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Mobile Handset Market

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7/23/2019 Mobile Handset Market http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/mobile-handset-market 1/15  Mobile Handset Market In India  
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  Mobile Handset Market InIndia


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History about Mobile Phone

•   A mobile phone (also known asa cellular phone) is a phone thatcan make and receive telephone

calls over a radio link while movingaround a wide geographic area.

•  It does so by connecting to a cellular

network provided by mobile phoneoperator, allowing access to the publictelephone network.

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•  he !rst handheld mobile cell phone wasdemonstrated by Motorola in "#$%.&"'

•  he !rst commercial automated cellularnetwork was launched in apan by ) in"#$#.&*'

•  he !rst generation (+"+- systems couldsupport ar more simultaneous calls, butstill used analog technology.&%'

• In "##", the second generation

(*- digital cellular technology waslaunched in /inland by 0adiolin1a onthe 2M standard.&3'

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• In *44", the third generation (%- waslaunched in apan by ) 5o6oMo on

the 765MA standard.&8'•  his was ollowed by %.8, %9 or turbo %

enhancements based on the high speedpacket access.

• :y *44#, it had become clear that, at somepoint, % networks would be overwhelmedby the growth o bandwidth;intensive

applications like streaming media.&<'• 6onse=uently, the industry began looking

to data;optimi>ed 3th;generationtechnologies.

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Mobile Handset Market Share in2013 & 2014

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Mobile Handsets ?@s /.5.I

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Mobile Handset ?@2 /.5.I

•  he sale o mobile handset have increasedrom a minor "$.8 million in *44%;43 to**% millions in *4"4;"". &$'

•Ma1or increase being in the year *4"4;""ollowed by *44#;"4 with the sale o about88 million handset.&'

•  he ma1or amount o /5I being in telecom

industry in years rom *44$;4# o aboutB8444 millions, which provided the ma1oropportunities or diCerent companies tocome in Indian market.

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•  he /5I limit being increased rom 3#Dto $3D being the ma1or reason or the

Increase in /5I.•  his inEow o /5I provided in roads or

many companies which started their

production in India.•  Fnly 8 local manuacturers in *44 and

the number stands at * now.

•  /all in the market share o )okia, G..,and Motorola.

•  Gocal manuacturers, Microma leads

the race.

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•  here are many mobile players like)okia, Motorola, 2amsung, 2ony

ricsson, G.., H6, Apple, :lackberry,Alcatel and many more.

•  op 8 local manuactures are

Microma, Jarbonn Mobiles, 2piceMobiles Gtd, ?ideocon Industries Gtdand Gava International Gtd.

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otalHandsetSales !alue

in "#$ 11%12


!alue in"#$ 12%13

alueMarketShare In

"#$ 11%12

alueMarketShare In


2amsung $#" ""%* *8."< %".8"

)okia ""#*8 #$4 %.4< *$.*4

Microma "#$ %"% <.%" .$*

Jarbonn "%*$ **#$ 3.*% <.%#

Apple *84 "*#% 4.$#$ %.8#

 otal Market2i>e in ?alue erms

%"%%4 %8#3<

'e!enue in 's crore( market share in2ourceK ?oice 5ata 2urvey o Indian Mobile Handsets Market *4"*;"%

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("-; Inormatik>entrum Mobilunk(ILM/-. i>m.deK +he development odigital mobile communications inermany

(*-; Arthur 6. 6larkeK Profles o theFuture ("#<*, rev. eds. "#$%, "#%, and"###, Millennium edition with a new

preace-(%-;+2wedish )ational Museum o 2cience

and echnology+. ekniskamuseet.se.0etrieved *# uly *44#.

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(3-;NM2 7orld. +History o NM2 and %development+. Nmtsworld.com.

0etrieved*# uly *44#.(8-;/ahd Ahmad 2aeed. +6apacity GimitProblem in % )etworks+. Purdue 2choolo ngineering. 0etrieved *% April *4"4.

(<-;Arthur 6. 6larkeK Profles o theFuture ("#<*, rev. eds. "#$%, "#%, and"###, Millennium edition with a newpreace-.




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 hank you
