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:MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their...

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or :MILITIA OnAWA, Fcunuuy, 1Si5. 'rho undcn,ignctl ha!S tho honot· to forwarcl to Y our Excellency tl1" nccomp.'ln) inn lleport 1dating i.o tho of the Do111iuio11 of C.ma la for which is re pcctfully submitted for your consiue1.tlion. Ilis Excellency The Governor General, Ottawa. \Y. D. YA.IL, Minister of :1111l Defence.
Page 1: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


OnAWA, Fcunuuy, 1Si5.

'rho undcn,ignctl ha!S tho honot· to forwarcl to Y our Excellency tl1" nccomp.'ln) inn

lleport 1dating i.o tho ~Iilitia of the Do111iuio11 of C.ma la for l~i4. which is re pcctfully

submitted for your Excellency'~ consiue1.tlion.

Ilis Excellency The Governor General,


\Y. D. YA.IL, Minister of ~Iilitia :1111l Defence.

Page 2: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


o• f'HS




The Honorable January, is;ei.

The .Minister of i\lilitia and Defence, &c., &c., &c,

Srn,-The Militin R.?port:.s which have been presented w Parlinment for senm\l pa .. ~

years, have treated exhaus\ively the question of its org.mization and clefclopUlent.

It will therefore be my duty to confine myself to a. few condensed remnrks, Ill! «> the

probable ill!provemcnt of thfl Dominion Forces.

I approach the subject with hesitation, having i;o recently MTi,·cd for the fa:.t tiru"

in Canada. I would hardly do i:;o at all, l nt from the cxpm·iencc g:lir.ed in my I.th~

journey through the provinces of Quebec and Ontario.

To Nova. Scotia and X ow Brunswick I am s~ill n stranger, ns well as lO Prince

Edward Island, .Manitoba and British Columbia.; but these I hope to visit in turn as . 0011

M possible.

The very able <\nd vnlua.blc profrssional opinions which hn.vo from timP- to time l>een

published, viz:- that of the Dcfrnce Commis~ioners, of Colonel • ir Willi un Jen oi ,

by .\fojor-General MncDougnll in n1rious forms, ns well a., lJ othc1. of exp iicm.'C

and repute, and lllOJ"' n~ently hy Colonel Fletcher, Scots Fusilil·r G111ml:-, in

piimplilet distinguished by it.'> acute and pmctical examination of tho coll!htiC'IL'< IJ>l'h able to the Canadian .Militia of t-0-<l:ly, le:l\"e me no room for new rul\tter, the "ho!~

question h11oving boon already so comprehensively discussed. 6-1

Page 3: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


I comm nd thi n lmi1.tblc review of the :\lilitia to tlic eon!liclcmtion of tlio Govern­

m n , m 1 to the I cru . l of th .J mb 1 of th Legislntmo-if J1is principle wcro adopted

) ' 1k \\Ould be it ipl » d t.ub ulonc \\Oul1l r quire to be fillocl in.

m ) therefore h pardoned if in the. fo\\ following suggestions I am found occnsiou-

1) i ite1 tt111g ''hnt ht\ been nlrc::i.dy forcibly dealt with.

1 h first qucs ion'' hich presents it! Plf to ask, is : how nrc thP officers, tho i>ergeants,

.me! rnnk nm! iilc of tho .\lilitia instrnctctl an1l groumll'd in every qualiLy that c1·cates a

sohlier 1

It i rcpli1'tl, we hnxc officers and sergeants who w<~rc educated 1it tho Army Schools,

who 1-ecci\ c I certificates of classification, antl nmuy of whom twe animatdcl by military

}•rodh ities. and tako every opportunity to imprO\'C tbemscl \'CS.

.\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since

t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore ; they cannot improve them­

s •Ive· without practice her.:>. I hnYe met some ve1·y cultfr.lte1l ofiicers with many military

atW.inments, and full of zeal, Lut in the condition of thing:; their number must be limited,

S> l :\lilitnry "choob no longer exist.

Tl. refo1·e, how i,, the supply to meet the <lemiincl for the time to come 1 What pro­

vision is there for a futnro !low of otlicers .md se1·gp,.mts q u:1lifie1l to instruct the remaindct 1

Ce1 tainly there are camps of exercii>e, nncl very pkns,rnt holiday gatherings no doubt

they mu t hu'c beeu; but, "ith some fe\Y exceptions, who among them can be qualified to

gh o the necessary nud cle:.imble instruetiou 1

Now, it is e\ itlent that, since the withdrawal of the Royal Troops, military example

emulation in discipline and instruction. with all that is inseparable from making men

in tu oldiers, ure no lon;er a reality. Thr buccaneering raids of Feniaus, which roused the

nu...:1.:r nnd the military ardour of the people, have pa!;sed away into obli,ion; peace, com111ercial prosperity nncl contentment prnvail.

In n ratio, therefore, with the annual diminution of the instructed element, the

niih, ry spi1it I mgnishe> in a measure tLrunghont the country, and unless some means of

att1 tctiou or inc nth e are prqduccd mny decline into a blank.

• • otaLl) u fow who du not look Leyoml the present are content with the lrnppy

tho11gl1t, tlmt, lwuhl ularm arise, ri-gimeut.'i of men coultl he at once clothed in military

garb, nnd with 1 ifl, s in their hands be sent forth to fight I

llut soldicrf! cn1111ot be extemporized in snch fashion; neither the work of wnr, 111)r

e \·cn tl e 1;ul1dui1,;. t)f a sheet riot could be eo11fidc1l with any safety to the efforts c.>f 11ndi C'ipliucd bodies of men.

\Y'urs an<l c 1motions iu these clays we live in, come in surprises, :-;uddenly, and oftf'n

d tnicthely.

I m 1 t

pr 1

lost ight of, in the midst of increasing opnlunco an1l commercial

often tend to put out of sight the possihility nf 1fongor, that the

Government of Canada. hns undertaken the control of a \'nst territorial Dominion, ex nrl­

ing oYcr hlllf a might,v C(i11tj11cnt, and with nn e11011no11 f1011tii>r Jin from the Athnt' to the P1icific, em bracing within its western confines wild rnres of f udirms to th extent of

a t least 60,000, m;my of whom are of prcd.,,tory ha\Jits, semi-wnrlike nnd barbarous in their nature.

Also, that this great D ominion cannot expect to he morn oxcmpL thnn otlier populous

nnd rapidly expanding countric!! from the usual causes of internal <lis ontion or commotion.

Progessing the1·ofore in opulence and popnlation, with rwry prospect of 1 n1win ·into

a great an<l influential nation, Cann<lu must at no disbnt timo l11w1' JI >we1· to proU>ct it

industry, its commerce and its soil; it must, in the nalmul course, possess material force to

mnke it.c;elf secure and respected among nation.~ by resort to arms if necc ary. Pen!• lll rl' military institutions must grow with the growth of lhe countiy, ns nil past 11istory of nations teaches us.

.MeantimP., the sum Yotcd annnallyfor the ;\1 ilitia mu cit hc.:tpplied to the l>PSt n lrnmnge

and full rnlue obtaint:d for the money expended.-that is l1y devoting 11 p"rtion to be tow

ing a sonncl practical military education upon otlicers nud non-commu ion I ollicers, \\ho

are the vc·1·y efl::.encc and founrlation of all nnnies, n111l without wl1om 1111 es of untaught

men, be they ever so well equipped or gaudily cloth~ I, nre only a help! •ss mob.

To this end, therefore, it behoves us to loi;e no lime in er1•ating a suh titutc for the military schools of the past.

The successful experiment of enrolling two b:itterics of artille1y n.ci lrainin; ~chools for that arm, under two very capable officers of the Royal .\rtillcry, im·itc ns at once to

convert these into Brigade l::\r•hools for the three nrms.

The expense of purchasing ca,·nlry horses mi~ht. perhnp.;, impede the adoption of thi

plan, I the1·eforc rC'luctnntly omit the carnlry branch for the pre.sen• : hut, ns n temp mry

substitute, it would answer a ~ood purpose t-0 ohtnin the :-ct\ ic1 s of n I aid d1 ill iu-trtictor

for each regiment fl'Olll the re,.:111 u· ca,·alry, who shoul l b~ t"aW I n • ·r e:mt ~ · r.

I therefore snhmit thnt n comp:rny of En~ineers nncl throe cornj>auies of fnfimtry be forthwith emhodie.I, the form •1· in lrt!f comp mies, nttache l to the .\rtill('ry nt (..!uc and

Kingston. The Infantry, one company nt. Tu1·ont-0 in the. 'cw Fort, one n Ot.tnwn tho

seat of Government, and one eithcl' in Nu,·a Scoti·\ or New l1nm wick, t• tch l-0 It l~e a

hi~hly p1·oficient instructo1· from Llie Ro.ml \r111y, but olhenvi. e offi · N'd from the 1oiliti

ThP otll.'cL o! these Infantry Schools would h" to infu~e n r1picl supply of t.rain ~

officers nn1l srr~e:m!'i throu~hout tl1e l\lilitin of tl1e Do111inio:1. q11nlified to ,;i\'O in,.,tr11ct1 u

nnd p1ovide ng.1inst a wnat. nJn .. uly seriously fdt nn I nu1111 \lly in 1 inl?.

I t, immrclint.t• i•ll'1orL1n• elli.•ct \\'Olil l h • t c

~Iili i ~ < • 111i.t iti 111: u lie•· .. \'l l ' • n " 'l t stali, ,,·itho11 which li.1 1io1 tt• • 11 i ·) \\l t' 1 · 1

Tn tlH~ British Militia this st~1H; in ten comp my b.1tt.nlinn~, consi ts nf t\\O ofii 1

Page 4: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


and thirty-:.ix scrgcanl<; rind bn!!IE'r!!, but en~n one otlicer n.<1 A1lj11tant nn1l Qn·\rtermn.ster with a t>rg• ant 1111~or mul .1 lm~lcr, would bl' of the ''cry fir,~t importance to the

C.rn:u!inn forces ; it won lei, lluubtle.·h, b.! b •ttcr ::.till tl.1tt, in the outset, tho A(lj utant should

be t 1kcu from tho regultu· army.

B~· ~ht's' mP:rns pt·opcr insti·nction wo11Ll he c1•rt:\inly atfordetl; n.rms nncl clothing

would he c.1rcfully prl•sen·ctl where, at, present, loss irntl waste ocuur; the lhlY of caretakers

" ould lie su \'Cd ; a respon~iblo officer would be permaneut.ly nt heaclqmirterR of the bat

t.tlion ; n uuclrus for elt•mcntnry lrnining nhvttys on the spot ; t\ mili ta ry systelll

cohe,,ion. order and regularity, as well as new life and animation, would be infused in~ t!1e whole organization.

_\s I had the honor to repor t to you, on my return to Ottawa., not only on the various

dutit'::. which would devolve on such a rc.>gimental st:.df, but ttlso on the moral obligation

which o l.icen; of every degree would feel to become ma~ters of their professional cluties at

the,, training schools, I need not enter into detail here.

The :;taff would, apart from dl'ill, lu\Ve varied and important duties in the several

d istrict,, ; their execution ensured by monthly reports to headquarters, and, together with

t he schools, would remove the appnrent ],Jank to which, without these means, we may be

imperceptibly drifting.

Camps of exercise with this all important element would then become of real and

1mb:;tnntinl value, as they nre admittedly better for teaching troops the varied dutif's of a

soldie1 's life, and of inspiring a wholesome rivalry and military em\llation between

regiments. than mere mechanical barrack drill, but only as a consequent upon it.

The formation of nn Engineer Company I look upon rui no less a necessity than the

infant_ry already treatt:d of. Their duties are peculia1·, and require scientific study; an

orgn.mzed force of skille:l artizans is indispensable to keep in repair and presen e from

d~ty the valuable forts, batteries, magazines and other costly military works and buildings

wluch embrace some of the most modern improvements. I only mention these nmoni the

many duties which fall into the wide sphere of an Engineer's attainments.

I have proposed a half company for Kingston; owing to its central position from

whence worki~gfparties ooul& be dt:tached east or: west when required; and a half company

u.t Q nebec, owing lo the extent of its fortifications and works.

r therefore venture to urge the formation of Brigade Schools on y0ur ser ious oon­


Th_c into11tio11 of the Government to create a Military College nt Kingston must be

prodnctn c of futuie advantage. Tlie course of st\l<ly proposed for cnclets at that collcae

will. howcvc1:· he of a highP.r an1l more scientific order, and their attainment!! will quali~y them :01• ~ wulci'. s1'.h"_rc than the more mechanical instruction of cavalry and infantry in

tl1e 11•imtl1re of 1h~c.'1plmc, clrill and interior ecouomy, which is immediately wnntrd.

. ~ o <louht tho fut nre staff of the Dom inion wi ll find room for m iny talented nnd

1utdh~cnt youni men, who wi.11 commence their career at this College.


The info;·mn.tion acquired in my lat.-0 journey, ns well as from experience<) officers

convinces me that in m my in~tances tne rill ·s nrc b 1 lly C!Lrcd for. In my c.'tSu l inspec­tions, I invnriabl,v fou111l the arms in good order and well looked after at the be;LdCj\l rt.era

of liu.ttalions of infantry; in all case<> RO with C.1.\',1lry; lmt in s 11110 country co np mi of infantry anc.l one small hattcry of artillr.ry, the rcn1'8c-for i11stnn<'.A..', arms badly oile l or

grcaHed, pl:tced in stand'! for the winter at full cock, with op ·n bn•och blozks, Qr leaning

against walls, injuriously to the adjustmm1t of tle foresight.

As there are about 37(1 detached companies, bcsirlcs 3!) inilependcnt comp:mi~ of

infautl'y-anrli n my rapi rl journey J &\W but few-I can h:mlly think tho e I di l finrl

irregula.1 can be the only ex:ceptions.

Moreover, there is little do.ibt that men are not prevented from nsing their arm11 for

sporting purposes, and, therefore, po>!!ihly, in other ways. I nm even infor1ned that the

foresight is sorneti1ues removed from thf' rifle.

Discipline, good order and etliciency, can ue lilllc ohserwd when such g-ross

irregularities are even possible.

The cause arises from arms of country comp:mies bein~ rclnine<l at company hcarl·

quarters, 11ominally in charge of the captain, who recei \'CS :\ contingent of ~40 a year.

The captain, being usually a gentlemen witlt pri rnte or profcssiona! occu~:mt ion , dPpU lCl:I

a caretaker, in some ca5es conspicious for neglect or ignorance.

In one place I went all over u. company's store house, containin~ -.eYeral huudre 1

pounds worth of Government property, without the ca.ret.'lkcr beinJ awnr• T wns in thf'

town till afterwards.

All this is suhversive of efficiency and requires remedy.

The remedy possibly, touches delicate grouncl. I nm tolil-rcmoYe the company nr:m'I

and store(nnd you cfoisoh-e the company; their pride i_.,, to he seen and to use their nrm" nod

military clothing among tl1t·ir friernls n111l ns-.ociates; also, it is pre:,111ne l nd\nnfagcou t

ham arms available foi the practice of the men when ~o dbposed. Grautc 1: hut bt•tt 1

remove the arms an cl stores to b:i.tt.llion hl1.11lq n:U'ter:. th:m countl!nance known irre"ulnr

practice!!, attended with injury uml lo::;s of public property.

I aubmit, therefore, that ns some comm:m•liug' offic~~rs coinci<le in the opinion, unch

offi.:rr comm:inding n battalion should be directed to use his di:-:c1-ction in remQ\ in~. ns

soon n.s may be convenient, to battalion head q unt tor::, the nrms, cloth in!! m l stores of

ruml companies. The sever:ll cnrctnkers nnnnnl nllownncc of~ 10 each '' oul I be sn' e<l. ~ tlrn duty would fall upon the per111nnc11t st.nff, noel tho sa,·in •could oe npplied on impro~ ing rcgimt•ntal armouries, ~trill sheds n.ncl storc JO 110i;, "ith locker<> for tho men's uniC 1


in '' hiclt thn clothing of each man C'oulcl he k · ts p mlldy, u id m uko l. • Ill ITAU\' STORE"·

I hav • inspcctP.l the military !>tore 1lcpoL<; t Lontl(ln, 'l'or.:into, Kin~<1ton, Montrt'nl

and Qu<'hoc; I found them in thoron;hly good 01il~r.

Page 5: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


A scm-ching inspection will in fut me, bo mn•lo in each JanmLry of nil works fo1·t~ . .. ' ' I' mn!!nzmes, nrm., powder, nmmttnition nnd Go, emment stores of t•,·er) description tlirouah-

out tho Dominion, Ly bo.mh of otliccrs of which tho Inspoct,m; of \Vadike Bto1·~s will ~o membe1s.

'rheso honrJs will, nmong other duties, report the number of obsolete guns, car­

ronndos, mortars and other sort!-! of ordnanco, mountecl u.n1l dismonnteJ, with u. view to ·

thei1· being i.old and replaced by modern rilled cannon.

m:s:i-:nvE OF RIFLES.

In addition to severnl other dt•scriptions of nrms, thero nre about 60,000 Snider­

Enfiel1~ rifles in the country. I recom1Yencl that the \Yar Department bo requested

to rctmn for the Dominion nt lt'ast G0,000 more, to be honght ye:ir nfte1· yeat' as funds

may be provicled. The price of these ritles is £~ 10s. each, while the Mnrtini-H enry costs

about £-!. The former e.."\:ccllent weapon may be considered well ada.pted for this service ·

It is necessary that one skilled armourer, a.t least, should be attached to each military

store depot. not only to keep in order the spare arms, but also to repair the regimental

arms, _many of wl1ich are, nnd some ha,·e been a long time, unserviceable in every infantry

lmttnhon and company in the Dominion; there should be not less than fom adtlitiona

nnnourers proYideJ as soon as possil1lo, ancl the arms put in thorough repair.


l'hcre is at present in Canada, an insufficient number of rounds of Snider ball

r.artridgc per rifle for the e.stablishmcnt of active militia; this will be augmrnted shortly,

hut there shou!d not be less thnu 400 rounds per rifle, and, when possible, a reserve of

double that quantity. The amount of pow1ler in store is :?00,000 pounds, besiJes the se1' ict> ammunition in cl:nr~e of "A. and B." batteries.


The care of clothing calls for immediate attention, as well as the care of arms.

. I fin(l it not uufrcquently occur~, that men are permitted to take their clothing to

tht•1r abodes, nnr! the remlt is, that clothing is often abused 01· lost, and the great coat

~ quently u~ecl for common wc.'\r. The captain is IJotninally,and by law actually responsible; ut the lnw is not enforced, and public property is often wasted.

Therefore, all stores should, l consider, be conccmtratecl at battaJion head quarters

unclcr the responsible pennanent Acljutant.s.

The lieavy cloth tunic has been found too hot for summer drills· o. serge frock to 1 1 I

l11St for three years, made of excellent matmfal 111:mufactur1::d in Cana1la, will bo !>'Tlh!ititutt>d ; a f'.'n ing \\ill thus be effected.


'J1w nnnexed rcport.r;frorn the Ueputy .\cljutantii.Gencral uf thr.: ~lilitary DisLricts give

full details of the truining of tl1c past se.lSOI•.

Jn con equencc of the sum uppropri.~te<l f11r tminiu" the :\Iilith liPiug only sufficient

for 30,0?0 om:e1'8 a111l men this year, a very i;imple 10cthod was adopted: to apply the

riwount m 1'.lputnble proportion to tho population of tho Military Districts.


The population of the whole D'>minion by Inst census w11.s 3,609, iS'.? souls; it. is now

approximately 4,000,000.

The followi11g table will show tho nmubcrs trained thi.<i ye.:i.r in ench Province, correGO

ponding with tho popul.Ltion, viz :-Pnpnlation. Quota lDined.

Ontario ......................... 1,620,851 ........ . ...... 13,·457

Quebec ........................... 1,191,516 ................. 9,902

New Brunswick .... ....... .. ... . 285)94 ................ .

:N" ova Scotia. . . . • . ........... . 387,800 ................ .

~lanitoba ..................... . 15,000 .............. .

British Columbia. . . . . ........ . 15,000 .................... .

Prince Edward Island ........... . 94,021 .............. .

quota trained amounting to about ~ per cent.





788 (provi ionallyJ

The Active :Militia enrolled, (inclndin~ this yea.r, Prince Edwartl Islnn<l,) i.r; 43,00IJ,

being q. per cent. of the population, to which must be ndclcd the Grnntl Tnmk Rnilw.~)

Brigade of 2,128, very efficient men.

The Reserrn )Iilitia, divided into three claS!!es, amount!! to 655,000. making n total

of 700,000 men between the ages of 18 nnd 60, liable by law to he called out in <ltfence

of their country.

It is a matU>r of vast importance that the rolls of the Acth·e Militn i;houl<l he kept

complete to the full number pro\"ided b) the , 'tatutes, oven if tho sum voted only n1lmits

of a portion \wi11g annually called out for traiuiug ; the romainder being assembled for

muster, if only for one da.y in each year at battalion hro<l quarters, tiling by lurn lO

come out for training consecuti\"ely.

By these metms combined, the a<lvancccl gunrd of the main Canadian Army, or

regular )liliti.1., would be kept complete, and capable of beinci rapidly uuule eff1.-ctivc ro 1•

the field. RECRUITI~G.

'l'he Re::.erve Militia is enrolled by officers duly nppointoo, only once in Cour years :

bui it would be 1lcsirable that the officers nnd serge.1nb Rhoul<l he aanunlly tmincJ,

either by attaching them to regiments of the Aclivo i\Iiliti L, tcmpomrily fur th:Lt. purpo,,c

ot· preferably, at convenient times, by tho permanent stnff of those rt>giments when


The Active Militia is mised by voluntary enlistment for throe ye.'\rs. nnd in the counlrv

generally there npprnrs no want of men t-0 volunteer for it.<; rnnk". so much so that thili yenl'. in some districts, disappoincment was e;·prc,;,,etl when the stnm~th of the comprmic.q

was rcdut·e1l from .15 to i~, in order to fit the number into the nmonnt of mouey •li"pOMblo

Of course in C1mndn genemlly,comprisin~. insomel'::u·t.-;, n tloat'ng populntion. condition

a~ to vohm~wy service vary ncC'ording to circumstanoe;; in different provinces, district

a.nd cities.

