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Minecraft ID's

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  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's



    D Requires additional data from the saved game's Data array to fully define the block.

    I Has a different ID as an inventory item.

    B Requires additional data in the item's Damage field to fully define the inventory item.

    T Requires a tile entity to store additional data.

    RedCannot be legitimately obtained. nly available using the /givecommand or via inventoryeditors.


    Cannot be obtained no matter "hat. #$ome can be %laced using &setblock

    Blue (vailable in Creativemode by item list.

    )ur%le (vailable in Creativemode by block %icking.

    Teal Can be obtained by trading "ith villagers or in Creativemode.

    *reen nly available by having +nchantedtools or in Creativemode.


    nly available by having +nchantedtools or via use of the /givecommand or inventoryeditors in Creativemode, but unobtainable in theCreativemode menu.

    range (vailable in an u%date yet to be released.


    )revie"s are available, but not yet added in-game.

    *ray nused data.Block IDs[hide][edit]

    These values apply to both inventory items and to blocks placed in the world. This reflects the most recent version.

    Icon Dec Hex Name Block type

    / / minecraft0air (ir

    1 1 minecraft0stone $toneDB

    2 2 minecraft0grass *rass Block

    3 3 minecraft0dirt DirtDB

    4 4 minecraft0cobblestone Cobblestone

    5 5 minecraft0%lanks 6ood )lanksDB

    7 7 minecraft0sa%ling $a%lingsDB

    8 8 minecraft0bedrock Bedrock

    9 9 minecraft0flo"ing:"ater 6aterD

    ; ; minecraft0"ater $tationary"aterD

    1/ ( minecraft0flo"ing:lava !avaD

    11 B minecraft0lava $tationarylavaD

    12 C minecraft0sand $andDB

    13 D minecraft0gravel *ravel

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    14 + minecraft0gold:ore *old re

    15 < minecraft0iron:ore Iron re

    Icon Dec Hex Name Block type

    17 1/ minecraft0coal:ore Coal re

    18 11 minecraft0log 6oodDB

    19 12 minecraft0leaves !eavesDB

    1; 13 minecraft0s%onge $%ongeDB

    2/ 14 minecraft0glass *lass

    21 15 minecraft0la%is:ore !a%is !a=uli re

    22 17 minecraft0la%is:block !a%is !a=uli Block

    23 18 minecraft0dis%enser Dis%enserDT

    24 19 minecraft0sandstone $andstoneDB

    25 1; minecraft0noteblock >ote BlockT

    27 1( minecraft0bed BedDI

    28 1B minecraft0golden:rail )o"ered RailD

    29 1C minecraft0detector:rail Detector RailD

    2; 1D minecraft0sticky:%iston $ticky )istonD

    3/ 1+ minecraft0"eb Cob"eb

    31 1< minecraft0tallgrass *rassDB

    Icon Dec Hex Name Block type

    32 2/ minecraft0deadbush Dead Bush

    33 21 minecraft0%iston )istonD

    34 22 minecraft0%iston:head )iston +?tensionD

    35 23 minecraft0"ool 6oolDB

    37 24 minecraft0%iston:e?tension Block moved by )istonT

    38 25 minecraft0yello":flo"er Dandelion

    39 27 minecraft0red:flo"er )o%%yDB

    3; 28 minecraft0bro"n:mushroom Bro"n @ushroom

    4/ 29 minecraft0red:mushroom Red @ushroom

    41 2; minecraft0gold:block Block of *old

    42 2( minecraft0iron:block Block of Iron

    43 2B minecraft0double:stone:slab Double $tone$labDB

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    44 2C minecraft0stone:slab $tone $labDB

    45 2D minecraft0brick:block Bricks

    47 2+ minecraft0tnt T>T

    48 2< minecraft0bookshelf Bookshelf

    Icon Dec Hex Name Block type

    49 3/ minecraft0mossy:cobblestone @oss $tone

    4; 31 minecraft0obsidian bsidian

    5/ 32 minecraft0torch TorchD

    51 33 minecraft0fire

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    84 4( minecraft0lit:redstone:ore *lo"ingRedstone re

    85 4B minecraft0unlit:redstone:torch Redstone Torch#inactiveD

    87 4C minecraft0redstone:torch Redstone Torch#active D

    88 4D minecraft0stone:button $tone ButtonD

    89 4+ minecraft0sno":layer $no"DB

    8; 4< minecraft0ice Ice

    Icon Dec Hex Name Block type

    9/ 5/ minecraft0sno" $no"

