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Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-48, November 10 1962 · vern men t • • appeal from and the...

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Mississippi "The Truth Sltall Make Yoll Free" v __ __ •a _____ President Ferbicls Distri•ination In Worker fl. red Be(iUSe Wlth Federal Contracts " We pled&e equal employ ..... --- -- ----- - .. He Sou ' hi Better Job cloea business wHh th<" s. The 110 me of lhe con .. . federal aoverttmenl. n•en• orent)l for whl. cb the eoOn Murch 7, l961. President JOIOY I• tlolalr work. If.._ __ JC.m.nedy signed Exe.cuhve Or- 4. The date of lhe ad of 41du r 10925 to create: tbo P•·eai· c_ rhn- iaalioa. Tile c • • • l alal dent•s Corrunltlee on Equal Em· mut be BJM Mt tater than M ploymen t SInce day• from the dole of lhe ad that d au, diserlmm•Uon in el .U.ulmtull•, ,. Die,. 11oe companies w\tb federal time ll e•tuciU by tbe CH· .ment contnds. •• well as dl'l· tra ctlq aane)' M' crirttinalioo In rederaJ employ· the Exe cutive Vle-e Qaalrmaa of Meeting T 0 Aid U.S. Government Rural Dwellers Claim Oll ·llegal men\, I• illegal.. Commlll ee II 1oot1 ...... i• DbcrlmlnaU.. rrehlbitetl ho After ollie yetlrs as 11 wo r ker for lbe lugulbt Shi11ra rd hr M I • sis • i p p I fum<"r• and ML!siJSii i>PI. t .amur T urnlpl!eed of !I! O>!S l' otnt are Invited to at· fired be<:IIUSO he for 11 better Tut'll tl)l;eetl, who is tend D two d•Y conlennce In 28 married snd the f ather or three t htldren, one, two North Carolina aimed at ae<:UT· and tour, wrote 8 letter applying for the Allltt-entlce lng "A better Lile !or Farm P I'Oifi'&M which trains .. 1 $ - · The -• law Jrohl blu 1 5. The re""oo' for tiiJt rlmlno· t- rintb,a lion on the ba•lt .. rat-e. c'-' (rat'e , cree-4, M .. r er ••· c•• , •r oatiooal erl . (in 11-.nal erili n) . !":urn.,, Jlo ceme•t. v.ua ll•c Aa ""'lanou- •f wfh at F a m I lies.'' The me ell" •· Hu Federal Coni racl ar demetlon. h•pP"MCI• l ndude all tho acts 111 A•ve r tl .cl•r ' •' e.m,&oyeec. (C:e•tituttfl OH P•l' I) pIan n e cl for Novemb«r 14·16, Shipyud, a contractor for the fe<leral govern- will inverllgato the pracUcttl ment. I• to h11v" a long •tepl which low Income !amillel rooo•-d ol tli•orimlnullon agoln•l Trealmeol .t M t he job. &at .... ,., . 8electlen for tralninc. inc-ludi · 1ooc Lay ell •• fhhol(. Equality In Un laou Ftdtral Court Or .. n Hattiesb•rg Retistrar To End Discri111ination ••• 111ko to romoin on tbe lo. nd Ask lajaactiol Agaiall Nearoe• - w n..,.evu Nearo worlr. and earn a cl..,l"DI Uvlnc. to ()!). _..JI .,r• ask tor Job upj!r&dtnll or reg. tain olhor job• near homo, or to Coahoma School Bouu l•ler complaints, they are tired, loa rn s1rllb needed lo a;et work reporto 8500 rt . A II h o u 1 h the etoewhere. The Coahonu Counly School al the facllllles Talk With Board II the object of a swl were removed rollowlnt: &. ..,u. The NaUonol Sharecroppera !iled In a fedora I district eourl live Order 1092S .., hi c h eotob· AU companies w it h federal conu-acta must file compUance repOru whlcb detail their em ployml"Dl p o II cl •· pt'o&ram• and alaltstic8 a• wdl at !hole of their aubcontraclors. They mull\ aLso seek to rec111·e ltateme.nla 0 r non4\aerimlna· ilon within labor unions which deal with government coo t.raetors. Wh en compl ain"' a• ·e tiled aovernmenl r e tent to determlJ"'e lf dl str•m•n•· rloo hao acluaUy occurred. U tho contractor h .. nO\ compiled with th" pt -ovi•ion• of the Order, the JU4\Ice J>e.parlmtnl may. en· jot.n lhe com pany f rom contmu· tng Ill policie 1, and may lnsti· lute tri mlnal PI'OCeeding In the c81e of false information in· eluded In lhe Compliance Re· port, 8nd lhe government may "ancel the firm'• e.ontracl. Write To Cttmmlttee lnclividuall who wish w !lie t 0 m p 1 a ln\s oC cli•crimination ahould wrlle to the Preatdenl'l Committee on Eqllll Employ· ment Oppot-tuniby, Washington 25. D. C. . Tbe f 0 11 0 w 1 n g lnformohon 1hould I>« inoluded: t. Y..r aame, •••res4 aiMI phone n.u.Diber. z. The ••me. .r tM Ita a4 dreu, the dl · vl.i. J.• or •ectJ ... io wh.it:h th• AttHtiell ,., .... All P• renlll and some-day p .. ren•• • r e ent"ouraced to look a! the first ottlcle In a series wrlttl"D for the re 0 de ro of the FREE PRESS. Tbe a rtlclel deal with problema tbat a.rlre in rtl•ing child rl"D- The seriH Ia M:it\c .. trltten Cor tbe fREE PRESS by the I\Oted famil,y health advllor Je•nne Bealtte. Be 5ure to look on page throe ot lhlo .. .ek'• t'REE PRESS to read this article and lM oMI in lht con1l nc w.elcl . The United Stalol Supremo Fund. apottSOI'8 or lhe by • achool leacller !Ired be· llahed the Commit· Court Novem· ber 5 10 enee, have urcecl Southern eawoo. ol her rivil rlaht. •c· tee on Equal Employment Op- review a Circ.ul1 Court onle.r farmers. edu.catoro, ond mom· tlvlty. portutliLy, Negro workora are wblch roqulrel the regiotrur of bor8 oi <hu•· ch, civic, labor, 1'1•· Mrs. Noelle M. Henry. wife intimidated agaIn • t uoettln& Foreat County 10 r::4iatu Necro temal and bu•incu aroups to o( NAACP 1tato p rcul don l u 1 clr rlghlo, uccorcli og to work· applicant• without dl•ulmina· attend the meeUn11 to dlstuu Aat·on Hot\J'Y. hu asked for a ua' 1 torles, lion. Tbe order waa iuued June rural problema with the many ...,rm,.nt'fll inJunction In a auil One employee, .Jnmr• Ooode, u bY the 5\h Cln:ult Court or governmenl ond p1·lvate a gene)' Llled 0 ll u 1 n. al the Boa1-d ond wu flt• ed • few day• 11 ller he Appeals in New Orlotm•, ofler experu there . Coahomo County Superinlt!nd· drank at the while .,. 