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Mission Pledge

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Materials for Presbyterian Women in the Congregation, Presbytery and Synod Mission Pledge of Presby terian Women We are the body of Christ. Please give generously to support our shared PW ministry. PW’S ANNUAL FUND 2017 For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in the one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. —1 Corinthians 12:12–13
Page 1: Mission Pledge

Materials for Presbyterian Women in the Congregation, Presbytery and Synod

Mission Pledgeof Presbyterian Women

We are the body of Christ. Please give generously to support our shared PW ministry.



For just as the body is one and hasmany members, and all the membersof the body, though many, are onebody, so it is with Christ. For in theone Spirit we were all baptized intoone body—Jews or Greeks, slaves orfree—and we were all made to drinkof one Spirit.

—1 Corinthians 12:12 –13

Page 2: Mission Pledge

Presbyterian Women’s Mission Pledge, the annual fund of PW, begins with a prayer and agift, in circles and outside of them (an online donation, a check in the mail, a bequest).

Every dollar given supports PW at all levels of the organization—refreshments in your church,guest speakers at PW presbytery gatherings, publishing Horizons magazine and Bible study,Churchwide participation (including the triennial Gatherings and the mission tours, theGlobal Exchange and the U.S.A. Mission Experience) and so much more.

As “one body, one spirit,” Presbyterian Women come together every three years to celebrate,worship, learn and guide the organization. We call this triennial event our ChurchwideGathering. Although participants pay a registration fee, the Mission Pledge supports much ofthe cost of the Gathering. Being together in one place is vital and opens tremendouspossibilities.

For example, during the 2015 Churchwide Gathering in Minneapolis, PW’s Indonesianguests were so moved, they extended an offer to host PW for the 2017 Global Exchange.Thanks to this connection—made possible by the work of the Spirit and gifts to the MissionPledge—Presbyterian Women from around the United States will soon travel to Indonesia tolearn about “building bridges” in a multifaith world. They will return with stories to tell,inspiring others in churches, coffee shops, living rooms, waiting rooms, newsletters, andanywhere and everywhere that presents an opportunity. The connections they establish willinspire ministry for years to come.

The ripple effect of the Global Exchange is exemplified by the relationship establishedbetween Sherry Flyr, who traveled to Ghana during the 2002 Global Exchange to Africa, andDora Memorial School and its founder Vida Dzobo. Upon her return to Wyoming Presbytery,Sherry widely shared the story of the school and the girls who learned there. Thanks toSherry’s passion for this project, the women of her presbytery (and others) became familiarwith this school and its students and, in turn, transformed lives by funding building projectsand scholarships. Sherry has recently joined the cloud of witnesses, but her gracious legacy ofcare for this project continues. Says Gail Heimbuck, PWP moderator, “It truly was Sherry’ssharing of the story of the Dora Memorial School and Vida’s leadership and commitment tothe students that moved so many to support the school. Sherry was very passionate about it.”

The Mission Pledge also makes possible USA Mission Experiences, another relationship-building trip with life-changing ripples. Reflecting on her participation in the 2010 USAMission Experience, Alexis Presseau Maloof said, “The witnessing and listening trip I took toSouth Dakota with USA Mission Experience changed what I thought I knew about thehistory of our country and about PW. Visiting churches in the Dakota Presbytery, and at PineRidge and Sisseton-Wahpeton Indian Reservations created bonds that remain strong andopened new paths to understanding our Native PW sisters.”

PW’s Mission Pledge does so much for so many. As you give and encourage giving, pleaseprayerfully consider the many people, programs and possibilities that are transformed or madepossible by and because of the Mission Pledge. Your gift can ensure the ripples of impact andpassion continue well into the future.

Go to www.presbyterianwomen.org to download the complete Mission Pledge packet, or selectparts. While you’re there, learn about the amazing programs and resources the Mission Pledge(PW’s annual fund) makes possible.

