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Mind Travelers

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In this article I am going to write about a topic that relates to an issue that might not at all seem rational to most people, mind traveling. This is a topic that explores the mind to a much further degree to what most people are accustomed to. My writing as an author and explorer of life relates to the study of the mind and how we come to perceive life and reality. I really have only just touched the surface in explaining how I obtain information and experiences relating to these topics, so far only really isolating topics that fall within the materialistic approach, showing the formation of the dimensions in material space in relation to the mind and the core of creation.
Mind Travelers Will we be able to travel the universe with our mind in the future? In this article I am going to write about a topic that relates to an issue that might not at all seem rational to most people, mind traveling. This is a topic that explores the mind to a much further degree to what most people are accustomed to. My writing as an author and explorer of life relates to the study of the mind and how we come to perceive life and reality. I really have only just touched the surface in explaining how I obtain information and experiences relating to these topics, so far only really isolating topics that fall within the materialistic approach, showing the formation of the dimensions in material space in relation to the mind and the core of creation in articles such as: Spatial Dynamics and Multidimensional Perception Strung up on String Theory What is the mind? Do past and future really exist? And other articles… And also in my books I go into much more depth about the formation of space in relation to the mind, in ‘Creation Theory Revised’ and ‘The Mind and Matter’ . In my first book, Creation Theory Revised, I highlighted on a topic about Time Travel and how I perceive the working of this cannot be achieved within our material space. In this article I will write more about this topic, showing why I do not really
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Mind Travelers

Will we be able to travel the universe with our mind in the future?

In this article I am going to write about a topic that relates to an issue that might not at all seem rational to most people, mind traveling. This is a topic that explores the mind to a much further degree to what most people are accustomed to. My writing as an author and explorer of life relates to the study of the mind and how we come to perceive life and reality. I really have only just touched the surface in explaining how I obtain information and experiences relating to these topics, so far only really isolating topics that fall within the materialistic approach, showing the formation of the dimensions in material space in relation to the mind and the core of creation in articles such as:

Spatial Dynamics and Multidimensional PerceptionStrung up on String Theory

What is the mind?Do past and future really exist?

And other articles…

And also in my books I go into much more depth about the formation of space in relation to the mind, in ‘Creation Theory Revised’ and ‘The Mind and Matter’.

In my first book, Creation Theory Revised, I highlighted on a topic about Time Travel and how I perceive the working of this cannot be achieved within our material space. In this article I will write more about this topic, showing why I do not really have an affiliation with Time Travel, but perceive more within Mind Travel, an approach that is not as well regarded as the materialistic approach.

When we look at the fundamentals of Time Travel we immediately think of a person stepping into a machine and he or she is transported to another time line of our past or future. We look at life so far in our perception as having a beginning and an end, and that time does have a strict line of vision. Time travel is a concept invented on a materialistic approach, viewing life only through physical means and in my opinion it fails to identify the soul of an individual and their mind within the equation.

When we think of time travel, we look to such movies as ‘Back to the Future’ and ‘Time Machine’, and we consider the effects we would have on time if it were to be seen in a strict line of vision. That if we were to go into the past we would ultimately change and affect the future for the whole of our reality. This illogical approach does not really have any strong

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footing to stand on when viewing life from the core of reality and the construction of the dimensions of space. It is to me just an approach seen from a purely materialistic visionary who wants or hopes to change parts of their life that they do not agree with. The concept would have originally been created out of a desire to want to change the past of an experience that a person wishes had never occurred. Basically it is linear thought that develops such concepts, saying that time is a foundational construct of reality itself. Time is not foundational, it is subjective and a result of creation itself, not the reason for it forming in the way that it does.

Our mind so far within our world as human sees life through a direct vision of time, in a very materialistic way. We can only so far relate to the space around us through material laws and through our physical experiences, and we are only now starting to explore the bigger pictures and question where thought and consciousness actually comes from. We know that we physically perceive our world, but we so far wonder at the magnificence of thought and where it comes from and find it hard to rationalize the space to where we exist. One cannot think a thought into creation, when thought is the creation itself, and this is the confused state of our conscious perception at this point in time in our studies of consciousness and reality.

