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MNA * Perpetuation of Sovereignty First Pyithu Hluttaw ... · Of 44 sports events, ... the country...

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Established 1914 Volume XIX, Number 133 4 th Waxing of Tawthalin 1373 ME Thursday, 1 September, 2011 Our Three Main National Causes * Non-disintegration of the Union * Non-disintegration of National solidarity * Perpetuation of Sovereignty President U Thein Sein felicitates Singaporean President U Thein Sein felicitates Singaporean President U Thein Sein felicitates Singaporean President on his election President on his election President on his election NAY PYI TAW, 1 Sept—U Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of yanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam on his election as President of the Republic of Singapore.—MNA President U Thein Sein felicitates President U Thein Sein felicitates President U Thein Sein felicitates Prime Minister of Japan for his election Prime Minister of Japan for his election Prime Minister of Japan for his election NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—U Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Yoshihiko Noda on his election as Prime Minister of Japan.—MNA Questions raised and answered, proposals and bills submitted for approval First Pyithu Hluttaw second regular session goes on for eighth day NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—The second regular session of the first Pyithu Hluttaw continued for the eighth day at Pyithu Hluttaw Hall of Hluttaw Building, here, at 10 am today, attended by Speaker of Pyithu Hluttaw Thura U Shwe Mann and 385 Pyithu Hluttaw representatives. Nine questions were raised and replied, one proposal discussed,and two new proposals and one bill submitted at today’s Hluttaw. Union Minister for Agriculture and Irrigation U Myint Hlaing replied to four questions regarding the irrigation sector. U Kyaw Myint (a) U Po Tok of Momeik Constituency raised a question asking that (See page 6) YANGON, 31 Aug— Myanmar Economic Bank has been changing worn banknotes in circulation with the new ones with the same value. Without limitation, Worn banknotes can be changed with new ones at Myanma Economic Bank NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—According to observations at 5;30 hrs MST today, the low pressure area over West Central Bay and adjoining Northwest Bay of Bengal still persists, announced the Department of Meteorology and Hydrology. MNA Bay Bulletin LLLLLLLLLLLL Plan under way to build three more concrete sleeper factories By Kyemon To substitute reinforced concrete sleepers in the places of old ones along railroads across the nation and to install the sleepers at construction of railroads, a plan is under way to build three concrete sleeper factories in Bhamo, Hsipaw and Namsang. (See page 5) Workers seen at worksite of Concrete Sleeper Factory (Okshitpin). Representatives seen at the second regular session of the first Pyithu Hluttaw. MNA worn denominations ranging from 10 to 200 kyats can be changed at the separate counters of Myanma Economic Banks (Saving) daily. MNA p1(1).pmd 9/1/2011, 8:05 AM 1

Established 1914

Volume XIX, Number 133 4th Waxing of Tawthalin 1373 ME Thursday, 1 September, 2011

Our Three MainNational Causes

* Non-disintegration of the


* Non-disintegration of National


* Perpetuation of Sovereignty

President U Thein Sein felicitates SingaporeanPresident U Thein Sein felicitates SingaporeanPresident U Thein Sein felicitates SingaporeanPresident on his electionPresident on his electionPresident on his election

NAY PYI TAW, 1 Sept—U Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of yanmar, hassent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Dr Tony Tan Keng Yam on his election asPresident of the Republic of Singapore.—MNA

President U Thein Sein felicitatesPresident U Thein Sein felicitatesPresident U Thein Sein felicitatesPrime Minister of Japan for his electionPrime Minister of Japan for his electionPrime Minister of Japan for his election

NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—U Thein Sein, President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar,has sent a message of felicitations to His Excellency Mr Yoshihiko Noda on his election as PrimeMinister of Japan.—MNA

Questions raised and answered, proposals and bills submitted for approvalFirst Pyithu Hluttaw second regular session goes on for eighth day

NAY PYI TAW, 31Aug—The secondregular session of thefirst Pyithu Hluttawcontinued for the eighth

day at Pyithu HluttawHall of HluttawBuilding, here, at 10 amtoday, attended bySpeaker of Pyithu

Hluttaw Thura U ShweMann and 385 PyithuHluttaw representatives.

Nine questions wereraised and replied, one

proposal discussed,andtwo new proposals andone bill submitted attoday’s Hluttaw.

Union Minister for

Agriculture and IrrigationU Myint Hlaing repliedto four questionsregarding the irrigationsector.

U Kyaw Myint(a) U Po Tok of MomeikConstituency raised aquestion asking that

(See page 6)

YANGON, 31 Aug—Myanmar EconomicBank has been changingworn banknotes incirculation with the newones with the same value.

Without limitation,

Worn banknotes can bechanged with new ones atMyanma Economic Bank

NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—According toobservations at 5;30 hrs MST today, the lowpressure area over West Central Bay and adjoiningNorthwest Bay of Bengal still persists, announcedthe Department of Meteorology and Hydrology.


Bay Bulletin


Plan under way to build three moreconcrete sleeper factories

By Kyemon

To substitutereinforced concretesleepers in the places ofold ones along railroadsacross the nation and toinstall the sleepers atconstruction ofrailroads, a plan is underway to build threeconcrete sleeperfactories in Bhamo,Hsipaw and Namsang.

(See page 5)Workers seen at worksite of Concrete Sleeper Factory (Okshitpin).

Representatives seen at the second regular session of the first Pyithu Hluttaw. —MNA

worn denominationsranging from 10 to 200kyats can be changedat the separate countersof Myanma EconomicBanks (Saving) daily.


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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011

PERSPECTIVESThursday, 1 September, 2011

Better transport—key toregional development

As better transport plays a key role inregional development, new motor roads andrailroads are under construction across thenation. Thanks to new roads and bridges,local people gain easy access to other regionsand states in the country.

Regions with poor transportation hadfaced difficulties due to barrier of mountainranges but now have easy access to otherareas within a day trip. Regions teeming withrivers and creeks which had to rely only onwater transport can now enjoy road trips.Smooth and swift flow of commodities makesall the regions achieve success in trade andbusiness.

Nagapauk Bridge on DaikU-SittoungRoad in Waw Township of Bago Region wascommissioned into service on 27 August. It is240 feet long RC facility that can withstand60-ton loads of individual vehicle.

Nagapauk Bridge is located on the shortcutlinking DaikU on Yangon-Mandalay UnionHighway and the Sittoung on Yangon-Bago-Mawlamyine Road. In the past, the route was46 miles long. Thanks to the new bridge, theroute can be shrunk to the 21-mile facility bysaving time.

Opening Nagapauk Bridge contributesto smooth flow of commodity from BagoRegion to Upper and Lower Myanmar. Localpeople can travel to Mon State, Kayin Stateand Taninthayi Region.

At present, the government is buildingnew roads and bridges across the nation.Emergence of new roads as networks fromthe east to the west and from the north to thesouth and bridges on them or spanningrivers are improving economic, social,education, health and trade sectors of theregions across the nation.

NAY PYI TAW, 31Aug—Myanma Postsand Telecommunica-tions and 11 localcompanies signedcontracts for extendedinstallation project of 4million GSM mobilelines for the first yearon 26 August, saidProject Manager of theproject GeneralManager U Thein Oo ofMPT.

According to thecontract, local privatecompanies will spendmonetary, man powerand skills to implementthe project under thesupervision of the MPTof the Ministry ofCommunications, Postsand Telegraphs.

4m GSM installation project swingsinto action

YANGON, 31 Aug—The Transport News Journal,forth monthly journal of the Ministry of Transportaimed to inform its air, water and road transportationsectors to the public in real time, will come outevery Monday commencing on 5 September.

The 20-page biweekly will feature news relatedto transportation and arts and entertainment as wellas ask & answer column for the readers. Thejournal introduces the 12 enterprises anddepartments under the ministry for publicknowledge.

The press conference for introduction of thejournal will be held at Yuzana Garden Hotel on 4September.—MNA

Transport News Journal tocome out on 5 Sept

NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—The work coordinationmeeting of the companies making joint venturewith Myanma Oil and Gas Enterprise through PSCagreements to explore and produce oil and gas atinland oilfields, was held at the Ministry of Energyhere today.

Present were Union Minister for Energy U ThanHtay, Deputy Minister U Soe Aung and heads of 20petroleum companies.

Oil and gas companies urged to pay attentionto public interest

The Union Minister made a speech that at thetime when the State is taking measures to developthe country in all sectors laying down new policiesand work procedures, the companies are responsibleto work hard in conformity with the State policieswithout harming the interests of the citizens andenvironment. He called for attention to provisionsof agreements based on mutual benefits.


In the five-yearproject period, a total of30 million GSM mobilelines will be installed.The plan is under wayto install four millionlines in the first year,five million lines in thesecond year, six millionlines in the third year,seven million lines inthe fourth year and eightmillion lines in the fifthyear.

The project’s firstyear commenced on 27July with three steps.Within one year startingthe project, a total of204,365 lines will beinstalled in Nay PyiTaw, 52,307 lines inKachin State, 8374 linesin Kayah State, 74,352

lines in Kayin State,12,320 lines in ChinState, 400,842 lines inSagaing Region, 86,019lines in TaninthayiRegion, 390,129 linesin Bago Region,403,240 lines inMagway Region,555,580 lines inMandalay Region,203,405 lines in MonState, 142,572 lines inRakhine State, 797,766lines in Yangon Region,173,929 lines in ShanState and 494,729 linesin Ayeyawady Region,totalling 4,000,109 linesacross the nation.Moreover, a plan isunder way to extendinstallation of CDMAmobile phones. In the

first year, 100,000 eachlines of CDMA-800mobile and CDMA-450mobile phones will beinstalled. On completionof the five-year plan, atotal of 187,000 lineseach will be installed.

Mobile phones willbe installed at faircharge, but it hasn’t beenpriced yet.

In focusing oninstallation of GSM inthe five-year plan, theGSM system has betteradvantage in interna-tional roaming thanCDMA system. A totalof 239 countries areusing 4970 lines ofCDMA system acrossthe world while 121countries are using 564lines of CDMA system.A total of 46 countriesin the entire world areapplying both GSM andCDMA.—Yan Gyi Aung

Work coordinationmeeting of the

companies makingjoint venture with

Myanma Oil and GasEnterprise of the

Ministry of Energythrough PSC to

explore and produceoil and gas at inlandoilfields in progress.


NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—The XXVI SEA Gameswill be organized in Palembang and Jakarta ofIndonesia, commencing 11 November.

Of 44 sports events, Myanmar sports contingentwill take part in 28 sports events.

Myanmar will participate in swimming, diving,archery, track & field, badminton, basketball,billiards, boxing, canoeing/kayak, chess, cycling,football, futsal, golf, judo, Karatedo, martial art,western style rowing, sailing, Sepak Takraw,shooting, table tennis, Taekwondo, tennis,traditional boat race, volleyball, weightlifting andWushu events.

A total of 542 gold medals will be presented to

Myanmar to compete in 28 sports events of XXVI Gamesthe winners in the games. A total of 357 goldmedals for the sports events in which Myanmar willtake part will be awarded to the winners.

At present, Myanmar sports teams are takingvigorous exercises at the camps for securing medalswith victories.

Myanmar will host the XXVII SEA Games, sothe country will accept the sports flag of the SEAGames at the closing ceremony of the XXVIGames.

The SEA Games is the highest sports competitionin Southeast Asian region once every two years asof 1959.

Tin Htwe

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011 3

US Army Gen DavidPetraeus. “I wanted thisjob. I am taking off theuniform I have worn for37 years to do this theright way,” Petraeussaid earlier this year.INTERNET

Local residents gather at the site of a car bomb blastin Quetta, Pakistan, on Wednesday.—INTERNET

Eleven killed, 25 injuredin blast in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, 31 Aug—At least eleven peoplewere killed and 25 otherswounded when a pow-erful blast hit Pakistan’ssouthwest City of Quettaon Wednesdaymorning, reported localUrdu TV channel ARY.

Over ten cars werealso destroyed followingthe blast that occurred atabout 9:50 amWednesday at a parkinglot on the Alamdar roadin the city, said localmedia reports, addingthat nearby buildingswere also partiallydamaged. Police saidthat it was a remote-controlled bomb attack.All the injured have beenshifted to nearbyhospital. At least two

NEW YORK, 31 Aug—A French Mirage 2000jet fighter collided with aLithuanian plane duringa training missionTuesday in Lithuania, theFrench Defence Ministrysaid.

No one was hurtduring the trainingexercise at an air forcebase in Siauliai, Northern

WASHINGTON, 31Aug—US Army GenDavid Petraeus, whoserved as the top UScommander in Iraq andthen Afghanistan, willhang up his uniform fora civilian suitWednesday.

He willleave thePentagonfor thehalls ofanotherhallowedWashingtoninstitution:the CIA.

Petraeus’ exper-ience in working withthe CIA on counter-militancy efforts in thefield was cited as areason for his nomina-tion as its director.

He assumes his newrole on 6 September.

As the top UScommander in Iraq,Petraeus was dubbedKing David for turningaround what seemed like

Petraeus toofficially retireto take CIA job

a losing battle.He took over in

Afghanistan in July 2010after a Rolling Stonemagazine article prom-pted the resignation ofGen Stanley Mc-Chry-stal.