PW’s Mission Pledge: Ripples of Impact

The Mission Pledge of Presbyterian WomenPW’S ANNUAL FUND

Page 3: Mission Pledge

1Carol Winkler

Dear Sisters in Christ,You may notice that three new words have been added to the cover of PW’s Mission Pledge packet: “PW’s Annual

Fund.” These three little words help convey the very big truth about the Mission Pledge: that it is the financial lifebloodof Presbyterian Women.

The Mission Pledge is second- and third-mile giving—gifts given in circles, online and through estates and bequests.It’s funded freely and lovingly . . . but is asked to accomplish so much! As the annual fund, the Mission Pledge funds orbuoys nearly every PW ministry. This includes the Churchwide Gathering, Horizons Bible study and magazine, theChurchwide Coordinating Team, presbytery- and synod-level PW programming, ecumenical participation, our staff,even gifts to our denomination. Gifts to PW’s special offerings—the Thank and Birthday Offerings—as well as toother ecumenical ministries, are very important, but those also flourish, in part, because the Mission Pledge invests inrelationships and awareness of justice, peace, mission and leadership development. Thank you for your gifts that havemade these ministries possible!

I ask that you prayerfully reflect on the importance of Presbyterian Women—in your life and in the world. Pleasegive, participate accordingly and invite others to do the same. Your support of Presbyterian Women matters. Your giftsto the Mission Pledge ensure PW’s continued vibrant witness and ministries.


선교서약(Mission Pledge) 패킷에새로운세개에단어가추가된것을볼수있습니다:" PW's Annual Fund." 이세개의단어가선교서약에매우큰진리를전달하는데도움을줍니다: 그것은여성장로교 금율생명소있읍니다.

선교서약(Mission Pledge)은온라인, 재산과유산을통해주어지는선물입니다. 자유롭게그리고사랑스러운자금입니다…그러나너무많은작업을수행해야하는요청! 연간(Annual) 기금, 선교서약 (Mission Pledge)기금은모든 PW에있는선교에부표하고있습니다. Churchwide Gathering, Horizons 성경공부그리고잡지,Churchwide Coordinating Team (CCT), 장로회의있는프로그램, 직원그리고교단이있습니다. PW에헌금 ,Thank 그리고 Birthday 헌금과다른헌금들은매우중요합니다. 하지만그또한번창할수있는걱은 , 선교서약(Mission Pledge)으로통하여관계와 ,정의평화에인식, 사명과리더십개발에투자하기때문입니다. 감사합니다이러한사역을가능하게한것은당신이선믈을주셔서입니다!

우리가기도하는마음으로세상과우리삶에있는여성장로교중요성에한번더되새겨보기원합니다. 기부해주세요, 참여와다른분들에게도참여을부탁드립니다.

PW에지원이중요합니다. 선교서약에대한헌금또는선물은 PW에계속되는사역입니다.

Amadas Hermanas en Cristo,Habrás notado que tres nuevas palabras le han sido añadidas a la cubierta del paquete de la Promesa de Misión: “Mujeres

Presbiterianas Fondo Anual”. Estas tres pequeñas palabras nos ayudan a transmitir nuestra gran verdad sobre el fondo demisión: que es la vida financiera de Mujeres Presbiterianas (MP).

La Promesa de Misión es la segunda y tercera milla adicional de aportación los donativos ofrecidos en círculos, en línea ya través de testamento y legados. Es ofrendada libre y amorosamente . . . pero es solicitada para completar mucho más. Comoel Fondo Anual, la Promesa de Misión sostiene casi todos los ministerios de MP. Esto incluye el Encuentro Nacional deMujeres Presbiterianas, Estudio Biblico y Revista Horizons, Equipo Coordinador de Mujeres de toda la Iglesia,programación de Mujeres Presbiterianas en presbiterios y sínodos, participación ecuménica, nuestro equipo profesional detrabajo, y hasta donativos a nuestra denominación. Donativos a las ofrendas especiales de MP—las Ofrendas de Gratitud yCumpleaños—como también a los ministerios ecuménicos son bien importantes, pero estos han florecido en parte, porquela La Promesa de Misión invierte en relaciones y vigila por la justicia, paz, misión y el desarrollo de liderato. Gracias a susdonativos es que se han hecho posibles estos ministerios.

