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Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very...

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Biennial Report OF THE Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public Institutions 1921
Page 1: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te

Biennial Report OF THE

Minnesota State Board of Visitors

for Public Institutions


Page 2: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


·l. I

Old Stnle Cn111tol. S1. Poul. )Tinn .. Februor�· 15. 1�21.

Hot). J. A. 0. f:true�. GOv("t·nor. The CaphoJ. �I. Pnu1: ;\finn.

Dear Sil': "re h("r<'""lth subn1it for rour constdt>ration :-tnd that or lhe

legislature, the ble>nnl:\l 1·epC)1·t of thC' St:ttC' Board or \'l!:tit<,rs for PubHc


,\1, ..\. XOt.A�. Grand ).leado"". Pl"('sid<'nt.

S'YAN J. TCU:'.'\lll.AD. )finn('.ftllOll�. '\'lee Pt�ident.

nE''· L. n. s. �·1mcn:o�. st. r:iul. Secretary .

• J. R. S\,'AN'N', )latHs;.on,

REV. E. J. NYSTRO)I. Ruffalo.

:\. \\". ).IJ'rTON. l�n'\\"U� V:t11ey.

E:xe(utlve Sec�tary.

•John Q . • luen("1nann. Of St. J'':-ul. \\':\� fl1Hl0int� Fehruary ·1. 1921, ,lo �ueee<>d A. \V. i\lilton. (or th<' u�u:1l �Ix ye-nr tern\.

Page 3: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te

I I,

Biennial Report State Board

of \risitors


�tlnnegotJl Is 01,e1nllnt" 11ntl<'1' n i\lrtt<' e<>n11�1u1ntlon 1nsu�nte la.- "'hlcb Is SUPJK>SCd lO gh·e CO\'f'TilG'.� :.nd JIN\\tttion to au emplor� throughout. the ktate. All ent1ll0)"<'11' nre not ro1u1H·ll..._l 10 c:\rr·r oot111wn�atifln ln11:uronce-. but whore they do not. s:-ueh enlf'IOY('-nt :'l1'r nntc:1111:1.Hcally com1�1led ta be­con1e 1c1'-in11urers so rar u. Utelr t>lnploy� RN' ('\'lncr·n1<"d. l n r::uch in�-t:\nt"� where " worlonAn IJit Injured In the cou�-" or hf� (\n,11h\y1ucnl, tht' tndivl<lunl. flrnt, or co1·1>0r:ltlOn which I� th<' �1n11Joyt'r. bccont<'-S linblP. tor p.4\ymflnl ·ot the comrienu.tlon eaUed ror unde-r rh� t;.latP oon11'<'n!l:ntlon la•·. \\�ilh 211el!­ln$urc.1rA sorne Just cornplnlnt h:1.� cr11nc to light In a '"'"° e::i"'r� where the crnpJoyer l\"A8 not 1\nanci:,lly rt'i'pOnj:fbl" anJ :ht n T(l$.Ult injur('d .-orJtmcn railed to rollecl cont�nF,.'\llon. Thia !=.hnut11 be :t1lJu�t<"J by :\ rornth·e :\ct 1hnl ••111 only J)errnlt ?telr-l1111<ur:i.ncc ""h<"1'C <"JlllJ1n�·�ri1: r:tn fi�t Je1no1u1tr:ttt" theil' Unnnch•I �.apon1'ibiHty 01· gl\'(\ a s.i.tl1f:u:tory bon11.

The IlOftrd of \'li;t;ltOl"d wishes io c:iU a1tent1on t4' the rnr-1 that tJl:tte emJlloyes arc enth'<'IY withoul J>J'Ot(\rt.lon \11Hlet thr s t a 1 � contJ'.l{"ns.atioo l:tu-. ''"bich we beUe,·e lo be an O\•er!lll.ght but "' t11e tt:t� Un•e a mosl unrnir dlscrlmtnatlon. The t'mploye or 01e ttt:th� .,,, jl.l�I Aj; dt•!l('fYi?'lg or the ben� tit$ Uu•t RJ)l)I)' genernlly elsowhe1t • .-� any other "·age-enrner In the 1:ta.t�; posglbly more so. ns In n•any Untt or rnn�loytH41-nt l'lft•� wmun<"'rnllon i� considerably lt�g lhnn th:•t p:.hl by ot11"r cn11•lorc1� In �hntlttr Hn e� or e ndea\•or • .

We beile''" tbnt lhe 1;11'nting of con11w>nAA1lon fniuntn� prot�lon to st..."\te f'n1plo)'C8 1s guch n r:1lr nn1t Jujtl 1'l'<IU<"2' t that 1t wi11 :qlJH•a.1 I<' the leglslnture fOI" early l\U:tCllll<'Rl wllhout {1J•llll-l'ittnn !f.O f:ir a." the f'rlnrlrle 1s tnYo\,·ed. The on1y prot.ll\ru thAt nri!'"Jll il't 111.-. :l'Upplyln� or n("l'flf'd fund! for lhe ltabllltr th:'t l1t nic"1nned. At 111·�tti•JH. '''ht>n :1 flint.I' t'1tlploye ht ln­Jured or killed, the e�u•e l)C �<·nC'rn11y 1nk�n to th� 1�1:,htl:nurt at n,_ nt-xt

mt'ftlng 1''ith l\ �Ut"lt for � nutng :antl 1•rt•P\'r �t""(.'1n1 :t1JJlMpri:tl1on for H1e lnJured 1•nr·1.r or ror r<'Hcr of 1Jc1·�n41�nl hc•lr� If •lt>:Hh hus re11ulte(J. Although In �uch c:u�c1 the let:i!l:,turft U!. u•U:i11y fMlr =-n•l i;:t-nt"t'OU!', :i d"P'tt of u.ncertalnt)' ii' ln,·oh·f'd :tntl :tl b<�itt :t 1f'n1;:d1y l;('ri<.Wl "' wnll1ng-l'Qt,lbly two yonrs 1C the nccldcnt h111t re11uHcd Ju�L nrter n t�:::lll1:Hh·� :ulJoununtnt.

The cost or th�g(! R\\·artht "·oul(I l.:1rdly be n10� Lo '"" ttt:ttl\--perb:tt" less -If they were 111:1dt.• undC'r the- !t�tr co1n1lf'ni-.atlfin l:t'l\· !1t:h(l'du1� In :i.11 c-:.sf'tt.

Page 4: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


tt wouhl 1h••refure it t.�111 11101"() l'11ttbcrnctory In «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te ror J)R)'n\tnl or con1fM!1u1atton lns-url\nce :twnr1l1' lo .-tntfl fln11•loy('ll. tauch 111,proprlallon baaed on a J(CienUflc e1thnate by n con1rioc1cnt nclunry. with nn arrnngement for consideration nnd adjul'ttnttnt of clnhnM ol 111\tC en11>loy� by Ule atate conlpensallon eoruntls­"'on which It t('('Oll' ccrtHln .�u1 be creAted by the .Jeg1slature of 1921. IC It thould h.a1)1\1Cn this conunl1�lon were not cre-nted, tegtalatlon should be pro­vided for ndjtuon1tnt oC •tate en1plo)"e clalm.'f by the suue COnl.vensatlon bureau or the lllnte fl¥J:N'rlment or labor.

1r ll 1houhl hnppen that 1M>n1e unusual eatAstrophe should take pla� 1hat would create clnln1s In excess or the existing amount ln tbe state f'Dlployes• con1J)(lnsatlon fund. a wait nil.ghl be [email protected]'f In ft.Dal P*!�n1ents until the following leglflln11ve session: but some allevlatlon in such an un•xpeele<I """"l would be round In lhe fact that each legislature meels six monthJ IU'(.•vlous lo the exPh'Atlon or the sta.te's ftscat year tor which the previolt� lrgl!lnturr lU•ll 11ro\•lded ccunpensnUon lnsurAnce appropriation.


1'hesc nrc th•YS whC'n c1nployc". especlnlly of great corporations, are gh·en consldci·at1011 n1 to their 9pec;hll needs and the pro\'erblal .. square tJeal .. In g-renter 11ro1,01·tlon lhnn C\'Or 00fore. Donuses nre granted when spCclnl CO\l'Tilup l>CrlHll, group ure lnKumnce Is purchased by the employer co'·cring heli• In nil line" nnd dC))nrtn1ents, nnd In n1any instances rntlhtul nH�n a1-e rcw':u'tlcd In their oht nge by Mtlren1ent on pensJous. This ls ntl n1ost eonu11cndnblt'. Dul ror c1111>lOY('S or the great state ot �Unnesota. none or these 'S(tl'(:l:ll fA\'0'1' lll'e n\'Rllnblo. 'l'hl!J 18 8everely felt by ao1ne or Ute �tnte's p1u1�loyrs who l)cllc,·c thnt. the slnte should g�·ant recognition or long ·and s:uh�raclory ger,•lce. nt \Yl\ges 'vhlch are none to large. by establishing a reUrcn1cnt or pen�lon rund. A blll to this etrect was introduced at the Jcglslatlvc �e!fslon or 1919 but �·11 s not enncted. ·

This n1.nUer wn15 cnllc•I 10 the nllt'nllon or the Donrd or Visitors b,� emplo)·es ot the Fcrgu• f)•ll• $talc llosultol for the lnsnne but U1ey without doubt stH?nk the tlPslrff o! those who tu1,·en't spoken Rt other lnsUtulions.

The rcqu('1tf ,,_ 1h:1t cruptoye& who have been en\plo>�ed In state service for a iterlod or tweniy-0\'l' yenrs nH\)' then retire on a pension of one­

hair the snla.rr rtff'h'ttl during che last. year or stale emplo)-ment, pro,·lde� the age or iclxl)'-tlve IU\S been re:.ched. Thia ts lo Hne with th e bl.It wblctt

was lnlroduct.'tl al Ute legl1lath·c Pts!lon of 1919.

fl 1r0uhl sttn1 thnt If 1hl11 Is right and ()roper tor emptoyes o c state ln!!-lil\lllOnll. l l IJt nlro but rnlr for tnltllO)'t>I O( All ltale departments.



Every 11.tnt('I ln1'tltutlon hn� Its own h"ntln;::. llJ;htln;. and J)('W<"r rt3nt . Nt«esarllJ'. the thlftf en-=:lnc�r In <·hnrg:.-.. '" 1:ugely n1onurch o( all )}(II ii;nr­\'t'l)'I 110 rnr ft!' 1he tt'<"hnlc-:11 OIWr:\tlon or the pl:un. Its ('Ondllfon, and p.1rllc­ula.rly ''" ":tf<"ly, flt ('()nt"<'Mtf'l.41. A \'l:o;h 10. :'Ind 3.n iD�l'loe<"tinn or. !l.U('h :\ p1nnt b)' Any othrr thnn <-x1-..•f1,c (jt 1uore t\r I(>!(� of :\ rorrn�lll." \\"hhoul <'ft'i"C­

tl\'e reoult•. During: lhc 1mst ye:\r \\'(' lll;\Jf\ Rn ins.1K'(·tion or lht'" Sl:-.le �ldi�rs·

llon1e al l\flnnchahA t-'nUs.. .:\HnnPRp01i!'t. durin� which th<" ron�Hlfon or on e ot Uae bollcnt In lhe J'H)wtr Jtl:Utt IX"to:une :\ n101>t. hn1\0rtant fat-tor. The holler tn Ql1<"3tlon h:.d bt'<'n 1.._·uch<-·d :tnd th<' ques;Uon w:e.it nisecl as to its BAfcty under O•r 11�s1n11-c cnrrfe-d. The boiler wa.� in�ured and the fn!tpec:­tors of the lnti.urlng c.'01n1mny clA ln1N! it wall �"\fe ror 01t4"rntiou. \\·e 1ffutt"d J>efllll8SIC1n Of lhe C()lllllUUHJ:lnt or tJ1p 110tll(" :tnd the llr<C.q;ident or the Soldlert• lolonte JJo�rd or 1'rust('('il (follo"·ing the �urlng of an oph1lon fron\ the at101,,f'y ,,.-.nel'nl) 10 IHi\'<" an lni;1l('Cilon :tnd tei::t of the boiler ln question n1nde by )h" V. •:. 1"';111.r\utl<'. thit"f �•a1� boi1("r ins1•ector. on the lhtor)' thnl he \\'ltti. ihe l1t'Opt1· nulhorit,.· for :t $l:tt(' bonrd 10 eon�ult un«!er extatlng condHlone. 111r. t•ntn;1udc iu hi" rCJ\t'\rr 10 1h<- noord of Visi!oNt. dlftered 111ntc1·lnlty In hlR Ol•lnion fmnl Oi:lt o( 1he insumnct!' ini:i�tor. and reconnnended a grcnt rntlny C'hnnges "'hich he held ��$'.en1iat ror ,.ar�t-:.,-. ltig tetJOrt wns hn111Cdlnte1r rorw·nrded to the connnandnnt of the JJ01ne for f.Ut'h 'nctlon ns wa'a nc�s1uu·)'.

Uvnn belna; flllllll110nl�d b�ror� lh(' no:H'd 0( Vi�il01'S. in hts l('gtiJnon,., he nu1<10 tS01nc 1·nthc1· f\tnrllln' sr:•t<'1ncn1� rt-l;Hh·t' to slate in$Ululion po"�r plnncs Jn gene1·nl, nl1hough his �rote111('nt� "·ere rn1her relue1ant1)· �h·f>n nlong U1c80 lines tn WStlOn!'lc 10 qu..:�1lons. b<'c:Htse :is he cxpl:t!ned. he rlld not de!lrc to 11ut hhnsclr In th<' :Ulih1de or interfc-ring in n1:utcnt oul!'ltle Of hi& JUl'llcJICtlOn: R1H.I f:!.llHCd furthc.'r 1h:tl hE" l>eliP\'Cd �OOH� Other �l:,tlc lnl!ltltullon J>lnnts "'ere not "'h:\t the�· �hould be nn1J <''·"n riu�tlone't th� eftlclency or tJOnH� or the l'ngh1<'<'1'$ c1n1110,·e<1 at th<"sc JnsHttilioni:i. ).fr. Patnaude tesues lltensse" ror englnef'>rs. ex:unlne!-' lho!l;e AJ'll>h·in& ror thetr ftnJt llcenet• n� lo their knowle-dgf:', bnl under the- e"l�llng t:n.,· n1u�l �ne-"­UJ)OH re(lue•t nnd '"lthout <'Xn1ui11:\llon. l l ceu!': t>� or <'n�neen; which h:u·e been lt1ued In th(' 11n�l untl con1e 101 for reue"·:t1, ).lnny or thrs.� he 1!3,'F, were ortgfnH11y grnnttd "'hen the f''Xnn1in:t1fQn nnd liciensinz or <"ngineert wa1 not n1uch 11 1ore than n inc� ro1,.n:tlity anrl tht'r<"by J1'C!m1ilt<"d mi\n�· fneft'lclent nu�n to bec.ont(" f'nJ:nge-d In thl!t tine of work.

Dolle� ftt i.tatc lnslltullonK under the �131P n( .. 'l n) or Control. 3rt' an Jnf'ured which fnc1 nu1onu•ticnHy <·:<�111111� th('n1 rron1 lnlff'<."('lion tty ,late bolle.r ln.i:r,cctonri. The (fU("tttlon :trhtel(. lu,wfl,·<'r. wouhln'l it be a g()Od thtn.g to .. ntftkt f'Uurnuce doubly J1.ure·· by h:t\"in� f"Pt:talnr ttt:.te lnJPtttlon� by the 1t111te bol l�r lnllJ)('<:to"' (who 31"" Jie'("n�r'l <-ng-inet"rs) who would not

n1ercl)• lnwr.ect bollent, but :.11 ttl:\<'hln"ry· :u •o:u" in,:1i1uli<•n J'l:1nt�! Such

nn lnl'pcellon. for lnl't:.net'. 11111:111 h:\\'(' t•r-i·,·Pnl·�l lh" �xrin..c.. l<'n nr a defcc-• 1h·o 1t�nn1 111,.ngl� "' the hn1ndr�· or thr �1:1tr !":.C'hl.-.1 for Ft¥blc lllnde<I.

