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Mobile Voice Chat

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______________________________________________________________ Altruist Technologies PPROJECT FILE (SIX MONTH TRAINING) Submitted To Mrs. Navreet Kaur Submitted By (Lect. MCA Deptt.) Gulab Singh
Page 1: Mobile Voice Chat

______________________________________________________________ Altruist Technologies


Submitted To

Mrs. Navreet Kaur Submitted By

(Lect. MCA Deptt.) Gulab Singh



Page 2: Mobile Voice Chat

______________________________________________________________ Altruist Technologies




(SESSION 2007-10)



G G S C o l l e g e O f M o d e r n T e c h n o l o g y , K h a r a rG G S C o l l e g e O f M o d e r n T e c h n o l o g y , K h a r a r

D i s t t . M o h a l i ( P u n j a b )D i s t t . M o h a l i ( P u n j a b )

M a y 2 0 1 0M a y 2 0 1 0

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T h i s i s t o b e C e r t i f i e d t h a t “ G u l a b S i n g h ” h a s c a r r i e d o u t t h eT h i s i s t o b e C e r t i f i e d t h a t “ G u l a b S i n g h ” h a s c a r r i e d o u t t h e

p r o j e c t w o r k p r e s e n t e d i n t h i s t h e s i s t i t l e d “p r o j e c t w o r k p r e s e n t e d i n t h i s t h e s i s t i t l e d “ M o b i l e V o i c eM o b i l e V o i c e

C h a tC h a t ” f o r t h e a w a r d c o u r s e f r o m “ G G S C o l l e g e O f” f o r t h e a w a r d c o u r s e f r o m “ G G S C o l l e g e O f

M o d e r n T e c h n o l o g y , K h a r a r ” u n d e r m y s u p e r v i s i o n . T h eM o d e r n T e c h n o l o g y , K h a r a r ” u n d e r m y s u p e r v i s i o n . T h e

t h e s i s e m b o d i e s r e s u l t o f o r i g i n a l w o r k a n d s t u d i e st h e s i s e m b o d i e s r e s u l t o f o r i g i n a l w o r k a n d s t u d i e s

c a r r i e d o u t b y t h e s t u d e n t h i m s e l f a n d t h e c o n t e n t s o f t h ec a r r i e d o u t b y t h e s t u d e n t h i m s e l f a n d t h e c o n t e n t s o f t h e

t h e s i s d o n o t f o r m t h e b a s i s f o r t h e a w a r d o f a n y o t h e r d e g r e et h e s i s d o n o t f o r m t h e b a s i s f o r t h e a w a r d o f a n y o t h e r d e g r e e

t o t h e c a n d i d a t e o r t o a n y b o d y e l s e .t o t h e c a n d i d a t e o r t o a n y b o d y e l s e .

( M r . A l o k S i n g h B h a n d a r i ) ( M r . A l o k S i n g h B h a n d a r i )

D e s i g n a t i o n : ( A G M ) D e s i g n a t i o n : ( A G M )

A l t r u i s t T e c h n o l o g i e s A l t r u i s t T e c h n o l o g i e s

P l a c e : H a u z K h a s ( S o u t h D e l h i )P l a c e : H a u z K h a s ( S o u t h D e l h i )

D a t e : 3 0D a t e : 3 0 t ht h A p r i l 2 0 1 0 A p r i l 2 0 1 0


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T h i s i s t o b e C e r t i f i e d t h a t t h e w o r k p r e s e n t e d i n t h e p r o j e c tT h i s i s t o b e C e r t i f i e d t h a t t h e w o r k p r e s e n t e d i n t h e p r o j e c t

e n t i t l e d ” M o b i l e V o i c e C h a t ’ s u b m i t t e d b y “ G u l a b S i n g h ” i ne n t i t l e d ” M o b i l e V o i c e C h a t ’ s u b m i t t e d b y “ G u l a b S i n g h ” i n

p a r t i a l f u l f i l l m e n t o f t h e r e q u i r e m e n t o f t h e p r o j e c t f o r t h ep a r t i a l f u l f i l l m e n t o f t h e r e q u i r e m e n t o f t h e p r o j e c t f o r t h e

a w a r d o f d e g r e e o f M a s t e r i n C o m p u t e r A p p l i c a t i o n s , G G Sa w a r d o f d e g r e e o f M a s t e r i n C o m p u t e r A p p l i c a t i o n s , G G S

C o l l e g e O f M o d e r n T e c h n o l o g y , K h a r a r ” i s a n a u t h e n t i c w o r kC o l l e g e O f M o d e r n T e c h n o l o g y , K h a r a r ” i s a n a u t h e n t i c w o r k

c a r r i e d o u t u n d e r m y s u p e r v i s i o n . T o t h e b e s t o f m y k n o w l e d g e ,c a r r i e d o u t u n d e r m y s u p e r v i s i o n . T o t h e b e s t o f m y k n o w l e d g e ,

t h e c o n t e n t o f t h i s p r o j e c t d o e s n o t f o r m a b a s i s f o r t h e a w a r dt h e c o n t e n t o f t h i s p r o j e c t d o e s n o t f o r m a b a s i s f o r t h e a w a r d

o f a n y p r e v i o u s d e g r e e t o a n y o n e e l s e .o f a n y p r e v i o u s d e g r e e t o a n y o n e e l s e .

( M r s . N a v r e e t K a u r ) ( M r s . N a v r e e t K a u r )

( L e c t . M C A D e p t t . ) ( L e c t . M C A D e p t t . )

G G S C o l l e g e O f M o d e r n T e c h n o l o g yG G S C o l l e g e O f M o d e r n T e c h n o l o g y

P l a c e : K h a r a r ( M o h a l i )P l a c e : K h a r a r ( M o h a l i )

D a t e : 3 0D a t e : 3 0 t ht h A p r i l 2 0 1 0 A p r i l 2 0 1 0


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______________________________________________________________ Altruist Technologies

I hereby certify that the work embodied in this thesis entitled “Mobile Voice Chat ” submitted by

me, in partial fulfillment of requirement for the award of Degree of Master of

Technology (Information Technology) submitted at

GGS College of Modern Technology under PUNJAB TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY,

JALANDHAR, is an authentic record of the my own work carried out during a period

from January-11-2010 to April-29-2010 under the supervision of Lect. Narvreet kaur. The

matter presented in this thesis has not been submitted by me in any other University / Institute

for the award of MCA Degree.

Gulab Singh

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the best of my


(Mr. Yogesh Mohan)

HOD, Deptt. Of MCA


Signature of Supervisor Signature of External Examiner

Signature of H.O.D.


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______________________________________________________________ Altruist Technologies

I hereby declare that the project work entitled “Mobile Voice Chat” in partial

fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of MCA, submitted to

the (GGS College of Modern Technology,Kharar) is authentic record of my

own work carried out during the period from 9th Jan 2010 to be continued up to

May2010 under the guidance of Mr. Alok Bhandari , Project Leader,Altruist

technologies, Delhi and Mrs. Navreet Kaur (Lect. MCA Deptt. GGS College Of

Modern Technology, Kharar, Mohali(Punjab)

I have not submitted the project report for any award of any other

degree/diploma of any university/Institute.

Gulab Singh

MCA 6th Sem

Dept. of Computer Science

GGS College of Modern Technology

Place: Mohali



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To complete a dissertation a report is a laborious work as a student, which no

one can complete without taking help of experienced persons. I feel pride and

privileged in expressing my deep sense of gratitude to all of those who are

involved in the completion of this dissertation.

At the very outset I would like to thank the Almighty God for his blessings that

helped me to achieve everything I had wished for till now.

I am thankful to Altruist Tech. Pvt. Ltd. for providing me an opportunity to

work with them. The support provided to me during my project training was

overwhelming and the environment was very conducive to work.

I am very much grateful to Mr. Alok Bahndari, Project Leader, Altruist

Technologies, Delhi, for his kind help, lasting encouragement, valuable

suggestion through out the entire period of my project work.

I m highly indebted to Mrs. Navreet Kaur,(Lect. MCA Deptt. GGS College Of

Modern Technology, Kharar, Mohali (Punjab) for her astute guidance, sincere

support and boosting confidence to make this training successful.

I would also like to take the opportunity to sincerely thank all my Trainers and

colleagues at Altruist technologies for their support and assistance throughout

the project.

The acknowledgment will be incomplete if I fail to express my obligation and

reverence to my family members and friends whose moral support is great

factor in doing this dissertation.



1. COMPANY PROFILE……………………………………………9-17

1.1 Introduction………………………………………..…….………………………….9

1.2 Team ……………………………………………………..…..…………………….10

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1.3 Partners …………………………………………………....……………………….10

1.4 Clients ……………………………………………………..…..………………..….11

1.5 Solution…………………………………………………….……………………….11

1.6 Technology used…………………………………………….……………………...17


2.1 Overview………………………..…………………………………………...20

2.2 Requirements………………………………………………………………...20

2.2.1 Problem Analysis……………………………………………………...21

2.2.2 Technical Requirements for IVR setup…………………...……………21

2.2.3 IVR…………………………………………………………………......21

2.2.4 ASR……………………………………………………………………22

2.2.5 TTS…………………………………………………………………….23

2.2.6 Existing Product……………………………………………………….23

2.2.7 IVR Interactive Voice Response………………………………………24

3. TECHNOLOGIES OVERVIEW………………………..…………..25-29

3.1 Software Technologies……………………………………………………….25

3.1.1 VXml,CCXml………………………………………………………….25

3.1.2 CCXML + VoiceXML Architecture……………...................................25

3.2 Hardware Technologies………………………………………………………26

3.2.1 Global System for Mobile communication…………………………….26

3.2.2 Services provided by GSM……………………………………………27

3.2.3 Architecture of the GSM network……………………………………..28

3.2.4 How it work……………………………………………………………29

4. SOFTWARE DESIGN……………..………………………………………..40-55

4.1 what is AFC………………………………………………….………………...40

4.1.1 Salient


4.1.2 Driving Principle’s…………………………………………………….40

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4.1.3 Advantages………………………………………….…………………40

4.2 Friend Chat On voice…………………………………….................................41

4.2.1 REGISTRATION………………………………………………………….41

4.2.2 SERVICE FLOW…………………………………………….……………41

4.2.3 OTHER FEATURES………………………………………..……………..42

4.3 Road Map……………………………………………………………………..52

4.4 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)………………………………………...52

4.5 Best Practices with Impact Analysis………………………………………….55

5. CODING…………………………………………………………..………....58-84

5.1 Programming Languages & Development Tools…………………………...58-74

5.2 Activation of a MSISDN into service

5.2.1 Through URL

5.2.2 Through file uploadation

5.3 An Introduction to VoiceXML………………………………………………...74

5.3.1 What is VoiceXML ?................................................................................74

5.3.2 Voice User nterface……………………………………………………..76

5.3.3 Why use VoiceXML ?..............................................................................76

5.4 The VoiceXML language……………………………………………………...76

5.5 Mixed VoiceXML properties……………………...…………………………..79

5.6 -initiative dialogues……………………………………………………………79

5.7 Form Interpretation Algorithm………………………………………………...80

5.8 FIA – confirmations…………………………………………………………...80

5.9 Limitations…………………………………………………………………….80

5.10 Dynamic VoiceXML…………………………………………………………..84

5.11 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………84

6. SOFTWARE TESTING……………………………………………85-87

6.1 Introduction……...……………………………………………………………85

6.1.1 Black-Box Testing………………………………………………………85

6.1.2 White-Box Testing……………………………………………………...85

6.1.3 Static Testing……………………………………………………………86

6.1.4 Dynamic Testing………………………………………………………..86

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6.1.5 Conclusion………………………………………………………………87

6.2 Steps for checking service……………………………………………………..88

6.3 Steps for the Correcting the Service…………………………………………...88

7. EVALUATION & IMPLEMENTATION…………...………...…………89-90

7.1 Evaluation……..……………………………………………………………...89

7.2 Implementation…….…………...…………………………………………….89

7.3 Incremental Program Development…………………………………………..90

8. SCOPE OF THE PROJECT………………………………...………………….92

8.1 Telecom Value Added Services………….……………………………………92

8.2 References…...………………………………………………………………...96



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ALTRUIST has emerged as a proven company in the field of Voice and Web

Based Value Added Services, Business Process Outsourcing , Information

Technology and Interactive Communication solutions to Carrier, WASP, ISP, CSP

and Corporate clients with its diligence, operations reviews, analysis of

business prospects and interim management.

