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Mobile Strategies and the Real Time Enterprise - Kevin Benedict June 2012

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Enterprise Mobile Strategies 2012 Presenter: Kevin Benedict p. 1 Netcentric Strategies 2012
Page 1: Mobile Strategies and the Real Time Enterprise - Kevin Benedict June 2012

Enterprise  Mobile  Strategies  2012  

Presenter:  Kevin  Benedict  

p.  1   Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  

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What We’ll Cover …

•  Enterprise Mobility Priorities, Numbers and Predictions •  Perspectives on Mobility •  Mobile Strategies •  Recommendations •  Wrap-up

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How  Important  Is  Mobility  to  Your  Future  Success?  

Netcentric  Strategies'  Enterprise  Mobility  Survey  2011  3

Cri$cal   44%  

Very  Important  


Important   15%  

Somewhat  Important  


Not  Important  


0%   5%   10%   15%   20%   25%   30%   35%   40%   45%   50%  


Very  Important  


Somewhat  Important  

Not  Important  


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Categories Response Ratio Increase productivity 79.1% Gain efficiencies 66.9% Improve customer interaction and service 48.6% Reduce costs 43.4% Improve visibility and accountability 42.6% Provide BI reports and data to the mobile workforce 42.6% Achieve competitive advantages 41.7% Improve employee interaction, education and collaboration 34.7% Increase sales with mobile CRM 33.9% Improve brand and sales via mobile marketing and retail apps 25.2%

Netcentric  Strategies'  Enterprise  Mobility  Survey  2011  

Where are the Expected ROIs?  

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Reasons for Mobile Apps

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Current  EffecPveness  of    Mobile  Strategies  

51%  are  not  excited.  

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Planned  Mobile  Apps  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  7  

insiderRESEARCH  Special  Report  Mobile  Outlook  2012  

•  88%  are  implemenPng  •  32%  -­‐  5  or  more  apps    

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Top  Areas  for  Enterprises  to  Mobilize,  Survey  #1  

1.  Field Services 2.  Sales/CRM 3.  Workflows – alerts, approvals and notifications 4.  BI – business intelligence reports 5.  Enterprise Asset Management 6.  Inspections and Surveys 7.  Proof of Delivery 8.  Supply Chain Management

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Top Mobile Applications Today, Survey #2

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What  Mobile  Devices?  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  10  

insiderRESEARCH  Special  Report  Mobile  Outlook  2012  

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Does  your  company  support  the  use  of  "personal"  smartphones  or  tablets  for  

enterprise  mobility  applicaPons?    

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  11  

59%  Yes  41%  No    

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•  SAP  acquired  Sybase  for  $5.8  billion  (large  inventory  of  mobile  soluPons)  

•  Symantec  acquired  Odyssey  (MDM)  •  Google  acquired  Motorola    •  IBM  acquired  Worklight  •  SAP  acquired  Syclo  

M&A  in  Enterprise  Mobility  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  12  

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Mobile  Strategies  

insiderResearch  Mobile  Outlook  2012  

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Challenges  to  Developing  a  Mobile  Strategy  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  14  

The  first  four  biggest  challenges:    1.  Developing  a  mobile  strategy  2.  IdenPfying  and  prioriPzing  business  

cases  3.  Choosing  a  plaiorm  and  mobile  

technologies  4.  BudgePng  

insiderResearch  Mobile  Outlook  2012  

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Mobile Application Development Strategies

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Customized  and  Integrated    Mobile  App  CombinaPons  

ERP + CRM + EAM + Field Services + GPS Fleet Tracking + Dynamic Scheduling + HCM + BI + M2M + ECM + Social Media + Knowledge Management + User Feedback + KPIs

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In  the  crowd,  or  out  front?  

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CompePPve  Advantages  and  the  Real  Time  Enterprise  

1.  Connected workforce, assets and inventories 2.  Tracking and managing assets, fleets and workforce 3.  Work and task status visibility 4.  Dynamic real time scheduling 5.  Integrated back office systems and unified views 6.  Real time analytics and dashboards 7.  360 degree and 3D view of the operational area

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What We’ll Cover …

•  Enterprise Mobility Priorities, Numbers and Predictions •  Perspectives on Mobility •  Mobile Strategies •  Recommendations •  Wrap-up

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Aberdeen Group on Mobility and the Real-Time Enterprise

Getting the right information, to the right people, so they can make the right decisions is the driving force behind mobilizing the workforce.

