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Softw Syst Model DOI 10.1007/s10270-013-0365-1 SPECIAL SECTION PAPER Model transformations for migrating legacy deployment models in the automotive industry Gehan M. K. Selim · Shige Wang · James R. Cordy · Juergen Dingel Received: 6 November 2012 / Revised: 10 June 2013 / Accepted: 25 June 2013 © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 Abstract Many companies in the automotive industry have adopted model-driven development in their vehicle soft- ware development. As a major automotive company, Gen- eral Motors (GM) has been using a custom-built, domain- specific modeling language, implemented as an internal pro- prietary metamodel, to meet the modeling needs in its con- trol software development. Since AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture (AUTOSAR) has been developed as a stan- dard to ease the process of integrating components provided by different suppliers and manufacturers, there has been a growing demand to migrate these GM-specific, legacy mod- els to AUTOSAR models. Given that AUTOSAR defines its own metamodel for various system artifacts in automotive software development, we explore applying model transfor- mations to address the challenges in migrating GM-specific, legacy models to their AUTOSAR equivalents. As a case study, we have built and validated a model transformation using the MDWorkbench tool, the Atlas Transformation Lan- guage, and the Metamodel Coverage Checker tool. This paper reports on the case study, makes observations based on our experience to assist in the development of similar Communicated by Dr. Antonio Vallecillo and Dr. Juha-Pekka Tolvanen. G. M. K. Selim (B ) · J. R. Cordy · J. Dingel School of Computing, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON K7L2N8, Canada e-mail: [email protected] J. R. Cordy e-mail: [email protected] J. Dingel e-mail: [email protected] S. Wang Electrical and Controls Integration Lab, General Motors Research and Development, Warren, MI 48090, USA e-mail: [email protected] types of transformations, and provides recommendations for further research. Keywords Model-driven development (MDD) · Model transformations · AUTOSAR · Transformation languages and tools · Automotive control software · Black-box testing 1 Introduction Model-driven architecture (MDA) [72] is a standardization effort led by the Object Management Group (OMG) for developing systems using platform-independent models. The application of MDA to software systems is referred to as model-driven development (MDD) [12]. MDD is a relatively new software development methodology that uses models as the central means for software specification and communi- cation. In MDD, the software development process can be con- ceptually treated as a sequence of model transformations, each of which converts an input model conforming to a source metamodel into an output model conforming to a tar- get metamodel. For example, transformations can be used in MDD to transform abstract models into detailed models (and eventually into deployable code) and to refactor mod- els. Thus, model transformations form a vital part of MDD. Model transformations are implemented using a model trans- formation language, which can be declarative, imperative, or hybrid. While a declarative language or language construct typically yields a simpler and more compact specification, an imperative language or language construct is more likely to be capable of specifying complex transformations [46]. As one of the early MDD adopters in industry, General Motors (GM) has created a domain-specific modeling lan- guage, implemented as an internal proprietary metamodel, 123
Page 1: Model transformations for migrating legacy deployment ...As a case study, we have built and validated a model transformation ... For example, transformations can be used in MDD to

Softw Syst ModelDOI 10.1007/s10270-013-0365-1


Model transformations for migrating legacy deployment modelsin the automotive industry

Gehan M. K. Selim · Shige Wang · James R. Cordy ·Juergen Dingel

Received: 6 November 2012 / Revised: 10 June 2013 / Accepted: 25 June 2013© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

Abstract Many companies in the automotive industry haveadopted model-driven development in their vehicle soft-ware development. As a major automotive company, Gen-eral Motors (GM) has been using a custom-built, domain-specific modeling language, implemented as an internal pro-prietary metamodel, to meet the modeling needs in its con-trol software development. Since AUTomotive Open SystemARchitecture (AUTOSAR) has been developed as a stan-dard to ease the process of integrating components providedby different suppliers and manufacturers, there has been agrowing demand to migrate these GM-specific, legacy mod-els to AUTOSAR models. Given that AUTOSAR defines itsown metamodel for various system artifacts in automotivesoftware development, we explore applying model transfor-mations to address the challenges in migrating GM-specific,legacy models to their AUTOSAR equivalents. As a casestudy, we have built and validated a model transformationusing the MDWorkbench tool, the Atlas Transformation Lan-guage, and the Metamodel Coverage Checker tool. Thispaper reports on the case study, makes observations basedon our experience to assist in the development of similar

Communicated by Dr. Antonio Vallecillo and Dr. Juha-Pekka Tolvanen.

G. M. K. Selim (B) · J. R. Cordy · J. DingelSchool of Computing, Queen’s University, Kingston,ON K7L2N8, Canadae-mail: [email protected]

J. R. Cordye-mail: [email protected]

J. Dingele-mail: [email protected]

S. WangElectrical and Controls Integration Lab, General Motors Research andDevelopment, Warren, MI 48090, USAe-mail: [email protected]

types of transformations, and provides recommendations forfurther research.

Keywords Model-driven development (MDD) · Modeltransformations · AUTOSAR · Transformation languagesand tools · Automotive control software · Black-box testing

1 Introduction

Model-driven architecture (MDA) [72] is a standardizationeffort led by the Object Management Group (OMG) fordeveloping systems using platform-independent models. Theapplication of MDA to software systems is referred to asmodel-driven development (MDD) [12]. MDD is a relativelynew software development methodology that uses models asthe central means for software specification and communi-cation.

In MDD, the software development process can be con-ceptually treated as a sequence of model transformations,each of which converts an input model conforming to asource metamodel into an output model conforming to a tar-get metamodel. For example, transformations can be usedin MDD to transform abstract models into detailed models(and eventually into deployable code) and to refactor mod-els. Thus, model transformations form a vital part of MDD.Model transformations are implemented using a model trans-formation language, which can be declarative, imperative, orhybrid. While a declarative language or language constructtypically yields a simpler and more compact specification,an imperative language or language construct is more likelyto be capable of specifying complex transformations [46].

As one of the early MDD adopters in industry, GeneralMotors (GM) has created a domain-specific modeling lan-guage, implemented as an internal proprietary metamodel,


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for vehicle control software (VCS) development. The meta-model defines modeling constructs for vehicle control soft-ware development, including physical nodes on which soft-ware is deployed and execution frames. VCS models con-forming to this internal, proprietary metamodel have beenused in several vehicle production domains at GM, such asbody control, access control, and monitoring.

Recently, the AUTomotive Open System ARchitecture(AUTOSAR) [6] has been developed as an industry stan-dard to facilitate integration of software components fromdifferent manufacturers and suppliers. AUTOSAR definesits own metamodel with a well-defined layered architec-ture and interfaces and aims at exchangeability and inter-operability among components from different suppliers andmanufacturers. Since converging to AUTOSAR is a strategicdirection for future modeling activities, transforming GM-specific legacy models to their equivalent AUTOSAR mod-els becomes essential. Model transformation is consideredas a key enabling technology to achieve this convergenceobjective.