Solicito que en oración reflexionen sobre la importancia de Mujeres Presbiterianas—en su vida y en el mundo. Por favor,aporten, participen adecuadamente e inviten a otras a hacer lo mismo. Respalden los ministerios de MP. Sus donativos a LaPromesa de Misión asegurarán la continuidad del vibrante testimonio y los ministerios de Mujeres Presbiterianas.

A Letter from Your2015–2018 PW Churchwide Moderator

Page 4: Mission Pledge


What Does the Mission Pledge Do?

The Mission Pledge, PW’s annual fund, supports every mission and ministry ofPW—no exceptions. Here is what was made possible in 2015 and 2016 because of

your generosity:

• PW groups at all levels—congregation, presbytery, synod and churchwide—throughprogramming, publishing and related staff support

• Participation in events that develop and enhance PW leadership, including presbyteryand synod events

• Continued mission partnerships with our sisters in South Dakota, Appalachia, Indiaand the Caribbean, through the USA Mission Experience and the Global Exchange

• Involvement in mission projects, like Little Dresses for Africa, where washable sani-pads are made and distributed to girls in Africa, enabling them to stay in school

• Peace and justice initiatives and advocacy efforts, such as promoting children’s literacyin connection with the PC(USA)’s Educate a Child initiative

• Solidarity through ecumenical movements, including World Day of Prayer,Fellowship of the Least Coin and Church Women United

• Presence at General Assembly, Big Tent and other churchwide events

• Regular meetings of an intentionally diverse and representative ChurchwideCoordinating Team/board. This group—with representatives from each synod andthe major racial ethnic groups in the church, as well as new immigrant women andyoung women—collectively discerns the goa ls and work of the organization.

• The award-winning publishing ministry of PW, including partial support forHorizons magazine (both print and digital formats), the PW/Horizons Bible studyand other materials

• Continued management of PW, an effective national nonprofit with worldwidemission and ministry reach—your gifts allow payment for necessary commonoperating expenses such as rent, utilities, insurance, staffing and office supplies.

• PW support of PC(USA) mission and partnerships

Global Exchange

USA Mission Experience

Commission on the Status of Women

Fellowship of the Least Coin Want to learn more? Visit Presbyterian Women’s website, www.presbyterianwomen.org and find PW on Facebook (Presbyterian Women in the PC(USA)) and Twitter(@PWPCUSA).

The body is one . . .

Page 5: Mission Pledge


This is the most common question about the Mission Pledge. And the answer is,that as PW’s annual fund, the Mission Pledge supports every PW mission and

ministry.Mission Pledge gifts help fund the creation and nurturing of mission partnerships;

justice and peace advocacy and other actions; engagement in ecumenical movements;new directions in leadership enhancement and training; the production of Bible studiesto nurture your faith, and magazines to broaden your awareness; support of yourPC(USA) denomination; and much more. Your Mission Pledge gift also supportscommon operating expenses for PW—from rent and staff to insurance and theChurchwide Coordinating Team/board. Giving to the Mission Pledge means carryingPW’s witness and care around the world.

Mission PledgePW’S ANNUAL FUND*

*Expenditures for Calendar Year 2015


This information variesfrom previous Mission

Pledge packet, and that’sas it should be! Thispacket reflects thedecision made by votingrepresentatives to the2015 PW TriennialBusiness Meeting tochange PW’s accountingcalendar from a fiscalyear (August 1—July 31)to a calendar year.Because of this change,reports and accountingare now balanced withthe giving year.

