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MMT Newsletter - Spring 2011

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The Spring 2011 Michigan Music Therapists newsletter. Spread the word about music therapy in Michigan: please share with colleagues, clients, friends, etc.
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New logo coming soon! See below for details. Guidelines: Must be submitted by a current MMT Member Should include organization title: “Michigan Music Therapists” All images should be original design & not include copyrighted information/ images Format should be high resolution: .jpg, .png, .gif format Logo will become property of MMT Deadline for submission: April 15, 2011. Send to [email protected]. The 2012 GLR Conference, Grand Perspectives in a Rapidly Chang- ing Field, will be held April 11-15, 2012 at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel (www.amwaygrand.com) in Grand Rapids. Planning is already underway, but many more volun- teers are needed to make this even a success. Information and descriptions of the various confer- ence committees are available online at www.mmtonline.org/ glr2012.html. If you are interested in serving in some way, please contact the conference co-chairsMiranda Eden, Rebecca Findley, and Julie Palmierias soon as possible. They can be reached via e-mail at [email protected]. Let‟s show the Great Lakes Region the strength of music therapy in Michigan! Preparing for GLR 2012 Number 101 Spring 2011 President Rebecca Findley, MT-BC [email protected] Past President Liz Buckmaster, M.Ed., MT-BC [email protected] Vice President Julie A. Palmieri, M.M., MT-BC [email protected] Secretary Miranda Eden, MT-BC [email protected] Treasurer/Membership Jaime Merritt, MT-BC [email protected] Continuing Education Tomoko Page, MT-BC [email protected] Public Relations Deb Koepele Kuptz, MT-BC [email protected] Government Relations Susan E. Gregory, MT-BC [email protected] Clinical Training Roberta Justice, MT-BC [email protected] Newsletter Kellee Coviak, MT-BC [email protected] Website Coordinator Julie A. Palmieri, M.M., MT-BC [email protected] Archivist Ed Roth, M.M., MT-BC, NMT [email protected] Announcing the MMT Logo Contest The MMT logo needs an update and we want your help with the make- over! Between now and April 15, 2011, we invite submissions for the new logo. The Top 5 (as determined by the executive board) will be posted online for vote by the membership. The winning design will be unveiled at the Spring Workshop and the winner will receive 2012 MMT member- ship and a $50 iTunes gift card. The Amway Grand Plaza Hotel is located in downtown Grand Rapids, overlooking the Grand River.
Page 1: MMT Newsletter - Spring 2011

New logo coming soon!

See below for details.


Must be submitted by a current MMT Member

Should include organization title: “Michigan Music Therapists”

All images should be original design & not include copyrighted information/


Format should be high resolution: .jpg, .png, .gif format

Logo will become property of MMT

Deadline for submission: April 15, 2011.

Send to [email protected].

The 2012 GLR Conference, Grand

Perspectives in a Rapidly Chang-

ing Field, will be held April 11-15,

2012 at the Amway Grand Plaza

Hotel (www.amwaygrand.com) in

Grand Rapids. Planning is already

underway, but many more volun-

teers are needed to make this

even a success. Information and

descriptions of the various confer-

ence committees are available

online at www.mmtonline.org/

glr2012.html. If you are interested in serving in some way, please contact

the conference co-chairs—Miranda Eden, Rebecca Findley, and Julie

Palmieri—as soon as possible. They can be reached via e-mail at

[email protected]. Let‟s show the Great Lakes Region the strength of

music therapy in Michigan!