Where does thought come from? This is the reality we are now just touching the surface, when researching consciousness and the mind. The mind in my opinion is another totally separate component of reality than material matter itself. It is force defined on a vacuum that is not linking at all to consciousness or awareness in its true foundation and original form, just as material matter itself when it is broken down into the purest state of light. It is the combination of these two elements that defines consciousness, not one or the other singularly. The foundations (or creator elements) of creation are not defined on the laws of consciousness, but are what ‘create’ the conscious state to which we now exist within. They define consciousness but are not consciousness when seen in their separated nature. It is then in consciousness that we then look to define the laws of creation from a point of view that is already in creation. This is where it becomes complex for us to comprehend the formation of reality in a logical way and we find that we cannot avoid the barriers of material limitation when taking into consideration the reason for why we are here.

How can a person define creation, within creation, from a standpoint that can view through the eyes of all that is, from the standpoint of where they perceive God to hold the reins? To most this would seem a lunacy to even think that such a thing is possible. People then attempt to try and do this and only end up thinking that the mind is all that is and that it creates the whole of their reality, which is not fundamentally true. The reason this is not true is that the mind itself is not thought or consciousness, it is the motivation of material space with the use of the mind that creates thought, defined on force. This means that the mind is not the only parameter that we are working with within creation itself creating our consciousness, and that there are material parameters also involved, that form from light. Consciousness itself has a material component also within its makeup in order to be seen as physically interactive.

When creation is understood perfectly from the core of its formation it then can be understood by all foundationally through the eyes of all that is possible. This is achievable and every being within creation can become aware and understand the fundamental laws of life and reality. In fact the evidence is all around us now, the byproduct of the union of mind and matter is very clear to see, but it is only that we are not yet aware of the link between the mind and matter itself in order to piece everything into place. Creation is systematic and can be logically approached but only when we can reason illogical circumstances to be possible.

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Such illogical circumstances as non-matter and zero point. Only then can we understand the full thrust and flow of creation itself and determine how we can utilize our space to a much greater degree than we are now, only viewing reality through a materialistic approach.

Force is an underlying invisible component of reality that stands within matter itself. It is the component of reality that does not have a defined point to where it is perceived to come from, only that it is the core balancing point of all matter at its essence. It seems to just appear out of thin air to be forming the space to which we see and that when we focus on reality it all of a sudden materializes matter into existence. No, reality does not at all work in this way, only in our three dimensional perception do we see it this way. All formation already exists and it is just that within our own point of perception within reality we become aware of certain things that we did not before. I wrote an article about this relating to what we find relevant in our world:


Things become relevant to our perception when we finally notice that they exist. That is the restrictive component of reality itself that all points in space that are materialized can only visualize in this singular approach. We can only truly focus on one thing at a time, and to us things seem linear. This is produced within fourth dimension to which we call time. The fourth dimension is like a blanket on consciousness forcing it into structure and coherency, bringing matter to a more solid state of viewing. A lot of people when they become aware of forth dimension they experience this level of space as being seen as the astral world, or structural worlds. They are when seen through the mind as being darker than our world in perception, almost like walking in the night. Things are accentuated in this area of space of fourth dimensional reality. What ever is concentrated on is visualized as greater than the rest of what is seen around it. People come into this world when they go into dreams and often they interact with other worlds within these areas of space to which they are not at all accustomed to in their material third dimensional world that they see in the physical.

Fourth dimension becomes the veil on life making us think that there is nothing more than physical existence itself and that we are only body and not at all linked into the core of creation and the mind. Time and thought still has structure in these worlds and most importantly it is a place where we are able to communicate with other forms of life internally.

I know for some what I have just been writing about might not at all make sense when it comes to viewing reality as they now see it. It might all seem quite complex and mystical. But really it is fundamental and in the coming years people will become more and more aware of other worlds to which they are a part of all of the time through consciousness. They have known about these worlds for centuries, various people who see themselves as visionaries, who understand some of the components of the mind and physical existence from their own standpoint in reality, have been exploring levels of consciousness and the reasons for why they exist. A lot do not essentially understand the reason behind some of their visions and bizarre thoughts and reasoning, but it is the core fundamental concepts that become important to consider. These concepts become to be called psychic visions, psychological reasoning and something that totally steps outside of outward material constructive reality. It is the core components of information that are bought back that help us to reason and define the space to which we exist, not the way in which the information is presented. Information then gets interpreted as mystical and supernatural when in all reality it is fundamental and normal, only

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not seen this way from a purely materialistic approach when a person decides not to understand themselves internally.