Despite the existence of studies in industry adoption ofMDD [5,25,55,75], no model transformation is reported tohave migrated legacy models in the automotive industry. Toincrease our understanding and test the practicality of usingtransformations for migrating legacy models in an industrialenvironment, we have developed and validated a transfor-mation from a subset of GM-specific legacy models to theirequivalent AUTOSAR models with assistance of a com-mercial model transformation tool and a black-box testingtool.

This paper is an extended version of a study that we previ-ously conducted [70]. In addition to discussing the transfor-mation problem demonstrated in [70], we further validate thetransformation in this paper using an existing black-box test-ing tool, the Metamodel Coverage Checker (MMCC) [45].We report on the testing results and on the practicality ofusing such testing tools to validate industrial transformations.

In summary, we found no bugs in the transformation, but wediscuss a few issues that require attention to facilitate indus-trial transformation testing such as automating the stages oftransformation testing.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2discusses the process context in which our transformation isimplemented. Section 3 describes the source and target meta-models of the transformation. Section 4 details the transfor-mation development, including its rules specification, imple-mentation, and validation. Section 5 discusses our experi-ences and issues that require further research. Section 6 sum-marizes related work. The paper is concluded in Sect. 7 witha summary and future work.

2 VCS development, models, and model transformations

Applying model transformation requires understanding ofthe development process, which provides a context for thetarget transformation. For vehicle control software (VCS)development, the relevant process artifacts include designstages and activities, and the input and output models of eachstage.

2.1 Typical VCS development process and models

The VCS development process is typically described asa V -diagram [63], shown in Fig. 1. In this process, thestages on the left-hand side of the V -diagram are activi-ties related to design and implementation, and the stages ofthe right-hand are activities related to integration and val-idation. The design starts from system requirements mod-els, which are decomposed into hardware and software sub-system requirements models. The subsystem requirementsmodels then are assigned to engineering groups or exter-nal organizations for refinement into design models and thenimplemented by hardware and software components. These

Fig. 1 V -diagram for the VCSdevelopment process


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Transformations for model migration in the automotive industry

Fig. 2 The subset of the GMmetamodel used in ourtransformation

implemented components are integrated into electronic con-trol units (ECUs), configured for a designated vehicle prod-uct. The components are then tested and validated at variouslevels against their corresponding models on the same levelon the left-hand side of the V -diagram.

Different types of models are used and generated in theprocess, including control models and hardware architecturemodels. The models use different formalisms: control mod-els use differential equations and timing-variation functions,and hardware architecture models use annotated block dia-grams. Selected modeling tools (e.g., Simulink, Rhapsody)and languages (e.g., UML, AADL) are used for modeling.

2.2 Model transformation types in the VCS developmentprocess

Given the model types used in the VCS development process,the transformations manipulating these models can be clas-sified into two categories:

– Horizontal transformations Horizontal transformationsmanipulate models at the same abstraction level [54].Examples include the transformation of a state machinein Matlab Stateflow into a UML 2 state machine. Suchtransformations are normally used to verify integrationwhen subsystems/components are composed to realize asystem function. The modeling languages for the sourceand target models may have different syntax, but mustshare similar, or overlap in, semantics.

– Vertical transformations Vertical transformations manip-ulate models at different abstraction levels [54]. Examplesinclude generation of a deployment model from softwareand hardware architecture models. Vertical transforma-tions are usually more complex than horizontal transfor-mations due to the different semantics of the source andtarget models.

3 Source and target metamodels

In this study, our models are those generated and used atthe software subsystem design stage in the VCS develop-ment process. The source metamodel is an internal, propri-etary metamodel to GM which we will refer to as the GMmetamodel. The target metamodel is the AUTOSAR SystemTemplate, version 3.1.5 [7]. To simplify the exercise with-

out losing generality, a subset of the GM metamodel andthe AUTOSAR metamodel is manipulated in the transforma-tion. Specifically, we focus on the modeling elements relatedto the software components deployment and interactions, asdiscussed below.

3.1 The GM metamodel

Figure 2 illustrates the meta-types in the GM metamodel1 thatrepresent the physical nodes, deployed software componentsand their interactions.

The PhysicalNode type specifies a physical node on whichsoftware is deployed. A PhysicalNode may contain multiplePartition instances, each of which defines a processing unitor a memory partition in a PhysicalNode on which softwareis deployed. Multiple Module instances can be deployed on asingle Partition. The Module type defines the atomic deploy-able, reusable element in a product line and can contain mul-tiple ExecFrame instances. The ExecFrame type, i.e., an exe-cution frame, models the basic unit for software scheduling.It contains behavior-encapsulating entities and is responsiblefor managing services provided or required by the behavior-encapsulating entities. Each ExecFrame may provide and/orrequire Service instances, which model the services providedor required by the ExecFrame.

3.2 The AUTOSAR metamodel

The AUTOSAR metamodel is defined as a set of templates,each of which is a collection of classes, attributes, and rela-tions used to specify an AUTOSAR artifact such as soft-ware components and ports. Among the defined templates,the System template [7] is used to capture the configurationof a system or an electronic control unit (ECU). An ECU is aphysical unit on which software is deployed. When used forthe configuration of an ECU, the template is referred to asthe ECU Extract. Figure 3 shows the metatypes in the ECUExtract that capture software deployment on an ECU. Ourtransformation manipulates AUTOSAR version 3.1.5.

The ECU extract is modeled using the System typethat aggregates SoftwareComposition and SystemMappingelements. The SoftwareComposition type points to the

1 The metamodel has been altered for reasons of confidentiality. How-ever, the relevant aspects required for the purpose of this paper have allbeen preserved.


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Fig. 3 The AUTOSAR System Template containing relevant types used by our transformation

CompositionType type which eliminates any nested softwarecomponents in a SoftwareComposition instance. The Soft-wareComposition type models the architecture of the soft-ware components deployed on an ECU, the ports of thesesoftware components, and the ports connectors. Each soft-ware component is modeled using a ComponentPrototype,which defines the structure and attributes of a software com-ponent; each port is modeled using a PortPrototype, i.e., aPPortPrototypeor a RPortPrototype for providing or requir-ing data and services; each connector is modeled using aConnectorPrototype. Each ComponentPrototype must havea type that refers to its container CompositionType.

The SystemMapping type binds the software compo-nents to ECUs and the data elements to signals and frames.The SystemMapping type aggregates the SwcToEcuMappingtype, which assigns SwcToEcuMapping_components to anEcuInstance. SwcToEcuMapping_components in turn referto ComponentPrototype elements. According to AUTOSAR,only one SwcToEcuMapping should be created for eachprocessing unit or memory partition in an ECU.

4 GM-to-AUTOSAR model transformation

In this case study, we implement a GM-to-AUTOSAR modeltransformation to demonstrate the practicality of adoptingtransformations in the automotive industry. First, we rational-ize our choice of the model transformation tool and language.Accordingly, we summarize the pragmatics of the chosen lan-guage. We then demonstrate the transformation rules neededto map between the two metamodels which were definedin consultation with domain experts. Finally, we discuss thetransformation implementation and validation.

Our transformation takes three inputs: the source GMmetamodel, the target AUTOSAR system template, and aninput GM model. The output of the transformation is anAUTOSAR model.