Prepar ing fo r GLR 2012

Number 101

Spr ing 2011


Rebecca Findley, MT-BC

[email protected]

Past President

Liz Buckmaster, M.Ed., MT-BC

[email protected]

Vice President

Julie A. Palmieri, M.M., MT-BC

[email protected]


Miranda Eden, MT-BC

[email protected]


Jaime Merritt, MT-BC

[email protected]

Continuing Education

Tomoko Page, MT-BC

[email protected]

Public Relations

Deb Koepele Kuptz, MT-BC

[email protected]

Government Relations

Susan E. Gregory, MT-BC

[email protected]

Clinical Training

Roberta Justice, MT-BC

[email protected]


Kellee Coviak, MT-BC

[email protected]

Website Coordinator

Julie A. Palmieri, M.M., MT-BC

[email protected]


Ed Roth, M.M., MT-BC, NMT

[email protected]

A n n o u n c i n g t h e M M T L o g o C o n t e s t

The MMT logo needs an update and we want your help with the make-

over! Between now and April 15, 2011, we invite submissions for the new

logo. The Top 5 (as determined by the executive board) will be posted

online for vote by the membership. The winning design will be unveiled

at the Spring Workshop and the winner will receive 2012 MMT member-

ship and a $50 iTunes gift card.

The Amway Grand Plaza Hotel is located in downtown Grand

Rapids, overlooking the Grand River.

Page 2: MMT Newsletter - Spring 2011

Our Fall Workshop, Thinking Outside-the-Box: Expanding MT Outside Tra-

ditional Practice, was held on Friday October, 29, 2010 at Monroe

County Intermediate School District in Monroe, Michigan. This workshop

featured school music therapists Angela M. Snell, MT-BC and Laurel

Rosen-Weatherford, MT-BC, who presented a number of outstanding

interventions for the school population and incorporated a number of

their students in the presentation. They also showcased their unique mu-

sical playground. There were 31 attendees, including 25 professionals

and 6 students. Thank you to Angie, Laurel and interns for a great work-


Our Spring Workshop will be held on May 21, 2011 and will feature Tracy

Richardson, M.S., MT-BC presenting on songwriting. Additional informa-

tion will be announced soon.

Page 2

M i c h i g a n M u s i c T h e r a p y Aw a r e n e s s W e e k

A p r i l 2 5 - 2 9 , 2 0 1 1

Workshop News

Michigan Music Therapy Awareness Week will be April 25-29, 2011.

Though we are constantly called upon to be advocates for our profes-

sion, MMT encourages all Michigan music therapists to be especially no-

ticeable during this week. Here are a few ideas for promoting music


Notify your local media. Watch for a sample press release from MMT to get your


Make & distribute bookmarks or stickers with music therapy quotes, facts, etc.

Organize a recital, celebration, etc. at your facility.

Distribute articles, studies, or fact sheets within your facility.

Wear your “Music Therapy” sparkle pin (sold by MMT).

Share this newsletter with someone else (colleagues, clients, friends, etc.).

Visit the MMT Facebook page to share an idea and see what others are planning.

The MMT Spring

Workshop will be held

Saturday, May 21,

2011. Tracy

Richardson will present

on songwriting.

Number 101

Images from left: Angie Snell demonstrates on the outdoor xylophone. Workshop attendees sing along with Old Time Rock

& Roll. Laurel Rosen-Weatherford drums with a student on the playground.

Page 3: MMT Newsletter - Spring 2011

Spr ing 2011

Interview conducted by Katie Bender, senior Music Therapy

student at Eastern Michigan University

Dr. Theresa (Terra) Merrill, Ph.D., MT-BC, FAMI is a welcomed

new addition to the Music Therapy program of Eastern Michi-

gan University (EMU) in Ypsilanti, MI. Dr. Merrill received her un-

dergraduate and graduate degrees in British Columbia, Can-

ada and her Ph.D. from Michigan State University (Diploma in

Music Therapy, Capilano College, North Vancouver, B.C., 1989;