I do not at all see it in this way, as mystical, and find that it has a material approach just as thought does in the area of space to which we call third dimension, to where we view out of our eyes in our world as humans. When we dream we still exist within material reality but our perception is elsewhere, in another level of creation itself. It is all part of material creation, defined within reality. The only difference is, is that it is defined on the direction that someone views reality. Angle of perception is the key to understanding the fundamental construction of reality from the core. I highlight this in a couple of my articles:

Personal perception through the mindThe challenge to view and understand through the mind

In the coming years when we start to delve into the mind and explore what it is, we will discover areas of space that can be also materially proven. Fourth Dimension and Second Dimension will be possible to explore, from here first and fifth dimension will be able to be reasoned within the whole flow of reality itself. Not just seen as consciousness but also a place that is materially assessable through awareness of the mind. This is then where mind travel will begin to be explored at a much larger degree. When it is first seen as possible and then later explored through our desire to find out more about reality.

I will describe to you what mind travel is and how it works to the best that I can explain using our current perception as a marker. However, I will note that we have not yet a level of awareness to be able to comprehend the reason behind such things as yet, let alone use it to benefit our own reality. We might not even reach this level of practical awareness until a thousand of years in the future. A person must first learn what something is before they can utilize it to its full benefit, so I will attempt to explain as best that I can.

Mind travel is at the basic most level the ability for a being to travel space without the use of a vehicle or body, when a being does already have a material body in which they exist before the transfer. How this is achieved is very complex and might only be able to be seen at the moment as science fiction within our world but I can say through my own experiences that it is absolutely true and possible. Around 5 percent, maybe a little more, of the population here now on this earth would be considered in my terms, Mind Travelers, experiencing this world through this means right now. Some might put this in different wording. I have heard of things such as Star Seeds, Walk-ins and the like. People talk about these beings in different ways. They also say that they are physical in nature, which is also true to a certain degree. I want to explain more about these beings and how they come to contribute and also interact with our world here now, and why they are here.

Mind Traveling is an integral part of reality itself and in its natural state it is coined the term reincarnation. When a person dies, their essence or energy is reissued into reality into other forms of life. This is done on the basis of energy level and when it is done naturally it is coordinated through the core of reality based on magnetic and energetic balance. When a person dies in life their material body turns back into the building blocks of life, and their energy or spirit body (electromagnetic energy which I call the energy matrix and personality matrix) becomes reutilized within creation itself, bonding itself to matter close in nature to its energetic level, or vibration. This is a sort of like hearing a hum, this energy level. Each individual has their own signature that is an energy level, or humming, almost like a musical

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sound. It is their energy projected outwardly into material space, a point in perception that has its own personality and parameters. Some might also call this personality matrix or energy matrix.

When a person then Mind Travels from another world, they utilize the natural methods of creation in order to unnaturally experience other parts of reality that they would not necessarily be able to access for various reasons during a physical lifetime. So far for us as humans we only experience this one lifetime, but for some beings they are able to experience lifetimes within lifetimes. They do it by means of machines developed on the method of opening up areas of space through portals within the fourth dimension. They are able to track these portals through energy signatures that then become location markers; just as every body has a signature, or energy marker, so does every other point or area of space within the whole of creation itself.

One thing that we have not yet discovered and it might take some thousands of years before we become aware of this, is that space is so grand that even our visions now do now do not even come close to realizing its full parameters. The beings that live in these other worlds know of this already, and they have knowledge from their own experiences, after becoming material space travelers, that creation is far more grand and complex than they previously had initiated. Every form of life comes to this realization eventually through their searching of knowledge and life beyond their singular worlds. It is not by coincidence that this world is not teaming already physically by aliens from other worlds beyond our own. There is a significant reason for why this will not be occurring any time soon in the future, and if it were to even occur it would not be achieved to the levels that we envision in our movies such as Star Trek and Babylon 5. There are significant things within these movies that are not possible at this moment in our current perception in third dimension, such interactions with other beings from other worlds that do not hold logical material reasoning. I want to explain why these limitations exist.

I will take you on a journey through the minds of beings far more advanced technologically and intellectually than we are in our time now as humans, just to describe the real limitations of life and physical reality and what they had to face in their own journey of discovery of reality. This is just an example that might give more understanding to why some things might seem possible when they are not at all reasonable within the parameters of material limited space itself.