    91 51 minecraft0cactus CactusD

    92 52 minecraft0clay Clay

    93 53 minecraft0reeds $ugar CaneDI

    94 54 minecraft0Aukebo? ukebo?DT

    95 55 minecraft0fence etherrack

    99 59 minecraft0soul:sand $oul $and

    9; 5; minecraft0glo"stone *lo"stone

    ;/ 5( minecraft0%ortal >ether )ortal

    ;1 5B minecraft0lit:%um%kin ack 'o' !anternD

    ;2 5C minecraft0cake Cake BlockDI

    ;3 5D minecraft0un%o"ered:re%eater Redstone Re%eater#inactive DI

    ;4 5+ minecraft0%o"ered:re%eater Redstone Re%eater #activeDI

    ;5 5< minecraft0stained:glass $tained *lass

    Icon Dec Hex Name Block type

    ;7 7/ minecraft0tra%door Tra%doorD

    ;8 71 minecraft0monster:egg @onster +ggDB

    ;9 72 minecraft0stonebrick $tone BricksDB

    ;; 73 minecraft0bro"n:mushroom:block Huge Bro"n @ushroomD

    1// 74 minecraft0red:mushroom:block Huge Red @ushroomD

    1/1 75 minecraft0iron:bars Iron Bars

    1/2 77 minecraft0glass:%ane *lass )ane

    1/3 78 minecraft0melon:block @elon

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    1/4 79 minecraft0%um%kin:stem )um%kin $temD

    1/5 7; minecraft0melon:stem @elon $temD

    1/7 7( minecraft0vine inesD

    1/8 7B minecraft0fence:gate ether 6artDI

    117 84 minecraft0enchanting:table +nchantment TableT

    118 85 minecraft0bre"ing:stand Bre"ing $tandDTI

    119 87 minecraft0cauldron CauldronDI

    11; 88 minecraft0end:%ortal +nd )ortalT

    12/ 89 minecraft0end:%ortal:frame +nd )ortal BlockD

    121 8; minecraft0end:stone +nd $tone

    122 8( minecraft0dragon:egg Dragon +gg

    123 8B minecraft0redstone:lam% Redstone !am%#inactive

    124 8C minecraft0lit:redstone:lam% Redstone !am%#active

    125 8D minecraft0double:"ooden:slab 6ooden Double $labDB

    127 8+ minecraft0"ooden:slab 6ooden $labDB

    128 8< minecraft0cocoa CocoaDI

    Icon Dec Hex Name Block type

    129 9/ minecraft0sandstone:stairs $andstone $tairsD

    12; 91 minecraft0emerald:ore +merald re

    13/ 92 minecraft0ender:chest +nder ChestDT

    131 93 minecraft0tri%"ire:hook Tri%"ire HookD

    132 94 minecraft0tri%"ire Tri%"ireDI

    133 95 minecraft0emerald:block Block of +merald

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    134 97 minecraft0s%ruce:stairs $%ruce 6ood $tairsD

    135 98 minecraft0birch:stairs Birch 6ood $tairsD

    137 99 minecraft0Aungle:stairs ungle 6ood $tairsD

    138 9; minecraft0command:block Command BlockT

    139 9( minecraft0beacon BeaconT

    13; 9B minecraft0cobblestone:"all Cobblestone 6allDB

    14/ 9C minecraft0flo"er:%ot ether uart= re

    154 ;( minecraft0ho%%er Ho%%erDT

    155 ;B minecraft0quart=:block Block of uart=DB

    157 ;C minecraft0quart=:stairs uart= $tairsD

    158 ;D minecraft0activator:rail (ctivator RailD

    159 ;+ minecraft0dro%%er Dro%%erDT

    15; ;< minecraft0stained:hardened:clay $tained ClayDB

    Icon Dec Hex Name Block type

    17/ (/ minecraft0stained:glass:%ane $tained *lass )aneD

    171 (1 minecraft0leaves2 !eaves #(cacia&Dark akDB

    172 (2 minecraft0log2 6ood #(cacia&Dark akDB

    173 (3 minecraft0acacia:stairs (cacia 6ood $tairsD

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    174 (4 minecraft0dark:oak:stairs Dark ak 6ood $tairsD

    175 (5 minecraft0slime $lime Block

    177 (7 minecraft0barrier Barrier

    178 (8 minecraft0iron:tra%door Iron Tra%door

    179 (9 minecraft0%rismarine )rismarine17; (; minecraft0sea:lantern $ea !antern

    18/ (( minecraft0hay:block Hay BlockD

    181 (B minecraft0car%et Car%etDB

    182 (C minecraft0hardened:clay Hardened Clay

    183 (D minecraft0coal:block Block of Coal

    184 (+ minecraft0%acked:ice )acked Ice

    185 (< minecraft0double:%lant !arge

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    258 1/1 minecraft0iron:%icka?e Iron )icka?eD

    259 1/2 minecraft0iron:a?e Iron (?eD

    25; 1/3 minecraft0flint:and:steel

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    325 145 minecraft0bucket Bucket

