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MIS5208 - Lab02 - Sample Solution - Temple MIS€¦ · MIS 5208 – Lab 02 Edward S. Ferrara...

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MIS 5208 – Lab 02 Edward S. Ferrara February 09, 2016 Page 1 of 8 1 Chapter 3 1.1 Questions / Exercises 1) Verify the data from the ACL_Tutorial_Metaphor project for all of the tables in this part of the tutorial. Acceptable Codes Command: VERIFY FIELDS CARDNUM CREDLIM CUSTNO EXPDT FINCHG MINPYMTDUE NEWBAL PASTDUEAMT PMTDUEDT PREVBAL RATE STMTDT ERRORLIMIT 10 TO SCREEN Table: MIS5208_LAB02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 data validity errors detected Company Department Command: VERIFY FIELDS CARDNUM CREDLIM CUSTNO EXPDT FINCHG MINPYMTDUE NEWBAL PASTDUEAMT PMTDUEDT PREVBAL RATE STMTDT ERRORLIMIT 10 TO SCREEN Table: MIS5208_LAB02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 data validity errors detected Employees Command: VERIFY FIELDS CARDNUM CREDLIM CUSTNO EXPDT FINCHG MINPYMTDUE NEWBAL PASTDUEAMT PMTDUEDT PREVBAL RATE STMTDT ERRORLIMIT 10 TO SCREEN Table: MIS5208_LAB02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 data validity errors detected Unacceptable Codes Command: VERIFY FIELDS CARDNUM CREDLIM CUSTNO EXPDT FINCHG MINPYMTDUE NEWBAL PASTDUEAMT PMTDUEDT PREVBAL RATE STMTDT ERRORLIMIT 10 TO SCREEN Table: MIS5208_LAB02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0 data validity errors detected
Page 1: MIS5208 - Lab02 - Sample Solution - Temple MIS€¦ · MIS 5208 – Lab 02 Edward S. Ferrara February 09, 2016 Page 1 of 8 1 Chapter 3 1.1 Questions / Exercises 1) Verify the data

MIS5208–Lab02EdwardS.FerraraFebruary09,2016Page 1 of 8

1 Chapter31.1 Questions/Exercises

1) VerifythedatafromtheACL_Tutorial_Metaphorprojectforallofthetablesinthispartofthetutorial.


Page 2: MIS5208 - Lab02 - Sample Solution - Temple MIS€¦ · MIS 5208 – Lab 02 Edward S. Ferrara February 09, 2016 Page 1 of 8 1 Chapter 3 1.1 Questions / Exercises 1) Verify the data

MIS5208–Lab02EdwardS.FerraraFebruary09,2016Page 2 of 8CreditCardTransactionsCommand:VERIFYFIELDSCARDNUMCREDLIMCUSTNOEXPDTFINCHGMINPYMTDUENEWBALPASTDUEAMTPMTDUEDTPREVBALRATESTMTDTERRORLIMIT10TOSCREENTable:MIS5208_LAB02--------------------------------------------------------------------------------0datavalidityerrorsdetected

2) ExtracttherecordswithaNEWBALvaluegreaterthan1000toanewtableforlateranalysis.Submittheresults.


3) WhatisthedifferencebetweenthetotalnumberoftransactionsandthenumberoftransactionswithaNEWBALgreaterthan2000?Submittheresults?

Page 3: MIS5208 - Lab02 - Sample Solution - Temple MIS€¦ · MIS 5208 – Lab 02 Edward S. Ferrara February 09, 2016 Page 1 of 8 1 Chapter 3 1.1 Questions / Exercises 1) Verify the data

MIS5208–Lab02EdwardS.FerraraFebruary09,2016Page 3 of 8ProducedwithACLby:ACLEducationalEdition-NotForCommercialUseCommand:COUNTIFNEWBAL>2000Table:MIS5208_LAB02IfCondition:NEWBAL>2000(53recordsmatched)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------53recordscounted200records–53records=147

4) OfthecreditcardnumbersthathaveanewNEWBALvaluegreaterthan2000,howmanyhaveaPASTDUEAMTgreaterthanzero?Submittheresults.


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MIS5208–Lab02EdwardS.FerraraFebruary09,2016Page 4 of 8IfCondition:(NEWBAL>2000)AND(PASTDUEAMT>0)(12recordsmatched)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------12recordscounted

5) ChecktheCredit_Card_metaphortableforallcardnumberswithazeroNEWBALvalue.Submittheresults.


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MIS5208–Lab02EdwardS.FerraraFebruary09,2016Page 5 of 816recordscounted

6) ChecktheCredit_Card_MetaphortableforallcardnumberswithanegativeNEWBALvalue.Submittheresults.


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MIS5208–Lab02EdwardS.FerraraFebruary09,2016Page 6 of 8

7) Underthetermsofthecreditcardprogram,Metaphorcanavoidinterestchargesifemployeessubmittheirreceiptsontimetotheaccountingdepartment.Metaphorwantstounderstandhowmuchmoneyitlosesunnecessarilyfromfinancescharges.TotaltheFINCHGvaluethatisgreaterthan$10.00.Submittheresults.


8) Metaphorwantstoknowthetotalofallcurrentbalances.IntheCredit_Card_Metaphortable,totaltheNEWBALfield.Submittheresults.

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MIS5208–Lab02EdwardS.FerraraFebruary09,2016Page 7 of 8ProducedwithACLby:ACLEducationalEdition-NotForCommercialUseCommand:TOTALFIELDSNEWBALTable:MIS5208_LAB02--------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEWBAL286,315.79

9) Metaphorisconsideringreducingitsuppercreditlimit.Howmanycreditcardnumbershavecreditlimitsexceeding$10,000?Submittheresults.


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MIS5208–Lab02EdwardS.FerraraFebruary09,2016Page 8 of 8IfCondition:CREDLIM>10000.00(2recordsmatched)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------2recordscounted