Page 6: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

• l nm not sufficiently experiencecl in tho country to express any strong opinion upon

thC' .10 t ffocth e mo<le of recruiting, but; it is npp:mmt that it admits of improvement in

ti r i of peucc.

In tho event of nlnrm or cfanger nffccting tho Dominion, few who could carry

arm ... wonl1l l>e found absent from th.!ir post, and tho hardy, manly life to which tho bold

l'mluring peoplo of Canatln are accustomed from boyhood, would render them a very for.

midttble army when properly disciplined.

lt nppean:; thnt under the present system, in nmi.1 districts recruiting depends much

on the popularitr of the captains, by whose exertion and iniluence the company is formed

autl kept together.

~nnifostly this is wrong in principle, because n popular gentleman may be an incom.

petent otlicer; but notwithstanding incompetency he is retained, being popular with the

company, which it is nssumetl would disperse were he removed.

I conclude this applies only to rural, n.nd chiefly to what are termed independent companies.

A means might be substituted to raise and maintain the desired numbers on another

principle, when permanent Adjutants are appointed, viz :-through the County Ware.lens

u.ml their Reeves at their usual monthly meetings; the quota or proportion to population

liein~ observed as now. 'I'he Reeves have rolls of townf>hips, and the able bodied men

could be noticed on the A.cljutant's application to the warden for the number requfred to

replace casualties, or they coul1l have the option of paying a small annual sum for tlnec

years in lieu of attenrhnce. This applies to the Province of Ontario, but coul<l of course

be car1 ietl on t in other provinces under their local systems.

In the United King<lom all militia enrolments are made by Adjutants, an<l why not

HO by this means in Canada, the .sy8teru Loing, as at present, voluntaq service in the militia of the Dominion 1

Thi.'! plan, under re~rimental sfaff..;;, woultl give the whole force a tone of consistency,

and of reliable or,;imizatiou which it hardly presents now; and the country would receive

a certain eqni valcnt in trained men fur its annual expenditure.

J!'urthennore, it might he consiclercd 1lcsimble to abolish tlrn rnle of permitting men to

become e11fitle<l to di~harge upon giving six month's no.,ice, which is said to be abused · , nnd discretionary power might be given to comm;tncling officers to gr.int discha,rgos to men

']Uitting the district for a change of residence or occupation.

1 her(· are 6G2 companies of Infantry, comprised in ninety-three lmtt.ilions, twelve of

\\ hich are however provisioual, ancl there :tl'O thit·ty-nine independent companies.

Of the latter, three are in :\Ianitoha, and four in British Columbia'. as well as

eight in • "cw Brunswick; the majority of the remainder, :d.1out fifteen iu nuwhm·, might be l•rokcn up with advantage.

'fhcro nrc S£>VPll hrigndcs of C::m i on A rt.illny compo cd of forty-fh o

them arc sixt• en i1ul1 pc1ulc11t battcrici ; alto<rcther ixty-011e •n11i on b1tt ri a.s yet been al•lo t.o sec lml few ; lmt tlw ,o \\ m-c good, "itl1 uno cxc pt ion.

tteries, nncl

I ha'ie

Tht•ie are also sixt · n fielil h ittcrir s, si..x of which are nlrcatlv nrmc<l '\ ith tbo most

approvc1l JlllW i ifli•1l field ~1111. Thoso I )iaYc li,\11 th<· ntlrn11l:.gu of i1 spectin • Y.erC

fully e<ptippt·d with It: 1·1.\ Q , allll nil in excellent ord"r.

The artillery tlu h<· 111111ifest J,c1h tit frorn tlie a lmit Lblr couJu l · \ Gmmi-ry S Lools

at Quolwc aud Kingsll•n, "1"1 1· c·u111111nn1!.mt, lent f1om the !top.I Arti11°ry, tal:c p1aise­

worlliy pain~ tCJ instn1ct ofiicc1'h arnl m£>n. 'f11e good J'(;SUlt; tl1roughout tlr.1' I 1 lll h i:i RB

apparent, as wo11lil "" that of the schoob of the other nrms if similal'lr t)I' •nniz

Tlwrc ai-..: three n·~i111cnb of C'a\-.llry, comp1;sing cic:ht :en troop , .uui then• 1

sqnad1011 .. , yjz: at Qucl••'l', Port JI ope nncl Kin~ t m, tlR w"U as sixt<>en i11Jq 11tl nt

troop ,; in all, forty tr op;i of C.n-.lh·y.

The arrns, clotl1i11s; nn<l sa<ldlcry of those I Jin, c . ceu nro cxc •llent, .md \ ·ry fully

pre.c:;erV!!U. They ha Ye th· u•lYautage of some 'cry accompli h01l c:n 1hy oflic r:~ in th •ir


The mode of h•)l'sing J.oth artillery n.rnl c.n·alry is drfcctiw, awl n •1llC.'>liou some­

what cliil1cuH of solution; IJUt I hope to hav.:i the opporl11nity of cons11llin ofliC"rii of

experience in thos..! a1·11i-;, \\ ith n. view to its impt'O\'Cmcnt.

As far as I c:m nt present learn. a lionns of ten 1lollars n ) o l 1r c ich

horse enrolle1l :uul n•.;iste1cd for tLree year;;, for field h.lltcrics, woul l in som tlt0 rce •l

to satisfactory n:sn lts.

Cantlry being a wry favorite sen·ice, I nrnlerstarul there is Jess lifficulty iu 1 rocm in~ horses-the property, ge11er: 1ly, of the troopers tlu:m:.ches.

I invite vout· att<mtion to the reports of the Comm:uu.l mts of the S ho 1

the benclit.s n~·i.,ing fr0m the."t! in:<titntions, as I h.wo akeacly s·\id, c.'l1mot L · t o hinhly

prize\!. If it were possible, the...,• batteries should he eH'll upon a ia1-gcr b • lll i in~ instructiou in\ oth Garrison and Field .\rtillc1·y, the ,lufo:s of which ar · "i I ly


}~much Gunnery fkhools al )lontreal and Torn11to, \\lteie J1·tncl1111c11ts of tlw,e

bttttcrit's an• resi11·cli\ cly stntioncd, wonhl greatly 1:xt1;ml their utility hy e1111Lli110 ofiircrs

and voltmtcci· gunners in those populous cities nntl rural districts adjoining. to it'll I for

short course st\lllics, whi..:h the g1· at distance ft'Olll Qnulif'C OL' Kingst-011 ft X}ll •ntl~


1f the 1 1y of olliccrs attending for short or Ion~ course st111lic..,, '~n~ inc. c. etl from

..,.1 to .• 1 ~ 1

, ,. 1lit 111 , 11111ny 111oro woultl be i11duced lo t lko mlv.mt l"O ot the e schcn! , who

now )tu;i;uic tl1 do so, timling the a11ow:mce docs not meet the oblig torr cxpen · of

)h·ing. li-1 ~

Page 7: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

• ~fort'O\ er, it woul11 be i•Ytu\lly n h nut 000\IS tu these schools if 1•.1cl1 !t'i1 Ill hatlcl'J

con i ted of four guns, completely horso I, instcacl of Uto l" i'sent insuflicicnt 11111nhcr .

'l'h t~rm 1 tillc1)' • hools won Id, T think, lll' 111orc uppropriutc tlum that of "<lunnt.>r.} 'n-; nt prc..,cnt. nrnl more exprcssiyo of !ht• instruction tluri,·c1l then•.


'I he l'Ollllfr) i~ very judi •i1111sly di\'i1lt1 l into ~ I ilitary l>istrid~, of wliich thcro are

t\\ eh<'.' iz: four in Ont.ario. th1·01• in Q1ll'li1•c, •>Ill' oac•h in NoY.l H1•otia a111l Now

Hr1111-\\ick, onf' in Prince l<~dw·1ril hlnnd, ancl on1i 1•ach in )T •nitJU.i and lkitish

C'olu111ui 1; for e.1d1 of tlws !h<'rc is n D •put.'· Adjut<\llt <il'n1'1·al, with a l11·ig:11h• i-:ilnff. '.l'hc 'dwl under n Oc>neml olliccr 11f the J~oyul .Arm:·, witlt :\ Dt'puty AdjutanL-G1•nc1·al nt H ulqunrtcrs. 'l'he vo]uminou. coriespon1le11ec nn<l incre;'lse1l work of thl' ] >t'J':tl'tiucnt

li.1 t]11o\\11 a 'ery undue 11mo11nt of lnhor 011 this • 'taff Ofliecr. :tn<I tl1erPfor<• tlwr!' slto11 l1l

1 c n l<l 1l • s D1:1mtv or .\ssi-tant Q11nrtc1· :.'\laswr-Oe11er11l. a thorou!!hh· tmin('<l vllic1•1· to .. "" . , wl om Ito 111 be rntrn.sted th" inc1·easud s11pcrinlernlu11ce of tJ1e supply of clothing, as well

as tht ' 1do11s import. nt otl1er duties whir h npply •o that Depm tmPnt, including a g.meml

kno'' Jed e of the local re onrces of the conn try, '' ith ib 'nriom; lines :mcl mo1les of com­

munication" hich iu case 0f 11ctiw opp1·ations could not be 1lispenscd with.

.At s11cl1 timo,, co11f11sio11 nn1l ffot.d 1nist..'lk<'s wonM ine,·itahly occur, were an inex­pe1·ience1l officer h1L'itil_,. plat·ed in n po>1ition of 6re:i.t responsibility, :tlHl in snch a. ~0111p1Y>l11•nsive sphc1 ~.

I nbmit that appoinlmunt~ to the District ::-\t:1ff should be based upon the rule long

p1ev iliu~ in the .1rmy: to la.st for fivo YPlH':i, hut eligible for rcn~wal fol' co·npctenc y He~i111>ntaJ 1111ifo11ns Ji::n e in SOllHl instance.~ h1•cn l••'rmitto1l to imit.ite minutely tlJoso

of the Hoyal Army in 0111ament~ Ult(! lii<'e. Jn thP British ::\Iiliti:~ this is carefully tn oidcd

nu I o the propriety and ta.'>te of d<n inting from th:1t sp.tem is open to <picstion.

".it111!!1'nr1i to military title.ci, it strike a strang(•r on arriv.tl in U.um<l:t what a super­nbun 1 u e of fieM oflicers <'xist throughout tlw Domininu.

rank of 1.ie11tena11t-f'oloncl, whid• in tho Hoyal army is ou]y l't':.tchecl aftc•r twenty

ye 1 , unll oft<:n mo1·<·-pass~d probali]y in rcmot~· c<Jttntrics :mcl uul1e:ilthy climates, with

I \Ory Sp ·i "S < f military P~lll'l'iClll'(', is in f• tnaJa Outai111•d i11 J1:1lf that ti1J1C j the j>OS!:lt'SSOr

probably h:\\ ing . cl1lorn or tlf'\"Cl' lwl l pi·oportionat" co111111:111ds -:>0ssilily \\ ith little

n11101mt of 111ilita1·y 1·xperienc1~-:mrl l1•n-i11g ~penl the whol<', or a;; much as lHJ chose, of his lifo cmnfortably at home.

Conscquuntly, milifar) titles nn~ so commou :1 to Im lwld i11 li;ht c.c;tc-ein; they Jo)ia

tltc "e.inht nncl <lir.tiuction acconle I to th<'m in T:nl'Op<-, am! ha' ing i.J,.en :H·1r11ir1·d so Pasily and o early in Ii~., 110 11bhcr distinct.ion of mnk rc1uai11s to J.1! olit:tinP<I in 1·owu1· l for good, •allant and foit11f11l sen ic1•s to tho state.

Thi hns Leen causet1 hy a 1 ulo hcmowing l1rO\'c t mnk, afwr ,~<lch pcri.,,] of Ii n· ) cars' set' i , v. hich er' ic • prolxtbly nmounts in tho 11 '·r~ga • t.o ~0111 • tou "eeks tr:.iiuin«

o~ o•

according to its tlumlion, during the tivc years; a very undue proportion of promotion to

suiM-ior gnulPs has therefore resulted, anti in c.w: of the C.m.-i.din.n Militia ~ng with tho Queen's troops tho resuit \\ oulcl ho nry incom cuiont.

A moclificatiou of this mlc in the future is desi1 blc. 'l'ho period of fi-..e ) ears

carrying, as n matter of c<mt'SC, bre-.ct rank under paragmpli 6G of th1· Hogulations nnd Orders fo1 tho ~'lilitia migl1t }.)(• 1nll<le scveu.

No brevet rank to be 6rive11 to subalterns, in acoonlance with tho rules of U1e a1my.

Every officer seeking p1·omotion to havo a certiticat<.: of professional oom1wtcncy for the superior grn<le.

Captains and ::\fojors to be oligihlo at all time$ for u1'Cv ot promotion for c1,, picuous,

good or gallant scrvico or other special meritorious cornlucl.

Regimental promotion to continue ai; heretofore, th• proposed alteration not tO be


I am afraid this report has assumed larger proportioUB thnu I nnticipatcd.


I ha.n the honor to be, Sir,

Your oLe<lit•nt servant,

E. "ELBY S:\IYTH, Major-General.

P.S.-In the foregoing report allusion is ma.de to the sta.ff of the militia. in the Military

Districts of the Dominion, to the effect that it wouid prove beneficial in practice if the

system were adopted here, similar to that which it wa.s found necessary to introduce into

Her :Majesty's service several years ago, restricting tho duration of . t.aff uppointmenta to

five years, hut allowing re-appointments for special fitno: .

1 t is onlv bv zealous exertions and constm1t supm intcndeucc thnt the system of

<lisciplinc niul th~ reput~1tiou and success of any milit.'lry organization can oo lllnintained,

and this specially falls to the 1l11ty of Executin• staff otlict>i..

Officers selected for employment in such positions shoukl by their previous service

us well as by their acquirements and chHacter, be considerc<l fully qualified to Ji-;charge

with advantage the duties of a staff officer.

Tt is, however, noc s.-,.iry in the inter&t:> of the l'cn·ice, that qualifii:ations nnd co~

tency should not be kept out of view by sufferi.ng officers to bo plt\CC\l m . uch rcsponsi-

bpel positions throucrh mw l<X'al or other influence. In such au c,·ont, the officer lWlJ or c 0 • • d .

may not be professionally qualified, possibly sometim :s the latter, and so his ut1&> may

be slurred OYer. 6- li*

Page 8: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


lt is cspecinll) nee i·y thnt stntf oflk.e.i1l sl1oulJ be independent of local i11flu1•1tco,

thnt thei · e1 rgi sl1ould ho de' oted to the iutPrcsts of tho sci" ice un1ler the UC'gulntiom1,

by wl icl thoy nro bound to nhidc, arnl rospon. ihle to execute.

Pnrticulnl'l) in Cannd1t this is neccs lll'.}. The rn:;t region of its terriiory rc11cfors it

barely po ible to administer ctfoctunlly militin. ntfoirs by nn exclusi\-oly cPutmlizecl system

nt hoaclqunrte.L. :;\1 uch must, th~·1'Cfore, bo cntnrnted to the ,exertions of local ExucutiTe Sffiff othcrn '"

'l'hc l'ffcct of limiting such appointmenti:; in the Army to five years, is:-

1. To emmre a fonling that hy energy, and proved competency the officer continues des i ving of ~·ppoinnncnt in the same, or some other post.

2. To prevent his growing irnlolcnt, carelc:;s, or falling under local influence, subver_ sivc of independent action.

S. T ensure n healthy flo,v of succe:;i:;ion with new thought, and enlargod ideas in modem p1"f. ,,.-.ional acquirements.

A pcrmnnent localized i:;taff must in tho nature of things in l\ great measure fall short

in thc..-ie points; the) f('{'l tl1elll:;1•lve:; 6.xturos, enter into local occupations, to which )lilitary

duties l>eco111e :,econdary, nncl henco ne<Jlected.

Following upon this .-.W.tc of atfiairs, the public remark that duties are uegligently

pe1fo1 med-their ouservation is probably attracted by the small amount of profeHsional,

compared with privatfl occupation, arnl thus, conclusions injurious t-0 the character and

mniutainance of tho l\Iilitia. engage their attention :md give rise to unfavomhlc discussions, by which the force imtler".

The clucies of the Brigade staff in Canada, so for as has yet come under my notice, are

small for three-fourths of th ~ P.ar. During the training time they have occupation and

bcf, re aud after, but from what I can gather a goo<l deal is incolllplctely performed.

Hence occurs waste, loss of Camp and other stores, aud sometimes even money.

Cases of this nature have alreacly como under my ~oti<'e, which possibly might have been prevented by more activity.

Arri\ ing unexpected in a certain t-Own, one night in Jnnuary, I foun<l the .l\lilitin Htores

inn. disgraceful ~t.'lte. The U1 igatlc M:~or resides in tho town, and on being called to account

he simply enough u<lmitted,0ther anno1·ies in his brigade might be in the same condition !

Such a stafi' officer is won>e thau usdess.

I have met seYeral who nrc active an<l intelligent, but, as I have not seen all, I can­not speak fo1 all.

This 1 think undoulA.ed, that t<io long a loc.11 tenure of office, with l.,ut little to do for

several months of ti ) ar, las a t"ntlency to rnnder most rnen in such positions, less

cnrcful, .zealous and active minded, if not actually neglectful, than is consistont with tho pul.,lic F.ervice, and therefore I consider the system a<lruits of reform .


l nm nwnre thiB requires careful handling, too long nn UJH • urbed residence hns

allied some of these gontlcrncn, either hy family tics or otlwnvi , \\ilh pcrsorn of local

influence, and u. change infringing ou tlieir comfortable tenure Inn) cause remon tnmce.

But such n position is not consistent with discipline or efficiency, and I am willing

to bear tl1e onus of responsibility, in carryingsucl1 reform ns may be nppro~cd, intodfoct.

Jt is my duty to the Government and people, to represent what •1 Jifo long experience

assures me are defects, without regard to the interc·sta of individunls.

T rc·comrnend that all dilltrict and brigade appointmC'nta he limil<'d to five years, :md

that tho ofiicers l>e eligible to re-appointment for competency and zeal in the interests of

the !'!ervice.

That they be liable to remoYal from one dish·ict to another, if thought de~rable.

That such reductions as may lw .pproved shall take place.

And that these rules may takl• effect from the fit'bt of April ·xt.

I believe the majority of the present staff arc qunlifie<l for re-appointment, I UL the

knowledge of their tenure not being indefinite, aucl heiug liul1le to removal, will be

beneficial incentive.

I snggest lhe Deputy Adjutant-Generals of DU;tricts should, iru;tead. be termed

"Inspecting Field Officers." The fonner term l.eing}a misnomer ina11plicablo to position

of command.

The J nspecting Field Officer to be held responsible for the entiro duties of executive

command ; as I w:u;, myself, for six yron> with 43 rC'gimcnts of various arms, without

any Statf nssisbmcc, entailing annual journey· from 5 to 6,000 miles into every cow~ty

in Irclnnll. I merely irnstance this to show l1ow much c:m l.e done wl1en mnde n pomt

of duty, and more th~1oughly by Ol'e than by seveml with rlivided respon<.tibility.

To l'IOlll)>ktc the refo1 m, in this direction, permanent Adjutant.'> and Sergeant-)[ ~ors i:;hould be nppointcd to each battalion of Infantry, nml a C.wnlry Inspc.::tor to each

Pro,·incc. The Artillery are already providecl for.

Then old Brigade :Majors might gradually be nliso1 bed, resen-ing a District Adjuumt

only to assist, the lni:;pecting Field Office1· of each District.

To follow out this idea, the system woulcl giYe opportunities to intelligent o~cers in

whfrh the ltliliti:~ nhomuls, to perform tho duties of Brigade :;\fo.jors in Camps of uu truc­

tion, t'C'Cl'iving, perhaps, fomge !or a horse.

The knowlodge thus acquired 1Uld the incentive to ~me proficient would tend to · · f ,] t t'vo ,·om1g follO\\ s who ar' soldiers at crente Rn emulation productive o goou t\mongs nc i .i

henrt, nnd they wouhl becon-.e pnctic:illy qualified for those positions in wnr. after a cours

of instruction in an Infantry School.

Page 9: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


Tho )I ilitnry Uoll -ge will, in tho futuro, ulso produco u. scientific class of offic rs for such ituntions.

Tho Inspecting Field Officers woul1l conunancl, ~ now, the District.ci 1mtl Camps l\t training.

'rite lnfontry Schools wouhl suppl) the Adjutants and Sergeant-Majors ns well u.S

drille1l instructors in abundance.

'rho Adjumnts wonlcl pull together the whole regimenW machine--recrnit-impnrt

drill, kt>cp accurate rolb, accounts nncl rcgisters, a ul preserve thti costly Government, p1-operty.

Considemble trin clling c...xpt>nses, iu~curato 11111,,ters, "tramps," enrolled merely to

make up numbeN; :for training, wnsw and <le::;truction of clothing, ar~ns and equipment,

clnillli to compensation from ~ickly men who should not haYe been t.'lken ou, n.nd otho1·

imp1-op1ietic.s would l>e abolished or reduced to n. mi1rimum. Thus solidity ancl a reality

would i-eplacc what has tended to become a superficial and somewhat loose condition;

a better value retumcd for the sums spent, and, I think, a general feeling of satisfaction "ould be ::;timulate<l by visible effect.<>.

Assuming these idens should be apprQve<l and put in force, you will, in consequence , for Romo time to come, only l>e nble to afford to assemble for tmining comparatively few

men each year ; but those will be better recruited, more compact and reliable, as well as better trained.

Withal, tho quota should be kept complete in each province, and be tmine<l in turn,

the rural companies joining headquarters occasionally not only for drill's sake, but for the

bene!it to be derived from a.'lSOCiation and knowledge of each other.

Under the above system you would have a flow of fresh material among the staff,

with watchfulnOl>S, activity, aml an interest in suggesting and introducing iwproH.mcuts, insWad of the laiMez aller which prevai!B.