4.1 Selecting model transformation tool and language

A model transformation language is usually integrated as partof a modeling integrated development environment (IDE).Hence, the choice of a transformation language is tightly cou-pled with the choice of the supporting IDE. It is desired thatthe selected tool has strong commercial support. Several toolsand their accompanying languages have been considered ascandidates for implementing the transformation. The consid-ered tools include IBM Rational Asset Manager (RAM) [41],the RulesComposer add-on for IBM Rhapsody [42], andMDWorkbench [71]. Although several other tools exist, GMwas interested in using one of the former three tools dueto the availability of their licenses (and thus, their technicalsupport).

After investigating the candidate tools, we concluded thatIBM RAM and Rules Composer are not suitable for thistransformation. RAM is a repository-based tool that offersJava APIs to query assets and to create relationships betweenrepository assets. Assets are a group of artifacts that solve aspecific problem. So if a model is stored as an asset, theAPIs can manipulate only the model as a whole, not the indi-vidual modeling elements. As fine-grained manipulationsare essential for mapping between individual modeling ele-ments and implementing our transformation, the transfor-mation support provided by RAM is not sufficient. Rule-sComposer is a rule-based, model-to-text generator. WithRulesComposer, rules are specified as templates composedof static text and placeholders. When executed, the statictext is copied into the output file, and the placeholders areextracted from the input models. Since models are essen-tially XMI files typed by a metamodel, the transformationfrom GM models to AUTOSAR models can be viewed as amodel-to-text transformation from GM models to XMI filesconforming to the AUTOSAR metamodel that can be imple-mented by RulesComposer. When using RulesComposer toimplement a model-to-model transformation, the developer


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needs to specify two aspects in a rule template: the map-pings between the source and target metamodels (specifiedin the placeholders); the static text to be placed in the out-put XMI file (i.e., XMI headers and the opening and closingtags). Further, the developer needs to ensure that the statictext and placeholders in the rule template collectively gen-erate well-formed XMI files. On the other hand, when usinga model-to-model transformation engine, the static text (i.e.,XMI headers, and the opening and closing tags) are automat-ically added by the transformation engine and the developeronly needs to specify the mappings between the source andtarget metamodels. Thus, implementing the transformationin RulesComposer (or any other model-to-text transforma-tion engine) is time consuming and error prone. Moreover,the rule templates can be very verbose and thus difficult tomaintain.

MDWorkbench is an Eclipse-based tool for developingmodel-to-model transformations. MDWorkbench uses theAtlas Transformation Language (ATL) [30,46] or the ModelQuery Language (MQL) [71] for specifying model trans-formations. ATL has declarative and imperative constructs,while MQL has imperative constructs only. MDWorkbenchcan manipulate models conforming to the metamodels reg-istered in the tool (e.g., AUTOSAR) using rules defined inATL and MQL. MDWorkbench also provides connectors todifferent modeling tools. Thus, we choose MDWorkbench toimplement the model transformation. To define the transfor-mation rules, ATL was chosen as the transformation languagerather than MQL because ATL provides more flexibility tomix-and-match declarative and imperative constructs in thesame rule definition.

4.2 ATL pragmatics

The ATL manual [30] and the ATL Zoo [29] are helpfulresources when learning ATL. However, since some infor-mation is a bit spread out, we found it helpful to summarizeATLs main elements and their use.

In ATL, a model transformation is defined as a set ofrules and helpers. Rules specify the creation of output modelelements. Helpers are used to modularize a transformation.ATL defines four types of rules and two types of declarativehelpers.

Rule types The four types of rules are matched rules,lazy rules, unique lazy rules, and called rules. A matchedrule specifies the source pattern to match in the input modeland the corresponding target pattern to create in the outputmodel. Matched rules are automatically executed once foreach matching pattern. A lazy rule is executed only whencalled and can be called multiple times for the same matchingpattern. A unique lazy rule is executed only when called andcan be called at most once for any matching pattern. A calledrule is a parameterized rule that is executed only when called

and creates a target pattern without matching any source pat-terns. All rule types have an optional imperative code blockthat can be used to specify complicated functionality.

Matched rules are suitable for automatic detection of allmatching patterns in the input model and creation of theircorresponding target patterns. Lazy rules and unique lazyrules are suitable for selective pattern matching, with con-sideration of the number of times these rules should be run.Called rules are suitable for creating output model elementsthat do not match any input model elements.

Helper types The two types of helpers are functionalhelpers and attribute helpers. A functional helper is a para-metric function and is evaluated each time it is invoked. Anattribute helper is a nonparametric function and is evaluatedonly the first time it is invoked. Thus, an attribute helper ismore efficient to implement a nonparametric functionality.Otherwise, a functional helper can implement a parametricfunctionality.

Model transformation specification Similarly to sourcetransformation languages, there are two approaches to speci-fying transformations in ATL: specifying the transformationas one large rule, or modularizing the transformation usingsmaller rules and helpers. As in any other transformation lan-guage, the two approaches present trade-offs between ease ofimplementation and efficiency. Building one large rule makesall variables accessible throughout the transformation, so thedeveloper need not worry about the ordering of rules in thetransformation specification. However, this approach makesthe transformation difficult to maintain and less readable.Modularizing the transformation makes the transformationeasier to debug and maintain. However, the developer has toensure that the rules are specified in an order consistent withthe dependencies among rules.

4.3 Model transformation design and development

Our transformation rules were defined to realize the requiredmappings between the input and output metamodels. Therules were crafted in consultation with domain experts atGM, which was a time-consuming process. For reasons ofconfidentiality, we present a simplified version of the actualtransformation rules defined.

Let M be the input GM model and M ′ be the to-be-generated output AUTOSAR model. The transformationrules are defined as follows:

1. For every element physNode of the PhysicalNode type inM, generate an element sys of the System type, an elementswcompos of the SoftwareComposition type, a contain-ment relation (sys, swcompos), an element composTypeof the CompositionType type, a relation (swcompos, com-posType), an element sysmap of the SystemMapping


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type, a containment relation (sys, sysmap) and an ele-ment ecuInst of the EcuInstance type in M ′;

2. For every element partition of the Partition type inM, generate an element swc2ecumap of the SwcToE-cuMapping type and a containment relation (sysmap,swc2ecumap) in M ′;

3. For every containment relation (physNode, partition) inM, generate a relation (swc2ecumap, ecuInst) in M ′;

4. For every element mod of the Module type in M,generate an element swc_comp of the SwcToEcuMap-ping_component type that refers to an element comp ofthe ComponentPrototype type in M ′;

5. For every containment relation (partition, mod) in M,generate a containment relation (composType, comp),a type relation (comp, composType), and a relation(sw2ecumap, comp) in M ′;

6. For every relation (exframe, svc) of the provided typebetween a exframe element of the ExecFrame type anda svc element of the Service type with a containmentrelation (mod, exframe), generate a pPort element of thePPortPrototype type and a containment relation (com-posType, pPort) in M ′;

7. For every relation (exframe, svc) of the required typebetween a exframe element of the ExecFrame type anda svc element of the Service type with a containmentrelation (mod, exframe), generate a rPort element of theRPortPrototype type and a containment relation (com-posType, rPort) in M ′.

