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Minerals, Minerals, Rocks, Rocks, and Soils and Soils of Georgia of Georgia
  • Minerals, Minerals, Rocks, Rocks, and Soils and Soils of Georgiaof Georgia

    CXEGA09ALR3X_BL17_cv.indd 3 4/5/07 3:14:06 PM

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    CXEGA09ALR3X_BL17_cv.indd 4 4/13/07 12:56:44 PM

  • Minerals, Rocks,and Soils

    of Georgia

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    CXEGA09ALR3X_BL07BK17.indd 1 4/6/07 7:25:02 AM




    This is not a plant or animal. It is a mineral. Minerals are not living things. They form in the ground.


    What Are What Are Minerals Minerals and Rocks?and Rocks?

    This diamond is a mineral. It is very hard. Other minerals are soft. A minerals hardness tells how easy or hard it is to scratch the mineral.

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  • 3

    What Are Minerals and Rocks?

    Look at this rock. See all the bits and pieces? Like all rocks, this one is made up of one or more minerals!

    CXEGA09ALR3X_BL07BK17.indd 3 4/5/07 2:50:40 PM


    The main idea is what the text is mostly about.

    Details tell more about the main idea.A main idea is that there are many kinds of

    minerals and rocks. Details tell how minerals and rocks are different from each other.

    MineralsA mineral is a solid object. It is found in

    nature. But it has never been alive. There are many different minerals. Salt is a

    mineral. We use it on food. Graphite is a mineral. We use it in pencils. Garnet is a mineral. We use it to make jewelry!

    Tell two ways we use minerals.


    Garnet SaltGraphite

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  • 5

    Ways to Identify MineralsHow can you tell one mineral from another?

    You can measure its hardness. How easy is it to scratch? A diamond is very hard. You cant scratch it easily. Chalk is very soft. You can scratch it with a fingernail!

    A mineral leaves a mark on a white tile. The color can help you identify the mineral. This is called a streak test.

    Tell two ways to identify a mineral.

    3 4 5 6 7 8 10921

    A Scientists measure the hardness of a mineral. The hardest is 10. The softest is 1.

    See the color left by this mineral? C

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  • 6

    RocksRocks may look different from one another. But

    they are alike in one way. Every rock is made of minerals.

    Some rocks are made from just one kind of mineral. Others are made from many minerals.





    This rock is made up of many different kinds of minerals.


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  • 7

    Complete this main idea statement.

    1. A is found in nature and has never been alive.

    Complete these detail statements.

    2. is a mineral we use on food.

    3. A diamond is much than chalk.

    4. A is made of one or more minerals.

    Review Review

    Rocks are of different sizes and shapes. They may be different colors. Some rocks feel smooth. Others feel rough. All these differences help you identify rocks.

    Tell some ways you can identify rocks.

    Siltstone has a smooth texture. It does not feel rough. It is made of very small grains of minerals.

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    igneous rock sedimentary rock metamorphic rock

    What Are What Are the Typesthe Typesof Rocks?of Rocks?


    Look at this rock. It was once melted. Then it cooled. It got very hard. It is called an igneous rock.

    See the layers in this rock? They were bits of soil, mud, and rock. They were squeezed together over time. Now they are a sedimentary rock.

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  • This rock formed deep inside Earth. It was hot there. The ground above pressed down. The heat and pressure formed a metamorphic rock.


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    You compare things by looking for ways they are alike. You contrast things by looking for ways they are different.

    Look for how different rocks are alike and different.

    Types of RocksThere are only three kinds of rock.1. Hot, melted rock can cool and get hard. It

    becomes an igneous rock.2. Dirt, sand, and rocks form piles and layers

    on Earth. They are squeezed over time. Then they become a sedimentary rock. Many sedimentary rocks have layers.

    3. A rock may change inside Earth. High heat and pressure change the rock. It becomes a metamorphic rock.

    Tell how metamorphic and sedimentary rocks are different.

    10Sandstone Obsidian Marble

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  • 11

    How Rocks FormWe can group rocks by the way they form.

    Contrast how igneous rock and metamorphic rock form.

    D Melted rock comes out of a volcano. The rock cools. It becomes igneous rock.

    A Rocks and other materials break up. They pile up in layers. The layers harden. They become sedimentary rock.

    A Rock inside Earth gets soft. Pressure squeezes the rock. It becomes metamorphic rock.

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  • 12

    The Rock CycleOne kind of rock may change into another

    kind. Igneous rocks might break up. Their bits could form layers. Then bits would become a sedimentary rock.

    A sedimentary rock might melt and cool. Then it would become an igneous rock.

    The arrows show how each kind of rock can change into the other kinds.






    ure a

    nd pr



    temperature and pressure


    and w


    wind and water



    CXEGA09ALR3X_BL07BK17.indd 12 4/5/07 2:57:48 PM

  • 13

    Complete these compare and contrast statements.

    1. A rock is different because it has layers.

    2. Heat is needed to form both igneous and rocks.

    3. rocks come up through volcanoes.

    4. We can group rocks by which way they .

    Review Review

    A rock might end up underground. It could be pressed and heated. Then it would become a metamorphic rock.

    Tell how rocks can change from one kind to another.

    Right now this is a metamorphic rock. How might it become a sedimentary rock?

    CXEGA09ALR3X_BL07BK17.indd 13 4/5/07 2:58:04 PM


    humus sand silt clayloam

    What Are What Are Some Types Some Types of Soil?of Soil?


    This is humus. It has bits of dead plants and animals in it.

    This is sand. Its made up of tiny bits of rock. You can see them with your eyes. You can feel them with your fingers!

