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Minix-1984 Summative Assignment

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  • 7/26/2019 Minix-1984 Summative Assignment


    Minix 1

    1984 Summative Assignment*

    English 11 Bradley

    Due date: Tuesday, May 26, 2015


    To show knowledge and understanding of 1984

    To show awareness of the ways in which the production and reception of textscontribute to their meaning

    To evaluate conflicting viewpoints within and about particular literary texts

    To analyze the style, register and structure of a text

    The Product:

    An 800- to 1,000-word formal essay that answers one of these six questions:

    1. How could the text be read and interpreted differently by two different readers?

    2. If the text had been written in a different time or place or language or for a

    different audience, how and why might it differ?

    3. How and why is a social group represented in a particular way?

    4. Which social groups are marginalized, excluded, or silenced within the text?5. How does the text conform to, or deviate from, the conventions of a particular

    genre, and for what purpose?

    6. How has the text borrowed from other texts, and with what effects?

    Step 1 - Complete proposal form - Monday, May 18, 2015

    Scroll to next page for the form.

    Step 2 Outline (in class, use form provided):

    Must include:

    the prescribed question that has been chosen

    the title of the text(s) for analysis the part of the course to which the task refers

    three or four key points that explain the particular focus of the task

    Step 3 Write the paper

    Formatting Guidelines:

    Use MLA format for your written task (see page 8 of this assignment sheet).

    At the beginning of your essay, copy the question youre answering.

    Your task must be written in English.

    You must acknowledge all sources you use, including the text that you are

    analyzing. You really shouldnt need secondary sources.

    *Note: Summative assessment refers to assessment that summarizes learning at the end of

    a unit. In other words, this is our end-of-unit assessment for 1984.

  • 7/26/2019 Minix-1984 Summative Assignment


    Minix 2

    1984 Summative Paper - Topic Proposal

    Due via Google Drive, Tuesday, May 26, 2015

    English 11 Bradley

    Question Answer

    What is yourname?

    Megan Minix

    What is the title

    of the text you are

    using as the basis

    of your analysis?


    Circle the

    question you are


    1. How could the text be read and interpreted differently by two

    different readers?2. If the text had been written in a different time or place or

    language or for a different audience, how and why might it


    3. How and why is a social group represented in a particularway?

    4. Which social groups are marginalized, excluded or silenced

    within the text?5. How does the text conform to, or deviate from, the conventions

    of a particular genre, and for what purpose?6. How has the text borrowed from other texts, and with what


    What in the text

    has led you to

    believe that you

    can answer thisquestion


    1984 is a book about a dystopian world and uses basically

    the main ideas as other dystopian books. As I was reading

    it I was reminded of books from the Uglies Series.

    Answer the

    questions for the

    prompt you


    Put your

    responses below

    the questions.

    The space

    available should

    give you an

    indication of the

    length of this. Be

    concise yet

    specific do not

    1. How could the text be read and interpreted differently by twodifferent readers?

    a. Who are the two readers?

    b. What are the two interpretations?

    c. Why are these interpretations different?

    2. If the text had been written in a different time or place or

    language or for a different audience, how and why might it

    differ?a. What is the different time, place, language, OR

    audience (pick ONE)?

    b. How might the text differ?

    c. Why might it differ?

    3. How and why is a social group represented in a particular


    a. What social group are you discussing?

    b. What is the particular way that social group is


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    write a novel,


    c. How is the group depicted in that way?

    d. Why is the group depicted that way?

    4. Which social groups are marginalized, excluded or silenced

    within the text?

    a. Which social group are you discussing?

    b. Are you focusing on the group being marginalized,

    excluded, OR silenced (pick ONE)?

    c. How and why is this marginalization, exclusion, or

    silencing occurring in the text?

    5. How does the text conform to, or deviate from, the conventions

    of a particular genre, and for what purpose?

    a. What genre are you discussing?

    b. Are you discussing how the text conforms to OR

    deviates from the genre (pick ONE)?

    c. How does the conforming or deviating occur in the


    d. For what purpose?

    6. How has the text borrowed from other texts, and with what

    effects?a. What borrowed text are you discussing?

    b. How has 1984 borrowed from said text?

    c. What are the effects of this borrowing?

    Answers to questions relating to your prompt:7. How has the text borrowed from other texts, and with what effects?

    a. What borrowed text are you discussing?

    b. How has 1984 borrowed from said text?

    c. What are the effects of this borrowing?

