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MINOR SEMINARY · April 2013 ssue 42 1 Editur Fr Mark Ellul Koordinatriçi Ms Michelle Sant...

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1 Editur Fr Mark Ellul Koordinatriçi Ms Michelle Sant Assistenta Koordinatriçi Ms Daniela Demicoli Qari tal-Provi Ms Phyllis Debono, Mr Bertram Portelli, Ms Mireille Balzan, Mr John Paul Vella Ritratti Mr Gordon Baldacchino April 2013 Issue 42 April 2013 Issue 42 www.maltaseminary.org MINOR SEMINARY Is-Seminarju tal-Virtù ir-Rabat RBT 2604 Tel: 2748 3000/8 Fax: 2145 4333 Email: [email protected] Jum l-Iskola 25 ta’ Jannar 2013

www.maltaseminary.org 1April 2013 Issue 42

Editur Fr Mark Ellul Koordinatriçi Ms Michelle Sant Assistenta Koordinatriçi Ms Daniela DemicoliQari tal-Provi Ms Phyllis Debono, Mr Bertram Portelli, Ms Mireille Balzan, Mr John Paul Vella Ritratti Mr Gordon Baldacchino

April 2013 Issue 42April 2013 Issue 42



Is-Seminarju tal-Virtù ir-Rabat RBT 2604 Tel: 2748 3000/8 Fax: 2145 4333 Email: [email protected]

Jum l-Iskola25 ta’ Jannar 2013

2 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

Il-Kelma tar-Rettur Dun Jimmy BonniciIl-Kelma tar-Rettur Dun Jimmy Bonnici

L-ulied g˙alliema

tal-g˙erf. U l-o˙rajn?

Interessanti kif xi produzzjonijiet jissorprenduna. Donnhom Interessanti kif xi produzzjonijiet jissorprenduna. Donnhom

jaqilbu ta’ ta˙t fuq dak li a˙na mdorrijin bih. Nag˙ti Ωew© jaqilbu ta’ ta˙t fuq dak li a˙na mdorrijin bih. Nag˙ti Ωew©

eΩempji. Bi preparazzjoni g˙al ta˙dita fuq il-gratitudni, eΩempji. Bi preparazzjoni g˙al ta˙dita fuq il-gratitudni,

irriferewni g˙al film ta’ animazzjoni b’ispirazzjoni Lhudija: irriferewni g˙al film ta’ animazzjoni b’ispirazzjoni Lhudija:

You Can Dance (Theme: Gratitude) - Jewish Food For You Can Dance (Theme: Gratitude) - Jewish Food For

Thought. Jien u nie˙u n-noti waqt li kont qed insegwi l-filmat Thought. Jien u nie˙u n-noti waqt li kont qed insegwi l-filmat

fuq Youtube, innutajt li l-iben qed jag˙ti lezzjoni lil missieru fuq Youtube, innutajt li l-iben qed jag˙ti lezzjoni lil missieru

fuq il-gratitudni. Is-soltu ngergru bil-kontrafuq il-gratitudni. Is-soltu ngergru bil-kontra

U fil-vaganzi tal-Milied mort nara l-film li

rçieva diversi nominazzjonijiet g˙all-Oscars:

Life of Pi ta’ Ang Lee. Kont sorpriΩ kif it-tifel

jidher jisfida lill-©enituri tieg˙u bl-g˙aΩliet

li jag˙mel fir-rigward tar-reli©jon. G˙al

missieru, fl-“Indja l-©dida” g˙andek tibda

bir-razzjonalità u x-xjenza u mhux bil-fidi. Il-

film idur kollu fuq ir-rakkont tal-istorja minn

Pi li permezz tieg˙u min jisimg˙u jista’ jibda

“jemmen f’Alla”.

FiΩ-Ωew© produzzjonijiet insibu lill-ulied

jg˙addu lezzjoni lill-©enituri tag˙hom jew

adulti sinjifikattivi. Dan jista’ jindika ftu˙ u

apprezzament g˙al dak li jg˙idlek “iΩ-Ωg˙ir”

u reb˙a fuq is-suppervja tal-“adult” li ja˙seb

li ma baqag˙lux x’jirçievi u x’jitg˙allem.

(San Benedittu ta’ Norcia, fir-regola li kiteb

fis-seklu 6 wara Kristu, isostni li min imexxi

jrid jisma’ lil kul˙add, speçjalment liΩ-Ωg˙ar/

Ωg˙aΩag˙). Jista’ jindika wkoll strate©ija min-

na˙a tad-direttur tal-film li f’dinja fejn il-kbar

m’g˙adhomx jisimg˙u lil xulxin g˙al diversi

ra©unijiet, l-a˙jar mod biex tasal u biex jaqg˙u

d-difiΩi li jag˙lquna, huwa meta tasal permezz


U l-post tal-adulti?U l-post tal-adulti?

Biss, ikun tajjeb jekk ma n˙allux il-mistoqsija

l-o˙ra ta˙arbilna: u l-o˙rajn? Hemm post

g˙all-adulti? Baqa’ post g˙alihom biex

jg˙addu l-g˙erf, dak li hu essenzjali g˙all-

˙ajja? Naturalment, il-persuni wara Ω-Ωew©

produzzjonijiet li semmejna fil-bidu huma

adulti. U dan jifta˙na g˙al apprezzament ©did

tar-rwol tal-adult. F’dan is-sens ikun biΩΩejjed

b˙ala punt ta’ tluq, referenza g˙al riçerka li

saret fl-Istati Uniti fuq il-fidi fl-adoloxxenza,

fiΩ-Ωg˙oΩija u fil-bidu tal-˙ajja adulta. F’dan

l-istudju, mi©bur fil-ktieb Souls in Transition,

l-awtur iqabbel mar-riçerka li kienet saret fost

Ωg˙aΩag˙ ta’ bejn it-tlettax u s-sbatax-il sena

u li issa g˙andhom il fuq minn g˙oxrin sena.

Wie˙ed mill-pre©ji ta’ din ir-riçerka huwa li juri

r-rabta bejn dak li ji©ri fiΩ-Ωmien tas-sekondarja

u dak li ji©ri aktar tard. Fost l-o˙rajn, ©ie nnotat


• Il-passat ikompli jaffettwa l-futur: “l-impenji

reli©juΩi, id-drawwiet u l-investiment fit-

trobbija” (256) mill-istituzzjonijiet reli©juΩi,

mill-©enituri u mill-familji g˙andhom effett

fit-tul. Dak li jwettqu mhux irrelevanti.

• Ir-reli©jon taffettwa u tag˙mel differenza: ir-

riçerka tindika li l-livell ta’ impenn fuq livell

reli©juΩ hija marbuta ma’ g˙aΩliet poΩittivi


Riflessjoni fuq din ir-riçerka wasslet g˙al numru

ta’ implikazzjonijiet:

• Il-©enituri jaffettwaw: diversi studji

jindikaw l-importanza u l-valuri, tal-©enituri

biex jg˙addu drawwiet u valuri iΩda ˙afna

jibqg˙u jemmnu l-mit li l-©enituri mhux

importanti fil-˙ajja tal-adolexxent.

• L-indipendenza li jfittxu l-adolexxenti

mhix sinjal li l-©enituri g˙andhom

iwarrbu, iΩda sfida biex il-©enituri “jinΩlu

fil-fond”. Dan speçjalment f’perjodu

fejn l-adolexxent qed ipo©©i mistoqsijiet

importanti fuq x’jemmen, x’i˙oss, x’

ja˙seb, u fejn dak li hu ta’ valur jibda jitla’


• Il-˙ajja reli©juΩa tal-©enituri g˙andha

effett: “wie˙ed mill-aktar fatturi qawwija

kienet il-˙ajja reli©juΩa tal-©enituri –

kemm jattendu mumenti reli©juΩi, kemm

hi importanti l-fidi fil-˙ajja tag˙hom, eçç.”

(285). Jekk l-adolexxenti jaraw ©enituri

maqtug˙in mill-˙ajja reli©juΩa u assenti

fuq livell prattiku, hemm probabbiltà li

il-fidi tal-adult tkun vaga, bla direzzjoni u


• Il-knejjes istituzzjonali g˙andhom

effett: tag˙mel differenza li Ωag˙Ωug˙

jikber f’kuntest ta’ rakkont reli©juΩ li

jpo©©i l-g˙eruq tal-fidi fit-tradizzjonijiet

u t-tag˙lim tal-Knisja. Naturalment,

huwa me˙tie© li l-komunitajiet (kemm

tal-parroçça kif ukoll tal-iskola) jifhmu

sew ir-realtajiet kulturali li jmexxu u

jikkaratterizzaw il-faΩi taΩ-Ωg˙oΩija.