On 18 July, he handed over Afghan command to Gen John Allen. Some were stunned that a decorated military career was ending

prematurely. Petraeus isonly 58. “I wanted thisjob,” Petraeus said at hisSenate confirmationhearing. “I am taking offthe uniform I have wornfor 37 years to do this theright way.”—Internet

wounded people diedlater at hospital.

No group hasclaimed responsibilityfor the blast yet. This isthe first serious blastreported in Pakistan atthe very beginning dayof Eid, a festival celebrat-ed by all Muslims afterone month of fast, whichis officially observedfrom 31 Aug to 3 Sept.

Local watchers believedthat more possibleattacks could happen inthe country during Eid.On Tuesday morning,two suicide bombersriding a motorcycleaccidentally killedthemselves when theirmotorcycle slipped on

the way to an unknownsuicide attack target inPakistan’s southern portCity of Karachi.

Over the last week,several suicide attackattempts were reportedlyfoiled by police acrossthe country.


Photo shows the site of the wreckage after the jets’ collision.—INTERNET

US airmen’s allegedkiller on trial in Germany

FRANKFURT, 31 Aug—Prosecutors say a 21-year-old Kosovo Alban-ian charged with gunningdown two US airmen inat Frankfurt Airportintended to kill a largenumber of Americans.

Prosecutor HerbertDeimer told the court atthe opening of the trialWednesday that Arid

In this file photo, policeinvestigate the sceneafter a gunman firedshots at US soldiers onthe bus outside Frank-furt airport, Germany.INTERNET

atross ejected and aresafe. Their plane crashed.

The French jetlanded, Lithuanianofficials said.—Xinhua

Lithuania, militaryofficials from bothcountries said.

Two French jetfighters and and aLithuanian jet trainerwere in the air when oneof the jet fighters collidedwith the Lithuanian plane,officials said.

Both pilots of theLithuanian L-39 Alb-

Uka went to the aiport on2 March with the aim ofshooting US servicemenand women.

Uka is charged withtwo counts of murder andthree of attempted murderin connection with theattack. He faces apossible life sentence.


Planes collide duringtraining in LithuaniaPlanes collide duringtraining in Lithuania

Eight killed inEight killed inChechnya suicide

attackMOSCOW, 31 Aug—Eight people,

seven of them police, were killed in asuicide bomb attack in Chechnya’scapital Grozny on Tuesday duringcelebrations at the end of the Muslimfestival of Ramadan, a police sourcetold Interfax news agency.

A man detonated an explosivedevice when a police patrol tried todetain him and a second blast occurredsoon afterwards, an unidentifiedpolice official told the privately-owned agency.

State-run RIA news agency quoted

a police source as saying two suicidebombers were behind the blasts.

The explosions killed seven policeofficers and an emergency servicesworker, and wounded at least 16people, Interfax said.

The scene of the explosion, in adensely populated district of Grozny50 metres from a local Parliamentbuilding, was cordoned off by police.

None of the Islamist rebel leadersclaimed responsibility for the attackwhich was condemned by Moscow-backed authorities.—MNA/Reuters

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4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011



NEW YORK, 31 Aug—A genetic variation thatreduces the risk of Parkinson’s disease by nearly 20percent in many populations has been found by aninternational team of scientists. They also identifiedother variants of the same gene— LRRK2 —thatdouble the risk of Parkinson’s in whites and Asians.

The Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson’sDisease consortium’s findings are from a geneticanalysis of samples from more than 8,600Parkinson’s patients and almost 7,000 controlsacross 15 countries on five continents.

The investigation was led by neuroscientists atthe Mayo Clinic in Florida, and the findings appearin the 31 Aug online issue of The Lancet Neurology.

“The idea that Parkinson’s disease occurs mostlyin a random sporadic fashion is changing,” leadinvestigator Owen Ross said in a Mayo newsrelease.


Fatigue is a common complaint among pregnantwomen, but there are things you can do to get bettersleep and boost your energy.

The Womenshealth.gov website suggests howto feel more rested during pregnancy:

* Sleep on your left side with pillows betweenyour knees, under your belly or whereveryou need support.

* Go to bed at the same time each night, andget up at the same time each morning.

* Go to bed a bit earlier when you feel verytired.

* Take a nap during the day if you can’tget enough sleep at night.

* Drink most of your fluids earlier in theday, limiting them at night.


MALMO, 31 Aug——Genes affect hereditarycoronary heart diseaserisk but family lifestyledoes not, according to anew study.

While it’s long beenknown that hereditaryfactors influence thisrisk, it hasn’t been clearwhether this is due togenes or unhealthy

BANGKOK, 31 Aug—Asian sharessearched for direction Wednesday asinvestors weighed slumping consumerand business confidence in developedeconomies against a session of gains onWall Street fueled by bargain-hunting.Oil prices edged lower toward $88 abarrel after the drop in sentimentsuggested growth was likely to slowfurther in coming months.

After four days of gains, Japan’sbenchmark Nikkei 225 lost 0.4 percentat 8,918.50. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200was little changed at 4,268.70. Shareswere also lower in mainland China,New Zealand and Taipei (China).

But Hong Kong’s Hang Seng indexrose 0.3 percent to 20,262.99 and South

Pregnant women with heart disease face a 100-fold increased risk of death, with the danger foroffspring multiplied by ten, according to figures

released at a medical congress in Paris.INTERNET

This tiny cluster of bacteria is methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA),

seen under a microscope. This strain ofthe common “staph” bacteria causes

infections in different parts of the body -including the skin, lungs, and other areas.

MRSA is sometimes called a “superbug”because it is resistant to many antibiotics.

Though most MRSA infections aren’tserious, some can be life-threatening.


SEOUL, 31 Aug—South Korea’s industrialoutput grew in July at itsslowest pace for 10months, official figuresshowed Wednesday,amid economic uncer-tainty at home and abroad.

Statistics Korea saidproduction in mining andmanufacturing expanded3.8 percent last monthcompared to a year earlier,the slowest rate sinceSeptember 2010 when itrose 2.9 percent.

It was the 25thstraight month ofexpansion but the figurefell sharply from June’s

Family heart disease riskFamily heart disease risklinked to genes, not

lifestylelifestyle in the family, theSwedish researcherssaid.

In order to answerthat question, theinvestigators examinedthe health records of80,214 adopted men andwomen in Sweden whowere born in 1932 or laterand developed coronaryheart disease between1973 and 2008.

The researchers alsostudied the participants’adoptive and biologicalparents.

Adopted people withat least one biologicalparent with coronaryheart disease had a 40 to60 percent higher risk ofcoronary heart diseasethan people in a controlgroup.

There was no

increased risk for peoplewith one or two adoptiveparents who hadcoronary heart disease,the researchers reportedin the August issue of theAmerican Heart Journal.

“The results of ourstudies suggest that therisk of coronary heartdisease is not transferredvia an unhealthy lifestylein the family, but rathervia the genes,” studyleader Kristina Sundqu-ist, a professor at theCentre for Primary HealthCare Research in Malmo,Sweden, said in a journalnews release.—Internet

More evidencelinks genes toParkinson’s

HEALTH Health Tip: Feel morerested during pregnancy


Asia stocksmixed as US, EU


People walk by an electronic stockboard of a securities firm in

Tokyo, on 30 Aug, 2011.INTERNET

Korea’s Kospi index was 0.4 percenthigher at 1,850.56. Benchmarks in thePhilippines and Singapore also rose.

A persistently strong yen continuedto place a drag on Japan’s powerhouseexport sector, particularly consumerelectronics. Panasonic Corp lost 2.3percent, Sony Corp fell 1.7 percent andToshiba Corp dropped 1.8 percent.Copier maker Ricoh Co lost 0.7 percent.


S Korea output growthslows amid global

weaknessrevised 6.5 percentgrowth. Output declined0.4 percent month-on-month.

“The on-monthcontraction seems to havebeen partly caused by a

slump in the constructionsector,” Yoon Jong-Won,director general of thefinance ministry’seconomic policy bureau,told Yonhap news agency.


South Korean auto industry workers are seen ona Ssangyong factory line in Pyeongtaek.INTERNET

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011 5

* When service personnel become pensioners,No one can see bright future.Hopes and prospects are a blur,Become neither here nor there.

* Pensioners have done all their best,Have time to earn their rest.Vicissitudes torture them almost to death,Scanty pension made them nearly mad.

* Feebly walk and frugally spend,Hardly see the ways to mend.With grandchildren around them,Will expectations come tomorrow or when?

* Old and new rates are equalizedThe government has taken its pride.Strength of morale comes to rise,Together with them are physical mights.

* Increasing old pension rates bring benefits,In recognition of the past service,Enjoy the fruits of what they did,Pensioners are to do their bit.

* Old pensioners are now overjoyed,State’s benevolence is kept in mind.The nightmare has been left behind,What we see is their smiles…Bell chimes thousands smiles…

Maung Swe Ngae

Pensioners’ Smiles

(from page 1)In addition to already-built five concrete sleeper

factories, more six factories will be built. Therefore,there will be 11 concrete sleeper factories to produce2.2 million concrete sleepers yearly.

Among completed concrete sleeper factories,one factory in Myitnge of Mandalay Region produces300,000 sleepers per year, one more in Mottama ofMon State 200,000 sleepers per year, another one inPyuntaza of Bago Region 100,000 sleepers yearly,the next one in Okshitpin 200,000 sleepers per yearand the last one factory in Pakokku of MagwayRegion 200,000 sleepers per year. Five factoriesproduce 1 million sleepers a year. Moreover, one

Plan under way to build three ...

NAY PYI TAW, 1 Sept—The Republicof the Union of Myanmar and Bosniaand Herzegovina, desirous of establishingfriendly relations and mutually beneficialcooperation on the basis of the principlesof the Charter of the United Nations andnorms of International Law inaccordance with the Vienna Conventionson Diplomatic Relations and on ConsularRelations, decided to establish diplomaticrelations between the two countries atAmbassador level with effect from 25August, 2011.

The Joint Commu-niqué on theagreement to establish diplomatic

Myanmar establishes diplomatic tieswith Bosnia and Herzegovina

relations between the Republic of theUnion of Myanmar and Bosnia andHerzegovina was signed by thePermanent Representative of theRepublic of the Union of Myanmar tothe United Nations and the PermanentRepre-sentative of Bosnia andHerzegovina to the United nations inNew York on 25 August, 2011.

Myanmar has been making effortsto expand diplomatic relations with allcountries all over the world and Bosniaand Herzegovina has become the 104th

country with which Myanmar hasestablished diplomatic relations.—MNA

conservation to preventerosion and naturaldisaster preventivemeasures.

He then arrived atbasic education primaryschools, and inspected

NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug — The 126th MedicinesDonation Ceremony was held at Sacred Hair RelicKyaikthoke Pagoda in Mawlamyine on 28 August.

Altogether 114 monasteries and six nunneries inMon and Kayin State were donated medicines worthyof K 40 million.—MNA

Medicines donated tomonasteries, nunneries

road condition.The chief minister in

the evening met townshipdepartmental officialsand ward/villageadministrators at the hallof Mudon TownshipGeneral AdministrationDepartment.


each sleeper factory were constructed in Minbu ofMagway Region, KhinU of Sagaing Region andShwenyaung of Shan State (South). Furthermore,three factories will be built in Bhamo of Kachin State,Hsipaw and Namsang in Shan State (North). As such,there will be 11 sleeper factories in the nation.

As Myanma Railways is building railroads acrossthe nation, there will be 1944 miles long railroads and6743 miles long rail tracks on completion.

A total of 1448 pieces of sleepers are to be laidalong one mile long railroad. Therefore, 16,506,864pieces of sleepers must be used for 6743 miles longrailroads. Each wooden sleeper can be used for fiveyears. To be able to strengthen the railroads, it isnecessary to substitute sleepers once every five

years. Hence, the railroads need 3,301,370 pieces ofsleepers yearly. To do so, it is necessary to saw100041 tons of timber. As part of efforts to conserveenvironments, concrete sleepers that can be used forabout 60 years are to be substituted in the places of oldones along the railroads.

*****Translation: TTA

Kyemon: 29-8-2011

New iPhone app ofNew iPhone app offersfersrewards for exercising

TORONTO, 31 Aug—Need some motivation tohit the gym? Perhaps somefree merchandise will dothe trick. At least this is thepremise that Nexercise isbuilt upon, a free iPhoneapp that tracks activitiesranging from running andweightlifting to fencing andpolo and rewards users withfree and discountedmerchandise in the hopes


that users will adopt long-term exercise habits.

“We’re trying to createa lifestyle - not a quick fix,”said co-founder BenjaminYoung. “We don’t focus onhow many miles you ran orhow many pounds you’velifted. You get points in thegame for healthybehaviors.” Users canaccumulate points based onthe length of their workouts

and for other behaviors thatreinforce frequent exercisehabits. Exercising with afriend or on a rainy day, forinstance, allows users toacc-umulate bonus points.“A lot of it is driven byresearch studies. If youexercise with someone,you’re more likely tocontinue to exercise.” saidYoung. Receiving prizes ismore of a lottery rather than

direct redemption. Userswith more points havegreater chances of winningprizes, and those that havereached higher levels haveaccess to more valuableprizes.—Reuters

New research shows that

panda feces contains

bacteria with potent effects

in breaking down plant

material in the way needed

to tap biomass as a major

new source of biofuels.



