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Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988

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  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    Government of IndiaMinistry of Mines



    (As amended up to 2ndAugust, 2011)

    Issued by



    A%&%st, '(

    Price: (Inland) Rs. 200.00; (Foreign) 02.! or " 0#.$

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Printed at IBM Press,16/500/August, 2011

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    CONTENTSRule Page &o.

    C)APTER * I

    Pre+iminary1. 'ort title and commencement 2

    2. Application 2$. e*initions 2

    C)APTER * IA

    Reonnaissane O-erations

    $A. 'ceme o* reconnaissance

    $+. odi*ication o* sceme o* reconnaissance $-. Reconnaissance operations to e carried out in

    accordance /it sceme o* reconnaissance$. Intimation aout reconnaissance operations $. 'umission o* reports aout reconnaissance operations

    C)APTER * II

    Pros-etin& O-erations#. 'ceme o* prospecting

    . odi*ication o* sceme o* prospecting

    . Prospecting operation to e carried out in accordance /it sceme o* prospecting

    . Intimation aout prospecting operations 3. Report o* prospecting operations


    Minin& O-erations!. ining plan 3

    10. odi*ication o* mining plan 311. ining plan to e sumitted 4 te 3

    e5isting lessee12. Re6ie/ o* mining plan !1$. ining operations to e in accordance 10

    /it mining plans1#. Prospecting and mining operations 101. 7pencast /or8ing 101. 'eparate stac8ing o* non9salale minerals 111. nderground mining operations 11

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    13. 'ugrade minerals to e rougt to sur*ace 111!. Proiition o* reduction o* loc8s 1220. +ene*iciation studies to e carried out 1221. aciner4 and plant 1222. &otice *or opening o* mine 1$

    2$. Aandonment o* mines 1$2$A. ine -losure Plan 1#2$+. 'umission o* Progressi6e ine -losure Plan 1#2$-. 'umission o* *inal mine closure plan 1#2$. e modi*ication o* mine closure plan 12$. Responsiilit4 o* te older o* mining lease 12$F. Financial assurance 12#. &otice o* temporar4 discontinuance o* /or8 in mines 12. Intimation o* reopening o* a mine 12. 'toping o* 6ein, etc. 1

    C)APTER * IV

    P+ans and Setions2.

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    C)APTER / VIINoties and Ret%rns

    #. ontl4, =uarterl4 and annual returns $0#. &otice o* certain appointments $#

    #. &otice o* sa*t sin8ing and ore oles $##3. Records o* sa*ts and oreoles $##!. -ange in te name o* mine to e noti*ied $#0. &otice o* trans*er o* prospecting licence or mining lease $#0A. &otice o* amalgamation o* mining lease $1. rans*er o* records to trans*erees $2. -opies o* notices>returns to e sumitted to te $


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    Form9A 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 #1Form9AA 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 #$Form9+ 999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999 #

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    &e/ eli, te 2#t7ctoer, 1!33


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    C)APTER * I


    6 S7ort tit+e and ommenement 8 *

    1@(1) ese rules ma4 e called te ineral -onser6ation and e6elopment(Amendment) Rules, 2010.

    0.0 e4 sall come into *orce on te date o* teir pulication in te7**icial

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    0 remo6ing un/anted constituents; and

    1 impro6ing =ualit4, purit4 or assa4 grade o* desired product;

    0 KoringK or KdrillingK means te penetration o* allu6ial material, roc8s or*ormations 4 oles *or otaining geological in*ormation, and *or dra/ing samplestere*rom;

    1 K-ie* -ontroller o* inesK means te -ie* -ontroller o* ines o* te Indian+ureau o* ines;

    2 K-ontroller

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    o/ner or agent and includes te o/ner or te agent i* e appoints imsel* toe suc manager, under section 1 o* te ines Act, 1!2 ($ o* 1!2);

    1@(mm) mine closureJ means steps ta8en *or reclamation, reailitation measuresta8en in respect o* a mine or part tereo* commencing *rom cessation o* miningor processing operations in a mine or part tereo*;

    0 Kmining engineerK means a person appointed in /riting 4 te o/ner or agent toper*orm te duties o* a mining engineer under tese rules;

    1 Kmining planK means a mining plan prepared under section o* te Act and terules made tereunder ;

    2@(oo) progressi6e mine closure planJ means a progressi6e plan, *or te purpose o*pro6iding protecti6e, reclamation and reailitation measures in a mine or parttereo* tat as een prepared in te manner speci*ied in te standard *ormat andguidelines issued 4 Indian +ureau o* ines;

    0 KprospectK means an area /ere prospecting operations *or minerals are eingcarried out and includes an4 area eld under prospecting licence;

    1 Krecognised personK means a person granted recognition 4 te competentautorit4 to prepare mining plan;

    2 KRegional -ontrollerK means te Regional -ontroller o* ines o* te Indian+ureau o* ines;

    $ Ksa*tK means a 6ertical or inclined /a4 or opening leading *rom te sur*ace to

    /or8ings elo/ ground or *rom one part o* te /or8ings elo/ ground to anoter,and includes an incline;

    # KstopingK means ma8ing an4 underground e5ca6ation oter tan de6elopment/or8ing made *or te purpose o* /inning ores or minerals and includes e5tractionor splitting or reduction o* pillars or loc8s o* minerals;

    $@(tt) temporar4 discontinuanceJ means te planned or unplanned suspension o* miningoperations in a mine or part tereo* and /ere te operations are li8el4 toe resumed a*ter certain time;

    0 K4earK means te t/el6e monts period eginning *rom te *irst da4 o* April andending on te tirt49*irst da4 o* arc o* te *ollo/ing 4ear;

    1 all oter /ords and e5pressions used in tese rules ut not de*ined sall a6e temeanings respecti6el4 assigned to tem in te Act.

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1 Inserted 4

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    9C)APTER * I A

    Reonnaissane O-erations

    :A6 S7eme of reonnaissane 8 * 6er4 older o* a reconnaissance permit sall sumit

    to te -ontroller

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    C)APTER / II

    Pros-etin& O-erations

    =6 S7eme of -ros-etin& : 9

    (1) 6er4 older o* a prospecting licence sall sumit to te -ontroller

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    (2) An4 modi*ication carried out under su9rule (1) sall e intimated to te -ontroller

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    Minin& O-erations

    !6 Minin& P+an : 9

    0 &o person sall commence mining operations in an4 area e5cept in accordance /it amining plan appro6ed under clause () o* su9section (2) o* section o* te Act.

    1 e -ontroller

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    0 to te Regional -ontroller *or e5tension o* time up to si5 monts;1 to te -ontroller o* ines *or e5tension o* time e5ceeding si5 monts ut not

    e5ceeding one 4ear;2 to te -ie* -ontroller o* ines *or e5tension o* time e4ond one 4ear;1@(d) to te o**icer autorised in tis eal* 4 te 'tate

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    0 e sceme o* mining sall e sumitted to te Regional -ontroller 1@or te o**icerautorised in tis eal* 4 te 'tate

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    1 Inserted 4

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    ($) 7rientation o* te /or8ings and se=uence o* mining operations sall e suc tatdi**erent grades o* ore> minerals can e otained simultaneousl4 *or lending /it a 6ie/ toacie6e optimum reco6er4 o* ore>minerals *rom te deposit.

    @6 Se-arate sta?in& of non*sa+a;+e minera+s 8 9

    0 e o6erurden and /aste material otained during mining operations sall not eallo/ed to e mi5ed /it non9salale or sugrade minerals>ores. e4 sall e dumped andstac8ed separatel4 on te ground earmar8ed *or te purpose.

    1 e ground selected *or dumping o* o6erurden, /aste material, te sugrade or non9salale ores>minerals sall e a/a4 *rom /or8ing pit. It sall e pro6ed *or asence or presenceo* underl4ing mineral deposits e*ore it is rougt into use *or dumping.

    2 +e*ore starting mining operations, te ultimate siHe o* te pit sall e determined andte dumping ground sall e so selected tat te dumping is not carried out /itin te limits o*

    te ultimate siHe o* te pit e5cept in cases /ere concurrent ac8 *illing is proposed.

    6 Under&ro%nd minin& o-erations 8 *

    0 ining operations in underground sall e carried out in suc a /a4 so as to acie6eoptimum ore>mineral reco6er4.

    1 e metod o* underground de6elopment o* te deposit sall e planned inaccordance /it te metod o* stoping /ic sall e selected /it due consideration o* tegeolog4 o* te deposit and geomecanical properties o* te ore and te ad?oining roc8s.

    2 e siHe o* de6elopment openings, siHe o* loc8s and pillars sall e suc tat te/or8ings remain stale during te de6elopment and stoping stages and et/een suc stages.

    $ e stoping practices sall e suc as to cause minimum disturance to te sur*ace.

    # In case o* a dout as to te optimum ore>mineral reco6er4 under su9rule (1), or temetod o* underground de6elopment under su9rule (2), or siHe o* openings, loc8s or pillarsunder su9rule ($) or te stoping practices under su9rule (#), it sall e re*erred to te -ie*-ontroller o* ines *or decision.

    e -ie* -ontroller o* ines ma4 order suc in6estigations and tests to e carried

    out as are considered necessar4 e*ore arri6ing at a decision on an4 matter re*erred to im undersu9rule ().

    "6 S%;&rade minera+s to ;e ;ro%&7t to s%rfae 8*

    (1) All te sugrade ore>minerals /ere6er otained in underground /or8ings sall erougt to te sur*ace instead o* lea6ing or pac8ing tem in underground.

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    (2) As *ar as practicale te complete /idt o* te ore> mineral od4 sall e /or8ed:

    Pro6ided tat te -ie* -ontroller o* ines ma4 permit in /riting lea6ing o* certainportions in underground i* it is necessar4 *or te support or protection to te mine /or8ings.

