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MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University...

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MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu
Page 1: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits

Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok KohECE, Purdue University{li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu

Page 2: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Outline Motivation Incomplete SCP model Experimental results Summary

Page 3: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.


Placement minimize total wirelength,

estimated with half parameter wirelength (HPWL)

routability-driven placement avoid routing congestion

Global placement optimized approximate

locations; Detailed placement

after legalization; rearrange cells to reduce


Page 4: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Detailed placement

cell swap/move technique FastPlace-DP, global and vertical cell swap/move congestion-aware FastPlace-DP, routability-driven placers

sliding window technique partition the whole chip into overlapping windows moving cells locally in windows has less perturbance to routability enumeration approach; solution space O(n!) for n-cell window; windows with no more than 6 cells alternative approaches to optimize larger windows branch-and-bound technique, cell matching technique, etc.

Page 5: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

MIP approach for detailed placement

Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) approach placement of each window is formulated into an MIP problem: linear objective function & linear constraints; integer variables mature mathematical techniques for solving MIP problems a branch-and-bound tree is built during solution, whose size is

dependent on the number of integer variables MIP models for detailed placement

the S model, the RQ model, the SCP model the single-cell-placement (SCP) model over 10 times more efficient than the other MIP models

Page 6: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

MIP-based detailed placer

Parallelized MIP-based detailed placer IBM Version 2 benchmark circuits Initial placement results generated with enumeration approach; 1.684% further reduction in HPWL; 0.827% and 1.707% further reduction in routed wirelength and via

count, respectively. Apply it to recent mixed-size circuits?

benchmark circuits in ISPD11, DAC12, ICCAD12 routability-driven contests

Page 7: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

IBM Version 2 DAC12

Challenges with recent mixed-size circuits DAC12 benchmark circuits

n.c. number of cells o.r. occupation rate, the rate that sites are occupied by cells 400 extracted 10-cell windows n.s. average number of sites n.v. average number of integer variables in SCP model;

Page 8: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Our contribution

DAC12 benchmark circuits over 10 times more cells over 2 times more sites in sliding windows

over 10 times increase in solution time of each window

Incomplete SCP model ignore a portion of integer variables in SCP model great reduction in solution time without much degradation in

solution quality MIP-based detailed placer for DAC12 benchmark circuits

Page 9: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Outline Motivation Incomplete SCP model Experimental results Summary

Page 10: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Problem description Objective: minimize HPWL Constraints:

1. no cell overlap;2. each cell is placed legally, i.e. cell c occupies exactly wc consecutive sit

es in one row

R: set of rowsQ: set of columnsC: set of cellswc: width of cell cN: set of nets

Page 11: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Single-cell-placement variables

single-cell-placement (SCP) variable: whether the kth pattern to place single cell c is chosen or not

Single-cell-placement patterns and corresponding vectors

e.g. cell 1 in the 3X7 window;

|R|(|Q|-wc+1)=18 variables in all


Page 12: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

SCP Model

(llxn, llyn , urxn, uryn): bounding box of net n ; (xc, yc): centroid of cell c;

pcrq : whether cell c occupies the site at row r and column q

definition of bounding box

site occupation

cell centroid and site occupation variables derived from SCP variables

one pattern for each cell

Page 13: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Incomplete SCP Model

definition of bounding box

site occupation

cell centroid and site occupation variables derived from SCP variables

one pattern for each cell

skipping patterns

Page 14: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Incomplete SCP Model (cont’d)

oc = 1, when skip=3, only the 1st, 4th, 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th are kept

e.g. cell 1 in the 3X7 window;

|R|(|Q|-wc+1)=18 variables in all

Page 15: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Incomplete SCP Model (cont’d)

Guideline to set skip exact locations in the solution may be non-optimal guarantee different orders of placing cells are still in the solution


skip=1 for compact windows;

larger skip for sparse windows with low occupation rate (ocp_rt) and more empty sites

Page 16: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Two incomplete SCP models Number of variables for cell c in SCP model:

vc is close to summation of cell width, the same as in the SCP model of placing the same cells in a compact window