Mon State Chief Ministermakes inspection tour of

Mudon Township

NAY PYI TAW, 31Aug—Chief Minister forMon State U Ohn Myintattended an openingceremony for basic courseNo. 34 for vocationalhandicraft (cane) atwomen’s vocationaltraining school in Mudonon 29 August.

The chief minister

viewed paddy growing incentral farm, andinspected the chosen sitefor construction ofmotorboat quay in AzinCreek.

He inspected paddyfarms and mangroveforests along ThanlwinRiver bank by boat, andstressed forest

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011

First Pyithu Hluttawsecond regularsession…

(from page 1)whether the fertilizers produced byState-owned fertilizer plants aredistributed to the farmers or not, andhe wanted to know how fertilizer willbe distributed to regions and states.

The Union Minister replied thatthe Ministry of Agriculture andIrrigation directly took fertilizers fromthe Ministry of Energy for growingcrops and distributed them to farmersup to 2005. Beginning 2006,requirements of urea fertilizer forfarmers and farms of the enterprisesunder the Ministry of Agriculture andIrrigation were listed for cultivationof paddy, maize, beans and pulses,edible oil, cotton, sugarcane, jute andother crops and the lists were sent tothe Ministry of Energy.

The Ministry of Energy that cannotsell fertilizer to each farmer sellfertilizers in cash or six-monthinstallment system to them throughregion and state governments andpaddy companies. Up to 10 August2011-2012 financial year, the ministryhas distributed 250 tons of fertilizer toKayah State, 256.50 tons to KayinState, 3963.50 tons to Mon State,560.10 tons to Rakhine State, 100tons to Shan State (North), 2850 tonsto Sagaing Region, 1275.85 tons toMandalay Region, 12.50 tons toMagway Region, 4572.80 tons toBago Region (East), 4670.75 tons toBago Region (West), 19282.55 tonsto Ayeyawady Region, 3163.75 tonsto Yangon Region and 1125 tons toNay Pyi Taw totalling 42183.3 tons.

Although the fertilizer plants ofthe Ministry of Energy plan to producefertilizer to meet the target this financialyear, it is necessary to effectivelyprovide basic inputs to the farmerswith invitation to local and foreigninvestment for production of about 3million tons of fertilizers in additionto more productions of thegovernment-owned plants. Only whenfulfillment of fertilizer requirementcan be carried out, will production ofcrops and paddy be increased bymeeting the target.

U Aung Sein Tha of MinbyaConstituency said he would like toknow how many acres of pasture landsacross the nation, how many acres ofpasture land and acres of meat, fishand prawn breeding ponds in RakhineState after 1962 and how many acresof pasture land, restricted land andlivestock breeding farms in MinbyaTownship in 2010-2011 and whethergranted farms for breeding of fish andprawn on the pasture land can beimmediately lifted for povertyalleviation and living of draught cattle.Regarding the question it was repliedthat according to the data on

conservation of pasture land issuedby Central Security and ManagementCommittee on 8 February 1974, therewere 917,206 acres of pasture landbefore 1962. According to the 2010-2011 statistics, there were 760,991acres of pasture land in the Union.Rakhine State General AdministrationDepartment cancelled 4460 acres ofpasture land from 2001 to 2007 inPonnagyun, Kyauktaw, MraukU,Minbya, Myebon and Yathedaungtownships. In the 2010-2011 statistics,there remains 79,972 acres of pasturelands across the state. Although fishand prawn ponds were officiallyallowed on pasture lands, a total of2453 acres of lands are used as fish

and state governments are to managedevelopment of systematic breedingtasks in addition to livestock breedingon a manageable scale for fulfillingrequirements of the local people.Moreover, it is necessary to continuefulfillment plans for the local peoplein line with laws and regulations. TheMinistry of Agriculture and Irrigationwill provide necessary assistance forthe local people.

In shooting a question, U WinSein of Kawa Constituency said thatthe cultivable lands in Kawa Townshipof Bago Region are located in the lowland between Bago River andSittoung River. Therefore, farmlandsare flooded in the rainy season. He

and prawn breeding in the state.According to the 2010-2011

statistics, Minbya Township has11,793 acres of pasture land, and stateGAD allowed to cancel 1236 acres ofpasture lands to grow paddy in 2014.Although fish and prawn ponds wereofficially allowed on pasture lands, atotal of 424 acres of lands are used asprawn breeding in the township. Somedifferences may be seen in the statisticsin comparison with the actual groundstocks. The Union government andthose of State level always urgerespective township and districtadministrative bodies and region andstate governments to supervisecollection of ground stocks bySettlement and Land RecordsDepartment for ensuring correct landutilization and accurate data.

The GAD of the Ministry of HomeAffairs supervises management ofpasture lands according to the reportsof regional administrative bodiesunder the laws. With regard to thequestion, requirements of farmers areto be reported to the state governmentand it should be scrutinized inconformity with the actualcircumstances. As breeding of cowsand buffaloes and other animals inrural regions contributes to uplift ofliving standards of the farmers andcreation of job opportunities, region

asked whether there is a plan to dredgethe canals to drain more water forprevention of floods or not. The UnionMinister replied that due to heavyrains and overflow of Bago River inBago Region at the end of July andearly August, the areas were flooded.For the first phase, it is necessary todredge Abya-Shankai drain, Minywa-Kokko drain, Minywa-Kalai Bridge-Paingkyin drain and Hsema Creek.For the second phase, the drain fromKalai Bridge to Ohnhne Road is to bedredged and then to be connectedwith 30-mile greening canal.Moreover, it is necessary to buildPhonemasoe sluice gate beside BagoRiver in Kawa Township and re-dredge Kayan Creek in YangonRegion. The plan on flood preventionand farmland reclamation plan atSittoung Basin (Pyuntaza Plain) andthe plan on flood prevention at Kawa-Thanatpin area have been submittedto the State.

Kodukwe Dam Project is beingimplemented in Bago Township ofBago Region, and feasibility studiesare being conducted forimplementation of Salu Creek andShwelaung Creek Dam Projects. Oncompletion, preventive measurescan be taken in Bago Township, andthe plans will be submitted to theState. Depending on the budget, the

plans will be implemented toeffectively prevent floods of BagoRiver. The State will allot funds forthe projects while the Ministry ofAgriculture and Irrigation will seekfunds from the Union governmentfor carrying out tasks effectively inopen season. According to thepriority of the State, implementationtasks will be undertaken withmomentum.

In his question, U Moe Zaw Heinof Katha Constituency said that the36,800 feet long Shweli embankmentin Katha Township of Sagaing Regionis damaged at some parts. Despitepreparing it on a self-reliant basis,river overflows the farmlands yearly.He asked whether there is a plan torebuild Shweli embankment or not.The Union Minister replied that Shweliembankment along Shweli River is36,800 feet or 6.97 miles long fromWrttu Village to Nannwe Village inKatha Township. The originalembankment was eight feet wide,seven feet high and 36 feet wide at thebase. It was built in 1982-83 with theparticipation of local people andIrrigation Department. Thanks to theembankment, a total of 6,862 acres ofarable lands were protected againstfloods in Wettu, Seiktha and Ngatevillage-tracts. About 20 years later,there was damage to some parts of theembankment.

It can be found that it is necessaryto change the alignment of theembankment due to bank erosion ofShweli River. Therefore, it is necessaryto repair the embankment meeting setstandards for prevention against floodof Shweli River. As such, a plan isunder way to make field trips to thearea for detailed survey in 2011-2012open season. Depending on thebudget, the embankment will berebuilt.

Union Minister for Electric PowerNo. 2 U Khin Maung Soe replied tofour questions raised by four Hluttawrepresentatives.

(See page 7)

Union Minister for Livestock andFisheries U Tin Naing Thein

replies to questions.—MNA

Pyithu Hluttaw RepresentativeU Maung Maung Soe of Thakayta

Constituency raising question.MNA

Pyithu Hluttaw RepresentativeU Zaw Win Aung of Myinmu

Constituency raising question.—MNA

p6 (1).pmd 9/1/2011, 8:05 AM6

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September 2011 7

First Pyithu Hluttawsecond regularsession…

(from page 6)U Tin Maung Win of Mingaladon

Constituency asked whether there isa plan to practise pre-paid card forpayment of housing electric metersand power electric meters of theMinistry of Electric Power No. 2 ornot. The Union Minister said that upto July 2011, Yangon City ElectricSupply Board has installed 850,784housing electric meters and ElectricitySupply Enterprise, 1,412,630 electricmeters, totalling 2,263,414. Forpractising pre-paid card system, onepre-paid meter for housing electricmeter or power meter may cost US$100-150 depending on brands.Industrial-used transformer city meteris more expensive. It can be estimatedthat value of one electric meter isvalued at K 100,000, and substitutionof meters the whole nation may costK 2263.414 billion. Moreover, suchamount can be added with values ofother accessories and infrastructures.

There will be time limit to complete

posts on 62 streets came into damage,and some of them are supported withbuttresses. Whether there is a plan tosubstitute the damaged lamp-postswith new one. The Union Ministerreplied that the ministry hassubstituted 10,448 lamp-posts withconcrete facilities from 1988 to date.A total of 7316 concrete lamp-postsdamaged in the Storm Nargis weresubstituted with new ones in 2008. In2011-2012 and 2012-2013 financialyears, a total of 9186 concrete lamp-posts will be substituted in the placesof old ones in townships of YangonRegion. In Thakayta Township, theYESB has planned to substitute 90lamp-posts in third and fourth quartersof 2011-2012 financial year and 85 infirst and second quarters of 2012-2013 regardless of budget of the board.

U Win Thein of PinlebuConstituency said that Pinlebu ofseven townships in Katha District ofSagaing Region cannot enjoyelectricity from the power gridsupplied by the State, and he askedwhether there is a plan to supplyelectricity to the township or not. TheUnion Minister said that one Hinoengine and two 150 KV dynamos ofthe department run to supply electricityto 530 persons of the town. Thedepartment is spending 980 gallons ofdiesel monthly to generate electricitytwo hours a day. The departmentcollects 25 kyats per unit of electricity.The power grid supplies electricity toKatha District through Kyaukpahto132/33/66.6 KV, 15 MVA sub-powerstation. To supply electricity to Pinlebufrom the national power grid, a 33 KVpower line is to be built to line Kawlin-Wuntho 33 KV power line.

It is needed to build a 33/11 KVpower station in Pinlebu as the cableline is estimated to be about 35 mileslong; that the estimated cost for a mileof cable line is about K 25 million, sothe total cost for the whole line isabout K 875 million; that the estimatedcost for a 33/11 KV power station isabout K 120 million, so it brings thetotal cost to about K 995 million; andthat the government has passed abudget covering all the projects forpower supply across the nation, andto supply power to Pinlebu will beunderway in a certain period.

When asked by Daw Mi MyintThan from Ye Constituency if there isa plan to supply power to Ye Townshipfrom the power line that goes as faras Thanbyuzayat Township, he saidthat electric power is supplied fromthe national grid to Mawlamyine inMon State with 66 KV system, and itis received at 66/33 KV 20 MVApower station in Mawlamyine; thatpower is supplied from Mawlamyineto Mudon and Thanbyuzayat with 33KV power line (40 miles), so thepower from the national grid is suppliedto Thanbyuzayat in Mon State; that aproject is in progress to extend the

230 KV cable line up to Mawlamyinefor extensive power supply to MonState; that the project covers Thaton-Mawlamyine 230 KV cable line (50.1miles), two cable lines passing throughGyaing and Thanlwin rivers, anda230/66/11KV (2x50=100 MVA)main power station in Mawlamyine;that so far, the project has beencompleted by 35 per cent, and thewhole project will be completed in

Laboratory by providing necessarylaboratory apparatuses andconducting related courses to makemedical tests with Enzyme LinkedImmuno-sorbant Assay (ELISA)method.

U Maung Maung Thein fromKayan Constituency submitted areport to ask if there is a plan tohandle the challenges on fish breeding.But, he said that the Union minister

2012-2013 fiscal year; that a powersupply committee is working with four300 KVA coming generators in Ye;that power charges are collectedunder the supervision of localauthorities and the committee; thatYe is 97 miles from Mawlamyine andDawei is 100 miles from Ye, so poweris to be supplied to those townshipsonly through cable lines; and thatongoing major projects already coversupply of power to Myeik through Yeand Dawei.

U Zaw Win Aung from MyinmuConstituency asked if it has beenplanned to upgrade the lab of theLivestock Breeding and VeterinaryDepartment in Myinmu, SagaingRegion, to a lab that producesvaccines against foot and mouthdisease. Union Minister for Livestockand Fisheries U Tin Naing Thein saidthat the lab established in Insein in1975 launched its production line inApril 1984; that 2011-2012 fiscal year,it produced vaccines against foot andmouth disease for 221,000 cattle; thatthe department already had a plan toset up a lab to produce vaccine againstfoot and mouth disease in Myinmu,but the plan was not launched due toseveral reasons such as theunderground water around the labdoes not meet the quality to producevaccine, the vaccines supplied fromthe lab in Insein are enough forMyinmu, and if a lab was built inMyinmu, transportation charges andproduction of vaccines might be costly;and that the lab in Myinmu will beupgraded to FMD Diagnosis

concerned did not need to reply to thequestion, and the question would beread out just for the knowledge ofHluttaw representatives and puttingon record. Then, U Maung MaungThein read out the question.