    !6 Pro7i;ition of red%tion of ;+o?s 8* All te loc8s *ormed in underground/or8ings sall e regular in siHe and sape. 7nce a loc8 is *ormed it sall not e split orreduced in siHe until te stage o* commencement o* stoping :

    Pro6ided tat te -ie* -ontroller o* ines ma4 permit reduction in te siHe o* loc8s onan application in /riting made 4 te o/ner, agent, mining engineer or manager gi6ing reasons*or doing te same.

    '(6 #enefiiation st%dies to ;e arried o%t 8*

    0 I* te -ontroller mineral is o* te 6ie/ tat te su9grade ore>mineral containscertain reco6erale product, e ma4 direct te o/ner, agent, mining engineer or manager o* temine to get te ene*iciation in6estigations carried out.

    1 e report o* te ene*iciation in6estigations so carried out sall e sumitted to te-ontroller

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    ''6 Notie for o-enin& of mine 8*

    0 e o/ner, agent, mining engineer or manager o* e6er4 mine sall send to te-ontroller

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    1@':A6 Mine C+os%re P+an.9 6er4 mine sall a6e ine -losure Plan, /ic salle o* t/o t4pes:9

    0 a progressi6e mine closure plan; and1 a *inal mine closure plan.

    ':#6 S%;mission of Pro&ressive Mine C+os%re P+an6* (1) e o/ner, agent, manager ormining engineer sall, in case o* *res grant or rene/al o* mining lease, sumit a progressi6emine closure plan as a component o* mining plan to te Regional -ontroller o* ines or o**icerautoriHed 4 te 'tate

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    ':D6 T7e modifiation of mine +os%re -+an6* (1) e older o* a mining lease desirouso* see8ing modi*ications in te appro6ed mine closure plan, sall sumit to te -ontroller

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    0.0 rust *und uild up troug annual contriutions *rom te re6enuegenerated 4 mine and ased on e5pected amount sum re=uired *oraandonment o* mine; or

    0.1 An4 oter *orm o* securit4 or an4 oter guarantees acceptale to teautorit4;

    0 e lessee sall sumit te *inancial assurance to te Regional -ontroller o* ines orte o**icer autorised 4 te 'tate

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    0 ere te discontinuance ta8es place as a result o* te occurrence o* natural calamit4e4ond te control o* te o/ner, agent, mining engineer or manager o* a mine, or in compliance/it an4 order or directions issued 4 an4 statutor4 autorit4 estalised under an4 la/ in *orceor an4 triunal or a court, a telegrapic intimation sall e sent to te -ontroller

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    C)APTER / IV

    P+ans and Setions

    '6 Genera+ reB%irements a;o%t -+ans and setions 8*

    (1) 6er4 plan or section prepared or sumitted in accordance /it te pro6isions o*tese rules sall 9

    0 so/ te name o* te mine and o* te o/ner and te purpose *or /ic teplan or section is prepared;

    1 so/ te true nort or te magnetic meridian and te date o* te latter;

    2 so/ a scale o* te plan at least t/ent4 *i6e centimetres long and suital4 su9


    $ unless oter/ise pro6ided, e on a scale a6ing a representati6e *actor o* L

    0 200 : 1 in case o* mica mines and oter mines a6ing small9scale/or8ings elo/ ground;

    1 2000 : 1 in case o* mines a6ing large open cast /or8ing and also in caseo* sur*ace plans o* large leaseold areas; and

    2 1000 : 1 in oter cases:

    Pro6ided tat te -ie* -ontroller o* ines ma4, 4 an order in /riting and su?ect tosuc conditions as e ma4 speci*4 terein, permit or re=uire te plans to e prepared on an4 otersuitale scale;

    0 e properl4 in8ed in on a durale paper or on tracing clot or otersuitale material and e 8ept in good condition.

    0 e con6entions prescried under te etalli*erous ines Regulations, 1!1, sall eused in preparing all plans and sections re=uired under tese rules.

    1 e plans and sections sall e accurate /itin suc limits o* error as te -ontroller

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    '"6 Ty-es of -+ans and setions 8*

    (1) e o/ner, agent, mining engineer or manager o* e6er4 mine sall 8eep te *ollo/ingplans and sections 9

    0 a sur*ace plan so/ing e6er4 sur*ace *eature /itin te mining lease oundaries,suc as uilding, telepone, telegrap or po/er transmission line, /atermain,tramline, rail/a4, road, ri6er, /ater9course, reser6oir, tan8, ore9ole, sa*t andincline opening, opencast /or8ing, dumps and dumping ground, te /aste land,*orest, sanctuaries, agricultural land and graHing land and susidence on tesur*ace;

    1 a sur*ace geological plan o* te area o* leaseold, on a scale speci*ied or appro6ed4 te -ontroller or mining operations;

    $ e5isting mine /or8ings, dumps.

    2 a trans6erse section or sections o* te /or8ings troug te sa*t or sa*ts andmain adits indicating clearl4 te stri8e and dip o* te 6ein, lode, ree*, or mineraled or deposit at di**erent points, and suc sections o* te strata sun8 or dri6entroug in te mine or pro6ed 4 oring, as ma4 e a6ailale;

    $ a longitudinal mine section or sections so/ing a 6ertical pro?ection o* te mine/or8ings including outlines o* all stoped out areas, /ere a ree*, 6ein, lode ormineral ed>deposit or part tereo* as dip e5ceeding tirt4 degrees *rom teoriHontal plane :

    Pro6ided tat, /it te permission in /riting o* te -ontroller

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    0 e6er4 oreole and sa*t (/it dept), dri6e, cross9cut, /inHe, raise,e5ca6ation (stoped ground) and e6er4 tunnel and air passage connectedtere/it;

    1 e6er4 pillar or loc8 o* mineral le*t *or te support o* an4 structure on te

    sur*ace; and underground magaHines, i* an4;2 te general stri8e o* te 6eins, lodes, ree*s and mineral eds or deposits;

    $ te position o* e6er4 d48e, *ault and oter geological disturance /it teamount and direction o* tro/.

    0 ene6er te underground plan re*erred to in clause (e) o* su9rule (1) is rougt up9to9date, te ten position o* te /or8ings sall e so/n 4 a dotted line dra/n troug te endso* te /or8ings, and suc dotted line sall e mar8ed /it te date o* te last sur6e4 :

    Pro6ided tat te -ontroller or longitudinal section or sections; o/e6er i* t/o ree*s, lodes, 6eins ormineral eds or deposits are so situated in relation to eac oter tat te parting et/een/or8ings made terein is less tan ten metres at an4 place, suc /or8ings sall also e so/n ona comined plan and>or longitudinal section, as te case ma4 e, in di**erent colours.

    1 e plans 8ept under clauses (a) and (e) o* su9rule (1) sall also so/ te settled

    oundar4 o* te mining lease, or /ere te oundar4 is in dispute, te oundaries claimed 4 teo/ner o* te mine and 4 te o/ners o* te mines ad?acent to te disputed oundar4 :

    Pro6ided tat /ere it is not possile to so/ te complete oundar4 o* leaseold on tesame plan an additional 8e4 plan on an4 oter suitale scale so/ing suc oundaries and teoutline o* te /or8ings sall also e maintained.

    () e o/ner, agent, mining engineer or manager o* e6er4 mine sall 8eep te *ollo/ing:

    0 A 8e4 plan on a scale o* 1: $,000 or 1: 0,000 incorporating te *ollo/ing :

    (i) 2@An administrati6e sur*ace map so/ing te oundar4 o* te mininglease, and te ad?oining area l4ing pre*eral4 /itin *i6e 8ilometrestereo*;

    0 -ontours at not more tan $@t/ent4 metres inter6als;%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1 Inserted 4

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    0 &atural drainage s4stem suc as ri6ers, streams, nalas, /ater reser6oirs,ponds, la8es, irrigation dams and canals;

    1 Road/a4s and rail/a4s;

    2 Places o* istorical and arcaeological importance, monuments, placeso* /orsip, pilgrimage and o* tourist interest;

    $ Forests /it tree densit4, sanctuaries, /astelands, agricultural lands,graHing lands;

    # +oundaries o* all 6illages and to/ns /it teir population;

    Predominant /ind direction;

    An4 oter rele6ant *eatures.

    Pro6ided tat /ere topograpical map is classi*ied as restricted, te particulars re*erredto in items (i) to (i5) sall e incorporated in te 8e4 plan to te e5tent a6ailale in teadministrati6e 1@sur*ace maps.

    () An en6ironment plan o* te area o* mining lease inclusi6e o* te ad?oining area /itin*i6e undred metres o* te oundar4 o* a lease area on 1 : 000 scale incorporating te *ollo/ing:

    (i) 2@An administrati6e sur*ace map so/ing te oundar4 o* te mininglease;

    0 -ontour lines at *i6e metres inter6als;

    1 All *eatures indicated in su9clauses (iii) to (i5) o* clause (a) ao6e;

    2 Area occupied 4 mine /or8ings, area de*orested, area co6ered 4 dump/it te eigt o* te dump, processing plant, sur*ace uilding, /or8sop,mining to/nsip;

    $ Area reclaimed and area a**orested, location o* protecti6e arriers, cec8dams erected to contain solid and li=uid e**luents generated 4prospecting, mining, ene*iciation or metallurgical operations carried out

    in te mine;

    # All pumping stations and te courses o* discarge o* mine /ater.

    Pro6ided tat te particulars /it regard to items (ii), (i6) and (6) sall e applicale onl4upto si5t4 metres e4ond te oundar4 o* lease area.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1 Inserted 4

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    () (a) e -ontroller

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    C)APTER / V


    0 Protetion of environment 8* 6er4 older o* a prospecting licence or a mining lease

    sall ta8e all possile precautions *or te protection o* en6ironment and control o* pollution/ile conducting prospecting, mining, ene*iciation or metallurgical operations in te area.

    Remova+ and %ti+isation of to- soi+ 8*

    0 6er4 older o* a prospecting licence or a mining lease sall, /ere6er top soil e5istsand is to e e5ca6ated *or prospecting or mining operations, remo6e it separatel4.

