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Minimax-distance criterion for space-filling design: …1)Introduction 1 X andX n ∈X n...

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Minimax-distance criterion for space-filling design: evaluation, optimisation and construction of a submodular alternative Luc Pronzato Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, I3S, France

Minimax-distance criterion forspace-filling design:

evaluation, optimisation and construction of asubmodular alternative

Luc Pronzato

Université Côte d’Azur, CNRS, I3S, France

1) Introduction

1) Introduction & motivation

Ultimate objective = approximation, interpolationà approximate a function f : x ∈X ⊂ Rd −→ R,

(with X compact: typically, X = [0, 1]d)à Choose n points Xn = {x1, . . . , xn} ∈X n (the design)

where to evaluate f (no repetition)

Favourite design criterion = minimaxà minimise ΦmM(Xn) = maxx∈X mini=1,...,n ‖x− xi‖ (`2-distance)

= maxx∈X d(x,Xn)= dH(X ,Xn) (Hausdorff distance, `2)= dispersion of Xn in X (Niederreiter, 1992, Chap. 6)

Optimal n-point design X∗n Ô ΦmM-efficiency = Φ∗mM,n

ΦmM (Xn) ∈ (0, 1]

with Φ∗mM,n = ΦmM(X∗n )

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1) Introduction

1) Introduction & motivation

Ultimate objective = approximation, interpolationà approximate a function f : x ∈X ⊂ Rd −→ R,

(with X compact: typically, X = [0, 1]d)à Choose n points Xn = {x1, . . . , xn} ∈X n (the design)

where to evaluate f (no repetition)

Favourite design criterion = minimaxà minimise ΦmM(Xn) = maxx∈X mini=1,...,n ‖x− xi‖ (`2-distance)

= maxx∈X d(x,Xn)= dH(X ,Xn) (Hausdorff distance, `2)= dispersion of Xn in X (Niederreiter, 1992, Chap. 6)

Optimal n-point design X∗n Ô ΦmM-efficiency = Φ∗mM,n

ΦmM (Xn) ∈ (0, 1]

with Φ∗mM,n = ΦmM(X∗n )

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1) Introduction

1 X and Xn ∈X n given, how to evaluate ΦmM(Xn)?

2 How to minimise ΦmM(Xn) with respect to Xn ∈X n?3 Suppose that n is not completely decided yet, we only know that

nmin ≤ n ≤ nmax (we may decide to stop before nmax evaluations of f )

How to obtain high efficiency for all nested designs Xn, with nmin ≤ n ≤ nmax?(SIAM UQ, Lausanne, April 5–8 2016)

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1) Introduction

1 X and Xn ∈X n given, how to evaluate ΦmM(Xn)?2 How to minimise ΦmM(Xn) with respect to Xn ∈X n?

3 Suppose that n is not completely decided yet, we only know thatnmin ≤ n ≤ nmax (we may decide to stop before nmax evaluations of f )

How to obtain high efficiency for all nested designs Xn, with nmin ≤ n ≤ nmax?(SIAM UQ, Lausanne, April 5–8 2016)

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1) Introduction

1 X and Xn ∈X n given, how to evaluate ΦmM(Xn)?2 How to minimise ΦmM(Xn) with respect to Xn ∈X n?3 Suppose that n is not completely decided yet, we only know that

nmin ≤ n ≤ nmax (we may decide to stop before nmax evaluations of f )

How to obtain high efficiency for all nested designs Xn, with nmin ≤ n ≤ nmax?(SIAM UQ, Lausanne, April 5–8 2016)

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1) Introduction

Why ΦmM?

There are good reasons to choose a Xn with small ΦmM(Xn)

­ Suppose f ∈ RKHS H with kernel K (x, y), then the best linear interpolatorη̂n(x) of f (x) based on the f (xi ), i = 1, . . . , n, satisfies

∀x ∈X , |f (x)− η̂n(x)| ≤ ‖f ‖H ρn(x)

η̂n(x) is the BLUP in random-field modeling and ρ2n(x) is the “kriging variance" atx, see, e.g., Vazquez and Bect (2011); Auffray et al. (2012)

Schaback (1995) à supx∈X ρn(x) ≤ S[ΦmM(Xn)]

for some increasing function S[·] (depending on K )

® X∗n has no (or few) points on the boundary of X(contrary to maximin optimal designs that maximise mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖)Ô useful for large d

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1) Introduction

Why ΦmM?

There are good reasons to choose a Xn with small ΦmM(Xn)

¬ Naive and obvious:for any y ∈X , Xn ∈X n, denote xi∗(y) = argmini=1,...,n ‖y− xi‖

ä If f is Lipschitz continuous, with |f (y)− f (x)| ≤ L0‖y− x‖, ∀x, y ∈X ,then |f (y)− f (xi∗(y))| ≤ L0ΦmM(Xn)

ä If f is Lipschitz differentiable, with ‖∇f (y)−∇f (x)‖ ≤ L1‖y− x‖, ∀x, y ∈X ,then |f (y)− f (xi∗(y))−∇>f (xi∗(y))(y− xi∗(y))| ≤ L1Φ2

mM(Xn)see, e.g., Sukharev (1992, Chap. 3)

­ Suppose f ∈ RKHS H with kernel K (x, y), then the best linear interpolatorη̂n(x) of f (x) based on the f (xi ), i = 1, . . . , n, satisfies

∀x ∈X , |f (x)− η̂n(x)| ≤ ‖f ‖H ρn(x)

η̂n(x) is the BLUP in random-field modeling and ρ2n(x) is the “kriging variance" atx, see, e.g., Vazquez and Bect (2011); Auffray et al. (2012)

Schaback (1995) à supx∈X ρn(x) ≤ S[ΦmM(Xn)]

for some increasing function S[·] (depending on K )

® X∗n has no (or few) points on the boundary of X(contrary to maximin optimal designs that maximise mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖)Ô useful for large d

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1) Introduction

Why ΦmM?

There are good reasons to choose a Xn with small ΦmM(Xn)

­ Suppose f ∈ RKHS H with kernel K (x, y), then the best linear interpolatorη̂n(x) of f (x) based on the f (xi ), i = 1, . . . , n, satisfies

∀x ∈X , |f (x)− η̂n(x)| ≤ ‖f ‖H ρn(x)

η̂n(x) is the BLUP in random-field modeling and ρ2n(x) is the “kriging variance" atx, see, e.g., Vazquez and Bect (2011); Auffray et al. (2012)

Schaback (1995) à supx∈X ρn(x) ≤ S[ΦmM(Xn)]

for some increasing function S[·] (depending on K )

® X∗n has no (or few) points on the boundary of X(contrary to maximin optimal designs that maximise mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖)Ô useful for large d

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1) Introduction

Why ΦmM?

There are good reasons to choose a Xn with small ΦmM(Xn)

­ Suppose f ∈ RKHS H with kernel K (x, y), then the best linear interpolatorη̂n(x) of f (x) based on the f (xi ), i = 1, . . . , n, satisfies

∀x ∈X , |f (x)− η̂n(x)| ≤ ‖f ‖H ρn(x)

η̂n(x) is the BLUP in random-field modeling and ρ2n(x) is the “kriging variance" atx, see, e.g., Vazquez and Bect (2011); Auffray et al. (2012)

Schaback (1995) à supx∈X ρn(x) ≤ S[ΦmM(Xn)]

for some increasing function S[·] (depending on K )

® X∗n has no (or few) points on the boundary of X(contrary to maximin optimal designs that maximise mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖)Ô useful for large d

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn)

2) Evaluation of ΦmM(Xn)

To evaluate ΦmM(Xn) = maxx∈X mini=1,...,n ‖x− xi‖ = maxx∈X d(x,Xn)we need to find a x∗ = argmaxx∈X d(x,Xn)

Key idea: replace argmaxx∈X d(x,Xn) by argmaxx∈XQ d(x,Xn) for a suitablefinite XQ ⊂X

0/ Usual trick: XQ = regular grid or first Q points of a Low DiscrepancySequence in X

à ΦmM(Xn; XQ) ≤ ΦmM(Xn) (optimistic result)requires Q = O(1/εd ) to have ΦmM(Xn) < ΦmM(Xn; XQ) + ε

1 & 2/ Tools from algorithmic geometry (d . 5) Ô exact result through theconstruction of a suitable XQ

3/ MCMC XQ = adaptive grid

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn)

2) Evaluation of ΦmM(Xn)

To evaluate ΦmM(Xn) = maxx∈X mini=1,...,n ‖x− xi‖ = maxx∈X d(x,Xn)we need to find a x∗ = argmaxx∈X d(x,Xn)

Key idea: replace argmaxx∈X d(x,Xn) by argmaxx∈XQ d(x,Xn) for a suitablefinite XQ ⊂X

0/ Usual trick: XQ = regular grid or first Q points of a Low DiscrepancySequence in X

à ΦmM(Xn; XQ) ≤ ΦmM(Xn) (optimistic result)requires Q = O(1/εd ) to have ΦmM(Xn) < ΦmM(Xn; XQ) + ε

1 & 2/ Tools from algorithmic geometry (d . 5) Ô exact result through theconstruction of a suitable XQ

3/ MCMC XQ = adaptive grid

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn)

