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MOCC QUIZ (Mythology Occult Criminology and Conspiracy Theories Created By Ridhima Medha Shrivastava


(Mythology Occult

Criminology and Conspiracy


Created By


Medha Shrivastava





+10 direct

+10 bounce


X, is a Japanese cult that combines tenets from Buddhism, Hinduism, and is obsessed with the apocalypse. At the center of the group's belief is reverence for Shoko Asahara, the founder, who says that he is the first "enlightened one" since Buddha. The group made headlines around the world in 1995 when members carried out a chemical attack on the Tokyo subway system. A nerve agent, sarin, was released onto train cars, killing twelve and causing an estimated six thousand people to seek medical attention. X is listed as a terrorist organization because of the 1995 attack and for previous attempts to carry out biological and chemical attacks. It produced a terrifying arsenal of biochemical weapons, including advanced nerve agents such as VX and killer diseases such as anthrax and Q-fever. X exploited the spiritual vacuum left by Japan's economic boom years by offering what seemed like an alternative to Japan's straitjacket society. The head of the cult, a charismatic father figure claimed his devotees could read minds and levitate, and thousands of alienated young Japanese, raised on comic-book superheroes, believed him. Followers were starved, doped with LSD and forced to undergo bizarre initiations. The cult's enemies were murdered and incinerated in purpose-built microwave ovens. The madness culminated in a rush-hour assault on Tokyo's subway, an attempt to halt a police investigation into the cult. At its peak, X boasted 10,000 Japanese members and another 30,000 in Russia.What is X?

Aum Shinrikyo


Nowhere in the Bible is any sorcerer or magician

portrayed in a positive light. All are condemned by God.

Scripture says that God hates all magic, whether it is the

right-hand path, or the left-hand path. Why? Because it

doesn’t come from God. Satan deceives people by

making them think ____________ is beneficial. He can

do this because he pretends to be an angel of light (2

Corinthians 11:14), but his desire is to ensnare the souls

of as many as he can. The Bible warns against him and

his evil tricks. “Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy

the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for

someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

White magic

3Scientology used to be run from a boat.In the 1960s a ship called The Apollo sailed the Mediterranean and later the Caribbean and that’s where all the religion’s followers hung out. L. Ron Hubbard was “commodore” and his followers, known as the X, served as a private navy. His most trusted aides were teenage girls who wore a uniform of hot pants and platform shoes. There was also a special Scientology band called the “Apollo All-Stars.”Members of the X, which was founded out of those people who used to work with Hubbard on the Scientology boat, would sign a billion-year contract dedicating their life to Scientology and were paid about $50 a week. Critics believe that the X is one of the most abusive groups in the world.

Sea Org

This film which is usually thanked and/or blamed for the trend of ____. Released in

October 1999, it wasn’t the first ______movie – that honour is accorded to 1980’s

Cannibal Holocaust.

The audition process for the film was an unusual one too.

Actress Heather Donahue remembers reading an ad in Backstage that said: “A

feature film, shot in wooded location: it is going to be hell and most of you reading

this probably shouldn't come."

In order to test the improvisational skills of the candidates, as soon as each potential

actor entered the room to audition, he or she was immediately told by one of the

directors: "You've been in jail for the last nine years. We're the parole board. Why

should we let you go?" If the actor hesitated for even a moment, the directors

concluded the audition.

FITB and Which film?


found footage horror movie

Blairwitch project


The X Code was the supposed secret message between X and his wife that would be used to contact her in the afterlife, which he didn't think was possible. Despite his scepticism, X and his wife devised a secret message that was to be used to test the validity of any so-called spirit message coming from either of them, should one or the other pass.“Rosabelle* Answer * Tell * Pray Answer * Look * Tell * Answer Answer * Tell”

1 Pray2 Answer3 Say4 Now5 Tell6 Please7 Speak8 Quickly9 Look

The second word in our code was ANSWER. B is the second letter in the alphabet so ANSWER stands for B. The fifth word in the code is TELL, and the fifth letter of the alphabet is e. The twelfth letter in the alphabet is L and to make up twelve wehave to use the first and second words of the code.The message also had another part, one word that was not encoded: “Rosabelle.” “Rosabelle” was the name of a short love song that his wife sang for X in their very first show together. So the full message was: “Rosabelle, believe!”X's message to his wife was to believe! What a creative way to affirm the continuation of consciousness after death!Who is X?