We use the example in Fig. 4 to demonstrate the requiredtransformation. Figure 4a shows a sample model from theautomotive industry that captures the BodyControl controller.Partitions running on BodyControl include SituationMan-agement and HumanMachineInterface. Other possible Par-titions (not shown) include climate control, vehicle motioncontrol, and human interface. Each Partition may have por-tions on multiple controllers, other than BodyControl. Par-titions may contain multiple Modules. For example, Situa-tionManagement contains AdaptiveCruiseControl and mayalso contain stop-and-go, parking assistant, blind spot detec-tion, and warning. HumanMachineInteraction contains dis-play and may also contain chimp control and horn. Each Mod-ule runs multiple ExecFrames at the same or different rates.AdaptiveCruiseControl contains ComputeDesiredSpeed andmay also contain readACCSet and vehicleSpeedSensing.Display contains DisplaySetSpeed. ExecFrames invoke Ser-vices for variable updates. One ExecFrame element, SetAC-CDesiredSpeed, provides a Service that is required bythe other ExecFrame element, GetACCDesiredSpeed. Theexpected output AUTOSAR model based on the above-mentioned rules is shown in Fig. 4b. The PhysicalNode ele-ment is mapped to an EcuInstance element, a System ele-ment, a SystemMapping element, a SoftwareCompositionelement, and a CompositionType element (Rule 1). The Parti-tion elements are mapped to the SwcToEcuMapping elements(Rule 2), each of which has an association with the gener-ated EcuInstance element (Rule 3). The Module elements are

Fig. 4 a Sample GM input model and b its corresponding AUTOSAR output model


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mapped to the ComponentPrototype elements aggregated bya CompositionType element (Rules 4–5). The Component-Prototype elements point to their container CompositionTypeelement as their type (Rule 5). Further, the ComponentPro-totype elements are referred to by their corresponding Swc-ToEcuMapping elements (Rule 5). The ExecFrame elementaggregating a provided Service is mapped to a PPortPro-totype element and is aggregated by the CompositionTypeelement (Rule 6). The other ExecFrame element is mappedsimilarly (Rule 7).

The development of the model transformation follows aniterative, incremental process. First, a simple GM modelis created using the MDWorkbench model editor. Then, atransformation is implemented to transform the input GMmodel into an equivalent output AUTOSAR model. The out-put AUTOSAR model is then manually checked to ensurethat the transformation performed the required mapping. Ifthe output model is correct, the process is repeated with addi-tional metatypes in the input model and additional rules inthe transformation to process these metatypes. If the outputmodel contains errors, the transformation is analyzed, andany erroneous rules or functions are fixed. Validating trans-formations iteratively after each addition to the transforma-tion’s implementation makes locating and fixing bugs easier.

4.4 The model transformation implementation using ATL

The GM-to-AUTOSAR transformation contains two ATLmatched rules (Table 1) and 9 functional helpers (Table 2)implementing the 7 rules in Sect. 4.3. We also define 6attribute helpers to access the model attribute values. Wedescribed the rules and helpers in more details in [70]. Therelationships between the outputs of the two matched rulesare built using the ATL predefined function resolveTempwhich connects the ComponentPrototype elements createdby the createComponent matched rule to the Compo-sitionType element created by the initSysTemp matchedrule.

4.4.1 Observations on implementing the modeltransformation using ATL

Implementing the transformation revealed some insights onusing MDWorkbench and ATL in industrial applications.

Both the GM and the AUTOSAR metamodels are hierarchi-cal and contain many relationships between model elements.To process models conforming to such complex metamod-els, ATL provides flexibility of using both declarative andimperative constructs to implement complex transformationrules. Moreover, since the output AUTOSAR models canhave many relationships among model elements, decisionson where an element should be created in the transformationsuch that it will be accessible for the downstream transforma-tion are required. One such example is the relation betweenthe SoftwareComposition element and the ComponentPro-totype element. As discussed in Sect. 4.2, the transforma-tion can be either specified as one rule or modularized asa sequence of rules. Although modularization requires thatthe order of the rules be consistent with their dependen-cies, ATL mitigates this downside of modularization throughthe resolveTemp function. The resolveTemp functionallows a rule to reference the elements that are yet to be gen-erated by other rules at runtime regardless of their order ofspecification. However, using the resolveTemp functionmakes the transformation less readable and difficult to debug,so the function should be used only when necessary.

4.5 Validation of the model transformation

After implementing the transformation, we used model trans-formation testing [69] to validate the correctness of the trans-formation. Testing executes a model transformation on inputtest models or a test suite and validates that the generated,actual output model or code matches the expected outputmodel or code [38]. The test suite is built by defining testadequacy criteria and building a test suite that achieves cov-erage of the adequacy criteria [69]. In general, defining testadequacy criteria, and hence testing, can follow a black-boxor a white-box approach. Black-box testing assumes that theimplementation of the transformation of interest is a black-box and builds a test suite based on the specification of thetransformation (i.e., source metamodel or contracts). On theother hand, white-box testing assumes that the implementa-tion of the transformation of interest is available and builds atest suite based on the implementation of the transformation.

For our study, we used black-box testing to validateour transformation. More specifically, we used the MMCCtool [45] to facilitate black-box testing. MMCC was imple-

Table 1 Matched rules, their corresponding rules from Sect. 4.3, and their functionality

Matched rule Corresponding rules:Sect. 4.3


createComponent 4–5 Maps a Module to a SwcToEcuMapping_component, and a ComponentPrototype

initSysTemplate 1 Maps a PhysicalNode to a System, a SystemMapping, a SoftwareComposition, and aCompositionType


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Table 2 Functional helpers,their corresponding rules fromSect. 4.3, and their functionality

Functional helper Correspondingrules: Sect. 4.3


initEcuInst 1 Initializes an EcuInstance using the name of aPhysicalNode as an input

createSwc2EcuMappings 2–3 Creates Swc2EcuMappings for all Partitions in theinput model

initSingleSwc2EcuMapping 2–3 Initializes a SwcToEcuMapping using anEcuInstance and a Partition as inputs

addComponents 5 Creates the relation between a SwcToEcuMappingand its ComponentPrototypes

getAllPPortsInEcu 6 Creates a PPortPrototype for any ExecFrame thathas at least one provided Service

createPPort 6 Initializes one PPortPrototype

getAllRPortsInEcu 7 Creates a RPortPrototype for any ExecFrame thathas at least one required Service

createRPort 7 Initializes one RPortPrototype

getAllSWCinEcu 5 Creates the containment relation betweenCompositionTypes and ComponentPrototypes

mented in Kermeta [44] as part of a study by Fleureyet al. [32]. MMCC guides the user in building a test suitebased on a predefined test adequacy criterion and a sourcemetamodel.