The proposal submitted yesterdayby U Soe Tha from TwantayConstituency “regularly operatingbusinessed facing crisis due to fallingexchange rate between US dollar andMyanmar currency” was underdiscussion by seven Hluttawrepresentatives.

U Htay Myint from MyeikConstituency discussed that the valueof one US dollar fell from 1000 to 700kyats or by 30 percent in a year; thattherefore, entrepreneurs are facingvarieties of problems to continue theirbusinesses; that so it is time to addressthis issue with all possible ways; andthat he is in support of the proposal.

Dr Win Myint from HlineConstituency said that the nation’sproduction enterprises such asagriculture, cooperatives and garmentfactories are no longer in a position tocontinue operation due to the sharpfall in US dollar value; and thattherefore, he seconded the proposal.

U Ko Gyi from AungmyethazanConstituency said that the fall in USdollar value has impact on agricultureproduce, and farmers in Myanmarare facing many distresses; that so,necessary measures should be takenpromptly for their businesses to returnto normal; and that he seconded theproposal.

(See page 8)

substitution process of electric meters.In the neighbouring countries installedelectric meter at residences similar tothat of Myanmar, and the residentscan pay meter bills at the designatedplaces instead of respective offices,through online system. They are ontest of pre-paid card system as pilotproject. Some countries practise 10per cent of pre-paid card system. TheMinistry of Electric Power No. 2started discussions to pract isecharging of electric bills through onlinesystem. At present, there is no plan topractise pre-paid card system forcharging electric meter bills.

U Maung Maung Soe of ThakaytaConstituency said that some woodenlamp-posts were substituted withconcrete lamp-posts in roads andstreets in wards of ThakaytaTownship in Yangon Region after1988. A total of 175 wooden lamp-

Pyithu Hluttaw RepresentativeU Aung Sein Tha of Minbya

Constituency raising question.MNA

Pyithu Hluttaw RepresentativeU Win Oo of Yebyu Constituency

raising question.MNA

Pyithu Hluttaw RepresentativeU Ko Gyi of AungmyethazanConstituency raising question.


P7(1).pmd 9/1/2011, 8:05 AM7

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011

First Pyithu Hluttawsecond regularsession…

(from page 7)U Nyunt Hlaing from Pyu

Constituency said that he notices thatin addition to ongoing measures,effective short-term and long-termplans should be implemented to easethe hardships of entrepreneurs, workersand the people due to the fall in USdollar value and to boost the nationaleconomy; and that so he seconded theproposal.

U Ye Min Tun (a) U Min Tun fromHsipaw Constituency said that theprices of agricultural produce such aspeas, corn and rice are falling and thatcauses impact on growers, producersand exporters; that further, cheapproducts will flow into the nation fromneighbouring country in abundance;that then, that will have effects onexport and tourism industry that aregathering momentum; that the problemwill flare if it is not handled in time; andthat therefore, he seconded theproposal.

U Win Oo from Ye Constituencysaid that the Union government andHluttaws are solely responsible fornational economic growth, but thatissue is the concern of the whole nationand the entire people, and all are tocope with the problem in concert; thatthe Union government is takingmeasures for stability of commodityprices, reducing taxes andtransportation charges at the national

level; and that therefore, he secondedthe proposal.

U Kyi Myint from LathaConstituency said that State-runenterprises are being privatized, andthe privatized enterprises need to beimplemented the quickest way and ona broader scale; that the number ofbusinesses operated in US dollar inMyanmar is growing, so it is needed toreduce the number; that all due workshould be done for nationaldevelopment; and that he supportedthe proposal.

Union Minister for Finance andRevenue U Hla Tun said that inMyanmar there are different exchangerates such as official foreign exchangerate, foreign exchange rate in markets,FEC exchange rate, handy exchangerate, earning exchange rate, and accounttransfer exchange rate; that therefore,that causes complications andinconvenience in doing businesses; thatthe only means to remedy the situationis to adjust the foreign exchange rates;that the Central Bank of Myanmar hasstudied the situation to fix thestandardized foreign exchange incooperation with IMF; that changingforeign exchange rate in an easy andquick way may be followed by adverseeffects in the nation’s economic andsocial affairs; that in the process, itshould take into account GDP, inflationrate, the nation’s budget, foreign debts,foreign investment, the amount of thenation’s private foreign reserve, tacticsto stabilize foreign exchange market,human resources, infrastructures, andsufficient funds; that after the process,

the government will be able to handlethe foreign exchange market inaccordance with the tax policy,commercial policy and exchange ratepolicy; that steps are also being taken toadjust the bank interest rates inaccordance with the objectiveconditions; that it is pursuingprogrammes to address the issues dueto the fall in US dollar value; that theministry in the process reducedcommercial tax and granted taxexemption from exports, and reducedtax paid in foreign currency; that someenterprises in the nation are goingthrough hard times, import licenses wereissued within two weeks and companylicenses, within two months; that theministry has reduced tax rates, liftednon-customs commercial barriers,standardized and mitigated commercialand customs rules and regulations,business licenses, and procedures, andworked in cooperation with internationaland regional organizations; therefore,private enterprises can grab those goodopportunities; that therefore, thegovernment has taken some measuresin connection with the proposal; andthat he clarified ongoing measures andfollow-up programmes.

The proposal does not need votingprocess, and it should go on. So, theHluttaw approved and put it on record.

U Soe Soe from HtigyaingConstituency put forward a proposal“to deal with land cases by a committee,rather than replacing words andassigning duties exclusively to aperson”. In relation to Ward or Village-tract Administration Bill and 2011

Farmland Bill submitted to the Hluttaw,Pyithu Hluttaw Bill Committee needs toreport back in that regard. Based on thereports submitted by the committee, thematters will be discussed, and thoserepresentatives wishing to take part inthe discussion are to register this evening.

U Zone Teint from ChipweConstituency tabled a proposal “tosupply irrigation water, build damsaccording to the geographicalfeatures of the regions for furtheringthe goal that Kachin State will becomethe fourth granary in Myanmar”.

Pyithu Hluttaw passed a resolutionto discuss the proposal. The proposalwill be discussed on 1 September, andthose representatives wishing to takepart in the discussion are to register thisevening.

In the sector of submitting bills,Union Election Commission MemberU Myint Naing submitted a bill ofamending Pyithu Hluttaw Election Law.Committee member U Thein Tun readthe report of the findings of PyithuHluttaw Bill Committee in connectionwith the bill.

Pyithu Hluttaw passed a resolutionto discuss the proposal. The proposalwill be discussed in the second week ofSeptember. Those representativeswishing to take part in the discussionare to register by 2 September, statingparagraph, sub-paragraph and subjectof the bill to be amended in accordancewith Pyithu Hluttaw Rules 156 and157.

The eighth-day regular sessionended at 3.30 pm. The regular sessioncontinues tomorrow.—MNA

(from page 16)difficulties in receiving treatment asno doctors-in-charge has beenassigned to hospitals in Naga Self-Administered Area.

The Union Minister replied thatassistant doctors from Kalay People’sHospital and Monywa People’sHospital are assigned to hospitals intownships and sub-townships in NagaSelf-Administered Area on four-monthshift under the arrangement of SagaingRegion Health Department; that hisministry is also taking measures toassign experienced doctors fromhospitals to townships and sub-townships in Naga Self-AdministeredArea.

U Thein Win from ConstituencyNo.9 of Sagaing Region asked theUnion Minister if the ministry has aplan to establish FDA branches inborder trade camps and launch aprogramme to ensure safety inconsumption of foodstuffs andmedicines that come through borderssaying that although foodstuffs andmedicines can be imported throughborder trade with the recom-mendation of the Food and DrugAdministration of the Ministry of

Health, it usually takes a long time aslicense is issued in Nay Pyi Tawwhereas recommendation is made inYangon in addition to some othercontributing factors; that when thelicense is permitted, the goods arealready in the market through illegalchannel which requires norecommendation and thus there hasbeen a great deal of cases those whofollows procedures suffer losses.

The Union Minister replied that Foodand Drug Administration Committees

in regions, states, districts and townshipshave been exposing and taking actionsagainst illegal importation of foodstuffsand medicines. Customs Departmentsin border regions also seize illegallyimported foodstuffs and medicines andhand over to the FDA taking actionsagainst such acts. Food and DrugAdministration has its branches in NayPyi Taw, Yangon and Mandalay andthat there is plan to open FDA branchesin border trade camps and to expand thestructure of the FDA.

U Aung Nyein from ConstituencyNo. 2 of Magway Region said that a 16-bed station hospital is underconstruction in Sutaw Village ofMyaybadon Village-tract of ChaukTownship, Magway Region with thepermission of the Ministry of Healthand about K 130 million will cost forconstruction of the main building,mortuary, doctors’ residence, 8-unitnurse quarter, 7-unit staff quarter,4-inch diameter tube well, waterwork,lake, water tank, generator, and 18-ft (See page 9)

Second regular...

First Amyotha Hluttaw

Deputy Minister for Finance andRevenue U Win Than makes


Amyotha Hluttaw RepresentativeU Thein Hlaing of Sagaing

Region Constituency (8)participates in discussion.—MNA

Amyotha Hluttaw RepresentativeU Sai Thant Zin of Shan StateConstituency (4) participates in


P8(1)--.pmd 9/1/2011, 8:05 AM8

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011 9

Second regular...First Amyotha Hluttaw

Amyotha Hluttaw RepresentativeDaw Khin Wine Kyi of Yangon

Region Constituency (1)participates in discussion.—MNA

Amyotha Hluttaw RepresentativeU San Pyae of Kachin State

Constituency (7) participates indiscussion.—MNA

Amyotha Hluttaw RepresentativeU Maung Thar Khin of Rakhine

State Constituency (8) raisingquestion.—MNA

(from page 8)long road; that as the local villagersfunded K 30 million for theconstruction works and the facilityhas been completed for 30 per centand remaining works are underimplementation; and that the localpeoples are poor and thus havedifficulties in completing the facilityand asked the ministry if the State canprovide reasonable allocation.

The Union Minister said that hisministry has been constructing newhospitals, adding more beds to theexisting hospital, setting up specialtreatment sections, and providingworkforce to the hospitals. Inconstructing hospitals, the Ministry ofHealth has been acting on lists ofpriorities according to the needs basedon the allowed budget of the State andthat as his ministry has permitted theopening of Sutaw Village StationHospital, it will provide cash assistance

based on the budget of the State.U Maung Thar Khin of Constituency

No. 8 of Rakhine State asked the UnionMinister if his ministry has a plan toextend the 50-bed Maungtaw People’sHospital. The Union Health Ministeranswered that his ministry will upgradeMaungtaw People’s Hospital accordingto the list of priorities.

Next, Union Minister for EducationDr Mya Aye replied to three questionsraised by U Nu of Constituency No. 10of Yangon Region.

First, he said that in the basic educationsector, students have to learn for 11years, only when they finish the Grade11, they can sit for the matriculationexam held by the government and go touniversity if qualified, but in the primaryand middle basic education sectors,students just have to sit for exams heldby the schools they are in and can go thenext grade easily whether they arequalified or not, leading to decline inteaching capacities of teachers as wellas qualifications of students at different

grades; that it should be reconsideredthat if it is worthwhile to let students tolearn for 11 years so as to sit for thematriculation exam, an entrance to thefuture life and asked there is a plan totest Grade-5 students who will completethe primary education by township boardof examinations, and Grade-9 studentswho will complete the middle educationby region/state board of examinationsfor promoting academic standards whilethe current system is inevitably inpractice and the estimated time ofintroduction to the new system if thegovernment has such a plan.

The Union Minister replied that levelof educational qualification is usuallymeasured by the results of the examafter completion of the final term of aparticular basic education level in mostof the nations; that Myanmar used topractise such system by asking townshipboard of examinations to test Grade-5students who will complete primaryeducation, Myanmar Board ofExaminations or state/division board ofexaminations to test Grade-9 students

who will complete middle educationand Myanmar Board of Examinationsin cooperation with universities to testGrade-11 students who will completethe high school education.

Due to the overwhelming effects ofsuch exam system, the school-quittingrate and exam-failing rate was relativelyhigh, so the exam system of primaryeducation and middle education wascanceled in 1972 and 1992 respectivelyand schools were allowed to test theirstudents, noted the Union Minister.

He went on that teachers canorganize the tests and check the answerpapers in their own schools thanks tothe new system and thus can enjoy thesummer holidays to the full andMyanmar Board of Examinations,Region/State, and township EducationOfficer’s Office can focus more onfuture education projects due to lessexam management works.

But, when students who havequalified for the middle education levelgo to middle/high schools, they are

criticized by teachers of the schools fornot being able to catch up the lessons,noted the Union Minister. He went onthat as teachers of basic educationschools are allowed to take fullresponsibility of teaching andorganizing exams, they put fewer effortsin teaching and completing curriculum.

With a view to development ofinnovation, invention, analyticalthinking, and problem-solving skills,he added that, his ministry has beenworking in cooperation with UNICEFand Japan International CooperationAgency (JICA) for shift to student-centered-approach; as the approach hasproved to be useful, measures areunderway to train all primary assistantteachers from 2012-2013 academic yearto 2014-2015 academic year to launchthe approach nationwide.

He said that his ministry is stillreassessing the qualification-measuringschemes for primary and middle basiceducation level for enhancing teachingskills of teachers and abilities of studentsand he hoped that the schemes could be

implemented within the fifth five-yeareducational promotion programme.