Bachelor of Music Therapy, 1993, Master of Music Therapy,

1998, both from British Columbia Open University, Vancouver,

B.C.; Ph.D. in Music Education/Therapy, MSU, 2009). Dr. Merrill‟s

Master‟s Thesis was titled Rise Up Singing: A model for con-

sciousness through the therapist’s reflections on an improvisational music ther-

apy group for Persons with End Stage Dementia, while her Doctoral dissertation

examined the positive qualities of mentoring relationships between music


Dr. Merrill came to EMU from Marylhurst University in Portland, OR, where she

served as a full-time Music Therapy professor from 2004-2010. At this small, lib-

eral arts college, she coordinated and supervised the undergraduate clinical

placement program and oversaw national roster internships; developed on-line

music therapy coursework; and served as executive director of the Creative

Arts Day Camp for Children with Special Needs. Prior to her position at Maryl-

hurst, Dr. Merrill was Professional Practice Leader for Providence Health Care, a

leading music therapy professional practice across seven hospital sites in Van-

couver, B.C. Dr. Merrill has a vast array of clinical experience, having been in-

volved in geriatric care programs, hospitals, community counseling facilities,

residential treatment and rehabilitation centers, and wellness centers, as well

as overseeing the clinical education of hundreds of students.

Dr. Merrill states, “My desire to return to Michigan to teach at EMU is part of a

continuum. After being at a very large institution (MSU) where I felt a lack of

connection with students, I wanted to be in a smaller setting where I could

have a closer and more individualized connections with students. So, I went to

Marylhurst and that was a perfect place to grow and develop as an educator.

Being primarily a teaching college, there was no opportunity or support for re-

search and scholarly activity. EMU felt like the perfect balance to me: an op-

portunity to work closely with students as individuals and also to have space,

time and support to make the sort of contribution to our field that I feel drawn

to make at this time.”

When she was invited to EMU to interview for the tenure-track position last year,

she was impressed with the program. “The vibrancy of the program, its reputa-

tion within the University and AMTA, the active involvement of the students

throughout the interview process, the secured support for graduate studies,

and the support for scholarship inherent within a tenure track position all led me

to the feeling that I could be involved in creating an exciting future for music

therapy in Southeast Michigan.”

Graciously and enthusiastically, Dr. Merrill has accepted and thrived in her new

position on faculty. Welcome (back) to Michigan, Dr. Merrill!

Page 3

Member Spot l igh t :

Ther esa Mer r i l l , Ph .D. , MT-BC, FAMI

“I could be involved in

creating an exciting

future for music therapy

in Southeast Michigan.”

Dr. Merrill, Ph.D.,


Page 4: MMT Newsletter - Spring 2011

Music therapy has been in the spotlight quite a bit during recent weeks,

partly due to the use of music therapy in the rehabilitative treatment of

Representative Gabrielle Giffords, but also because music therapy is

featured in both a new Jodi Picoult novel and a Sundance film. Here

are a few links to check out.

Great Day Houston: Using Music to Heal

Interview with Maegen Morrow, music therapist at TIRR Memorial

Hermann hospital. She discusses the use of music therapy in rehabilita-

tion and treatment of brain injuries. Video available at: http://


Inside Giffords‟ Rehab

CNN‟s Dr. Sanjay Gupta goes inside TIRR and participates in a typical

day in treatment, including music therapy. In his blog, Dr. Gupta called

music therapy his “personal favorite.” Video and blog available at:


Sing You Home by Jodi Picoult

The main character of this new novel, Zoe Baxter, is a

music therapist. Though music therapy is not the main

focus of the novel, Picoult‟s inclusion of the profession

does help bring attention to the field. A synopsis and ad-

ditional information are available on Picoult‟s website at:


The Music Never Stopped

“The Music Never Stopped” premiered at the Sundance Film Festival.

The movie is based on the case study, „The Last Hippie‟ by Dr. Oliver

Sacks, M.D. and demonstrates the use of music to treat brain injuries.