Mission Pledge Annual Fund Revenue

2010 $1,766,569

2011 $1,665,194

2012 $1,488,516

2013 $1,385,351

2014 $1,475,895

2015 $1,197,465

Where Do Our Mission Pledge Dollars Go?

PW Organizationand Support$309,413(26%)

CCT and Board of Directors





. . . and has many members . . . .

Page 6: Mission Pledge


What’s included in this packet?There are several pieces enclosed to help youpromote and receive gifts toward the MissionPledge, PW’s annual fund:

√ introductory letter from Carol Winkler, 2015–2018 moderator of PW’s ChurchwideCoordinating Team

√ Mission Pledge interpretive materials

√ Mission Pledge forms for PW in theCongregation and PW in the Presbytery

√ Mission Pledge card template

Please use this packet and enclosed materials in the fall of 2016 for financial commitments to the2017 PW Mission Pledge. Feel free to photocopyany of the materials, or download them fromwww.presbyterianwomen.org/missionpledge.

Who receives Mission Pledgepackets?Every PC(USA) congregation receives a 2017Mission Pledge packet (addressed to “PW/Women’s Group”), as do members of theChurchwide Coordinating Team, CelebrationGiving representatives, and moderators, co-moderators and treasurers of PresbyterianWomen in the Synod and Presbytery.

If you know of someone who should have received a packet and did not, you can request one bycalling Presbyterian Distribution Service (PDS) at 800/524-2612 and asking for item PWR16011, or download the packet from www.presbyterianwomen.org/missionpledge. Please also contactPatricia Longfellow, [email protected] 844/797-2872, ext. 8015, to ensure that thePW database contains that person’s contactinformation.

Who should promote giving tothe PW Mission Pledge? Everyone should promote giving to PW! With thatsaid, in many cases a designated leader organizesand promotes PW giving. PW in the Congregations(PWC) use a variety of campaign models—in some,the PWC moderator is responsible for the MissionPledge; in others, the PWC treasurer or a circlemember takes the lead role. Some congregationsalso have a Celebration Giving representative(CGR) who promotes the Mission Pledge and allparts of the PW Celebration Giving program. PWencourages groups, congregations, presbyteries andsynods to use the model that works for them.

Leaders in PW in the Presbytery and Synod (PWPand PWS), please work within your coordinatingteams (CT) to help PWC and PWP leaders andcontacts complete the appropriate pledge form (seepages 7–8). And if you know of PresbyterianWomen who do not currently have a circle, pleaseencourage them to give as individuals and to remainactive in the presbytery and synod.

Why should I encourage givingto the PW Mission Pledge?The simple answer: because nearly every missionand ministry program of PW is supported (in fullor in part) through gifts to the Mission Pledge,PW’s annual fund. Leadership enhancement andtraining, mission partnerships, publishing efforts,justice and peace advocacy and much more are allpossible because of the Mission Pledge. MissionPledge gifts also support your denomination,PC(USA) world mission, and PW’s commonoperating expenses, such as rent, utilities andinformation technology support. You can find moredetailed examples and statistics on how yourMission Pledge dollars are put to work on pages 2and 3 of this packet.

Aseries of promotionalposters about

Presbyterian Womenrecently debuted. Aptlynamed, Think You KnowPW? Think Again!, the two-sided posters in thisseries cleverly challengePW “stereotypes” bydrawing attention to astereotypical view of PWon the front, then, on theback, dismantling thatstereotype with anotherphoto and a description of all that PW does.

The aim of the series isto topple even the mostentrenched misunder-standing by clearly (andhumorously) showing whowe are, Whose we are andthe amazing things weaccomplish. The posters arestimulating muchconversation about thetruths of PresbyterianWomen and its vitalministry. Visit www.presbyterianwomen.org to view and download the posters.