0 ter !oun · the United State• Court The (KlrpoH of the conference cnt Puul Hunter. She I• abo tnin Turnipaeed report ed , "The in Biloxi. Mt, uissi ppi. refused is to bring lnrormalton aboul lee kina a pr.,lin>lnary lnjune· Boai tried IO find out Jwtlc c Departrnl"Dl requut• to &ovemmenl and aeU-!Iolp de- tion 10 perm•t her lO roaume her who the colored fellow drlnklnlf Issue 11. velopment p rograms teochlng post; Mu. Henry oul of the water fountain wn. Civil Bl 1ltt• Act rural P"DP!c who need •. m taus ht ln th" county f or II Ho found out ...,d talked to hi• The Jusbc.e Department mCM:t, and to &ive the ofht.lal• years and wo1 on U1e ita rt ol forcrnon. aM lhe i ft based iu petition on tho voting responsible for the progrem• McCloud e 1 em en tar y school lurn lalked 10 Jomes • , , about provlflonl of the ClvU Right• I the opportunity to loom directly whott hor rontratl woo term tnr•c doy• Inter wo• dl• · Ael ond claimed lhal Dilirlct rrom the people involvod what noted h _. .. d C f J C L-on 1 probletn• · •-- c arg .... Judie Harol ox o ,.. ' lhe r moll preiSUio Maot Lilt OrJama•l-• f 'orm•• Cotnmllloe would not issue an order to end and needs are. Mrs . H<'llry aiJO .. ked lor on the dl•crlminatory praeflcQs of Loon rro1rama Injunction oaainat the Mtorte· Wbett they round tMJl aboul EU&Iotrar Theron C. Ly nd of PartictpenlJt will leurn about mont of a nale law which re· tht Eueullve Order. MrDUP Rattiesburs. the A r 0 n Redevelopment und qult'H teachoro to me an alii - of Negro formed Tho Court of Appeals lhen lo· Rural Area• Development p ro· dav tt II•UnJ the or .c onizouons commluee to see t! tho appren· • u 0 d the anli-dltcrimlnatl""- gramJI which fedcrul fin an· 10 'l'hloh uiey belong or I' on· p•·ouram wua aciuaUy ruling until It could review tho dol auppot·t to rural lndu•try, tribute . opened to them. Lamar Turn lp - l 0 vern men t • • appeal from and the F armeu H ome Ad· AllorrloY• u ketl lhat t'fovem· aced wrote o lctlcr or 3ppllc• · Judr,e Cox's failure to la•ue the m 1 n I• t r a tl on loon program bor 12 be •et ulde lor heorlng tiM to the Company and 16 ord.,'r. It llated that from Janu· (Co•ll.,,_j O• P•1I) bolorc United Slate$ D;.tricl hours later he wu II red. ary Sl, 196t lo IM time ot It• Judge Claude Clayton of lhe "It u ir the Compony InJunction, II wu Mhllfl'••l ltiiMr Ladtr Northern Dlllriet of Ml .. luippl . W••ll••''' •- ,.. ,, 1} plain tho! "obviouJI,y qualified NeJrOe& were rejecled for rea Spl .. l ApiMt •ltht ·WiM tslratlon, unleu the registrar hal tome baoll whleh ba1 not been communlcaled to them." Bejeclfll The eourl o r de r continued .. A mona tbeoe five tchool teachero in the public lchool• at H atUeoburJ or Foreit Coun 1..r. Mis• -; •ix of them boldine baohelora d e g r o 01 fJ-om eol and three of them deJtteJ ol Master of ArU. Joe Pa11enon. attorney gen eral of Mtuluippl. a.ppeoled to the Supreme Cou1·1 on bo!h alf of Lynd contel\cll ng that the Ctr cult Court h•d no jurisdiction to act because It bad no oUicJ•I record from the Dlrtrlel Court and because the loter court had never I u u e d an onler from which on o ppeal could be tahn ; Cox dlcl not enter an or· dor rcfulilll '"mporal')' ln- Jitnclion hul merely !oiled to LUUt ont . The pruidonl ol the Mi .. t.· 1 ippl Labor CouncU o!lacked the "reactionary Ioree•" which soucht to prevent J •rn•• Mer· edith rrom· cnterina the Univor· •il.l' or Mluluippi. Speakrng ot the Alab•m• Lo• bor Convention. Claude Ram· sey auerted lh:tL ••p ruC'1ica11y everything lbar happt!ned on tho ea mpu• wu politlcoUy In· 1plred." lfe declared lhal Oov· ernor Bamett'l adminlouallon waJ •·at an ull·tlme l ow'' when Meredlth applied to Ole Mill, and thai the pollllclnn• used I ht slluaUon "to ball lboms tlvu out ol dJUtcully." Ramsey ei.Jo auacked lho tote'• rillhll movement that Is atl 1 ln1 In Alab••u mu ch u it ha• in Mtbl .. tppl. Local Farmers Industry Into Bring Rural New Area The Nallonal velopme.Ht prog ratn wt1i ch hos r•leulod report ur makcJ loon• w brin• indu•try 1 pilot project In rural develop· inlo dopre••ed region• . mont In f'oyeltc ond ll nywnod totrtmill ee, 011 •·equlred Counlle•. Tenne .. ee The pro- by the government, •• broadly )eel wu inalllutod to dl l• repro•cntollve olcutnmunlly itl• ploced and unemployed faml· teresta 1nd lnoludt.o farmero ltes wbo were put oU the hnd 1nd buslnoJsmen fro•n rural for roaMerln& IO vole or who Somerville, and a union leedu wtre ,- lcUml ol unemploymcnL educator ond bank Iron• Gove r-nmen t 1A1ns Mumph.l 1. A b i- racial commille<> of lo· f'edero l lltiJ eul cllizenl invited NSf' to ••· Fodera! experLo '" ' l•t!ld lite obi it In U1e We•t rommille<' In locol Tel\ftl!il,et! Dev•loptnenl Com· need• and rc•outcol. CQnoulta· lu br i ng lndu• try und lion• wlth I he Rural f:leclrllit o• ·Job<( to the ••on Adrni ni, lration and TI1e at' OUII . compo> ed mo•li.Y At-ell Rctlevolopmenl Admin• ... l• r met •. lOOk ol hatton provtded tochnloal help :. cove m me nl ltu t al De· ""' rcriJif 4)
Page 1: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-48, November 10 1962 · vern men t • • appeal from and the Farmeu Home Ad· AllorrloY• u ketl lhat t'fovem· aced wrote o lctlcr or 3ppllc•·