    1 e top soil so remo6ed sall e utilised *or restoration or reailitation o* te land/ic is no longer re=uired *or prospecting or mining operations or *or stailising or landscapingte e5ternal dumps.

    2 ene6er te top soil cannot e utilised concurrentl4, it sall e stored separatel4 *or*uture use.

    ::6 Stora&e of over;%rden,

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    0 Re+amation and re7a;i+itation of +ands 8* 6er4 older o* prospecting licence ormining lease sall underta8e te pased restoration, reclamation and reailitation o* landsa**ected 4 prospecting or mining operations and sall complete tis /or8 e*ore te conclusiono* suc operations and te aandonment o* prospect or mine.

    1 Prea%tion a&ainst &ro%nd vi;rations 8* ene6er an4 damage to pulic uildingsor monuments is appreended due to teir pro5imit4 to te mining lease area, scienti*icin6estigations sall e carried out 4 te older o* mining lease so as to 8eep te ground6irations caused 4 lasting operations /itin sa*e limit.

    2 Contro+ of s%rfae s%;sidene 8* 'toping in underground mines sall e so carriedout as to 8eep sur*ace susidence under control.

    $ Prea%tion a&ainst air -o++%tion 8* Air pollution due to *ines, dust, smo8e orgaseous emissions during prospecting, mining, ene*iciation or metallurgical operations andrelated acti6ities sall e controlled and 8ept /itin TPermissile EimitsT speci*ied under 6ariousen6ironmental la/s o* te countr4 including te Air (Pre6ention and -ontrol o* Pollution) Act,

    1!31 (1# o* 1!31) and te n6ironment (Protection) Act, 1!3 (2! o* 1!3) 4 te older o*prospecting licence or a mining lease.

    # Dis7ar&e of to0i +iB%id 8* 6er4 older o* prospecting licence or a mining leasesall ta8e all possile precautions to pre6ent or reduce te discarge o* to5ic and o?ectionaleli=uid e**luents *rom mine, /or8sop, ene*iciation or metallurgical plants, tailing ponds, intosur*ace /ater odies, ground /ater a=ui*er and useale lands, to a minimum. ese e**luentssall e suital4 treated, i* re=uired, to con*orm to te standards laid do/n in tis regard.

    Prea%tion a&ainst noise 8*&oise arising out o* prospecting, mining, ene*iciationor metallurgical operations sall e aated or controlled 4 te older o* prospecting licence or a

    mining lease at te source so as to 8eep it /itin te permissile limit.

    Permissi;+e +imits and standards 8* e standards and permissile limits o* allpollutants, to5ins and noise re*erred to in rules $, $3 and $! sall e tose noti*ied 4 teconcerned autorities under te pro6isions o* te rele6ant statutes *rom time to time.

    Restoration of f+ora 8*

    0 6er4 older o* prospecting licence or a mining lease sall carr4 out prospecting ormining operations, as te case ma4 e, in suc a manner so as to cause least damage to te *lorao* te area eld under prospecting licence or mining lease and te near4 areas.

    1 6er4 older o* prospecting licence or a mining lease sall 9

    0 ta8e immediate measures *or planting in te same area or an4 oter areaselected 4 te -ontroller

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    C)APTER / VI

    Em-+oyment of .%a+ified -ersons

    9='6 Em-+oyment of &eo+o&ists and minin& en&ineer

    (1) For te purpose o* carr4ing out reconnaissance, prospecting or mining operations inaccordance /it tese rules:

    2$ 6er4 older o* reconnaissance permit sall emplo4 a /ole9time geologist;

    2# 6er4 older o* prospecting licence sall emplo4 a /ole9time geologistand mining engineer;

    2 e6er4 older o* a mining lease sall emplo4, in case o*:9

    0 categor4 TAT mines, a /ole9time mining engineer and geologist;

    1 categor4 T+T mines, a part9time mining engineer and a part9time geologist:

    Pro6ided tat in te case o* *ull4 mecaniHed categor4 TAT mines, te mining engineers andgeologists sall a6e minimum ten 4ears o* pro*essional e5perience o* /or8ing in a super6isor4capacit4 in te *ield o* mining:

    Pro6ided *urter tat in case o* categor4 T+T mines, a person emplo4ed in terms o* te pro6isionso* su9rule () ma4 e permitted to e emplo4ed in lieu o* part9time mining engineer.

    0 For te purpose o* tis rule 90 categor4 TAT mines means

    0 suc *ull4 mecaniHed mines /ere te /or8 is eing carried out 4 deplo4ment o* ea64mining maciner4 *or deep ole drilling, e5ca6ation, loading and transport, or

    1 suc mines /ere te numer o* a6erage emplo4ment e5ceeds one undred and *i*t4 inall or se6ent4*i6e /or8ings elo/ ground, or mines /ere an4 o* te mining operations li8e deepole drilling, e5ca6ation, loading and transport is carried out /it te elp o* ea64 maciner4.

    (ii) categor4 T+T mines means mines oter tan categor4 TAT mines:Pro6ided tat i* an4 dout arises as to /eter an4 mine is a categor4 TAT mine, it sall ere*erred to te -ontroller

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    .%a+ifi,ations E0-eriene Cate&ory of Mines24 2'4 2:4


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    0 maintain all tecnical data *or determining te sape and siHe o* eac stope loc8;

    1 update te reser6e *igures, grade9/ise and categor49/ise at te end o* e6er4 4earin case o* a /or8ing mine;

    2 identi*4 te associated roc8s and minerals and maintain proper records o* testac8s o* non9salale>su9grade ores and minerals produced;

    $ carr4 out all suc orders and directions as ma4 e gi6en in /riting under teserules 4 te -ontroller

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    Noties and Ret%rns

    1@#. ontl4 and annual returns9(1) e o/ner, agent, mining engineer or manager o* e6er4

    mine, or an4 person or compan4 engaged in trading or storage or end9use or e5port o* mineralsmined in te countr4, sall cause imsel* to e registered /it te Indian +ureau o* ines as perapplication speci*ied in Form and te registration numer so allotted 4 te Indian +ureau o*ines sall e used *or all purposes o* reporting and correspondence connected tere/it.

    2$ For te purpose o* registration under su9rule (1), te o/ner, agent, mining engineer ormanager o* e6er4 mine, or an4 person or compan4 engaged in trading or storage or end9use ore5port o* minerals, sall appl4 *or registration /itin one mont *rom te date o* commencemento* tese rules.

    2# e Indian +ureau o* ines sall allot and record te registration numer in a registercontaining te details on a consecuti6e identit4 numer (in numeric form), *ollo/ed 4 letters

    S and S, *or a mine or a person or compan4 engaged in trading or storage or end9use ore5port o* minerals, as te case ma4 e, te 4ear o* registration and te name o* 'tate.

    2 e Indian +ureau o* ines sall maintain a register gi6ing details o* te o/ner, agent,mining engineer or manager o* e6er4 mine, or an4 person or compan4 engaged in trading orstorage or end9use or e5port o* minerals, as te case ma4 e, as registered under te pro6isions o*tese rules, /ic sall e made a6ailale to te general pulic *or inspection on demand, andalso posted on te /esite o* te Indian +ureau o* ines.

    2 e o/ner, agent, mining engineer or manager o* e6er4 mine, sall sumit to te Regional-ontroller o* ines in te Indian +ureau o* ines or an4 oter autorised o**icial o* te Indian

    +ureau o* ines, returns in respect o* eac mine, in te *ollo/ing manner, namel4:9

    (a ) a montl4 return /ic sall e sumitted e*ore te 10t o* e6er4 mont in respect o*preceding mont in te Form as indicated elo/:9

    0 *or iron ore in Form F91;1 *or manganese ore in Form F92;

    2 *or 2@au5ite and laterite in Form F9$;$ *or cromite in Form F9#;# *or copper, lead, Hinc, p4rites, gold, tin and tungsten in Form F9; *or mica in Form F9 *or precious and semi9precious stones in Form F9;

    *or all oter minerals in Form F93;2$ an annual return /ic sall e sumitted e*ore te 1st Cul4 eac 4ear *or tepreceding *inancial 4ear in te Form as indicated elo/:9

    2$ *or iron ore in Form B91;2# *or manganese ore in Form B92;

    1 'ustituted 4

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    2$ *or 1@au5ite and laterite in Form B9$;2# *or cromite in Form B9#;2 *or copper, lead, Hinc, p4rite, gold, tin and tungsten in Form B9;

    2 *or mica in Form B9;2 *or precious and semi9precious stones in Form B9;23 *or all oter minerals in Form B93:

    Pro6ided tat in te case o* aandonment o* a mine, te annual return sall e sumitted/itin one undred and *i6e da4s *rom te date o* aandonment.

    0 An4 person or compan4 engaged in trading or storage or end9use or e5port o* minerals, sallsumit to te Indian +ureau o* ines and concerned 'tate

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    0 storage licence *or stoc8ing minerals (4 /ate6er name it is called);1 permits *or end9use industr4 or carr4ing out e5port o* minerals (4/ate6er name it is called);

    as te case ma4 e, o* suc person or compan4 engaged in trading or storage or end9use

    or e5port o* minerals, and ma4 re6o8e te order o* suspension onl4 a*ter ensuringproper compliance.

    (3) In case o* mining o* minerals 4 te o/ner, agent, mining engineer or manager o* mine, tee59ine price o* mineral sall e,9

    0 /ere e5port as occurred, *ree9on9oard (F.7.+) price o* te mineral,less deductions speci*ied elo/:

    0 loading carges 4 te miner;1 transportation carges *rom te mine site to te rail ead or port,

    including rail/a4 *reigt;2 unloading and loading carges at te rail9ead or domestic end9

    use capacit4 or port;$ carges *or sampling and anal4sis o* ore grade;# rent *or te plot at te stoc8ing 4ard in rail/a4 siding or port; andling carges in port; carges *or ste6edoring and trimming; an4 oter incidental carges le6ied outside te mine9site as

    noti*ied 4 te Indian +ureau o* ines *rom time9to9time.