Using This Package to Encourage Giving

This packet includes material for PW at the congregation, presbytery and synod levels. Individuals who areso moved can give to PW at any time, inside and outside the circle, by giving online, mailing a check, andplanning an estate gift or bequest. For more information, visit www.presbyterianwomen.org/missionpledge,or contact Rhonda Martin, [email protected], or 844/797-2872, ext. 5596.

For in the one Spirit . . .

Page 7: Mission Pledge


Commitments to Presbyterian Women’s Mission Pledge,PW’s annual fund, traditionally are made through PW

in the Congregation during a fall PW circle meeting, gatheringor event, and/or a fall worship service; pledges are honored and gifts are received throughout the following year. For thiscampaign, pledges are made in 2016 and gifts are received in 2017.

Leaders’ rolesAll PW leaders have important roles in promoting giving to theMission Pledge, PW’s annual fund. Not all groups have thesame leadership positions or giving patterns. Carry out theMission Pledge campaign in a way that works for yourcongregation, presbytery and synod.


Early Fall 2016PW in the Synod (PWS) moderator

√ Offer support to PW leaders responsible for pledges/gifts.

PW in the Presbytery (PWP) moderator

√ Write a personal letter (to share with each congregation inthe presbytery) that includes

• a story about what the Mission Pledge means to you and to PW in the Congregations in your presbytery (see pages 2–3 for examples and statistics) and

• an invitation to prayerfully consider personal pledges/gifts to the Mission Pledge.

√ Offer support to PW leaders responsible for pledges/gifts.

Fall 2016PW in the Congregation (PWC) or circle leader

√ Receive or request • a Mission Pledge packet• a pledge card template (see inside back cover)• the pledge form for PW in the Congregation (page 7)

➢These three items also are available at www. presbyterianwomen.org/missionpledge.

• PWP moderator cover letter

√ Choose and share your PW Mission Pledge impact story,noting that the Mission Pledge supports every PW missionand ministry program (including common operations) andthe PC(USA).

➢ See pages 2–3 for statistics and examples.

√ At a preselected worship service, congregation or PWevent,

• give each person an envelope with a pledge card inside(#10 envelopes work well);

• ask each person to write her/his name on the outside ofthe envelope, prayerfully decide how much to give to thePW Mission Pledge in 2017, write the pledge amount onthe card and return it in the envelope provided; and

• receive all completed pledge cards.

√ Add pledge amounts and report the total on the MissionPledge form for PW in the Congregation (see page 7).

√ Send the completed form to the Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery (PWP) moderator or Celebration Givingrepresentative by November 15, 2016.

Celebration Giving representatives or PW in thePresbytery leaders

√ Ensure that all PW in the Congregation groups have made pledges.

√ Record the pledge total on the form for PW in thePresbytery (see page 8) and attach a list of PWCs that are pledging.

√ Keep the original and send copies by December 1, 2016, to the

• treasurer of PW in the Presbytery

• moderator of PW in the Synod, and

• PW Business Office, 100 Witherspoon St., Louisville,KY 40202-1396.

√ Write a personal thank-you letter to each PW in theCongregation that pledges support for the 2017 PWMission Pledge.

Encouraging Support of the Mission Pledge

. . . we were all baptized into one body . . .

Page 8: Mission Pledge


*Tax receipts are available for PWC or PWP group gifts only. Individuals who would like tax receipts for their gifts should follow the instructionson this page under “Giving outside the PW group.” Contact Patricia Longfellow, 844/797-2872, ext. 8015, or [email protected], formore information.


PWC member(s) responsible for pledges/gifts√ Distribute envelopes once a month, or according to the

congregation’s giving pattern, at circle meetings or selectedevents, or give each person 12 envelopes in January for usethroughout 2017.

• Consider ordering more of the small envelopes for groupgiving (see image, top right).

√ Ask circle/congregation members to give toward their pledgeamount for the year.

√ Record the amount given each month on each person’spledge card.

√ Give the money received at each meeting, worship service or event to the PWC treasurer or person responsible forpledges/gifts.

