. The inspection provisions specifiedin SQAP’S and 3.6.4 should be applied at the earliest practical point inmanufacture at which it is feasible to inspect for acceptance withoutrisk of change in the characteristic by subsequent operations. Re-inspection of these characteristics on the completed product is not re-quired provided assurance exists that the characteristic has not beenchanged, degraded or damaged by subsequent manufacturing, assembly orhandling and that adequate inspection records are maintained. In anYevent, che Government reserves all rights under General InspectionArticle 5, Standard Form 32.

3.6.3 Parts and assemblies covered by SQAP’S, Where SQAP’S are


specified in the contract, the inspection provisions of the SQAPa andTABLE I are the minimum requirements for those parts and assemblies towhich the SQAP pertains. The SQAP number is usually the same as thenumber of the product drawing to which the SQAP relates. Unless otherwisespecified on the SQAP, the drawing, or in the contract, the contractorshall perform, as a minimum, the inspections prescribed in each SQAP andTable I in accordance with the criteria and inspection methods specifiedfor parts and assemblies. Where a SQAP is specified for an assembly ofparts, the parts of that assembly shall have been inspected for accept-ability in accordance with the SQAP’S for those parts (listed in Part Iof the assembly SQAP) and Table 1. Only those parts found to be accept-able in accordance with the applicable SQAP and this specification shallbe used in assemblies. Unless otherwise specified, Inspection Level 11will be used initially and individual AQL’s applied in accordance withMIL-STD-105 . Acceptable Quality Levels (AQL’s) apply to each characteristicand not to a group of characteristics. In addition, the contractor shallcomply with this specification.

3.6.4 Parts and assemblies NOT covered by a SQAP. The contractoras a minimum, , shall inspect for all characteristics, including rotesdelineated on the drawings, of parts and assemblies NOT covered by a SQAP inaccordance with this specification. Unless otherwise specified, the


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criteria and inspection methods of Table I shall be applied, Unless other-wise specified, Inspection Level II will be used initially and individualAQL’s applied in accordance with MIL-STD-105, Acceptable Quality Levels(AQL’s) apply to each characteristic and not to a group of characteristics.


Categories of Characteristics w Inspection Method

MaterialDrawing NotesHardness Requirements

Completeness, Security andFunction of Assemblies

Electrical Requirements ofAssemblies


Surface Roughness Requirement (s)Protective Coating RequirementsMarking RequirementsWorkmanship




Certification (see 3.5)Certification (see 3.5)SMTE (see 3.7)

Visual (see 3.6.7)

SMTE (see 3.7)SMTEVisual (see 3.6.7)(see 3.6.8)(see 3.6.9)(see 3.6.10)

3.6.5 Inspection of parts produced and controlled by highlyrepeatable manufacturing techniques. When characteristics of the part areestablished and controlled by highly accurate and repetitive manufacturingtechniques, the first production part (s) shall be examined and inspectedcompletely and the recorded results scrutinized very carefully to assurethat those characteristics conform to drawing, specification a“d contractrequirements. If the first production part(s) have been found acceptableto drawing, specification and contract requirements, each of thosecharacteristics, provided they are unchanged by later operations, or haveno more stringent inspection requirements specified in other documents,may be inspected using Inspection Level S-1 and an AQL of 1.5. Beforeimplementation of this limited inspection procedure, the contractor shallsecure the written concurrence of the Government Quality Assurance Repre-sentative (QM) . The types of manufacturing techniques that should beconsidered for this procedure are as follows :

Die Casting Injection Molding Numeric Controlled MachinesDie Forging Extrusions and Processes, etc.Die Stamping Investment Castings

3.6.6 Inspection level adjustment, Reduced level of inspection. When three (3) consecutivelots have been found to be acceptable in accordance with the contract,drawing and specification requirements, the sampling plan may be adjusted


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to a reduced level of inspection in MIL-STD-105 provided the contractor

eand the Government QAR concur with the reduced level of sampling inwriting, identifying the previous three consecutively acceptable lots,at each level, as follows:

From Level II to Level IFrom Level I to Level S-4From Level S-4 co Level S-3From Level S-3 to Level S-2From Level S-2 to Level S-1. Increased level of inspection. When any two (2) lots of anyfive (5) consecutive lots have been found to be nonacceptable in accordancewith the contract, drawing and specification requirements, the samplingplan shall revert to inspection Level II; if another lot ia found to benonacceptable, Level III shall be invoked.

