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Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn. : 1888...

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THE BREAD WINNERS" OF ITS ALLEGED AVTHOR Contention. That Ida May Harris \u25a0'Wai Not Competent _ Mentally. ff*w York Sun Special Sme-vlca 5 Urbana, 111., "May V2L—The anticipated fight over the will "of the late May Ida Harris commenced to-day in the county court of Champaign county before Judge C. C. Staley. The objectors claim that Harris, because of long illness, was incapable of making a \u25a0will or codicil. Un- d^ue influence. is also hinted at. It devel- oped in the testimony of the attending physician, Dr. H. C. Howard, that for sev- ena^days previous to making the will. Mia* Harris had been under the influence of codeine, a strong narcotic, one-fourth of a grain of which will ordinarily pro- duce sleep. Three grains at a lime had been" given Miss Harris. A professional nurse, Miss Mary B. Har- rison, who attended Miss Harris, testi- fied that the day before the will-was writ- ten. Miss Harris had spoken constantly of the animals moving about the room. The nurse said Miss Harris was incapable at thai time of making a will, her mental condition being unsound. The case will be continued to-morrow. The private papers of Miss Harris will not be exam- ined until the will is probated, so no ad- ditional light has been thrown on the Question of the authorship of "The Bread Winners," recently attributed to Miss Harris. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS "Western Realty company to Charles J. Dahlstrom. lots 2 and 3. block 6, Fair Grounds addition $500 Eleazar Dickey to Arthur, Norman and Elbert Dickey, In section 27, town 118, range 23 ....: ; 500 Minnesota Debenture company to Au- gust Hallquist. part lot 12,, block 5, Jewett's addition 125 Ella H. Griswold and husband to Charles F. and Eruiiea Grade, lot 1, block 3, Griswolds third addition 950 Abbie P. Hall to John P. Wahlstrom, lot 7, Rutledge's rearrangement ...... 1,200 Keilie R. Albee and husband to G. Dayton Adams, lot 22, block 2, Abbott & Sundby's addition 175 {Two minor deeds ......«\u25a0 2 Total, eight deeds —... $3,452 Building Permits. Mrs. C. H. 1 Beaton. 2312-2314 Blaisdell avenue, brick dwelling $18,000 Eeginia Haugeu, 2816 E Twenty-second street, frame dwelling 1,300 £. L. Anderson, 2102 Hennepin avenue, additions 1.100 L. G. Weeton. 1522-1526-1530 E Twenty- second etreet, three frame dwellings. 6,600 John Burnham, 2314 Jackson street NE, dwelling 1.500 Birth*. Mrs. Peter Sooumpoo, 242 Humboldt ay X..girl Mrs. Frank Burnhart, 89 13th ay NE boy Mrs. Henry E. Erickson. 1619 6th st X....b0y Mrs. John"M. Major. Johnson st NE..boy Mrs. Henry Wilson, 2215 Marshall st girl Mrs. Crist Ogstad, 634 19th ay NE... boy Mrs. Martin Olsen. 1719 Fillmore st boy Mrs. Oscar Dostch, 2011 Minnehaha ay..girl Mrs. Charles Sampson, 2107 16th ay 5....b0y Mrs. George Payette, 204 14th ay NE girl •Mrs. George Holieva, 61S Marshall st 1. boy Mrs. Gustavo Enquigt. 2448 12th ay S boy Mrs. Justis Probstfield, 2109 Columbus ay.boy \u25a0 Mrs. John Orrin, Merriam Park girl Mrs. Matt Munson, 2714 Bth st S —..boy Mrs. John Frankman, 3712 14th ay S girl Mrs. Lawrence Flake. 9u6 4th st X girl \u25a0Sirs. Ernest Hedenland, 2822 25th st S girl Death*. Gertrude Rosch, 451 Madison si NE, 29 years. Mathtas Harrer. 2631 3d st N. 44 years, lone Yarnell, 713 E 15th st, 6 years. George Leonard Oleaon, 342? Harriet &v, 5 years. Luther Percy, St. Barnabas hospital, 7S years. Patrina Wicklander, 906 26th ay NE. 41 years. \u25a0William T. Boweii. soldiers' home, 69 years. Charles Dwinnell, 2539 24th ay S. 53 years. Carrie Belle Wheeler. 112 4th st S, 21 years. Marna«f Llcenves, August Widen. Big Stone county, and Chris- ', ': Una Jacobson.- . ' Eleazer Johnson and Marian L. Mower. Lee Rice and Mary Miller. Menton W. Johnson and Hilda O. Berg. George L. Lange and Mary Grace Xoe, Co- \u25a0 hoes, N. T. Harry Mercier and Clara Kreger. John Novak and Kate S. Keruba. Charles 9. Hoff, Ramsey county, and Eliza- beth M. Olsen. l^i AGENTS WANTED "WANTED—AGENTS EVERYWHERE TO sell Beaumont oil stock: traveling men's side line: good for $10 day. Address J. M. Shields, Beaumont.- Tcxaa. - WANTED—A FEW GOOD, HUSTLING .agents that are looking to make $5 and $6 daily. 510 Century building. _^ "~ 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICE WE FRAME PICTURES AT deep-cut prices. - High grade, new patterns mouldings, ovals, portrait frames. Regild- lug and gold frames made to order. Picture sale oil paintings. Zesbaugh, 11 sth st S. g BUSINESS CHANCES WE HAVE SOME ATTRACTIVE OPENINGS in banking,- mercantile, manufacturing and professional lines In growing sections of the country. We can sell your business. Look its up. Odlum-KurUman Co., Phoenix bldg. FOR SALE— AND ~STOCK OF : hardware, furniture and farm implements. -Address E. C.-Webster, Andover, S. D. \u25a0 . , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON— cne registered in Minnesota, for exclusive office practice; must be a capable and sober man, with complete surgical Instruments. G 1002, Journal. FOR CONFECTIONERY, GROCERY and tobacco store and newsstand in. leading summer resort of state, will pay for itself before fall; W 1001. Journal. FOR SALE—HOTEL AND SALOON, IX- Cluding furniture, fixtures and license; in live Minnesota town; cheap tor cash; no trades considered. Box 22, Clara City, Minn. i'OR SALE—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL cigar store in good city * this state. Have paying trade. Owner has other business de- manding his attention. Address X 1003, j Journal. \u25a0 . "If all people had their laundry . -work done at the Custom Laundry, how much better some people's linen would look. 112 '6th st S. Tel. 13S. . \u25a0"\u25a0 WANTED FIRST-CLASS DENTIST TO share office with physician In city; good loca- tion for right man. Address M 1000, Journal. WAXTED-^LADY OR GENTLEMAN, WITH , some cash and some influence, for ground 'floor proposition in Beaumont Oil company. T Address J. M. "Shields. St. James Hotel, Beau- £ aiont. Texas. '\u25a0 > FOR SALE— > STOCK - OF HARDWARE^ almost new, invoicing about $1,500, on ac- -eeunt of sickness.- Address P 1006. Journal. _ 2,500 GROCERY— DAILY SALES, $50; WILL -take $500 cash, balance -In real estate; In- \u25a0vtsttgate.-^ls'ortbwestern- -Business Agency, 207 Bank of Commerce. OVER $S,XK» YEARLY PROFITS PROVEN; positively legitimate; offered by eastern party here to negotiate; largely office business; un- usual opportunity, about ,SI,OOO- required. B. 1006, Journal. " '". . \u25a0." \u25a0 FOR SALE—l*t ACRES OF STRAWB-ERKIES on vines; large crop. \u25a0J. W. Bryant, 28th ay '\u25a0'\u25a0& and^2q st. .Call at 418 M^.st g.... YOU CAN MAKE SPLENDID PROFITS BY Judicious, systematic operations on the wheat market; $20 will margin 1,000 bushels 2 cents. Send for our free book, "Facts and Figures," explaining option trading. . The Osborn Grain Co., $13 to 815 Phoenix building, Minneapolis. Members Chamber of Commerce. "TEA, COFFE; WANT PARTNER, $500. Grocery, neat coxner,sßso; $25 daily business. - Dairy, fine cows, outfit and c route, $1,600. " European' hotel,^s7,ooo; $2,500 monthly. \u25a0 . .slst> —RoomJ-Lg-iionef. .1100 Lumber Exchange SMALL STOCK OF CLOTHING AND GENTS' - ftirnlshings:* -Also' store fixtures. Fine lo- cation and good business. Cheap rent. If LTou- are -looking for a business location of this, kind, don't + look any farther. .Address lock box 44, Glen wood. Minn. . FIRST-CLASS SIStXER WANTED. AS \u25a0 PAKT- ner in shop la this city; best location. A 110C7. Journal.--•-\u25a0.:''*>.*\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 . ':._ii_: SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PER- xnanentlT removed by electricity. Miss Hol- lister. 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand of the northwest. Exclusive specialist. HAYNES TIRES, guaranteed, $2.50. Second- baud -wheels, $3 'up. Hayriee Cycle Co., «27 Oat a-v S. ' "•-'- " ' GAUL. AT KENNEDY'S, 322 NICOLLET AY. and see that Steams bicycle agency wheel, tor $13.50, - i $UESI«* Evening, io.y 21, isra. - 8 BICYCLES :;>\u25a0»..--»•\u25a0" (01 a tinned. WANTED—GENTLEMAN'S BICYCLE,- 1901 model, 22 or 23 iuc v frame; must be first- class and bargain foi* cash. 707 Sykes block. FOE SALE—ONB M.' & W. VULCANIZER. new style, with molds good as new; cheap. Call at 1801 E Frank Un. : -. \u25a0 \u25a0 FOR SALE-TIGER ".BICYCLE. GENTLE- man's, in good condition; sell for $6. Call between 2 and 4 at I'M Lumber Exchange. \u25a0 10 BOARD AIwjROOMS^" Finished room in first-class house, suitable for two Bremen or man.and wife: beau tf.ful yard; would like few table boarders, goocf. home cooking; meal tickets sold for $4.00, str » ight board $3.50. At 625 Tth st S; tel. 2716 .1- \ Main. \u25a0 TWO NICELY FURNIS tIED ROOMS WITH good board, in modern hi use. Telephone ser- vice. 922 Cth ay S. , \TTENtION ft .BOARDERS WANT- *ed; country hotel; love! grounds; reason- able rates; Christians I erred; good board; correspondence solicited. Mrs. C. \\. Pitt, Kockford. Minn. __ bright; sunny, wesll furnished room with good table board. Reference re- quired. 410 9th st 3. \u25a0 _\u25a0\u25a0____——— \u25a0[g COWS _ FOR SA^E^TtVoTci BOICB HEIFER calves, about I months old. Call 42d st and Minuehaha ay. - 77 clairvoyants" J.TL -~- -^—-v^ »~—~^— \u25a0—^—**^ TUT" MRS MANEW ELL, medium I leadings dan*, hours from 10 to 5. 620J&_>U tollet.jroom_l4._ DR. LOUISE FISCHER, INDEPENDENT deep trance clairvoyant. Ft« 1 life readings by mall. All letters answered. Office 311 oth st S. .«______—— j]j LAIDEES^ALCVRgJG___ LAIHeT^HO^^PPRECIATE I HIGH-CLASS tailoring will do well to interview G. C. Hutchison, 87 Sth st S. Telephone 2.73 L-3. ig DYEING AND CLH ANING^ i ;*POPQPPP a & p NOW 13 THE TIME T«?' HAVE & 5 your clothing and all housetl >ld goods Q. O French dry cleaned, and A. is oroung's # Q Minneapolis Dye House Is til 9 largest p S and only reliable place in til a north- # 0 west Offices, 522 Nicollet, nmr 6th st. p j O Tel " 3156 J2 main, and 242 Nicollet, p | p near Washington ay. Tel. .*lO main. £ SeHSX*B**3KK^QSWrc i assess:** TWIN CITY DYE WORKS li RACTICAL | dyers and French dry cleaners; out-of-town orders solicited; prices moderate. 420 .Nicol- let. Telephone 1576. <__ WE WANT YOU ALL TO K*kOW-THE Pautorium is still at the old stind, 92a-927 Nicollet. Dyeing and French di".' cleaning, clothing, etc., by our new procesil. We use "Minerallne" exclusively In dry cleaning, which leaves no odor. Out of tovrti work so- licited. Send for catalogue. Jfraldron & Crockett. Minneapolis. Minn. 12 FJLNANCIAL DO YOU MINNEAPOLIS NEED LOAN MONEY? COMPANY.. 110 \u25a0 . ' - $15 Will loan you sioney $20 TO-DAY i $25 On your own personal $30 Note, without security $35 or indorser, and you can pay $i oit back in easi' $45 weekly or month! iy $50 payments, as yo]» '.r 555 circumstances will $fiQ permit, thus enablt ng $65 . you to pay withoi t $70 inconvenience or w(£ Ty. $75 Our office is so arrrt iged " $iy that you do not eel ne $85 in contact with ot 8 er $90 - applicants, and you «can $95 . be waited on privately $100 and quickly. Our sy;».em . $105 Is new, our method ilie $110 - CHEAPEST, BEST, $115 MOST PRIVATE $120 in the city. : $125 PRIVATE INTERVIEWING $130 ROOMS. i $135 $140 MINNEAPOLIS LOAN £0., $145 Suite 001 and 602, $160 ' GLOBE BUILDING. WE HAVE A BLOCK OF EASTERN MO*NKY to loan at 5 per cent on choice resistance property. Thorpe Bros.. 258_Hennepin &\\. 4W TO 6 PER CENT MONEY. WITH IHE "on or before" privilege, to loan on improved oroperty in Minneapolis and St. Paul. R. 'M. NewDort. 309-211 Phoenix building, 60 4th: st S. Minneapolis. .- ( AT LOWEST RATES— TO LOAN.' R. D. Cone & Co.. 517 Guaranty Loan bulldinjE._ MONEY TO LOAN: EASY TERMS; LOW rates. David P. Jones & Co.. Oueida building^ LOANS FROM $100 UPWARDS; CITY PRClP- erty prefer'd; no delay. J.B.Tabour, 124 S 4 CO. MORTGAGE LOANS—Rates low; any sumi;; no delay: see us sure. Gale & Co.. N. Y. Ll.a?. MONEY for first mortgage city security, cvi- : rent rates. E. H. Bass. 514 Guaranty bldg. - WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON MINNE.P' apolis real estate, with on or before privir leges; rate 4Va. 5 and 6. T. A. Jamieson, 313 icollet. . , MINNEAPOLIS MONEY ON HAND FOR* real estate loans. No delay; no red tape. Building loans a specialty. E. D. Brown, i 728 Lumber Exchange. -. . CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, MINNEAPO- j Us, first mortgage gold bonds for sale, net- ; ting 4% per cent. Full particulars on appli- cation. Minnesota Loan and Trust Co., 313 Nicollet ay. ' ; MONEY LOANED at 4% to 6 per cent, net. Sawyer & Betcher, 407 Phoenix. $100,000 TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARM property; low interest. Barnes Bros. 104 S 4th. j MONEY~TO LOAN OX CITY PROPERTY ! and Improved farm lands, 5, o 1? and 6 per cent. C. H. Smith. 603-606 Phoenix building. M. H~V7~"YOUNG, PROMOTER AND OR- ganizer of financial institutions. Years of ! experience. Best of references. 656 Temple ! Court. - J 1 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE with steady positions in good concerns, on their own names; no security; easy payments, Tolman. 920 N. Y. Life building. LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE—LOWEST rates: easy payments; no publicity. Ameri- can Credit Co.. C. E. Jennings, Mgr., 523-5 Guaranty building.. \u25a0 \u25a0 SALARY LOANS TO EMPLOYES ON Plain notes, without security. Easier partial payments. Lower rates. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Sykes block, 256 Hennepln Walk up one flight. Wt MONEY TO LOAN SALARIED PEG- *• ff> pie.—We are prepared to loan reason- kg X able amounts to salaried people hold- !9; X ing steady positions with responsible tt, Vt concerns, on easy weekly or monthly 9i payments. We conduct our business X strictly confidential. Lowest rates and «£ X fair treatment guaranteed. Room 306, 9i 9t Bank of Commerce building. »J WHEN YOU Tr ~~ hold a permanent salaried position and wlsb to BORROW MONEY, remember that you can get the lowest rates, longest time'and best terms on" your plain note without mortgage or indorser, if you COME TO US. Our private interviewing rooms are 1arranged so you can be waited on quickly and confi- dentially and no one outside of our office will know of your visit or that you are borrowing money. MINNEAPOLIS FINANCIAL CO., Room 206, New York Life building. 