Jekk l-adulti jinsew dan, ikun ta’ detriment

g˙all-©enerazzjoni li tielg˙a. U jekk ma

jisimg˙ux liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙, dan ikun ta’ detriment

g˙all-kredibbiltà tag˙hom.

www.maltaseminary.org 3April 2013 Issue 42

Il-Messa©© tas-Surmast Fr Mark EllulIl-Messa©© tas-Surmast Fr Mark Ellul

A community that builds

Having a positive or a negative attitude towards life will not Having a positive or a negative attitude towards life will not

only change the way we deal with our daily responsibilities, only change the way we deal with our daily responsibilities,

but also the way we perceive events and situations. During but also the way we perceive events and situations. During

the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the British athlete, Derek the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, the British athlete, Derek

Redmond, tore his hamstring during the 400m semi-final Redmond, tore his hamstring during the 400m semi-final

Despite the searing pain, he opted to continue

the race. Limping painfully, he struggled

on for a few metres. All of a sudden, a man

broke through the security barriers and ran

towards the athlete. The man was his father,

Jim Redmond, who immediately put his arms

around his son and helped him complete the

race and reach his goal amidst a standing

ovation from the crowd.

School life can be viewed on the same level; all

stakeholders – students, parents, teachers and

administration - must have faith and mutual

trust in each other. The school team can choose

to build its relations on two kinds of cultures:

one of trust or of suspicion. Having a culture

of trust will foster an atmosphere where all

individuals feel safe and at ease to give their

best in being creative. On the other hand,

sowing a culture of suspicion will breed a heavy

atmosphere where one becomes hypersensitive

to all comments, even if they are intended to

aid or push one to achieve the next level.

Modern schools try to build on collaboration,

collaborative leadership, team work and

continuous professional development

programs; these promote sharing of good

practice, common reflection and peer tutoring,

the latter being of particular importance

since it helps pupils take the lead. This

philosophy is inspired by a paradigm shift

from performance-oriented teaching where

teachers focus solely on class performance,

to a learning-oriented pedagogy which takes

a holistic consideration. Although marks are

still important in a learning-oriented culture,

the focus is not on the result but rather on the

learning process and how learning will help one

deal better with life.

In this light, holistic education has to

have sound roots where the concern and

consideration for the individual and his

interaction with society are the basis for

growth and personal development. It calls for

the teacher to be emotionally intelligent and

sensitive to the child’s character, his emotional

makeup and also the cultural baggage which

forms him. It calls for a sensitivity which

is inspired by the gospel where one wears

the apron to serve the other, where one is

humble enough to control one’s emotions

in difficult and challenging situations and

not belittle others. This school ethos, which

praises the good of all without much focus

on the negative, promotes real differentiated

education. Building a culture of trust will help

individuals be positive about their learning

and focus on one’s achievements rather than

on one’s under-achievements. This does not

mean that individuals are not encouraged to

do their utmost to reach their full potential, to

stretch themselves to achieve more, but they

find themselves in an environment where such

stretching is not perceived as a threat but as a

Building a culture of

trust will help individuals

be positive about their

learning and focus on one’s

achievements rather than on

one’s under-achievements.

means of growth. This culture would not be

built on suspicion but on mutual help and trust

where one’s talents are used to help others in

the community.

In our school we are committed to building this

culture of trust where both staff and students

feel that they can be themselves, because it is

only when one is psychologically at ease to be

oneself that one is able to do one’s utmost to

achieve the next level.

4 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

A˙na fl-iskola tag˙na ridna naççertaw li

kul˙add ikun sema’ bl-a˙bar li wasal dak li

tant konna ilna nistennew u li g˙alih wara

kollox konna qed niççelebraw. Ridna n˙ejjulu

l-maxtura bit-tiben. Kienet ilha Ωmien vojta

imma fl-a˙˙ar wasal u meta wasal, fra˙na

˙afna bih u ddeçidejna li nag˙mlu purçissjoni.

Purçissjoni li ˙a sehem fiha kul˙add: min

ikanta, min idoqq, min jerfa’ l-bambin u min

bil-forçina jew bix-xemg˙a f’idejh. Fra˙na g˙ax

dakinhar rajna kemm hu kbir dan Alla tag˙na

li ddeçieda li jiçkien hu biex nikbru a˙na u

b’hekk ikollna l-˙ajja ta’ dejjem.

Smajtuha l-a˙bar?!

Kull sena jkollna fixla biex minn kmieni nibdew nippreparaw g˙al Ωmien Kull sena jkollna fixla biex minn kmieni nibdew nippreparaw g˙al Ωmien

il-Milied. Rigali, tiΩjin, ikliet u ˙afna affarijiet o˙ra ma jonqsux. Imma il-Milied. Rigali, tiΩjin, ikliet u ˙afna affarijiet o˙ra ma jonqsux. Imma

dan g˙aliex? G˙aliex din il-ferneΩija u dan il-©enn? G˙ax hekk is-soltu? dan g˙aliex? G˙aliex din il-ferneΩija u dan il-©enn? G˙ax hekk is-soltu?

Saret qisha tradizzjoni? Ma nafux differenti? G˙ax hekk imdorrija? Saret qisha tradizzjoni? Ma nafux differenti? G˙ax hekk imdorrija?

Il-MiliedIl-Milied Dorianne Buttigieg Dorianne Buttigieg g˙at-Tim Litur©ikug˙at-Tim Litur©iku

“Kienet l-ewwel darba li ˙adt sehem f’xi ˙a©a

b˙al din fl-iskola, u jkolli ng˙id li ˙a nibqa’

niftakar g˙aΩ-Ωmien li ©ej!”

Dylan Muscat 11.1

“Kienet esperjenza li g˙alkemm ma kinitx xi

purçissjoni twila, xorta wa˙da ˙adna gost

flimkien g˙ax g˙exna mument li fakkarna

kemm a˙na ma˙bubin.”

Matthew Zammit 11.1

“Kien hemm atmosfera sabi˙a immens, li

tassew ©abet l-ispirtu tal-Milied fostna; fejn

stajna ng˙ixu l-g˙aqda u l-im˙abba li hemm

bejnietna tas-Seminarju.”

Andrew Galea 11.1

“Ikolli nammetti li meta tawni l-furçina f’ideja

˙adtha b˙ala avventura o˙ra ma’ s˙abi, li

mag˙hom xtaqt ingawdi kull mument tal-a˙˙ar

sena. Meta mbag˙ad bdejna mexjin bil-bambin

u biΩ-Ωg˙ar ikantaw innijiet ˙elwin tal-Milied,

bdejt nifhem g˙aliex konna qeg˙din f’dik

il-purçissjoni; irrealizzajt li Ìesù sar wie˙ed

minna biex ikun mag˙na dejjem.”

Neil Muscat 11.1

“Kienet l-ewwel darba li ˙adt sehem f’din il-

purçissjoni tal-Milied li bdiet mill-assembly

area sal-kappella tas-sekondarja. Filwaqt

li konna mexjin, nerfg˙u l-istatwa ta Ìesù

Bambin fil-maxtura, konna qed ni©u segwiti

bil-kant sabi˙ u l-qari. Óassejtni fer˙an li kont

qieg˙ed nie˙u sehem fil-purçissjoni flimkien

ma’ s˙abi tal-˙ames sena sekondarja, iΩda

mill-banda l-o˙ra ˙assejt sens ta’ diqa g˙ax din

kienet se tkun l-a˙˙ar purçissjoni tieg˙i f’din

l-iskola. Min-na˙a l-o˙ra, tara lill-istudenti

Ωg˙ar li g˙adhom fil-bidu tal-esperjenza

tag˙hom f’din l-iskola, u li Ωgur jibqg˙u j©eddu

din it-tradizzjoni; u hekk tibqa’ sejra g˙al tul

ta’ Ωmien biex tassew is-sens ta’ g˙aqda u ta’

m˙abba f’din l-iskola, kemm fiΩ-Ωmien tal-

Milied kif ukoll tul is-sena kollha, jibqa’ jikber

u ji©©edded biex tassew jo˙or©u l-valuri li

jag˙mlu lill-iskola tag˙na tant speçjali.”

Mirco Vella 11.1

www.maltaseminary.org 5April 2013 Issue 42

This year’s EkoSkola Committee organised two

different activities for Christmas, both having

one important aim – that of creating a festive

atmosphere with materials which were either

recycled or else easily biodegradable. All the

EkoSkolaEkoSkola Evgeny CaruanaEvgeny Caruana 8.1 EkoSkola member 8.1 EkoSkola member

Christmas Activities

organised by the EkoSkola Teammaterials used helped to reduce the amount of

non-recyclable and non-biodegradable waste

which is usually generated during the Christmas

festive season.

The EkoSkola team created a Crib and a

Christmas tree. The Crib was made from

broken twigs, cane sticks, pine cones (all of

which were collected from the school grounds),

used newspapers, carton, cloth material and

cardboard rolls. The Christmas tree was made

out of large beverage plastic bottles and each

bottle was closed off with a different coloured

cap to create a colourful effect. Both projects

were coordinated by the EkoSkola committee

with Tyron Cardona, coordinating the work on

the crib and Mirco Vella coordinating the work

on the Christmas tree. These activities were also

carried out in line with EkoSkola’s main trusts of

sustainability as well as with the new Wrigley’s

Litter Less Campaign which focuses on the

generation of less litter around us.