"The Truth Sltall Make Yoll Free"

v -~o_I __ I.~N_o_. __ •a _____ ~~J~a~--------------~J~o~ck~son~~· ~~~iu~l~s~si£P~Pi~~Sa~r~u~rd~a~y~,~N~ov~e~m~b~o~r~1~0~, ~1~9~6~2~----------------------~'~0e~P~e~r_;C~op~y

President Ferbicls Distri•ination In Worker fl. red Be(iUSe (on~panles Wlth Federal Contracts

" We pled&e equal employ ..... -----------

~:~~{;~~::~~~~~~~~;.:~ :~::~~=u:= .. :~-=::.;.~.-~ He Sou ' hi Better Job whl~h cloea business wHh th<" s. The 110me of lhe con ... federal aoverttmenl. n•en• orent)l for whl.cb the eom·

On Murch 7, l961. President JOIOY I• tlolalr work. If.._ _ _ JC.m.nedy signed Exe.cuhve Or- 4. The date of lhe ad of 41s· dur 10925 to create: tbo P•·eai· c_rhn-iaalioa. Tile c • • • l alal dent•s Corrunltlee on Equal Em· mut be BJM Mt tater than M ployment Opporlunil~. SInce day• from the dole of lhe ad that d au, diserlmm•Uon in el .U.ulmtull•, ,. Die,. 11oe companies w\tb federal co~em· time ll e•tuciU by tbe CH· .ment contnds. •• well as dl'l· tractlq a•v~ut aane)' M' crirttinalioo In rederaJ employ· the Executive Vle-e Qaalrmaa of

Meeting T 0 Aid U.S. Government l~ve~ti~at~s Rural Dwellers Claim Oll·llegal D1scr~mmat•on

men\, I• illegal.. th~ Commlllee II 1oot1 ...... i• DbcrlmlnaU.. rrehlbitetl ho

After ollie yetlrs as 11 worker for lbe lugulbt Shi11rard hr M I • sis • i p p I fum<"r• and Pa~~<:agoula, ML!siJSiii>PI. t .amur T urnlpl!eed of !I!O>!S l'otnt wa~

oharc~ropp••• are Invited to at· fired be<:IIUSO he o~ked for 11 better jo~. Tut'll tl)l;eetl, who is tend D two d•Y conlennce In 28 married snd the father or three t htldren, a~te~ one, two North Carolina aimed at ae<:UT· and tour, wrote 8 letter applying for the Helper·~ Allltt-entlce lng " A better Lile !or Farm P I'Oifi'&M which trains mechanic~.

.. 1 $ - · The -• law Jrohlblu 1 5. The re""oo' for tiiJtrlmlno· t-r intb,alion on the ba•lt .. r at-e. c'-' (rat'e, cree-4, M .. r er ••· c••, ere~ •r oatiooal erl.(in 11-.nal erilin).

!":urn.,, Jlo ceme•t. v.ua•ll•c ' · Aa ""'lanou- •f wfh at F a m I lies.'' The me ell" •· Hu Federal Coni racl

tran»fe~ ar demetlon. h•pP"MCI• lndude all tho acts 111 A•ver tl.cl•r '•' e.m,&oyeec. (C:e•tituttfl OH P•l' I)

pIan n e cl for Novemb«r 14·16, fngllll~ Shipyud, a contractor for the fe<leral govern-will inverllgato the pracUcttl ment. I• ~••d to h11v" a long •tepl which low Income !amillel rooo•-d ol tli•orimlnullon agoln•l

• Trealmeol .t e"'-''-~~· M the job.

• &at .... ,.,. • 8electlen for tralninc. inc-ludi ·

1ooc a,,...uceabl~. • Layell •• fhhol(.

Equality In Unlaou

Ftdtral Court Or .. n Hattiesb•rg Retistrar To End Discri111ination

••• 111ko to romoin on tbe lo.nd Ask lajaactiol Agaiall Nearoe•- wn..,.evu Nearo worlr. and earn a cl..,l"DI Uvlnc. to ()!). _..JI .,r• ask tor Job upj!r&dtnll or reg. tain olhor job• near homo, or to Coahoma School Bouu l•ler complaints, they are tired, loa rn s1rllb needed lo a;et work reporto 8500rt. A II h o u 1 h the etoewhere. The Coahonu Counly School 1tgn~ al the aeporot~ facllllles

Talk With E~P"rt• Board II the object of a swl were removed rollowlnt: &...,u. The NaUonol Sharecroppera !iled In a fedora I district eourl live Order 1092S .., hi c h eotob·

AU companies w it h federal conu-acta must file compUance repOru whlcb detail their em ployml"Dl pracUce~, p o II cl • •· p t'o&ram• and alaltstic8 a• wdl at !hole of their aubcontraclors. They mull\ aLso seek to rec111·e ltateme.nla 0 r non4\aerimlna· ilon within labor unions which deal with government coo t.raetors.

When complain"' a•·e tiled aovernmenl iJ\'fe.lli&~lOr~ ~ r e tent to determlJ"'e lf dlstr•m•n•· rloo hao acluaUy occurred. U tho contractor h .. nO\ compiled with th" pt-ovi•ion• of the Order, the JU4\Ice J>e.parlmtnl may. en· jot.n lhe com pany from contmu· tng Ill policie1 , and may lnsti· lute trimlnal PI'OCeeding In the c81e of false information in· eluded In lhe Compliance Re· port, 8nd lhe government may "ancel the firm'• e.ontracl.

Write To Cttmmlttee lnclividuall who wish w !lie

t 0 m p 1 a ln\s oC cli•crimination ahould wrlle to the Preatdenl'l Committee on Eqllll Employ· ment Oppot-tuniby, Washington 25. D. C. .

Tbe f 0 11 0 w 1 n g lnformohon 1hould I>« inoluded:

t . Y..r aame, •••res4 aiMI phone n.u.Diber.

z. The ••me. .r tM f:om~t••r tnv•I~N , Ita a4dreu, the dl· vl.i.J.• or •ectJ ... io wh.it:h th•

AttHtiell ,.,....

All P• renlll and some-day p .. ren•• • r e ent"ouraced to look a! the first ottlcle In a series wrlttl"D ~IallY for the re 0 de ro of the FREE PRESS. Tbe a rtlclel deal with problema tbat a.rlre in rtl•ing child rl"D-

The seriH Ia M:it\c .. trltten Cor tbe fREE PRESS by the I\Oted famil,y health advllor Je•nne Bealtte. Be 5ure to look on page throe ot lhlo .. .ek'• t'REE PRESS to read this article and lM oMI in lht con1lnc w.elcl.

The United Stalol Supremo Fund. apottSOI'8 or lhe conf~r· by • achool leacller !Ired be· llahed the Pres!4et~t'a Commit· Court r~tused Novem·ber 5 10 enee, have urcecl Southern eawoo. ol her rivil rlaht. •c· tee on Equal Employment Op­review a Circ.ul1 Court onle.r farmers. edu.catoro, ond mom· tlvlty. portutliLy, Negro workora are wblch roqulrel the regiotrur of bor8 oi <hu•·ch, civic, labor, 1'1•· Mrs. Noelle M. Henry. wife intimidated agaIn • t uoettln& Foreat County 10 r::4iatu Necro temal and bu•incu aroups to o( NAACP 1tato p rcul don l u1clr rlghlo, uccorcliog to work· applicant• without dl•ulmina· attend the meeUn11 to dlstuu Aat·on Hot\J'Y. hu asked for a ua' 1torles, lion. Tbe order waa iuued June rural problema with the many ...,rm,.nt'fll inJunction In a auil One employee, .Jnmr• Ooode, u bY the 5\h Cln:ult Court or governmenl ond p1·lvate a gene)' Llled 0 ll u 1 n.al the Boa1-d ond wu flt•ed • few day• 11ller he Appeals in New Orlotm•, ofler experu there. Coahomo County Superinlt!nd· drank at the while .,.0 ter !oun· the United State• D;.tri~t Court The (KlrpoH of the conference cnt Puul Hunter. She I• abo tnin Turnipaeed reported, "The in Biloxi. Mt,uissippi. refused is to bring lnrormalton aboul leekina a pr.,lin>lnary lnjune· Boai l'o~on tried IO find out Jwtlcc Departrnl"Dl requut• to &ovemmenl and aeU-!Iolp de- tion 10 perm•t her lO roaume her who the colored fellow drlnklnlf Issue 11. velopment programs t~hlhe teochlng post; Mu. Henry oul of the water fountain wn.