PArlbnull, wJ1�1-e our �1n11loy� ""A• kl11 .. '<1 !lh•I .it ... ,.<"1-:tl f'lh('NI inJumt. :\Jr.

Page 5: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


rn1nnudc 111rorn1s the St"lo llonrd or VIKltorPI thnt. the ree.s In his tlermrt-1ncn1 :tr-e nnw running rro1n $5.000.00 to $10,000.00 In excess or the C!tpeDile& or the deJ):trlHU?nt. and that �irt oC thl.s n1onA.)' Ct()Uld be used Cor cntployment or,a co1une1enl ln�1ttttor lo riot (11 hi� whole thne making rounds ot slate fnS;tlhHtonl'. Thus this "'Ork would not c1·cnlo nny fncrl'n8C fn general tnxatlon co�t nor tHldlHonnl 1eglsh\Uve RJllJrOprhttlons.



Ju\•.:nllc lncorr·lsihlllty hnR bceon1c n subJecl or serious �tudy nnd con­aidernllon b-0cnuse or ll1'S n111>nr4'lnt grtal lncrenPle. Juvenile courl8 nnd J)ro­b..'\Uon otrlct\ril are busier thnn eYt:r before. Truancy schools Rl'C tun to o,·erOo'fldnc. The Staie Tmlnlng School nt Red \Vlng hRiS ft record enroll­mE"nt and bee'luse or the l1trge number or newcomers. ts con1pelled. to dis­charge boY• nfter a ten n1onths" $1.ay who thould be kept 12 to 15 months. And tilll1 burglarl�. holdups:. nnd olh�r gorlo\11' crimes, continue At the hands or lho�e who in 111n11y cnse:s are stlll In their 'teens. �le1·ety tnnientlng this condition I$ or 110 help. Ren1edlnl steps n1ust be taken. 'fo do this the cau��s nlu:ll be conslde-red. I t Js not sutrlcient to charge It all up to .. war artern1ath." rn,·estlgatlons by probation oft'icers. soclftl workers. and 01he� lntf'r<"Sted. s.een.t to sho'tf there are dtftnlte n?:asons. largely things carried to f'Xlremes '\\"hlctl othenrdse "·ould nol be s o injurious.

Pcol Rooms-111el"e n1:.y 00 :tn(l doubllfff! Rt'e, voot roorns which are all right_, but. It Is ah;o ccrlnln there are n1nny l)OOl roon1a which are all wrong. Tho state ht\\' prohtbHs ndruittnnce or boys under 18 years oC nge. This ht J!'uce:essrully dodged by both youth And proprietor; the torm.er when J5. 16. or 17, >"serling he Is IS. and the proprietor on his part ac�ptlng tJu� �Lory Rf' &"\Usf::tctory. tr he Is quesUoned about It, Ute ready e-xpl�­

tion i" lhnt .. the boy "·ns big enough and cl•tmed he WftS l8i how could t tell he \\"nJ'n't !·• Thu� tho young lad gets Into bad companionship, bears and abl"Ol'hl" thnl ·which he 3houht not, k�l>f:I hlte hours. and gets a taste for

gnn1bllng. Jo"or thi.s rc:m"on. nnd 10 eHn1lnnte the excul!e ot the pool hall proprietor (ns cited abo\'O) '\\'e recon1n1end that the age limit or permitted patron� or pool hall5 be ml,ced from 18 to !1 years. We alBO' recommend " state 1 .. ,. Tbl<h will prohlbll p001 b•ll• to be operated within 600 i""t (an avcrnge or t ... o block•) rrom •"Y vubllc school building.

Oance Hallt-ln n 11re••lous report this Doard considered the subject of dance hnll�. ,,.e nn1do 1\ nun1ber of 1·cconunondatlons whlch "�el'e e1u­

bodltd In n I:."· nl the ('nl'lulng se�slon. Reports. howe\'er. Are to the ettect lhis In'«' 11'1 not well t1'nforc:ti1. Th:tt In the large cfllff so-called "n1oon­

lighl .. d:1n«s :\re per1nf11�1. I. e .. d.a..nces during wl1lch only a few dark lighlit nrt burned for:\ f(\"'' n1f11u1eg, wUh occn1lonally all llghls �xtlngufshed. ${1n1111ou11 �l:•nc('jl are nul ouly 1wr111iled. but In tnany public dnnce hl\lls seen1 tf1e n10Jtl 1m1111l:lr. �ucll conditions c:\:h�llng nlghlly cnnnol but hnve n mosl d\?n1ornl1Y.l11g f'rftct. ro1'. nM 1•olice '''orn('n hnvo stated to nu1n1bera ol' th18 Uo;u·d. "W« c:1n reg,1lntc lo n certain d�gree behn\'101· lu the publlc danco

i hall�. bul nu• ntter tht' t,1u1•h.•ll lf':t\'t'." \\'(' tlu:r�ro� �Lrong1r urst :\ n'!.ore lltrlcl enrorcen1t1'nl or th� J1<lntfo 1:1"· r�sul:n.tnr: puhtlc d11n<"f' h:\11,, :1nd ftn an1end1ncnl which J::h:tll llr'Ohlbh all for111:M of f'('l\,ounu� ili.ntlng.

The Movle1-\\'lthl11 C<-UllJ�nHh·<"ly f'(•('f'•flt r"tU� 1hr 1110\'lf\•-1hc f'h010-

1lla)' drAllllifl-hfi\'C betont<.• th(' g·1•(':l1 �()\If('(' or !l1l1US('fl1('Ul for 1hO public, old nnd )'oung, rich nnd 11<,t'll'. .\� a whole. 1hf'y nu\y be clrut11c•\ :ua h"'1pfu1, entertaining nnd nn-.usini;:. On the othcl' hnn�I. there :'It'" tcr1ntn tt�ss� or picture plnys which nre th•1rlu1lln1:tl: 1hot<t- whlch are �f'n1lu�1. vultmr fn

portrnyAI or 11e:c: problcrns, nnll \)1:\YS! "·hlrh hrrolxe crlnH� nnd ciin'1n31,. Both are 1:mntcularly t1:.nuful to ju,·�nilH. The fontl<"r ""'""• th� � nf lmnlOrA1fl)' and fmJ)rGJ�r Ith.·:.� in llnd('\'("lo1w-d n1hub:, while the Jtltt.er leads bo)'8 1.o hnitiale 1-.01·t1-:1ra1s or hOldUtl h<'l'O"'- nnt1 Into tn1rror('r u1=:e of fire n11u�. \Ve would lhl"t'\•l'oro r('c:o111111fo01I 1h€' f'�t:\b1l�h1nf'11t of :t Sli\tc board of ea11�or�hl)l for uu_l1lo11 r•tctur<"i:<. "'llh nuthorlt.y 14' rwohlbh. the ll� sentallon In �tinnesota. of ntl J1;uch 11i('l111'('J11 ·whl<'h :i1·(' lntm4'�1 In ns�t. or which hcrohte trim(' n.nd tho lmrirol'("r u::e or fir� nrn!�; th:u no pl<;lure nia.y

be prtl!entt"d In the sl:tte •·'hlrh il{ not fi..,.l 31"tlro\·("d by -�Id ,l:\l<" board: that the go,·eroor be e1111�u·('rc'd to a11111QhU 1&uc.·h :. $la.1e bo..i.rd er �nio�hip In isuch nun,be1-s ns \\•Ill pro\'C- nec�:'l:. r�·. ituc-h 1n('rnbers 10 ll<"r,·e without ren1uncrnt1011. ''1e bCllC'\'(i the won,en·� c-lub� \\'Ould J;l:l�tlr n��un1c fl:Uch \'\'Ork, nntt that br the ;ql1-.0h11nh�nt o( :1 l:1rJ:" bo.'\rJ� n sutrlelf"nt number could doubtlcs1l Le secured n� nC-l-C�s:1�· for the "·ork of picture te\'iewin g . Al le-asl three should be nec�s:tr�· to ' "' .. �" u1t0n f':t.C'h Jli<'tUrt'. The censor­f;hit>hip wor·k • .,.e undergtand. •·ould 1art;t"1)' b<- eonftntd. to ).llnnC":.polls a� fn U1at city pracucall.r nu the tllrn lf.'XCh:tllf;'(l'Jll :.t'(' l�t{>d. :"or ·would the •·ork be '"' nrduou� a� tnlr;ht. b<' in13ginrd. n• On<' �,·ie,\• or " filn\ would pas.a t1pon ll for indeftull<' Utf6 in th(' s1:,h• rinr nun1b('r <'f thUC'll. "-� "·ould

t>rohlblt chlhlren under 1:! hf'log 1)('r111ilh•4J :•Ion•· a1 nto,•ir-� :u nnr 1in1e.

Sale of Clgarettes-Cl1'Ul'1f'lt(lo� are :t 1•roblf•1n r'f"l�uh·e- to the older boys i n prnctlcnllr e,·err high ,_chool in ).lhut"ttOI:\. Th{' �•:ttt I:\.,. (W"rmhs th• sale ol clgnrettes b�· 1ob..'\c<"O dtatPN' lo boy,c I� y�nt of �;.- or o,·er. .As in the cae.e or pool halls. doubUPss a nuntl•er of txn.'s or lff" th:tn IS. l'--'\SS then1r;�h'e1' orr- nccf']'lt:ibh· :1i. t;.u("h. The t•l•ler hoys "·ho 1t11H'l<C cigarett es "·Ith legnl per1nls!:llon--nllhough whht,ul lluH of 11ar<'nl.tt nn,1 t(':\t'hcrs­becon1e n1ost undeslr.:1ble Pxnn1i-1l�i.t for nu.� youns:er 1:t0�·s in 1he 111anu• !=:c-hools many or -..·hon1 silently pl•�d�c ... "Jullt. nf( fl.Ot\U nJ. t �\:t 1� be 1� l"tn �n!ng to smoke ctpl'<'tle�. too:· 1'h:lt thiF 1,, :111 "'·"ing f:t¥nut too t1"tlom:uic ror furtt1er discussion or :'.1t511u1<'n1. ,,.� aceontln�tr rc-romn\<"nd th:\l the 1nlntrnun1 nge lhult for tho�e to whon1 <'l�nr('ltc"'- nuty t,..- irnld "'·hhout pen­alty. be 1·ntsed rron1 18 10 :?O yenrs. Att lh"� nn.• re"· tr nn�· boys of 20 y("f\r� ln high �choohs. "'(' h<"ll�ve thl!'t cl1:1nJ!" in 1hc 1:1\\· '''111 l:tkt' the etgnN:tte oul or the �chool 111·oblcna 10 i' l:1r�·1 tlt .. J:'rt•(i.,

A Curfew Law-.. \\'e urgP the cn:1cuu(lnt ,of �' Ftale t'Urf""' lnw. whlt'll shall require that all chlltl�n or IG ye:u"!I or un11er "'h::tll bP 111 their homes b)' 9:30 V. �t. e'·try 11l1;ht tx�111 Wh<"n :'("("'•1n1-.ini('d by 1-....ront or &11nrdi:\n� The gren.1 1ourc" or Ju,·e11H<- n1l:-;.lx•h:l\'h1t r<-•u1lf: rro111 thf'lr h<'lng nwny fro1u hon1c nnd on the ttt1"("('ll4 :it nl,:::ht. Th� hoy o r ;;::irl \\'ho 111 hon1e during lhe e\•onlng. lsc not lh<" onl' who 1-:"'1)¢ 111111 11:111 ••01111•"nr. 11110 t('llll•l:\tlQn. into

lnt(>l'Ol\ttt' nnd (;n·en erlnllnnl C'OIHl11c1. \\'c b•'ll"'\·t· :lH {\nron.•r1! "late-\\·itte curfe\\' 11t\\0 'fl'oultl h:\\'(" :1 ""�ry bt·nl'llt•i:11 �·tt,·l't.

Page 6: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


• Parental Negligenc•-J•nrenlRI r1tll lll'O 18 ht no 8SUR lt llUl'l l\ C<lUSe of .. xlstlng Juvenllc dcllnqutnC)'. In sonic c1ou�s. t he narQntll nre over-Indulgent and do not �ulre obedience 10 thOHc role& which nre best for the young· 1>eo1>te. \\'lldnet8 IA R nHIUrl\I r(loj!;Ult. Thero nre oth er nun1erous Instance-$ oC parents who do not 11ten1 to Citro w hftt their chlldN!:n do o r where they go • .And npin there nrf' nil the ex1renur1 Uun ap1tear In the lndlvidua.t Juve-­nUes. from the wllrully ''lclou11 10 tho excu11nblo subnormal mentatl:y. \\·e t\tt fncUnetl to the belle:< 1 hnt In nu\n)' Instances where the pare"nta: are at

r� ult. toO ort.en the errln1o: boy or gtrl Alone h� the one punlshed. We belfe,·e a 1tricter entorcenu�·nt or lhc neclft:ent ruu·icnt '""' Is advisable, and allhouth · II Is a ."ery seriou� thing 10 t•ke n chllcl rrom his or her pat1lnts, that It Ls boUl l>H:I for the chlhl And aoclely nA " whole to bring proper court ac!!on to fake auch child rron1 pnrental tare Jnto state gui:rdlnnshlp where t.be Jlr3�n ts are ulterly fnlllug to do their duty R-nd thus pern1ltlln.g the boy or girt to bt"eonic deUn que nt nnd incorrigible.

Keeping the Juvenile Occuplect-ll)' e.llnlfnaUon or those things which lead . to delinquenc)', we do not wll'h to be understood to expect t,he boy and girl can be kept n••ny rrorn hcnllhful nmu&en1ents and pleasures. On the

C9nlrnrr. we believo keeping them hcnlU1rully and h elp£ull y occupied is the

gn!Atest single fl\ctor In the �olulfon ot the juvenile problem. All kinds of athletic ,;a.nits nrc to be ndvocmted. Such n1oven1�nts as the Boy and Girls Sc ouls dcser .. e gcncrnl 11111 nnd 11ubllc •upport. Social gatherings at proper ptnc01; nnc\ rn"OJ�rly !l.UIH�rvlse,·t nro to be comniended. Communlly gatber­fnP, shouhl bo nrmngt"CI ror tho Juvenile� ft8 "·en as ror Uu!lr elders. ·

"re Rubrnlt the nh<>\'C 1·43conunondat1ons and suggestions believing the Ju..-enile slluaUon Is :\I lll"'Cl'8Cl\l nculo, that. the public should renttze Some­

thing rnust be done, anti n'v"kcn to n sC'nae of l'eS1>onstblllty. The subject

deserT"8 hel1,r111 ncllon b)' one nntl nil when It Is 1·eall•ed lhat our' ehan­nch; or Ju\·enllc \\01"0ngclolng nre 1noro thnn ftlled with a greatly increased

percentage or U1e rising J;CRCl'ttt lon, nntl thnt durlng 'the past three years lh e r>ercentngc or lllcglll11111cy 11mo ng chlltlrcn commllled to the State Public School at Owntonnn-the •tnlc'M hon1c-nndlng lnslituUou-has Increased rrom o lo 19 Jl<!r cont or 1111 child ren ndm llt ed.


• T11e Stnte Board or Vfslt01'1' In .,rc,·lous re1>0rts hns n1nde a num�r of reeommendntlonit wt1lch ll b<!flevea nre eUll time\)-. and as yet have nol been g h·en legl�IA.tlYe con11ldcm.t1on. ·

Transportation Nurets for th• lnaane-We recon1mend the establish­ment or n. corps or lmnsportntlon nu� or both sexes, In nuntber as round nettnary. db1trlbu1ed an1011g th� U1ree etAte hoepllals ror the tnsane-.t St. P<!ter. Rocht'8ter. nnd Ftrgw Fnlls-who are trained ftnd experienefll

In thf!' handling of th� lnpno; Utnt their duty shall be the lnln.sportaUon of Insane 1mllents frorn the place or con1n1 1ln1ent to the respective 0slate

hos1>llal1'. 1\t present. J'W't1cntK are tnltt-n fron1 the plftc-t or commitment by the �htrltr or dt1n11lt'J'. The 11he rtrr 111 nn otrlclal whose dU\)" Is the haridling

l 1

nf trhulnnlit nncl not U\nl'I"" who Ar•· t11l't\l:,llr aftllt"t<>d. Th(\ t.r..n��rlatlon of ltu cnnc J�Hlentl'I eouhl h•• 111ut•h bet1er :1c<·on1t'lished br t"Xl'('rirnced nun"'it eonnectt"d wllh 11\e Mini(' hot111h:,1.s. nnd mueh rnorc 10 HtP �:tli'-facUon or relnllvt"�.nnd Crlt'ndil of p:illf'nlJt :u: \\"f"ll ns �urh f'3il('nts them1'-eh·t7 ;tS 3;e nblc lo n•nllic In "·ho5e rh:,r,:::1� 11tc-�· nr� 111atttl.