Young Reporters for the EnvironmentWhen I was in Year 8 my Media teacher, Ms.

Elaine Gatt, told us that part of our homework

was to write an article and take a photo related

to the environment for the YRE which stands

for Young Reporters for the Environment.

Being an avid photographer, I started to think

which photo I could use and I remembered

that I had taken a photo in Ba˙rija. In this

photo there is a tree, unfortunately with

rubbish around it. The title that I gave the

article was ‘Dump vs. Nature’. In my article I

wrote that it is unbelievable that there are still

people who do not care about the environment

and dump their rubbish anywhere they want.

We are lucky that in Malta we have civic

amenity sites which are free of charge and that

open every day for the use of the public. Even

Local Councils offer free services to pick up

our bulky waste but people do not seem to be

bothered to use these services.

To my pleasant surprise, I won first place

for having taken the best photo out of all the

students aged between 11 and 14 years. After

some time, there was the award winning

ceremony and my Media teacher took me to

Saint Monica School to claim my award. I was

given a certificate and a trophy that represents

the YRE. There were children representing

EkoSkola and the YRE. There were winners of

different categories, such as best videos, best

photos and best articles.

Ms. Audrey Gauci , who is the YRE National

Coordinator, Mr. Vincent Attard the president

of Nature Trust and other members were

present. I really enjoyed it as it was a very

good experience and I encourage children to

take part in the YRE.

I feel it is important to increase awareness

and help people understand the real impact

of our actions that can ruin the environment.

Every person can help make a difference!

Jonathan Barbara 9.2 - EkoSkola memberJonathan Barbara 9.2 - EkoSkola member

6 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

KunsillKunsill Mikhail Grima Mikhail Grima 10.1 Segretarju10.1 Segretarju

Il-Kunsill tal-Istudenti:

Kunsill Solidali b’Qalb Nobbli

Matul it-term li g˙adda, il-Kunsill tal-Istudenti organizza diversi Matul it-term li g˙adda, il-Kunsill tal-Istudenti organizza diversi

attivitajiet bil-g˙an li jolqot Ωew© punti li g˙alih huma ta’ importanza attivitajiet bil-g˙an li jolqot Ωew© punti li g˙alih huma ta’ importanza

kbira: li jissa˙˙a˙ il-valur tas-solidarjetà fost l-istudenti u li l-istudenti kbira: li jissa˙˙a˙ il-valur tas-solidarjetà fost l-istudenti u li l-istudenti

jkollhom ‘break’ li fih ikunu jistg˙u jo˙ro©u l-kapaçitajiet tag˙hom jkollhom ‘break’ li fih ikunu jistg˙u jo˙ro©u l-kapaçitajiet tag˙hom

diskussi wara su©©erimenti min-na˙a ta’ xi

studenti u ˙adu numru ta’ laqg˙at sakemm bdew

twettqu fil-bidu ta’ Jannar. Ir-rebbie˙a ta’ dawn

il-kompetizzjonijiet huma s-Sur Silvan Ciscaldi

(Table-Tennis) u s-sur James Mifsud tal-11.2

(8-Ball Pool). Il-Kunsill jixtieq jg˙id prosit lir-

rebbie˙a kif ukoll lil kull min ˙a sehem.

Din is-sena skolastika g˙adha ma spiççatx u

g˙alhekk fadal ˙afna x’isir mill-Kunsill tal-

Istudenti. Ma’ kull laqg˙a dejjem niskopru xi

˙a©a ©dida x’nistg˙u nag˙mlu g˙all-istudenti

u anki nimxu fuq l-ideat u s-su©©erimenti

tag˙hom biex b’hekk dak li norganizzaw

jintlaqa’ b’mod tajjeb. Nixtieq nirringrazzja

lill-membri kollha kif ukoll lis-Sur Baldacchino

g˙all-˙e©©a kbira u l-impenn li juru biex ta’ kull

©img˙a jkunu preΩenti g˙al-laqg˙at u jag˙tu

l-kontribut tag˙hom.

Nixtieq nag˙laq billi f’isem il-Kunsill

nawguralkom il-kumplament tas-sena

skolastika t-tajba.

Bejn ix-xhur ta’ Novembru u Jannar saru

b’kollox tliet Casual Days u l-flus tal-ewwel

tnejn, li kienu jammontaw g˙al madwar tliet

mitt ewro, ing˙ataw b’risq l-g˙aqda Puttinu

Cares. Din l-g˙aqda ma ©ietx mag˙Ωula

mill-membri tal-Kunsill iΩda t˙alliet f’idejn

l-istudenti u l-g˙alliema kollha biex jivvutaw

g˙al dik l-g˙aqda li huma xtaqu li jing˙ataw il-

flus. Il-Kunsill tal-Istudenti jinsab çert li l-flus li

ng˙ataw fl-Erbg˙a tal-Irmied lil Dr. Calvagna li

jmexxi ’l Puttinu Cares se jintuΩaw b’mod tajjeb

g˙al nies li vera g˙andhom bΩonn l-g˙ajnuna.

Qabel l-eΩamijiet ta’ nofs is-sena intemm

b’suççess it-tournaments tat-table-tennis u dak

ta’ 8-ball Pool li bihom, numru ta’ studenti wrew

il-kapaçitajiet tag˙hom f’dawn iΩ-Ωew© dixxiplini

u taw pjaçir lil min kien qed jarahom jilag˙bu.

B’kollox da˙lu g˙al dawn il-kompetizzjonijiet

wie˙ed u erbg˙in student u seba’ g˙alliema

u LSAs. Dawn il-kompetizzjonijiet bdew ji©u

www.maltaseminary.org 7April 2013 Issue 42

Each year group in the primary school had

to decide what they would showcase in the

Christmas Village. Parents were advised

to encourage extended family, friends and

relatives to come along for this holiday outing.

Despite the wintry weather, people turned up

in their droves for this unique opportunity.

The sellers were busy setting up their stalls

with gifts and stocking fillers, after which they

took turns looking after their neighbour’s

merchandise so that everyone would have a

chance to see their son in action. The delicious

smell of chocolate logs, mince pies and coconut

balls, which were attractively displayed, were

for sale in the foyer. Our boys caught the

infectious enthusiasm of the public at having

their loved ones participating in classroom

crafts, cheering them on during their carol

singing, watching them perform on the main

stage and joining in gymnasium activities.

The buggy rides, the opportunity to get

photographed with Father Christmas and the

chance to peruse the latest refurbishments of

the school ensured that the families were kept

occupied throughout the day. The school’s very

first Christmas Village proved to be a success!

When my son was accepted with the very first

primary school intake, I felt ecstatic. My first

choice had always been The Archbishop’s

Seminary for my first born, as I had sought

advice from a very close relative who worked

in collaboration with church schools, who had

praised the sense of caring and community

evident at the Archbishop’s Seminary. In my

son’s first year, I held back from becoming an

active member of the PTA as I did not really

know anyone. I actually regret not having

taking the plunge before. Therefore, this year I

made sure not to miss out on getting involved,

as I feel so indebted to the Seminary staff for all

their dedication shown towards their students,

and I wanted to give something back.

The monthly PTA meetings are not too much

of a commitment as they only last a couple of

hours. The large proportion of men involved in

our Parent Teacher Association confirmed my

belief that this was a forward-thinking school

with a modern approach. Apart from being

present to contribute to the fund-raising ideas

put forward, I felt that knowing firsthand what

volunteering opportunities were needed put

me in a better position to offer my assistance

whenever possible. Every little helped, from

assisting in the assembly of the ‘Boroz ta’ San

Martin’ to filling in Church school applications,

selling poinsettias and honey rings during

the Parents’ Meetings to showing prospective

parents around the school on Open Day.

I would like to take this opportunity to urge

any students’ parents who are willing to give

some of their time for our various initiatives

to come forward and contact the school’s

Christmas VillageChristmas Village Crysta Darmanin Crysta Darmanin PTAPTA

Christmas Village at the Primary School

administration. Giving a helping hand may

include child-minding during meetings

and courses or by donating services and

merchandise from their place of work in order

to aid the school with its fund-raising efforts.

Every little helps and any assistance is always

most welcome!

The idea to organise a Christmas Village on the grounds of the The idea to organise a Christmas Village on the grounds of the

Seminary’s primary school was met with unanimous enthusiasm when Seminary’s primary school was met with unanimous enthusiasm when

presented to the members of the PTA. As soon as the dates of 12th and presented to the members of the PTA. As soon as the dates of 12th and

13th of December were decided upon, a flyer was immediately distributed 13th of December were decided upon, a flyer was immediately distributed

through their sons to all the parents of primary school studentsthrough their sons to all the parents of primary school students

8 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

The Holy Father wrote an Apostolic letter,

‘The Door of Faith’, to convey and explain his

thoughts about this year. These are his opening

words: “The “door of faith” (Acts 14:27) is

always open for us ushering us into the life of

communion with God and offering entry into

his Church.”