2) Evaluation of ΦmM(Xn)

To evaluate ΦmM(Xn) = maxx∈X mini=1,...,n ‖x− xi‖ = maxx∈X d(x,Xn)we need to find a x∗ = argmaxx∈X d(x,Xn)

Key idea: replace argmaxx∈X d(x,Xn) by argmaxx∈XQ d(x,Xn) for a suitablefinite XQ ⊂X

0/ Usual trick: XQ = regular grid or first Q points of a Low DiscrepancySequence in X

à ΦmM(Xn; XQ) ≤ ΦmM(Xn) (optimistic result)requires Q = O(1/εd ) to have ΦmM(Xn) < ΦmM(Xn; XQ) + ε

1 & 2/ Tools from algorithmic geometry (d . 5) Ô exact result through theconstruction of a suitable XQ

3/ MCMC XQ = adaptive grid

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn)

2) Evaluation of ΦmM(Xn)

To evaluate ΦmM(Xn) = maxx∈X mini=1,...,n ‖x− xi‖ = maxx∈X d(x,Xn)we need to find a x∗ = argmaxx∈X d(x,Xn)

Key idea: replace argmaxx∈X d(x,Xn) by argmaxx∈XQ d(x,Xn) for a suitablefinite XQ ⊂X

0/ Usual trick: XQ = regular grid or first Q points of a Low DiscrepancySequence in X

à ΦmM(Xn; XQ) ≤ ΦmM(Xn) (optimistic result)requires Q = O(1/εd ) to have ΦmM(Xn) < ΦmM(Xn; XQ) + ε

1 & 2/ Tools from algorithmic geometry (d . 5) Ô exact result through theconstruction of a suitable XQ

3/ MCMC XQ = adaptive grid

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.1/ Delaunay triangulation

2.1/ Delaunay triangulation

X = hypercube, see Pronzato and Müller (2012)


Xn (= n points in X = [0, 1]d), consider X ′m, with m = (2d + 1)n points,formed by Xn and its 2d reflections through the (d − 1)-dimensional faces ofX

Compute the Delaunay triangulation of X ′m Þ d-dimensional simplices (eachone having d + 1 vertices), with circumscribed spheres Sj not containing anypoint of X ′m in their interiormaxx∈X d(x,Xn) is attained for x = centre of one Sj

Take XQ = finite set given by centres of Sj that belong to X

Q = |XQ | = O(mdd/2e), computational time = O(m1+dd/2e) Þ small d only

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.1/ Delaunay triangulation

XQ = { centres of circumscribed spheres to Delaunay simplices }

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2−1







−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2−1







n = 6 points, 45 triangles, 12 circles (the largest one is plotted)

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.1/ Delaunay triangulation

XQ = { centres of circumscribed spheres to Delaunay simplices }

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2−1







−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2−1







n = 6 points, 45 triangles, 12 circles (the largest one is plotted)

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.1/ Delaunay triangulation

XQ = { centres of circumscribed spheres to Delaunay simplices }

−1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2−1







n = 6 points, 45 triangles, 12 circles (the largest one is plotted)

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.2/ Voronoï tessellation

2.2/ Voronoï tessellation


X = polytope in Rd , see Cortés and Bullo (2005, 2009)

Partition Rd into n cells Ci containing points closest to xi than to any othersite in Xn

Each Ci = convex polyhedron in Rd (some are open and infinite)X is a polytope of Rd ⇒ Ci ∩X = polytope Þ tessellation of X into nbounded convex polyhedramaxx∈X d(x,Xn) is attained when x is a vertex of one of these polyhedraTake XQ = collection of these verticesQ = O(ndd/2e) Þ small d onlyAvoid infinite cells by adding a few (at least d + 1) generators x′j out of X ,far enough from X to ensure that the corresponding cells do not intersect X

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.2/ Voronoï tessellation

XQ = { vertices of Voronoï cells truncated to X }

−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5−1.5









−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5−1.5









n = 6 points, 6 cells, Q = 14 vertices x(k) tested for mini ‖x(k) − xi‖

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.2/ Voronoï tessellation

XQ = { vertices of Voronoï cells truncated to X }

−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5−1.5









−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5−1.5









n = 6 points, 6 cells, Q = 14 vertices x(k) tested for mini ‖x(k) − xi‖

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.2/ Voronoï tessellation

XQ = { vertices of Voronoï cells truncated to X }

−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5−1.5









−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5−1.5









n = 6 points, 6 cells, Q = 14 vertices x(k) tested for mini ‖x(k) − xi‖

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.2/ Voronoï tessellation

XQ = { vertices of Voronoï cells truncated to X }

−1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5−1.5









n = 6 points, 6 cells, Q = 14 vertices x(k) tested for mini ‖x(k) − xi‖

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

2 ideas: extreme-value theory + multilevel splitting2.3a) Borrow results from extreme-value theory used in global optimisation(Zhigljavsky and Žilinskas, 2007, Chap. 2), (Zhigljavsky and Hamilton, 2010)

Q points x(j) i.i.d. in X , compute the Q distances dj = d(x(j),Xn),associated order statistics d1:Q ≥ d2:Q ≥ · · · ≥ dQ:Q

k fixed, 1 ≤ k ≤ Q (e.g., k = max{10, d}, Q � d), estimate ΦmM(Xn) by

Φ̂mM(Xn) = d1:Q + Ck(d1:Q − dk:Q)

where Ck = b1/(bk − b1) with bi = Γ(i + 1/d)/Γ(i).Also, the asymptotic confidence level of

Ik,δ =

[d1:Q , d1:Q +

d1:Q − dk:Q

(1− δ1/k)−1/d − 1

]tends to 1− δ for Q →∞Precise estimation only for very large Q à 2nd idea

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

2 ideas: extreme-value theory + multilevel splitting2.3a) Borrow results from extreme-value theory used in global optimisation(Zhigljavsky and Žilinskas, 2007, Chap. 2), (Zhigljavsky and Hamilton, 2010)

Q points x(j) i.i.d. in X , compute the Q distances dj = d(x(j),Xn),associated order statistics d1:Q ≥ d2:Q ≥ · · · ≥ dQ:Q

k fixed, 1 ≤ k ≤ Q (e.g., k = max{10, d}, Q � d), estimate ΦmM(Xn) by

Φ̂mM(Xn) = d1:Q + Ck(d1:Q − dk:Q)

where Ck = b1/(bk − b1) with bi = Γ(i + 1/d)/Γ(i).Also, the asymptotic confidence level of

Ik,δ =

[d1:Q , d1:Q +

d1:Q − dk:Q

(1− δ1/k)−1/d − 1

]tends to 1− δ for Q →∞

Precise estimation only for very large Q à 2nd idea

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

2 ideas: extreme-value theory + multilevel splitting2.3a) Borrow results from extreme-value theory used in global optimisation(Zhigljavsky and Žilinskas, 2007, Chap. 2), (Zhigljavsky and Hamilton, 2010)

Q points x(j) i.i.d. in X , compute the Q distances dj = d(x(j),Xn),associated order statistics d1:Q ≥ d2:Q ≥ · · · ≥ dQ:Q

k fixed, 1 ≤ k ≤ Q (e.g., k = max{10, d}, Q � d), estimate ΦmM(Xn) by

Φ̂mM(Xn) = d1:Q + Ck(d1:Q − dk:Q)

where Ck = b1/(bk − b1) with bi = Γ(i + 1/d)/Γ(i).Also, the asymptotic confidence level of

Ik,δ =

[d1:Q , d1:Q +

d1:Q − dk:Q

(1− δ1/k)−1/d − 1

]tends to 1− δ for Q →∞Precise estimation only for very large Q à 2nd ideaLuc Pronzato (CNRS) Minimax-distance: evaluation & optimisation SAMO’2016, Dec. 2, 2016 10 / 49

2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

2.3b) the order statistics dj:Q for large j (small dj:Q) are uselessà multilevel splitting algorithm

Replace all x(j) at distance dj from Xn less than some L` by points sampledindependently (and uniformly) in the set X (L`) = {x ∈X : d(x,Xn) > L`},for an increasing sequence of levels L`Choose the level sequence of Guyader et al. (2011): at step `, the next levelis L`+1 = minj=1,...,Q djxj∗ (unique with probability one) such that dj∗ = L`+1 is replaced by a newpoint sampled in X (L`+1)

Stop when |Ik,δ| < ε� 1 (δ = 0.05, say)Sampling (“uniformly”) in X (L) is difficult when L is large: use a MCMCmethod with Metropolis-Hastings transitions as in (Guyader et al., 2011):

first replace xj∗ by a xj∗∗ chosen at random among the other xjsecond, perform K successive steps of a random walk x→ ProjX (x+ z), withz ∼ N (0, σId), accept transition if and only if d(x+ z,Xn) > L`+1 = dj∗

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

2.3b) the order statistics dj:Q for large j (small dj:Q) are uselessà multilevel splitting algorithm

Replace all x(j) at distance dj from Xn less than some L` by points sampledindependently (and uniformly) in the set X (L`) = {x ∈X : d(x,Xn) > L`},for an increasing sequence of levels L`

Choose the level sequence of Guyader et al. (2011): at step `, the next levelis L`+1 = minj=1,...,Q djxj∗ (unique with probability one) such that dj∗ = L`+1 is replaced by a newpoint sampled in X (L`+1)