    1 /ere domestic sale o* mineral as occurred, sale price o* mineralrecorded in te in6oice less te actual e5penditure incurred to/ards loading,unloading, transportation and oter carges e4ond mine site:

    Pro6ided tat in case a sale as occurred9(i) et/een an4 persons or associations o* persons or companies and/ere te seller as a sustantial interest in te association o* persons orcompan4 u4ing te mineral or /ere te u4er as a sustantial interestin te association o* persons or compan4 selling te mineral;

    (ii) *or te purposes o* use o* mineral in a end9use industr4 *or /ic temine is a capti6e supplier, ten suc sale sall not e recognised as a sale*or te purpose o* tis rule and in suc case, clause (c) o* tis su9rulesall e applicale.

    5planation9 For te purpose o* tis su9rule, te e5pression sustantial interest in teassociation o* persons or compan4 u4ing or selling te mineral, as te case ma4 eJ, sallmean,9

    (i) a person /o is memer o* te management oard o* te association or compan4 or isentitled or eligile to a sare in te pro*its o* te association or compan4 u4ing orselling te minerals, as te case ma4 e, to an e5tent e5ceeding ten percent. o* tedistriuted pro*it;

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    (ii) an association o* persons or compan4, /en suc association o* persons or compan4is entitled or eligile to a sare in te pro*its o* te association or compan4 u4ing orselling te minerals, as te case ma4 e, to an e5tent e5ceeding ten percent. o* tedistriuted pro*its.

    (c) /ere te sale as not occurred, te a6erage sale price pulised montl4 4 teIndian +ureau o* ines *or a particular mineral *or a particular 'tate sall e ta8en aste e59mine price o* te mineral *or te purposes o* reporting:

    Pro6ided tat i* *or a particular mineral, te in*ormation *or a 'tate *or a particularmont is not pulised 4 te Indian +ureau o* ines, te last a6ailale in*ormationpulised *or tat mineral *or tat particular 'tate 4 te Indian +ureau o* inespre6ious to te reporting mont sall e re*erred, *ailing /ic te latest in*ormation *orAll India *or te mineral sall e re*erred.

    0 In case o* trading or storage or end9use or e5port o* minerals, *or purpose o* *iling o* returns,te sale price per unit o* te mineral sall e,9

    0 /ere sale o* mineral as occurred, sale price o* mineral recorded in te in6oicein case o* domestic sale, or te Free9on9+oard (F.7.+) or -ost insurance and Freigt(-.I.F) price o* minerals,

    1 /ere sale as not occurred, te a6erage sale price pulised montl4 4 teIndian +ureau o* ines *or a particular mineral *or a particular 'tate sall e ta8en aste sale price o* te mineral *or te purpose o* reporting:Pro6ided tat i* *or a particular mineral, te in*ormation *or a 'tate *or a particular montis not pulised 4 te Indian +ureau o* ines, te last a6ailale in*ormation pulised*or tat mineral *or tat particular 'tate 4 te Indian +ureau o* ines pre6ious to te

    reporting mont sall e re*erred, *ailing /ic te latest in*ormation *or All India *or temineral sall e re*erred.

    1 I* more tan one mineral is produced *rom te same mine, return sall e sumitted inspeci*ied *orms *or eac mineral separatel4.

    2 In case o* temporar4 discontinuance o* mining or suspension o* mining, or temporar4discontinuance or suspension o* trading or storage or end9use or e5port o* minerals, te o/ner,agent, mining engineer or manager o* mine, or te person or compan4 engaged in trading orstorage or end9use or e5port o* minerals, as te case ma4 e, sall sumit return in te speci*ied*orm *or te mineral *or /ic return ad een sumitted earlier, *urnising rele6ant particulars,

    inclusi6e o* &ilJ in*ormation.

    $ In case o/nersip o* te mine or te trading or storage or end9use or e5port compan4canges during te re*erence period, separate returns a6e to e *illed 4 eac o/ner *or terespecti6e periods o* o/nersip.

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    licence or a mining lease, e6er4 older o* a prospecting licence or a mining lease /o trans*ersor assigns is licence or lease or an4 rigt, title or interest tereunder to an4 oter person, sall,/itin tirt4 da4s o* te date o* suc trans*er or assignment send an intimation tereo* in Form9Eto te -ontroller (A6 Notie of ama+&amation of minin& +ease:9 itout pre?udice to te pro6isionso* te Act or an4 rules made tereunder or te terms and conditions o* a mining lease, e6er4older o* a mining lease sall /itin tirt4 da4s o* te date o* amalgamation o* mining leasescarried out under rule $3 o* ineral -oncession Rules, 1!0, send an intimation tereo* to te-ontroller

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    E0amination of Minera+s and Iss%e of Diretives

    >=6 Po

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    C)APTER * I1

    Revision and Pena+ty

    >6 Revision 8*

    (1) An4 person aggrie6ed 4 an4 order made or direction issued under tese rules 4 an4o**icer suordinate to te -ontroller

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    e complied /it pending receipt o* te decision o* te 1@ -ontroller

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    C)APTER / 1


    ( Preservation of ores, et6 8* e o/ner, agent, mining engineer, geologist ormanager o* e6er4 mine or te older o* a prospecting licence sall preser6e intact all cores andspecimens o* di**erent t4pes o* roc8s and minerals otained during drilling or sin8ing operationsand arrange *or tem to e laid out in a serial order /it identi*ication mar8s, so/ing teprogressi6e dept at /ic te4 are otained. 'uc specimens sall not e ro8en e5cept *or tepurpose o* anal4sis and testing in /ic case, representati6e samples o* te specimens so ro8en/ill e preser6ed *or a period o* not less tan si5 monts *rom te date o* completion o* drillingor sin8ing operations. e -ontroller

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    1@@:6 O;+i&ation to s%--+y ot7er information:9 e older o* reconnaissance permit,prospecting licence or mining lease, or is agent sall *urnis suc in*ormation regarding isreconnaissance or prospecting operations or mine or an4 matter connected tere/it as te


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    2Notie of ommenement of -ros-etin& o-erations4('ee rule )


    is Form, dul4 *illed in must reac te concerned autorities/itin *i*teen da4s o* te commencement o* prospecting operations.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    0 &ame o* te mineral or minerals *or /ic prospectinglicence as een granted.

    1 &ame and address o* te licensee.

    2 In case te licensee is a -ompan4 orPartnersip Firm or -o9operati6e,

    please indicate.

    o1.e -ontroller

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    . Eocation o* te Prospecting Eicensed Area:(i) opo 'eet &umer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (ii)-adastral 'ur6e4 or Dasra &umer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% (iii)Gillage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (i6)(a)Post 7**ice %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    ()Police 'tation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (6)(a) alu8a %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% () istrict %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (c) 'tate %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (6i)(a)&earest Rail/a4 'tation %%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%()e distance tere*rom %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    (6ii) (a) &earest Rest Bouse>a8 +angalo/() Its distance *rom

    (1)e Rail/a4 'tation %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(8ilometres)

    (2)e prospecting area %%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%

    (8ilometres). Particulars o*

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    1@ $ORM*AA2Notie of ommenement of reonnaissane o-erations4

    ('ee rule $)


    is Form, dul4 *illed in must reac te concernedautorities /itin *i*teen da4s o* tecommencement o* reconnaissance operations.


    2$ &ame o* te mineral or minerals *or /ic reconnaissance permitas een granted.

    o,1.e -ontroller

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    2$ Eocation o* te reconnaissance permit Area (A map so/ing telocation on 'cale 1:20,000 sould e enclosed).

    (i) opo 'eet &umer (s) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (ii) -o9ordinates o* corner points %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (iii) (a) istrict(s) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    () 'tate %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    0 Particulars o*

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    $ORM*#25ear+y Re-ort of t7e Pros-etin& O-erations arried o%t4

    @'ee rule 3(1)() and 3(2)

    o%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1. e -ontroller mine *alls as noti*ied *rom time to time 4 te -ontroller

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    (i6) (a) alu8a %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    () istrict %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (c) 'tate %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    . Particulars o* te ining ngineer9in9carge o*Prospecting operations :

    (i) &ame and address: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    (ii) Uuali*ications %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(iii) ate o* appointment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (i6) &ature o* appointment ole time ( ) Part time ( )(Please tic8 ( 3) mar8 one o* te o5es /ice6er is applicale)

    . (i) 'tatus o* prospecting operation: In progress @ Please tic8 ( 3) mar8 one o* te o5es /ice6er is -ompleted @ applicale. Aandoned @

    (ii) I* prospecting operation is completed or aandoned,date o* suc completion or aandonment. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    . otal sur*ace area co6ered 4 prospecting/or8 (ectares) as on date%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    3. -ompletion o* prospecting /or8 during te 4ear:

    (a) Pitting

    (i)&umer o* pits %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (ii) ept (metres) A6erage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%a5imum %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%inimum %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    () rencing

    (i)&umer o* trences %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (ii) Eengt (metres) A6erage %%%%%%%%%%%%%%a5imum %%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    inimum %%%%%%%%%%%%%%

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    (c) rilling 'ur*ace nderground(i) &umer o* oreoles completed %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%

    during te 4ear.(ii) &umer o* oreoles in progress, %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%

    i* an4(iii)otal annual drilling (metres) %%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (d) Particulars o* drilling macines: 4pe a8e -apacit4 &umer o* drills

    (e) 5plorator4 mining, i* an4:

    (1) &umer o* le6els %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(2) otal de6elopment (metres) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%($) ode o* entr4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(#) Uuantit4 o* ore produced %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    /it grade

    0 &umer o* samples anal4sed:

    0 ain constituent (please speci*4)1 -omplete anal4sis


    &ote: Please enclose a geological report descriing te prospecting operations underta8en so *ar along/it te detailed geological plans and sections so/ing locations o* (a) oreoles, () pits, (c) trences,(d) sa*ts, (e) underground e5plorator4 /or8ings, (*) outcrops, (g) ore Hones, () *aults, (i) *oldsand oter geological *eatures.

    e Report sall contain in te oreole logs and interpretation and te in*erences dra/n as a result o*te stud4 o* te geolog4 o* te area and te interpretation o* te oreole cores, pits, trences, assa4

    data, reser6es o* ore and contain results o* complete anal4sis o* at least t/o representati6e samples o*ore and te loc8s proposed *or mining operations. e report sall also contain te results o* an4ene*iciation stud4 carried out on te ores or minerals o* te area.