20 FOR MISCELLANEOUS! FREE "FOR SALE" CARDS TO THOSE advertising under this head. Be sure and call for them when you leave the ad. COLFAX MINERAL WATER Will permanently cure constipation. We guarantee results; $1.75 per six-gallon case. The Glenwood-Inglewoud Co., 313 Hennepln. TENTS, AWNINGS. DUCK AND COVERS* AMERICAN TENT AND AWNING CO., 125-127-123 Ist ay N, Minneapolis. \u25a0 TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE, 237 Henn. ay— Sell, rent, repair all makes. Ask for prices. \u2666 <• \u2666:\u2666 GOOD SLIGHTLY USED FURNI- <• \u2666;\u2666 TURK, ETC. ;'»'--\u25a0 \u2666;• *\u0084. . * •;• Our second and third floors are \u2666;• *> stocked with an immense assemblage \u2666;\u2666 \u2666> of \u25a0 all kinds nice clean bedroom, •;• «;• library, dining-room, parlor and kltch- •> \u2666;\u2666 en furniture, rugs, carpets, iron and <\u2666 \u2666;• brass beds, cook stoves, , ranges, pi- •> •> \u25a0 anos, . organs, office furniture, etc., . y \u2666;« etc., from the nicest houses in : the , & \u2666;\u2666 city. •We carry only . the best and ,•> \u2666;\u2666 sell at lowest prices. It you have «5» <;• nice modern goods to sell, we- want <\u2666 •> them, and will pay very outside prices. <\u2666 *> On our ground floor will be found ty \u2666;\u2666 manufacturers' sample ; lines of new <{\u2666 \u2666> furniture, rugs, etc., in great Tariety, <• <\u2666 from the cheapest to the very highest \u2666> \u2666;\u2666 class, and we sell from 20 to. 50 per \u2666!\u25ba •I* cent cheaper -thaa_any_<ither house la %\u2666 <• the "west. Hubert Bowti & Co., furnl- <\u25ba <\u2666 ture brokers; 44 aa* 46 ftt st S. •:• »»»»»»>»»\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666 <»<\u2666\u2666\u2666<««;«<"»\u2666»:\u2666 <4 GREAT BARGAINS IN "NEW AND SLIGHT- Iy used household goods ef every description. We can save you 25""p~eY cent at the Town Market Furniture Co., 26 and 27 sth st 3. 20 FOR SALE MISCLEANEOUS Continued. PASTRY OVENS. STEAM TABLES, COF- fee urns, hotel range*; tin, copper and sheet iron work of all kinds; retaining. Tel. 161. Great Western Stove Repair Co., 312 Hen, aT. MATTRESSES MADE OVER; HAIR OR moss, $1.50; others Si; mattresses and furni- ture for sale. Rainville Bros., manufactur- ers, 17 Nicollet Island. Both phones. , ONE GASOLENE STOVE IN GOOD CON- dltlon; also awning with all fixtures. 17 Washington ay S. ' o. & £ o :Q Q SUN-PROOF GARDEN HOSE S Q jQ Q IS THE BEST— CENTS Q $ §# PER FOOT. S Q qq. aa O Q. We are selling more of this £* A 8Q than all other grades. We're Q Q Q also still selling the best Ilk: O Q Q & hose in the city. g: Q Q. » \u25a0 ; yJ^--' »« O.Q Reels, sprinklers, nozzles, Op P p lawn mowers, grass catchers, & p pp lawn rakes, grass hooks,- hard- O P P P ware, cutlery, tools, etc. v O P .O. . & « P « W. K. MORISON & CO., p Q P P OP P p * 217-249 Nicollet Avenue. « U « P ~ «\u25a0« v^o^^l<H^pCbX»X^<^CwXbJ^O^C> WOOD, dry, $1.75; 2 loads 12.75; green, $1 up. Plymouth Lbr.. 4 Lumber Kxcg. Phone 717 J2.. MILKMEN—YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BY using our ground screenings. We make the best. Now Is the time to contract with us at a very low price for June and July delivery. Call at the Gee Mill, 112 Polk st NE. We buy and sell all kinds of grain and feed by the car load, ton or 100 pounds. -- - - PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWERS, HlGH- grade hose, screen doors, paints and oils. J. H. Smith. 214-216 Hennepln ay. FOR SALE—LAUNCHES; 17. IS, 20. 23 AND 27-foot launches, complete for immediate \u25a0 de- llvery. Globe Iron Works, Minneapolis. 100 FIXE SECOND-HAND ICE BOXES AND refrigerators from $2 up to {100: suitable for stores and family use. 1027 Washington ay S. PIANOS-RUSE PIANO, $150; WEBER UP- right, $175; ('bickering upright, $190; Fischer, upright. $160; three uprights, $100, $90, $125;' two square pianos, $25, $50. New pianos for. rent, $3.50 and $4 a mouth. One year's rent al- lowed if purchased. Foster & Waldo, 40 sth st S, corner Nicollet. GERANIUMS. 50c 75c AND $1 PER DOZEN, at 2427 2iVs ay S. 'Phone Main 3290 L-l. BEST GRADE MINNESOTA FLOUR, 87c A sack. Cream of Wheat, 124 c per package. Good coffee, ten pounds 97c. Good roasted coffee, ten pounds for $1.14. Special bargains in our grocery list. Roberto, ,17 Nicollet. . FOR SALE—SODA FOUNTAIN"~IN GOOD* j repair, cheap;. call at 1513 Washington ay N, I after 6 o'clock p. m. j ' FOR SALE—A LOT OF. OLD PATENT OF- Bee reports, mechanical; also Gazettes, dates from 1317 to UK. Owen T. Dougherty, 906 2d st SE. ' : FOR SALE— UPRIGHT FISHER piano in good condition. Call 2517 Coifax ay S. - \u25a0 ' . FOR SALE—BULL TERRIER PUPS, HlGH- est breeding, $10. Call evenings after 6 o'clock. 2732 Colfax ay S. . LOT OF 8-INCH RISE, GRANITE RANGE rock and a lot of Kasota stone for sale cheap. Call at 2545 Aldrich ay S, City. FOR SALE— SIDE BAR PIANO BOX buggy, good condition, $22; one three-spring buggy for $12; cheap single harness; na use for them. Call after 6. 3449 Aldrich ay S. . MUST BE SOLD—TWO GLASS "CIRCLE front refrigerators in fine condition; very cheap; also large safe and show cases. 1027 Washington ay S. FOR. SALE—IOO BARRELS PURE CIDER; delivered, 30c gallon in your own Jug; war- ranted free from acetic, salicylic or other adulterant acids; make your own vinegar; | save your pickles, assuring finest quality. Phone N. W., Main 3427 J2. J. C. F. Hol- comb. 156 Orlln ay SE. . - \u25a0 . BUTTER, BUTTER, BUTTER—FIVE-LB i jar best creamery on earth, $1; fresh dairy, 16c, 18c. M. W. A. best patent flour, $1.85. Fresh eggs, lie. Minnesota Dairy, 25 6th St S. » !_ BAKER'S OVEN, FINE CONDITION; capacity. 48 loaves. Will sell 'cheap; snap for any one needing an oven. 715 3d ay S. CLOSING OUT A FINE LINE OF GARLAND stoves and ranges at about half the regular retail price. Wm. Simms" Hardware, 411 14th avSE. '\u25a0 f . NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, TOTAL A*D- der, $60. Max Kohen, 327 Washington ay S. PIANO—HALVES BROS FRENOH~WAL*NUT rase; its handsome, in excellent condition; a snap at $165; also a stored piano walnut case, which owner will rent or sell cheap. 1711 sth ay S. :'•-\u25a0-•- ' : : FOR SALS—' ALMOST NEW UPRIGHT piano; cheap for cash, if taken at once; party leaving city. Call 56 12th st_Nv FOR SALE— YDS OF LINOLEUM pieces; also lady's bicycle, and two black walnut bedsteads. Gus. A. Bahr, 14 Wash- lngton ay S. ' SSOO-CHICKERING UPRIGHT PIANO IN fine condition for $175 cash, if taken at once. V 1006. Journal. FOR SALE—SWIVEL CHAIR; COST $45; will sell for $18. 303 New York- Life. PIANO FOR RENT FOR LAKE OR TOWN; good upright, with cover; low rent for sum- mer. Phone main 2807-Ll. 808 Nicollet. MUST BE SOLD WEDNESDAY—HIGH-ARM White sewing machine, $3; Domestic, $5; Oak White, $10; Singer,' $12.50. Elmer, 720 Ist ay S. I FOR SALE— POROELEAN TUBS, o^ special tub. Inquire 815 2d st NE. GAS WATER HEATER, $2750"TGAS RANGED $6; water front range, $8; steel range, $12; Magee range. $8. 502 4th ay S. - FORJiENT 01 UNFURNISHED HOUSES TfREE "FOR RENT" CARDS FOR THOSE (advertising under this head. Be sure and call for them when you leave the ad. t McCUBDY . Rants houses, i Taking care & CO., 2*) - flats, store*, Vof . property Temple Court. ( sells real entace. ) a specialty. List your property for sale or rent. FOR RENT— HANDSOME, MODERN, 12- --loom house, with barn; Janitor service; ex- ceptional locality; 10 minutes' walk from postoffice, $45; will paper to suit tenant. 722 B»h ay S. \u25a0 . 1501 PARK AY. 15 ROOMS, MODERN. $60. Modern 10-room house and barn In Sunnyside, 535. 834' Western ay, 2d floor, 5 rooms, $7. 1412 Portland ay, 8 rooms, barn, $20. 1718 Nicollet ay, 12 rooms, inoaern, 140. 6* Forest ay, 9 rooms, modern, $35. £ ' 112 Willow st, 10 rooms, modern, $30. 2413 Nicollet ay, 10 rooms, modern, $30. 628 University ay SE, 15 rooms, modern, $30. 603 Bth f>.v N, 8 rooms, modern, $22.50. 307 Aldrich ay N, 7 rooms, modern, $17.50. 609 E 22<i st, 6 rooms, bath, gas, etc., $17. 2302 Clinton ay, 7 rooms city water, $15. . ' George Odium. 309 Phoenix building. '\u25a0, ALTERATIONS FOR HOUSES AND stores, porches screened, carpenter work. , Lanzas, 423 2d ay S. - \u25a0 - - -..-\u25a0\u25a0 12-.ROOM HOUSE, 171 E ISLAND AY, FOR : rent, $35; hardwood finish, modern. CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 21 4th st S, can rent your property at once; reliable tenants. FOODS ARE BEST KEPT IN A HERRlCK- refrigerator; no mold, no taint, or smell of ; each other. Sold at 7th and Hennepin. - FOR RENT— HOUSE. PARTLY- FUR- nished, to right party cheap for three months; large lawn, nice shade; soft and spring water. 610 Ontario st SE. Call J. W. Bryant, Eagle foundry, 418 2d st S. '- -' ''" : FOR RENT—STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE, seven rooms; bath, gas, range, , refrigerator, etc. 120 E 13th st. Marston, Hampshire Arms. . . FOR RENT—NINE-ROOM, UNFURNISHED, strictly modern house; in good neighborhood. 1606 2d ay S. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 - " -1--;'- ' :' BOARDING HOUSE—EIGHT ROOMS, CEN- tral location, $20 per month. 529 6th st S. $25—STRICTLY MODERN. 418 E 25TH ST, six rooms, beside bath and pantry; .hard- wood finish and hardwood floors; very con- venient. . \ ,_ FOR EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, 209 E 27th; hardwood finish, parquet floors, open plumbing, porcelain bath, lawn, barn, etc. 303 New York Life building. .'.- \u25a0 , nn . FURNISHED HOUSES ~ i TO LET FOR SEASON, FURNISHED house with stable; quiet village, fresh and sail water. W. A. Collins, Waquoit, Mass. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT, JUNE 1 to Sept. 1; ten rooms; within walking dis- tance of business; only, adults desired. Ap- ply at 108 Willow st. MODERN 12-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE"; large barn; tine neighborhood; for year or longer. Address R 996, Journal. - •'\u25a0*"-'. oo ' - FURNISHED ROOMS ' FREE FOR RENT" OR "FURNISHED Room" cards for those advertising under this head. Be sure and call for them when leav-' ing the ad. '--,--'• NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM, with large closet; steam beat, gas, porcelain 'bath, hot water: - only :. two in family; no other roomers; gentlemen only; ; references exchanged; rent low to desirable tenant who will be permanent.» 28 12th st N, flat 3. ROOMS FORHRENT—44I6 LAKE HARRIET boulevard; gentlemenprefered. Vj PLEASANT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, gas, large shady .lawn, central,. and desirable for summer. 11l 7th st S. ' TO RENT—FURNISHED ROOM. "\u25a0 OVER- looking lake Harriet. 4413 Harriet boulevard. THE Mi:Nn*EAPOLIS JOUENAC. FOR RENT - '^C Continued. GRAND APARTMENTS—LADIES AND gentlemen, stationary wash bowls, \u25a0 porcelain bathß, $6 upwards; roof garden. 620 7th at.' "* FIRST OR SECOND FLOOR MODERN FUR- nished; will rent single or together; can have kitchen If desired. 10 E 14th at. - .. ;. *.-\u25a0> \u25a0; Large, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED par- lor, In modern bouse, beautiful location; also smaller room, summer rate. The above have been refurnished and are very desirable. 1019 lst_av_S. \u25a0\u25a0*:\u25a0 •\u25a0 ' \u25a0 _ NICELY FURNISHED, ; LARGE, COOL, pleasant rooms. _yjtth_g"_and_bath. 40 10 at 8. TWO PLEASANT, FURNISHED,, FRONT rooms. In private family; modem; walking distance downtown. 1717.9th ay S. n* UNFURNISHED ROOMS SOUTHEAST MINNEAPOLIS—SIX ROOMS, water and sewer, $3. Also four rooms, at 1515 i Hillside uv N. $7. W. W. CUark, 313_Nicollet. \ FOUR NICE ROOMS, UP STAIRS. LARGE house, only $8 to family without small I children. 2809 Clinton M .'_"••' SECOND FLOOR. FOUR ROOMS. G(j9 9TH 'st S. C. H. Nelll._lo_3d_st_S. 1 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOMS. DOWNSTAIRS, partly modern and very'nlce; gas fixtures and shades; $12 per month. Call at premises-, No. 2729 Hennepln_av. ' . V '' FLAT OF FOUR FRONT. MODERN, SEC^ oiui floor, 1218 Washington ay S, $10. Three front, upstairs, only $7 per menth, 619 Washington as 8. Three pleasant front, upstairs, only $5 per .mouth, 914 sth ay S. Two front, upstairs, central location, 613 sth st N. only $4. __ \ OC UNFURNISHED FLATS MODERN . FIVE-ROOM FLAT, 332 E I.TH st, second floor. Apply Frank Miller. ELEGANT SIX-ROOM FLATS. THOROUGH- Iy modern, 730-736 E "16th st; rent $27 and $30. F. A. Simmons "Co., New York Life building. . FOR RENT-FLATS. THREE AND SIX rooms, partly modern, $5, $6 and $10. Con- verse, 600 6th ay N. " FOR MODERN SIX-ROOM FLAT, 2K34 Chicago ay. Apply Northwestern hos- pital. •\u25a0 -' FOR FOUR-ROOM FLAT IN KEN- wood apartments, Hennepin and- Kenwood parkway; fine view and most attractive flat in every way; possession immediately; rent $28 month. J. F. Cole.. North Star Woolen Mills. Id st and 3d ay S. ________ SIX-ROOM, MODERN FLAT; HARDWOOD floors; $27.50. W. W. Clark. 313 Nlcollet ay. CHOICE, OUTSIDE, second FLOOR, mod- ern. heated flat, seven rooms, 1700 Ist ay S; four-room modern flat, $_<j. Rappahannock, 901 6th ay S. FOR RENT—STRICTLY MODERN, SEVEN large rooms, corner flat; $37.50. .1009 3d ay S, flat 2. ____ OC FURNISHED FLATS FOR RENT—FURNISHED FLAT OF FOUR rooms, for three or four months. Strictly modern. Only two flats in building. "Rent reasonable, Dr. H. W. Clark, 803_E_ loth st.__ FOR RENT—A THOROUGHLY MODERN seven-room furnished flat for summer months. Apply Mannen, 625 E Franklin. Beat Flats. | FOR THREE MONTHS OR LONGER. FUR- liished, very pleasant apartment, seven rooms, fine central location; reasonable rent. Hol- brook, 503 Kasota building. ' \u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0-> n-r OFFICES OFFICES; STEAM HEATED; PRICES $6 TO $20. Eastman block, 412 . Nlcollet. Inquire room 12. \u25a0 \u25a0 FOR RENT—WITHIN O"NE BLOCK OF THE Chamber of Comn.erce you can rent room 7, McMillan building, 3d ay S and 3d st. Boom Is 55x19 feet, steam heated, well lighted, sec- I ond floor front. Just the room for grain commission firm; blackboard, 35x9, ruled for stocks and grain. Western Union cable. in. Price of $25 per month, and location cannot be duplicated. O. M. Lara way & Sons,. 100 Bank of Commerce. \u25a0 yii STORES ALL. KINDS OF BUSINESS PROPERTY FOR RENT. THORPE BROS.. 258 HENN AY.. LARGE STOREROOM FOR LIGHT MANU- facturlng or jobbing, '$10 per month. 237 huh ay S. With living-rooms, only $3 per month. 235 10th ay S. \u25a0 . __ [ | OQ MISCELLANEOUS LARGE FIREPROOF SAFE, $2 - PER month. 10$ Washington ay 3. ' $1 HELP WANTED—MALE WATCHES CLEANED, $1-; MAIN SPRINGS. $1; warranted one year. Paegel'a, 22 3d st S. SUITS SPONGED, pressed whila you wait, 60c. Starr Steam Cleaning House, 622 Hen. SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED, 60c; pants recut Into style or bicycle pan 76c; suits steam cleaned and pressed, $1. An- thony the Tailor, 119 Washington ay N. Painters, paper-hangers, kalsominers, white- washers, do you need any brushes? Save money by buying them here at your own prices. People's Paint Store, 610 Ist ay S. WANTED SETTERS FOR SAWMILL. Apply Red River Lumber Co., 807 Henneplu. WANTED—BOYS WITH BICYCLES, 16 years or over. A. P. T. office. ; GET your shoe 3 repaired at the Wide-Awake Shoe Shop, 709 Hennepin ay. Men's half soles. 50c; men's sewed soles, 75c; O'Sullivan rubber heels, 50c; Work done while you wait. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON—WANTED, one registered in Minnesota, for exclusive office practice; must be a capable and sober man, with complete surgical instruments. G 1002, Journal. , WANTED—AT ONCE, SIX GOOD DRILL- ers at Ortonville, Minn. Free fare from Minneapolis to Ortonville. Call or write. Address Baxter-Gluck Co., 2845 Aldrich aT S. INCREASE YOUR MONEY EARNING ABlL- ity by attending the Minnesota School of Business, 54 3d st S, diagonally opposite postofflce. ' . ' . WANTED—AGENTS MAKE $200 A MONTH; no fake; call and investigate. Hotel Windsor. V. M. Walbrldge. ' ___ SOLICITORS—S36 TO $50 PER WEEK MADE by workers handling our French Crayonette portrait. Absolutely new and attractive. Write for terms. Whetston ft Little Mfg. Co., 780-784 W Lake st, Chicago, 111. MEN—SINGLE, EXPERIENCED, TO DE- llver portraits in Wisconsin, lowa, Illinois, Indiana Ohio and Kentucky; bonds positively required. Chicago Copy Co.. 447 Ogden ay. ACTIVE MAN. BY LARGE MANUFACTUR- Ine house, to work at home; $36 in cash paid for 12 day*' trial; promotion and permanent Dositlon if satisfactory. Address Daniel B. Shepp. 723 Chestnut st. Philadelphia, Pa. WANTED—MAN TO TAKE CARE HORSES and work around place. Apply between 6- and 7 p. m., 632 E 16th st. WANTED-COMPEtBNT DRAUGHTSMAN for structural ironwork; liberal salary. M 1006, -Journal. - - :\u25a0' WANTED—DRAUGHTSMAN," FIRST CLASS on ornamental iron for office buildings. Ad- dress, stating experience and references, the Winslow Bros. Company, 368 Carroll ay, Chi- cago. - __ CATON BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, ENG- lisli school open all summer, day and even- Ing; enter now. catalogue free. Tuition rea- sonable. 620_Hennepln,_Mlnneapolls. . ENGINEER EXPERIENCED IN RUNNING traveller hoist in stone yard. None without experience need apply.' Jones & Hartley, 829 17th ay S. \u25a0--.•• \u25a0'- . OUR SUBSCRIPTION AGENTS, ON COM- mission. are averaging $15 a week plus board and expenses. We can use ten more like them all summer. References required. Wo cover Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, lowa, Nebraska, the Dakotas; 56,000 . circulation now: want 100,000. Great premiums; easy work. Some agents make nearly double above profit. Experience not necessary. Honest hustle all that is needed. Northwestern Ag- riculturist. Guaranty - building. _______ SALESMEN FOR PEN CARBON COPYING books and other office specialties; easy. sell- ers: liberal terms: exclusive territory; cata- | logue free. Model Mfg. Co., box L, South I Bend. Ind. \u25a0 r if you ARE A catholic, unemployed. and will work for $18 per week, write Mac- Connell Bros., 11 Franklin st. Boston. Ma.-. WANTED SALESMEN EVERYWHERE; salary or commission; permanent. First Na- tional Nurseries, Rochester. N. Y. WANTED—A DISH CARRIER, AT THE Golden Star restaurant, 114 3d st S. . : \u0084. WANTED—AT HOTEL SAN ANGELO, 1221 Nicollet, man for general work; one who un- derstands taking-care of horses. ... \u25a0.. ; - WANTED— WITH SOME EXPERI- ence as cook, to work half night in small restaurant. Inquire 722 Nlcollet ay. CARPENTERS WANTED AT CHEMICAL building, state university. F. G. McMillan, contractor. - '.' \u25a0 \u25a0 WANTED—AT ONCE; PAINTERS AND paperhangers." Steady work for good men. Call 7:30 a. m. 412 Nlcollet, room 12. WANTED—BO TO DRIVE TEAM AND work around carpenter shop; one with bi- cycle preferred. 1U sth st S. WANTED—GOOD COREMAKER. CALL AT 423 1 4th st S. city." '•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0:-\u25a0\u25a0';•-•-:; QO HELP.WANTED-FEMALE ii/W_ Xiil^i<)^_(1 _ 4 _ / »^^^ YOUNG LADY—FOR BUSINESS AND shorthand education, third, second and first grade ' certificates, go to Archibald : college. Lake st, corner Btevenß. \u25a0 ..?-•>\u25a0„• A GIRL -. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; pleasant home, . near the lake,;\u25a0 and good wages. 4456 - Lake Harriet boulevard.. 32 HELP WANTED-FEMALE . .-< \u25a0 Continued. . A ; COMPETENT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; good wages. -612 9th ay SE. WANTED—GOOD, COMPETENT GIRL FOR general housework. 2512 Stevens ay. -•\u25a0 ; .\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0; INCREASE *YOUR MONEY EARNING ABlL- lty by 1 attending the Minnesota School of Business, 64 -. 3d st S, diagonally , opposite p'ostofnee. - \u25a0•'• > ', . _________ GOOD GIRL WANTED AT ONCE; GOOD wages. 1412 Stevens ay. " ' WANTED—GIRL FOR SECOND WORK IM- mediately. 2218 Ist ay S. WANTED—COOK AND CHAMBERMAID; none but white need apply. Call at 1 p. m., 1113 2d'st .8. .. GOOD GIRL for LIGHT household work; three in family; all adults. 2834 Chi- cago ay. flat one. :__'________ =__ WANTED—GIRL OR WIDOW TO DO GEN- eral housework and take charge of house. 2013 18th ay S. '-- - \u25a0 \u25a0 -: \u25a0 "•' WANTED—COOK AND ONE KITCHEN girl, at the Home Restaurant, 38 Washing- ton ay S. '"- ' '. WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 634 E 14th St. _____ WANTED-^OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; small family. 3104 3d ay S. WANTED—GIRL FOR KITCHEN .WORK. Must be good cook. 2109 Bryant ay S. . SALESLADIES, WITH EXPERIENCE IN general dry goods. Must be competent to go right in and Bell at our removal sale. J. W. Kerr, 1009-11-13 Washington ay 3. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Also, nurse maid; Germans preferred. 1832 Ken- wood parkway. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 ' \u25a0 _ ________________ WANTED-fiXPERIENCEIT WAITRESSES, at once; good wages and steady work. Cos- mopolltan Cafe, 418 Nlcollet ay. WANTED—GIRL i FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work, at 3228 Portland. Two in family; good pay. Apply at once.. _______ TWO GIRLS WANTED AT 41 CENTRAL AY, Nlcollet Island. \u25a0.-,-\u25a0••\u25a0• t WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Chrtßtlaiison'B. 726 2d ay S. PRESSERS— IF YOU WANT A GOOD JOB and steady work, come at once and investi- gate at Twin City- Dye Works, 420 Nlcollet or 504 Cedar. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. ' Good wages paid to good girl. 204 4th st SE.-. _____ WANTED—GIRL TO HELP WAIT ON table, noon and night, for board. Also, a girl or woman to help with house cleaning. Tremont House, 400 6th ay 3. COMPETENT GIRL, GOOD WAGES, MOD- ern house; house cleaning done. 617 Dela- ware st SE;'interurban car to Howard st. WANTEDr-ECONOMICAL HOUSEKEEPER Immediately, on ranch; $15 per month} cook- ing for four men; also an experienced sheep herder* Norwegians preferred. Address box 44, Sentinel Butte, N. D. '___ .__ ' \u25a0 _ WANTED—GIRL'FO'R GENERAL HOUSE- work; no house-cleaning. 829 16th ay S. WANTED—COMPETENT NURSE (\u25a0 GIRL; must have experience in care of children. .Ap- ply 2615 3d ay S. " \u25a0 THIRD FLOOR, 403 NICOLLET AY—YOU will find trimmed and street hats at half price for the rest of the week. Take 1 elevator. The Millinery Supply Co., Wholesale and Re- tall Millinery goods. _ ;, WANTED—A COOK~Af~TO3I 6TH AY ST Call at side door. YOUNG MAN I WANTED TO CARRY dishes. \u25a0 Golden Gate Cafe. 9-11 4th st S. WANTED—A BOY TO DRIVE GROCERY wagon; must have some experience. Call at 928 sth st N. ; _ _ WANTED—GOOD ACTIVE BOY AS BELL- boy at the Beaufort Hotel; at once. WANTED—SALESMEN TO SELL OUR goods on payments. Apply 306 Nicollet ay. Columbia Phonograph Co. \u25a0' ONE TINNER WANTED— . :\u25a0 - ' \u25a0 H. O. Roberts, 103 Western ay. WANTED—A YOUNG MAN WHO IS A shrewd salesman, to travel. Interstate Press, 501 Northwestern bldg. ASSISTANT SHIPPING CLERK FOR A fruit commission Rouse: must be experienced at marking goods. W 1006, Journal. WANTED—A GOOD COMPETENT GIRL TO go to the lake; will pay $5 per week. Apply at 1719 Park ay. No children. WANTED—A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework in family of three; small house; good ' home. 1602 Vine . place. - STRONG, CAPABLE GIRITfOR GENERAL housework; small family; good wages. Mrs. Clark_l93o_l4th_av_S. \u25a0 GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Must be competent. Call Thursday morning. 600 W 32d st. : \u25a0 WANTED—GOOD, EXPERIENCED WAIT- resB. : 50 4th st S. ; WANTED— FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; two in family; small house. Must be good cook. '$3 per week. Call or address 329 Boston block. 33J[or^e^ca^rLiges—sa^ NEW AND SECOND-HAND BUGGIES, wagons, surreys, phaetons, rubber tired run- abouts: new work, exchanged for old; all klnda of harnesses. Cash or time. 414 3d st S. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NICE FAM- ily horse, gentlemen's drivers or saddlers, call at Buchanan's Livery. 148 E Lake fit" " SECOND-HAND LOGGING HORSES. Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Mar- ket, St. Paul, Minn., have Just received a large consignment of 10 car loads of second- hand', logging horses,, with harnesses, all in first-class condition, which must be sold at once without reserve and regardless of value. This is your greatest opportunity to buy . good hardy working horses at your own price. ] GOOD FAMILY HORSE, WEIGHS OVER ! 1,200; also cut-under trap and trap harness; see them at 2637 Portland ay. HORSES FOR SALE—JUST ARRIVED ONE fine carriage team, and five drivers; all city broke. Wilson A Jenkins. 18 Royalston ay. FOR SALE— TEAM: WAGON AND harness. Will sell separate or together. 1921 Rondo. Merriam Park; « FOR CHEAP. FINE BIKE WAGON; only been j used two ' months. 3039 Lyndale ay S. 155 HORSE. 8 YEARS OLD. 1.150 POUNDS, and harness; $27, saddle and driving pony, 800 pounds. 834 18 1. ay NE. FOR SALE—ONE NEW SINGLE HARNESS at a bargain. 304 Ist aT 3. A GOOD HEAVY SPAN MULES, WEIGHT 2,700; good workers, few set heavy long and short tug farm harness; also single or double driver, 7 years old. 252 3d ay S. , . , ' - $3l) FOR GOOD TRUE WORKHORSE, weight 1,200 lbs; 7 years old, also No. 1 family mare, no better in the state, cheap. 4010 Chicago ay. FOR SALE—9 YEAR-OLD HORSE, SOUND, city broke, and side spring buggy and har- ness, $50. At 2107 Lyndale ay N. _ FOR SALE—A 4-YEAR-OLD - DRIVING horse; city broke; safe for lady to drive; cheap. Can be seen at 2606 Ist ay S. FOR LEATHER TOP PIANO BOX buggy, good condition; $20 takes it. 303 New York Life. 35^^^JNSTRUCTION INSTRUCTION IN SPANISH BY A COMPE- tent, successful native teacher; term, reason- able; special rates during summer months; practical knowledge acquired by the natural method. '. For \u25a0 particulars address V 979. Journal. ' 3g LOANS AND CHATTELS PAWNBROKERS—ReIiabIe, reasonable; con- fidential; Harris & Goldstein. 239 Ist ay S. OUICK LOANS MADE ON FURNITURE, pianos, etc.'. without removal easy payments, cheapest rates; business confidential.' Minne- sota Mortgage L>>an Co., room 306, Bank of Commerce building, cor. Ist ay S and 4th st. LOANS . MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS, furs iin storage and warehouse receipts, at one-half the usual rates. Monthly Install- ment Loan Co.. 825 Guaranty Loan. LOANS MADE ON SAME DAY AS APPLl- catlon. on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons, -fixtures, etc., goods to remain in .your un- disturbed possession. x PRIVATE INTERVIEWING ROOMS. Minneapolis Loan Co.. 801-2 Globe Building. RICE LOANS on all kinds of personal prop- rty: charges reasonable. ' 506 ~ Globe bldg. 37 LOST AND FOUND lost^l-Sly^s^lasp^^ ting Tuesday evening. : Return to Jay. L. McCluskey, Plymouth Clothing House, for reward. \u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0. ', \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0 . LOST-A LADY'S SILK 1 GARTER WITH engraved silver.buckle. Return fto John W. Thomas &\u25a0 Co. l \ LOST—POCKETBOOK ON STH ST, BE- tween Lumber Exchange and Andrus build- ing, contained about $10.00 and key. Finder please return to Journalofflce. - _ LOST—TWO RINGS IN GLASS BLOCK TOl- let room, May 20, 2:15 p. m.; liberal reward offered; return to 607 Ist av_B. LOST-COW, JERSEY; ONE HORN BROKE; long hair of tall been cut off; had halter on head. Return for reward to T. W. Kenyon, 1319 W 24th st. 'Phone- 413 L-2 South. ;_. LOST—THE PERSON THAT HAS MY black cocker spaniel can get a liberal reward for bis return. My name is on collar. John Nilsson, £826 3d ay 8. " - -' - '\u25a0 '- LOST—A MONEY BAG. . CONTAINING - $15 in cash and small check. Will finder please return to 1501 E Franklin ay for reward? , LOST—PAIR OF GOLD BOWED SPEC- tacles, ' double sight, on East Side. Address 227..4t_r5t SE for reward.; ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 37___JLOSTVANDJFOUNp Continued. \u0084...: LOST-BANK BOOK NO. 101213. ISSUED BY the Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank of Minneapolis.' If not returned to said bank before 15 days, application will be made for a duplicate thereof. \u25a0 '• * , 39 MEDICAL CANCER CURED : Without the knife or loss of blood. Forty years' experience; satisfaction guaranteed. Write for book of testimonials or call on Dr. Wheeler. Globe_blulldlug, Minneapolis. ELITE BATH PARLORS. 626 HENNEPIN ay: porcelain - tubs; massage, .cabinet - and medicated baths; experienced lady attendant. LADIES—SSOO REWARD FOR A CASE OF sunnression old Dr. Jackson's monthly regu- lator fails to. relieve In 24 hours; positively guaranteed; no ergot or pills; many saved from suicide; Ideal, safe, home treatment. Mail $3. Dr. Jackson. R. C. 812, 167 Dear- born st. Chicago. 111. . \u25a0'.'"'\u25a0 •••••\u25a0 MRS. DR. •F. McKAY. REMOVED FROM 620V4 to 412 Nicollet.- room 51. sixth floor; take elevator; electricity, \u25a0 magnetism and baths. - . \u0084- ,-....,... ... PILES—DR. H. WAITE, 25 YEARS' SPE- ciallst. cures every case; write for pamphlet, mailed free. 1219 Hawthorn ay."Minneapolis. 40 RUG MFG.CARPET CLEANING FINE RUGS MADE FROM OLD CARPETS. We pay the in freight to out-of-town orders; carpet cleaning, making over, laying; best work, lowest rates. NATIONAL CARPET AND RUG CLEANING CO.. George D. W#k- er. Prop.. Nicollet Island. Both 'phones/ Our rugs, from old carpets, are second to none but orientals; quality or work brings more. Economy Rug Co.. 105 6th st S. Tel. 3217 L-l. 41 MINNETONKA PROPERTY" TO RENT— LARGE NUMBER LAKE COT- tagea at prices ranging from $50 to $.500, for rent by Jaeger & Torelle. 310 Bk. Commerce. WE TRANSACT A GENERAL REAL ES- state business, but make a specialty of Lake Minnetonka cottages, lots and acres:. Jaeger A Torelle. 310 Bank of Commerce. NORTHLAND—A NEW SUBURB OF 320 ; acres, lirst station at Lake Minnetonka on j Great Northern, only 10% miles from Loring park; 20 minutes by train from'city; beautifully wooded and sightly; it will be sold to desirable parties in one to ten-acre tracts. Inquire George C. ' Andrews, 1212 Guaranty ; Loan. . ;_ I FOR RENT—FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, COT- j taKowood: newly furnished: lake front; cool, shady: Dorch and windows screened; terms low. A 1006. Journal. \u25a0 -.