We used testing over formal validation techniques (e.g.,theorem proving or model checking) for several reasons.First, unlike formal validation techniques that use a formal-ization such as Maude, testing does not require that the userhas a thorough knowledge of the formalization. Second, test-ing has the advantage of uncovering bugs while maintaininga low computational complexity [37]. Finally, formal valida-tion of ATL transformations is a topic of ongoing research.Several studies addressed such problems by reimplementingtheir transformations in other formalizations such as PetriNets [62] and Maude [23] to use their accompanying valida-tion techniques [17,49,64,76]. Reimplementing industrial-size transformations in a different formalization can be infea-sible due to time and money constraints. Thus, we had to usea validation technique and tool that can process ATL trans-formations. MMCC is one of the few publically availabletools that can validate transformations in any formalization(including ATL) since it is a black-box testing tool (i.e., trans-formation language independent). We are currently conduct-ing another case study to evaluate our GM-to-AUTOSARtransformation using a prototype developed by Büttneret al. [21] for validating specifically ATL transformations.

4.5.1 Metamodel Coverage Checker (MMCC)

Metamodel Coverage Checker runs on two phases. In thefirst phase, the user specifies the source metamodel and anadequacy criterion as inputs. In this phase, MMCC usescategory-partitioning [61] to partition the values of multi-plicities and attributes of type integer, string, or boolean intoranges as follows:

– Integer attribute values and multiplicity values are parti-tioned into three ranges: {0}, {1}, and {>1}.

– String attribute values are partitioned into two ranges:{“”} and {“+”} (i.e., an empty string and a non-emptystring).

– Boolean attribute values are partitioned into two ranges:{true} and {false}.

We updated MMCC to generate partitions for attributes thatare of types other than integer, string, or boolean. For exam-ple, float attributes were partitioned into three ranges: {0},{(0,1]}, and {>1}.

Using the generated partitions and the specified adequacycriterion, MMCC generates object fragments and model frag-ments. An object fragment is a template for a class object thatspecifies constraints on the values of the attributes and mul-tiplicities of objects from the corresponding class. A modelfragment is a template for an input test model that containsone or more object fragments. A model fragment is satisfiedby a test model if the objects in the test model satisfy theobject fragments in the model fragment.

In the second phase, the user specifies the location of a testsuite and MMCC evaluates the test suite by identifying howmany model fragments generated in the first phase were sat-isfied by the test suite. MMCC further generates a summaryof the missing model fragments in the test suite to guide theuser in building additional test models.

4.5.2 Validation results

For the first phase, we specified two inputs to run MMCC:the GM metamodel and the AllPartitions criterion. The All-Partitions criterion is a criterion implemented in MMCC andmandates that values from all ranges of each property or mul-tiplicity partition should be represented simultaneously in the


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same model fragment. For example, for an integer attribute,one model fragment mandates that the attribute should havevalues from the three integer ranges ({0}, {1}, and {>1}) ina single input model. In this phase, MMCC generated 196partitions for 196 different attributes and multiplicities val-ues. Accordingly, 196 model fragments were generated forthe AllPartitions criterion.

Besides the AllPartitions criterion, the AllRanges crite-rion was also implemented in MMCC. The AllRanges crite-rion mandates that values from each range of each propertyor multiplicity partition should be represented in a modelfragment. We used the AllPartitions criterion instead of theAllRanges criterion since it subsumes the AllRanges crite-rion, i.e., a test suite that satisfies the AllPartitions criterionalso satisfies the AllRanges criterion, but the inverse is nottrue.

We did not run the second phase of MMCC since westarted off with an empty test suite. Thus, we need to build atest suite with models that satisfy the 196 model fragments.Having 196 model fragments implies that the test suite cancontain at most 196 models to satisfy the AllPartitions cri-terion. However, one model can cover more than one modelfragment at a time. Thus, we manually built a test suite of100 test models to cover the 196 model fragments.

Our model transformation was executed using the gener-ated test suite. For each test model in the test suite, the cor-responding output model was verified by manually checkingwhether the output AUTOSAR model is a valid equivalentof the input GM model. The transformation was found toproduce the expected output models for the 100 input testmodels.

Actual GM models were not used for validation sincemany of the actual GM models did not conform to theGM metamodel. They were built using IBM Rational Rhap-sody [42] which allows building models without mandatingthat these models be valid instances of a specific metamodel(i.e., Rhapsody does not check conformance of the GM mod-els to the GM metamodel). Since migrating to AUTOSAR isunavoidable for GM, this migration can be done in two ways.The first alternative is to manually build the AUTOSARequivalents of all the models to be migrated. The major draw-back of this alternative is that different engineers may havedifferent understandings of AUTOSAR and the migrationmay be inconsistent for different models. The second alter-native is to update the GM models to ensure that they conformto the GM metamodel and then using our transformation tomigrate all GM models (conforming to the GM metamodel)to their AUTOSAR equivalents in an automated, consistentway. The second alternative is easier to adopt since chang-ing the GM models to conform to the GM metamodel can, inmany cases, involve minor changes (e.g., updating an associ-ation, adding an attribute name) which is much simpler thanbuilding AUTOSAR models from scratch (as in the first alter-

native) and ensuring that they convey the intended meaning.Thus, to safely adopt the second alternative, we conductedseveral meetings with GM domain experts to ensure that weimplemented the correct mapping between the two metamod-els and we validated the implemented transformation usingblack-box testing.

5 Discussion

Based on our experiences with the GM-to-AUTOSAR trans-formation, we present some open issues requiring furtherinvestigation for successful adoption of model transforma-tions in the automotive industry. Recommendations for futureMDD tool and language development are also discussed.

5.1 Interoperability of MDD tools

5.1.1 Observations

One of the major challenges encountered in our study was thelack of interoperability between commercial tools in support-ing implementation of model transformations. According toour evaluation of the languages for model transformationimplementation, ATL seemed to be an appropriate choice.However, specifying the model transformation rules betweenthe two metamodels using ATL was not straightforward dueto the formats of these metamodels. ATL can only be usedto create model transformations that manipulate MOF [60]or Ecore [31,73] metamodels, which the GM metamodel inRhapsody native format is not compatible with. Such incom-patibility between the format required by ATL and the formatof the GM metamodel required the conversion of the GMmetamodel to a compatible format.

To do so, the MDWorkbench tool suite provides a Rhap-sody connector that allows importing the GM metamodelinto MDWorkbench and converting it to Ecore format. Toavoid dual licensing from two different vendors2 with suchan approach, we addressed the problem using XMI. An Ecoremetamodel is essentially an XMI file. Rhapsody provides anXMI toolkit to export Rhapsody models and metamodelsto XMI files. Thus, we exported the GM Rhapsody meta-model using the XMI toolkit. However, the generated XMIfile does not conform to the Ecore meta-metamodel. To cre-ate an Ecore version accessible to MDWorkbench, we importthe XMI into RulesComposer as a metamodel, which cre-ates an Ecore version of the metamodel and an Eclipse plu-gin project. Exporting the project from RulesComposer to

2 The Rhapsody connector provided by MDWorkbench requires a com-bined license from both Sodius (providers of MDWorkbench) and IBM(providers of Rhapsody).


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MDWorkbench as a plugin generates a registered GM Ecoremetamodel.