A largo and useful body of well instructed commissioned and non-commissioned officers by meaD.8 of the school system.

A well:compacted regimental system by mea.ns of the permanent staff.

A great Raving in arms, stores and clothing.

In fact a subatantial, instead of a somowhut shadowy condition of organization.

1 600 no other real or more substantial n1ode of reform under' oxiating conditions . . , ~d I feel assured these m1:ans would eventually produce, to a certain extent, tho sort of reliable nucleus which this cowitiy should possess, and beyond which it is not disposed at present to advance.


I u tho a•h·ocating pl'rman nt schools nncl rogi111ental KtAff, ~t 1out m tcrially iii<:roasiug thr• tslimatos I have also shown thnt, therefor , for omo tun. t-0 com., m~1ch fcwc1· m ·U .~\11 lie nllllll llh· ass mule I for drill thnn heretofore, hut I "·lie\C the ~l hH liki• qunlitics of cotmll.ln1liug ofiiccrs and others ill continue to inspire them \1th z 1

to a sist the Gon:rn111 .. 11t in its reform, und thai they will h• 1 roftcr, s l1erotofure, m 1~0

goo•l nsc of lcism" t.imo by frequently imp.lrting ~cca i,on \l hou~-s of CV( nillJ d1~l1 to th tr rnen in tltcfr 1lrill sl1c<I~ a~ th,. Volunteers do rn h11glnrnl 1 in onl• 1· that \\ hl'n cnllc l

out thny may 110 rca~ouaLly cflicicut for any scr\'icc t)mt mny he req11ir11<l of thc111.


HEAD QUAUTEHS, M njor-Gencl'al. 0TrAWA, February, 1875.

G-H** ..

Page 10: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


:.\IILITARY JJT 'l'I:ICI', .i.:10. l.

D1:l'UTY ADJt:TA~'l C:F.xt.n u.' OFFICE,

L01'DO~, 21 t J) · nber, 1Si4.

Sm,-T hav<' the honor to snbmit the ('nclo d ll tum of t11<' .\.n mil D1ill of the Disfri<· t 1111dcl' rnv co111m:uul fur the vc:ir 1 i 4.

Tho totul fo1:ce who pcrfurmc l ,irill for this yc:11 w lS <>11c lhuimcnt of C'il\'.llry. ~ T1oop , Two Jhttcri1·s of Fi~ld ~\ rtillen·, One Ha~terv of Ga11·ison ArtillPJT, T1·n Jl.1ttalfuus of Infantt·\· und Itillc• ,

IH"ing a total st1·c11gtlt of 2() i olli~crs, :~):iii n<m-co111mi ion('(! ofli 1 a 1 l 111 • '\\ 1 i

Piglit guns, a11d lliO sabres. The following corps <lid not perform 1h-ill for this .'·cm·. 'iz :-2ith B t :iii n I 11

and 8arni;L u.m·iso11 lhttcry, who ol.taine1l a "'pe.:i ii pcrmi sio11 t) JI ~t1 n I II : I comp;rny ~!Jth Jhttalion, two companie,; :l::!wl B 1tt.:dion, .mil 0111• cum L 1) :i'h-11 ~ 1t+ thest: hitter, though gooJ. companies, wPrc 1-.·stricted frolll p(•rforn1in~ tlwirdnll on .1 of their J1a\°ing hcc11 udow minimum strCn!.!tlt last·' ',lr.

There were LWO bri~adc c:lmps as,.,cmlile l in the lli,.,trict. tl1 firaL h Id \~ •..7u ·lph for 1 ~ clays, commencing :Uth .JnnP, consistin!.! of-

Th~ " W cllin!.{lon" .Field Eattery, uncler (' lpt..'lin '1 lc l n·t!J. ,, ~~th " Perth " Rlttalion. under Linut-Oolom•l \\~. :--mith, ,, :Wth '· \\~atcrloo ·· Hatt~diun. 11111le1· .\Jnjor l\· k, ,, :3Uth " \Y cllinnt-On" Hilie'i mHler Lieut- '0)011('} (;] lrl.e, ,, 3~nrl " Brnce ~ t:<'lttaliun. under Li"ll .-<i<Jl rwl "pt 1t

lwin(T ;i total of i ' otliccr.~. and l.O:r; 11on-co1111n ·,..,.,ion · l ufli · 1 1 1 l n 1. uri<l ·r of L1e11t.-C.11lund C 'I. rl· " :\0th IW!e-..

l'his i.r· ~adc "as formed frotn the '.?n<l B i 1

" Exhibition i :ronm,; ' ne·\r nu lph. h,\,·i11~ nl prt•scnt tl11 rc during four d 1.)S and in"I t I t•fticicnt . t ltl', and It l•l •\ i(ltnth mn It c n-.1 l 1

11 he Conn ,. of \\'l'Ilinitm{. 11d l'o\\ 1 ot i 1

thl'Y lmH· alw:n,., tal,C'n in thPil' ~I iii ti 1 I•' 1x· • l \ ti.ll';UL't' ~ c·u·:s, ,·~t •ti n "'11111 to i\ll!!;llH'll tl11• ti iii. p ~ ot ladies or t; nclph lllost 1il.emll:· }Jill\ i lt.>1l fill en it llllal n

Un tl1c i th SL•ptemb1 r. nu tlll'r lni T\ I', t 1k 11 h 1 1,

assembled iu e:1111p 11t>:t1· London for l:! ti.\)"· 001 i in• of­bt I:e-.;i111P11t ( 1.1 ,-.1h·~-. un lei· L' u '1lo 1 I c' • •. Loud Ill F1cld n lttcn· ... llll It I' Lit11t.-C l I I ; Ir lh t tl1 11 .. L 1 ; Li~ a 1 n :?2 1 1 " \ h.10111 H1fl •,,' nu 1,•1· L ·u :.! Ith 1: 1trnho11 .. K ·n , '111 I ·r Lt 1t (' 1lun •I l>. ' 11 1. :!G It H ltt,dion " ,\ll l llc"c-.;," un lcr Lit nt. Colonel .\ " 1,

lieiu« a total stren •lh of 11 U ollii.:.·1-s, 1,3,li 11111-co~nmissionc l <J Ii· •1 gum:' and l uO s.1br~-;; unJer my own command, \\ ith Licut.-CJlon ·I M


Page 11: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

• Thi b1igull' is complt te nnd fit~ r t:TI'\ i · , and though th!:' gr atm· part of the 111011 were recruits. yet the~ irnpt'O\ ed o much in chill u to L · ablo to go through IL satisfact•Jry brignde field dtl) before tho cnmp '' n:-; lmikrm 11 p.

.At both the:,e urignde c.unp the ngu)nlC'll l'Olltino of C<Ullp duties was foi1 ly CHITiutl on, nnd tho gcncrn.l coucluct very orderly nnd well hchn,·rd : tht> rations fur liuth rurnps wcro very goocl in foct more lti factory thnn at nny pre\"ions camps.

Though the "cnther '' n.s excc%h t'I) hot the • \llitory an a11gc111c11t.s w1·rc gno1l, nnrl thc1 c wn 'Cl') little sicknc "·

'J'nr~et pl'.1ctiL·e wns ::strictl,\ u n<I r. l pftt lly pc rfnrmcd nndur the Pflici1•n t S\l )H.•1·i11 LPn· tlencc of Lie11t .. Colo11cl H. Lc,•i (htc Ith l:att11lio11) fo1· tho I nn,1011 C11111p. a11d of Unptain 'l'homJ'On, l:oderich l1nrrison \rtiller~, \\ho \\HH equally nttu1liH• to his dnti••-;, fut· tlH• Onclph l '1mp: nnd I 'cnturn to It..>]{' tli.\t thL lihcl'.tlit) of th1· t:ovp1·11111{'lll i11 gi' ing priz for the he~t shots, ns in I s'j:!, will ng i11 l 1 ,,Jiu,, It, : 11cl ''ill not Le co11finl'cl to t ht• t:;rnnts t-0 Pitlc .A -oci ltior1" on!) ,nt ~ h emee inrr:; but few of tlie 'ol1111trel' fo1·1·P <"tn at te)l(I.

l "a" prc,..1.:nt nt tbo mu"t r of e.ld1 roq i11 thc:so ern1p,, aIHl saw lhnt c\ L'l'.'' 111 m oa the pny 1011 was pre,,Pnt or dul~ ncc•)unt I for.

\Vith re~nrtl to the ctfocts of the 01·11er i uccl prv;iou to the~c 1• 11np~. in w)1 ich the strc11<Ytl1 of compnnie,, wnF. r ducccl f1om 5:; to 1:! 11011-com111i,-.. sionP<l oflicers :mil 1111 n, I am of opinion thnt it j, nn ad' anturre, h) keeping tho g 'llc>1·al strength of the co1 .panics n111rn ccprnl, nnd nllo'' in!! cnpt:.ins more choice of n en ki till up their eomp: ni '"·

The c·nclosed nC'tUl'll. lllnt k ·d ,, .\,"oft lie six~ ( 1" du1 in.! \d11d1 tlic p1·escnt )filiti ~ ~\ct h1L"> hce.n iu fo1ee. show., the stl'c·n!{th of the fo1·ce in this 11i.,trir tl1. t l11no p{•1·foruw1l nn11unl 1lrill c.lcl1 ~ear, tog••ther \\Ith the nYotitgl' i;trcn!!th pc1· co111pnu.' ur lOrp·; an.I it "ill be 11oticed tl11t tho aH•1i1rr • uf tl,i ... )e 1· is three ollircrs all(l 1:~ 111t.: t1, Jh 1 c(,Tl1Jta11\', tlio i;trC'n.:th nllO\\OO l1eiu.: I:! 11 e1>, ,,J,ile tllf' tot 1l :\Hl'H"l' of tl1P li\c Jll'l'(;c•.!i11~ y~an; is tl11 e • otlicer,., nwl ·l i rnt•n, with tl1c· strc·n~t.h allowed Lein~ :).i nn·11. ' •

'l'hc :-;ystcm of bri!!nde camp,, co11ti11ncs the most pupular with the· force., arnl tl1e otl:cer:; nu I men !!enernll.'· ha Yu !!Ot !'<•> ·1c1·11,,to111111 to thr·:-;c camps, that a .!.!l'Cat 1h•al of the confusion at fir,,t incideutolll to the 11ovclty of tlie life I.as worn oft', and tlwv 11ow !ll'ttlo down for d1eir few d(l\':;' tit ill '' ithout loss of' ti mt>. •

The two Dattu i~s of FielLI At tilll•t') 111·e prol1ably the rnost etlicicnt corp:-; in the district, much of which j,, um to the great attl'ution '' hid1 tl1eir rc"J•ecti,·c cou1111a111Ji 11 g

ollicer .. pay to their corp,. The Loudon Fi.•ld Dattf'ry wc>re nllowcd to perform fom· cl.irs c:ttrn drill, anrl they marched to Port ::;tanley for ,.Jwt nncl slwfi pr.1ctice with tllt'ii· lllltzzlP-lo wrn • rille nine-pounder ficlll guns, rn kin!! satisfactory p1.11'.:Licl'. I tl'llst that both Fiel1l Hatt<?ries will be pc>rmitt d extm d1ill fo1· u like pnrpo,.,c next ) em'. •

. The ~5th ".El~in ., ~Jattalion pl'rl•>"mcd their chill h) c>ight da:s in '1:-nt.tlion c:rnip at ""'t. Thomas. where I rns1 ect<>cl them but r..:gret tllat I c.umot n•port fi111li 11 rr tho lattaiiou in so sati-fnetor\· state as 1 could "i It.


'rhe :l:frd "Huron" ·Hatt.~) ion nlRO pl'lfol'mC'd rlrill in liattul ion ca111p n t no lrieh. I foun I e\'erytlting highly satisfart01y it 111y i1\spection there. IJrill \Cl'\' ::steady. as this corps ,1hHtJ" !ms been ; and m:ms, ~('lC• 1trN11Pnt>i and uniforms iu V<•1·y gu;>, l oril(:I':

J IHt\ <'to ,·epo1 t that, lit•111 ! rn tl'llC ·<1 to call rrnt g11·u·tl~ !Jf l1<J1101· to attc11<l ff is

Excelle11cy the Go\·crnor < :, neral rl11ri11g his to1u· tl•ro11,!h tlii dist1 ict .. I found s1tch a gt•n ·1 ti clt'hi~'C ~Ill 11 t~1 _fut Cl' t tm II ont th t my only diflil'ult: '' n;-; to kl'Pp the um11Lcrs w 1tl11n due lmn , an I I n111 hap iy to 1Je alJIL• to l'•·prirt that llis Exn•lll'lll'V ("ho invarial.ily im1pc<'LCll 1·H·1y gua1d of honor) \IU8 pk• 1scd to <•xp1·css hi 111 elf wcil pl •:t l with them.

f ha'- c>, as on former nccrusion , much ati factir 11 in 1cknowlc<;_;!i11g tl1r· nlt!e a'lsistn111·e o \Hllingly accordul mo h) J,1 ut.-Col nd ::\Ioff1t, und lJ.\' Lil•nt.·< 'oloncl ~··n ic.,

BT'.ig de )Jujo1 , n.nd Ly the c 111111 mJin • otti 1 of c rp in the district. I Ira\ c t 1 • 101101· to h •, . ir,

Yonr obctti •nt St r\ 111t, JOHN H. 'L\ YLOH, Lieut .• ()(Jloncl,

lJepy. Adjt. Genl., :)Iilitnry District, No l.


] I •• • " '" " ' "

l 7 L ..... . .. ..

• r


- I - I

MIUT.\ RY I>f~TR I( T, .... ·o. <>


o­., I



Li 11t.·Uolonel.

, 1 i I.

P1ym I.er,

0 I I'S. · .C'.

om l\Ild 'I n.

30 I j

' 7~

12 214

Page 12: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


X,C'. Ofiir.eu. Ottic1 rs

I x.r . an•I ~I m. mul ~l~n.

I Offi.:t>m, 0 llicCl'!I

----·------------------ ,----G 1rris i B tl'-ri .~. :

t. C thcri1w' (.mn11nl drill not pt'r·1

forn1ed 1. t l>eccm bcr, l 7 l ). 'foronto ............. . ................... . ..... . ('ollingwo()(l. .................. . ..... . ...... . .

ISFAXTHY. !!ml r. tt1lion Qnoon's Own Hiflcs

l 0 comp.lni<'"· ...................... . .. . 10th ltoyal , not required to iicrfonu

m·n11nl drill. I 12th Battalion. York Rangers, S comps. 13th H:itt 1lion. Hamilton ...... G do 19th B.1ttaliun. Linco!n ...•.• u tlo II

:..0th B lttnlion, Ealt-011 . . . . . . . i cln 31i;t B.tt1lio11. Ore\' ........... 7 do :Hth lklt!Allion, 011t."1rio ....•... . ... 7 do I 3f>th Uatt.1li1•n, ::Simcoo }'orcs-

te1-s . .... ....... , .... . .... 10 clo 3Gth Unttalion. Peel......... . . .. . 9 do

(Xo. 1 Company absent.) 3ith D,1ttalion, Hnl1lima11d ... . . i do

(Xos. l. .J., G )mil 7, per-fornlC! l drill.)

3..,th l::'ltt 1lirm. Brant . .. ...... . . G do (X os. ,j nm! G Companie:;

IIC'rformcd drill.) 3flth B 1ttnlion. Xorfolk ...... .. . u do 44th Batu lion. \\-clland .. . . . . do

(Xos. ~ and ~1 Cumpnuics nb ent.)

iith B1ttdion, \Ycntwort.11 ...... G do Hill Company, ::; 111:. S t>.

M1ri ...................... .

f' alry .... .... ..... .... ... . ;\rt II• y ................ . Jn{ I I)" ••••.••.•••••••.•

Tot l ........... .

l " "


23 18






Hi '.:!G!i

42 3G


305 2;;2 :!;)2 ~60 290 :.?4:8

383 266



2fl0 2-14


2!"1!) 2U:!




4 78


26fi 3, i7 7

or the OfliC IS anJ llOn-COlllTniSSiOlled ofliCt:l"S PmpJoycd Oil t)w staff of tho biig:ulo c imp.

B 1 h ,. i will b(' <'I'll, that th<> C'orps of ·111 artn!I m11<itl'n· l well, 11 I • , Ill fu.I tl1P :..ncl lhttul111u <.lttt•cn'R \ll.i1 Rifle u\lff tlic: t J 1 1 I l w11 in the U1·11c1· ti < >r<l ·r uf' th•· 3rd .J u11c last.

I I I Ill I. of th un .11 ii drill, tlw c:1n·l'rl10l' C:enl'l 1i'i; Bo1h· C11a1·1l ]' 1 form l 1t d tll 1th a 1-quarteni, n.s 11 ual; 11a1wle<I for i11si1ectio11, clf'J.ll :uul i;oitlicrliko ; w ·II mounted nud chilled well, ulliccrs nnrl men.



Tho:.?i1<l Bat.tnlion Qnec11'8 Own Hiflcsp<·1fo1rn<'1 12 <1 ty <hill 1th The physie,d a11pca1".11wu of tho men of the B t!tnliun, '' h •u p 11 1d l fut Ill\ i 1 pc ti< 1 , ' '

VC!') go1J1l ; oftic1•111 1u11l men n 1pcarod well up in thoar 1li ill, priw ip 11 y c01np n. dnll ; annR ;11111 1ccu11t1·1·mC'nt.'l in YI'!") g• od 01vh 1•; clot11i11g 0111 whnt <l ·1 11

'1'!11• fo11 I" (' 1111 p:llli! s r)f f hi" :Ji th r:.1tt ilion, aml th • ~9 h J> tl h I H fl . p ·r~ ll l thei1· 1lrill at tl:ei1· n~.pccthc hcal-qu.ulcrs, UJt(lcr m ; w 1 in I t l L 1t-C I i I \rilliur:;, li·igacl ~ln.1or, wh11 rn lll · \ Vt'I v fa,01.1bl 1 p of I h <l) u11tll•1· 111·111s; lt.Lttalion 1111d 111..irmU!hing 1hiJI 'l'ry fair· npJH u t 1

Tl1e Hille Oo111pa1t) at the ~:mlt sw. lniil', u11d1 r th·• 111 u w11s i11spt· ·tt-d liy Li• ut. < 'oloncl l>cnison, Hrirr,ule )I or, ''I l I' 1 allCI clut!ti11g in good 01dP1-. \'cry 11,,cful co111p uy. l in po pounrlt·r~, which th1· lll l'll lm1ulle 1111commo11h· w •II .

The rcumining corp~ were ll.l>semble1l iu ill'i!.!<lrlo campR. Tlw <:amp at Xiag mt w11!i f,1r111e1l 011 the :!3rd .J 11110 he t, un lei· tho <3cncral Ordl'r,

for U 11.l\'s drill. , . \Viti~ reforcnce thcret0, I lieg lean~ to refer to tho 1 ·port matlo by Lieut. Colonel

Skmncr. herewith c1ulor~<·cl, marked "A." IlaYi11;; heen in thl' c:1111p se\·e1·.1l clays with Licut.-f'ulon<'l Yillit 1-R, TM •ado :\Injor, who

remained in camp 1lurin~ the drill. rPnrlerin!j all the a' -ifitnncc in his power. J must sny the camp was very orclcl'ly and well l.iebaved.

The linties, both :-;t tff a::id 1·t• •imental, well carric l out ; the mt.iu11s were 1111com-l

~ . ruon .v goott ; no com plai u b.

, Although tho time is, I consi.lcr, too short, I must hear testimony to the nptitudo officers an<l men !>hew in a•.; 1niri~ th,ir ,Jrill n111l pl L s: an l wh ·nth lui~L<l wn~ ini;pectccl h_v me on tlw :?nil .July, nino days only in c1•11p, tho..! ·•ieral llPl' • 1nm ·•of the force, all n1·ms, thci1· st.ea li1w,;,, un1ler ':11·111-'. :ml th • 111 m i r in w i ·h t'ie l>ri!f<tdO movemcul.s \\"l'l'C p!!rformed, were 11H1-;t en! liwl.il>J to all conn· t ~1 '>\ ith th ~ re in camp.

Tht' two Fieltl lhtt.eric:.. I[ unilton un l \\Toll ml, well hors u, \\ •ll co nm n-Ied, deserYe 11101·e than 01·1hnan· cn•dit.

'l'be 1:3th Battalion, f;·om II.uuilton. descrw1s 11\t.'lltion: ll'Oll, in 11 m1b rs. steudy and soldicrhke undct· arms ; their :.kinnishing when co,·e1 ing the hrignde in tho fi ld, nU shew the regiment to be in good orJer.

UAm', HoLLASD LA:-inI~w.

T_hi.i-i camp wus forme l 1n the :!9th ~eptcmher, ( l ~ ti. y drill) r 1ther late, which was 11nav01J11ble, owing to tho P1·0\ incinl Exhibition t.11king pl.w · nt 'l'oronto tho week piior. It \~as composecl of the fo l iwiug corp :--? o::;. :.! 1mtl :I Tl'oop • :!ucl It Ji• 1 •nt of Ctlv.1h-> ; 'I'oro11to Vit:l1l Rattor,r; tbe 1 :?th, :~ht, ~4th, :i?lth nn1l 36th lh lion,, of Inf ntry-in 11 121 oflice1·~, I ,Gau 11011-co?nmis<;ionecl oriici:>r.s nnd 1w•n, 1i5 ho1 :..

'!'ht• l':unp was undel' my comm:ui<l. Rrig•\de t:>t11ff 11ppointe1l wmpo1~lrilv-..':up01intc11 len

Deniso11 ; Bri~.tclo )lnj;.>1·, Bri~ do fojor Bligh , 35 h Jl i ; u1 • elhy. 1 ::!th Datt11lion; Musketry Instructor. Cnpt.nin \\ hi1,1, :Hth Ofiice:·. Cornet Ol 1r uco Denh;on, Gov rnor C: n mi's DoJ> Ou 8 •rge·111ts.

