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MmmLefi Be POPULAR WANTS POPULAR WANTS ......6 Where Wants Can Be MmmLefi for Insertion /#?••»...

Date post: 18-Mar-2020
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6 Where Wants Can Be MmmLefi for Insertion /#?••» THE GLOBE At the Rate of 1 Gent per War dm No Insertions Ac- cepted Less than 15 Gents* FtncraL Clairvoyants. Fort^-is Tellsr and Iv'eaical Classifications. 2 Cents Per Word. Xt Ir.ierticr. tccertedloss than 25 dmU WANT COLUMN BRANCH OFFICES: CONGER BROS., Druggists, Selby avenue, corner St. Albans; 409 Sel- by avenue, and 349 University avenue. RICE BTREKT PHARMACY, 30C Rice street. ALBERT W. BORK. Corner Mississippi and Nash streets. CAMPHi 1.,. BROS., Selby and Victoria. S. H. REEVES, Druggist. Seven corners. STRAIGHT BROS., Druggists, Rondo and Grotto streets. A. T. GUERNSEY & SON. Druggists, 171 riorth Dale street. PEOPLE'S PHARMACY. 793 Eacf Seventh street. E. B. ROLLINS. D.-:iggls*. 295 West Seventh street. BEVKR WESTBY. oruseist, Maria avenue and East Third street. W. A. FROST & CO., Druggists, Selby and Western avenues. WALTER NELSON. Druggist. University avenue and Rice street. JtIETZKE & CO., Druggists, Selby and Western avenues. A. & G. SCHUMACHER. Druggists, 490 West Seventh street. HOLCOMB & MAGNUSON. 964 Payne avenue. YOSTS PHARMACY. Dale and University. BOTNER & CO.. Druggists, 678 Grand avenue, corner St. Albans. C. T. HELLER. Colonnade. J. P. JELINEK & CO.. 961 West Seventh street. A. A. CAMPBELL. Louis and Rondo streets. W. K. COLLIER. East Seventh street, corner Sibley. H. J. MVALU 453 Broadway. DREIS PHARMACY. Ninth and St. Peter. GEORGE C. D^'i'^i'OßT. 978 East Seventh street. JOHN BODINE & CO., 881 Payne avenue. AGENTS AND AGENCIES. AGENTS—Drop everything nnd write for terms on our wonder self-feeding match safe; cutest thing out: match always ready; sells instantly: sample, 15 cents. Lock-Crank Co., Milwaukee, Wls. AGENTS wanted for our new electrical Instrument; a marvelous home treat- ment for disease; great seller; refer- ences required. The Vitatone Company, 1244 Broadway, New York. AGENTS Harvest selling Buffalo badges; phenomenal fad; six styles, 25c mailed; $2.00 per hundred; $15.00 per thousand by express. C. McMillan, Zi\ "Wabash ay., Chicago. AGENTS, Salesmen and canvassers; lots of money to be made; call and see what we have. 509 Century building, Minne- apolis. 207.Baltimore block, St. Paul. AGENTS everywhere; photo-buttons, etc.; send for catalogue; rock-bottom prices. R. Ganiere Co., 299 Grand ay., Chicago. AGENTS to sell palms for Easter; 40 per cent profit; can devote all or part of time to it. R 34, Globe. BOTH SEXES—SISO a month easily made; every man and woman will use it; particulars for 2 cent stamp. J. Fox & Co., Covington, Ky. ONE AGENT in every town to sell our pure Bluegrass seed for lawns; our lawns beat sodding; credit given re- putable parties. Kentucky 'Seed Co., _ Paris. Ky. -""VVANTED—Agents, ladies and gentlemen of good address, no experience neces- sary, permanent position; good pay. Call ISm West Seventh St., the North __ American "Weekly. WANTED Agents to sell the new process window washer; water tank, sponge and rubber dryer combined. Kiefer Bros., Cleveland, O. WE PAY $2d a week and expenses to men with rigs to introduce pouttry com- pound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. 1150.00 "PER MONTH and expenses guar- anteed good men visiting country peo- ple, taking orders and appointing sub- agents for our inventions, used by every dairyman, farmer and vehicle owner; a monopoly; saves hundreds of dollars; costs but little. For particu- lars, samples, etc., address Willard Co., Cincinnati, O. 1240 MONTHLY selling improved Bril- Uftnt .Gaslight Burner: fits kerosene lamps; beautiful gaslight without chim- 1 cL samples free- Enterprise Mfg. Co., A 860, Cincinnati, O. ' INSTRUCTION. *«V AIV pDUATE^frc*m^hT^s7 schools in Europe and the United States will give lessons in oil and wa- ter colors, pastel and fancy china paint- _ Ing For terms apply at 561 Wabasha'st. ORATORY, elocution, acting, thorough instruction; highest indorsements. . Lee Chaw van, author of "ThougEtful Voice Development," 389^ Selby ay.; write or Progressive reporters use and recommend Gregg's shorthand; circu- lars and first lesson free. Rasmussens Practical Business School, Globe Build- ing, St. Paul. IVAI E LESSONS at the King Short- hand School; private dictation for speed _ practice. 513 Gsrmania Life. REMR DANCING ACADEMrTisliio^ « a st T"^ ew class for beginners will be opened Tuesday evening, April 9; 16 les- Sff-sSSS* $5: ladies- 54J last class HORSES AND CARRIAGES. HORSES, HORSES-Earrett & Zimmer- man have from 400 to 800 head of ail c.asses of i horses on hand. Auction every Wednesday. Private sales daily Part time given if desired. Barrett & ZimmerrWs Midway Horse market St lr aul i _jVlinn. FOR SALE—Twenty head of single driv- ers and five matched teams. Black- mans livery, 4SB Selbv ay. *, 1L SA^E—Sprlns: wagon (four seats-; also one high grade Jersey cow just _fr?shened._76o Arundel st. FOR SALE-Two bay horses; good match team, five and eight years old Ad- _St re Paul SchUlt> S°Uth Par^? South FOR SALE—A fine carriage double seat- ed an double seated canopy toD buS' also double and single harness" 847 West Seventh street. . . Fi OSALIE,r Bay horse. seven years old . B7B°lgrtSrt' st° Und and gentle- ***? HEAVY HORSES for sale, and also iS y^n^^ t har-ssc, Apply 0 s'2,n^ L7~ Team horse"s, 1,200 or over; jSJy^_l^^- Apply 1& .WANTED HORSES^The great Enelish spavin cure- will remove ringbones I,?™' 1? 8 t °vT plints without Pan o? in! Jury to the horse in twenty-four hours - 17- Globe. WAWIaD TO BUY. HOUSE—Wanted, to rent or buy small house on St. Anthony hill. U 97 Globe WANTED to buy for cash, a house and !^t°S, theu.T tGl'Sge c.; Btate Prfce *"* !WANTED-To.buy a large dog cart or post cart. Address P 282, Globe. WA NTED TO BUT—Goat cart or wagon and harness. Address A 46, Globe. ,WE NEED old gold and silver in oar factory; will give full value and pay cash. Mowrey, Murray & Leavitt St Paul Manufacturing Jewelers, il'i-122 Robert St.. Ryan Bldg. CLAIRVOYANTS. .WONDERFUL—Your life revealed; sat- isfaction guaranteed; send birth dato and 10 cents. Prof. John Myers, Lin- coln Park Station, Chicago. POPULAR WANTS eel: 1 waited—males. I AGENTS—Wanted immediately, travel- ing and local agents for an article needed badly by all farmers; now best season to start; profit enormous; also want addresses 'of all inventors, as we have good news for them. Address Patent St. Paul, Minn. A MAN that can milk and do farm work can get good job. Address A 4», _Globe. A YOUNG MAN with a natural talent for drawinar, to train as newspaper artist. Write today for free lesson by mail. School of Caricature. S5 AVorld Bids.. N. Y. BOY—Wanted, bright boy, to do office work. Apply to E. E. Guernsey, Amer- ican Hoist and Derrick Co._ BLACKSMITH—Wanted, a strictly first- class man; none but a thorough me- chanic need appiy. Neal, Johns & Co., Lake City, Minn. UUSHELMAN wanted; steady work; good pay. Scotland Woolen Mills Co.. 61 East Seventh st. COMPETENT, sober man and wife to work en farm near St. Paul; wife to do housework; state experience and ung^s expected; references. B. T. Hoyt, hose Town Merriam Park. COATMAKERS—Two good coatmakers wanted. Gaertner Bros., Seven cor- ners. COLLECTORS—Wanted, three good men to collect and solicit; good remunera- tion to right parties. Answer at once, __Address_D_34^Globe. MACHINISTS—Wanted, four first-class machinists for floor and lathe work in large shop. Address W 46, Globe. MANAGER wanted in every large county to appoint agents for the famous "Game o' Skill" nickel-slot machine for drinks or cigars; lawful everywhere; takes place of all forbidden slot ma- chines; rented or sold on easy pay- ments; secure territory quick. Grant Billiard Table Worka, Chicago, 111. SALESMAN—A legitimate firm offers ex- ceptional contract on staple and patent- ed article; entirely new; required by all trades and professions; experience un- necessary; exclusive territory; $15 cap- ital required, secured in stock which you can double in two days; investi- gate. Howland Co., Howland Block, Chicago. SALESMEN wanted by large wholesale clothing: and gents' furnishing house to sell goods in St. Paul and vicinity; lib- eral terms to right parties; only those having experience and can furnish highest references need apply; state age, experience and full particulars. Address E 40, Globe. SALESMEN—Wanted by April 15th, trav- eler fot Minnesota and Wisconsin; nat- ural ability and aptness count more than experience; high commission con- tract; staple line; reference, bond and entire time required; first class men only need apply. E. L. Rice, 33 Con- gress st., Detroit, Mich. THE SPRINGTERM of the Globe Busi- ness, Telegraph and Shorthand School is now open. PRIVATE NIGHT SCHOOL, SEVENTH AND 3T. PETER. TAKE GINSENG, the great blood medi- cine, 50 cents a bottle, at 201 West Sixth st., in rear. TILELAYER—First-class tilelayer. St. Paul Stone Co., 533 Wabasha. WANTED—Experienced traveling sales- men of good appearance and address to place high-grade specialty line with general merchandise trade; position permanent; reference-and bond requir- ed. Box GOB, St. Louis, Mo. WANTED--Traveling salesmen of good appearance and address; must have best of references and give bond; per- manent position to right man. Address _Box 514, _Chicago_. . WANTED—SampIe distributed every- where; men and women to distribute free samples of Monarch tea, at $8 per thousand. Monarch Importing Co., 52 Dearborn St., Chicago. WANTED—Young men and ladies to learn telegraphy, shorthand, bookkeep- ing and fill positions when competent. Globe Business college, Seventh and St. Peter. WANTED—Young married couple or strong young man for small garden farm at White Bear lake; steady, all- year position. Address F 16, Globe. WANTED—A first-class salesman, who is capable of earning a good salary. Address Clerk 44, Box 528, Chicago, 111. WANTED—Presser for jackets and tai- lor-made suits; will pay first-class wages to a competent person. Fred D. Young & Co., 513 Nlcollet ay., Minne- apolis. WANTED—Several experienced brake- men and switchmen for freight service. A. 50, Globe. WANTED—Strong boy to drive delivery wagon; call early Monday morning. 