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Mineral Textures

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  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures

    Mineral textures

    Primary growth texturesMagmatic texturesOpen-space textures

    Replacement texturesCooling-related textures

    ExsolutionInversionThermal stress

    Deformation-related texturesTwinningCurvature of crystals

    Metamorphic-related recrystallization

    Primary growth textures - Magmatic

    Indicative of cooling from a meltHigh-temperature minerals show no obstruction of facesIf rapidly cooled, dendritic textures may be present

    Poikilitic crystals Cocrystallization = mutual boundaries of different angles (contrast to metamorphic)

    Low-temperature minerals fill interstices


    0.125 mm

    Chromite: The Great Dyke, Zimbabwe

    Chromite: The great dyke, Zimbabwe

    Euhedral chromite crystals (grey) are fractured, some fractures are along a poorly defined cleavage (bottom center) and are accompanied by incipient alteration (higher reflectance areas, center right). Silicate (darkgrey) forms the matrix to the chromite and replaces it (bottom right).

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 160, air.


    0.5 mm

    Primary chromite, chalcopyrite and rutile: Bushveld



    Chromite, chalcopyrite and rutile. Bushveld, Republic of South Africa

    Euhedral, fractured cubic crystals of chromite (mediumgrey) are intergrown with silicate (dark grey). A single lath of rutile (light grey, center) is partially enclosed inchromite and partly in silicate. Minor amounts of interstitial chalcopyrite (yellow, left center) are present. Black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    Exsolution lamellae of ilmenite in magnetiteMagnetite, ilmenite, TiO2 minerals and hematite.

    Guernsey, Channel Islands, Britain

    A diorite contains magnetite (light brown-grey, centreright) that has oxidation-exsolution lamellae ofilmenite (light pink-brown, center) parallel to (111) of the magnetite. The lamellae have altered to a fine-grained intergrowth of TiO2 minerals and hematite (blue-white to light grey, center left). Amphibole (bottom left) shows cleavage and biotite (top right) has light brown internal reflections.

    Polished thin section, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    Immiscible pentlandite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite: Merensky Reef, Bushveld

    0.25 mm

    Pentlandite, chalcopyrite, pyrite and pyrrhotite.Merensky Reef. Bushveld, Republic of South Africa

    Pentlandite (light brown, center) is intergrown withchalcopyrite (yellow, right), pyrite (pale yellow-white,centre bottom) and minor amounts of pyrrhotite (lilac-grey, center right). Silicate gangue (grey) shows internal reflections. Black areas are polishing pits. Thesulphides are interstitial to the silicates.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    0.05 mm

    Ilmenite laths in silicate matrix: unrestrained growthIlmenite, spinel and iron-nickel alloy. Apollo 17, Lunar

    Sample 7018

    A basalt fragment from the lunar regolith. Abundantsubparallel ilmenite laths (pale brown), many of which are 'feather-like', lie within plagioclase (areas of light-colored internal reflection, bottom right) which isintergrown with euhedral rhombic pyroxene (lightgrey, few internal reflections, left center). Smalleuhedral equant chromite-ulvspinel (pale brown, top left) and rounded iron-nickel alloy (white, very high reflectance, bottom left) are present in the plagioclase also. The high magnification and large variation in reflectance between the opaque phases makes accurate color photography difficult.

    Grain mount, plane polarized light, x 400, oil.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures

    Immiscible sulfide droplet in basalt, mid-Atlantic ridge

    0.15 mm

    Primary growth textures Open space

    Main characteristic is unimpeded growth of crystal faces, particularly for crystals that rarely exhibit crystal forms

    Comb structures, rhythmic banding, mineral zoningDissolution features and skeletal crystalsColloform and banded ores


    0.25 mm

    Vug filling of earlier euhedral sphalerite followed by galena



    Galena and sphalerite. Shullsburg, Wisconsin, USA

    Sphalerite (light grey) occurs as radiating aggregates of different grain sizes. Very fine-grained sphalerite is poorly polished and shows reddish-brown or light-colored internal reflections (top and bottom right). The central bands of sphalerite have grown into a vugand hence have euhedral crystal terminations. Galena (white) has infilled most of this central vug. Black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    0.05 mm

    Euhedral, zoned bravoite enclosed by euhedral zoned marcasiteNickeliferous marcasite and bravoite. Oxclose Mine,

    South Pennines, Britain

    Euhedral, zoned bravoites have lower reflectance than the enclosing zoned marcasite. Bravoite shows higher reflectance cores and lower reflectance outer zones and has a pentagonal dodecahedral habit (center left). The enclosing marcasite is coarse-grained and also shows faint nickel-rich zoning (center). Nickel-poormarcasite is unzoned, has a slightly higher reflectance, and occurs on the margin of thenickeliferous marcasite (bottom right). Different crystals show reflection pleochroism (green-blue to yellow, bottom center).