    327 147 minecraft0"ater:bucket 6ater Bucket

    328 148 minecraft0lava:bucket !ava Bucket

    329 149 minecraft0minecart @inecart

    32; 14; minecraft0saddle $addle

    33/ 14( minecraft0iron:door Iron Door

    331 14B minecraft0redstone Redstone

    332 14C minecraft0sno"ball $no"ball

    333 14D minecraft0boat Boat

    334 14+ minecraft0leather !eather

    335 14< minecraft0milk:bucket @ilk

    Icon Dec Hex Name Item

    337 15/ minecraft0brick Brick

    338 151 minecraft0clay:ball Clay

    339 152 minecraft0reeds $ugar Canes

    33; 153 minecraft0%a%er )a%er

    34/ 154 minecraft0book Book

    341 155 minecraft0slime:ball $limeball

    342 157 minecraft0chest:minecart @inecart "ith Chest

    343 158 minecraft0furnace:minecart @inecart "ith

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    37/ 179 minecraft0melon @elon

    371 17; minecraft0%um%kin:seeds )um%kin $eeds

    372 17( minecraft0melon:seeds @elon $eeds

    373 17B minecraft0beef Ra" Beef

    374 17C minecraft0cooked:beef $teak

    375 17D minecraft0chicken Ra" Chicken

    377 17+ minecraft0cooked:chicken Cooked Chicken

    378 17< minecraft0rotten:flesh Rotten ugget

    382 184 minecraft0nether:"art >ether 6art

    383 185 minecraft0%otion )otionsB

    384 187 minecraft0glass:bottle *lass Bottle

    385 188 minecraft0s%ider:eye $%ider +ye

    387 189 minecraft0fermented:s%ider:eye

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    3;7 19C minecraft0golden:carrot *olden Carrot

    3;8 19D minecraft0skull @ob headB

    3;9 19+ minecraft0carrot:on:a:stick Carrot on a $tickD

    3;; 19< minecraft0nether:star >ether $tar

    Icon Dec Hex Name Item

    4// 1;/ minecraft0%um%kin:%ie )um%kin )ie

    4/1 1;1 minecraft0fire"orks T

    4/9 1;9 minecraft0ho%%er:minecart @inecart "ith Ho%%er

    4/; 1;; minecraft0%rismarine:shard )rismarine $hard

    41/ 1;( minecraft0%rismarine:crystals )rismarine Crystals

    411 1;B minecraft0rabbit Ra" Rabbit

    412 1;C minecraft0cooked:rabbit Cooked Rabbit

    413 1;D minecraft0rabbit:ste" Rabbit $te"

    414 1;+ minecraft0rabbit:foot Rabbit's ame Tag

    422 1(7 minecraft0command:block:minecart @inecart "ith Command Block

    423 1(8 minecraft0mutton Ra" @utton

    424 1(9 minecraft0cooked:mutton Cooked @utton

    425 1(; minecraft0banner Banner

    427 1(( #unused

    428 1(B #unused

    429 1(C #unused

    42; 1(D #unused

    43/ 1(+ #unused

    431 1(< #unused

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    Icon Dec Hex Name Item

    2257 9D/ minecraft0record:13 13 Disc

    2258 9D1 minecraft0record:cat cat Disc

    2259 9D2 minecraft0record:blocks blocks Disc

    225; 9D3 minecraft0record:chir% chir% Disc

    227/ 9D4 minecraft0record:far far Disc

    2271 9D5 minecraft0record:mall mall Disc

    2272 9D7 minecraft0record:mellohi mellohi Disc

    2273 9D8 minecraft0record:stal stal Disc

    2274 9D9 minecraft0record:strad strad Disc

    2275 9D; minecraft0record:"ard "ard Disc

    2277 9D( minecraft0record:11 11 Disc

    2278 9DB minecraft0record:"ait "ait Disc

    2279 9DC #unused

    227; 9DD #unused

    228/ 9D+ #unused

    2281 9D< #unused

    Entity IDs[hide][edit]

    Id Hex IconEgg Entity Savegame ID


    1 1 - Dro%%ed item Item

    2 2 - +?%erience rb E)rb


    9 9 - !eadknot !eashFnot

    ; ; - )ainting )ainting

    19 12 - Item

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's



    2/ 14 - )rimed T>T )rimedTnt

    21 15 -T @inecartT>T

    47 2+ - @inecart "ith Ho%%er @inecartHo%%er

    48 2< - @inecart "ith $%a"ner @inecart$%a"ner


    49 3/ - - @ob @ob

    4; 31 - - @onster @onster

    Id Hex Icon Egg Entity Savegame ID

    Hostile mobs

    5/ 32 Cree%er Cree%er

    51 33$keleton6ither $keleton


    52 34 $%ider $%ider

    53 35 - *iant *iant

    54 37 Gombie Gombie

    55 38 $lime $lime57 39 *hast *hast

    58 3; Gombie )igman )igGombie

    59 3( +nderman +nderman

    5; 3B Cave $%ider Cave$%ider

    7/ 3C $ilverfish $ilverfish

    71 3D Bla=e Bla=e

    72 3+ @agma Cube !ava$lime

    73 3< - +nder Dragon +nderDragon

    74 4/ - 6ither 6itherBoss77 42 6itch 6itch

    78 43 +ndermite +ndermite

    79 44 *uardian *uardian

    )assive mobs

    75 41 Bat Bat

    ;/ 5( )ig )ig

    ;1 5B $hee% $hee%

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    ;2 5C Co" Co"