514 East Seventh street. WANTED—Expei ienced silk and dress goods salesman. Address T. Freimuth, _ Duluth, Minn. AUCTION SALES. I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION on Wednesday, April 3, at 2 p. m.. the three buildings numbering 837, 899 and 901 West Seventh st.; these buildings are in good condition, and are built with heavy sills so they can be easily moved; they are equipped with storm windows, etc; if you have a place for them you should not miss this oppor- tunity; they must be removed at once. A. Q. Johnson, Auctioneer, 119-421 Jack- son st. ANNOUNCEMENTS. NOTICE OF SALE BY TRUSTEE—No- tice is hereby given that the stock of general merchandise, consisting" ot gro- ceries, dry goods, clothing, boots ami shoes, hats and caps, etc.; invoice value from $5,0C0 to 56,000; formerly owned by Henry A. Thielen, at. Bowdle S. D , will be scld in bulk, at public auction to the highest cash bidder, at 2 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday. April 9, 1901, at the store building at Bowdle, S. D. For further information app'y to Al- fred H. Oberg, Bowcile. S. D., or the undersigned. L. W. French, trustee, _229 East Fourth st., St. Paul, Minn. REMEMBER—The best place in town to get your gasoline stoves, lamps, bicy- cles, umbrellas , printing machinery, etc., repaired is at the Burucker Mfg. Co., 384 Minnesota st. LOST AND POUND. BOA LOST—A child's white krimmer boa lost Sunday evening on Rice, Mar- tin or Carroll sts. Reward if returned to 165 Carroll St.. city. DOG LOST—Female spaniel puppy; age, six months; white breast. Return and receive reward, G. Groff, 311 Pleasant ay. POCKETBOOK LOST-Lost In city" probably in basement of Clarendon ho- tel, leather pocketbook containing sum of money: finder leave at Clarendon ho- tel office and ree'eive reward. E 43 Globe. LOST—Small gray female scotch terrier: : $5 reward if returned to 63S Hague aye. DRESSMAKING. MRS. E. ANDERSON. Moore Block, Sev- en Corners—Ladies' tailoring, fine dress- making; very low prices for thirty days; latest design skirts, waista, coats, etc.; call and see the work. BICYCLES. RAMBLERS—Better, lighter and strong- er than ever, 19 and 22 pounds; trade your old wheel in now or have it im- paired; don't wait for spring. Bird Cycle Company, 71 West Seventh. BOARD WANTED. A YOUNG MAN desires room and board In a Jewish family not very pious: ref- erences exchanged by request. Ad- dress F 32, Globe. WANTED-By two~you^gentiemen~to exchange new standard piano for room and board with private family. R 33 _ lilobe. ' WANTED—A machinist would like to have room, with breakfast and supper, jn private family; state price. D. 38, POPULAR WANTS HELP WANTED—FEMALES. CHAMBERMAID-Wanted, at the Wind- sor hotel, an experienced chambermaid. COOK—Wanted, a thoroughly competent cook; no washing. Apply Monday morning. Mrs. S. C. Stickney, 745 Fair- mount ay. COOK—Wanted, cook for teachers' mess at a school in Montana; good wages. _J^pply^tJ9o_East Third st. COOK—Wanted at once, first-class wom- an cook. Address Frank S. Dawe, Ho- tel Lyon Lake City, Minn. DRESSMAKER—Wanted, a. first-class dressmaker —no other need apply—at 569 Farrington. corner Iglehart; dress- making parlor. DRESSMAKER Wanted, dressmaker; competent waist and skirt hand. Ap- _ply Sunday, 121 Western ay. north. HOUSEWORK—Wanted, competent girl for general housework; family of four; all modern improvements; good wages to right party. 768 Goodrich ay. DRESSMAKING—Wanted an apprentice to learn dressmaking; will pay small wages while learn ing. 395 Carroll st. HOUSEWORK—Wanted German girl for general housework; good wages; refer- ence required. Mrs. Fink, 265 Pleasant avenue. HOUSEWORK—Experienced girl for gen- eral housework; family of three. 112 West Tenth street. HOUSEWORK—Wanted, good girl for general housework in small family. 062 __Grand ay. HOUSEKEEPER—Wanted, to get ac- qainted with a middle-aged lady as housekeeper, without children, on small farm. Address Box 211, Currie, Minn. HOUSEWORK—Wanted, an experience;! girl for general housework. Apply SOO Hague ay. HOUSEWORK—Wanted girl for general housework. 804 Holly_avenue. LADY cleared $8.30 each day in March introducing our electric garter; you can do it, or we pay $75 per month and ex- penses; pamphlet free; agents wanted everywhere Electric Medical Garter Works, B 2, Cincinnati, O. LADIES to do crochet, Battenburg, em- broidery work, for us at their homes; steady work; good pay; sent i cent stamp. Parisian Needlework Co., 83 Dearborn, Chicago. LADIES to dr. piecework for us at home; we furnish all materials and pay $7 to ?12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co.. 34 Monroe St., Chicago. NURSE GlßL—Young nurse girl want- ed. Call 309 Iglehart st. NEEDLEWORK—Ladies wanted to do plain peedlework for us at home; we furnish materials and pay $7 to $10 i.er week. Send addressed envelope to _Standard Co., Indiana avenue, Cnicago. PLAIN WRlTEßS—Pleasant, profitable home employment; full particulars for stamp. Nonpareil Specialty Co., 853 Rose Building, Cleveland, O. SLEEVE MAKER—Wanted, a compe- tent sleeve maker. Apply at once, at Room 56, Manhattan block. WANTED—Experienced jacket, suit and skirt finishers; good wages for tailor experience. Fred D. Young & Co., 513 Nicollet ay., Minneapolis. SKIRT HANDS—Wranted, experienced skirt hands and operators. 311 Phoenix Bldg. WANTED—For dressmaking, one waist hand and one tailoress. Call 148 Ram- sey street. ~ FINANCIAL. LOANS Made on any method or any « S security. Payment in full at !\u25a0 any time and rebate given. NO CHARGES FOR PAPERS. We are tha Pioneer Loan Co., 25 \u25a0 \u25a0 years in business. Before clos- ing loans elsewhere get our V^ A terms. THEY ARE THE LOWEST AND EASIEST. «\u25a0*. $100 FORFEITED IF NOT. O Mr. Mackey, our manager, and I X his assistants, will extend COURTEOUS and CONFI- «t . LDENTIAL treatment to all. |\| Salaried people having perma- It! ment positions with reliable concerns, only security your \u25a0 name. To others on furniture, s. pianos, horses, etc., without re- I Amoval from home. The many prefer to deal with an eld re- w liable Home Co., who by their just and confidential dealings I have retained the confidence of their patrons for years. We | | R guarantee all negotiations and transactions whether you do \J business with us or not to bs STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. f-% Private consultation rooms. If 1^ you need money call and sse I X Ywhat we caT do for you. Office hours 8 s, m. to 6 p. m. —Mm- f"" nesota Mortgage Loan Co,, 316 f™ and 317 Pioneer Press Bide., ""i third floor. IMVESTB6ATE Our new plan for loaning mon«y in sums to suit, on salaries, furniture, pianos, etc. Easiest plan, lowest possible rates, most privacy. Our ftfteeT years in business in this city is guanntes of our ability to do as we advartiss. You will certainly lose money if you borrow elsewhere before getting our terms. Private consultation rooms. Bring this ad with you. It Will Save You Honey. GUARANTY LOAN CO,, ffA2£""- Fourth Floor—Take Elevator. POPULAR WANTS SITUATIONS WANTED^-MALES. Anybody out a* work In St. Paul or Sllnueapoli« mn> Insert an adver- tisement nnderf this heading free of ohiirue. APPRENTICE—Strong boy, seventeen years old, wouW like to learn plumber or machinist trade. Address 1042 Ed- _mund. , A BOY of sevcttteteh would like~work running elevator. , Call or write. A. __Tuhrsen, «5_ University ay A BOY of fourteen would like any kind of work; printing preferred. Address R. Maurice. 428 Sherburne ay. A BOi' of fifteen years would like work " ?n any. klnd- A^dress W. J. Kelly, 537 Virginia ay. BOOKKEEPER—Educated and energetic young man desires position as assis- tant bookkeeper, collector, clerk in ho- tel, general store or office work; three years' experience; Al references and recommendations. Address H. F. C. F., 4l> Eastman ay., Minneapolis, Minn. BOY of seventeen would like work as elevator boy or taking care of horses. Address 65 Leech St., city. COACHMAN wants situation; thorough- ly understands the business; not look- ing for big wages, but comfortable home; careful driver and obliging. Ad- _jdresß_C._Paßtell,J76 St. Peter St., city. CHEF is open for engagement in hotel; long experience and good references. O 24,_Globe. i COLLECTOR—Want position as collector; will furnish horse, buggy and city ref.- _erence. J.^^M., 742 Euclid, city. COACHMAN wants situation; thorough^ ly understands the business; not look- ing for big wages, but comfortable home; careful driver and obliging. Ad- dress C._Pastell, 876 St. Peter St., city. MARRIED man of good habits would like a position of any kind that would furnish $35 to $40 per month; under- stands care of horses; can furnish best of reterences. Address 472 Iglehart st. OFFICE WORK—Young man twenty- one \ears old wishes situation in of- fice: Hve years' experience with reli- _ab|£jirms L_E_4l, Globe. OFFICE WORK—Young man, who can furnish best of references, wishes sit- uation in office. G. A. Gelray, Balti- more Block, St. Paul. PACKER—A good furniture packer and handy "man with tools wants work. W. __g,dmond, 65 East Magnolia. SITUATION wanted by well educated young man. thirty years of age, and half a year in this country; -was book- keeper in Germany, and is a good pen- man; would accept position of any kind, and is willing to work for very moderate salary.- Address S 4S, Globe. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper wants position 4n the near future; has some experience, steady and strictly temperate; age twenty-two. Address E 42, Globe. TEAMSTER-^A good teamster wants work in city or railroad work; good reference. Address T. M., People's Ex- press, city. - TEAMSTER-A ' good tear^ster~wants work; in city or country; references If required. Address 106 Western ay. __south. '' 'l WANTED—By young boy of sixteen years of age, with knowledge of sten- ography and bookkeeping, position in an office; railroad office preferred; good penman; will accept small salary at beginning; no experience. Address W McC, 285 Summit place. WANTED—By an experienced solicitor and collector, a position; experienced in printing and advertising; references _E[ven L Address C.8., 967 Randolph. WANTED—A position by young man of twenty-four; can give best of refer- ences. Address A. H. P., 590 Portland ay. "WANTED—A position of some kind by a young man of twenty-one; can give best of references. Address E. J M 568 Selby ay. '' WANTED—Management or some posi- tion in hotel by experienced man and wife. Address Hotel, Room 8, 303 Jack- son st. WANTEJD—By a carrier, morning route or will carry for some one that has a morning route. Address 395 Carroll st. WANTED—Work of any kind by strong young man. Address M., 379 North Washington/st., city. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE on their plain notes. You're making no mistake when you come to us. - CHEAPEST RATES FOR A CER- TAINTY. \u25a0 EASIEST PAYMENTS. No mortgage. No indorser. No Pub- licity. Rcom 301, New York Life Building. ST. PAUL FINANCIAL COMPANY. MOi\E¥ LOANED on household good*, pianos, jewelry; we guarantee lowest rate of interest; payments made to suit yourself. State Loan Company, 616 Pioneer Press Bids. SALARY LOANS upon plain notes; no mortgage, no indorser, no publicity: easier payments and much lower rates Reliable Credit Co., Room 308 Manhat- tan Bids., corner Fifth and Robert sts. WANTED TO BORROW, $2,400, low rate"7 good security; no commission. Address R 33, Globe. : . WE LOAN MOSEY to people drawing salary; we ask only your note as security; yon make payments to \u25a0nit yourself; all . transactions strictly confidential; we guaran- tee lowest rate of Interest. State Loan Company, 616 Pioneer Press Build . -_ - ' \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 . ' - 6 AND t> PER CENT MuAfEY to loan on improved property in St. Paul and Minneapolis. V. C. Gilman. New York PROPOSALS WANTED-GRADING MARKET SITE. City Clerk's Office, St. Paul. Minn., March 27, 1901. Notice is hereby given that sealed pro- posals, marked "Proposals— Mar- ket Site," will be received at the office of the City Clerk of the City of St. Paul Court House and City Hall, until 5 o'clock p. m., April 2, 3901, for the grad- ing of the Jackson ; Street Market Site and the building of retaining walls wher- ever the same may *be necessary; said bids or proposals to be submitted in ac- cordance with the plans and profiles on file in the office of the City Engineer and Commissioner, of Public Works. \u25a0 ' A bond in the sum of 20 per cent of the amount bid, with ? two sureties,: residents of the . State of r Minnesota, or a surety company bond in the same amount, or a certified check of .V 10 per cent -of : the amount bid, must \ accompany; each pro- posal-as surety j for the making and exe- cution of the \ contract. - •. *\u25a0\u25a0: . , The Common Council \u25a0\u25a0 reserves* the right to reject any and all bids. -•.. ". \u0084B y order of the Common Council. r ~;. :. MATT JENSEN, lich.2B to April City Clerk. l' SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALES Anybody out of -Work in' St. Pan I or Minneapolis may insert an adver- tisement under tills beading: free of charge. .gd'. . 'AN EXPERIENCED nurse in confine- ment or any other, disease; best of ref- erences. 236 East Seventh st., Room 36. A WOMAN wants work by the day. Address 919 Snelling ay., Hamline. A WOMAN wants work by the day, cleaning or washing,. Please call or ad- dress 49 West Ninth; st. I A YOUNG WOMAN; with a child one year old would) like a place to work in a Christian family. 765 Wabasha, fiat 132. \u25a0\u25a0-•-\u25a0 Lr .z:.' COOK—Wanted, ,al pastry cook at once. Clarendon hotel. .. GIRL seventeen would like work of some kind; wcrk about ipaper or books pre- ferred. Address l?,Holn»es. 442 Pleasant ay. -. . -;\u25a0 .a .^i-- :..\u25a0. ..-, - \u25a0-. ' - \u25a0 DRESSMAKER : wants . work ,in shop where she can work from 8 till 6 o'clock. Call . or, write, 418 Concord st. GIRL would like chamber, dining room work, :or housecleaning; anything ex- cept cooking; wages no object. Lilly Skow. £65 Ocean street. , HOUSBKEEPER Trustworthy yo«otg German widow . wants a - position as housekeeper; neat and capable; no chil- dren. Room (3, Horman block, I corner Rice and University. , HOUSEKEEPER Trustworthy young German widow wants a position as housekeeper; neat and capable; no chil- dren. Room .&:Horman block, corner Rice and University. . HOUSEKEEPER— woman wishes situation as housekeeper; widower's family preferred. Address D 38, Globe. HOUSEKEEPER—In small family, ; or .-. care of children. " Mrs. Kay, 607 Laurel \u25a0_ ay. \u25a0-" -:. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - -.."•":*:" :'. -"'-.-\u25a0 - !\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-.'-. LAUNDRY. WORK in private family by the day. Call or address 186 Western avenue. North. "•;\u25a0"'\u25a0-.\u25a0: ;. OFFICE WORK—A young lady, having some experience, desires - a position ~in 7 an office or clerk., M. J., 731 Carroll. __ SEAMSTRESS would like to go out 'by the day; children's clothes a specialty. Address 210 East Ninth. St.. STENOGRAPHER—Experienced young lady . stenographer - wishes . position! will work for moderate salary. Address 745 Mississippi street; . . .^. ,\u25a0..;-' STENOGRAPHER, -lady, wants a posi- tion. Address 170' St. Anthony ay.' TWIN CITY EMPLOYMENT - BUREAU can furnish you with domestic help, in or out of city. Call 303 Phoenix block, over Yerxa's, 527 Hennepin ay., Minne- -apolis. -- •\u25a0' •\u25a0 •-"'•'. \u25a0:'--.. WANTED— of work by a woman who is deaf, - such as plain sew- ing or r mending*,:' or any \u25a0 thing such a person could do at home. Address M. McC, 602 Broadway, city. .>..; '\u25a0- \u25a0: -^ WANTED—A wdinaii wants day work washing or ironingiior house cleaning or cooking. Call or address T. W., No 512 Cedar st., near capltol, St. Paul. - ' WOMAN, wants (fey.work. Address Room 27, Forepaugh block. -, '-:.. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0':.•- WOMAN wants '9ajjf work of any kind ' Call or a ddress.JEKf Dayton ay. - . : WASHING—Good wash woman to go out washing and ; Wdnltig, ;or r anything. 181 Smith avenue; down stairs. .:.- :\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0 /;•\u25a0'-.-"\u25a0\u25a0 WASHING—Wanted to -go out \u25a0 washing. \u25a0 and \u25a0 take \>. home. 187 <: Western avenue _North. upstairs. .-". \u25a0- : --'-^ WASHING—A ; lady 9 wishes (to go out or a take jhome small family-washings. Ad- dress 'Room 12, 161 r West Third \u25a0 st. :. \u25a0 \u25a0: WASHING—A German woman would like :. work and : washing. - 451 East ; Sixth. '\u25a0\u25a0 WORK wanted by day or" week. 419% Wabasha, Room 18.i*dV-. /• "'-.; . : ; ; YOUNG i LADY '. would '- like to - take' care: of doctor ; office,^ 621 Martin st. ;: THE ST. PAUL GLOBE, MONDAY, APRIL 1, 1901. BOARD OFFERED. FOB, SALE. TEESONAL. WASTED —TO RENT. POPULAR WANTS BUSINESS CHANCES. BUT CORN-It is cheap; send order now; write for book "Successful Spec- ulation" free. J. K. Comstock & Co., Traders' building, Chicago. CIGAR, news and confectionery store for Bale; good location; cheap rent. In- qulre 543 Rice st. FOR SALE—aT^I equipped kali, with stage for shows; seating capacity, 407; a good saloon m connection; the only hill In city; population of city, 1.2 X); li- cense, $200.00. Address Wm. Ulrich, Fountain City. Wls. FOR SALE—Rare business opening for party with some capital, or one who can interest investors; will pay larjro dividend. For information aaaress O 23. Globe. FOR SALE CHEAP-Gateway City" Laundry, La Crosse, Wis. Apply to Miller & Wolfe, attorneys La Crosst. Wls. OFFICE BUSINESS—SIBO a week; send 27 cents for plan and sample. Drawer 30, United Supply Company, Morrilton, Ark. PARTNER WANTED—Land office and manufacturer's agent's business; cap- ital required $200. An A 1 proposition. Address R 30, Globe. SHAVING MADE EAST—"Hints" on how to shave properly, how to select, strop, hone and care for razor; booklet mailed free. W. H. Miles, 2EO Pearl St., New York. WANTED—Party with $2,000, straight legitimate business; will net you 33. per cent monthly; no agents. Apply, per- sonal Interview only. A. 30. Globe. FOR RENT— nicely furnished front alcove, south-facing; also single rooms; excellent board. 419 Iglehart st. ' - NEWLY papered, furnished front room, suitable for two; latest improvements; good table board. 528 Cedar st. ONE SINGLE ROOM, with all modern conveniences, at $4.10 per week: also table board, $3 per week. 463 Robert st.-" . •. - ;\u25a0..-. , PRIVATE BOARDING, including room, $4. 61 Park place. ROOMS OR BOARD In over 300 choice S families are listed with descriptions at 61 East Fourth; complete information - without charge; open Saturday even- Ing. >~~K \u25a0:\u25a0':\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0 ,' :~\.. ROOMS OR BOARD in over 300 choice families are listed with descriptions at 51 East Fourth; complete information without charge. St. Paul Agency. ? THE COLONNADE has two suites of rooms ajid two single rooms for rent, with first-class meals. j \u25a0\u25a0 , FO. R .3 SAL,E-$6,000-Best building, occu- Eled by best paying business est location, best town in South Da- kota; rentals net 10 per cent. Address A, Tenth Floor, Boyce Bldg., Chicago. FOR SALE—AII the gTocery fixtures of every description in the stores, 449 and 451 Wabasha street. W. S McLaueh- Un & Co. FOR SALE—Saloon and concert hall: do- ing a good business; must sell. Call or address E. M. Cameron, 75 West Sev- enth street, St. Paul. FOR SALE—A good milk business, nine- teen cows, two horses, wagon, route, and everything goes; cheap; cash or on time. Address S 49, Globe. FOR SALTS—New star screw cutting lathe, for bicycle repairing or any re- pair shop. Address R 31, Globe. FOR SALE—WaII case, lined for cigars and tobacco; news rack and six-foot counter. Smith, 220 West Seventh street. FOR SALE—A thoroughbred Scotch collie, with fine pedigree, one year and a half old. R 35, Globe. FOR SALE—Light Brahma eggs from fine bred stock; $1 per setting; fifteen fine cockerels for sale cheap. H. M. Luelle. Newport, Minn. SHOW CASES FOR SALE—Two twelve- foot, plate glass. William Schauer, 18 and 18' East Seventh st. FOR SALE—Order on first-class dentist _at_Eo_ cents onjl; Address U 54, Globe. FURNITURE of four rooms, complete for housekeeping, except cook stove, for $30. Call Sunday at 533 Robert st. <D4.P E\ \u25a0\u25a0*Buys 2 lots on Bay street near Tus- *u^^'<-' carora avenue. *- There is $1,000 worth of stone on these. <ti (\A Buys a fine lot on Margaret near Sev- <PUUV er.th street. (DOKfj Buys a fine south facing lot on St. *¥&*J\J Anthony avenue near Fairview. r. . <B*i QCr\. Buys a good 8-room house and barn *PJL.&<->\J on Hastings near Earl. -\-.J- --d* r. Ori - Buys 8 acres between the cities. Just *P*-J \J\J the place for a chicken ranch. . , HOUSES FOR SENT. CARPETS, Rugs, etc., cleaned, refitted and laid, at Twin City Carpet Clean- Ing Works, 182 West Fourth street. Tel. _ Main 2176. COTTAGE—For rent, nine-room cottage, with all modern improvements. Inquire 420 South Robert st. FOR RENT-At Ramsden Park. Bald Eagle Lrake, elegant seven-room cot- tage, rirst floor finished in Georgia pine; has screened porches, dining room, large fireplace, water piped to door, beautf- lul grounds, lake frontage. Inquire of Northwestern Distributing Agency, 376 Robert st. FOR RENT—A six room house; closet and bath; in good condition. 110 York st. Inquire 18 Sycamore st. FOR RENT—For the summer, my fur- ' nished home, No. 311 Pleasant ay. C. R. Groff. FOR RENT—A nine room house at 1207 Nina avenue. FURNISHED COTTAGE at Cottage Park, "White Bear Lake, a well fur- nished eight-room cottage; dining room and servants' sleeping room separate from cottage. Address C. Fry. Hotel Ryan. FURNISHED HOUSE, 492 Dayton ay., for rent, May 1 to Oct. 1. _ HOUSE—Nine-room house,gas, city water sewer, cellar, closet, bath, good barn, large lot, close to public school and two colleges; convenient to street car; for rent May 1, at Hamline. H. Schlffmann, 514 Washburn HOUSE FOR RENT—Seven-room house, with bath and furnace; nice yard; 448 Fuller st. Inquire next door of W. R. Tostevin. HOUSES FOR RENT—I6B Poplar st.. 1028 Mississippi St., and 175 Valley st. Inquire at H. Retzmann. 759 Mis- slssippi st. . , HOUSE—Seven-room house. No. 386 Jay street, corner Martin street; all mod- ern. Call at 322 Robert street, Farming- ton dairy. HOUSE—For rent, 2245 Knapp st., St. Anthony Park, ten-room house, with modern improvements; hot water heat- ing; one block from Como inter urban _cars; inquire at house. \u25a0 HOUSE—723 Portland Ay.