3.6.7 Inspection methods. The following provisions shall be appli-cable to the prescribed inspection methnds. Requests for a method otherthan that specified shall be submitted for Government approval (see h.below):

a. Where “Visual” is specified as the inspection method forprotective coating, the coating shall be viauaily examinedfor completeness, uniformity in appearance and color, and[or freedom from pits, corrosion, scratches, and worn orbare spots.

il. Where “Visual” is specified as the inspection method fordimensional inspection, the characteristic shall be eitherscaled, or compared with a specimen of known acceptablequality that has been established as an inspection standard,fnr conformance to the requirements of the drawing.

c. Where “Visual” is specified as the inspection method forassemblies, the assembly shall be visually examined forcompleteness, security, function and conformance tospecified requirement. When possible, the functioning ofthe assembly shall be inspected by manual operation.

d. Where “Visual” is specified as the inspection method forsurface roughness values, a comparison standard conformingto ANSI B46.1 shall be used. If determination of surfaceroughness by a comparison standard is questionable, asurface meaauring instrument shall be used,

e. Where “SMTE” (Standard Measuring and Teat Equipment) isspecified as the method of inspection, the contractor mayuse any type of induatry-deve loped, commercially available,multi-usage equipment or special inspection andior testingequipment approved by the Government. (Previouslyidentified as: “SME”, Standard Measuring Equlp!nent, and“STE”, Standard Test Equipment) .


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When Government furnished Acceptance Inspection and Test

Equipment (identified as “Gage” on the SQAP) , is specifiedas the method of inspection in the contract or on the Data

Lists, the contractor shall use inspection equipment

fabricated in accordance with the Government drawingreferenced. This requirement takes precedence over the

Inspection Method in Table I (see h. be~ow) .Where “STM” (Special Test Method) is specified as the methodof inspection, the methods and procedures shall be as speci-

fied in Part IV of the SQAP.Alternative inspection methods and inspection equipment may

be used by the contractor when such methods and ‘equipmentequal or exceed the specified accuracy and provide, as aminimum, the quality asaursnce required in the contractualdocuments. Prior to applying such alternative inspectionmethcds and inspection equipment, the contractor shalldescribe them in a written proposal and shall demonstrate,for the approval of the Procuring Contracting Officer (PCO),that their effectiveness is equal to, or better than, thecontractual quality assurance method or equipme~t.

3.6.8 Protective coatin~. Unless otherwise specified, the inspec-tion of the finishing of metal and wood surfaces shall be in accordancewith MIL-sTD-171 and Section 4 of the applicable specification referencedtherein.

3.6.9 Marking inspection. Parts and assemblies shall be subjectedto examination to determine compliance with marking requirements of thedrawing and MIL-STD-130.

3.6.10 Worknmnahip. In addition co the workmanship requirementsof applicable item apecificacions, parts, assemblies, subsystems andsystems shall be visually examined to determine compliance with thefollowing requirements. The quality of workmanship shall not adverselyaffect safety, function, performance, serviceability,interchangeability,and appearante. Completed parts and asaembliea shall not exhibit defectivematerial or processing such as: seams, laps, laminations, cracks, fins,extraneous material, visible steps or irregularityies, sharp edges, nicks,scratches, burrs, tool scores and gouges, deformations, missing operations,improper asaembly, missing parts, stains, corrosion, nonspecified oxidation(rust), unauthorized salvaging operations (e.g., hammering to shape, repairby welding, straightening, bending, etc.). Unless otherwise specified forelectrical and electronic parts and assemblies, the wodananship provisionsof MIL-STD-454 shall apply.


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3.7 Test methods. Unless otherwise specified, the following test

methods as required by the contrsct, drawings, and specifications shall


3.7.1 Magnetic particle inspection. The contractor shall subjecteach part to magnetic particle inspection in accordance kflth the criteriaspecified on the drawing. The magnetic particle inspection procedure,including the demagnetizing technique, shall be available to the Government.Personnel performing magnetic particle inspection shall be qualified inaccordance with MIL-STD-41O. Procedure. The written magnetic particle inspectionprocedure shall include at least the following information:

a. Statement of part material, size, shape andsurface condition

b. Equipment to be usedc. Surface preparationd. Inspection medium (powder, wet slurry, color, etc.)e. Magnetizing and demagnetization methodsf. Magnetizing current characteristic

?3. Sketches, charts or drawings to demonstrate therequired inspections (location and direction)