    Place: 'ignature :

    ate: &ame in *ull:esignation : 7/ner>Agent>

    ining ngineer>anager

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    1@ $ORM*##@'ee rule $

    Progress report o* reconnaissance sur6e4 in respect o* %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@ te name o* temineral(s) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% *or te 4ear %%%%%%%%%%

    'umitted to :%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1. e -ontroller potogeological /or8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 0

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    1. Inserted by G.S.R.55 (E,dated 1!.1.2000.

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    #!(i6) Regional -ontroller o* ines in /ose territorial?urisdiction te area *alls as noti*ied *rom time to time 4 te -ontroller

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    $ORM*C2Notie of intimation of o-enin&reo-enin& of mine7an&e in t7e name of mine4

    ('ee rule 22(1), 22(2), 2 V #!)

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% oIP7RA& 1. e -ontroller reopening > &agpur 9 ##0 001cange in &ame o* mine%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 2. e -ontroller o* ines

    99999999999999999999999 XoneIndian +ureau o* ines,

    PI&%%%%%%%%%$. e Regional -ontroller ines,

    Indian +ureau o* ines,PI&%%%%%%%%%%

    #. 'tate o/ner:

    #. 7/nersip o* te mine

    (a)Pulic 'ector () Coint 'ector (c) Pri6ate 'ector1@ #A. ate o* opening>reopening o* mine %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #+. In case o* reopening, date o* discontinuation: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    0 Particulars o* te ining Eease (E):0 ate o* e5ecution:

    (ii)Period: %%%%%%%%%%%% Years, *rom %%%%%%%%%%%%% to%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (iii) Areas under lease:%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ectares

    2$ Eocation o* te ining Eease:2$ Gillage%%%%%%%%%%%%%istt.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%alu8a>asil%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (ii) Post 7**ice %%%%%%%%% Police 'tation %%%%%%%%%% istt.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (iii)&earest rail/a4 station %%%%%%%%%%%%%% istance %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (i6)&earest Rest Bouse>a8 +angalo/ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%1. Inserted 4

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  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    1@ $ORM/D

    2Notie of intention of a;andonment of mine or -art of t7emine4 9See r%+e ':2'4F



    &otice in Form sall reac teconcerned autorities /itin !0da4s o* te date o* intention o*aandonment.

    2$ e -ontroller

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    !. Reasons *or aandonment: @Please tic8 /ice6er is applicale

    i) Eac8 o* demand

    ii) 5austion o* ore>mineral

    iii) n9economic operations

    2$ Reser6e o* ineral(s) in ining Eease area (in tonne):

    2$ Pro6ed


    2 Possile

    11. &umer o* /or8ers emplo4ed in te mine: ale Female

    0 -ompan4 laour

    1 -ontract

    laour otal

    Place: 'ignatureate : &ame in *ull:



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    1[$ORM D*

    2Notie of tem-orary disontin%ane of mine49See r%+e '=F



    &otice in Form sall reac teconcerned autorities /itin oneunred and *i6e da4s o* temporar4discontinuance o* /or8 in temine. I* te discontinuance is dueto natural calamit4 e4ond tecontrol o* te lessee or 7/ner :

    0 e -ontroller

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    !. Reasons *or temporar4 discontinuance: @Please tic8 /ice6er is applicale

    i) Eac8 o* demand

    ii) &on9a6ailailit4 o* laour

    iii) Rains

    i6) ransport ottlenec8

    6) 'tri8e>Eoc8out

    6i) 7perations ecoming un9economic

    6ii) 7ter reasons (speci*4)

    10. Proale date o* re9opening o* te mine:

    Place: 'ignature

    ate : &ame in *ull:esignation:(7/ner>Agent>ining


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    $ORM*E2Notie of ommenement of sto-in&4

    @'ee rule 2(2)I& -7%%%%%%%%%%


    %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1. e -ontroller pit numerWW %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (c) ineral>minerals /or8ed %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    2. &ame and address o*(a) 7/ner %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% () Agent %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (c) anager %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% (d) ining ngineer>inclines>and its/idt>dept>lengt: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    () a5imum dept and de6elopment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


    0 is sould e sent to te -ontroller o* ines>Regional -ontroller o* ines in /ose territorial?urisdiction te area>mine *alls as noti*ied *rom time to time 4 te -ontroller section>pit.

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    (c) &umer o* le6els /it teir e5tent %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (d) otal meterage o* de6elopment %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    0 otal numer o* loc8s de6eloped including tetotal tonnage and grade (e5cluding loc8s

    alread4 stoped out and alread4 permitted *or stoping) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%. etails o* te loc8s applied *or stoping

    (a) &umer and siHe o* eac loc8,teir le6els tonnage and grade %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    () etod o* stoping to e adopted 9(i) A description o* te metod /it

    appropriate dra/ings to illustrate testope preparation se=uence o* operationand e5traction %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (ii)Rate o* stoping contemplatedin eac loc8 (montl4) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (iii)stimated reco6er4 *romeac loc8 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (i6) stimated dilution %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    (6) stimated tonnage and gradeo* ore to e e5tracted %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    . Is tis a *irst application *or stoping *or tis mineZI* not, te *ollo/ing details ma4 e *urnised.

    (i) ate o* pre6ious application(s) *or stoping: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(ii) ate and re*erence o* permission or

    re*usal 4 tis department (mention

    loc8s and teir le6els) %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%(iii) Ba6e all te loc8s *or /ic stopingpermission /as granted, een stoped outZI* not, mention te speci*ic loc8s tat areremaining to e stoped out, indicating te stateo* stoping operations terein: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    0 Rate o* de6elopment and programme o* *ormingadditional stope loc8s simultaneousl4 /it teproposed stoping. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

    !. Eist o* enclosures %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%




    1 'ignature &amein *ull:

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    ining ngineer>anager%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&ote: In*ormation in respect o* items and (a) sould e accompanied 4 (i) underground composite plan, (ii)longitudinal section, (iii) geological>assa4 plan o* te le6els at /ic stoping is proposed including one le6elao6e and elo/, and (i6) trans6erse sections at reasonale inter6als *or te portion co6ered under (iii) ao6e.

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    9$ORM $*

    For te mont o* %%%%%%%%20

    MONT)L5 RETURN@'ee rule #() (a) (i)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4o

    0 e Regional -ontroller o* inesIndian +ureau o* ines%%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time by theController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Mineral Conseration and !eelo"ment rules, #$%%&

    1 e 'tate GillagePost 7**iceasil>alu8istrict'tate and PI& -ode

    Fa5 no: 9mail:Pone &o:

    :6 Detai+s of Rent Roya+ty Dead Rent -aid in t7e mont7(i) Rent paid *or te period (Rs.)

    (ii) Ro4alt4 paid *or te period (Rs.)(iii) ead Rent paid *or te period (in Rs)

    =6 Detai+s on

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    >6 2i4 Avera&e Dai+y Em-+oyment and a&es -aid8

    irect -ontract ages (Rs.)or8 place

    ale Female ale Female irect -ontract+elo/ ground7pencastAo6e groundotal

    >62ii4 Tota+ n%m;er of te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 8HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH2iii4 Tota+ sa+aries -aid to te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 in Rs6HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    PART*II 2PRODUCTION, DESPATC)ES AND STOC3S4(nit o* Uuantit4 in onnes)

    6 Ty-e of ore -rod%ed8(ic8 mar8, /ice6er is applicale)

    0 Bematite1 agnetite'6 Prod%tion and Sto?s of ROM ore at Mine*7ead-ategor4 7pening stoc8 Production -losing stoc8

    (a) 7pen -ast /or8ings() ump /or8ings

    :6Grade*onne) Remar8sa) -ost o* transportation(indicate Eoading station and istance *rommine in remar8s)

    ) Eoading and nloading cargesc) Rail/a4 *reigt ,i* applicale

    (indicate destination and distance)d) Port Bandling carges>e5portdut4(indicate name o* port)e) -arges *or 'ampling and Anal4sis*) Rent *or te plot at 'toc8ing 4ardg) 7ter carges(speci*4 clearl4)

    otal (a) to (g)

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    >6 Sa+es Des-at7es effeted for Domesti Cons%m-tion and for E0-orts8Agent>ining ngineer>anager

    1. Inserted 4

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    $ORM $*'For te mont o* %%%%%%%%20

    MONT)L5 RETURN@'ee rule #() (a) (ii)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4o

    0 e Regional -ontroller o* ines

    Indian +ureau o* ines%%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time by theController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Mineral Conseration and !eelo"ment rules, #$%%&

    1 e 'tate GillagePost 7**ice

    asil>alu8istrict'tate and PI& -ode

    Fa5 no: 9mail:Pone &o:

    :6 Detai+s of Rent Roya+ty Dead Rent -aid in t7e mont7(i) Rent paid *or te period (Rs.)(ii) Ro4alt4 paid *or te period (Rs.)(iii) ead Rent paid *or te period (in Rs)

    =6 Detai+s on 6 2i4 Avera&e Dai+y Em-+oyment and a&es -aid8

    irect -ontract ages (Rs.)or8 place

    ale Female ale Female irect -ontract+elo/ ground7pencastAo6e groundotal

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    >62ii4 Tota+ n%m;er of te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 8HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH2iii4 Tota+ sa+aries -aid to te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 in Rs6HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    PART*II 2PRODUCTION, DESPATC)ES AND STOC3S4(nit o* Uuantit4 in onnes)