—Modern, ten room house, with laundry and basement closet; also summer cottages at Bald Eagle lake. D. W. C. Ruff, Globe Bid. HOUSE]—Pleasant seven-room house; gas, bath, lawn; "Central location: $25 per month. 74 West Central. HOUSE-r489 North St., April 1; seven rooms; $18. Inquire E. Geist, 62 East Seventh. J. W. SHEPARD, 94 EAST FOURTH. A PEW HOUSES FOR RENT. 105 WIL.KIN, 1O ROOMS - $35.00 103 WIL.KIN, 8 ROOMS - - 30.00 59© SEIL.BY, 8 ROOMS - - 30.00 670 E. FOURTH, 9 ROOMS - 25.00 SCHRAM'S RENTING AGENCY. 320 and 322 Manhattan building; established ten years; rents houses, flats, furnished flats; places insurance; take general care of property; list your property with them for prompt attention. ROOMS FOR RENT. ARE YOU TOO FAT? I have a sensible, harmless treatment that will reduce your weight three pounds every week; no starving of change of habits re- : quired; leaves no flabbiness,but beau- tifies skin : and form; - I am ! a regular practicing physician . and make a spe- cialty of obesity for men and women. Send for private, sealed information and booklet. H. C. Bradford, M D 24 B, East Twenty-third St., New York. ATTRACTIVE young woman, handsome! :-. wealthy, wants to marry a good man- all letters answered; will send phsto if 10 cents is sent to guarantee safe de- ,_kS cS^ISI stevens ' care Bo* HYPNOTISM-Bridewell's $5 course ab- solutely complete for 50 cents. United Supply Company, Morrilton. Ark. Guaranteed "Regulator Reme- dy never fails; harmless; convince yourself; one full box free. Write to Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wls. LADIES SECRET to enlarge your bust six inches free. Cannot fail'or injure the most delicate. Leonard Medicine Co., Kansas City, Kan. MARRY RICH— you would marry rich and speedily send stamps «*• descrip- tion; no triflers- and dudes; state age The Mutual Book Exchange, Toledo Ohio. •.\u25a0•\u25a0. . MARRIAGE PAPER containing full de- scription and residence of members- correspondence strictly confidential; \u25a0 many wealthy; sent sealed 10 cents. \u25a0 Box 901, Denver, Col. . MISS RICHISON, of Sioux City, manl- curing. 63 East Seventh, Room 20 third floor. _ RAILROAD BUILDER, worth $800 000. spent most of life . traveling, : desires amiable wife. Mr. Stokes, care Ehr- llch, 975 Park avenue, N. Y. RHEUMATISM— have -a positive cure for rheumatism; suffering hu- manity can have it. Address E. Ives " _ box 698 X., Chicago. WANTED—Address of store where ster- eopticon views can be bought of Paris exhibition also : a map of Michigan. V Mrs. J. E. Ziegler, Gretna P. O. Man- itoba, Can. -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*--.' v. YOUNG LADY -of 22 summers will soon be alone with $100/000 worth of coal mines, timber lands, plantations and money. Wants the protection and ad.- vice of a husband at once. k\. 35. Globe. HOUSE—Wanted, to rent a new house, west of Victoria and south of Selby, on or before Sept. 1. Address D 32, Globe. AT FOUR HOTELS NEWLY FUKNISH- ed steam-heated rooms; all prices, fl->y, week or month; depot cars pass th« doors: The Western, 105 East Eighth; Imperial Hotel, 16 East Eighth; Yukon Hotel, 127 East Eighth; Economy Hotel, 360 Jackson st.: transient trade solicited. ARUNDEL ST., 382—Corner of Martin— For rent, four good rooms, with sewer and water, down stairs. DRESSMAKING—Wanted, good dress- making in exchange for furnished room. 460 Front srt. EUCLID ST.. 86S—Four nice rooms on Dayton's Bluff; water, sewer, bath; rent reasonable. r _ FURNISHED front room and alcove, suitable for man and wife, or two gen- tlemen. 25 Buckingham. FLOOR of four nice rooms, water, sewer, sink, panfryand shed; rent cheap. 279 William st., corner Pine, four doora from Mississippi car. FOURTH~~BT., 16 WEST-Between Wa- basha and St. Peter—Furnished rooms; everything first class; steam heat, gas and bath. IGLEHART ST.. 32—Between St. Peter and Wabasha Sts.—For rent, furnished front room and alcove: nicely located. IGLEHART ST., 62—For rent, four roo:ns. up stairs, for housekeeping, bath, to family of adults. NEATLY furnished front room; also side room; for one or two persons; reason- able; bath. 346 Market street, two blocks to city hall. NICELY furnished room, suitable for two young men: also single rooms; modern conveniences; centrally locat- ed. 15 East Tenth st. PINE ST., 705—Two or three unfurnish- ed rooms, for light housekeeping. FIFTH ST.. 45 WEST—Furnished rooms for rent; modern improvements. ROOMS—For rent, nicely furnished front rooms, suitable for one or two gentle- men: also side rooms: terms moderate, privileges. Address P 37, Globe. ROOM—For rent, nicely furnished room in widow's home; a single gentleman preferred: $10 per month; central loca- tlon. S 47, Globe. ROOM—For rent, large, nicely furnished steam-heated front room; privileges al- lowed. Address J 44, Globe. SEVENTH ST., 151 EA3T—Near Jackc-on —Nicely furnished front rooms, suite or single. SEVENTH ST., 105 WEST—Second Floor —For rent, furnished front room. ?B.<o. TENTH ST., 186 EAST—Suite of. rooms. newly papered, painted and furnished complete for light housekeeping; all conveniences. THREE NICELY furnished rooms, sult- able for light housekeeping, on first floor; hot and cold water. V 24, Globe. WASHINGTON ST., 339 NORTH—Large front room nicely furnished. MISCELLANEOUS. NEW PICTURES and frames very cheap at Bowen's Art Store, 347 Wabasha st. RURAL RIVALRY. Willie Rich—Say, Sammie, my father's home was built on a ar-chee-tpct's plan. Sammie Poor—Aw. dat's nawthin'; my dad's home was built on de install- ment plan. H. A.CAMPBELL 107 EAST FOURTH STREET, OFFERS /\S BARGAINS: $1600 Buys* 10' house and 60-foot \u25a0 •£?"¥ V lot on Fremcnt street near Arcade, This house has water, sewer and bath. \™^v $14-00 Buys "n 8-room house on Lafon«f *P-«-rrvyV/ near Western. City water and full ... size let. . tfell 00 uyaa ,'* 0-foot south facing house on tpj.±\J\J , Marshall east of Victoria streat. Lot alone is worth ,200. 552200 ,BuysL3t° G«>drioh'\u25a0-.-avenus: 40- --*D&GJ\J\J foot lot, 8-room hcuse, with water ' . - .-. and sewer. \u25a0" . REAL ESTATE. Ihos. Spcncc is Co 412 Gmania Ufo Bldg. $250O^S?Sttee'e c c 'msr jth of ?«*•'*»' $525-^ l °3 n5? t- a n y t. hony near Mackubln- s3lso-Kr^S:s 2 house; furnace. - U?tJ"L*<V heat; south-facing on Hague, cist of Grotto. $2000- o E fl^; : co^ g h a r 5 on Ha su«.west ywvw of Dale; bargain. tfe2soo od<sr2 W-room house and IV&KJ\J\J barn: Portland, wast of Avon. t£4:OOO~-? lod9rn 9ro:>m -house; furnace tp-X \J\JKJ heat, cemented cellar, good barn: terms to suit. $1500~Sr° d t . 7 room house on Ada «1 Q/^Q-Good 9 8rn rOOm houss on °nd near , v-' Western. BENTAI AGENCY. THE ST. PAUL TRUST cO. FOR RENT. HP LLY AY- No- 585—11-room house, hardwood floors and finish all im- provements 532 St. Peter St., No. 625—9-room board- ing house; all improvements 35 00 Selby Ay., No. 512—11-room house- in good condition; gcoi furnace; all improvements 35 00 Bates Ay., No. 410—8-room house; furnace and all Improvements 30 00 Ramsey St., Nos. 343 and 319—S-room houses; hardwood finish; furnace gas, bath, etc 21.00 & 27.00 Iglehart St., No. 407—8-room house- furnace, gas, bath, etc 24 00 University Ay.. No. 690—9-room house; closet, bath, etc 22 CO Martin St., No. 570—7-room house; hardwood finish; furnace gas bath, etc .' 22.00 Tilton St., No. 74—7-room cottage; bath, closet, gas, etc 22 CO East Congress St., No. 160—7-room house; bath, closet, etc 17 00 West Third St., No. 2Sl—s-room flat; gas, bath, closet, etc 16 00 Mississippi St., No. 704— 7-room house; city water 12 00 E-ast Winifred St., No. 337—8-room flat, closet, bath, etc 12.00 Smith Ay., No. 457—5-room flats on first and second floors; newly pa- pered and painted inside and' out; city water 12 00 Gaultier St.. No. 1096—7-room cot- tage; city water 10.00 Also flats, stores and parts of houses In different parts of the city. THE ST. PAUL TRUST CO., Endicott Building. WILIi BUILD YOU A 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AT MERRIAM PARK, OR NEAR CORNER OF CHATSWORTH AXD SEL.BY. FOR PARTICULARS, CALL AND SEE PLANS AT MY OF- FICE. J. W. SHBPARD, 94 EAST FOURTH. FOR SALE—House and lot and other Im- provements for sale cheap at once. Write P. P. Plotz, Jackson, Minn. FARM LANDS. FOR SALE—Or rent—At Forest Lake, Minn., a good forty-acre farm, twenty acres under cultivation: new seven- room house; large granary, barn and well. All at $1,400. Owner. J. J. Swanson, 41S East Minnehaha St., St. _PauL I HAVE a fine list of improved and partly improved prairie farms, with natural groves and near large body of timber; creameries are established, and a good growing railroad town; a fine country; rich farming land from $8 to $16; speculators haven't got in yet. O. B. Harris, 101 East Fourth st. UNCLE SAM gives 160-acre farms to set- tlers. Illustrated descriptive literature, map and valuable Angora goat booklet sent for 10 cents. Wm. H. Johnson. Springfield, Mo. OKLAHOMA LAND CO.'S map and booklet by mail, 35 cents; Indian reser- vation to open soon. 735 Monadnock Bldg.. Chicago, 111. FLATS FOR RENT. FLAT—To rent, flat of four rooms, with bath, hot and cold water, janitor serv- ice; rent, $30; immediate possession _glven._ No. _l,_The_Argyle. FLAT—For rent, furnished flat, seven rooms and bath. May 1 to Sept 1, nicest location on the hill. Address F FLAT—For rent, three-room flat, with bath, hot and cold water. 186M> East Seventh st. MINES AND TUNING. Union Consolidated Mining Company. Don't fail to obtain some of thes3 shares as for a few days thsy are selling at a half cent each. Send for a 32-page illustrated and de- scriptive rublication. "THE TEMPLE.' 1 "EAGLE LION, 1 » "YELLOW HAMMER," COAL LEAD ZINC." "SILVER CROWN." •'HORNET." "COPPER SHIELD," "FRUIT FARM HOME." "MOUNTAIN TUNNEL.' 10 per cent per annum eusrantsai. In addition to regular dividend. Address THE NATIONAL MINING PROMOTION CO. 4th Floor Andrus B!d£., Hinneapoils, Mfnn. Great Smeiber Sale. "QUEEN BEE" ••BOUNDARY CAMP" "KETTLE CURLEW" ...'"-\u25a0 - ; \u25a0 ... \u25a0 Don't fail to obtain particulars of our great smeltsr sale of thesa shares. Ten per cent per annum, In addition to regular dividends, guaranteed,. Send for 32 page illustrated and descriptive catalogue. THE AMERICAN MINING INVESTMENT CO. FOURTH . FLOOR, ANDRUS BUILDING. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. HOTEL STAND for rent, including show case and counter; excellent show window, facing on Wabasha st.; rent reasonable: can't be used for sellinß cigars. Inquire at Clarendon hotel. PIANOS AND ORGANS. FOR RENT—A very fine, new upright piano to careful party. Address U I*3, Globe. FLORISTS. ARTISTIC FUNERAL DESIGN Wod- ding Flowers, Cut Roses. Carnations, at lowest prices. Out of town or- ders solicited. Ramaley Floral Ex- change, Seventh and St. Peter sts. .Tjc; ' ' i