- \u25a0 FOR RENT—FURNISHED COTTAGE, NEAR Spring Park; eight large rooms; screened porch, cistern, fine well water, ice, wood, cellar; $150 for season; house open Sundays. Write or apply to owner, Mrs. M. A. Paulson, 131 Oak st SE. 42~^ ~ NOTICE ~~~ FISK BROS., Mfg. Jewelers and watchmak- ers, have moved to 17 Nicollet House block. Watches cleaned.sl; main springs, war'ntd. $1.85 FOR- 100 FOR M. W. A." BEST PAT- enfc flour, every sack guaranteed; s.lbs best creamery butter,' $1. Minnesota Dairy, 25 6th st S. __ _ NOTICE— MUST FRAME PICTURES cheap to keep three framemakers busy. Pic- ture sale at -deep-cut prices.' New goods. Zesbaugh, 11 sth st S, opposite Lumber Ex- change. :____ 44_ W __£55525^L^^^^ DR. BERTHA SHEPARD, SPECIALIST DlS- eases of women and children. 17 9th st S. Take Henuepln ay car. * \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0 REFRIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES RE- paired and relined. Tin and sheet iron work of all kinds. Stoves stored. Great Western Stove Repair Co.. 312 Hennepin ay. Tel. 161. female DISEASES CURED By Dr. Wheeler, specialist; Irregular men- | struation successfully treated. .Office, Globe j building, Minneapolis. \u25a0 .- EXAMINATION FREE. OHIO PICTURE FRAME MFG. CO., 113 Washington Aye N, Frame all kinds of pictures 50 per cent cheap- er than any other firm In the city. Big stock. ha!r~ LOSERS and bald HEADS. Would you expect benefit from a . bald- headed "hair doctor"? Call and see what has been produced on a - bald head. Dr. Oliver K. Chance, Dcpt. W., 580 Syndicate Arcade. \u25a0\u25a0' , T. H. BLY, M. D., SPECIALIST IN ALL diseases of women; all irregularities cor- rected; private home for women before and during confinement; book, 15c, all you need to know. Office. 27 4th st S, third floor. DOES it. pay to advertise? Send address and 4c stamps lor mailing charges, to Hofflin's Drug Store, Minneapolis, Minn., and by re j turn mail you get an embossed . aluminum \ comb In leatherette case that retails at 25c. | DR. COLLIER, the foot specialist, moved to 405 Nicollet ay. Corns extracted. 25 cents. ; A~~CURE THAT CURES. FREE—I have cured thousands who suffer ; as you do of Emissions, Impotency, Nervous Debility, Varicocele and shrunken parts, , caused by self-abuse, by simply remedy which cured me. recipe for which I will send i (sealed) free to any sufferer. Address, with \u25a0 stamp, David B. Emmet, B 204, Englewood, j 111. ; PROF.' ZENO. Teacher occult science, hypnotism, mesmer- ism, personal magnetism, clairvoyance, men- | tal telepathy and psychometry. Satisfaction ; guaranteed. 412 Nicollet. rooms 36 and 37. j SAY! LOOK UP YOUR OLD SHOES.' . j Telephone 1664-1 and we'll send wagon and | 1 return when done. Incidentally, send along : : a suit and see what French dry cleaning will do for it. We also clean all kinds of hats, felt and straw. The Pantorium, 925-7 Nicollet. IF D. A. ARMSTRONG. WHO WORKED AS horse trainer in Groton; S. D.. in 1896, will address E 1006. this office, he will hear of something to his advantage. Information of his whereabouts gratefully received. : LADIES. 'cHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN- nyroyal Pills arc the best; safe, reliable; take no othec, send 4c stamp for particulars. "Re- lief for Ladies" in letter by return mail; at druggists. Chichester Chem. Co.. Phila., Pa. CURE THOSE UNSIGHTLY PIMPLES using Satin-Skin Cream; matchless for the complexion; 25c: Satin-Skin Powder is invisi- ble. Glass Block, Olson's, Voegeli Bros. I~WANT~TO KNOW~THE~WHEREABOUTS of Emelia Shoerf, born in Lintore Hanover, Germany; have money of hers. C. H. Schier- mer, 214 17th ay N. ' \u25a0 . LESSONS i GIVEN IN EMBROIDERY and lace. 25c per lesson. 30 10th st N, flat 1. MISS IDA JOHNSON, GRADUATE. PRI- -vate retreat for ladies before and during con- finement. 928 sth st 3. Tel. maln_24ss_L 3. ft SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES, wartsT permanently removed by electrolysis; also scalp' treatment. Anna M. Griswold, 417 Med- icftl block. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 -. \u25a0 i_ HAIR" DRESSING AND SCALP TREAT- ment. Guarantee to restore gray hair; face massage free to-morrow; chiropody and mani- curing, at Chicago Hairdresslng Parlors, 421 Bank of Minneapolis building. REAL ESTATE LOANS I MAKE A SPECIALTY'OF $100 TO $500 loans on city real estate; principal payable at any time. A. H; Polley, 501 Andrus Bldg. W. A. BARNES A CO.. 300-2"NICOLLET"AV: We have money to loan in unlimited amounts, on good real estate security.* at 5. 6 and 7 p. c. 4g ~ patentTattorne ys^~ P. H. GUNCKEL. 745 Temple Ct., counselor and solicitor in patent and trade mark causes. WILLIAMSON &. MERCHANT (JAMES FT Wllllamsan and Frank D. Merchant), patent attorneys and solicitors; main office,-No. 929- --935 Guaranty Loan building. Minneapolis, Minn.: branch office, room 52. McGIU build- ing. Washington, D. C. . ' . ' REAL ESTATE— SALE '/•j ,': : IMPROVED EDMUND G. WALTON, 300 HENNEPIN, 13- --suea a new catalogue of houses for sale every two -weeks. Send or call. ..--\u25a0•\u25a0 : \u25a0 W. A. BARNES & CO.; 300-302 . NICOLLET, Issue a rental : bulletin and real estate list every Monday. Call or sand a.nd get one. REAL ESTATE AND . MORTGAGES- Whether you wish, to buy or sell, call on Fi- nance Co. of Minnesota. 620 Temple Court. WE BUY and sell city and farm property. Mort. Loans. C. A. Qulst & Co.; 109 st S. HOt'SES BUILT ON.PAYMENTS: MONEY loaned; no commission. Real estate bought and sold. Scwyer & Betcher. 507 Phoenix. : I HAVfifTWO FLAT PROPERTIES. YIELD- ing about 8 per cent net, that I can sell on advantageous terms, one at $42,500 and one at $65.000. W. W. Clark, 313 Nicollet. \u25a0 * -\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0 ,$950. ; ' . ;\u25a0 \u25a0••;-it R No. 2412 17th ay S, seven-room house; R R small barn; east front lot,-42x122. R X .'. i:: - <\u25a0; $950. . :\u25a0.' ' :'C It X No 1105 E 28th st, eight-room house; R X lot is 42x100. ,-• \u25a0-.... •'• , . '*? wt'X'.-i \u25a0\u25a0>: - $1,000.-.. \u25a0...'...•? X No. 2509 7th st S, seven-room house; 8? K'v large-lot, 65x110. - - -.: . . R I* The above must be sold to close an R R estate. <•' '"\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ' :•,\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0>' . -.\u25a0•; . *. R DAVID C. BELL INVESTMENT CO.. R » -. ; No. 11l Fourth St S,;-.>'>"<•: R *RRRRRRR*RR.* * RRR»tRRRR*R»* »3,250, MODERN 9-ROOM' HOUSE, AT 206 W327 th st; furnace, gas, city water, sewer, stone walk,' fine shade ' trees, barn;, excellent condition. Apply H. B. Chamberlain, 47 Min- nesota Loan and Trust building. ' \u25a0.\u25a0!-'• :-c. ;-\u25a0' :'\u25a0 -. - - !•: -. •' -"\u25a0:: 11 . REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE "r \u25a0 Continued. A HOME PLACE—SHADE TREES. BOULE- vard, , city water, seven rooms, corner lot, two \u25a0 blocks from 20th and Hennepin car';- $1,200.' Buildings alone would cost $1,500. 355 Tem- ple Court. ' _ $6,"250—242i~T5T AY - 14-R~Ob*M> HOUSE, modern Improvements: lot 47x126; this is a bargain and put at this price for quick sale. $3,650— eight-room, modern house, 'near ; Stanley - Hall; - best of locations. ' Franklin •> Benner, 603 Phoenix building. . , \u25a0 , . A GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN 1 except furnace. In Southeast Minneapolis;-' only $2,200; monthly payments. Room 5, 312 Nicollet. . \u0084 ' : ..;.. ; "^ ; THE BEST BARGAINS IN SMALL HOMES. \u25a0 $550, $750 and $800; two and four blocks from street cars; $50 down and monthly payments. 355 Temple Court. \u25a0 GOOD PIECE OF PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS* property, 110x165 to alley; business pushing that direction rapidly. F. D. Dibble, 41/ Phoenix building. : '\u25a0...\u25a0 -7 •' kousEsTliTob to $50.000:.' MTNNETONKA property; acres, rents, loans, insurance; care - of property. Lewis W. Campbell. Dayton blag.: SPECIAL BARGAIN MONTHLY PAY- ment plan: eight rooms: city water, stone walks: always occupied by owner: only $1,5««», North Minneapolis; near car line. -1-' Bargains in Robbinsdale houses.' Home Realty Co.. 311 Skyes Block. $B,OOO—TEN ROOM RESIDENCE, ALL MOD era, barn, large lot, eighth ward, must sell, will consider smaller bouse or lot as pan payment. R 1006, Journal. I A Q unimproved: the edmund G. walton agency. is- sues a printed catalogue with maps of abso- lutely the best bargains in vacant lots.' tK Hennepin ay. \u25a0 \u25a0 '' '.:. FOR SALE OR LEASE—I9BxIS7 FEET TO . 20-foot alley; on a central corner; possible trackage; convenient to mills and depots. O. M. Laraway & Son, Bank of Commerce build \u25a0 ing. \u25a0 < \u25a0 - - . An FARM Z/ANDS OLIVER CO. SETTLEMENT. Central N. =D. Washburn Valley Homesteads. Lands $2 to i.'. COAL. Good water & soil. Send 2-cent stamp. for BOOKLET. D. Galnes. S. E. Mpls. Minn. NORTHLAND—A NEW SUBURB OF S2C I acres, first station at Lake Minnetonka cm Great Northern, distant only lOI,*1,* miles.from. Loring park; 20 minutes by train from city: beautifully wooded and sightly; it will be i sold to\ desirable parties iii one to ten-acre ' tracts;. Inquire Geo. C. Andrews, . 12:.: ! Guaranty Loan. _ .. $700—20 ' "ACRES, TURTLE "LAKE, WIS., clayey loam, nice stream, part hay, no waste * fine for dairy, sacrifice. 707 Sykes block. I HAVE 160 ACRES. OF GOOD LAND TO trade for a stock of second-hand goods. Ad- dress box 511, Alexandria, Minn. " £ SITUATIONS WANTED f 51 MALE j;. WANTED—A POSITION AS MANAGER 0/ a large farm or ranch. Can give A No. 1 references. Experienced, good stockman.: V 1006. Journal. , BOOKKEEPER WITH Al REFERENCES, competent, accurate and trustworthy, desires permanent position where services are appre- ciated. Bookkeeper, 1202 Bth 3t S. 52 FEMALE EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY 3TENOG- rapher desires position with reliable firm oi person; good speller and penman; references from present: employer; salary. $7. ; Address Stenographer, 602 Guaranty Loan. \u25a0 YOUNG LADY WANTS SITUATION AS seamstress in private family.' C. D. Morck, 13 sth st. "- SITUATION WANTED AS. CLERK IN DRY goods or grocery store; can furnish refer- i ences. Address N, 8., 1513 Washington *v N. i city. ____. _. \u25a0 •: _ ' WASHING AND IRONING CALLED FOR, delivered; first-class work on waists, dresses, children's clothes; send postal. Mrs. Barry, 418 6th ay S. Tel. 329-Jl. ' \u25a0' \u25a0 : i 53^ v STORAGE 2^. THE BOYD TRANSFER AND FUEL CO. I has unequaled facilities for moving and stor- i ing household goods; packing for storage and j shipment by experienced men. Office, 46 South '3d st. Telephone. Main 656, both exchanges. I STORE YOUR HEATER FOR SEASON lowest rates, with the Town Market. Furni- ture Co.. 25-27 S sth. Drop card or Tel. im. REALTY CO?S~~FIREPROOF storage WAREHOUSE—OnIy fireproof storage in the city; separate fireproof compartments, with $200 insurance free; complete burglar .alarm system, clean, convenient, and accessible: goods called for, packed and delivered; rates: reasonable. 106 Ist ay N. Tel. Main 2062 .1. CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE- Furniture moved, stored, packed, shipped; best facilities; largest and finest .transfer vans. Office 200 Nlc. Tel. 1208; res. Tel. 2234-L. KA/ STOVE REPAIRS '3 ' GREAT WESTERN STOVE REPAIR CO.,' ! 312 Hennepin ay. Telephone, main 161. i U. S. STOVE ~KBPAIR CO.. 246 4TH AY S. ' Minneapolis. Telephone 514-3. . = j SyEXCHANGE-MISCELLANEOUS WANTED—LUMBER IN EXCHANGE FOP. ! engines, boilers and machinery of all kinds.-• ! Address Harris Machinery Co., 1025 Washing- ! ton ay SE. .. ' - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS j WE BUY diamonds or trade for new. We- pay I cash for old gold or make into new jewelry. I Jacobs Jewelry Co.. 41 Washington ay S. CASH PAID' for all kinds of household gobda Don't sell before getting estimates. from th( Town Market. 25-27 sth st S^_ Tel. 1993. '\_ WILL BUY good 2d-hand building-, frame oi | brick: to be moved. LlndahU 25 sth st S. \u25a0\u25a0 WANTED SKCOND-HAND EURNITURE, | stoves, buggies and harnesses, and office fui- - niture. for shipment; pay more than local j dealers. F 952. Journal. - I CASH FOR OLD CLOTHES, furs, bicycles; I drop postal. A. I. Shapiro. 519 Wash, ay $> ! WANTED—TO BUY A GOOD SECOND- i hand Remington Premier New Centurj ! or Densmore typewriter; do not answer un- I less you have good machine of above makes. Address R. C. 305 Andrus building,_c_____ WANTED—A CHILD IRON BED AND springs, In good condition, cheap. Addr^.- --2654 Pleasant ay. - \u25a0 \u25a0>'\u25a0\u25a0. gQ WANTED TO RENT _\u2666 | WANTED—FURNISHED COTTAGE OK 3 I or 6 rooms at Calhoun; or Harriet for throi* i or four months. Dr. 11. W. Clark, 810 DayTou ' building. ' gY~WANTED"— REAL ESTATE i wolllTbTv five, six or seven-koum I house, in South Minneapolis, if I can use a vacant Duluth lot as part payment. T 1006, Journal. ' ...,..\u25a0. g3 mme SjAl^mining ! IF TAKEN BEFORE JUNE 1, I WILL SELL fine mining stock as : follows: 10,000 shared i for $50; 5,000 shares for $25; 2,ooo,shares n.: I $10* if you have any desire to mako a pay in* i investment you will look this up. C luwi, Journal. . - -'' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ** - ' <_:\u25a0 NORTH DAKOTA. UGNITE. '\u25a0 Fortunes made in North Dakota j coal : the past year. The coming fuel of the west.- 1 have the best proposition in the state. All It needs is capital to develop it. . Want soms one to take hold or it. Full particulars yn^ ! application- Address^ D 1002, Journal. '- I SEND FOR PROSPECTUS of^the'lillyl a great Investment. 615 Andrua big., Mpls. gg MOVING %m SAFES. BOILERS AND HEAVY MACHI.N- -erv moved; household goods moved aui stored or packed for shipment by experc oackers. Boyd Transfer & Fuel Co., 46 3d »'. S. Telephone Main 656. both companies. ' CENTRAL FUELTaSD TRANSFER COM: pany—Packing, moving and storage; experi- enced men; prompt service. Both 'phones, 1908. 12 4th at N. .'-\u25a0'. BENZ BROS., transfer and storage; nue=: vans and wareroc-ms; goods moved by expe- rtenced men. 112 sth st N. Both Tels. iio'i. DETECTIVE AGENCIES DETECTIVE SERVICE; ALL BRANCHES; secret Inquiry; shadowing; best references. S. J. McNulty. manager, 208-10 Kasota block. g7 MACHINERY AND ENGINES IKON-WORKING AND WOOD-WORKINU MACHINERY-Largest STOCK ,of second- hand and new machine* in the T northwest. You can SEE what you buy and we back up what we sell. NORTHERN MACHINERY COMPANY. 216-217 South 3d st. Minneapolis. 174 FURRIERS j %?.% FUR WORK IN ALL BRANCHES— ing. remodeling and. redyeing; dyeing nat- ; ural otter garments in seal color a specialty. Good style and perfect fit guaranteed; lowest prices during, dull season. Furs stored; and; insured at lowest rates. * Garments left now for repairs stored free of : charge. ; Will ; call for goods. Telephone or send postal: refer- ences Riven; 30 years' experience. --A. ; REI- NER, practical furrier. 15 . 9th st S, cornel Hennepin. 'Phone H ; 2729 J-2. ' '
Page 1: Minneapolis journal (Minneapolis, Minn. : 1888 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045366/1901-05-21/ed-1/seq-12.pdf · The case will be continued • to ... gust Hallquist. part