What these beings discovered when they started to journey through material space is that it was far more grand than first thought, that one solar system was not even a speck of sand on the rest of creation itself. That even if they were to travel the whole depth of space through material means it would change so much over the time of their traveling that they would never come to return home to the point that they departed, all things changing to such a large degree to be considered a totally different area of space to which they originally departed. Besides the fact that such things would never be able to be achieved within a singular lifetime, for them being many more years than what we here have even possible. Even if a being has a day as long as we have a week in their reality, there is never enough time to do all that they wish to do. It would not matter even if a being lived an hour or one million years; there is never enough time to discover the whole complexity of reality itself. This they already knew just by seeing with their physical eyes the grandness of reality itself.

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Not only did they discover that reality was so big, but also that it was multilayered in its formation. When they looked out with their eyes into the third dimension of space to which they called physical reality they could see all the solar systems close by to their home world. They saw that they were not at all inhabited by intelligent life as they considered themselves to be. In fact ‘intelligent’ life as they classed it in their definition was less than one percent on the whole of creation itself, and even if they were able to find such life, there were many factors to consider. The first factor was the difference in living conditions between both races of beings. They may not be able to handle the same environmental conditions. These things could however be altered unnaturally. The other was communication and level of awareness between both cultures. We know just for humans alone that communication is already rather difficult between two totally different cultures on earth with different languages, let alone beings from some totally different world. It takes years to determine a proper level of ‘physical’ communication.

With these things in mind the beings then traveled from one galaxy to another to find the same everywhere they arrived, they found no form of life that was able to intellectually and materially communicate with them. Why was this so?

What they were to discover is that within each solar system the only area of its entire formation, the inner core, or inner worlds was the only place that could support life in any way. This was balanced on the formation of creation from the core of the dimensions of material construction and when calculations where finally understood, the beings were confronted with the fact that the possibility that they would find other intelligent life that was like unto themselves, in close proximity, yet not formed from their own experimentation, was next to impossible. Not impossible however, but next to impossible for the fact that they understood the depth of their lifetimes, in relation to the expansion of space itself physically.

It is possible for other forms of intelligent life to live close to each other in the universe, even some who had populated other planets earlier in their evolution and moved on to other worlds creating different worlds of beings with the same heritage. However, when it came to these beings that I am using as an example, they lived in a more remote area of space, making them reconsider their position in reality itself, needing to find another way in which to explore space in an easier manner.

These beings started to look inwardly for answers when they reasoned the complexity of matter space itself exploring the mind and how we can transfer thought into other forms of life. They first explored this within their own world within different forms, or different animals living on and within their world. They transferred their thought into other embodiments to explore how it felt to be within these material constructs. They had many hurdles to cross before they were able to advance in their approach. This took many hundreds of years before these methods were perfected to what they were happy with.

Through their experiments they did learn a lot about energy and how it forms from creation itself, understanding the inner worlds that define reality. Their earlier experiments consisted of taking the energy of a being and placing it into another creature. These were very barbaric methods of energy transference, resulting in the death of both of the beings involved in the experiment. They also experimented with placing more of these energies within one body in order to experiment with balance of electromagnetic energy in relation to form. They learnt out of these experiments the importance of energy and how it needs to obtain perfect balance in order to be utilized in another physical embodiment. They were learning more about the

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balance of reality and the formation of life itself from the core components of the whole of reality. They found also that they were unable to transfer certain energy from one body to another, unless it was close to the same energetic balance to the body of the next being. They learnt ways to overcome these obstacles, with time, patience and a huge amount of experimentation. These experiments took hundreds of years until they were perfected to achieve things that we could not even imagine possible in our life here now as humans. We are not even close to wanting to explore to this depth yet, but it is something we will inevitably move towards in our evolutionary exploration.