Civil Bl1ltt• Act rural P"DP!c who need • . ~ m tausht ln th" county for II Ho found out ...,d talked to hi• The Jusbc.e Department mCM:t, and to &ive the ofht.lal• years and wo1 on U1e ita rt ol forcrnon. aM lhe (O~"Itman ift

based iu petition on tho voting responsible for the progrem• McCloud e 1 em en tar y school lurn lalked 10 Jomes • , , about provlflonl of the ClvU Right• I the opportunity to loom directly whott hor rontratl woo term I· tnr•c doy• Inter Jan•~• wo• dl•· Ael ond claimed lhal Dilirlct rrom the people involvod what noted h _. ..

d C f J CL-on 1 • ~ probletn• · •-- c arg .... Judie Harol ox o • ,.. ' lhe r moll preiSUio Maot Lilt OrJama•l-• f'orm•• Cotnmllloe would not issue an order to end and needs are. Mrs. H<'llry aiJO .. ked lor on the dl•crlminatory praeflcQs of Loon rro1rama Injunction oaainat the Mtorte· Wbett they round tMJl aboul EU&Iotrar Theron C. Ly nd of PartictpenlJt will leurn about mont of a nale law which re· tht Eueullve Order. • MrDUP Rattiesburs. the A r 0 n Redevelopment und qult'H teachoro to me an alii- of Negro worke~a formed •

Tho Court of Appeals lhen lo· Rural Area• Development pro· davtt II•UnJ the or.conizouons commluee to see t! tho appren· • u 0 d the anli-dltcrimlnatl""- gramJI which ~tlvc fedcrul fin an· 10 'l'hloh uiey belong or I' on· ~lee•hlp p•·ouram wua aciuaUy ruling until It could review tho dol auppot·t to rural lndu•try, tribute. opened to them. Lamar Turnlp­l 0 vern men t • • appeal from and the Farmeu H ome Ad· AllorrloY• u ketl lhat t'fovem· aced wrote o lctlcr or 3ppllc• · Judr,e Cox's failure to la•ue the m 1 n I• t r a tl on loon program bor 12 be •et ulde lor • heorlng tiM to the Company and 16 ord.,'r. It llated that from Janu· (Co•ll.,,_j O• P•1• I) bolorc United Slate$ D;.tricl hours later he wu II red. ary Sl, 196t lo IM time ot It• Judge Claude Clayton of lhe "It ""~mit u ir the Compony tempor~ry InJunction, II wu Mhllfl'••l ltiiMr Ladtr Northern Dlllriet of Ml .. luippl. W••ll••''' •- ,..,, 1} plain tho! "obviouJI,y qualified NeJrOe& were rejecled for rea Spl .. l ApiMt •ltht·WiM tslratlon, unleu the registrar hal tome baoll whleh ba1 not been communlcaled to them."

T~uherl Bejeclfll The eourl o r de r continued

.. A mona tbeoe a~e five tchool teachero in the public lchool• at HatUeoburJ or Foreit Coun 1..r. Mis•-; •ix of them boldine baohelora d e g r o 01 fJ-om eol lege~. and three of them h~."lng deJtteJ ol Master of ArU.

Joe Pa11enon. attorney gen eral of Mtuluippl. a.ppeoled to the Supreme Cou1·1 on bo!half of Lynd contel\cllng that the Ctr cult Court h•d no jurisdiction to act because It bad no oUicJ•I record from the Dlrtrlel Court and because the loter court had never I u u e d an onler from which on o ppeal could be tahn; Cox dlcl not enter an or· dor rcfulilll • '"mporal')' ln­Jitnclion hul merely !oiled to LUUt ont.

The pruidonl ol the Mi .. t.· 1 ippl Labor CouncU o!lacked the "reactionary Ioree•" which soucht to prevent J•rn•• Mer· edith rrom·cnterina the Univor· •il.l' or Mluluippi.

Speakrng ot the Alab•m• Lo• bor Convention. Claude Ram· sey auerted lh:tL ••p ruC'1ica11y everything lbar happt!ned on tho ea mpu• wu politlcoUy In· 1plred." lfe declared lhal Oov· ernor Bamett'l adminlouallon waJ •·at an ull·tlme low'' when Meredlth applied to Ole Mill, and thai the pollllclnn• used I ht slluaUon "to ball lbomstlvu out ol dJUtcully."

Ramsey ei.Jo auacked lho • tote'• rillhll movement that Is atl1ln1 In Alab••u much u it ha• in Mtbl .. tppl.

Local Farmers Industry Into

Bring Rural

New Area

The Nallonal Sha~rocroppcr~t velopme.Ht prog ratn wt1i ch ~·und hos r•leulod • report ur makcJ loon• w brin• indu•try 1 pilot project In rural develop· inlo dopre••ed region•. mont In f'oyeltc ond llnywnod Th~ totrtmillee, 011 •·equlred Counlle•. Tenne .. ee The pro- by the government, •• broadly )eel wu inalllutod to •~slst dll• repro•cntollve olcutnmunlly itl• ploced and unemployed faml· teresta 1nd lnoludt.o farmero ltes wbo were put oU the hnd 1nd buslnoJsmen fro•n rural for roaMerln& IO vole or who Somerville, and a union leedu wtre , -lcUml ol unemploymcnL educator ond bank olf1ei:~l Iron•

Gover-nment 1A1ns Mumph.l1. A bi-racial commille<> of lo· f'edero l lltiJ

eul cllizenl invited NSf' to ••· Fodera! experLo '"' l•t!ld lite obi it In orpni~i~ U1e We•t rommille<' In analy~ln~ locol Tel\ftl!il,et! Dev•loptnenl Com· need• and rc•outcol. CQnoulta· p~ny lu bring lndu• try und lion• wlth I he Rural f:leclrllito• n~~ ·Job<( to the ~mrt~un •tv. ••on Adrnini, lration and Ut~ TI1e at'OUII. compo>ed mo•li.Y At-ell Rctlevolopmenl Admin• ... ~~ l•rmet •. lOOk •d••nl~pe ol hatton provtded tochnloal help :. covem menl ltu tal Ar~*'" De· (Ctttt~tu•~tl ""' rcriJif 4)

Page 2: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-48, November 10 1962 · vern men t • • appeal from and the Farmeu Home Ad· AllorrloY• u ketl lhat t'fovem· aced wrote o lctlcr or 3ppllc•·

..... 2

Wa ,,..:m 1'0« . ' ' COOO OOVBI\N'MI!NT auonna uvrNO ITA.NO.U.ot II'TT'EA £DUC.ATlOC"-f41.. orf'OJITUsm£1 IIOCllA1o JU.,._ , •. >H Mrmw rr1


Page For Higher Living Standards

" A Living Wage"

MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Salurday, Ncwomber I 0, 1962

~;;;;Aiiennath +l ........ c·o·~R~E'T'S""] At i• tlltpa.tl, tM FRBB PREJSS 0 I Ill I IIOO IOI I o o I o o oo o 0 t 0 0 0 00 D t a oe 010 I 00 ••~~~~~

'- .uu., t.\io - ... 1' -""' ,.._ M 1 have oalcl t..tore, tblo nation. Student• attend "'"0?1 pl'iou ,,_ ollw-r ,....,loot • .,.'=.,'!: ootumn normally lriH to In· tor a Yariety of reuono. thear ""' •• •I U.'-1.