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 400, oil.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.5 mm

    Zoning in sphalerite evidenced by weak color variationsSphalerite and gersdorffite. Nenthead, North Pennines,


    Small gersdorffite crystals (white, right) occur within zoned sphalerite. Zoning in the sphalerite is just visible as blue-grey (centre) and brown-grey (bottom right) areas. Black areas are polishing pits.

    Doubly polished thin section, plane polarized light, x 40, air.


    0.5 mm

    Zoning in sphalerite evidenced by stronger color variations in transmitted light Sphalerite (and gersdorffite). Nenthead, North

    Pennines, Britain

    This is the same field of view as 58d but in transmitted light. The fine scale of the growth banding insphalerite is very clear. In thin section or polished thin section, much of the fine detail would be lost. The intensity of the colours are due to variations in the trace element content of the growth bands, most importantly the iron content.

    Doubly polished thin section, plane polarized light, x 40, air.


    0.25 mm

    Simple and polysynthetic twinning in marcasite



    Marcasite. Ashover, South Pennines, Britain

    An intergrowth of marcasite crystals shows their extreme anisotropy, variation in grain size, and twinning along (101) as coarse single twins (top left) and as polysynthetic twinning (center left).

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm

    Open-space growth of early native Ag followed byniccolite and thin maucherite rims Niccolite, native silver, acanthite and maucherite. Great Bear Lake, Canada

    Native silver (white, scratched, center left) forms the cores to botryoidal niccolite (pink-brown) showing faint reflection pleochroism (light to dark pink-brown, center right) that is difficult to see. Thin rims of maucherite (grey-blue, center bottom) surroundniccolite. Acanthite (light grey, bottom right) has replaced native silver in the core of a niccolitedendrite. Dark grey areas are calcite showing faint bireflectance (top center). Black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.

    Cooling textures Exsolution

    Separation of structurally-incompatible phases as T decreases, often in a characteristic pattern controlled by crystallography

    Different from replacement textures because of depletion of exsolved phase at intersections (spindle-shaped lath textures)


    kamacite ~7% Ni

    taenite 27-65% Ni

    Widmanstatten structure in Fe-Ni meteorites: example of exsolution (similar to mt-ilm)


    0.5 mm

    Exsolution of chalcopyrite and bornite from ISS during cooling

    Note the spindle-shaped laths that taper at intersections

    Bornite, chalcopyrite and altered pentlandite. Palabora, Republic of South Africa

    Bornite (brown) is intergrown with laths and irregular-shaped areas of chalcopyrite (yellow), much of which is crystallographically oriented along (100) of thebornite. Subhedral altered pentlandite (light yellow, center) is fractured. Dark grey areas are silicate gangue. Black areas are polishing pits. This type ofchalcopyrite-bornite texture can be the result ofexsolution or replacement processes.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm

    Twinning of hematite: bireflectance of hematite makes this look like two different minerals that are exsolved!



    Haematite and magnetite. Skye, Scotland

    This is the same field of view as the third plate above but with partially crossed polars. Hematite crystals show polysynthetic twinning along (1011). The silicate gangue shows light-colored internal reflections.

    Hematite (white, right) is coarse-grained and shows very faint bireflectance along (1011) twin planes, which are oriented north-south but difficult to see in plane polarized light. Magnetite (pink-brown, bottom left) is well polished and does not show twins. Darkgrey areas are silicates, black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air


    0.125 mm

    Ilmenite exsolution from magnetite, resulting from oxidation during cooling



    Magnetite and ilmenite. Derbyshire, Britain

    Euhedral magnetite (light brown, center) carries abundant ilmenite lamellae (darker brown) oriented along (111) and the result of oxidation-exsolution. An incomplete magnetite rim around the euhedral crystal also carries exsolved ilmenite (center right). Very small grains of tarnished bornite (red-brown, center right) have replaced original chalcopyrite. Euhedral tosubhedral pyroxene (light grey, left) and plagioclase (dark grey, light internal reflections, bottom right) are the main silicate phases. Minor amounts of relict carbon-coating are blue-grey (bottom center).

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 160, oil.