Eventually they realized that not only were they able to access life on their world and worlds within their close proximity but also that they could explore worlds through the inner dimensions as well, leading to experiments that looked at a communication through internal worlds. This was done through accessing a beings dream state in forth dimension. It was realized that when a person dreams that they naturally travel through space with the use of the mind, and that communication was able to be achieved within these worlds through image and impulse interpretation. The beings that were running the experiments realized that when they dreamed that they were naturally connected to other life within reality that was at a similar energy level as their own formation through the forth dimension, and communicate with them at a thought level, through images and symbols. They were able to pinpoint signatures of energy that were from areas of unknown space and reality that did not belong to areas of space within their own known physical third dimensional space. They realized over time that these signatures were belonging also to material formations elsewhere and that they could in fact follow the changing of these signatures through time of the fourth dimension, connecting through to these lifetimes through dream state, watching and experiencing other worlds. These symbols or images were read in their electromagnetic state and determined energetically. What was realized is that internally there was a language of energy that could be defined logically between all levels of creation itself.

This communication would be achieved when the beings put themselves into dream state and then trigger the signature that they found and followed through the dream state with the use of electromagnetic transfer into the core of their brain. This trigger formed in a separate area of their brain a pocket of memory that was belonging to another world. They would then interpret this pocket of memory through recall when awake when this electromagnetic energy was sparked again into the core of their brain. This is really difficult to explain but I will try and detail it in a more simplistic way.

Firstly visualize that there is someone lying on a table and they are put into a deep sleep state. They have a device which is linked to a machine that when they place it in the back of the neck it sends a pulse through into the core of the brain that initiates awareness of the other world. Much like when viewing the movie the Matrix. This movie is also created by someone who understands Mind Travel. However in this other world they do not plug you in like you are a machine. The device is not at all plugged into the body through the back of the neck. They have, however a device that when placed on the back at the point under the cranial bone it is able to send signals to the inner core brain. This area of the head is the perfect place to be able to achieve this. During sleep the being then visits this other world and experiences the world that relates to the signature that they are following and placing within the beings brain. This person experiences this world as if they are there and that they are the person who is in that life. Upon awaking they then have this memory stored in their brain in a component of matter that sits outside of the network of memory pockets that they utilize in their everyday life.

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One thing about memory that will be discovered is that it works very much in sequence. Often memories come from a sequence of other memory patterns all linking to one another. In order to utilize the memories of the experience in dream state they were able to spark a link between the learnt memories of their own lifetime with the memories that they experienced during their dreams, really just in the same manner as we remember dreams upon waking. They would send a spark back into the core of the brain from this signature, which would when done in an awake state, be remembered by the person in the experiment through their own perception of material space. Even if this world that they experienced in through their dreams was extremely alien in relation to their own, they would reinterpret it back into their brain through the things that they already could visualize from their own material life and experiences.

What this meant was that if they experienced that they were living in a world where the being was moving fast they might see that they had legs even if this being was really floating in all physical actuality. They would reinterpret it back into their own understanding and see that they had legs when remembered after the event upon waking. Even though this bought up issues when it came to what was fact and what was created through the perception of the person, it brought up also some interesting findings, that were later siphoned out from all of the perceived imaginative information. They realized through much more experimentation that they were able to gather a lot of information out of these experiences, helping in their technology and perception of life, things that would not be normally discovered through their normal means of experimentation through their own world. These beings that were involved in these experiments were starting to show signs of a developed state of mind.

The beings who participated in the experiments were starting to utilize their memories from these worlds in their own life, and were being inspired to make technology and think of things that brought about great discoveries. They were utilizing memories of other worlds through dream state to advance upon their own world without interfering with the natural order of these other worlds. They were merely observing life in other worlds. These beings would be coined the term, ‘Watchers’.

After a time, however, they came across something very unusual in their experiments. During one sleep state travel that was being organized, the being started to talk during his sleep state from the other world that he was experiencing. The messages were coming from the mind of the being from the other world. What was to be discovered was that the beings from the other world that they had chosen to explore were aware that they were watched through from their world into their perception. They felt the presence of the energy from the other world coming through their physical form, looking into their soul, so to speak. They were able to utilize naturally the body of the being in sleep state to communicate with the beings of their world through conversation. This today is called channeling and people are here discovering naturally how to do this, coming into contact with thoughts from beings possibly from other worlds or other people within our own world.

The only issue that was seen through this discovery was that the information that was coming through was becoming distorted through the bending of space and reality when the portals were open. Information sent in this method was always symbolically and electronically transferred that it made it at times difficult to find an accurate interpretation. Both beings actually thought that the physical experiences of the other’s world were in direct link to their own fate. The information was distorted and imperfectly relayed, simply because of the

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limitations within space and the capacity, knowledge and physical experience of the person within their own reality reading the symbols and messages.