Aberdeen  Group's  Mobility  in  ERP  2011  Report  20

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Common  OperaPonal  Picture  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  21  

Management at all echelons need to utilize the Common Operational to synchronize operational data to maintain maximum situational awareness and information superiority. This greatly increases an organizationʼs capabilities, and ensures project partners have the right information, at the right time, in the right place.##~US Army Geospatial Center #

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Aberdeen Group on Mobility and Speed


Why  is  there  demand  for  mobility?        “Much  of  it  is  related  to  vola$lity  -­‐  the  need  to  be  able  to  react  as  quickly  as  possible  to  issues  without  being  tethered  to  a  desktop.”  

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Aberdeen  Group’s    Mobility  in  ERP  2011  Report    

Mobile  soluPons  should  provide  workers  with  informaPon  to  make  good  and  Pmely  decisions.  

Aberdeen  Group’s  Mobility  in  ERP  2011  Report  23

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Real-­‐Time  Decision  Making  

•  The key to your success is the speed with which you understand the need to change, change and adapt to change.

•  How fast can you change from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C?

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Disciplined  Data  Driven    Decision  Making  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  25  

Military  Strategist  -­‐  John  Boyd  •  OODA  –  Observe,  Orient,  Decide  and  Act    

1.  Receive  real-­‐Pme  data  2.  Understand  context  and  meaning  –  analyze  3.  Select  a  course  of  acPon  4.  Execute  5.  Repeat….    

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Select  Your  CommunicaPon  and  Decision  Making  Strategies  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  26  

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Mobility in ERP 2011 Report – Aberdeen group#

1.  Mobile solutions should provide front-line workers with information to make good decisions.#

2.  Mobile solutions should enable timely decision making#

3.  Mobile solutions should deliver process and KPI alerts#

4.  Not only receive alerts, but the full capability to resolve problems.#

Aberdeen  Group’s  Mobility  in  ERP  2011  Report  27

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Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  28  

ArPcle  by  Gartner  Inc.'s  Douglas  Laney,  Ptled  Infonomics:  The  Prac1ce  of  Informa1on  Economics  

InformaPon  should  be  considered  a  new  asset  class  in  that  it  has  measurable  economic  value—and  that  there  are  significant  strategic,  operaPonal  and  financial  reasons  for  doing  so.  

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Infonomics,  the  Real-­‐Pme    Enterprise  and  Mobility  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  29  

The  mobile  workforce  and  real-­‐Pme  informaPon:    •  LocaPon  •  Job  status  •  Skills  and  qualificaPons  •  Inventory  •  Equipment  needs  and  usage  •  Costs  (hourly  wage)    If  you  have  this  real-­‐Pme  informaPon,  then  you  can  opPmally  schedule  and  uPlize  your  workforce  –  without  you  cannot.  

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Infonomics,  Mobility  and    CompePPve  Advantages  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  30  

41.7%  idenPfy  compePPve  advantages  as  a  moPvaPon  for  implemenPng  mobile  soluPons.  

Netcentric  Strategies'  Enterprise  Mobility  Survey  2011  

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Gartner’s 2012 and 2013 Expectations

1.  In 2012, we will look for the social networking capabilities that field services management vendors integrate.

2.  In 2012 we will look for the use of advanced analytics in field service processes.

3. Another disruptive element in mobile is HTML5 and the possibility to support disconnected field service applications without having to resort to native code development.