10 elude a bit of humor. Occasion· parent• have another oet of no­O«otio....Utt wlklt t 6tt o u .• r a"u It Ia poulble to find • Uont that very oJtOJI are entire­"'-""'" fr offt M l01iuip,H, "" J t ~•All• ~01 H"•• .. rllll •"1'""'"' lauah or two in J immy Ward's ly diJ eren . owr poi•t of vi~W. Ao.a:• btluc.~ti•l Column, ueoverlnl the Crosa· The tollowinl ar• ex~erpt& •"'-••'• '""' 0 ,. _, ....,.,A roada." '1'he other day, appar· from an article written In a rH<Jiol,. Tlo fell•""•' 1o •• tuti<l• enUy in an attempt to show that London, En&Jand, newspaper. It fn• 0 0 ...,.110,_ Itt Tttlmotc~~ Ntll'Oel support hit p oint of ulu "What do we whh for the MiatufPf'L ' vtew, he printed a prayer that ttudtnta?u

a Nerro pr.eacher was auppo•~ ,_ t lh should acquire By P aul Plltmaa to have g>ven In a ehurcll lll ma ey

In the Tyl.,rtown Times Webb, Misstulppl. Whot do you knowledge and develop the Deaplte lhe ruuurlng, optl· think of it? 11 goe1 u follows: power of their mlnda. that !bey

mlatlc noise• belnl mad.e In •D EAR LORD: Mlulssippl thould learn to ,..,on and critl· oome quartan by lndu.uiallllt done been mnded. Our rigbtt cite; aU this we ohould take !or and busineu u eeuUves, It It baa been taken from us, black uantod. In lhe early history o! aolroady appar01t t1hald~~'t0xe'·: aa weU u white. l am just a acodomles we find another pur· ford violence wll ~ .., pOOr lanorant colored preaeher, hove an adverae e(lect on the bull thought the Supreme court pose at well, to Imparl wisdom. ttale'a national imoge and wu here to protect our Con· " Wheo Plato and Aristotle set economic denlopment. alltullon not to rewrite ft. Our up lhelr scboola lor the earer

And lhis, by no meant, 1t the 10vernor wat within his cighla youth of Greece they did not -Last weelc we tried to polnl out the over-rldlnc import.. total coot to Mlultalppl. when be shut Meredith out of neaJect to cli.lcourse oo the eon·

t . Ml I • • • rd to improve The aoberlnl aftermath of Ole Min. Miululppl hu fine duct of Ute, on the nature ollhe ance of good aovernmen an · 1111 1181PP1 Ul 0 er evenlt followlnc the Govornor't colored scboola provided for us eood and on the meaning o! tho atate for all people. But very c.l()lfe behind In Importance sland for principle I• only n.ow by our whitalrlenclt. There wu virtue. The Jewloh teaebers too, Is the economy of the state t.nd Its ability to supply all work· beelnnlng to sink tnrou.rh to a llrLe Mlulaslppl 1enUemen go· In their di1ferent manner, aimed era with a livlnr waae. Though anyone interes ted In ralalng contlderable aermenl of the lnl to Ole lloUu wheo> lhe Ken· a t wisdom, promltlnl the dill· the living atandards of thia state ourht not walt ! or the businesa community of Mlulo· nedyt wu dJgclnl potatoes In aent pupilt, "Wildom ohall en• atate KOVemment to greatly improve, the innuence .a g1lOd sippi. Ireland. Brine U1hl to them, 0 ter Into thine heart, and lmowl· legislative and a tood executive eould have on lmprovtng lhe And It Is • biller aftermalh Lord, that are deeelved. Tab edce lhall be pleuiJit unto lhy living atandanb In &lilll!isalppl makes good etl\'tmment a Indeed when one contlders lhe them Keont!dya away and let aoul." (Prov. u, 10) crucial factor . fact that lhe prlee Miuluip- us Uve In .peac.e. Am. en.' "Onl.v In modern times bat

. plano will hove to pay will be ' There uro mnny thing$ thAi can be done to make MJsals· tho rod not ono whit by th" en· Colleges and unlveulliu are this emphasis on teaching how

alppi a plaeo where all men willing to work can make a decent lhuslartle outolden who joined now In full swine tbroushoul tlu! to live fallen Into the back· a•age. ln~tead of waiting tor the forces of the aovernm~nt to In promoting and alita1lnc the around. There are miJIY wi4e n•• •~~l·latlon thAt will ~uire employen to pay thetr e.m· alate'• agonv. men In unlversitiu, and many p ~ ""' p • ~ -'· • fie ant lnduotry In their ~ity tor d •· b be e wise but loy.~~ ~uoMhlv and re~eu18rly, the WO<ACI'I can orpntte Wh It e Miaslosl!l1>1ans en· 1 d st1> en~ ave com •

tl ~ ' ~ ----• d eel nd ood four years afler the cr sio ha the univenibe. do not put them· and become forceil t .... ,m,.,.ve.t. on a 11 by Governor occurred. a• lvet forward at nurteries of

1 be ! • • · • Bnmett in hit doUed !ig111 for ~ Jt !R clear thnt no one man will be abe to e ,ec:.ave m whot he defined u a "last ditch tn addition to those tangible wisdom. TheIr ttudents muot

Improving tho wasce scale for hlmt~elr or for his follow wor~· atond Cor stotc aoverolgnty," coats to Mlaalulppl, t.he o.e ... 1< It for thcmulvu • •• • erg. An employer hna no rtiUIOII to IL!ten to eueh a. man. H tR REPAIRING DAMAGE Mlsa affair b.at had the ..Ueet "The lime apent In university request ia nolblng more than one more gripe to ham. ll the But now that the heat of emo- of moving our otate and its or eollege Ia an opportunity, man should p e r • Is t he could Ju~l be put off the job; lion oN! pauion hao paued, It leader• even further from tho which the majority of men lack, another can be eas ily found. But if this man wRJI to eome 11 to be hoped that all hlo sup. mainstream of natlonel pollU· (mort people 1n Mluillsippi) ••• from a meeting of a large numbn of the workers and spoke porters will join In the less ex· cal llte. ol leisure to reflect on the val• for all of them, hla requcat would be somethlnr much more olllnr and le .. ~motional lu k Nationally, our flcbt to pre· uea of Ute and to decide what than 11 gripe, of working to repair the dam· aerve slate •overelanty bas tra· ahall be the dominant motives .