It was to be discovered that a person cannot visualize something properly if they had no physical representation in which to try and relay the message properly. This brought up many inaccurate communications that would later be discovered to be misinterpretations of the information that was coming though. This was because of the fact that the being was trying to base another world’s experiences onto their own instead of seeing it as totally separate reality. One being might send a message through as images that show of a catastrophic event that occurred in their world, and then the other being who is picking up the message in the other world would reinterpret this as that they were being warned of a great disaster that was about to occur. The important factor that was to be later discovered is that the memories needed to be purely linked to the world that they were experienced in, and not the world that the information was being read from.

As time went by, these beings were not satisfied with just obtaining knowledge in this fashion, where the information was only as accurate as the being experiencing it could relay back into their own world. They began to explore the possibility of actually living out lifetimes within other worlds, where they could follow the progress through machine of how the world was being experienced, relayed back through the individual who was living the life of the being in the other world still linked to the body within their former world.

How this was achieved was in a much more complex manner than just through the dream state of the individual. Over time they were able to pinpoint the exact location and time of birth of a consciousness within a form in the other world, what we call physical birth, and transfer the spirit (energy matrix) of the being into that body from their world. Internally it would be linked to their body back in their home world at all times and they would return to the body there when the lifetime was finished, when the body physically died. This is what people call a star seed, which is a transference of energy or spirit of a being from one world in creation to another world to live out a another lifetime during an already existing lifetime. This brought about more accurate information on a more constant basis. The beings would monitor in their own world the thoughts of the person continuously during their lifetime in the other world.

This sort of mind travel is considered inter-dimensional in nature. A person will know if they are from another world and will be aware that they exist in another body outside of this earth. They will receive information and knowledge from their world with thought alone being able to be interpreted in the best way possible through their own experiences. There is nothing like real experience to understand a life fully for what it has to offer. These beings realized that they could more accurately relay information if the person was actually experiencing the lifetime itself. Through experience they were able to relay the information through more accurately into their own language and cultural understanding sent back to their home world in a more defined manner. They were also able to differentiate what was extremely alien and did not relate at all in connection to both worlds. Like habits and emotions.

A person who is a ‘live in’ mind traveler, or star seed will know already that they are one. They will often go in dream state to talk to beings back in their home world, and have dreams that are often mechanical in nature. They will experience time where they are feeling as if they are visited by strange energies, maybe even relayed back as being alien abduction experiences. These experiences often entail times when their body is being worked on

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energetically, this is important because of the differences in energy of both worlds, which is not always conducive to the new environment and needs to be always monitored.

They will connect to the other world when they choose to through the fourth dimension with most of these experiences occurring to them upon waking or on the midst of falling asleep, or if they are passing out. This communication between them and their home world is on an astral level and feel like they are being drugged or being dragged into a different state of consciousness in order to communicate. They might see the room darken, or change in appearance, or suddenly hear a strange buzzing noise, when they come to communicate with beings from their home world in fourth dimension.

One thing to remember when these things are seen is that they are only human interpretations of energy that is of an alien nature. The human brain can only utilize certain material imagery in order to form an evaluation of what is being seen. Often this means that what they are seeing is correct in energy but not in visualization, that the beings when seen visually on their home world would be totally different than what was being seen through the human eyes at the time of the information transfer.

These transfers are often done electronically as well. A star seed will be receiving at all times information and dreams that seem systematic and electronic in nature. They will often experience dreams where they have someone walking with them at all times watching from the sidelines, keeping track of what they are doing. They might experience also dreams where they are coming together with many others in a communal area where they are participating in various activities. They will be also vivid dreamers, and often dream of things that do not relate to the world here now and their experiences. Not even linking to their daily activities and thoughts.

A star seed also has other abilities that link in with their experiences through their lifetime in the other world. They have the ability to see things from their world, such as technology and relay information back in this world. They are often people who have things that occur to them that might seem strange in relation to most experiences within this world. They might even have a high intellect compared to others when it comes to seeing things constructively. It is almost as though they do not fit in this world, and they will feel always heavy or strange in the body, depending on what world they are coming from. This happens because of the direct link between their body there and the body that they have in this world. They will at times be able to feel the other body, and maybe even at various times in their life experience strange events where they get flashes of the other world. This will occur as a flash of light and a sucking feeling like they are being drawn into complete darkness. They might then see for a matter of seconds that they are lying somewhere on some sort of bed and that the room is fuzzy to the perception. There might be things also moving in the room before they again experience the sucking feeling and return back to their original body. This to some is seen as an out-of-body experience.

