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MobAppDev (Fall 2014): Touchscreens & Motion Events; Capturing Sequences of Motion Events; Design &...

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MobAppDev Touchscreens, MotionEvents, Development & Consumption of Touch Gestures, Remote Robot Control on Android Smartphones Vladimir Kulyukin www.vkedco.blogspot.com
Page 1: MobAppDev (Fall 2014): Touchscreens & Motion Events; Capturing Sequences of Motion Events; Design & Consumption of Touchscreen Gestures; Remote Robot Control on Android Smartphones


Touchscreens, MotionEvents, Development & Consumption of Touch Gestures,

Remote Robot Control on Android Smartphones

Vladimir Kulyukin


Page 2: MobAppDev (Fall 2014): Touchscreens & Motion Events; Capturing Sequences of Motion Events; Design & Consumption of Touchscreen Gestures; Remote Robot Control on Android Smartphones

Outline● Touchscreens● Motion Events● Capturing Motion Event Sequences● Development & Consumption of Touch Gestures● Remote Robot Control on Android Smartphones

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Page 4: MobAppDev (Fall 2014): Touchscreens & Motion Events; Capturing Sequences of Motion Events; Design & Consumption of Touchscreen Gestures; Remote Robot Control on Android Smartphones

Motivation● Touch gestures are a viable input alternative, especially

when traveling● Touchscreen – is a touch gesture consumption surface● Recognition accuracy for many (not all) users are higher for

touch gestures than for speech● Unlike speech utterances, touch gestures preserve privacy

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Touchscreen● Touchscreen is a surface (e.g., an electronic visual display) for

detecting touches within a given area● Touchscreen is made up of special materials that capture pressure

inputs and translate them into digital data● Digital data (x, y, pressure, etc) are passed to software that process

them ● Some touchscreens require the use of a stylus● Touchscreens are becoming a must for many personal digital

assistants, ATMs, and video games

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Bits of History: Air Traffic & Music

● The concept of touchscreen is described by E.A. Johnson in 1965● Potential application in air traffic control systems proposed in 1968● First application developed at CERN (European Center for Nuclear

Research) in 1973 ● In the 1980's several musical sampling and synthesis systems used

light pen technology (Fairlight CMI, Fairlight CMI IIx)● HP-150 built in 1983 is one of the first touchscreen computers

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Touchscreen Technologies● Resistive:

touchscreen consists of two thin electric layers separated by thin space

voltage is applied to top layer and sensed by bottom one

● Surface acoustic wave (SAW): utrasonic waves pass over touchscreen surface

when surface is touched a portion of the wave is absorbed

changes in waves register touch positions and send them to touch processor

● Capacitive: Capacitance is the ability of a body to store electrical charge

Capacitive touchscreens consist of insulators (e.g., glass) coated with transparent conductors

Since human hand stores electrical charge, touching surface results in surface's electrostatic field distortions used to capture touch's data

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Motion Events

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● On Android, digital data from touchscreens are captured as MotionEvent objects

● MotionEvent objects are created when the user touches the device's touchscreen

● MotionEvent objects are handled by the View.onTouchEvent() method

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MotionEvent Sequences

● When user places his/her finger, moves it (without lifting it up), and then lifts it up, a sequence of MotionEvent objects is generated

● Such sequences can be captured and used in touch gesture recognition● Each MotionEvent object contains information on: 1) type of action

captured (e.g., MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN, MotionEvent.ACTION_UP, etc); 2) pressure value; 3) x and y coordinates; 4) time of event

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MotionEvent● On Android, digital data from touchscreens are captured as

MotionEvent objects● These objects are created when the user touches the

device's touchscreen● As the bare minimum each MotionEvent object contains the

x and y coordinates of the touch● MotionEvent objects are handled by the

View.onTouchEvent() method

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MotionEvent.getAction()● MotionEvent.getAction() can be used to retrieve the type of action● Examples:

MotionEvent.getAction() returns ACTION_DOWN when user touches screen

MotionEvent.getAction() returns ACTION_MOVE when user moves sideways

MotionEvent.getAction() returns ACTION_UP when user lifts his/her finger

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Interface View.OnTouchListener

● Classes the receive touchscreen events must implement View.OnTouchListener

● Two main methods to handle MotionEvents are onTouch(View, MotionEvent) and onTouchEvent(MotionEvent)

● onTouch(View, MotionEvent) is used when one OnTouchListener handles MotionEvents from multiple views

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Interface View.OnTouchListener

● If onTouch() or onTouchEvent() consumes a received MotionEvent and no other component should know about it, the method should return true

● If onTouch() or onTouchEvent() does not/cannot consume a received MotionEvent, it should return false

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Capturing MotionEvent Sequences

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Problem: Motion Event Sequence Capture

Write an Android application that captures sequences of MotionEvents and outputs the description of each MotionEvent into LogCat.