Stop when |Ik,δ| < ε� 1 (δ = 0.05, say)Sampling (“uniformly”) in X (L) is difficult when L is large: use a MCMCmethod with Metropolis-Hastings transitions as in (Guyader et al., 2011):

first replace xj∗ by a xj∗∗ chosen at random among the other xjsecond, perform K successive steps of a random walk x→ ProjX (x+ z), withz ∼ N (0, σId), accept transition if and only if d(x+ z,Xn) > L`+1 = dj∗

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

2.3b) the order statistics dj:Q for large j (small dj:Q) are uselessà multilevel splitting algorithm

Replace all x(j) at distance dj from Xn less than some L` by points sampledindependently (and uniformly) in the set X (L`) = {x ∈X : d(x,Xn) > L`},for an increasing sequence of levels L`Choose the level sequence of Guyader et al. (2011): at step `, the next levelis L`+1 = minj=1,...,Q djxj∗ (unique with probability one) such that dj∗ = L`+1 is replaced by a newpoint sampled in X (L`+1)

Stop when |Ik,δ| < ε� 1 (δ = 0.05, say)

Sampling (“uniformly”) in X (L) is difficult when L is large: use a MCMCmethod with Metropolis-Hastings transitions as in (Guyader et al., 2011):

first replace xj∗ by a xj∗∗ chosen at random among the other xjsecond, perform K successive steps of a random walk x→ ProjX (x+ z), withz ∼ N (0, σId), accept transition if and only if d(x+ z,Xn) > L`+1 = dj∗

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

2.3b) the order statistics dj:Q for large j (small dj:Q) are uselessà multilevel splitting algorithm

Replace all x(j) at distance dj from Xn less than some L` by points sampledindependently (and uniformly) in the set X (L`) = {x ∈X : d(x,Xn) > L`},for an increasing sequence of levels L`Choose the level sequence of Guyader et al. (2011): at step `, the next levelis L`+1 = minj=1,...,Q djxj∗ (unique with probability one) such that dj∗ = L`+1 is replaced by a newpoint sampled in X (L`+1)

Stop when |Ik,δ| < ε� 1 (δ = 0.05, say)Sampling (“uniformly”) in X (L) is difficult when L is large: use a MCMCmethod with Metropolis-Hastings transitions as in (Guyader et al., 2011):

first replace xj∗ by a xj∗∗ chosen at random among the other xjsecond, perform K successive steps of a random walk x→ ProjX (x+ z), withz ∼ N (0, σId), accept transition if and only if d(x+ z,Xn) > L`+1 = dj∗

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

xj∗ such that dj∗ = minj dj

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

replace by xj∗∗ chosen at random among other xj

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

perform K successive steps of random walk

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

. . . after enough iterations

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2) Evaluation of ΦmM (Xn) 2.3/ Estimation via MCMC

log(computing time)X = [0, 1]d , n = 50 (δ = 0.05, ε = 0.001, K = 10, Q = nd for MCMC)





































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3) Optimisation of ΦmM (Xn)

3) Optimisation of ΦmM(Xn)

1/ Global optimisation (e.g., simulated annealing)

2/ Local optimisation via generalised gradientX (k+1)

n = X (k)n − γk ∇̃ΦmM (X (k)

n )

γk > 0, limk→∞ γk = 0 and∑

k γk =∞

all columns of ∇̃ΦmM (X (k)n ) equal 0, except the i-th one equal to

(xi − x∗)/‖xi − x∗‖, where ‖xi − x∗‖ = ΦmM(Xn)à move xi towards x∗

à one may also move each xi towards the furthest point x∗,i in its Voronoï cell(Cortés and Bullo, 2005, 2009):

x(k+1)i = x(k)

i − γk,i (x(k)i − x∗,i )/‖x(k)

i − x∗,i‖

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3) Optimisation of ΦmM (Xn)

3) Optimisation of ΦmM(Xn)

1/ Global optimisation (e.g., simulated annealing)

2/ Local optimisation via generalised gradientX (k+1)

n = X (k)n − γk ∇̃ΦmM (X (k)

n )

γk > 0, limk→∞ γk = 0 and∑

k γk =∞

all columns of ∇̃ΦmM (X (k)n ) equal 0, except the i-th one equal to

(xi − x∗)/‖xi − x∗‖, where ‖xi − x∗‖ = ΦmM(Xn)à move xi towards x∗

à one may also move each xi towards the furthest point x∗,i in its Voronoï cell(Cortés and Bullo, 2005, 2009):

x(k+1)i = x(k)

i − γk,i (x(k)i − x∗,i )/‖x(k)

i − x∗,i‖

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3) Optimisation of ΦmM (Xn)

3) Optimisation of ΦmM(Xn)

1/ Global optimisation (e.g., simulated annealing)

2/ Local optimisation via generalised gradientX (k+1)

n = X (k)n − γk ∇̃ΦmM (X (k)

n )

γk > 0, limk→∞ γk = 0 and∑

k γk =∞

all columns of ∇̃ΦmM (X (k)n ) equal 0, except the i-th one equal to

(xi − x∗)/‖xi − x∗‖, where ‖xi − x∗‖ = ΦmM(Xn)à move xi towards x∗

à one may also move each xi towards the furthest point x∗,i in its Voronoï cell(Cortés and Bullo, 2005, 2009):

x(k+1)i = x(k)

i − γk,i (x(k)i − x∗,i )/‖x(k)

i − x∗,i‖

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3) Optimisation of ΦmM (Xn)

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3) Optimisation of ΦmM (Xn)

3/ kmeans and centroids

Tn = {Ci , i = 1, . . . , n} a tessellation of X , Xn a n-point design in XConsider the functional (Tn,Xn) −→ E2(Tn,Xn) =


(∑ni=1 wi (x) ‖x− xi‖2


where wi (x) = 1 if x ∈ Ci and 0 otherwise

Then, E2(Tn,Xn) =∑n

i=1∫Ci‖x− xi‖2 dx is minimised when

the Ci = Voronoï regions defined by the xi(Ô E2(Tn,Xn) =

∫X d2(x,Xn) dx)

simultaneously the xi = centroids of the Ci (centre of gravity),that is, xi = (

∫Cix dx)/vol(Ci ) (Du et al., 1999)

Þ such a Xn should thus perform reasonably well in terms of space-filling(Lekivetz and Jones, 2015)

Lloyd’s method (1982): fixed-point iterations forX (k)

n −→ X (k+1)n = T (X (k)

n ) = {T1(x(k)1 ), . . . ,Tn(x(k)

n )}with Ti (xi ) = (

∫Ci (Xn)

x dx)/vol[Ci (Xn)]

Use algorithmic geometry if d small enough; otherwise use a finite set XQ

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3) Optimisation of ΦmM (Xn)

3/ kmeans and centroids

Tn = {Ci , i = 1, . . . , n} a tessellation of X , Xn a n-point design in XConsider the functional (Tn,Xn) −→ E2(Tn,Xn) =


(∑ni=1 wi (x) ‖x− xi‖2


where wi (x) = 1 if x ∈ Ci and 0 otherwise

Then, E2(Tn,Xn) =∑n

i=1∫Ci‖x− xi‖2 dx is minimised when

the Ci = Voronoï regions defined by the xi(Ô E2(Tn,Xn) =

∫X d2(x,Xn) dx)

simultaneously the xi = centroids of the Ci (centre of gravity),that is, xi = (

∫Cix dx)/vol(Ci ) (Du et al., 1999)

Þ such a Xn should thus perform reasonably well in terms of space-filling(Lekivetz and Jones, 2015)

Lloyd’s method (1982): fixed-point iterations forX (k)

n −→ X (k+1)n = T (X (k)

n ) = {T1(x(k)1 ), . . . ,Tn(x(k)

n )}with Ti (xi ) = (

∫Ci (Xn)

x dx)/vol[Ci (Xn)]

Use algorithmic geometry if d small enough; otherwise use a finite set XQ

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3) Optimisation of ΦmM (Xn)

3/ kmeans and centroids

Tn = {Ci , i = 1, . . . , n} a tessellation of X , Xn a n-point design in XConsider the functional (Tn,Xn) −→ E2(Tn,Xn) =


(∑ni=1 wi (x) ‖x− xi‖2


where wi (x) = 1 if x ∈ Ci and 0 otherwise

Then, E2(Tn,Xn) =∑n

i=1∫Ci‖x− xi‖2 dx is minimised when

the Ci = Voronoï regions defined by the xi(Ô E2(Tn,Xn) =

∫X d2(x,Xn) dx)

simultaneously the xi = centroids of the Ci (centre of gravity),that is, xi = (

∫Cix dx)/vol(Ci ) (Du et al., 1999)

Þ such a Xn should thus perform reasonably well in terms of space-filling(Lekivetz and Jones, 2015)

Lloyd’s method (1982): fixed-point iterations forX (k)

n −→ X (k+1)n = T (X (k)

n ) = {T1(x(k)1 ), . . . ,Tn(x(k)

n )}with Ti (xi ) = (

∫Ci (Xn)

x dx)/vol[Ci (Xn)]

Use algorithmic geometry if d small enough; otherwise use a finite set XQ

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3) Optimisation of ΦmM (Xn)

But minimax-optimal design is related to the construction of a centroidaltessellation for

Eq(Tn,Xn) =


( n∑i=1

wi (x) ‖x− xi‖q

)dx =



‖x− xi‖q dx

with q →∞

Variant of Lloyd’s method:

0) Select X (1)n and ε� 1, set k = 1.

