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Ministry of Transport Republic of Latvia Mobility plan for Riga and Pieriga Inception Report No. SM 2009/07/FM-KF-TP/01/02-01 SIA Witteveen+Bos Latvia Tornu iela 4, III C, office no. 203 Riga, LV-1050 Latvia Ph: +371 7 223 144 Fax: +371 7 223 830 www.witteveenbos.com
Page 1: Ministry of Transport Republic of Latvia Mobility plan for Riga … · 2010-02-24 · Ministry of Transport Republic of Latvia Mobility plan for Riga and Pieriga Inception Report

Ministry of Transport

Republic of Latvia

Mobility plan for Riga and Pieriga

Inception Report

No. SM 2009/07/FM-KF-TP/01/02-01

SIA Witteveen+Bos Latvia

Tornu iela 4, III C, office no. 203

Riga, LV-1050


Ph: +371 7 223 144

Fax: +371 7 223 830


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Ministry of Transport

Republic of Latvia

Mobility plan for Riga and Pieriga

Inception Report No. SM 2009/07/FM-KF-TP/01/02-01

reference project code status

LET106-1-1 draft 01

project manager project director date

D.K. Tensen MSc C.M. Sluis MSc September 18, 2009

authorisation name initials

approved H.A.A.M. Webers

© SIA Witteveen+Bos Latvia

SIA Witteveen+Bos Latvia

Tornu iela 4, III C, office no. 203

Riga, LV-1050


Ph: +371 7 223 144

Fax: +371 7 223 830


No part of this publication may be reproduced or published by means of printing, photocopy-ing, microfilming or by any other means, without the prior permission of SIA Witteveen+Bos Latvia, nor without such permission, may it be used for any other purpose than that for which it was produced.

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Glossary of terms EC = European Commission EU = European Union NMT = Non Motorised Transport ITS = Intelligent Transport Systems CBA = Cost/Benefit Analysis GDP = Gross Domestic Product LoS = Level of Service MCA = Multi Criteria Analysis NTC = Northern Transport Corridor RPMP = Mobility and Action Program for Riga and Pieriga SEIA = Strategic Environmental Impact Analysis SWOT = Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats ToR = Terms of Reference UITP = International Union for Public transport P&R = Park and Ride PR = Public Relations OD = Origin / Destination RCC = Riga City Council RRC = Riga Regional Council TMS = Transport Management Systems VMS = Variable Message Signs PIS = Passenger Information System PT = Public Transport

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1. Project summary 2 Background and objectives of the Mobility plan 2 Project organisation 3 Meetings 3 Reports 3 Workshops 3 Field visits 4 Project planning 5

2. Context and approach 6 2.1 Project background 6

2.2 Overview of and vision on the project 7 Environmental approach 8 Economical approach 10 Social approach 11 Modelling approach 11 Comparative analysis 13

3. Work plan 14 3.1 Task I: Description / analyses current situation 17

3.2 Task II: Vision and sub-objectives 17 3.3 Task III: Traffic modelling 18 3.4 Task IV: Development of transport system variants 19 3.5 Task V: Development of recommended transport system variants 26 3.6 Task VI: Development of the action program 33 3.7 Adjustment of the work plan 33

4 Project organisation 34 4.1 Members of the project organisation on behalf of the consultant team 34 Project director 34 Consultant team 34 Local consultants 34 Consultant team meetings 34 4.2 Contacts with the Client 34 Start meeting 34 Working group 35 Steering committee 35 Progress reports 35 Workshops 35 4.3 First results during the Inception phase 35 Roundtrip 36 Meetings with policy makers, managers and experts 36

5 Planning 38

6. Quality and risk management 40

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1. Project summary

Background and objectives of the Mobility Plan

Riga and Pieriga face several main problems related to traffic and transport infrastructure, amongst others: - lack of unified planning and management of public transport, road and rail networks; - lack of capacity of the bypasses of the city of Riga, lack of bridges between the two banks of

the Daugava river and a fragmented street network resulting in traffic flow congestion; - one of the highest number of road accidents in Europe; - inefficient transportation businesses; - lack of pedestrian, cycle and segregated public transport facilities; - weaknesses in the organisational and legal framework regarding integrated transport systems

and promotion of sustainable mobility; - high levels of air pollution. As a basis for the policies of the Ministry of Transport and local governmental bodies a large number of policy documents and studies have been produced in the past few years, focusing on improvement of the traffic and transport situation. The policy documents have different scopes, purposes and time scales and there is no hierarchic structure. This leads to some incoherencies in the recommendations, and an overall framework in which all existing plans for construction and improvement of traffic and transport infrastructure are evaluated and prioritized, has not yet been developed. The Development of Mobility and Action Program for Riga and Pieriga (RPMP) is meant to fill this gap and to give answers for the traffic and transport problems which the Ministry of Transport is facing, contributing to spatial, ecological, economical, social and institutional optimization. The RPMP has the following objective: ‘To determine necessary actions in order to promote unified traffic infrastructure development in Riga and Pieriga, thus improving accessibility of the territory’. The objective will be achieved by conducting a work plan consisting of six main tasks as de-scribed in the Terms of Reference (ToR): - Task I: Description/analysis current situation - Task II: Vision and sub-objectives - Task III: Traffic modelling - Task IV: Development of transport system variants - Task V: Development of recommended transport system variant - Task VI: Development of the action program The main tasks consist of a large number of sub-tasks that provide a complete overview of the work that has to be performed within the assignment. In task I the current situation will be inventoried. This will give a detailed description of the prob-lems acknowledged. In the ToR it is stated that the Mobility Plan must be developed in the eco-nomical, ecological, social and institutional dimension. For these dimensions sub-objectives will be formulated in Task II. Task III concerns the development of an instrument that is fit for multi-modal analysis of transport system configurations. This instrument will be one of the tools used to develop and assess different system variants The different alternative variants need to be assessed in relation to the reference situation. For this we propose to use a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of the different variants, containing all crite-

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ria that can easily be monetised. If the CBA cannot take into account all factors, a multi criteria analysis (MCA) will be applied in which the outcome of the CBA is one of the factors that will be taken into account. On the basis of the outcomes of the CBA and/or MCA the choice for the pre-ferred variant will be made. The preferred variant will be further defined, along with an action pro-gram in task VI.

Project organisation

The project organisation from the part of the consultants’ team consists of the following members: - Project director who is responsible for the organisation and planning of the project; - Consultants’ team leader, who is responsible for the contents of the project and for co-ordination of the work of the experts; - Local co-ordinator, who is responsible for contacts with the Client; - Key experts who are each responsible for specific parts of the mobility plan study; - Local consultants who are specialists on the fields of transport policy, transport data, legal and institutional framework, and environment; they support the consultant team with their knowledge of the existing situation and earlier studies. The whole project organisation is supported by the branch office of Witteveen+Bos in Riga. Meetings

The following meetings have been planned on a periodic basis for various purposes: control of the progress, planning for the coming period, exchange of information, harmonisation of method-ologies, etc. Core team meetings: the “core team” of the consultants meets every two weeks. Consultant team meetings: gatherings with all project members are organised on a monthly basis. Start meeting: the official Start Meeting has been held on September 8 2009 at the office of the Ministry of Transport in Riga. Working Group meetings: the Working Group consists of representatives of the Ministry of Trans-port, the Riga City Council, the Riga Regional Council, and transport companies. The Working Group controls the progress and results of the Mobility Plan study. The Working Group meets shortly after the submission of each of the Interim reports, Inception report and Final report. Steering Committee meetings: these meetings will be organised every four months. The Steering Committee will take all important decisions regarding the Mobility Plan study. Reports

The following deliverables will be provided by the consultant team: Inception report: the report at hand, concerning the way to conduct the study. Progress reports: these reports consist of a short summary of the progress of the project over the past month; they will be sent to the Project Manager of the Ministry of Transport and will be pre-sented during the Working Group meeting Interim reports: four Interim reports will be provided, in which the results of the study up to that moment are described and explained. Final reports: the Draft Final and the Final report. These reports are based on the earlier Interim reports and describe and explain the total process of the Mobility Plan, including the basic data, the methodology of analysis and evaluation, the results and the conclusions and recommenda-tions. Workshops

During the project two workshops are organised in which the consultant team meets up with the stakeholders for the Riga and Pieriga mobility plan to discuss important aspects of the project. 1st. Workshop: in the middle of Task IV, after completion of the draft first Interim report. In this workshop the consultant team presents the approach for the development of the mobility plan and

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action program as well as the vision and objectives. The approach, vision and objectives are dis-cussed with the stakeholders and will be adjusted if necessary after the workshop. 2nd. Workshop: after the completion of the draft second Interim report. In this workshop transport system options will be identified that can be the building blocks of the alternative plans. For this workshop it might be beneficial to invite stakeholders outside the steering committee as well. They can come up with valuable ideas and their acceptance might be imperative for the success of policy implementation. Inviting third parties will be done subject to agreement with the Cus-tomer and following a stakeholders’ analysis. Presentation: this 3rd meeting will focus on presentation of the Draft Final report of the project, and is not really a workshop in formal sense. The output of this meeting will be used in revising of the Draft Final report and preparation of the Final report. Field visits

In the week in which the Start meeting (September 8) was held, field visits were organised by the key experts and the local consultants who were present in Riga. The field visits consisted of a roundtrip and many talks with policy makers, managers and experts of the Ministry of Transport, the Riga City Council, the Riga Planning Region and transport companies..

During a roundtrip through Riga and Pieriga by private bus, by public transport trolleybus and tram, and by foot, the key experts and the local experts had a view on several locations of the traffic and transport infrastructure where traffic bottlenecks exist, or where proposed investments are foreseen, or where current constructions are being carried out. The meetings have been planned on a short term basis in the week that the Start meeting was held. The meetings were meant to discuss the existing situation of traffic and transport with re-gard to the different responsibilities of the stakeholders and to collect data for Task I of the Mobil-ity Plan study, being the description and analysis of the current situation. The table below shows the institutions/companies that have been visited. In the coming weeks some more visits will be scheduled, e.g. with municipalities around Riga. Overview of institutions that have been visited from 9 to 11 September 2009.