    0.22 mm

    Exsolution stars of sphalerite in chalcopyrite from coolingChalcopyrite, sphalerite and pyrite. Jersey, Channel

    Islands, Britain

    Chalcopyrite (yellow) contains exsolved sphalerite stars (light grey, center) and two crystals of pyrite (light yellow, higher reflectance, top right) growing into a void (black). A very thin veinlet that is only just discernible (running north-south, centre) is marked by elongated polishing pits (black) and by stannite (lightgrey, higher reflectance than sphalerite, center) cutting across the central sphalerite star. Black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 90, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm

    Exsolution pentlandite in pyrrhotite [along (0001)]Pyrrhotite and pentlandite. Kambalda, Western Australia

    Pyrrhotite (brown, center) carries flame-like exsolutionbodies of pentlandite (light brown, higher reflectance, center right). Many of these exsolution bodies are associated with fractures in the pyrrhotite and are oriented along its (0001) plane. Black areas are silicates and polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.

    Additional cooling-related textures

    Inversion: difficult to recognize, sometimes by twinning or pseudomorphs

    Thermal stress:Common in pentlandite because it has a different thermal

    expansion coefficient than pyrite or pyrrhotite


    0.25 mm

    Cooling-related thermal stress in pentlandite caused cracking:note the difference between

    pyrrhotite and pentlandite polish




    Pyrrhotite, magnetite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite.Strathcona Mine, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

    Pyrrhotite crystals (light brown) have granularpentlandite crystals (light brown, higher reflectance, center left) along their grain boundaries but are free of flame-like exsolution bodies of pentlandite.

    Magnetite (grey, bottom left) encloses a crystal ofchalcopyrite (yellow, bottom left). Black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm





    Cooling and contraction of HT cassiterite with subsequent infilling by Cu minerals

    csChalcopyrite, bornite, chalcocite, hematite and

    cassiterite. Wheal Jane, Cornwall, Britain

    Equant and prismatic cassiterite (dark grey-brown, well polished, center) is intergrown with fine-grained hematite (light blue-grey, pitted, center bottom).Chalcopyrite (yellow) is veined by bornite (brown, top right) and chalcocite (light blue, top left). Chalcocitealso forms a rim around the oxide minerals. Black areas are polishing pits. A single crystal of cassiterite(top right) is present within the copper-iron sulfides. The cross-cutting relationships show that the alteration sequence is chalcopyrite to bornite tochalcocite.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.

    Equilibrium textures Symplectic intergrowths

    Wide variety of terms are applied to various textural variants of these equilibrium textures:

    Lamellar, emulsoid, myrmekitic, etc.


    0.25 mm

    Chalcocite-bornite symplectic intergrowth



    Chalcocite, bornite and pyrite. Levant Mine, Cornwall, Britain

    Chalcocite (blue) has a symplectite-like intergrowth withbornite (brown, center right). Euhedral to subhedralpyrite (light yellow-white, center bottom) shows relief against chalcocite and its irregular shape suggests that it has been partially replaced by chalcocite.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm

    Chalcocite-bornite symplectic intergrowth









    Stromeyerite, bornite, galena, chalcocite andtetrahedrite group mineral and pyrite. Unknown

    ProvenanceInclusion-free galena (white, center right) is intergrown

    with bornite (brown, top) and stromeyerite, showing purple-grey (left center) to blue-grey (bottom center) reflection pleochroism. Stromeyerite occurs in asymplectite-like intergrowth with chalcocite (light blue, center, bottom right) which is accentuated in the section by relief differences. Subhedral tetrahedrite(green-grey, moderate reflectance, center left, extreme bottom right) is pitted and is associated witheuhedral quartz (dark grey, center left). Pyrite (light yellow-white, high reflectance, center) is subhedral toeuhedral.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    0.125 mm

    Intergrown magnetite-silicate mixtureMagnetite, ilmenite and haematite. Clee Hills,

    Shropshire, Britain

    A large equant crystal of magnetite (pink-brown, left) isintergrown with, and encloses, plagioclase (dark grey, featureless). Oxidation-exsolution lamellae of ilmenite(pink-brown, lighter colored than magnetite, topcentre) are present. Magnetite has extensively altered to hematite (white-blue) and minor TiO2 phases (lightgrey) along fractures and crystal boundaries (center bottom). Lobate ilmenite (right) is unaltered and isintergrown with plagioclase (dark grey and featureless). Pyroxene (grey, top right) is present.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 160, oil.