    Dystopian worlds have a specific way to be classified. They follow certain

    characteristics, so therefore most dystopian books are very similar, the Uglies seriesspecifically to 1984 .

    The Uglies series & 1984 are both controlled by a government and a thought. They are

    under constant surveillance, which is by futuristic technology. The citizens are split into

    different level of social groups, and are all in uniform. The outside world is frowned upon

    and they both experienced a tragic past to be this way.

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    Minix 4

    Outline Form 1984 Summative Paper

    English 11 Bradley

    Question Answer

    What is your


    Megan Minix

    What is the titleof the text you are

    using as the basis

    of your analysis?


    Circle the

    question you are


    1. How could the text be read and interpreted differently by two

    different readers?2. If the text had been written in a different time or place or

    language or for a different audience, how and why might it

    differ?3. How and why is a social group represented in a particular


    Which social groups are marginalized, excluded or silencedwithin the text?

    5. How does the text conform to, or deviate from, the conventions

    of a particular genre, and for what purpose?6. How has the text borrowed from other texts, and with what


    What is your

    central argument?

    You can respond

    in the form of

    bullet points or athesis statement.

    1984 is about a dystopian world, and is very similar to

    other dystopic books, like the Uglies series

    Key point 1,

    including textual

    evidence* to

    support your


    *By textual

    evidence, I

    mean quotationsfrom the novel.

    The Control

    1. Controlled by government Bureaucratic Control

    a. Special Circumstances & the Party

    2. Controlled by thought Philosophical Control

    a. Pretty operation & the Thought Police

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    Key point 2,

    including textual

    evidence* to

    support your


    *By textualevidence, I

    mean quotations

    from the novel.

    The Characteristics

    1. Citizens are uniformed.

    a. being pretty/bubbly & actual uniforms

    2. Citizens under constant surveillance

    a. Interface ring & telescreens

    3. Futuristic technology

    a. hoverboards and cars, nanotechnology &

    Key point 3,

    including textual

    evidence* to

    support your


    *By textual

    evidence, I

    mean quotations

    from the novel.

    More characteristics

    1. The outside world is banished

    a. Smokies & Eurasia

    2. Tragic Past

    a. Rusties & WWII

    (Optional - notrecommended)

    Key point 4,

    including textual

    evidence* to

    support your


    *By textual

    evidence, I

    mean quotations

    from the novel.

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    Minix 6

    Criteria Big Brother OBrien Goldstein

    Question typed at

    the beginning of

    your essay

    Yes, the question is retyped

    at the beginning of your

    essay. You copied it exactly.

    (5 pts)

    There is a vague

    reference to the question

    youre answering, but

    you did not copy it

    exactly. (3 pts)

    You did not include the

    question at the

    beginning of your essay.

    (0 pts)

    Understanding of

    the question

    Clearly understands the

    prompt and addresses all

    parts of it.

    Response is thorough,

    detailed, accurate and

    specific. (10 pts)

    Some understanding of

    the prompt addresses

    part of it.

    Response is on the right

    track but somewhat

    superficial or sometimes

    inaccurate. Feels like a

    SparkNotes job. (6 pts)

    Lack of understanding

    of the prompt does not

    address prompt.

    Response is vague,

    inaccurate, and/or

    extremely superficial.

    Clearly a SparkNotes

    job. (1 pt)

    Thesis statement Clear, concise, has a so

    what factor Presents clear

    argument that goes beyondsummary Demonstrates

    understanding of effect of

    literary technique (5 pts)

    Missing one or more of

    clarity, conciseness, and

    so what factorPresents adequate

    argument but may be

    more summary than

    analysis adequate

    understanding of effect of

    literary technique (3 pts)

    Unclear, wordy,

    confusing, or lacking in

    a so what factorLacks argument lacks

    understanding of effect

    of literary technique (1


    Body of paper Points clearly support thesis

    Uses relevant quotations to

    support ideas develops

    thorough argument clear

    understanding of how style

    affects meaning (10 pts)

    Points sometimes support

    thesis Quotations are

    more descriptive than

    analytical develops basic

    argument superficial

    understanding of how

    style affects meaning

    OR: Your ideas match

    your thesis, but because

    your thesis was not an

    argument, neither is your


    (6 pts)

    Points do not support


    Paper is all summary

    lacks analysis

    Lacks understanding of

    how style affects


    (automatic deduction of

    5 pts in this category if

    there are no quotations

    at all)

    Organization Strong introduction,

    transitions, and conclusion.