√ Send quarterly gifts from the congregation* with all otherquarterly gifts to the PWP treasurer by March 10, June 10,September 10 and December 10, 2017.

• Remittance forms are available atwww.presbyterianwomen.org/missionpledge.

• Treasurers also receive these forms from Rhonda Martin,PW Business Office, 844/797-2872, ext. 5596, [email protected].

ResourcesMISSION PLEDGE CARDSMission Pledge cards are an easy way for PW in theCongregations to make and keep track of pledges. Instructionsfor receiving the Mission Pledge using pledge cards are on page 5(under “Fall 2016, PWC or circle leader”), and the pledge cardtemplate is on the inside back cover or www.presbyterianwomen.org/missionpledge.

MISSION PLEDGE GIVING ENVELOPESPW in the Congregation groups may find it helpful to usepreprinted envelopes to receive Mission Pledge gifts. The nextcolumn features images of of two different envelopes: the smallerone can be used to receive gifts within a PW group, the largerenvelope can be used for individual gifts made outside of a groupor by credit card.

Envelope for giving through the PW in the Congregation

Circle and/or congregation members can use the small, groupgiving envelope to honor gifts toward their group’s pledge. Seethis page (under “2017, PWC member responsible forpledges/gifts”) for instructions on using group giving envelopes.Group giving envelopes can be ordered from PDS by calling800/524-2612; ask for item PWR10103; $1.00/pack of 50,plus shipping.

Envelope for giving outside the PW group

The large individual giving envelope is ideal for individuals who

• do not participate in a PW circle,

• attend a church without an active PW group,

• would like a tax receipt for their gift,

• want to give via credit card, or

• wish to make an additional gift over and above their group pledge.

Please make these individual giving envelopes available atcongregation, presbytery and synod meetings and gatherings, as well as at special events as appropriate. The envelopes can alsobe found in the PW/Horizons Bible study and in each issue ofHorizons magazine. Order individual giving envelopes in packsof 10 from PDS by calling 800/524-2612; item PWR16456;free.

Please note that presbyteries and synods will be credited for allindividual gifts.

Receiving the Mission Pledge

Gifts made by credit card can be made online atwww.presbyterianwomen.org/missionpledge. Individuals cangive to the Mission Pledge at any time by sending a check madepayable to Presbyterian Women, with “Mission Pledge” and thename of their presbytery in the memo line, to

Presbyterian Women Remittance ProcessingPO Box 643652

Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3652

. . . made to drink of one Spirit.

Page 9: Mission Pledge


Mission Pledge FormJanuary 1, 2017—December 31, 2017

As Presbyterian Women, we make the following pledge to support the mission of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery, Presbyterian Women in the Synod and Presbyterian Women at the churchwide level, as well as the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

Amount of Mission Pledge, PW’s Annual FundPlease indicate below the amount pledged to PW at each level.

• To support the mission of Presbyterian Women churchwide _____________________

• To support the work of Presbyterian Women in the Synod _____________________

• To support the work of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery _____________________

Total Mission Pledge from PW in the Congregation _____________________

Name of Congregation ________________________________________________________________

Signature of the moderator of Presbyterian Women in the Congregation


City State Zip

Phone Email

Moderator of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery or designee


City State Zip

Phone Email

Instructions1. Enter the pledge amount for support of Presbyterian

Women at the churchwide level (including support for the mission of the church worldwide).

2. Enter the amount of support for Presbyterian Women at each level, as requested by your PW in the Presbytery and PW in the Synod.

3. Keep a copy of this form for your records and send the original to the person indicated below.

Presbyterian Women in the CongregationMission Pledge, PW’s Annual Fund

Deadlinesis Mission Pledge form should be completedand sent to the moderator of PresbyterianWomen in the Presbytery (or whoever isresponsible for the Mission Pledge) no later thanNovember 15, 2016. Send all quarterly paymentsof this pledge to the treasurer of PresbyterianWomen in the Presbytery by March 10, June 10,September 10, and December 10, 2017.