He continues by stating: “the year of faith,

is a summons to an authentic and renewed

conversion to the Lord...” He encourages the

Church world wide to take various initiatives to

help the faithful renew their faith and actively

benefit from this special moment of reflection.

On the 11th

October 2012, several Church

schools in Malta announced this important

moment in our Faith to their students, by

holding special assemblies to explain in simple

terms the significance of the Pope’s proposal

for the Year of Faith.

Year of Faith Enid Calleja Gera Parent

Church Schools’ Initiative

for the Year of Faith

On the 11th

October 2012, Pope Benedict XVI launched The Year of Faith which will end

on the 24th

November 2013, the day when we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King

The Year of Faith, however, is also an occasion

for the Church schools in Malta to come

together to collectively be a witness to the

nature of what they really are: a beacon of light.

For this reason, the Secretariat for Church

Schools in Malta thought of planning a number

of events for all Church schools to mark

together this Year of Faith.

The first event took place on the 13th

of January

2013. Mass was held at the Church of the

Divine Mercy in San Pawl tat-Tar©a, Naxxar. It

was celebrated by the Auxiliary Bishop Mons.

Charles J. Scicluna, and concelebrated by

priests who give a service in Church schools.

As an introduction to the Mass, student

representatives from Church schools across

Malta presented a banner bearing their school

logo and a motto chosen by the students

declaring their experience of Faith. This motto

will be their guiding light during the Year of


Following the renewal of the Baptismal vows,

a representative from each school was given

a lantern, lit from the Paschal candle by the

Auxiliary Archbishop, to symbolise the beacon

of light that each Church school should be in

society. This lantern was taken to school to

be kept in a prominent place to remind the

www.maltaseminary.org 9April 2013 Issue 42

students of this experience of Faith that all

schools are living.

Mass was animated by students from different

schools. A group of altar boys students from

The Archbishop’s Seminary served Mass.

This first event was a beautiful experience for

all those present. In spite of the rainy weather

that preceded Mass, the Church was full to

the brim. Eager students from various schools

were gathered together around the same altar,

declaring their Faith, receiving the Lord in the

Blessed Eucharist and experiencing unity in

diversity. The lantern ceremony was a strong

moment for all present.

It is now up to each and every one of us to keep

this flame of Faith alive.


8 Third Term Starts

12 Staff Meeting School Finishes at 12:00pm

23 PTA Meeting (6:00pm)

25 3rd Parents’ Meeting Years 1 & 2(6:00pm – 7:00pm)

26 3rd Parents’ Meeting Years 4 & 5 (6:00pm – 7:00pm)


1 Public Holiday

3 Staff Meeting School finishes at 12:00pm

15 Vocation Day


7 Public Holiday

10 & 11 Year 4/5 Annual Test- School ends 12:30pm

12 School Development Plan - No school

13 & 14 Year4/5 Annual Test - school ends 12:30pm

21 End of Scholastic year

24 Parents’ Day

25 Promotion Board


School Diary

Primary Section

10 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

For the first time ever, the staff committee

came up with the idea of organising a

Christmas party for the school staff’s children.

The party was organised in the school canteen

and children who were not older than 12

years old were invited. The staff committee

was in charge of all the canteen decorations

and the food preparation. The animation was

outsourced to a professional animator.

There were a good number of attendees, as in

total there were about 30 children together

with their parents and other relatives. They

enjoyed every minute of it and played a lot

Staff children’s party

Staff CommitteeStaff Committee Jacqueline Tanti Zahra Jacqueline Tanti Zahra SecretarySecretary

since the animator made sure that everyone

present participated. She organised various

games that were suitable for all ages. After the

games, the children and their parents helped

themselves to the delicious food which we had

already served in plates so as to avoid having a

mess and spending hours cleaning it up!

At the end of the party, Santa Claus turned

up to give out the presents to all the children

present at the party. Santa Claus was really

the husband of a primary teacher who is

also a member of the staff committee. She

happened to have a costume which her

husband volunteered to wear to dress up as

Santa for this occasion. All the children enjoyed

themselves during the party, especially when

they received the presents.

The staff committee received a lot of positive

feedback regarding this event and in fact, it was

included in the school calendar so as to be held

every year. The committee members would

like to take this opportunity to thank all those

members of staff who gave a helping hand in

the organisation of this successful event.

IΩ-Ωjara tal-Arçisqof bdiet b’laqg˙a mal-

g˙alliema tal-iskola primarja. Wara, l-Arçisqof

ltaqa’ mal-istaff u l-istudenti tal-iskola primarja

ta’ Santu Wistin li b˙alissa qed juΩaw l-istess

bini tal-iskola tas-Seminarju. IΩ-Ωjara kompliet

b’quddiesa li l-Arçisqof iççelebra g˙all-istudenti

tal-ewwel u t-tieni sena tas-sekondarja. Matul

din il-quddiesa l-istudenti tat-tieni sena tas-

sekondarja fakkru s-Sagrament tal-GriΩma

tal-Isqof li rçevew matul is-sena li g˙addiet

billi g˙amlu l-istqarrija tal-fidi u ©ew imbierka

minn Monsinjur Arçisqof. Wara kien imiss

li l-Arçisqof jiltaqa’ mal-istudenti tal-iskola

primarja li ˙ejjew programm ta’ kant, mima

u talb marbuta ma’ San Pawl. Fl-istess

çelebrazzjoni, l-istudenti tal-iskola primarja

ççelebraw ukoll g˙eluq snin l-Arçisqof. Wara,

l-Arçisqof ltaqa’ mal-g˙alliema tal-iskola

sekondarja u ng˙ata tifkira b’ritratti ta’ diversi

Ûjara tal-Arçisqof Dun Stephen Magro School Chaplain

25 ta’ Jannar 2013

L-Arçisqof iƒur l-iskola

tas-Seminarju tal-ArçisqofL-Iskola tas-Seminarju tal-Arçisqof iççelebrat Jum l-Iskola nhar il-Ìimg˙a 25 ta’

Jannar 2013 fil-festa tal-konverΩjoni ta’ San Pawl li hu l-patrun tal-istess skola. Biex

ti©i ççelebrata din il-©urnata, ©ie mistieden Monsinjur Arçisqof Pawlu Cremona li

Ωar l-iskola u ltaqa’ mal-istudenti, mal-g˙alliema u mal-˙addiema tal-iskola

attivitajiet li saru fl-iskola. Jum l-Iskola

spiçça b’laqg˙a tal-Arçisqof mal-istudenti

tat-tielet, ir-raba’ u l-˙ames sena tas-

sekondarja. Waqt din il-laqg˙a, l-istudenti

kellhom l-opportunita li jistaqsu lill-Arçisqof

mistoqsijiet marbuta mal-g˙ajxien tal-fidi.

Kienet tassew ©urnata sabi˙a li Ωgur se tibqa’

fil-qalb tal-Arçisqof u ta’ kull membru tal-

iskola tas-Seminarju.

www.maltaseminary.org 11April 2013 Issue 42

12 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

We first saw the staircase that had two

paintings that depict electricity and farming

in the past. We then entered the chapel

that adjoins ‘The Sala Grande’. Mr Marquis

explained that ‘The Sala Grande’ is the room

with the highest ceiling in the house. On the

walls hang magnificent paintings and what

appears to be just a piece of furniture standing

against a wall becomes a portable chapel. We

Casa Rocca Piccola Outing – Year 9

Educational Outings - SecondaryEducational Outings - Secondary Nico Aquilina Nico Aquilina 9.29.2

On Wednesday 28th November, Year 9 students went to Casa Rocca Piccola, which On Wednesday 28th November, Year 9 students went to Casa Rocca Piccola, which

located in Valletta and belongs to Nicholas Marquis, the 9th baron of the Marquis located in Valletta and belongs to Nicholas Marquis, the 9th baron of the Marquis

de Piro and Budach. As soon as we arrived at our destination, we immediately de Piro and Budach. As soon as we arrived at our destination, we immediately

noticed that there were a lot of portraits, paintings and statues. Mr Marquis noticed that there were a lot of portraits, paintings and statues. Mr Marquis

introduced himself to us and we then started the tour around the house introduced himself to us and we then started the tour around the house

proceeded to the dining room where there were

two big tables decorated with flowers. There is

also an impressive library containing hundreds

of books, some of which are extremely old. This

room is particularly interesting because a lot of

the information was discovered from the books

themselves. In fact, the library is one of the

most important rooms in the whole house. The

most beautiful room was ‘The Porphyry Room’.

This room has numerous portraits of family

members. In this room, one can also see the

large 17th century canvas of St Nicasius, who

was one of the heroes and an early martyr of

the Order of St John.

The most interesting part of the outing was

when we visited the shelters situated under

the house, which were used to take cover

from World War II bombings. There are three

shelters, each of a different size, which were all

used as family shelters. The small one used to

house fifty people while the biggest one could

shelter over a hundred people.