Strong IT foundations and an excellent mobile domain understanding have

helped us in becoming the leading Wireless Application Providers in India with

installations for most of the telecom service providers Like MOBILE, IDEA, BPL,

Reliance communications, MTNL, TATA Indicom, Connect and other corporate

like DishTV etc.

The emerging trends in mobile telephony clearly point towards a domain vastly

governed by the customers' whims and fancies.

Value Added Services are those mobile operator's services which allow

customers to make more than just traditional voice calls from their phones to

other phones.

At ALTRUIST we provide value added services and solutions to major telecom

players and corporate across the globe. Our vision is to be a technology

enabler in a wire-free world connecting data source or application to any

device and make the mobile phone an integrated communications device, with

the ability to provide information and perform real time online transactions

anytime... anywhere.

ALTRUIST has proven expertise in the field of Voice and Web Based Value

Added Services, Business Process Outsourcing , Information Technology and

Interactive Communication solutions to Carrier, WASP, ISP, CSP and Corporate

clients with its diligence, operations reviews, analysis of business prospects

and interim management.

1.2 TEAM :

ALTRUIST believes its true strength lies in the potential of its Associates.

Associates work in an atmosphere of trust and confidence. Every individual

Associate is a leader. This leadership is expressed in the way tasks are

assigned and taken up, the freedom with which work styles are negotiated and

high standards of quality set independently by each and every Associate. A

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high degree of operational freedom helps Associates exercise their creativity

and expertise in approaching tasks and achieving Customer Delight.


1.3.1 Oracle

For 32 years, Oracle has been helping customers manage critical information.

Our goal is to make sure that you spend less money on your systems while

getting the most up-to-date and accurate information from them.

1.3.2 Intel Intel offers a broad range of building blocks that can be used in many different

types of telecom solutions in various communications environments, including

enterprise and service provider. A single building block can support a variety of

solutions. Once a building block is installed, it can be used to add new features

and capabilities to a solution.

1.3.3. Sun Microsystems Everyone and everything connected to the network. Eventually every man,

woman, and child on the planet will be connected to the network. So will

virtually everything with a digital or electrical heartbeat -- from mobile phones

to automobiles, thermostats to razor blades with RFID tags on them. The

resulting network traffic will require highly scalable, reliable systems, from Sun.


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Altruist is a leading VAS Enabler, helping communication service providers

deliver innovative applications for Entertainment, E-commerce and Enterprises.

Currently offering a range of leading-edge voice and data transmission

technologies for telecom operators and service providers . Our solutions

seamlessly integrate enterprise IT and wireless environment, which enable all

the players in the value chain to deploy value added services quickly and cost


Altruist offers solutions that Combine with network design,

consulting, project implementation, training and technical support professional

services, allowing telecommunications companies to implement advanced and

next generation networks in order to take full advantage of their capabilities

and offer competitive services.

1.5.1 Our Credentials

Comprehensive VAS application solutions covering the entire gamut of

telecom service providers, content provider and application vendor


Facilitation of third party VAS application development.

One stop for all VAS applications

Global support and presence

State of the art facility for demonstrating VAS application

1.5.2 Our Services

(a)Voice Based Services

Our call centers boasts of world-class, expedient infrastructure, providing

reliable and round the clock service, which in turn enables companies and

corporations of throughout the world to enhance their productivity and

concentrate fully and exclusively on their core competencies. Our peerless

expertise can be further classified into the Outbound Call Centers and Inbound

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Call Centers.Our clientele includes Mobile, Reliance Communications, Tata

Indicom, Idea Cellular.

(b) SMS Based Service

We have the expertise to handle very professionally the Text Processing

Contact Solutions, for handling SMS Based Services.

(c) Jukebox

We specialize in providing Jukebox service and can provide access to more

than a million full length tracks and music videos and hundreds of thousands of

albums - all available to download to your mobile, whenever you like.

2. Product Definition

(a) Mobile Voice Chat: Mobile Voice Chat is a VAS service in

telecommunication world. Mobile Voice Chat is an exciting and groovy

adaptation of Internet based Chat. Mobile Voice Chat is an product in which

peoples can talk to other persons without disclosing their own number. It also

allows subscribers to create their own profiles, specify a partner profile, surf

through profiles and be able to talk to desired profile one to one anonymously.

The convenience of mobility, and utmost personalization makes for a clear

recipe for a fun filled, mass targeted, hugely successful VAS. Doing millions of

minutes every month with over 5 Million rental paying active subscribers.

Ease of use as it requires no keywords/ processes. Just need to dial a number.

Available seamlessly over Voice, SMS and WAP it provides subscribers a choice

of media at various stages with complete porting of database and flexibility in

the hands of subscriber to swap from one to another medium for convenience

at will. Makes it convenient as different stages are more convenient/

pleasurable on voice/sms. A youth centric service popular across Metros/ Urban

and semi-urban and rural terrain. A full bodied, well researched, complete user

interface makes Altruist Mobile Chat an exiting and full filling experience.

1.5.4 Mobile Navigator on Voice- Lost? Call us

In a constantly evolving borderless world, technology rules in every aspect of

our lives. Mobile Technology has transformed global business and the way

people communicate, commute, entertain and live. With increase in inter

country and inter city commune, there is an unaddressed need for a navigation

system that can be accessed by anybody, anytime and most importantly with

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ease. Whether you are a businessperson planning your next trip or a

salesperson headed for a sales call or a family headed to a new city for a

vacation or housewife headed to a party, you will benefit from LCU! If you have

ever stopped to ask for driving directions, you will not do so anymore with us.

LCU is India’s 1st voice based navigation platform accessed from anywhere,

anytime and anybody. It will be a “must have” service that would guide the

user within a particular city or from one city to another across India. All this, by

dialing a shortcode from your mobile and our efficient Navigation Counselors

will be eager to guide you through. On dialing the code the customer gets

connected to a live agent who will provide the customer with the required

information on a point of interest such as an ATM, restaurant, hospitals,

schools, corporate, amongst others or provide the shortest possible route to

reach their destination. This information can be noted down by the caller in the

phone call itself, or caller can be on hold while he drives to his destination or

he can get it as an SMS which can be referred to during the journey.

With an exhaustive list of 1.5 Million POIs (point of interests), we can assure

you that you will never be lost with us. No GPRS, No GPS, No separate device

or system required. Your Mobile will be your navigation tool. Altruist believes in

having strategic alliance with partners that provide world class quality products

so as to deliver a unique and seamless service for its clients. Here Altruist joins

hands with SatNav for LCU.

SatNav Technologies is one of India’s early starters in the IT Products

space, offering a wide array of Products both Off-the-shelf as well as

customizable, for both the B2B and the B2C markets. SatNav has strategic

alliances with the experts in the Industry and is consistently developing its

market intelligence and approach, which has led it to become a leader from a

pioneer in the focused business areas. SatNav has made significant progress in

the area of navigation and maps for India.

1.5.5 Mobile Social Networking

The mobile-centric internet meets the needs of the unwired.

Voice Chat to evolve into a full blown Mobile Social Networking platform

bringing in real world associations onto mobile. M Communities is a place to

make and connect with friends, an environment where you can share day-to-

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day experiences at work, at home and at play.This platform has new

communities – like education, sports, health and entertainment – that enable

and encourage our users to better interact with each other.

The service additionally showcases a different community each month and the

featured topics will resonate with our members’ interests and lifestyles. By

delivering value to consumers – providing our users with a sense of community

and belonging as well as access to information that they can use to improve

their lives – Voice Chat population will continue to grow.Social Networking sites

like MySpace and Facebook have emerged recently as some of the hottest

names on the Internet.

MySpace, Facebook, Hi5, Orkut and Friendster - rank among the top 10 most-

visited websites globally.Transactions in Social Networking Space These

include News Corp's July 2005 acquisition of MySpace for US$580m and more

recently Microsoft's purchase of a 1.6% stake in Facebook for $240m, a

purchase price that values the entire company, which has annual revenue of

some $100-150m, at an impressive $15bn. One out of every four people online

visits social networks, according to the Consumer Internet Barometer.

1.5.6 Mobile Career Catalyst

Mobile Career Catalyst is the Students/Guardians key to all the relevant and

personalized information regarding Engineering and Medical Entrance Exams

sent proactively to them in an SMS everyday. It is a unique concept, and is a

revolutionary service that creates a media for the students for getting the

information they require. Thus, giving them CONCISE and personalized

Information in a very Convenient Way.

1.5.7 Jobs on Phone

Jobs on phone is the best way to finish your search for best job matching your

profile. It is the first service which helps you in getting your desired Job through

mobile phone.

Have tied up with Indian job search leader Naukri.com for posting job opening

on Jobsonphone IVR where the user can hear out the job details and apply to

them instantly.

Jobsonphone is the key to all the relevant and personalized information

regarding jobs and careers sent proactively to subscribers in an SMS or

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through Voice Outdials everyday with possibilities of online interaction, resume

submission, short-listing etc.

It allows subscribers to create their resume by entering options and voice,

specify job preferences like industry, location, functional area, surf through

relevant listed vacancies and be able to apply and talk to desired Company or

consultant anonymously.

The convenience of mobility, and utmost personalization makes for a clear

recipe for success.

Mobiles with higher reach makes it cover wider than the internet and voice

lends it the convenience to address all levels in the employment pyramid with

a special focus on blue collared jobs.Successfully piloted with Mobile in Punjab

and in roll-out nationally with Reliance & Idea.Ease of use as it requires no

keywords/ processes. Just need to dial a number.

1.5.8 Other Products

(a) Horoscope Call

The service allows user to receive daily morning call that will play their daily

horoscope to the user. Additionally the user will also get a daily Vaastu and

Personality tip as sms alert.

(b) Mobile Astrology- Talk to Punditji

The service allows users to interact directly with a live Astrologer

(c) CRBT

Every caller can assign a song/music of his her choice as his caller tune

(d) Music On Demand (MOD)

Here the subscriber can dial in and listen to full songs of his choice. The

service ports the Radio experience on to the mobile

(e) Dial In Infotainment- Masala Zone

One stop solution for Mobile Entertainment

• Entertainment

• Gaming- Tambola, Quiz, Contests

• Cricket Alerts on Voice

• Horoscope

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• News

• Song Dedication

• Ring tone Download

• SMS Bank on Voice


Have already tied up with media brands and provide tele-voting for events like Indian

Idol etc

1.5.9 SMS Solutions:

(a) Bulk Messaging

Alongside our consumer targeted service, we offer bulk messaging for a

multitude of applications. Again, we focus on customer satisfaction, so we have

designed a standard Remote Access System based on the HTTP protocol and

SMPP. Sending a message is as easy as calling an URL from your application or

server-side scripts. The standard system boasts the following features:

• Sending to multiple recipients at once

• Sender ID

• Flash messages

• Nokia ringtones (and RTTL)

• Nokia logo's

• Delivery delay

• Delivery status check

(b) Web2SMS

This application extents sending SMS from Mobile to you PC .Using you can

send Single/Multiple SMS to your clients any where in the world both on GSM

and CDMA networks. This application is HTTP based and is quite fast and easy

to use. The user can design and send customized SMS to his friends. He can

also store messages in a virtual Inbox for further use.


1.6.1 Voice (TTS, ASR)

By its nature, voice user interfaces have a number of advantages over other

user interfaces. Humans have used the spoken word to issue commands and

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convey information for thousands of years. Entering numerical or textual

information via a numerical keypad is a relatively new phenomenon and is

often awkward. Furthermore, since voice user interfaces do not require

manipulation or visual inspection, they can be used safely while driving. In

applications requiring a caller to select from a long list of choices, speaking is

usually the easiest way of making a selection.

1.6.2. ASR (Automatic Speech Recognition)

ASR makes mobile phones to respond directly to the subscriber's commands.

Custom designed to recognize Indian voices and accents, the ASR service

makes life more convenient. Using ASR, subscriber's can get the latest updates

on news, stocks, cricket and their horoscope. Information will be sent through


1.6.3. Text to Speech

Text to speech is a new revolution in software world. TTS technology can be

useful whenever a computerized application needs to communicate with a

customer or user, and so is especially useful in telephone services. Though

recorded material still provides the highest quality, recordings are often

impractical due to cost or time constraints. A very good telephony application

can be SMS to Landline phones. The user type a SMS with the destination

mobile number followed by message and sends the message to a predefined

number. The message is delivered to the Landline number in voice format.