1) Compute the Voronoï tessellation {Ci , i = 1, . . . , n} of X (or XQ) based onX (k)


2) For i = 1, . . . , nä determine the smallest ball B(ci , ri ) enclosing Ci (= QP problem)ä replace xi by ci in X (k)


3) if ΦmM(X(k)n )− ΦmM(X(k+1)

n ) < ε, then stop; otherwise k ← k + 1, return tostep 1

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3) Optimisation of ΦmM (Xn)

But minimax-optimal design is related to the construction of a centroidaltessellation for

Eq(Tn,Xn) =


( n∑i=1

wi (x) ‖x− xi‖q

)dx =



‖x− xi‖q dx

with q →∞

Variant of Lloyd’s method:

0) Select X (1)n and ε� 1, set k = 1.

1) Compute the Voronoï tessellation {Ci , i = 1, . . . , n} of X (or XQ) based onX (k)


2) For i = 1, . . . , nä determine the smallest ball B(ci , ri ) enclosing Ci (= QP problem)ä replace xi by ci in X (k)


3) if ΦmM(X(k)n )− ΦmM(X(k+1)

n ) < ε, then stop; otherwise k ← k + 1, return tostep 1

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3) Optimisation of ΦmM (Xn)

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4) Nested designs

4) Nested designs (SIAM UQ, Lausanne, April 5–8 2016)

à obtain a high ΦmM-efficiency = Φ∗mM,n

ΦmM (Xn) for all Xn, nmin ≤ n ≤ nmax

(ΦmM-efficiency∈ (0, 1])

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4) Nested designs 4.1/ Coffee-house design

4.1/ Coffee-house design

x1 at the centre of X , then xn+1 furthest point from Xn for all n ≥ 1(called coffee-house design (Müller, 2007, Chap. 4))

Guarantees that ΦmM-efficiency = Φ∗mM,n

ΦmM (Xn) ≥12 for all n

[Indeed, by construction

ΦMm(Xn+1) , minxi 6=xj∈Xn+1

‖xi − xj‖ = d(xn+1,Xn) = ΦmM(Xn) ,

and ΦmM(X∗n ) ≥ 12 ΦMm(Xn+1) since one of the n balls B(x∗i ,ΦmM(X∗n )) must

contain 2 points from Xn+1 (Gonzalez, 1985)]

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4) Nested designs 4.1/ Coffee-house design

4.1/ Coffee-house design

x1 at the centre of X , then xn+1 furthest point from Xn for all n ≥ 1(called coffee-house design (Müller, 2007, Chap. 4))

Guarantees that ΦmM-efficiency = Φ∗mM,n

ΦmM (Xn) ≥12 for all n

[Indeed, by construction

ΦMm(Xn+1) , minxi 6=xj∈Xn+1

‖xi − xj‖ = d(xn+1,Xn) = ΦmM(Xn) ,

and ΦmM(X∗n ) ≥ 12 ΦMm(Xn+1) since one of the n balls B(x∗i ,ΦmM(X∗n )) must

contain 2 points from Xn+1 (Gonzalez, 1985)]

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4) Nested designs 4.1/ Coffee-house design

X = [0, 1]2, n = 7








ΦmM-efficiency, n = 1 . . . , 50(X∗n Ô kmeans + centroids + local

minimisation using Voronoï tessellation)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.5











Regular construction à largefluctuations of ΦmM-efficiency

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4) Nested designs 4.1/ Coffee-house design

X = [0, 1]2, n = 7








ΦmM-efficiency, n = 1 . . . , 50(X∗n Ô kmeans + centroids + local

minimisation using Voronoï tessellation)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.5











Regular construction à largefluctuations of ΦmM-efficiency

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4) Nested designs 4.2/ Submodularity and greedy algorithms

4.2/ Submodularity and greedy algorithms

XQ = {x(1), . . . , x(Q)} a finite set with Q points in X(regular grid, first Q points of a low-discrepancy sequence — Halton,Sobol. . . )

ψ: 2XQ −→ R a set function (to be maximised)non-decreasing: ψ(A ∪ {x}) ≥ ψ(A ) for all A ⊂XQ and x ∈XQ

Definition 1:ψ is submodular iff ψ(A ) +ψ(B) ≥ ψ(A ∪B) +ψ(A ∩B) for all A ,B ⊂XQ

Equivalently, Definition 1’ (diminishing return property):ψ is submodular iff ψ(A ∪ {x})− ψ(A ) ≥ ψ(B ∪ {x})− ψ(B) for allA ⊂ B ⊂XQ and x ∈XQ \B

Equivalently, Definition 1” (2nd order diminishing return property):ψ is submodular iff ψ(A ∪ {x})− ψ(A ) ≥ ψ(A ∪ {x, y})− ψ(A ∪ {y}) for allA ⊂XQ and x, y ∈XQ \A

(a sort of concavity property for set functions)

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4) Nested designs 4.2/ Submodularity and greedy algorithms

4.2/ Submodularity and greedy algorithms

XQ = {x(1), . . . , x(Q)} a finite set with Q points in X(regular grid, first Q points of a low-discrepancy sequence — Halton,Sobol. . . )

ψ: 2XQ −→ R a set function (to be maximised)non-decreasing: ψ(A ∪ {x}) ≥ ψ(A ) for all A ⊂XQ and x ∈XQ

Definition 1:ψ is submodular iff ψ(A ) +ψ(B) ≥ ψ(A ∪B) +ψ(A ∩B) for all A ,B ⊂XQ

Equivalently, Definition 1’ (diminishing return property):ψ is submodular iff ψ(A ∪ {x})− ψ(A ) ≥ ψ(B ∪ {x})− ψ(B) for allA ⊂ B ⊂XQ and x ∈XQ \B

Equivalently, Definition 1” (2nd order diminishing return property):ψ is submodular iff ψ(A ∪ {x})− ψ(A ) ≥ ψ(A ∪ {x, y})− ψ(A ∪ {y}) for allA ⊂XQ and x, y ∈XQ \A

(a sort of concavity property for set functions)

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4) Nested designs 4.2/ Submodularity and greedy algorithms

Greedy Algorithm:1 set A = ∅2 while |A | < k

find x in XQ such that ψ(A ∪ {x}) is maximalA ← A ∪ {x}

3 end while4 return Ak = A

Denote ψ∗k = maxB⊂XQ , |B|≤k ψ(B)

Theorem (Nemhauser, Wolsey & Fisher, 1978): When ψ is non-decreasing andsubmodular, then for all k ∈ {1, . . . ,Q} the algorithm returns a set Ak such that

ψ(Ak)− ψ(∅)ψ∗k − ψ(∅)

≥ 1− (1− 1/k)k ≥ 1− 1/e > 0.6321

Bad news: we maximise −ΦmM which is non-decreasing but not submodularà no guaranteed efficiency for sequential optimisation

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4) Nested designs 4.2/ Submodularity and greedy algorithms

Greedy Algorithm:1 set A = ∅2 while |A | < k

find x in XQ such that ψ(A ∪ {x}) is maximalA ← A ∪ {x}

3 end while4 return Ak = A

Denote ψ∗k = maxB⊂XQ , |B|≤k ψ(B)

Theorem (Nemhauser, Wolsey & Fisher, 1978): When ψ is non-decreasing andsubmodular, then for all k ∈ {1, . . . ,Q} the algorithm returns a set Ak such that

ψ(Ak)− ψ(∅)ψ∗k − ψ(∅)

≥ 1− (1− 1/k)k ≥ 1− 1/e > 0.6321

Bad news: we maximise −ΦmM which is non-decreasing but not submodularà no guaranteed efficiency for sequential optimisation

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4) Nested designs 4.2/ Submodularity and greedy algorithms

Greedy Algorithm:1 set A = ∅2 while |A | < k

find x in XQ such that ψ(A ∪ {x}) is maximalA ← A ∪ {x}

3 end while4 return Ak = A

Denote ψ∗k = maxB⊂XQ , |B|≤k ψ(B)

Theorem (Nemhauser, Wolsey & Fisher, 1978): When ψ is non-decreasing andsubmodular, then for all k ∈ {1, . . . ,Q} the algorithm returns a set Ak such that

ψ(Ak)− ψ(∅)ψ∗k − ψ(∅)

≥ 1− (1− 1/k)k ≥ 1− 1/e > 0.6321

Bad news: we maximise −ΦmM which is non-decreasing but not submodularà no guaranteed efficiency for sequential optimisation

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4) Nested designs 4.3/ Covering measure, c.d.f. and dispersion

4.3/ Covering measure, c.d.f. and dispersion

For any r ≥ 0, any Xn ∈X n, define the covering measure of Xn byψr (Xn) = vol{X ∩ [∪n

i=1B(xi , r)]} à non-decreasing and submodular

Maximising ψr (Xn) is equivalent to maximisingFXn (r) = ψr (Xn)/vol(X ) =

µL{X ∩[∪ni=1B(xi ,r)]}

µL(X )

which can be considered as a c.d.f., with FXn (r) ∈ [0, 1], increasing in r , andFXn (0) = 0, FXn (r) = 1 for any r ≥ ΦmM(Xn) = dispersion of Xn