Gartner's  Magic  Quadrant  for  Field  Services  Sept  28,  2011  31

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Conjecture   Real-­‐$me  Real  data  

EsPmated  daily  schedules   Real-­‐Pme  drip  feed  schedules  

EsPmated  drive  Pmes   Real-­‐Pme  drive  Pmes  based  on  fact  

Planning  based  on  esPmates  and  average  job  Pme  

Real-­‐Pme  planning  based  on  actual  events  on  the  ground  

EsPmated  parts  and  material  inventory   Real-­‐Pme  inventory  adjustments  based  on  actual  jobs  and  inventory  usage  (nearest  real-­‐Pme  locaPon  of  parts)  

Allocate  work  based  on  average  skills   Dispatch  work  based  on  real-­‐Pme  metrics  including  experience,  locaPon  and  qualificaPons  

Any  job  given  to  any  available  service  technician  

Least  cost,  qualified  resource  allocated  (in-­‐house  resources  or  contracted)    

Average  KPIs   Real-­‐Pme  personalized  KPI  Monitoring  

Examples  of  Real-­‐Time  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  32  

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Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  33  

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Re-­‐Engineering  for  Mobility?  

50% of survey respondents answered “NO”, their company has not re-engineered processes, workflows or tactics to take advantage of new mobile technologies.

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Mobile Technologies without Mobile Strategies is Wasted!

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What We’ll Cover …

•  Enterprise Mobility Priorities, Numbers and Predictions •  Perspectives on Mobility •  Mobile Strategies •  Recommendations •  Wrap-up

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It  Is  Not  About  Mobile  Devices  

Presentation, Data Collection, Integration, Query and Utility

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Technology  and  TacPcs  

Technologies  must  be  aligned  with  strategies.  

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“Mobility is here for the rest of your career.”

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Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  40  

Mobile  apps  have  a  beginning,  but  they  don’t  have  an  end.  

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Rapid  Increases  in  Data  –  What  to  Do?  

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Current Situation, Ideas and Strategies

•  Less  than  50%  of  companies  have  a  strategic  enterprise  mobility  plan  in  place.  

•  51.3%  have  no  mobility  policy  in  place.  •  78.6%  of  survey  respondents  will  be  integraPng  with  

mulPple  back  end  systems.    •  73.7%  will  be  outsourcing  some  or  all  of  their  enterprise  

mobile  applicaPon  development.  

Netcentric  Strategies  Enterprise  Mobility  2011  Survey  


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What  is  Required  in  the  Field?  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  43  

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SituaPonal  Awareness  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  44  

SituaPon  awareness  involves  being  aware  of  what  is  happening  in  the  vicinity  to  understand  how  informaPon,  events,  and  one's  own  acPons  will  impact  goals  and  objecPves,  both  immediately  and  in  the  near  future.  

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Conjecture or Real Time Enterprise Mobility?

Conjecture: An opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information. How much of your business today is based on conjecture?

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Velocity – Real-Time Mobility Tactics

•  Velocity: the speed and direction of an object •  The ability to quickly bring all required resources and

assets to the point of need

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Mobilizing  Objects  for  OpPmized  Performance  

•  People  •  Schedules  •  LocaPons  •  Skill  sets  •  QualificaPons  •  Experience  •  Parts  •  Equipment  •  TransportaPon  •  Available  vendors  •  Available  subcontractors  

•  Jobsite  access  •  Permissions/Permits/


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4-Dimensional Field Services

•  3D – length, width and height (GPS) •  4D – length, width, height and “TIME” •  GPS coordinates plus time (arrival, start time, job status,

stop time, departure, drive time etc.) •  Intersection of objects, place and time •  Optimized Intersection

+ =

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Optimized Intersections


Think  thousands  of  “opPmized  intersecPons”  constantly  on  the  move  for  real-­‐Pme  resource  management  and  situaPonal  awareness.  

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Mobilizing ERPs and Business Solutions

Extending back office systems to mobile workers is a top priority.

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Mobility  is  Transforming  Healthcare  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  51  

•  30% of Physicians are using mobile devices to treat patients today.#•  Physicians monitor patientsʼ health with networked devices, ranging

from wirelessly networked medicine bottle lids to worn or embedded sensors that report back on vital signs#

•  Physicians coordinate care with the help of analytic tools in the cloud and a wealth of individual and collective patient data#

•  Physicians and staff directly connect with patients over PCs or mobile devices for between-appointment follow-ups.#

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Mobile  Knowledge  Management  and  the  Social  Enterprise  

•  Convo •  Chatter •  Jive •  Yammer •  SAP StreamWork •  Google Docs

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B2C – Business to Consumer


Mobile consumer devices and apps are showing the enterprise how it is done.