    6 Prod%tion and Sto?s of ROM ore at Mine*7eadCate&ory O-enin& sto? Prod%tion C+osin& sto?

    (a) 7pen -ast /or8ings

    () nderground /or8ings() ump /or8ings

    '6Grade*etric Remar8s

    onne)a) -ost o* transportation(indicate Eoading station and istance *rommine in remar8s)

    ) Eoading and nloading cargesc) Rail/a4 *reigt ,i* applicale(indicate destination and distance)d) Port Bandling carges>e5portdut4(indicate name o* port)e) -arges *or 'ampling and Anal4sis*) Rent *or teplot at 'toc8ing 4ardg) 7ter carges(speci*4 clearl4)

    otal (a) to (g)

    =6 Sa+es Des-at7es effeted for Domesti Cons%m-tion and for E0-orts8&ature o* For omestic -onsumption For e5port

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    >6 Give reasons for inreasederease in -rod%tionni+ -rod%tion 2of -rimary or assoiate minera+4, if any, d%rin& t7e mont7 om-aredto t7e -revio%s mont76a)


    @6 Give reasons for inreasederease in &rade

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    F7R F9$For te mont o* %%%%%%%%20

    MONT)L5 RETURN@'ee rule #() (a) (iii)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4o

    0 e Regional -ontroller o* inesIndian +ureau o* ines

    %%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time by theController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Mineral Conseration and !eelo"ment rules, #$%%&

    1 e 'tate GillagePost 7**iceasil>alu8istrict

    'tate and PI& -odeFa5 no: 9mail:Pone &o:

    :6 Detai+s of Rent Roya+ty Dead Rent -aid in t7e mont7(i) Rent paid *or te period (Rs.)

    (ii) Ro4alt4 paid *or te period (Rs.)(iii) ead Rent paid *or te period (in Rs)

    =6 Detai+s on

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    >6 2i4 Avera&e Dai+y Em-+oyment and a&es -aid8irect -ontract ages (Rs.)

    or8 place

    ale Female ale Female irect -ontract+elo/ ground7pencastAo6e ground

    otal>62ii4 Tota+ n%m;er of te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 8HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    2iii4 Tota+ sa+aries -aid to te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 in Rs6HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHPART*II 2PRODUCTION, DESPATC)ES AND STOC3S4

    (nit o* Uuantit4 in onnes)

    6Prod%tion and Sto?s of ROM ore at Mine*7ead

    Cate&ory O-enin& sto? Prod%tion C+osin& sto? (a) 7pen -ast /or8ings() From nderground /or8ings(c) ump /or8ings


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    =6 Sa+es Des-at7es effeted for Domesti Cons%m-tion and for E0-orts8Agent>ining ngineer>anager

    1. Inserted 4

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    F7R F9#For te mont o* %%%%%%%%20

    MONT)L5 RETURN@'ee rule #() (a) (i6)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4o












    MMMMMMMOM M MMMM0 e Regional -ontroller

    o* ines Indian +ureau o* ines%%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time by theController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Mineral Conseration and !eelo"ment rules, #$%%&

    O M MMMMMMM M MMMMMMMMOMMMMMMMMMMOM M MMMM1 e 'tate GillagePost 7**iceasil>alu8istrict'tate and PI& -ode

    Fa5 no: 9mail:Pone &o:

    :6 Detai+s of Rent Roya+ty Dead Rent -aid in t7e mont7(i) Rent paid *or te period (Rs.)

    (ii) Ro4alt4 paid *or te period (Rs.)(iii) ead Rent paid *or te period (in Rs)

    =6 Detai+s on 6 2i4 Avera&e Dai+y Em-+oyment and a&es -aid8

    irect -ontract ages (Rs.)or8 place

    ale Female ale Female irect -ontract+elo/ ground7pencast

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    Ao6e groundotal

    >62ii4 Tota+ n%m;er of te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 8HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH2iii4 Tota+ sa+aries -aid to te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 in Rs6HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    PART*II 2PRODUCTION, DESPATC)ES AND STOC3S4(nit o* Uuantit4 in onnes)

    6Prod%tion and Sto?s of ROM ore at Mine*7eadCate&ory O-enin& sto? Prod%tion C+osin& sto,?

    (a) 7pen -ast /or8ings() From nderground/or8ings(c) ump /or8ings

    '6Grade* F7+ 6alue *or eac grade o* ore =uoted ao6e /it cop4 o* in6oices.

    1.'ustituted 4

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    >6 Give reasons for inreasederease in -rod%tionni+ -rod%tion 2of -rimary or assoiate minera+4, if any, d%rin& t7e mont7 om-aredto t7e -revio%s mont76a)


    @6 Give reasons for inreasederease in &rade

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    $ORM $*>For te mont o* %%%%%%%%20

    MONT)L5 RETURN@'ee rule #() (a) (6)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4

    o0 e Regional -ontroller o* ines

    Indian +ureau o* ines%%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time by theController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Mineral Conseration and !eelo"ment rules, #$%%&

    1 e 'tate GillagePost 7**iceasil>alu8istrict'tate and PI& -ode

    Fa5 no: 9mail:Pone &o:

    :6 Detai+s of Rent Roya+ty Dead Rent -aid in t7e mont7

    (i) Rent paid *or te period (Rs.)(ii) Ro4alt4 paid *or te period (Rs.)(iii) ead Rent paid *or te period (in Rs)

    =6 Detai+s on

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    $ORM $*@For te mont o* %%%%%%%%20

    MONT)L5 RETURN@'ee rule #() (a) (6i)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4o

    0 e Regional -ontroller o* inesIndian +ureau o* ines%%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time by theController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Mineral Conseration and !eelo"ment rules, #$%%&

    1 e 'tate GillagePost 7**ice

    asil>alu8istrict'tate and PI& -ode

    Fa5 no: 9mail:Pone &o:

    :6 Detai+s of Rent Roya+ty Dead Rent -aid in t7e mont7

    (i) Rent paid *or te period (Rs.)(ii) Ro4alt4 paid *or te period (Rs.)(iii) ead Rent paid *or te period (in Rs)

    =6 Detai+s on 6 2i4 Avera&e Dai+y Em-+oyment and a&es -aid8

    irect -ontract ages (Rs.)or8 place

    ale Female ale Female irect -ontract+elo/ ground7pencastAo6e groundotal

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    >62ii4 Tota+ n%m;er of te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 8HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH2iii4 Tota+ sa+aries -aid to te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 in Rs6HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


    96 Prod%tion, des-at7es and sto?s of r%de and dressed mia6 2 in ?i+o&rams4

    -rude (r.o.m) aste>scrap mica aste> mica otained a*ter preliminar4otained incidental to dressing (at mine si te)mining

    A6 OPENING STOC3S(at te +eginning o* te mont)i) at ineii) at ressing unitiii) at an4 7ter point(Please speci*4)otal(7pening 'toc8)#6 Prod%tioni)From underground miningii)From opencast miningiii) From dump /or8ingotal(Production)C6 DESPATC)ESi)*or dressingii)*or 'aleotal(espatces)D6CLOSING STOC3Si)At mine(ii)At dressing unit(iii)At an4 oter point(Please speci*4)otal(-losing 'toc8s)E6 E0*mine -rie242Rs6 Per ?&4

    (\)is sould e estimated *or all crude mica> /aste mica produced /eter sold or not on te asis o* te a6erage sale price otainale *orcrude> /aste mica in te mar8et. o arri6e at te e59mine price *rom tis notional sale price, te cost o* transport *rom te mine ead to temar8et or *actor4 and an4 oter incidental carges ma4 e deducted .

    '6 Detai+s of Ded%tions %sed for om-%tation of E0*Mine -rie 2Rs?&48eduction claimed nit ( in Rs>8g) Remar8sa) -ost o* transportation(indicate Eoading station and istance*rom mine in remar8s)

    ) Eoading and nloading cargesc) Rail/a4 *reigt ,i* applicale(indicate destination and distance)d) Port Bandling carges>e5portdut4(indicate name o* port)e) -arges *or 'ampling and Anal4sis*) Rent *or te plot at 'toc8ing 4ardg) 7ter carges(speci*4 clearl4)

    otal (a) to (g)

    1. 'ustrituted 4

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    :6 Sa+es Des-at7es effeted for Domesti Cons%m-tion and for E0-orts8For omestic -onsumption For e5port

    Agent>ining ngineer>anager

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    $ORM $*For te mont o* %%%%%%%%20

    MONT)L5 RETURN@'ee rule #() (a) (6ii)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4o

    e Regional -ontroller o* ines Indian

    +ureau o* ines%%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time by theController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Mineral Conseration and !eelo"ment rules, #$%%&

    e 'tate GillagePost 7**iceasil>alu8istrict

    'tate and PI& -odeFa5 no: 9mail:Pone &o:

    :6 Detai+s of Rent Roya+ty Dead Rent -aid in t7e mont7(i) Rent paid *or te period (Rs.)(ii) Ro4alt4 paid *or te period (Rs.)(iii) ead Rent paid *or te period (in Rs)

    =6 Detai+s on 6 2i4 Avera&e Dai+y Em-+oyment and a&es -aid8irect -ontract ages (Rs.)

    or8 place

    ale Female ale Female irect -ontract+elo/ ground7pencastAo6e groundotal

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    >62ii4 Tota+ n%m;er of te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 8HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH2iii4 Tota+ sa+aries -aid to te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 in Rs6HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


    Cate&ory Unit of B%antity .%antityi)7pencast


    (I* tere are di**erent t4pes o* R.7.. production, separate *igures sould e *urnised *or eac t4pe o* R.7. indicating in eac casete appropriate unit o* =uantit4.)