Medlcal Certlftcates a Requirement for t-•arl"iage-:'\1a.rrl:.�e or tht l'hi·"l­c::ally and nu•n1n1ly unn1 hu)t tlont n1uch tow:.rd brlngioJ: trin1e and 1utfer­lng lnlO the \\"Orld U!it \\'�11 a:c lht,\ fllliHJ: or �t:tt(' fns-iltUtiOns. Pr"C\"f'ntlOn of, Is far bencr l hnn i�ro,·lslon for. dPft"C:th·E'S of ;ilJ sort�. \\"e r<"ni:'lirr blind LO their n1uhhlll('ft.llOn •·hlle "'<" Annually sr"'°nd th otaj:.,"tnds for 1helr rn� :uu1 n1nfnte nnnCC'. F.ur:;enlcJ ht no1 :. rad of the f:tn:ttie. but n. reasonable and <"&1-cnll1'1 •clcnc:e thnl •·oultl ttPt•ly re:tson:1.bl<" r�l:ttlon!'t ror the t>eue,... n1e nt or the hun 1an 1'1\�. \\.hy u� l"8s rf":lson In conttide-ring the n� or

�le•y thnn •·e ''o In 1he br'('oeding or lh·t"Os10<;k! \\·e rerorun1e-nd a a:....­"'<llllrlng R n1t"dlcAI CC"1•Uflc:uc t;f phyiiic:tl nnd m(l-n(aJ f'itn�� on lhe part or both conlMcltnt; ft;\rtleio a� tit(' <'$�ntlnl fol' 1he i�'uanC<" or :t marriage llcense.

Count.)' TrU1tee for the lnsane-'\"e :lr.,. a\\·:tre there itt a 1:-.. .. pro,·itting for n111>0lut111eint of" ,t'lt:U•(tl:tn for the intlh·i<lu:tl who i� d�1ar<'d insane. but th<!'1·c h� not lurr<-quently <"On11lden'lbJe lo:rs of Y:t.fuabJ<' tin1e lwtween the dnte or tho Inking of 1hc Ji;tt h:Ont Into C'n:nody nnd 1he rorrnal 3��untptlon of ch:u·Qe or th e rmllrnt'� 11rn1\t'rt�· by the gunn1ian. Jn �onlP instnnc�

entire fRru1 crot•iit hn\'O b�<>n lo�t :ts ;, 1·e-sul1. Tn oth<'n:t. flcheining rel:lth·es hnve hnorf('1•etl 10 flfcure "<'rtr1in Jlr<'IJ�1·ty for 1hen1s<'h·('5. \\·c th ererore rcon11uent1 n In"· 1•ro,·ldln,:: rol' a count,r tru:i:tc-(' for thC' Jlr<'lt�rty or ·those dec1"1'Cd fnsnnc In cnC'h count�-. �och 1rustt'(' t o be. under surricient bond to l)r<>t<"ct nil tn'OIH.�rty ln hll-t ruf.itod�· : 1h:'1 "'1H .. r � :111 ln!-:H1c P�•tlC'nt h:tg p� 11(!1•1.)•, thut nut.011111llc:nlly II i:.h:1ll conic- uud«r th<' c:trc of the count�· tnasteP.

ttntll tcuch thno rue n gunr'11a n I� doly n11poinf<>fl. Recognitio n of State Hospital Nurse Graduates-Gr:ulu:nes of Stale H os-

1>ltnl fOr the lnl'rtnl• llUl"l(('S ll1llninJ:" <"0llf$(>S :\ r(' r<-fUJt<!d regiitlrntlon by · the Slnte BOHi"(\ or l�:<ntnlUCl°i( ror Nur.ite�. ('�C(>Jll i n f':H:te-Jt l\·h<'r(I' in11ividual C'X31l1-lnntlons urc tnken : nnd n :r{':u · <'Xlr.1 t1-:1inln� in !'tOnH� �en(lr:\l hospital t� required. \\•e nrc or the �J1111e opinion ns we wPre t"·o years ng-o ""htn ""e brought this nH\lt('t" Lo public nttf"tHion in our reporl at th at thne-. nnd the 8ltt111.tlon !tettnit to 1>4> unchn11i;,•d. Our St:ttC'! lto:tph:-li:t :.re :l.J-lf\..'-rently th� only h\rge t1osp1tnl:c whc·1·e lhe dh1Jon1.-.1o> or nuni<' �du:\tf'� a� not riecog­nlzed n8 MUtflclcnt t''lrlC'nCQ or qu;1JificnUons to �("cure registration. which

1ncnn1 l!O rnuch to n 11rnfc,a.�lo11nl nu�e. \Yl" ,-ugg��t fl I� n1�t 1n1rorl.3nt lbnt the 1tnte hospll:tt f'UJw'riluendents. the tto.-.rd or Control. and U1e Doard or Exnn1lncrs ror �tu'11('St hn,·f" n conrC\�nC'e :ind :t#;;rtt on fair require­u1enta In 8tn.lo ho»11•ltnl cotn-st'Jt wlu,ll"(•hy Sl:\le ��duate-Jt n1:ty at once 'ttUre the coveletl 1lnte rcsh•trnlion. Aftt-.r tht' <"•labli!(hn1<'nt or f'ro�r. unlronn coun-H for nurtee nt state h02'J•ilnl� •'<' iM'lie'""' IPJ:f,lat ion �h outd be fn:t.cltd IC ne«"1llftr1. to gh·e the 1;1n1e g:r.ulu:tl"Jt rh:ht :iuton1:tlf(':llly. wllhout .nn ftddlttonftl year's "'"Ork t-h14\where. to 1Jc-111nnd rt'f:b:1rntio n. ,\lthou,gh ttl:\tt ho1pltAt n urse11: do not �t :tfl exl<'IUth·� e.XJ1<'ri<'nce in g.<'D(\r:t.1 d il��e cat1P-1t 101d 11urgcr)' CAllC"lt ,., youn,: \\"OnH"n In trnininJ: in f:"ncnl ho.:¢1tlt:..l�. ;hry �c .. h·c In thP Ollllilnn nf our hOJCJ•ll:il fll\lll(Orit11"nd<"n•• :\Htl <;oct�rJt. ,.utflclt'nt

Page 7: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te

f'J:Jterh:nt.-c ht the sick wan1:4 nth1 011 ... r:1ling roo1ns 10 becontc thoroughly eff1clen1: nne1 ln :uldltlon. lhC'y nre <"Xl'M\rt In U1c handling or lnentnl cA�e�.

n llnc or train1ng which 11urM4'f' In gr·ncrnl hosullnhJ know lllllo or noth_lng

nb<Hll. _f>�·x1st1ng condlrloruc do not 1ook like n s<1uu1·t' denl 10 the gnlduntlng

nur,i�:c or our stn� hu1llt1_1llun�. II docs not. secn1 1·lghl thnt stnto grnduttte nur11ca J>hnutd b-O th•) onh• 1;tn•lua10 nurses \\'ho nro r�fuised t1h1le recognition.


On our la�i \·is.it to f.:;1, Pfliif'r RtRh� Hospital (Dcef\n.lbe-r 1, 1920) It had A

fMlpnlnt1on · -0r 1.324 1n11 i.-:•nt�-7-4';' 1nah.'. 5;7 fenlale-nnd !?t6 tn1ployes-149 1nnlr-. G� r"n1aft"'. ll�e;u1�1' or n shortage or ·wonttn nunJua, ad\•Rnlnge had lo bt�· 1nken or U1e en1e1·gcnc)· clnu�e In tht> Slate eJghl-hou

'r ln1\•. an<l 45 nurses

·were WOl'king ovc1·1in1c dolnJ: tho 1\'0rk tlHtt is equl\'nlenl to 60 on an elght­honr !1Ch('d11le. 1'h� GO n1cn nuendnnt� for the ln�1tnC were '' sutriclent

quoin. so lhnt 01·erti111e \\'Ol'k \\'ns not nccessn1·y.

The ll<llient J)(,)Jl\thttion en Occe•nber 1st. \\'AS 64 lei's thAn Al the end of

the 1919 fis=;<':.'tl year (Juno 3fi)� n.nd 68 less than nt the close or the ft.seal

.)"tar 191$. Or. Jt ll. PhelJl" lit superintendent. 'Ve hR11c round the fnsU-1u1lon In e�cc.11cnt condition on :re1·ernl 1·tslts anll belle1·e the 1>3tfe-nts ha\•e ('\'f'r,,.· n11Pnlion. care anti co11,h1l'rntion.

It Is lnle�linr:;; to note thnt during the p._'lst blennlnl period. seven dir­ftrent docto'-s were l'n111loyed nnll \\"ithdrn"· rron1 1he Institution, sonie rc11lgnlng 10 enter 111llllnry ser1•lcc. Others to accept ,1nore nurncUve voai­

lfons. A nun1b"r or II<'\\' IHll'<:hC:i n1·e needed and t;1,0tne or U1e old l)Ortions

or thi:- in�Ululion �houhl b� 111odert\ized by firepl'ooHng,


The Slate A�yJun1 ror D:lngerous lns-.:tne is locnled on the St. Peter St.."\te Hc>i11pltnl gN:>\1n1ls. On Oece1nber 1st last. ils poriulnUon hnd tncre.nsed lo 9•1. Thl' new \Ving "·hh:h w:1" not occut)il"'d ror son1e lhne nrter con1pletion

thl'OUJ;h dc-l:ty in ru1·nl5thlng. n1nkl"� the capacity now 160-«loub le ·what it rorn1<'1·h· "·ns. 1J('c:n1Jo1f' or lhf' 1u11nl1 J'•Opulnti(H\ con11uu·�d wUh cnpncity. only l':ll't Of the buildin1; 01·"1 con11-t1·uctctl Is DO\\' Utced. '''o l'<tCOnln\end the

N!n10\·n.t or nil d:ingcrou" l11>tn11c to this institution. Sonte pntlents \\'ho

orlg1na11y can1e- rnnu lhc ;elate tlril!On url"' nt other ttll\lc ho3pllnls. notabl)' 1to1nc 15 at Fergus 1-�llic. �lnny or U1e dnngerou.s lneane nre capable ot doln,: lntlu�trial wor·k. but lK'Cftttile or lhe danger ot 11upplylng them with

k11h·H nnd 1001�. mM:l or lh<'ln ren1aln unoccupied. \\*e 11us:�sl that J)Osslbly loon1tt n1igh1 � 1•lae<'1t ht tho ln1'11lution. and Riso tl bn11-en1enl paint $hOp

""tab1l111h€'d wh..-.re 1•<1lnllng, vRr'nltchlng. and rtftnl,.htng o: turntture, ct.c..

1nh;ht b<- f'nrrh•d on. Qultt- n nu1nh<•1· or thc!'le UH"n "'ould fhen ftnd helprul ern1llnr111c•nt.



i � ,: '· ::: z ., .,_ %

f ., � "' s: � ., � c % -


"" Y. s

� f:

Page 8: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


Dr. J1un� 1. 11ow. ror so n1n1'y yeahs 1he e-steon\Ctl suJ)Orlnt.endent ot

the Stnte �chool ror 1he Ollnd nt Fnrlbnuu, resigned June 30. 1920. \Vo understnntl Dr. Dow lit n·ci"· 1nnklng his ho1uo nL Northfteld, enjoying a "'ell

eatmffi rei4t and Uuu Hcer3ry 1)('rguhs nrc occupying his nu.entlon. Dr. :oo�· hns a h().i;r;t of rrit'nd:t who wt:rh hint e\·cry blessing deser,•ed by one wbo hns done g() nu1ch to bring sun�hln" Into the hca1·ts or tha blind nnd u·ho hn� tn.uJ:hl 5tcnu.•s to hn\'(' ne,\· hOJlO nud becon1c lnde1Hl'nd"nt in s111to of U\elr 11mic1lon. 1-tc is �ucc�led as S-UJ>E"rlntendent b)' :\Jl�s JUllR F. no.,.., hll' 8hUer. nn1l ror so n1nny �·e-a.ni ,hl5 nble nld nt the sschool. On our last vltJt (Oeee1nhor Sth) \\'e round tho ln�lltutlon In e:iceellent condition nnd belle\•e the selectlon or )11&1' Do"· ;\.1llOllt ha1>1,Y one. VnrJous vocations ore utughl

As well as lhe ordln:ary school subjects. New vocaUonRI departn1ent equ11-.­n1eot is n�ed and requ�ted through the Board ot Control's report to the legislRturc: which rcc1u�ts Ytc hop.c "'Ill be granted. '\Ye have rou_nd the blind chlldren \\•ell cnrcd for 111hl nhlr tni.ttructcd. Their hn1>1>y races lnctl­cnle the kind trea1n1c.nt they 1·ccch•e, nl!d lllss Dow lg n1aklng u,e school as much n re:tl ... l1ome .. as pcsslbl�.


Our lnflt \•isii 10 the Stale 1trrorn1atory nl St.. Cloud. lll'el'lous to prepsu·n­lion or lhl� rc1>0rl.. wng Df>een1�r t61h lntll. 31r. H. K. \V. Scotl resigned "" !tuperfnlendent .\prfl 24. 192\). �Ir. J.- J. Crusey Wt\3 acting superintendent until July h�l last. when �Ir. Charle8 F.. V1u;i\I)', forn1erly nuuuber or the $1ateo Denni or Con1rol, took elnu'I(<' ol· lhe tnstlt i1Uon. In OUI' reporl. lo

the go,·cmor or our Dece1nber 16th \'lr;lt, this Boa�I 1tAtes: .. ,,-hen ;\Ir. Ch:.rlC! E. Y:.anly •dthd�111· rronf n?en•benthlp on the State

Donrd or Conlr()I to beeon1c suo<!rlntcntlcnl of the Sh\te Reforn1Atory at St. Cloud. 1h� Sli\lc Uonl'd of Vle;ltor!:' tool< J•lc;:u:ure In ndOJ•ting resolutions <'X·p�lnJ: n11pttchHh.:n or hht &er,·lcc.s. and stating that although he wna leaving the t,Co."lrd er Ccn1ro1 the itat.c wtUJ still fortunate In retAlnlng hln1 ns h�d or the S1. Cloud institution where hi! cAIJablHUe8 assured hi$ further succt!3�- A thorcuJCh lnspc-cllcn or the tterorn1ntory n1ade Uccen1ber 16,

l!>�O. c...-onctutti\•cly tJr111onstralel' tho truth or our prediction. He hns nh·end)' lntroclu� ('()r.101cndnble �11er1n('nls. a.pp.in?nlJy won the �prd and esteen1 or the 1tu1mtes (lhlJt "·c ascrrlnlncd through convertt\tlon with R num�r or lho llrh1oncr�) 111H1 nt. 1he snntC' thne retnhus the nece1:1sary slrlcl. discipline and unQUf..\jtflonlnst obt•·cllt�nct> or thoi:;e who nre l'enlly rortututte to be unde1· hl.s e:..re:·

Dy ,;.-.rtanJ:('lllt·nl �,-..;.; ;.;,.;, car trncki•ge. lfr. Vnsaty plAnM to nu\tc­rlRllr lnf'rt:·n�c th•l 01111n1l nr 11t� lnl!llllutlon's rock crugher. tlu to the tln1e O( hi!( go1ng IQ thf,' ltt'foruH\IOrr, lh� Cl'\ll<lhCtl 1'0Ck \\'1'8 SOid rot• $1.25 I\ ton. J\fl('r n ('()nferenc"' wllh tht> !'title hlghwl\y eom1nhu1lon. he hn• 1uccee<lt>d In


Page 9: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


hin•lng 1hen1 ngrcc lo r•ny lhO Jll'C\'llillng ntnt·kcl t•l'IC:O or $2.U; to $2..10 ft ton. thuf; <:hnnging the lndustl'y fron1 onCo thnt wn!t lo"lng 50 to 60 cents I\ ton rot· the stnl(', lnhl n JH'ofHable bU$;fnes1;,

In the nc,,· lllot:k f� building, the ·wood wol'klng Industry itt locate(\ u·hlch no\\· 1n.-kcs ssn�h . .too�. nnd blindft ror nll .slRtc inatltutlons. 'Afr. vium.ly planf\ t-0 ;ultl 1he nHu1ufaciure or plain rurniture such ns ts needed nl St. Cloud nnd 01her 1nslltulions. ·•

� TJtc reronnnt.ory h:ts 1.-100 nercs or land, but IL Is largely only iood ror Jl;lSlt.ire. llul ·l!O iltrCN nre tlllnhte. �I r. Vnsnly ndvocntt"S the t>urchRSe or ndd1tionnl agrlcu1tu rn1 lnnd. both ns 11rofUl'lble ror the tns;.titution nnd aupply­lit.'g excellent hcat1hh11 work for lnn1ntes. An addlllonnl voc.nllonnl depurt­ril ent he has In vie"· is the e:-:ta.h1tshriu�nt or an automoblte repair shop. A large nu1nber or n1en nre �till eng:nged in atone working. so1u·e In Ute quarry where the nn1ount or stone in sight sUll seen1s unlimited; son1e In the rou1ul-housf' engngetl . Jn 1 rhnntlng nnd shaping blocks. The blncksn1lth shot> sharpens sorne 2.000 tools n d:ty used in the stone indu$try. 'I·he 1allorshop has been co1Un1C'ndably de\·eloped and here not only suits nn. 1nade for lnn1Ates. but children's suits, ron11)crs. ·shirts, and all overat1s U$cd at state Institutions. 'l'he output or the shop ts WOl'th $60.000 n. �·ear.