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  • Clay has teeny, tiny bits of rock, too. But you cant feel them. Clay is sticky when its wet. Have you ever made anything with clay?

    This is silt. Its made up of very small bits of rock. They are too small to see with your eyes alone.

    Loam is a mixture of humus, clay, silt, and sand. Loam is good for growing plants.


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    You compare things by looking for ways they are alike. You contrast things by looking for ways they are different.

    Look for how soils are alike and different.

    Layers of SoilSoil is important.

    Without it, plants couldnt grow. Many animals would have nowhere to live. But just what is soil?

    Soil is made up of water, air, humus, and tiny bits of rock. Humus has bits of dead plants and animals in it. Soil forms in layers.

    Tell what soil is made up of.


    The next layer doesnt have much humus. But it does have small rocks.

    The bottom layer is solid rock. Its called bedrock.

    The top layer has lots of humus. Ants and worms live there.

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  • 17

    Different Types of SoilThere are many kinds of soil. They may be

    different colors. Some soil may have smaller bits of rock in it.

    Sand has small bits of rock. You can see and feel them. Silt has tiny bits that are too small to see with your eyes alone. Georgias red clay has teeny, tiny bits. You need a microscope to see them! Even if you rub the clay, you cant feel the bits!

    Tell how sand is different from silt.

    Georgias sand

    Georgias red clay

    CXEGA09ALR3X_BL07BK17.indd 17 4/5/07 3:00:06 PM

  • 18

    Water and SoilsEven soils that feel dry have some water. Plants

    roots take water from the soil. Some soils hold water better than others. Soils

    that hold water well are darker. Humus is dark. It holds water well. Most light-colored soils lose water quickly. Sand is light-colored. It does not hold water well.

    Tell how dark and light soils are different.

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  • 19

    Complete these compare and contrast statements.

    1. The top layer of soil has a lot of .

    2. You can see and feel the bits of rock in .

    3. Soils that hold a lot of water are in color.

    4. is a mixture of humus, clay, silt, and sand.

    Review Review

    The Importance of SoilSoil is important. It is home to many animals.

    People use it in many ways. We make bricks and pottery from clay. We grow vegetables in loam. Loam is a mixture of humus, clay, silt, and sand. Most farm land is loam.

    Tell how loamis differentfrom clay.

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    How Do How Do Rocks Rocks and Soil and Soil Change?Change?


    Wind and water can change rocks. Pieces of the rocks break off. This is called weathering.

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  • Bits of rock and soil may be carried away by water. The wind may blow them away. Then they land in other places. This moving of rocks and soil is called erosion.


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    When you sequence things you put them in order.

    Look for the sequence of how rocks and soils change.

    How Rocks Are Broken DownWind and water make rocks break into smaller

    pieces. This is called weathering.Wind throws sand and dirt against the rocks.

    Water wears them down. Ice splits them. They get smaller and smaller. After thousands of years, the rocks become sand and soil.

    Tell how a big rock could become sand.

    D Wind and water break rocks.


    CXEGA09ALR3X_BL07BK17.indd 22 4/5/07 3:03:18 PM

  • 23

    Complete these sequence statements.

    1. First, wind and water make rocks into smaller pieces.

    2. Next, wind and water away the pieces.

    3. Then, water in a moves the sand and pieces of rock.

    4. Finally, the river slows down and the sand and pieces of rock.

    Review Review

    How Rock Pieces MoveFirst rocks break. Then, rain and wind carry the

    pieces away. This movement is called erosion.Bits of sand and rock end up in a river. Later,

    the river slows down. It drops the sand and rocks. The sand and rocks change the shape of the place where they land.

    Tell what happens after the river slows down.

    A river moves bits of rocks and soil. It drops them someplace else.

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  • 24

    GLOSSARYclay [KLAY] Soil with very, very tiny grains of rockerosion [ihROHzhuhn] The movement of

    weathered rock and soilhardness [HARDnuhs] The measure of how

    difficult it is for a mineral to be scratchedhumus [HYOOmuhs] The part of soil made up of

    broken down pieces of dead plants and animalsigneous rock [IGneeuhs RAHK] Rock that was

    once melted and then cooled and hardenedloam [LOHM] Soil that is a mixture of humus, clay,

    silt, and sandmetamorphic rock [metuhMAWRfik RAHK] Rock

    that has been changed by heat or pressuremineral [MINeruhl] A solid object found in

    nature that has never been aliverock [RAHK] A naturally formed solid made of

    grains of one or more mineralssand [SAND] Soil with grains of rock that you can

    see with your eyes alonesedimentary rock [seduhMENteree RAHK]

    Rock made as materials settle into layers and get squeezed until they harden into rock

    silt [SILT] Soil with grains of rock that are too small to be seen with your eyes alone

    weathering [WETHering] The breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces

    CXEGA09ALR3X_BL07BK17.indd 24 4/13/07 12:58:25 PM

  • School-Home Connection

    Ask a family member to collect rocks with you. Explain that there are only three kinds of rocks. Together, look in books or on the Internet to find out if each kind of rock is igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic.

    Hands-On Activity

    Grouping Rocks

    Find four rocks of different sizes. Mark each 1, 2, 3, or 4. Hold each rock. How heavy do you think it is? Group the rocks in order from heavy to light. Find the mass of each rock on a balance.

    Were you right? How else could you group rocks?

    Think About the Reading

    1. What can you do to help you remember what you have learned in this chapter?

    2. What questions do you have after reading this Reader? How can you find the answers to your questions?

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