Institution Department Information

Ministry of Transport Advisor to the Minister Spatial planning and transport

Ministry of Transport State Roads LSR near Riga

Ministry of Transport Land Transport Dept. Institutional setting MoT and municipalities

Ministry of Regional Develop-

ment & Local Government

Spatial Planning Dept. Institutional setting MoT and municipalities

Central Statistical Bureau CSB Transport and Tourism Transport statistics

Riga City Council Rigas Geometrs EMME 2 model; traffic data; GIS maps, traffic

data, socio-economic data, survey; 2004 Riga

model and 2007 model; zoning, etc.

Riga City Council Traffic Department

Institutional + organisation of public transport;

marketing; regional and minibuses; traffic; statisti-

cal data; ITS, road infrastructure, traffic policy

Riga City Council Project Management and

Development Unit of City

Development Department

Northern Transport Corridor

Riga Planning Region Spatial planning department Institutional process and development plans

PV passenger railways general manager Institutional setting

LDZ Latvian railways general manager

project leader

Rail freight developments + traffic data

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LDZ Latvian railways Head passenger dept

internal audit dept

financial dept.

Rail passengers network and traffic data

Rigas Satiksme public trans-

port company

exploitation manager Data on traffic, network, operations, financial per-


Port Authority CEO Transport policy

A few other institutions and departments will be visited in a later stage, among which the City De-velopment Department of Riga City Council, which is responsible for developments of urban transport policy in Riga, and the Riga Airport Authority. Project planning

The planning for the project is based on the timetable which is provided in the tender documents. The table below presents a planning schedule for the tasks as well as the reports and the work-shops and meetings starting from the beginning of the project. It has been agreed with the Client that only the Final report has to be provided in English and Lat-vian language; the other reports will be provided in English language. In case of any differences in contents between the English and Latvian reports due to translation, the English version is re-garded as the basic version. Tasks and reports schedule

Tasks Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.

Project start up

I: analysis of current situation

II: vision and sub- objectives

III: traffic modelling

IV: development of Variants

V: elaboration of pre- ferred variant

VI: development of ac- tion program

Reports, meetings,

workshops Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep.

Start meeting S

Inception report IR

1st interim report R

2nd interim report R

3rd interim report R

4th interim report R

Final report draft DR

Final report FR

Workshops/presentation W W P

S = start meeting, IR = Inception report, R = Interim report, DR = Draft final report,

FR = Final report, W = workshop, P = presentation of Draft Final report

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On the basis of the reporting schedule as presented in the ToR the following preliminary dates have been planned by the consultant team: - Inception report: 22 September 2009 - First Interim report: 27 October 2009 - Second Interim report: 22 December 2009 - First Workshop: 14 January 2010 - Third Interim report: 9 February 2010 - Fourth Interim report: 20 April 2010 - Draft Final report: 29 June 2010 - Final report: 7 September 2010.

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2. Context and approach

2.1 Project background

Riga and Pieriga

The Riga and Pieriga area as defined in the work task approximately corresponds to the Riga ag-glomeration territory as defined in the Comprehensive plan of Riga City 2006 – 2018 with a size of 6,984 km² and a total of 1,069.7 thousand inhabitants. This population is 47 % of the whole population of Latvia and 67 % of this population inhabits the city of Riga. Figure 2.1 gives an overview of Latvia and the Riga and Pieriga territory. Riga is the capital city of Latvia and the largest city of the Baltic states. Riga has a major seaport and an international airport and is a junction point of several significant transport arteries (Euro-pean transport corridor – motorway E77, ‘Via Baltica’ – motorway E67, motorway E22, and the ‘Rail Baltica’ railway line (to be constructed)). The city of Riga is divided by the river Daugava with only few connections between the two banks. In the Pieriga territory a radial road and railway network has historically developed. Riga can be accessed from seven main roads and bypassing is possible through the roads A4 and A5. There are six railway lines connected to Riga. Figure 2.2 gives an overview of the city of Riga and the main road infrastructure. Figure 2.1. Territory of the Riga City and Pieriga

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Figure 2.2 The city of Riga

2.2 Overview of and vision on the project

The Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia is planning to improve the traffic and transport system in the Riga and Pieriga territory. The background of this plan is the increasing traffic den-sity which causes problems with regard to traffic congestion, environmental burden and traffic ac-cidents. The Comprehensive Plan of Riga City 2006-2018 describes and quantifies these problems and mentions the following main causes of the problems: - lack of a hierarchical system of streets and roads for different needs of traffic and transport; - lack of an integrated network of main roads and arterials; - limited capacity of streets entering the city centre; - lack of a parking regime; - lack of sufficient and safe facilities for cyclists and pedestrians; - insufficient network, efficiency and quality of urban public transport and railways. The Terms of Reference of the Mobility Plan also mention the following shortcomings: - lack of a unified planning and management of networks and transport systems of road, rail,

and public transport;

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- weak organisational and legal framework; - lack of capacity of bypasses of Riga city; lack of capacity of bridges over the Daugava river; - insufficient facilities such as free lanes for pedestrians, bicycles and public transport. The Development of the RPMP is meant to give answers for the traffic and transport problems which the Ministry of Transport is facing, contributing to spatial, ecological, economical and social optimization. Also, the plan should provide a framework for all different policies and plans envis-aged, In our vision the work assignment focuses on the following main objectives: - creation of a synthesis of the present policy documents and studies by developing an overall

plan for traffic infrastructure; - development of a few alternatives for investments in traffic infrastructure that best solve the

present traffic and transport problems, and compare these with the present state of traffic in-frastructure;

- selection of the recommended alternative on the basis of comparative analysis; - development of an action program of implementation of the recommended alternative on the

basis of prioritisation of the investments within the available financial resources; - embedding the process in the institutional, administrative and societal context. These main objectives are achieved by conducting six main tasks, as described in the ToR. The main tasks consist of a large number of sub-tasks, that provide a complete overview of the work that has to be performed within the assignment. The ToR are described in such detail and clear-ness that the consultant team did not find any gaps or inconsistencies in the tasks and the sub-tasks. However, in the opinion of the consultant team there are some sub-tasks that might be bet-ter performed earlier or later in the process than suggested in the ToR. This can be agreed upon after starting the assignment during the inception phase. In section 3 the consultant team has specified how every task and sub-task of the ToR will be car-ried out, in which a distinction is made between the methodology that will be applied and the out-put that will be produced. It is important to stress here that we have assumed that all necessary data and documents are readily available. In the ToR it is stated that the Mobility Plan must be developed in the economical, ecological, so-cial and institutional dimension. For these dimensions sub-objectives need to be formulated. The remaining part of this section discusses our approach regarding most of these dimensions. Also highlighted here are our modelling approach and the approach for comparative analysis. In sec-tion 4 we will elaborate on our approach regarding co-operation, communication and organiza-tion. We have not described an approach here related to the interdependence between spatial planning and infrastructure planning, since in the work tasks it is already clearly stated that these two planning disciplines must be tuned to one another.

Environmental approach

The development of infrastructure inevitably will have its environmental impacts. Furthermore, dif-ferent alternatives will have different environmental impacts, both on a local and on a regional scale. Inclusion of environmental issues in the decision making is an important step towards sus-tainable development of infrastructure. The ToR acknowledge this and have incorporated environmental analyses in various work tasks, e.g.: - task II, sub-task 2: Formulation of sub-objectives;

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- task IV, sub-task 3.1: To carry out ex ante evaluation for the greenhouse effect and air pollu-tion associated with the restructuring measures of the proposed transport system (emissions of greenhouse gases, NOx and benzyl);

- task IV, sub-task 3.2: to ensure the necessary air quality, air pollution aspects during the planning of the transport restructuring program;

- task IV, sub-task 11: To carry out comparative analysis for all alternatives, taking into consid-eration expanses and the main socio-economic parameters, including improvement of the en-vironment due to decreased traffic flow;

- task V, sub-task 3: Evaluation of the impact on the environment, and identification of neces-sary measures for the improvement of the ecological situation.

In order to properly and transparently address the environmental aspects within the framework of the project, an environmental report will be prepared. Being on one hand stand-alone, clear refer-ences to the identified Tasks and sub-tasks from the overall project approach will be given. The report will also be used as input for a cost-benefit analysis (CBA), see our approach on compara-tive analysis. Given the fact that the project focuses on strategic development of mobility, it is proposed to elaborate the environmental aspects in the form of a Strategic Environmental Impact Analysis (SEIA). The SEIA will provide the competent authority with sufficient information at a strategic level to assess the implications of the draft alternative infrastructure plans with regard to the envi-ronment. The SEIA will deliver the following: - development of the mobility plan and action program while using information about the envi-

ronmental impacts at a strategic level; - assessment of the potential significant environmental effects of the proposed plan and the

specified alternative plans; - assessment of the opportunities to promote / enhance environmental conditions; - recommendations for mitigating or complementary measures and/or alternative plan options

to ensure compliance with (European, national, regional, local) environmental policy.

Economical approach

In the ToR in task IV, sub-task 11 it is also stated that a comparative analysis on travel times needs to be conducted. In this assignment we see travel time as the main economic indicator. The travel times will be derived from transport model results and a distinction will be made be-tween ‘old’ and ‘new’ travellers, also distinguishing between passenger and goods traffic. On Ori-gin-Destination level travel time gains will be calculated by comparing the alternative plan with the reference situation. For new travellers the travel time gains will be divided by two (the rule of half). Next, the travel time gains will be multiplied by a purpose-specific value of time and vehicle occu-pancy and annual gains will be derived. The values of time just as the method to be applied will preferably be taken from Latvian experience and agreed upon by the Working Group. For this purpose the values that were found out when preparing the Riga Northern Transport Corridor will be taken into account. Besides travel time gains we will also take distance benefits into account. There are also other economic related transport indicators that can be used for monetization, like travel time reliability and punctuality. However, we prefer to incorporate them only in a qualitative way. For public transport we will calculate revenues and operating costs as direct economic parameters. Next to the direct economic parameters, we propose to monetize also other indicators where possible. The whole assessment approach can therefore be seen as an economical approach.

