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Mitigation of Global Climate Change. Review of last lecture Cradles of civilization. Were the...

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Mitigation of Global Climate Change

Mitigation of Global Climate Change

Review of last lecture

• Cradles of civilization. Were the ancient people stupid?

• Ancient view of nature• Industry revolution: positive effects and

negative effects • Vision: environmental protection and enjoy

the bare necessities

Global connections

The most common atmospheric circulation structure





HeatingCoolingor No Heating

Imbalance of heating Imbalance of temperature Imbalance of pressure Wind

Radiation Convection Conduction



Stratosphere Feedback

Greenhouse Gases


Clouds Precipitation (Latent heat)


Observed change of greenhouse gases

Global atmospheric concentrations of CO2 and CH4 have increased markedly as a result of human activities since 1750 and now far exceed pre-industrial values determined from ice core measurements spanning the last 650,000 years!

GHG Emissions by Sector

Greenhouse gas emissions per capita

The developed countries and developing countries contribute almost equally to the emissions of GHGs.

Mitigation of global climate change

Video: Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change


International: Kyoto protocol• Negotiated in 1997. Commits parties to

internationally binding emission reduction targets.• “Common but differentiated responsibilities”

– Specific reduction targets for developed countries– Measures to slow the growth of emissions in

developing countries• Non-parties:

– Canada– USA– Andorra– South Sudan– Palestine– Vatican City

Others Copenhagen Accord (2009)

Not legally-binding Attempts to limit global warming

to 2°C above pre-industrial temps Durban Platform for Enhanced

Action (2011) Agreement to conclude new

treaty by 2015 EU and other member countries

agree to emissions cuts under Kyoto Protocol

Promises• Increased understanding of

climate change phenomena:– IPCC 5th Assessment

Report• Emissions curbing:

– Many Kyoto Protocol signatories on track to meet targets

– Brazil, China, India

International: Progress

• Recent progress– EU– China and U.S. agreement

• Challenges

Principles:•Sustainability•Human rights and dignity•Accountability•Efficiency•Investment in the future

Business: Green Economy

Six main components: Renewable energy, Green buildings, Sustainable transportation, Water management, Waste management, Land management

Green economy

Renewable Energy

Solar PanelsWind Turbines

Geothermal Energy Ocean (wave) Energy

Green Buildings

Sustainable Transportation

Starbucks: Building Greener Stores


• Mitigation: International (Kyoto Protocol)• Green economy (Renewable energy, Sustainable

transportation, Green buildings, Energy-efficient industry and carbon capture, Land management, afforestation, waste management)

Work cited• http


• http://nimbuseco.com/2013/01/deforestation-and-pollution-facts/ • http://greenbalkans.org/category.php?language=en_EN&cat_id=63 • http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/ia/newsroom/releases/?cid=

nrcs142p2_011847 • http://www.csiro.au/en/Portals/Multimedia/On-the-record/Megan-Clark-presentation-2


• http://economistsview.typepad.com/economistsview/2005/09/the_consumer_dr.html • http://nca2009.globalchange.gov/human-health • http://yosemite.epa.gov/ee/epa/eerm.nsf/vwAN/EE-0564-112.pdf/$file/EE-0564-112.

pdf • http://livinggreenmag.com/2012/06/13/climate-change/scientists-warn-that-earth-is-

close-to-climate-tipping-point/ • http://www.cnn.com/2013/05/29/opinion/mystreet-digital-anthropology/ • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:World-airline-routemap-2009.png
