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MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro

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  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro


    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Product StrategiesProduct Strategies

    MN 3052 Industrial Management & Marketing

    Lecture No-03

    Dr. G.D SamarasingheDepartment of Management of Technology

    University of Moratuwa

  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro


    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Product StrategyProduct Strategy Productbundle of physical, service,

    and symbolic attributes designed toenhance buyers want satisfaction.

    !ncluded in this broad definition are

    considerations of pac"age design,brand names, warranties, and productimage

    People dont buy things #e.g., $% drill

    bits&, they purchase what those thingswill provide them with #e.g. $% holes&

  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro


    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Product StrategyProduct Strategy

    Classifying Goods and Services

    Products can be broadly categori(edas either consumer products orbusiness products depending on whopurchases them for what reasons

    Classifying Consumer Goods

    and ServicesClassifying Business Goods

    Classifying Services

  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro


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    *ar"eting !mpacts of +onsumerProduct +lassifications

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    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!

    Product StrategyProduct Strategy

    Classifying Business Goods

    -hey are classified based upon howcustomers use them as well as their

    basic characteristics+apital or /pense !tems


    Accessory equipmentComponent parts and materials

    Raw materials


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    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Product StrategyProduct Strategy

    Classifying Services

    i"e tangible goods, services can bedistinguished on the basis of their buyers

    and the ways they use the products

    Services can also be convenience,shopping, or specialty products dependingon the buying patterns of consumers

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    Product StrategyProduct Strategy

    Product Lines and Product Mi

    Product Linegroup of related productsthat are physically similar or are intended

    for the same mar"et.

    Product Micompanys assortment of

    product lines and individual offerings.

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    Product Mi

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    Product Life CycleProduct Life Cycle

    Product Life Cyclefour basic stagesthrough which a successful productprogresses.




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    Stages in t!e Product Life Cycle

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    Product Life CycleProduct Life Cycle

    Stages of t!e Product Life Cycle


    8irm attempts to build demand for its

    new offeringPromotional campaigns concentrateon features,uses, and benefits

    8inancial losses are common due to low

    initial sales and heavy promotional costs

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    Product Life CycleProduct Life Cycle

    Stages of t!e Product Life Cycle

    Growt!Sales climb 9uic"ly

    8irm usually begins to reali(e profits dueto higher sales volume

    *ar"eting efforts continue to focus onestablishing the product in the mar"etand building brand awareness

    ater in the growth stage, the strategy

    shifts to building loyalty:dditional spending on productadaptation, promotion and distribution,along with lower prices may be necessary

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    Product Life CycleProduct Life Cycle

    Stages of t!e Product Life CycleMaturity

    !ndustry sales continue to grow,but eventually reach a plateau

    +ompanies emphasi(e mar"etsegmentation often resulting inan oversupply of the product

    +ompetition intensifies, and profitsbegin to decline

    Some firms reduce prices and;or

    spend heavily on promotion

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    Product Life CycleProduct Life Cycle

    Stages of t!e Product Life Cycle

    "ecline!nnovations or shifts in consumerpreferences cause an absolute declinein industry sales

    !ndustry as a whole does not generateprofits, though some firms can prosper

    Prices tend to hold steady if a loyalmar"et segment continues to buy the

    product!f the firm is selling to consumers whoare loyal, they can s"ip most of theusual advertising

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    Product Life CycleProduct Life Cycle

    Mar#eting Strategy Implications of t!eProduct Life Cycle

    Product life cycle concept is an invaluablemanagement tool for designing amar"eting strategy at different life

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    *ar"eting Strategy !mplications ofthe Product ife +ycle

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    $ew Product "evelopment$ew Product "evelopment

    Stages in $ew%Product"evelopment

    =ew products are

    the lifeblood ofany organi(ation

    8irms must

    periodically addnew products toassure continuedprosperity

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    Stages in $ew%Product "evelopmentGenerating $ew%Product Ideas

    =ew product ideas come from manysources including>



    ?esearch scientists

    *ar"eting researchers

    @utside inventors

    +ompeting products

    $ew Product "evelopment$ew Product "evelopment

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    Stages in $ew%Product "evelopment


    *ar"eters evaluate ideas commercial

    potential+hec"lists of development standardscan be helpful at this stage

    -his stage often involves

    representatives of different functionalareas

    $ew Product "evelopment$ew Product "evelopment

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    Stages in $ew%Product "evelopment

    Concept "evelopment BusinessAnalysis

    valuation of whether the idea fitswith the firms product, distribution,and promotional resources

    *ar"eters also assess potential sales,profits, growth rate, and competitivestrengths

    $ew Product "evelopment$ew Product "evelopment

  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro


    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Stages in $ew%Product "evelopment

    Product "evelopment

    +onverting an idea into a physical


    ?e9uires interaction betweendevelopment engineers and mar"eters

    Prototypes may go through manymodifications

    $ew Product "evelopment$ew Product "evelopment

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    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Stages in $ew%Product"evelopment

    &est mar#eting

    -rial introduction of a new

    product, supported by a completemar"eting campaign, to aselected area with a populationtypical of the total mar"et

    Some firms s"ip this stage,moving directly to full

  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro


    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Stages in $ew%Product "evelopment


    !n this stage, the firm offers its newproduct in the general mar"etplace

    -he firm establishes mar"etingprograms, production facilities, andac9uaints its sales force,intermediaries, and potential

    customers with the new product

    $ew Product "evelopment$ew Product "evelopment

  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro


    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Product IdentificationProduct Identification

    Brandname, term sign, symbol, design,or some combination that identifies theproducts of a firm and distinguishes themfrom competitive offerings.

    Brand namethe part of a brandconsisting of words or letters that form aname that identifies and distinguishes anoffering from those of competitors

    &rademar#brand with legal protection

    against another companys use #caninclude pictorial designs, slogans,pac"aging elements, and productfeatures&

  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro


    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Product IdentificationProduct Identification

    Selecting an (ffective Brand $ame

    Should communicate appropriateproduct images

    *ust be easy to pronounce, recogni(e,and remember

    Aest if Short

    Should :ttract :ttention

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    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Product IdentificationProduct Identification

    Brand Categories

    Manufacturer)s *or national+,rands brand offered andpromoted by a manufacturer or


    Private *or store+ ,randidentifies

    a product that is not lin"ed to themanufacturer, but instead carries thelabel of a retailer or wholesaler

  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro


    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Product IdentificationProduct Identification

    Brand Categories

    -amily Brandsingle brand name thatidentifies several related products

    Individual Brandsgiving a differentbrand name to each product within a

    product line

  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro


    Copyright 2005 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, In! "## rights reserved!


    Product IdentificationProduct Identification

    Pac#ages and La,els

    Pac"aging helps to achieve severalgoals>

    Protects against damage, spoilage,and pilferage

    :ssists in mar"eting the product


  • 7/18/2019 MN 3052 Week 3 Marketing Dinesh Pro



    Product IdentificationProduct Identification

    Pac#ages and La,els

    La,eldescriptive part of a productspac"age that lists the brand name or

    symbol, name and address of themanufacturer or distributor, productcomposition and si(e, nutritionalinformation for food products, and

    recommended uses