1.6.4 SMS(Shot Message Service)

Short Message Service available on digital GSM networks allowing text

messages of up to 160 characters to be sent and received via the network

operator's message center to your mobile phone, or from the Internet, using a

so-called "SMS gateway" website. If the phone is powered off or out of range,

messages are stored in the network and are delivered at the next opportunity.

1.6.5 IVR(Interactive Voice Response)

IVR is a technology in which someone uses a touch-tone telephone to interact

with a database to acquire information from or enter data into the database.

IVR technology does not require human interaction over the telephone as the

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user's interaction with the database is predetermined by what the IVR system

will allow the user access to. For example, banks and credit card companies

use IVR systems so that their customers can receive up-to-date account

information instantly and easily without having to speak directly to a person.

IVR technology is also used to gather information, as in the case of telephone

surveys in which the user is prompted to answer questions by pushing the

numbers on a touch-tone telephone.

1.6.6 WAP

People on the move need services, information and entertainment that can

keep up with them. The value of mobile services to end-users is boosted by

three separate elements: personalization, time-sensitivity and location

awareness. Combining these three effectively adds even more value.

Wireless application protocol (WAP) is a protocol that has

successfully established a de facto standard for the way in which wireless

technology is used for Internet access. WAP technology has been optimized for

information delivery to thin-client devices, such as mobile phones.


2.1 Overview:

Chat in India beats all other avenues of Internet usage by a distance;

Most popular portals allow chat plug-ins. Chat sites hardly need to

advertise. In fact to popularize sites, a chat plug-in works best;

The element of anonymity allows users to be themselves for a change;

Chat allows a very upfront and no holds barred initiation, introduction

and platform to interact to users;

People get into rooms/ huddles for finding like minded mates. Many a

real world friendships/ relationships/ business tie-ups are stemming out of

chat rooms with enhanced maturity and acceptance;

Humans have a major craving to connect and communicate;

Mobiles saw huge success and growth in numbers as they fit in very well

with the human social build up;

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Now it is the right time to provide an evolved interface for Value Added

Interaction and Communication;

Mobile VAS as we know it currently is about content and there is a huge

gap on the covert desire of subscribers to connect with people; and

Friends Chat, an adaptation of the popular Internet Chat is a promising

application which could possibly fill the void and translate to a big Revenue

Grosser, retention tool and clear differentiator.

Mobile Friends Chat is a Sticky, ARPU enhancing, Killer Application for the

YOUNG at heart

Mobile VAS as we know it currently is about content and there is a huge

gap on the covert desire of People to connect with People. Friends Chat, an

adaptation of the popular Internet Chat is a promising application which

would fill this void and translate to a big Revenue Grosser, Retention Tool

and a Clear Differentiator;

Altruist Friends Chat is a full bodied, well researched, complete user

interface for subscribers to talk/ chat over Voice / SMS anonymously (which

means by sharing only there virtual identities as created by them and never

giving out the mobile numbers). The intuitive, dynamic menu makes Altruist

Friends Chat an exhilarating experience;

The service is absolutely secure with very stringent checks and

moderation; and

Subscribers to be able to Chat with people across various circles of

Mobile to offer a lot of choice and variety to them.

2.2 Requirements:

2.2.1 Problem Analysis

Operators likeAIRCEL, MOBILE need to make promotions of their products or

packs .They launch any new products or packs timely, their products can be

like launch of new handsets or exchange offer of the old handsets with new

handsets or it can be new service packs for attracting customers like night

packs etc to increase revenues. For their products they have to do promotions

or advertisements for this they talk to the companies like ours who are

basically considered as vendors.

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They talk to the vendors and describe about there products and offer for doing

promotions for there products or services. After we get contracted we tell our

requirements to the client end and deploy servers over there and start Product

for the specified period. Vendors also have there own products like Voice chat,

tambola ,Jobs on Phone, Cricket etc. These products are helpful in raising

revenues of both the vendor side as well as client side , if they get convinced

or like our products they offer us to do promotions of these products too on

contract basis. For these we use there

base stations, there msc’c ,bsc’s etc.The only we need to do is to deploy

servers at the client side and start running OBD and IVR.

2.2.2 Technical Requirements for IVR Setup:

Power & Physical Space Requirements

(a) Power Requirements

One 6-Amp Power Source

(b)Physical Space Requirements

IVR Machine (QTY : 1)

Dimension of server: 4u cabinet (Rack-mountable)

Size: 670*550*250 M.M.

(c)IP addresses Requirements

(i) Public IP (For Remote Administration & Patch Updates)

(ii) Remote Access Required from Source IP

(iii)Ports to be opened Remoteadmin(4899); VNC (5900,5901,5902); Remote

desktop connection(3389)

(iv) 1 local IP (IP should have Internet Accessibility)

There is no specific requirement about Class of IPs and existing network's IP

ranges can be used.

2.2.3 IVR(Interactive Voice Response)

IVR is a technology in which someone uses a touch-tone telephone to interact

with a database to acquire information from or enter data into the database.

The IVR system incorporates Dialogic boards, can run on Windows/Linux, is an

open platform and can interact with varied forms of databases. IVR technology

does not require human interaction over the telephone as the user's

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interaction with the database is predetermined by what the IVR system will

allow the user access to.

IVRS can used to providing value added services to mobile subscribers in every

segment. Be it Information, Entertainment, Games or Music everything can be

made reach people in an interactive manner and 24 hours of the day using the

IVRS technology. A benefit both for the mobile users and telecom operators.

Banks and credit card companies can use IVR systems so that their customers

can receive up-to-date account information instantly and easily without having

to speak directly to a person.

IVR technology can also be used to gather information, as in the case of

telephone surveys in which the user is prompted to answer questions by

pushing the numbers on a touch-tone telephone.

2.2.4 ASR(Automated speech recognition)

ASR is a technology that allows a caller to speak rather punching numbers. The

technology makes mobile phones to respond directly to the subscriber's

commands. Recognizing and understanding a spoken sentence is obviously a

knowledge-intensive process, which must take into account all variable

information about the speech communication process, from acoustics to

semantics and pragmatics.

Basic ASR systems recognize single-word entries such as yes-or-no responses

and spoken numerals. User can now do with speaking rather entering dozens

of numerals manually and get response through an Interactive Voice Response


However, an ASR system cannot always correctly recognize the input from a

person and can cause the system to misinterpret the input or do not accept it

at all. To compensate it can be backed up with a DTMF input by the user.

Supported Applications

(a) ASR and VAS: Custom designed to recognize Indian voices and accents,

the ASR service makes life more convenient. Using ASR, mobile subscriber's

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can get the latest updates on news, stocks, cricket and their horoscope. Caller

just needs to speak the service. Say "cricket" to get latest updates on cricket.

(b) ASR and Customer Services: It is ideal for institutions that rely heavily

on customer service, and wish to make the communication most friendly and

convenient. Call centre, airlines, railways ,insurance companies can benefit

from this technology.

2.2.5 TTS (Text-To-Speech)

TTS synthesizer is a computer-based system capable of converting computer

readable text into speech. The text may then be either be directly introduced

in the computer by an operator or scanned and submitted to an Optical

Character Recognition (OCR) system.

TTS technology can be useful whenever a computerized application needs to

communicate with a customer or user, and so is especially useful in telephone




Product require the user profile

Every user has a unique Chat ID

Product require searching criteria such as partner profile

Matching chat id would be send to the user

User can listen the profile of matching ID and can even chat to

Chat ID holders.

Product main features

(a)Product requirement from user: -

1. User own profile

2. User partner profile (which is user assumption about his/her partner for chat)

(b)Product facilities

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1. Every mobile number after subscribing has a unique Chat ID in the voice

chat data base

2. User can subscribe or unsubscribe the service

3. User can listen his/her partner matching profiles

4. User can direct call the Chat ID and talk to the Chat ID holder if he/she allow to talk

5. User can block or unblock particular caht Id if he/she does not want to talk to that

chat id

2.2.7 IVR Interactive Voice Response:

In telephony, interactive voice response, or IVR, is a computerized system

that allows a person, typically a telephone caller, to select options from a voice

menu and otherwise interact with the computer phone system. Generally the

system plays a pre-recorded voice prompt and the caller presses a number on

a telephone keypad to select an option - i.e. "press 1 for yes, press 2 for no".

Some IVR systems can also recognize the caller's simple spoken answer such

as "yes", "no", or a number as a valid response to the voice prompt.






Msc Dehli

Altruist VXMLAPP Server

Altruist VXMLAPP Server

Msc MH

Msc OR

HP Open Call Media Platform As VoiceXML Gateway

Msc KK


Call to 543216xxxxxxx

B party Conv to 57000xxxxxxx

Call to 543216xxxxxxxCall to 543216xxxxxxx

Msc MH

Call to570001



















Msc Dehli


HP Open Call Media Platform As VoiceXML Gateway

Msc Dehli


HP Open Call Media Platform As VoiceXML Gateway

Msc Dehli


HP Open Call Media Platform As VoiceXML Gateway

Msc Dehli


Msc KK

HP Open Call Media Platform As VoiceXML Gateway

Msc Dehli


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3.1 Software Technologies:

3.1.1 VXml,CCXml:

VoiceXML is a dialog markup language

• A programming language for building speech or DTMF

enabled voice based applications

• Emerging to be used for controlling different types of

media, including Video

CCXML is a call control markup language

• A programming language for controlling endpoints,

media, and conferences, and associating “dialogs” on those


3.1.2 CCXML + VoiceXML Architecture:


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3.2 Hardware Technologies:

3.2.1 Global System for Mobile communications:

During the early 1980s, analog cellular telephone systems were experiencing

rapid growth in Europe, particularly in Scandinavia and the United Kingdom,

but also in France and Germany. Each country developed its own system,

which was incompatible with everyone else's in equipment and operation. This

was an undesirable situation, because not only was the mobile equipment

limited to operation within national boundaries, which in a unified Europe were

increasingly unimportant, but there was also a very limited market for each

type of equipment, so economies of scale and the subsequent savings could

not be realized.

The Europeans realized this early on, and in 1982 the Conference of European

Posts and Telegraphs (CEPT) formed a study group called the Groupe Spécial

Mobile (GSM) to study and develop a pan-European public land mobile system.

The proposed system had to meet certain criteria:

Good subjective speech quality

Low terminal and service cost

Support for international roaming

Ability to support handheld terminals

Support for range of new services and facilities

Spectral efficiency

ISDN compatibility

In 1989, GSM responsibility was transferred to the European

Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI), and phase I of the GSM

specifications were published in 1990. Commercial service was started in mid-

1991, and by 1993 there were 36 GSM networks in 22 countries. Although

standardized in Europe, GSM is not only a European standard. Over 200 GSM

networks (including DCS1800 and PCS1900) are operational in 110 countries

around the world. In the beginning of 1994, there were 1.3 million subscribers

worldwide, which had grown to more than 55 million by October 1997. With

North America making a delayed entry into the GSM field with a derivative of

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GSM called PCS1900, GSM systems exist on every continent, and the acronym

GSM now aptly stands for Global System for Mobile communications.

The developers of GSM chose an unproven (at the time) digital system, as

opposed to the then-standard analog cellular systems like AMPS in the United

States and TACS in the United Kingdom. They had faith that advancements in

compression algorithms and digital signal processors would allow the

fulfillment of the original criteria and the continual improvement of the system

in terms of quality and cost. The over 8000 pages of GSM recommendations try

to allow flexibility and competitive innovation among suppliers, but provide

enough standardization to guarantee proper interworking between the

components of the system. This is done by providing functional and interface

descriptions for each of the functional entities defined in the system.

3.2.2 Services provided by GSM:

From the beginning, the planners of GSM wanted ISDN compatibility in terms of

the services offered and the control signalling used. However, radio

transmission limitations, in terms of bandwidth and cost, do not allow the

standard ISDN B-channel bit rate of 64 kbps to be practically achieved.

Using the ITU-T definitions, telecommunication services can be divided into

bearer services, teleservices, and supplementary services. The most basic

teleservice supported by GSM is telephony. As with all other communications,

speech is digitally encoded and transmitted through the GSM network as a

digital stream. There is also an emergency service, where the nearest

emergency-service provider is notified by dialing three digits (similar to 911).