,\ s n hriga11P r.11npi11,:{ <rr• 11 11, l' I i f:l\' 111r11IJI•· i1 dtH'P111 Ill", h'>lilin \ I'< ntml t•nsil) ol 1 1im·d l1y i<i11ki11 • \\1 II : d1 \ \d)Ollllll " tl1t I ll I' 10111111101 lit di

Page 13: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

y muc-11 to

• t,

poi t .

11 1' j t'1 WC' tl l'


Of the \OO\ o numh r, 20 '' re offic rfi of th· fore· ~O non-c ione 1 offic 1 , 011 I \C in c 16 W<'rn 1•ri\11t1 , HJ wern cul t not belv1 •i1 gt> ti ~ r ,

reech .. d commi sio 1S •

. A nr.1~<' 1111111Lfr of d ys rC'quire l tool •nin l 1 t cl r ifi ate .. 7 clo do 2nd clw 'I c 1 tifi llC ••• G5

.Adjut mt, Lir·ut.-l 'olon<'I DPnison, Bri,..:tdc I jor. Drill I 11strn~tor, ~1g ·ant,. lnjor (',mtlin. '!'IP above• sd10 I c•lo ml, at 'l101onto, on tho 31 L Mnv lnst. I r·:1111wt ('1• e this n·p '' t \1 itl1011t Lrin•ri1 g R'Jl ci II\; fon,• I'd the mnrch mrvlc by tlte

Toronto J•'i,.Jil Hatt<•ry, c·o11111iandP I ll\· I '.1ptai11 (11ay, fr<im the< >hl l!'ort to the camp nt Jfollnncl L t11di11g, ancl 11li;o tit· rotul'JI 111.11c 1. n f\ii;t:ince of thi1·ty-<itiltt mil•, who ll

l'l!['Ol't, lll:\1 k~<l .. D," 1 IJl'!; le.n (.! to c•nclos . gh iug the a .. t 1il'I; it sliow \\ h "' I\ field 13atter.v of the force can do when commandC<l by .l smart nn•l intelligent. oflicer.

I have the honor to I c,, ir, Your most oL ·diC'nt ser,·nnt,

W., ·. ] JI HIE, Lt.-C'oloncl,


Jlcpmy Acljutnnt Gcnernl, lilitary Di trict ...... o. :!.

Du~ELG, IkaCllYILLE, 13th .Tuly, ISiL

f=rn,-I 1111 \'e tlio l1ono1· to submit tlw following report of the Hrign le Onmp a ~mhled nt Xiag ll'.t nllllt·1· 111y <·0111 mnn 1 on the> :!~rd .J uu • b t, in nc:cord \llCO ,., ith Di trict 011ler

of tht> 11 t Is nit. The foroo wa co1n11ri~ ·I ot" th foll•lwing corp :

I x.r.o . Officcni. and Tot.al. HorE

~j n. C'ommnnding Offi 1'8.

------------ -- ----------·-- --- --- --- _..,....., 10 a lG :) 191 217 217 s il 'f4 ~~ S i2 TO li'1

l6 2 3 2i0 4 2i ~2 275 4 .!l 2 9 1 4

ltl 201 I 2~ ~ JD • , 2 1 f

-ls91G711.lf s;-


Page 14: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

:!, 'j Ol 011 lo

parades werC' ordered, and all tht> mt'n

I) l II

ntiouing Cnl't 1in M oorc,

Li nt '< !. , (I n1tt1lll I Of }'11 r1 l1('\l11'

it ~j 1,., I


, I t I

i;corl'S 111 lOllll'· 11~ uul I .L l iii 1 f thl· Brig l at Ni 1gu.1 f01· thl1 aum11l dull of 1874 iOJ.

Tl1c tignn· of 11wi.it "f th· ln i ldc i 15.3 l ; I t · 1111p it \I 11 A ~ ; n ' cry grt t

i111p1'(1\ t HICht. ' l'lw lie> t s\1011ti11g cornpany is.·>. :-i <Jo1111 my, 20 h B1lt:11ior., ,dth tl1 \{'11\~c of

'.?!Ui:l, l1•in" Jirlitlv lc·tkrth1n thP lti"h tco111plll. fi~m of rn1tit (in U11• J1j Lrict.) of l:\st <·a111(', whi('h w1 :!ri.I:.. olt· ineJ h) .To. [1 <'mnpm), 3 tli BL t.ulion.

'l'ht, b.tt1i111ltt\in tl. J, h tf' lll"'>fm1r1t' th·- t!tB•t.hon 1 in•l86t; lai-.t ca.np tl10 1,. t Intl il1011 of tho 111\i i.m ob 1in cl l i .•1:.; 1 con id ·1.1blC' inc•• u;c.

'flw best i-hot in till' bti~ul<' i;i P1i\.i.t• IJ 1 I :::> c,, of Xo. 2 l'ornp111~, 71th Hattahou,

\\ ith tl.e s ·or1 of GO point . The figm ·of 111£·rit. of tl c c:n nh) (~nil H •gitnent i 1 i .ii · the lie t shootin" troop

is t!w < :1imshy Troo1

1. \\ ith .111 a\l t t,.!•' uf :W." 1 ; and tlw Lt t hot 111 tl11 1 .!i1Ut•nt i.~ PriYatc \\'. ?lla1 ti11d11lc, nf tl,1· •:une t100J'. h,1\ ing ~cor<"ll bs poiu •

'!'Iii' lllllllUCI' ( r l!ICH "ho fo d the 1cquirccl 1111111111·1' of 1'01\Utls i I Infantry, l, l :l;

C l\',tlry, l 1 < lf the ll1i11y-sen•n mi.king the hi!!ll(.•st. scores, twenty-one nrc non-com mi iouetl

oftiC'e1·,.,, !win~ <>'er otw-h 1lf. 1 a111 !!Itul to -.t·tll' that tl1e f'll!!!!<''>tion of :'llajo1· I>nl"tllPll, Di,,trict )lusketry Instrnc·

tor fo1· I s'f:.l, as t11 11 1\ in! l111t 011<.: 1111rker in l'.1l'h 1.utt, a111l li.ll·in:.i; the 11111rk•·r" pe1 mn-1i1·ntly draw11 from 1•:wh battalion. wa-. adl•cl upon this y1• 11'. I fon11.J it wodrnil Wl'll, thl·rc l1!'ill).! no co111"lainh of i11atkntio11a»1lurin~ tl <.: p1evioth ca111p

The ruks of tiriu~ ,,.ell' the sa111c us thoi;c of las c;\111['• nwl which .,1 cme<l to gi\o

genc1 al fiatisfaclion. I approYo of tlw "l f ythe position" at -100 ~·;ll'lls. uotwithst.rnrling iL hlls been ol1je ·t I

to in for11H·r r<'ports. f111· i;kinnishcrs tll'•' oftt n pre\'e11w l fro111 fin11.,! lyi11 • tlO\\ 11t.y1c.~on of tlw lo\\llt''-S of ti1t• !!•·ou111l. thcnfon· an· comp<>J!cil to lire fro111 tl1e !moo: L'Oll'C't'iently, in J.1•eo111i11!! 111·1•11sto1111•1l to the Ilytlu• po ... ition. it \dll uot i'Olllc :uni'"·

I am dnd ~o sl•ttl' no acci1lt>nts occmrul. Tlw \H 1thcr \\as not wholly fa\'ornhle W

shoot in!!. on ni'eouut of thf• \'ll't' "i1ul ... \\ hid1 pin. ii l. ::\°l'xt 1·a111p nt ?\iag.1m. I \\ nuhl mh i:-e th~· i.1i-.in~ •)f t 1r~ b .. ·,) • I u111l '.

J 11 t 1kiu~ into con,.,i1!rl'ati n thP m.11 kul ill•}'• 11·emu1t. of th<• hri<;!ude hootin.:, it nrnsL bP renwmb ·1·•11 that the :iOO yarih ran.:e w.1s n lcle I to the ml\! ol 111-.t camp.

\\'Jwn it ,,·a,, tlcfinitoly a1111oulll'ii'd th.it thc10 wonld he 110 pl'.iz s for those with the }1idic% sco•l'S, l co11ld nut h •l(' hut notice the di l1'J10int111eut expre ... -.11<1 on the mt 11' fa<'t'S. If pril.ls an· t-0 lie 'dthlwhl, it \\ill I c foun•l to Ji.nun p1tj11dici•\l cfil.-ct on tlto

inter<'st taken h\ tltl' '1lh111te1•1:- in 1·itle ,.,hoot in~ J ch sire to ·1 ... n· 11111lrn mention of the v11lu 1blc us~ist nee 1'1.:ll•lcrc<l me l1y ~t.1111:::- ·r-

gcant Du11for.I, ut t.hl' Q11eeu':-. Uwn Hiilr.;,.

' I am, . ir, Y 0111· ohcdicut ,;et ,•11nt.

F. ::iT. JOllX . .Ensi!!n. ?ilu k!'try !n-.tt uctor.


lmt I fo11 ..

Page 15: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore



Lieu t.-Col. D l'H n;, l>e1mb Adjntrnt Gc1wml,

'on1m11udi11~ l '.u11p nt Ifollnrul Ln11cli11g.


t TORO:'\TO, :?nd Xo\·cmbcr, 1874. ~IR,-1 ha,·e the ho1101· t-0 report thntthc Toronto FiL•l1l Rlttcry, mHler my com-

manJ. usscmolecl for nmmal drill on Tue<; l 1y, the '..!9th ::--eptcmlwr, I Si 4. '>h the nmc day nt 10 a.111 .. the n ttt>ry c 11111ll"lll d tho annual l.·tll prnctic" The tar~et wa,, moore l in L tk<.' < >ntnrio. at ahu 1t one thons rnd y inl1> from shorC'. 'l'he firin~ \\ 1 hi.!'h nt fir"t. in c >ti e Jllt·nc~ of th-- l'JI 11110 i •,heil not L in~ clnrgeil,

ns I Jin I i1 ructio'l"> not to n~c pow [('r for thut J•111·pn " ne lucin 'th' Wei..;ht Of t) (' lll'(!j'" i[e by Ji df l l''lllllJ Ji Ha \'()[')' ~l' 'l inflncnce Oil

it fl1,;ht . and t would stron~ly rerom111e111l tlH· prop :ety ot not lH'1·mitti11~ a1·til1P1·,r to t.:1161l,... ·in ]'I lC'lic Hutil tlll'y a re d~Plll · l 1·n111pc•tent to u ' ish"ll a· ·c11· ling to 1·0 . .;11!11 tion.

Tw<'nt) icrht tounds hit the hrg. t Pll~ of lorh·-nine firP..!. tlw hst round compl •tely m I .h I th up r.~trnctttr<', lu l\ i 1 • only tho rnfi aml anchor tq Le towul ,1s' wn·.

'11 tY 111 ti1 dl' ·of tho nmn1tl11iti 11 I 1• t i11Pll to le · l on s ll 1e fntnr<• Ol'<' t<>io11.

Lu 0 1 ,,. I I y a a m the U t t rs u o l ou th m · h foe c·tmp nt Jl.,llancl

fro l To1·ontoi to '·1t · ,ul l foe l the

ut , it even o'd ek p.m, w t r d

m., 0--t b 1• I ,

lj going into c tmp on tho trot. I• M jol', who m"t tho JJ tt •ry nnd

y Ul' im 11 }' • • orJ 1l'd1 :L '11 I trnst ancl


I l t,. ti


, tho ' ms o.•

iii y of the ofiicers un ler 011~ , L .r, n·, du1 i11g nnd

h 1101· t IC', • ir. Youro Iitnt nant.

JOHN GHA Y, C pt .. 'fo•·o to I'i ld Dattery ·

Page 16: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


N". ('. o. Corp • l)fllccrs. imd

::'tlen. llorsell. <:uuK.

---.--------{' v lrv " 'l'rcl(lJ>S Fidt1U'tteri ,:!'1j'it~rl~~ ....................... ·.. ............ 27 WI :l:! l .. .... .. n. rris 11 \r ilfr • 4 n itwri.: .... ' ..... "· · ·" .. · • •" .... •.... 10 1:10 l:! I 8 lufanlry 10 &t'f'll" , e .... ·"" ·" · .. · · .... · · · .. · · · .... ·.. 1:! 11js . . .. . . .. 4

• llll -~ ... ··; .................................. l_:.:i:! _2h'8 -~, ..... .. t. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . . . . .. .. 3:!1 I 3,300 .w;; 12

. The numbers.· who h1t\'e a cl11:\ll.\' 11erforn1e l the ll1·'1\l, :111tl !t.·t"" l l l

. . ~ 1cen m ustcrell, lll . pccte1 , am paid up to the 1st Dtcemher, 1tii4, nre :-

I IN.C.0. Corp.<. !Officers. I ir~~ Horses. Guns.

---'-,---l--1--'-Cav11.lry. i 'fron1>~ I '.? Ficl•l Ihtterie~: . :::: :·::: ... : ..................... .... ...... . , 2r I 313 :ni .... .. . :.! narri 011 B ~ttcric.«...... . .. .. ' . ...... .... · · " .. · ·.... I U2 H7 8 e>lufautryH .. it.1.1liun•of-!GC:;~i'~·~i~~·:::.".' .'.'.".'.'.'.'.':::::::.::·· ·· 15~


i,s!i~ ..... 37 ....... :. Total. . ...... ........................ -m~iii.468--10

Tho o.xcen or c.n·idry st1·en~th ,,·a.-; c 111.; • l liv the mountell b mil of the Xo1 ti -1 -hntl uucl IJurh- u 1 · . · · ... · mm >cr-TI ,

11 ·~! 11 ~ JU:l ron > ·111~ spel'1.dly allow1•d in a 11\ition to tlH· sip1<tclrun strcn,,Lh.

ie tu O\\ rn~ 1·orps h.L ,-e not yet pf' rformcd their 1111.ll, viz. :- "' • Tl1e Port Hupe ancl T1-e11ton Garri.~011 Batteri<·,.;. i4th Battalion. 1 company. 1Gth do . ~ companies. 4!"1th <lo 3 do 4Gt h do ti d()

~:~~i~~ vn tof ~l'~.~f two Garrison .i3.tt~oril'S of .A rtille1 v an<i eighteen I nfanti·y cumr,n.niell , 1,a o 111 cu to mui.ter ~o f1\I' tl11s , eiu'.

J Iw

1 O~Jl'J~nde camps wer"' forrnerl si;nultaneo1L1:ilv at Kino»;ton a.nil Cohonrg 011 Lll" '>'>n l

une " 1 -i fol' 12 dan' tlr'll I f · ·1 .., ' " .,., c ;l'l 1 ti' . 1 , composet o corps 111t11• two Bri,,:1do Divi~tons i·e:;pPctively 1e ;tn (' rPcon11uendecl and allowPd fot· the.~c cutnps wa~ ~- · ·

ommandunt .... ..... ...... l 1 Major of Hrignde .......... I 1 upply Officer ........... . 1 Camp Q11arte1·m1l.Htcr .. ..• r J<'(lr e ich c..-i.mp. 1 :\I uskl t1 V f 1l tn1C'IOI'.

1 J>1 \ u t l" r • mt. . .. .. 1 Ht i , 1dt' (;It I k ... . . . . J

'l'ht· •11101· ollil'Pl" of '\I iht' · I k 111.I 1\naln· \\cro \111dct ti10 b :u ';' ~l:c. '. (' \tlllplton CIJllllll \11 I as nri~n1li1•1-. Tit( A .. till!'rV

v o cc1 i • t •cu· 1 • 1•0.a1\"11 nils. '1'11 t 11' 1 · , I \,,1 ll• l'<'LCI

I 2r 's

by the Dt>puty .A1lj11t.n11t General commanding the district, an1l s11l>t11it1crl for appro,·nl to

headquarters at Ottawa. The Kin~ston camp wn.~ composr<l of the following corps:­

A rtillcrv .-The Ki.t1'.!'lto11 Ficl1l Bat terr.

3 'f' • c l r The Fronte~nc . q11a1lron. 1 roops 1Lva ry ......... 1 ,~ ,1, ""'apnnoo roop.

I 1 .w. P11.11ccss ot' Wal -.s' Own Hifles.

11:>th Argyle Li,ght Infantry.

5 Battalions Jufantry.. 47th Frontenac lhtt.1lion. 4~th Lennox awl A<l1lington Battalion.

l 49th Hastings BtLttalion. Total strength of camp was :-

Oilicet'!>. .. . . .. .. .. ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. ........... .. ........................ 113 Non-< 'om missioned Officers and :i\Ien............. .. ... . . . . . . . .. I ,:~GO Horses........................ ..... . ........................... 203 Guns ...... ... . . . . ...... ..... .................... . . ................. !

Lieut.·Colonel A. Carnpbcll of the }.)th B.1tu1lio11, "~\.r:.!yle Li:.(ht Infantry," fro1n Belleville, being the SPniur ollicer in camp, comm:m1led tlw whole. The immediate com­mand of the c.walry was assumed liy Lient.-Col. John Dull', or the F1-ontcn tc ~ }U,\ Iron.

Lieut.-Coloncl Camphcll's Report, marked A., is nt~1chc"I. The strength of the e:m1p :.1.s gi,·en abo•e ''''ts the ndn ti rmmher present nt mu~ter

when the District P.1.ymaster, in my pre~ence, c.1lle1l the r.ills of "'·cry troop u.ml company there assembled, aml each otlicer, man an•l horRI' w.1s viewc1l liy me pen;ou·1lly

on that occasion. 'l'he Cobonrg camp w.1s composed of the following corps:-

A.rtillery.-The Durham Field D.1ttery. 3 Troor

1s Cavnlrj ....... Jl Tphete:Sboorthm1n~1,rlancl and Durham Squadron.

e r roug l roop.


40th KorthumherlanJ Ilatt:1lion. 3 Bt\tta.lions Infantry.. . 4:lth \Yest Durham do

5'ith Pett·rborou~h 1\0

Total strength of this camp :-Officers....... .... . . . . .. . • .... . .. ... .. . ,..... .. ... .. .. .. .. 'ii ~on-Comm issionetl Officers arnl )len......... . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . 19 Jlot~CS . .. .... ........ ...... ..... .. ...... . .. · ·. .... .. . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. . . :!~:l Chins .. . . .. ... . . ... ... ... ... . . ... ... ... .. ... . . . . . . . . . .. . . •.. . . . . . . 4

Lieul.-l'olorwl \Y. Smith. of the 40th Dattnliou. frn1n Gob~mg. bciu~ the nior 11lliccr

present. l'Omm:u11ll·d as J:1 ig.1dier. 111 the ahsem·c of L1c11t. Col. D'_\..rc,· noulton, of the Northnmhrrl uul :ml Durham

Squa1lro11, th1•11 on 11•:n c in En~lnml, who is the s nior ollicor of th•• _\cliw~ M1liLi.l in the :Milit·1ry Dist rid Xu.:~, the immcdinto commiuul of tho ,~nnh·y in this c:m.p de,·ul\'ed upon I.iPul.-C'ol. Sm:11·t of till' Port I lope l'roop.

Li!'nl. Uolonl'l Rmith's l~eport. marke<l lt, is nttnchc I. The sanw pn:c.autions were taken at this c.1111p, as at Kin,.:~t.on, to n '"t·roin tho

actual numl>1'1' pre~enl entitled to pay. The othct· corps in this District who baYll performed 1umn1ll clt·ill 1\t their own he.'l•l-

qunrter:s arc :-The l'icton troop of C.l\'l\lry. '!'he .c T.lp.llleC fill l Cohour!,( n11ttcrie" of CT ll'l'ison Ar il\e!'y.

'l'ltl' tot 1\ 1111rnhcr of thf• c 11111ste1·dl \\ :.. :-Ollii.:cr,,.... . .. ... ..• . . ... .. . ... . . ... . .. .. ... . .. .... .. ... .. ... . . •.. !l .·on-t\n11mis ion0<l Otl.icci.· nm! :'\lcn... .......................... llj llorscs . . . . . . ... ... .. . ... . . . . ... . . . .. .. ...... .. .. .. .... .. ... . . ... 4:? Guns... ..... ... . . . . ................. . . ....... . . . . ....... . .. . . 2

Page 17: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore




th. ll •

rnh' d.

rg. t~

' o l . • t K:n0 • 1 '·.. l G8 c 11t ; un l

( 'o bottrg 1 G

"l\ r;, l b_., r i ro •• ;,

.. J l t Dnrh.11 I" eatt lio11i;, Ii: \ l' 11ot) l't

11 t lo ' 11 Ill ,I lo

lfi I I.

I') lf h.. l,' I ICCO l 0

l' l llll' Oil rny L Nup.m .111 CDJou1·. H·cximin•tl

<l 1pprova~ of the rna.nncr iu which the exercise~


wero p 1 ~ .rmcd hy tl10 gun (le l 111 t.l, I in which his qu tions 'l'i 1 nn w r 1; bit they wcrl' n·co111111 ·mlod to ntt{;llll tic :'chool of G unnoiy 111 futur ', nu 1 oLt Lin n more perfect au<I cxl<•1t<lu<I know le l~c of nt·tillt>ry clutics th m their own limited mc..m of illi;tmction now c11.1blo thcrn t<J n.tt:!.in.

'l'he tutu! u111ouut of 111011 y <list..ilmtcd 1 1ongst the se,·cral corp for efficient bands of mm;ic wns :-

In the Gth l31 igndo Divi ion ..................................... . do 7th do ............................ . ...... .