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We will not make use of an economic model to calculate effects on employment and economic structure; the reason is that the outcomes are expected to be too arbitrary for this study because of the relatively small annual impacts of the investments on the total economy and because of several contradictive effects that cannot easily be quantified. Social approach

In the ToR infrastructure development with priority to pedestrians, bicyclists and public transport flow is stated as one of the basic principles. Apart from improving traffic safety, the implementa-tion of this principle leads to modal shift or a more limited growth of private car use and therefore to more sustainable mobility from an ecological, economical as well as a social viewpoint. With this aim in mind we think it is relevant to also address the social issue. Moreover, policy objec-tives regarding the social environment are part of task II in the ToR and will already be in force (e.g. in the Riga development program). Therefore, the societal breakdown effects of the pro-posed plan and the alternative plans will be accessed, although in a qualitative way. The topic can also be operationalised in criteria for constructing the alternatives. In consultation with the Working Group it will be assessed whether and how the social effects will be formally stated. Modelling approach

The development of the RPMP will be supported by the expansion and application of a model for passenger and freight transport. The results of the modelling exercise will be input for the as-sessment of different policy options. Riga City Council currently uses a EMME/2-EMME/3 model. The consultant team will use the modelling software Cube for the modelling task. The EMME model will be converted to Cube and expanded and updated to a multimodal model in Cube. We have chosen for the use of Cube to guarantee good quality modelling, since our experts are trained in Cube. The expanded and updated model will be converted back to EMME/3 by the traf-fic modelling experts for future use by the Riga City Council and the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Latvia. Transport models are needed to support the assessment of different policy options and selection of the policy option that best meets traffic demand. For the purpose of this project the existing model for passenger and freight transport will be further developed and applied. To meet this purpose a sequence of steps is needed (for both passenger and freight transport). These steps are: - data collection (zoning system, networks, socio-economic data, traffic counts, surveys) for a

base and future year; - data handling (analysis of the data and preparation of the data); - estimation of Origin-Destination matrices for a base year; - build a forecast model; - apply the forecast model; - analyse the forecast results. The data collection phase concerns both base and future years. The base year data concerns observed material like traffic counts by mode, socio-economic data (e.g. inhabitants, employment and GDP) and networks by mode. For the future years background scenario’s and policy scenar-ios need to be built (if not available). The background scenario concerns the socio-economic situation in the future (no of inhabitants, employment, etc). The policy scenarios deal with changes in the networks and supporting transport policy like for example road pricing. After the data collection phase, the data will be checked and reformatted for modelling purposes. The checks will be made against for example maps (for the networks) and statistics (for socio-

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economic data). The plausibility will be discussed with the Client. After approval the data will be reformatted in such a way that it can be used in the base matrix estimation phase. The base matrix estimation phase starts with building an prior base matrix from the surveys and the socio-economic data. From the surveys and socio-economic data productions and attractions per zone are estimated, as well as the trip distribution per origin-destination. With the prior matrix, the production and attraction, and traffic counts, a base matrix will be estimated in such a way that the targets (counts) will be met in the best possible way. For the forecasts a production/attraction model, a distribution model and a mode split model will be rebuilt. The parameters of these models are derived from earlier studies, surveys and litera-ture. Together these models will provide a sound base for making the forecasts. When the mod-els have been constructed and proofed, they will be applied together with the background sce-nario and the policy scenario. The results will be analyzed and checked on plausibility. They form an input for the assessment of the different policy measures. Finally, the models and the results will be described in a comprehensive report. It should be mentioned that freight transport requires additional data collection. For passenger transport it is to be noted that this takes place to a large extent within the urban area. For freight this is different. Besides the short distance freight movements for the retail sector, which take place within the urban area, there is also a part of the freight transport that is related to port activ-ity. The transport to and from the hinterland in relation with the port area will make use of the same infrastructures as the freight and passenger transport within the urban area. In general this is valid for ports that are situated near urban areas. Many large ports in Europe, among which Rot-terdam, have problems with the capacity of the infrastructures for accommodating the hinterland transport. This implies the need to collect information concerning international maritime transport (and its development) and the way in which this is transported to the hinterland. The different alternatives for the access and egress transport have to be evaluated in order to re-duce the burden on the urban transport system. For alternatives (such as: terminals for road freight handling in the hinterland, developing intermodal solutions, solutions with logistics and warehousing) it is important to know the developments of different commodities. Notably solutions for container transport and bulk transport in finding alternatives to relieve the urban transport system and the urban environment are quite different. Although causing a nega-tive impact on the urban environment it has to be acknowledged that ports are also a source of economic activity and that users of ports require a certain quality of the hinterland transport. Con-tinuous capacity problems on networks for accommodating hinterland transport are not viable from the perspective of port development. The ToR recognizes that modelling is an essential part of the planning process and will play an important role in defining alternatives and solutions to problems encountered now and in the fu-ture. At the same time transport models are not very transparent, slow in processing and difficult to maintain. While updating and extending the existing model we will strive for making transparent adjustments and more user-friendliness, writing all the changes down in a technical report. Also, we will make a model maintenance plan to encourage future use and updating.

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Comparative analysis

The different alternative plans need to be assessed in relation to the reference situation. For this we propose to use a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of the different variants, containing all criteria that can easily be monetized. The costs include the annual capital costs and costs of financing, maintenance costs and operational costs of the investments. The benefits include the time bene-fits for traffic and transport, and other benefits from increased quality of infrastructure, distance benefits from new infrastructure, benefits of increased traffic safety, environment, economy, so-cial conditions and institutional situation. See the description of task II 2 for more information on the items proposed. It is possible that the CBA cannot take into account all factors, especially factors that cannot (eas-ily) be quantified. It is also possible that the Client wants to see certain factors being of more im-portance for the choice of the preferred variant than other factors. In these cases a multi criteria analysis (MCA) can be applied in which the outcome of the CBA is one of the factors that will be taken into account. In the MCA each of the different criteria is weighed in accordance with its rela-tive importance that is attributed by the evaluation team. The presentation of the outcomes of the cost/benefit analysis (CBA) of each of the variants will provide important information for choosing and/or constructing the preferred variant.

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3. Work plan

This section gives per task an overview of all sub-tasks, the responsible expert, the approach, the methodology and the output. The final part of this section gives an overview of the workload for each expertise. A document and report schedule is included in chapter 5. The responsible experts are indicated with the following numbers: 1. team manager - Dick Tensen

assistant team manager - Sebastian Tutert 2. local co-ordinator - Oskars Zivtins 3. city public transport specialist - Ed van Koppen 4. inter city public transport specialist - Eric Holtrop 5. transport engineer - Erik Jongenotter 6. traffic modelling expert team - Jan Kiel; Arnaud Burgess 7. parking policy specialist - Martijn Akkerman 8. ITS/PIS expert - ITS/PIS expert 9. transport economist - Albert Burgers 10. financial expert - Dick Tensen 11. legal expert - Adriaan Roest Crollius 12. environmental expert - André van Kuijk 13. marketing expert - Reinoud Dirksen 3.1 Task I: Description/analysis current situation

Task expert Approach Methodology Output

I 1.1 2 evaluation of current

road network

gathering main statistical data on supply

side (road type, width, length, facilities),

state of maintenance and development

projects and making a SWOT analysis.

A traffic safety analysis, as asked for in

the description of task I, is added to this


review and maps of cur-

rent road network includ-

ing new developments,

SWOT analysis and black

spots analysis

I 1.2 7 analysis of public

parking places incl.

exploitation and

parking fees

1. Analysis of on-street parking capacity

and capacity in parking garages. Avail-

able data will be used to estimate the

parking capacity. The level of occupation

will be estimated by use of previous

parking surveys (if available) as well as

a site visit in different zones e.g. Riga-

centre, district 1, district 2 etc.

2. analysis of exploitation statistics over

the last three to five years of Riga’s pub-

lic parking services. Analysis includes

annual costs of parking meters, tickets,

parking garages, personnel, etc. Also

revenues from parking fees and parking

fines (if part of the parking exploitation)

will be analysed.

3. analysis of parking fees in Riga com-

pared to some other major cities in

Europe. In case of different fees at dif-

ferent days or hours, the according pol-

icy is analysed.

1. maps of estimated

parking capacity and level

of occupation;

2. exploitation statistics of

current parking places;

3. analysis of Riga parking

policy regarding parking

fees including a bench-

mark with other major cit-

ies in Europe.

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I 1.3 5 evaluation of LOS of

junctions and access

points during peak


gathering data on traffic flows by direc-

tion, signalling and geometric capacity

and using standard software for analysis

of signalised and non-signalised junc-

tions. At junctions with high saturation

calculations will be made on reserve ca-

pacity. For analysis of freeway ramps

and weaving areas rules of thumb will be


maps of current road net-

work showing critical

points and the LOS, fact

sheets on critical junc-


I 1.4 10 analysis of capital in-


1. collecting investment amounts on the

basis of existing studies, informal infor-

mation and policy documents and/or av-

erage construction cost indicators;

2. making an inventory of available fi-

nancial sources and possible amounts

for financing of the proposed invest-


global comparison of the

required financial means

and the available finances

for the traffic infrastructure

investments as proposed

in the different policy


I 1.5 5 development of pe-

destrian roads and


mapping the non-motorised transport

(NMT) routes and infrastructure together

with major locations and interchanges

(strategic outline method) and evaluating

on specific NMT criteria, including de-

sign and maintenance characteristics

review and maps of cur-

rent network of NMT facili-

ties including new devel-


I 2.1 3 evaluation of public

transport organisa-

tion in Riga and


evaluation of legal and governmental

environment, legal and functional rela-

tions between the authority and the op-

erators, ownership of companies, finan-

cial flows in public transport sector, and

cost and compensation structure. Main

sources are interviews and existing pol-

icy documents, organograms, etc.

review of public transport

organisation in it’s legal,

administrative and finan-

cial context, also related

to EU-legislation.

I 2.2 3 evaluation of public

transport service

providers (from a

demand point of


evaluation of the public transport net-

work in relation to the geographic, eco-

nomical and social structure of Riga and

Pieriga. Besides an overall SWOT

analysis and a connectivity analysis a

detailed analysis of the level of service,

and the quality of the public transport

services including the information pro-

vided, will be conducted. Main sources

are maps, statistical data (passenger

surveys), timetables and interviews.

review of the functioning

and structure of public

transport in the area, in-

cluding SWOT, and a re-

view of task division be-

tween public and private


I 2.3 3 evaluation of per-

formance of Riga

Council Ltd ‘Rigas

Satiksme’ public

transport company

analysis of the operational and financial

performance of the company: cost and

revenue level, cost coverage degree,

productivity and efficiency indicators,

seat utilisation, investments and financ-

ing, etc. Main sources are the annual

accounts and other available data of the

company and interviews with responsi-

ble managers of the public transport au-

thority and the company and other

review of the operational

and financial performance

of the company including

a benchmark with other

cities and EU / UITP-


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I 2.4/2.5 3 evaluation of private

(mini)bus companies

analysing of the operational and finan-

cial performance and quality level of the

companies on the basis of interviews

and analysing of available data from the

companies and from the authorities

review of the operational

and financial performance

of the companies.