A variety of data services is offered. GSM users can send and receive data, at

rates up to 9600 bps, to users on POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service), ISDN,

Packet Switched Public Data Networks, and Circuit Switched Public Data

Networks using a variety of access methods and protocols, such as X.25 or

X.32. Since GSM is a digital network, a modem is not required between the

user and GSM network, although an audio modem is required inside the GSM

network to interwork with POTS.

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Other data services include Group 3 facsimile, as described in ITU-T

recommendation T.30, which is supported by use of an appropriate fax

adaptor. A unique feature of GSM, not found in older analog systems, is the

Short Message Service (SMS). SMS is a bidirectional service for short

alphanumeric (up to 160 bytes) messages. Messages are transported in a

store-and-forward fashion. For point-to-point SMS, a message can be sent to

another subscriber to the service, and an acknowledgement of receipt is

provided to the sender. SMS can also be used in a cell-broadcast mode, for

sending messages such as traffic updates or news updates. Messages can also

be stored in the SIM card for later retrieval.

Supplementary services are provided on top of teleservices or bearer services.

In the current (Phase I) specifications, they include several forms of call

forward (such as call forwarding when the mobile subscriber is unreachable by

the network), and call barring of outgoing or incoming calls, for example when

roaming in another country. Many additional supplementary services will be

provided in the Phase 2 specifications, such as caller identification, call waiting,

multi-party conversations.

3.2.3 Architecture of the GSM network:

A GSM network is composed of several functional entities, whose functions and

interfaces are specified. Figure 1 shows the layout of a generic GSM network.

The GSM network can be divided into three broad parts. The Mobile Station is

carried by the subscriber. The Base Station Subsystem controls the radio link

with the Mobile Station. The Network Subsystem, the main part of which is the

Mobile services Switching Center (MSC), performs the switching of calls

between the mobile users, and between mobile and fixed network users. The

MSC also handles the mobility management operations. Not shown is the

Operations and Maintenance Center, which oversees the proper operation and

setup of the network. The Mobile Station and the Base Station Subsystem

communicate across the Um interface, also known as the air interface or radio

link. The Base Station Subsystem communicates with the Mobile services

Switching Center across the A interface.

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Figure3.1. General Architecture of a GSM network

(a) Mobile Station

The mobile station (MS) consists of the mobile equipment (the terminal) and a

smart card called the Subscriber Identity Module (SIM). The SIM provides

personal mobility, so that the user can have access to subscribed services

irrespective of a specific terminal. By inserting the SIM card into another GSM

terminal, the user is able to receive calls at that terminal, make calls from that

terminal, and receive other subscribed services.

The mobile equipment is uniquely identified by the International Mobile

Equipment Identity (IMEI). The SIM card contains the International Mobile

Subscriber Identity (IMSI) used to identify the subscriber to the system, a

secret key for authentication, and other information. The IMEI and the IMSI are

independent, thereby allowing personal mobility. The SIM card may be

protected against unauthorized use by a password or personal identity


(b) Base Station Subsystem

The Base Station Subsystem is composed of two parts, the Base Transceiver

Station (BTS) and the Base Station Controller (BSC). These communicate

across the standardized Abis interface, allowing (as in the rest of the system)

operation between components made by different suppliers.

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The Base Transceiver Station houses the radio tranceivers that define a cell

and handles the radio-link protocols with the Mobile Station. In a large urban

area, there will potentially be a large number of BTSs deployed, thus the

requirements for a BTS are ruggedness, reliability, portability, and minimum


The Base Station Controller manages the radio resources for one or more BTSs.

It handles radio-channel setup, frequency hopping, and handovers, as

described below. The BSC is the connection between the mobile station and

the Mobile service Switching Center (MSC).

(c) Network Subsystem

The central component of the Network Subsystem is the Mobile services

Switching Center (MSC). It acts like a normal switching node of the PSTN or

ISDN, and additionally provides all the functionality needed to handle a mobile

subscriber, such as registration, authentication, location updating, handovers,

and call routing to a roaming subscriber. These services are provided in

conjuction with several functional entities, which together form the Network

Subsystem. The MSC provides the connection to the fixed networks (such as

the PSTN or ISDN). Signalling between functional entities in the Network

Subsystem uses Signalling System Number 7 (SS7), used for trunk signalling in

ISDN and widely used in current public networks.

The Home Location Register (HLR) and Visitor Location Register (VLR), together

with the MSC, provide the call-routing and roaming capabilities of GSM. The

HLR contains all the administrative information of each subscriber registered in

the corresponding GSM network, along with the current location of the mobile.

The location of the mobile is typically in the form of the signalling address of

the VLR associated with the mobile station. The actual routing procedure will

be described later. There is logically one HLR per GSM network, although it

may be implemented as a distributed database.

The Visitor Location Register (VLR) contains selected administrative

information from the HLR, necessary for call control and provision of the

subscribed services, for each mobile currently located in the geographical area

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controlled by the VLR. Although each functional entity can be implemented as

an independent unit, all manufacturers of switching equipment to date

implement the VLR together with the MSC, so that the geographical area

controlled by the MSC corresponds to that controlled by the VLR, thus

simplifying the signalling required. Note that the MSC contains no information

about particular mobile stations --- this information is stored in the location


The other two registers are used for authentication and security purposes. The

Equipment Identity Register (EIR) is a database that contains a list of all valid

mobile equipment on the network, where each mobile station is identified by

its International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI). An IMEI is marked as invalid

if it has been reported stolen or is not type approved. The Authentication

Center (AuC) is a protected database that stores a copy of the secret key

stored in each subscriber's SIM card, which is used for authentication and

encryption over the radio channel.

3.2.4 How It Work:

(a) Network aspects

Ensuring the transmission of voice or data of a given quality over the radio link

is only part of the function of a cellular mobile network. A GSM mobile can

seamlessly roam nationally and internationally, which requires that

registration, authentication, call routing and location updating functions exist

and are standardized in GSM networks. In addition, the fact that the

geographical area covered by the network is divided into cells necessitates the

implementation of a handover mechanism. These functions are performed by

the Network Subsystem, mainly using the Mobile Application Part (MAP) built

on top of the Signalling System No. 7 protocol.

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Figure 3.2 Signaling protocol structure in GSM

The signalling protocol in GSM is structured into three general layers,

depending on the interface, as shown in Figure 3. Layer 1 is the physical layer,

which uses the channel structures discussed above over the air interface.

Layer 2 is the data link layer. Across the Um interface, the data link layer is a

modified version of the LAPD protocol used in ISDN, called LAPDm. Across the

A interface, the Message Transfer Part layer 2 of Signalling System Number 7 is

used. Layer 3 of the GSM signalling protocol is itself divided into 3 sublayers.

(i) Radio Resources Management

Controls the setup, maintenance, and termination of radio and fixed channels,

including handovers.

(ii)Mobility Management

Manages the location updating and registration procedures, as well as security

and authentication.

(iii) Connection Management

Handles general call control, similar to CCITT Recommendation Q.931, and

manages Supplementary Services and the Short Message Service.

Signalling between the different entities in the fixed part of the network, such as

between the HLR and VLR, is accomplished throught the Mobile Application Part

(MAP). MAP is built on top of the Transaction Capabilities Application Part (TCAP, the

top layer of Signalling System Number 7. The specification of the MAP is quite

complex, and at over 500 pages, it is one of the longest documents in the GSM


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(b) Radio resources management

The radio resources management (RR) layer oversees the establishment of a

link, both radio and fixed, between the mobile station and the MSC. The main

functional components involved are the mobile station, and the Base Station

Subsystem, as well as the MSC. The RR layer is concerned with the

management of an RR-session, which is the time that a mobile is in dedicated

mode, as well as the configuration of radio channels including the allocation of

dedicated channels.

An RR-session is always initiated by a mobile station through the access

procedure, either for an outgoing call, or in response to a paging message. The

details of the access and paging procedures, such as when a dedicated

channel is actually assigned to the mobile, and the paging sub-channel

structure, are handled in the RR layer. In addition, it handles the management

of radio features such as power control, discontinuous transmission and

reception, and timing advance.

(c) Handover

In a cellular network, the radio and fixed links required are not permanently

allocated for the duration of a call. Handover, or handoff as it is called in North

America, is the switching of an on-going call to a different channel or cell. The

execution and measurements required for handover form one of basic

functions of the RR layer.

There are four different types of handover in the GSM system, which involve

transferring a call between:

Channels (time slots) in the same cell

Cells (Base Transceiver Stations) under the control of the same

Base Station Controller (BSC),

Cells under the control of different BSCs, but belonging to the same

Mobile services Switching Center (MSC), and

Cells under the control of different MSCs.

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The first two types of handover, called internal handovers, involve only one

Base Station Controller (BSC). To save signalling bandwidth, they are managed

by the BSC without involving the Mobile services Switching Center (MSC),

except to notify it at the completion of the handover. The last two types of

handover, called external handovers, are handled by the MSCs involved. An

important aspect of GSM is that the original MSC, the anchor MSC, remains

responsible for most call-related functions, with the exception of subsequent

inter-BSC handovers under the control of the new MSC, called the relay MSC.

Handovers can be initiated by either the mobile or the MSC (as a means of

traffic load balancing). During its idle time slots, the mobile scans the

Broadcast Control Channel of up to 16 neighboring cells, and forms a list of the

six best candidates for possible handover, based on the received signal

strength. This information is passed to the BSC and MSC, at least once per

second, and is used by the handover algorithm.

The algorithm for when a handover decision should be taken is not specified in

the GSM recommendations. There are two basic algorithms used, both closely

tied in with power control. This is because the BSC usually does not know

whether the poor signal quality is due to multipath fading or to the mobile

having moved to another cell. This is especially true in small urban cells.

The 'minimum acceptable performance' algorithm gives precedence to power

control over handover, so that when the signal degrades beyond a certain

point, the power level of the mobile is increased. If further power increases do

not improve the signal, then a handover is considered. This is the simpler and

more common method, but it creates 'smeared' cell boundaries when a mobile

transmitting at peak power goes some distance beyond its original cell

boundaries into another cell.

The 'power budget' method uses handover to try to maintain or improve a

certain level of signal quality at the same or lower power level. It thus gives

precedence to handover over power control. It avoids the 'smeared' cell

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boundary problem and reduces co-channel interference, but it is quite


(d) Mobility management

The Mobility Management layer (MM) is built on top of the RR layer, and

handles the functions that arise from the mobility of the subscriber, as well as

the authentication and security aspects. Location management is concerned

with the procedures that enable the system to know the current location of a

powered-on mobile station so that incoming call routing can be completed.

(e) Location updating

A powered-on mobile is informed of an incoming call by a paging message sent

over the PAGCH channel of a cell. One extreme would be to page every cell in

the network for each call, which is obviously a waste of radio bandwidth. The

other extreme would be for the mobile to notify the system, via location

updating messages, of its current location at the individual cell level. This

would require paging messages to be sent to exactly one cell, but would be

very wasteful due to the large number of location updating messages. A

compromise solution used in GSM is to group cells into location areas. Updating

messages are required when moving between location areas and mobile

stations are paged in the cells of their current location area.

The location updating procedures, and subsequent call routing, use the MSC

and two location registers: the Home Location Register (HLR) and the Visitor

Location Register (VLR). When a mobile station is switched on in a new location

area, or it moves to a new location area or different operator's PLMN, it must

register with the network to indicate its current location. In the normal case, a

location update message is sent to the new MSC/VLR, which records the

location area information, and then sends the location information to the

subscriber's HLR. The information sent to the HLR is normally the SS7 address

of the new VLR, although it may be a routing number. The reason a routing

number is not normally assigned, even though it would reduce signaling, is

that there is only a limited number of routing numbers available in the new

MSC/VLR and they are allocated on demand for incoming calls. If the subscriber

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is entitled to service, the HLR sends a subset of the subscriber information,

needed for call control, to the new MSC/VLR, and sends a message to the old

MSC/VLR to cancel the old registration.

For reliability reasons, GSM also has a periodic location updating procedure. If

an HLR or MSC/VLR fails, to have each mobile register simultaneously to bring

the database up to date would cause overloading. Therefore, the database is

updated as location updating events occur. The enabling of periodic updating,

and the time period between periodic updates, is controlled by the operator,

and is a trade-off between signaling traffic and speed of recovery. If a mobile

does not register after the updating time period, it is deregistered.