I would like to thank Ms Karen Bugeja, Mr

Karl Cortis and Mr Jonathan Galea who

accompanied us on this outing.

Business Educational Outing at the MFSA

Ishmael ScerriIshmael Scerri 10.2 10.2

On the 16th

November 2012, Year 10 Business

Studies students spent a whole day on the

Malta Financial Services Authority premises,

accompanied by our teachers Ms Claudia

Custo and Ms Dorianne Butti©ie©. Upon

arriving we were greeted by 2 employees who

gave us a brief overview and explanation

of the different financial sectors. They

gave us useful advice about the possible

career prospects in the sector, such as in

the banking sector, which we might wish to

pursue in the future. After a short break, they

then showed us their website and explained

its particular functions and special features,

such as its built-in dictionary. Considering

all the information given during this visit I

think that the outing was appealing to all the

Business Studies students.

www.maltaseminary.org 13April 2013 Issue 42

We were granted the opportunity to meet Dr

Peter Agius and Mr Larkin Zahra, one of the

youths who won the Nobel Prize for Peace.

Dr Peter Agius explained that there are 750

members at the European Parliament and that

6 of them are Maltese. He then went on to

explain that we should watch out for the ‘CE’

label when buying toys for children as this

means that they are safe for them. Dr Agius

also highlighted the advantages of being part

of the EU, as we can study and also find jobs

On the 16th November, 2012 all Year 10

students (except those studying Business

Studies) visited the Blood Bank in Pieta’

and had a first hand experience to better

understand how a blood bank functions.

Upon arriving, we were first given

information about the processes involved

when donating blood, up till when it is

actually transfused. Thus, the criteria for

donating blood as well as the testing of

it, which takes place before the blood can

be transfused, were explained. We were

told that each bag of blood and any blood

Europe House - Year 9

Visit to the Blood Bank in Pietà

Educational Outings - SecondaryEducational Outings - Secondary Jonathan Barbara Jonathan Barbara 9.29.2

Francesco Pavia Francesco Pavia 10.210.2

The Year 9 students visited Casa Rocca Piccola and then proceeded The Year 9 students visited Casa Rocca Piccola and then proceeded

to the Europe House on the 28th November 2012to the Europe House on the 28th November 2012

abroad. He finally stated that the EU allows

each country to help and learn from each

other. We then met Larkin Zahra who selected

3 students to say what the EU means to them.

All three gave correct and valid opinions and

were given a small gift. The people at the

Europe House were very friendly to us, and

offered us a beverage before leaving.

products obtained are bar-coded to facilitate

traceability of donors and for data-protection

of the donors. We were also given a detailed

explanation of the paperwork involved. One

of the nurses then showed us around the


This visit was useful for all students,

particularly for those studying Biology. Special

thanks goes to the staff at the Blood Bank,

and also to our teachers Mr Bertram Portelli

and Mr Jordan Mifsud and LSAs Ms Jeanette

Micallef and Ms Mary Grace Mesche who

accompanied us on this educational outing.

14 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

at the Seminary School

www.maltaseminary.org 15April 2013 Issue 42

16 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

Year 2 boys went to the Kitchen Garden in

Attard, where they had the opportunity to plant

some seeds and, above all, meet Batterina, the

Wasteserve mascot, who encouraged our little

ones to dispose of batteries in the right disposal

bins, which we also have at school.

Year 4 boys visited St. Agatha’s Catacombs in

Rabat, after learning much about them during

their Citizenship lessons. Afterwards, they

headed to Howard Gardens, outside Mdina,

where they played traditional Maltese games,

to the joy of all passers-by.

Outings in the Primary

Educational Outings - Primary Daniela Demicoli Assistant Head Primary

Since the beginning of this scholastic year, our boys have had a number

of educational outings planned by their dedicated teachers

Unfortunately, the Year 5 boys were a bit

unlucky this time round! A really interesting

treasure hunt was planned around Mdina,

which would have helped the boys learn more

about the city’s historical treasures, besides

doing so in class. However, as the weather was

unfavourable, this outing had to be stopped

suddenly, to both the boys’ as well as the

teachers’ disappointment.

On the feast of St. Nicholas, the 6th


December, Year 1 boys visited the enchanted

Santa’s Toytown at Popeye Village, where they

witnessed the magical elves creating toys. They

also met Santa Claus personally, who treated

them to a gift each.

The last outing for the term was the annual film

show. This year, the boys watched The Nativity 2.

www.maltaseminary.org 17April 2013 Issue 42

They all seemed to have enjoyed it, judging by

their broad grins as they were coming out of

the cinema!

In February 2013, the second cycle of outings

started. Year 2 boys headed to Sant’ Antnin

Family Park in Marsascala, where they had a

talk about waste management and then toured

the freshly inaugurated park.

We look forward to other outings in the

scholastic year which will be both educational

and enjoyable for our students.

18 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

Fil-katakombi jien tg˙allimt li kienu jitolbu

u jpin©u. Rajt fejn kienu jidfnu l-mejtin

u rajt ftit skeletri. Huma kienu jpin©u

simboli fuq li kienu jemmnu. Wara a˙na

morna l-muΩew fejn rajna g˙adam skeletri

u flus antiki. A˙na rajna vaΩuni qodma.

L-g˙alliema ˙aduna fi ©nien fejn lag˙bna

log˙ob tradizzjonali Malti. A˙na ˙adna

˙afna gost.

L-Ewwel Óar©a

Education Outings Neil Azzopardi 4.3

Visit to the War Museum & Book Fair in Valletta

Liam Gatt 7.2

On the 7th

November 2012, Year 7

students, visited the War Museum in

Fort St. Elmo in Valletta. This visit was

very interesting and we got to see a lot

of memorabilia related to the First and

Second World Wars. These included

medals, pictures, a war plane, war

plane engines, old guns and weapons as

well as some vehicles and costumes. As

we were leaving the museum, all of us

commented that we would very much like

to visit it once again and many of us left

positive comments in their comments’


We then proceeded to the Book Fair

at Dar il-Mediterran where we had

the opportunity to look at the various

stalls as well as buy books. Many of us

in fact bought books while some of us

bought little gadgets such as a spy kit.

On behalf of the Year 7 students, I

would like to thank Mr Karl Cortis,

Mr Joseph Fenech, Mr Edward

Tagliaferro & Ms Glorianne Scerri for

accompanying us.

www.maltaseminary.org 19April 2013 Issue 42

French and Italian tasters first start in Year 5

and then continue in Year 6. Over the course

of two years, our students will be exposed to

the basic sounds and structures of the foreign

languages, thus helping them communicate in

French and Italian. The aim is for our students

to get a taste of the two foreign languages

before having to choose either one of them

Bonjour & Buongiorno

in the Primary School

As from this scholastic year, our Year 5 students have been As from this scholastic year, our Year 5 students have been

introduced to two new foreign languagesintroduced to two new foreign languages

in Year 7. Learning two foreign languages at

a young age has been well received by our

students as they have shown a particular

interest to learn French and Italian throughout

their interactive lessons.

Below are some of the students’ comments

about these lessons.

Learning languages is a Learning languages is a

long process so it’s good long process so it’s good

that we start early!that we start early!

I’m learning I’m learning

a lot!a lot!

It will be easier It will be easier

to learn the to learn the

language later!language later!

It’s very It’s very


I have fun because I have fun because

we play games!we play games!

New Subjects in the PrimaryNew Subjects in the Primary Ms Wendy Fava, Mr JohnPaul Vella Ms Wendy Fava, Mr JohnPaul Vella

20 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

It-Tnejn, 3 ta’ Diçembru, 2012, Ωaritna

l-awtriçi Clare Azzopardi. L-g˙alliema tal-

Malti kienu qalulna li kienet ©ejja l-awtriçi

favorita tag˙na, Clare Azzopardi. Konna

˙erqanin biex jasal dan il-jum g˙ax matul din

is-sena skolastika, a˙na, l-istudenti tas-seba’

sena, g˙andna ktieb popolari tag˙ha b˙ala

letteratura li jismu Il-KaΩ KwaΩi Kollu Tal-

A˙wa De Molizz.