Sti5 :iOO

'l'ot·1l in tlw Distl"ict... .... .......... ........ 8!l7fi 'Pho ,1111011nt gmnt I in ai I< f the Hifle J, -oci 1tio11s v., :?:Hi, rui fullo\\11 :-

!itli U1·ig 1df' (Ji\i iun.............. ... ... ........ ..... ............ ..,1:; it!1 do ............... ................ ..... .. . ... 1:; I h ting.~ Asso1.:i.,ti.on........... . .. . . . ... . . ..... . ... ...... ... . . . . . 7 5

'l'•Jt. l ..................................... .. The «tatn of tho arms au l cl hin.{ report <l npou in the t lmb1· t t~m nt (1''onn

1 OG a.) refet"S to t 110 ecJlli pmc i • 11 iu th c Ull (h, : 1 l 1t th•· t 10 11 i s of o h r orp:. onl:· w110 perfur111t•tl chill ml,,, ... , in pee la h ir •JWll h •d'lu it ·1, \\hich is of con~ c n portion •mly of th· nrms an I (' o hin! in po ion of th• fot

l n tl11• 111011t h of O· to tr report " ts f, nnrd •d t • rn •)f the· lo b~ fire of th • dotl1i1t~, f ?"'o. :.! l'ompmy. 1.Jth Btt lion '".At..!ylC' L:ght Ii fi111tr.\,' .1t Lei! 'ill". on tl10 :~rd of th.Lt rnontl1. 'l't11s clothiu~ w. ~ k• p• by the e;1p ... 1in i11 h .; o i · ~ i.t th m rk1•t. lmilding fur their IJctter 111·C':-.cn·.1tiun, while t111• arms urnl a<x: 1t1lrc111c11!..i of Llic company in the :tl'lllOlll'Y Wl't'C 1111i11j11rP11.

The l'Cjlort of tho capu1i11 as sent t-0 me ii:; cnclo~eJ here\\ ith. Tiu• instruction,., is<>uc I for the r·call of all arms und clothin()' in p<h-,e., ion of ti o

mt·n arc being mn·icd ont It} com111a11din~ officers of corp,, hut 11p to the pt'C,cnt d 1tc t] o half-yl'arly in:;pedion:-. h.\· the Bri!!•Hle :\lajors have not IJccn c HIJilC'too, nnd I nm there­fore n111Lle to make ;~ mo1-c n ·cnmte rcpor;, at present of the equipment ~cncrally.

I ha \"C th!' liouor to lie. Sii·, Yom· obc licnt l:'ci·,·nnt.

~- P. J AHY'l .. Uem.-ColonPI, Deputy .\djutaut lh:ucr.11, !ililihry 1Jbt1ict ~o. 3.

The Deputy Atljut.ant <.:enc:-;.d of .Militia, Ottn'' n.


1'111: Cull', K1:-;r.~TO~, July, 3rd. 1 ii.

Sm, I lin,·e tltt• honor to n•po1·t that tho corps nnm"rl in the 111:u·£,'111 ~ :::'ry.

ha Ye pt•1-for111t><l tl11•i1· annual drill, in tho ean1p jnsl en<ll' 1, for l :-.j.~ awl Frontcn~ 1Si;1 1111tlcr Ill\" eo1111111rntl. as otliC('r t·01 rn1n11din!! the ith Bri31tlo Di\"ision, ::'\Squadron. accor;lin:..: to tlt


<• District; 01tll'l'" dated Jun lith. i-..;4_ • .J.!:1,1~ Thl' (.,', mp was laid out nnd '' 11,.; <'ondnd d in "l1 ict nccord rncc with tLc -·

n·guhtion" and ordc•rs for <h·ill. '!llnnls, t:lr!! pmcticc, ,\'. ·. f.':lf~u 'l'ht• hri.,!.1dc Jicl1l 1110\ emenb "e1-e 'ery credit.1l ly I ct fonn cl. ie A~. 1 t. aff 1nl · 111c ~re 1t pie 1s11re t-0 be nhlc lo report mn t sati filctorily on Inf. try,

the cnnd net of ()\'Cr,\• ofliC<'l" pre nt. llll I thnt 1 \\ ns 1110 t nul.\· 'iL'COlldcd by Hth n.~ lion tl1c 01Jicc1·s in <'OJ 1111mHI of b \lt Ii ns. i.; h do

Tl11· target 1•ml'tic, "a 1110--t abh· t'OU inctcd 111Hlcr the. npcrintcn<lcncc -lit.bh d • . • 4 t d

of Capt.am B\'rnl'. the ,;\l nskoLr_v In tructor. 49t.b dQ 'l'he , \q;plr Olliccr. Ot1ptain GoI<lon. W:ls most nttentivo nn~ diliJcnt. iu

tho di~churge of hi::1 onerous duties.

Page 18: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

To the Hrigld ~lnjor. Li£1nt.-Uol. Phillip'!, I nm i11tleh!<.•<I fo1· much Ynlunble ni1l nn l n si~tnnco in t• u-rying •Hit the rnrious 1lutiPs i1u'iclc11t to tho comm:md intrustcd to 1111'.

Tho total nctunl strength of tho fvrc· in t•nmp is appondr<l to thi1 Report.

I h:\\'C the honM t1) hf', :-\ir. Your nhecliPnt i;ernrnt,

A LFltED A. O.UTPBELL, Lit•ut.-l'ol. Co111man1ling Kingston Ca111p.

The Deputy .\.1ljntm1~(h•ner.d, Commn.n1ling ~I ilit 1ry Dislric:t ::-., o. 3,


[ B.] Conoun.G, .July ~~ml, 181 J.

N 1th111ol~r- dR,-.\:> senior office1· 111111 011mm:\11<l1111t at the In i~.i. It• c·unp fo1· the :~1~1!~~~~Ir:,~: present yell', H'CCntl!: fo1·1111·~ at l 'ult'lur~ 111Hk•1· the :inthority of District l;t l 'ol.;o;n~~Tt; Ordc1 s, 1lawd .J 11 nc 11th, I ... I cl, r ha,.~ th • ~1on11r to report.that tl11: c UllJI ,1.et,rbo~r . compo,cd of the corp,, with co111111muli11~ olhccrs as named m tho 111ar•Tin 1 rQ(lp, ·' 11J"r I l ,.. 1 l i i l l . "' ' l:og rs; Dur· wns 1 II y wrme< on t lC :.:.111 11 t11110. 111110 ~·iclil Tho ~roll111!, seledcil just 011t.sidP the northern limits of tho town, was !~~t~{;;; ~'Jt~ well adapted to pnrpo"CS of c·11c.1111pment, ht•in~ conveniPnt, d1eprfnl and 11,iblion. remni·kul.ly healthy: then• bcrn~ ,·cry fow c:t,;cs of sickness, a111l those of only )! "J"rl:Ui~tt; the milde.-;t type. 4:itriBnttal1'm, 'I'lt" fl1·1'l l "11cl C" · 1' ·e · · ] l I · 1 · Lt.·U<•l. t:n· L • " :'ct~ s s ''.l'l'C co111 llCcCt, as near y as pns!nb c, 111 bit~; ;,;tblht· accorllanc~ with the (~ll't'Ct1011s hwl. llown in. the Distrirt Ord<'l'. and gr·nernl ~!~.'~\>0!~~_,t.· ~amp d1~tu.::> :u~'.l rou.tme Wl:t·e ca1Tw1l 011 with as ~m~eh str_ict11c.,s as can be

m th~ c.t:>e of 1.1w hoops lnott!..(ht to~cthcr for so brief a peno11. Of the gene.ml :011d11ct of otlicers ancl mrn I cannot speak in too high

terms. aml, consulcnng the shortness of the time affodcd fo1· actual work (only ni:ie chys. ~xclnsi,·c <if :-)111ul.1y awl the 1lays of 111·1rd1i11!! in :11111 out), :rnil t.he compamtn e~y lar.;e 11m11 Ii ·1· of the racrnit" in the •·,wk-;. the progress rn 1lnll was Yer.'· s.1t1 ... f:1ctmy. !1111"· l th• chang• 111.1 lC' in tlw .Field Jhttcrv {at tield drill fot· tho fir,,t ti111 ·) w 1" !-onnwthing rcm.1rkahlc. •

r n thi<> co rnection I might s..1y tint the reduction in the ti 11111 lwr nf llH~n p~r troop and co111pan) fo.r drill 1~m·p , o; I fltrongh· npprove of. nncl woulcl "1sh to : .... e t.he r due ion cu·11 cl 1mll further, pro\icl• l it 1• 111 hl Ito nccompam ·d with 11. co1r p ndmi; in rP l in the nnmbur uf 1lrills an l tho grc ~,.r co17 <'1.\11 ·~t fii ·i 1~ \ of t!1 • comi? my ancl battalion st.nffs.

The J1fl1 ·1'.lty exp 11~nc I. m ho1:.111i.: Yohnt 1· h·ttkries, 1 snlijP~t of :,! 11Ct1ii C0111pl,u11t 1111011' t .\ rtt!l \' Offi 'l'S. \\ ,1.8 t 11ti1·clv :tl•Sl'llt in t)w l':lstl

,,f tho Durh,un B 11.tery; ind l U.q1tain I :ri Imm i11·011 •lit "ith Jii111 111111•0 tlrnn ~lw l'C"ttlati•m n~1111Lc1· of Ji . w·1~l1 th' lin.lt1~·v t h I'' wen· ScJllll' vi•ry hue tc>:u11s, null rn gc1.1< ml iti l.orsr , nn I thos1· of th~ c;1, :dry in cainp w ·n· all tlt·1t could b" de m 1. '

From the 1Hgl<l .'t.1ff l r 1\• l , t'\'

seemed th· ri,.:ht 111 m in the ri ht pl ic . of u 1plie hy C' 1pt.tin \i m I 1~"11 c· ,11! I

' t1 0 · I c 1 ul I in k 1 • 1 I · · l •) · · . . . n, .11 011 ~ 11 o · , n p1''"1 tlu• v I 1 • nf t!1 f' 'l: 1l t .11111 1,; 1 · I\ • ! > hi n m11• ~ • I'S 1, 1 : wiul . , IaJOl' i\lcl )!.'1 rm I dtSd1 ugl' l. the iluti 'l! ot < ',llf'I• Q111rtA:miastcr 111 a w,1y thnt sho\\ed 111111 to be a rchahlo nncl ln1siwu1 tliv nlliccr.

TLe relationship existing l1ct.wccn tho Brigacle ~Iajur an<l m vsell furliids • •

1 '7

nny reforcni· · lo l1im, L ·yon l tlw i:i<'t th 1t the ~ l't f n) from prelim in.Lry :u mng<'111c nls is altogether his.

To tl1 ~ ollicc111 co111111111ding cuq s Ill) thauks n1 c du for th ready, and soldi1·1·-likP supp(Jrt w l1ich 011 all occru ion 1 rec i\ l f 11 ti

The supplius Wl'rfl of t.hCI Lest that the SC ISOU could ntl l I. r I I

though thiu, wAA always swL-ot and of good 11unlity, lllll the lm <l, fu1 i by ,'Jwphl'~«I, of Port Hope, was excellent. Indeed, as i (pt cl ti 1 1 I I'll! , no colllplamt whatA:vc1· was tnacle.

'l'ho transport nrnrngcment.'I, holh hv the C:m11d '1'1 nnk an l hv tho Cobourg and l)eterborough roads were all that co11l1l be de irod r;cc111i


11g a they did, early tmivalt> itll(l <lepa1 tu res. ' '

Thoro ~vM no cnsualty of mo111oni to report. 'l'h1• \\C'.llllf'1· durin, tho whole periorl wns very pl1•:um.nt, and on m:irchin« out all ranks sc med w )) satisfied with the camp ancl everything connecte<l w·ith it.

The paynwnt of ofliccrs a.ccor<ling to r.mk was npprccinW, ns wns J o the incrca.'!c of ten cent.'! a day iu th'! pay of the rank nml file.

"~ith respect to the convcnie1:cer; 111·oyi1led for tlie tl'OO i 111.lY n ami'ls to :;ay that at the comm<'ncement of t110 c.unp n po t o li · \ taulished iit the Brigaclt) (1Jlice unc!Pr the irnn1ecli.lt-0 c·h ug •of lie 1'1' (;!erk, the trnns11ort liranch of the service heinrr p rfo111 1 I \ ·l 1

orderly, with mn.il ha~s ki11t!ly lent l1y ~Ir. :-;.~kes tho ohli~lll" (' 1 Postmaster. Posht!!" stamps too ''ere kept on salt•. u nd c\ en hi1 , to secure prompt and satisfa<'tory comrn11nic.1tion \\ ith ho1110 mul. fr 1

The MontrPal Telt·graph l'o111pa11y, with ch111· 11•t risti cntP1 pt i 1111dat.no small expense, laicl iL wire in con11ection with tlw li110 011 the P1 ter 1ou 1 Ha.ilway, and estnblishecl an otHce in one of om· cin·til 1r t••ntl hmt th 111 Cr the purpose; this, 1 necll liar1lly say, JH'O' t:d a .rn•at tOllYL 11i~n1· to m my.

I should foil in my duty clid I not mention thP Hry g1'\.•,1t pl• 111 ~· and protit afforded to nll mnks i11 ca111p by the Uobour~ \' o 111 ';\j ' Christhn Association who, at co11si<l1·ml1le cost to thern l h s. < 1 I .1 builc.ling ou the ground, and supplied, gratis «• ;1]1. an abundnuc ut rt und a lib&ml stock of writing materials, with nil 11cc 1n· ti h ll correspondence ; aml I am ha Pl'Y to !'ay th•tt ,·ery m lll)' of ti1 · u themselves of this kindnes~, and abo attt-nde1l in l.u _e nuiuLt 1 h • religious meetings hel<l in the ~~ssociation lmildin~. I '' oul I l lllt'l

that an appropriation to :t.'-'sist a111l c11com·:lge thi ol~ t houhl 1111rn lll) l plnced in the ~Iilitia estimates, and that steps shoulil be tnk 11 to gi' such certainty 11111! permnHrncc to the'>C rooms as would 11111ko them 11 part of our camping system.

I beg to closo this irnperfo<·t report by recommending t.lmt thCI month of June be /i.rt!~l for the drill pc1io1l in this l:>ection of the Dowiuion. All iul-Orest" cor sidere·l, i10 other month of the rpar i" n uoin uai ut for tie the (•1nployer and employC'd, mu! no other m~mth nffords us good pl 1 ·•ical rC'snlts in respect to thl.' comfort of the men :11111 tht! Pc1.111omy of the t1111l ct aside for the t.rnin i n~. I have said that thi!' month . lw11 l,l L • / /. tli. t , the mcm hers of the force shou Id, months Ul•fo1 t•. knuw whn1 mul "hl 1 • hl• drill is to t.n.ke place, so th:\t armngemc11ts mny 1 o rn:!dc c 1rl), and lh doubt :11Hl unccr~1i11L) of the past few yt':m .. t'('movc<l.

.Accompanying nro the tn1·!:_i:1·t pntctice returns nml u su111111nr; of lho fiehl st:tle>i at your inspectioH on thl' '..!1111 .luly.

l h.n·e the lninor to be. ir, Your olwdient :<en·nnt,

W. -..i\IJTH, Lt. Col. 40 ·1 B • The Deputy A1ljt.-(k1wml, Uoru11Mmh11g (famp.

Milit..ary Dllitrict No. 3, Ki.i1tiTSto11, Ont. G-3

Page 19: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

• MlLlT \RY Dl 'l'lUOr, :No. 4.

DEPU1'\' Aurnusr G1:~ERAt.1s On·1~1-;, BnocKVILU:, 18th Dccemher, 18,4.

, m,-Pursnnut to dcne111 l n\e1111 .•l u•1l :11\I J.rnt1:1ry1 1S7t [ hlL\'C tho honor td llbmit this Ill\ mmnnl rC'port on thc opcmtimls of tl111 Active .Militia in thi~ Distril'IJ

for th<.' cm n :nt \ e.1r. 1 also cnclo c ... \ hstmct J 11spet'lio11 Hcport '' :mil " lfriga1lc 'l\1q <•L l'rnC'lico R1•t11rn~."

The tot •l 1111tnli<'rs \\ hich ha,·c pcrf01·111t•1l the ~\11nual Drill for l8H 75 nl'C ;I 8 follows:-

Otlicers 141. N. '. otlioers 11ntl men 1G' I, ho1·ties 2:!6. Total l.)flic"n. n111l men 1 ~25. Believed hv (tcneml Onk1 s nnd speci11l authoritr, from performi11g the annual llrill,

4 i3 officers nnd men . .A Drb1dc C.unp wns formed nt Ottawa on tho :?:2n1l June, composed of the following

corps urnl i<trc11gth. X C. Otlircrs

Officer~. nnd men. Horses. :"Luff ... ········· ........................... 6 G G

{ L' i/ry. J'rcscot t 'froop .......................... 3 42 42 Uttmrn do . . . . . . . . .. ..... ····· .... 3 42 4i

~1rtill1 ry. Ottawa .F1 Id Dntl<'ry ................ . . G 66 ()!)

lnfcml1'!J and Rijlci;. '.] & :i <Jos .. 1 th D:tttnlion ................ (j 66 2 1, ~. 3. ! ,!v :i Cos., 4 bt Battalion ........ 15 188 3 <) 3,3.G,- i ~l.)S. 1 ·l:?nd do 15 210 4 .... j&G Cos., 43rd do G 67 1, 2, 4 & i Cos., 3Gth <lo 13 156 2 1, :-?. 0. 4. 5, G & 7 Co .. , 50th ~lo :!2 2!>5 .i

05 1138 176 Tot:r.1 oflicers and men. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. 1 23:1.

The folio'' inJ ror1 s performed tlic <hill by special permi:ssion or 1mtlcr the or1lers r lnting to City cor1 s.

Officers. Gannnoqne Field Hntt<'ry. In C mp nt Local Head Quarters........ 5 1, :!, 1 & G Batteries, llttawn. llrigado Garrison .\.rtillery at Local Hearl

Quarters . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . 1 !i Oc1ver11or Geneml's Foot Gnanls. (Special orgnnization) clo uo say. . . . 26


N. C. Ofiicers aud men.



'l'otal officers and men . • . . . . .. . . ... . ... .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . f>O:J

IT orses.



do do 111 Uiigl<lt:> camp .............. 1233 176

•ro I numbC'l· lhill 1. ................................. l 2:; ~26

The followinJ Batteries md <'0111pa11i< ''ere dlowc1l liy Ge1101~il < fr~ler s, or liy Rpt!ciii iic1mi ion, to dispense with drill fo1· th<· p. · 'nt year.


Nos. 3, 5 & 1 B tt ti , Ot w B g d Garrison A1·tillery, say............ ..... 9

Nos. 1, !?, 7 & !) Oo$., 43rd Battalion.. ... 12 Nos. 3, 5 & G Oos., 5Gth do 12

N. (). o c rs d men.

126 168 126

83 420 'l'ot tl officers nnd n1cn ............... . ..... ..... .... ...... .... . '153


Prescott Troop, l\Juj or W nl h . (on le.we). Oflicors in cam!', Lieut. ll mcy nn l Cornet Satchell ; 0 thrn :'\. T roop, ( 'aptain ~park~.

Hy special p •r mi ,ion I secured thc> scr' ire, of L .-C'ol. Love! LC· to t 1ke chnr<,!c of this nrm of tlt~ i;pn ·ic · wh ile iu cam p. co'l cq11c11tly the t wo !rqops wcro formc l iuto .\. s.pmdron ~i nd plncccl umlU' th.it ollk rs c n1111 ml, to who e efri..:i1•ncy mill l'Xcrt ion . ably assisted by t he zmlous ofhcer;.; of th r spe ti,·c ttoop,, i'! du , fo .. till• n111rkNl impron meut and ~cneml etlid ·n~·y n.ttaincd . J: th o licers. not .commi i inr.<I ollicers nn l troop<'r-S nrc zealous worku· , cl an t ucl solclicl'ly. The horses nrc 'cry fair, and impron~mcnt iu drill as dctnile1 l in tabulnr return ve1y ,,atisfactory.


Ottawa I•' iel<l H.\tt<'ty,-C pLnin 'tewnrt. This lhtwry mu tt t'C l in its u<>u LI cllici nt mnnner, nnd c uTie I out. the or<linntT

cnnp <lnti<>.s, tt kin" p;:i1·t in nll fi ·Id day , 1 n mu ht~ etc .. hnt owin:: to tho hr~:o 1111mher of mft.-; in tho Ottnwo. Hiv r, it wa" impo iblc to cnrry 011• the usual course of s' iut and shdl p rnctice. 'J'he inspection of this corps was m 1tle by the A ssisumt Inspector of .\rtillen·.

I mn:: her • llH'lltion th t. OU mv recommendatio 1, Lieut. Harri!:, 0. n. G . . A .• wn a ppointed \ rett·1·iunr)-:-\11r eon~ rthis t icampm 11t. Hi ni · \\Cr hi,;hly npp ·Ui.ted, auu by th t· iti.p ctiou nu l tr . t n n of .di iot s i c 1 np, 111 v nt I nu~ cl im fo1· i; iek.i sx 01· ii1j11 1') , l'Ullf<C<]ltCntly mnch t rouble ,mil cxprns w.1~ donbtlth" s.1,cd. Xow tliat we ha,·o !illch a lnrgo nnm bor of hor,.,es going throu,,;h Jrill n1111unUy. I think n Y etcrin ar.v-Surgpon should he appointed to either the cnvnlr_,. or m till~1·y of the Di, trict.

t.h11,11101p10 Fiehl B11tt<.'ry. Captain McKenzie. This corps is in po --~ sio i of p u't of tho nee .1ry cquipm<.'nt only, viz :-Three g1:1H

ancl ont~ llowilz"r with e:11Ti '" nn<l limhe1 , (no cni ons). llnrnr " for t"enty four hor ('~. stultlkry fo1 the 1 011 •v uni sion I olli 1 n I rlo hin~ compl · . A th st-Ort:,, \\ Cl'' llO II }111111 \ ft 1' • l\ s_i\ •1f:rth(' llllll 1 drill t 1 I l i I I cd 0:1 fo t

tl sh II

Page 20: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

Th in I tion 'l\l\S mndc bJ the .\ssi t.mt lnsp •ctor uf ~\rtillel'y, ncco111pa11ic1l liy llie B1i" 11'0 · of the Di\ is iou. th l ittcr offi ·er r'port <I l'\'erythin~ C<Hl'Cct. rcgul1u· anil

Lti f: cto1 •. P1 ., ion to tho euc:unpnwnt l p-0rsonnlly inspect.ed the har1wss awl store rooms,

nnd found th• h 1rn •s.s corrcC'tlJ pnt up nn<l properly cared for ai.(1 otlt1•1· stort•f! i11 good md ... l' ipt:lin .M ·Kenzio 1lcs •n cs special 111c11tion fut the c1wrgy displayml in lho organization of thi Bnttt!I')'.