Take any probability measure µ on X (e.g., with finite support XQ)à define FXn (r) = µ{X ∩ [∪n

i=1B(xi , r)]}as a function of r Ô forms a c.d.f.,as a function of Xn Ô non-decreasing and submodular

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4) Nested designs 4.3/ Covering measure, c.d.f. and dispersion

4.3/ Covering measure, c.d.f. and dispersion

For any r ≥ 0, any Xn ∈X n, define the covering measure of Xn byψr (Xn) = vol{X ∩ [∪n

i=1B(xi , r)]} à non-decreasing and submodular

Maximising ψr (Xn) is equivalent to maximisingFXn (r) = ψr (Xn)/vol(X ) =

µL{X ∩[∪ni=1B(xi ,r)]}

µL(X )

which can be considered as a c.d.f., with FXn (r) ∈ [0, 1], increasing in r , andFXn (0) = 0, FXn (r) = 1 for any r ≥ ΦmM(Xn) = dispersion of Xn

Take any probability measure µ on X (e.g., with finite support XQ)à define FXn (r) = µ{X ∩ [∪n

i=1B(xi , r)]}as a function of r Ô forms a c.d.f.,as a function of Xn Ô non-decreasing and submodular

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4) Nested designs 4.3/ Covering measure, c.d.f. and dispersion

4.3/ Covering measure, c.d.f. and dispersion

For any r ≥ 0, any Xn ∈X n, define the covering measure of Xn byψr (Xn) = vol{X ∩ [∪n

i=1B(xi , r)]} à non-decreasing and submodular

Maximising ψr (Xn) is equivalent to maximisingFXn (r) = ψr (Xn)/vol(X ) =

µL{X ∩[∪ni=1B(xi ,r)]}

µL(X )

which can be considered as a c.d.f., with FXn (r) ∈ [0, 1], increasing in r , andFXn (0) = 0, FXn (r) = 1 for any r ≥ ΦmM(Xn) = dispersion of Xn

Take any probability measure µ on X (e.g., with finite support XQ)à define FXn (r) = µ{X ∩ [∪n

i=1B(xi , r)]}as a function of r Ô forms a c.d.f.,as a function of Xn Ô non-decreasing and submodular

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4) Nested designs 4.3/ Covering measure, c.d.f. and dispersion

Which r should we take in FXn (r)?A positive linear combination of non-decreasing submodular functions isnon-decreasing and submodular

à Consider Cb,B,q(Xn) =∫ B

b rq FXn (r) dr , for B > b ≥ 0, q > 0Ô We have guaranteed efficiency bounds when maximising with a greedyalgorithm


C0,B,q(Xn) = Bq+1

q+1 FXn (B)− 1q+1

∫ B0 rq+1 FXn (dr)

Take any B ≥ ΦmM(Xn) Ô FXn (B) = 1Maximising C0,B,q(Xn) for B large enough ⇔ minimising

∫ B0 rq+1 FXn (dr)

⇔ minimising[∫ B

0 rq+1 FXn (dr)]1/(q+1)

and[∫ B

0 rq+1 FXn (dr)]1/(q+1)

→ ΦmM(Xn) as q →∞

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4) Nested designs 4.3/ Covering measure, c.d.f. and dispersion

Which r should we take in FXn (r)?A positive linear combination of non-decreasing submodular functions isnon-decreasing and submodular

à Consider Cb,B,q(Xn) =∫ B

b rq FXn (r) dr , for B > b ≥ 0, q > 0Ô We have guaranteed efficiency bounds when maximising with a greedyalgorithm


C0,B,q(Xn) = Bq+1

q+1 FXn (B)− 1q+1

∫ B0 rq+1 FXn (dr)

Take any B ≥ ΦmM(Xn) Ô FXn (B) = 1Maximising C0,B,q(Xn) for B large enough ⇔ minimising

∫ B0 rq+1 FXn (dr)

⇔ minimising[∫ B

0 rq+1 FXn (dr)]1/(q+1)

and[∫ B

0 rq+1 FXn (dr)]1/(q+1)

→ ΦmM(Xn) as q →∞

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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

4.4/ Implementation

Take XQ = {x(1), . . . , x(Q)} ⊂X Q , µ = 1Q∑Q

j=1 δx(j)

For any design Xn = {x1, . . . , xn} ⊂X n, denoterj = d(x(j),Xn) = mini=1,...,n ‖x(j) − xi‖ andrk:Q the k-th order statistic of the ri : r1:Q ≤ r2:Q ≤ · · · ≤ rQ:Qr ′k:Q = min{max{rk:Q , b},B} for all k = 1, . . . ,Q and r ′Q+1:Q = B

Then Cb,B,q(Xn) = 1Q(q+1)

∑Qk=1 k[r ′k+1:Q

q+1 − r ′k:Qq+1


Note: when Xn ⊂XQ , the inter-distances ‖x(i) − x(j)‖ will be computed only once

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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation


When b = 0 and B ≥ ΦmM(Xn), Cb,B,q(Xn) = Bq+1

q+1 −1



∑ni=1 γk,i

with γk,i = dq+1(x(k),Xn) = mini=1,...,n ‖x(k) − xi‖q+1 for all i = 1, . . . , nÔ the maximisation of C0,B,q(Xn) corresponds to a “facility location problem”with assignment costs γk,i (Minoux, 1977):

minimise 1nQ




. . . but solving such a facility location problem with assignment costsγk,i = [min{d(x(k),Xn),B}]q+1 does not work if the truncation at B too small

d = 2, X = [0, 1]2, XQ= regular gridwith 33× 33 points

b = 0, B =√2/2 à all xi coincide with

one corner of X

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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation


When b = 0 and B ≥ ΦmM(Xn), Cb,B,q(Xn) = Bq+1

q+1 −1



∑ni=1 γk,i

with γk,i = dq+1(x(k),Xn) = mini=1,...,n ‖x(k) − xi‖q+1 for all i = 1, . . . , nÔ the maximisation of C0,B,q(Xn) corresponds to a “facility location problem”with assignment costs γk,i (Minoux, 1977):

minimise 1nQ




. . . but solving such a facility location problem with assignment costsγk,i = [min{d(x(k),Xn),B}]q+1 does not work if the truncation at B too small

d = 2, X = [0, 1]2, XQ= regular gridwith 33× 33 points

b = 0, B =√2/2 à all xi coincide with

one corner of X

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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

Ô sequential maximisation of Cb,B,q(Xn) = 1Q(q+1)

∑Qk=1 k[r ′k+1:Q

q+1 − r ′k:Qq+1


with r ′k:Q ∈ [b,B] for all k

We shall need bounds R∗n and R∗n on Φ∗mM,n = ΦmM(X∗n )

Lower bound R∗n ≤ Φ∗mM,n: sphere-covering problem

The n balls B(xi ,Φ∗mM,n) cover X ⇒ nVd (Φ∗mM)d ≥ vol(X ) (= 1), with

Vd = vol[B(0, 1)] = πd/2/Γ(d/2 + 1)

R∗n = (nVd )−1/d ≤ Φ∗mM,n

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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

Ô sequential maximisation of Cb,B,q(Xn) = 1Q(q+1)

∑Qk=1 k[r ′k+1:Q

q+1 − r ′k:Qq+1


with r ′k:Q ∈ [b,B] for all k

We shall need bounds R∗n and R∗n on Φ∗mM,n = ΦmM(X∗n )

Lower bound R∗n ≤ Φ∗mM,n: sphere-covering problem

The n balls B(xi ,Φ∗mM,n) cover X ⇒ nVd (Φ∗mM)d ≥ vol(X ) (= 1), with

Vd = vol[B(0, 1)] = πd/2/Γ(d/2 + 1)

R∗n = (nVd )−1/d ≤ Φ∗mM,n

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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

Upper bound R∗n ≥ Φ∗mM,n

Take your favourite design X̂n Ô Φ∗mM,n ≤ ΦmM(X̂n)

Φ∗mM,n ≤ Φ∗Mm,n = maxXn∈X n mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖= optimal maximin-distance criterion

(easy proof by contradiction)

For X = [0, 1]d à relation with sphere-packing problem

⇒ Φ∗mM,n ≤ Φ∗Mm,n ≤ R∗n =2R∗



This requires n > d2d/Vde (to have R∗n < 12 )

For n ≤⌈






)−d⌉use the trivial bound Φ∗mM,n ≤ R∗n =


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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

Upper bound R∗n ≥ Φ∗mM,n

Take your favourite design X̂n Ô Φ∗mM,n ≤ ΦmM(X̂n)

Φ∗mM,n ≤ Φ∗Mm,n = maxXn∈X n mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖= optimal maximin-distance criterion

(easy proof by contradiction)

For X = [0, 1]d à relation with sphere-packing problem

⇒ Φ∗mM,n ≤ Φ∗Mm,n ≤ R∗n =2R∗



This requires n > d2d/Vde (to have R∗n < 12 )