Bil-g˙ajnuna tas-Sur Portelli u ta’ Miss

Abela, inΩilna fis-sala ewlenija tal-iskola fejn

sibna lil Clare Azzopardi tistenniena. Clare

Azzopardi introduçiet ru˙ha mag˙na filwaqt

li bdiet turina xi kotba li kitbet fosthom Stilel,

Linja Óadra, Esperimenti tax-Xjenza, 1.MT u


A˙na staqsejnieha kemm kienet damet biex

tikteb ir-rumanz li qed nag˙mlu din is-sena

fil-klassi u kif kienet ©ietha l-idea li l-karattri

tag˙tihom l-ismijiet li g˙andhom. Azzopardi

qaltilna li kienet damet sentejn biex tikteb

Ûjara mill-awtriçi Clare Azzopardi

lill-istudenti tas-seba’ sena

Ûjara mill-awtriçi Clare AzzopardiÛjara mill-awtriçi Clare Azzopardi Irvine Sultana Irvine Sultana 7.17.1

il-ktieb, g˙alkemm ma kinitx toqg˙od tikteb

minn filg˙odu sa filg˙axija peress li hi ta˙dem

b˙ala g˙alliema. Hi kienet tikteb il-ktieb fi

tmiem il-©img˙a u fil-vaganzi li jkollhom it-tfal

u l-g˙alliema. Kellmitna wkoll dwar minn fejn

©ewha l-ideat biex issemmi l-karattri differenti

tal-©rajja. L-isem Klawdjo intg˙aΩel mill-kelma

li ©ejja mill-IngliΩ cloud - peress li Klawdjo,

fl-istorja, dejjem ikun fis-s˙ab - u t-tewmin

imqarbin, semmiethom Mandy u Wendy g˙ax

l-ismijiet jaqblu fil-˙oss (g˙andhom l-istess

rima). Clare Azzopardi, kompliet turina l-kotba li

kitbet u a˙na komplejna ninteressaw ru˙na.

Fl-a˙˙ar, qratilna l-˙ames kapitlu tar-rumanz

u wara ffirmatilna l-kotba tal-istejjer ta’ De

Molizz b˙ala tifkira.

Din il-laqg˙a mal-awtriçi Clare Azzopardi

damet xi sieg˙a u nofs imma lanqas rajna

l-˙in g˙addej daqskemm ˙adna pjaçir! A˙na

nirringrazzjaw lill-g˙alliema tag˙na tal-Malti

g˙ax bil-g˙ajnuna tag˙hom, il-laqg˙a kienet


Ûjara mill-awtriçi Rita Saliba lill-istudenti tat-tmien sena

Fabrizio Tabone Fabrizio Tabone 8.18.1

Nhar l-Erbg˙a, 28 ta’ Novembru, a˙na

l-istudenti tat-tmien sena, iltqajna ma’ Rita

Saliba, l-awtriçi ta’ diversi kotba li wie˙ed

minnhom, bl-isem ta’ InΩul ix-Xemx,huwa

wie˙ed mill-kotba tag˙na tal-letteratura.

Bdejna l-laqg˙a billi staqsejna lill-awtriçi xi

mistoqsijiet dwar il-kotba tag˙ha. Wa˙da

mill-mistoqsijiet kienet jekk kinitx se tikteb

xi ©rajja li tkompli mal-ktieb InΩul ix-Xemx.

We©bitna li kienet g˙adha indeçiΩa dwar

dan. Wara li wegbitilna kull mistoqsija li

kellna f’mo˙˙na dwar il-kitbiet tag˙ha,

bdiet tg˙idilna kif nistg˙u niktbu storja

interessanti. Hija qaltilna li mill-affarijiet

ta’ madwarna, a˙na lkoll nistg˙u nag˙mlu

storja li tintg˙o©ob. Metodu tajjeb li hija

t˙obb tuΩa huwa dak li tosserva l-kuluri u tara

xi t˙oss meta tara xi kulur partikulari. Wara,

min ried, seta’ jistaqsiha biex tiffirmalu l-ktieb

li kellu.

F’din il-laqg˙a kul˙add interessa ruhu,

kemm min ried jara kif l-awtiriçi ©©ib l-ideat

taghha g˙all-kitba u wkoll min ried ikun jaf

aktar dwar il-kotba li kitbet Saliba.

www.maltaseminary.org 21April 2013 Issue 42

Nawguraw lil Ms Rochelle Caruana, LSA

fil-Year 5.3, li ng˙aqdet fis-sagrament

taΩ-Ωwie© ma’ Luke Bonello, nhar il-15

ta’ Diçembru 2012. Nawguraw ukoll lis-

Sur Romeo Giacomotto, li tejjeb l-istudji

tieg˙u, bl-akkwist ta’ Distinction fil-

Masters fil-MuΩika.

Continuous Professional

Development at the Seminary

Tibdil fl-Istaff

Nawguraw lil…

Daniela DemicoliDaniela Demicoli Assistant Head Primary Assistant Head Primary

School Organised Training has been taking

place since 2010 but as from June 2012,

the school’s CPD plan has taken on a new

perspective. Thanks to EU funding, the

school has taken on a project, whereby

Mr. Greg Hart, who forms part of a group

of educational specialists, has been

visiting our school to observe teachers in

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) has always been Continuous Professional Development (CPD) has always been

at the heart of the Seminary. It is so important that teachers at the heart of the Seminary. It is so important that teachers

keep abreast with current trends and they seek to improve their keep abreast with current trends and they seek to improve their

methodologies so as to be more effective in directing their studentsmethodologies so as to be more effective in directing their students

their practice and help them discover new

techniques and methods of teaching and

learning. Teachers are free to invite Mr. Hart

over to their class on a voluntary basis. All

teachers feel comfortable to do so, and as Mr.

Hart himself often comments, he now feels

part of our community.

Mr. Hart also has sessions with the School

Leadership Team, so as to help them evaluate

current practices and guide them in planning

the way forward in the best ways possible.

Mr. Hart’s presence in our community is

indeed a blessing, and it is safe to say that our

school is benefitting a lot from his expertise.

Tibdil fl-Istaff

Insellmu lil Ms Evelyn Abdilla,

membru tas-Support Staff, li Ωgur

ser in˙ossu n-nuqqas tag˙ha.

Nirringrazzjawha mill-qalb g˙all-

impenn tag˙ha u nawgurawlha.

Nag˙tu mer˙ba lil Ms Charmaine

Mangion u lil Ms Alison Fsadni li

huma membri ©odda tas-Support

Staff tas-Seminarju.

Ms Evelyn Abdilla

Ms Rochelle Bonello Sur Romeo Giacomotto

Ms Charmaine Mangion Ms Alison Fsadni

22 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

A˙na b˙ala kumitat niddiskutu x’attivitajiet

ta’ volontarjat nistg˙u no˙olqu g˙all-istudenti

tal-iskola tag˙na. Jiena, b˙ala President

tal-Kumitat, niltaqa’ mal-koordinatur Mr

Bertram Portelli biex niftiehmu sew dak li

jkun ©ie diskuss waqt il-laqg˙at tal-Kumitat

dwar l-attivitajiet. Diversi studenti ji©u g˙all-

attivitajiet li nag˙mlu. L-ewwel attività ta’

din is-sena skolastika saret is-Sibt l-1el ta’

Dicembru 2012. G˙al din l-attività attendew

aktar minn 35 student, li kollha kemm huma

qalu kemm ˙adu gost u mill-ewwel bdew

jistaqsuna meta kienet se tkun l-attività li


C3C3 Matthew Zammit Matthew Zammit President C3President C3

C3- Compassion,

Commitment, Communion

C3, il-grupp ta’ volontarjat fis-Seminarju ilu jeΩisti fl-iskola tag˙na g˙al madwar C3, il-grupp ta’ volontarjat fis-Seminarju ilu jeΩisti fl-iskola tag˙na g˙al madwar

tliet snin. Beda ori©inarjament permezz ta’ inizjattiva mill-Kumitat tal-EkoSkola tliet snin. Beda ori©inarjament permezz ta’ inizjattiva mill-Kumitat tal-EkoSkola

sakemm imbag˙ad Ωviluppa fi grupp awtonomu. Wara sentejn li fihom il-kumitat sakemm imbag˙ad Ωviluppa fi grupp awtonomu. Wara sentejn li fihom il-kumitat

kien mag˙mul mill-g˙alliema, din is-sena, il-kumitat hu mag˙mul minna l-istudentikien mag˙mul mill-g˙alliema, din is-sena, il-kumitat hu mag˙mul minna l-istudenti

It-tieni attività saret is-Sibt 12 ta’ Jannar 2013

u dakinhar, b˙al fl-ewwel attività, sar xog˙ol

ta’ tindif fil-grawnds tal-iskola flimkien ma’

xog˙ol ie˙or ta’ ©ardinar. It-tielet attività ta’ din

is-sena saret l-Erbg˙a 30 ta’ Jannar 2013 wara

l-˙in tal-iskola. Waqt li kien hemm xi gruppi

jnaddfu madwar il-grawnds, grupp Ωg˙ir ta’ staff

u ta’ studenti kienu qeg˙din isajru xi muffins

biex dawn jinbieg˙u l-g˙ada waqt il-brejk. G˙al

din l-attività attendew madwar 50 student, li

kollha qalu kemm ˙adu gost. Din kienet ukoll

l-esperjenza tal-g˙alliema u l-LSAs li kienu

qeg˙din g˙al din l-attività, speçjalment ta’ dawk

li kienu fil-kçina g˙ar-ri˙a tfu˙ tal-muffins!