Where Wants Can BeMmmLefi for Insertion /#?••»THE GLOBE

At the Rate of 1 Gent perWar dm No Insertions Ac-cepted Less than 15 Gents*FtncraL Clairvoyants. Fort^-is Tellsr and

Iv'eaical Classifications.

2 Cents Per Word.Xt Ir.ierticr. tccertedloss than 25 dmU

WANT COLUMN BRANCH OFFICES:CONGER BROS., Druggists,Selby avenue, corner St. Albans; 409 Sel-

by avenue, and 349 University avenue.RICE BTREKT PHARMACY,

30C Rice street.ALBERT W. BORK.

Corner Mississippi and Nash streets.CAMPHi 1.,. BROS., Selby and Victoria.S. H. REEVES, Druggist. Seven corners.STRAIGHT BROS., Druggists,

Rondo and Grotto streets.A. T. GUERNSEY & SON. Druggists,

171 riorth Dale street.PEOPLE'S PHARMACY.

793 Eacf Seventh street.E. B. ROLLINS. D.-:iggls*.

295 West Seventh street.BEVKR WESTBY. oruseist,

Maria avenue and East Third street.W. A. FROST & CO., Druggists,

Selby and Western avenues.WALTER NELSON. Druggist.

University avenue and Rice street.JtIETZKE & CO., Druggists,

Selby and Western avenues.A. & G. SCHUMACHER. Druggists,

490 West Seventh street.HOLCOMB & MAGNUSON.

964 Payne avenue.YOSTS PHARMACY.

Dale and University.BOTNER & CO.. Druggists,

678 Grand avenue, corner St. Albans.C. T. HELLER. Colonnade.J. P. JELINEK & CO..

961 West Seventh street.A. A. CAMPBELL.

Louis and Rondo streets.W. K. COLLIER.

East Seventh street, corner Sibley.H. J. MVALU 453 Broadway.DREIS PHARMACY.

Ninth and St. Peter.GEORGE C. D^'i'^i'OßT.

978 East Seventh street.JOHN BODINE & CO.,

881 Payne avenue.

AGENTS AND AGENCIES.AGENTS—Drop everything nnd write for

terms on our wonder self-feeding matchsafe; cutest thing out: match alwaysready; sells instantly: sample, 15 cents.

Lock-Crank Co., Milwaukee, Wls.AGENTS wanted for our new electrical

Instrument; a marvelous home treat-ment for disease; great seller; refer-ences required. The Vitatone Company,1244 Broadway, New York.

AGENTS — Harvest selling Buffalobadges; phenomenal fad; six styles, 25cmailed; $2.00 per hundred; $15.00 perthousand by express. C. McMillan, Zi\"Wabash ay., Chicago.

AGENTS, Salesmen and canvassers; lotsof money to be made; call and see whatwe have. 509 Century building, Minne-apolis. 207.Baltimore block, St. Paul.

AGENTS everywhere; photo-buttons,etc.; send for catalogue; rock-bottomprices. R. Ganiere Co., 299 Grand ay.,Chicago.

AGENTS to sell palms for Easter; 40 percent profit; can devote all or part oftime to it. R 34, Globe.

BOTH SEXES—SISO a month easilymade; every man and woman will useit; particulars for 2 cent stamp. J. Fox& Co., Covington, Ky.

ONE AGENT in every town to sell ourpure Bluegrass seed for lawns; ourlawns beat sodding; credit given re-putable parties. Kentucky 'Seed Co.,_ Paris. Ky.

-""VVANTED—Agents, ladies and gentlemenof good address, no experience neces-sary, permanent position; good pay.Call ISm West Seventh St., the North__ American "Weekly.

WANTED — Agents to sell the newprocess window washer; water tank,sponge and rubber dryer combined.Kiefer Bros., Cleveland, O.

WE PAY $2d a week and expenses to menwith rigs to introduce pouttry com-pound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons,Kan.

1150.00 "PER MONTH and expenses guar-anteed good men visiting country peo-ple, taking orders and appointing sub-agents for our inventions, used byevery dairyman, farmer and vehicleowner; a monopoly; saves hundreds ofdollars; costs but little. For particu-lars, samples, etc., address Willard Co.,Cincinnati, O.

1240 MONTHLY selling improved Bril-Uftnt .Gaslight Burner: fits kerosenelamps; beautiful gaslight without chim-1cL samples free- Enterprise Mfg. Co.,A 860, Cincinnati, O. '


schools in Europe and the UnitedStates will give lessons in oil and wa-ter colors, pastel and fancy china paint-_ Ing For terms apply at 561 Wabasha'st.ORATORY, elocution, acting, thoroughinstruction; highest indorsements. . LeeChaw van, author of "ThougEtful VoiceDevelopment," 389^ Selby ay.; write orProgressive reporters use andrecommend Gregg's shorthand; circu-lars and first lesson free. RasmussensPractical Business School, Globe Build-ing, St. Paul.

*£IVAIE LESSONS at the King Short-hand School; private dictation forspeed_ practice. 513 Gsrmania Life.REMR DANCING ACADEMrTisliio^

« ast T"^ew class for beginners will beopened Tuesday evening, April 9; 16 les-

Sff-sSSS* $5: ladies- 54J last class

HORSES AND CARRIAGES.HORSES, HORSES-Earrett & Zimmer-man have from 400 to 800 head of ailc.asses of

ihorses on hand. Auctionevery Wednesday. Private sales dailyPart time given if desired. Barrett &ZimmerrWs Midway Horse market Stlrauli_jVlinn.

FOR SALE—Twenty head of single driv-ers and five matched teams. Black-mans livery, 4SB Selbv ay.*,1LSA^E—Sprlns: wagon (four seats-;also one high grade Jersey cow just_fr?shened._76o Arundel st.FOR SALE-Two bay horses; good matchteam, five and eight years old Ad-_St


SchUlt> S°Uth Par^? South

FOR SALE—A fine carriage double seat-ed an double seated canopy toD buS'also double and single harness" 847West Seventh street. . .FiOSALIE,rBay horse. seven years old

. B7B°lgrtSrt' st°Und and gentle- ***?HEAVY HORSES for sale, and alsoiSy^n^ t̂

har-ssc, Apply0

s'2,n^ L7~ Team horse"s, 1,200 or over;jSJy^_l^^- Apply 1&

.WANTED HORSES^The great Enelishspavin cure- will remove ringbonesI,?™' 1?8

t°vT plints without Pan o? in!Jury to the horse in twenty-four hours

- 17- Globe.

WAWIaD TO BUY.HOUSE—Wanted, to rent or buy smallhouse on St. Anthony hill. U 97 GlobeWANTED to buy for cash, a house and!^t°S,theu.T tGl'Sge c.; Btate Prfce *"*!WANTED-To.buy a large dog cart orpost cart. Address P 282, Globe.WANTED TO BUT—Goat cart or wagon

and harness. Address A 46, Globe.,WE NEED old gold and silver in oarfactory; will give full value and pay

cash. Mowrey, Murray & Leavitt StPaul Manufacturing Jewelers, il'i-122Robert St.. Ryan Bldg.

CLAIRVOYANTS..WONDERFUL—Your life revealed; sat-isfaction guaranteed; send birth dato

and 10 cents. Prof. John Myers, Lin-coln Park Station, Chicago.

POPULAR WANTSeel: 1 waited—males.

I AGENTS—Wanted immediately, travel-ing and local agents for an articleneeded badly by all farmers; now bestseason to start; profit enormous; alsowant addresses 'of all inventors, as wehave good news for them. AddressPatent St. Paul, Minn.

A MAN that can milk and do farmwork can get good job. Address A 4»,

_Globe.A YOUNG MAN with a natural talent for

drawinar, to train as newspaper artist.Write today for free lesson by mail.School of Caricature. S5 AVorld Bids..N. Y.

BOY—Wanted, bright boy, to do officework. Apply to E. E. Guernsey, Amer-ican Hoist and Derrick Co._

BLACKSMITH—Wanted, a strictly first-class man; none but a thorough me-chanic need appiy. Neal, Johns & Co.,Lake City, Minn.

UUSHELMAN wanted; steady work;good pay. Scotland Woolen Mills Co..61 East Seventh st.

COMPETENT, sober man and wife towork en farm near St. Paul; wife to dohousework; state experience and ung^sexpected; references. B. T. Hoyt, hoseTown Merriam Park.

COATMAKERS—Two good coatmakerswanted. Gaertner Bros., Seven cor-ners.

COLLECTORS—Wanted, three good mento collect and solicit; good remunera-tion to right parties. Answer at once,

__Address_D_34^Globe.MACHINISTS—Wanted, four first-class

machinists for floor and lathe work inlarge shop. Address W 46, Globe.

MANAGER wanted in every large countyto appoint agents for the famous"Game o' Skill" nickel-slot machinefor drinks or cigars; lawful everywhere;takes place of all forbidden slot ma-chines; rented or sold on easy pay-ments; secure territory quick. GrantBilliard Table Worka, Chicago, 111.

SALESMAN—A legitimate firm offers ex-ceptional contract on staple and patent-ed article; entirely new; required by alltrades and professions; experience un-necessary; exclusive territory; $15 cap-ital required, secured in stock whichyou can double in two days; investi-gate. Howland Co., Howland Block,Chicago.

SALESMEN wanted by large wholesaleclothing: and gents' furnishing house tosell goods in St. Paul and vicinity; lib-eral terms to right parties; only thosehaving experience and can furnishhighest references need apply; stateage, experience and full particulars.Address E 40, Globe.

SALESMEN—Wanted by April 15th, trav-eler fot Minnesota and Wisconsin; nat-ural ability and aptness count morethan experience; high commission con-tract; staple line; reference, bond andentire time required; first class menonly need apply. E. L. Rice, 33 Con-gress st., Detroit, Mich.

THE SPRINGTERM of the Globe Busi-ness, Telegraph and Shorthand Schoolis now open. PRIVATE NIGHTSCHOOL, SEVENTH AND 3T. PETER.

TAKE GINSENG, the great blood medi-cine, 50 cents a bottle, at 201 West Sixthst., in rear.

TILELAYER—First-class tilelayer. St.Paul Stone Co., 533 Wabasha.

WANTED—Experienced traveling sales-men of good appearance and addressto place high-grade specialty line withgeneral merchandise trade; positionpermanent; reference-and bond requir-ed. Box GOB, St. Louis, Mo.

WANTED--Traveling salesmen of goodappearance and address; must havebest of references and give bond; per-manent position to right man. Address

_Box 514, _Chicago_. .WANTED—SampIe distributed every-

where; men and women to distributefree samples of Monarch tea, at $8 perthousand. Monarch Importing Co., 52Dearborn St., Chicago.

WANTED—Young men and ladies tolearn telegraphy, shorthand, bookkeep-ing and fill positions when competent.Globe Business college, Seventh andSt. Peter.

WANTED—Young married couple orstrong young man for small gardenfarm at White Bear lake; steady, all-year position. Address F 16, Globe.

WANTED—A first-class salesman, whois capable of earning a good salary.Address Clerk 44, Box 528, Chicago, 111.

WANTED—Presser for jackets and tai-lor-made suits; will pay first-classwages to a competent person. Fred D.Young & Co., 513 Nlcollet ay., Minne-apolis.

WANTED—Several experienced brake-men and switchmen for freight service.A. 50, Globe.

WANTED—Strong boy to drive deliverywagon; call early Monday morning. 514East Seventh street.