Contention. That Ida May Harris

\u25a0'Wai Not Competent_Mentally.

ff*wYork Sun Special Sme-vlca5 Urbana, 111., "May V2L—The anticipatedfight over the will "of the late May IdaHarris commenced to-day in the countycourt of Champaign county before JudgeC. C. Staley. The objectors claim that

Harris, because of long illness, wasincapable of making a \u25a0will or codicil. Un-d^ue influence. is also hinted at. It devel-oped in the testimony of the attendingphysician, Dr. H. C. Howard, that for sev-ena^days previous to making the will.Mia* Harris had been under the influenceof codeine, a strong narcotic, one-fourthof a grain of which will ordinarily pro-duce sleep. Three grains at a lime hadbeen" given Miss Harris.

A professional nurse, Miss Mary B. Har-rison, who attended Miss Harris, testi-fied that the day before the will-was writ-

ten. Miss Harris had spoken constantlyof the animals moving about the room.The nurse said Miss Harris was incapableat thai time of making a will, her mentalcondition being unsound. The case willbe continued • to-morrow. The privatepapers of Miss Harris will not be exam-ined until the will is probated, so no ad-ditional light has been thrown on theQuestion of the authorship of "The BreadWinners," recently attributed to MissHarris.

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS"Western Realty company to Charles J.

Dahlstrom. lots 2 and 3. block 6,Fair Grounds addition $500

Eleazar Dickey to Arthur, Norman andElbert Dickey, In section 27, town 118,range 23 ....: ; 500

Minnesota Debenture company to Au-gust Hallquist. part lot 12,, block 5,Jewett's addition 125

Ella H. Griswold and husband toCharles F. and Eruiiea Grade, lot 1,block 3, Griswolds third addition 950

Abbie P. Hall to John P. Wahlstrom,lot 7, Rutledge's rearrangement ...... 1,200

Keilie R. Albee and husband to G.Dayton Adams, lot 22, block 2, Abbott& Sundby's addition 175

{Two minor deeds ......«\u25a0 • 2

• Total, eight deeds —... $3,452

Building Permits.Mrs. C. H.1 Beaton. 2312-2314 Blaisdell

avenue, brick dwelling $18,000Eeginia Haugeu, 2816 E Twenty-second

street, frame dwelling 1,300£. L. Anderson, 2102 Hennepin avenue,

additions 1.100L. G. Weeton. 1522-1526-1530 E Twenty-

second etreet, three frame dwellings. 6,600John Burnham, 2314 Jackson street NE,

dwelling 1.500


Mrs. Peter Sooumpoo, 242 Humboldt ay X..girlMrs. Frank Burnhart, 89 13th ay NE boyMrs. Henry E. Erickson. 1619 6th st X....b0yMrs. John"M. Major. Johnson st NE..boyMrs. Henry Wilson, 2215 Marshall st girlMrs. Crist Ogstad, 634 19th ay NE... boyMrs. Martin Olsen. 1719 Fillmore st boyMrs. Oscar Dostch, 2011 Minnehaha ay..girlMrs. Charles Sampson, 2107 16th ay 5....b0yMrs. George Payette, 204 14th ay NE girl

•Mrs. George Holieva, 61S Marshall st 1. boyMrs. Gustavo Enquigt. 2448 12th ay S boyMrs. Justis Probstfield, 2109 Columbus ay.boy

\u25a0 Mrs. John Orrin, Merriam Park girlMrs. Matt Munson, 2714 Bth st S —..boyMrs. John Frankman, 3712 14th ay S girlMrs. Lawrence Flake. 9u6 4th st X girl

\u25a0Sirs. Ernest Hedenland, 2822 25th st S girl


Gertrude Rosch, 451 Madison si NE, 29 years.Mathtas Harrer. 2631 3d st N. 44 years,lone Yarnell, 713 E 15th st, 6 years.George Leonard Oleaon, 342? Harriet &v, 5

years.Luther Percy, St. Barnabas hospital, 7S years.Patrina Wicklander, 906 26th ay NE. 41 years.

\u25a0William T. Boweii. soldiers' home, 69 years.Charles Dwinnell, 2539 24th ay S. 53 years.Carrie Belle Wheeler. 112 4th st S, 21 years.

Marna«f Llcenves,August Widen. Big Stone county, and Chris- ',

': Una Jacobson.- . ' •Eleazer Johnson and Marian L. Mower.Lee Rice and Mary Miller.Menton W. Johnson and Hilda O. Berg.George L. Lange and Mary Grace Xoe, Co-


hoes, N. T.Harry Mercier and Clara Kreger.John Novak and Kate S. Keruba.Charles 9. Hoff, Ramsey county, and Eliza-

beth M. Olsen.

l^i AGENTS WANTED"WANTED—AGENTS EVERYWHERE TOsell Beaumont oil stock: traveling men's sideline: good for $10 day. Address J. M. Shields,Beaumont.- Tcxaa. -WANTED—A FEW GOOD, HUSTLING.agents that are looking to make $5 and $6daily. 510 Century building.



2 ANNOUNCEMENTSNOTICE — • WE FRAME PICTURES ATdeep-cut prices. - High grade, new patternsmouldings, ovals, portrait frames. Regild-lug and gold frames made to order. Picturesale oil paintings. Zesbaugh, 11 sth st S.

g BUSINESS CHANCESWE HAVE SOME ATTRACTIVE OPENINGSin banking,- mercantile, manufacturing andprofessional lines In growing sections of thecountry. We can sell your business. Lookits up. Odlum-KurUman Co., Phoenix bldg.FOR SALE— AND ~STOCK OF: hardware, furniture and farm implements.-Address E. C.-Webster, Andover, S. D. \u25a0 .

, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON—cne registered in Minnesota, for exclusiveoffice practice; must be a capable and soberman, with complete surgical Instruments.G 1002, Journal.FOR CONFECTIONERY, GROCERYand tobacco store and newsstand in. leadingsummer resort of state, will pay for itselfbefore fall; W 1001. Journal.FOR • SALE—HOTEL AND SALOON, IX-Cluding furniture, fixtures and license; inlive Minnesota town; cheap tor cash; notrades considered. Box 22, Clara City, Minn.i'OR SALE—WHOLESALE AND RETAILcigar store in good city * this state. Havepaying trade. Owner has other business de-manding his attention. Address X 1003,

j Journal. \u25a0 ."Ifall people had their laundry

. -work done at the Custom Laundry, how muchbetter some people's linen would look. 112'6th st S. Tel. 13S. . \u25a0"\u25a0

WANTED — FIRST-CLASS DENTIST TOshare office with physician In city; good loca-tion for right man. Address M 1000, Journal.

WAXTED-^LADY OR GENTLEMAN, WITH, some cash and some influence, for ground'floor proposition in Beaumont Oil company.T Address J. M. "Shields. St. James Hotel, Beau-

£ aiont. Texas. '\u25a0

> FOR SALE— > STOCK - OF HARDWARE^almost new, invoicing about $1,500, on ac-

-eeunt of sickness.- Address P 1006. Journal. _2,500 GROCERY— DAILY SALES, $50; WILL

-take $500 cash, •balance -In real estate; In-\u25a0vtsttgate.-^ls'ortbwestern- -Business Agency,207 Bank of Commerce.OVER $S,XK» YEARLY PROFITS PROVEN;positively legitimate; offered by eastern partyhere to negotiate; largely office business; un-usual opportunity, about ,SI,OOO- required. B.1006, Journal. " '". . \u25a0."


FOR SALE—l*t ACRES OF STRAWB-ERKIESon vines; large crop. \u25a0J. W. Bryant, 28th ay

'\u25a0'\u25a0& and^2q st. .Call at 418 M^.st g....YOU CAN MAKE SPLENDID PROFITS BYJudicious, systematic operations on the wheatmarket; $20 will margin 1,000 bushels 2 cents.

Send for our free book, "Facts and Figures,"explaining option trading. . The Osborn GrainCo., $13 to 815 Phoenix building, Minneapolis.

Members Chamber of Commerce.

"TEA, COFFE; WANT PARTNER, $500.Grocery, neat coxner,sßso; $25 daily business.

- Dairy, fine cows, outfit and croute, $1,600." European' hotel,^s7,ooo; $2,500 monthly. \u25a0

. .slst> —RoomJ-Lg-iionef. .1100 Lumber Exchange

SMALL STOCK OF CLOTHING AND GENTS'- ftirnlshings:* -Also' store fixtures. Fine lo-

cation and good business. Cheap rent. If

LTou- are -looking for a business location ofthis, kind, don't +look any farther. .Addresslock box 44, Glen wood. Minn. — . •FIRST-CLASS SIStXER WANTED. AS \u25a0 PAKT-ner in shop la this city; best location. A110C7. Journal.--•-\u25a0.:''*>.*\u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0 . ':._ii_:

SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC., PER-xnanentlT removed by electricity. Miss Hol-lister. 77-78 Syndicate block. Pioneer stand ofthe northwest. Exclusive specialist.

HAYNES TIRES, guaranteed, $2.50. Second-baud -wheels, $3 'up. Hayriee Cycle Co., «27Oat a-v S. ' "•-'- " '

GAUL. ATKENNEDY'S, 322 NICOLLET AY.and see that Steams bicycle agency wheel,tor $13.50, - i

$UESI«* Evening, io.y 21, isra. -8 BICYCLES

:;>\u25a0»..--»•\u25a0" (01 a tinned.WANTED—GENTLEMAN'S BICYCLE,- 1901model, 22 or 23 iuc v frame; must be first-class and bargain foi* cash. 707 Sykes block.FOE SALE—ONB M.' & W. VULCANIZER.new style, with molds good as new; cheap.Call at 1801 E Frank Un. : • -. \u25a0 • \u25a0

FOR SALE-TIGER ".BICYCLE. GENTLE-man's, in good condition; sell • for $6. Callbetween 2 and 4 at I'M Lumber Exchange. \u25a0

10 BOARD AIwjROOMS^"Finished room in

first-class house, suitable for two Bremenor man.and wife: beau tf.ful yard; would like

few table boarders, goocf. home cooking; meal

tickets sold for $4.00, str » ight board $3.50. At

625 Tth st S; tel. 2716 .1- \ Main. \u25a0

TWO NICELY FURNIS tIED ROOMS WITHgood board, in modern hi • use. Telephone ser-

vice. 922 Cth ay S. ,\TTENtION ft .BOARDERS WANT-*ed; country hotel; love! grounds; reason-able rates; Christians Ierred; good board;correspondence solicited. Mrs. C. \\. Pitt,

Kockford. Minn.__

bright; sunny, wesll furnishedroom with good table board. Reference re-quired. 410 9th st 3. \u25a0


\u25a0[g COWS _FOR SA^E^TtVoTci BOICB HEIFERcalves, about I months old. Call 42d st andMinuehaha ay. -77 clairvoyants"J.TL -~- -^—-v »̂~—~^—

\u25a0—^—**^ TUT"MRS MANEW ELL, medium I leadings dan*,

hours from 10 to 5. 620J&_>U tollet.jroom_l4._DR. LOUISE FISCHER, INDEPENDENTdeep trance clairvoyant. Ft« 1 life readingsby mall. All letters answered. Office 311oth st S. .«______——

j]j LAIDEES^ALCVRgJG___LAIHeT^HO^^PPRECIATE I HIGH-CLASStailoring will do well to interview G. C.Hutchison, 87 Sth st S. Telephone 2.73 L-3.


a &p NOW 13 THE TIME T«?' HAVE &5 your clothing and all housetl >ld goods Q.O French dry cleaned, and A. is oroung's #Q Minneapolis Dye House Is til9 largest pS and only reliable place in til a north- #0 west Offices, 522 Nicollet, nmr 6th st. p jO Tel

" 3156 J2 main, and 242 Nicollet, p |p near Washington ay. Tel. .*lO main. £

SeHSX*B**3KK^QSWrc i assess:**TWIN CITY DYE WORKS — liRACTICAL |dyers and French dry cleaners; out-of-townorders solicited; prices moderate. 420 .Nicol-

let. Telephone 1576. <__WE WANT YOU ALL TO K*kOW-THEPautorium is still at the old stind, 92a-927Nicollet. Dyeing and French di".' cleaning,clothing, etc., by our new procesil. We use"Minerallne" exclusively In dry cleaning,

which leaves no odor. Out of tovrti work so-licited. Send for catalogue. Jfraldron &

Crockett. Minneapolis. Minn.



110 \u25a0 . ' -$15 Will loan you sioney

$20 TO-DAY i$25 On your own personal$30 Note, without security$35 or indorser, and you can pay$ioit back in easi'$45 weekly or month! iy$50 payments, as yo]» '.r

555 circumstances will$fiQ permit, thus enablt ng

$65 . you to pay withoi t$70 inconvenience or w(£ Ty.

$75 Our office is so arrrt iged" $iy that you do not eel ne

$85 in contact with ot 8 er$90 - applicants, and you «can$95 . be waited on privately

$100 and quickly. Our sy;».em .$105 Is new, our method ilie$110 - CHEAPEST, BEST,$115 MOST PRIVATE$120 in the city. :$125 PRIVATE INTERVIEWING$130 ROOMS. i$135$140 MINNEAPOLIS LOAN £0.,$145 Suite 001 and 602,$160 ' GLOBE BUILDING. •

WE HAVE A BLOCK OF EASTERN MO*NKYto loan at 5 per cent on choice resistanceproperty. Thorpe Bros.. 258_Hennepin &\\.

4W TO 6 PER CENT MONEY. WITH IHE"on or before" privilege, to loan on improvedoroperty in Minneapolis and St. Paul. R. 'M.NewDort. 309-211 Phoenix building, 60 4th: stS. Minneapolis. .-


AT LOWEST RATES— TO LOAN.' R.D. Cone & Co.. 517 Guaranty Loan bulldinjE._MONEY TO LOAN: EASY TERMS; LOWrates. David P. Jones & Co.. Oueida building^LOANS FROM $100 UPWARDS; CITY PRClP-erty prefer'd; no delay. J.B.Tabour, 124 S 4 CO.MORTGAGE LOANS—Rates low; any sumi;;no delay: see us sure. Gale & Co.. N. Y. Ll.a?.MONEY for first mortgage city security, cvi-

:rent rates. E. H. Bass. 514 Guaranty bldg. -WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON MINNE.P'apolis real estate, with on or before privirleges; rate 4Va. 5 and 6. T. A. Jamieson, 313

icollet. . ,MINNEAPOLIS MONEY ON HAND FOR*real estate loans. No delay; no red tape.Building loans a specialty. E. D. Brown, i728 Lumber Exchange. -. . •

CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, MINNEAPO- jUs, first mortgage gold bonds for sale, net- ;ting 4% per cent. Full particulars on appli-cation. Minnesota Loan and Trust Co., 313Nicollet ay. ' ;MONEY LOANED at 4% to 6 per cent, net.Sawyer & Betcher, 407 Phoenix.$100,000 TO LOAN ON CITY AND FARMproperty; low interest. Barnes Bros. 104 S 4th. jMONEY~TO LOAN OX CITY PROPERTY !and Improved farm lands, 5, o 1? and 6 percent. C. H. Smith. 603-606 Phoenix building.

M. H~V7~"YOUNG, PROMOTER AND OR-ganizer of financial institutions. Years of

! experience. Best of references. 656 Temple! Court. - J

1 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLEwith steady positions in good concerns, ontheir own names; no security; easy payments,Tolman. 920 N. Y. Life building. •

LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE—LOWESTrates: easy payments; no publicity. Ameri-can Credit Co.. C. E. Jennings, Mgr., 523-5Guaranty building.. \u25a0 \u25a0

SALARY LOANS TO EMPLOYES ONPlain notes, without security.

Easier partial payments. Lower rates.RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Sykes block, •256 Hennepln Walk up one flight.

Wt MONEY TO LOAN SALARIED PEG- *•ff> pie.—We are prepared to loan reason- kgX able amounts to salaried people hold- !9;X ing steady positions with responsible tt,Vt concerns, on easy weekly or monthly 9iS» payments. We conduct our business *£X strictly confidential. Lowest rates and «£X fair treatment guaranteed. Room 306, 9i9t Bank of Commerce building. • »J

WHEN YOU Tr~~hold a permanent salaried position and wlsbto

BORROW MONEY,remember that you can get the lowest rates,longest time'and best terms on" your plainnote without mortgage or indorser, if you

COME TO US.Our private interviewing rooms are 1arrangedso you can be waited on quickly and confi-dentially and no one outside of our office willknow of your visit or that you are borrowingmoney.

MINNEAPOLIS FINANCIAL CO.,Room 206, New York Life building.

20 FOR MISCELLANEOUS!FREE "FOR SALE" CARDS TO THOSEadvertising under this head. Be sure andcall for them when you leave the ad.

COLFAX MINERAL WATERWill permanently cure constipation. Weguarantee results; $1.75 per six-gallon case.The Glenwood-Inglewoud Co., 313 Hennepln.TENTS, AWNINGS. DUCK AND COVERS*

AMERICAN TENT AND AWNING CO.,125-127-123 Ist ay N, Minneapolis. \u25a0


Sell, rent, repair all makes. Ask for prices.