For n ≤⌈






)−d⌉use the trivial bound Φ∗mM,n ≤ R∗n =


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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

Upper bound R∗n ≥ Φ∗mM,n

Take your favourite design X̂n Ô Φ∗mM,n ≤ ΦmM(X̂n)

Φ∗mM,n ≤ Φ∗Mm,n = maxXn∈X n mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖= optimal maximin-distance criterion

(easy proof by contradiction)For X = [0, 1]d à relation with sphere-packing problem

⇒ Φ∗mM,n ≤ Φ∗Mm,n ≤ R∗n =2R∗



This requires n > d2d/Vde (to have R∗n < 12 )

For n ≤⌈






)−d⌉use the trivial bound Φ∗mM,n ≤ R∗n =


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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

Upper bound R∗n ≥ Φ∗mM,n

Take your favourite design X̂n Ô Φ∗mM,n ≤ ΦmM(X̂n)

Φ∗mM,n ≤ Φ∗Mm,n = maxXn∈X n mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖= optimal maximin-distance criterion

(easy proof by contradiction)For X = [0, 1]d à relation with sphere-packing problem

⇒ Φ∗mM,n ≤ Φ∗Mm,n ≤ R∗n =2R∗



This requires n > d2d/Vde (to have R∗n < 12 )

For n ≤⌈






)−d⌉use the trivial bound Φ∗mM,n ≤ R∗n =


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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

Choices of b and B

¬ B large Ô the construction is too regular

d = 2, X = [0, 1]2, XQ= regular gridwith 33× 33 points

b = 0, B =√2 à ΦmM-efficiency will

periodically reach low values

We want a high ΦmM-efficiency for nmin ≤ n ≤ nmaxÔ set B & upper bound R∗nmax

on Φ∗mM,nmaxB & lower bound R∗nmin

on Φ∗mM,nmin

Ô take B = max{R∗nmax,R∗nmin

} (not critical)

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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

d = 2, X = [0, 1]2, XQ= regular gridwith 33× 33 points

b = 0, nmin = 15, nmax = 50Ô B = max{R∗n50

,R∗n15} = R∗n50

' 0.1899

­ Take b > 0 to focus attention on points far from Xn Ô b = R∗nmax

d = 2, X = [0, 1]2, XQ= regular gridwith 33× 33 points

nmin = 15, nmax = 50Ô B = max{R∗n50

,R∗n15} ' 0.1899

b = R∗n50' 0.0798

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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

d = 2, X = [0, 1]2, XQ= regular gridwith 33× 33 points

b = 0, nmin = 15, nmax = 50Ô B = max{R∗n50

,R∗n15} = R∗n50

' 0.1899

­ Take b > 0 to focus attention on points far from Xn Ô b = R∗nmax

d = 2, X = [0, 1]2, XQ= regular gridwith 33× 33 points

nmin = 15, nmax = 50Ô B = max{R∗n50

,R∗n15} ' 0.1899

b = R∗n50' 0.0798

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4) Nested designs 4.4/ Implementation

Choice of qNot crucial, in theory should be large, but q = 2 seems ok

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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

4.5/ Illustration (small d)

Who are the challengers?

A) Low Discrepancy Sequences (LDS)Xn = n first elements of a LDS (possibly restricted to X )

à there exist (pessimistic) upper bounds on ΦmM(Xn),see Mitchell (1990), Niederreiter (1992, Chap. 6)

B) Maximum Entropy Sampling (MES) (Shewry and Wynn, 1987)Take a (covariance) kernel K (x, x′) (here K (x, x′) = C(‖x− x′‖))For any design Xn, denote by Kn the matrix with elements {Kn}ij = K (xi , xj)Choose sequentially xk+1 that maximises detKn+1⇔ greedy maximisation of entropy for a Gaussian process with covariance K⇔ xk+1 maximises the current kriging variance ρ2k(x) (x1 = centre of X )

If C(t) is decreasing, a maximin optimal design that maximises mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖ isasymptotically MES optimum for C s as s →∞ (Johnson et al., 1990)

Ô many points on (near) the boundary of X

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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

4.5/ Illustration (small d)

Who are the challengers?

A) Low Discrepancy Sequences (LDS)Xn = n first elements of a LDS (possibly restricted to X )

à there exist (pessimistic) upper bounds on ΦmM(Xn),see Mitchell (1990), Niederreiter (1992, Chap. 6)

B) Maximum Entropy Sampling (MES) (Shewry and Wynn, 1987)Take a (covariance) kernel K (x, x′) (here K (x, x′) = C(‖x− x′‖))For any design Xn, denote by Kn the matrix with elements {Kn}ij = K (xi , xj)Choose sequentially xk+1 that maximises detKn+1⇔ greedy maximisation of entropy for a Gaussian process with covariance K⇔ xk+1 maximises the current kriging variance ρ2k(x) (x1 = centre of X )

If C(t) is decreasing, a maximin optimal design that maximises mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖ isasymptotically MES optimum for C s as s →∞ (Johnson et al., 1990)

Ô many points on (near) the boundary of X

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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

4.5/ Illustration (small d)

Who are the challengers?

A) Low Discrepancy Sequences (LDS)Xn = n first elements of a LDS (possibly restricted to X )

à there exist (pessimistic) upper bounds on ΦmM(Xn),see Mitchell (1990), Niederreiter (1992, Chap. 6)

B) Maximum Entropy Sampling (MES) (Shewry and Wynn, 1987)Take a (covariance) kernel K (x, x′) (here K (x, x′) = C(‖x− x′‖))For any design Xn, denote by Kn the matrix with elements {Kn}ij = K (xi , xj)Choose sequentially xk+1 that maximises detKn+1⇔ greedy maximisation of entropy for a Gaussian process with covariance K⇔ xk+1 maximises the current kriging variance ρ2k(x) (x1 = centre of X )

If C(t) is decreasing, a maximin optimal design that maximises mini 6=j ‖xi − xj‖ isasymptotically MES optimum for C s as s →∞ (Johnson et al., 1990)

Ô many points on (near) the boundary of XLuc Pronzato (CNRS) Minimax-distance: evaluation & optimisation SAMO’2016, Dec. 2, 2016 33 / 49

4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

C) Karhunen-Loève decomposition + D-optimal design (KL-Dopt)See Fedorov (1996); Spöck and Pilz (2010)K a kernel as for MES, µ a measure on X (used for integrated MSE)Ô associated linear operator f ∈ L2(X , µ) 7→ Tµ[f ]

Tµ[f ](x) =∫

X f (y)K (x, y)dµ(y)

ä Mercer decomposition:compute eigenfunctions ϕj and eigenvalues λj (decreasing values) of Tµä keep the m largest λj , form a Bayesian linear model

Z (x) =∑m

j=1 βjϕj(x) + ε(x) = φ>(x)β + ε(x)

with E{ε(x)} = 0 and E{ε2(x)} = σ2(x) = K (x, x)−∑m

j=1 λjϕ2j (x)

ä Bayesian D-optimal design for the estimation of βÔ maximise (sequentially) det(M(Xk) + Λ−1), withΛ = diag{λj , j = 1, . . . ,m}, M(Xk) =


1σ2(xi )

φ(xi )φ>(xi )

Ô xk+1 = argmaxx∈X1

σ2(x)φ>(x)[M(Xk) + Λ−1]−1φ(x)

Easy to implement when X replaced by XQ , µ supported on XQ (uniform),see Gauthier and Pronzato (2014, 2016)

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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

C) Karhunen-Loève decomposition + D-optimal design (KL-Dopt)See Fedorov (1996); Spöck and Pilz (2010)K a kernel as for MES, µ a measure on X (used for integrated MSE)Ô associated linear operator f ∈ L2(X , µ) 7→ Tµ[f ]

Tµ[f ](x) =∫

X f (y)K (x, y)dµ(y)

ä Mercer decomposition:compute eigenfunctions ϕj and eigenvalues λj (decreasing values) of Tµä keep the m largest λj , form a Bayesian linear model

Z (x) =∑m

j=1 βjϕj(x) + ε(x) = φ>(x)β + ε(x)

with E{ε(x)} = 0 and E{ε2(x)} = σ2(x) = K (x, x)−∑m

j=1 λjϕ2j (x)

ä Bayesian D-optimal design for the estimation of βÔ maximise (sequentially) det(M(Xk) + Λ−1), withΛ = diag{λj , j = 1, . . . ,m}, M(Xk) =


1σ2(xi )

φ(xi )φ>(xi )

Ô xk+1 = argmaxx∈X1

σ2(x)φ>(x)[M(Xk) + Λ−1]−1φ(x)

Easy to implement when X replaced by XQ , µ supported on XQ (uniform),see Gauthier and Pronzato (2014, 2016)

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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

To facilitate calculations: take K = tensorised form of a uni-dimensional kernel,for instance, K (x, x′) = exp(−θ ‖x− x′‖2)Ô ϕj and λj = product of eigenfunctions ϕ`,1 and eigenvalues λ`,1

in the uni-dimensional decomposition (with degeneracy of λj ≤ d!)Ô organise the combination of ϕ`,1 and λ`,1 to keep m largest λj

Since n ≤ nmax, m = dim(β) should not be much larger than nmaxÔ Take the smallest m ≥ nmax such that λm+1 < λm