3.7.2 Penecrant inspection. The contractor shal1 subject e=ch pzrtto penetrant inspection in accordance with the criteria specified on thedrawing. The penetrant inspection procedure shall be available to theGovernment. Personnel performing penetrant inspection shall be qualifiedin accordance with MIL-STD-41O. Procedure. The written penetrant inspection procedure shallinclude at least the following information:

a. Statement of part material, size, shape andsurface condition

b. Special processing to increase sensitivity e.g.,preheating, increased dwell time, additional dyeapplications

c. Perretrant classification -d.

x and msthodPenetrant material characteristics (manufacturer’sdata)

e. Sketches, charts or drawings to demonstrate therequired inspection

3.7.3 Ultrasonic inspection. The contractor shall subject eachpart to ultrasonic inspection in accordance with the criteria specifiedon the drawing. The ultrasonic inspection procedure shall be availableto the Government. Personnel performing ultrasonic inspection shall bequalified in accordance with MIL-STD-41O or MIL-STD-1263.


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MIL-Q-45970A(WC) Procedure. The written ultrasonic inspection procedureshall include at least the following information:

a. Statement concerning part material, size, shape,and surface condition

b. Equipment to be used e.g. , immersion, contact, bubbler,plus any special auxiliary equipment for materialhandling, signal display, recording, or alarms

c. King of ultrasonic inspection; pulse-echo (to includelongitudinal, transverse, surface or other wave modes),through transmission, or resonance

d. Sketches, charts or drawing to demonstrate therequired inspection

3.7.4 Inspection of welds. The contractor shall subject each partto the inspection of welds which shall be performed in accordance withMIL-I-6866, MIL-1-6868, MIL-M-11473, MIL-STD-271, MIL-STD-1261, and, asapplicable, the following ASTM Standards: E 16, E 99, E 190, and E 390.The welds on each part shall also be inspected for conformance to therequirements of ANSI Y32. 3 as indicated on the product drawing.

3.7.5 Radiographic inspection. The contractor shall subject eachpart to radiographic inspection which shall be performed in accordancewith the applicable drawing and MIL-STD-453, MIL-C-6021, MIL-R-11468,MIL-R-11469, MIL-P-45774, and, as applicable, the following ASTM Standards:E 94, E 99, E 142, E 155, E 186, E 192, E 310. and E 446. (@lificatinnof equipment operators and procedures shall be in accordance withMIL-R-11470. Procedure. The written radiographic inspection procedureshall include at least the following information:






Statement concerning part material, size, shapeand surface conditionEquipment to be used e.g. , radiation source (x-raymschine, radium, cobalt, etc. ), intensifying screens,and film typeExtent of radiographic inspection (areas and itemsto be radiographer)Point in fabrication radiography is to be performedCertification of radiographic procedures and filmprocessingSketches, charts, or drawings to demonstrate therequired inspection


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3.7,6 Case hardness depth. The carburized depth of case hardnessis established as the total distance of hardness penetration from the outercased surfa”ce to the nearest point of uniform inner core structure asmeasured on a polished and etched test specimen at a magnification notlower than ten (10) diameters. The test specimen shall be a component,s scrap component, or a test piece of the same material’ and of similarcross section. The test specimen shall be cut perpendictjlar to the caaehardened surface and the cut surface shall then be prepared by grindingand/or rough polishing to remove the effects of the original cut. Theprepared surface shall be etched with a weak (1-10%) solution of nitricacid in alcohol and for sufficient length of time to develop a contrast incase and core structure. Tests shall be performed on not leas than three(3) items or test specimens strategically located within, to portrayfurnace temperature extremes, and processed simultaneously with, therespective heat treat batch. Where carburized case depths are specifiedon the drawing, the contractor shall record and maintain on file, for theGovernment representative, certified test reports of caae depth teataconducted and the tested specimens from each heat treat batch. The testreports shall contain, as a minimum, carburized case depth test data aafollows :

a. Test specimen identification

b. Material identity

c. Item identity (nomenclature)

d. Heat treat batch numbere. Speci.fication andior drawing number with

revision symbol and datef. Teat method and criteria applicableJ3. Number of specimens tested and specific

test results obtained.