    '6 Prod%tion, sto?s and des-at7es8*

    Gem VarietyRo%&7 and %n%t C%t and Ind%stria+ Ot7ersstones Po+is7ed Stones

    &o o* Ut4 ] &o o* Ut4 ] &o o* stones Ut4 ] &o o* stones Ut4 ]stones stones

    A .7pening stoc8si)From 7pencastor8ingii)From underground

    /or8ing7AE (Production)-.espatces.-losing 'toc8sE6E0Hmine Prie

    ( ]e nit o* =uantit4 6iH. -arats>Dilogram etc. as te case ma4 e sould e indicated under =uantit4.)

    Wis sould e estimated *or all te stones produced during te mont /eter sold or not on te asis o* a6erage sale price otained *or salesmade during te mont. In case no sales are made 59pit9ead, te e59mine price sould e arri6ed at a*ter deducting te actual e5pensesincurred *rom te pit9ead to te point o* sale, *rom te sale price realised.

    :6 Detai+s of Ded%tions %sed for om-%tation of E0*Mine -rie 2Rs%nit48

    eduction claimed ( in Rs> unit) Remar8sa) -ost o* transportation(indicate Eoading station and istance *rommine in remar8s)

    ) Eoading and nloading cargesc) Rail/a4 *reigt ,i* applicale(indicate destination and distance)d) Port Bandling carges>e5port dut4(indicatename o* port)e) -arges *or 'ampling and Anal4sis*) Rent *or te plot at 'toc8ing 4ardg) 7ter carges(speci*4 clearl4)

    otal (a) to (g)=6 Sa+es Des-at7es effeted for Domesti Cons%m-tion and for E0-orts8

    &ature o* For omestic -onsumption For e5port

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    >6 Give reasons for inreasederease in -rod%tionni+ -rod%tion 2of -rimary or assoiate minera+4, if any, d%rin& t7e mont7 om-aredto t7e -revio%s mont76a)


    @6 Give reasons for inreasederease in &rade

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    $ORM $*"For te mont o* %%%%%%%%20

    MONT)L5 RETURN@'ee rule #() (a) (6iii)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4o

    e Regional -ontroller o* ines Indian+ureau o* ines%%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time by theController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Mineral Conseration and !eelo"ment rules, #$%%&

    e 'tate GillagePost 7**iceasil>alu8

    istrict'tate and PI& -ode

    Fa5 no: 9mail:Pone &o:

    :6 Detai+s of Rent Roya+ty Dead Rent -aid in t7e mont7(i) Rent paid *or te period (Rs.)(ii) Ro4alt4 paid *or te period (Rs.)(iii) ead Rent paid *or te period (in Rs)

    =6 Detai+s on 6 2i4 Avera&e Dai+y Em-+oyment and a&es -aid8irect -ontract ages (Rs.)

    or8 place

    ale Female ale Female irect -ontract+elo/ ground7pencastAo6e groundotal

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    >62ii4 Tota+ n%m;er of te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 8HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH2iii4 Tota+ sa+aries -aid to te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e mont7 in Rs6HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    PART*II 2PRODUCTION, DESPATC)ES AND STOC3S4(nit o* Uuantit4 in onnes)

    6Prod%tion and Sto?s of ROM ore at Mine*7eadCate&ory O-enin& sto? Prod%tion C+osin& sto?

    (a) 7pen -ast /or8ings

    () From nderground /or8ings(c) ump /or8ings

    '6Grade*Fluorspar (a) 3[ -aF2and ao6e

    () 0 to elo/3[ -aF2(c) $0 to elo/ 0[ -aF2(d) +elo/ $0[ -aF2

    -ina cla4, +all cla4, ite sale, ite cla4 a) -rude (&atural)) Processed

    D4anite (a) #0[ Al27$V ao6e

    () +elo/ #0[ Al27$Eimestone a) E, and

    () ''>-emical(c) +F>-ement

    Roc8 Pospate> Posporite a)$09 $[ P27) 29 $0 [ P27c) 2092[ P27d) 1920[ P27

    alc>'teatite>'oapstone (a) Insecticide (*iller) grade() 7ter tan insecticide (*iller) grade

    $(i) In case te mineral is eing pul6eriHed in o/n *actor4, please gi6e te *ollo/ing particulars:9Grade Tota+ B%antity Tota+ B%antity of -%+veried Tota+ .%antity of -%+veried minera+ so+d d%rin&

    of minera+ minera+ -rod%ed 2for ea7 mes7 t7e yearP%+veried2in sie4tonnes4 es siHe Uuantit4 es siHe Uuantit4 59*actor4

    (tonne) (tonne) 'ale6alue(Rs.)

    $(ii) A6erage cost o* pul6eriHation : Rs %%%%%%% per tonne.

    1. Substituted by GSR ""0(E, dated 10.#.200".

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    31=6 Detai+s of Ded%tions %sed for om-%tation of E0*Mine -rie 2RsMetri Tonne48

    eduction claimed nit ( in Rs>onne) Remar8sa) -ost o* transportation(indicate Eoading station and istance *rommine in remar8s)

    ) Eoading and nloading cargesc) Rail/a4 *reigt ,i* applicale(indicate destination and distance)

    d) Port Bandling carges>e5portdut4(indicate name o* port)e) -arges *or 'ampling and Anal4sis*) Rent *or te plot at 'toc8ing 4ardg) 7ter carges(speci*4 clearl4)

    otal (a) to (g)

    >6 Sa+es Des-at7es effeted for Domesti Cons%m-tion and for E0-orts8

    &ature o* F7+ 6alue *or eac grade o* ore =uoted ao6e /it cop4 o* in6oices.

    @6 Give reasons for inreasederease in -rod%tionni+ -rod%tion 2of -rimary or assoiate minera+4, if any, d%rin& t7e mont7 om-ared

    to t7e -revio%s mont76a))c)

    6 Give reasons for inreasederease in &rade

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    9$ORM )*

    For te *inancial 4ear 1stApril, 20%% to $1starc,20%%%%ANNUAL RETURN@'ee rule #() ()(i)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4o

    e Regional -ontroller o* ines Indian+ureau o* ines%%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time bytheController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Mineral Conseration and !eelo"ment rules, #$%%&

    e 'tate alu8istrict'tate and PI& -ode

    Fa5 no: 9mail:Pone no:

    :6 Name and Address2s4 of LesseeO

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    1'ustituted 4

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    '6 Lease area 2s%rfae area4 %ti+isation as at t7e end of year 27etares48 nder 7utside otal*orest *orest

    (i) Alread4 e5ploited V aandoned 4 opencast (7>-) mining(ii) -o6ered under current (7>-) or8ings(iii) Reclaimed>reailitated

    (i6) sed *or /aste disposal

    (6) 7ccupied 4 plant, uildings, residential, /el*are uildings V roads(6i) sed *or an4 oter purpose (speci*4)

    (6ii) or8 done under progressi6e mine closure plan during te 4ear1$. 7/nersip>e5ploiting Agenc4 o* te mine:(Pulic 'ector>Pri6ate 'ector>Coint 'ector)

    PART * II 2Em-+oyment K a&es4

    .&umer o* tecnical and super6isor4 sta** emplo4ed at te mineescription oll4 emplo4ed Partl4 emplo4ed

    (i) 'alar4during te ills *or4ear te 4ear

    irect -ontract otal ale Female otal(1) (2A) 2(+) 2(-) ($) #(A) #(+) #(-) ()

    A6 #e+o< Gro%ndi) Foreman and miningmatesii) Face /or8ers andEoadersiii) 7ters#6 O-enast

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    '. Ro4alt4 and Rents (inS 000 Rs.):1 Paid *or current 4ear Paid to/ards past arrears

    (a) Ro4alt4() ead rent(c) 'ur*ace rent:. -ompensation paid *or *elling trees during te 4ear (in Rs)=. epreciation on *i5ed assets Rs>. a5es and cesses

    1 Amount in Rs. paid during te 4ear to:1 -entral tonne, Item Unit Ca-aitynumers, metres )

    2. otal production during te 4ear (onne):$. 76erurden remo6ed:

    -lassi*ication o* 5plosi6es nit Uuantit4 consumed during te 4ear sitmated re=uirementduring te ne5t 4ear

    'mall dia. Earge dia. (ao6e 'mall dia. Earge dia. (ao6e(upto $2 mm) $2 mm) (upto $2 mm) $2 mm)


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988


    3PART / V 2Genera+ Geo+o&y K Minin&4

    2Detai+s on items , ', @ K 2i4 may ;e &iven one in > years41. ineral(s) /or8ed and teir caracteristics : (In case more tan one mineral is /or8ed, te in*ormation as8ed *or under (a) to (d)

    in respect o* te remaining mineral(s) ma4 e *urnised in a separate seet and attaced /it te return)(a) &ame o* mineral :1@()^(c)@() 4pe o* ore (ic8 mar8 /ice6er is applicale)


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    O-enast(A) etails o* +ences ('eparatel4 *or mecanised and manual sections)999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

    In ore In 7+>aste&umer o* +encesA6erage eigt (metres)(iiii) ept o* te deepest /or8ing *rom ad?acent ground ():

    999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999(i) otal R7 7re production (tonnes):ineral Re?ects generated /it grades (tonnes):

    otal =uantit4 o* 76erurden>aste remo6ed during te 4ear (tonnes)999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

    uring te 4ear -umulati6e so *ar999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999Uuantit4 ac8 *illedUuantit4 disposed o* in e5ternal dumps999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999Under&ro%nd8ri6ing (metres) in ore:-ross -utting>Foot/all ri6es (in arren) (etres) :inHing (metres):Raising (metres):

    'a*t sin8ing (metres):'tope preparation (metres):onnage o* ore loc8ed *or stoping (tonnes):Uuantit4 o* /aste remo6ed (tonnes):Uuantit4 o* mineral re?ects generated /it grade (tonnes):

    itin lease area 7utside lease area

    #.# i) &umer o* trees planted during te 4ear'ur6i6al rate in percentage

    4pe and aggregate Borse Po/er o* aciner4: non sed inmaciner4 eac unit eac electrical opencast>

    unit (speci*4) underground(speci*4)