5.1.2 Other proposed solutions in the literature

In addition to our solution, there are other solutions to theinteroperability problem. Blanc et al. [16] decomposed theinteroperability problem into two concerns: ensuring thecompatibility of the model formats exchanged between dif-ferent tools, and defining an exchange mechanism that canbe realized at run-time. Their study proposed the Model Busarchitecture to address these two concerns. In terms of thetwo interoperability concerns identified in their study, theinteroperability problems that we encountered and proposedsolutions for are related to the compatibility of the exchangedmodel formats. Bruneliére et al. [20] and Bezivin et al. [13]proposed implementing model transformations or bridgesbetween tools manipulating models that conform to differ-ent metamodels. Kolovos et al. [48] proposed a frameworkthat supports composing model management tasks with soft-ware development tasks in coherent workflows. Other stud-ies defined frameworks, standards, or guidelines to facili-tate interoperability between different tools. For example,projects such as the iFEST project [43] and the CESARproject [22] proposed different frameworks and standardsthat can be adopted by the industry for the development ofembedded systems. To the same end, Broy et al. [19] dis-cussed the ingredients required to achieve seamless integra-tion between isolated tools. The study also justified why sucha solution has not been implemented so far and the stepsrequired to get closer to building an environment that allowseasy integration of different tools and languages.

5.1.3 Future requirements

While a few solutions to the interoperability problem havebeen implemented in some IDEs, they are not fully auto-mated in practical applications. This can be addressed byusing the work done by the iFEST project [43], the CESARproject [22], and Broy et al. [19] as a guide for realizingframeworks that support automated integration between dif-ferent tools.

5.2 Optimization in model transformations

5.2.1 Observations

Our implemented transformation mapped GM models repre-senting a deployment of the software components on physicalnodes to their equivalent AUTOSAR models. The transfor-mation exercised one rigid mapping between elements of thetwo metamodels and generated an AUTOSAR output modelreflecting the deployment configuration. From the deploy-

ment perspective, there are other design options we have notexplored that may yield a more desirable deployment in theoutput AUTOSAR model with respect to some utility func-tion.

5.2.2 Other proposed solutions in the literature

Solutions exist to support optimization during the modeltransformation. For example, Schätz et al. [67] proposeda formalized approach to explore the design space usingrule-based model transformations. The study argued thatsystem development is a series of constrained design stepsthat successively refine a model. Instances of intermediatemodels were represented using a relational formalization,and transformation rules were represented using predicates.The approach was applied in an automotive-industrial con-text for implementing a transformation that maps compo-nents to units and communication channels to buses. Thestudy argued that the efficiency of the design space explo-ration approach can be improved. Drago et al. [28] pro-posed the QVT-Rational framework that explores differentdesign options which optimize predefined quality metrics.First, a domain expert specifies the metamodels to be manip-ulated, the quality metrics of interest, the quality-predictiontool chain and the method for design feedback generation.Then, a designer specifies desirable values for quality metricsand asks QVT-Rational for different design solutions. Thestudy concluded that QVT-Rational is inefficient for interac-tive development and cannot guarantee generating an optimalsolution for large design spaces.

5.2.3 Future requirements

Future model transformation tools that target industry useneed to support scalable design space exploration to aiddevelopers in exploring design options that optimize func-tional or non-functional requirements of the generated model.

5.3 Dealing with semantic differences between metamodels

5.3.1 Observations

Identifying which elements of the target metamodel best rep-resent a given element in the source metamodel can be a verydifficult task. Reasons include the following: (1) the precisesemantics of a metamodel may not have been documentedsufficiently and only be fully known to metamodel develop-ers themselves; consultation of these developers may be timeconsuming and error prone or even impossible. (2) The lackof analysis support in metamodel construction and evolutionoften means that the metamodels contain redundancies orinconsistencies. (3) The mapping of source to target elementsis very dependent on the context and purpose of the trans-


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formation, because they determine to what extent aspects ofthe semantics of model elements can be removed (to, e.g.,facilitate a model analysis), or need to be preserved (e.g., formodel refactorings) or refined (e.g., for code generation).

5.3.2 Other proposed solutions in the literature

Several studies discussed dealing with semantic differencesbetween metamodels by supporting mapping between themetamodels. Kent and Smith [47] proposed a set of require-ments needed in mapping functions (e.g., supporting bidi-rectional mappings) and tools (e.g., supporting consistencychecking of mappings) that are intended to map betweendifferent metamodels. Hausmann [39] proposed extendinga metamodeling language with additional declarative con-structs to express mappings between metamodels. Thus, thelanguage can be used to build metamodels and formallydefine metamodel mappings while abstracting from trans-formation direction and platform-specific implementations.Claypool et al. [24] proposed an architecture for a modelmanagement system in which mappings between metamod-els are captured as models to facilitate tooling and auto-mated mapping between instance models. Maskeri et al. [52]proposed abstracting or stamping-out metamodels into theircomposite software patterns (e.g., multiple inheritance pat-terns or allowed reference patterns) and defining mappingsbetween the patterns. Thus, the mappings can be reused lateron between models conforming to the stamped-out meta-models.

5.3.3 Future requirements

The reviewed studies focused on developing metamodelingtechniques and tools that allow defining mappings whendefining the metamodels. Little attention has been givento investigating techniques and tools that support mappingbetween existent metamodels. To facilitate transformationdevelopment, techniques to (1) document the semantics ofelements during metamodel construction, (2) find and sug-gest mappings between metamodels using similarity match-ing or learning [51,58], and (3) validate transformations viatesting and analysis are of high interest.

5.4 Validating model transformations

5.4.1 Observations

As explained in Sect. 4.5, we used a black-box testingtool to facilitate the validation of our model transformation.After manually examining the model fragments generated byMMCC and the corresponding test models built to satisfy themodel fragments, we found that only 45 model fragments outof the 196 actually trigger any rule in our model transforma-

tion. The generation of redundant model fragments and thepossibility of the test suite not triggering all the rules in thetransformation are due to the nature of black-box testing ingeneral; test cases are generated independent of the modeltransformation implementation.

5.4.2 Other proposed solutions in the literature

More rigorous validation techniques and tools are desir-able, especially for safety-critical systems. Formal verifi-cation techniques are an active research topic [68] and arenot entirely mature yet as discussed in Sect. 4.5. These tech-niques use formalizations (e.g., graph rewriting systems [65],Petri Nets [62], Maude[23]) to represent transformationsand analyze them using analysis specific to those formal-izations, e.g., [2,11,17,49,57,64,76]. However, formal ver-ification techniques tend to be computationally expensiveand not necessarily scalable [37] and techniques and toolsare needed that can handle industrial-size transformationsand input models with reasonable resources and time. Fur-ther, many of the formal verification techniques developedso far mandate that the user has a strong mathematical back-ground and hence are not easy to use by all developers ortesters. Rivera et al. [64] addressed this issue by using graphrewriting systems [65] as a front-end to a tool that analyzestransformations using Maude. Maude [23] is a language thatsupports Membership Equational Logic (MEL) [18] and hasstrong support for analysis techniques. The study used graphrewriting systems as a front-end since a graphical represen-tation of a transformation is more intuitive than a textual one.Thus, the study takes advantage of the Maude analysis tech-niques while making the tool easy to use by developers andtesters.