Now when the worker cnmo to hls employer to ask for ft~e ::cl~:;~t:,; l~!,oc:~:.~~~~d clltlonally b<>en Interpreted sol"· of the active yeart whleh wlll • ll••a·n .. wa"e, the emplo•·er would have to be !nterellted. The Ju•• -·h·t'dam• ly at a figbtlo pruerve racial follow. Too many atuden11 ~ ' " .. ' h • ed t IJt t • - • •le has been ••l"•lallon, and lhe d!ect lo em e r 1 e trom the process of employer would have to U3ten while t e n>an poan.t ou a done? encourace thit point of view. h 11 he r education wllh sharp. a lh•ing wage Is a PIIJ'Chcck thAt allows bla c~1ldren to ~ OLE MISS UURT oned intellecu, but wilh no eli· pJ'OIM'f1Y elolhed and fed, that allows a ma.n lo hve In a honte The most hnmedlate and ap· PARTY IS DEAD reotlve !or Uvlne. /or which he can have pride, that permlla the Insurance pnr.-nt Is !hat done to the repu· The n a tl on al Democratic 11romlums to be paid to protect hi$ family in CIIIIC of f'iro or tntJon ond ertoctlvaneu oi the porty at tbl• lime It deacl In There are two questions slc:lmess or the death of tho brMclwlnner , thnt pennlte buy- University. What young student Misaluippl. And Mlssisaip- whloh mu•t be anawered before lng the necell!itles of modern day living without hiving to oan ret mulmum b..,ellt from pisna' natural revultlon tor the we can pronounce 8 university become so d~ply In debt that one Alip can put 1!0 mueh In hit ttudies under the waleb!W Republican party pluo olhu oaree.r a succeu. One 1•· who~ j_, ...... thllt hu e,nough to aave Cor tho edueatlon of hie ~Y~ of federal troop• and mar· historic eonditlont will no doubt do 1 know: '1'he olher, more im· w.-•v.To I t f lh t 1_~ ~ -•-- poriiJII, is what do l admlr•

children. A living w11ge ilt lhe m nlmum nrnoun o pny a ahald Indeed aome havr al· lead to another unp ""'"" ~· and revere, and what do 1 rec• the employer would take for grnnted for himself. ready withdrawn to study else· tor attempt In 1.8414. osnlu .., worthy of my loyalty,

h l t where. Jl hln 1 And If the employer doc~ not come near enoug o mee - Moreover, there 1, the dl•· But;. the•• t •• ore •• cu· devotion anclloveT" tng the dcmnnde tor a hltthcr return for ~ervleo rendered- tlncl possibility, now beinc con· loled riaiU thaL the Governor And then, as thouah he wore the worke r can &I)I!Jik tor the larsce nomber that me~ at the sldered that the Unlver.ttr and hla advl..,rt hod to take. tolkinc dJrecUy to the vut num· m~ling. He ran lilly thnt none of thl'l!e men will work until moy io$e Ita aeoreditaUon, For the stakct at they dellned ber of Missiulppiens who ·hl\·e they are properly pnid. E,·entually the employer would have !hereby mlnlml&lna tho value them, wue aa hlah •• any thll not been able to let mueh edu· to make nn agreeable settlement, because he cannot make of crodlu earned and dJplomu 1 calion, Dr. Matthewt continues: money for hhn~~lf unlel!J! the workers are on the Job •. lle can. granted to student•. ~:::. ·~::=~~n the polltica •·we may not have had lhe priv· not find nttd lrnln 11 grent numllcr of men nil nt Otae tame. The "'orld over. the Unlv4!r· .lege of a university education,

It 1 t th ht f t d as Knowledgeable M Ia •I a. I P· but we have been tot y ear$ stu.· ,lust R8 In the realm or government Worker8 nrc allowed :t:,: ~; rn ~~fi.,80° ,..;:;, ~oro plano, includJna Governor Bur· denio In the unlverally of lit~.

to ,-ote to lnrtuen~e whnt they ~llc\'e is rhcht. 10 all!O in the n'hode~ :cholart to Its credit nett, 1 am certain. must hne which baa no doubt taught us realm or lstbor and manftgeml'nt the w!lrker ran. have the th•n :my other •outhem ~ol· aaonaed over the cost they meny thlncs which we could not right to \"Ole for what he bellci'I'A to be nght. But tn order to Ieee but the place where two knew the alate muot bear In have learned eltewhere. We too hn1·e this right, the worker mmt 3how the enel'lP' and Inter· we~ killed and srores InJured pre .. lnJ our orrtolal position to may find !hat our values are ~tto organir.t hi~ fellow workers, 11nd, of rour~e. thi&. lAl<e~ over the Mt~•edlth affair. • point of open defiance to fed· uncertain and oet ourselves to time and e ffort . Rut the im1l0rlllnre of a living wna-e 11 well There ;, no u•e saying the eral authority. be wlac bclore It Is too late!' worth woa·klng for. whole me,. bu not had a ••rl· Now the long haul beglns. Many of us have not had ;=======================::;lou• odverse eUect on the favor· From tne Ole Mba experlenet mueh education-and as a re4 able I mace llllu loalppl waa pro- relating to cl .. llu between ault have been led around much

To MJSSISSil'Pl FREE PR~:SS 1253 Valley Street laclu10n, M!esi@~Sippi

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Cl\y Zone State

jeetlng for lndu•trlali•l•. With alate and federal authority, we of our~ Let uo heed Dr. Mat• thlt buslnua. It would be naive oan at least team !he extreme thewa wordo before Il l• too late ondeed to bcllove lndustraliall caution that neodo to be taken • •• too late (or u1 and too late will come flocllinc to lhe ••ote to nvoid th4! poulblllty of vlo· tor our ohlldren , , , be wi .. to butlrcn our def~n,•• ln the lence ancl bloo<l•hed. and not afraid. fight to pre&Cr\'0 t iote's t'lgnta.

While they mny 1)'11\pathlu wuh our motlvtJ and our caw-•. they are. attt>.t •U. bu&inessmtn and will think hl•ice civ .. .n • ~hoice belween ours and oth•r otalcs bdore locating In an area where violence and riot• may occur. or where th~ Prell· dent m"y ..,nd ledual forre to enfoTee rullnrs. STAT& ISOLATED

The experlt'nce of L·tlle Rock, Ark.. aftt<r their fodorol occu· pallon and \he t chool inttj!rO• lion rrl~lf woa th•t they were

MISSISSIPPI FREE PRESS Publlllhed every Saturdar by the RiCo Publishing

Compony , Inc., 1253 Valley St~t, Jackson, Mla&luippi, Phone FL 11-7345.

Published weekly In 1ackson, Miaalulppl. Enter· ed as second·tlau matter at the Post ofiice at 1ackson, Milll!iuippl.

Subscription prlre: $4..00 ptr year - $2.30 for six month.s. Ten eenlll per copy. ~!tor .. ... . ......... , , .... ...... . Charita L . Butts Cireulatlon lllannser •••. • ••.. . Dewey R. Gro1111e, 1r. Managing Editor ••..•••••••••••..... Lucy Komisar

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Page 3: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-48, November 10 1962 · vern men t • • appeal from and the Farmeu Home Ad· AllorrloY• u ketl lhat t'fovem· aced wrote o lctlcr or 3ppllc•·

Saturday, November I 0, I 962

Presifleat forbids.. • Metting To Aifl • ••

Cotnplimmts <>f • • •

BIVINS SHOE SHOP 720 Wa1hlnJf011 St.