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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

To facilitate calculations: take K = tensorised form of a uni-dimensional kernel,for instance, K (x, x′) = exp(−θ ‖x− x′‖2)Ô ϕj and λj = product of eigenfunctions ϕ`,1 and eigenvalues λ`,1

in the uni-dimensional decomposition (with degeneracy of λj ≤ d!)Ô organise the combination of ϕ`,1 and λ`,1 to keep m largest λj

Since n ≤ nmax, m = dim(β) should not be much larger than nmaxÔ Take the smallest m ≥ nmax such that λm+1 < λm

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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

X = [0, 1]d , XQ = grid with Q = 33× 33 = 1089, d = 2nmin = 15, nmax = 50, q = 2 for cdf,K (x, x′) = exp(−30‖x− x′‖2) for MES and KL-Dopt

à ΦmM-efficiency of Xn as a function of n(X∗n Ô kmeans + centroids + local minimisation using Voronoï tessellation)

Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,MES —, KL-Dopt - -,cdf —

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.4







Permutations: exchange xk with xk+1when ΦmM improvesstarting from k = 1, repeat several times

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.4







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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

X = [0, 1]d , XQ = grid with Q = 33× 33 = 1089, d = 2nmin = 15, nmax = 50, q = 2 for cdf,K (x, x′) = exp(−30‖x− x′‖2) for MES and KL-Dopt

à ΦmM-efficiency of Xn as a function of n(X∗n Ô kmeans + centroids + local minimisation using Voronoï tessellation)

Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,MES —, KL-Dopt - -,cdf —

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.4







Permutations: exchange xk with xk+1when ΦmM improvesstarting from k = 1, repeat several times

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.4







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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

X = [0, 1]d , XQ = grid with Q = 33× 33 = 1089, d = 2nmin = 15, nmax = 50, q = 2 for cdf,K (x, x′) = exp(−30‖x− x′‖2) for MES and KL-Dopt

à Designs Xnmaxcdf

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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

X = [0, 1]d , XQ = grid with Q = 33× 33 = 1089, d = 2nmin = 15, nmax = 50, q = 2 for cdf,K (x, x′) = exp(−30‖x− x′‖2) for MES and KL-Dopt

à Designs Xnmaxcdf MES

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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

X = [0, 1]d , XQ = grid with Q = 33× 33 = 1089, d = 2nmin = 15, nmax = 50, q = 2 for cdf,K (x, x′) = exp(−30‖x− x′‖2) for MES and KL-Dopt

à Designs Xnmax

cdf KL-Dopt

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4) Nested designs 4.5/ Illustration (small d)

X = [0, 1]d , XQ = grid with Q = 113 = 1331, d = 3nmin = 15, nmax = 50, q = 2 for cdf,K (x, x′) = exp(−30‖x− x′‖2) for MES and KL-Dopt

à ΦmM-efficiency of Xn as a function of n(X∗n Ô kmeans + centroids + local minimisation using Voronoï tessellation)Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,MES —, KL-Dopt - -,cdf —

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.4







Permutations: exchange xk with xk+1when ΦmM improvesstarting from k = 1, repeat several times

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.4







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4) Nested designs 4.6/ d > 3

4.6/ d > 3

For large d (d > 3, say), we cannot use a regular grid XQ

If d not too large, XQ = first Q points of a LDS

When X = [0, 1]d , XQ = { some interesting points in X }, e.g.,{centre of X } ∪ {2d vertices} ∪ {some points on the boundary of X }Adaptive grid: modify XQ as k increases by a MCMC technique

1 Initialise XQ,0 with Q points well spread in X , compute x1, set k = 12 Consider all balls B(xi ,R∗k+1) as forbidden

Ô obtain XQ,k by repositioning all points of XQ,k−1 in X \ [∪ki=1B(xi ,R∗k+1)],

3 Compute xk+1, k + 1← k, return to step 2

At step 1: A few (25, say) iterations of Metropolis-Hasting (simulated-annealing) tominimise energy EQ ∝



At step 2: Each x(j) in the forbidden region ∪ki=1B(xi ,R∗k+1) is first moved to the

admissible part (substitution by a randomly selected admissible x(`) + a few steps ofrandom walk), then a few iterations of simulated annealing again to minimise energy

Q = max{d × nmax, 100} seems to be enough (for cdf, MES,KL-Dopt)

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4) Nested designs 4.6/ d > 3

4.6/ d > 3

For large d (d > 3, say), we cannot use a regular grid XQ

If d not too large, XQ = first Q points of a LDSWhen X = [0, 1]d , XQ = { some interesting points in X }, e.g.,{centre of X } ∪ {2d vertices} ∪ {some points on the boundary of X }

Adaptive grid: modify XQ as k increases by a MCMC technique1 Initialise XQ,0 with Q points well spread in X , compute x1, set k = 12 Consider all balls B(xi ,R∗k+1) as forbidden

Ô obtain XQ,k by repositioning all points of XQ,k−1 in X \ [∪ki=1B(xi ,R∗k+1)],

3 Compute xk+1, k + 1← k, return to step 2

At step 1: A few (25, say) iterations of Metropolis-Hasting (simulated-annealing) tominimise energy EQ ∝



At step 2: Each x(j) in the forbidden region ∪ki=1B(xi ,R∗k+1) is first moved to the

admissible part (substitution by a randomly selected admissible x(`) + a few steps ofrandom walk), then a few iterations of simulated annealing again to minimise energy

Q = max{d × nmax, 100} seems to be enough (for cdf, MES,KL-Dopt)

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4) Nested designs 4.6/ d > 3

4.6/ d > 3

For large d (d > 3, say), we cannot use a regular grid XQ

If d not too large, XQ = first Q points of a LDSWhen X = [0, 1]d , XQ = { some interesting points in X }, e.g.,{centre of X } ∪ {2d vertices} ∪ {some points on the boundary of X }Adaptive grid: modify XQ as k increases by a MCMC technique

1 Initialise XQ,0 with Q points well spread in X , compute x1, set k = 12 Consider all balls B(xi ,R∗k+1) as forbidden

Ô obtain XQ,k by repositioning all points of XQ,k−1 in X \ [∪ki=1B(xi ,R∗k+1)],

3 Compute xk+1, k + 1← k, return to step 2

At step 1: A few (25, say) iterations of Metropolis-Hasting (simulated-annealing) tominimise energy EQ ∝



At step 2: Each x(j) in the forbidden region ∪ki=1B(xi ,R∗k+1) is first moved to the

admissible part (substitution by a randomly selected admissible x(`) + a few steps ofrandom walk), then a few iterations of simulated annealing again to minimise energy

Q = max{d × nmax, 100} seems to be enough (for cdf, MES,KL-Dopt)

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4) Nested designs 4.6/ d > 3

4.6/ d > 3

For large d (d > 3, say), we cannot use a regular grid XQ

If d not too large, XQ = first Q points of a LDSWhen X = [0, 1]d , XQ = { some interesting points in X }, e.g.,{centre of X } ∪ {2d vertices} ∪ {some points on the boundary of X }Adaptive grid: modify XQ as k increases by a MCMC technique

1 Initialise XQ,0 with Q points well spread in X , compute x1, set k = 12 Consider all balls B(xi ,R∗k+1) as forbidden

Ô obtain XQ,k by repositioning all points of XQ,k−1 in X \ [∪ki=1B(xi ,R∗k+1)],

3 Compute xk+1, k + 1← k, return to step 2At step 1: A few (25, say) iterations of Metropolis-Hasting (simulated-annealing) tominimise energy EQ ∝



At step 2: Each x(j) in the forbidden region ∪ki=1B(xi ,R∗k+1) is first moved to the

admissible part (substitution by a randomly selected admissible x(`) + a few steps ofrandom walk), then a few iterations of simulated annealing again to minimise energy

Q = max{d × nmax, 100} seems to be enough (for cdf, MES,KL-Dopt)

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4) Nested designs 4.6/ d > 3

Adaptive grid: illustration for d = 2 (Q = 100 points)

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4) Nested designs 4.6/ d > 3

Adaptive grid: illustration for d = 2 (Q = 100 points)

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4) Nested designs 4.6/ d > 3

X = [0, 1]d , XQ = adaptive grid, Q = 100, d = 2nmin = 15, nmax = 50, q = 2 for cdf,K (x, x′) = exp(−30‖x− x′‖2) for MES and KL-Dopt

à ΦmM-efficiency of Xn as a function of n(X∗n Ô kmeans + centroids + local minimisation using Voronoï tessellation)

Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,MES —, KL-Dopt - -,cdf —

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.4







Permutations: exchange xk with xk+1when ΦmM improvesstarting from k = 1, repeat several times

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.4







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4) Nested designs 4.6/ d > 3

X = [0, 1]d , XQ = adaptive grid, Q = 100, d = 2nmin = 15, nmax = 50, q = 2 for cdf,K (x, x′) = exp(−30‖x− x′‖2) for MES and KL-Dopt

à ΦmM-efficiency of Xn as a function of n(X∗n Ô kmeans + centroids + local minimisation using Voronoï tessellation)

Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,MES —, KL-Dopt - -,cdf —

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.4







Permutations: exchange xk with xk+1when ΦmM improvesstarting from k = 1, repeat several times

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.4







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4) Nested designs 4.6/ d > 3

X = [0, 1]d , XQ = adaptive grid, Q = 1000, d = 10nmin = 30, nmax = 100, q = 2 for cdf,

à R∗n/ΦmM(Xn) as a function of n (< ΦmM-efficiency of Xn)Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,MES —, KL-Dopt - -,cdf —

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.34








Permutations: exchange xk with xk+1when ΦmM improvesstarting from k = 1, repeat several times

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.34







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4) Nested designs 4.6/ d > 3

X = [0, 1]d , XQ = adaptive grid, Q = 1000, d = 10nmin = 30, nmax = 100, q = 2 for cdf,

à R∗n/ΦmM(Xn) as a function of n (< ΦmM-efficiency of Xn)Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,MES —, KL-Dopt - -,cdf —

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.34








Permutations: exchange xk with xk+1when ΦmM improvesstarting from k = 1, repeat several times

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 1000.34







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4) Nested designs 4.7/ To be done. . .