WANTED—Expei ienced silk and dressgoods salesman. Address T. Freimuth,_ Duluth, Minn.


on Wednesday, April 3, at 2 p. m.. thethree buildings numbering 837, 899 and901 West Seventh st.; these buildingsare in good condition, and are builtwith heavy sills so they can be easilymoved; they are equipped with stormwindows, etc; if you have a place forthem you should not miss this oppor-tunity; they must be removed at once.A. Q. Johnson, Auctioneer, 119-421 Jack-son st.


tice is hereby given that the stock ofgeneral merchandise, consisting" ot gro-ceries, dry goods, clothing, boots amishoes, hats and caps, etc.; invoicevalue from $5,0C0 to 56,000; formerlyowned by Henry A. Thielen, at. BowdleS. D , will be scld in bulk, at publicauction to the highest cash bidder, at 2o'clock p. m., on Tuesday. April 9, 1901,at the store building at Bowdle, S. D.For further information app'y to Al-fred H. Oberg, Bowcile. S. D., or theundersigned. L. W. French, trustee,

_229 East Fourth st., St. Paul, Minn.REMEMBER—The best place in town to

get your gasoline stoves, lamps, bicy-cles, umbrellas , printing machinery,etc., repaired is at the Burucker Mfg.Co., 384 Minnesota st.

LOST AND POUND.BOA LOST—A child's white krimmerboa lost Sunday evening on Rice, Mar-

tin or Carroll sts. Reward if returnedto 165 Carroll St.. city.

DOG LOST—Female spaniel puppy; age,six months; white breast. Return andreceive reward, G. Groff, 311 Pleasantay.

POCKETBOOK LOST-Lost In city"probably in basement of Clarendon ho-tel, leather pocketbook containing sumof money: finder leave at Clarendon ho-tel office and ree'eive reward. E 43Globe.

LOST—Small gray female scotch terrier: :

$5 reward if returned to 63S Hague aye.


en Corners—Ladies' tailoring, fine dress-making; very low prices for thirtydays; latest design skirts, waista,coats, etc.; call and see the work.

BICYCLES.RAMBLERS—Better, lighter and strong-

er than ever, 19 and 22 pounds; tradeyour old wheel in now or have it im-paired; don't wait for spring. BirdCycle Company, 71 West Seventh.

BOARD WANTED.A YOUNG MAN desires room and board

In a Jewish family not very pious: ref-erences exchanged by request. Ad-dress F 32, Globe.WANTED-By two~you^gentiemen~to

exchange new standard piano for roomand board with private family. R 33_ lilobe. 'WANTED—A machinist would like tohave room, with breakfast and supper,

jn private family; state price. D. 38,


CHAMBERMAID-Wanted, at the Wind-sor hotel, an experienced chambermaid.

COOK—Wanted, a thoroughly competentcook; no washing. Apply Mondaymorning. Mrs. S. C. Stickney, 745 Fair-mount ay.

COOK—Wanted, cook for teachers' messat a school in Montana; good wages.

_J^pply^tJ9o_East Third st.

COOK—Wanted at once, first-class wom-an cook. Address Frank S. Dawe, Ho-tel Lyon Lake City, Minn.

DRESSMAKER—Wanted, a. first-classdressmaker —no other need apply—at569 Farrington. corner Iglehart; dress-making parlor.

DRESSMAKER — Wanted, dressmaker;competent waist and skirt hand. Ap-

_ply Sunday, 121 Western ay. north.HOUSEWORK—Wanted, competent girl

for general housework; family of four;all modern improvements; good wagesto right party. 768 Goodrich ay.

DRESSMAKING—Wanted an apprenticeto learn dressmaking; will pay smallwages while learn ing. 395 Carroll st.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted German girl forgeneral housework; good wages; refer-ence required. Mrs. Fink, 265 Pleasantavenue.

HOUSEWORK—Experienced girl for gen-eral housework; family of three. 112West Tenth street.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, good girl forgeneral housework in small family. 062

__Grand ay.

HOUSEKEEPER—Wanted, to get ac-qainted with a middle-aged lady ashousekeeper, without children, on smallfarm. Address Box 211, Currie, Minn.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted, an experience;!girl for general housework. Apply SOOHague ay.

HOUSEWORK—Wanted girl for generalhousework. 804 Holly_avenue.

LADY cleared $8.30 each day in Marchintroducing our electric garter; you cando it, or we pay $75 per month and ex-penses; pamphlet free; agents wantedeverywhere Electric Medical GarterWorks, B 2, Cincinnati, O.

LADIES to do crochet, Battenburg, em-broidery work, for us at their homes;steady work; good pay; sent i centstamp. Parisian Needlework Co., 83Dearborn, Chicago.

LADIES to dr. piecework for us at home;we furnish all materials and pay $7 to?12 weekly. Send stamped envelope toRoyal Co.. 34 Monroe St., Chicago.

NURSE GlßL—Young nurse girl want-ed. Call 309 Iglehart st.

NEEDLEWORK—Ladies wanted to doplain peedlework for us at home; wefurnish materials and pay $7 to $10 i.erweek. Send addressed envelope to

_Standard Co., Indiana avenue, Cnicago.

PLAIN WRlTEßS—Pleasant, profitablehome employment; full particulars forstamp. Nonpareil Specialty Co., 853Rose Building, Cleveland, O.

SLEEVE MAKER—Wanted, a compe-tent sleeve maker. Apply at once,at Room 56, Manhattan block.

WANTED—Experienced jacket, suit andskirt finishers; good wages for tailorexperience. Fred D. Young & Co., 513Nicollet ay., Minneapolis.

SKIRT HANDS—Wranted, experiencedskirt hands and operators. 311 PhoenixBldg.

WANTED—For dressmaking, one waisthand and one tailoress. Call 148 Ram-sey street. ~


LOANSMade on any method or any «

Ssecurity. Payment in full at !\u25a0any time and rebate given. NOCHARGES FOR PAPERS. Weare tha Pioneer Loan Co., 25 \u25a0 \u25a0years in business. Before clos-ing loans elsewhere get our V^

Aterms. THEY ARE THELOWEST AND EASIEST. «\u25a0*.$100 FORFEITED IF NOT. OMr. Mackey, our manager, and IXhis assistants, will extendCOURTEOUS and CONFI- «t .

LDENTIAL treatment to all. |\|Salaried people having perma- It!ment positions with reliableconcerns, only security your \u25a0name. To others on furniture,

s. pianos, horses, etc., without re- I

Amoval from home. The manyprefer to deal with an eld re- wliable Home Co., who by theirjust and confidential dealings Ihave retained the confidence oftheir patrons for years. We | |

Rguarantee all negotiations andtransactions whether you do \Jbusiness with us or not to bsSTRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. f-%Private consultation rooms. If 1^you need money call and sse IX

Ywhat we caT do for you. Officehours 8 s, m. to 6 p. m.—Mm- f""nesota Mortgage Loan Co,, 316 f™and 317 Pioneer Press Bide., ""ithird floor.

IMVESTB6ATEOur new plan forloaning mon«y in sums to suit, onsalaries, furniture, pianos, etc. Easiest plan, lowestpossible rates, most privacy. Our ftfteeT years inbusiness in this city is guanntes of our ability todo as we advartiss. You will certainly lose moneyif you borrow elsewhere before getting our terms.Private consultation rooms. Bring this ad with you.

It Will Save You Honey.

GUARANTY LOAN CO,, ffA2£""-Fourth Floor—Take Elevator.


Anybody out a* work In St. Paul orSllnueapoli« mn> Insert an adver-tisement nnderf this heading freeof ohiirue.

APPRENTICE—Strong boy, seventeenyears old, wouW like to learn plumberor machinist trade. Address 1042 Ed-

_mund. ,A BOY of sevcttteteh would like~work

running elevator. , Call or write. A.__Tuhrsen, «5_ University ay

A BOY of fourteen would like any kindof work; printing preferred. AddressR. Maurice. 428 Sherburne ay.

A BOi' of fifteen years would like work" ?n any. klnd- A^dress W. J. Kelly, 537Virginia ay.

BOOKKEEPER—Educated and energeticyoung man desires position as assis-tant bookkeeper, collector, clerk in ho-tel, general store or office work; threeyears' experience; Al references andrecommendations. Address H. F. C. F.,4l> Eastman ay., Minneapolis, Minn.

BOY of seventeen would like work aselevator boy or taking care of horses.Address 65 Leech St., city.

COACHMAN wants situation; thorough-ly understands the business; not look-ing for big wages, but comfortablehome; careful driver and obliging. Ad-

_jdresß_C._Paßtell,J76 St. Peter St., city.CHEF is open for engagement in hotel;

long experience and good references. O24,_Globe.

i COLLECTOR—Want position as collector;will furnish horse, buggy and city ref.-_erence. J.^^M., 742 Euclid, city.

COACHMAN wants situation; thorough^ly understands the business; not look-ing for big wages, but comfortablehome; careful driver and obliging. Ad-dress C._Pastell, 876 St. Peter St., city.

MARRIED man of good habits wouldlike a position of any kind that wouldfurnish $35 to $40 per month; under-stands care of horses; can furnish bestof reterences. Address 472 Iglehart st.

OFFICE WORK—Young man twenty-one \ears old wishes situation in of-fice: Hve years' experience with reli-

_ab|£jirms L_E_4l, Globe.OFFICE WORK—Young man, who can

furnish best of references, wishes sit-uation in office. G. A. Gelray, Balti-more Block, St. Paul.

PACKER—A good furniture packer andhandy "man with tools wants work. W.

__g,dmond, 65 East Magnolia.SITUATION wanted by well educatedyoung man. thirty years of age, and

half a year in this country; -was book-keeper in Germany, and is a good pen-man; would accept position of anykind, and is willingto work for verymoderate salary.- Address S 4S, Globe.

STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeperwants position 4n the near future; hassome experience, steady and strictlytemperate; age twenty-two. AddressE 42, Globe.

TEAMSTER-^A good teamster wantswork in city or railroad work; goodreference. Address T. M., People's Ex-press, city. -

TEAMSTER-A ' good tear^ster~wantswork; in city or country; references Ifrequired. Address 106 Western ay.

__south. '' 'l

WANTED—By young boy of sixteenyears of age, with knowledge of sten-ography and bookkeeping, position inan office; railroad office preferred; goodpenman; will accept small salary atbeginning; no experience. Address WMcC, 285 Summit place.

WANTED—By an experienced solicitorand collector, a position; experiencedin printing and advertising; references_E[venL Address C.8., 967 Randolph.

WANTED—A position by young man oftwenty-four; can give best of refer-ences. Address A. H. P., 590 Portlanday.

"WANTED—A position of some kind by ayoung man of twenty-one; can givebest of references. Address E. J M568 Selby ay. ''

WANTED—Management or some posi-tion in hotel by experienced man andwife. Address Hotel, Room 8, 303 Jack-son st.

WANTEJD—By a carrier, morning routeor will carry for some one that has amorning route. Address 395 Carroll st.WANTED—Work of any kind by strong

young man. Address M., 379 NorthWashington/st., city.

MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLEon their plain notes.You're making no mistake

when you come to us. -CHEAPEST RATES FOR A CER-TAINTY. \u25a0 EASIEST PAYMENTS.No mortgage. No indorser. No Pub-

licity.Rcom 301, New York Life Building.


pianos, jewelry; we guaranteelowest rate of interest; paymentsmade to suit yourself. State LoanCompany, 616 Pioneer Press Bids.

SALARY LOANS upon plain notes; nomortgage, no indorser, no publicity:easier payments and much lower rates• Reliable Credit Co., Room 308 Manhat-tan Bids., corner Fifth and Robert sts.

WANTED TO BORROW, $2,400, low rate"7good security; no commission. AddressR 33, Globe. : .

WE LOAN MOSEY to people drawingsalary; we ask only your note assecurity; yon make payments to\u25a0nit yourself; all . transactionsstrictly confidential; we guaran-tee lowest rate of Interest. StateLoan Company, 616 Pioneer PressBuild .