\u2666 <•\u2666:\u2666 GOOD SLIGHTLY USED FURNI- <•\u2666;\u2666 TURK, ETC. ;'»'--\u25a0 \u2666;•*\u0084. . *•;• Our second and third floors are \u2666;•

*> stocked with an immense assemblage \u2666;\u2666\u2666> of \u25a0 all kinds nice clean bedroom, •;•«;• library, dining-room, parlor and kltch- •>\u2666;\u2666 en furniture, rugs, carpets, iron and <\u2666\u2666;• brass beds, cook stoves, , ranges, pi- •>•> \u25a0 anos, . organs, office furniture, etc., .y\u2666;« etc., from the nicest houses in : the , &\u2666;\u2666 city. •We carry only . the best and ,•>\u2666;\u2666 sell at lowest prices. It you have «5»<;• nice modern goods to sell, we- want <\u2666•> them, and will pay very outside prices. <\u2666*> On our ground floor will be found ty

\u2666;\u2666 manufacturers' sample ; lines of new <{\u2666\u2666> furniture, rugs, etc., in great Tariety, <•<\u2666 from the cheapest to the very highest \u2666>

\u2666;\u2666 class, and we sell from 20 to. 50 per \u2666!\u25ba•I* cent cheaper -thaa_any_<ither house la %\u2666

<• the "west. Hubert Bowti & Co., furnl- <\u25ba<\u2666 ture brokers; 44 aa* 46 ftt st S. •:•

»»»»»»>»»\u2666\u2666\u2666»\u2666 <»<\u2666\u2666\u2666<««;«<"»\u2666»:\u2666 <4GREAT BARGAINS IN "NEW AND SLIGHT-Iy used household goods ef every description.We can save you 25""p~eY cent at the TownMarket Furniture Co., 26 and 27 sth st 3.


PASTRY OVENS. STEAM TABLES, COF-fee urns, hotel range*; tin, copper and sheetiron work of all kinds; retaining. Tel. 161.Great Western Stove Repair Co., 312 Hen, aT.

MATTRESSES MADE OVER; HAIR ORmoss, $1.50; others Si; mattresses and furni-ture for sale. Rainville Bros., manufactur-ers, 17 Nicollet Island. Both phones. ,ONE GASOLENE STOVE IN GOOD CON-dltlon; also awning with all fixtures. 17Washington ay S. '


§# PER FOOT. S Qqq. a aO Q. We are selling more of this £* A8Q than all other grades. We're Q Q

Q also still selling the best Ilk: O QQ & hose in the city. g: QQ. » \u25a0

; yJ^--' » «O.Q Reels, sprinklers, nozzles, Op

P p lawn mowers, grass catchers, & pp p lawn rakes, grass hooks,- hard- O PP P ware, cutlery, tools, etc. v OP .O. . & «P « W. K. MORISON & CO., p Q

P P OPP p * 217-249 Nicollet Avenue. « U« P ~ • «\u25a0«v^o^^l<H^pCbX»X^<^CwXbJ^O^C>WOOD, dry, $1.75; 2 loads 12.75; green, $1 up.Plymouth Lbr.. 4 Lumber Kxcg. Phone 717 J2..MILKMEN—YOU CAN SAVE MONEY BYusing our ground screenings. We make thebest. Now Is the time to contract with us ata very low price for June and July delivery.Call at the Gee Mill, 112 Polk st NE. We buyand sell all kinds of grain and feed by thecar load, ton or 100 pounds. -- - -PHILADELPHIA LAWN MOWERS, HlGH-grade hose, screen doors, paints and oils. J.H. Smith. 214-216 Hennepln ay.

FOR SALE—LAUNCHES; 17. IS, 20. 23 AND27-foot launches, complete for immediate \u25a0 de-llvery. Globe Iron Works, Minneapolis.

100 FIXE SECOND-HAND ICE BOXES ANDrefrigerators from $2 up to {100: suitable forstores and family use. 1027 Washington ay S.PIANOS-RUSE PIANO, $150; WEBER UP-right, $175; ('bickering upright, $190; Fischer,upright. $160; three uprights, $100, $90, $125;'two square pianos, $25, $50. New pianos for.rent, $3.50 and $4 a mouth. One year's rent al-lowed if purchased. Foster & Waldo, 40 sthst S, corner Nicollet.GERANIUMS. 50c 75c AND $1 PER DOZEN,at 2427 2iVs ay S. 'Phone Main 3290 L-l.BEST GRADE MINNESOTA FLOUR, 87c Asack. Cream of Wheat, 124 cper package.Good coffee, ten pounds 97c. Good roastedcoffee, ten pounds for $1.14. Special bargainsin our grocery list. Roberto, ,17 Nicollet. .FOR SALE—SODA FOUNTAIN"~IN GOOD* jrepair, cheap;. call at 1513 Washington ay N, Iafter 6 o'clock p. m. j ' •

FOR SALE—A LOT OF. OLD PATENT OF-Bee reports, mechanical; also Gazettes, datesfrom 1317 to UK. Owen T. Dougherty, 906 2dst SE. ' :FOR SALE— UPRIGHT FISHERpiano in good condition. Call 2517 Coifaxay S. - \u25a0 ' .FOR SALE—BULLTERRIER PUPS, HlGH-est breeding, $10. Call evenings after 6o'clock. 2732 Colfax ay S. .LOT OF 8-INCH RISE, GRANITE RANGErock and a lot of Kasota stone for sale cheap.Call at 2545 Aldrich ay S, City.FOR SALE— SIDE BAR PIANO BOXbuggy, good condition, $22; one three-springbuggy for $12; cheap single harness; na usefor them. Call after 6. 3449 Aldrich ay S. .MUST BE SOLD—TWO GLASS "CIRCLEfront refrigerators in fine condition; verycheap; also large safe and show cases. 1027Washington ay S.FOR. SALE—IOO BARRELS PURE CIDER;delivered, 30c gallon in your own Jug; war-ranted free from acetic, salicylic or otheradulterant acids; make your own vinegar; |save your pickles, assuring finest quality.Phone N. W., Main 3427 J2. J. C. F. Hol-comb. 156 Orlln ay SE. . - \u25a0 .BUTTER, BUTTER, BUTTER—FIVE-LB ijar best creamery on earth, $1; fresh dairy,16c, 18c. M. W. A. best patent flour, $1.85.Fresh eggs, lie. Minnesota Dairy, 25 6thSt S. » • !_BAKER'S OVEN, FINE CONDITION;capacity. 48 loaves. Will sell 'cheap; snapfor any one needing an oven. 715 3d ay S.CLOSING OUT A FINE LINE OF GARLANDstoves and ranges at about half the regularretail price. Wm. Simms" Hardware, 411 14thavSE. '\u25a0


NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, TOTAL A*D-der, $60. Max Kohen, 327 Washington ay S.PIANO—HALVES BROS FRENOH~WAL*NUTrase; its handsome, in excellent condition; asnap at $165; also a stored piano walnut case,which owner will rent or sell cheap. 1711sth ay S. :'•-\u25a0-•- ' • : :FOR SALS—' ALMOST NEW UPRIGHTpiano; cheap for cash, if taken at once;party leaving city. Call 56 12th st_NvFOR SALE— YDS OF LINOLEUMpieces; also lady's bicycle, and two blackwalnut bedsteads. Gus. A. Bahr, 14 Wash-lngton ay S. ' •SSOO-CHICKERING UPRIGHT PIANO INfine condition for $175 cash, if taken at once.V 1006. Journal.FOR SALE—SWIVEL CHAIR; COST $45;will sell for $18. 303 New York- Life.PIANO FOR RENT FOR LAKE OR TOWN;good upright, with cover; low rent for sum-mer. Phone main 2807-Ll. 808 Nicollet.MUST BE SOLD WEDNESDAY—HIGH-ARMWhite sewing machine, $3; Domestic, $5;Oak White, $10; Singer,' $12.50. Elmer, 720 Istay S. I

FOR SALE— POROELEAN TUBS, o^special tub. Inquire 815 2d st NE.GAS WATER HEATER, $2750"TGAS RANGED$6; water front range, $8; steel range, $12;Magee range. $8. 502 4th ay S. -


TfREE "FOR RENT" CARDS FOR THOSE(advertising under this head. Be sure andcall for them when you leave the ad. t

McCUBDY . Rants houses, i Taking care& CO., 2*) - flats, store*, Vof. property

Temple Court. ( sells real entace. ) a specialty.List your property for sale or rent.

FOR RENT— HANDSOME, MODERN, 12---loom house, with barn; Janitor service; ex-ceptional locality; 10 minutes' walk frompostoffice, $45; will paper to suit tenant. 722B»h ay S. \u25a0 .1501 PARK AY. 15 ROOMS, MODERN. $60.Modern 10-room house and barn In Sunnyside,

535.834' Western ay, 2d floor, 5 rooms, $7.1412 Portland ay, 8 rooms, barn, $20.1718 Nicollet ay, 12 rooms, inoaern, 140.6* Forest ay, 9 rooms, modern, $35. £ '112 Willow st, 10 rooms, modern, $30.2413 Nicollet ay, 10 rooms, modern, $30.628 University ay SE, 15 rooms, modern, $30.603 Bth f>.v N, 8 rooms, modern, $22.50.307 Aldrich ay N, 7 rooms, modern, $17.50.609 E 22<i st, 6 rooms, bath, gas, etc., $17.2302 Clinton ay, 7 rooms city water, $15. .

' George Odium. 309 Phoenix building. '\u25a0,

ALTERATIONS FOR HOUSES ANDstores, porches screened, carpenter work.

, Lanzas, 423 2d ay S. - \u25a0 - - -..-\u25a0\u25a0

12-.ROOM HOUSE, 171 E ISLAND AY, FOR:rent, $35; hardwood finish, modern.CHADBOURN & BRADEN, 21 4th st S, canrent your property at once; reliable tenants.FOODS ARE BEST KEPT IN A HERRlCK-refrigerator; no mold, no taint, or smell of

; each other. Sold at 7th and Hennepin. - •

FOR RENT— HOUSE. PARTLY- FUR-nished, to right party cheap for three months;large lawn, nice shade; soft and spring water.610 Ontario st SE. Call J. W. Bryant, Eaglefoundry, 418 2d st S. '- -' ''" :FOR RENT—STRICTLY MODERN HOUSE,seven rooms; bath, gas, range, , refrigerator,etc. 120 E 13th st. Marston, HampshireArms. . .FOR RENT—NINE-ROOM, UNFURNISHED,strictly modern house; in good neighborhood.1606 2d ay S. \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 - " -1--;'- ' :'

BOARDING HOUSE—EIGHT ROOMS, CEN-tral location, $20 per month. 529 6th st S.$25—STRICTLY MODERN. 418 E 25TH ST,six rooms, beside bath and pantry; .hard-wood finish and hardwood floors; very con-venient. . \ ,_FOR EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE, 209 E27th; hardwood finish, parquet floors, openplumbing, porcelain bath, lawn, barn, etc.303 New York Life building. .'.- \u25a0 ,


TO LET FOR SEASON, FURNISHEDhouse with stable; quiet village, fresh andsail water. W. A. Collins, Waquoit, Mass.

FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT, JUNE 1to Sept. 1; ten rooms; within walking dis-tance of business; only, adults desired. Ap-ply at 108 Willow st.

MODERN 12-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE";large barn; tine neighborhood; for year orlonger. Address R 996, Journal. - •'\u25a0*"-'.


FREE FOR RENT" OR "FURNISHEDRoom" cards for those advertising under thishead. Be sure and call for them when leav-'ing the ad. '--,--'•NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT BEDROOM,with large closet; steam beat, gas, porcelain

'bath, hot water: - only:.two in family; noother roomers; gentlemen only; ;referencesexchanged; rent low to desirable tenant whowill be permanent.» 28 12th st N, flat 3.ROOMS FORHRENT—44I6 LAKE HARRIETboulevard; gentlemenprefered. VjPLEASANT NICELY FURNISHED FRONTroom, gas, large shady .lawn, central,. anddesirable for summer. 11l 7th st S. '

TO RENT—FURNISHED ROOM. "\u25a0 OVER-looking lake Harriet. 4413 Harriet boulevard.


GRAND APARTMENTS—LADIES ANDgentlemen, stationary wash bowls, \u25a0 porcelainbathß, $6 upwards; roof garden. 620 7th at.' "*FIRST OR SECOND FLOOR MODERN FUR-nished; will rent single or together; can havekitchen If desired. 10 E 14th at. - .. ;. *.-\u25a0> \u25a0;Large, HANDSOMELY FURNISHED par-lor, In modern bouse, beautiful location; alsosmaller room, summer rate. The above havebeen refurnished and are very desirable. 1019lst_av_S. \u25a0\u25a0*:\u25a0

•\u25a0 ' \u25a0 _NICELY FURNISHED, ; LARGE, COOL,pleasant rooms. _yjtth_g"_and_bath. 40 10 at 8.TWO PLEASANT, FURNISHED,, FRONTrooms. In private family; modem; walkingdistance downtown. 1717.9th ay S.


SOUTHEAST MINNEAPOLIS—SIX ROOMS,water and sewer, $3. Also four rooms, at 1515

i Hillside uv N. $7. W. W. CUark, 313_Nicollet.\ FOUR NICE ROOMS, UP STAIRS. LARGEhouse, only $8 to family without small

I children. 2809 Clinton M .'_"••'SECOND FLOOR. FOUR ROOMS. G(j9 9TH

'st S. C. H. Nelll._lo_3d_st_S.1 FOR RENT—FOUR ROOMS. DOWNSTAIRS,partly modern and very'nlce; gas fixtures andshades; $12 per month. Call at premises-,No. 2729 Hennepln_av. ' . V ' '

FLAT OF FOUR FRONT. MODERN, SEC^oiui floor, 1218 Washington ay S, $10.

Three front, upstairs, only $7 per menth,619 Washington as 8.

Three pleasant front, upstairs, only $5 per.mouth, 914 sth ay S.

Two front, upstairs, central location, 613sth st N. only $4. __ \OC UNFURNISHED FLATS

MODERN . FIVE-ROOM FLAT, 332 E I.THst, second floor. Apply Frank Miller.ELEGANT SIX-ROOM FLATS. THOROUGH-Iy modern, 730-736 E "16th st; rent $27 and$30. F. A. Simmons "Co., New York Lifebuilding. .FOR RENT-FLATS. THREE AND SIXrooms, partly modern, $5, $6 and $10. Con-verse, 600 6th ay N. "FOR MODERN SIX-ROOM FLAT,2K34 Chicago ay. Apply Northwestern hos-pital. •\u25a0

-'FOR FOUR-ROOM FLAT IN KEN-wood apartments, Hennepin and- Kenwoodparkway; fine view and most attractive flat inevery way; possession immediately; rent $28month. J. F. Cole.. North Star WoolenMills. Id st and 3d ay S. ________SIX-ROOM, MODERN FLAT; HARDWOODfloors; $27.50. W. W. Clark. 313 Nlcollet ay.

CHOICE, OUTSIDE, second FLOOR, mod-ern. heated flat, seven rooms, 1700 Ist ay S;four-room modern flat, $_<j. Rappahannock,901 6th ay S.FOR RENT—STRICTLY MODERN, SEVENlarge rooms, corner flat; $37.50. .1009 3d ay S,flat 2.


FOR RENT—FURNISHED FLAT OF FOURrooms, for three or four months. Strictlymodern. Only two flats in building. "Rentreasonable, Dr. H. W. Clark, 803_E_ loth st.__FOR RENT—A THOROUGHLY MODERNseven-room furnished flat for summermonths. Apply Mannen, 625 E Franklin.Beat Flats.


FOR THREE MONTHS OR LONGER. FUR-liished, very pleasant apartment, seven rooms,fine central location; reasonable rent. Hol-brook, 503 Kasota building. ' \u25a0'-\u25a0\u25a0->


OFFICES; STEAM HEATED; PRICES $6 TO$20. Eastman block, 412 . Nlcollet. Inquireroom 12. \u25a0 \u25a0

FOR RENT—WITHIN O"NE BLOCK OF THEChamber of Comn.erce you can rent room 7,McMillan building, 3d ay S and 3d st. BoomIs 55x19 feet, steam heated, well lighted, sec-

I ond floor front. Just the room for graincommission firm; blackboard, 35x9, ruled forstocks and grain. Western Union cable. in.Price of $25 per month, and location cannotbe duplicated. O. M. Laraway & Sons,. 100Bank of Commerce. \u25a0



With living-rooms, only $3 per month. 23510th ay S. \u25a0 . __ [ |


LARGE FIREPROOF SAFE, $2 - PERmonth. 10$ Washington ay 3. '

$1 HELP WANTED—MALEWATCHES CLEANED, $1-; MAIN SPRINGS.$1; warranted one year. Paegel'a, 22 3d st S.SUITS SPONGED, pressed whila you wait,60c. Starr Steam Cleaning House, 622 Hen.SUITS SPONGED AND PRESSED, 60c;pants recut Into style or bicycle pan 76c;suits steam cleaned and pressed, $1. An-thony the Tailor, 119 Washington ay N.Painters, paper-hangers, kalsominers, white-washers, do you need any brushes? Savemoney by buying them here at your ownprices. People's Paint Store, 610 Ist ay S.