I 2.6 4 evaluation of the

railway network

analysing of all main network character-

istics, technical condition, utilisation, ca-

pacity bottlenecks and review of devel-

opment projects. Main sources are: an-

nual accounts of the railway operator

and the rail infrastructure manager, sta-

tistical data, timetables and interviews

review of the railway net-

works and the relevant


I 2.7 4 evaluation of the

railway passenger


analysis of the operational and financial

performance of railway passenger traffic:

cost and revenue level, cost coverage

degree, productivity and efficiency indi-

cators, seat utilisation, investments and

financing, etc. Main sources are the an-

nual accounts and other available data

of the railway company and interviews

with responsible managers of the author-

ity and the company and other stake-


review of the operational

and financial performance

of the railway sector

I 2.8 9 analysis of organisa-

tion of freight trans-

port routes

analysing the most important freight

transport routes (in Riga, in Pieriga,

transit) and inter-modal logistic points

from existing planning and policy docu-

ments, maps and statistics.

review and maps of main

freight transport routes,

including the related prob-


I 2.9 9 analysis of existing

and planned devel-

opment of the Riga

port and airport

assessing the current development of

Riga port and airport (e.g. terminal ca-

pacities, passenger/freight flows) and

the planned development from existing

planning and policy documents.

review of the current and

planned development of

Riga port and international

airport Riga

I 3 6 evaluation of private

car pool dynamics

and forecast

gathering information on the develop-

ment of the private car pool from the

year 1990; analysis of the past devel-

opment and forecast of future develop-

ment of the car pool; comparison with

other EU countries. Main sources are

existing planning documents and stud-

ies, data from other EU countries (e.g.

from the CIVITAS programme).

review and graphs of the

development of the private

car pool in Riga and

Pieriga since 1990,

benchmarking with other

EU countries

I 4 6 evaluation of existing

passenger volumes

by mode of transport

calculating (dynamics in) modal split,

time and space, dependent on the basis

of statistical data on passenger volumes,

seat utilisation, and development of

these volumes per mode of transport.

Also, an analysis of the impact on the

environment, as asked for in the descrip-

tion of task I, will be added.

description and graphs of

the transport volumes and

the development per

mode of transport in Riga

and Pieriga, plus a de-

scription on environmental


I 5 11 institutional and legal inventory of institutional and legal com- description and evaluation

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assessment of con-

trol resources

petences, tasks, responsibilities and

procedures regarding traffic flow and

public transport control in the Ministry of

Transport and in the municipalities of the

Riga and Pieriga territory.

of the efficiency of the le-

gal and institutional

framework regarding traf-

fic flows and public trans-

port with a view to the

quality of decision making

and the available re-

sources of the responsible


The descriptions, reviews, maps and graphs will be combined as part of the first interim report. 3.2 Task II: vision and sub-objectives

task II 1 expert: 1 approach: Approve/ amend existing guidelines for traffic infrastruc-ture development

methodology output

This part of the study will be carried out in the following steps:

a. Review of policy documents and studies.

All planning documents of national, regional and local importance

concerning the Riga and Pieriga territory, will be critically reviewed on

the basis of the outcome of Task I and the latest forecasts and devel-

opments envisaged. In this review the following criteria will be taken

into account:

- relation between the documents with regard to the planned traffic in-

frastructure development;

- methodology of studies that have been the basis for these docu-

ments, for example regarding collection of basic data, traffic model-

ling, results and conclusions;

- efficiency of the recommendations for traffic investments with a view

to the policy objectives, developments and the expected results of the


- the strategic perspective of the review will be up to 20 to 30 years.

b. Discussion of the tentative conclusions of step a. with policy mak-

ers, experts and other stakeholders.

c. Preparation of approvals or amendments of existing guidelines for

traffic infrastructure development, as agreed by the Customer.

Detailed description of proposed amend-

ments of the existing plans for traffic in-

vestments. The amendments may contain

adjustments as well as cancellations of

planned investments and proposals for

new investments.

task II 2 expert: 1 approach: Formulation of sub-objectives methodology output

In the different policy documents the objectives of proposed traffic in-

frastructure investments are indicated in terms of decrease of traffic

congestion, decrease of environmental burden, EU transport policy

requirements, increase of traffic safety, etc. The proposed invest-

ments have different impacts on the different transport modes (road,

air, sea shipping, cyclists, pedestrians) and on different categories of

passengers and freight.

In order to be able to ex-ante evaluate the total impacts of traffic in-

Specifications of all sub-objectives and

according criteria that will be relevant for

evaluation of proposed traffic infrastruc-

ture investments, e.g.:

• Economical:

- traffic congestion;

- travel times (value of time);

- network robustness;

- employment effects;

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frastructure investments it will be necessary to specify sub-objectives

together with SMART criteria and to quantify the impacts of the in-

vestments on each of the sub-objectives. This will be used in an inte-

gral assessment of alternative investment plans, also making it pos-

sible to add the impacts per sub-objective, for example in a cost/

benefit analysis or in a multi criteria analysis. The sub-objectives, the

criteria and the assessment method will be developed in close co-

operation and upon agreement with the Customer. A constraint on

the criteria is that they should be valuated with existing information or

data derived from instruments like the traffic model. If criteria are

chosen that are not foreseen in the sub-tasks (like e.g. criteria on na-

ture and landscape), then they will only be valuated in a qualitative


- costs of transport;

- accessibility of economic centres;

- position of Riga and Pieriga in

Baltic area;

- regional development;

• Social:

- societal breakdown of travel options

and traffic impacts;

- accessibility of social centres;

- access for people with mobility


- traffic safety;

- social security;

- conservation of heritage;

• Environmental:

- air pollution and greenhouse gas


- traffic noise;

- external safety;

- conservation of vulnerable nature;

• Institutional:

- structure of decision making;

- division of tasks and responsibilities;

- competitive structure of the

transport markets

task II 3 expert: 1 approach: Submission of proposals to the Customer for approval methodology output

The proposals that have been formulated on the basis of the sub-

tasks II 1 and II 2 will be submitted to the Customer for approval. The

consultant gives a presentation on the proposals at the Customer’s


Approved deliverables of sub-tasks II 1

and II 2, as input for the first interim re-


The deliverables of tasks I and II will be combined in the first interim report. This report will entail: - a list of reviewed policy documents and studies and used statistics; - a summary of the conclusions and recommendations of Task I, specified per sub-task; - conclusions from the review of the policy documents and studies; - contents and conclusions from the discussion with policy makers, experts and stakeholders; - a motivation and specification of proposed amendments of existing guidelines for traffic infra-

structure development; - a framework for assessment, including sub-objectives, criteria and valuating methods. 3.3 Task III: traffic modelling

task expert Approach Methodology Output

III 1.1 6 Expansion and update

of the model database.

The current database

will be extended with

most recent material.

see sub-tasks III 1.1.1 to 1.1.5 See sub-tasks III 1.1.1 to


III 1.1.1 6 Use division in statisti-

cal zones (Eurostat)

checking with Eurostat and the Cus-

tomer the most actual statistical zones

for Latvia, Pieriga and Riga and updat-

updated zoning system in

the database

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ing the database with spatial overlay

techniques. Where needed, the zoning

system will be updated.

III 1.1.2 6 Ensure framework of

public transport net-


building the public transport network

with necessary characteristics (dis-

tance, speed, type, etc), and assuring

connections to all zones

adequate public transport

network in the database

III 1.1.3 6 Evaluate passenger

flow structure from


analysis of surveys, construction of

aggregate measures (transit, in-

outgoing transport, shares of public/

private transport) and checking with

existing structure in the model (as far

as private cars are concerned)

Multi-modal aggregate val-

ues for model building

III 1.1.4 6 Construction of mobil-

ity matrix

constructing daily and peak-hour Ori-

gin-Destination matrices from input like

surveys and ‘Spatial Plan of Riga

2006-2018’ and cross-checking with

existing peak-hour matrix. The meth-

odology is a standard one, using pro-

duction/attraction, distribution and mo-

dal split to build apriori matrices. They

will be estimated using traffic counts in

sub-task III.1.2.

A priori OD-matrices for

passenger transport for an

average working day and

peak hours

III 1.1.5 6 Determination parame-


Determination of parameters for modal

split, speed limits etcetera for model

use in the future, calculated from exist-

ing surveys and additional documenta-


Parameters for the “final”

transport model.

III 1.2 6 Calibration of the mo-

bility matrix

Calibrating the mobility matrices, using

the parameters and existing traffic

counts, presented in various docu-


A posteriori OD-matrices

by mode for an average

working day and for peak


III 1.3 6 Evaluation of results

for present situation

Evaluating the traffic flows and com-

paring them with similar cities and ur-

ban areas like Riga and Pieriga in


Technical report

III 1.4 6 Updating freight traffic


see sub-tasks III 1.4.1 to 1.4.3 See sub-tasks III 1.4.1 to


III 1.4.1 6 Construct dataset with

transit in relation to cit-

ies, including port and

railway related transit

Constructing dataset with volumes and

vehicle movements of road and rail be-

tween the statistical zones that will be

taken from the greater unified journey

data; this will be based upon available

transport datasets, traffic counts and

socio economic data. A distinction will

be made in city logistics in order to de-

termine which part of freight transport

is necessary for distribution a city (re-

tail), which part is related to industrial

activities and which part is pure transit.

This will help in defining alternatives

for the future.

Transit freight flows

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III 1.4.2 6 Determination of the

freight traffic ori-

gin/destination matrix

A freight traffic OD matrix will be es-

tablished, based on freight transport

driver survey data. If possible, the sur-

vey data will also be used to get infor-

mation on routes, that will be included

in transport model .

OD freight flows within the

study area

III 1.4.3 6 Freight traffic volume


National freight forecast will be used

for estimating future freight traffic vol-

ume in line with the national develop-

ment forecast. Specific attention will be

paid to vehicle categories.