-_ - ' \u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0 . ' -6 AND t> PER CENT MuAfEY to loanon improved property in St. Paul andMinneapolis. V. C. Gilman. New York


City Clerk's Office,St. Paul. Minn., March 27, 1901.

Notice is hereby given that sealed pro-posals, marked "Proposals— Mar-ket Site," will be received at the office ofthe City Clerk of the City of St. Paul •Court House and City Hall, until 5o'clock p. m., April2, 3901, for the grad-ing of the Jackson ; Street Market Siteand the building ofretaining walls wher-ever the same may *be necessary; saidbids or proposals to be submitted in ac-cordance with the plans and profiles onfile in the office of the City Engineer andCommissioner, of Public Works. \u25a0 '

A bond in the sum of 20 per cent of theamount bid, with ? two sureties,: residentsof the . State ofr Minnesota, or a suretycompany bond in the same amount, or acertified check of.V 10 per cent -of : theamount bid, must \ accompany; each pro-posal-as surety jfor the making and exe-cution of the \ contract. - •. *\u25a0\u25a0: . , • • •

The Common Council \u25a0\u25a0 reserves* the rightto reject any and all bids. -•.. ".

\u0084By order of the Common Council.r ~;. :. MATT JENSEN,

lich.2B to AprilCity Clerk. l'


Anybody out of -Work in'St. Pan I orMinneapolis may insert an adver-tisement under tills beading: freeof charge. .gd'. .

'AN EXPERIENCED nurse in confine-ment or any other, disease; best of ref-erences. 236 East Seventh st., Room 36.

A WOMAN wants work by the day.Address 919 Snelling ay., Hamline.

A WOMAN wants work by the day,cleaning or washing,. Please call or ad-dress 49 West Ninth; st.

I A YOUNG WOMAN; with a child oneyear old would) like a place to work ina Christian family. 765 Wabasha, fiat132. \u25a0\u25a0-•-\u25a0

Lr .z:.'COOK—Wanted, ,al pastry cook at once.

Clarendon hotel. ..GIRL seventeen would like work of some

kind; wcrk about ipaper or books pre-ferred. Address l?,Holn»es. 442 Pleasantay. -. . -;\u25a0 .a .^i-- :..\u25a0. ..-, - \u25a0-. ' - \u25a0


wants .work ,in shopwhere she can work from 8 till 6o'clock. Call . or, write, 418 Concord st.

GIRL would like chamber, dining roomwork, :or housecleaning; anything ex-cept cooking; wages no object. LillySkow. £65 Ocean street. ,

HOUSBKEEPER — Trustworthy yo«otgGerman widow . wants a - position ashousekeeper; neat and capable; no chil-dren. Room (3, Horman block, I cornerRice and University. ,

HOUSEKEEPER — Trustworthy youngGerman widow wants a position ashousekeeper; neat and capable; no chil-dren. Room .&:Horman block, cornerRice and University. .

HOUSEKEEPER— woman wishessituation as housekeeper; widower'sfamily preferred. Address D 38, Globe.

HOUSEKEEPER—In small family, ; or.-. care of children. " Mrs. Kay, 607 Laurel\u25a0_ ay. \u25a0-" -:. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 - -.."•":*:" :'. -"'-.-\u25a0 - !\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0-.'-.LAUNDRY. WORK in private family by

the day. Call or address 186 Westernavenue. North. "•;\u25a0"'\u25a0-.\u25a0: ;.

OFFICE WORK—A young lady, havingsome experience, desires - a position ~in

7 an office or clerk., M. J., 731 Carroll. __SEAMSTRESS would like to go out 'by

the day; children's clothes a specialty.Address 210 East Ninth. St..

STENOGRAPHER—Experienced younglady . stenographer -wishes . position! willwork for moderate salary. Address 745Mississippi street; . . .^. ,\u25a0..;-'

STENOGRAPHER, -lady, wants a posi-tion. Address 170' St. Anthony ay.'

TWIN CITY EMPLOYMENT -BUREAUcan furnish you with domestic help, inor out of city. Call 303 Phoenix block,over Yerxa's, 527 Hennepin ay., Minne-

-apolis. -- •\u25a0'•\u25a0 •-"'•'. \u25a0:'--..

WANTED— of work by awoman who is deaf, -such as plain sew-ing or r mending*,:' or any \u25a0 thing such aperson could do at home. Address M.McC, 602 Broadway, city. .>..; '\u25a0- \u25a0: -^WANTED—A wdinaii wants day workwashing or ironingiior house cleaning orcooking. Call or address T. W., No 512Cedar st., near capltol, St. Paul. - '

WOMAN, wants (fey.work. Address Room27, Forepaugh block. -, '-:.. \u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0':.•-

WOMAN wants '9ajjf work of any kind 'Call or • a ddress.JEKf Dayton ay. - . :

WASHING—Good wash woman to go outwashing and ; Wdnltig, ;orr anything. 181Smith avenue; down stairs. .:.- :\u25a0:.\u25a0\u25a0 /;•\u25a0'-.-"\u25a0\u25a0

WASHING—Wanted to-go out \u25a0 washing.\u25a0 and \u25a0 take \>. home. 187 <: Western avenue_North. upstairs. .-". \u25a0- :

--'-^WASHING—A ;lady 9 wishes (to go out ora take jhome small family-washings. Ad-

dress 'Room 12, 161 r West Third \u25a0 st. :. \u25a0 \u25a0:

WASHING—A German woman would like:. work and :washing. -451 East ; Sixth. '\u25a0\u25a0

WORK wanted by day or" week. 419%Wabasha, Room 18.i*dV-. /• "'-.; . :; ;

YOUNG iLADY'. would '- like to - take' care:of doctor ;office,^ 621 Martin st. ;:







BUT CORN-It is cheap; send ordernow; write for book "Successful Spec-ulation" free. J. K. Comstock & Co.,Traders' building, Chicago.

CIGAR, news and confectionery store forBale; good location; cheap rent. In-qulre 543 Rice st.

FOR SALE—aT^I equipped kali, withstage for shows; seating capacity, 407; agood saloon m connection; the only hillIn city; population of city, 1.2X); li-cense, $200.00. Address Wm. Ulrich,Fountain City. Wls.

FOR SALE—Rare business opening forparty with some capital, or one whocan interest investors; will pay larjrodividend. For information aaaress O23. Globe.

FOR SALE CHEAP-Gateway City"Laundry, La Crosse, Wis. Apply toMiller & Wolfe, attorneys La Crosst.Wls.

OFFICE BUSINESS—SIBO a week; send27 cents for plan and sample. Drawer30, United Supply Company, Morrilton,Ark.

PARTNER WANTED—Land office andmanufacturer's agent's business; cap-ital required $200. An A 1 proposition.Address R 30, Globe.

SHAVING MADE EAST—"Hints" onhow to shave properly, how to select,strop, hone and care for razor; bookletmailed free. W. H. Miles, 2EO Pearl St.,New York.

WANTED—Party with $2,000, straightlegitimate business; will net you 33. percent monthly; no agents. Apply, per-sonal Interview only. A. 30. Globe.

FOR RENT— nicely furnishedfront alcove, south-facing; also singlerooms; excellent board. 419 Iglehartst. ' -

NEWLY papered, furnished front room,suitable for two; latest improvements;good table board. 528 Cedar st.

ONE SINGLE ROOM, with all modernconveniences, at $4.10 per week: alsotable board, $3 per week. 463 Robertst.-" . •. - ;\u25a0..-. ,

PRIVATE BOARDING, including room,$4. 61 Park place.

ROOMS OR BOARD In over 300 choiceS families are listed with descriptions at

61 East Fourth; complete information- without charge; open Saturday even-Ing. >~~K \u25a0:\u25a0':\u25a0\u25a0'-\u25a0 ,' :~\..

ROOMS OR BOARD in over 300 choicefamilies are listed with descriptions at51 East Fourth; complete informationwithout charge. St. Paul Agency. ?

THE COLONNADE has two suites ofrooms ajid two single rooms for rent,with first-class meals. • j \u25a0\u25a0 ,

FO.R.3SAL,E-$6,000-Best building, occu-

Eled by best paying businessest location, best town in South Da-

kota; rentals net 10 per cent. AddressA, Tenth Floor, Boyce Bldg., Chicago.FOR SALE—AII the gTocery fixtures ofevery description in the stores, 449 and451 Wabasha street. W. S McLaueh-

Un & Co.FOR SALE—Saloon and concert hall: do-ing a good business; must sell. Call or

address E. M. Cameron, 75 West Sev-enth street, St. Paul.

FOR SALE—A good milk business, nine-teen cows, two horses, wagon, route,and everything goes; cheap; cash or ontime. Address S 49, Globe.

FOR SALTS—New star screw cuttinglathe, for bicycle repairing or any re-pair shop. Address R 31, Globe.FOR SALE—WaII case, lined for cigars

and tobacco; news rack and six-footcounter. Smith, 220 West Seventh street.

FOR SALE—A thoroughbred Scotchcollie, with fine pedigree, one year anda half old. R 35, Globe.

FOR SALE—Light Brahma eggs fromfine bred stock; $1 per setting; fifteenfine cockerels for sale cheap. H. M.Luelle. Newport, Minn.

SHOW CASES FOR SALE—Two twelve-foot, plate glass. William Schauer, 18and 18' East Seventh st.

FOR SALE—Order on first-class dentist_at_Eo_ cents onjl; Address U 54, Globe.

FURNITURE of four rooms, completefor housekeeping, except cook stove,for $30. Call Sunday at 533 Robert st.

<D4.P E\\u25a0\u25a0*Buys 2 lots on Bay street near Tus-*u^^'<-' carora avenue. *- There is $1,000worth of stone on these.

<ti (\A Buys a fine lot on Margaret near Sev-<PUUV er.th street.

(DOKfj Buys a fine south facing lot on St.*¥&*J\J Anthony avenue near Fairview. r. .<B*i QCr\. Buys a good 8-room house and barn*PJL.&<->\J • on Hastings near Earl. -\-.J---d*r. Ori -Buys 8 acres between the cities. Just*P*-J\J\J the place fora chicken ranch. . • ,

HOUSES FOR SENT.CARPETS, Rugs, etc., cleaned, refitted

and laid, at Twin City Carpet Clean-Ing Works, 182 West Fourth street. Tel._ Main 2176.

COTTAGE—For rent, nine-room cottage,with all modern improvements. Inquire420 South Robert st.

FOR RENT-At Ramsden Park. BaldEagle Lrake, elegant seven-room cot-tage, rirst floor finished in Georgia pine;has screened porches, diningroom, largefireplace, water piped to door, beautf-lul grounds, lake frontage. Inquire ofNorthwestern Distributing Agency, 376Robert st.

FOR RENT—A six room house; closetand bath; in good condition. 110 Yorkst. Inquire 18 Sycamore st.

FOR RENT—For the summer, my fur-' nished home, No. 311 Pleasant ay. C. R.

Groff.FOR RENT—A nine room house at 1207

Nina avenue.FURNISHED COTTAGE at Cottage

Park, "White Bear Lake, a well fur-nished eight-room cottage; diningroom and servants' sleeping roomseparate from cottage. Address C.Fry. Hotel Ryan.

FURNISHED HOUSE, 492 Dayton ay.,for rent, May 1 to Oct. 1. _

HOUSE—Nine-room house,gas, city watersewer, cellar, closet, bath, good barn,large lot, close to public school and twocolleges; convenient to street car; forrent May 1, at Hamline. H. Schlffmann,514 Washburn

HOUSE FOR RENT—Seven-room house,with bath and furnace; nice yard; 448Fuller st. Inquire next door of W. R.Tostevin.

HOUSES FOR RENT—I6B Poplar st..1028 Mississippi St., and 175 Valley

st. Inquire at H. Retzmann. 759 Mis-slssippi st. . ,

HOUSE—Seven-room house. No. 386 Jay

street, corner Martin street; all mod-ern. Call at 322 Robert street, Farming-ton dairy.