Ot• l!Ca Briyudc C11 rri.~nn ~lrtillt 1'//.-Licut.-Col. Fgkson.

Tlw cit'\' Batteries ('\c•s. 1, ~. ·l 111111 G) perfornH'1l the drill nncler the general or<l •rs l"l I 1ting to city corps, I ) ! lir~11l-rp1 ll'tcrs : ~(ls. ~l anti :) lhtt ·ril'S hein·~ l'lll'<ll corps, l l ri 1 p rnti sion to di p ·ns1· "ith drill for tho prc:-;ent year ; ~ o. 7. B;Ltt.cry I ·1 fm n e I no drill. l iuspe<'t<'d the fonr h 1ttc..ies on th' ! I th Decench"'" (1•xt.crn;i01~ of im•• ·ing uthv1 iz2fl). l'hc m 'II p.m.Hl1-id elean nncl sohhcrly, and perfon11e1l p1·0' mg

in fours nml umuual exc1·f'i,.,o indiffcn•nlly. A detachment frum each Battery pe1fornwtl biJ JUll ch ill atisfncto1 ily.

I noticed nu itnpron•mcnt in tho physi11ne of the men, au<l the moru.le is ev idPntly imp1 , inrr. The o lict•t'li arc ;.-.enlon", nnrl I ha,·e nu cloub~ but tho whole llrigado ''ill be etlici tly organize l in time for next ye 11:,; a1mn111 d1·ill.

The Bm•l of twenty-six mn,.i.cians is very t>tticicnt and reflects much crmlit on thP COil S.

O" in~ to the impo,.,<1il>ility of thl• otlic~rs h'm·ing their ciYil occupations to attend tho Rl'hool of gunnery. promotion has come to a stand, "hich i.s opemtin!{ ,·cry injnriously, lf nn in t1 udor were se11t to the corp~ fr11m " A " lhttery for a few months, mul if tho as j,tunt.i11spect-01·ofnrtil!eryconld, d111-in!{ that pr.rio1l deliYer a.few lectnres'fo tltP officers, here is 110 d•!ubt hut they conl1l p1·orn their t>tlicit;ll':y su:iicicnt to ensnrc their promotion,

I theiefore trnst that <.:0111 ' means 1111n· hP dc\'i~c I to o,·ereome this cliflicultv. I am not in fu,·our of corps pcrfor111in~ 1lrill at lo,..,d l1Pacl qna1'tt•1~s, hut where

instr t••ti<:>n in bi!! .!lln drill is ncccss~ry, this l'.mnot well lw :t\'oi<leil in thi.~ distl'ict. But u Gm 11 \rti.ll ry require to un<lcrst:in1l H 1tt.uliun 1h-ill as wpJI m; big gun, I think th i mu l drill performed occnsio1mlly in Lri!!ade camp wouhl be at! rnutagcom; to

e; I , uo: \\di to l ho I >i,.,trict at large. I t:cko the Iii erty of a~ain c:tllmg attention to the Ycry ina1leq11a.te Drill Shed accom­

m d ltion at 0ttnwn. The armories are Vl'ry upe11 and the roofs leak iu winter, the drill room is quite too sm 111. and from its pe..:uli.tr constrnctiou i:; not ad:tplctl to tho purpo e inten led. 'JI e force at tl1e capital is, I think, deserving of nwch better nccom1uo<l ltion.

l11/a11try and Nifl1• Corp.~.

Th Gov 111or Gencrnl's Foot Gnard;i (G COlllJ>"·) arr. org:mize<l nnclPr sp ·ci.tl re"ulations, nn l co111m1111icate direct with hend-q111rt.e1'S; hut [ pn·s11111C· th Lt they ar1• on tl1e ~u111crical i; 1 n~tl1 of this IJistrict, co11r;c1p1•·11tly I ha,·o atl<lecl their 111unber to t.lw total strength. A 11 ugh I h 1' r• uot otlici.illy i11spP.Cted thi11 ('•Jl'l'"• L ha vu s<'cn imlliei1·11t of it, t.o k11ow th 1t it i "ell organized, au.J p1·esc11ts a line solrlil't'ly appc;trancc on p;w,ule.

I. th B11ttalio11 (l1ift.) Urm11l!I oj l'rP-scrJtf, (6 CO//l/J<Wies. )-Lieut .. Col. U rr1 uhnrL.

'111is bnttulion has not m ustcrec l since :-:ieptcm he1·, lo 71 (at which ti1111• it waH one of U t ii th I>i trkt) con quentl) it is i.ow \'cry 11111ch t!isurg.mizPd, a special report on th 11 jf t \\ forwnr le I omt· time 1go .

. 3 ul • c nnpalll• \H 1 • prO! n t in '"1111p thi : en.r, a11tl \HmJ atlnchc1l for cl rill and 1 1 to the timl Battalion, l umy ntltl th,(t, tlici;o two companies were present. nt the pt'(l\ ious Brigade Camp.


4. lst IJ11t111/i1m, /Jrod:1 me ltijl II (G comp ni .)-T.."c I • Col. '

This l1attali1m w.111 )'t'Ctwnt in ca mp, uxc pt N o. G c lllJHll) v. hi This I attrihnte 111orn t11 the otlir·crs t han the 111cn, •\\•1.,1 of who 1 ·111 lb 1t g1•t 110 olliccr to ti1k1• chargf!. This imR been fully l'I pot'W 1, • nd s m flo1 t 1 111aclc to i;ecuru a change of Ofliccrs without ll \ ail, 110 dvulit th c 1111 11) w1 l I \ dh;i.i.llldt:<l.

Th1:i ti Ye conqmnius m11st.e1..-!d f11irly, lmt like the genci 1lity of <'Ot ps \\ e o lurg ly con1poscd uf rcc1·11it:J. Thr: physirp1 • howc \•e r, was, so f u· ns I conl l Jll I•·, b ·ttcr th;m last year. This uuy he sui<l of all corp., in c 1.rnp. The Jrill ns det111 l ~ in t bul r 1 l t 1 n was very fair au cl gcm:ml i111provement i;atbfactory. 'l'hcro was an eil1d('nt :U.t.nd attached.

421tcl /Jritl ilitJ11, Brockuille 111/cinlr!J (7 r.ompwiie.,.).-Lieut.·Oe>l. lh1nll.

F'ive comp1rnieR of this co1·pq join<J1l the camp, No . I und 1 C'vmp:mi so. The:>• last two com panic., luwe 11owc,·cr, bc<·11 N·•)r •.m izcJ, an l the1 u t lo l1eli,·ve that iu fciturc they will be present wh n rcqum l.

This liattalio:1 w.1s lik l.!wis • brJ ·ly co.npo.;eJ of recr ti , u 1

reputation for clPa11linl',.,S a111l 1ml1liel'ly .1ppi•:.u-.mc '. .. • o. 7 Uo n p 11y sp Ct!d 1111.!llliOll fur tfll'il' ;;t:llCl'al ttp j>H Ln.lnC.: all I etri i 11 'Y• \'I ldJular r,·turn, w.ts fai r, awl geuem !- clfi ·1e~t:y ~ 1ti..,fa ·tory. J'h a lt..achecl.

43rJ /Jattalio11, l'mmty G'adrto11 l 11/ a11ir!/, (G comp rnics.)- Lieut 0 I. B .in11 n.

Only :Sos. 3 and G Comp.u1ie5 joinecl 1he camp. The ronmininJ com1 mi were relieved 11·0111 pt>rforming the present ye.1r 's drill by general urde1.... T h e tw 1 co op m were attached to the -1~1111 Battalion fur d rill u111l clisciplinc, and u11 itc l with th two compa.uies of the 18th B.1ttalion for mtions. 'fhP men nrc not clcitn o s JI Ii •rly m their habits, and there appe~m; to he a wan t of 1.•:pri.t-d1 -rorpt . I Je.11· tl.c oltic 'I'S do not utli­cient inculca.tc (l.y ••th•ice and e x. unple) li-.. t:iplin •. ·~n l imp icit ob' Ii n ·. to or I ·r:,,. l'l.t • improvement in <ll'ill , howev~l'. wa-, 11111011 !!'.Or· s 1t1~1tu:to1·y th 111 on so 11e torm •r oc · 1 o 'l'l1ere wa~ an cJlicient hand with lh»,.,e compa ie., .

56th Battali.011, G'n1rnty Gre11rille. '' L is]lr N~des.'' (i compa1Cit.s.)-L •ut -~ I. J e 1p.

:Sos. 1, 2, -l a111l i Companie:> j uiue l t h camp, .. : os .. :~, ;) m.cl G relien•d U\' gc·ner.1l or1lcrs from pPrformin0 the pr ,.,en t y .11 's ill.

Th• interior cco110111y of th is h.1tt.alio l i ~oo l, nn.l alth 1 corps, of many 1r•c1·uits. a certain RlllOunc. of Jlril -d urp • Ii drill, as dcL:•iled n , l11ilar t"tuni, was f,udy 1 ~cent I. ~ o. particularly good. i\o harnl was prt>:>cnt. thi,.. yea1·.

69th Battalion, St1J1·111011t a11d (;[e11garry l1~(..rntry. (1 cvmp mi •• )-Li ut.·C.>l. Bergin.

Page 21: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

l Com-

l' 01· winwr, nnrl nrs it is ltul1l in 1 \ crit.Jtl'i umtt I' of diRuipliuo

mb ·r, or Lieut .•

lnoo .\1lj11t 11t,.n(•n<'1 LI, und 11s I think con iJ<'rnbl · ~mproHm n nnr mdical change in our pre ·nt S\ tern or orbuuzatiou, T \ nt 11

at.,i~n tlu.: unnoxcd crude memorandum. 1 ha ni th1· h mor w Le, Sir,

Y 0111· 1110,;t .:>hcdiont se.r,·nnt, \V. IT. .JACK o~, Lit11t..('ol.,

D1~puty .\cljulanL < :c111:r,\I, .M iii 1y }Ji trict No. 4. 'l'ho D eputy Acljnt:mt C:cnoral of .Militia.



Since the 1l1·1Mrt111·c of the T mperinl troop~, ~110 ·~cth·e ~1 iii ti~ in ~h" gr ller p~u t of Canacla lia\'e had no p.1ttcrn sol lier to cop~·, im1l if tlus st.ale of tl11n' is alh.>\\ :cl' to ~on-tinuc for ii J m" pel'io1l. the forc(l 111u~t nec · wily. un ler our pi nt ) m ?f hort ~trill . nn· much ilt't~riori1te. In order to olJ\•iatc this dilli nl ) , for .t pr l 'tl bl without a 1~1·cte increase of C'Xp nclitnrc, the folio'' ing i SlH!J t.c I.

~\.holi h tho pre C'nt system of company drill in trne.tion Of which, gi\'(} C,JCh (' tptnin (who houlrl \Je bO\llltl, n Lt }II'

fitted up arinory) lffty doll1u·t> pet· annum. . . . • . . . Appoint frulll the regul.u· nrmy. one paul non r!O nnus l n • 1 ofh r m 1rr1 J. if p l­

\1le) to e;u.:h corps m· hat.talion, ns drill instructor nncl C'ar tnker. It'' oul l I 111 d.ut t? takl• gl'nci·.d supcn ison of nil :>tores, a111l kecp all nrms, •'-c. clean ; ~hf' con ntly ~n nm­lorlll, moYing aliout lietw1•en the several c~11~pany l:c.u1-q11:il'l rs, cl<'. 1 Ill• nncl rcgnla mg the whole of tlic (fov1•rn11wnt stores at each ns1t.

The appearance of even thi!> :;111.dl n11mhc1· of re~nll\l: .sultliors. ~on t.nntly 1110\ in~ ahont the country, wo11ltl uaturaily foster and keep ali,·o a m1l~t~ry Rpmt nmon~ 0111· rm.ll population, as well as act ns :i patt<?m fo1· the ,·ol11nt-0crs. fhe c~p •u c \\Ould l'? hut little, if any, in excess of the present system, nn•l a l tr!!P ann111l s~' 111~ 'rnnld 1 o cflect.cd hy prc.ffi•11tinrr 1lt·tcrior;ltion in b.1ttalion :;tol'e.". Consiclerahle dnll and t I" c l•' nee wouhl clouhtl~ss he cal'l'ie1l out at company hea<l-q11n1for,.,, which at }ll'\ nt i.-. wholly neglected, anil thero b no 1louht whaoovcr but t.ho cllic~cncy of the fore woul l be mu h incrcase11. 'l'he syst~m to apply t-0 all arnh of tho sCl"\ ice. . .

In order that these inst11wton; rnictht not lose there sohhody nppe m• oc. habits nml 0

'-1 1 11 I t•· l l to ' \ " and '' ll " efficiency, it is lll'oposc1l that they be ns,..cmu ec annu~ ) , an~ n wlC ';< · 6

Batteries fol' one month, to ~o throu!!h n com'Se of dull nu l m lrucbon. . . ~\n i1wreasii of p.1y to the mnk and file, would. in the opinion of r. ·~ t mnJ01'1ty or

the otlicll-s, facilit:itc 1·ccrniting. ~:,, nbo ten l t-0 s cure n better cl of Ill n. Iu fact. i nppcars to many thut if the force j, to he 111aiutaincd "holly by rnlunl tb t .his i& ?\<'tUally llt'CCSS!ll'j".

\Y. 1 I. .lAcKSO\, Li• ut .. Col., Uep•tty .L\djut•llL Oc11c1nl1 ?llilit11\ Di trict ~·o. 1*·


lJr.An QrAn1r.ns, Mt'l~Tn~u. lGtl1 December, 1Si4.

P.rn,-1 ht1Ye the honor to 1'(>µ01 t thnt nll tlio oorp in tho. Di trict not .Precluded from chilling by the. Gcne1nl Orde1· of ,fouo 2nJ.' 1..,i4, h~\ e:, w1tl1 tho cxc:phon of th companies 111\tnrd holow, performed the n11m11ll tlnll for l 14-15, n ~ Jlo' .-

1 1· I3ntGADE D1u IO'li

'.the St. Andrew' 'froop of CnY hy, nud 1 lth But bo 11 \.1 • ntmul 1.

Page 22: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

= \nc11 w' \lllllt I' U1t command of Li1•11t.·l..'ol. n lCOll, nrigndl• >Injo1·. ' l'ltost•

11 ' 11 cu 1p n t e :.!Jth Ju1w, nn1l 1ll'ill •tl for l:! <I tys. 'l'lll' c.unp was pitc!11~l ou \ ui \,It.• I il 'o •10111Hl on ;\Ii .• 11111 ~;o11's farlll, ,,Jtl·rc 1t goo1l bllf>}'ly of wnl!-1' ''HS \\ 11 \ h ; go 0111 1· nnd di ·ip i1w "1s maintained dnring tlie ca111p. Tito corps mu. U;11·tl: l I), 3 o 1 ·1 • 40 non con1111issio11t ti otlicor:-. and men and I :l !tot. 1•s; 1 l th l3u.ttalion, l i ·~ m i I ~ non-c1>m111issio11e1l ollic1·rs nnti men. Ollicl'l'S uml 111<•11 pr ·ntt:'J n f1110 1:> l h(' l) ~Pl c1rn11eo at inspPction. 'l'hc c1tYU.lt')' w1•1·0 wotl 111011ut.c1l; they drilled n n -<({l 1 lron. nud '' t•nt through the mo,·1•111e11ts and swonl exercise in a. cre<litnblc• m1umc 1·. Tho iufanfry ~howl·1l goo<I pl'Olicienc,v in drill ; the p;mule, fichl mO\ emcnt:s n11 I ki1·mi"hiug werLl Wl·ll 1lonc. The rations were of gooll <1uulity, n11d g1we "ttistu·tiun. :!O rounds 1'< r mnn '' l'l'l' fin·d 11C tal'get practice.

'l'hc l'it) Col'ps in l\1<.mtreal dl'illc<I at thei1· own headquarters, and must.ct·<'\! s t'On~h tl11m t hey did <l11ri1w the pH·' ious yl'ar; a he,dthy spirit c.xists tl1is year iu the i\1ontieal fore hl' tori !l .u'(' all full, a11CI two additional con1panics C<lC'h arc offered to Le• 1 t ·<l fm· tlw I t RLtt:llion (or P1incP of \\'nlcs' Hilles) and lith RttLalion (Ilochcl1tg1~ Li,.(ht T nf mti \ J· 'l'he coq,., l clou~ing to ,;\I ilirnry l>i~tri ·t No. 5,-.; iz. : Troop of Cavalt-:•, Brl.! 1 le Gan n Artil1C1) . • • o. l L'omp 111y I :11gi1ll'crs, l:-;t Battalion Princu of \V,des' J~itk. 31 l I on Yi to ·ia R1flrs n1ul Gtlt Batt dion Hochclaga Li~ht lnfontry, J. mdt..'t.1 u 1 1 t mm n l of J; nt -C-01. H.tcon in the aftt>rnoon of the l Hh X owmlier, for th in I c o ll.e '\foj r-Goneml com1nn11diug tl1e .Militi1l. They turnl'll out 1;trnng con..,1d rin' ti · I'\ "'<\!on. 1111 lookt'd w<>ll :md soldie1·-like ; the Ul·neml was ph·ascd lo <.'Olli} limcnt t 11 1 nth ir tppc rnnc . Thl· l1111d» of the Garri:-.on Artilh-ry, lst, :~I'd

ml 6th B t t ho1t "c1e p ·es nt, aud added to the clfoct of the pamlle. These IJ;11HIS are all iu nn effici r>t " 1t<>.

'!'he Field 1Lttery of .A rtil11•ry llid not pnmd<', owing to the illness of tho officer cornn uudin!!, and one of the sulialtem,,; tl1is cause !1as also prevented the battery from pe1formi11g fielo dri!J. 'flw corps has gone through gun drill in all its cletails.


The strength of the City Corpis at annual drill is as follows:-

Officel'll. N. C. Officers Horses. and Men.

················· 2 28 30 :3 7~

15 192 4 ~ 40

lS 2H f> 13 193 * 1:3 li5 3

T tal. .. ...... ... . ... ........ GG 944 4G ~

lw.lPpe111lent Companies.

Tnf. ntn· f'omp 111y drilk1i at it:-; own head <prnrters, and nl~o lht:' \Vako 1 uy; tli ·y \HI'\.' iiotl1 i11 p<wtecl liy Li<'ut.-Col. Bacon on Liu· :list 1111 11

i vel.), .11 1 1 c1 01 tcd <'Jticil'nt. Th11i1· str<'11~lh wa1:1 :-(Olli) 2 oflirel"l! and IG men

(' ·, ~ officc1 all() ~4 men.

2:>m Bmc.,mE D1ns10N.

in th 211 l Brig de Division (w ith tho exccpt irm \1t1ll 1y) wu.s formed at Laprniriti 011 thu l '11h

II 1 I · t.1e com1!11rnd ol tl11; J)ep11ty .1\ ljttta11 <:t:111•r ti uf the 11 ·h I t th· l 111,.: g1·01111d ni,o,·e tlw 11.LJ 1 wks. Tit• fit 111'

11 '· lf Ll\t•t• . '!'lie thn11ka of tl1u 1·0111u111111liug


cfficcr 1u·o gh-cn to i\J:~or lion i\l. Aylmer, Ilrig.ul · M. jur; Li ut..-Col. ~JcLeod Moore, O.unp (~tm1·ter-.\1.1 tcr ; C.1pt11in Smith, ~UJ!l'lY Olliccr; .\lajor i\l tclllrcn, Orderly Oilice1 ; and L'aJ!Lflin A tkinsrm, l ni;trnctot· of \I usketry, fur their vnl111lilc HCn·ice..'I in rryin~ on the dutit:i;. The otlit1•ri! cut111111uidin~ coq,, g.1vo tlteir willing ai1l in 1t1 linu1ining order mid disci pline through tlw c.1mp. The libornl scale of 1'fl.tio1111 allowc1l l•y tho dop:trtmc11t waq found arnplo for the 1mstenance of the 111e11. Tiil' <pmlity of the ratiou~ fnrnishc•tl wu.s goo<l. '£lie corps 111a.clc good pro~1'Css iu 1ll'ill; sp<lci1d atkntion WaR gl\Cn to tiie in­struction of the i11fo11tl'y in Hkirwishiug, advance am\ real' guards, a111I gual'd u101111ti11g. The target pru.cticc W!lS ctticie11tly cu.n-icd through undur the littpcl'intcnJcnc~ of th~ I ~­structor ; teu rounds (>Cl' man wa:; tired. '!'he Ll11"C:c troops of Clt\·ah·y were 11n1lc1· l hr1

commuml of Lieu t.-Ool. LoYelac<', and were well u101mt<:<l. Tl11• ).(OOll pro 'I-ells 10a1le Ly these troops, as 1il10wu at the fwld 1lity, held on the I 1st d.1y of t!t11 cHmp, proved that tl10 otlicel's and 111c11 lt,ul Jll'Olitc·l la1·gcly Ly the in~truction !(i ,·en liy their co111mander. 'l'ho Slwlfo1·tl Field Battery, uu<ll'r the co11111uu11l of M~jo1· ,\111y1.rnltl, 111.\rched iuto camp in full strc1wth with their complete ca111p ccp1ipagc, a 1lista11co ol tifty-i;ix miles, o\'er rou~li roads. '11w

101Jic1·1-:, a111I 1111· 1 nl the batten· \\'(•re 1111ci>::t. in~ in their attention to 1lnll

and d11ty. 'fhc g1111 pmctlCC W!l::. Very i;oo<i, JIU0 dcnlady Ht ~he Jon•r rlll''C; the U •. 1tt.ery wu.s inspected by Liout.-GfJI. ~tra1wc, R.\.., In~pec:-.or of .Art11lury, who 1·x1n·csso<l lu111 elf well please1l with the ctlicie11L state of the corp:;.