WANTED — SETTERS FOR SAWMILL.Apply Red River Lumber Co., 807 Henneplu.

WANTED—BOYS WITH BICYCLES, 16years or over. A. P. T. office. ;GET your shoe 3repaired at the Wide-AwakeShoe Shop, 709 Hennepin ay. Men's halfsoles. 50c; men's sewed soles, 75c; O'Sullivanrubber heels, 50c; Work done while you wait.PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON—WANTED,one registered in Minnesota, for exclusiveoffice practice; must be a capable and soberman, with complete surgical instruments.G 1002, Journal. , • •WANTED—AT ONCE, SIX GOOD DRILL-ers at Ortonville, Minn. Free fare fromMinneapolis to Ortonville. Call or write.Address Baxter-Gluck Co., 2845 Aldrich aT S.

INCREASE YOUR MONEY EARNING ABlL-ity by attending the Minnesota School ofBusiness, 54 3d st S, diagonally oppositepostofflce. ' . ' .WANTED—AGENTS MAKE $200 A MONTH;no fake; call and investigate. Hotel Windsor.V. M. Walbrldge. ' ___SOLICITORS—S36 TO $50 PER WEEK MADEby workers handling our French Crayonetteportrait. • Absolutely new and attractive.Write for terms. Whetston ft Little Mfg.Co., 780-784 W Lake st, Chicago, 111.MEN—SINGLE, EXPERIENCED, TO DE-llver portraits in Wisconsin, lowa, Illinois,Indiana Ohio and Kentucky; bonds positivelyrequired. Chicago Copy Co.. 447 Ogden ay.

ACTIVE MAN. BY LARGE MANUFACTUR-Ine house, to work at home; $36 in cash paidfor 12 day*' trial; promotion and permanentDositlon if satisfactory. Address Daniel B.Shepp. 723 Chestnut st. Philadelphia, Pa.

WANTED—MAN TO TAKE CARE HORSESand work around place. Apply between 6-and 7 p. m., 632 E 16th st. .»WANTED-COMPEtBNT DRAUGHTSMANfor structural ironwork; liberal salary. M1006, -Journal. - - • :\u25a0'WANTED—DRAUGHTSMAN," FIRST CLASSon ornamental iron for office buildings. Ad-dress, stating experience and references, theWinslow Bros. Company, 368 Carroll ay, Chi-cago. - __CATON BUSINESS, SHORTHAND, ENG-lisli school open all summer, day and even-Ing; enter now. catalogue free. Tuition rea-sonable. 620_Hennepln,_Mlnneapolls. .ENGINEER EXPERIENCED IN RUNNINGtraveller hoist in stone yard. None withoutexperience need apply.' Jones & Hartley, 82917th ay S. \u25a0--.•• \u25a0'- .OUR SUBSCRIPTION • AGENTS, ON COM-mission. are averaging $15 a week plus boardand expenses. We can use ten more likethem all summer. References required. Wocover Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, lowa,Nebraska, the Dakotas; 56,000 . circulationnow: want 100,000. Great premiums; easywork. Some agents make nearly double aboveprofit. Experience not necessary. Honesthustle all that is needed. Northwestern Ag-riculturist. Guaranty -building. _______SALESMEN FOR PEN CARBON COPYINGbooks and other office specialties; easy. sell-ers: liberal terms: exclusive territory; cata-

| logue free. Model Mfg. Co., box L, SouthI Bend. Ind. \u25a0

r —if you ARE A catholic, unemployed.and will work for $18 per week, write Mac-Connell Bros., 11 Franklin st. Boston. Ma.-.WANTED — SALESMEN EVERYWHERE;salary or commission; permanent. First Na-tional Nurseries, Rochester. N. Y.WANTED—A DISH CARRIER, AT THEGolden Star restaurant, 114 3d st S. . : \u0084.

WANTED—AT HOTEL SAN ANGELO, 1221Nicollet, man for general work; one who un-derstands taking-care of horses. ... \u25a0.. ; -WANTED— WITH SOME EXPERI-ence as cook, to work half night in smallrestaurant. Inquire 722 Nlcollet ay.

CARPENTERS WANTED AT CHEMICALbuilding, state university. F. G. McMillan,contractor. - '.' \u25a0 \u25a0

WANTED—AT ONCE; PAINTERS ANDpaperhangers." Steady work for good men.Call 7:30 a. m. 412 Nlcollet, room 12.WANTED—BO TO DRIVE TEAM ANDwork around carpenter shop; one with bi-cycle preferred. 1U sth st S.WANTED—GOOD COREMAKER. CALL AT423 1 4th st S. city." '•\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0 '\u25a0\u25a0• \u25a0:-\u25a0\u25a0';•-•-:;

QO HELP.WANTED-FEMALEii/W_Xiil^i<)^_(1_4


YOUNG LADY—FOR BUSINESS ANDshorthand education, third, second and firstgrade ' certificates, go to Archibald : college.Lake st, corner Btevenß. \u25a0 ..?-•>\u25a0„•

A GIRL-. FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK;pleasant home, .near the lake,;\u25a0 and goodwages. 4456 - Lake Harriet boulevard..

32 HELP WANTED-FEMALE. .-< \u25a0 Continued. .


good wages. -612 9th ay SE.WANTED—GOOD, COMPETENT GIRL FORgeneral housework. 2512 Stevens ay. -•\u25a0 ; .\u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0;INCREASE *YOUR MONEY EARNING ABlL-lty by 1 attending the Minnesota School ofBusiness, 64 -. 3d st S, diagonally , oppositep'ostofnee. - \u25a0•'• > ', . _________GOOD GIRL WANTED AT ONCE; GOODwages. 1412 Stevens ay. " '

WANTED—GIRLFOR SECOND WORK IM-mediately. 2218 Ist ay S.WANTED—COOK AND CHAMBERMAID;none but white need apply. Call at 1 p. m.,1113 2d'st .8. • • ..GOOD GIRL for LIGHT householdwork; three in family; all adults. 2834 Chi-cago ay. flat one. :__'________ =__

WANTED—GIRL OR WIDOW TO DO GEN-eral housework and take charge of house. 201318th ay S. '-- - \u25a0 \u25a0 -: \u25a0

"•'WANTED—COOK AND ONE KITCHENgirl, at the Home Restaurant, 38 Washing-ton ay S. • '"- ' '.WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. 634 E 14th St.

_____WANTED-^OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; small family. 3104 3d ay S.WANTED—GIRL FOR KITCHEN .WORK.Must be good cook. 2109 Bryant ay S. .SALESLADIES, WITH EXPERIENCE INgeneral dry goods. Must be competent to goright in and Bell at our removal sale. J. W.Kerr, 1009-11-13 Washington ay 3.

GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Also,nurse maid; Germans preferred. 1832 Ken-wood parkway. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 ' \u25a0 _________________WANTED-fiXPERIENCEIT WAITRESSES,at once; good wages and steady work. Cos-mopolltan Cafe, 418 Nlcollet ay.

WANTED—GIRL i FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work, at 3228 Portland. Two in family; goodpay. Apply at once.. _______TWO GIRLS WANTED AT 41 CENTRAL AY,Nlcollet Island. \u25a0.-,-\u25a0••\u25a0•


WANTED—GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. Chrtßtlaiison'B. 726 2d ay S.PRESSERS— IF YOU WANT A GOOD JOBand steady work, come at once and investi-gate at Twin City-Dye Works, 420 Nlcollet or504 Cedar.COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERALhousework. ' Good wages paid to good girl.204 4th st SE.-. _____WANTED—GIRL TO HELP WAIT ONtable, noon and night, for board. Also, agirl or woman to help with house cleaning.Tremont House, 400 6th ay 3.

COMPETENT GIRL, GOOD WAGES, MOD-ern house; house cleaning done. 617 Dela-ware st SE;'interurban car to Howard st.

WANTEDr-ECONOMICAL HOUSEKEEPERImmediately, on ranch; $15 per month} cook-ing for four men; also an experienced sheepherder* Norwegians preferred. Address box44, Sentinel Butte, N. D. '___ .__ ' \u25a0

_WANTED—GIRL'FO'R GENERAL HOUSE-work; no house-cleaning. 829 16th ay S.


must have experience in care of children. .Ap-ply 2615 3d ay S. " \u25a0

THIRD FLOOR, 403 NICOLLET AY—YOUwill find trimmed and street hats at half pricefor the rest of the week. Take 1 elevator.The Millinery Supply Co., Wholesale and Re-tall Millinery goods. _ ;,WANTED—A COOK~Af~TO3I 6TH AY STCall at side door.YOUNG MAN I WANTED TO CARRYdishes. \u25a0 Golden Gate Cafe. 9-11 4th st S.WANTED—A BOY TO DRIVE GROCERYwagon; must have some experience. Call at

928 sth st N. ; _ _WANTED—GOOD ACTIVE BOY AS BELL-boy at the Beaufort Hotel; at once.WANTED—SALESMEN TO SELL OURgoods on payments. Apply 306 Nicollet ay.Columbia Phonograph Co. \u25a0'

ONE TINNER WANTED—. :\u25a0 - ' \u25a0 H. O. Roberts, 103 Western ay.

WANTED—A YOUNG MAN WHO IS Ashrewd salesman, to travel. Interstate Press,501 Northwestern bldg.

ASSISTANT SHIPPING CLERK FOR Afruit commission Rouse: must be experiencedat marking goods. W 1006, Journal.WANTED—A GOOD COMPETENT GIRL TOgo to the lake; will pay $5 per week. Applyat 1719 Park ay. No children.WANTED—A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERALhousework in family of three; small house;good ' home. 1602 Vine . place. -STRONG, CAPABLE GIRITfOR GENERALhousework; small family; good wages. Mrs.Clark_l93o_l4th_av_S. \u25a0

GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work. Must be competent. Call Thursdaymorning. 600 W 32d st. : \u25a0


WANTED— FOR GENERAL HOUSE-work; two in family; small house. Must begood cook. '$3 per week. Call or address329 Boston block.

33J[or^e^ca^rLiges—sa^NEW AND SECOND-HAND BUGGIES,wagons, surreys, phaetons, rubber tired run-abouts: new work, exchanged for old; allklnda of harnesses. Cash or time. 414 3d st S.IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A NICE FAM-ily horse, gentlemen's drivers or saddlers,call at Buchanan's Livery. 148 E Lake fit"" SECOND-HAND LOGGING HORSES.

Barrett & Zimmerman, Midway Horse Mar-ket, St. Paul, Minn., have Just received alarge consignment of 10 car loads of second-hand', logging horses,, with harnesses, all infirst-class condition, which must be sold atonce without reserve and regardless of value.This is your greatest opportunity to buy .good hardy working horses at your own price. ]GOOD FAMILY HORSE, WEIGHS OVER !1,200; also cut-under trap and trap harness;see them at 2637 Portland ay.

HORSES FOR SALE—JUST ARRIVED ONEfine carriage team, and five drivers; all citybroke. Wilson A Jenkins. 18 Royalston ay.

FOR SALE— TEAM: WAGON ANDharness. Will sell separate or together. 1921Rondo. Merriam Park; «FOR CHEAP. FINE BIKE WAGON;only been jused two ' months. 3039 Lyndaleay S.155 HORSE. 8 YEARS OLD. 1.150 POUNDS,and harness; $27, saddle and driving pony,800 pounds. 834 181. ay NE.FOR SALE—ONE NEW SINGLE HARNESSat a bargain. 304 Ist aT 3.A GOOD HEAVY SPAN MULES, WEIGHT2,700; good workers, few set heavy long andshort tug farm harness; also single or doubledriver, 7 years old. 252 3d ay S. , . , ' -$3l) FOR GOOD TRUE WORKHORSE,weight 1,200 lbs; 7 years old, also No. 1 familymare, no better in the state, cheap. 4010Chicago ay.

FOR SALE—9 YEAR-OLD HORSE, SOUND,city broke, and side spring buggy and har-ness, $50. At 2107 Lyndale ay N. _FOR SALE—A 4-YEAR-OLD - DRIVINGhorse; city broke; safe for lady to drive;cheap. Can be seen at 2606 Ist ay S.FOR LEATHER TOP PIANO BOXbuggy, good condition; $20 takes it. 303 NewYork Life.

35^^^JNSTRUCTIONINSTRUCTION IN SPANISH BY A COMPE-tent, successful native teacher; term, reason-able; special rates during summer months;

practical knowledge acquired by the naturalmethod. '.For \u25a0 particulars address V 979.Journal. '

3g LOANS AND CHATTELSPAWNBROKERS—ReIiabIe, reasonable; con-fidential; Harris & Goldstein. 239 Ist ay S.

OUICK LOANS MADE ON FURNITURE,pianos, etc.'. without removal easy payments,cheapest rates; business confidential.' Minne-sota Mortgage L>>an Co., room 306, Bank ofCommerce building, cor. Ist ay S and 4th st.

LOANS . MADE ON HOUSEHOLD GOODS,furs iin storage and warehouse receipts, atone-half the usual rates. Monthly Install-ment Loan Co.. 825 Guaranty Loan.LOANS MADE ON SAME DAY AS APPLl-catlon. on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons,-fixtures, etc., goods to remain in .your un-disturbed possession.

x PRIVATE INTERVIEWING ROOMS.Minneapolis Loan Co.. 801-2 Globe Building.

RICE LOANS on all kinds of personal prop-rty: charges reasonable. ' 506 ~ Globe bldg.

37 LOST AND FOUNDlost^l-Sly^s^lasp^^ting Tuesday evening. : Return to Jay. L.McCluskey, Plymouth Clothing House, forreward. \u25a0•-\u25a0\u25a0-•\u25a0. ', \u25a0\u25a0

\u25a0\u25a0 .LOST-A LADY'S SILK1 GARTER WITHengraved silver.buckle. Return fto John W.Thomas &\u25a0 Co. l \LOST—POCKETBOOK ON STH ST, BE-tween Lumber Exchange and Andrus build-ing, contained about $10.00 and key. Finderplease return to Journalofflce. - _LOST—TWO RINGS IN GLASS BLOCK TOl-let room, May 20, 2:15 p. m.; liberal rewardoffered; return to 607 Ist av_B.LOST-COW, JERSEY; ONE HORN BROKE;long hair of tall been cut off; had halter onhead. Return for reward to T. W. Kenyon,1319 W 24th st. 'Phone- 413 L-2 South. • ;_.

LOST—THE PERSON THAT HAS MYblack cocker spaniel can get a liberal rewardfor bis return. My name is on collar. JohnNilsson, £826 3d ay 8. " - -' - '\u25a0 '-LOST—A MONEY BAG. . CONTAINING - $15in cash and small check. Will finder pleasereturn to 1501 E Franklin ay for reward? ,LOST—PAIR OF • GOLD BOWED SPEC-tacles, ' double sight, on East Side. Address227..4t_r5t SE for reward.; • ;\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0

37___JLOSTVANDJFOUNpContinued. \u0084...:

LOST-BANK BOOK NO. 101213. ISSUED BYthe Farmers and Mechanics' Savings Bank ofMinneapolis.' If not returned to said bankbefore 15 days, application will be made fora duplicate thereof. \u25a0

'• * ,


Without the knife or loss of blood. Fortyyears' experience; satisfaction guaranteed.

Write for book of testimonials or call on Dr.Wheeler. Globe_blulldlug, Minneapolis.

ELITE BATH PARLORS. 626 HENNEPINay: porcelain - tubs; massage, .cabinet - andmedicated baths; experienced lady attendant.LADIES—SSOO REWARD FOR A CASE OFsunnression old Dr. Jackson's monthly regu-lator fails to. relieve In 24 hours; positivelyguaranteed; no ergot or pills; many savedfrom suicide; Ideal, safe, home treatment.Mail $3. Dr. Jackson. R. C. 812, 167 Dear-born st. Chicago. 111. . \u25a0'.'"'\u25a0 •••••\u25a0

MRS. DR. •F. McKAY. REMOVED FROM620V4 to 412 Nicollet.- room 51. sixth floor;take elevator; electricity, \u25a0 magnetism andbaths. - . \u0084- ,-....,... ...PILES—DR. H. WAITE, 25 YEARS' SPE-ciallst. cures every case; write for pamphlet,mailed free. 1219 Hawthorn ay."Minneapolis.

40 RUG MFG.CARPET CLEANINGFINE RUGS MADE FROM OLD CARPETS.We pay the in freight to out-of-town orders;carpet cleaning, making over, laying; bestwork, lowest rates. NATIONAL CARPETAND RUG CLEANING CO.. George D. W#k-er. Prop.. Nicollet Island. Both 'phones/

Our rugs, from old carpets, are second to nonebut orientals; quality or work brings more.Economy Rug Co.. 105 6th st S. Tel. 3217 L-l.

41 MINNETONKA PROPERTY"TO RENT—LARGE NUMBER LAKE COT-tagea at prices ranging from $50 to $.500, forrent by Jaeger & Torelle. 310 Bk. Commerce.WE TRANSACT A GENERAL REAL ES-state business, but make a specialty of LakeMinnetonka cottages, lots and acres:. JaegerA Torelle. 310 Bank of Commerce.NORTHLAND—A NEW SUBURB OF 320 ;acres, lirst station at Lake Minnetonka on jGreat Northern, only 10% miles fromLoring park; 20 minutes by train from'city;beautifully wooded and sightly; it will be soldto desirable parties in one to ten-acre tracts.Inquire George C. ' Andrews, 1212 Guaranty ;Loan. . ;_ IFOR RENT—FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, COT- jtaKowood: newly furnished: lake front; cool,shady: Dorch and windows screened; termslow. A 1006. Journal. \u25a0 -.- \u25a0 •

FOR RENT—FURNISHED COTTAGE, NEARSpring Park; eight large rooms; screenedporch, cistern, fine well water, ice, wood,cellar; $150 for season; house open Sundays.Write or apply to owner, Mrs. M. A. Paulson,131 Oak st SE.