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    PART*VI 2PRODUCTION, DESPATC)ES AND STOC3S4(nit o* Uuantit4 in onnes)

    6 Ty-e of ore -rod%ed8(ic8 mar8, /ice6er is applicale)

    Bematiteagnetite'6 Prod%tion and Sto?s of ROM ore at Mine*7ead-ategor4 7pening stoc8 Production -losing stoc8

    (a) 7pen -ast /or8ings() ump /or8ings

    :6Grade*onne) Remar8sa) -ost o* transportation(indicate Eoading station and istance *rom

    mine in remar8s)) Eoading and nloading cargesc) Rail/a4 *reigt ,i* applicale(indicate destination and distance)d) Port Bandling carges>e5portdut4(indicate name o* port)e) -arges *or 'ampling and Anal4sis*) Rent *or te plot at 'toc8ing 4ardg) 7ter carges(speci*4 clearl4)

    otal (a) to (g)

    >6 Sa+es Des-at7es effeted for Domesti Cons%m-tion and for E0-orts8

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    \\ -onsignee name and Registration numer as allotted 4 te Indian +ureau o* ines to te u4er(to indicatese"arately if more than one buyer& for the to" fie des"aches in terms of .uantity for the remaining consolidated figure shallbere"orted with details of des"atches as anne-ure/

    NOTE8* ine o/ners are re=uired to sustantiate domestic sale 6alue> F7+ 6alue *or eac grade o* ore =uoted ao6e /it cop4 o* in6oices.

    @6 Give reasons for inreasederease in -rod%tionni+ -rod%tion 2of -rimary or assoiate minera+4, if any, d%rin& t7e mont7 om-aredto t7e -revio%s mont76


    6 Give reasons for inreasederease in &rade mineral produced

    Item -ost Per metric tonne(i) irect -ost

    (a) 5ploration

    () ining(c) +ene*iciation(ecanical 7nl4)

    (ii) 76er9ead cost(iii) epreciation(i6) Interest(6) Ro4alt4(6i) a5es(6ii) ead Rent(6iii) 7ters (speci*4)

    otal&ote: In*ormation gi6en under Part GI /ill e 8ept con*idential, i* re=uired. e

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    $ORM )*'For te *inancial 4ear 1stApril, 20%% to $1starc,20%%%%

    ANNUAL RETURN@'ee rule #() ()(ii)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4o

    e Regional -ontroller o* ines Indian+ureau o* ines%%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time by theController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Mineral Conseration and !eelo"ment rules, #$%%&

    e 'tate alu8istrict'tate and PI& -ode

    Fa5 no: 9mail:Pone no:

    :6 Name and Address2s4 of LesseeO

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    '6 Lease area 2s%rfae area4 %ti+isation as at t7e end of year 27etares48 nder 7utside otal*orest *orest

    (i) Alread4 e5ploited V aandoned 4 opencast (7>-) mining(ii) -o6ered under current (7>-) or8ings(iii) Reclaimed>reailitated(i6) sed *or /aste disposal(6) 7ccupied 4 plant, uildings, residential, /el*are uildings V roads(6i) sed *or an4 oter purpose (speci*4)

    (6ii) or8 done under progressi6e mine closure plan during te 4ear1$. 7/nersip>e5ploiting Agenc4 o* te mine:(Pulic 'ector>Pri6ate 'ector>Coint 'ector)

    PART * II 2Em-+oyment K a&es4

    .&umer o* tecnical and super6isor4 sta** emplo4ed at te mineescription oll4 emplo4ed Partl4 emplo4ed

    (i) 'alar4

    during te 4ear persons emplo4ed4ear ills *or te4ear

    irect -ontract otal ale Female otal(1) (2A) 2(+) 2(-) ($) #(A) #(+) #(-) ()

    A6 #e+o< Gro%ndi) Foreman and miningmatesii) Face /or8ers andEoadersiii) 7ters#6 O-enast

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    :6 2ii4 Tota+ sa+aries -aid to te7nia+ and s%-ervisory staff em-+oyed in t7e mine d%rin& t7e year 2 in Rs64HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

    PART*II A 2Ca-ita+ Str%t%re4

    .Galue o* Fi5ed AssetsW (Rs.T000)^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^.(in respect o* te mine, ene*iciation plant, mine, /or89sop, po/er and /ater installation)

    As at te Additions 'old or epreciation &et stimatedeginning o* during te discarded during te 4ear closing mar8etescription te 4ear Year during te +alance 6alueWW

    4ear (2_$)9(#_)

    1 2 $ #

    (ii) EandWWW(ii) +uilding:


    (iii) Plant and aciner4 includingtransport e=uipment

    i6) -apitalised 5penditure suc as pre9production e5ploration, de6elopment,

    ma?or o6eraul and repair to maciner4etc.(As prescried under Income a5

    Act) otalIn case te *i5ed assets are common to more tan one mine, *urnis comined in*ormation *or all suc mines togeter inan4 one o* te mines return and also indicate te names o* oter mines in /ic te in*ormation relates in te *orm

    pro6ided ao6e. In te returns *or oter mines, gi6e onl4 a cross re*erence to te particular mineTs return /ere9in tein*ormation is included.7ptional and ma4 e *urnised in respect o* items (i),(ii) and (iii) i* te mine o/ner desires.

    Including an4 non recurring e5penditure incurred on te ac=uisition o* land.

    '. 'ource o* Finance (as at te end o* te 4ear) :9(i) Paid up 'are -apital (Rs.T000)(ii)7/n -apital (Rs.S000)(iii)Reser6e V 'urplus (All 4pes)(i6)Eong erm loans outstanding

    Indicate te names o* te leading institutions suc as 'tate Finance -orporation, Industrial e6elopment and oter Pulic-orporations, -o9operati6e +an8s, &ationalised +an8s and oter sources along /it te amount o* loan *rom eac source andte rate o* interest at /ic loan as een ta8en.

    :.Interest and Rent (in Rs.S000)Interest paid during te 4earRents (e5cluding sur*ace rent) paid during te 4ear

    PART * III 2Cons%m-tion of Materia+s4. Uuantit4 and cost o* material consumed during te 4ear escription nit Uuantit4 Galue (Rs.)

    2i4 $%e+(a) -oal onnes

    () iesel 7il Etrs.(c) Petrol Etrs.(d) Derosene Etrs.(e)

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    '. Ro4alt4 and Rents (inS 000 Rs.):1 Paid *or current4ear Paid to/ards past arrears

    (a) Ro4alt4() ead rent(c) 'ur*ace rent:. -ompensation paid *or *elling trees during te 4ear (in Rs)=. epreciation on *i5ed assets Rs>. a5es and cesses

    1 Amount in Rs. paid during te 4ear to:1 -entral tonne, Item Unit Ca-aitynumers, metres)

    2. otal production during te 4ear (onne):$. 76erurden remo6ed:

    -lassi*ication o* 5plosi6es nit Uuantit4 consumed during te 4ear stimated re=uirementduring te ne5t 4ear

    'mall dia. Earge dia. (ao6e 'mall dia. Earge dia. (ao6e(upto $2 mm) $2 mm) (upto $2 mm) $2 mm)


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    4pe o* ore (ic8 mar8 /ice6er is applicale)EumpFinesFriale

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    (-) otal =uantit4 o* 76erurden>aste remo6ed during te 4ear (tonnes)99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

    uring te 4ear -umulati6e so *ar99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999Uuantit4 ac8 *illedUuantit4 disposed o* in e5ternal dumps99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

    Under&ro%nd8ri6ing (metres) in ore:-ross -utting>Foot/all ri6es (in arren) (etres) :inHing (metres):Raising (metres):'a*t sin8ing (metres):'tope preparation (metres):onnage o* ore loc8ed *or stoping (tonnes):Uuantit4 o* /aste remo6ed (tonnes):Uuantit4 o* mineral re?ects generated /it grade (tonnes):

    itin lease area 7utside lease area

    #.# i) &umer o* trees planted during te 4ear'ur6i6al rate in percentage

    4pe and aggregate Borse Po/er o* aciner4: non sed inmaciner4 eac unit eac electrical opencast>

    unit (speci*4) underground(speci*4)


  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    '6Grade*etric tonne)a) -ost o* transportation(indicate Eoading station and istance *rommine in remar8s)

    ) Eoading and nloading cargesc) Rail/a4 *reigt ,i* applicale(indicate destination and distance)d) Port Bandling carges>e5port dut4(indicatename o* port)e) -arges *or 'ampling and Anal4sis*) Rent *or te plot at 'toc8ing 4ardg) 7ter carges(speci*4 clearl4)

    otal (a) to (g)

    =6 Sa+es Des-at7es effeted for Domesti Cons%m-tion and for E0-orts8

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    -ost o* production per tonne o* ore>mineral produced

    Item -ost Per metric tonne(i) irect -ost

    (a) 5ploration() ining

    (c) +ene*iciation(ecanical 7nl4)(ii) 76er9ead cost(iii) epreciation(i6) Interest(6) Ro4alt4(6i) a5es(6ii) ead Rent(6iii) 7ters (speci*4)

    otal&ote: In*ormation gi6en under Part GI /ill e 8ept con*idential, i* re=uired. e

  • 7/26/2019 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules, 1988



    $ORM )*:

    For te *inancial 4ear 1stApril, 20%% to $1starc, 20%%%%

    ANNUAL RETURN@'ee rule #() ()(iii)

    2Read t7e instr%tions aref%++y ;efore fi++in& t7e -arti%+ars4o

    e Regional -ontroller o* ines Indian+ureau o* ines%%%%%%%%%Region,PI&:(Please address to Regional Controller of Mines in whose territorial jurisdiction the mines falls as notified from time to time by theController General, Indian Bureau of Mines under Rule 62 of the Miner