The institution school is locnted In basen1cnt rooms which nre or fair size. but J)O()rly llg-hted. The "'ork Includes gl'nded subjects. classes In n1e­chanic:'tl d rn"·ing and electrical engineering. During the vast bienn.ial period J03 Were gy3du;\t<'d . OnP young 1nan \\'R$ to be t'eleased In January to per­mit hin1 tU �nt l• \nd the cngineerina; eoHege or the state un iversity. In the opinion· Or the :sU1�rintendent. the $Chool has one dt'1\\\-back. The only te.'lchefs� are those young 1uen of pl'exious education selected from anloug the 1ir1soners. l·le believes the work of education in1porta11t enough t.o be \\'Orthr· or e1uploy111cnt or 'te:\ehen; who are trained and particularly fttted ror the �ubjecis the�· teach. '\Ve are or the opinion ho ts right. and this Is done af" 1·erorn1:ttories or other stntes. lnn\ntes ·nre. as they desire. per­n1illed to tak <' �r>eeial eo1·1-es1>ondence courses. .A chautauqua circle is accon.1pliShing .• heJ1)r111 resulls. ne1tg:ious service$ nnd Dible classes Are condtic•<"<-1 "f�kty with large attendance. nlthough not comPulson•.

l\lr. v:,saly gi\'C-S the inruatcs rreQuenl helpCul Ln1ks nud each lnu1ate Is free n1 any lin•e to reqoe�t. a 11ersonal conrerence. In· the month previous to cur l!lst \'i�il. the �\llH�rintendent eonducted 200 such prh·ate eOnrerences, " n1o�t helphtl "·ork in r<'rorn\ntlon or the indh·ldunt and setting bis mind at <':\SC.

In the laundry a 1nan is kept busy nt a sewing nU\thlne lJ\klng old !!oek.s \\"hich lt:\\'C be•�n "·orn out.· nnd nutklng nllttens o\ll or the. upper t><>rUon�. Ag In the hnndling or t"tlone 1nnny 1ntttens ure u�ed. this 1te1n Is c:uitc n litlle St\\·ing nnd "pick-up."'

Atnong' lno,·ntion� the h•�"· s�tpt;�ihtendent has Introduced. is per1ulttlng lhct p1·lsoncrs to tnlk nt tnt':'l hblii15. l·le flrst e:c.phtlned to th4?nl lhnt IC the IH'l\'111.'�e \vtrc �r:,ntcd. It nnu:it not be abused. The l'e�ult ls accordtn,1y "�•tillrn�tory. lh1 hn� nli;io Jn�liloted n "co1111nunlt.y sing* 'each Sunday eve­ning \\'hieh lhl\ lntnnlf'S i;rfl:•ll�· enjoy,


'VQ fin1l lllf' 11l�t·i11ll11 .. in •h•· ln�1i1onon ('X('f•llf'nt. 1h(' l'ri11ontnt '"<'11 fC'd, \\'tll cured for ;ind kindly 11·�ah'1I. Tht'Y untlt�rs1:1ntl the\· arc tht'ro for

in1ni}th1net1l :t:;t well :H$ rcror1nat1011. bu1 rrout talks with nla�r or thent we gnthfr lhe-y nre it:'l.thilled 1h('y ar('t gf"ll lnJ! ;\ ":oi:t1t1n1·e d('t::11:'

'l'he r•otHt1:uion \\'hi<:h w�nt down i.Judng Utr• war. iit n�nht cHntbing. A. result ot the general "':l\'(' of crhno which h:ts �\\'<'t'l o,·er 1h(I: country. AL the close of the Jn�t fl�ent y('ar (June :�o. Jft:!�) t.hc populat1�n or pr1�on­ers \\•ns �13. On Oecc1nb"r l61h h. wns �fil. 1'1u• rnr.'\city or 1he 1n�111u\ion

ts 55�.


'11te Fe-rgus Falls, State llo�pili'll for th<' ln�nn<' hns d\">tid�ly the 11\0�l dh;turbed cln�s or t..:ttients or any hostlil:ll ln the �t:i.tc. 1"hu� their care: presentf; an u1u1sun1ly hard 111·obl<·1n which. hOW(\\'er. Is in excc-l1ent hands under the sup<'r\'lsloo or l)r. (:e-orge C. \\'('Jeh.

Shol"tnge or hell' h:t$ COlllll<"lll?d thij;. h0$J)il:\1 f(I W(lrk it� :tttent!:tnts nine hours n dny. t.:,klng ad\'ant:lge or 1hr· co1<'1·gl'n(·y el:t1Ht<' in the eight-hour lnw·: 'fhe (!1nployes are Qf OOUl"$C r;h·en 11roporHon;1te in¢r.(':\�� in }\."\�.* :\Ocl there Is no co1nplnlnt whntl;O(•\'<"r on the-ii- 1.-.:\rt.

lU the ll'eat111ent or e(lileptiCS. :l Cotnp:\rtllh·�ly l\('\\" Ul C(JiCin(> i� �ing used ·with grcnt succ<>sit. For this �UfH'•1·lntc1ulPnt \\'<'lth gh·C"� tho C'rC',lil to Dr. ''r· l.1. Patterson, :H:;sistanl �\IJl<'l'iruentl('nl. l...un1in:\l is gh·t'n in grain

:ind a half doses \\·ith sur111·ij:(inr; n•�ull�. Jn 11r;tcti<':1lly C'\'4.'"r�· ca�<' it 1unterlnllr reduces the nurnber or Cllllc11tic �<'!lzurcs. :nhl in �01nc in�tan� seen\$ to do a.\\'A,Y \\'Ith lhern �ltoge1hC'r. tif.'ror<' the '\"tlr. lu1olnctl \\·as only to be had fron1 Ge1·1uany. but ts no"· n1:1de tn the l"nit<"d Sta'tC'$. \\re under­st.nnd \\"Ol'd or the SUCC('tSS , or h1111inal has be<"n S<-llt to lhe Stale Colony ror Et>lltt>tlcs, Faribault. thnt il 1nn)· be u·ietl thc r�. l�un1i11at ii;: not lnol:etl

u1xH1 as a cure ror �1>i1er1:.t)' bul :ls �tn aid In rcc.h1("it1r; the nl.nnber nnd ��·;·er­

it)• oC seizures.

On our Jai:.t "isit to l='Crgus Fall� (J><'ct'rnbCt' 15. 1!:1!?(') in third northeast nlen's \\'tt1·d we round i.\\'eh·c '':Hi<'ntJ.t \\"hQ ;\l on� 1in1(\ '"ere rri�oners at SUlh\'ater 11enUcnthn·�" und were 'ohl 1her<' W(•l'l' l'<'\'('r;\I othP1'$ in 11ifY<"i'\"nt ""at·ds. A si>eelal eye had to be ke11t on th<'se 111._i.11 for r<"ar they 1night "$lnrt son1ethlng." ,,.e recon1n1e11d 1hey be u·:1n�r�n'<'d 10 •h<' Asyhnn ro1· Dan­gerous Jnsnno :1t $1. l'�ter where 1hcre i:-: 11h\11ty of roo111 for tht'n1. �nd thnt nll ht�ne Ji4lUent$ ht $1:tle h<'l�pil:1l� Wh<'I ciHnt' or!J;:i11f1l1y rr<)ln Still­wnte1-. be ntso a�nt to the St. Pet<-r huH ltu1inn \\"hich wttil <>�pt•clnllr c� t:'lb­

.lished ror 1.ht•ir housing.

'l'hroogh 'Mt. Attdrew1o:, stcw:trd. the i11�li1t1ti(.lu �c<'ntly tn1<1<'rlook n cou­trnct.to clenr n :?n ... ncl'e \\"OO\l�\• 1ract nM1· 1hc in!iitl111tlon in t'f.'lurn for whleh t1u.• ·lnstlltHlon "'n� 10 hrt\'<' th� ("Or•t "'tt<1d wi1ho11t ('h:u·�"· Abot1t il\ll eords of wood 18 thus 8('CUl'C'd through lnru:tt(' l:tbClr, \\'Orih :1ho11t �:•,1111 n co1'\l.

Page 10: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


.\ >--..1c<:t'�:;fuf f.');f1f'1h11�n1 In 111nrchlng: J:Nltlcnuc. R 8 " iu•elhnlnRr)" to tff­

tln1: thf+rn 10 tnkc UJl httfu�trlnl work hns been conducted r<"Ctntly :tl this

h0111lll:\I b)' ltli;� Br:itllcy. lnduscrlnl teacher. She flnn h·led geUtng sou1e or tho u•Orsl fi..'lUtUISI 111 lhf• WOUH"\ll'M \\'ill'dS l.O IUHl'Ch ro1• rorty-ftve 11\lllUltts ('nch dnr. At the hci;;lnnln.; but. n \'Cry re"· would follow her suggest.Iona. 'l"h('n sihe took other 11atlcn1,c nntl led 1he1n nround uu11l 1111,ny or the1n roll In nuu·cblni; liuc or th{•lr own ncco1·d. This dntly exe1·c1se setn1ed to nuucrlaHy nw:1ken latent tt1fonlallty nnd It \\'Afiln't. long before �Ila� Bradley hntl p.-.tlents :it sewing nntl other tntlus1rlal l\'Otk who hlld previously been con.sh.l('ttti ho1M.'l�1s nlon,; thetlt llne�. l\Hss Drad1ey hs selling an exao1p:e at l"'ergu.14 F:\lls certainty ••orllt)' or exe.mpliflcallon ln other lnslltutlons cor the Insane-.

Jl Is or inl_e-1'f'st th:.t 1he 11atleni populatlon hCl'C (ftil well as It being lhe c;1se in 01her ln�tllutlon" for •he lusa:ri.e) Is considerably below the H1:'1xin1111n or ro1·n1cr )'einn;i. On Dec..�n1bf'1· 15. 1920, there ·wea·e 788 n1en cor111mred with a p .. 'l�I n1nxlnn11h or 9"60: iuul 735 "·orncn eon1pnred with n J)rC\'IOllS 111:t:Xilll\llU Of 7f�i). .fUl't Wh)' the tnen pllltOnls hnve decreased SO 1nuch rnore thnn the 1n11uher or wo111cn JHtllcnts, is so1uethlng ot a problcn1. Oenerat OJllnion or thOJ'e lntC1re11led seen1s to be that the closing or saloons Rn•J 6hu11ing oft or the vnlo or liquor has consld"rable to do wlU1 tt.

Ttte nten·s lube�ulosls u•ard hnd -&5 patients Ute day or our last \•lslt. These 1auents �re 3p1-..ttnlly well c1u·(1·d ror and have proJter alt.enlion. but a.a noted in our report to lho leg-h;ltttu� two yearK ago the large •"T. n:� •·nrd I$ connected with nnother wnrd o( well 1••tllenht by n1€'nns or a hall, orr which is the watth ;uut wltel roon1 used in conanlon. An approprlalion or $45.CiOO.Oft \\'as :;rnnl"d In 191!) ror a oe\\• "T. B.'' bulldlng. a wing to con­nect "'Ith the pr�scnl "·nr<I. nut when bl\ls \\'ere culle<l ror, It "'na Cound the lowest bid was ncnrly lwlce the an1ount of the n1>1>roprtauon. J)r. \Velch. xupertntendcnt. now nsks the Jegisht.tu1·e ror $20.000.00 ror the desir�d nc• .. ''1'. 8." buihling. such 8UIH to be in addition tp Ule $-15.000.00 granted two yc:u·g ago. '\Ve be1iCl\'t' ror lhe pr01>�r tn·otecllcn or well vtllients. the new bullding is a real nee!I.

\\"e ba,·e al•·ays round lhe Fergus Falls hotpitat In cleanly, good condi­tion and belie,·e lhnt. untlc-r Dr. '\Velcll J:t.1.til"nts Are klndl)' treated. well (ed, rnad g:h·<'n e,:�,. coru•ltlt•rrHlon oossible. After detailed lnspeclfon or this bl� lnsUtutlon. w·� IHt\•" onl)' co1nn1endation for He 1nanagenlenl in nH tl�pnrtntenl!-t.


Throu.s.h the dnrk eloudJl or chUdren·s trlbulaUon11. the sun e\'er shtneS In the $n1lling ratt-Jt or lh" 11111e pAtlents at lhe State Hosptlat ror Crippled Children. Phnlen r:.rk. St. P"ul. On the day 'or our 11\at ,.l1ll :previous to Jlret•nrnllou or thi� rPJ'M)rl (N'O''<'ntber IS, 1920) there were t-16 JUUe patients, tn boy1t. 76 gfrlJt� '\\'Ith 6:-i t1u1110)'e�. G n:aen, G9 \\'Otnen. The new wing of lhe lnJCUtullon ha5e 1-cc<'11l1y b<'flli 01H•ned nntl wa!! 1nnnodlntcl)' ftlled \\"llh a.bout

.. · ..


; '-

i-: .,, i :: . •

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:::; .,

<:> :a; i: ti " � _, .., .. ,.

� "' .. .., ... !f.

Page 11: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


JM p.'\tlrn1" "''ho htul b\�n on lh(' w11lltn1: 111111. ,,.<" hnYe "''t"r round 1hl111 hosioihll. C )JI,-,. Elh:11 llt .. I h :\I cGr(lgt'.H'. !HlllCrtnterul�nt), 8lM>tlC.&SI>' cltHut und n11mc1h·c.-. the chlltlren exc<-llcnUy c:tred ror. l''ell Ced. and hftppy. A �u1tt or Lhlrtr-elgl11 •f'<'el•11•1" In ••rlou• tin� .. with Dr. Gillette chler-or-stntf, Is In chnrgc or 1hc wo1·k-nnd wontlorrut lhlngg n1·0 ac<:ompihi;hed. Forntcrly, r•ho1os wert- 1nken or f!>nch c:t!'tc berore nnd nrter treftllnene. Now pltUJlor c:uil'l� nre used lnstrnd. nnd nre 1nuch 1nore vntunble· ror cllnle purpoKes. A JJCnte ttnl\'Cr'!tll)' clinic Is held every 'l'hursdny, The etatt doctors one nnd all donate their �'''(f'es to the ln�litu1lon and too much c.-ftnnot be sa.ld In

1hclr bchnlr. �rtu1r)' could not bur b('tlcr c:iu·o or 1nore skilled tl"<'nhnenl th;1n lh C'se llllle \\'nrcls or ll'tc stale ttceh·e \\0lthoul a cent or charg:t.