U Nu then said that number ofschools with only female teachers andno male teachers have been on theincrease though today’s basiceducation schools should have bothmale and female teachers who are likefather and mother to students, thusleaving a gap in the mind of thestudents in their student’s life as wellas weakening academic matters,administration, management,development and disciplineenforcement to some extent; thatreasons why number of male teachersare on the decline in education fieldshould be find out along with theremedial measures; and asked if theMinistry of Education has anyparticular plans to attract maleteachers to join the education field toavoid the serious shortage of maleteachers and the time when it can beput into practice.

The Union Minister replied that the

ratio of male staff in the entire academicand administrative staff of the Ministryof Education is 23 per cent; thataccording to the list of workforce inMarch, 2011 of Basic EducationDepartment, the number of maleteachers is 48000 out of 273000 maleand female teachers, accounting foronly 17.7 per cent; of the 45000 staff ofschools and office, there are 24600male staff, accounting for 54.5 per centand the ratio of male staff in 0.318million staff engaged in basic educationsector is approximately 23 per cent.

To increase the number of maleteachers in basic education schools,allowance of male trainees to preteachership course has been increased upto 40 per cent but the actual ratio of malesin course for those who have passedmatriculation examination is only 22 percent and course for those who have got adegree is only about 7 per cent.

In order to turn out more maleteachers, the matriculation exam marksof the male to join the course is set at 260marks and the graduated males are givenfavor regarding their marks in entrancetests to the course, but the number ofmale applicants to the course is relativelylow, noted the Union Minister.

Although the numbers of male andfemale trainees are designated accordingto respective regions, states and districtsso as to assign them back in their homeregions, if the number of qualified maleapplicants of some regions and statesexceeds the designated quantity, thesurplus trainees are allowed to attendthe course as the strength of other regionsand states that doest not have the requiredquantity of male trainees.

That male only account for around42 per cent of yearly total matriculationexam pass rate, that most of the malestudents join armed forces and policeforce, that other institutions exceptNursing University and Institute ofEconomics has allowed more malestudents, that males have to lead thebusiness of their parents, that the numberof educated females are increasing arefound to be contributing factors to dropin number of male teachers, noted theUnion Minister.

He went on that there are over0.318 million of education staff in basiceducation sector. Of them, number ofmale officers is 1600. The ratio ofofficers to non-gazette officer stands at1:200. It takes too long to promote fromone position to another according toPAT, JAT and SAT ranks. In promotingPAT and JAT, only some teachers agedof about 50 can reach junior officerlevel (head of high school). Mostteachers have to take pension as JAT(upper division clerk) or SAT (branchclerk). Despite promotion, the pay scalefor most of positions at the office ofeducation officer in township andRegion/State are the same. Those factsare problems for male teachers to joineducation field.

(See page 10)

P9(1)--.pmd 9/1/2011, 8:05 AM9

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011

Second regular...First Amyotha Hluttaw

(from page 9)Before 1970, due to insufficient

educated female force, male teachersoutnumbered female ones. At present,Myanmar education is believed to behigher because of growing number offemale teachers. But, it is found thatthere are shortcomings in male teacherswho look like fathers for students.

Looking forward to more increasedmale teachers, measures are being takento give favour to male teachers inPGDMA, give promotion to some whoare in the same rank, grant fee forteachers for extra-time teaching, givepriority to assiduous male teachers to bepromoted, and provide extra provisionsfor teachers with the arrangement ofRegion/State development affairscommittees in addition to salary.

Designating the positions needed toraise salary and enjoyment of extra-timefee are concerned with more spend ofthe State budget. It is required to havepermission of the Union Government toset pay scale and allocate budget. So, thestarting academic year cannot beanswered yet.

There are primary, middle andhigh levels in basic education levelwhere there is the appointment ofprimary assistant teacher (PAT),junior assistant teacher (JAT) andsenior assistant teacher (SAT). Hewondered whether or notappointment of PAT, JAT and SATin basic education primary level(Grade 1 to 5), appointment of JATand SAT in basic education middlelevel (Grade 6 to 9) and appointmentof SAT not only in basic educationhigh level (Grade 10 to 11) but alsobasic education primary and middlelevel (Grade 1 to 9) at theirdiscretion. He asked about theacademic year to realize such plan ifthere is such plan.

In response, the Union Minister saidthat there are appointments of PAT,JAT and SAT in basic education level,anyone who got BEd and DipEd areengaged as one-higher position of JATand SAT in the townships they arepleased. Graduate PATs with teachingcertificate are engaged as JAT or SAT.

In basic education sector inMyanmar, teachers have been givenrelated trainings and after ending training,engaged as PAT, JAT and SAT in orderof vacancy. In doing so, PAT who ispromoted to JAT needs to learn middleschool level teaching. Similarly, JATwho is promoted to SAT needs to learnhigh school level teaching.

PAT and JAT are employed inprimary level. There is no plan to employSAT in primary level for now. JAT isnow in middle level and SAT in highlevel. There is not a plan to engage SATin primary and middle levels yet.

Dr Khin Shwe of Yangon RegionConstituency No. 9 discussed theproposal submitted yesterday by U TheinWin of Sagaing Region ConstituencyNo. 9 saying “for government’smeasures to reset the amount of kyatsequivalent to one US$”. In hisdiscussion, if there is setting exchange

rate, investors from abroad who willcome and invest in Myanmar will trustMyanmar currency. Although one US$was less than K 200 in 1996-97, it roseyear by year and reached around K 1300last year. Due to lack of IMFrecommendation, successivegovernments could not range currencyrate despite their efforts. Now, suchsteps will be able to be taken due to IMFhelps. He approved the proposalassuming that it is needed to set currencyexchange rate which is crucial foreconomy.

U J Yaw Wu of Kachin StateConstituency No. 12 in his discussionsaid exchange between US dollar andMyanmar currency will exist as long astrade with foreign countries is running.Exchange rate between US dollar andMyanmar currency as from 1960 inMyanmar was set as one US dollar to besix kyats. After 50 years, the exchangerate is no longer agreeable to presentsituation. Smooth flow of economy isfundamental to building up economicstrength. It is required not to be verylarge gap between Myanmar currencyand foreign exchanges so as to drive upeconomic mechanism. He showed hisapproval to the proposal saying that it isneeded to reset exchange rate as theState will exercise market economysystem.

U Thein Hlaing of Sagaing RegionConstituency No. 8 in his discussion saidthat present exchange rate problem inthe country is a opportune moment tochange exchange rate of the country.Grasping such opportunity, it is neededto implement an international-standardforeign exchange market. The marketwill lead fairly stable exchange rate. TheCentral Bank is in need to take necessarypreparatory measures for exchange rateto be effectively used in management. Itis needed to change exchange rate inreal-time situation. He was glad to hearthat Myanmar has asked for helps fromwell experienced IMF in the event ofcomplicated technical issues, andapproved the proposal.

Dr Banyar Aung Moe of Mon StateConstituency No. 7 in his discussion saidthat it is not appropriate to fix exchangerate. Internationally, currency exchangeworks with currently happening rate andfloating value exchange system is realized.Government needs to keep a balance forstable rate in case of changes in ratesthat can harm economy. Billions offoreign exchange will stream into thecountry if there is strong Myanmarcurrency strength in connection withIMF, low-cost good service of bank,rightness of laws and governmental staff,and millions of migrant workers transfermoney to the country.

Therefore, he asked to correct theproposal on practicing Floating Valueinstead of fixing the new exchangerate.

In response to the question, DeputyMinister for Finance and Revenue UWin Than said to underpin the State’smarket oriented system, the State haspracticed the Fiscal Policy and MonetaryPolicy. The State’s fiscal policy hasallowed the state to spend the state’sbudget every year on development ofthe economy and improvement of thelivelihood and living standard of the

people. Meanwhile, to make the localcurrency “Kyat” strengthen, the statehas practiced the monetary policy forstability of commodity price and forsmooth running of financial services. Asthey are financial services, the ministryhas to carry out the services inaccordance with the rules and regulationsand has to make the services of theState’s monetary policy improve.

Thanks to the effectiveimplementation of the fiscal policy andmonetary policy laid down by the Ministryof Finance and Revenue and the CentralBank of Myanmar, the country hasenjoyed the stable banking system andcurrency and was not hit seriously by the2008 global financial crisis.

Since the 2008 global financial crisisstarted in the US, the nations in the worldare still working hard to revive economyand financial situation. It is found thatcontinuous weak of US dollar hitsMyanmar currency exchange rate moreand more.

The country’s multiple exchangerates such as the official exchange rate,exchange rate in markets, exchange ratefor foreign-exchange certificates (FEC),exchange rate for earning and accounttransfer exchange rate make businessesvery complex. Therefore, the CentralBank of Myanmar is now cooperatingwith the International Monetary Fund tocarry out the Exchange Rate Unificationin the country.

The exchange rate is one of themost important components of theMonetary Policy, thus special emphasisshould be put on the Exchange RateUnification. Considering only gold pricein the world markets and Myanmarmarket, exchange rate of Myanmarcurrency Kyat against US dollar andexchange rate at border areas is notenough to fix the exchange rate. It shouldbe aware that easily and quickly changingand fixing the exchange rate can causeadverse effects on the State’s economyand socio economy. The facts that alsoshould be taken in account are trade withforeign countries, inflation rate, the State’sbudget and debts, foreign investment inthe country, foreign reserve, financialtactics to handle the foreign currencymarket, human resources and sufficiencyof State’s funds.

Every member of the IMF has rightsto practice a exchange rate programmethat is agreeable to its financial policy.Besides, a member of the IMF shallinform its exchange rate arrangementsand any changes of the exchange rateprogramme to the IMF.

Myanmar has become a member ofthe IMF on 3 January, 1952. The IMFfixed that one SDR unit was equivalent to5.80717 kyats on 27, December, 1971, to7.74289 kyats on 25. January, 1975 and to8.50847 kyats on 2 May, 1977 respectively.Still, one SDR unit is equivalent to 8.50847kyats. The Central Bank of Myanmarintroduced foreign exchange certificates(FECs) for foreigners on 3 February,1993 and foreign visitors can changenotes of Euros, Yen, Pound Sterling, SwissFrancs, US dollars and cheques withFECs, and one FEC is equivalent to oneUS dollar.

The Ministry of Finance andRevenue will cooperate with the IMF tocarry out the Exchange Rate Unification

in an attempt to protect the interests ofthe State and the people and socio-economy of the people. Implementationof the Exchange Rate Unificationincludes withdraw of FEC, and when thegovernment buy back the FEC currencyfrom holders with dollars and kyat, therate would be one US dollar for one FECor the street exchange of kyat againstone dollar.

The Ministry of Finance andRevenue has coordinated with the UnionAttorney-General’s Office to amendsome provisions of the existing ForeignExchange Regulation Act (1947) to beagreeable to the current time with theaim of underpinning the development ofState’s economy.

Afterwards, U Saw Tun Mya Aungof Kayin State Constituency No. 5discussed the proposal “formation ofstanding committee for ensuringeternal peace and stability inMyanmar” submitted by U Tun Lwinof Kachin State Constituency No.9yesterday. He said to gain an eternalpeace, it is necessary to combine thefacts that are agreeable to both sideswhile setting aside the diversity. Thecountry did not enjoy peace and stabilityacross the country cent per cent till 60years after independence. Thanks to theefforts of the Tatmadaw government,over 40 armed groups including 17 ethnicarmed groups returned to the legal foldand the country has enjoyed the peaceand the government had worked hardfor the development of the country. Thecurrent government has also beenmaking efforts for turning the temporarypeace gained during the time of previousgovernment to an eternal peace in thecountry. Therefore, he seconded theproposal and urged all national brethrento join hands each other to build aneternal peace.

Afterwards, Dr. Win Myint Aung ofSagaing Region Constituency No. 4discussed that the people are worryingthat they would lose the peace anddevelopment that ThatmadawGovernment had restored. Therefore,all national races should accept the OurThree National Causes and should worktogether within the framework of theconstitution. He continued to say thatthey, all representatives, are alsoresponsible to discuss and coordinatethe task. Therefore, he seconded theproposal, he added.

U Mann Kan Nyunt of Kayin StateConstituency No. 2 discussed that thosewho want peace most are armedmembers of both sides and their familymembers. They have the same intentionof no fighting, and so there must be oneway of stopping fighting. There shouldbe one committee to find the way, hesaid. He also seconded the proposal.

U San Pyae of Kachin StateConstituency No. 7 discussed that thereason why the country lagged behindin development is outbreak of armedinsurgencies in the country. But, today,people can express their wishes at theHluttaw through the representativesas the country is practicing theparliament democracy system.Therefore, all should take thatopportunity to work for the unity of allnational races, he said. (See page 11)

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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011 11

(from page 10)He also said that he seconded theproposal in an attempt to find ways forsolving conflict in peace.

Defence Services HluttawRepresentative Maj Maung Maung Gyiin his discussion said that the State wasnot developed to the extent it should bebecause of the lack of peace and stability;the government issued Notification No(1/2011) dated 18 August, 2011, invitingnational races armed groups for peacetalks; appropriate negotiations suitedthe current reality is essential now; andthe proposal was deeply seconded.