    Thesis statement found in

    the first paragraphConclusion synthesizes

    ideas and does not introduce

    new information

    Logical sequence of ideas

    within and between


    (5 pts)

    Adequate introduction,

    transitions, and


    Thesis statement foundlater in the essay.

    Conclusion restates

    ideas adequate sequence

    of ideas

    (3 pts)

    Missing or poor

    introduction, transitions,

    and/or conclusion

    no thesis statement to befound

    Ends abruptly lacks

    sense of closure ideas

    are all over the place

    lacks focus and


    (1 pt)



    Quotations embedded into

    own sentences extremely

    Quotations embedded

    into paper somewhat

    Quotations placed in

    paper in a clunky

  • 7/26/2019 Minix-1984 Summative Assignment


    Minix 7

    Click here for a

    video tutorial!



    smoothly. Quotations do not

    stand alone. You never refer

    to quotations as quotes or

    quotations in your

    sentences. (5 pts)

    smoothly still too much

    filler like on page 35 or

    you can see this in this

    quote. You refer to a

    quotation as a quote or

    quotation once. (3 pts)

    manner Quotations

    stand alone and are not

    embedded into your own

    sentences You refer to a

    quotation as a quoteor

    quotation multiple

    times. (1 pt)

    (automatic zero in this

    category if there are no

    quotations at all)




    Effectively uses variety of

    sentence types to create a

    smooth flow; Sentences

    are clear;

    Uses words correctly;

    effectively uses a varied,

    vivid vocabulary; finds the

    delicate balance between

    sounding sophisticatedand purple prose (5 pts)

    Overall smooth writing

    some issue w/ sentence

    structure, but they dont

    necessarily interfere with


    Attempts to use a


    vocabulary; may misuse

    words from time totime (3 pts)

    Issues w/ sentence

    structure interfere with


    Many words used

    incorrectly; vocabulary

    is bland OR too much

    purple prose (1 pt)

    Conventions Engaging, formal, and

    objective tone very few

    grammar errors consistently

    uses present tense verbs (5


    Formal tone a handful of

    grammar errors, but

    theyre not overly

    distracting usually uses

    present tense verbs (3


    Limited awareness of or

    inconsistent tone Many

    grammar errors that

    distract from the content

    of the paper (1 pt)

    Format (MLA)

    Times New

    Roman 12

    Double spacedMLA heading

    Header w/ page #

    Descriptive title

    (in addition to the

    copied question)

    Margins (1 or 1.25


    In-text citations

    Works cited page

    Zero errors (5 pts)

    See last page of this handout

    for sample format!

    Two errors (3 pts) Four or more errors

    (1 pt)

    Word count 800-1,000 words

    Word count typed at the end

    of the essay


    Word count: 947

    (5 pts)

    750-799 words


    1,001-1,050 words

    Word count typed at the

    end of the essay

    (3 pts)

    749 or fewer words


    1,051 or more words

    Word count not typed at

    the end of the essay

    (1 pt)

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    Minix 8

    1984 Summative Rubric Conversion:

    60=100 59=99 58=98 57=97 56=96 55=95

    54=94 53=93 52=92 51=91 50=90 49=89

    48=89 47=88 46=88 45=87 44=86 43=85

    42=85 41=84 40=83 39=82 38=81 37=80

    36=80 35=80 34=79 33=79 32=78 31=78

    30=77 29=76 28=75 27=74 26=73 25=72

    24=71 23=70 22=70 21=70 20=69 19=68

    18=67 17=66 16=65 15=64 14=63 13=62

    12=60 11=60 10=60 9=59 8=58 7=57

  • 7/26/2019 Minix-1984 Summative Assignment


    Minix 9

    Megan Minix

    Mr. Bradley

    English 11

    23 May 2015

    Dystopian Books Similarities

    How has the text borrowed from other texts, and with what effects?

    A Dystopia is the opposite of a Utopia, for it is an imaginary society that is as

    dehumanizing and/or as unpleasant as possible. Dystopian worlds are classified by

    distinct characteristics, which in turn makes each book that contains one very similar.

    They use comparable themes, as well as plot lines, and basically reuse the same story.

    The effect that this has is while you are reading them, you are constantly linking the ideas

    with other books that you have read. Therefore, the book 1984 and the book series Uglies

    borrowed text from one another, since they both consist of a dystopian society.