Other things they might experience are languages being heard internally that are not of human origin, a language that is systematic also in its construction. They might also hear strange sounds, smell strange scents and have unusual feelings throughout their everyday experiences. These things are coming from the fourth dimension of space where they are in communication with other beings at all times.

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If a star seed’s link is lost in their lifetime, either by their body dying or that the electrical transfer is lost, they will at all times return back to their former body to where they have their origin. Only when the body dies in their own world can they be lost within another world or lifetime. They will then experience life first hand from the world that they newly inhabit and link into the cycling of energy that the new life has to offer. Depending on what world they come from and the level of technology their energy can be tracked and retransferred to a new body. Not all worlds work in this fashion and it strongly depends on the level of advancement that they have. Many worlds are currently using this method of mind travel effectively and efficiently. The worlds that link to ours are in direct line with the energy that can inhabit the bodies here in the present in a balanced and systematic way, or at least in a way that can be monitored and altered to be able to adjust.

Each world has its own advancement when it comes to this type of travel being used. One such world might now be utilizing this method of travel on a more advanced level to even what I have so far described. These beings could be coordinating whole worlds to which they are linked into, forming even schools and methods in which beings from their own world can advance in their studies and fields of expertise. They might at times ask other worlds to participate in their work to help in the technological components of other worlds. Some of these races also find each other using this method to come into contact with each other even physically within the third dimension space. This is all determined through personal choice of the worlds involved and their interactions are based very much in the same way as we do also in our world today, through trail, through developing trust, and also at times through conflict.

As you can imagine by reading this that Mind Travel seems science fiction in our eyes. It is however as we begin to explore it more thoroughly, something that we will find as a need in order to communicate to other parts of the reality that exist far outside from ourselves. This can also be used in relation to other animals on earth. Not only would we be able to study them on the outside, but feel what it is like to be them internally, through the behaviors and character that they have. Such things as this can bring about great experiences and understanding, and most importantly teach new ways to see life through another being’s eyes in order to respect their own creative state.

Most might wonder at this stage, if they are still even reading this and considering the possibility, whether such things as mind travel can affect reality in any way that would destroy the foundation of creation itself. This is of course a linear perception of reality that comes from a purely material approach that does not see creation as one and all, and that all things happen for a reason. Creation always exists, and does internally as well. Nothing happens by chance or for no reason, because creation is formed in a systematic way. Gradually through time and development in our own world as we gain knowledge and experiment with these things we will be driven to explore these possibilities naturally. When we travel with the mind, it will be at a time that we are ready for it, and whatever we experience will be already part of what we are meant to be participating in.

A mind traveler knows that he is part of the experience of reality and that it does not matter where they are situated in creation that they will be affecting the space internally, externally and in a natural way even if it is created synthetically. They also know that it is meant to be that they experience these things or else it would not be achievable. In their eyes, mind travel is part of evolution and development and comes at a time when a society is ready for expanding their awareness of space and reality. There is always more to discover, and with Mind Travel we will in the future, not only see other worlds that exist far outside from our

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own, but we might also be in those worlds to remember them as an experience of our own lifetimes, developing not only our perception of reality, but also our ethical, and foundational understanding of all that is creation in total. Mind travel will open many doors to possibility, and will advance our intellect exponentially through our contact with other worlds and lifetimes, and it will bring us to a place of unlimited possibility in a world that seems mostly just structured in material limitation and restrictions. It will expand our horizons and also teach us the foundations of life and existence, giving us more in which to explore and discover.

By Stacey T Pollock1st April 2009

About the Author:

Stacey T Pollock is an author who writes about the mind and her personal perception of life and the physical world. She has written books to do with creation theory and the mind and

matter, coming from the standpoint of a person who studies all viewpoints of life around her. Her philosophy in life is that we can obtain an understanding that links all

philosophies together that can allow for creativity and choice on how we wish to experience life.

'Life is a perception of the mind; all the answers are within us'

Visit Stacey T Pollock’s website at:


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