Harry Houdini

6.The National Security Agency once banned this electronic toy from its premises because it feared that they would

listen in on classified conversations.

In 1999, after the toy had gained massive popularity the NSA issued a memo banning them from its

offices in Fort Meade. Because the commercials advertised them as "learning" English over time, the

folks in charge believed that they contained an internal recording device, and they feared the toys would

spill secrets in their cutesy voices. According to a 1999 BBC News article, anyone who came across this

toy on NSA premises was instructed to "contact their Staff Security Office for guidance.“

However, the NSA's intelligence on this matter was a bit off. The toy came pre-programmed with words in

English and its special language and couldn't actually record or playback anything. Tiger Electronics

president Roger Shiffman ended up issuing a statement assuring the intelligence agency that “X is not a


Which toy?

FURBY (evil little shit)

7.Charles Manson, is an American criminal who led what became known as the Manson Family, a quasi-commune that arose in the California desert in the late 1960s. He was good at manipulating people. He took pieces from various religions to form his own philosophy. When the Beatles released their White Album in 1968, Manson believed their song “______" predicted an upcoming race war.

“______" Manson believed, was going to occur in the summer of 1969 when blacks were going to rise up and slaughter all the white people. He told his followers that they would be saved because they would go underground, literally, by traveling to an underground city of gold located in Death Valley.However, when the Armageddon that Manson had predicted did not occur, he said he and his followers must show the blacks how to do it.Which Song?

Helter Skelter


_________ is an early work critiquing popular cultural forms that has been labelled by some

as communist propaganda written by Ariel Dorfman and Armand Mattelart. It discusses the

impact of comic books featuring the Walt Disney cartoon characters. The book was written

and published in 1971 in Chile under socialist president Salvador Allende.

Dorfman and Mattelart argue that the comics, particularly those featuring this

character____, take on an ideological cast that reflects and naturalises American corporate

exploitation of Latin American countries. While Dorfman and Mattelart argue in the original

text that this is corporate ideology of the Disney Corporation is made manifest in the comic

books,David Kunzle's introduction to the 1991 English edition suggests that in the years

since the book's initial publication, Dorfman had "taken a more generous view of the

comics he excoriated, at least those by Carl Barks (main writer and artist of the comics),

whom he too recognizes as an unrivaled satirist."

Name the book and the cartoon character.

How to Read Donald Duck

Uncle Scrooge



In Quintum Novembris

Michael Fassbender- Played Guy Fawkes in Gunpowder, Treason & Plot, a 2004 BBC miniseriesMacbeth- said to have been inspired by the Gunpowder plot.In Quintum Novembris by John Milton (The work reflects "partisan public sentiment on an English-Protestant national holiday", 5 November. In the published editions of 1645 and 1673, the poem is preceded by five epigrams on the subject of the Gunpowder Plot, apparently written by Milton in preparation for the larger work.

10.X was born Cassius Clay. He changed his name when he joined the

controversial group, the Nation Of Islam. Although founded on Islamic beliefs,

the Nation Of Islam had some bizarre ideas that were in no way supported by

the Quran. One of those beliefs was that when Armageddon happens, Nation

Of Islam members will be saved by a UFO sent from God. It was beliefs like

these, that meant, X was once very unpopular in the United States and that

his organization were often likened to a black Ku Klux Klan.

Mohammed Ali

11It is a northwestern mountain range, even older than the himalayas and an important pilgrimage for both Hindus and Jains. It was a major and often visited Jain pilgrimage before the days of Ashoka.However, the place is still revered holy by Shaivite Hindus. Each year a largely anticipated Mahashivaratri fair is organised here, where pilgrims participate in the pooja and parikrama around the main hill. One of the mythological stories connect it to Lord Krishna. It is said that the lord directed his enemy Kalayavan here, where Kalayavan met his death. Which range?


12X was a prominent Buddhist philosopher, who was born into a south-indian Brahmin family. Archaeological evidences suggest his being an advisor to King Yagnashri Satkarni. He meditated in mountains near present day Guntur in his late years. Y, the hill and Z, the lake were later named after him. Identify X, Y, Z.

X- NagarjunaY-NagarjunkondZ-Nagarjuna Sagar

Round 2

Writen +10/question

1.Give a specific name.