Page 10: Mission Pledge


Mission Pledge FormJanuary 1, 2017—December 31, 2017

As Presbyterian Women, we make the following pledge to support the mission of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery, Presbyterian Women in the Synod and Presbyterian Women at the churchwide level, as well as the mission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery is responsible for reporting thetotal amount pledged in congregations.

Name of Presbytery __________________________________________________________________

Amount of Mission Pledge, PW’s Anual FundPlease indicate below the amount pledged to PW at each level.

• To support the mission of Presbyterian Women churchwide _____________________

• To support the work of Presbyterian Women in the Synod _____________________

• To support the work of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery _____________________

Total Mission Pledge from PW in the Congregations _____________________

Signature of the moderator of Presbyterian Women in the Presbytery (or whoever is responsible for PW giving in the Presbytery)


City State Zip

Phone Email

Guidelines• Keep one copy of this form for your files.• Mail this Mission Pledge form no later than

December 1, 2016 to each of the following:

1. Treasurer of PW in the Presbytery2. Moderator of PW in the Synod3. PW Business Office, 100 Witherspoon St.,

Louisville, KY 40202-1396

Presbyterian Women in the PresbyteryMission Pledge, PW’s Annual Fund

Quarterly churchwide payments should be mailed by March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15,2017 with remittance forms supplied to treasurers of PW in the Presbytery. ese forms can also bedownloaded at www. presbyterianwomen.org/missionpledge.

Quarterly Churchwide PaymentsSend quarterly payments of this pledge to

Presbyterian Women Remittance ProcessingPO Box 643652Pittsburgh, PA 15264-3652

Page 11: Mission Pledge

The 2017 Mission Pledge, Presbyterian Women’s Annual FundP


ge C


Total amount paid ______________ Treasurer’s signature _____________________________

January $ ___________

February $ ___________

March $ ___________

April $ ___________

May $ ___________

June $ ___________

July $ ___________

August $ ___________

September $ ___________

October $ ___________

November $ ___________

December $ ___________

Name _________________________________________ Amount pledged __________________

“One Body, One Spirit”

We ask that you prayerfully consider your gift to the 2017Mission Pledge, PW’s annual fund.

The 2017 Mission Pledge, Presbyterian Women’s Annual Fund





Total amount paid ______________ Treasurer’s signature _____________________________

January $ ___________

February $ ___________

March $ ___________

April $ ___________

May $ ___________

June $ ___________

July $ ___________

August $ ___________

September $ ___________

October $ ___________

November $ ___________

December $ ___________

Name _________________________________________ Amount pledged __________________

“One Body, One Spirit”

We ask that you prayerfully consider your gift to the 2017Mission Pledge, PW’s annual fund.

The 2017 Mission Pledge, Presbyterian Women’s Annual Fund





Total amount paid ______________ Treasurer’s signature _____________________________

January $ ___________

February $ ___________

March $ ___________

April $ ___________

May $ ___________

June $ ___________

July $ ___________

August $ ___________

September $ ___________

October $ ___________

November $ ___________

December $ ___________

Name _________________________________________ Amount pledged __________________

“One Body, One Spirit”

We ask that you prayerfully consider your gift to the 2017Mission Pledge, PW’s annual fund.

Page 12: Mission Pledge

Materials for Presbyterian Women in the Congregation, Presbytery and Synod



Please circulate widely.

Presbyterian Women in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Inc. 100 Witherspoon St.Louisville, KY 40202-1396

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Permit No. 1215

2017 Mission Pledge of Presbyterian WomenPW’S ANNUAL FUND

Visit www.presbyterianwomen.org/missionpledge for an electronic copy of this packet or for stories andblog posts about how gifts to the Mission Pledge improve lives and strengthen communities the world over.