Un the day before l11·eaking c.unp a ticld 1lay wa'! heill. 'fhfl J,ri·• t<l~ 1110\·cmenta were well clone; tlw skirrui:-.hing and tirin:; :showc1l th.tt the ullicu1 ru1d men unde1i;tootl t.ho olijPct of that important part of dnll. The wunt of "OO I buglers ww 31'\.'l\tly felt on thi occasion ; this want i:; felt throughout the lJistl'ict.

Tho weather Jor part of the time wa.., wet an•l col<!. The cll<I of . 1•ptemlier lli too late in tlw !-.e;1.so11 for holding camps, -be:si<le', i t i11te1 fo1 e~ with ti10 harvest.

'l'he following is Lhe strength of the corps in camp :-Olficera.

Huntingdon Troop of Cu.vu.lry... ....... .. . 3 i)l is~isq uoi do .. .. . .. .. .. .. 3 Brome do . . . .. .. . . .. . 3 ::>lll'lfonl Field Battery -. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 21st llattulion ...... ... ......... ... ............ .J. 50th do .. . .. ...... ... ... ...... ... ... ... lu 5lst do .... .. ...... .. . ...... .......... ::!5 5:!nd do . .. .... .. .. .. .. .. ... ... ... .. .. .. :! l Gllth do ...... ... ......... ... ........... l' IUth do . . .. . .. ... .. . .. .. .. ... ... ... .. . :!G

Totnl . .. . ... .. . .. . ... ... .. . . . . 12-1

K. C. Officers and men.

35 35 35 GO 46

1 :!:.? :HJ:! :! I;{

l ,31

31:1 3 3 56

-! 5 4 4


Tho onlv corps in this DiYision that drillt"«l nt its hoaJ qnartcr.; was ti.to 't. Jobu':; Bntten· of l.;1trriso11 ,\ rtillwrv. This battN~- is in a good :-.tatL' of cilicic>nc. , it \\'lL.., iuspl'cled l1y Li1•11t. l'ol. :-\t ra11~1', who "ill no cll)ltl1t n•port n.s to _its state :l olliccr:s nnii ·10 non-co111 mi.s:,io11l'd otlicl'tS :m•l llll'll J'Crlorm111.l t In annual dnll. A coun-o of h1t'gt't practice was gJ1w through with : ;;u romllls per m,11\ were tirL'll.

3no DRtGADE Dn·1:;10N.

Tho nnnnnl drill of corps in this B1i~\ le wa." pNfonned in three C.'lmp•:, in October, at tlt1 follvwing plucos :-~l clhourne. Uo?t •. ,hirL' nnd stmisteaJ. Tho cam!' ut M.elbourno "l\'i COlll}'l)~Ctl L•f throo corn panic. ... of d.e 5 Ith U.ttt.lhon, l~IH~t'I' tho co~umnn l of Lieut.-' ,ol. Loni A~ I 111cr, 1111 m ltl• ri 11~ l :! t>tlice1" n n<l t OG non-001:m11~s1one<l ollicer~ ai11l men. 1 ~o camp w11s in good unlet·, the 111eu lookc.'<l well. ullll 1H rnsp1~t1011 s~owed ,S.~ I pro~~~· •.n drill. Tnr~ct }'!11 ti~c ,, ns t' tnit•<I on: I.~> rounds pt'r m1m '~ 1•1 tn •I. . lJn,.. L ttllhon l Jllmcd m; I\ :;oo<I shootiug corp". Tho ' ' a1st l>clt ot t\\ o o1 tut comp 1mcs 111-e old- mo

Page 23: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


of th m unfi for l'l'\ ioo. T\ o comp mi · of th<.' b tt lion "Ho not nllowecl l 1y the 0<.'nfl'nl Urdu· of JuM 21 d to chill th ~t.u·. 1 n l 011 comp uy faile1l to mu t 1· fol" 1ll'ill.

ThL' camp nt ook hire '"l com po I of uin comp rnif'S uf the J th 1:.lttalio11, niul one comp:rny of the ,13rd D 1tt tlio11, mu L<-ring in nil 30 1 flicers nn1l •10G non co111111i simu <l otliCu'S nml lll<'n. under the comm rnu of Lll!ut.-1 'ol. C1lok of the fibth. 'l'lhl 1·,1111p -.1·11s }l('}d in a fino field on the form of the ofiicer comnuu1<ling the c:unp; a de.11· b1·ook n11rni11!{ tlirou~h the form Htpplied tho cn111p '' ith goo 1 \\:lt1 I'. The 1•nmp )lll'S1•ntl'1l a go0rl

• "'PPNll'nllC'C-t 11•rythi1w in order ahout it tl1t"' comp·1ni1 s wern full nncl al'U co111pos1•rl of ncti11"' u'Lle-hodirnl men. mo41y fiu·mc>rs. At in pcction battalion drill was fairly p1•1·fo1·111Prl, l111t skirmi !ting lin1l noi boe11 iu·:wtie1 <I; this most i11•cessar~· p11rb of 1li·ill ti•'t'tlls to Ill' lost sight of b.1· mnny of tho corps, owin!?, no do11l1t, to n. hwk at' k1wwlt•1l.••c of tho pmcliC"o nnd pl'inciples of tht• dl'ill on the p 1rt of the ofiice1 . 'l'aqot prndico was calTiotl 011t: 10 round per man "er<.' tired.

The camp nt Stanst id 'ms fornl(>d of cwalry. fuur troop . ,·iz .. the Uoohhi1·<·, ..,herhrookc, ::--tnnstcnd and l"<>mpton '1'1 o )ps. 1'hey '' ork Lo~ethol' a.s n. provi~iuual 11 giment. unde1 the comm md of ill j 1· T15 lor, who command •cl tlw ca111p. Lieut ( 'ol. Lm lice \\l\S drill in tructor. The trC'n th of tho c 11np ' as 11 otlicr1·s. 15!> 11ou-co111. mi ionC'd otlic r:s and men, 1m 1 1 Gt) ho1"'1 ' l'he m m bers of these t .. oops am ull al.le, acti\ e u11d int lli!!l'nt men. 'l'. ,\ m'C \\Cll mountc,l; s me of tho hen l'S '' e1'<l very tine. 'fho coq ~ madt n tine nppenmnc t inspe tion-troop nwl sqnadl'on mo1 m11<.'nts :tllll sword c~ca ·i • w re pe1for111ed ,·ery er lit lbly. 'I'h<.' m 11 '' 1 11 u ha oul'Sc oft u·get pm<·tice, 01 1~ rou~1d per nll\n. The sword, and b lb of the sh rbrooko Troop :Ll'C oltl :u11l u11fiL for i;ei·, ice; I be!? to rt>cornmeut! that thr) ho r.xch, ll!!etl for new one~. Th•~ Wt\ll her wn .. 'I colcl and we. <lurin!:! tho camp. and the ho1 s suffcu•1l from •'·"l'osnrc at ui,;;ht; the season was too late for cat11piug-1 lctobcr weather tmmot be depcnd1·1l on.

It wonl1l he well if all tho troops in tho ni..,t1·ict were fonne1l into a l'L'gimcnt, to ha ~nm1·11 ns the "5th Distri .. i, He~im<.'nt of l':n-n.h·) .'' 'l'hl' reginwnt conl'l c•asil.v as*'ll!hlo m ramp nt i::ome cl•11tral pl 1co fo1· tho n1111u.1l drill. Snch a caltlp wonl1I gi\' • the otlic<>rs and llltll a morc thorou~h aml cxtendL l knowlE><lcrc of ca\ alrv drill <mil d11til's t11:111 whou \rorl. in' in smnll b dios. ~ ·

He pitulation of ,,trcugth of corps ut annual drill by llrigacles ;-

FrnsT llmoADE. Officers and 2\Icn.

(" ' lry... .... ....... .. ................. .. ;:~ A rtillory.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :!~~ E11,..,i11ecrs • • • . . . • • . . . . . . . • • . . . • • . . . . . . • . . . 42 P.1 nnd Infantry.. . . . . . .... , . . . . . . . . . . . . ()ij,)

Tat I .................. .

St' o:-;o Bm :\P c \'~ lry I I I t I I f I I t t t t f • 1 t f I I I I I • I I I 1 I I f I t t

J\t tilJ l'j"' I • I I I It t t t t 1 I f t t t I I t It I t t I t t It I t t I

Irafnntry .. , ..... , • , •....... , ......•. , . , .... , . Toto.1 ...• .• ••••....... ''I

Tumo DmoADE. 1

I I I I I It I I I• I •t I• I.,. 1 t .. 1 1 1 1 It t. I•

t t It It I It It It t It I It t I It t I

'ro ...............

I l 108



IGG 5u l

.. ,_


73 4

Oil Hi

IU 50 o• ...

197 --16G ..



ToT\.L D1t11.LED 1s TH. D1STmCT. Oli

( ';:n llry ........................................ . Artilllt·y ............................................ ·· ·· · En"i 11C'e1 s .............. . ........................ . ........ . Hin'cs n111l J 11fantry.............. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . .. ~. i8~

'l'otal...... .. . . , . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . :\,ftG 7 4G3

d f · t'it.lt \\'c1·0 11ot allo\"C1l to 1lrilt l·.v tho Gc1wrnl 01'!1'.:1· of Ll1c 2" Lis~ o cmupa111Ps •

June, 18i 1 :-:l'~o. ·1 Coinpany, 1 lth Bnttnliou. . ~ os. :! an cl !) Com p.mios, :JOtl1 Battnhon . X us. 1 and 2 110 ;,4th tlo l>rnmmon<hille 'ornp my. Ennllcy Com1 auy,

sl·ven iu nll. . 'l'he folio\\ ing companies were permitted to drill, but foiled lo mu ler for nnnu 1

llrill :-~hPr\11 ookc J':itt"I y Garrison Artillery. No. 2 Goinpauy, Eu;lliceri::, ~Iout1 al. No. ~ do 1 lth l'nt .. ahon. ~ os. 3 and 4 Uorupanil'S, :! 1st B tt lion. Nu. ~Company, fiOth Batt."llion. .1.? os. l, '.!, 3, ·1 awl ;, Companies, 53nl Ihttnlion. No. 3 Courp:my, fl4th 1htblion. ~ o. 8 clo 5~th do

13 Comp:rni1•s in all. · t ~ thn· '£he reasons viven for the non-nbteudnncc of the rum) co:npamc n e.amp, are. •"

• 0

• r l ·u · b t 1 o C'Xcu • can be g1v u the hte hn1·\·est pl c\·rntcd the man from must 'l'lll" 101· 1 r1 , u 1 , •

fur ~he foilurc ~' Jrill •>f tho ;:,herbrooko llntt.alion and ~ • o. ::! Comp my, Engmeci • :\lo11treal.

Gfil\Ell.~L noi.rnKS.

Stal of lite An11s, Acco tr 11 1 t8 an l Glori. i '[/·

0 oUing.


Page 24: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


{',\Pin 11 t is not hk d. it. i u11. h LP ·ly nud gi 1·p 110 prub dion to thP oyes. 'l'ho l11•st J1eltl droi , if it "as not too c·xpc·ns11 t, 11 u1tl1l he n Ii •hL hd111~t. it would lru;t lo11gt•r: tlmn the fon1ge cnp.

It is noticed in somo of the corps, tlll\t 111'11 ly nppoint<l•! otHc rs arn oft;en <lilatorv in procurin!! their 1111iforms. swords nntl lK'lt ; it "oulcl lw well it' an order was iss;l!'d tlefi~1ing n timo nfter their 1lppoint111011t to pro1 i1le thL'mscl\'l~s with tl1cir propc;. cq111pmcnt. • ,

J) rill ,\'hed.~.

Tl11• ~orps in ~fontrml suffer nt prcsmt for wnnt of a tlrill shco. The corps Jiavo 11n1l to ,lnll in such rooms and phtct•s ns their co111niimdin0' officers were fortunate enourrh t I . . . . t> "' o gt't t 1e11· corps into ; m 1111my r:ist·s nt a d1~tancc from the 1u·111011r1eH, oliligin~ the

m<'n to go a long way for thl ir 111· •:--, m.\rch to their drill rooms, arnl tbt·u back again to tl11·. nrn~ou ry w~ th the ~rm~. S otwith_,.~mu ling t ltc,.l' cli,.,cou ragemcn ts, the city corps have 111 nnrnme1l then· Ol'gnmzatwn \\1th sp1nt, and pt·!'fon11e1! their drill cflicit>utlv an i with i11crnasc(l .st1'<'n!!tb. .\ cheap fu1 n1 of r?of. with a \lonhle 1·ow of i-;upports, c~nlil lie put 011. th.c dnll :-.hr:<I· hut so far tit" corp1wat10n han· uot shown any disposition to re-roof the limhhn~. It 1s to h,, hoped tlmt n propt·1· :-.hed or sheds will he l'L'! ctf'd, to enablo the corps to pcrrorni thPir drill for l~lfi.

A "Un n111! drill shPd is l'<'C1uin·d at <:mnlrv for the ~hefl'ord F1cl1l Batten• awl hi>:1.1lqn:u·rcrs of the 1!.lth Bnttalion. 'l'he l'ill 1g1• c ;rpomrion h~n·e off1•rc l willi1wly. to cl1> th1· r share of the wo:·k nntl expen c of u iii lin • th• sh· l · they :i1·1· w.Litin r ~1ow the nction of tho Dcpa1trnent of )Iilitiu un1l Dcfcuce 1~\ their appiicati~~ for a graut"'of monPy.

Hijle .l$suciatio11.~.

1:hP_1-e an~ ten l' ifle Associatiolls caniecl on efficiently in the District. These Ass1 ~11Lt10~1s ha Ye J,ecn proved hy twelve yenrs' ex11l'rit'nce to lie one of tl1e 0($t means of kt'~l'm~ uln·e tl_1e vol 1~ntee1· movernent, an<l of tC>achi11g the men the valuf' of tlw PXc"ll(•ut i\·eap?n placPd m t.Lie11· hands. A lar!!e propol'tion of tlw cornpE·titu1-s at the Quebec l'mv~11~1al i\lutches are from tl1e 5th Dist1 ict, and Ro11,c of the most &ucccssful at the Do1n1mo11 ~I atches nt Ottnwn wne frorn the honl1·1· men of the District Oi\e f th . r . \'" . I . I . . . o ( m, ·.~1!'11-:11 • 1·12 ~t.?l tie ,,flth " II untl11~1lon Bot do·rers," i_:a,.rie<l off the Dominion prize· al\ll

I.1c11t1•nant \\ l11tman, 60th Battnlio11, .\Ii;;si <jt\Oi Tnfo11ti y, took the Goi·ernor Gm:Prn!'s rnedal.

I t.'l~e this opportu~ity of n'portin!!, for )Om· fo1·1>11ralilo considPrntion, the \'Cry n.hlo 11ml co1-d1 ii support rccen·ed Ly 111e from the :St,dl' ! >ilicers of tl1e Distdd, ai1<l to cx1H·i•ss rn.~: ltca~·tfPlt .t.hunk~ ~o them f~r their. c11icic·nt nid iu c:m-yiug on the w11rk of the Dist'i·iet: L1 _ nt..f. ol. _Km~. J,~~a<le ~Iajo1:; Lw11L.·Gol. H.\.<'m! Bri~adn :\T:~jm·; ;\Injor Hon. ,\J. A.' l me1, B11,~dc ~laJor, and M a.ior ,\ myl'.ttdd, J) mt nl't Pa vu111,.,tcr.

J ltav(• tft,. honor to lie. !-'i~-, Your olicrlient servant,

. .JCJJI N FLETCH EH, Li<'nt.-f'(•l .. r>1•1'11t.y .Arljt1la11L <:1·11<'ml, ('0111111a11tli11g i\lil. j)i .'i. No. !i.

M [LITA HY l>flSTHICT No. 6.

)T osnrnAr., 1 lth Deccmhcr, ! Si L rn,-fn forwarding you my I• port fo1 tho p1 nt yi::u·, on t.h stato of th )lilitin.

in Mihttu-v District No. 6, 1111 lcr 111v I I J j' " • comm 111• , \a1·0 1ttte or 110 change <Jf i1w1ort u1 ·o to 1 ote. 1

) Jn thP 4th nri~:i<le:. J)j, ision, th(' b:it alion of Be1tih m1oi'l, 11nd ·r Lir>nt.-Col. J,od1er; the BeauhurnotS Company ( r n<l"I' n<l nt), <J 1ptu111 B1• rn lry i th. , t. J ·:ul


Baptisto Imlcpornl1•11l <'omp:my, Captain imp on, ha"e not perforll)c l their cMll for this '\C:ll'.

• The G!itlr Battalion '' Voltige111 11 de :;\lout Hoynl," under Lie11t .. C<ll. Beaudry, havo pcrforme1l tlwii- :11111111\l drill nt tlu•ir O\\ n hearlqnartcrs. They w re in pecWil hy me on tlw 21th ~ov<•mbl'r In.st. There wol'e present at i11spectio11-:!:1G nor.-commissioncd ollicor,; anrl men, antl 1 G otfit·ns. M u1y of the mon w.mtcd p lrt of their uniforms.

Tho 111ovc111t•uts gono through 1\t in~pcction wcn·1-tl10 gcneml s.dntc, marchin ' pa.st, m:mual nml ifri1_1g, l1r0llkin'5 into coh~um nml wheeling into lintJ, closin.; coluu111 on tho riuht and Ofll'lllltg colnrnn from the right comp:iny.

'rhc:'c n~ov1·mcnts woul1l h:ivc 001m bdter perfo1·m•:•l hn.d tho voltmtcera i1t :\fontrul n. good drill sher!. '!'his battalion wa...'i fot·ccd t.o 1.lrill in n smr II roout of tho ol•I h.Lrntcks, and the day T inspected it. we toorl:: pogscssion, for the occa.sion, of the large hall on tht: Bouseco11r~ Mnrket. Without this chang1• of lo.::.Llity iL woul1l hwe Leen irnpossil>lo for the hatt.alion ever to have formed into line in the smull t'Oom uf the old lJ.Ll'l.u:ks.

It is a v;reat pity t!ttlt a groat citv lik" .M.ontreal shoul•l he withont.-:a drill shed. The old \!rill shc1l was Lho poiut d1: rall1en11J11t of thr- volunteers tn hyc-gone dny •

'l'here thev met every cveniu", either for rlrill, he:u·ing of tl11! ban1l , or for other purposes_:l.mt still thPre thC'V met. Then t.l1c "nnifonn" could oo seen 1•very l'\'enin '­In those d:ws 0110 ~011!1! f•·cl ·that thP.re exi,,(.e(I ... 1wh n thing as a Yolnnl(..'Cr Force• in Montreal. • Since the fall of the drill she1l tho spirit of " VrJlnn teerism" seem to hun: been crushed with it. Tl1e use and tHh"antnge of ti1e drill shecl wero ne1·cr so well unrl11r stood as now that it is no more.

Ou the lGth July Ja .. -;t, the 7uth Battalion, Liout.-Col. H o lier, w.1s in"p~(!teJ a~ Su-­Martine. They perfol'lliccl their 1lrill in c.un p. TltN o we1-.• prP. nt at lll:sJ • ~t1011-:­l 8U non-comrnissione1l oflicers and men. an1l 17 otncer~. <.:.~1v•r ,1 mu\·ements : dnll f1ur.

On the 30th N ov1·mucr last the In i •penrlenL Inf1111t.1·y Company of L1.pmi1·ie, Captain Brosseau, was inspected. Prei;ent :~L iusptx!t~o~- l l non -co1111~1is~ioned officer.; and men, anrl three otlic1•1-s. This comp.my is very ellic11:int an•l well tlnlled.

The 1rnt11re of the mo1·eu.1cnts at inspection werc,-Gcncml :salute, ml\nual and firin"'-proYincr aucl i11,.,111 .. -ctin~ a comp:rny, counter 111:u·chin~. comp.my ~qu \l'C, forming riuht and left," wl.eelin!!;s. This comp:rny i~ certain!~· a e:e lit .to th? force. .

0 The volunt!•er spi1·it is still a.live within the he:1rt-; ot. tit,. mh .L~tt nt;; of tlrn flour:ish·

inO' village of L tpr.tiric, for offer:> are mat!e for i~11med1ately mtslll" n whole hattahon. an~l also a" troop of c;walry," if th.:i Government will consent. I 1;tl-on~ly recoiume11d Government to accept tht•:;e offers, nnd I foJI n. .... -;111~1 tl~at one of ~he nne t and mo ·t efficient battalions and ·• troop of c..•walry " can he rmsccl m that section of tl1e country.

On the 11th ,July last, I inspcctCll the J oliette c:\llljl, under c~1.nm:md of L~eut.-UoL Hanson, Brig;trle .i\lajo1-. Thi~ camp W<\.S forme<l of two Prons1onal B.Lttahons au I two lndepentlcut Companies.

The J olietle Provisional Batt:i lion of four comp·rnies, undi!r comm1u11l of ~l·•j r Shepherd. Present at inspection-ltG non·commi ·,.,ionctl olllcers and men and lJ

officers. 'l'hn'e H.i1'1'l'S Prnvision ti B.lttalion. mHl•'r c1mm iml of ,;\l11jor L:unbert. Pre,; ut.

at iusp·~ction-1 ~ l n·.>1i.<.:0111missionc·l otfic,•rs anrl men. aud l~ v1Hce11i. . . lndcpt>1Hlt•nt Comp:rnit>s of Rawdon-~o. li l'.L[itain Quin 1. Present at ~n,;p• d1011

-JQ non-conunissioned otticers anti men, aml three otliccr.~ ; X o. :l, 'aptmn l->harp. Present at inspection-41 11011-conuni&-;ioned officer~ am! men, and three otlicer:>. .