    0.5 mm

    Chalcopyrite disease in sphalerite:

    Not an exsolution texture, but replacement or

    epitaxial growth

    Sphalerite, chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite and galena. GreatGossan Lead, Virginia, USA

    Sphalerite (light grey, right) has chalcopyrite inclusions aligned along crystallographic directions and about grain boundaries. Hence, it shows chalcopyritedisease. It is rimmed by chalcopyrite (yellow, center) and pyrrhotite (brown, top left), together with minor galena (white, center bottom). Dark grey area is silicate, black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures

    Replacement textures

    Problems with complete replacement, recognition of replaced material: fossils & organic structures

    Replacement of other minerals is dependent on:Presence of crystal surfaces for depositionCrystal structure of host mineralChemistry of fluid and host mineral

    Replacement is often visible as a different mineral along crystal surfaces, cracks, cleavages, etc. that allow fluid entry

    Compositionally-zoned minerals may exhibit selective replacement

    Replacement of wood by pyrite, preserving the cellular structure


    0.125 mm

    TiO2 replacing ilmenite lamellae in titanomagnetite;magnetite is completely altered to limonite (brown) TiO2 minerals and sphene. Central Wales, Britain

    A metadolerite in which a trellis-like intergrowth of a TiO2 mineral (light grey), often called 'leucoxene', has replaced ilmenite lamellae within a titanomagnetitewhich has been completely removed and is represented by iron-stained non-opaque minerals showing brown internal reflections. The originaltitanomagnetite aggregate can be seen to have comprised two crystals. Sphene (light grey, center right) is present. The matrix is silicate.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 160, oil.


    0.5 mm

    Hematite replacement of bauxite pisolith:note the two generations of bauxite formation Gibbsite, boehmite and haematite. Gove, Northern

    Territories, Australia

    A pisolitic bauxite in which an angular fragment of an earlier pisolith has been extensively hematitized (blue-white, center). Hematite is the only mineral that can be identified by reflected light microscopy in this section. The matrix, which is light red-brown due to finely disseminated iron minerals, comprises gibbsite and boehmite which were identified by X-ray diffraction.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm


    Supergene replacement; pyrrhotite altering to marcasite along (0001); pentlandite altering to violarite

    pn vi

    Crystal structure often controls replacement

    Pyrrhotite, violarite and altered pyrrhotite. Kambalda, Australia

    The primary ore was pyrrhotite and pentlandite but these minerals have suffered extensive supergenealteration. Relict pyrrhotite (brown, well polished, left, center right) has an alteration rim of zwischen-produkt (light brown-white, highest reflectance, right bottom) and clearly shows that the alteration ofpyrrhotite is crystallographically controlled along (0001). Pentlandite has been totally pseudomorphedby violarite (brown-white, finely pitted surface, center) but its cleavage and crystal boundaries have been preserved. Silicates are black.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    Pyrrhotite replaced by chalcopyrite and cubanite: note the (0001) cleavage of pyrrhotite extends into the replacing minerals



    0.125 mm

    Chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, cubanite and pentlandite. Stillwater. Montana, USA

    Pyrrhotite (dark brown, top right) has a well developed cleavage which extends into chalcopyrite (yellow, top center and left) and cubanite (blue-grey, center right) areas, suggesting that chalcopyrite and cubanite are replacing pyrrhotite. Dark brown areas withinchalcopyrite are relict pyrrhotite (bottom left).Pentlandite (pale brown-white, bottom) forms flames which are parallel with the basal (0001) cleavage of pyrrhotite. Silicates are black.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 160, oil.


    0.5 mm

    Digenite replaced by covellite along fractures and more extensively replaced by bornite and chalcopyrite



    Digenite, bornite, haematite and chalcopyrite. English Lake District, Britain

    Digenite (blue, top left) shows minor replacement by covellite (deep blue) along cleavage and small fractures. More extensive replacement is shown bybornite (brown-pink, center) which contains relict digenite. Minor amounts of chalcopyrite (yellow, right center) occur on the edge of bornite but are difficult to see. Two distinct generations of hematite are present. Hematite laths (light blue, hard, center bottom) occur within digenite and bornite, whereas most hematite (green-grey) is very fine-grained and replaces bornite along grain edges (bottom center). Quartz is dark grey.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm

    Digenite completely replaced by covellite and bornite-chalcopyriteOnly cleavage remains to suggest original digenite

    Covellite, bornite, hematite, wittichenite andarsenopyrite. English Lake District, Britain