Fost il-pjanijiet g˙al attivitajiet o˙ra g˙al

din is-sena skolastika, hemm il-pjan li jsir

live-in bejn id-19 u l-21 ta’ April 2013 g˙al

dawk l-istudenti li l-aktar ikunu taw kontribut

fil-Grupp. Din tkun esperjenza li, bla dubju,

l-istudenti jie˙du gost fiha, b˙alma ˙adna gost

www.maltaseminary.org 23April 2013 Issue 42

Websajt uffiçjali tal-Grupp C3

Il-kumitat ta’ C3 g˙adu kif inawgura

l-websajt uffiçjali tal-Grupp li

tista’ ti©i aççessata minn dan l-indirizz:


Fiha tistg˙u ssibu informazzjoni dwar

l-attivitajiet li ©ew organizzati u li ser

isiru, flimkien ma’ sezzjonijiet, ritratti u

artikli o˙ra interessanti. Il-websajt tista’

ti©i wkoll aççessata mill-Home Page tal-

websajt tal-iskola.

Ûguri li din il-websajt ser isservi biex

tg˙aqqad aktar flimkien il-Kumitat C3

mal-istudenti u l-familji tag˙hom kif ukoll

mal-istaff tas-Seminarju.

fil-live-ins li di©à saru. F’dawn il-live-ins isir

xog˙ol ta’ volontarjat u kif ukoll laqg˙at dwar

temi li jkunu mag˙Ωulin minn qabel.

Dwar l-attivitajiet tal-grupp, ma nistax ma

nsemmix id-da˙k u ç-çajt li jkun hemm

bejnietna l-istudenti u l-g˙alliema, u dan

jo˙loq atmosfera sabi˙a ˙afna.

L-istudenti li ji©u, dejjem jg˙idu li g˙alkemm

ta˙dem u forsi xi kultant tispiçça g˙ajjien,

xorta wa˙da tibqa’ tie˙u gost u li dawn

l-esperjenzi jservu g˙al quddiem. L-g˙alliema

u l-LSAs li ji©u g˙al dawn l-attivitajiet, ukoll

jg˙idu li tkun esperjenza sabi˙a.

Biex nag˙laq, nixtieq nirringrazzja

personalment lil Mr Bertram Portelli, lil Mr

JohnPaul Vella, lil Mr Mark Farrugia, lil Ms

Odette Fsadni, lil Ms Jacqueline Tanti Zahra

u lil Ms Leanne Vassallo li dejjem ©ew g˙all-

attivitajiet li jkollna. Nirringrazzja wkoll

lill-amministrazzjoni tal-iskola tas-sapport

li dejjem insibu ming˙andha u kif ukoll lil

membri o˙ra tal-istaff li dejjem ikunu lesti biex

jag˙tu daqqa t’id meta jkun hemm bΩonn. Ma

jonqosx ukoll li nirringrazzja lilkom l-istudenti

li dejjem tikkonkorru bi ˙©arkom g˙all-

attivitajiet tal-Grupp.

24 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

Minn fost is-seminaristi kull sena jintg˙aΩel

grupp biex jie˙u ˙sieb l-organizzazzjoni, iΩda

mbag˙ad is-seminaristi kollha jipparteçipaw

f’ xi mument jew ie˙or tal-live-in. Sa minn

©img˙at qabel il-live-in, gruppi ta’ seminaristi

jibdew jiltaqg˙u biex jippjanaw il-programm.

Tintg˙aΩel it-tema, u kull grupp b’mod

kreattiv jo˙ro© b’ ideat biex nibnu programm

marbut ma’ dik it-tema. Dawn il-mumenti

fejn nippjanaw u na˙dmu flimkien di©à huwa

minnu nnifsu esperjenza importanti g˙alina

li tg˙inna nikbru f’ dak li huwa talb flimkien,

team work, apprezzament tat-talenti ta’ xulxin

u opportunità ta’ formazzjoni pastorali li hija

g˙odda importanti g˙alina li qed nit˙ejjew


Live-insLive-ins Brian Gialanzè Brian Gialanzè SeminaristaSeminarista VI Sena f’Grupp Missjoni u VokazzjoniVI Sena f’Grupp Missjoni u Vokazzjoni

Il-Live-ins organizzati mis-Seminaristi

Meta nΩur il-klassijiet biex inqassam l-inviti tal-‘live-ins’ u hekk kif wara kull ‘live-in’ naqra Meta nΩur il-klassijiet biex inqassam l-inviti tal-‘live-ins’ u hekk kif wara kull ‘live-in’ naqra

l-evalwazzjonijiet, dejjem nirrealizza kemm l-istudenti tag˙na jkunu qed jistennew il-‘live-ins’ u l-evalwazzjonijiet, dejjem nirrealizza kemm l-istudenti tag˙na jkunu qed jistennew il-‘live-ins’ u

japprezzawhom. A˙na s-seminaristi nkunu qed nistennewhom g˙aliex inkunu nixtiequ nag˙mlu japprezzawhom. A˙na s-seminaristi nkunu qed nistennewhom g˙aliex inkunu nixtiequ nag˙mlu

minn dawn il-‘live-ins’ mument sabi˙ u importanti fil-˙ajja tal-istudenti u li l-memorji u l-©id li minn dawn il-‘live-ins’ mument sabi˙ u importanti fil-˙ajja tal-istudenti u li l-memorji u l-©id li

jkun inkiseb matul dawn il-‘weekends’, l-istudent jibqa’ jg˙oΩΩhom matul ˙ajtu kollhajkun inkiseb matul dawn il-‘weekends’, l-istudent jibqa’ jg˙oΩΩhom matul ˙ajtu kollha

www.maltaseminary.org 25April 2013 Issue 42

Kull live-in huwa speçjali, u fih xi ˙a©a li

tag˙mlu differenti mill-o˙rajn: il-mumenti

tat-talb, il-laqg˙at, l-esperjenzi, il-˙in liberu, xi

attività speçjali, u importanti dejjem li fil-live-

in ikun hemm treasure hunt! U ma rridx ninsa

l-ikel tajjeb li l-koki tas-Seminarju jippreparaw

biex Ωgur kul˙add ikun kuntent.

Dawn il-live-ins huma okkaΩjoni fejn

l-istudenti jsiru jafuna, isiru jafu aktar fuq il-

˙ajja tag˙na b˙ala seminaristi u l-vokazzjoni

tag˙na. Permezz tal-live-ins nixtiequ nwasslu

l-messa©© li s-Seminarju huwa familja wa˙da u

dak kollu li jsir fis-Seminarju, kemm ma©©uri

kif ukoll minuri, huwa marbut biex jifforma

lill-persuna s˙i˙a biex tkun kapaçi tikber u

tirrelata b’ mod responsabbli f’ kull qasam tal-

˙ajja li ssib ru˙ha fih.

L-istudenti stess minn dak li jiktbulna fl-

evalwazzjonijiet juruna xi grazzji jirçievu

matul dawn il-live-ins: “esperjenza t’Alla”,

“esperjenza t’g˙aqda”, “esperjenza ta’ fer˙”,

“tis˙i˙ fil-˙biberiji”, “˙biberiji ©odda”, “insiru

nafu lil xulxin”, “ikollna aktar g˙arfien tag˙na

nfusna u tat-talenti tag˙na”, “apprezzament

tal-familja”, “g˙arfien a˙jar ta’ dak li nixtieq

fil-˙ajja” u “g˙arfien a˙jar ta’ xi tfisser

vokazzjoni”. Dawn l-esperjenzi huma frott tal-

˙idma t’Alla f’ ˙ajjitna.

Nirringrazzja lil tant persuni fis-Seminarju, lil

s˙abi s-seminaristi u lill-©enituri, li flimkien

na˙dmu biex dawn il-live-ins ikunu mumenti

speçjali fejn l-istudent jag˙mel esperjenza

sabi˙a tal-˙ajja u tal-fer˙ li jag˙ti Alla.

26 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

Óafna drabi tkun karba min-na˙a tal-©enituri

g˙all-g˙ajnuna g˙ax ikunu qatg˙u qalbhom li

ser jaraw lil uliedhom jag˙mlu dak li hu ta’ ©id

g˙alihom. Il-mistoqsija tieg˙i lilkom ©enituri

hi din: li tg˙idlu biss hu biΩΩejjed, jew hemm

affarijiet o˙ra x’wie˙ed jista’ jag˙mel biex ikun

iktar effettiv?

Biex nispjega ru˙i a˙jar, meta t-tfal kienu

g˙adhom Ωg˙ar, min jaf kemm g˙idnielhom

biex jaraw kif jaqsmu t-triq sew, imma Ωgur

li ˙add ma kien jafda lil uliedu ji©ru fit-toroq

traffikuΩi. Ûgur li mhux qed ng˙id biex nibqg˙u

nittrattaw lil uliedna b’dak il-mod, imma min-

na˙a l-o˙ra na˙seb li wliedna g˙andhom bΩonn

xi ˙a©a iktar milli sempliçiment ng˙idulhom

x’g˙andhom jag˙mlu. Irridu nΩommu

f’mo˙˙na li g˙al kull ˙a©a li ng˙idulhom a˙na,

hemm ˙afna nies o˙rajn (˙bieb, reklami, diski,

internet) li qed jg˙idulhom biex jag˙mlu bil-

maqlub; mhux ta’ b’xejn li wliedna jitgerfxu u

jaqtg˙u qalbhom.