U Paw Lyan Lwin of Chin StateConstituency (9) discussed that nationalraces stood under the same flag in theaffairs of the State despite differentcultures and customs; taking lessonsfrom the history, it is the right time toperpetuate peace handed down by theTatmadaw government and build thedemocratic nation; so, the proposal wasseconded.

Daw Khin Wine Kyi of YangonRegion Constituency (1) discussed thatHluttaw representatives have to handlethe responsibility to ensure the solidfoundation as they are taking part inopening new page in the history of theState; they are to translate the eternalpeace into reality as well; negotiation isthe only way to bring about peace to thepeople; and there is a pragmatic need ofa committee for peace; so, the proposalwas seconded.

In his discussion, U Sai Mya Maungof Kachin State Constituency (10) saidthat the lagged economy is seemed tobe the result mainly of the civil war; forinstance, roads and bridges, colleges,universities, schools, irrigation facilities,dams, transport enterprises,communications enterprises andhydropower projects were necessarilyupgraded after civil peace in 1990;everyone could freely run their ownbusinesses; grass-roots level conflictssparked attacks in Kachin State since 9June, 2011, and roads and bridges weredestroyed and innocent civilians lostlives as a result; we all are brothers andsisters; local people in Kachin Statehave fallen to the status of war refugeesas they had to flee from war, abandoningproperty, farms and cattle; citing theexamples that the wars caused manydamages, the proposal was secondedfor ending up years-long civil wars andbuilding the nation with peace andstability.

Dr Aye Maung of Rakhine StateConstituency (1) discussed that theConstitution grants rights for every racesto make the sense of Union moremeaningful; instead of an onlycommittee as proposed, anothercommittee with national racesrepresentatives from every parties whoare respected by majority and acceptedby both sides should be established;and the proposal was seconded.

U Saw Taw Palal of Kayin StateConstituency (7) discussed that he wasborn in a region lack of peace and is stillsuffering the consequences of instability;

development of the State is now a matterof discussion; though, with no peace, itwould not be accomplished; the localpeople of his region are desiring peace;and so, the proposal was seconded.

U Sai Thant Zin of Shan StateConstituency (4) discussed that theregion was developed thanks totemporary peace realized by theTatmadaw government; the local peoplejust hope peaceful lives; to satisfy thedesires of the people, the committeeshould be broadly established; and thefailures of previous peace attemptsshould be reviewed.

U Khat Htain Nan of Kachin StateConstituency (1) discussed that previouserror cycles caused the failure in nationalreconciliation; Kachin State whichclaimed peace in 1994 is nowexperiencing gun fires and bombexplosions again; no one wants to returnto the past conditions; and the eternalpeace is the most important politicalduty.

The Hluttaw then approved theproposal.

U Khin Maung Htay of MandalayRegion Constituency (10), Dr BanyarAung Moe of Mon State Constituency(7) and U Zon Hlal Htan of Chin StateConstituency (2) discussed the proposalsubmitted yesterday by U Tin MaungWin of Mandalay Region Constituency(3) about “Hluttaw’s appraisal andrecord of measures of the Union, andRegion/State governments in over 100days”.

The Hluttaw then approved theproposal.

U Hmat Gyi of Mandalay RegionConstituency (9), Dr Banyar Aung Moeof Mon State Constituency (7), U SaiThant Zin of Shan State Constituency(4) and U Bran Shaung of Kachin StateConstituency (3) discussed the proposalsubmitted yesterday by U Thein Win ofSagaing Region Constituency (9) that“from administrative laws of theMinistry of Agriculture and Irrigation,a new law encouraging developmentof agricultural sector of the Republicof the Union of Myanmar, ensuringfarmers right to run farms and fullsecurity to farmers, ensuring finishedagricultural products do not sufferunfair prices and have markets shouldbe drawn up and the governmentshould cancel 1953 FarmlandNationalization Act, 1963 TenancyLaw, 1963 Farmers Rights ProtectionLaw”.

The Hluttaw then approved theproposal.

U Tin Maung Win of MandalayRegion Constituency (3) submitted theproposal “the Union government isurged to add trustworthy townseldersinto investigation groups forcomplaints of misapplication of powerto public”.

Regarding the proposal, UnionMinister for Home Affairs Lt-Gen KoKo discussed that Myanmar startspracticing modern and lawfullyadministration and development basisadministration; Section 289 of theConstitution which suited these factssuggests that the ward or villageadministration shall be assigned inaccord with the law to a person whose

integrity is respected by the community;ward and village administrators areassigned in accord with that provision;those administrators will settle downthe arguments and complaints amongthe public or between the governmentstaff and the public fairly; proficiencycourses are being conducted to equipward and village administrators withproficiency to complete the duty inaccord with rules and regulations; andtownship administrators are supervisingat each level.

Arguments and complaints betweenthe service personnel and the public areinvestigated by groups assigned byheads of respective departments andregional administration; despite varyinginvestigation techniques in regard ofdifferent fields, their sole objective is todiscover the truth.

Investigation teams are to reporttheir assessments to the authority, whooriginally assigned the duty; if theauthority does not satisfy the report, theadditional investigation will beinstructed; if the report is doubted,another investigation team will beformed; if needed, the legal advices willbe acquired and it will continue injudiciary framework; the responsibilityof revealing the truth falls on theinvestigation team; the judiciary willtake action against those who are foundguilty.

Concealing the truth and omittingsome investigated facts in some caseshappened because of individualweakness and corruption of theinvestigators; if such cases happen, onemay complained in accord with legalprocedures; existing laws includingPenal Code and 1985 Service PersonnelDisciplinary Manual are prescribed forinvestigation.

Investigation teams are assigned bythe authority and heads of department,based on their experience andproficiency; they have to gamble theirpride and service personnel status onthe case.

For handling complaints, the courtsunder Penal Code Article 159 and 200,Myanmar Police Force under Article156 and 157, and members of SpecialInvestigation Department under Article6 and 7 of 1951 Special InvestigationTeam and Special InvestigationDepartment Act are invested the power;and only law enforcement bodies arefound to be invested the power andordinary people who are not servicepersonnel are not invested the power.

According to Article 31 (c) and 41(b) of 1985 Service PersonnelDisciplinary Manual, those who areincluded in the investigation team shallnot be those who interested personnallyin the case and indirectly related withthe case; as a nature of investigation, theskilled staff are more appropriate forconducting the investigation;townselders of respective regions areinvited to the site of investigation aswitnesses; and Penal Code and rulesand regulations will be the answers tothe proposal.

After the Union Minister madeclarification about the proposal, theproposal was changed to the questionand the answer of the Union Minister

was recorded, the Hluttaw Speakerannounced.

U Thein Win of Sagaing RegionConstituency (9) submitted the proposalthat “the Union government is urgedto amend (a) The MyanmarCompanies Act, (b) The PartnershipAct, and (c) State-owned EconomicEnterprises Law which areadministrative laws of the Ministry ofNational Planning and EconomicDevelopment”.

Regarding the proposal, UnionMinister for National Planning andEconomic Development U Tin NaingThein explained that the amendmentsof The Myanmar Companies Act, ThePartnership Act and The State-ownedEconomic Enterprises Law out of 10administrative laws by the ministry arebeing drafted to be suited with the ageunder the guidance of the PresidentOffice in coordination with the UnionAttorney-General’s Office.

In addition, the amendment ofForeign Investment Law and newCompetition Law is being drafted.

The President Office has asked notonly the ministry but all other ministriesto list the laws to be amended.

The proposal submitted by U TheinWin was seconded and the ministry isundertaking the task as well.

The Hluttaw approved the proposalto discuss.

U Myint Tun of Bago RegionConstituency (10) submitted theproposal that “the Union governmentis urged to review existing laws whichare administrative laws of nineorganizations and 15 ministries torevoke, amend and replace”.

Regarding the proposal, UnionAttorney-General Dr Tun Shin said thatsome of the prescribed laws wererevoked and amended as they were notsuited with the current situation, were notreferred and would not be useful in thefuture; there are 401 existing laws listedunder Union Attorney-General Law bythe Attorney-General’s Office; thosewhich handle the laws are Unionministries; and the office has listed thelaws and to revoke, amend and replacein coordination with respective ministries.

The office has requested the ministriesto review the laws which are not suitedwith the age and do not contribute to theState and the people and to send to theoffice with comments just after the firstregular session concluded; the ministriesare submitting the laws; and the office isreplying with comments after analyzingwhether it is accorded with theConstitution or whether it is accordedwith the existing laws.

Union level organizations andUnion ministries are submitting newlaws and to-be-amended laws to thisHluttaw session.

The Hluttaw approved the proposalto discuss.

The eight-day second regular sessionof First Amyotha Hluttaw concluded at5.10 pm. The ninth-day sessioncontinues at 10 am on 1 September,2011 (Thursday).

At today’s session, nine questionswere raised and answered, four proposalsubmitted yesterday were approved andthree proposals were submitted.—MNA

Second regular...First Amyotha Hluttaw

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12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011

(L to R) Miss Malaysia 2011 Deborah Henry, MissPoland 2011 Rozalia Mancewicz, Miss Estonia

2011 Madli Visar, Miss France 2011 LauryThilleman and Miss El Salvador 2011 Mayra

Aldana visit the Jockey Club horce race track inSao Paulo on 27 Aug, 2011. The contestants are in

Sao Paulo for the 2011 Miss Universe pageantwhich will be held on 12 September. — XINHUA


MYANMA RAILWAYSInvitation of Open Tenders

1. Open tenders are invited for supply of the following items in Japanese Yen:-Tender No Description Quantity

1/MR/Rail Bus(M) 2011-2012 Inservice Rail Buses(RBE) 20 Noswith Roof Mounted Air Condition

Closing date/ time - 30.9.2011 (Friday) / 12:00 hr2. Tender documents are available at our office starting from 1.9.2011 (Thursday)during office hours and for further details, please contact: Deputy General Manager,Supply Department, Myanma Railways, corner of Theinbyu Street and Merchant Street,Botahtaung, Yangon. Phone: 95-1-291994, 95-1-291985.

Deputy General ManagerSupply Department, Myanma Railways, Yangon

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV KOTA RUKUN VOY NO (601)Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA

RUKUN VOY NO (601) are hereby notified that thevessel will be arriving on 1.9.2011 and cargo will bedischarged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it willlie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to thebyelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

CLAIMS DAY NOTICEMV KOTA TEGAP VOY NO (595)Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA TEGAP

VOY NO (595) are hereby notified that the vessel willbe arriving on 1.9.2011 and cargo will be dischargedinto the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at theconsignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelawsand conditions of the Port of Yangon.

Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 amto 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day nowdeclared as the third day after final discharge of cargofrom the Vessel.

No claims against this vessel will be admitted afterthe Claims Day.



Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

Auckland named world’s 10th most liveable city

Auckland, New Zealand

AUCKLAND, 31 Aug—New Zealand’s largest cityAuckland has been namedas the 10th best city in theworld to live in while thecapital Wellington occu-pied the 23rd position, ac-cording to the EconomistIntelligence Unit’s latestsurvey of ranking among140 locations. Melbournecame in as the best city inthe world to live in, knock-

ing Vancouver off itsperch.

It’s the first time in al-most a decade of the glo-bal livability survey thatVancouver hasn’t rankedas the best place to live in

the world. Bottom placewent to Harare in Zimba-bwe. Cities are assessedon 30 different factors,including stability,healthcare, culture andenvironment. — Xinhua

Meat diet may increase green house gas emissionSTOCKHOLM, 31 Aug — Meat diet, a dietary habit popular in some developed

countries, can produce more greenhouse gas and thus is likely to actually causemore impact on climate, said a Swedish study published on Tuesday. According toSwedish Radio’s Ekot news programme, the meat diet, also known as Low CarbHigh Fat (LCHF) diet, doubled the greenhouse gas emission compared with thebalanced diet recommended by the Swedish Food Administration.—Xinhua

Obama vowsto work with



Aug—US PresidentBarack Obama onTuesday offered hispersonal congratulationsto Japan’s new PrimeMinister YoshihikoNoda, saying the UnitedStates will work with himand the Japanese people“on initiatives thatbenefit our twocountries, the region andthe world”.

“For the last half-century the US-JapanAlliance has served asthe linchpin of peace andsecurity in the AsiaPacific region and,together, we can ensurethat the next half-centuryenjoys the same stabilityand prosperity,” Obamasaid in a statement.Describing US-Japanrelationship as one basedon common interests andvalues, the US presidentpledged to work withNoda to tackle “thebroad range of economicand security issues thatrequire our attention”.


PANAMA, 31 Aug— Panama’s President RicardoMartinelli on Tuesday appointed Trade and IndustryMinister Roberto Henriquez as the new foreignminister, replacing Juan Carlos Varela.

Martinelli asked for Varela’s resignation afterpolitical differences emerged between Varela’sPanamist Party and Martinelli’s Democratic ChangeParty. The 60-year-old new minister, a leadingmember of the ruling party, secured importantinternational trade agreements for the country whenserving as the trade and industry minister. Henriquezgot diplomas in economics at University ofJerusalem and sociology at Universidad SantaMaria la Antigua de Panama. — MNA/Xinhua

Panamanian presidentappoints new FM

Colombianpolice seizeone ton of

cocaineBOGOTA, 31 Aug—

Colombian police seizeda ton of cocaine, whichbelonged to theorganization of drugtrafficker DanielBarrera, alias “El LocoBarrera”, one of the mostwanted drug dealers inthe state, a policespokesman said onTuesday. Director of theNarcotics Police GeneralCesar Augusto Pinzonsaid that the drugs werefound inside a house in arural area of Obando inValle del Cauca.