GreeiiYille, Mlululppl

D l l SHOE REPAIR •• ,. All 'I'••" U... N11J•

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ll'Lih lite rttcds of •·lo'.'drruo ns '''"1 gro•o "I'· Tl,. FREE PllESS is proud to haw this terla U7rutctr by }ennue. 8cottltr. AU 1wems or scJmellil)'pMtmt$ nre euc..."'urnsc.•d ttt dip ami stn~e tilt$< urtides. Tl~ey may lo.lp >""' family to b< duser ""'' llapfJitr.

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2640 Whltflol4 Millo RoM .._I., e. ....


-free Parklni­FL J-1471

l'lu l In o\ Ser ies 1

when we did some thing• like this. As pnreo LIJ. \Ve eun mt'.n· lion th.at we don't p~rlicularly like t~ot kind of ohoc or lhnl w~y ot fixing tho hair, but tell them U:u1t we c•n remember when ..... did rolher r 0 0 II • h t l\ings like that too. In other words we- are not Cttlllng th~m " bod•• (or doin.,: iL

Show Under• lllndlng Now our ehild1·en c::m feel our

love and reel th~t we nr.e try­ing to understond them. When lhey reel l,nis they 11•111 be (or

to listen to the sugges. \hat we have to m:tk.O:~

Soon lhis phase ot theirs w11l pou ~· dld the stories or lhelr lmoglnaUon.



W. ). StJmmo••· P..ap. 619 W. Pearl St. - Jackton

Fl 2-8405 or Fl 13·6586


H c•ltli

Dial fL 2-IJII


' I! Lrr~ch S.trut

Jula..-1 ltt:M •


CLARKSD.l.U, MISS, Ttltphonel M•i• <f.UI)

A .. , • • , -,..,,, - Clllt•• S• lli


1253 Valley Sfreet


Page 4: Mississippi Free Press, Vol-1, Num-48, November 10 1962 · vern men t • • appeal from and the Farmeu Home Ad· AllorrloY• u ketl lhat t'fovem· aced wrote o lctlcr or 3ppllc•·

Ingalls Shipyard Fires Moss Point Man Who Applied For Better Job

+ --((".,,.lit~~ll~ll (rfiiH Pn11,. I)

uflt:l' s phcme ~u ll to tho Com· h3il misled us 1lnce lhe Proo<l. t puny, Mlddlrton lnlot·med ·rur• dent"• Committee come into the nlpseed thot the Cornpi!OY rc• yard," he ~1tfd . ' ' II just geem• rused 10 lcl Uu: union, the ln· to be hard Cor u• . •. I reel tlwt ternuLlonol Hod Dl rrien Labor tf it llodn"t been lor the Pt·csl· Umon , reprc•ertl hin>. While he dent"s C<Jmndltee romiug tnto '-'' lH• apcaking v.•ith the ~> lCWU.I'd , the y-o_rd , J WOttl_d hove known ll company guot·d roJ•ted him tO better thrm Lo ask lor promo· lcuvo lite yat•d , lion. "Tb~y put up a •lt,:n thai Union Refused ~here would be no diserlmlnn . rurnipsecd w rotc 10 tion. We wct•e uuw~ by one or UniM •nd wcot to J>cc J . P. Lhe Nnvy representative~ that Horrlr;:, the loc:nf'~ businc~ii rep· th~ Company had to comply lc-Nc.nl'-tlv-e; HllrrUI i:•efu.~ed lo with the "Executive Ordor , . • uid hi tn . ··H., just told mo Mr. ,Shannon (the Navy reprc· Wi1:oo" ' t ~eoing tu rcpre:~ent me:' acnlalivc) • ug'lfe>Led Lhul II Two year. ago Turnlp•eLod we wnnlcd • job, we should •~k nominnl~d ·8 white mem~r. lot· lt .• , who ru.vored equotlty. to op·

'' b ._.-,._bordlnatioa'' po.l-le Fl ~trri8T

Tumip•ted wa~ o~ten•lbly 1"hen. !ian·,. expelled Turnip· lil'ed for inrn,lbo.;-djnotion. A seed h •om the union ond r~· meohunlc order~ hlrn to rlt.· rused to ateept his dues. Nn· ob~y Lhe lnslruoUoniC o1 his tlonal LnUvr RcJntJotul Bor.rrd ro•·emnn und throw owoy some (NLnB) lnvcstlgaiorG declared tit·"•· The foreman wag ut thut thot he aould rejoin by pnying llrn.e ollll geeking to dJ ~co,cr his b;t<k du<>•· t!Mio relu•ed whn had miR~nkenly lhl'qwn Turnlpooed"~ rlr.t <lttc>mpl to awuy unoiher group of u,.,_ pay bonk dues. bul relent~ the mcchJ:Init' h-ad gi ve-n thl:'l whCHl he WU$ oppruac.:hcd by n ord.,r. too. lnwyN'.

Since TUI?nipsecd hod been Oullub Burned uptlclt.ly ordort'd noi to mo•e Thr n>oiori\Y or the members Lhe lire~, he a·~kcd the mechnn· :tppe:.l'c4 to .support the oppQ~I· ic IO oheck with the fu,·cman ~ litin en_ndjdah.o. Howev~r. WhC!n The rno<•hnnic. Oeon, t•fa· the d[IIC of lh e elcctiDn OC• r•hnned :1 impea•vi"Jo•·· Dlt·kCr· curr~d. 1hcir enndidntc'11 name M'Jn, who tgnorcd t,urntpR\.C.d'• "1118 nol on lhe bnllol. lD spilc CXJ)I.IIHJHou nnd f1red him on Of ~hiS, they WOn with n writ~· the· .spot. llow~vt!t', Lhere \1...-nt-i in vole: lht!n, l:tnrrhc declf1rt:d no rclnllullon against another lhnt the bullot~ hnd beeo stolen. w4u·ker Simmon"~ who tlhnUntl.)' At the secoJld bulloling, H'ur· d td not heed Oeun·~ O<"<io?. l"i• rcru~ccf to let Tumlpsecd

Turnip::ecd lnrorm"d the vote, clnming th:.l not enough uni~n •tcwur<l . Wllll• Middle· lime hud P"S•ed • ince he hod ton. of whul bl\d oc:c:u ,·,_~d nnd tJ"''"'"' Lhe seeond ~i11\c. The reque.lcd lhnt M 1 d d 10 1 on howcv<>J'. hnd sLoled bundle hi• ~rlevuneo. U<>wevcr, T~~~~:.:~:><~ nnd obout l~

J£NKINS GUlF SUVIQ ft-ro-•• lfL J . ,,.,'

Ill £a uvr,.., $1., j;~u;:L..,.


10,.. laab St., J.dMtt, Miis,

Rn . Fr.d llu k . '••t«Jr

Wen t-It:

ti .... ... ~~ T"t4 s,,.,4•y• 11 rOO • - • · M4 ' :00 p.M.

PASTOa'S PHOr-f£ fl.. 1·176l

who had be<>n thf'OWI~ out o.r the union would hove lu ll right~ upon pnyn,enl of thcoir ba~k dutoJt.

l .lt Vt-Hti.ACion.s • The Nl.I~B I• currently lnve• ·

ll&llling the voting h• t•e~tulari· ti(!! wh 1ch OCC!Url'cd. Turnip·

Come's leollfy atHI .,,,, su,ly

615 No. F,rlsh Street

FL 3·3266


(Cvlltfftt.ud (rtJfft l'r'U" 1)

and aid In community organ I••· tion.