It-tfal iridu jarawna konvinti minn dak li qed

ng˙idulhom: inutli tg˙idlu biex isib ˙in g˙at-

talb u g˙al Alla f’˙ajtu jekk dan l-eΩempju qatt

ma jkun rah fil-familja. Inutli ng˙idulhom biex

jibΩg˙u g˙al sa˙˙ithom, imbag˙ad jaraw lilna

mitluqin u ma nag˙tu kas ta’ xejn. Jekk a˙na

ma nkunux ta’ eΩempju u ma nemmnux

f’dak li qed ng˙idulhom, ir-riklam

ta’ fuq it-televixin, il-pariri

ta’ s˙abhom u ta’ nies li

m’g˙andhom l-ebda interess ˙lief li jag˙mlu

l-flus, ˙a jkollhom ˙afna iktar sa˙˙a fuq

uliedna u t-tfal jemmnu lilhom u jwarrbu lilna.

Nag˙mlu xi ˙a©a a˙na wkoll. Lil uliedna

nistg˙u ng˙idulhom biex jimpenjaw ru˙hom

f’xi g˙aqda, grupp, jew xi sports u nieqfu

hemm. Min-na˙a l-o˙ra nistg˙u nag˙mlu

ftit riçerka, naraw x’jeΩisti, ni©bru ftit

informazzjoni fuq l-g˙aqdiet addattati, Ωgur li

b’dan il-mod ser nuru iktar interess u nkunu

˙afna iktar konvinçenti. L-istess jg˙odd g˙all-

istudju; nistg˙u ng˙idulhom biex imorru

jistudjaw u nieqfu hemm, nistg˙u nuru ftit ta’

interess iktar billi nag˙mlu time table flimkien,

nistaqsuhom xi studjaw u naraw in-noti li

jkunu ˙adu, nag˙mlulhom ambjent addattat,

idealment fejn ma jkunx hemm kompjuter u

jkun hemm il-kwiet, u ng˙idu prosit fejn

jag˙mlu xi ˙a©a tajba.

Ma naqtg˙ux qalbna u noqog˙du attenti

li ma nin©arrux mal-kurrent a˙na wkoll.

Tg˙idx kemm ng˙idlu jienTg˙idx kemm ng˙idlu jien Jonathan Galea Jonathan Galea Guidance TeacherGuidance Teacher

Tg˙idx kemm ng˙idlu jien

Jekk ji©rilna hekk, ikun l-ag˙ar eΩempju li

wie˙ed jista’ jag˙ti lil uliedu. It-tfal iridu jaraw

fina nies li kapaçi jmexxu, nies li ma jçedux

malajr, nies li jemmnu fl-abiltajiet ta’wliedhom

stess, nies ta’prinçipji sodi. Dawn huma

l-affarijiet li jiddistingwu l-kelma Ωg˙ira imma

qawwija tal-©enituri mill-bumbardament ta’

ideat fierg˙a li bihom huma mdawrin uliedna.

Tajjeb ukoll li ng˙allmu lit-tfal jistaqsu minflok

nag˙tuhom twe©ibiet. Trid tkun miftu˙ g˙all-

mistoqsijiet u tistaqsi int, biex it-tfal jitilg˙u

inkwiΩittivi. L-intenzjonijiet tajba tag˙na di©à

huma ˙afna biex uliedna jirnexxu. Ix-xog˙ol li

nag˙mlu mag˙hom u l-eΩempji li nag˙tuhom

huma l-g˙odda li l-istudenti g˙andhom

bΩonn f’˙ajjithom biex ma

jaqtg˙ux qalbhom u

jkunu ta’ suççess.

Tg˙idx kemm ng˙idlu jien biex imur il-quddies, biex jistudja, biex jara ma’ min Tg˙idx kemm ng˙idlu jien biex imur il-quddies, biex jistudja, biex jara ma’ min

jag˙milha, biex ma ja˙lix ˙in... imma donnu kollu g˙alxejn! Stqarrijiet b˙al dawn jag˙milha, biex ma ja˙lix ˙in... imma donnu kollu g˙alxejn! Stqarrijiet b˙al dawn

tismag˙hom spiss ming˙and il-©enituri li jkunu jixtiequ li jaraw lil uliedhom a˙jartismag˙hom spiss ming˙and il-©enituri li jkunu jixtiequ li jaraw lil uliedhom a˙jar

It-tfal iridu jaraw fina nies li kapaçi

jmexxu, nies li ma jçedux malajr, nies

li jemmnu fl-abiltajiet ta’wliedhom

stess, nies ta’prinçipji sodi

www.maltaseminary.org 27April 2013 Issue 42

Nhar l-Erbg˙a 13 ta’ Marzu Nhar l-Erbg˙a 13 ta’ Marzu

Years 1 u 2: programm immexxi mill-propedewtiçi

Bejn it-Tlieta 12 u l-Ìimg˙a 15 ta’ MarzuBejn it-Tlieta 12 u l-Ìimg˙a 15 ta’ Marzu

Year 4: Immexxija mill-propedewtiçi

Year 5: Immexxija mis-seminaristi tal-ewwel sena

Bejn it-Tlieta 12 u l-Óamis 14 ta’ MarzuBejn it-Tlieta 12 u l-Óamis 14 ta’ Marzu

Year 7: Immexxija minn Dun Nicholas Dimech – Viçi Kappillan fil-parroçça ta’ Óal G˙axaq

Year 8: Immexxija minn Dun Michael Bellizzi – Direttur tal-Vokazzjonijiet

Year 9: Immexxija minn Dun Ewkarist Zammit – Kappillan tal-parroçça ta’ Óad-Dingli

Nhar il-Ìimg˙a 8 ta’ MarzuNhar il-Ìimg˙a 8 ta’ Marzu

Year 10: programm immexxi mill-group ‘The Way’

Nhar it-Tlieta 12 ta’ MarzuNhar it-Tlieta 12 ta’ Marzu

Year 11: programm immexxi mid-djakni


une région



We would like to

congratulate all Year 9

students who participated

in the competition

“Découvrez une région

française!” organised

by the Association des

Professeurs de Français de

Malte (APFM).

Students were encouraged to choose a

French region, promote its cultural and

artistic aspect and present their work in

any artistic representation form of their

choice. Two of our participating students,

Gabriel Lia and Antonio Polidano Vella

placed 1st and 3

rd respectively in the models

& charts section. Other Year 9 participants

who presented their powerpoint

presentations were Fabrizio Zammit and

Andrew Cutajar. All participating students

were awarded a certificate of participation

while the winning students were awarded

French readers.

The School was also awarded resources

including a set of posters and a board


Randan 2013 - Eƒerçizzi


8 Start of 3rd term

12 General Rehearsal Prize Day

16 Prize Day

19-21 C3 Live-In

23 Year 10 Seminar

PTA Meeting (6)

30 Official Visit Mgr. C. Scicluna


1 Public Holiday

5 May Fair

8 Fun Day

9-14 Talks by SEDQA

13 Marian Day Celebration

17 Staff Meeting – school finishes 11:45


4 Eucharistic Day

7 Public Holiday

10-21 Annual Examinations


23 Start of Scholastic Year 2013-2014

School Diary

Secondary Section

28 minor seminary newsletterApril 2013 Issue 42

““Hu façli, meta nkunu Ωg˙aΩag˙, li nkunu influwenzati minn

s˙abna biex naççettaw ideat u valuri li nafu li mhumiex

dawk li l-Mulej irid tassew li n˙addnu. Hu g˙alhekk li jien

ng˙idilkom: tibΩg˙ux, iΩda ifir˙u fl-im˙abba tieg˙u g˙alikom;

afdaw fih, wie©bu s-sej˙a tieg˙u g˙ad-dixxipulat, u sibu l-ikel

u l-fejqan spiritwali fis-sagramenti tal-Knisja.”

Il-Papa Benedittu XVI liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ Maltin Il-Papa Benedittu XVI liΩ-Ωg˙aΩag˙ Maltin

fil-Valletta Waterfront fil-Valletta Waterfront - 18 ta’ April 2010

L-istudenti u l-istaff tal-iskola tas-L-istudenti u l-istaff tal-iskola tas-

Seminarju tal-Arçisqof jirringrazzjaw Seminarju tal-Arçisqof jirringrazzjaw

lill-Qdusija Tieg˙u, il-Papa Benedittu lill-Qdusija Tieg˙u, il-Papa Benedittu

XVI g˙ad-dedikazzjoni u l-im˙abba XVI g˙ad-dedikazzjoni u l-im˙abba

tieg˙u lejn il-Knisjatieg˙u lejn il-Knisja

Tislima lill-Papa

Benedittu XVI

Is-Seminarju tal-Arçisqof isellem lill-Papa Benedittu XVIIs-Seminarju tal-Arçisqof isellem lill-Papa Benedittu XVI