Two t<'ach""' nre en1ploy('d. one ror bed l)Rtlentt. the other ro .. those nhlc to ko to lh� ll11lc school 1·oon1. tnstrucllon Jncludes lnduslr1nl work. There nre �IX t�inf'd nunc�. and a elnss Of !1 young ladles Jn the• care-tnkers t r:tlJ)ing cln!!:-. n t\\'O--re.t'lr courst".



The $1:,l ... �"lnntor-iun1 ror Con,.nmpllves Is located near \Valket·, on high g-rou1ul OV<'1'lOOkh1g nn ;11·111 of Lf•ech 1�1ke. D1'. P. i\I. H.n11 Is the superln-1endent nnd :u1�u�tll)' rut� the es1een1 11nd re111rd or au ua.Llent" under bl�

th:trgc :ts we11 a� th<' ernployes. 1\t the clo!e of the 1220 nacal year the l"-1fit:-nt r•·oriulnlion nurnber()d 213 .

. A tt'Ord or wa..-nlng secn1s es'°enUnl relath·e lo the sending of t•Uente In

:uh·:u1ttd �rn.g<"s or cub<'r·culosis to "1nlke1'. Tho Institution was c.stnblisJlcd ror th<- lnci1,lt-nt anti hopeful ca�es. Bul rreciuentty patients nm,·e ror whon1 llltle c:tn be done. These ad,·anced us"8 arrh·e exhAu�ted Cron1 the 1ong

1rl1> 10 1hls n108t northernly or tnu· st:•le inMUtutlons, and for this' reiu1on 1\re t::•'"ln�rally allowed to n!main a!! lhe return trtp would probably be ralJo·wrd :by very �crlous coni;equcn�.

ll l;i; lo be ex1>4'cled 1h:1t wllh patients who nro con1pel1ed to r�;,n:tln

qoi�t with no thtng to do ror :i nun1ber of rnon1hs. tar from their Ol'l'n hon1e1, thnt 111ore or lt."$S restfC's8nCss wOI l'e�ull. Accordingly ""o haYe hnd 1:1on10 con1vl:•lnts which we h:i.,·c In each In.glance carefully ln,.egUgated. but none or th<"l'e during th£> ,,. ... �L bh�nnhnn ha\'e cast nny ju�t renectlon ngn�nst the Institution nmnngenu'"lnl. \\·o bell('\'C Ut1tl Or. Unll 15 doing everything P081'l­lb1e to f'a$e the ('()ndltion nnd arrt>tt Uie dl�se or his patlente. and to bring

ns n1nch f:n1n�hlne :111 fJOi;t.slblc into U1elr llveg. 'fhey are "'ell fed. ht\\'e good nUenllon by nurfl:-Cl!I. and llrover nltdlcal attention. f'l-iends and relatlvc3

of p.11fen•� n1;,ke :i n1is1ake in lr)'1ng to get p.,Uenl8 hon1e Arter a 1hort tttAy 111 the lnstflutlon. For nu orrest or tubca·culol418 n long slay or tui\ny ·1no11th8 lfJ \'ery cuenUnl.

EttC'n$IOn or th<' undt'r�l'Oun1l 'hentlng .,ygten1 to all but t"'O eolhtges li;•s �II ncton1pll11h�d anti tlie ru-evlou� danger elintlnated or th·e Crona tho WOO(t tt(O\'e,i: which were formerly used. \\'e re-conimend the extension of lhe aste:uu t•lfl'CI! to •.he ren1ninlng l"'O coun1;c,. nis tsoon Rf! vosslblci.



.)1.\1� ra·11.l'l�f:, �·r\T•·; �.\X.\T<ll:l1 )I ,.,,,: {"'\��l')111"1\"t-:�. \\',\1.1\1•:1:

Page 12: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te

f)('('lll ... · uion:11 lh1•1;'1J•Y h:1" IK-<"ll lntrOChll-ed b�· )llJI..- Ot'nlrlr<' Ltndberg or

•he �t:trr or 1he �l;tt-• Advll'lory Con11nlfi:i;ion. and conelnued under direction or nn ''X•f):lflrnt. \\'"' \\'t1oltl r<"co1nn1e1u1 1he extension or U1I& Industrial work :u• 1n11ch n� l':'�slbl<' 1l1' 11 1111ut-.rl:11l�· nich; to ellntln1tto the tonellness and

ho1u(':>lckn•'�� whlrh 1 :Ul<'nt1• fin11 t1 110 hnrd to Ught. Ul\f'k(lt 'vo1·k Iii the 0105'1 f'Wl1u1lnr ::11.1 111nnr ,,r thr 1•:ttJen111; lun•c beeo111e ve1·y sktllrul.

A n11rfr('St0 ho1u<' 1:1 rH�4'1lt>fl nnd r-e�111esicd br Dr. 1'htll, Their quarters nl Jirt"S<'Rl ;\r-C· in1ulettu:tll"' untl A9 the lnsthullon Is In l\ lonely ir1ot. it ls

hnrd 10 ke<>p g�d h<'lr• unle-tiR 1ttrr t-a,·e more ho1ne-llke- ncconunodatloo!.


Th� Stnte �C'hool ror Hu• near ilil locuted :at Pn rlbnnll, whel'e h has

nc<-Vtnr•llshed n g:-<'nl \\'Ol'k ror n1any �·enrs under dh-ccUon or Supt, J. N. 1'nto. During cur tns1 \'hell (nccen1ber 8, 1920) the tclutlenl enrolhnent :\\·as 2(ll-o£ whon1 l·IS ".<"I'<' bOY" nnd l 17 girls. 'l'hero W(!re 85 en1ployes and t('n('hen;. :?!t !ll('ll, 5G wo111f\n.

T"·o-1hlrcl� or th� lhnc or 1hc slud�nts ts devoted to regulAr courses er s1udy taught in •he 1•ubllc JJchools; on�lhlrd o( their Un1e to vocaUOnal 1rnlnin.g. Itc1le:H('d Yl;:lltt 10 U1t"' :\<:hocl roon1s eslnb11:-hed the belief that

thf' fl<:bool is ,.,,.r,- t'lfiC'iCnl In lt3J work and method� ug� seem to secure r.'IOre r.1r•hl 1esult$ thnn lh�� or the public iitchools for normal cbUdren. This f:; :t rt:1:carkablr �howlng. Jn addition to the ueuul school work, the \•hlldrcn .:.re t:n1cht 10 �l·<'�•k. :ind lh•-1-roding. \Ve ha,·e only con1n1E"ndatton ror lhc insUtutit11 t1n•l�1· 01'. ·r:1tf\'s 1rmnt1t;en1ent. Tho boys nre housed 'n r.nn-on Malt. n r.:1lhC'1· Qf1J-rn:1hloned hullcHng. hut with hu·ge nll'y doJ·mit.odes, cn111rortahle col:-1. nnd a \'C'ry rrrlcicnt n1:1h·on In c luu·,go. 'Ilte glrl$ t:ave lht'lr t'001ns.. on 1he �ecf'ntl floor •'f Tate ltall, Uh? nna new n1aln buHdlng nnd �u!d not be 1uo1-e nlct•ly �ilunlcd.

Clsro..;:;ition or )Joa llnll. 1h<! old n1aln bulhllng, ren\nlns a problem. 11 111:\.)' be fiUin;::ly tlt"1!crittd ::K ;\ :rr:ueJ,_· old ruin. The \\'Riis are: of bettvy

l'UI itltn� and �till in �I condilton. But the Interior hns rallen into a

d<1'C'3Y beyond rt't'>tir. 'fht' cnl)' p:>rtlons or the building: In use are the old 111:.ln dining h:\fl en the nrst floor, and the kitchen And adjolnln,g store-1·oon·:c in th� t:isernent. Tho building is o,·errun wtth rats "'hlch do nluch <:1,n:ng<' to th� cuppllel'l. 1'.n cfl'ictenl 1natrcn "'ho cnrue 500 n1lles lasl 'year to s.ccc111 the f>C!<ltion. h.:el" enc look nt the dnrk. \\nlnvltlng klt.chen and

ltM tun·oundin�. :tnd h.•l'I. A getGncl ll',,,1.tron ln charge or the kitchen also lrCt heCore the r.<.hool YtlH' ""ns ovc1-. In addition to new Kitchen, store rc.ontic, ;,nd dining hnll. th�1·0 It' neied or nn e1ut>rgency ho�pHRI. addllional

t"hub· roon1!t. and·n drlll 1;tt11. There i:e no dl'ill hnll nt nll nt present. Dr. Tnl<'. :tft\'r eo11�uhi11� wllh \he no:tnJ or Control. !Uggests �toll Hall be wfftct�t. bul lhe !Clone .,, '""' wnl!i' ht- u�d In the con1!1lructlon or a ne1'· la1lltlfn,1: to !\t-<"'l1nn1cd:'t� •hr HM'drd new t1e1K1rtn1ent1&-kllch<'n, supply roo1n:c. 11ining hall. <-i:u•1'1'"""Y h�11l1nt (lhere Is no 1>t�Ct> at pre,.ent (or C4·11un;;:ic.'111s tlf�c::1".- (':11r.C"11). :1tl1llrlonal t;IOd)' 1'001u�. nnd drlll haJJ. 'Che

f\nnneinl c•itlitn:th'-ic ror Ille 1lr>ich·cd chnnges n1·e ntadc In lhc h.•ghda•h·e 1e1•01·t or the St:H<" lh,:11·,1 or (.;f•nh·ol.



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Page 13: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


Tiu• l1ulu:ttt·i11I bui11ling. ''''"'''lning tlc1>art111f'nl@ of \\'o-Otl "'Orl<lug, 1•.-lnl­lng. lnllol'ln,.:. t•le •. jg n Or,-.1rn1•. It hru1 hl'lck \\'RIIS. bul 11' ot old h·nnu? Interior tt'ltuuruc1ion with n:•tr1)\\' w004I Kl"lrit. \Vhen legl3hUh•e. Onanc� wlll 1�1n1l1. il 'hnuld � r<'Jll:lt<"tl \\'ilh A tlC'\\' nntl more :uh"f)nRte building.


The �tnle T'ublic �hoo1 :at Ow;.tonna 11 1u·hunrti,.· a bo1no-011dlng insU­luUon ror drr..-n•l<-n1 chiltlr'f'n. Tn ils 01•ern1lon under Supt. t:nlen A. �f<'a·rt11. It hns 1•1'0\'tcl 1no::.t C'ttlt•lf'tll thf'l:i:e runny yPnril, nluch 1nnre �o we bclle\'o 1han the �f'\'('rnl �cn1i-r1uhllc orgl\ni:>::ttlon� loented elsewhfrC thnl do a sin1i1:1r work, nli ii is S<• \'ill')' 1nueh Jn.rgcr, tH\lth bettc1· equl1n1cd, :uul has t\ most eR'iclen1 lif<ld force �overing the entire a101te.

We tu\ve ever round 1hl1' Institution in excellent condlUon, the chlldren .-en fed ftntl cto1hed. and ·•n.atherf'(l .. in family groups tn the vnrlous col-1ag� with :' tuatron in ehnrge or each. Activity o[ rhc ehtldl'cn'3 ·welfare bureau hn� resiulletl in a 111n1erlnl in<:reag(• In J'H'Jpulation, \\'hlch has 8\'cl'­ag(\{I 33$ th� J':lSt Ji:-;c.-::11 yt":H·. The indication� ore fo1· n �tlll 1uo1·e t'xtenslve grol\'th nnl'I the �chool Is nll't'ady 1no1·e than Riied (capacity. 282). A UC\\' hospital building is ff'<IUNClCd of the legh�1AtU1t. tr this la granted. the pr�enl hOi'J)llnl coU:t,::l• cnn be used ror addUtonnl chUdren. An appropria­tion or $.t5,fHlO was alluwt'f1 ror n new hoJtpllAI l\l'O ye;1rs 8£'0. but was uot construclfl'd n1; the IO\\'f'icl h111 "'U� ne:t1·ly twice rhe apfH"()IU'inUon.

�Ul•(:rinlrndent :\1€'rl'il1 f!nys au addlllonnl field agt>nl Is needed. n won1nn. ,\}t thC&'<! nrc b(llwecn l.2i'lll :.nd l.SfiO ehildl'etl to be l1lr;ited ht hotnes SC1\ll.t'rt'd throughout the �tnte, this ""Ork is \"ery ""�enllnl.

It is rfgw-Uable to fintl thnt during the 1"un three yean. the 1:ioer eentage of llleg:ithunt<> child�n n.�h· .... d h:as inc:tt1'�ed frotn 9 to 19 tl-Cr cent. This is in part Accounted ror by lncre�u;.;od :t('Lh·ttle:.. of Ju,·enile courlfs, the i:itate children·� burcnu nnd the c•ounl�· b0.1.nl�. Uut It t>robably nlso renccls the waYc or 111huloings ,,·hh•h f:l«'CrnH to havc swur>t lhl'oughout lho country. l\h'. i\lerrill reporllC no l)Cl't'�IJtlblc increase In lncorrigibilU�· or children con1-n1ilb•d to th<' (';\?'(' O( hilC (O)lthutiOn.



Th€' �tnte A!i!yluru nt \\'llhunr Is the newe,_t i5tate lnrHllullon r��� the Insane. Or. G�11te JI. Fl'fl'('1nnn is the cnpnble �uperiotendcnt In chilrge. The- ln1111tutlnn w:tl{ (lJl4?11l"•I orlg1nall�· In l!tl� ftl a hospllRI ror lnebriite&, but in 1917 w1u1. ch:anJ;t""1 Into �n :.i'.ylu1n with lln tne.brll\te 1''nrd ren1atning. Lack of f>:lllcntic n1�1k"f' 1111� wnrd nnru�ce1t!n1·y ror 1St1Ch uase. nnd the lnsUlu­tion hu� bcco1ne ttl" a 01ntl(W or r;:1ct entl1'CI)' nn lnsUlutlOll for the Insane. T\\·o llt'''" rot1:1J:rr-t fn1· lhl'.' ln,i;:1nc \\"\)re ron11•lf.'lr1l �nrly In 1hc lll\Sl blennlnl

' .

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Page 14: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te

lM'l'hHI, :111d ('Utl;U:•·i" :! :tit•! I. 111 IH'\IJ(I' 1-:u lu�:llh\ "\\'fltn�n r:iui�n1fl, nrt l'rt\C­Uci•tlr 1't•tlt1)' fvr Ol'Cu11:H\l"y at· lhl,.: 1h11�. 'l'hf' 1u•w huildinJ.,.� lun·l' t�rnthlCil 1he JIOlllllntlOll 10 bl.l ilt('l'(l:tioi"d fr0111 17:! !H 1ht1 CIOJte of th<" J!_ll!I ni':Cl\1 rc!\r, lo 2G8 111 1hu t\1ttl or 1�t20 (.11111• ... :�nth). 'I'll" ln<·ro:\�(' fn C':,p!'H•ily rnnkr� 1nore JU"C�Nh1i; the n('l'd ot' full:· �<'1111•l<'th\� lhC\ r\f'"' ll:('l"\'l<::c- lntitillnr:. fnr which W•J un1IC1'Mlnn1I 1111 n•l•IHlon:1! :q1pro11rl:1Lion C\( $1';,l)(I() is :\$l�('d, Thh1 bu11Jlng lucluJ('Jot nu !l)ll'IC'tnbl�· hall.

On our Inst \•l,ih ''t" rounJ 111.-· ln:tlllullon In fine CC"ndllion. And ha,·� e,·�ry conthh·nc"' 1ho.l Or. l--'rt•t'nuu1 lot tnkln;:- rx1�1l<'nt <'='f'<' or It\<" <"''�r­lt1C�f'lng nuruter of 1.:ui• nt� uuJ1•r hl:it �l't"'.