A procedure related to location updating is the IMSI attach and detach. A

detach lets the network know that the mobile station is unreachable, and

avoids having to needlessly allocate channels and send paging messages. An

attach is similar to a location update, and informs the system that the mobile is

reachable again. The activation of IMSI attach/detach is up to the operator on

an individual cell basis.

(f) Authentication and security

Since the radio medium can be accessed by anyone, authentication of users to

prove that they are who they claim to be, is a very important element of a

mobile network. Authentication involves two functional entities, the SIM card in

the mobile, and the Authentication Center (AuC). Each subscriber is given a

secret key, one copy of which is stored in the SIM card and the other in the

AuC. During authentication, the AuC generates a random number that it sends

to the mobile. Both the mobile and the AuC then use the random number, in

conjuction with the subscriber's secret key and a ciphering algorithm called A3,

to generate a signed response (SRES) that is sent back to the AuC. If the

number sent by the mobile is the same as the one calculated by the AuC, the

subscriber is authenticated .

The same initial random number and subscriber key are also used to compute

the ciphering key using an algorithm called A8. This ciphering key, together

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with the TDMA frame number, use the A5 algorithm to create a 114 bit

sequence that is XORed with the 114 bits of a burst (the two 57 bit blocks).

Enciphering is an option for the fairly paranoid, since the signal is already

coded, interleaved, and transmitted in a TDMA manner, thus providing

protection from all but the most persistent and dedicated eavesdroppers.

Another level of security is performed on the mobile equipment itself, as

opposed to the mobile subscriber. As mentioned earlier, each GSM terminal is

identified by a unique International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI) number. A

list of IMEIs in the network is stored in the Equipment Identity Register (EIR).

The status returned in response to an IMEI query to the EIR is one of the



The terminal is allowed to connect to the network.


The terminal is under observation from the network for possible problems.

Black-listed .The terminal has either been reported stolen, or is not type

approved (the correct type of terminal for a GSM network). The terminal is not

allowed to connect to the network.

(g) Communication management

The Communication Management layer (CM) is responsible for Call Control

(CC), supplementary service management, and short message service

management. Each of these may be considered as a separate sublayer within

the CM layer. Call control attempts to follow the ISDN procedures specified in

Q.931, although routing to a roaming mobile subscriber is obviously unique to

GSM. Other functions of the CC sublayer include call establishment, selection of

the type of service (including alternating between services during a call), and

call release.

(h)Call routing

Unlike routing in the fixed network, where a terminal is semi-permanently

wired to a central office, a GSM user can roam nationally and even

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internationally. The directory number dialed to reach a mobile subscriber is

called the Mobile Subscriber ISDN (MSISDN), which is defined by the E.164

numbering plan. This number includes a country code and a National

Destination Code which identifies the subscriber's operator.

The first few digits of the remaining subscriber number may identify the

subscriber's HLR within the home PLMN.

An incoming mobile terminating call is directed to the Gateway MSC (GMSC)

function. The GMSC is basically a switch which is able to interrogate the

subscriber's HLR to obtain routing information, and thus contains a table

linking MSISDNs to their corresponding HLR. A simplification is to have a GSMC

handle one specific PLMN. It should be noted that the GMSC function is distinct

from the MSC function, but is usually implemented in an MSC.

The routing information that is returned to the GMSC is the Mobile Station

Roaming Number (MSRN), which is also defined by the E.164 numbering plan.

MSRNs are related to the geographical numbering plan, and not assigned to

subscribers, nor are they visible to subscribers.

The most general routing procedure begins with the GMSC querying the called

subscriber's HLR for an MSRN. The HLR typically stores only the SS7 address of the

subscriber's current VLR, and does not have the MSRN (see the location updating

section). The HLR must therefore query the subscriber's current VLR, which will

temporarily allocate an MSRN from its pool for the call. This MSRN is returned to the

HLR and back to the GMSC, which can then route the call to the new MSC. At the new

MSC, the IMSI corresponding to the MSRN is looked up, and the mobile is page.

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d in its

current location area .

Figure 3.3 Call routing for a mobile terminating call


4.1 what is AFC:

4.1.1 Salient Features:

• Altruist Friends Chat allows subscribers to talk/ chat over SMS /

Voice anonymously (which means by sharing only there virtual

identities as created by them and never giving out the mobile


• A full bodied, well researched, complete user interface makes

Altruist Friends Chat an exhilarating experience;

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• Available seamlessly over SMS & Voice it provides subscribers a

choice of media at various stages; and

• Altruist besides offering the complete hardware, software,

application platform, running and upkeep, also provides marketing

inputs accumulated from running it for over 6 months in 9 circles.

4.1.2 Driving Principle’s:

Altruist believes for any VAS to click it should:

• Offer a host of possibilities

• Appeal across verticals - segments

• Be DONKEY PROOF - easy to use

• Create Excitement - engrossing

• EVOLVING – Constant upgrade’s & a road map.

4.1.3 Advantages:

Promising as it would just accentuate all the drivers of chat

• Secure (mobiles are mostly personal unlike computers which are


• High availability (mobile is always on and with you)

• Little or no spam as it would be charged.

• No bandwidth issues for upgrading to voice

• Platform independent as chat can happen on SMS, Voice and WAP.

4.2 Friends Chat on Voice:

4.2.1 Registration

• Subscriber dials IVR Short code 543216;

• Creates his profile by answering simple questions like age,

sex, location, etc. through IVR DTMF inputs;

• Creates desired Friend’s profile by answering similar


• Subscriber then records a short prompt on himself/ herself

for others to hear and chose from;

• Asked if he would like other subscribers to be able to call

him/ her. Y/N input taken over DTMF;

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• On successful registration subscriber sent SMS telling him

his ID – 543216ABCDEFG(Unique 7 digit numeric id appended

to 543216); and

• Preferred medium for registration is Voice for its

interactivity. Communication to be primarily about dialing


4.2.2 Service Flow

• Registered subscriber dials 543216;

• Given the option of listening to already created profiles/

editing his own profile/ allowing or dis-allowing people from

being able to call;

• If Chooses to hear profiles, while listening to profiles given

the option of speaking to the person by pressing 1;

• If one is pressed, desired profile is out-dialed; CLI shown is

ID of calling subscriber. The two subscribers talk;

• After call is disconnected the ID’s 543216ABCDEFG are sent

to both for future conversation;

• Anytime anybody (even people without an ID themselves)

can dial any ID, to be able to talk except if there is a block; and

• Also requested to make a profile for his ID.

4.2.3 Other Features:

• Subscriber can edit his or his desired partner profile by

dialing 543216;

• Can block people from being able to talk to him/ her;

• Can block people except those allowed specifically from

calling in;

• Can log out temporarily by dialing 54321601. When he does

that would not receive any calls till he logs back in;

• Toll Free Login/ Logout is available; and

• The killer element to bring back dormant subscribers is that

they are told about partners matching their profiles.

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Figure 4.1 Call Flow When A User Dial Short Code

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Figure 4.2 Call Flow When We Patch Your Call To New Friend

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Figure4.3 CallFlow For Existing user

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Figure 4.4 Call Flow For New User

Figure 4.5 Call Flow For Known Friend

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Figure 4.6 Call Flow For Change The Profile

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Figure 4.8 Call Flow For Change Profile

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Figure 4.9 Call Flow For Change Profile


VAS is all about innovation and imagination, so likewise Friends Chat will also be more

enhanced, technological improved with time. Some of the ideas that can be

incorporated could be:

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Multiple User Chat Rooms: As the next step to one to one Voice Chat there is a Chat

room feature wherein people can get into topical huddles and discuss, interact and

chose the people they may want to have a one on ne interaction with.

Add Ons: Do more than just chat. Send greeting messages, dedicate songs and gift

Hello Tunes to people using only the Chat Id. Send physical gifts to each other through

Chat Id.

• WAP/ GPRS interface to Friends Chat.

• Celebrity Chats: Bring in celebrities to chat with chosen few

subscribers. Celebrities could be national, regional or even local.

• Radio/ TV Integration: Knit chat into a TV/ Radio show with the

focus on promoting A NEW WAY OF LIFE, A NEW WAY TO INTERACT &


• Gifting of Flowers and other items

• Playing Pranks

• Play Music while Chatting and send Musical Messages


The current version of the Friends Chat is made very simple and effective so as

not to confuse the subscribers and give maximum value. VAS market is very

dynamic and innovative so certainly our product will have a next release with

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the updated features as per the market need. The service is designed in such a

way that we can enhance or plug any new features and take out the next


What is Friends Chat Service?

Sir / Ma’am, Altruist Friends Chat allows you to find friends and

talk to them over SMS or Voice without displaying your mobile

number. Instead you get a 7 digit chat ID as your Friends Chat


The service is absolutely secure with very stringent checks and

moderation. Subscribers to be able to Chat with people across

various circles of Mobile to offer a lot of choice and variety to


Is this available to all customers?

Yes, the service is available to all the postpaid & prepaid

customers of Mobile.

How can I subscribe for this?

Subscribers should send SUB/ START to 57000 or Simply call

57000 IVR and simple prompts will guide to subscribe for the


How can I find friends on Voice Chat

Dial the Voice Chat IVR number (57000) and go to profiles option.

Here you shall hear the recordings of other users, giving you the

option to choose your own friends. Incase, you like a particular

recording/ user profile, you may press 1 from your handset to

speak to that user.

Also, the service sends you SMS alerts of Chat Id’s that match

your profile criteria. OR Simply Write F /M/ PROF and send to

57000 to receive matching profiles.

How do I make a Friends Chat Call?

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There a 2 ways to make a Chat call to your friends:

You can directly dial your friend’s 7 digit Chat ID number prefixed

with 543216. for e.g. to call your friend with Chat Id 3412342,

simply dial 565653412342 from your phone. The call will

automatically get connected to your friend with your Chat ID as

the calling number.

OR you can call 543216 and select the option “Make a Chat Call”.

The system will then prompt you to enter the Chat ID number you

want to call and then the call gets connected.

How can I make Friends using SMS CHAT?

Matching Chat Id will be received by the subscriber on regular

basis (Same can be obtained by sending F/M/PROF to 543216) .

send your Text/Binary message to chatid prefixed with 543216.

eg to send msg to a friend whose chat id is 1234567 , send ur

text “Hi ..this is Amit” to 5432161234567.

Recipient will receive msg frm his/frnd’s Chatid prefixed by

543216 , eg recipient will receive msg from 5432167789457 , to

which he/she can reply back(which is toll free) and start chatting

What are the charges for Friends Chat Service?

Monthly Subscription is Rs 30/-

Usage @ Rs 2/ SMS for non subscriber

Rs 2/SMS for subscriber

Can I stop myself from receiving Chat calls/SMS?

YES, you can call the Service IVR at 54321602(toll free) or Simply

write LOGOUT and send to 543216(toll free).To start receiving the

calls, you need to call 54321601 (toll free) or write LOGOUT and

send to 543216(toll free).

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I am existing user of FRIENDS CHAT Service, now I

want to unsubscribe for this, how can I do that?

Subscribers should call 543216 and go to the options menu.

Select Unsubscribe option. Or write UNSUB/STOP and send to

543216(toll free)

What cities is this service available in?

Sir / Ma’am, the service is available to all Mobile customers across


Can I use Chat Service while roaming?

Yes, you can use the service in Roaming also.


• Press Adverts – Done in Gujarat & Rajasthan in regional

language newspapers and gave a good spike , raised the level of

daily MoU’s which gave rise to SMS transistion also.

• Radio – A week long campaign around Valentine’s day in

Gujarat & Friendship day in MP wherein the RJ’s were constantly

talking about Chat and inviting people to talk to them through

Chat went a long way in promoting Voice Chat as a concept and

drove a lot of awareness amongst the youth. Particularly effective

given the high reach and salience of FM.

• Out Bound Dialer: A very exciting OBD with a very different

concept of a male profile and a female profile introducing Voice

Chat to the relevant target subscribers was done and gave

excellent results with a conversion ratio of over 8%.