N<Llm·e of movements at the in~pcction of the c uup: Ucneml s.1lute, rnnrcltm.; past miunull 1rnd firin", column n.ud line 1110\·ement..._, skirmishiug. I re!,!n~t to h_n"e to r~port one s •rious :1cci1lent ~t thi~ camp. ~)nc poor young num Wll" lost. bt drownmg. Ho went to liathe without p •rrnis.-;ion-foll 111 <lecp w Lter anfl wn" lo,.;t. fhc ~eneml coutlud; of tlw 1liff t'(•nt corps nt thb camp wi~. l nm h L.l'PY to SHY:..'·en· go<><!·

In the Gth Bricpdo Di1isiou, the :lot.Ii Battulil•n, L!eut.-Ool. hrn •, wns mspccwd 01? the 7th Juh last.

Tho ha"'t.t.alion drilk'<l in camp, wn.s composed of six companies; but one, the ..i. ~ o. ~.

Page 25: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

d, d d I nd m n, l 4, cJ 16 ofli

• •nturo of mo\ ruent I G neral lute, march in,, p , tnnnu 1 nnd h'1ing, c 11-nn nnd lino mo\•emcnts, skim1ishing. General conduct of corps, good.

The four compani ~ of the Pro' isioMl Batt.1lion of St. Hya in the clrillo 1 nt tl1f'ir own r pective hemlqunrtcrs, and were ins1 cctl',l nt different epochs in the mo utJ, of Octol){'r lnst.

J>rc:->cnt nt inspection in the No. 1 Company, Captain Do!H'rty-·10 no11-cnm1:1is· ~ionctl otliccr11 nnd men, and two oflicnrs.

No. '.:? Company, ~apt:1in ~loriu 3 i 11011-con11ni~sionc l olliu 'l'!! and llH'n, 1m<l t111\'0 otiiccrn.

- • o. 3 Company, Cnpt.nin ~! l""ei::trc-40 non-commissioned olliccrs nntl men, nu1l three officer<::.

Xo. 4 Company, CnpUiin J>nt1:1mnuclo-37 non-commissioned otliccrs and men, 111111

two officers. Nature of mow·mrnts: Squncl and comp.my moYements, manunl nml fo·iu~ •

. kit,ni bin~. The arms 1111 l n o 1trom n nre "001. but cloth in,; it; wnntcd. ~ · • n tho 5th of N'oYcmb r l 1 tlw Company of Caphin B .utbicn w is ill."] ,•ctPcl. rrescnt at in,.,pection non-commi ione 1 otli,• •1,; nnd nv•n, 40, an1l two onic rs.

., On th~ Gth I\ovemb r the U~mpmy of~ 'apt.tin Pmttc •,\~as inspected nt St. Greg :. " l resent nt m-:pect10n-non-commb ionc l othcers arnl 1 wn. ~J, n.nd three offic ·rn.

On th_e 4th !'o\·cmber the. °?mpnny. of Sicolet, Captain Giroux, was inspectNL Pre.snnt at mspcchon-nou-comnn stone l olliccrs mul men, 36, and lhrcc o!licers.

On th7 ith <o,·ember the <~n~pnny cf. Hecancom, Unptain Lmch-,,-, was in!ipec ll'• . Pres nt nt mspcct1on -non-com11Hs,.,1onccl otl1c 'rs ancl nwn, 10, a nil two ollicer,i.

On th~ ' th ~en ember the _{)~mp in:; .?f Uenrilly, Uaptain de Foy, w:rn inspect<' 1. Present at mspect10n-non-comm1ss1011l'd ot11ucr,; and men, JO, ancl two otlicers. On tlic• ~,1me 1l~y the comp 1n~ o.f . 't. G~·rtmclc, Captain )lou»sottt>, wa'.i inspectccl. Present at ll1•pc:>cbon-non-comu11sSioned ofiiccrs and men, 40, anrl two ollict.:rs.

}'fro otl;or Indf\p nd~nt ~>mpnnies, thnt is to S'lY'. tlie Comp.mies of \VolfE>.~ton, C;\ptai 11 Tinron.; of \\ ott-0n, l apt.mn R1clui,nl ; 1'.f _\ rtln .skn ville, Capt 1i11 ~nt•snel; of :)t. N orhert,

yt: m Uoy; nnd of Bnlstrode, Capti'lm Dau th, hn \ o not as yet. p rformcrl their th·ill (,r tJns Y<'at'.

'1t i~ usck to repeat. hN-c nll I h::i.vo ~ 1i 1 in former ·i>ports upon the urgent neccssi ty of <>nforcmg the l>Lllot: still l cannot re r n from rem·trkin~ h r• th tin n. C'l.':lt1 where a ·olunteer com1 any cannot be kept up to it nomin·Ll strength, the ''"pt.iin shonlrl he

• lloY.e 1 to ballot from the re er\o fo1· the men \\'lllting to complete the number.

Tho l > ·puty Adjutnn!rGtJrwral at Hcatl'JU:wters, Ott:i.wa.

I remain, Sir, Your oLedi<'nt sen·nnt,

,\. C. DELOTHIXIBUE-HARWOOD, Lieut.-Col., Deputy .Adjt.-Gencml, l\lil. lJis. No. G.

MIL1'11.AnY Dr THIOT No. '·

Qui l',12tl D·0111h1·,1871.

m, I h 'e th ho r r1 • l f 1 l\ sickno s o tho D puty Acljuumt Gen ml <

1 mm111Hli11 , ".lilit.1r\' Dist1 ict X o. 71

thf! t~lmlar 1·.,port of inspections of Corps for nnnual rMll ~f 1871-7:;. These inspections were mu•lc 111

be l pu dj tt t,. t \tu to nun xcd. 1 hi~' o ref1 in ro 11 r took plnco this summer, a!'l I was not pc n inspections of these cliff er nt camp::1 were m \<l ] the lJ puty 1\djutant-G n 1 1 in p rson, who wns in position to judge of the benefici 1! 1 ults likely U> nccr ie by th ir fut tr fonn -tion.

I l1a \ e ;d110 incl uclcd the repo1 ts ma le fr m time to time by lhc Briaacle Majors incc the 1st of .J.11111ary, 1871. 1 bog to st.1to that 1luring the tlivi ional ~ mps of 18i2, au i11s1u·cliu11 of llll' whole of the anus of the 1lhision \\1\S 111,ule by the .A11nonrcr. 1-g ant attached to "B" lhttcry Hchool of G u11n0ry, '·ho noted nil tho dcfic..-iencies and tcp i1 11cct•ssarr to lie 11111 lo w llro,,e nrms. ~inco then no orders ha.\'<J been receh·ed to h l\O

them teturncd into :;tore" for repai111.


A good many artHes is,,uPd to 'oluntc r corp ha'" been lost or injure 1, and this inay h1:1 sittrilmtod t.'l"ently to tho c:w le n and i.nr.xp ri n ·o of 11v. iecruits. Jot tl<•ticie11cics h lYC boon cause1l during ti · veral mp of cxe1 i C\ , and in going an I rct11rnin~ from the,,c camps ; fill) 110 m au h 'c h n foun l n'· ilable for th r o\·ery ot thP s:1111c, in co11scq11ence of the men bein6 laid b fore ] \ ing camp. The ap in I r com JI rnies ha VC' bt•cn 11 uable to recon r mi mg arf le , and thertfo1 l' m·1 hel l t pon iLl for dcliciencic . Th'l only means, if l 111 y ho allowed to su '; t tu pre\ent fu1th ·1· lo of Govemn11•11t property, wunld ho to Luil I, nt ea h lia 1lion head-quart 1 • uitnhlo a1·111ourie!-I \\here all the arms a11d other sto1"" hel1m,;ing w the b.1tt.:ilio11 w onld be kept and safely gu11nlc<l hy prope1· cal'c-taker:; appointed arnl p itl Ly the Uon:rnmcut.

Jlusl •try I nstr11ctio12.

The pcrio1l for mu<::ketry training is extremely short, an.I Yery lit;t~e.time c.'ln be oon o­cratc<l t-0 the prclirninarv drill. I would recommend th tin future tmhtL.'1 corp shoultl b • madu to u1ulm.ro the n-Cmit tmining at urn kC'try instruction. :u1d not h<' allowed t-0 fo'\l at anv hnt "'the followin!.: distance . 'iiz: 50, 100, 150 nnd ~OU Y• rds, tho rounds- at each dist...'lnce. .;\m· man p ·o\ in l1imst :r n good shot, and uu1kina JG points, to be nllowc1l t-0 pa,; in the second cl n111~ to tire ,\t .!renter. llistanct • The rrt•neral n' cm"e heretofore m.lllt:1 liy cu11h 'Hll connnce the mo,, scept1 11 of tlic ncce..,.~itv of impro~ in"' tl1e training of our miliLi m n at tu-get prnc•ice. Up to lhi period ·HO 111<lrke l a<h mt.Jge has been deri,·ed from .t..arg t practice in C.'lmp or .1· heal­,1uarters, a111l cmck shuts who hnve be~n a~l? . to .on.e. thr-m el_\'C.'> the lmrn1y of <:\:tm runmunitioH, hLn·c solely re.'lped bcuctits .. llus rncln 1dm.d .. firm.,! I. 110 not co11~1d r a1h antn"vuus and likclv to create t•nmlntion amon.! the 11uhtrn fo1'\!e m geneml. ..,om• rnc:ms 1~ust 1:0 olituinc<l .to put "ithin rc.wh of O\ cry rnilitiunum the mnny mhnntn 'C.'­hithcrto in the lm1Hls of their more fortunate con1 rn l . Good i-hots in re mot., r11rnl p.trL~ who cotiltl compete at the different rifle meetings nr~ p1·c\ un1..cd fnnu doing so ou UC(.,-ouut; of hcaYy expenditure to be u1cmTc1l in tnwclliu.,; there and hack.

Ca.,pt Battery of Garrison 1frtillcry.

Before conclucling my report I beg o ren nrk h the battery of G;i.rri '>n Artill ry at Ouspc Bi in, nlthon~h formcll for more ~h n 1~ J u·, 11 ~1ot Jct rccen~ gun , lore nncf ammunition n c 1y to c r1) u in· .1 l, y ex rt 01 c offi~r 1.d ti re Hutl-l'OIHlllit> ionc<l 11t 1cc1:-. have h en tln·oucrh tlie _Limu~cry ·hool ~111 oht rncd _11~"St-<:l • ccrlilicat~. l ~lll fairly l;ity thut with rcgi rd to rntelhgoncc, phyi.quo nnd efficiency in

Page 26: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


squud nnd compunv drill, this b.1twry is S!•COll\I to llOllC in the nomiuion. I \\'OU!cl

re ommen1l that it should he t'quippcd ns "•)OJI us co11\'t:11it>11t, ns it is now the only nvuilnhle battery of artillery in thti ith Bti!!mlt: D1\'i iou.

I ha \'C th~ honor to he, ~ir, Yum most ohedillnt sen mt,

'I'. J . DUCHE~'\" \ Y, Lit>nt..Col. Acting for Deputy Adj11tant-G1•11c•1al,

.Milita1y District 1'10. 7. Tho Deputy Adjt.-Gcncrnl of Militia,

He.1dqunrtcrs, Ottawa.

)1IIXrARY Dn:>TRWT. No. 8.

Ih.\o Qc:ARTEus, FHEDERrCTox, N.n. 21st December 187 4.

S1R,-In compliance with the instrnctions contained in Genl.'r:i.l Ot·dern ( 14) of thE' 3r l J mv• Inst, I h1\\'C the honor to submit this, my report, on th<': stat• of the militia of the District under my command, for the military year 1874-75.

The total nominal stn'!ngth of the for0e in the Dis~rict, as 1·ednced in Gel\ern.l Order.:J above quott•tl, is 150 officers, and i,O:!~ non-con1missi:->1H~d officers antl mc11.

One corps having heen t1111lur 30 no1i-commissione1l officer» ancl men at the clrill of tl1e yea1· 187:3-74, lms not completed its tUll\ual d11.ll for 1874-75, not having lieen entitled to pay for the same.

The totul actual strength of the force, when mustered at tho time of the annual drill for 1-..14-7 5, was 14 otlicers. nut! l ,897 notH:orumis»ionecl otlicc1·s an<l men.

There are no officers, and 89 men wanting to cou1plete corps at abovo shr.wn nominal stnmi:,rth.

The Active Militia of the District consists of the following corps, which at the time of the annual drill turned out us follow:;:-

Corp11. Offrc,.rs.

8tl~ Regiment of Cavalry. Lieut.-Col. Sannders (7 troops) .............. .. ... 21

.JYewcastle Pield Battery of Artillery. Brev~t-Ma.jor Call . . .. . . ... . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 5

Woodstock Pield Bcutery of .Artillery. Captain Donnell .. . . . .. .. . .. . • .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . • . . 4

... Yew Brun.4u•ick Brigade, Garrison .Artillery.

X on.CommiB:!ione cl Olfict:rs and Men.




Lieut.-Col. Fostct· (5 Batterie~). .... .. . . . . . . . . . 21 1!19

Sew nnmswick Engineer Corps. Captain Perley . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. ... .... .. .. .. 1 32

fJ-rz,uJ Battalio1i, Bt. Julin I 11fantry.

Lieut.-Col. MacShano (6 Companies)............. 16 16:3


Cor pa. Offil:Cri.

67tlL Battalion Carleton Ligltt lnfanl.ry.

Lieut.-Col. Upton (10 Companie) 9 companies

drilled................... .•. . . ... ...... .. .. ... 30

71st Battalion of ln funtry, Yor.{.

Lieut.-Col. .Marsh (5 Companies) ....... ... ...... 18

7Srd Battalion Infantry, i.Yortltumberkuvl. Major Sheriff (5 Companies) .... ..... . . . . ...... 13

74th Battalion of Infantry. Lieut..C'.ol. Beer ( 4 Companies) ................. .


Dallwu~ie lnjantry Company. Captain Ba.rbarie ................................. 2

St. Stephen Infantry Company. Captain Hutton

St. George Infantry Co11tpa"'!I· Captain McGee •• t • t • • • . t I It• I I. I. t It • t t I I I I t I t t 1

Total ... .... ................ . 148

.. • n·Con ml 'oncd Officen &nd Men.


, 180






There have been several offers of new companies to complete any deficiency in the quota of the District.

Th<' anoui\I drill was performed in accordance with General Or1lers (13 anil 14) of the 2nd and 3rd June, 187 4, for the most part in brigade cum11s, of which there were tlm.'C­at St. Andre ws, Shediac, and ~t. John respectively.

In considering the steps taken during the past year to ensure the Letter etticienc~· of the Active Militia, it wnst be reme1uberecl that tliis wtts nrnon:;,,t tho important ubjl!CtB adverted to by His Excellency the Governor General. in his speech from the Throne on the opening of the last session of Parliament, and the followiug unque,;tionable improrn­ments hn ve since been effected :-

( l.) An Act passed "to e;;tablish_a Military College in one of tho G.lrri,,011 Towns of Ci\nt\tla," which provides for "the education of cadets and officers of militia in militnry knowledge and scientific puri;uits connected with the military profe ·sion."

(2.) The daily pay of the rank nnd file has been incr&\.Sed from 50 cts. to GO cl.'J. durin~ the proscribed period in camp.

(3.) Tee brigade cu.mp system, which hnd been discontinued for one year, lSl:~-1 i, is now r&-established, while snch corps, chiefly those in cities, as it may be considerccl impracticnbl~ to assemble in ca.mp, are permitted to perform the annu11.l drill at local h<>a.<l qmutera, under special orders for their guidtuice .

H:wing put myself in communication with officers in command, I ns:crt~\ineil thnt the end of June would be tho most couvenient. time to as· •mlilc the corps of tho "estcrn a.nd et\.'ltern counties, and St. Andrews nnd h<'dia.c respectively were <ieci1lod upon 1i:, tho most suit.\blo places for camps ; while the Bri~ado of GiuTisun A ill Q. :m l the G~ml St. fohn Ba.t.t.alion rcqueswd to be allowc l to 1\."-"Clllble iu cmup . ..... John nwut h 23rJ of July, that being tho only pla~e in tho Dbtrict nt '' hich t 1, I uc:r corps coul l perform its shot (Llld shell practice, and the time for "',, •mb!y in o' np, nbo\o l'efemxl to, would not havo suited tho latter coq•s. 8t. Andrew,; and l5h tine pro' cd


Page 27: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

}ST BRIGADE DIYISION.-Brigud • :\lajor, Licut .. Colonel Inches.

l' up J'"ll y. ;:,t. Andr its.

v," Li nt.- 1 1wl LTpto ; ilst "York" Inf, ntry ('0111l'a11y, Captain .McGee; St.

u~ m·cninJ

IT ::>nor tl10 ti lJ11• Ill litin, nnJ,

l1os1 iLnl.ile mu.nner,

Page 28: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore


i·efol ml\nner in which t110 .?1Iusket1·y kilful m·u k :nm. ciuri' I out th lnl'gct pmcticc

Th it officer's report i l'llclol! cl hero with and , in ~:imp on th" <l ty of n!->Bomlily under the usual

• l \\Ill" th s: le of spil'it11ous liquo1·s, but lin<li11g it dcsirahlc it was n h i 1~ nhl t.> pul'ch.1 in town c;11cl1 artidC's ns t111•y t"Cqt1in•1l for tlu•ir

ti •Id o l1cl ·of the llny (Li 'Ht-Colonel Haymond) rcplll'ti11g on lh11 s11hject, ·n,.. ,\ h 1 l1:tl to tlw s.1ti fa tot') R• 11..<.' 11f the 1·amp as n·gat'<IS 1mh•1· and

!in . I 1 ''I think it ii; ck ldy d<>1 1011stralt•ii th, t tin• 1ncn of thi~ country tlo · quire al or beer (n t l eing nccustomod to it at home) which i11 111:1ny c:ises ouly • \ t irst for strong drink."

The e " • sti 1 .: it· \ll 0:1rls l1011r on the morning of the 11th, n111l thu troops 11 t(' l to th ir l1om :sin ho snml orderh· 111an11er whid1 hall 111nrk1•1l t!1 •ii' star in

1 lurin,.; tho\\ h l · p '• ·o 1 uf trainin~. · 'fhc following lH·igadc ol'dcr W:t!i rc.1;1 on 1\ 1 pre' ions to the breal~ing up of the enmp.


SAL"T AxnnF.ws, 10th .July, l' i L

Brigade Ord rs by L 'mt.· Colonel .lfaunqelf. I>. A. G., !Jriva lier.

·o. 6.) .. C'n.mp Till·.)" will break np to·morrow, the different C(•rps coniposing it h i 11 I tel their nnnu 11 drill nml t tl'get l'l',1ctice.

'fh~ Dt•puty Adjutant GC'tlC.'ral comm1.m1lin~. olfe1 s his sincere thanks to the o/Iicers, l·commi,~i necl o Ii• :·s 11d soltliPrs, fur the prompt a1Hl cheerful manner in which

• It hrn e becu p rformc I nnrl or11crs hi\\·c lier.n obeyed, while the conilnct of the men e u most exempl.u·y, not n sin\.ile instance of crime h:win\.i been r_,porh·il to him.

\\ht re· all have done thc>ir be~t. and tkine it so 'vell, it nppears inYidions to make any a· tinc i J : but b \ ing ( ommnnde 1 tl11 f>e cnmps in succession-:1t Fredericton, ' Voodstock

d . t. .\ndrt" -in \\ hich the Gi th aml i l st Battulions h11ve assc1n blc1l their foll · oo s ten •th. the Bri"'a lier u111 there a l\"ert to the fact, and will r ·port favorably 1 r ti ·tin~ l1i~h c1tdit upon the D1 i!!acle )fajur, Lieut.·Colonel I111.:hcs, Lieut.­

( lon I Cpton 1 nd ::\Ia1-sh, and tho c under their comman1l, as well as ;.ffordin).{ another } f if uch were need <l) of the loJalty and pntriotism of the peoplo of C'arlcton and Y 1k Count"!' .

'I b efficient coq s from Charlotte Connty, muler comm:m<l of Captains \IcGeo and n 11 ' ce11 nttnch cl to the 'i 1st Ihttalion fur drill pnrposcs, with tit~ be!;t results.

'l he num ·rical s 1 nglh of corp::i permitting it, n. briga1lc c<nnprising t'un1· h.•ttalions, Ii ut. C 1 n I B.1~ mond, nnd ;\l jor 1forri'I corn man linl.{ two Lclllpomrily funned 1 t 1li ns, h s b c 1 ex ·r ·i d with nd\t111tagc in 1h ill .md licld 11u1111un,·1-.·~.

The medical officers repol't the sanitary conili tion of tho troops M 1•111o~t satisfactory,' owin' to the iealthy i nation of the ca1np, the cxc .. llent mtions, at11l the rdmn<lant supply of g d w t r.

order, J. A. D~UllE ', Li1mt.-Colo111·l,

Brign1lc l\J :ijor.


"(' nrP .'iPPLRBY."

Gllli Battalion, Carl~to11, Lig!tt lrifii 1lr . Xos. G arnl i Companies, Captains Bos~e nn l JhkPr, •\\ill,.! to the

the lucal hcadqnal'WI':> of ti1 se comp1nic~ fl'tlm Cltnp it wn n d I'll d lX

them to atte111l it, m11d1 to the: dis..ippoin 111e11t of lJolh ufiicers 11 I m ·n. l\l ;1jor, Li ·11t.·C'ulo11cl Inchc.'>. ~uhsH1ue11tly in p ct· I ti 111 n ompJ. tin.? drill, aud that ollic<:r reports farnmbly th to tho cllici ucy uf the,, comp1mic .

::?:sn Du IC,,\ DJ; lhnswx.-Lieut..Colond Otty, Brig Ille .Major.

<.:A.MP . COUDOL:C. . a. her L<: on t

Page 29: :MILITIA OnAWA,€¦ · .\II H'ry tme. but wl;at oppo1 tunity ha YO they had to improve their information since t}l{J recall of the Ho) nl Forru. 'l-tlic~· ~rnnot all ho to Eurore

3 39

" C r I 1, tl 13th July, 1 i4.

r by L. t .JV.

"CA\ P DUFFl;t,IN," !::iT. JOH.·. " C.u1r DoFFEm:-;." ST. Jons, 2ntl .Augu t, l 7 L

JJrigad Orders by Lieuf .• flol 1

r; G2ml n.1ttalio.1