Cu:: ln•�1 \'h;lt to th(' ll:1:c;ti11i:g f:r:il" .\��·h11n for ln�nn� w:l� :-:o\'<'lllbCr .IG, 1920. h wns \\'llh 11lt::tsore in otH' 11•1•0ll of th:u. hlSlJlCtlinn thnl W(.\ C"tt­grntu7at('d �u1·1t. \\'nl. .L Y:tnz <111 lh<' Onr- ('nn11itlon or the ln11lttnLlon In e"ery bnlldln1= nnd df'l'"-H·t 1ncnt. \\"Ith n 1m1•ut:ufon or �•5 the dn,.· or our \'l&ll. the ln:Hil\lllcn was "·<'ll filh.•U bul hJJ nce<uu1nodatlon! :t.tt not o,·\\r­cro"·dt>'(I. \\'p htl\'O to J"f'J>Qrl e\·('r' 1hln; clt":1n. n�t. :\ntl Ol'tll'rly. In th('

\'AriOU8 coung�. e';t;('h bulJJlng If'; 110"' In t:harg� of :\ tnan Rnd wu•. Th� arransc1ne11t '*' ,·('r,.· s,ati�f:tchJry �n(I f"h:tn;:..,� in help :u� 1nuch I� ff'(l()ucnt rhnn rorntrr·ly. l-":>0-tl jl,tt\1J1lit•)l h:t\'(' h<·rn C:ll"'fult�· in�[W'�h�d nn �ch ,�if:it uud found t'N<:Cllt'nl. Tht"• rookinJ: I� i;.ornl, :tnd p:Hif'nt� gh··t'n p1<'uly or ·wholc�OlllC fOO,I. )Jr. Y:inz ii! :1�l;ln1; ror :\ th:t1l(·I �nd :1�!-tt'U1blr hnll hnlld­ing which 1hc: irw1itoli<"n 11vw l:t<.·k!',


)Jr. Jchn Colt>1n:in, th� <"!otlt>�r1c,1 nrtl nbl� ttu1tC-rintC'ndf-nt of th<' .\nok.i. Slnle A111ylunt fnr lh«' ln�tn(". h:1!!: ror 1r:1n)' r(':ir:-: �n nnt� ror 111� t'C<'nomi· cnl bui!ihtt'ilJI; tnan:lS:t'tt1"nt ()r hi� hu1.11tu1ion which h<' �u:('(Jn11,HJh('1' wUhoul slinUns: tmll<"nh� or &:1rrin�in1t 1"n lh<'h· t:l1" tlr n<"ed$t. lf(\ \\':." nblt' to finl1th the ln�L f1l"enl y("nr· with �t �11h�t_;111Unl ruin h•r1 <tY('r. Thi� h•' nC'fOntpH�h<-s hu•gcl�· hr p('rl(OD:·tl •lircc1i�n Of \'lH'fClll'I llru·� of work t1y 1ht> 11l(l'l1 1mtlents. tnch_11)f•11 In thl!4 the )}:l!-lt )'(':\I' w;t!l 01\ll'h :l4't'l11111•1i�hctl In th<' \\':\'' or 1-"'r:Ht­

' ing tli..' groun1l:-i..

Th\" AOulh Wing• of lhc tn:dn liulhlho: h:l$ bN'n huilt O\'"r !'Ind nro­JH'OO(CJ. \;u1 the norlh win1: l!l icttlt in 11• .. ·11 of �hnitar int11ro\'"'H"n1. H:e­bulldlut: lhl' �OUth \\·ins (,"f�I $;:1,t1011,•t11. \\'hrn bhlit Wf'J't' (':tlli>-t) fOr. roT

�ln1Hnr work en rhf' north "·inF:. 1h1\ 1o'"'""t ftitlll'(' "-:.� $1 l:.4'M.M. The uc.,· n1t1tc1ubly hall til!ir. :t h.lnJ:-h•h \\*to.nt :111,1 r"'''it1<'1t n,..1 ... 1 t'nt('1tnlnm�nt ror J•t\tlf\nls. The- HP\Y :i11n1inll'IH:\H<1n h11\14tiu;: h:t:e �"n f""('<'nt1, "'<'"'Up!N.t. and In ndt1illon to ofrit.·�· Ft1n('r, h:111 "'""'' 1"'4l1U )!:fl�('(' an11 111orr nd4''1Utltt' lh·lng <111:11·1(.\r.- fol' 1ht.· rup�·rin1et111<'111 :11141 f:11nil�-. Th<" lltl11nl:.1ion :"\n\•ernber JGth ln111t. wntt $:;tl; ��7 111<'11. :;1;:: \\'\11111·11.

Page 15: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


Tl'l� f:.lftt<" �choo1 for 1'\�ht.• )Jin,h"! a1 F;u lh."\ul1 i� U1t• '-l:\t�'s targ�t instHutton. 11n1t Is in ch:u-g-f' or :-;up1. Gu�· ('. ll:uu\:t. ''""() hnft rmv<'rt :. ntOJl:t able ex<"cuth·o "·hl'lf.;(' abllllr l.t fully :l1•tt1'••d:.t�d hy nn thC\itO who hl\'"e hnd anything to do with itU1'1'1 ' l:-;i(nt of l111..• )l.4'honl. J)nri11� lh(\ l'itS-l bi<"n!liAI period \\·e h1H'\'." hntl $e\'f'rnl t1.1•1•clnl h"·<'?illa::1tl(lnil hut in f':\ch 1-n;.t lh<" fin'1-ings ha\'t In no wny 1�l1i'el<"1I uny tlii<c:1�dh •'H 1h<' n1:1.n�s\.�n1t'n,,

At the lk's:inning •1f th\.• bl<'1u1lu1n 1ht•f"f' wa1 a .. ·ailin� 11.-.l for :uhni�ions

of nen.rly 5fl0. This "";iJt 4' flt:trtlin� s.l111:ttlnn, )tr. 11:-tnn:t li:ut tr:tn�fcrred non-resident" nnd l"<-n1 .:\ tu1111t,�r of cttit(•fl I(\ l1<,�1lik1l� for the ln��ne. ttnd hns r•erlllttnl"nlly r<'IC'!llli•c1 :i 110·�,, nt11ubc•r of lnn1:tl<"i:o who flf'.<'rn�d lo ha,·e de1nonf'lrnt�d lhch· :.1Jil11y to <>1H .. , for 1llt•n1�"1".,-�· .\ 11(1\\' bultcllng .,..,.a, Hh:H> openc(I. Xow all np1•H\';HH� arC' :1•h11i1t•'cl.

It la hn1l0r1an1 to 1101� 1h:11 1h<' «h:.r:1�1"r or flOpulallon h.:.s p-eaily changed. No tnl\lf$. :.re b('ln� rt't-<-h·�t wl1h ln1,..lligc·nee 10 '10 thf' simples:. kind or labor. Mo�I l'I( th,•1n l'nnk I<"�" lhAn ,i;ix Y<'!l.til or Hf:' .. mc-nt:tlh'. On the other hnnd, ft•n1:1l<'l'l r{ .. CC'h·t••l ( l:i 10 :�. yt·a1":!t or :'t�fl) 1..-J:l :ui high as 8 to 1(1 ycnr3 n1cnt;1l.l�'.

In connection whh out 1·flconun<'n1l:uh'll t-.IFf•Whtr<' in lhlfl �rort for :\ (:ugeniCI! IA\\' n.nd :t l'etLtill�llH.�nl or :t !tll:u·:uUCt" o( rh�·�i<"":tl ftntl rn�nt:tl fil­neS.$ tor nu1rrlagie. this �1nt<'l11"'111 by ).Ir. llnnna h:'!!ll 1�cull:tr 1'J'IJ'llirot1on: .. PracUcaU)' tt11 of thelle- i;lrl,. :ire th<' n1othf'nt nr ill�ithn:u� ('hildttn and have cnut'ed eon,i;i\J<'rnb)(' troubh• In ilu"h' <'C.•111nu1nhfe!I, )1!ln�· QC tbt-n1 1;:\ve vene�al dl8('1'!1(','.

The J)Ol•ttl:\lion or lhf' lnii.1Hutfcn :u th<' (•loJ;(' {\r the- 1!'1�(1 llchool y ear "·as 1.7.t2. ,,.<" hn\·e only i·ontnl"l\tlalion Cflr all ".<' h:t'''' found on \':lri')U� Inspections. The intna1r1 :u<' W"<'ll '"'L \\(\11 ll<'U'f"tt and tr ":ttt"d. �uch chUdren ns are able to go 10 ll<'hool :ult! u1u�h1 by a t�Ci<'nl nnt1 erfi;:-ient corp� of te:tch4!r.t. The i;rcuthl� of th� ln ... t11u1ton <'<'\"("r l.1.t5 !\C�!;. \Yitil bullctint,"I. thf.'ir valuali<ln 11' O\'{'r :1 111illit'n :11111 a h:tlf <lo11:H'll: and the ('Ur­rent e:<pcn111<· I� elOSt" 10 hnlf n 1nlllhln :l y••:tr-:1 11<>r <'rlf'1iln <'NI\ or �:?56.17. This ltl the bill to th(· folt;11c> lrtr�(•ly <-:tu�<'•I 1hrouJ::h y():\� of r<'(t1f;;:1l to co11-slder In n l)r»clicnl w;iy 11H' In,..,� Qf l'>U�Plll''"' :tn•l r:i.ilure t(, ll<"�l'f'�1t'" at an �nrly ngo "" this t"ln� or unror1unn1�. A111t lh('re �t'4'tlU• 11111(' ttliPf in sight under J'lttS-ent conditions in \·ic11.· or )Ir. ll:i.nn:t"Jt p1nrtling 1=t.-.te­ment, thRl ror prncti<':'""' f'\"t'r�· �irl r<'�'"h·lf'd. th(l're h:till l�n :\ child 11re\•iou.-ty 001·'1 \\'hieh In :ill t•r(\hahilily will ,h•\'\•101� f(",lh1<' 111hhl('(I tr:tit:-?.

In r�1•orts or \'hiltJot to thl� ln�littuion. w,• hn\·<' f1·on1 thn" to tfn1e called Attention 10 so1ne 111�st1oln� n<"•'d�. Th•' "111"rlC'lr or 1hc 1naln bnlh1in;: t!- of

old rrnnu� con�truction. u1or(' or•�� o r :' fll"('l f:\I'. nnd·JChould b" nreprooried. 'fhe pttl!it!IH n.•111-cmbly hritl lat In 1hli;i: hutldln.i.: :'"'' IJ1 !=O :\rr:nu::M 1h:.t lt h:t! no exilt! IMdlnJr dln"("lly nuhh'V'lnt •'X("('rt nunut::h nH1<"r h:.11,a :u1d f\'\U:..ge \\·ars. No 11\ICh h:.11 '1."Ql11t1 tl'"<"f'h'<' :. li(""nllt• r11r JJUb1i, ... s::\111(\lint;� in ""Y or our cltlf.'JI, Ther<' Ill :ihco IH'C'll of �n n111p1'• i:y1nn:1�iun1. 'fll i'Jtt' and 0U1er nnnuclnl Jlf'C'<ht rtl'f" 1•1·(�tt,!nh•1I In jh•1:dl th1·�•11i.:h lh<' �p(,rf nr th" �t:ttt" 1Jo1r�I or Control.

Page 16: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te

. . .



The no•u·d of \·t11hor,i ;11h11ihl n JC1r.·('i:1I ilurr<'�I. in the �t:tt.(> Tml,1tns. School ror Boys a1 ltf'\I \\"tng, The hl�t<-'r)' of 1hl" bo,r on the l'O:'d to lnror­rlglblllty Is that he ht 111't"l bro11�h1 1111 In J1n·1·nil<' cou1·l, f•rtth:1bly 11tac�I nn

)lf'Obl\llon; then (in thl• htt'J;t•r rhi••#I) If he fu•r!lll:i>I� in l!"Olng \\'f'Ollg, ht' 111 sent lo a focn.I 1ru:Hu:y �chuol: 1tn\I 11n:t11�'. whrn hr !othnw� no lnto1ln:1tl(\n ror the better. ht' I� �cot to lhf• Tnlluln" �<'honl :\l H�d \\

.inJ;:". '1'h•1� th�

elnsa of boys lht're al'<' pr(·U�· 1l101'<•11i;.:hly 1t1.-.nrrl,::lbl�. Thi� nl:\l\c111 the- "·01·1r

of rcforn1ntion a hll1'•l l•rflhh.•111, tlul b-i•('HU�C" t"\f lh<.' gr�:ll hnrort:'l.UC� O( turning 1he1n ou1 good cllft('nic 111\il nn ni1l injtt<':td of t!e1rhnen1,. to !CO<'ll1'1)'. Is nn IS-i:iue th�H �houl,J bt\ !ot'lll:ll'•'l� 1111'\I wllh C\'C'ry f:tci1Hy g r;t'n1ett for It!

n.cco1n111ishruen1 in •ht> hlghc-�t 1l{·�rt"'-' polljtlbl(\,

This i:::; not the <'ilf!:C al Ut'd \\'Ing :u l'f":l<'nl. The trouhl<' is not 'G'"lth Supt. J. T. F'\ilton . .,·ho I!' dolt1i:: the bf',it ho t':tn "'lth the f:'l('ititlv� nt t'"\nd. but is bec."1.u!.\Ce of la.ck or i\l"f•lt('r 1>-flulpnH""'· Tiu� 1""1,ul:uioo t""nects the '2'Xl,.t­

tng \'\'l\\'e or JU,·enlle trhue hy a iat<-:uly hl<'rt"!'.',�. .\t the-"('}(l.�f' O( 1he ftJ<"Al )'('nr 1918. it \\':lS �--IG; :'tt the elf''<' or lhl' R:t'c:•I �·C-'\r 1�1!'. !55: Jun(' 3,�th t"'f:l fl wa.s :?&5: and on lhP d:t�· or our ln11t \'iiih 1•re,·iou� 10 prert:trint; 1hl!i tt1-ort

(l"O\"Clll�r 17. 19:1\) th.:> ll()(\Ul:11lon h:1d ju1nr-rd to :tt19. Tn t:tk(' t�r, ... of newecnners. the a,·er:tJ.:t' "'�'Y of ho.r" lu'..-: h�d to be �hortr·ne.1 to ten 1nonths. It \Vas rorancdy 1� 1non1h,.. �u1•crfnu�nd<'nl.. f'uhon ll\in'kt: IL �hould be JS 1110-nths. P.uully i:;rou1·� Cir \'iOn11•:H1h·�. ar<' con1pos.M or rf('lrn ;;o to t;5 boys In eaeh. H:.tr thifl nuntb<'t' ,,. :iltno$t 100 rn!'lny for lhe �roup ofTlcora to � enabled to ha,•e that l'ericonal tO\l<'h with C'ach boy "'hich nu�an;t 1110

nntch In clH"tglng hh: t1·i,ln vr thvn�hl, 1·<'n10.1t•llni:: hi� ch:tr:tct<'r. :tnd C"illrtb­

lishing lhe indh·ldual nurleuit or t:O.fhl rili7.<'n1thl(1. Dul 1h<'rc :u� n<'t ("nough cottnG<'S for the rnuking or :t\Jttltlonnl con1p:1nie�. nor i� there •n:tlntt!'n:\ncc

111one>· lo e1n1Jlo�· th(' nchllllnn:11 orfi4··<'r�. Th" �1;up U()4?'S but :t rr:tctlon:tl JW\rl O[ its duty when 11 rnakt�� 1lu•,i..-. boy:c lhtlr n1nre 1han cuseodi:-11 wnrd.11.