•____________ in ancient Greek religion, was of the Titan generation. By the era of Greek philosophy in the fifth century BC, __________ had become the Titaness of wisdom and deep thought, but her name originally connoted "magical cunning" and was as easily equated with the trickster powers of Prometheus


While in nymph form_________ gave birth to a son. Many years after she had been turned into a bear, her son found his way into the forest and was about to kill her off. At this moment Zeus interrupted and placed the mother and son in outer space as Ursa Major and UrsaMinor.


4.Who is the man?

***Connect? And the funda behind that


Europa-being taken away by Zeus(in the form of a cow)

•____________ in ancient Greek religion, was of the Titan generation. By the era of Greek philosophy in the fifth century BC, __________ had become the Titaness of wisdom and deep thought, but her name originally connoted "magical cunning" and was as easily equated with the trickster powers of Prometheus


While in nymph form_________ gave birth to a son. Many years after she had been turned into a bear, her son found his way into the forest and was about to kill her off. At this moment Zeus interrupted and placed the mother and son in outer space as Ursa Major and UrsaMinor.



Who is the man?



Jupiters moonsZeus is called Jupiter in the Roman Mythology

Round 3



•+10 direct

•+10 bounce

_________planned a break-in at the Societe Generale Bank, Nice. Since the bank vault was located in the basement, the break-in would best be achieved by digging underneath from a nearby sewer system. He opened a box for himself and placed a loud alarm clock inside, setting it to go off at midnight in order to check for the existence any acoustic or seismic detectors that might foil his plan. In fact, the bank vault had no interior alarm or security systems, as it was considered utterly impenetrable.

After two months of digging with the help of a group of professional gangsters, the tunnel was finished, and, during a Bastille Day festival when the bank was closed for a long weekend, the gang broke into the vault. They opened up over 400 safety deposit boxes, stealing over 60million francs worth of money, securities and other valuables.

When the robbery was discovered, the following message was found on the vault wall: “sans armes, ni maine, ni violence” which is translated as: “without weapons, nor hatred, nor violence”.

With the help of a tip off ,_______________ was caught. During his trial, however, __________distracted the judge, by handing him a fake piece of encoded evidence. He jumped out of the window, where a motorcycle was waiting for him and made his getaway.

He was never caught and the loot from the heist was never found.


Albert Spaggiari


It is a creature or spirit could either possess characteristics of a human or a monster that had physically transformed from a person. It is particularly associated with cannibalism. The legend lends its name to the modern medical term _______________, which refers to a condition in which sufferers developed an insatiable desire to eat human flesh even when other food sources were readily available . Cases of _____________, though evidently real, were relatively rare.

Wendigo psychosis


"The signer hereby swears to the best of his knowledge and belief that no Jewish or coloured blood flows in either his or in his wife's veins, and that among their ancestors are no members of the coloured races.“

-The ______________ , was a German occultist and völkisch group in Munich, named after a mythical northern country from Greek legend. The Society is notable chiefly as the organization that sponsored the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei(DAP), which was later reorganized by Adolf Hitler into the National Socialist German Workers' Party(NSDAP or Nazi Party).

Thule Society


On the day that James Dean died in an accident while driving his Porche Spyder, he got no less than 3 warnings:

Bill Hickman cautioned Dean against driving too fast. Dean simply sped away. Police officer issued him a speeding ticket. Dean simply sped away.

Bill Hickman once again asked Dean to slow down. Dean simply sped away and later sped into another car.

The same Porsche Spyder, however continued to wreak havoc:

oA garage in Fresno where the car was being kept caught fire in 1959.

oThat same year, highway patrol officials thought it would be a good idea for teenagers to see the result of reckless driving and arranged to have the Spyder wreck transported to several high schools. However, as the Spyder was loaded onto a truck, it rolled off the back, crushing the driver to death.

oFurther accidents involving the car have continued to fuel speculation about supernatural forces at work

This earned it the name?

Little Bastard


In 1587, Governor White attempted to establish a colony in the Roanoke Islands. The colonists befriended some of the natives-Croatans, while other natives-Secoatans- remained aloof. Shortly thereafter, colonist George Howe was killed by the natives while he was alone. Fearing for their lives the rest of the colonists urged White to return to England and bring help. White left behind 115 colonists including his daughter and grand-daughter.