3.7.7 Effective caae hardneas depth. The effective case hardneasdepth is the perpendicular distance msaaured from the outer cased 5urfaCetoward the inner softer core structure to a point whe”re the nearest pointof hardness ia equivalent to Rockwell C-SO. Where effective case hardneasdepths are specified on the drawing, the contractor shall record and main-tain on file certified. teat reports and three test specimens from eachheat treat batch. The test specimen shall be a component, a scrap com-ponent, or a test piece of the same msterial and of similar cross section.The test specimen shall be cut perpendicular to the case surface and thecut surface shall then be prepared by grinding and/or rough polishing toremove tbe effects of the original cut. A hardness teat capable ofproviding a valid reading shall be used to establish the Rockwell C-SOpoint for the effective case depth. Where the validity of a Rockwell “C”test ia suspected, an alternate test such as Rockwell Superficial,Rockwell Microficial, Knoop, or Diamond Pyramid Hardness should be usedto establish the equivalent Rockwell “C” point. Tests shall be performed


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on three (3) items or test specimens strategically located within, toportray furnace temperature extremes, and processed simultaneously with,the respective heat treat batch. The test reporta shall contain, as aminimum, effective case hardness depth test data as follows:

a. Test specimen identificationb. Material and item identityc. Heat treat batch mmberd. Specification and/or drawing number with

revision symbol and datee. Test method and criteria applicablef. Number of specimens tested and specific test

results obtained.

3.7.8 Tensile test. Tensile tests shall be performed in accordancewith Federal Test Method Standard No. 151.

3.7.9 Hardneas test. Brinnell hardness tests shall be performed inaccordance with ASl14E 10. Rockwell hardness tests shall be performed inaccordance with ASTM E 18.

3.7.10 Charpy impact test. The charpy impact examinations and testsshall be conducted with testing equipment certified annually to ASTM-E-23in accordance with the specified requirements of the applicable drawing.Gne hundred percent inspection of the charpy V-notch impact test specimensshsll be.perfnrm.ed,

3.7.11 Macro-etch examination. Macro-etch examination shall be per-formed in accordance with the applicable drawing. The report shall containthe results of the examination and test performed and shall include thematerial data on each specimen or sample. In no instance will a sampleface deformed by shearing or exhibiting flowed metal be selected orinspected for macro acceptance.

3.7.12 Torque. When torque tests are specified, the contractorinspection personnel shall witness the application of torque on a sufficientnumber of units of initial production quantities to determine that thetorque is being applied and inspected properly. The contractor inspectionpersonnel shall witness the application of torque for surveillance inspec-tion at periodic intervals thereafter. In addition, the following shallapply: Not less than 10 calendar days prior to performing the initialtorque operations, the contractor shall furnish written notice to the QARof the tires,date, and location of the torque operation testing so thatthe Government may witness the testing.


3.7.13 Electrical tests for wiring harnesses or cable assemblies.


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● Continuity test. Using SMTE, a continuity test shall be

performed on each wiring harness or cable assembly. The test shall beperformed to assure that all wiring is in accordance with the drawingspecified for the applicable wiring harneas or cable assembly. Dielectric withstanding voltage test. When dielectricstrength is specified on the applicable drawing, a dielectric test shallbe performed in accordance with MIL-STD-202, Method 301. Isolation test. Using SMTE, an isolation test shall beperformed on each wiring harneaa or cable.aaaembly to aasure that con-ductor patha are isolated from each other snd from connector shells. Insulation resistance teat. When insulation resistance isspecified on the applicable drawing, an insulation resistance test shallbe performed in accordance with MIL-STD-202, Method 302. Inspection requirements. In addition to specific inspec-tion provisions in the contract, general inspection requirements shall bein accordance with MIL-STD-252 or MIL-STD-454, as applicable.

3.7.14 Electrical teats for electrical/electronicassembliessubassemblies. Except where circuit elements (transiatozs,resistors,capacitors, inductors, transformers, tubes, etc.) may be damaged byhigh voltage, each unit shall be subjected to teats in accordance with

aMIL-sT9-~()~, Methods 301 dud 3i3.2,and other tests (Including continuityand isolation testa) as required, to determine that the unit will performaccording to applicable drawings and/or specifications. Also, in additionto specific inspection provisions in the contract, general inspectionrequirements shall be in accordance wi’thMIL-STD-252 or MIL-STD-454, asapplicable.