And Ir a desired p <'r�n1n,: .. � or l.H1''" th_"'ljC ,.,,1. ln:tk(" good, undf'f" c:ic:htlln,: conditions thr srhool 1nnnag1•111t'nl ,i.hon!1I no1 rereh·t"' rhe b1:1n1t. but th._l

lack or c11ar.tc-ter-�1nou1din,;:: C:u:ilhltt.

ln thE" Tralnlng �ehoul'is On:tnt"I:.\ butl�<'I 'ub1uitlNI throu,1:h lhe Stal� Uonrd or Control. rour new roll:.,:� are f'NtllP?tliP(t .\11hou.gh ""C r«"Osmlze this Is a period l\'h('n f'\'erY fln;1ntl:11 �lttneluuent i$ d�i rN b�· the le�lsln­ture, It "·ould &een1 the ln\•P,i.1t111•nt n"c�.i.;.1�rr i� one th:n �hnutO E:.h·e gnind returns-not only in the r<'for111:11io11 of thf• boy hu•. in the elhnin:.Uon or the nctunl cost c1"(l:t1ed In ltfllh t•ount�· :11111 ,e.l:Ht' hy lhC' unrernl'1n<'d crimini\1.

'J'here i� Oll-'O the nmller of 11101·:11 1l11ty <Hhl 1"1'"1Jl(l1Htlbitity on lh(' fli:\rt or the a;lnlc In <;01t�hl('1·lng lh(l \\'••ll:tl'" or lh•o1(• it hn� of nric-'":.:!tlt�· rl('prh't'd or

their llbC'•·l�.,

SuJJ('t•lntl'JHICnl l""Ulh\U ha!'I ('jllt:1h1l�h·-·�1 a 111llll :•nd wlr'" ln c.•hnrf,t(' or ench cot_111l.rtn�·. nncl r�f)t11·h1 thr •'Xl•\�rh11••nt ,.,.r,· !l::•H�rnrwr.r. \\"c b<'ll••\"C h<' Is 1uaklng lh� b<'�l or ('Olldlllon-c. nsc llt,•y ''I'" :u11l hOP" \\'llh hhll 1111\I lhe tesl�Jnl\11"C In It� wlJ11tlon1 will h<'tt"r pn•\·i·I'' for 1h1� n.-0,1'1 of l11" ln!ltl­tutlon.

Page 17: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te

On �1111:H•r �•�• "'e "'<"� ealh�•• 10 11\e lted \\"lng T"'tnlng S�hoo1 10 ln\' estlgntc the t"le:11h or 1;;dwln 11011. Iii, or Duluth, bor lnnutte. \\"ho htt<I bcfl'n rntn11)'' fllh•bhed �he r11·c,·to11� n1ornlng by hutdol'e lloscnreldl. t3. or St. l'nul. anothor ho,>' ln1111H�. 'fhei;e 1wo. vdth n 1hlrcl bO)'', "·ere ·working

In 1he so- cnHetl rota10 roon• n1Uoinlng the kltehtn. Arter s:otne "'Ortis-, the

.fiC>Aenreldt bo» Jtlnbl>E-d lfoh In lh<' chc,_1, belo"' the left shoulder and over the hear1. the \\'ound l)tO\'lng (t\t:\I n ff'\\' niinufe:t lnte1·. In n conresKIOl\ t1ocurcd rro1n JlO!-ICnf�hll by S<'rinlor \V. A. Nolnn. r>re!';ldent ot the Doa1·d or Vlsilon;, tho b-Oy clai1ncd Holt \\'tl� threnlenlng hhn \Vllh I\ cleave\'. John Ater�� Ji, In 1he p0t;1lo roon1 at tt•e lln1e ot lhe 1tabblng. le.lifted at the coroner's lnqu�t tt1:it Hnlt. hn11 Jaid tJown the clen,·cr "A'hen Rosenfeldt sla� bed I-loll. Ou D.:eeinbf'1• 3fllh 1:1tct. nt the 1>rolln1inary henrlng In tho Ju'·�nll� (pl"f.)tmtc) cot1rt nt Red \Vlns. the crH;c \YRS continued ror three Wfckg with lho uru.Je1"stnn1llng 1hat thu 1:oard or Control would n.rrange to1· an examln:\lion or Rcn;enteldt as to his n1ent:1:1 re�p0nglbility. The boy was later rouhd 10 be n1entnHy uob:1lnnced and connnltted 10 the State Jrospital Cor ll;tnr;erous Jn111nne nt St. Peter. Tho father's hl8lOry Is surd t.o lndic.'lte 1wo s11cllsi. or ln,.nnlty. On(• !?•' yeurs ngo nnd one t\\'O yen1·s ugo; also. thr ofllecr or the :school co1n1,an» to "'hich ltoscnreldt belonged rePOrt8 the bay to t1avl" had two 1telzures. Thetile he ternu�d "Ru;" and were posslbl)" eplleplic •lt•ck•.

Jn ,,Jew or the r:icl lhnt n lal'ge 11u1nber or tho boys senL to Red \Vlng aro subnor1hal tend roent"llr tJeth::ienl. iUttl that 11u111y of the boys are guilty oC as set"loul' crlnl('� n� nre round ch:1rged ngninl!l l)rlsonen or the penl-

1enli;,ry • ... c \\'Ould r<-connucud lli.,1 C\'('ry bo�· adn1ltted to the Stftle Traintna;

Rcltoo1 lK" gh·cn :i nu�ntn1 n:c '"('11 as n 11hysical exinnlnalton on big reception nt the inslihnlon: ;u1ct thnt ror this 11ur11-0se. a psrchopathlc <levnrtn1ent be cstn.b11�hed In on<! of the 11('\\' cottagcit which we hope wJll be granted rol' U1e Scl•OOI. :11111 rurtht"r. thnt this cottnge be uzed as a receh·lng cottage .. · ti ert" in all new :trrh·nls i--hnll be placed 3nd held until it may be deftnilely de· tcrn1lncd whru ht their n1�ntal. 1no1·al, nnd physlcnl 1uakeup thKt they .. nl')� llu:n be 1n·o1icrly as!(ign�·•l to whcr·e I hC)'' bclo.ng.


RochcJ1Clcr �t:.te 1-lo:.i.pllnl ror th(' Insane atw:-y.it rwesent.s u n103t. att1·ac­tlvc :.p�arnnc('. It hnic b<'nullrul srountls. and the wnrdg and halls within the ln:tlituUon .ire al\\';\''" brightent"l1 with polted 11IRnl& and nowers. \Vt; hA\'e found lhf' lnn1;tt� \Vf'tl red and hous�I. nnd ktndly lte-Rled. Here. ne: Jn lhe other �t:ll<' ho!-lr•Hul�. thcr(! ht round a 'a;Hghl dccrea�c ht populullon. At the en1I or tht' 19l!J niccul Y<':Jr th••re \\'€'''" J,4!!6 untlenls: nl lhe end of 1920. 1.276.

Dr • • \. F. Kllhoum�. 1ho ,.steern(.•11 11u1terlntendcnt, during UtP piu;t y�l'lr

ent<'red lnlo n contr:1e1. ror the Institution with the K:•hlc1· Co1·porn:..lon (behltt•I whlth nl'<' lhc Ortt. �l:iyti) which i� wo1·thy of s1,ecln1 note. 'fhe

«1rr1or.1lio11 JllUl•t•llcd $3G.noo.oo Co•· lht1 C$labll�h1ne11t or a rock cru"btn.g plnnt at n ttunrr)' on ln11tltollon land. Th� COn)onulon 1n1rcbAse3 crushed

. .. . ....

Page 18: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te

nx:k. whh;h nre i;n11•1•llr1t, n1111llt.\� on the orlglonl h11lcbtcdnes3. �Ince Sc1>­fC'1nber wh('n the cnal"h('r ht�gnn 10 OJ)<"1·�tC'. ll l11u1 turned out O\'Cr J·l,000.00 "'Orth or protluc1 • • \t lhll" rttt<.". IL "'ill jl.()()Jt tlny ror hselr and begin ·to � :i J::OOtl •OUl"Ci" or inc-on1e 10 lh(' in�11tuttnn. On1)· t"'o t>nld foremen are n�f.l'd. nn1I :\n.• :'\l1l�d hy tho \\'Ork of fo1'll' 11:ulcnl3.

In hli;c 11111111:-1 report. l)r. l\.llbourno cnlhJ nucnUon thnt. lhe present J:t\\' J)r<l\'hlCIJ for li-1,rollng ll1'tlCntR for R pcl"lnd or but 2'1!< 1uonth8, As In rnany c:o<cA ll hi tl�sir:\ble 10 (':<lend thl� 1>arol<.". he suggest.1' 1u1 n1uendn1ent be en:H:1e1I 1n ('xtend the 1�-.role 11eriod 10 ona )'Cn.r when desired.


JUlnn�ottu1:; nrc Ju�tly 1n'1u1d or the S1nte Prison nt Sttllwnter, ·which is unequrtl("(I throut;hGut lht1' country In 111nn,.· re�t>ects. There 11 nlgo reason for rongnuul:ulon 01at lfl( Por•ul:ulon ot l)risoncns has gndu"llY but stead­ily df"'C.rf':tJte.t fron1 n n1l1x:ln1111u of t.t3t at the close oC the ftsCAI Ytftr 191�. to but i5!l on OC'C(ln'll;-('r 1 1 . 1!):!1). tis equl})IHC'nt Is an lhnt could be fliJked and Uuu iuon<'y ean :-:.u1•Jlly. 1'he digcipline ts exce11ent. Thul It ta n flnan­ei:.l sue'·��" Is well kuown. nn•I de1nonstrnted by the Collo¥i'lng co1up1u-atlvu tlgurC's:

F..:<1lense Year. P�r Capita.

191i .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . . ��96.39

l91S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32� 46

1919 • • • • . . . . . • • . . : . . . . . . . . . SGS.:10

Exceu Earnlng11 Over Expenses.




Earnings Per Capita.




or the ;r,5 pri$Ohen1 In the ln:Stitulion December 1101 latl, 271 "·ere cn11)lorcd In th<" 1wlne fnc:tor)', !3� in the vl\rloua'departn1eott or the rarm n1achlncrr ln•lustr�·: !� In the l:tundry: JO In tho tallor shop: 6 fn the print shop: 7 on the- fnrn-. (nut n101·c being ne<-ded this late in the ye&r on farnl work): ancl the rcn,;1indt:'1' nre en1tlloycd In 1hc kitchens, c:cll houses, and Yariou� olhcr kinds of wo1'1<.

\\"tu•tle11 Ch:\s. S. lte<'d reslgncU June 301 1920, ·and was succeeded bt John J. �ulllv�n \\'ho for 1110 n1:tny yean; hnd been the eft'.ic.lent clllef deputy. In tt1tJX>H>IC lo Inquiry front lhc Boord of Vl11tors. a letter Cronl Warden Sullh·an J1l/lh"';

.. Prlfle'\nt>n� are 11f:1(•ed nt wo1·k ror which they are best fttted and nre

changed nhnu1 n1orc.� 01· IC':t� ns t.hey develop In efficiency or ns other occa­J:lion

-d<J111u1Hl ic , and only "'"ry .-arely do they renntin at the 8Rnie work

throughoul lhl'lr gla)' hc1·�. Jn so1ne ln�tnnces inmates do work 111 the twine •h'f•"r1n1ent llr:lCtlcnlly throughoul lhelr whole ternll'. but never at the ,e.:unc J<Jb. Th<'y nrt chnnged about. The same thl� 11 true of aur

ram1 tH�chlnrr,- dC'p:1r1111<'nt. .Alt prisoner" nre r�ulred to work eight hourte n •lny."

\\"cJ \\'tllll to kt'<'I'' tho ;\f11111c�otn prison n tnod�l lnslllutlon, n1WRY8 In lhc l�a•I. r1tw11ys 1•rQ;;rt.\fl�h1c. Tiit' ll\lfl•O$,e or 1\ lnodern vcnllcntlary Is not



f I t I

I . <: % ;; § Y.

Page 19: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te

tnel"tly 111111l)lhn1cnt :1fong with good cuslodh•l cnrt\ but a·ernr1n1'tl01\ or the Jlrisoner n1' rnr Aj! r�slble thnl he 1nay be N!lurned to 5oclety n good cltlien: and -.·Jlh thlA lnttnl, whlle he IA a prhrnncr he should be tngftgtod hi sO!tH! Im.de or llnc or end�:n·or In which he may beton10 skilled and thus equipped lo �arn a 1:ood ll\·ing on hli. eventual rcltRlllC without ha,·tng t.o resort. 10 ronner crtn1lnnt net?;. ·r11e twine 1Hant is n good nnnnctnl tH·ovosltlon for the stn•�; It If' n s;ood thing ror the ;\fh111cl!oln rnr1nors "'ho �ec:ur� excellent l\\'lne b<tl01'' flO-Citlled trt1Mt prlc�A; but the �·ork In the l)l'l8on vlant tencbeH the pr-hi.onca· no tmdiEl \\'hlch win aid him when dlsehargetl. And after all. shouldn't tht- prison ain1 nt the betterment and renntklng or the tnen In Its

custody rather than ror ftn:tnehtl profit OC tho ln;;tltution or those wi10 use

Ifs naanur:\cturt'd product?

'Vlth Che nbo,·e In \'IC\\·, we would t-espcctrully recomanend that 1uen with �hort terrns be l)IRCC<l In ocher de1>nrtinenl$ \\'here they ntny learn trad<'IC which \\•ill he11, lhenl Inter to earn honest livlngs, and thnt. as much as pos.sJble long-tint<' inn1ot<."s be pl:i.c�d In the twine ractory, but chana;ed into other 1lnH: in 1lmt' to pcrntit them to beconte efficient tl1ldesmen btorore their reJ;S>etth·e di�c.harg<'� The rann nlach1ncr)· plant, tailor 1hop, printing plant. even the laundry nntl lhe rnrn1, gl\'e 1nore opp0rtunlt1es ror the pr le­

oner lo lt::tm ho"· to beUcr h{'lp hint�clr when he ICA\'C:a tho Institution b{'hind.

f>riso1H'N1 enrn u·ngeic ror thontse.h·es which.

ha all de1>n1·t1ncnts, ave.r;tg� . -4046 een11 per day. In the rarm nlathlnery plant the average ._.age Is .-&7; ln the t-.ine raetor • .:rG ctnlA: and in oU•er dt{>:.\rlntents:, such ns the sup­pOrt de1�rtn1ent . . 368 ceu111t. Total '"Rges to prisoners tho �st. biennial J>eriOd u·n!' $1$:�.077.:a. .�

It is lhc ru·outl clAln1 or the stn.te or �tlnnesot:t, that no r1unily ts In want. nnd no c:hlld oul or school been1sc tho (Ru1i1r brcatl "'Inner hs in

prison. •r111s is ae-con1pll!'l'1ed through pny-auent of a pension b)' the Sh\tt

to each rnn1lly as the Jttl«'h'I need dentands. Theiie pensions nin rrom $5.00

to $50.00 1-.er naonth per r:1n1llr. For U1e ntonth or No\•etn�r, 19!0, th<.'se

pen•ion• totol<'d $1.l�·l.50. . As to recr<mtfon ror 1lr1soncra. lnnintea ftl"e permitted lo tntk thl'ee

noons <•:1ch \\'(•Pk in the dining roon•. nnd hnvo three to nve hours to theni­�eh·es (Inch e,·ening during which tin1e they Are permitted to �1nok.e, read,

etc... In 1 h<>lr cells. Every !=l..'\turday arternoon. \\'taUler perrullllng, tl\e prts­oners arc 1:h·en the r1°"e'C'6ont of the yard nnd hl\\'e the privilege or talkin.g. playing b:uceb:tll. and indulging in 0U1"r eporta and exeJ'C,lse. On all hoU­

d.'\y�. the 1"n1nc prh·llf'l;c Ill g·rnnted. \\·eat11er l)trinltting. but Jn case It. ls stornay, 1'rlt1on .. �rs n1·0 gh·en 1'(l1·1uif;�ion to tfllk In the cell house nnd son1e

s1><'clnt ('11ter1ninnu�nt ht l>•·ovlded. i\tollon J)lcture sho,,·s Ol'C gh·en once each week nnd on holltlny1" when oth\'r entcrtf\lnn1ent lg not Rrranied.