    ;3 5D Chicken Chicken

    ;4 5+ $quid $quid

    ;5 5< 6olf 6olf

    ;7 7/ @ooshroom @ushroomCo"

    ;8 71 - $no" *olem $no"@an;9 72 celot =elot

    ;; 73 - Iron *olem illager*olem

    1// 74 Horse +ntityHorse

    1/1 75 Rabbit Rabbit


    12/ 89 illager illager

    Note:All e!!s listed above are available in ,reative mode. -hen an e!! with other entity ID is spawned into eistence it$s colored !ray ( *

    and doesn$t work.


    /orse entities have Type and 'ariant fields that determine the type and look of the horse. All normal horses are of Type 0 donkeys are of Type1 mules are of Type 2 )ombie horses are of Type and skeletal horses are of Type 3. "elow is a list of 'ariant values that determine the

    variant of Type 0 horses (horse entities of other types seem to i!nore the 'ariant field*.

    White Creamy Chestnut Brown Black ray Dark Brown

    None / 1 2 3 4 5 7

    White 257 258 259 25; 27/ 271 272

    White !ield 512 513 514 515 517 518 519

    White Dots 879 87; 88/ 881 882 883 884

    Black Dots 1/24 1/25 1/27 1/28 1/29 1/2; 1/3/'ariant names taken from the names of the teture file they correspond to.

    4ivin! a Type 0 horse entity a 'ariant value not in this chart will result in a white horse

    [edit]Biome IDs"iomeshave been present in inecraft since the/alloween 6pdateand the "iome ID is included in theAnvil file formatsinceinecraft 1.2.

    The "iome ID for worlds stored in the olderc7e!ion file formatis calculated on the fly which could lead to a discrepancy between the earlier

    !enerated world and the features (such as !rass color snow* based on the calculated biome IDs.

    Dec Biome

    / cean

    1 )lains

    2 Desert

    3 +?treme Hills


  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's



  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    158 Roofed

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    Icon &alue Name E''ect type In source code (article color

    1 minecraft0s%eed $%eed %otion.move$%eed/?8cafc7

    2 minecraft0slo"ness $lo"ness %otion.move$lo"do"n/?5a7c91

    3 minecraft0haste Haste %otion.dig$%eed /?d;c/43

    4 minecraft0mining:fatigue @ining ausea %otion.confusion/?551d4a

    1/ minecraft0regeneration Regeneration %otion.regeneration/?cd5cab

    11 minecraft0resistance Resistance %otion.resistance/?;;453a

    12 minecraft0fire:resistance ight vision %otion.nightision/?1f1fa1

    18 minecraft0hunger Hunger %otion.hunger/?598753

    19 minecraft0"eakness 6eakness %otion."eakness /?494d49

    1; minecraft0%oison )oison %otion.%oison/?4e;331

    2/ minecraft0"ither 6ither %otion."ither/?352a28

    21 minecraft0health:boost Health Boost %otion.healthBoost/?f98d23

    22 minecraft0absor%tion (bsor%tion %otion.absor%tion

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's



    - 23 minecraft0saturation $aturation %otion.saturation/?f92423

    [edit]Data&pecial data for certain block and item types. &tora!e differs accordin! to level format.

    Block dec hex )se

    6ood /-15 /-< 6ood Te?ture&Rotation

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    Redstone Com%arator /-15 /-< rientation, mode and %o"er

    Redstone Re%eater /-15 /-< rientation and delay

    Redstone 6ire /-15 /-< )o"er level

    *rass /-2 /-2 (%%earance #grass, fern, shrub

  • 8/11/2019 Minecraft ID's


    7 )olished (ndesite[edit]Dirt

    D& Description

    / Dirt

    1 Coarse Dirt

    2 )od=ol[edit]Salin!sThe data value is split in half. The bottom three bits determine the type of saplin! (and thus the eventual tree type* accordin! to the followin!


    D& Description

    / ak $a%ling

    1 $%ruce $a%ling

    2 Birch $a%ling

    3 ungle $a%ling

    4 (cacia $a%ling

    5 Dark ak $a%ling

