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MIS Support to Management

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Concept Role Impact MIS: support to Management Presented by: Maria Stella Solon
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ImpactMIS: support to Management

Presented by: Maria Stella Solon

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Tasks of MIS Following are activities performed during information System processing:

1. Handling of voluminous data

2. Confirmation of the validity of data & transaction

3. Complex processing of data & multidimensional analysis

4. Quick search & retrieval

5. Mass storage

6. Communication of information system to the user on time

7. Fulfilling the changing needs of informationFormal system should exist to handle all above mentioned things. Hence,

MIS uses computer technology to deal with information.

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MIS and ComputerMIS relies on the HW and SW capacity of the

computer and its ability to store, process, retrieve and communicate with no limitations.

Ability of the computer to sort and merge helps to organize the data in a particular manner.

Ability of a computer system to provide security of data brings confidence in the management.

The computer system being able to configure to the specific needs helps to design a flexible MIS.

Maria Stella Solon 3

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MIS and AcademicsManagement theory and organizational behavior

Human mind as processor

Operation Research and network theory

Accounting Applications

Data Structure(DBMS)

Decision theory and Mathematical Techniques

4Maria Stella Solon

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Need for MIS 1. Increasing complexity of business activity

a) International economyFirms of all sizes are subject to economic influences that can originateanywhere in the world. Such influences can be seen in the relative values ofthe currencies of each nation, where purchases are made in those countrieswith the highest currency value.b) Worldwide competitionCompetition exists on a worldwide scale. Its effects can be seen in theimports from foreign countries.c) Increasing complexity of technologyTechnology is used everywhere in business. Examples are bar code scanners,computer based airline reservation systems, automated teller machines,factory robots ..etc.

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Purpose of MISManagement Information Systems are primarily concerned

with the delivery of information (both internal and external) to organizational members from the shop floor workers to the management.

The purpose of MIS is to help the smooth running of the business by providing information on the firms data (such as accounting figures) employees from different levels will then evaluate this information so that decisions can be made to ensure that the business remains competitive and successful.

MIS have been created to support the whole range of business's administration and regulatory activities and can be seen in all parts of the world and in all types of industries both public and private sector.

In the US, for example, the National Drivers Register has MIS facilities to report on driver license details, such as all those within a given state whose license has been revoked or suspended

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Conceptual Design Models Of MIS1. The Process Model2.The Logical Model of MIS3.The Physical Model of MIS

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The Process ModelIn this model, the information system is

depicted as a collection of processes that are put together and occur in pre-determined sequences to gather ,capture,format,and present information.

A process is something that converts inputs into output.

A process needs the following entities to function:

1.Methods or Procedures2.Trained Operators3.Knowledge of methods and Machinery4.Materials5.Machinery

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The Logical Model of MISMIS Science & TechnologyManagement ScienceData Information Technology

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Physical model of MIS

Data Capturing



Control Support

Decision Support

Data Storage and Retrieval


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MIS consist of several parts or sub-systems. These subsystems interact with each other different ways to finally produce the information in the format desired.

The efficiency with which these modules interact will determine the effectiveness of the MIS.

Some system are:1.Data Capturing ModelThe data capturing model is responsible for the

collection and capture of data that needed to produce the information.

This module will vary according to the volume of data and the complexity of data that needs to be captured.

E.g. Bar Code

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2.Data Storage (retrieval) Module This module is responsible for storing the data capture in

the previous module.The data must be stored such that it remains intact and

it is easily retrievable for processing.3.Data Processing ModuleThis module is responsible for storing the data captured

into usable information.A variety of processes may be used to combine the data

into information.For E.g. in small org. manual processes may be used

notebooks, register, calculators.In large org.,it may take an entire department to process

the information.

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4. Information Reporting ModuleThis module is responsible for converting the output

from the Data Processing Module into meaningful information.

This module thus take the processed data and lays it out in a readable or usable form.

Computer may be used for both, the Data processing and the Information Reporting modules, or for either one of them, or for neither, depending on the size of org.

5. Decision Support Module This module is designed to help the manager make

a decision based on the information presented .6. Control Support ModuleIt enables the manager to keep control; over various

facets of the business.

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This module is generally based on a feedback mechanism, which provides information to the manager on what is happening within the system and allows the manager to make change during the process to achieve the desired result.

7. Modeling and Simulation ModuleThis module makes it possible for a manager to see the

future of consequence of present actions.Thus, a marketing manager may desire to know what

would happen if he dropped the price of a product by a certain amount.

Past data is used for forecasting the future data.This module is used basically to enhance the growth of the

business, If a manger had no such model or simulator, he may be forced to actually take the action after which it would be too late to take corrective action.

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Role of MIS

1. ensures that appropriate data is

collected from valid sources,

processed and passed to needy


2. satisfies the needs through

Query Systems, Analysis

Systems, Modeling systems.

3. Helps in strategic planning,

Management control, Operational

control & Transaction Processing.

Hence, MIS plays a vital role in management, administration &

operations of an organization.

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In Operational ManagementDay to Day operation of the business.It needs information on day to day basis to

perform the operations.Mis provide such information on a daily or even

hourly basis to the Operational Management to enable it to control the operations.

In Middle Managemento Concerned with short term goals, problem

solving, progress monitoring and short term target setting.

o In Top Managemento Long term growtho SWOTo Company goals and objectives

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Can be compared to the role of heart in the body. Information is blood and MIS is the heart.

The different information requirement at different levels in the organization.

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Impact of MIS

1. With a good support of MIS, marketing, finance, production &

personnel management becomes more efficient.

2. MIS gives better understanding of business.

3. A two-way communication flow is greatly enhanced by MIS. The

management freely tells its employees their jobs, and the ways and

means in which they are to accomplish the tasks entrusted to them.

The employees also in turn discuss their doubts, concerns and


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Users of MISEvery person in organization is the user of MIS.

• Generation of data• Searching for a data• Submitting it higher level


User tools



• Integrating data• Analyzing data• plays the role of decisions maker

& planner

action-oriented information tools

Executive Manager

• Strategic planning• Decision Making

Decision making tools

The users of MIs use GUI, multimedia, imaging, internet to make use of MIS efficiently.

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MIS: Support to Management

The management process is executed through different decisions

taken at each step of management.Steps in ManagementPlanning





DecisionA selection from various alternatives like strategies, resources, methodsA selection for goals, people, resources, methods

Providing manpowerChoosing methods from various methods

Choice of tools and techniques for coordinating efforts

A selection of exceptional conditions and he decision guidelines

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MIS: Support to ManagementEnvironment


Goal Setting

Planning Organizing Staffing Directing Coordinating Controlling

Information Support


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