The police have alsoconfiscated 600 gallonsof aircraft fuel during theoperation. Pinzon toldRCN that the street valueof the seized cocaine isworth 12.5 million USdollars in the local blackmarket and about 25million dollars in theUnited States.


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THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011 13

LONDON, 31 Aug—Singer George Michael sayshe is searching for “peace of mind” following hissplit from boyfriend Kenny Goss.

Michael revealed last week he had split fromGoss more than two years ago and has now admittedthat he is still struggling to get over the separation,reports contactmusic.com.

“I pray he (Goss) is searching for peace of mindas hard as I am. In the meantime I have a huge

George Michael wantspeace of mind

Singer George Michael

family of friends in thepeople I sing for.Thanks,” the 48-year-old posted on micro-blogging site Twitter.


Jessica Simpson to launchjewellery collection

A worker polishes the surface of an unfinishedminiature submarine at a workshop of Zhang

Wuyi, a local farmer who is interested inscientific inventions, in Qingling Village, on theoutskirts of Wuhan, capital of central China’s

Hubei Province on 29 August, 2011. Zhang hassuccessfully tested his self-made miniature

submarine “Shuguang Hao”, which is 3.6 m (12feet) long, 1.8 m (6 feet) high, has a maximumdiving depth of 20 m (65 feet), can travel at a

speed of 20 km per hour for 10 hoursunderwater and is shaped as a dolphin.

Officials in an English Town told a coupletheir 4-year-old son may have to be “monitoredwith digital equipment” after complaints he’sbeen too noisy outside.

Simon and Pippa Lansdell of Hull said theyreceived a letter from the Hull City Council’senvironmental health team saying their son Alfiemay have to be “monitored with digital equipment”if he continues to garner complaints while playingin his garden, Express reported Tuesday.

The letter said the “noise-nuisance” allegationsrelated to a “child screaming/playing in garden.”

“When I first opened the letter I was shocked,then fuming. Alfie can be noisy and boisterous,but he is just a normal 4-year-old,” Simon Lansdellsaid.

The parents said the letter also informed themthey could be fined more than $8,000 if complaintscontinue.

“Legally, we have to investigate any noisecomplaints we receive, regardless of the sourceof the noise,” the Hull City Council said in astatement.

Boy gets noiseBoy gets noiseBoy gets noisecomplaints playingcomplaints playingcomplaints playing


Authorities at aMiami Airport said theyfound seven snakes andthree tortoises conceal-ed in the pants of a manseeking to fly to Brazil.

Jonathon Allen, aspokesman for theTransportation SecurityAdministration, saidofficers at the MiamiAirport Thursdaydiscovered the reptileshidden inside nylonbags inside the pants of

TSA intercepted sevensnakes and three

tortoises concealed inthe pants of a man

seeking to fly toBrazil.

Airlinepassengerhad snakes

in pants

N e w s A l b u m

the TAM Airlinespassenger, whosename was not released,the South Florida Sun-Sentinel reportedTuesday. Allen said USDepartment of Fish andWildlife officers tookthe man, and thereptiles, into custody.

LONDON, 31 Aug—On the eve of her 14thdeath anniversary, asurvey has revealedthat Princess Diana isstill Britain’s favouriteRoyal. The Princess ofWales was dubbed theQueen of Hearts forher ability to connectwith ordinary peopleand those lessfortunate than herself,the Daily Expressreported.

The poll carried outby Skype, thecomputer sof twaremaker tha t a l lowsusers to make videocalls over the Internet,

Diana is still the People’s Princess14-years after her death


revealed that Dianawas the only womanin the Top 10 list ofcelebrities with whomBriton’s would like totalk.

Kate languished inseventh place with just

four percent of thevote in the poll. Aboveher came Henry VIII,Queen Victor ia andPrince Harry, whileCamilla was bottom ofthe list.—Internet

LONDON, 31 Aug— Singer-actress Jessica Simpson is set to release her firstfine jewellery collection with Firestar Diamonds. Simpson hasbecome the first celebrity to work with the company. “Jewellery issuch personal expression of style and taste. This collectionhas allowed me to create pieces that truly reflect who I am, andthat can become a keepsae for lifetime,” contactmusic.comquoted the 31-year-old as saying.

“I love that a piece of fine jewellery can be passed down from generation to generation. I cherish the pieces that were given to me, so it is really specialto be able to design my own and the collection isbeautifully crafted. The designs are airy and artisticand so easy to wear,”she added.

The collection called “Diamonds Are a Girl’s BestFriend” consists of pendants, earrings, rings,bracelets and bangles in gold, silver and diamonds.

The range which will be available in price rangebetween $79 and $999, will be released October,this year. Simpson has previously leant her name toshoes, clothes, accessories and fragrances.—Internet

LONDON, 31 Aug—Veteran actress Jane Fonda has dismissed rumours thatshe is set to wed for the fourth time, insisting that she willnever walk down the aisle again.

The Barbarella star, 73, is happily dating music producer RichardPerry, and the pair was reported to be planning nuptials for this year.

But Fonda is adamant that she will never exchange vows again.“I know there have been rumours, but I’m not. Let’s put that to bed.

I’m not getting married again,” the Daily Express quoted her as tellingSeven magazine. Fonda has been married three times before - to lateFrench director Roger Vadin, former politician Tom Hayden, and media mogul Ted Turner.—Internet

I’m not getting married again

The creators of a fly-like robot with a 1.18-inch wingspan on display in Italy said they were inspiredby Leonardo da Vinci’s research from the Renaissance. Robert Wood, the Harvard Universityresearcher who designed the robot, and US aerospace engineer David Doman, who designed the flightmechanism, are showing off their creation this week at the triennial meeting of the InternationalFederation of Automated Control in Milan, ANSA reported Monday.

The robot, which aims to replicate the shape and movements of a fly, was inspired by da Vinci’sstudies on flight. “Leonardo da Vinci’s dreams are coming true,” IFAC president Alberto Isidori said.“This is the first concrete example of a wing-flap aircraft capable of mimicking the performance of amoving helicopter.” The creators of the robot said their project has received funding from the USDepartment of Defence.

Fly robot inspired by da Vinci

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14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September, 2011

Arsenal agreePark Chu-Young deal

Rooney wants to be a record breakerLONDON, 31 Aug — Manchester United’s Wayne Rooney is

setting his sights on Sir Bobby Charlton’s all-time club scoringrecord. Rooney played a pivotal role in United’s stunning 8-2annihilation of Arsenal at Old Trafford on Sunday. The Englandforward curled home free-kicks either side of the interval beforecompleting his latest hat-trick eight minutes from the end of anastonishing rout.

His first effort saw him become the latest man to score 150 timesfor United. By the end he had overtaken Ruud van Nistelrooy as the10th most prolific player in Red Devils’ history. Still aged just 25,Rooney now has Charlton’s 249 in his sights. “It is always a greatfeeling to score,” he said. “Now I have over 150 goals for a club likeUnited and hopefully there are many more to come. “I am delightedwith the way it is going. I worked hard in pre-season. I have startedwell and the team have started great.—Internet

City pair excited by prospect of Hargreaves transfer

Wayne Rooney completes his hat-trickfrom the penalty spot.— INTERNET

Venus a winner at US Open;sister Serena up next

Park Chu-Young hasjoined Arsenal fromMonaco.—INTERNET

Venus Williams


LONDON, 31 Aug —Arsenal have completedthe signing of Park Chu-Young from Monaco, sub-ject to a formal registra-tion process. The strikerhas penned what is thoughtto be an initial two-yearcontract, amid reports hewill be forced to returnhome in 2013 for a periodof military service. TheGunners have signed the26-year-old from underthe noses of Lille, whowere convinced they had

reached an agreement forthe player to join them onSaturday.

Park, who scored 25goals in 91 Ligue 1 matchesfor Monaco, made hisSouth Korea debut aged19 and played at both the2006 and 2010 WorldCups. He succeeded ParkJi-Sung as captain of hiscountry earlier this year fol-lowing the latter’s interna-tional retirement.

Manager ArseneWenger, whose personalintervention reportedlyconvinced Park to pull outof his move to Lille, added:“We are delighted to havesigned Chu. “He will addtrue quality to our attack-ing forces and will be avaluable addition to thesquad.” Park will wear thenumber nine shirt.


NEW YORK, 31 Aug—Venus Williams takesthese tournaments onematch at a time. Not a badplan for a player who’splayed only one matchsince Wimbledon.Williams returned to ten-nis on the big stage Mon-day, winning her firstmatch at the US Open aftera two-month break sheneeded to fight off a viralillness.

“A lot of the battle isjust trying to be fit and stayhealthy,” Williams saidafter her 6-4, 6-3 victoryover Vesna Dolonts.“Sometimes I’ve been los-ing that battle a lot. But Ido feel like I can play sixmatches. I need to winthem. No one is more inone-match-at-a-time modethan me now at this tour-nament.”

Williams, a two-timechampion at FlushingMeadows, came into thetournament unseeded forthe first time since 1997,when she was 17 and madea run all the way to thefinal. Of course, people

overlook her at their peril.When healthy and moti-vated, she and her sister,Serena, are the biggest X-factors in any tournamentthey enter.

Serena opens play onTuesday against BojanaJovaovski in much thesame situation as her sister— seeded a lowly 28th af-ter missing a big chunk ofthe year with an injury. Butunlike Venus, who had notplayed a competitive matchsince Wimbledon, Serenahas had a good lead up tothe US Open, winning twotournaments earlier thismonth. — Internet

Nadal has shaky start to USOpen title defence

Rafael Nadal, of Spain,celebrates his 6-3, 7-6 (1),7-5 victory over AndreyGolubev, of Kazakhstan.


NEW YORK, 31 Aug —Rafael Nadal’s first matchas defending US Openchampion was hardly atour de force. He wouldfall behind in a set, thencome back. Fall behind,then come back. His servewas broken six times; thathappened a total of fivetimes in seven matchesduring his 2010 run to thetitle at Flushing Meadows.His shots didn’t have theirnormal depth. He neededto save seven set pointsduring the second set.

Locked in a strugglefor nearly three hours, thesecond-seeded Nadaleventually got past 98th-ranked Andrey Golubevof Kazakhstan 6-3, 7-6 (1),7-5 on Tuesday night to

Wozniacki wins in straightsets to start US Open

Caroline Wozniackiof Denmark

NEW YORK, 31 Aug —Caroline Wozniackicruised into the secondround of the US Open on

Tuesday as the top-seededDane again seeks her firstmajor title. Wozniackibeat Nuria LlagosteraVives of Spain 6-3, 6-1 inan hour, 20 minutes. Shewon last weekend at NewHaven to regain somemomentum heading intothe Open. Wozniackibroke for the fourth timeto clinch the match. Shefaced only one break pointon her serve. The 125th-ranked Llagostera Viveshas never won in seventries at the US Open.


Manchester City duo Joleon Lescott andJoe Hart believe Owen Hargreaves,pictured in 2008, will fit right in should

he join Roberto Mancini’s alreadyformidable squad.—INTERNET

reach the second round ofthe US Open. “Well,”Nadal conceded, “I was alittle bit lucky to win to-day in straight sets.”That’s for sure.


MANCHESTER, 31 Aug — ManchesterCity duo Joleon Lescott and Joe Hartbelieve Owen Hargreaves will fit rightin should he join Roberto Mancini’salready formidable squad. The Englandmidfielder signed for Manchester Unitedfor £17 million from Bayern Munich in2007, but made just 39 appearances forSir Alex Ferguson’s side over four sea-sons as he battled persistent knee prob-lems.

Eventually, United lost patience andreleased Hargreaves, who took to post-ing a video on the YouTube site todemonstrate his fitness, having trav-elled the world to receive treatment onhis knee. Lescott and Hart are both cur-rently with the England squad as theyprepare for Friday’s Euro 2012 qualifier

away to Bulgaria. But the pair, speakingon the eve of the closure of the transferwindow, were excited by the prospect ofHargreaves joining them at Eastlands.


Newcastle sign Italian international Santon

Newcastle signeddefender Davide Santon

day as the north-east sidefound a replacement forJose Enrique following theleft-back’s departure forPremier League rivalsLiverpool. The 20-year-old Italian internationalsigned a five-year deal foran undisclosed fee, re-ported to be around £5mil-lion, after flying intoTyneside for a medicalearlier on Tuesday.

“We are delighted tobring Davide to Newcas-tle,” said Magpies man-ager Alan Pardew. “He isa quality left-back and anestablished internationalwho also gives us flexibil-ity in defence. “Davide isa young lad and a greatsigning for us and I amsure he will adapt to thePremier League veryquickly.”— Internet

LONDON, 31 Aug —Newcastle signed de-fender Davide Santonfrom Inter Milan on Tues-

His shoulder OK,Djokovic wins in

walkover at OpenNEW YORK, 31 Aug —

If Novak Djokovic’sshoulder was still bother-ing him, it didn’t show.Then again, he was barelyaround long enough to tell.He spent 44 minutes onthe Arthur Ashe Stadiumcourt Tuesday, taking a6-0, 5-1 lead in his first-round match at the USOpen against Ireland’sConor Niland beforeNiland retired because offood poisoning.