5.4.3 Future requirements

Metamodel Coverage Checker helped provide a systematicway to generate a test suite, but the actual generation andexecution of the test models was performed manually andhence was time consuming and error prone. For testing toscale up to industrial-size transformations and models, it isdesirable to increase the level of automation in generating thetest suite, executing the transformation of interest using thetest suite, and evaluating the results of executing the modeltransformation (e.g., using model differencing).

5.5 Model transformation scalability

5.5.1 Observations

As discussed in Sect. 4.5.2, actual GM models were not usedfor validation due to their non-conformance to the GM meta-model. Thus, no scalability study was conducted to ensure


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that the proposed approach scales when used to migrateactual GM models are naturally bigger and more compli-cated than the models we used to test our transformation(discussed in Sect. 4.5.2).

5.5.2 Other proposed solutions in the literature

A few studies reasoned about the scalability of ATL transfor-mations. As discussed in Sect. 6.1, Biehl and Törngren [15]conducted a case study on an automotive brake-by-wire sys-tem to demonstrate how transformations in ATL and TigerEMF can be used to model design decisions. The approachwas found to be feasible although no detailed results weredemonstrated. Aziz [8] conducted an exploratory case studyat Ericsson to investigate three model transformation tech-nologies (ATL, IBM TF, and Acceleo). The case studyinvolved interacting with personnel to verify the quality ofthe three transformation technologies. ATL was found to bethe most scalable transformation technology. Syriani [74]claimed that hybrid model transformation paradigms, suchas ATL, scale better than graph transformation languages.

5.5.3 Future requirements

Based on the above-mentioned studies, we expect thatextending our ATL transformation to cover the full scopeof the GM metamodel will scale when exercised on actualGM models. Nevertheless, we still need to conduct a scalabil-ity study once the GM models are updated to conform to theGM metamodel (as described in Sect. 4.5.2). Further, moreempirical studies are needed to quantitatively compare differ-ent transformation paradigms in terms of different properties(e.g., scalability) [14]. While Gardner et al. [35] gave an ini-tial comparison of the scalability of different transformationparadigms, not all transformation paradigms were covered(e.g., graph transformations) and no case studies were con-ducted to provide a quantitative evaluation of properties suchas scalability.

6 Related work

We survey studies that investigate using transformations inindustry for different purposes and studies that validate trans-formations used in an industrial context. Then, we discusshow our study is different from the surveyed ones.

6.1 Model transformations in industry

Research studies on adopting MDD in industry have beenpublished [5,25,55,75], but only a few investigated the adop-tion of model transformations in the industry for differentpurposes.

Transformations have been used in industry to facili-tate analysis. For example, Daghsen et al. [26] transformAUTOSAR timing models into classical scheduling mod-els on which timing analysis was performed. The approachwas applied to an industrial steering-by-wire system. Focus-ing only on timing analysis, the transformation reported didnot include details of the tools and languages used to imple-ment the transformation, the challenges encountered, the tar-get metamodel, or how the mapping between the source andtarget metamodels was obtained. Similarly, Anssi et al. [4]transformed an AUTOSAR scheduling analysis model intoits corresponding MAST model to perform timing analysisusing the MAST scheduling tool. The approach was appliedto a cruise control system. Focusing only on timing analy-sis, the study only described the mapping required betweenAUTOSAR scheduling analysis models and MAST models,but no further details were given about the development ofthe transformation.

Transformations have also been used in industry for modelmanagement tasks, e.g., consistency checking between relatedmodels. Giese et al. [36] proposed using triple graph gram-mars to maintain consistency and synchronization betweensystem engineering models in SysML and software engineer-ing models in AUTOSAR. Salay et al. [66] used macromod-els for managing related models in the automotive indus-try. Macromodels represent related models with their rela-tionships captured as formal mappings and constraints. Acase study was conducted on the flow diagrams representingan industrial, vehicle product line subsystem. The authorsdemonstrated how the used macromodels helped uncoverinconsistencies and incompleteness of some of the definedmodels.

Similar to our study, transformations have also been usedin other studies for migration in an industrial context. Fleureyet al. [33] demonstrated how the Sodifrance company hasbeen using several model-driven engineering tasks (i.e., auto-mated analysis of code, reverse engineering, model transfor-mations, and code generation) for migration projects usinga tool developed in-house called Model-In-Action (MIA). Acase study was conducted and MIA was used to migrate alarge-scale banking system. Since migration was performedby a competitive company, no details were provided on thedevelopment of the transformations used for migration (i.e.,specific tools and languages used to build the transforma-tions, the mapping rules that must be realized by the trans-formation, and transformation implementation details). Sim-ilarly, Doyle et al. [27] used model transformations to migratea sample of legacy domain-specific models (DSMs) to UMLmodels (or other MOF-compliant models) at a financial ser-vices company, Fortis. Since an MOF-based source meta-model of the DSMs was not available, a considerable part ofthe study was dedicated to demonstrating how such a meta-model is derived and how new models conforming to the


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derived metamodel can be built automatically to reflect theinformation that was present in the original DSMs. Thus, nodetails about the development of the migration transforma-tion were provided.

Model transformations have also been used in an industrialcontext for several other purposes. Biehl and Törngren [15]modeled design decisions using transformations to overcomethe knowledge vaporization problem, i.e., the loss of knowl-edge inherent in design decisions. A case study was con-ducted on an automotive brake-by-wire system using ATLand Tiger EMF for representing design decisions. Based onthe case study, the approach was found to be feasible althoughno detailed results were given. Ali et al. [1] used a series oftransformations to automate test case generation in model-based testing. Two industrial case studies were conductedon a multi-media conferencing system and a safety monitor-ing component in a safety-critical control system. Hemel andKats [40] used model transformations for code generation,i.e., input models are transformed into a model of the targetprogram to enable seamless extension of the target languagewith additional features by extending the output models ofthe target program. A case study was conducted where theapproach was used to implement WebDSL, a domain-specificlanguage for building web applications. The approach wasfound to have several advantages, e.g., ensuring syntacticalcorrectness of the output model representing the target pro-gram and facilitating further transformations on the outputmodel representing the target program.

6.2 Validating model transformations in industry

In general, black-box testing can be based on metamodelcoverage or contract coverage [69], i.e., the test suite gen-erated to test the transformation of interest aims to achievecoverage of the source metamodel elements or the transfor-mation contracts. For black-box testing based on metamodelcoverage, several studies proposed test adequacy criteria fordifferent metamodels such as the metamodels of class dia-grams [3,32,34] and state charts [59,77]. However, very fewstudies have evaluated the efficiency of the different ade-quacy criteria [53]. Fewer studies investigated black-box test-ing based on contract coverage [9,10]. Selim et al. reviewedthe state of the art in model transformation testing [69] andother techniques for analyzing and validating model trans-formations such as formal verification techniques [68].