    Digenite has been totally replaced by fine-grained covellite which shows reflection pleochroism from dark to light blue (center). Only the cleavage of digeniteshows its former presence. Bornite (orange-brown) and minor wittichenite (cream, top center) surround covellite and are rimmed by fine-grained hematite (green-grey, top left). A euhedral crystal ofarsenopyrite (white, high reflectance, center) occurs within covellite. Dark grey areas are quartz crystals (top left). Black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    0.25 mm

    Pyrite extensively replaced by galena and sphalerite: note the original crystal shape is retained




    Galena, sphalerite and pyrite. Shullsburg, Wisconsin, USA

    Pyrite (yellow-white, center) as lath-shaped crystals has been extensively replaced by galena (blue-white, center) and minor sphalerite (light grey, center right). This replacement is crystallographically controlled. Inclusion-free galena (center right, bottom center) isintergrown with replaced pyrite and with sphalerite.Sphalerite (light grey, bottom right and left) is inclusion-free. Dark grey areas are carbonate (top) grains.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    0.11 mm

    Hematite replacing phyllosilicates along cleavage (left)Hematite and TiO2 minerals. St Bees Sandstone,

    Cumbria, Britain

    Very fine-grained hematite lies along the fabric ofphyllosilicate grains (left). Both the green-white color and incipient red internal reflections are characteristic of this type of fine-grained hematite. TiO2 (pink-brown) forms euhedral crystals with faint light-colored internal reflections (bottom right), but is present as a rounded detrital grain that forms the light brown core (centre) to euhedral lanceolate hematite crystals (white, center). The original iron-titanium oxide grain is now pseudomorphed by a fine-grained intergrowth of very minor hematite (white) and TiO2 (pink-white). Other white areas are hematite.

    Grain mount, plane polarized light, x 180, oil.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm

    Covellite replacing arsenopyriteNote the characteristic shape of

    the arsenopyrite


    cvArsenopyrite and covellite. Cligga Head, Cornwall, Britain

    Characteristic rhombic crystals of arsenopyrite (white, high reflectance, center) occur within quartz (low reflectance, bottom center) and the main gangue phase, tourmaline, which shows bireflectance (greys, center). Banded covellite (deep blue, top left) has extensively replaced a large arsenopyrite crystal. Black areas are vugs and polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    0.25 mm

    Galena replaced by anglesite and cerussite:a classic example of replacement caries texture

    Effect of chemical composition:Often just a change in oxidation

    state of cation (e.g. pyhm)

    Galena, cerussite and anglesite. South Pennines, Britain

    Galena (white, top) shows well developed plucking along (100) to give characteristic triangular pits (black). It is altered and replaced by rhythmical aggregates of cerussite (light greys) showing faint bireflectance (bottom left) and anglesite (lower reflectance, poorly polished bands, center right). This is a fine example of a caries texture. Smaller crystals of galena are totally pseudomorphed by cerrussite and anglesite (bottom). Dark grey areas are fluorite, black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    0.11 mm

    Placer magnetite grains with alteration rims of hematite

    Magnetite, ilmenite and hematite. New Zealand

    A river placer containing euhedral magnetite (brown) that has a slightly deeper color than an irregular grain of ilmenite (brown, top left). The central magnetite crystals have oxidized to hematite. Blue-white hematite forms a rim around unaltered magnetite (center right) but also forms martite (white, center left) with relict magnetite (brown). Crystallographic control of the hematite oxidation along (111) planes of the original magnetite is clearly seen.

    Grain mount, plane polarized light, x 180, oil.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures

    Oxidation effects in the Fe-S-O system

    A common replacement sequence in samples is from pyrrhotite to pyrite/magnetite to hematite

    This is an expected result of oxidation

    Deformation-related texturesMay be seen in some minerals not normally thought to

    be metamorphosedTwinning:

    Growth twins: lamellar, irregular width, uneven distribution

    Inversion twins: spindle-shaped, intergrown networks throughout grain

    Deformation twins: uniformly thick lamellae, associated with bending, cataclasis; twins often cross grain boundaries

    Curvature & offset of linear featuresInfill and flow of softer sulfides around harder onesFracturing and brecciation


    0.5 mm

    Molybdenite showing basal cleavage and deformation-related kink banding Molybdenite. Jersey, Channel Islands, Britain

    Coarse blades and laths of molybdenite show strongbireflectance and reflection pleochroism. The strong basal cleavage of molybdenite (left) parallel to (0001) is clearly seen, as are deformation effects similar to kink banding (center). The dark grey area (bottom) is quartz. Four trigonal carbonate crystals showingbireflectance are lighter grey (bottom left). Black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air.