SCP_ES model, set skip based on number of empty sites

In compact windows, skip=1

In sparse windows with ocp_rt close to 0.0, vc is close to |C|, the same as in the SCP model of placing the same number of uniform-width cells

round(1/ _ ) round(| || | / )

| || | / ( )


c c c cc

skip ocp rt R Q w

v R Q skip O w

floor(empty_sites_cnt/|C|)+1=floor((1 _ ) | || | / | |) 1

| || | / | |1 _

cc c

skip opt rt R Q C

v R Q skip Cocp rt

| | (| | 1) | || |, (| | 1)/ | |c c c c cv R Q w R Q Q w Q

SCP_OR model, set skip based on occupation rate

Page 17: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Outline Motivation Incomplete SCP model Experimental results Summary

Page 18: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Effect of incomplete models

tolerance time 40s, 60s, 800s for 8-cell, 10-cell, 12-cell windows SCP_OR model, a good compromise of the SCP model

fewer than a half integer variables (n.v. ) over 6 times faster (t(s)), within 10% degradation in HPWL reduction (red.)

SCP_ES model 1/5 variables, 100 times faster with 40% degradation used in our parallelized MIP-based detailed placer

Enumeration approach (ENUM) few windows are optimized with the same tolerance time

Page 19: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Results on DAC12 benchmark circuits

MIP-based detailed placer 2-row and 4-row windows with no more than 10 cells windows are scanned for 3 times

Initial placement results generated by different placers Ripple NTUPlace4

Two commercial routers to generate detailed routing solutions Router A, Router B existing translator from Bookshelf files to LEF/DEF files W.-H. Liu et al. Case study for placement solutions in ISPD11 and DAC12 routability-driven

placement contests. In Proc. ISPD, pages 114–119, 2013.

Page 20: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Effects on Ripple’s results

INIT: initial results generated with congestion-aware FastPlace-DP MIP: results after MIP-based detailed placer Router A

WL(e7): routed wirelength VIA(e7): via count VIO: number of detailed routing violations T(m): routing run-time OF: overflows in global routing

Page 21: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Effects on NTUPlace4’s results

INIT: initial results generated with cell matching technique MIP: results after MIP-based detailed placer Router A

WL(e7): routed wirelength VIA(e7): via count VIO: number of detailed routing violations T(m): routing run-time OF: overflows in global routing

Page 22: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Effects on Ripple’s results

INIT: initial results generated with congestion-aware FastPlace-DP MIP: results after MIP-based detailed placer Router B

Page 23: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Effects on NTUPlace4’s results

INIT: initial results generated with cell matching technique MIP: results after MIP-based detailed placer Router B

Page 24: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Outline Motivation Incomplete SCP model Experimental results Summary

Page 25: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.


MIP approach for detailed placement optimize larger sliding windows to further reduce wirelength

Application in recent large-scale benchmark circuits Over 10 times more cells;

Lower occupation rate leading to significant increase in the solution time of each window

Incomplete SCP model

ignore variables to significantly decrease solution time; Despite degradation in solution quality, still effective reduction in

wirelength is achieved without perturbance of routability

Page 26: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Thank you!

Page 27: MIP-based Detailed Placer for Mixed-size Circuits Shuai Li, Cheng-Kok Koh ECE, Purdue University {li263, chengkok}@purdue.edu.

Large-scale mixed-size circuits

#cell t(s) opt


8-cell 0.82 100%

10-cell 1.93 99.7%

12-cell 5.86 96.4%


8-cell 9.2 94.4%

10-cell 19.6 90.7%

12-cell 113.3 76.8%

Over 300 randomly extracted windows for each size ibm01: IBM Version 2 benchmark tolerance time 40s s16: DAC12 benchmark tolerance time 40s, 60s, 800s for 8-cell,

10-cell, 12-cell windows, respectively longer average solution time t(s) lower optimization rate opt

Larger solution space for windows with more empty sites 1-row window with n cells and m empty sites

More integer variables in MIP results in the increase of solution time