• Addressing Consumer Direct Touch Points: The service

info is provided on Customer Care IVr, Call hold prompt, Bill

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Messages, Prepaid Recharge IVR, Prepaid activation IVR, Leaflets

& Posters in Showrooms, Cross Service promos etc.

• Ladies free Offer – Subscription fee was waived off for the

ladies in some circles which helped bring more of them and also

in retaining the existing one’s. Done in Gujarat very effectively

and increased the number of ladies by 100% and the success

minutes by 50%. Similar experience informally in Punjab where

• Incentives for Receiving msg – Clearly the bottleneck in

Voice/SMS Chat as a service is on the number of people receiving

calls/msg and not so much on the calling side which is why the

following typical offers were done in some circles with good


– VLCC Vouchers for people receiving more than 100

minutes/150 msg in a month.

– Ladies purses/ Movie tickets/ travel coupons from Club

Mahindra were gifted.

– Recharge worth 500 rupees to 10 top recipients in HP

has given them the highest Fem to Male ratio and also a

high success rate. The other good thing about recharge is

the ease of delivery and simple logistics.

• One Month Trial – Rental waived for first month for trial.

Attempted as a weekend offer or a one week offer and gave good

results. Done in allmost circles for Voice Chat.

• On Ground Events – Passes to various Christmas and New

Year bashes were distributed. Colleges/ Hostels etc were covered

in Punjab/ Gujarat for free trial subscription offers. Worked

extremely well but needs on ground support from Mobile for good

results and close co-ordination with Marcom teams for execution.

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A Lot of impact is possible especially around Valentines through

the on ground medium

Celebrity Chats – Some regional personalities were put on Chat like Satinder Satti in

Punjab/ Tanaaz & Bakhtiar in Maharshtra/ some local Models etc. Some bursts in

minutes were seen in these places. The concept could be really ignited if to start with

couple of big names could be brought on Chat as then the other celebs would follow

suit for the sake of visibility. Mobile support on this count would help make it a reality

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5.1 Programming Languages & Development Tools:

As our company has to provide Solutions and various Value Added Services to

any Telecom Company so in order to this we have to wok on separate VXML,

Core Java Servlets and Apache Tomcat. As all programs in our company are

based on these languages. All the code is written in CCXML, VXML, Servlets

and Java is used just to communicate with Oracle.

5).Basic Operations in Mobile voice chat:-


How To activate a MSISDN(Mobile Station International

Subscriber Directory Number):-

MSISDN is a number used to identify a mobile phone number internationally.

To use the service first of all we have to activate a customer in the service,

their are two possible ways to activate a number.

1).Through URL:- Simplest way to activate a number in the service

is through URL. In it we just transfer the list of numbers to a particular

server location, and then simply browse the list from the position where

it is stored.

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2). Through File Uploadation:- The second most prominent way to activate

numbers into the service is the file uploadation. In this method we have to

transfer the list of MSISDN’s to the server in the specific path .

Examplary Program




THIS PROGRAM INSERTS ANI(Mobile Number), STATUS ,MODE(Activation Mode)




import java.sql.*;

import java.net.*;

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import java.io.*;

import java.lang.*;

import java.util.*;

import com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.*;

public class AircelURL


public static void main(String DevelopedBy Gulab Singh[])




BufferedReader br =new

BufferedReader(newInputStreamReader(newFileInputStream(new File("e:\\


String temp="";


Connection con =



Statement stmt =con.createStatement();

String ani ="";

String status ="";

String modeofact ="";

while((temp =br.readLine()).trim()!=null)


StringTokenizer sstr = new StringTokenizer(temp,",");

while (sstr.hasMoreTokens())


ani =sstr.nextToken().trim();


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ResultSet rs1=null;

rs1 =stmt.executeQuery("select count(1) from tbl_aircelurl where



int state =rs1.getInt(1);


if(state >0)


System.out.println(" tbl_aircelurl already contains this NUMBER made by

Gulab Singh");




System.out.println("PLACED IN TBL_AIRCELURL")

stmt.executeUpdate("insert into tbl_aircelurl(ani,status,mode




catch(Exception i)


i.printStackTrace(); }

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catch(Exception oo)







How To deactivate a MSISDN(Mobile Station International

Subscriber Directory Number):-

MSISDN is a number used to identify a mobile phone number internationally.

To use the service first of all we have to deactivate a customer from the

service, their are two possible ways to deactivate a number.

1).Through URL:- Simplest way to deactivate a number in the

service is through URL. In it we just transfer the list of numbers to a

particular server location, and then simply browse the list from the

position where it is stored.

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2). Through File Uploadation:- The second most prominent way to deactivate

numbers into the service is the file uploadation. In this method we have to

transfer the list of MSISDN’s to the server in the specific path .

Examplary Program




THIS PROGRAM INSERTS ANI(Mobile Number), STATUS ,MODE(Activation Mode)




import java.sql.*;

import java.net.*;

import java.io.*;

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import java.lang.*;

import java.util.*;

import com.mysql.jdbc.Driver.*;

public class AircelURL


public static void main(String DevelopedBy Gulab Singh[])




BufferedReader br =new

BufferedReader(newInputStreamReader(newFileInputStream(new File("e:\\


String temp="";


Connection con =



Statement stmt =con.createStatement();

String ani ="";

String status ="";

String modeofact ="";

while((temp =br.readLine()).trim()!=null)


StringTokenizer sstr = new StringTokenizer(temp,",");

while (sstr.hasMoreTokens())


ani =sstr.nextToken().trim();



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ResultSet rs1=null;

rs1 =stmt.executeQuery("select count(1) from tbl_aircelurl where



int state =rs1.getInt(1);


if(state >0)


System.out.println(" tbl_aircelurl already contains this NUMBER made by Gulab





System.out.println("Excluded fom TBL_AIRCELURL")

stmt.executeUpdate("insert into tbl_aircelurl(ani,status,mode




catch(Exception i)


i.printStackTrace(); }


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catch(Exception oo)






There are two different ways how a customer

comes for Subscription into voicechat :-

1). Through IVR:-

In IVR the user just dials the short code consist of six digits (for local location) or ten

digit long code (for remote location), then the user just interact with the prerecorded

computer instructions and subscribe the service. Here is the activation flow which

takes place as follows..

To IVRRegistration

On Voice Chat

Registration Complete and user gets his Unique

Chat ID via SMS

Browses Voice Chat User Profiles

Selects a profile to chat with.

Voice Chat System calls to selected party

Call connected to selected profile

New User Calls

Profile Pool

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OBD(Out bound dialing) is the second prominent way with the help of which we make

to subscribe a customer into the service. In OBD we just plays prerecorded prompts to

users which they listen and opt to subscribe the service.

For playing a prompt to a selected number of users we make the following steps.

2.1) Free the channels on which we have to make the OBD:


import java.lang.*;import java.util.*;import java.io.*;

class DeleteUnWantedHelloTunesFiles extends Thread


private static String Path="E:\\HelloTunes\\"; private static int Channels=118 ; private static File InsideChannelDir=null; public static void main(String ImplementedByManishSharma[]) { int i=105; for(i=105;i<Channels;i++) { try { File Directory=new File(Path + i + "\\log"); String FileName[]=Directory.list(); int j=0;

for(j=0;j<FileName.length;j++) { File FullPath = new File(Directory + "\\" + FileName[j]); if(FullPath.isDirectory()==true) { } else { System.out.println("Deleting File-->"+" " + FullPath);


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FullPath.delete(); } //Thread.sleep(100); } } catch(Exception ex) { System.out.println("Error Occured-->"+" " + ex); } } }}

2.2) Loding the base into the specified channels:

import java.io.*;import java.util.*;import java.sql.*;import java.lang.*;import java.text.DecimalFormat;import java.text.NumberFormat;import java.text.DecimalFormatSymbols;import java.util.Date;import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;import java.lang.Integer;class FileCopy{ //Function to print the exception private void alert(Exception e)

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} //End Function to print the exception

private String divideAndMakeFile(String FolderName,String FileName,String TotalSubsFile,String PromoFile,String HelloTuneFile,int StartChannel,int EndChannel)

{ int i,j; try {

System.out.println(FolderName + FileName + ".txt"); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader( FolderName + FileName "+.txt"));

Try { BufferedWriter[] Out = new BufferedWriter[160]; BufferedWriter[] TotalSubs1=new BufferedWriter[160]; BufferedWriter[] Promo1=new BufferedWriter[160]; BufferedWriter[] HelloTune1=new BufferedWriter[160]; int[] TotalSubs=new int[160];{System.out.println("totalsubs length---->done good .."+TotalSubs.length);} for (i=0; i<TotalSubs.length; i++) { TotalSubs[i]=0; } for (i=StartChannel;i<=EndChannel ;i++ ) { Out[i] = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter( FolderName +FileName + i+ ".txt",true)); } String str; int isEOFile = 1;


for (i=StartChannel;i<=EndChannel ;i++ ){

if ((str = in.readLine()) != null){

if (Integer.parseInt(str.substring(0,1))==0){



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else { Out[i].write(str);



} else {isEOFile=0; } }

} for (j=StartChannel;j<=EndChannel ;j++ ) { Out[j].close();

} in.close();

for (i=StartChannel;i<=EndChannel ;i++ )

{ TotalSubs1[i] = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter( FolderName +TotalSubsFile+ i+ ".txt"));TotalSubs1[i].write(Integer.toString(TotalSubs[i])) ;


for (i=StartChannel;i<=EndChannel ;i++ ){

Promo1[i] = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter( FolderName +PromoFile+ i+ ".txt"));


Promo1[i].close(); }

for (i=StartChannel;i<=EndChannel ;i++ ){ HelloTune1[i] = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter( FolderName +HelloTuneFile+ i+

".txt")); HelloTune1[i].write("0"); HelloTune1[i].close();

} return("yes");

} catch (Exception e)

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{ alert(e); return("no");

} }

catch (Exception e) { alert(e); return("no");

} } //Function to move the created files in the required folders

private String copyAndPasteFile(String SrcDir,String DestDir,String SrcfileName,String DestfileName) { String srcDirName = SrcDir; String destDirName = DestDir;

String absSrcName = new StringBuffer( srcDirName ).append( File.separator ).append( SrcfileName ).toString(); String absDestName = new StringBuffer( destDirName ).append( File.separator ).append( DestfileName ).toString();

try { File srcFile = new File( absSrcName );

File destFile = new File( absDestName );

if ( srcFile.renameTo( destFile ) )

return("yes"); else { return("no"); } }

catch( Exception x )

{ x.printStackTrace(); } return("no");

} // End Function to copy and paste the created files in the required folders

public static void main(String[] args) {

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Try { FileCopy objFileCopy=new FileCopy();

Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();

NumberFormat formatter = new DecimalFormat("00");

int Channels;

String SourceDir,DestDir;

String FolderName, SrcFileName, DestFileName,TotalSubsFile,PromoFile,HelloTuneFile;

int StartChannel,EndChannel,count;

int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);

int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH); int day = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

DestFileName="HelloSubs" ;

SrcFileName="HelloSubs" + Integer.toString(year) +formatter.format(month+1)+ formatter.format(day) ;

TotalSubsFile="TotalSubs" ;

PromoFile="Promo" ;

HelloTuneFile="HelloTune" ; // File Making for Prompt OBD

StartChannel=105; EndChannel=118;

SourceDir="E:\\HelloTunes\\OBD1\\"; if ((objFileCopy.divideAndMakeFile(SourceDir,SrcFileName,TotalSubsFile,PromoFile,HelloTuneFile,StartChannel,EndChannel))=="yes")

{ for (count=StartChannel; count<=EndChannel;count++ )

{DestDir="E:\\HelloTunes\\" + Integer.toString(count) + "\\log";If

(!new File(DestDir).exists()) new File(DestDir).mkdir();

else{ DeleteDirectory(new File(DestDir));

new File(DestDir).mkdir(); }

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if (objFileCopy.copyAndPasteFile(SourceDir,DestDir,SrcFileName+integer.toString(count)+".txt",DestFileName+".txt")=="yes") { If (objFileCopy.copyAndPasteFile(SourceDir,DestDir,TotalSubsFile+Integer.toString(count)+".txt",TotalSubsFile+".txt")=="yes")

If (objFileCopy.copyAndPasteFile(SourceDir,DestDir,PromoFile+Integer.toString(count)+".txt",PromoFile+".txt")=="yes") If (objFileCopy.copyAndPasteFile(SourceDir,DestDir,HelloTuneFile+Integer.toString(count)+".txt",HelloTuneFile+".txt")=="yes")





catch(Exception ex) {ex.printStackTrace();}}

public static void DeleteDirectory(File filename) { Try { if(filename.isDirectory())

{String children[]=filename.list();for(int i=0;i<children.length;i++)

{ System.out.println(filename+"\\"+children[i]); new File(filename+"\\"+children[i]).delete();

} System.out.println(filename);


} } catch(Exception excep){ excep.printStackTrace();}


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5.3 An Introduction toVoiceXML

5.3.1 What is VoiceXML?

VoiceXML is a mark-up language for specifying interactive voice dialogues

between a human and a computer Analogous to HTML VoiceXML browser

interprets .vxml pages Can be dynamically generated by server-side scripts

(JSP, ASP, CGI, Perl) Can access external databases (e.g. SQL)


<?xml version="1.0"?>

<vxml version="2.0">



Hello world!