    0.25 mm

    Deformation twins in stibnite

    Uncrossed nicols

    Stibnite. Unknown Provenance

    Stibnite showing deformation twins (center), 'pressure lamellae', and strong bireflectance and reflectionpleochroism. Black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm

    Deformation twins in stibnite

    Crossed nicols

    Stibnite. Unknown Provenance

    This is the same field of view as the previous section but with crossed polars. Stibnite showing strong anisotropy along complex deformation twins and 'pressure lamellae'.

    Polished block, crossed polars, x 80, air.


    0.11 mm

    Polysynthetic twinning along (0111) twin planes of curved hematite laths Hematite. Devon, Britain

    Curved laths of hematite show anisotropy and polysynthetic twinning along (0111) twin planes.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 180, air.


    0.25 mm

    Replacement and fracture fill of bornite after pyrite



    Bornite, pyrite and chalcopyrite. Aarja, Oman

    Radiating pyrite aggregates (light yellow-white, center top) have been fractured and cemented by quartz (top center). They have been extensively replaced bybornite (brown, center), which locally is intergrownwith minor amounts of chalcopyrite (yellow, center left). In the cores of the original pyrite aggregates, where bornite replacement is complete, there is an almost total absence of relict pyrite. Bands of bornite(top left) between pyrite are probably fracture infilling rather than replacement. Quartz (grey) is the gangue.

    Polished thin section, plane polarized light, x 80, air.

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm

    twin planes

    polishing scratches

    Twinning of ilmenite with exsolution hematite Hemoilmenite. Allard Lake, Quebec, Canada

    Large crystals of an ilmenite host (brown) contain irregular exsolution discs of hematite (white) plus very fine-grained hematite exsolution bodies (bottom left). Multiple twinning is present (north-south orientation, lower reflectance, right), some of which can be confused with parallel scratches (northwest-southeast orientation, left) in plane polarized light. Black areas are polishing pits and fractures, many of the polishing pits are concentrated along twinning of the ilmenite.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    Mobilization of sulfides into interstitial zones of silicates during metamorphism





    0.25 mm Sphalerite, pyrrhotite and galena. Unknown Provenance

    Pyrrhotite (brown, bottom) is intergrown with sphalerite(light grey, left) and galena (white, center). A central silicate crystal has curved cleavage planes along which galena, pyrrhotite and sphalerite have penetrated. Dark grey areas are silicates.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.

    Metamorphic-related texturesMost common is annealing, which results in equant

    crystals with 120 interfacial anglesMetamorphism results in increased grain size,

    development of idioblastic or porphyroblastic textures with zoned inclusions

    Sketch of a large pyrite from Ducktown, TN showing rotated inclusions in aporphyroblasticcrystal

  • Hydrothermal Geochemistry

    Mineral textures


    0.25 mm

    Annealing texture in pyrrhotite + sphalerite



    Pyrrhotite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite and galena. Unknown Provenance

    Pyrrhotite crystals (brown) show bireflectance and reflection pleochroism (light brown to darker brown,centre). They are equidimensional and have triple junctions which suggest they have recrystallized.

    Inclusion-free sphalerite (light grey, bottom) isintergrown and encloses a grain of galena (white, bottom right) and chalcopyrite (top center).

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 80, air.


    0.5 mm

    Metamorphosed BIF: note interfacial angles Hematite. Little Broken Hill, Australia

    A highly metamorphosed iron formation. Coarsely crystalline hematite (white) has totally replaced magnetite and so is martite. The poorly polished cores (center top) show less complete replacement than the well polished rims. The matrix comprises a mosaic ofequigranular garnet (light grey, center bottom) and quartz (dark grey) with characteristic 120 angles between adjacent crystals. Black areas are polishing pits.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 40, air.


    0.125 mm

    Bornite, chalcopyrite and valleriite. Palabora, Republic of South Africa

    Bornite (pink-brown, top) is replaced by chalcopyrite(yellow, center right) along (100). Valleriite (golden yellow, center top and blue-green anisotropy colors, top center) forms an incomplete rim around the copper-iron sulfides. The gangue is trigonal carbonate and shows curved deformation twins (center top) and very faint internal reflections. Both valleriite andtrigonal carbonates are strongly anisotropic, although the anisotropy of carbonates is often masked by their strong internal reflections.

    Polished block, plane polarized light, x 160, air.
