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Week beginning 29/06/20 English This week you will be completing some work about centipedes and looking at the book – Centipedes 100 shoes by Tony Ross. This week I will be asking you to complete more of your learning on paper and away from the google classroom as I feel its important for you to have the opportunity to practice your handwriting. Task 1 – Labelled drawing and ‘Did you know facts’ Watch the video of me reading “Centipede’s 100 Shoes” by Tony Ross. This week we are going to be doing some work linked to centipedes. Watch the following clip about real life centipedes and with an adult discuss where they are found and what sort of habitats/environments do you think centipedes like - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbf8VA5wXcc For today’s learning activity I would like you to go on a centipede hunt around your garden/local area. Remember they really like dark, moist areas under leaves, logs, stones. When you get home I would like you to complete a drawing of a centipede, here is a video to support you drawing a centipede - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6jWflV2eaE&t=20s When you have completed your drawing I would like you to label the different parts of your centipede and add some ‘Did you know boxes’. Add some exciting fact you have learnt about centipedes around your labelled drawing. Here is an example of a labelled drawing to help you –
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Week beginning 29/06/20


This week you will be completing some work about centipedes and looking at the book – Centipedes 100 shoes by Tony Ross.

This week I will be asking you to complete more of your learning on paper and away from the google classroom as I feel its important for you to have the opportunity to practice your handwriting.

Task 1 – Labelled drawing and ‘Did you know facts’Watch the video of me reading “Centipede’s 100 Shoes” by Tony Ross. This week we are going to be doing some work linked to centipedes. Watch the following clip about real life centipedes and with an adult discuss where they are found and what sort of habitats/environments do you think centipedes like - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbf8VA5wXcc

For today’s learning activity I would like you to go on a centipede hunt around your garden/local area. Remember they really like dark, moist areas under leaves, logs, stones. When you get home I would like you to complete a drawing of a centipede, here is a video to support you drawing a centipede - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6jWflV2eaE&t=20s

When you have completed your drawing I would like you to label the different parts of your centipede and add some ‘Did you know boxes’. Add some exciting fact you have learnt about centipedes around your labelled drawing. Here is an example of a labelled drawing to help you –

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Task 2 – Picture planRewatch the video of me reading the story ‘Centipedes 100 shoes’. While watching the video think about the different things the centipede did during his day. Tomorrow you are going to be writing an imaginative diary entry for the centipede, recording what he did the following week. Imagine you are the centipede and think about what you might do each day. E.g. Go to the garden café to eat a juicy earthworm, have a running race with a ladybird, go for a swim in the garden pond with his friends the fish.

Today you are going to be creating a picture plan of the different things the centipede did. Draw and label what the centipede did each day. You could draw yourself a table like the one below to record your story plan into – Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Thursday Friday

Challenge yourself to also include an exciting verb (action/doing word) for each event/day. Instead of went you could use: skipped, rushed, darted, tiptoed. Instead of eat you could use: gobble, munch, slurp. For example you could include the verb gobbled for a drawing of the centipede visiting the garden café and eating a juicy earth worm. Once you have completed your plan verbally retell your diary entry to an adult in preparation for writing your diary entry tomorrow. Remember to speak in full sentences and try to include adjectives, verbs and conjunctions in your sentences. Remember when you write a diary entry you write in the first person so you are writing as the centipede – Today I walked to….

Task 3 – Diary writingRevisit your picture plan from yesterday and again verbally retell your plan to an adult, thinking carefully about speaking in full and detailed sentences. Today I would like you to write your diary entry for the centipede, remember to write as if you are the centipede. Once you have completed your writing please share a photo of your completed writing via the google classroom or via [email protected]

Task 4 – Phonics/spelling lesson – The letter ‘c’ sounding like ‘s’Today you are going to be doing some work about the letter c making the /s/ sound. Here is a video explaining when the letter c makes the /s/ sound. When the ‘c’ comes before an i, y or e. (Cilla, pencil, ice) it makes the /s/ sound. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwG_cmLZqp4

Read the comic strip ‘Cilla the Centipede’ which I have uploaded onto the Google classroom and the Tiger class page of the website.

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Within the comic strip there are lots of the words which include the letter c. In some of the words the letter c makes the /c/ sound and in others it makes the /s/ sound. When reading the words try reading it with both sounds and decide which one sounds right. Every time you find a word which includes the letter c write it down onto a small piece of paper. Once you have recorded all the words please sort them into three groups using the following heading –

S sound C sound Both

I have added a document to the google drive for you to record these word lists into.

Task 5 – Different types of sentencesLast week you learnt about the four different type of sentences we learn about in year two – questions, statements, exclamations and commands. Rewatch the BBC bitesize videos to remind yourself about the different types of sentences-

Commands - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/z8strwx Questions - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/z2xdng8 Exclamations - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/zqbjy4j Statements - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/z97r2nb

For your learning this week I would like you to write your own question, exclamation, statement and command. I have added a google document to the classroom where you record your sentences.