On returning (3 years later) : His men could not find any trace of the 90 men, 17 women, and 11 children he had left behind, nor was there any sign of a struggle or battle. The cabins had been taken down, the livestock had vanished. What was left behind was one word-X-carved into the tree. To this day, there has been no conclusive evidence as to what happened to the colonists. Thus the Roanoke colony earned the name-____________

FITB and X

The Lost ColonyX:CROATOAN

6On the night of 31 October 1992, Schneeberger sedated his 23-year-old patient, Candice, and raped her. Candice was ,however, able to remember the rape. She reported the crime to the police.

Schneeberger's blood sample was, however, found not to match the samples of the alleged rapist's semen , thus clearing him of suspicion. In 1993, at the victim's request, the test was repeated, but the result was negative again. In 1994, the case was closed.

Candice then hired a private detective to investigate the case. He broke into Schneeberger's car and obtained another DNA sample, which, this time, matched the semen on the victim's pants. A third official test was organized. The obtained blood sample was, however, found to be too small and of too poor quality to be useful for analysis.

In 1997, Lisa Schneeberger found out that her husband had repeatedly drugged and raped her 15-year-old daughter from her first marriage. She reported him to the police, which ordered a fourth DNA test. This time, multiple samples were taken: blood, mouth swab, and hair follicle. All three matched the rapist's semen.

Penrose Drain

Penrose drain filled with another man's blood


The concept of the design is to allow all inmates of an institution to be observed by a single watchman without the inmates being able to tell whether or not they are being watched. Although it is physically impossible for the single watchman to observe all cells at once, the fact that the inmates cannot know when they are being watched means that all inmates must act as though they are watched at all times, effectively controlling their own behaviour constantly.

PanopticonThe concept of the design is to allow all (pan-) inmates of an institution to be observed (-opticon)


Raymond Martinez Fernandez and Martha Jule Beck were an American serial killer couple. They are believed to have killed as many as 20 women during their murderous spree between 1947 and 1949. After their arrest and trial for serial murder in 1949, they became known as ____________________ for meeting their unsuspecting victims through personal ads generally meant to generate romance, friendship, or casual encounters .

The Lonely Heart Killers

(personals are also called lonely hearts ads)


In year 1941, Joseph Stalin ordered the opening of the tomb of X.

It is said that the inscription within the tomb said, ‘Whosoever Disturbs My Tomb Will Unleash an Invader More Terrible than I.’

This came to be known as X’s curse


Hitler invaded Soviet Union (now Russia) on June 22, 1941. This was exactly two days after Tamerlane’s tomb was.


X Embarked on one of the largest counterfeiting operation. X began printing the backdated five, 10, 20 and 50 pound notes in 1942 and created nine million of them valuing 134 million pounds. However the BoE was able to counterattack the scheme(recorded one note as having paid out).

Some continued in circulation and resulted in the Bank of England withdrawing all notes with a value of more than five pounds.

X and Funda

X:Nazi Germany

To create inflation and destabilize the economy(operation bernhard)


In Celtic Ireland about 2,000 years ago, ___________ was the division of the year between the lighter half (summer) and the darker half (winter). At ___________ the division between this world and the otherworld was at its thinnest, allowing spirits to pass through.

The family's ancestors were honoured and invited home whilst harmful spirits were warded off. People wore costumes and masks to disguise themselves as harmful spirits and thus avoid harm.

FITB and what did it give birth to




The __________ is a magical ceremony and inversion or parody of the -----------,which is practised by the Roman Catholic church.__________ was indulged in ostensibly for the purpose of mocking God and worshipping the devil; a rite that was said to involve human sacrifice as well as obscenity and blasphemy of horrific proportions. The origin of the belief in the Black, or Satanic, Mass goes back to medieval magic and witchcraft, yet no one really knows the early history of this magical act, for there exists no single reliable, first-hand description.

A witch who said she was present described a __________ at a sabbath in France in 1594. She claimed that the ceremony had taken place on St. John's Eve in a field with about sixty people present. The celebrant wore a long black cloak devoid of the customary cross, and his assistants were two girls; while a slice of turnip, black (either stained or putrid), was used instead of consecrated bread

Black Mass

Hogaya? Ab Bye