A forecast of freight trans-

port flows which is in line

with national forecasts.

III 1.5 6 Modelling software The current model is built in EMME2/3.

The consultant team uses Cube Voy-

ager/TRIPS as in-house software. This

software is very similar to EMME and

our experts are trained in using this

software. For in-house purposes we

will therefore use Cube. The EMME2/3

formats will be converted and used as

basis in the Cube model. The final re-

sults will be converted back and deliv-

ered in ASCII format, which can be

read by EMME 3.

Delivery of OD-matrices

and networks in ASCII for-

mat for use in EMME 3

III 2.1 6 traffic flow survey for

Riga city streets

A traffic flow survey for Riga city

streets will be made using the same

assignment techniques and the same

network that have been applied in ear-

lier studies.

Traffic flows for Riga City

Streets on A0 PDF format,

daily and peak hour vol-

umes, to be agreed upon

by the Customer

III 2.2 6 traffic flow survey for

main roads in Pieriga


A traffic flow survey for Pieriga main

roads will be made using the same as-

signment techniques and the same

network that have been applied in ear-

lier studies. Main roads will be defined

as in the ToR.

Traffic flows on main roads

for Pieriga territories on A0

PDF format, daily and peak

hour volumes, to be agreed

upon by the Customer.

III 2.3 6 traffic flow survey for

public transport

A traffic flow survey for public transport

will be made, including rail links in the

study area.

Daily traffic flows for public

transport on A0 PDF for-

mat, to be agreed upon by

the Customer.

The findings and deliverables of task III will be presented in the second interim report. Also, the process of model updating will be described in a technical report, together with all the checks and necessary settings for making traffic flow survey output for the present situation. It is imperative for the following steps that the transport model is approved by the Client and the results for the present situation are in accordance with traffic counts (screenlines) and deemed plausible on other segments. Therefore, during the process of task III frequent contact with the Client will be maintained. 3.4 Task IV: development of transport system variants

task expert approach methodology Output

IV 1.1 1 development of (at

least) three RPMP traf-

For developing the variants we pro-

pose a systems engineering approach

Four approved variants,

being the basic future

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fic infrastructure de-

velopment alterna-

tives, next to the refer-

ence situation

in two steps. In the first step a work-

shop will be held to discuss possible

network options and possibly changes

in spatial setting. As input for the

workshop we will make use of plots of

the reference future situation, which is

the current network together with all

the (spatial) developments envisaged.

In the next step the network options

will be clustered and assessed with

qualitative criteria, based on the crite-

ria established in task II 2. (e.g. ro-

bustness, cost-benefit ratio, sustain-

ability and societal and political sup-

port). This assessment serves as input

for the development of three alterna-

tives, that can be a combination of

feasible, synergetic options.

situation and the three al-

ternatives, accompanied

with a basic description


- improvement of existing

infrastructure or new infra-


- technical characteristics

(length, width, capacity,

type, mode, function, role

in TEN-T network).

IV 1.2 6 identification of maxi-

mum capacity of statis-

tical territory

For each variant the maximum capac-

ity of the territory (in terms of residents

and work places) will be calculated

based on maximum construction in-

tensities. Based on the maximum ca-

pacity and the minimal capacity of the

transport system an indication of the

robustness of the variants can be


Maximum capacity of the

statistical territory.

IV 1.3 6 Modelling of prospec-

tive traffic flows and

evaluation of spatial


The alternatives will be modelled and

the results will be tested for plausibility.

This might lead to some fine tuning.

It has to be realised that new and im-

proved road infrastructure has the ten-

dency to attract extra traffic flows,

which has to be overcompensated by

extra and better rail transport, urban

public transport and better facilities for

cycling and walking.

Spatial plans will be evaluated and fu-

ture socio-economic developments will

be drafted.

Traffic flows for passenger

and freight transport on A0

PDF format, as well as OD

matrices by mode in ASCII

format and a review on

spatial plans.

IV 2 Proposals for elaboration of the alternatives with regards to in-

tegrated traffic infrastructure and transport service organisation:

IV 2.1 1 roads, main streets

and railway system

The alternatives will be based on inte-

gration of traffic infrastructure and in-

tegrated transport organisation. This

means that the alternatives offer opti-

mum connection with other infrastruc-

ture by road and street crossings and

traffic and transport nodes, taking into

account possible intermodality solu-

The development alterna-

tives are described in

terms of integration of traf-

fic infrastructure.

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tions such as park&ride facilities and

access for pedestrians and cyclists.

Regarding transit haulage different by-

passes will be proposed.

IV 2.2 3 public transport The modal split goals in the ToR will

be used as constraints for the alterna-

tives. Based on outcomes of the fore-

casting models a number of alternative

system designs will be scored on

transport and financial performance.

Per technique a function within the

network will be defined. Special atten-

tion will be paid to the provision of tan-

gential routes, segregated lanes and

priority measures.

A map and description of

alternative public transport

networks including opera-

tional organisation with a

proposal for a preferred

network based on financial

and transport performance.

IV 2.3 7 light duty vehicles and

parking and P+R

In the alternatives the traffic flows will

be assessed in relation to the desired

road functions and priorities among di-

rections and modes will be set. Where

justified new public parking space (on-

or off-street) will be envisaged and

Park&Ride systems will be adopted.

A map and description of

road hierarchy, parking

spaces (on- or off-street)

envisaged, possible

Park&Ride systems and

junctions for incorporating

in a network philosophy

IV 2.4 4 freight transport and


The alternatives should give robust so-

lutions for freight traffic, avoiding inner

city areas, and maximising reserve ca-

pacity on railways. The resulting freight

flows will be calculated by the trans-

port model.

A map and description of

freight flows, including

OD’s, routes and modes

IV 2.5 5 pedestrians and bike-

way network

Identification of a main pedestrian and

bikeway network based on the impor-

tant origins and destinations, available

infrastructure/facilities and an estima-

tion of potential demand for pedestrian

and cycle facilities. The networks in

the alternatives should provide direct,

competitive routes and traffic safety

should be maximised, e.g. by using

separated network parts

A map and description of

the facilities needed for

pedestrians and cyclists

and a draft map of the

bikeway network

IV 2.6 5 special mobility ser-

vices for school pupils

By means of a discussion with relevant

stakeholders on the need for special

mobility services for pupils of primary

and secondary schools and a general

evaluation of school locations and

routes to school recommendations will

be made to be included in the alterna-


A description of the needs

for special mobility services

IV 3.1 12 ex ante evaluation for

the greenhouse effect

and air pollution

see sub-tasks IV 3.1.1 to 3.1.2 see sub-tasks IV 3.1.1 to


IV 3.1.1 12 Emission greenhouse


Determination of emissions, based on

key figures, for the current situation

The results will be pre-

sented in a chapter in the

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and the proposed alternatives, in com-

pliance with Latvian regulations

SEIA report and they will

be used for the integral as-


IV 3.1.2 12 Nox and benzol Determination of pollutants, based on

key figures, for the current situation

and the proposed alternatives, in com-

pliance with Latvian regulations

The results will be pre-

sented in a chapter in the

SEIA report and they will

be used for the integral as-


IV 3.2 12 Air quality and air pol-

lution aspects

Evaluation of the current air quality in

the region, based on existing informa-

tion from the monitoring network in

Latvia, and developing a time se-

quence of improvements honouring

the necessary air quality, by qualitative

impact evaluation

The results will be pre-

sented in a chapter in the

SEIA report .

IV 4 1 proposal for the freight

traffic network

In each alternative an efficient system

of roads and rail tracks will be devel-

oped for accommodating the freight

traffic flows to and from the Riga port.

This system will be based on the prin-

ciple to decrease the burden of freight

road traffic in the city centre and to

shift this traffic to the motorways; the

system will also take into account the

current plans to shift a part of the port

activities from the city centre, espe-

cially from the Andrejosta and

Eksporta territories to the Krievu island

North of the city centre.

For freight traffic by rail the current

plans for optimum connections of the

rail track to the port facilities on the left

bank of the river Daugava with the

common state railway network, with

Riga city centre and with Riga airport

will be analysed and evaluated.

A complete description of

the proposed network of

roads and rail tracks for

freight transport, focusing

on decrease of heavy vehi-

cles in the city centre, to

new port facilities on Krievu


IV 5 4 public transport con-

nection alternatives

between the airport

and main attractions

In the alternatives public transport ser-

vices will be adopted to optimally link

the international airport to major ori-

gins and destinations within the region,

avoiding extensive car use.

A map and description of

the airport landside acces-

sibility by public transport

IV 6.1 5 evaluation of neces-

sary road investments

Investment costs are calculated by

multiplying quantities with unit prices,

incorporated in the financial model. In-

formation of unit prices will be col-

lected from constructors and suppliers

and from similar earlier investments.

Part of the financial model

(see IV 7)

IV 6.2 3 Evaluation of neces-

sary public transport


Investment costs are calculated by

multiplying quantities with unit prices,

incorporated in the financial model. In-

formation of unit prices will be col-

lected from constructors and suppliers

Part of the financial model

(see IV 7)

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and from similar earlier investments.

IV 6.3 8 Evaluation of neces-

sary investments in

traffic control, informa-

tion and ITS systems

Investment costs are calculated by

multiplying quantities with unit prices,

incorporated in the financial model

Part of the financial model

(see IV 7)

IV 7 10 development of finan-

cial model and risk


A financial model will be developed

which calculates the investment

amounts and all costs and benefits of

the investments that are involved in

each alternative over the term of per-

spective (12-15 years).

The calculations include calculation of

risks of unexpected disappointments

causing financial deficiency, by identi-

fying the risks and by sensitivity analy-

sis of each of the alternatives.

Financial model, including

full cost/benefit analysis of

each of the alternatives as

the basis for selection of

the preferred alternative

and for prioritisation of the

different investments.

Evaluation of risks is part

of the report.

IV 8 1 proposal for the plan-

ning and traffic infra-

structure development


The proposal of interaction between

planning and infrastructure develop-

ment will be based on a system of pri-

oritisation of the investments in infra-


The prioritisation will be based on a

few criteria, especially:

- avoiding ‘quick wins’ (investments

that can be carried out and have posi-

tive impacts on a short term) that may

be at the detriment of an integrated


- synergies in the construction and/or

in the benefits of the investments

which improve the total outcome of the

cost/benefit analysis and decrease


- urgencies with regard to severe prob-

lems and bottlenecks in the present in-

frastructure that have to be solved

(also no-regret measures);

- expected increase of traffic flows that

may cause problems and bottlenecks

in infrastructure in the future;

- available financial resources.