SpellingsFor your spelling homework for the rest of this term we will be looking at the year 2 common exception words. This week please learn the following spellings – pretty beautiful after fast last past father class grass pass

Remember to write a sentence including each word. You could even challenge yourself to include several of the spellings within a sentence. E.g. We had a great time climbing trees.

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MathsMental Maths –For your mental maths tasks this week please work your way through the white rose google slides I have added to the Tiger class Google Classroom and as a PowerPoint on the Tiger class website. There are videos for you to watch. Please discuss your answers with an adult. Please complete one page of the slides each day.

Measurement – TimeThis week we will be continuing our learning about time. This week we will be thinking about quarter past and quarter to times.

Task 1 – Time – Quarter past and quarter toToday you will be learning about quarter past and quarter to times. Work through the PowerPoint below which I have added to the google classroom and Tiger class webpage. It explains all about quarter past and quarter to times.

After working through the PowerPoint please play the quarter past and quarter to game - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyu2kbN36LM

This game is a YouTube video and you need to pick your answer as quickly as you can before the answer is revealed. If you need more time to work out your answer you could pause the video after each question is displayed.

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Task 2 – Telling the time – quarter past and quarter to (analogue clock)On the google classroom and Tiger class webpage there is a document for you to complete asking you to read quarter past and quarter to times.

Task 3 – Quarter past and quarter to time questionsPlease answer the following questions linked to applying your quarter past and quarter to times learning. I have added a document to the google classroom for you to complete this learning on. There is also a printable version of the resource on the Tiger class webpage.Look at the clocks. Discuss how the minute hand has travelled. Label when the time is: on the hour, quarter past the hour, half past the hour and quarter to the hour.

Task 4 – Problem solvingPlease solve the following problems. I have added a document to the google classroom for you to complete this learning on. There is also a printable version of the resource on the Tiger class webpage.

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Task 5 – Arithmetic Revisit the posters on the Tiger class webpage which show how to solve number sentences and my YouTube video on fractions. Then solve the questions below.

45+32= 69-37=57+38= 62-48=1/9 of 18= 1/5 of 25=7x6= 21÷7=

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InquiryWe will be continuing our transdisciplinary theme ‘Sharing the Planet’ into term 6.

Within this our central idea would have been – Living things may have different requirements in order to survive.

This term we would have been answering the following questions: What are the different parts of a plant? What do plants need to grow? How do we look after a plant? How are plants adapted to live in different places? Where are animal’s homes? How should we treat an animals home? Why do animals live in different places? How are animals adapted to their environment? What are the different groups of animals? How do animals differ by the foods they eat? What interesting facts can I learn about animals?

Please continue to discuss these questions with your child. Are you able to answer any of them yet? Hopefully by the end of this term we will be able to answer many of these questions.

When we are at school we talk about the Learning Profile Attributes within all lessons and look for example of children demonstrating these attributes throughout the school day. See if you can continue to practise the school’s Learner Profile Attributes whilst completing your learning at home:

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Inquiry learning tasks

Task 1 – Worms research lessonThis week for your inquiry work you will be learning all about worms. Here is a video all about worms - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kWb6HlBhkfQ

While watching the video see if you can write down some key facts about worms. Tomorrow you will be creating an information poster all about worms. You could also use the following websites to complete your own research about worms –

https://www.kiddle.co/ https://www.alarms.org/kidrex/

Task 2 – Worm information posterFor today’s task please create an information poster about worm. Remember to make your posters as colouring and interesting to look at as possible. You could use bubble writing for a title and include drawings of worms using the YouTube tutorials below. Here are some examples of information posters about worms which also include some additional facts.

Task 3 – Art – creating worm art workBelow are some links to drawing tutorials to create worm themed pieces of art work. I

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hope you enjoy completing them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K07detR8moohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z37ggP-q66Ehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I8lLMFMRM0

Task 4 – music – There is a worm at the bottom of my gardenAnother fun song linked to minibeasts is ‘There’s a worm at the bottom of my garden’. Follow this link to learn the words and the signs for the song - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AqchPrhezxQ

Task 5 – PE – Minibeasts dancePlease use the following link to access an audio dance lesson/activity linked to minibeasts.This is part two of the lesson you completed last week. It is linked to worms! https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03g6vs7

Keeping activeRemember to keep active while you are off. I have been doing Joe Wicks PE lessons with my children every morning at 9am. They are lots of fun and wake you up ready to start your days learning.https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/pe-with-joe-1254.html

Andy from CBeebies has also uploaded some fun animal workouts.https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06tmmvz

The National History museum has also launched a fun interactive resource which you can complete during you daily walk. Become a naturenaut and explore the nature on your doorstep. Using the link below you can – identify different plants and species of trees, go on a colour hunt and identify different birds that live in your area. https://www.nhm.ac.uk/take-part/naturenauts.html

The BBC supermovers website is full of fun videos which link actions to learning different areas of the curriculum. There are some fun videos to watch linked to learning number facts. Use the following link to have a look - https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers/ks1-collection/zbr4scw

You can also take part in some dance lessons by listening to some BBC radio clips. Ther are dance lessons linked to lots of different areas - https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b03g64pk