According to AMTA, Julia Ormond‟s character is modeled after Dr. Con-

nie Tomaino, the Executive Director of the Institute for Music and Neu-

rologic Function and Senior Vice President of Music Therapy Services at

the Beth Abraham Family of Health Services. Unfortunately, there is not

yet a showing scheduled for Michigan, but there is a feature on the

movie‟s website to request additional screenings. Check out the trailer

and more at: http://themusicneverstopped-movie.com/

In local news: Music Therapy Helps Special Needs Students

An article that ran in the MSU State News which highlights the music

therapy program at the MSU Community Music School. The full article is

available at: http://www.statenews.com/index.php/article/2011/02/


Page 4

Music Therapy in the News

“CNN‟s Dr. Sanjay

Gupta called music

therapy his „personal


Number 101

Page 5: MMT Newsletter - Spring 2011

Spr ing 2011 Page 5

Two Year Annive rsary of MSU Musi c

Therapy Mora tor ium

“[AMTE] is exploring

other options for

continuing the [MSU music

therapy] program.”

A reminder that the Fifth Editions of the Recertification Manual and the

Approved Provider Manual became effective on January 1, 2011. New

policies and changes are highlighted on page 4 of the Recertification

Manual. Please make sure you familiarize yourself with these changes

and how they will effect your certification.

N e w C e r t i f i c a t i o n M a n u a l s I n E f f e c t

A n E v e n i n g w i t h D r . D e f o r i a L a n e

MMT was honored to join the MSU Music Ther-

apy Program in sponsorship of the 2011

Niland Distinguished Lecturer in Music Ther-

apy: An Evening with Dr. Deforia Lane on Fri-

day, February 18. Dr. Lane provided an in-

spiring presentation featuring stories and foot-

age of her work within medical music ther-

apy. She also voiced her support of the MSU

music therapy department, as the program

continues to battle the moratorium imparted

by the University. The evening was con-

cluded with a reception and visitation

among colleagues and students.

Dr. Deforia Lane, Ph.D., MT-BC

Associate Director, Seidman Cancer Center

Director of Music Therapy, University Hospitals

of Cleveland, Seidman Cancer Center and

Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital.

February 9, 2011 marked the two-year anni-

versary of the announcement of the morato-

rium on the MSU music therapy program. In

response to the discontinuation of the pro-

gram—the very first music therapy training

program in the United States—a number of

music therapists, students and community

members have come together to form Advocates for Music Therapy

Education (AMTE). AMTE has appeared before the MSU Board of Trus-

tees on numerous occasions and is exploring other options for continu-

ing the program, including transferring the program to a different col-

lege within the University. Fundraising is another important component

of their agenda. If you would like to become involved with these pro-

gram-saving efforts, please contact AMTE Chair, Rebecca West

([email protected]). Additional information can be

found on the AMTE website (www.musictherapyedu.org); there is also a

Facebook group “Save the MSU Music Therapy Program.”

Page 6: MMT Newsletter - Spring 2011


March 23-27, 2011

GLR of AMTA Conference,

Grand Geneva Resort &

Spa (Lake Geneva, WI)

March 26, 2011

MMT Meeting at GLR


April 15, 2011

MMT Logo Contest Dead-


April 25-29, 2011

Michigan Music Therapy

Awareness Week

May 21, 2011

MMT Spring Workshop,

Details TBA

April 11-15, 2012

GLR of AMTA Conference,

Amway Grand Plaza Ho-

tel (Grand Rapids, MI)


SNAPs is a new avenue for sharing Sensa-

tional News, Announcements & People. We

welcome you to share your exciting news on

the SNAPs discussion thread on the MMT

Facebook page.

Congratulations to Lisa Barnhart

(WMU), recipient of the Fall 2010

MMT Memorial Scholarship.

Congratulations to Jodi Conradi

Stark, M.A., MT-BC, recipient of

the Michigan Youth Arts Touch-

stone Award for the Very Special

Arts (VSA) Michigan 2011 Educa-

tor of the Year.

Harmony Garden Music Therapy

Services (Jackson, MI) has a new

music therapist! Welcome Bekah

Moilanen, MT-BC.

Visit www.mmtonline.org

for the latest news.

Michigan Music Therapists

c/o Kellee Coviak, Newsletter Editor

P.O. Box 81003

Lansing, MI 48908

We invite you to share this newslet-

ter with colleagues and clients.