The proposal is presented

in a scheme of traffic infra-

structure development in

relation to the current and

planned traffic flows, for

each of the alternatives.

IV 9 13 development of public

relations and commu-

nication strategy

Analysis of current ways and methods

of PR and communication. Analysis of

current and new target-groups. Analy-

sis of current effects on public aware-

ness; continue and improve current

methods of PR and communication;

present new or other methods of PR

and communication; find out and de-

scribe the unique selling points; de-

A new strategy respecting

the good current methods

and completion of the

strategy with new ways of

communication resulting in

an effective way to com-

municate with current and

new target-groups.

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velop and describe new strategy re-

specting the good current methods

and complete the strategy with new

ways of PR and communication.

IV 10 5 development of meas-

ures to reduce the

negative impact of the

traffic flow (for air pol-

lution see IV 3)

Based on the modelling results a map

of critical locations will be made.

Within mobility plans one can think of

measures such as:


- in car: reduce emission;

- in car: reduce noise of tyres;

- road: use silent road surfaces;

- surroundings: use sound barriers;

- traffic: tailor made traffic control by

ITS-systems (e.g. green waves,



- priority measures pedestrians;

- special crossing facilities;

- bus priority systems.

Measures can be general (mostly in

car or ITS) or local (e.g. schools,

shopping areas, playing grounds, rec-

reational areas)

Overview of critical loca-

tions with suggested loca-

tion based solutions and

costs of local measures.

Recommendations for a

high level policy on in car

and ITS measures to re-

duce the negative impact

of traffic flows in general.

IV 11.1 1 comparative analysis

of the variants, regard-

ing time spent on the


The variants will be compared by using

the financial model as described under

task IV 7. This model takes into ac-

count all costs and benefits of the pro-

jected investments of each of the vari-

ants, including time benefits.

A cost/benefit analysis

(CBA) or multi criteria

analysis (MCA) of each of

the variants.

IV 11.2 1 comparative analysis

of the variants, regard-

ing improvements of

the environment

The variants will be compared by using

the financial model as described under

task IV 7. This model takes into ac-

count all costs and benefits of the pro-

jected investments of each of the vari-

ants, including environmental benefits.

A cost/benefit analysis

(CBA) or multi criteria

analysis (MCA) of each of

the variants.

IV 12 1 submission of the vari-

ants and comparison

of results to the Cus-


The outcomes of each of the variants

will be presented in a transparent way

in which the investment amounts and

all costs and benefits are specified on

the basis of the outcomes of the

cost/benefit analysis (CBA) or the multi

criteria analysis (MCA).

The variants are presented

to the Customer and the

outcomes of the CBA or

the MCA, the outcome of

the risk analysis and a pro-

posal for the preferred

variant are explained.

The findings and deliverables of task IV will be presented in the third interim report. This will in-clude a proposal for the preferred variant. The SEIA and the CBA/MCA can be part of the report or handed in separately. Also, the transport model inputs for and results of the variants are added to the technical model report.

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3.5 Task V: Development of recommended transport system variant

task ex-


approach methodology Output

V 1.1 1 main actions for the de-

velopment of the trans-

port system for the 15

year perspective

The recommended alternative will be

specified with regard to the investments in

traffic infrastructure and for the whole

transport system.

The main actions will be specified in a co-

herent action plan that will mention all ac-

tions that have to be made for realising the

recommended alternative.

This will be made for a time perspective of

15 years, divided in consequent periods of

5 years.

Prioritisation of the investments is fore-

seen in task V 4.1 hereafter.

Detailed action plan for

realisation of the recom-

mended alternative will

be specified for:

- all transport modes;

- all types of infrastruc-


- all parts of the territory

of Riga and Pieriga;

And divided in the three

5-years periods.

V 1.2 9 determination of finan-

cial resources for every

implementation period

The financial resources for realisation of

the investments in traffic infrastructure for

the three 5-years implementation periods

will be determined.

An inventory of the possible sources will

be made, among which:

- subsidies from the municipal budget;

- municipal and state loans;

- extra revenues for the municipality from

the investments (cost savings, revenues

from passengers of public transport);

- contributions from the national budget;

- revenues from tolls, parking fees, access

fees, etc. (from users of the infrastructure);

- grants from the EC;

- loans from international financing institu-


- loans from banks.

For the actions that need to be carried out

in the first implementation period specific

resources will be sought .

Expected future increases of the national

income and consequently of the municipal

budget will be taken into account.

A complete overview of

all financing sources will

be presented, including

evaluation of restrictions

and costs of the financing

for each of the possible

sources. Conclusions will

be given with regard to

prioritisation of each of

the financing sources.

V 2.1 5 Measures for the imple-

mentation of the road

network system

see sub-tasks V 2.1.1 to 2.1.5 see sub-tasks V 2.1.1 to


V 2.1.1 5 improvement and devel-

opment of infrastructure,

to potentially relieve

centres of populated ar-

eas and residential ar-

eas from (transit) traffic

Hands on traffic management and road

planning based on model output and

available data at the Customer.

Maps with suggested in-

frastructural measures,

including the effective-


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V 2.1.2 8 detailed description of


The ITS measures that can be used are

closely related to the improvement meas-

ures for the infrastructure out of the previ-

ous task. So together with the road plan-

ning also proposals are made for the use

of ITS measures. In some cases ITS

measures can relieve the investment bur-

den of new infrastructure. The ITS meas-

ures can be split in two categories:

- measures for the traffic in the city of

Riga, like traffic control to improve

traffic safety and their co-ordination in

green waves to optimise traffic flow;

- measures for the traffic on the motor-

ways like the European transport cor-

ridor and routes to and from the sea-

port and international airport, for ex-

ample VMS (Variable Message Sign)

to inform road users on the best


In both cases the most suitable measures

are identified, also looking at best prac-

tices in the Netherlands and other Euro-

pean countries.

To optimise the traffic flow the situation on

the roads must be monitored. For this we

will recommend a monitoring system,

based on its cost-benefit ratio.

On the maps with the

suggested infrastructural

measures is also indi-

cated where ITS meas-

ures are useful and nec-

essary, including their ef-

fectiveness. For the list of

proposed ITS measures

and the Transport Moni-

toring system a rough

cost estimation is given.

V 2.1.3 7 development of the

parking policy

Development of suitable parking policy for

the recommended alternative. Parking pol-

icy consisting:

- indication of different parking zones

e.g. Riga-Center, outskirts, Pieriga etc

based on predicted parking demands

and location statistics. Different park-

ing zones can ask for different parking


- proposal for the development of park-

ing garages including location and es-

timated capacity

- proposal for the development of P&R

systems at the main transit points

outside of the RVC. Both loca-

tion/capacity and public transport

routes are part of the proposal.

- financial calculations of estimated in-

stallation costs and exploitation costs

including an analysis of the required

parking fees for a cost neutral parking

exploitation. Yearly exploitation-costs

Integral parking policy

plan for the region indi-

cating different zones

and proposals for the de-

velopment of new parking

garages and Park&Ride

systems. Both installation

and exploitation costs are

part of the plan.

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will be calculated for a 30 year period.

- evaluation plan for the identification of

parking problems in different areas.

V 2.1.4 5 expansion of the one

way street system

For effective traffic circulation next to

building of public parking places the one

way street system will be reviewed and

updated. This will be based upon model

results as well as function and design of

inner city streets and directness of routes.

Map with the suggested

one way system.

V 2.1.5 5 provision of free access

for operational transport

The resulting road network needs to be

checked on good accessibility for opera-

tional transport and auxiliary services. This

means extra measures may need to be

taken at access points and bottlenecks in

order to provide free access.

Maps with suggested in-

frastructural and ITS


V 2.2 3 Measures for the imple-

mentation of public

transport improvement

see sub-tasks V 2.2.1 to 2.2.6 see sub-tasks V 2.2.1 to


V 2.2.1 3 identification of the role

of each public transport


A more detailed study will be conducted

on the role of each mode in the system,

based on volumes differentiated in time

and space. Input will be based on task IV


Description of the func-

tion per mode in the rec-

ommended variant, in-

cluding the required

characteristics and the

required improvement

measures to be imple-


V 2.2.2 3 priority of rights for pub-

lic transport in junctions

and street sections

Preparation of functional and technical

specifications of the priority system, in-

cluding responsibilities for implementation

and maintenance. Prioritisation of the lo-

cations will be provided with priority of

rights in function of number of passengers

and size of delay.

Map of locations with PT

prioritisation and descrip-

tion of functional and

technical organisation of

priority system. Imple-

mentation schedule for

the area including cost


V 2.2.3 3 reorganisation of the

public transport organi-


Analysis of existing situation, future re-

quired situation and the legal, organisa-

tional and financial context, based on find-

ings from task I.

Analysis of the benefits and costs of inte-

gration of the railway system with the ur-

ban rail system, both for physical as for

functional integration.

Proposal for adapted or-

ganisation, including im-

plementation schedule.

Recommendation for

physical or functional in-

tegration of the railway

network with the urban


V 2.2.4 3 determination of the

necessary number and

capacity of rolling stock

From the forecasting model lines and pas-

senger numbers will be transferred to the

HTM operational model in order to calcu-

late type and number of vehicles. If nec-

essary, this will be adapted according to

quality standards to be set by the local

transport authority. The preferred capacity

will be compared to present capacity,

leading to an investment plan.

Overview of main charac-

teristics per vehicle type

(length, capacity and

speed) and overview per

line of number of required

vehicles. Also, an in-

vestment plan for gradu-

ally changing and mod-

ernising the rolling stock

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will be provided.

V 2.2.5 3 implementation of flexi-

ble passenger transport


Preparation of performance specifications

of a flexible passenger transport service,

and the function of the system within the

whole of the public transport system. The

flexible system may be based on on-

demand services and/or door-to-door ser-

vices. Comparisons will be made with cur-

rent flexible systems in other cities.

Description of organisa-

tion and operations of the

flexible passenger trans-

port services.