Thu1t theft" Is con�ldernble let-up to the n1onoton.y and Mtmln oC prh�on llff'. Y�•. U1cre �f)(>n1s to be " •lead)' lncttnl!tt In the num�r And pe�ntAge

oC men enth year "'110 bcco1ne in�ane In Hu� Institution. Juat why. Is n l>roblen1 dcxcrving of tUutly nnd ln\'�tlgntlon. The rollo\\·lng stattsUcs tnkcn rro1u n t'l(•rlcs or blt'nnlnl l'fl(IOl'lS or the rrl�on, ftl"e o( lnttl'CKl AS beRl'­lng on lhl.1' n1nllcr:



roriulaUon. ?\urnber<'f


690 Y<'l\r �ndlni; July 31. 1906.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . !G 665 l�ftr e11dlng Julr i't1, t�'HlS...... • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :<' 706 Ye:u· C'ndlnt Julr &1. l!UO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t7 761 .\'e111· ending July 31, l!H!! • • • • • • • • • • . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • • . • • . • , 3\

1.100 Yc:u· ending July 3J. 'l!+I� . . . . . • • • • , , . , • . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. �t l,063 Y�:u· ending Juyl :.11. l!\llj . • • . . . • . . . . , . , .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ·19

900 \"e�u· e11dlng July 31. 191� . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rn 860 Year ending July �I. .19:?11 • • • • • • . . . . . . . . , . . . . . .. . . ... . .. • • 53 The a.bo,·c ftgures ttre: not ,·tr)' d<>finile in their n1..,.aning In the rrtson

repart.s. For the fi�l .,hrt'c- &et.A or fi:;tlr<'1' qnott�d. the h<-ndinr; Is '"lna."\ne Under Treahnent .. ; ror the renlnlntlc,. or the r<"1•ort� UH.• hetu.linr; 111 . .. 1ni::ane receh·etd Col' ll'C.illn<'nt" Dul'lns llH' pa�t llsc:•l yertr, :?·l pr-is:oncr1f IH\\'e 1)("('1t t11u1sre1·1-cd to the ARyhnn ror nangeroni:s h1$t.ant" :\l �1. Peter

.and thus .toubt.­

less are not. Included In the :•bo\·� ll(Z'ur"�- , .. ,l):dnc "''<'rJ.·thing lnio M>n:11ld<'ra­

t1on, hO\\'exer, ll seern� ar11)..-.r('nt lh:u th(' 1nauer or ln�'"lnity de,en·e" !\t­lent.ion With -·h:tle\·er atliOn l� tl('('ntNI lw�t for !l ,}�n"aF<- in rutura ln�1n­U)' an1ong rrlsoncrs.

This ni:•t.ttr Is not ('nll�d to nll�ntJ(ll\ in 1hl111 t'f'11orl ''"ith tlttJ.' lni<'nl to lnSlnunte- 1>1·lsoncr1; nre �ufl'C11·lng rroui ahu�('. ,Front our \':trlous \'l�lts

and our knO\\'ICdgo of th�e h\ thnrge. \\'� f<'('I sure the CQntr:\1')' If( lh" f!lcl:

that the nu�n lu•vc cve1-,· con�lderntion un•l<'r t•xi,.1ln::' rules and condlUon� .

Jt Is well kno•·n th:'t m•1nt:tl unb.,lan� and crhuo ttre Cr<"QutnUy (:Or-­related; and this trut". a cer1:tln l�l'C<'niag"' or f"'n,·1ct<"d mt'n tn1'y l)(' con­

sldct'C'<l £•on tho rngged cdsc·· ultnl:tlJy "'h"n l'<'<'f'h·M. :tt. thC' ln:tlllut!on. 'J'his tt·ue, IK It not hn1.orl:1nt to ha\'(' not 111,.�ly lh<' 11s1i:1l phy�lca1. bul :in CXlll'l't �ulft tho1·ouc:h e.�an1in;:1Uo11 n;; 10 111<'ntnli1y In "''"rr <-.1se \\'h"n 1h<' nt�n nrrives? uor1.h.l1 .... line ea�cs eoultl lh"n he J:"i\'f'lt Mn1tl•t"rallon n� ""ch in

the :\$$iJ;lltUC'lll or •heir pr-iRnn •1Uli t1l-�O Jll:lf'f'd lh:H lhC n!'r\"t\UJil tf'nJiOn Of con1bined hrird '\\'Ork and s-lritt dl"('h1tine U'O.Uhl nol 1"":-t<'h ttn undu� '"''<"ril» tn guch lnP.t:ntces and c:lU:l-0 J\lfh indh·h_hml,. In �rom<" d<"finltt>ly an·l h.ine-nlubh· t11111nn('.

Ag to juflt whnt thC)l)t> thlng,i flt'C whi(•h 11101tt nff("<:l l1or\\('1•l111(' C'tt!tP� •

Is a IH'Oblean th1H n('eds �oh.1tlon. I)()("� lhc (nrl lh:U U'C' \\\'ln(lo 11HtChlne1')· is ke)·ed up lo lhc hlglu.��· l:'lle\"d or :1ny '""In" f'1:1nt In thP ('Ountry Cr<":llC nn undue n1ental glrain? \\·oul•l nu� n1ore rt<'•IU"lll. ch:tn;:ing or N"CUf\1-tlon& or 1>rl,.ontn be a ni:aleri:'\I :.lit .-long thl11 tin<"� 'fhe pf'ftblt"na dff-"'r"�!S solution to k�I' \lfl the re11ut:U Ion or flUr �11nn<"e._<'!:\ pri�nn :ut "'th<" �i;t in

the world."

As to roo.1. lhC'l"C' ;\I'{" JH'OIJ:1hl)' ""' lnstilullon ln1n:tte-it. In the' l:'llld h�lt<'r fed. The ftUfll)ll<'I' on ln''''tlllG11llou "'l" li:n·(' f\\'••1· f<'und ('Xct11t..-nt: tt1c

cooking I� bt'yond criUcilln1. 1hc 111enu \\'hol"'lf<"1111'". nhun\l:tnl. :\n•l \':'\rJPfl. nut one rule Is enforced rclath·� 10 C":&tin,g. l·::i<'h rn:in tnu'-I �' wh:-t 11E' lakes at. each an{'n.l. but dOC'll not hA\'(' to t:.k(I' nnythin,:: h<" 1!�J1 nnt wnnt..

This pre,·ent1 n gret'lt. de:tl of w:i�l<-. and :t( tit� 1t:t11t" 1hnf" :i"ua'(,:: �<'h vr·l•oner or 1Mntr or nou.-l�hlng rood.

Page 20: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te


The Onnnclol nccounls or lhe Stole llonrd o! Vbllon are checked annually

by the CX:\n1lnerB or lhe de)'tnf;lnlf•nt or the State Publlc Ex;unlner. DetnHed

ex1wn11e nccountli' are Hied ror cnch aHd every exvendlture. nnd nn ettort. 'tu1s

atwnyK bcf'lu nn1tl{t to hnvo tho bo:·u·tl runctlon 1u1 cconon1lcn11y as possible.

The 1ncn•bers or the 80."'lrd r«clve no �mune11'Uon tor their t11ue and tcr­\1lff3. ttnd<'rlng: Recount& only ror actual tra\'ellng exl)ensts; nor Is ::tny further r<>nnnlert,tlon reque11ed. The noord n1en1bers a .. e glnd to be or set\•lce to th<' �1:1t4' nnd to donntc their thne nnd ncllvltles fOl" this vu1·J,)()se.

F'or the p:1s1 biennial t•Crlod the Accounts ot the Boord nre tound t.o

�1:.nce proPt>rl)' wllh tho records In the dePArtntents ot tht et.ate auUilOr

nnd !ltRle tre:tsul°e'r.

For the t'lcv�n n1onth� cndlng June 30. 19ll) (Changing of tho Reen:

)t!:\r 1111ule this period 11 lnllend or the usunl 12 1uonths) the nnnnelal 8hO\\'­

lng or thl' floor.I of Vii;llors 18 As rollowa:

Maintenance Fund.

RECEIM'S. Ba.lane<' Augusl 1. 1918 • . . . • . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . .

Appropriation �c>e•lon 35. chAptcr -138� 1917 . . •

ReJund • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • .

Dc1l11ctlon ror .July . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$1,605.50 5.000.00


fllSBl"RSE�IENTS Services

Sccretnry's. tt;1lnry . • • . . , . , . • • • . • . . . . . . . •

Expenses Tra\•cUng: �Xllf'Rst'S • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

1'el<'11hone nnd telf'1p·nph . • . • • • • . . . . . . . . . · l"'oKtnge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . .

Suppllt1 Oltlce surrn ..... .. . .... .. .. . . . .. . . . ... .

Prln•lng (blrnnial rt'[>Otl) . • • • • • • • • • • , • •

·rota I 01�rntlon nnd 1nnlutennnce .. Equipm6nt

Oltlce furniture (new ly()<!wrlter) • . . . . .

Fixtd Charges and Contributions Out'" (N';Htonnl Prison Congl"e-Ss) . . • • • • . .

Total def'.'\rtn1f!'ntal dlsbu.r:iienaente. • • •

n."l;•nce- June 30. 1919 • • • • . . . . . • . . . . • • • . . . . . .

Dalnnco June 30, 1919-cnnceled . • • • • • • • • • • . .

'562.62 86.92 ·10.00

$S�.51 96.63

$6,6,,0.GO 416.66





5.00 ----

$2.039.16 1.605.50




t:.G iUS



For the Aitcnl yea1· ending June 30, 1920, lhc tTnnnclnl reoort is n• t'ol­




t I


llnl11nce .lul)' t. 1919 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • . . . . . • . . • • �!.nts.sf' ,\prir'Ot11'1Allon�. ch;t11tcr 46�. 1.:1\\'• 1!'1' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t..M'W\,M


11�1·:�1 F,:-;T�.

�nt:u·les . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . · · . . · . . · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Tff\\'(lllng '""X('len!'� . • • • • • . • . • • • . . • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , • • • • . • • • • • • •

Supplleo nnd 11rlnllng • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . . . . . .. . . . . • . • • • . • . • .

POAtagc . . • . . . . . . . • • • • • • • . • • • . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . • . . • • • • • • • • • . •

)fl>iC:elhl1l(lOU8 . • • • , , • . • • . • • • • • • • , • • • • , , , , , , • • • • • • • • , • • • • • • · • , • •

llnlnneo .June 30. 19!0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$!.1�3.!( J.-tt'�.�r.

S�t.7& !0,4\0

3H.o3 :?.90�.l';'

Tht' f'Xetuth·e 11err<'1ary or lhC' Co.int '"' l1s only en1rloyc :tnd the- onlr

one drn:wln1: :\ Mln.r,·. He J'Ct'('h'�R $:? .• 100.(\n " Yt":lr n.nd luu� hehl U1e pogitlon

C\'er sinrf't 1hP D-Oal't\ wns org:u1l7.ed. being ori,:;in�11ly 01nptoyPt\ nt �l.!':00.00

I\ yeal'. "'hlch snlnry s•ood for C'lghl y<-ar�. On Octob«'r l. 1919. tt \\':\$ tn­c .. eased to $:!.300.(\(\ R ye:.r: and June 1. l!l!.n. n1:1Ue Rn e,·en l!.-4tw"l.('on a Yf'!\f.

Some )'�Ara tt� 1he Doard em1,10)'td .- !llrno.;rapher "'110 l'f'e(>h'f'tl �7$('.00 !'l year. Thi! w�rk ht no"' doll<' by th� excruth·(' 111(1tr<·tary·. ft(\ th(' ::.c1onl l11Alnrr ex1)ett(\ilurett by 1he no:u·d :\re 11n\\' :\tluanr 1C1'!t rhnn thf>y n·ert" six yenr• ago. '\\'hlch \\'C belie\'e 10 be an <'<'Onon1IC"nl s11ou-inJ:'. The �et•� tAI"}' d•\'OtH his enllre tinle to th<- ttt>tvl� of th" Jl,.{\.'\rd <'f \'l•ltor5. :tnd

keeps dally ofT'ire hourJr at the Old Srnte C:q•hol f1'0n1 !':()A .\. �1. UH 12:00 )..i ..

nnd 1:00 P. �I. to,G: OO P. ).1 .. <'�ter1t ·wh("n ;tb�€'n• C'ln lnstltuti"nn1 work or


It "'111 be noted rron1 thP ftbo\·e finant"lal 'l"f>l"°r1. thill f"'.(\.'\�\ h�1' n b:tl:\nC­

or $.2,9fi8.17. Junf 3n, 19!0. 111li' ts Ote gre:Heil=t �a,·lns In �J'1lt'(\flf1:\lion U1t.•

n oard hns tvel' n1nd('. h tg due to th<' rnet "·c (•:1rrlcd ov<'r n b�l:\11ce or

�2.01S.80 rro1n 1he 1n-e,•ious year. \\·e netu:•Hr exrt•n•l"ll $t.11n,1;:l, u i� thu�

P\'ldent we need our usunl a11pro1'r-i:\tion or �5.0{t('.nf' a Y"'="r during th<' �ew

bl�nn1a1 1�1-fod. $10.000.00 In n11. At 1he en•l of th<- fll"('lfl;ent fl�c:\1 Y<':tr. �llth b:11ance ns we "'111 h:\\'C: o"er. "'111 1·c,·er• H> th<' g9Hf'r:l1 r<'''enut> tund. \\'<' ask (or the usunl s10.ooo.oo 01>1n-ovri:uton ror th� blenniutn l><'lie,·ing \\'e

should not be penallied for the Mvlng "'t h»·e hffn •ble to m•ke.

Page 21: Minnesota State Board of Visitors for Public …6 tt wouhl 1h••refure it 1t. 11 11101"() «'very wn)' lr nt each session or the lcghsl:.Lure :u1 n1,1·1ro11rlt\llon wrre mn1te



:\nokn 1\�yh11n ror the ln:;anl'.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Crinlln:tl Jn.,.::.ne nt �t. t"'('ler . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . • . . . . . . , . • , • • . . • • . . . . . . . . • 1:

ConlJlC:-ni'ntlon Jn.:1ur:\nCC' tor �t:'lCe EnHllOytt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Count,- Ttusl4.¥' N•·edf"(I ror 1he Insane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dangf•rous lnsan<' . . . . . . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . • • • • . . . . , , , . , . 1 2

FIMnclnl S1:1tomon1 by Oonrcl or Vlsllol'i< . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 FC'rgllS F:-.lls HosplinJ (nr U1P 1nsa.n�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

l{�!'Ungg .\�ylum for thr lns:inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . • . • . . . . . . . ,. 27 lfO�llll:tl for CrlP1•l1•d ChlhJn•n, Phalen Pnrk . . • • • • • • . . . • • • • • • • • . ,.,.. . IS JnJotll('�llnn of St:1te lnstluulon Po,Yer Plnnts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 lnstlln1lot1:'1 Fin:1nccs . . • • • . . . . . . . • • . • • . , . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 JU\'POll<' lncnr1·igibility, Cnuses Consldtr<!'d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

�l••tlic;il C"r•lfi.e:lt('g ;t, lt<'qulr<"nie-nl ror l\tnrrla�e.. . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • • • Jl P:trolttl Prls.on<'t:ot ror !'lnl� Institution \Vork....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 P1·11�lonln;; �late En111lo»e-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . • . . . . . . . . G nochc�l<'t· �t:lh' rro�pltt1l fol' tltt� Ini_;innc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . 32 fi\'CO�nlflon or Stntr llo�11ltal Gt1Hht:llO: Nursc.•s • . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • · . . . . • . . ll Sia le �chool for Ullnd. FnrlbauH.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Staff!' �('hool ror the Oe:-.r. Faribault. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2t Slntc !'tchool for f'�bl.,...)llncl(>d, Farlbnult. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . 29 Slntc Pul>llC School. O"·ntonnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Sintc Prison, South Stlllwoter . . . . . . . • • . , , . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . • . . 34 State Rerormntor;, St. Cloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 State Training School, Red Wll>g. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... 81 Soldlera' Home. Minneapolis.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . • 0 St. Peter Stnte Hospltnl ror the Tns:tno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . · 12 Trnn�portnllon Nurs�s Nf}eded for the tnenno. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 10 \\'nlk�r ��nntoriun1 for Con�ttllllltlveg. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• • • . . . 20 \\"illn1:1r J\��·lunl ror thr ln::1nne... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