From the case studies discussed in Sect. 6.2, only afew investigated validating the correctness of their trans-formation. Fleurey et al. [33] briefly mentioned that themigration was evaluated using a non-regression testingprocess in which customers were responsible for provid-ing the test cases. Although their tool (i.e., MIA) auto-mates several steps, migration of their subject banking sys-tem took 3,500 days of work (i.e., 45 % of the project’s

cost) since a non-trivial fragment of the migration wasperformed manually. Details about the testing carried outwere not discussed (i.e., criteria used for test case gener-ation, the number of generated test cases, and the resultsof testing). Giese et al. [36] manually invoked OCL con-straint checks to validate that the models manipulatedby their transformation preserved well-formedness con-straints.

Some studies evaluated their work in terms of other mea-sures, e.g., execution time and size of the output models.Doyle et al. [27] evaluated their migration transformation interms of the size of the generated models and the executiontime of the migration. Ali et al. [1] assessed their transforma-tion in terms of the execution time only. The study concludedthat improving the efficiency of the approach is necessarysince executing the transformations took almost 6 h for theirsecond case study.

The rest of the transformations were not evaluated at all.The case studies conducted by Daghsen et al. [26] and Anssiet al. [4] did not discuss validation of their transformation;they only focused on validating the schedulability of thetransformation’s output. The macro models developed bySalay et al. [66] were used for model management but thestudy did not verify that the built macromodels capture theintended relations between the different models. Biehl andTörngren [15] and Hemel and Kats [40] discussed the advan-tages and feasibility of their approaches without discussingthe validation of their subject transformations.

The difference between our study and surveyed studiesOur study differs from other studies reported in the literaturein three major aspects. First, to the best of our knowledge, noother case study was conducted to migrate legacy models inthe automotive industry which is a significant gap in the liter-ature given the conversion of many original equipment man-ufacturers (OEMs) to using AUTOSAR. Our transformationmigrates GM legacy models to their equivalent AUTOSARmodels. The two metamodels manipulated in our study areindustrial metamodels, which allow us to draw more real-istic conclusions with regard to the practicality of adoptingtransformations in industry.

Second, although other studies investigated using trans-formations for migration in other industries (e.g., [27,33]),our study considered in detail the entire transformation devel-opment process, from tool and language selection to trans-formation creation and validation.

Third, to the best of our knowledge, no other industrialcase study discussed using testing for validating transforma-tions. Fleurey et al. [33] briefly mentioned that non-regressiontesting was used to validate their migration transforma-tion but the study did not discuss details of the testingprocess (i.e., criteria used for test case generation, the num-ber of generated test cases, and the results of testing). Weused a black-box testing tool (i.e., MMCC) to validate our


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transformation, we discussed the test case generation crite-rion used and we reported on the testing results.

7 Conclusion and future work

In this study, we present a solution to migrating legacy VCSdesign models using model transformations in the automo-tive industry. The study has two major goals: (1) explor-ing the practicality of using model transformations in anindustrial context to map between industrial metamodelsand (2) benefitting GM by supporting automated and easyconvergence to AUTOSAR. The implemented transforma-tion converts domain-specific GM models to their equivalentAUTOSAR models. We discussed the transformation contextin the development process, the selection of the ATL trans-formation language and the MDWorkbench tool for the trans-formation implementation, and the development and valida-tion of the model transformation. Based on our experiences,we discuss which tools and languages are appropriate forimplementing and validating the transformation, the chal-lenges encountered in the study, and open issues that needfurther investigation. Thus, our study can be used by otherautomotive OEMs to guide them in migrating legacy modelsusing model transformations by demonstrating the approachto follow, the suitable MDD tools and languages to use andpossible issues that will be encountered and their solutions.Further, the approach we used to map between subsets ofthe two metamodels can be reused to extend the transfor-mation to the full scope of the metamodels. In other words,we will need to consult domain experts to craft the trans-formation rules required to map between the full scope ofthe two metamodels (as described in Sect. 4.3), implementthose rules following our iterative and incremental develop-ment approach (as described in Sects. 4.3 and 4.4), and testthe transformation using the MMCC tool (as described inSect. 4.5).

Since we demonstrated the effectiveness of our approachfor migrating a subset of the GM metamodel to its AUTOSARequivalent, engineers at GM expressed their interest inextending the transformation to the full scope of the GMmetamodel. Thus, future work includes extending the trans-formation and updating the actual GM models to conform tothe GM metamodel, so that the transformation can be used inpractice for migrating GM models. While our current trans-formation covers a substantial subset of the two metamod-els that represent the deployment problem, several obstaclesmight be introduced in such an extension:

1. We expect that significant time and effort will be spentin understanding the remainder of the two metamodelsfrom domain experts.

2. The transformation’s complexity will probably increaseas more mappings are added. Thus, updating the trans-formation to make it comprehensible might be neces-sary (e.g., using more declarative constructs that are moreintuitive and readable)

3. As more mappings are added, the transformation mayneed to be refactored to make generated output elementseasily accessible to the added rules and helpers.

Work on validating the transformation can be extended intwo directions. First, several steps in the testing process canbe automated, e.g., the generation of a test suite, using muta-tion analysis [56] for test suite assessment, the execution ofthe model transformation on the test suite, and the evalua-tion of the output models generated by the model transfor-mation. White-box testing (e.g., [50]) can also be used forvalidation. Second, formal model transformation verificationtechniques [68] can be investigated for verifying the trans-formation.

Acknowledgments This work is supported in part by NSERC, aspart of the NECSIS Automotive Partnership with General Motors, IBMCanada and Malina Software Corp.


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Author Biographies

Gehan M. K. Selim receivedan M.Sc. from Cairo University(Faculty of Computers and Infor-mation) in Egypt and is currentlya Ph.D. candidate in the Schoolof Computing of Queen’s Uni-versity in Canada. Her researchinterests include model transfor-mations, testing of model trans-formations, and formal verifica-tion of model transformations.

Shige Wang received his Ph.D.in Computer Science and Engi-neering from University of Michi-gan at Ann Arbor. He is cur-rently working as a SeniorResearch Scientist at GeneralMotors R&D in Warren, Michi-gan, USA. His research inter-ests are in real-time and embed-ded systems and cyber-physicalsystems. Dr. Wang is an IEEESenior Member.


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James R. Cordy is Professorand past Director of the Schoolof Computing at Queen’s Uni-versity in Kingston, ON, Canada.From 1995 to 2000 he was VicePresident and Chief ResearchScientist at Legasys Corporation,a software technology companyspecializing in legacy softwaresystem analysis and renovation.He has published more than 150refereed contributions in soft-ware engineering, programminglanguages, and artificial intelli-gence. Dr. Cordy serves widely

as member and chair of conferences and workshops in programming lan-guages and software engineering, recently chairing ICSM 2011, SCAM2012, WCRE 2013, and the 2012 Dagstuhl Workshop on SoftwareClone Management in Industrial Application. He is an ACM Distin-guished Scientist, a Senior Member of the IEEE, and an IBM CASFaculty Fellow.

Juergen Dingel received anM.Sc. from Berlin Universityof Technology in Germany anda Ph.D. in Computer Sciencefrom Carnegie Mellon Univer-sity (2000). He is an AssociateProfessor in the School of Com-puting at Queen’s Universitywhere he leads the Modeling andAnalysis in Software Engineer-ing group. His research interestsinclude model-driven engineer-ing, formal methods, and soft-ware engineering.