V 2.2.6 8 implementation of pas-

senger information sys-


Together with a plan for the public trans-

port a short report is made with a list of in-

formation that is necessary to present to

public transport users by means of a Pas-

senger Information System, and a list

which (actual) information is needed from

the public transport vehicles for this pur-

pose. In a flow diagram the information

streams will be presented, which will form

the basis for the functions of the PIS.

A short report with the

basic functions of a PIS

including the information

that must be presented to

passengers and the ways

this information will be


V 2.3 1 Improvement of the or-

ganisation of freight


see sub-tasks V 2.3.1 to 2.3.3 see sub-tasks V 2.3.1 to


V 2.3.1 1 Organisation of transit

freight traffic routes

A large part of freight traffic is transit traffic

to and from other countries, especially

with regard to the port of Riga. For reduc-

ing transit traffic through the city several

solutions were proposed in the planning

documents, among which the Daugava

Northern crossing and its access roads

and the Riga railway detour for eliminating

transport of hazardous goods and freight

traffic in the city (except for local delivery

in off-peak hours).

On the basis of the freight traffic model

and the traffic flow surveys from task III,

the current and planned transit freight traf-

fic routes will be analysed and a complete

planning of optimum routes for transit

freight traffic will be made.

Blueprint of the proposed

network of routes for

transit freight traffic

V 2.3.2 1 implementation of uni-

fied intermodal man-

agement and logistic

freight transport systems

A structure of intermodal management will

be developed, based on the strive for mo-

dal shift to transport by rail and by water,

taking into account the present and future

functions of the freight traffic infrastruc-

ture: railway stations, logistic centres and

Riga port and airport terminals.

An efficient logistic freight transport sys-

tem will be developed in harmony with the

freight traffic routes and the intermodal

management structure. Special attention

will be paid to bring together haulage de-

mand and supply, reducing the number of

Overview of an adequate

intermodal management

structure and a logistic

freight transport system.

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empty vehicle kilometres.

V 2.3.3 7 proposal for the devel-

opment of freight trans-

port parking space

Indication locations for freight transport

parking near transit freight traffic routes

and/or freight traffic destinations. Trans-

port parking space can be combined with

services for freight traffic such as repair-

shops, restaurants, and gas-stations.

maps with locations for

freight transport parking

and possibilities for addi-

tional services

V 2.4 5 development of pedes-

trian road and bikeway


From the findings from task IV 2.5 a more

detailed non-motorised transport (NMT)

network will be identified, giving special at-

tention to shopping and recreational ar-

eas, schools etc.

Maps with suggested

NMT networks.

V 2.5 1 development of the wa-

ter transport

see sub-tasks V 2.5.1 to 2.5.2 see sub-tasks V 2.5.1 to


V.2.5.1 1 implementation of ferry


A feasibility study will be made on ferry

transportation across the Daugava river. In

the study the preferred location of board-

ing and disembarking of the ferries will be

identified. The costs and revenues of the

ferry services will be calculated and will be

compared with the benefits of decreased

traffic over the Daugava bridges.

Report on the feasibility

study with regard to ferry


V 2.5.2 1 freight transport devel-

opment in internal wa-


A feasibility study will be made on devel-

opment of freight transport by inland ship-

ping on the Riga and Pieriga internal wa-

ters. In the study possible origins and des-

tinations of inland shipping will be studied

on the basis of existing traffic flows of the

cargo that is appropriate for inland ship-

ping, in relation with the navigable (parts

of the) rivers. The costs and the revenues

of the transport by inland shipping will be

calculated and will be compared with the

benefits of decreased transport by road.

Report on the feasibility

study with regard to

freight transport by inland


V 3 12 evaluation of the impact

on the environment

This entails a more detailed analysis of the

recommended variant, including mitigation

and compensation measures, and evalua-

tion of the acceptability of this variant.

Chapter in the SEIA re-


V 4 expansion of preceding sub-tasks for the first time period with:

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V 4.1 1 identification of priority

traffic infrastructure im-

provement measures.

This analysis follows from the

cost/benefit analysis or the multi criteria

analysis of task V 1.1.

Prioritisation of the investments within

the recommended alternative will be

proposed on the basis of e.g. the follow-

ing criteria:

- urgency regarding present traffic prob-

lems (no-regret measures);

- available financial means. With regard

to financing from the national budget

three different scenarios will be calcu-

lated as to the growth of the national

economy: optimistic (high growth), pes-

simistic (low growth) and realistic (cur-

rent trend);

- combination of different investments

that will create cost savings;

- minimum hindrance for the users of the


Scheme of the planning

of the investments in traf-

fic infrastructure and de-

tailed explanation of the

motives for the recom-

mended prioritisation of

the investments.

V 4.2 9 determination of activities

for obtaining resources

An overview will be presented of differ-

ent approaches in revenue generation

for traffic infrastructure from transport

services in different major cities. Based

on these experiences as well as the

characteristics of the Riga and Pieriga

territory and the transport model results,

recommendations are provided on the

available resources and on the most

suitable types of revenue generation;

calculations will be made for different

revenue scenario’s.

Recommendations on the

most suitable types of

revenue generation and

calculations of revenues

under different sce-


V 4.3 13 development of precondi-

tions for commercial ac-

tivities in passenger transit


see sub-tasks V 4.3.1 to 4.3.2 see sub-tasks V 4.3.1 to


V 4.3.1 13 conformation to guidelines Taking development guidelines from the

spatial plan, the profile of travellers and

the location of transit centres as a basis,

a market scan will be conducted to get

insight in the willingness of private par-

ties to invest in commercial activities and

the necessary means to facilitate this

A market scan

V 4.3.2 13 adherence to the long

term development strat-


For all parties identified in the market

scan their function, spatial claim and

traffic attraction will be assessed against

the long term development strategy of

Riga city

A market scan

V 4.4 10 calculation of investment

and maintenance costs;

evaluation of improve-

The investment costs and the costs of

maintenance of the new infrastructure

will be calculated for the first time period

Detailed overview of the

investment costs and the

maintenance costs of the

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ment measures. of 5 years. The costs will be taken from

the financial model (see task IV). Also,

an evaluation plan will be made to be

able to assess the effectiveness of policy

interventions and act upon this.

investments in traffic in-

frastructure in the first

time period. Also, a list of

organisational measures

in chronological order will

be established.

An evaluation plan for

controlling the policy in-


V 4.5 6 evaluation of efficiency of

new roads and streets

(re)construction projects in

the RPMP and existing or

future projects

A thorough assessment will be con-

ducted on the efficiency and effective-

ness of road investment related to traffic

flows and network interdependencies.

As in city networks capacity is restricted

by junctions rather than road segments,

sensibility analysis of the level of service

will be carried out.

Sensitivity analysis on ef-


V 4.6 9 identification of necessary

and available foreign in-


The Cohesion Fund and Structural

Funds of the European Commission co-

finance investments in transport and

other infrastructure. Several International

Financing Institutions provide loans to in-

frastructure development. For instance

the EBRD supports the upgrade of state-

owned transport and municipal infra-

structure in Latvia, particularly in re-

gional cities and towns. These and other

financing opportunities will be described,

while formulating recommendations to

the use of these funds.

A description of financing

opportunities and an

overview of recommen-

dations for the use of


V 4.7 11 Further improvement of

the traffic infrastructure

see sub-tasks V 4.7.1 to 4.7.2 see sub-tasks V 4.7.1 to


V 4.7.1 11 preparation of preliminary

measures for unified man-


An efficient institutional and regulatory

framework on unified management of

traffic infrastructure will be prepared.

This will include proposed division of

tasks and responsibilities between the

different responsible authorities on the

basis of a logical separation between

short term (operational), medium term

(tactical) and long term (strategic) deci-

sion making.

Adjustments of the regulatory framework

will be proposed in relation with the pro-

posed changes of the institutional


Report on the proposed

structure and resulting

adjustments of the institu-

tional and regulatory

framework of manage-

ment of traffic infrastruc-


V 4.7.2 11 preparation of planning

documents amendments

The present planning documents for in-

vestments in traffic infrastructure and

spatial planning will be analysed and

evaluated with regard to completeness

and efficiency. On the basis of this

evaluation proposals will be made re-

A list of proposed ad-

justments of present

planning documents for

investments in traffic in-

frastructure and spatial


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garding adjustments for improvement of

the planning documents.

V 4.8 13 application of marketing

and communication

strategies recommenda-


The marketing and communication

strategies will focus on two main ele-

ments of the project:

- information to all inhabitants of the

Riga and Pieriga territory about

1. the investments in traffic infrastruc-

ture, focusing on the advantages for traf-

fic congestion, environment, traffic

safety, the local economy, social bene-

fits, etc.

2. start and duration of the construction

works, possible hindrance for travellers,

shops, etc. and measures to diminish

this hindrance;

3. information to all travellers about im-

provement of public transport (PT) and a

campaign to motivate car users to shift

to PT.

4. specific information for transport com-

panies and other stakeholders about

traffic measures to be taken during the

construction works and after completion

of the investments.

Blueprint of marketing

and communication


The findings and deliverables of task V will be presented in the fourth interim report. 3.6 Task VI: Development of the action program

task expert approach methodology Output

VI 1.1 5 Measures for traffic in-

frastructure develop-

ment for the 5 year


see sub-tasks VI 1.1.1 to 1.1.3 see sub-tasks VI 1.1.1 to


VI 1.1.1 5 Designated measures

for developments in

the road and streets

network including P&R


Based on the results of the previous

tasks measures are sorted referring to

cost, effectiveness and time to imple-

ment (technical and juridical). Distinc-

tion will be made between new con-

struction, reconstruction and mainte-

nance of the infrastructure. Also, sug-

gestions for phasing will be made,

based on the function of every meas-

ure in the network.

A list of measures that can

be implemented in coming

years which makes it pos-

sible to work step by step

on the optimisation of the

transport system. Also,

phasing suggestions will be


VI 1.1.2 4 Designated measures

for developments in

railway, including the

railway network

See VI 1.1.1 See VI 1.1.1

VI 1.1.3 3 designated measures

for public transport

See VI 1.1.1. For rolling stock also

short term measures for increasing the

number of available vehicles will be


See VI 1.1.1

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VI 1.2 8 Development of man-

agement measures

see sub-tasks VI 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 see sub-tasks VI 1.2.1 to


VI 1.2.1 8 management meas-

ures regarding ITS,


Based on the results of the previous

tasks ITS measures including the nec-

essary TMS are sorted, on the basis of

cost, effectiveness and time to imple-

ment (technical and juridical). Also the

function of every measure in the net-

work will be taken into account.