FISK BROS., Mfg. Jewelers and watchmak-ers, have moved to 17 Nicollet House block.Watches cleaned.sl; main springs, war'ntd.$1.85 FOR- 100 FOR M. W. A." BEST PAT-enfc flour, every sack guaranteed; s.lbs bestcreamery butter,' $1. Minnesota Dairy, 256th st S. __ _NOTICE— MUST FRAME PICTUREScheap to keep three framemakers busy. Pic-ture sale at -deep-cut prices.' New goods.Zesbaugh, 11 sth st S, opposite Lumber Ex-change. :____


__£55525^L^^^^DR. BERTHA SHEPARD, SPECIALIST DlS-eases of women and children. 17 9th st S.Take Henuepln ay car. * \u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0

REFRIGERATORS AND ICE BOXES RE-paired and relined. Tin and sheet iron workof all kinds. Stoves stored. Great WesternStove Repair Co.. 312 Hennepin ay. Tel. 161.

female DISEASES CUREDBy Dr. Wheeler, specialist; Irregular men- |struation successfully treated. .Office, Globe jbuilding, Minneapolis. • \u25a0 .-


113 Washington Aye N,Frame all kinds of pictures 50 per cent cheap-er than any other firm In the city. Big stock.

ha!r~ LOSERS and bald HEADS.Would you expect benefit from a . bald-

headed "hair doctor"? Call and see whathas been produced on a - bald head. Dr.Oliver K. Chance, Dcpt. W., 580 SyndicateArcade. \u25a0\u25a0' • ,

T. H. BLY, M. D., SPECIALIST IN ALLdiseases of women; all irregularities cor-rected; private home for women before andduring confinement; book, 15c, all you needto know. Office. 27 4th st S, third floor.

DOES it. pay to advertise? Send address and4c stamps lor mailing charges, to Hofflin'sDrug Store, Minneapolis, Minn., and by re jturn mail you get an embossed . aluminum \comb In leatherette case that retails at 25c. |DR. COLLIER, the foot specialist, moved to405 Nicollet ay. Corns extracted. 25 cents.

; A~~CURE THAT CURES.FREE—I have cured thousands who suffer ;as you do of Emissions, Impotency, NervousDebility, Varicocele and shrunken parts, ,caused by self-abuse, by simply remedy whichcured me. recipe for which I will send i(sealed) free to any sufferer. Address, with \u25a0

stamp, David B. Emmet, B 204, Englewood, j111.

; PROF.' ZENO.Teacher occult science, hypnotism, mesmer-ism, personal magnetism, clairvoyance, men- |tal telepathy and psychometry. Satisfaction ;guaranteed. 412 Nicollet. rooms 36 and 37. jSAY! LOOK UP YOUR OLD SHOES.' .

j Telephone 1664-1 and we'll send wagon and |1 return when done. Incidentally, send along :: a suit and see what French dry cleaning will

do for it. We also clean all kinds of hats,felt and straw. The Pantorium, 925-7 Nicollet.IF D. A. ARMSTRONG. WHO WORKED AShorse trainer in Groton; S. D.. in 1896, willaddress E 1006. this office, he will hear ofsomething to his advantage. Information ofhis whereabouts gratefully received. :LADIES. 'cHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEN-nyroyal Pills arc the best; safe, reliable; takeno othec, send 4c stamp for particulars. "Re-lief for Ladies" in letter by return mail; atdruggists. Chichester Chem. Co.. Phila., Pa.

CURE THOSE • UNSIGHTLY PIMPLESusing Satin-Skin Cream; matchless for thecomplexion; 25c: Satin-Skin Powder is invisi-ble. Glass Block, Olson's, Voegeli Bros.I~WANT~TO KNOW~THE~WHEREABOUTSof Emelia Shoerf, born in Lintore Hanover,Germany; have money of hers. C. H. Schier-mer, 214 17th ay N. ' \u25a0 .LESSONS i GIVEN IN EMBROIDERY andlace. 25c per lesson. 30 10th st N, flat 1.MISS IDA JOHNSON, GRADUATE. PRI--vate retreat for ladies before and during con-finement. 928 sth st 3. Tel. maln_24ss_L 3. ft

SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES, wartsTpermanently removed by electrolysis; alsoscalp' treatment. Anna M. Griswold, 417 Med-icftl block. \u25a0 ' \u25a0 • -. \u25a0 i_HAIR"DRESSING AND SCALP TREAT-ment. Guarantee to restore gray hair; facemassage free to-morrow; chiropody and mani-curing, at Chicago Hairdresslng Parlors, 421Bank of Minneapolis building.

REAL ESTATE LOANSI MAKE A SPECIALTY'OF $100 TO $500loans on city real estate; principal payableat any time. A. H; Polley, 501 Andrus Bldg.

W. A. BARNES A CO.. 300-2"NICOLLET"AV:We have money to loan in unlimited amounts,on good real estate security.* at 5. 6 and 7 p. c.

4g~ patentTattorne ys^~

P. H. GUNCKEL. 745 Temple Ct., counselorand solicitor in patent and trade mark causes.WILLIAMSON &. MERCHANT (JAMES FTWllllamsan and Frank D. Merchant), patentattorneys and solicitors; main office,-No. 929---935 Guaranty Loan building. • Minneapolis,Minn.: branch office, room 52. McGIU build-ing. Washington, D. C. . ' . '


EDMUND G. WALTON, 300 HENNEPIN, 13---suea a new catalogue of houses for sale everytwo -weeks. • Send or call. ..--\u25a0•\u25a0 : \u25a0

W. A. BARNES & CO.; 300-302 . NICOLLET,Issue a rental :bulletin and real estate listevery Monday. Call or sand a.nd get one.REAL ESTATE AND . MORTGAGES-Whether you wish, to buy or sell, call on Fi-nance Co. of Minnesota. 620 Temple Court.

WE BUY and sell city and farm property.Mort. Loans. C. A. Qulst & Co.; 109 st S.HOt'SES BUILT ON.PAYMENTS: MONEYloaned; no commission. Real estate boughtand sold. Scwyer & Betcher. 507 Phoenix. :I HAVfifTWO FLAT PROPERTIES. YIELD-ing about 8 per cent net, that I can sell onadvantageous terms, one at $42,500 and oneat $65.000. W. W. Clark, 313 Nicollet. \u25a0

* -\u25a0-\u25a0 \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 -\u25a0 • ,$950. ; ' . ;\u25a0 \u25a0••;-itR No. 2412 17th ay S, seven-room house; RR small barn; east front lot,-42x122. RX .'. i:: - <\u25a0; $950. . :\u25a0.' ' :'C ItX No 1105 E 28th st, eight-room house; RX lot is 42x100. ,-• \u25a0-.... •'• , . '*?wt'X'.-i \u25a0\u25a0>: - $1,000.-.. \u25a0...'...•?X No. 2509 7th st S, seven-room house; 8?K'v large-lot, 65x110. - - -.: . . RI* The above must be sold to close an RR estate. <•'

'"\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 ' :•,\u25a0'\u25a0•\u25a0>' . -.\u25a0•; • . *.R DAVID C. BELL INVESTMENT CO.. R» -. ; No. 11l Fourth St S,;-.>'>"<•: R*RRRRRRR*RR.* *RRR»tRRRR*R»*»3,250, MODERN 9-ROOM' HOUSE, AT 206W327 th st; furnace, gas, city water, sewer,stone walk,' fine shade ' trees, barn;, excellentcondition. Apply H. B. Chamberlain, 47 Min-nesota Loan and Trust building. '

\u25a0.\u25a0!-'• :-c. ;-\u25a0' :'\u25a0 -. - - !•: -. •' -"\u25a0::


. REAL ESTATE—FOR SALE "r\u25a0 Continued.

A HOME PLACE—SHADE TREES. BOULE-vard, , city water, seven rooms, corner lot, two


blocks from 20th and Hennepin car';- $1,200.'Buildings alone would cost $1,500. 355 Tem-ple Court. ' _$6,"250—242i~T5T AY - 14-R~Ob*M> HOUSE,modern Improvements: lot 47x126; this is abargain and put at this price for quick sale.$3,650— eight-room, modern house, 'near ;Stanley - Hall; - best of locations. ' Franklin •>Benner, 603 Phoenix building. . , \u25a0 , .A GOOD SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE, MODERN 1except furnace. In Southeast Minneapolis;-'only $2,200; monthly payments. Room 5, 312Nicollet. . \u0084

' : ..;.. ; "^ ;


$550, $750 and $800; two and four blocks fromstreet cars; $50 down and monthly payments.355 Temple Court. \u25a0

GOOD PIECE OF PROSPECTIVE BUSINESS*property, 110x165 to alley; business pushingthat direction rapidly. • F. D. Dibble, 41/Phoenix building. : '\u25a0...\u25a0 -7

•'kousEsTliTob to $50.000:.' MTNNETONKAproperty; acres, rents, loans, insurance; care -of property. Lewis W. Campbell. Dayton blag.:

SPECIAL BARGAIN — MONTHLY PAY-ment plan: eight rooms: city water, stonewalks: always occupied by owner: only $1,5««»,North Minneapolis; near car line. -1-' •

Bargains in Robbinsdale houses.'Home Realty Co.. 311 Skyes Block.

$B,OOO—TEN ROOM RESIDENCE, ALL MODera, barn, large lot, eighth ward, must sell,will consider smaller bouse or lot as panpayment. R 1006, Journal. •

I A Q unimproved:

the edmund G. walton agency. is-sues a printed catalogue with maps of abso-lutely the best bargains in vacant lots.' tKHennepin ay. \u25a0 • \u25a0 '' '.:.FOR SALE OR LEASE—I9BxIS7 FEET TO .20-foot alley; on a central corner; possibletrackage; convenient to mills and depots. O.M. Laraway & Son, Bank of Commerce build \u25a0

ing. \u25a0 < \u25a0 - - .An FARM Z/ANDS

OLIVER CO. SETTLEMENT. Central N. =D.Washburn Valley Homesteads. Lands $2 to i.'.COAL. Good water & soil. Send 2-cent stamp.for BOOKLET. D. Galnes. S. E. Mpls. Minn.NORTHLAND—A NEW SUBURB OF S2C

I acres, first station at Lake Minnetonka cmGreat Northern, distant only lOI,*1,* miles.from.Loring park; 20 minutes by train from city:beautifully wooded and sightly; it will be

i sold to\ desirable parties iii one to ten-acre

' tracts;. Inquire Geo. C. Andrews, . 12:.:! Guaranty Loan. _ ..

$700—20' "ACRES, TURTLE "LAKE, WIS.,

clayey loam, nice stream, part hay, no waste *fine for dairy, sacrifice. 707 Sykes block.I HAVE 160 ACRES. OF GOOD LAND TOtrade for a stock of second-hand goods. Ad-dress box 511, Alexandria, Minn."

£ SITUATIONS WANTEDf51 MALE j;.WANTED—A POSITION AS MANAGER 0/a large farm or ranch. Can give A No. 1references. Experienced, good stockman.: V1006. Journal. ,

BOOKKEEPER WITH Al REFERENCES,competent, accurate and trustworthy, desirespermanent position where services are appre-ciated. Bookkeeper, 1202 Bth 3t S.


EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY 3TENOG-rapher desires position with reliable firm oi

person; good speller and penman; referencesfrom present: employer; salary. $7. ; AddressStenographer, 602 Guaranty Loan. \u25a0

YOUNG LADY WANTS SITUATION ASseamstress in private family.' C. D. Morck,13 sth st. "-SITUATION WANTED AS. CLERK IN DRYgoods or grocery store; can furnish refer-

i ences. Address N, 8., 1513 Washington *v N.i city. ____. _. \u25a0 •: _

• '

WASHING AND IRONING CALLED FOR,delivered; first-class work on waists, dresses,children's clothes; send postal. Mrs. Barry,418 6th ay S. Tel. 329-Jl. ' \u25a0' \u25a0



I has unequaled facilities for moving and stor-

i ing household goods; packing for storage andjshipment by experienced men. Office, 46 South'3d st. Telephone. Main 656, both exchanges.

I STORE YOUR HEATER FOR SEASONlowest rates, with the Town Market. Furni-ture Co.. 25-27 S sth. Drop card or Tel. im.


WAREHOUSE—OnIy fireproof storage in thecity; separate fireproof compartments, with$200 insurance free; complete burglar .alarmsystem, clean, convenient, and accessible:goods called for, packed and delivered; rates:reasonable. 106 Ist ay N. Tel. Main 2062 .1.CAMERON'S TRANSFER AND STORAGE-Furniture moved, stored, packed, shipped;best facilities; largest and finest .transfervans. Office 200 Nlc. Tel. 1208; res. Tel. 2234-L.


' GREAT WESTERN STOVE REPAIR CO.,'! 312 Hennepin ay. Telephone, main 161.i U. S. STOVE ~KBPAIR CO.. 246 4TH AY S.' Minneapolis. Telephone 514-3. . =


! engines, boilers and machinery of all kinds.-•! Address Harris Machinery Co., 1025 Washing-


j WE BUY diamonds or trade for new. We- pay

I cash for old gold or make into new jewelry.I Jacobs Jewelry Co.. 41 Washington ay S.

CASH PAID' for all kinds of household gobdaDon't sell before getting estimates. from th(

Town Market. 25-27 sth st S^_ Tel. 1993. '\_WILL BUY good 2d-hand building-, frame oi

| brick: to be moved. LlndahU 25 sth st S. \u25a0\u25a0

WANTED — SKCOND-HAND EURNITURE,| stoves, buggies and harnesses, and office fui- -

niture. for shipment; pay more than localjdealers. F 952. Journal. -

I CASH FOR OLD CLOTHES, furs, bicycles;I drop postal. A. I. Shapiro. 519 Wash, ay $>! WANTED—TO BUY A GOOD SECOND-i hand Remington Premier New Centurj! or Densmore typewriter; do not answer un-I less you have good machine of above makes.Address R. C. 305 Andrus building,_c_____WANTED—A CHILD IRON BED ANDsprings, In good condition, cheap. Addr^.---2654 Pleasant ay. - \u25a0 \u25a0>'\u25a0\u25a0.

gQ WANTED TO RENT _\u2666| WANTED—FURNISHED COTTAGE OK 3I or 6 rooms at Calhoun; or Harriet for throi*i or four months. Dr. 11. W. Clark, 810 DayTou

' building. 'gY~WANTED"—REAL ESTATE

i wolllTbTv five, six or seven-koumI house, in South Minneapolis, if I can use a

vacant Duluth lot as part payment. T 1006,Journal. ' ...,..\u25a0.


fine mining stock as : follows: 10,000 sharedi for $50; 5,000 shares for $25; 2,ooo,shares n.:I $10* if you have any desire to mako a pay in*i investment you will look this up. C luwi,Journal. . - -'' \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ** - ' <_:\u25a0


Fortunes made in North Dakota jcoal : thepast year. The coming fuel of the west.- 1have the best proposition in the state. AllIt needs is capital to develop it. . Want somsone to take hold or it. Full particulars yn^

! application- Address^ D 1002, Journal. '-I SEND FOR PROSPECTUS of^the'lillyl

a great Investment. 615 Andrua big., Mpls.

gg MOVING %mSAFES. BOILERS AND HEAVY MACHI.N--erv moved; household goods moved • auistored or packed for shipment by expercoackers. Boyd Transfer & Fuel Co., 46 3d »'.

S. Telephone Main 656. both companies. 'CENTRAL FUELTaSD TRANSFER COM:pany—Packing, moving and storage; experi-enced men; prompt service. Both 'phones,1908. 12 4th at N. .'-\u25a0'.BENZ BROS., transfer and storage; nue=:vans and wareroc-ms; goods moved by expe-rtenced men. 112 sth st N. Both Tels. iio'i.

DETECTIVE AGENCIESDETECTIVE SERVICE; ALL BRANCHES;secret Inquiry; shadowing; best references.S. J. McNulty. manager, 208-10 Kasota block.

g7 MACHINERY ANDENGINESIKON-WORKING AND WOOD-WORKINUMACHINERY-Largest STOCK ,of second-hand and new machine* in the T northwest.You can SEE what you buy and we back upwhat we sell. NORTHERN MACHINERYCOMPANY. 216-217 South 3d st. Minneapolis.

174 FURRIERS j %?.%FUR WORK IN ALL BRANCHES—ing. remodeling and. redyeing; dyeing nat- ;ural otter garments in seal color a specialty.Good style and perfect fit guaranteed; lowestprices during, dull season. Furs stored; and;insured at lowest rates. * Garments left nowfor repairs stored free of :charge. ; Will ; callfor goods. Telephone or send postal: refer-ences Riven; 30 years' experience. --A.; REI-NER, practical furrier. 15 . 9th st S, cornel

Hennepin. 'Phone H ; 2729 J-2. ' '