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Mobile Augmented Reality

Extra data to augment our reality is everywhere today and will continue to grow.

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Ghost  Map  &  SpaPal  HumaniPes  

John Snow and Henry Whitehouse

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Mobile  BI  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  56  

Command  and  Control  at  the  Point  of  Biggest  Impact  

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M2M,  Remote  Sensors,  and  the  Internet  of  Things  

Machine to Machine (M2M) systems that collect data wirelessly from small embedded chips is changing many monitoring and tracking processes.

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Remotely  Controlling  Equipment  

DirectTV  on  iPads  and  iPhones  

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Context Aware Applications

•  Context Aware •  Location Aware •  Task Aware •  Situational Awareness •  Priority Aware •  Time Aware

Context-­‐aware  apps  use  informaPon  about  a  person  to  understand  their  intenPons  and  needs  -­‐  and  then  to  proacPvely  serve  up  the  most  appropriate  content,  product  or  service.    

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Maturity  Roadmap  for    Enterprise  Mobility  

Voice,  SMS  

Email,  Mobile  Web,  Workflow  Alerts,  Mobile  Web  Portals  

GPS  Tracking  –  Fleets,  Assets,  Workforce,  Mobile  Field  Services,  Mobile  EAM,  Mobile  CRM,  Mobile  Data  CollecPon  

Real-­‐Time  Dynamic    Scheduling,  BI,  Mobile  SFA,  CollaboraPon,  HCM  

Context  Aware,  PredicPve,    360  view,  Integrated  SoluPons  

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Change  Management  

Netcentric  Strategies  -­‐  2012  61  

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What We’ll Cover …

•  Enterprise Mobility Priorities, Numbers and Predictions •  Perspectives on Mobility •  Mobile Strategies •  Recommendations •  Wrap-up

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Mobile Frameworks, Infrastructures, and Platforms

•  Mobile  architectural  frameworks  •  Mobile  infrastructure  and  integraPon  frameworks  •  Mobile  user  interface  and  experience  frameworks  •  Mobile  operaPng  systems  and  development  environments  •  Mobile  device  and  M2M  management  •  Common  OperaPonal  Picture  -­‐  Network  Centric  OperaPons    •  Mobile  applicaPon  management  •  Mobile  user  management  •  Mobile  security  management  •  Mobility  governance  •  Mobile  Workflows  •  Change  management  •  Wireless  network  communicaPons  

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Mobile  ApplicaPon  Plaiorms  


Control Custom  Applica$ons  

Off  the  Shelf  Mobile  Apps  


Mobile Apps, Users, Data Security Management

Connect  Create  Apps  



Web Services


J2EE Connector Architecture

Software Applications



SAP Applications Example    



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Donʼt Forget these 7#

1.  Understand the scope of current and future mobility demand#2.  Understand the business must have a mobile strategy before

the IT organization can#3.  Inventory mobile app demand and prioritize mobility projects#4.  Develop mobile apps that can be used on todayʼs devices

and tomorrowʼs devices#5.  Use standardized mobile platforms, MDMs, development

tools and methodologies whenever possible#6.  Bring in external resources and third party experts in the

beginning#7.  Understand that mobility projects never end and will be here

for the rest of your career, so build to manage and support long term#

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What We’ll Cover …

•  Enterprise Mobility Priorities, Numbers and Predictions •  Perspectives on Mobility •  Mobile Strategies •  Recommendations •  Wrap-up

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1.  Endless  numbers  of  every  changing  devices  2.  Need  for  real-­‐Pme  visibility,  accountability,  compliance  and  KPI  

monitoring  3.  Need  for  many  mobile  apps  and  mulPple  integrated  backend  

systems  4.  Companies  will  re-­‐engineer  business  processes  to  support  real-­‐

Pme  interacPons  with  the  mobile  workforce  5.  Trend  towards  real-­‐Pme  visibility  and  management  6.  Networked  Field  OperaPons  7.  Rapid  applicaPon  development  environment  8.  Rapid  deployment  capabiliPes  9.  Standardized  mobile  middleware  plaiorm  10.  Standardized  integraPon  with  backend  systems  

10 Key Points to Take Home

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Your Turn!

[email protected]