It wasn’t much of a testfor the top-seededDjokovic, who pulled outwith an ailing shoulderwhile trailing in the sec-ond set of the CincinnatiMasters final on 21 Aug.In his first match since,Djokovic won the firstseven games, then afterNiland won his singlegame, Djokovic tore off16 points in a row beforeNiland retired. Djokovicmoved to 58-2 on the yearand this might have beenthe easiest of them all.

“Throughout the wholeweek I was carrying thepain and discomfort in myshoulder,” Djokovic said.


p14(1).pmd 9/1/2011, 8:05 AM14

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Thursday, 1 September 2011 15

R/489 Printed and published by the New Light of Myanmar press in Nay Pyi Taw, the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information.

Local Transmission* Opening* News* Myanmar’s Traditions and Culture

“Myanmar’s Secret Beautifier”* News

Transmissions Times

Local - (09:00am ~ 11:00am)MST

Overseas Transmission - (1-9-11 09:30 am ~ 2-9-11 09:30 am) MST


Programme Schedule(1-9-2011) (Thursday)

* To be with you (Press Conference)* News* Delicious Dishes by Khin Phone & Mg Thet* Mosquito control Activity Equipment Donation

Ceremony* News* A Trip to the City of Rakkhita, Rakhine

Overseas Transmission* Opening* News* Myanmar’s Traditions and Culture

“Myanmar’s Secret Beautifier”* News* To be with you (Press Conference)* News* Delicious Dishes by Khin Phone & Mg Thet

Weather Map of Myanmar and Neighbouring Areas

Thursday,1 September

View on today1234567890112345678901

Weather forecast for 1st September, 2011

7:00 am 1. Paritta By Hilly

Region MissionarySayadaw

7:15 am 2. Dhamma Puja Song7:25 am 3. To Be Healthy

Exercise7:30 am 4. Morning News7:40 am 5. Nice & Sweet Song

7:50 am 6. Health Programme8:00 am 7. Dances Variety8:15 am 8. Songs Of National

Races8:20 am 9. Documentary8:30 am10. Selected Songs for

18th MyanmarTraditional CulturalPerforming ArtsCompetitions (2011)(Oldies & MonoClassical) (HigherEducation)(Level Men)

8:40 am11. International News8:45 am12. Musical Programme4:00 pm 1. Martial Song4:10 pm 2. Musical Programme

4:20 pm 3. Cute Little Dancer4:30 pm 4. Myanmar Traditional

Cultural PerformingArts Competitions

4:50 pm 5. One Village and

One Product5:00 pm 6. University of

Distance Education(TV Lectures)- First Year(Chemistry)

5:15 pm 7. Songs for

UpholdingNational Spirit

5:20 pm 8. Teleplay (Health)5:30 pm 9. Science and

Environment5:40 pm 10. Singing In Different


5:50 pm 11. Selected Songs

for 18th MyanmarTraditionalCulturalPerforming ArtsCompetitions(2011) (Oldies &Mono Classical)(Higher Education)(Level Women)

6:00 pm12. Evening News6:15 pm13. Weather Report6:20 pm14. Myanmar Series6:40 pm15. Approachaing

Science DiscoveryWorld

7:00 pm16. TV Drama Series8:00 pm17. News18. International

News19. Weather Report20. Documentary21. TV Drama Series

* Mosquito control Activity Equipment DonationCeremony

* News* A Trip to the City of Rakkhita, Rakhine* News* Today’s Efficient Youth (OBF student)* From Yangon to the Peak of Mt. Victoria* News* Aesthetic Jade Wares* Shwe Than Lwin Home For Aged* News* Working & Living in Myanmar (Transportation)* News* Music Gallery* All Lives Under The Sky: “Catch of Fish by

Cooperation of Fisherman and Dolphin”* Myanmar Movies “Great Goodwill”

Temperature (°C/F) For Tomorrow Sr.

No. Regions/States

Maximum Minimum Forecast Percent

1 Kachin 35/95 26/79 Scattered rain or thundershowers 80%

2 Kayah 27/81 21/70 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers 80%

3 Kayin 29/84 22/72 Widespread rain or thundershowers (IH) 80%

4 Chin 24/75 12/54 Scattered rain or thundershowers 80%

5 Upper Sagaing 36/97 23/73 Scattered rain or thundershowers 80%

6 Lower Sagaing 36/97 26/79 Scattered rain or thundershowers 80%

7 Taninthayi 27/81 23/73 Widespread rain or thundershowers 80%

8 Bago 27/81 21/70 Widespread rain or thundershowers (IH) 80%

9 Magway 33/91 25/77 Scattered rain or thundershowers 80%

10 Mandalay 33/91 26/79 Scattered rain or thundershowers 80%

11 Mon 29/84 24/75 Widespread rain or thundershowers (IH) 80%

12 Yangon 32/90 23/73 Widespread rain or thundershowers 80%

13 Rakhine 29/84 22/72 Widespread rain or thundershowers (IH) 80%

14 Southern Shan 23/73 18/64 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers 80%

15 Northern Shan 32/90 19/66 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers 80%

16 Eastern Shan 32/90 22/72 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers 80%

17 Ayeyawady 28/82 25/77 Fairly widespread rain or thundershowers 80%

18 Neighbouring Nay Pyi Taw 34/93 24/75 One or two rain or thundershowers 80%

19 Neighbouring Yangon 32/90 23/73 Some rain or thundershowers 80%

20 Neighbouring Mandalay 33/91 26/79 Isolated rain or thundershowers 80%

Summary of observations at 09:30 hr MST on today

During the past (24) hours,weather has been partly cloudy in Chin State, rain or thundershower have been isolated in Sagaing Region, scattered in Mandalay and Magway Regions, Shan State, fairly widespread in Bago, Yangon and Ayeyawady Regions, Kachin, Rakhine and Kayin States and widespread in the remaining Regions and States with regionally heavy falls in Rakhine State and isolated heavy fall in Mandalay Region and Mon State. The noteworthy amounts of rainfall recorded were Thandwe (3.78) inches, Manaung (3.43) inches, Kyaikkhami (3.31) inches, Pyu (2.95) inches, Gwa and Launglon (2.68) inches each, Chaungzon (2.52) inches, Mudon (2.17) inches, Natogyi (2.10) inches and TadaU (1.14) inches.

Bay Inference According to the observations at (12:30) hrs MST today, the low pressure area over West Central Bay and adjoining Northwest Bay of Bengal still persists. Monsoon is moderate in the Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal.

State of the Sea Squalls with moderate to rough sea are likely at times off and along Myanmar Coast. Surface wind speed in squalls may reach (35) mph.

Outlook for subsequent two days

Continuation of increase of rain in Rakhine Coast.

Chinese, Philippine presidents hold talksBEIJING, 31 Aug—Chinese

President Hu Jintao and hisPhilippine counterpart BenignoAquino III held talks in BeijingWednesday afternoon.

Hu said he believes thatAquino’s visit to China, the first ofhis visit to a country outside theAssociation of Southeast AsianNations(ASEAN), will furtherpromote bilateral traditionalfriendship and pragmaticcooperation, and lift bilateralstrategic relationship of cooperationto a new level.

Aquino apologized for taking

too long to visit China, saying the visit will serve as an opportunity for the two sides to“broaden and deepen bilateral ties and friendship existing between the two peoples forcenturies.”

Hu hosted a red-carpet welcome ceremony for Aquino, who is on his first state visit toChina, at the Great Hall of the People before their formal talks.

Chinese ambassador Liu Jianchao said earlier that Aquino’s delegation would groupmany business magnates and he would attend three business forums during the five-dayvisit.—MNA/Xinhua

PresidentHu Jintao


P15(1).pmd 9/1/2011, 8:05 AM15

4th Waxing of Tawthalin 1373 ME Thursday, 1 September, 2011

First Amyotha Hluttaw second regular session goes on for eighth dayFirst Amyotha Hluttaw second regular session goes on for eighth day

NAY PYI TAW, 31 Aug—The second regular sessionof the First Amyotha Hluttaw went on for the eighthday at Amyotha Hluttaw Hall in Hluttaw Building heretoday.

It was attended by Speaker of Amyotha HluttawU Khin Aung Myint and 211 Amyotha Hluttawrepresentatives. At today’s session Dr Pe ThetKhin, Union Minister for Health, replied to queriesof six representatives.

U Aye from Constituency No. 7 of MandalayRegion asked for opening of a station hospital inBagan Myothit, saying Bagan Myothit withancient cultural heritage pagodas in NyaungURegion is the major tourist attraction toglobetrotters, but the cultural city currently hasonly regional dispensary and if it can be upgradedto a station hospital, over 60000 residents insurrounding village-tracts can receive treatmentthere; that there is a 100-bed hospital in thenearest town of Bagan, NyaungU, but locals fromvillage-tracts with poor access to transportationand economic hardships have difficulties in goingthere and that if they can enjoy health services in

their own region, Bagan Myothit, it would be acontributing factor to poverty alleviation.

The Union Minister replied that the ministry hasopened 100-bed NyaungU District People’s Hospital,25-bed Bagan Myothit Hospital, 25-bed NgathayaukSub-township Hospital, and 16-bed Taungzin StationHospital in NyaungU District of Mandalay Region, andthat bagan Myothit is only eight miles far from NyaungUand 25-bed Bagan Myothit Hospital was opend withLetter No Ka Ma Ba/Ga-954/80 dated 10-9-2003.

He went on that currently a doctor-in-charge, anassistant doctor, and a senior nurse were assigned to thehospital and necessary measures will be taken afterassessing population density, transportation, location ofcurrent sub healthcare centres, and the extent of howmuch the hospital is used.

Afterwards, the Union minister replied thequestion of U Aung Chit Lwin of Sagaing RegionConstituency No. 11. U Aung Chit Lwin said thatthough Khamti District hospital was upgraded to the100-bed one, the number of doctors, nurses and staffhave not increased at the hospital. There are only 5sisters instead of 10, only 4 nurses instead of 22 and

only two assistant doctors instead of 11 and there is nospecialist at the hospital. Therefore, for health care ofthe local people, the hospital urgently needs childspecialists, obstetric and gynecologists, dental specialists,surgery specialists, anaesthetists and assistant doctorsas well, he added. He asked if the government had a planto assign specialists, assistant doctors, nurses and staffto the Khamti District 100-bed hospital. The Unionminister replied that there are one head of KhamtiDistrict Health Department, one assistant doctor(surgeon) and one assistant doctor (anesthetists) atKhamti District Hospital. One assistance doctor(anesthetist) and one specialist (obstetric andgynecologist) have been assigned to the hospital.Arrangements are being made to assign specialists of(medical/paediatric/orthopaedic), assistant doctors anddentists.

U Myat Ko from Constituency No. 12 of SagaingRegion asked the Union Minister when the Ministry ofHealth can assign doctors-in-charge in hospitals intownships and sub-townships in Naga Self-administered Area as local nationals are facing (See page 8)

Hluttaw representatives attending second regular session of First Amyotha Hluttaw.—MNA

Stolen bird recognizesowner, imitates goose

A stolen hill myna

bird recognized

its owner and

parroted a goose

to prove the

man’s ownership.


BEIJING, 31 Aug—Astolen hill myna recognizedits owner, who haddiscovered it in a local birdmarket, and parroted agoose to prove the man’sownership. It was thenreturned home in Beijing’sHaidian District, said theBeijing Evening News onMonday.

The bird had beenstolen by a man surnamed

Hu, who had followed thebird’s sound to the housewhere the hill myna waskept on 1 July.

One week later, Husnuck into the house andstole the bird. That sameafternoon, he sold it at abird market for 600 yuan($94). However, from thenon the bird refused to makea sound or entertain anyoneat the market.

Real Madrid loan Leon

back to GetafeMADRID, 31 Aug—

Real Madrid have loaned

out of favour winger

Pedro Leon back

to his former

club Getafe

for the se-

ason, the

two clubs

said Wed-



who scored one

goal in six appearances

for Real Ma- drid

last season,

played for

Getafe in the 2009-10 sea-

son before joining Real for a

reported fee of 10 million euros

($14.5 million) in July last year.

“Real Madrid and Getafe

have reached an agreement

by which Pedro Leon will be

loaned out to the latter club.

Getafe reserve the

right to purchase the pl-

ayer at the end of the

present season,” the

two clubs said in a


Real coach Jose

Mourinho wa-

rned Satur-

day that he

saw no

place in his sq-

uad for

Leon, Du-

tch midfielder

Royston Drenthe



gentine midf-

ielder Fernando Gago, saying

“they won’t be options for me

because they don't enter into my


Leon has also played for

Spanish sides Levante, Murcia

and Valladolid.—Internet

It turns out that thebird’s owner also runs abusiness at the samemarket, and recognizedhis beloved bird the nextday. He immediately

offered to buy it back. Toprove ownership, theowner named Mr Wangwas asked to talk to the

bird, which responded bymaking goose sounds.Wang explained that hekept two gooses at homethat the bird had learnedto imitate. —Xinhua

Eleven killed, 25injured in blast in


Family heart diseaserisk linked to genes,

not lifestyle


New research shows that pandafeces contains bacteria with

potent effects in breaking downplant material in the way neededto tap biomass as a major new

source of biofuels.

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