VoiceXML platform

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Figure 5.1 Architecture

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Figure 5.2 Architecture of VXml

5.2.2 Voice User Interface (VUI):

Traditional web-based forms The purpose of a dialogue is to fill forms GUI vs.

VUI Fonts vs. prosody Large menus vs. short utterances Hypertext navigation

vs. voice commands Constraint on forms vs. recognition grammars Global

options always visible vs. only uttered at the beginning of the dialogue.

5.2.3 Why use VoiceXML?

Advantages of VoiceXML platforms Special-purpose programming languages Reduces

development costs Separation between dialogue system components Portability of


Flexibility: outsource or purchase equipment Choose best-of-breed components Re-

use of Internet infrastructure VoiceXML is becoming a standard

5.3 The VoiceXML language

(a) XML structure

< element_name attribute_name="attribute_value">

......contained items......

< /element_name>

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(b) Basic elements

prompt: specifies the system’s utterance

audio: play pre-recorded prompts

form: set of fields

field: information needed to complete task

grammar: specifies possible inputs to a field

(c ) Basic elements

filled: what to do if user input is recognized

value: return a field’s value

goto: go to another form or file

submit: go to another file and keep field values

(d) Error handling

user says nothing: noinput

nothing matches the grammar: nomatch

(e) VoiceXML document

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<vxml version="2.0”>

<form id= “get_student_name”>

<field name= “student_name”>

<prompt> What's your name? </prompt>

<grammar> john | mary | rob </grammar>

<noinput> Please say your name. </noinput>

<nomatch> I didn’t understand that. </nomatch>


Thank you, <value expr= “student_name” />

<submit next=“next_document.vxml” />




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What do we want

to know?

What’s next?

Acceptable answer

Wrong answer?

No answer?

Possible answers


(f) Recognition grammars

Key to successful recognition Many platform-dependent formats (JSGF, SGL,


Inline grammar External file

<grammar src=“mygram.gram” type=“application/x-jsgf” />

Example with optional inputs (in brackets)

#JSGF V1.0;

grammar pizza;

public <pizza> = [I’d like a] <size> <type> [pizza] [please];

<size> = small | medium | large;

<type> = vegetarian | pepperoni | cheese;

(g) Built-in grammars









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<field name=“get_digits” type=“digits”>

Can add additional constraints

<field name=“get_digits”


(h) Events

<nomatch count=3> What did you say ? </nomatch> Similar to exceptions

Thrown by Platform: ASR misrecognition Application: <throw>

Handler Specific: <noinput>, <nomatch>, <help> General: <catch event=…>

Can count number of event occurrences Successive ASR errors with different


5.4 VoiceXML properties

Can be modified using the <property>element Confidence level of ASR .

Barge-in Time-out Voice/DTMF Properties can be defined at all levels: for the

whole application, document, or a specific field

5.5 Mixed-initiative dialogues

VoiceXML allows for simple mixed-initiative More flexible More room for errors

A form-level grammar that can recognize multiple fields at once E.g. “Please

tell me a departure day and a destination”. Grammar needs to account for all

possible orderings

• “I’m going to DEST on DATE”

• “I’m leaving on DATE to go to DEST”

What if we don’t have all required information at once?

• Back to directed dialogue

• Need traditional fields

How to know what fields remain unfilled?

5.6) Tables Used:-

1.) Subregmaster:-

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The main basic table used in voice chat, it contains all the entries which comes into the service.

Column Name Data Type Precesionserialno int 10

mobileno varchar 10subId int 10PlanId int 10

MmsKeyword varchar 10requestMode int 10deliverymode int 10gwdatetime datetime 10

regId int 10validitydate datetime 10inittransid int 10trRequest int 10

Amt int 10nDays int 10

isBilled bit 10OperatorId int 10

CircleId int 10OperatorIdentifier varchar 10

trInitiater int 10OprBillResponse varchar 10

DivisionId int 10ClientId int 10

ShortcodeId int 10responsedate datetime 10campaignId int 10

contenttypeid int 10BillingType int 10

UsageMinutes int 10UserAccountType varchar 10

2).Subscriptionbilled:-This table contains the entries whose billing has been done. It’s main fields are

Column Name Data Type Precesion

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RegId int 10mobileno numeric 18

Name varchar 25 Sex bit 10

Address varchar 25 City varchar 15

Proviance varchar 15 Organization varchar 15

RegistrationDate datetime SubId int 10UrlId int 10

LastPushLevenNo int 10unsubflag int 10

UpdateDate datetime TransID int 10Channel varchar 10

Pushdate datetime ValidityDate datetime RenevalAlert int 10

AlertUrl varchar 10 SubscriptionMode varchar 10

PlanID int 10dctLoginName varchar 15

ProviderMasterId int 10OperatorId int 10

CircleId int 10OperatorIdentifier varchar 10

CampaignId int 10nRenewal int 10

UserRequestedPlanId int 10ShortCodeId int 10UsedMinutes int 10

BalanceMinutes int 10

5.7 Form Interpretation Algorithm

Defines how control flows through a VoiceXML application as it executes Makes

VoiceXML declarative Just specify utterances, fields and grammars Define what

happens, not how FIA deals with procedural details

• Keeps querying undefined fields

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• Throw events and loop until field is filled by user

<nomatch> or <noinput>


5.8 FIA – confirmations

If a field value isn’t confirmed by user, set it to undefined and the FIA will ask

for it again

<field name=“confirm” type=“boolean”>

<prompt> Do you want details on <value expr=“student_name” />?



<if cond=“confirm”>

Looking up details on <value expr=“student_name” />

<else />

Let’s try again

<clear namelist=“student_name confirm” />




5.9 Limitations

Simple mixed initiative How to retrieve information from a database?

What about more advanced dialogue system features?

Content summarization Multiple database entries Find alternatives answers

Dynamic grammars  If the database changes, the recognition grammar must


Generate VoiceXML pages dynamically

5.10 Dynamic VoiceXML

Similar to dynamic HTML pages Content isn’t stored on the server, but created

on-the- fly based on the user’s parameters and a database Typical interaction:

A static VXML page collects information from the user Submit the fields to a

server-side script (JSP, PHP, ASP, Perl, etc.) The script queries the database and

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processes the results The script outputs VXML code which is interpreted by the


5.10.1 Dynamic VoiceXML



Perl scripts

5.10.2 Implementation in Perl

When form is filled, send fields value to the server-side script for Processing

<filled> Thank you

<submit next=“http://mywebserver/script.perl”>


The Perl script collects information

$q = new CGI;

$name = $q->param('student_name');

Connect to the SQL database

$handler = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:$db", $user, $password);

Query the database for the student’s name

$query = $handler->prepare(“SELECT * FROM students

WHERE name = \”$name\”” );


Output beginning of VoiceXML document (<xml>, <voicexml>,

<form>, <prompt>)

Output result, i.e. the student’s phone number

@row = $sth->fetchrow_array;

print “The phone number of $name is $row[2]\n”;

Output end of VoiceXML document (</form>, </voicexml>, etc.)

5.10.3 Dynamic grammars

What to do when the recognition vocabulary is not known in advance?

Rewrite a grammar at each database update Better, use a server-side script to

Retrieve patterns from database Write grammar to an external file Call

a VXML page using this grammar

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5.11 Conclusion

VoiceXML has become a standard All-in-one solutions available Reduces

dialogue system development time Comes with limited dialogue management

and language generation capabilities Additional functions can be easily

Implemented Develop your own dialogue system with free VoiceXML browsers!



Testing of software deals with checking of the software that whether it is

working as it should be according to the system design. The software should

not be performing any functions less than the required and also not follow

something extra or perform unwanted operations. Thus a software testing

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deals with the process of verifying that the system works according to the

requirement specifications and the system design.

The testing may be done in many ways. On the basis of the knowledge

of the software tester the testing may be divided into three groups. They are:

6.1.1 Black-Box Testing: In Black-Box Testing the tester only knows what

the software is supposed to do-he can’t see how it operates. If he types in a

certain input, he gets a certain output. He doesn’t know how or why it

happens, just that it does. Means run a test, give input and verify its output

and if any bug or unexpected result u have faced, and ask developer to review

its related code.

6.1.2 White-Box Testing: While in White-Box Testing the software tester has

access to the program’s code and can examine it for clues to help him with his

testing-he scan see inside the box. Thus we can say that in white-box testing

the tester has knowledge about the software that what and how the things are

going on inside the system. Thus he can debug that the certain error is coming

from which part of the software.

6.1.3 Static Testing: Static Testing refers to testing something that’s not

running, means just examining and reviewing it without running it. It is just

related to reviewing of concerned code.

6.1.4 Dynamic Testing: While the Dynamic Testing refers to the process that

you would normally think of as testing-running and using the software.

Other testing procedures can be the mixture of the above i.e. Static Black-

Box testing, Dynamic Black-Box testing, Static White-Box testing, and the

Dynamic White-Box testing and so on.

The testing could be done on basis of confirming the behavior of a module and

the features related to a particular type. This is the Object based testing. One

could say that the process of testing is fully related on the Software

Development Model followed to develop the software. If there is no record of

requirements and design specifications of the software then one could not

think of the Static testing of the software. Similarly the dynamic testing is

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possible only at the completion of some portion of the project. The project

should be in the state of running for the dynamic testing.

6.1.5 Conclusion: The test cases are based to test the behavior in a specific

condition. They are formed generally to test each and every part of the code

i.e. each statement is executed at least once when testing the software.

The first step is to test the application for all the methods. They are checked

whether are working according to the requirement specifications or not. Only

after rigorous testing, the module is passed to the next phase.

The second phase consists of the Negative testing. I played with the

application and just try to produce an exception. Still the software application

should be good enough to handle all the activities of the user and still behave

properly. This is a real test of the application from the torture level point of

view. The application, which passes from this phase, is then sent to the next

and the final phase of the testing.

Thus each of the methods in the application undergoes rigorous testing before

being actually opened for the users.

For Black Box testing, we have made a number of automated test cases,

considering all the run time requirements. These test cases are made in such a

way that about every part of code would be executed by the tester, at least for

once. So the tester can run these test cases without continuously giving his

time to these as these are capable to run themselves without requiring

interaction from tester. So in this phase, there is a little to do for tester, just he

is responsible only for running this test case unit and for sending them to

concerned authority, after their completion.

For white box testing, we have followed unit-testing procedure. Besides it, we

have also followed the static testing technique, to make our code more

efficient. For it, the senior engineers, generally working in same team, are

appointed for reviewing of any particular part of component. This helps us in

optimizing our code quality and in rectifies the hidden bug in our architecture,

which is traced out by reviewing of code, due to experience of concerned

appointed engineer.

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6.2 Steps for checking service:

1. Open the VNC server and enter the IP address for the Landline


2. Open the VOSBOX (ADL Display).

3. Right click on the vosbox and select the control panel.

4. In the control Panel, select the ADL (Topaz).

5. In Topaz, we check for the channels on which our Trunk and Media

resources are running. By clicking the refresh button we can check the

present status of the channels like Idle, Calling, Connected, Remote

Disconnected etc.

6. If they are working properly, then click on Close.

7. After that go to E:/IVR/Update folder.

8. There create a file number.txt which contains the dialing number.

9. After that we open the ADL display to check the call status.

10. If the service is running properly, then we stop, otherwise next step

is followed to correct it.