Source of MotionEvenSequenceCapture is here

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Main Layout

<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"


android:tag="My Relative Layout"




<TextView android:text="Touch screen and look at LogCat"


android:tag="my text view"/>


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Implementing OnTouchListenerpublic class MotionEventSequenceCaptureAct extends Activity

implements OnTouchListener


public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent ev) {

String myTag = v.getTag().toString();

Log.v(myTag, "----------------------");

Log.v(myTag, "Current view in onTouch() is " + myTag);

Log.v(myTag, describeEvent(ev));

return true;



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Describing Motion Eventsstatic String describeEvent(MotionEvent mot_ev) {

StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(500); int action_type = mot_ev.getAction(); String action_name = null;

switch ( action_type ) {

case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: action_name = "ACTION_DOWN"; break;

case MotionEvent.ACTION_UP: action_name = "ACTION_UP"; break;

case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE: action_name = "ACTION_MOVE"; break;

default: action_name = "ACTION_UKNOWN"; break; }

result.append("Downtime: ").append(mot_ev.getDownTime()).append("ms\n");

result.append("Event time: ").append(mot_ev.getEventTime()).append("ms");

result.append(" Elapsed: ").append(mot_ev.getEventTime()-

mot_ev.getDownTime()); result.append(" ms\n");

return result.toString();


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Development & Consumption of

Touch Gestures

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Development of Touch Gestures● You can create your own gesture recognizer that

captures and interprets a library of touch gestures● You can also use the Android GestureBuilder

application to develop a library of touch gestures● The built gestures are saved on sdcard● Each gesture receives a name and can be

subsequently deleted or refined

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Use the Android GestureBuilder application to develop gestures for handwritten letters a, b, and c. Write an application that consumes the built gestures and toasts the names of recognized gestures.

Source of BuiltGesturesConsumer is here

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Develop & Save Touch Gestures

1. Start GestureBuilder 2. Draw a Gesture 3. Save it

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Consumption of Touch Gestures● On my emulator, the gestures are saved in /storage/sdcard/gestures● To implement a touch gesture consumer (BuiltGesturesConsumer)

Create a directory /res/raw

Place the gestures file from /storage/sdcard/gestures (this is the file you build with the Android GestureBuilder) into /res/raw

The main layout of the gesture consumer must be android.ges-ture.GestureOverlayView

The class that consumes gestures must implement


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BuiltGesturesConsumer: Main Layout<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>







<!-- Your widgets go in here →


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BuiltGesturesConsumer: Gesture Library

// Class must implement OnGesturePerformedListener

public class BuiltGesturesConsumerAct extends Activity implements

OnGesturePerformedListener {

// Gestures are saved in GestureLibrary

private GestureLibrary mLibrary;


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BuiltGesturesConsumer: Gesture Library@Override

public void onCreate(Bundle icicle) {



// Load the gesture library from /res/raw/gestures

mLibrary = GestureLibraries.fromRawResource(this, R.raw.gestures);

if (!mLibrary.load()) { finish(); }

GestureOverlayView gestures = (GestureOverlayView) findViewById(R.id.gestures);

// Make this class to be the gesture listener



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BuiltGesturesConsumer: Gesture Consumption@Override

public void onGesturePerformed(GestureOverlayView overlay, Gesture gesture) {

// 1. get the predictions

ArrayList<Prediction> predictions = mLibrary.recognize(gesture);

// 2. make sure that there is at least one prediction

if (predictions.size() > 0) {

// 3. get the best prediction

Prediction prediction = (Prediction) predictions.get(0);

// 4. make sure the confidence score is > 1.0

if (prediction.score > 1.0) {

// Show the letter

Toast.makeText(this, prediction.name, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();


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Remote Control of Mobile Robots on

Android Smartphones

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Smartphones can be used to control robots remotely. This problem becomes increasingly important as more and more service robots get into our everyday activities: vacuum cleaners, wheelchairs, various robotic guides, smart environments, etc.

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Example: Robot Control UI

Robot Position on a Map in MobileSim

Remote UI to controlrobot motion

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Example: Robot Control Touch Gestures

We can build the following touch gestures to control the robot

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References ● en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touchscreen

● http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/MotionEvent.html

● http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.OnTouchListener.html