HOUSE—For rent, 2245 Knapp st., St.Anthony Park, ten-room house, withmodern improvements; hot water heat-ing; one block from Como inter urban

_cars; inquire at house. \u25a0

HOUSE—723 Portland Ay.—Modern, tenroom house, with laundry and basementcloset; also summer cottages at BaldEagle lake. D. W. C. Ruff, Globe Bid.

HOUSE]—Pleasant seven-room house;gas, bath, lawn; "Central location: $25per month. 74 West Central.

HOUSE-r489 North St., April 1; sevenrooms; $18. Inquire E. Geist, 62 EastSeventh.



105 WIL.KIN, 1O ROOMS - $35.00103 WIL.KIN,8 ROOMS - - 30.0059© SEIL.BY, 8 ROOMS - - 30.00

670 E. FOURTH, 9 ROOMS - 25.00

SCHRAM'S RENTING AGENCY. 320 and322 Manhattan building; established tenyears; rents houses, flats, furnishedflats; places insurance; take generalcare of property; list your propertywith them for prompt attention.


ARE YOU TOO FAT? I have a sensible,harmless treatment that will reduceyour weight three pounds every week;no starving of change of habits re-

: quired; leaves no flabbiness,but beau-tifies skin : and form; - I am ! a regularpracticing physician . and make a spe-cialty of obesity for men and women.Send for private, sealed informationand booklet. H. C. Bradford, M D24 B, East Twenty-third St., New York.

ATTRACTIVE young woman, handsome!:-.wealthy, wants to marry a good man-all letters answered; will send phsto if10 cents is sent to guarantee safe de-

,_kS cS^ISI stevens' care Bo*

HYPNOTISM-Bridewell's $5 course ab-solutely complete for 50 cents. UnitedSupply Company, Morrilton. Ark.Guaranteed "Regulator Reme-dy never fails; harmless; convinceyourself; one full box free. Write to

Paris Chemical Co., Milwaukee, Wls.LADIES SECRET to enlarge your bust

six inches free. Cannot fail'or injurethe most delicate. Leonard MedicineCo., Kansas City, Kan.

MARRY RICH— you would marry richand speedily send stamps


tion; no triflers- and dudes; state ageThe Mutual Book Exchange, ToledoOhio. •.\u25a0•\u25a0. .

MARRIAGE PAPER containing full de-scription and residence of members-correspondence strictly confidential;

\u25a0 many wealthy; sent sealed 10 cents.\u25a0 Box 901, Denver, Col. .MISS RICHISON, of Sioux City, manl-

curing. 63 East Seventh, Room 20third floor. _

RAILROAD BUILDER, worth $800 000.spent most of life . traveling, : desiresamiable wife. Mr. Stokes, care Ehr-llch, 975 Park avenue, N. Y.

RHEUMATISM— have -a positivecure for rheumatism; suffering hu-manity can have it. Address E. Ives

" _ box 698 X., Chicago.WANTED—Address of store where ster-

eopticon views can be bought of Parisexhibition also : a map of Michigan.

V Mrs. J. E. Ziegler, Gretna P. O. Man-itoba, Can. -\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0*--.' v.

YOUNG LADY-of 22 summers will soonbe alone with $100/000 worth of coalmines, timber lands, plantations andmoney. Wants the protection and ad.-vice of a husband at once. k\. 35. Globe.

HOUSE—Wanted, to rent a new house,west of Victoria and south of Selby, onor before Sept. 1. Address D 32, Globe.

AT FOUR HOTELS NEWLY FUKNISH-ed steam-heated rooms; all prices, fl->y,week or month; depot cars pass th«doors: The Western, 105 East Eighth;Imperial Hotel, 16 East Eighth; YukonHotel, 127 East Eighth; Economy Hotel,360 Jackson st.: transient trade solicited.

ARUNDEL ST., 382—Corner of Martin—For rent, four good rooms, with sewerand water, down stairs.

DRESSMAKING—Wanted, good dress-making in exchange for furnishedroom. 460 Front srt.

EUCLID ST.. 86S—Four nice rooms onDayton's Bluff; water, sewer, bath;rent reasonable. r

_FURNISHED front room and alcove,

suitable for man and wife, or two gen-tlemen. 25 Buckingham.

FLOOR of four nice rooms, water, sewer,sink, panfryand shed; rent cheap. 279William st., corner Pine, four doorafrom Mississippi car.

FOURTH~~BT., 16 WEST-Between Wa-basha and St. Peter—Furnished rooms;everything first class; steam heat, gasand bath.

IGLEHART ST.. 32—Between St. Peterand Wabasha Sts.—For rent, furnishedfront room and alcove: nicely located.

IGLEHART ST., 62—For rent, four roo:ns.up stairs, for housekeeping, bath, tofamily of adults.

NEATLY furnished front room; also sideroom; for one or two persons; reason-able; bath. 346 Market street, twoblocks to city hall.

NICELY furnished room, suitable fortwo young men: also single rooms;modern conveniences; centrally locat-ed. 15 East Tenth st.

PINE ST., 705—Two or three unfurnish-ed rooms, for light housekeeping.

FIFTH ST.. 45 WEST—Furnished roomsfor rent; modern improvements.

ROOMS—For rent, nicely furnished frontrooms, suitable for one or two gentle-men: also side rooms: terms moderate,privileges. Address P 37, Globe.

ROOM—For rent, nicely furnished roomin widow's home; a single gentlemanpreferred: $10 per month; central loca-tlon. S 47, Globe.

ROOM—For rent, large, nicely furnishedsteam-heated front room; privileges al-lowed. Address J 44, Globe.

SEVENTH ST., 151 EA3T—Near Jackc-on—Nicely furnished front rooms, suiteor single.

SEVENTH ST., 105 WEST—Second Floor—For rent, furnished front room. ?B.<o.

TENTH ST., 186 EAST—Suite of. rooms.newly papered, painted and furnishedcomplete for light housekeeping; allconveniences.

THREE NICELY furnished rooms, sult-able for light housekeeping, on firstfloor; hot and cold water. V 24, Globe.

WASHINGTON ST., 339 NORTH—Largefront room nicely furnished.

MISCELLANEOUS.NEW PICTURES and frames very cheap

at Bowen's Art Store, 347 Wabasha st.


Willie Rich—Say, Sammie, my father's home was built on a ar-chee-tpct'splan.

Sammie Poor—Aw. dat's nawthin'; my dad's home was built on de install-ment plan.


OFFERS /\S BARGAINS:$1600 Buys* 10' house and 60-foot

\u25a0•£?"¥ V lot on Fremcnt street near Arcade,This house has water, sewer and bath. \™^v$14-00 Buys "n 8-room house on Lafon«f*P-«-rrvyV/ near Western. City water and full... size let. .tfell00 uyaa ,'*0-foot south facing house ontpj.±\J\J , Marshall east of Victoria streat. Lotalone is worth ,200. •

552200 ,BuysL3t° G«>drioh'\u25a0-.-avenus: 40---*D&GJ\J\J foot lot, 8-room hcuse, with water' . - .-. and sewer. \u25a0" • .


Ihos. Spcncc is Co412 Gmania Ufo Bldg.

$250O^S?Sttee'e cc 'msrjth of ?«*•'*»'

$525-^ l°3n5? t-a

nyt.hony near Mackubln-

s3lso-Kr^S:s 2 house; furnace. -U?tJ"L*<V heat; south-facing on Hague, cistof Grotto.

$2000- oEfl^;:co^ g

har5 on Hasu«.westywvw of Dale; bargain.

tfe2soo od<sr2 W-room house andIV&KJ\J\J barn: Portland, wast of Avon.

t£4:OOO~-? lod9rn 9ro:>m -house; furnacetp-X\J\JKJ heat, cemented cellar, good barn:terms to suit.

$1500~Sr° dt. 7 room house on Ada

«1 Q/^Q-Good98rnrOOm houss on °nd near ,v-' Western.


FOR RENT.HP LLY AY- No- 585—11-room house,

hardwood floors and finish all im-provements 532 5«St. Peter St., No. 625—9-room board-ing house; all improvements 35 00Selby Ay., No. 512—11-room house- ingood condition; gcoi furnace; allimprovements 35 00Bates Ay., No. 410—8-room house;furnace and all Improvements 30 00Ramsey St., Nos. 343 and 319—S-roomhouses; hardwood finish; furnacegas, bath, etc 21.00 & 27.00Iglehart St., No. 407—8-room house-furnace, gas, bath, etc 24 00University Ay.. No. 690—9-roomhouse; closet, bath, etc 22 COMartin St., No. 570—7-room house;hardwood finish; furnace gasbath, etc .' 22.00Tilton St., No. 74—7-room cottage;bath, closet, gas, etc 22 COEast Congress St., No. 160—7-roomhouse; bath, closet, etc 17 00

West Third St., No. 2Sl—s-room flat;gas, bath, closet, etc 16 00Mississippi St., No. 704— 7-roomhouse; city water 12 00E-ast Winifred St., No. 337—8-roomflat, closet, bath, etc 12.00Smith Ay., No. 457—5-room flats onfirst and second floors; newly pa-pered and painted inside and' out;city water 12 00

Gaultier St.. No. 1096—7-room cot-tage; city water 10.00Also flats, stores and parts of houses

In different parts of the city.THE ST. PAUL TRUST CO.,

Endicott Building.


FOR SALE—House and lot and other Im-provements for sale cheap at once.Write P. P. Plotz, Jackson, Minn.

FARM LANDS.FOR SALE—Or rent—At Forest Lake,

Minn., a good forty-acre farm, twentyacres under cultivation: new seven-room house; large granary, barn andwell. All at $1,400. Owner. J. J.

Swanson, 41S East Minnehaha St., St._PauLI HAVE a fine list of improved and

partly improved prairie farms, withnatural groves and near large body oftimber; creameries are established,and a good growing railroad town; afine country; rich farming land from$8 to $16; speculators haven't got inyet. O. B. Harris, 101 East Fourth st.

UNCLE SAM gives 160-acre farms to set-tlers. Illustrated descriptive literature,map and valuable Angora goat bookletsent for 10 cents. Wm. H. Johnson.Springfield, Mo.

OKLAHOMA LAND CO.'S map andbooklet by mail, 35 cents; Indian reser-vation to open soon. 735 MonadnockBldg.. Chicago, 111.

FLATS FOR RENT.FLAT—To rent, flat of four rooms, with

bath, hot and cold water, janitor serv-ice; rent, $30; immediate possession

_glven._ No. _l,_The_Argyle.FLAT—For rent, furnished flat, seven

rooms and bath. May 1 to Sept 1,nicest location on the hill. Address F

FLAT—For rent, three-room flat, withbath, hot and cold water. 186M> EastSeventh st.


Union ConsolidatedMining Company.

Don't fail to obtain some of thes3 shares asfora few days thsy are selling at a half centeach. Send for a 32-page illustrated and de-scriptive rublication.



10 per cent per annum eusrantsai. In additionto regular dividend. Address


4th Floor Andrus B!d£., Hinneapoils, Mfnn.


...'"-\u25a0 - ; \u25a0 ... \u25a0

Don't fail to obtain particulars of our greatsmeltsr sale of thesa shares. Ten per centper annum, In addition to regular dividends,guaranteed,. Send for 32 page illustrated anddescriptive catalogue.




show case and counter; excellent showwindow, facing on Wabasha st.; rentreasonable: can't be used for sellinßcigars. Inquire at Clarendon hotel.


FOR RENT—A very fine, new uprightpiano to careful party. Address U I*3,Globe.

FLORISTS.ARTISTIC FUNERAL DESIGN Wod-ding Flowers, Cut Roses. Carnations,

at lowest prices. Out of town or-ders solicited. Ramaley Floral Ex-change, Seventh and St. Peter sts.

.Tjc; '' i