6.3 Steps for the Correcting the Service:

Mainly two basic steps are followed to correct the Services and third step if

the problem is not corrected by the first two steps, these are:

A). Restart the services.

B). Restart the System.

C). Find the problem.

a).Steps to restart the services:

1.Stop the VOS box by right clicking on the VOS box and then selecting the

stop option.

2. Then go to desktop click icon named Configuration Manager-DCM present

on the Desktop, the window appears on which start, stop and other

buttons are present. Stop the dialogic card by clicking the Stop button.

When the stop button is clicked, the window shows the status as ‘Stop

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Pending’ which means that the card is in process to stop. When the card

is stopped the status will show ‘Stopped’.

3. Do check whether any instance of the Dialogic might not be running,

throw Task Manager. If running do stop that.

4. Now restart the Dialogic by clicking on the start button.

5. After that run the batch files such as VOS.BAT and VAS.BAT/TATA,exe.

These files are present on the desktop in the folder named ‘”Batch File”.

6. Now, see whether problem is solved or not. For this, follow the step of

the Checking service.

b).Steps to restart the System:

1. Stop VOS box and VAS. Stop the VOS box by right clicking on the VOS

box and then selecting the stop option.

2. Then go to desktop click icon named Configuration Manager-DCM

present on the Desktop, the window appears on which start, stop and other

buttons are present. Stop the dialogic card by clicking the Stop

button. When the stop button is clicked, the window shows the status as

‘Stop Pending’ which means that the card is in process to stop. When the

card is stopped the status will show ‘Stopped’.

3. After that restart the System.

4. As System get restated, and then do start the Card by clicking icon

named Configuration Manager-DCM present on the Desktop. Then Click the

Start button on the Configuration Manager window.

5. After that run the batch files such as VOS.BAT and VAS.BAT present on

the desktop in the folder named “Batch File”.

6.Now, see whether problem is solved or not. For this, follow the step of the

Checking service.

c).Find the problem: Under this, there may be different errors responsible

for the problem such as:

1. Database error : If there is a database error check weather the record

in the database is ok or not. Check for the procedures used.

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2. VOS error : If there is a problem regarding incoming call and outgoing


then check the code written in VOS.

4. Text File error : If there is any problem regarding logs then check for the

code which is used to make corresponding logs.

5. VAS error : If there is any error in writing the records in the database or

there is any error in calling procedures then we check the VAS.java file.

As this code is used for the connectivity of Database and VOS Code.



We have following approaches for the evaluation

1) Benchmarking- Comparing the performance of hardware and


2) Experience of other users- Vendors generally gives a list of

users who are satisfied with their work. But it is advisable to seek

the opinion independently.

3) Report of independent research organizations- Many

research organizations undertake project of evaluating the

proprietary software offered by various software agencies. They

publish the report at regular interval. The prospective buyer of a

software package can have faith in their evaluation.

In our case we have evaluated our System and found that the hardware and

software are in absolute sync with each other. Their performance has been

found to be up to the mark. We also compared our software with other

recruitment systems on other platforms and found that we were offering a

much better system at a lesser price and on a more sophisticated and user

friendly technology. Plus we offered complete maintenance and support for a

certain period of time.

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Implementation includes all those activities that take place to convert from old

system to the new one. The new system may be completely new. Successful

Implementation may not guarantee improvement in the organization using the

new system, improper installation will prevent it. Implementation uses the

design document to produce code. Demonstration that the program satisfies

its specifications validates the code. Typically, sample runs of the program

demonstrating the behavior for expected data values and boundary values are

required. Small programs are written using the model: It may take several

iterations of the model to produce a working program. As programs get more

complicated, testing and debugging alone may not be enough to produce

reliable code. Instead, we have to write programs in a manner that will help

insure that errors are caught or avoided.

7.2.1 Top-down implementation: Top down implementation begins with the

user invoked module and works toward the modules that do not call any other

modules. The implementation may proceed depth-first or breadth-first.

7.2.2 Bottom- Up implementation: Implementation begins with modules

that do not call any other modules and work toward the main program. Test

harnesses are used to test individual modules. The main module constitutes

the final test harne

7.2.3 STUBS: Stub programming is the implementation analogue of top-down

and stepwise refinement. It supports incremental program development by

allowing for error and improvement. A stub program is a stripped-down,

skeleton version of a final program. It doesn't implement details of the

algorithm or fulfill all the job requirements. However, it does contain rough

versions of all subprograms and their parameter lists. Furthermore, it can be

compiled and run. Extensive use of procedures and parameter are the

difference between stub programs and prototypes. Quick and dirty prototypes

should be improved and rewritten. A stub program helps demonstrates that a

program's structure is plausible. Its procedures and functions are

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unsophisticated versions of their final forms, but they allow limited use of the

entire program. In particular, it may work for a limited data set. Often the high-

level procedures are ready to call lower-level code, even if the more detailed

subprograms haven't even been written.


As program becomes more complex, changes have a tendency to introduce

unexpected effects. Incremental programming tries to isolate the effects of

changes. We add new features in preference to adding new functions, and add

new function rather than writing new programs. The program implementation

model becomes:

define types/compile/fix;

add load and dump functions/compile/test;

add first processing function/compile/test/fix;

add features/compile/test/fix;

add second processing function/compile/test/fix;

keep adding features/and compiling/and testing/ and


System was implemented at the client site in the following manner:

1) First of all we did a thorough system check on the client’s machine

in terms of hardware and software to ensure that there was enough

space to load and run our application with ease.

2) Then we installed Oracle 10g, VXml,CCXml, Server (back end) and

Java Servlets (front end) on the server.

Since the software was present on other systems and running properly,

there wasn’t much trouble in obtaining and installation.

3) Then came the process of Database Creation at the server site

which involved the generation This procedure is also known as Database

4) To establish contact with the server as per their requirement and

each request should be implemented. This task actually is fairly crucial

depending on the number of users trying to access the server at same

time so a load test needs to be performed.

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5) Finally came the job of training the users which meant that the clients

were given instructions regarding the working of the system which included

teaching them the When the user was fully trained, he or she was asked to

run the system independently and enter different sorts of data to test the

system to its limits.

6) Our system not only met the user requirements but to certain extent

exceeded in achieving much more then what was actually needed.

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Altruist enables carriers to unlock the Revenue potential of their networks by

delivering best - in- class, revenue- critical VAS products and services to their

subscribers. VAS is now a core business proposition contributing 20 percent of

operator revenue and fast emerging as the only differentiator in a very price

sensitive market. We. provides solutions on various platforms like :IVR, ASR,


Value Added Services are those mobile operator's services that allow

customers to do more from their phones than just traditional voice calls to

other phones. The emerging trends in mobile telephony clearly point towards a

domain vastly governed by the customers' whims and fancies.

The Value added Services (VAS) offered by Altruist are in sync with the tastes

and preferences of subscribers and range from Entertainment, Gaming,

Information to Community services (Music cards, Tambola, Quiz, Cricket, self

provisioning, group messaging etc).

8.1.1 Entertainment: Altruist's entertainment segment is to cater the

subscribers who wish to use their mobile phones also for their entertainment.

Widely popular entertainment services include, both IVRS and SMS based,

include Online Comedy, Voice Chat, SMS Chat and many more

(a)Voice Chat: Voice Chat service is for the subscribers who wish to chat with

varied people without disclosing their identity. All they need to do is create a

Chat Id and Login by sending SMS with specific keywords to a number. A list of

Chat rooms and currently online ID's are provided on the mobile screen.

Subscribers can search for the Id they feel fascinated to talk to and call a

preconfigured IVR number followed by the chosen Id they wish to talk to and


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( b) MOBILE PANDIT: Every person has a desire to get answers to questions

that future will unfold. MOBILE PANDIT is the service that provides the solution.

It is an IVR based service in which the subscriber can talk to an astrologer on

dialing a particular short code and can get answers to various queries.

(c) SMS Chat: SMS Chat service provides you with all the features of

Chatting , a login Id, chat rooms, chat groups etc all on the subscribers mobile.

The user just needs to create a unique Chat Id , login, join a room or send

personal messages to other chat Id's which are received on the other's mobile.

The user's mobile number is never disclosed. Subscriber is recognized only by

the chat Id he/she has created.

(d) Comedy: Comedy is an IVR based Automatic Speech Recognition service.

Subscriber just need to dial a predefined IVR number and speak Comedy, and it

will play non stop comedy on your mobile, unconditionally leaving the

subscriber in bits of laughter!

(e) Music: Music is loved by all and Altruist loves to encash the fact by

providing a wide variety of services all based on music. Be it Jukebox or

dedications, all behold the potential to enlighten the subscriber with lively

music of vivid kind.

(f) Jukebox: We as humans, all have music linked to few special moments in

our lives and on hearing our song we end up reliving those personal events.

Jukebox allows your subscribers to listen to their own song anytime anywhere.

It also prompts your subscribers to express their feelings through song

dedications or allow them to simply share music with their loved ones which in

turn assists you as an operator to have emotionally loyal subscribers

(g) Gaming: Gaming segment is devoted to subscribers who like to use their

mobile phones to enliven their moods by choosing a game to play. Our games

can be used not only to refresh the moods of the subscribers but also make

them all the happier by offering special prizes to winners. The list of games

include,Tambola, Quiz.

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(h) Quiz: Quiz is an IVR based service. In this quiz user needs to dial a

preconfigured number and participate in the quiz. Subscribers are asked to

choose the category and then questions related to that selected category will

be asked. Every correct answer gives the user some credits which he can

gather and qualify to win.

(i) Tambola: Tambola is one of the most popular games among Indian masses

and is often a part of games at clubs and parties. Tambola has the potential to

attract all masses irrespective of their age or gender. A unique game which

gives a feeling of competing with others and winning prizes. Altruist offers this

game a universal approach by making it available on a mobile phone. A feeling

to play anytime anywhere.

(j) Information: Information is vital for all. It is even more valuable if it

reaches people fast, is accurate and reliable. Altruist just aims at that. We look

forward at providing information, which the subscribers had always wanted to

access just on the dial of a number or a request through SMS. It may then be

an enquiry of the latest Movies, News be it National, International, General,

Business or Sports. Horoscope, Cricket Alerts, or any other information

subscriber would wish to acquire

(k) Horoscope: Who does not wish to know what their star signs have in store

for them. How their stars define their personality. Altruist can provide a

customized Horoscope to all mobile subscribers both on IVRS and SMS.

(l) Cricket Updates: A cricket match going on and you are away from your

Television set. Wish to know what the scores could be like. Who could be

batting? Who took how many wickets etc? Altruist offers a service on USSD,

SMS and IVRS dedicated just to bring mobile subscriber with the latest

updates on the cricket match.


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Every student is concerned about his future and wants to know about various

career opportunities available to them. Altruist provides information about the

upcoming competitive exams and the tips to prepare for them.

(a) Downloads: Altruist's download offerings are an attraction to all

subscribers for we offer them a huge gallery of endless variety of Ringtones,

Picture Messages, Logos and Jokes from where they can choose and download

what ever they've liked by dialing an IVR number or sending a SMS with a

specific keyword to a number. It is an every day attraction for those who wish

to start their day with a new music on their phone, a new Logo and a different

wallpaper to dress their mobile!

(b) Ringtone Download: By this service you can download the exiting Ring

Tones. Altruist provides you the option to choose the Ring Tones from various

categories and download them. For download you just have to send a SMS as

TONE <CODE> to a pre-configured number. You can also download ring tone

by making a call on a pre-configured number, and then choose your category

and your selected tone will be downloaded on your mobile.


Google Search Engine

Java in a Nutshell

By David Flanagan

Programming and Problem Solving With Java

By Nell B. Dale, Chip Weems, Mark R. Headington - 2003

Java Network Programming

By Elliotte Rusty Harold - 2000

JavaTech, an Introduction to Scientific and Technical Computing with Java

By Clark S. Lindsey, Johnny S. Tolliver, Thomas Lindblad - 2005

Java 2: A Beginner's Guide

By Herbert Schildt - 2001

Oracle in a Nutshell

By Ricky Greenwald, David C. Kraines - 2003

Mastering Oracle SQL

By Sanjay Mishra, Alan Beaulieu - 2004

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Oracle PL/SQL Programming

By Steven Feuerstein - 2002

Securing Windows NT/2000 Servers for the Internet

By Stefan Norberg - 2000