3.8 Accepta~ce inspection and test equipment.


In the event the contractor desires relief from this requirement for elec-trical teacing, a technically supported request for relief or waiver shallbe submitted thru the QAR and the Defense Contract Administration ServicesRegion (DcASR) to the PCO.

a. The contractor is responsible for providing allstandard measuring snd test equipment required.

b. Required Government designed inspection and teatequipment ia shown on the applicable QualityEngineering Data List, QE-G-DL and all documentslisted thereon,


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c. The contractor is responsible for requisitioningthe Government designed inspection and test

equipment shown as available in the contract.d. The Government designed inspection and test

equipment shown as not available in the contractshall be provided by the contractor in accordancewith MIL-I-45607. This equipment shall be inaccordance with the applicable Government drawings.

e. The contractor is responsible for providing suchquantities of all inspection and test equipment,calibrated in accordance with NIL-C-45662, as requiredto support:

(1) Similar multiple inspection at the contractor’sfacilities

(2) Inspection operations at subcontractor’sfacilities

(3) Required periodic calibration, maintenance,or replacement

3.8.2 Equipment utilization. Use of contractor’s or Government-furnished inspection equipment, when desired by the Government repre-sentative, shall be permitted without charge. Government-furnishedacceptance inspection equipment shall not be used by the contractor inlieu of contractor work gages and equipment.

3.8.3 Inspection standards. Inspection standards shall be utilizedfor those characteristics requiring inspection decisions by visual (eyesight) means. Items selected as visual comparison standards shall bemutually agreed co by the contractor and the Government, within drawingand specification requirements, and shall be used to assist in determiningconfiguration and minimum acceptance criteria. The visual comparisonstandards selected shall be subject to approval hy the responsible technicalagency. Each comparison or inspection standard shall be kept under thecontrol of the contractor’s inspection element and be positively identifiedas to the characteristic or condition the standard represents, dateestablished as the standard, number of the standard, and identity of thecontractor and the Government inspection personnel establishing thestandard.,,

/ 3.9 Inspection for acceptance. The contractor shall perform inspec-tion for acceptance upon completion of all manufacturing and in-processinspection operations, prior to packsging and packing. Inspection foracceptance shall include, but is not limited to, inspection for workman-ship, protective finish, missing features (missing operations) , charac-teristics not previously inspected, and characteristics that may havebeen altered or changed as a result of subsequent operations after priorinspections were completed.


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3.10 Inspection of preparation for delivery .

3.10.1 Packaging inspection. Unless otherwiseto determine compliance with cleaning, preservation,and marking requirements of the applicable packaging


specified, inspectionpackaging, packingdocumentation, for

the level designated in the contract, shall be as specified in MIL-P-14232.


This section is


This section is


not applicable to this specification.


not applicable to this specification.

6.1 Intended use. This specification is intended to he used as apart of contractual documents by reference in the centract, for the pro-curement, production, manufacture and inspection of ARMCOM/RLA material(e.g., parts, assemblies, subsystems, and systems). It established theminimum Government prescribed inspection criteria and is to be appliedwith or without SQAPTs.

6.2 Ordering data. Procurement documents should specify the

● t-cl1Cx”-ir,g:—

Title, number, and date of this specification.

6.3 Superaession data. TIIisspecification supersedesRIA, General Supplementary Quality Assurance Provisions.


Custndian: Preparing activity:Army - WC ArmY - Wc

Project number:MISC-AA98


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INSTRUCTIONS: In● rmkinuiIu●ffotttouuke ourstandudkaationdocuIINntEtiter, the DoD pm?ldm tbhformforw kmsubmittingcommenb andsussmtiomforimpom=nta, Aflunm ofmifi~ daadudkrationdomurm~ areka?ltdtoPMtidcSUSWS~= m f- U18Y~ ~~bd fOl~ *IIC* ~= tii~, ~- b * 1- * (DoN~ ~fi~) i~tikd. Inblork6,beu specifwu ~bke aboutputi.du problemU8U suchu wordingwbii mukmd iuterpmtation,ww


@id,rnkictivwIowe,[email protected],orm iDcom@ib19,sadakwPm WOW ~ ~ ~ ~~ -lenm Eaterinblack6 anymumrk#DD~rdatedto● specif~pamgmpb oftkndcaraent.Ifblock? b fff out,m

acknowhdgemmtwkflbemailedtoyou rntbinSO &SB tok.tYOUkm= tkatyourcoaumnt8wm rar+adwfam MaSaltidcmd.

NOTE: ‘SME form may mot be d to ~UMt copku of docuamnta, nor to reqti waiun, &?kEtioru, 01 rluffkation of

8p0cificati00 mq uiremcnw on cumnt contmca. Cuauaont4 sulxalttad a tbb farm do mot coostitura or imply mNbOrizstiOn

to wmi?E-y portion of the refwwmed dacunmnt(t) or to -d ccm~ual mquimmmh.

(Fc.u a&l19*b urn)

f?dd dmu Mb l-)





CommanderUS Army Armement Research and Development Com.andATTN: DRDAR-TST-SDover, NJ 07801

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