4.7/ To be done. . .Other submodular alternatives to ΦmM :

Take XQ with Q elements, q > 0

a/ φq,a(Xn) =1Q


dq(xk ,Xn) (= facility location problem)

b/ φq,b(Xn) =1Q


( Q∑i=1‖xk − xi‖−q


φq,a and φq,b are non-increasing and supermodular, with

Q−1/q ΦmM(Xn) ≤ φ1/qq,a (Xn) ≤ ΦmM(Xn)

(nQ)−1/q ΦmM(Xn) ≤ φ1/qq,b (Xn) ≤ ΦmM(Xn)

[ongoing joint work with João Rendas (CNRS, I3S, UCA) & Céline Helbert (ÉcoleCentrale Lyon), supervision of Ph.D. thesis of Mona Abtini (ECL)Which guarantees on ΦmM-efficiency with a greedy minimisation of φq,a or φq,b?]

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4) Nested designs 4.7/ To be done. . .

4.7/ To be done. . .Other submodular alternatives to ΦmM :

Take XQ with Q elements, q > 0

a/ φq,a(Xn) =1Q


dq(xk ,Xn) (= facility location problem)

b/ φq,b(Xn) =1Q


( Q∑i=1‖xk − xi‖−q

)−1φq,a and φq,b are non-increasing and supermodular, with

Q−1/q ΦmM(Xn) ≤ φ1/qq,a (Xn) ≤ ΦmM(Xn)

(nQ)−1/q ΦmM(Xn) ≤ φ1/qq,b (Xn) ≤ ΦmM(Xn)

[ongoing joint work with João Rendas (CNRS, I3S, UCA) & Céline Helbert (ÉcoleCentrale Lyon), supervision of Ph.D. thesis of Mona Abtini (ECL)Which guarantees on ΦmM-efficiency with a greedy minimisation of φq,a or φq,b?]

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4) Nested designs 4.7/ To be done. . .

4.7/ To be done. . .Other submodular alternatives to ΦmM :

Take XQ with Q elements, q > 0

a/ φq,a(Xn) =1Q


dq(xk ,Xn) (= facility location problem)

b/ φq,b(Xn) =1Q


( Q∑i=1‖xk − xi‖−q

)−1φq,a and φq,b are non-increasing and supermodular, with

Q−1/q ΦmM(Xn) ≤ φ1/qq,a (Xn) ≤ ΦmM(Xn)

(nQ)−1/q ΦmM(Xn) ≤ φ1/qq,b (Xn) ≤ ΦmM(Xn)

[ongoing joint work with João Rendas (CNRS, I3S, UCA) & Céline Helbert (ÉcoleCentrale Lyon), supervision of Ph.D. thesis of Mona Abtini (ECL)Which guarantees on ΦmM-efficiency with a greedy minimisation of φq,a or φq,b?]

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4) Nested designs 4.7/ To be done. . .

ΦmM-efficiency of Xn as a function of n(X∗n Ô kmeans + centroids + local minimisation using Voronoï tessellation)

d = 3, X = [0, 1]3, n = 50, q = 10, Q = 113φq,a, φq,b and cdf (same as previously)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.5











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4) Nested designs 4.7/ To be done. . .

ΦmM-efficiency of Xn as a function of n(X∗n Ô kmeans + centroids + local minimisation using Voronoï tessellation)

d = 2, X = [0, 1]2, n = 50, q = 10, Q = 332φq,a, φq,b and cdf (same as previously)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.5











d = 3, X = [0, 1]3, n = 50, q = 10, Q = 113φq,a, φq,b and cdf (same as previously)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.5











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4) Nested designs 4.7/ To be done. . .

ΦmM-efficiency of Xn as a function of n(X∗n Ô kmeans + centroids + local minimisation using Voronoï tessellation)

d = 3, X = [0, 1]3, n = 50, q = 10, Q = 113φq,a, φq,b and cdf (same as previously)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500.5











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4) Nested designs 4.7/ To be done. . .

Remark: also reasonably good in terms of discrepancy (L2 centered)

d = 2Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,cdf —

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500











d = 3Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,cdf —

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500








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4) Nested designs 4.7/ To be done. . .

Remark: also reasonably good in terms of discrepancy (L2 centered)

d = 2Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,cdf —

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500











d = 3Halton LDS —, Sobol LDS - -,cdf —

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 500








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5) Conclusions

5) Conclusions

Several methods to evaluate ΦmM(Xn) (MCMC if d ≥ 5)Optimisation by a variant of Lloyd’s method (requires a fixed finite set XQ)

A greedy method (covering measure) to generate nested designs withreasonably good minimax efficiency (better than LDS)

Use an adaptive grid XQ (MCMC) if d is largeKarhunen-Loève decomposition + D-optimal design seems also promising (seeGauthier and Suykens (2016) for constructing sparse low-rank approximations)Can we consider projections on lower dimensional subspaces?Other submodular alternatives?

Fixed n: can we use MCMC with adaptive grid XQ in a Lloyd’s type method?

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5) Conclusions

5) Conclusions

Several methods to evaluate ΦmM(Xn) (MCMC if d ≥ 5)Optimisation by a variant of Lloyd’s method (requires a fixed finite set XQ)A greedy method (covering measure) to generate nested designs withreasonably good minimax efficiency (better than LDS)

Use an adaptive grid XQ (MCMC) if d is largeKarhunen-Loève decomposition + D-optimal design seems also promising (seeGauthier and Suykens (2016) for constructing sparse low-rank approximations)Can we consider projections on lower dimensional subspaces?Other submodular alternatives?

Fixed n: can we use MCMC with adaptive grid XQ in a Lloyd’s type method?

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5) Conclusions

5) Conclusions

Several methods to evaluate ΦmM(Xn) (MCMC if d ≥ 5)Optimisation by a variant of Lloyd’s method (requires a fixed finite set XQ)A greedy method (covering measure) to generate nested designs withreasonably good minimax efficiency (better than LDS)

Use an adaptive grid XQ (MCMC) if d is largeKarhunen-Loève decomposition + D-optimal design seems also promising (seeGauthier and Suykens (2016) for constructing sparse low-rank approximations)

Can we consider projections on lower dimensional subspaces?Other submodular alternatives?

Fixed n: can we use MCMC with adaptive grid XQ in a Lloyd’s type method?

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5) Conclusions

5) Conclusions

Several methods to evaluate ΦmM(Xn) (MCMC if d ≥ 5)Optimisation by a variant of Lloyd’s method (requires a fixed finite set XQ)A greedy method (covering measure) to generate nested designs withreasonably good minimax efficiency (better than LDS)

Use an adaptive grid XQ (MCMC) if d is largeKarhunen-Loève decomposition + D-optimal design seems also promising (seeGauthier and Suykens (2016) for constructing sparse low-rank approximations)Can we consider projections on lower dimensional subspaces?

Other submodular alternatives?

Fixed n: can we use MCMC with adaptive grid XQ in a Lloyd’s type method?

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5) Conclusions

5) Conclusions

Several methods to evaluate ΦmM(Xn) (MCMC if d ≥ 5)Optimisation by a variant of Lloyd’s method (requires a fixed finite set XQ)A greedy method (covering measure) to generate nested designs withreasonably good minimax efficiency (better than LDS)

Use an adaptive grid XQ (MCMC) if d is largeKarhunen-Loève decomposition + D-optimal design seems also promising (seeGauthier and Suykens (2016) for constructing sparse low-rank approximations)Can we consider projections on lower dimensional subspaces?Other submodular alternatives?

Fixed n: can we use MCMC with adaptive grid XQ in a Lloyd’s type method?

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5) Conclusions

5) Conclusions

Several methods to evaluate ΦmM(Xn) (MCMC if d ≥ 5)Optimisation by a variant of Lloyd’s method (requires a fixed finite set XQ)A greedy method (covering measure) to generate nested designs withreasonably good minimax efficiency (better than LDS)

Use an adaptive grid XQ (MCMC) if d is largeKarhunen-Loève decomposition + D-optimal design seems also promising (seeGauthier and Suykens (2016) for constructing sparse low-rank approximations)Can we consider projections on lower dimensional subspaces?Other submodular alternatives?

Fixed n: can we use MCMC with adaptive grid XQ in a Lloyd’s type method?

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