For the PIS the functions and informa-

tion most needed on the short term are


A list of ITS measures in-

cluding TMS that can be

implemented in coming


A description of the func-

tions of the PIS that can be

implemented in coming


VI 1.2.2 11 infrastructure man-

agement system

Based on the report of task V 4.7.1,

the unified management system for

traffic infrastructure will be further de-

veloped. As mentioned, this will in-

clude a logical and efficient division of

tasks and responsibilities between the

different responsible authorities. The

management system will be developed

in close co-operation with the present

responsible managers and other

stakeholders and experts.

Action plan for develop-

ment of a unified manage-

ment system for traffic in-

frastructure for Riga and


VI 2 1 determination of total

costs of the develop-

ment of measures

A total overview of the first 5 year in-

vestments of the recommended alter-

native will be prepared on the basis of

the outcome of the tasks in VI 1.

Planning sheet including all

investments in traffic infra-

structure and their individ-

ual and aggregated in-

vestment costs.

The findings and deliverables of task VI will be presented in the draft final report.

3.7 Adjustment of the work plan

On September 8 2009 the Start meeting of the mobility plan has been held. During the start meet-ing Mrs. Măra TapiĦa, chairperson of the Working Group explained that the Ministry of Transport wants to apply a change of the Work Plan by giving priority to a part of Task II of the Work Plan. The Ministry intends to submit a number of investments and measures on traffic and transport to the European Commission for financing at the end of this year. The consultant team will receive the list of investments and measures within two weeks after the Start meeting. The consultant has to give an expert opinion on the question whether the combined investments and measures will fit into the Mobility Plan. This expert opinion has to be provided before mid-December 2009. This means that the consultant team has to give priority to preparation of this expert opinion, which will influence the structure and the timing of the work program. As a consequence, extra work and costs for the consultant team may be involved or other tasks have to be revised. At this moment the exact consequences for time and budget cannot yet be determined. The list of the selected investments as well as the approach of the expert opinion will be dis-cussed with representatives of the European Commission on 14 October 2009 in Riga.

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4 Project organisation

4.1 Members of the project organisation on behalf of the consultant team

The project organization consists of the following members: Project director

The project director and the project assistant are responsible for the organisation and planning of the project. Consultant team

The team leader is responsible for the contents of the project and co-ordinates the work that is carried out by the key experts. The local co-ordinator is responsible for maintaining the contacts with the Client. The consultant team consists of a number of key experts who are each responsi-ble for specific parts of the mobility plan study. During the project the team leader and the local team co-ordinator are in close contact with the Client. The team leader and the local team co-ordinator are supported by the branch office of Witteveen+Bos in Riga. Local consultants

A number of local consultants in Latvia has been contracted to support the consultant team ex-perts in several tasks. The local consultants are specialists on the fields of transport policy, trans-port data, legal and institutional framework, and environment. For each specific task that has to be carried out by one of the local consultants, a clear description of the activities will be made by the key experts. Consultant team meetings

During the project a core team meeting is organised every two weeks. During the meetings the progress of all tasks is discussed as well as the planning for the coming period. Besides this, a consultant team meeting is organised on a monthly basis. This meeting is attended by those ex-perts who are involved in the project at that stage. The first consultant team meeting was organ-ised on August 28 as a preparation of the official Start meeting on September 8 in Riga. All mem-bers of the project team receive reports of these meetings.

4.2 Contacts with the Client

The team leader and the consultants will have discussions on a regular basis about the progress and the interim results with the Client. For this purpose regular meetings are organised between the consultant team and the Client. Start meeting

The Start Meeting has been held on September 8 2009 in the office of the Ministry of Transport in Riga. The meeting was attended by the members of the Working Group (see hereafter), by the project manager and the assistant project manager from the side of the Ministry of Transport, by Mr. Biros of Jaspers who will support the Ministry of Transport on behalf of the European Com-mission, and by the majority of the experts of the consultant team. Presentations have been given about the project organisation and about the approach and the work plan of the project.

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Working Group

A Working Group has been established by the Ministry of Transport. The Working Group is chaired by the Ministry of Transport and consists of representatives of the Ministry, the Riga City Council and the Riga Regional Council. The Working Group controls the progress and the results of the Mobility Plan study. The Working Group will meet every two months. The meetings of the Working Group will be attended by the team leader and by the key experts who have been in-volved in tasks that will be discussed in the Working Group. It is expected that members of the Working Group will take part in the workshops (see hereafter). Steering Committee

At the start of the project a Steering Committee will be established, which is chaired by the Minis-try of Transport. The important policy makers and other stakeholders on traffic and transport in Riga and Pieriga will be represented in the Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will take all important decisions on the Mobility Plan study. The Steering Committee will meet every four months. The meetings of the Steering Committee will be attended by the team leader. Progress reports

The consultant team leader will inform the Customer on a regular basis with regard to the pro-gress of the project. Every four weeks a progress report is submitted to the Client. Furthermore, the consultant team leader and the local co-ordinator will be in close contact with the Client through e-mail, telephone and the Witteveen+Bos office in Riga. Workshops

During the project two workshops are organised in which the consultant team (represented by the team leader, the local co-ordinator and several experts) meets with the stakeholders for the Riga and Pieriga mobility plan to discuss important aspects of the project. A first workshop is planned halfway carrying out of Task IV Development of variants. In this work-shop the consultants can present their tentative proposals on the variants that can be developed and the attendants of the workshop can comment on these proposals and can suggest adjust-ments. This discussion can contribute to optimum selection of transport systems variants. A second workshop is scheduled in the middle of Task V Elaboration of the preferred variant. In this workshop the consultants can present their ideas for the choice of the preferred variant out of the alternative transport system variants that have been developed in Task IV. The attendants of the workshop can give their opinion and the discussion may lead to optimum elaboration. A third and last meeting will be held after completion of the Draft Final report. This meeting will not be a workshop, but will focus on presentation of the Draft Final report of the project. The out-put of the meeting will be used in revising of the Draft Final report and preparation of the Final re-port.

4.3 First results during the Inception phase

In the week in which the Start meeting (September 8) was held, field visits were held by the key experts and the local consultants who were present in Riga. The field visits consisted of a round-trip and many talks with policy makers, managers and experts of the Ministry of Transport, the Riga City Council, the Riga Planning Region and transport companies..

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During a roundtrip through Riga and Pieriga by private bus, by public transport trolleybus and tram, and by foot, the key experts and the local experts had a view on several locations of the traffic and transport infrastructure where traffic bottlenecks exist, or where proposed investments are foreseen, or where current constructions in traffic and transport infrastructure are being car-ried out. The roundtrip was very useful to get a first impression on the current situation of traffic and transport.

Meetings with policy makers, managers and experts

The meetings have been planned on a short term basis in the week that the Start meeting was held. The meetings were meant to discuss the existing situation of traffic and transport with re-gard to the different responsibilities of the stakeholders and to collect data for Task I of the Mobil-ity Plan study, being the description and analysis of the current situation. Table 4.1 shows the meetings that have been held. The meetings were attended by the responsi-ble key expert of the consultant team; at most meetings also other experts who were interested in the topic of the meeting, were present. During the meetings much information has been provided and many other data will be sent by email. The data and the first results will be discussed with the stakeholders during later visits. Also, visits to other stakeholders are envisaged, like visits to mu-nicipalities in the Pieriga area. Table 4.1 Overview of meetings of key experts with stakeholders for collection of data

Institution department contact person date of visit Information

Ministry of Transport Advisor to the


T. Linkaits

D. Dolge

09-09-‘09 spatial planning and transport

Ministry of Transport State Roads

I. Pavlovska 08-09-‘09 LSR near Riga

Ministry of Transport

Land Transport


M. TapiĦa

D. Dolge

09-09-‘09 institutional setting MoT and mu-


Ministry of Regional Devel-

opm. & Local Government

Spatial Planning


I. Urtane 09-09-‘09 institutional setting MoT and mu-


Central Statistical Bureau


Transport and


E. Miezite 09-09-‘09 transport statistics

Riga City Council Rigas Geometrs G. Silabriedis

E. Budilovich

V. Kvetkovskis

D. Mazkalkis

07-09-‘09 EMME 2 model; traffic data; GIS

maps, etc.

Riga City Council

Rigas Geometrs G. Silabriedis

E. Budilovich

V. Kvetkovskis

08-09-‘09 traffic data, socio-economic data,

survey; 2004 Riga model and

2007 model; zoning, etc.

Riga City Council Project Man-

agement and


Unit of City De-

velopment De-


A. Kublacovs

N. Kotovica

G. Pavils

10-09-‘09 Northern Transport Corridor

Riga City Council Traffic Departm.

D.Ā. LiepiĦš

J. Lagzdons

08-09-‘09 institutional + organisation of pub-

lic transport; marketing; regional

and minibuses; traffic

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Riga City Council Traffic Departm. E. Kalvina

09-09-‘09 statistical data; ITS, road infra-

structure, traffic policy

Riga Planning Region Spatial planning


A. Puzulis

09-09-‘09 institutional process and devel-

opment plans

PV passenger railways gener.manager

A. Zidkovs 08-09-‘09 institutional setting

LDZ Latvian railways gener.manager

project leader

M. RiekstiĦš

V. Irishkovs

09-09-‘09 rail freight developments + traffic


LDZ Latvian railways Head pass.dept

intern.audit dept

financial dept.

I. Zalais

S. Austrums

A. SiĦēvičs

K. BērziĦs

09-09-‘09 rail passengers network and traffic


Rigas Satiksme public

transport company

exploit.manager A. ěublins 09-09-‘09 data on traffic, network, opera-

tions, financial performance

Port Authority CEO

L. Loginovs

V. Makarovs

10-09-‘09 transport policy

A few other institutions and departments will be visited in a later stage, among which the City De-velopment Department of Riga City Council, which is responsible for developments of urban transport policy in Riga, and the Riga Airport Authority. Mr. Andis Kublačovs, Head of the Project Management and Development Unit of this Department already gave an extensive presentation about transport policy in the Working Group meeting of October 9, 2009.