Gregory And Wilkins Main Speakers At Mass M~eting . -------

Tllen the committee decided to Invite the Dloonood Plating Compnny or Memphho to build a plru!t io ruyotlt> County. On Octubet· S, over .250 Fayette County residents met at the M I. Olive Bapti•t Chunh Jn Somer· ville to launch the We•t 'l'ennes­~cc Development Company'~: d1·ivc fa•· SSS.OOO in local e•pltal to pa,v Ito ohan of the $SSC1.00() roctory.

J ob> F~r 200 In uecordonce wilh the led·

cr ut progrnm. a loan of about $3li0.000, 651~ or the total cost. hn• been appl·ov~ by the Fay. cite County Area Redevelop­mont Admlnliotratlon Co.nmllt· tee Md tho State of Tennessee.

Another 25~;, will be auppUe<l the met:d plating eontpany

Q.nd pd\•nte !inanclng. white lh.e lot ttl Clevclopmenl company wW i"nis.e the fina l 10~ of the to.s't through the ~a le- of s tock at " a t hare, and Uuough lnterut· bearing loons and aoolribU· lions, FuU control wiU be ,.,.. tAin.cd locally; Lhe fnetory will pive Det·mane.nt jobs to about 200 worker~.

The NutJonal Sharecroppc•·• F'uod helped tlevclop the Pl"O· jeet nnd ~uide It through the in· trleacles or lt'derol regubtion• nnd. O.L' Oilncl the roadblocks a! lorrtl powet· opposition. Bccuu•• oC tlle •ucce•~ of tho 'Fayette project. NSF is extl"l~mel,y in­te•·cslcd In helping local group• in othe.r runtl communities begiri sirhll.ar p1•ogr:uns.

Nnthmally !untou .. t comedhm Olt·k Grcgot•y greoted a t&· pacity audience at the closing meeting of the J7th Annual Con· feren.ce or the NAACP with rc· g,·et• ror his late arrivaL fll> s aid that he "had to Ltop by nnd see Governor Barnett..'' Thl~ ret the crowd In motion for ubout •wt.nly minute~ o( lnughter.

Much of the Llme Gregory had hls audience laughing ut themselves as mut'h as at him, b1.1t he did not ~esllate to set them rot II ng In the al~les over tho ab•~.trditles of the govet·n· ment.

He cluirned that in hi• chat with the governot•, Barnell had asked him lo make sure that another Negro be sent to Ole Mi$~. bees"'" ht had gained a lot o.t much needed pOpularity rrom the lnl;t one.

•·A.r n•Y l uln s &tan .. Gregory l.hcn observed that

since 11-boul L6,QOO tr'QOp!i- we..t·e 1.1~cd to got Meredith cnt-ollod. this was lhe first time I hut "e.n u t•my has ever joined a man. •• H.e abo noted that since ·thet•e were obo1.11 32J),GOO trooP,s in Ute coW"tt ry. It would b~ paslrible to get 20 mo1·e student-s t'~gistered this year.

He . told the mass meeting that he really 11<><t or hoped that Govemor .P8Lterson did not geL beD ten in rus race for ~ovc1·rto:r lJ\ Alabama becau1c " I would hate to see two Pal· ter•ons get .knocke<l on their rumps In one y(!ar:•

Can't Comptal ..

•'The:- dde Into office talking abo1.1t. ·How we jlone to l<eep llim back."·· Re •uld tn•t great errort must be put forth in the importan1 matter or registering n.nd voli:ns ond Cn ~cclclng an .c:tnd to dllca•iminution in am• ploymenl .

Cblld•eo C~raled \Vtlklns aJ~o 'reutly 1tn~~$ed

how much Negro child a· en -are being ··eheoted'" oul ot a de· ct'nl educntloo and thttl A poor education ucripplel' for life.'" He &aiel •·z wlith you e:ou.ld sec th<' doo1Qge dOI'It: by po·or edu· cation as clearly aa thai doea by being beaten. We t<ID •ee the blackjoek. when .someone is beaten. but the way Neg~·o chll· dren nrc eht.oted in educ:alion is more difficult tn il:ec."

He cti tea list• of stu t.lotie• which demonstrated tha i Negro students were recel vlng onl.Y About ' l ror every $4 that wus given to each ~;•hlte student. Wilkins said thai thio was why de""g•·e6~tlon o! the public s.chools is so hnportan\.

f'r·eedom Now WUkln• concluded by dcclar·

lng thnt ··one hundred years is ~ long ti.mc, lun.g enough ror US hot to ho·ve to endut•e tocluy wh1lt whl\e Mississippi would thrust u:pon us. We ha.ve been puUc.nt. but pa t j e: nee hot ee:ued to be a vinue. For ou.r· «lv.. and our ehildren v·e w-aul f-r'eedom: and we- want rre~>dom. too. lor that young whtte co·ed who ~·L2:het: J a me~& ~feredith dead. Only Jn lbis joint emancipauon wtll lbe LhrcaL to our country be r~ .. moved and free demoC!t-n oy mude sa[e and. strou_g ror men

every n a t l on , ruce and c_olor."

:oced wu~ also qU~$tioned by in· AlU.lough not one· to etle:nd Vt.\str&:ttor!l' for the Pre-s:ld~!nt's boxtng matches, Grego_ry said Cotll mitlee. However, lte de- lltat he clld • pend $100 to have clurcd tho.l they were loco.J nice seats at the ehompi1>nshlp novul officers and appeared to light only to get th.ete and !ind be UJI.jympathelle to hia clalma. out• thol the N"lional Anthem

t.-onscript wbleh they pre· la>tt'd longer thAD the light. Bel;::==========:::;. pared Gf their interview with adrled, ••r really fell sot·ry tor him goes out of its wuy to high· PoUerson. lao: since be got Jighl colloquial pronunciollon, beaten by onoth"r Negro, ho $uth u• ""kinda"' m·stead e>l couldn't com.pla in lo the ' '.kind or;· .appenrlng to suggest NAACP." Gregory d ech •ed


41) Norct. Far.ith Str.eet

thttt Tu rnipseed Is unt'ducalod that 1l is ~tt·Angc to think thAt • f"k,. •. Ml>o n >·JlU und. unqualilicd for promotion. man can g-er paid nearly a mU· t';;;;::::=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;=:;:=:;=:;;d

The NAACP Is now acting in Uon doll a r• ~nd then be c•Ued r: beholf or Tumlpseed to secure the lo•er. hi• rolnttotemenl. Turnipseed Urru RorJot,a tlon revealed lhnl olhe~ Negro work· Tile ma!n ~peakoJ" lor tho ers- a\ the Jhipynrd are dol-ely mAst mce1ing, Roy Wilkins-, watching lh" •·esulis of his can IO::•e•:ut"ive Secretu•"Y tor the Na· - ir M is Wl•uece&sluJ, then tionoJ A .. c>el~tlon. remarkt'd

Compfimt>:nt.s Of- , ••

JAME·S DRY CUAN£RS to 1 HH. ... St •• e, .... -.Jtl•

Ph M (0. 4· tl09

they wUJ no longer trul!t the tha t Ne11 roe .. In the South dnl t~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ Pr.,.,tdeni") Commlhee to •up. pnrticlpnte In the cl.eclions: h port their e((orts tD get better jobs.

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