    Granted that 1984 and the Uglies series are dystopic, one of the main parts to their

    societies is how they are controlled. In these books, they are managed in two ways: by the

    government, or bureaucratic control, and by thought, or philosophical control. In 1984,

    the government is the Party and is Special Circumstances in the Uglies series. The

    Inner Party is the superior group of the Outer Party and the proles, while the Special

    Circumstances are the superior group from the Uglies and the Pretties. Also, these

    governments control their societies by splitting everyone into groups once they reach a

    certain age. In the Uglies it states that Tally is about to turn sixteen, and she cant wait.

    In a few weeks shell have the operation that will turn her from a repellent ugly into a

    stunningly attractive pretty, (Westerfeld, Uglies) and in 1984 is says that Admission to

    either branch of the Party is by examination, taken at the age of sixteen, (Orwell). These

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    ways of regulations are also related to how they control them through philosophical

    control. In the Uglies series they use the pretty operation to do this and ..they also add

    these lesions (tiny scars, sort of) to your brain. It makes you different and not in a good

    way, (Westerfeld,Pretties). The lesions in the operation disable you from actually

    thinking for yourself, which is exactly what 1984 does through the Thought Police. The

    Thought Police monitor thoughtcrime, and it states in the book that thoughtcrime does

    not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death, (Orwell). These ways, through controlling their

    societies, are just some examples 1984 and the Uglies series borrowed text from each


    In addition to the control of dystopian worlds, the Uglies series and 1984 share

    similar characteristics of the dystopian genre. For example, a concurring idea is that

    everyone has to be the same. In the the first book, Uglies, it does this through the pretty

    operation and it voices that when they grind and stretch your bones to the right shape,

    peel off your face and rub all your skin away, and stick in plastic cheekbones you look

    like everybody else, (Westerfeld), while in 1984they achieve this through thought

    control, as well as actual uniforms. Through these actions, the societies achieve their goal

    and it is even stated by Westerfeld that Perhaps the logical conclusion of everyone

    looking the same is everyone thinking the same, (Uglies). Another characteristic they

    share is the fact that the citizens are under constant surveillance. A telescreen is used to

    do this in both books, along with an interface ring in the Westerfeld books that you could

    not exist without. Now going off of these surveillance tactics, is the fact that the books

    use futuristic technology. Some examples include the ways they track their citizens, along

    with others like hover-cars/boards and nanotechnology. The ways these books share this

    similar of ideas has a lasting effect through each reading, since you are constantly

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    comparing them.

    Furthermore on the characteristics these books share is on the background and

    base of the stories. There is usually a tragic reason to why these societies are this way,

    and in 1984,

    although it is never specified, its assumed that it is WWII for it says

    Winston could not definitely remember a time when his country had not been at war,

    (Orwell). In the Uglies, they instead blame the entire past of humans, or the Rusties for

    example one of the characters say It was hard to think of the Rusties as actual people,

    rather than as just an idiotic, dangerous, and sometimes comic force of history,

    (Westerfeld, Uglies). When the societies make the past seem so devastating, it not only

    makes the citizens accept the new ways of society, but it also cuts them off of the outside

    world. Both books make the exterior world off limits, like in the Uglies series the colony

    of Smokies is banned and tried to be kept secret. People are not even suppose to exit

    their own city limits, which is much like how it is in 1984. For instance, Oceania is the

    country in which 1984takes place and in which they are not allowed out of. The

    wilderness outside of city limits is restricted, let alone the other countries, Eastasia and

    Eurasia, which are completely forbidden. Using the past as a threat and further

    controlling their citizens by keeping them almost captive, it just yet another way these

    dystopian books prove to be alike.

    Ultimately, there is no denying the fact that 1984 and the book series, Uglies,

    borrowed texts from each other. The reasoning for this is because all of the novels are

    built around a dystopian world, which has a certain structure. These books are alike in

    this structure all the way from the type of control to how society works. While these

    similarities could be taken as a bad sign and that they are just copycats, I advise to

    embrace it. It gives readers a chance to compare, contrast, and relate books while reading,

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    and this effect is in fact positive. It improves all books involved and creates an interactive

    reading environment, which is why these books are so successful. I encourage all to clasp

    the dystopian worlds of these books, and others, and to take part in the linking of these


    Word count: 1000

    Works Cited

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    Minix 13

    Orwell,George. 1984 . New York: Signet, 1950. Print.

    Westerfeld, Scott. Uglies.New York: Simon Pulse, 2011. Print.

    Westerfeld, Scott.Pretties.New York: Simon Pulse, 2011. Print.

    Westerfeld, Scott. Specials.New York: Simon Pulse, 2011. Print

    Westerfeld, Scott.Extras.New York: Simon Pulse, 2011. Print.
