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Modelling the effects of ecology on wildlife disease surveillance Laura Walton Doctor of Philosophy University of York Environment September 2014
Laura Walton
Surveillance is the first line of defence against disease, whether to monitor endemic cycles
or to detect emergent epidemics. Knowledge of disease in wildlife is of considerable
importance for managing risks to humans, livestock and wildlife species. Recent public
health concerns (e.g. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, West Nile Virus, Ebola) have
increased interest in wildlife disease surveillance. However, current practice is based on
protocols developed for livestock systems that do not account for the potentially large
fluctuations in host population density and disease prevalence seen in wildlife.
A generic stochastic modelling framework was developed where surveillance of wildlife
disease systems are characterised in terms of key demographic, epidemiological and
surveillance parameters. Discrete and continuous statespace representations respectively,
are simulated using the Gillespie algorithm and numerical solution of stochastic differential
equations. Mathematical analysis and these simulation tools are deployed to show that
demographic fluctuations and stochasticity in transmission dynamics can reduce disease
detection probabilities and lead to bias and reduced precision in the estimates of
prevalence obtained from wildlife disease surveillance. This suggests that surveillance
designs based on current practice may lead to underpowered studies and provide poor
characterisations of the risks posed by disease in wildlife populations. By parameterising the
framework for specific wildlife host species these generic conclusions are shown to be
relevant to disease systems of current interest.
The generic framework was extended to incorporate spatial heterogeneity. The impact of
design on the ability of spatially distributed surveillance networks to detect emergent
disease at a regional scale was then assessed. Results show dynamic spatial reallocation of a
fixed level of surveillance effort led to more rapid detection of disease than static designs.
This thesis has shown that spatiotemporal heterogeneities impact on the efficacy of
surveillance and should therefore be considered when undertaking surveillance of wildlife
disease systems.
1.2 Wildlife disease and conservation......................................................................... 14
1.4 Wildlife Disease Surveillance ................................................................................. 17
1.4.1 The Probability of Detection ....................................................................... 20
1.4.2 Estimating the True Prevalence: Bias and Standard Deviation .................. 22
1.4.3 Improving wildlife disease surveillance ...................................................... 24
1.5 Modelling Wildlife Populations, Disease and Surveillance ................................... 25
1.5.1 Temporal Modelling of Wildlife Populations with Disease ........................ 26
1.5.2 Spatial Temporal Modelling of Wildlife Populations, Disease and Surveillance
.......................................................................................................................... 35
2.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 39
2.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 39
2.3 Methods ................................................................................................................ 41
2.3.2 Statistics generated from the model .......................................................... 42
2.3.3 Model Implementation............................................................................... 42
4 Effect of host demography and transmission dynamics .................. 51 Limits to disease detection in wildlife disease systems ................... 52
2.5 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 54
3. An Approach to Assessing Wildlife Disease Surveillance in Real Systems: tools and
applications ............................................................................................................ 57
3.3.2 Model Implementation............................................................................... 61
3.4 Results ................................................................................................................... 65
3.4.1 Estimating disease prevalence in badger and rabbit populations ............. 66 Effect of disease system .................................................................. 66
3.4.2 Detecting disease........................................................................................ 74
3.4.4 Imperfect diagnostic tests .......................................................................... 78
3.5 Discussion .............................................................................................................. 82
surveillance: impacts of emergent disease. .............................................................. 86
4.1 Abstract ................................................................................................................. 87
4.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................... 87
4.3 Methods ................................................................................................................ 89
4.3.2 Model Implementation............................................................................... 91
4.4 Results 4.4.1 Static surveillance: spatial distribution of effort............................. 94
4.4.2 Static surveillance: stratified designs ......................................................... 96
4.4.3 Dynamic designs ....................................................................................... 101
5. General Discussion: Towards a new approach to wildlife disease surveillance ..... 109
5.1 Background .......................................................................................................... 109
5.2 Fluctuations undermine wildlife disease surveillance ........................................ 110
5.3 Tools for assessing wildlife disease surveillance in real systems ........................ 112
5.4 Spatial heterogeneity and the design of wildlife disease surveillance ............... 113
5.5 Future Work ........................................................................................................ 114
1.1 Relationship between discrete and continuous (SDE) statespace model
implementations .................................................................................................. 119 Discrete to continuous time .......................................................... 128 Translating from multi to singlestage models ............................. 129
2.1.2 Estimating Rabbit Parameters .................................................................. 133
Appendix 2.2 ......................................................................................................... 135
List of Tables
1.1 SI model with rate and effects for each event type 29
1.2 Expectations and variancecovariance rates 33
1.3 Expectation and variancecovariance 34
2.1 Model structure 43
4.1 Event, Rate and Effect on the State Space of the model 92
List of Figures
1.1 Effect of disease prevalence on the sample size required to detect disease 22
1.2 Using binomial theory to estimate the expected bias and std dev in the
surveillance estimate of prevalence 24
1.3 An example of a logistic growth curve 28
1.4 Deterministic and Stochastic Time Trajectories 29
2.1 Effect of host demography and disease transmission 46
2.2 Effect of surveillance design 48
2.3 Effect of hostpathogen and surveillance dynamics on probability of
detection 52
2.4 Fluctuations reduce power to detect disease 53
3.1 Trace plots from SDE and Gillespie implementation runs of the model 64
3.2 Effect of infected population stability and disease transmission on
surveillance in Badgers 68
3.3 Effect of infected population stability and disease transmission on
surveillance in Rabbits 70
3.4 Effect of disease transmission and infected population death rate on
surveillance 71
3.5 Effect of surveillance design 72
3.6 Effect of surveillance design 73
3.7 Effect of hostpathogen and surveillance dynamics on the probability of
detection 75
3.8 Effect of trappability and surveillance dynamics in Badgers 77
3.9 Effect of test sensitivity and disease dynamics in Badgers 79
3.10 Effect of disease dynamics and test sensitivity in Badgers 81
4.1 Effect of the distribution of surveillance effort between patches 95
4.2 The effect of habitat quality on stratified sampling schemes 97
4.3 The effect of the suitability of less favourable on surveillance 99
4.4 The effect of surveillance effort and secondary transmission 100
4.5 Effect of switching 102
4.6 Switching and deployed effort 103
4.7 The effect of between patch transmission for different switching levels 104
Firstly, I would like to thank my supervisor’s Glenn Marion and Mike Hutchings for taking a
leap of faith on a 22 year old girl about to graduate with an undergraduate degree in
statistics. It has been a privilege to work so closely with two people of such knowledge and
expertise. Glenn’s relentless comments on my many redrafts have been invaluable in this
process. He has been my main supervisory support, I’ve always been able to go to him with
any problem, and have never felt that any question was too simple. Mike’s knowledge of
ecology and his ability to relate my theoretical results to real systems has been instrumental
in developing this research. His enthusiasm for this work has never faltered, which has had
a positive influence on my own motivation and enthusiasm! This whole process has been a
learning curve in more ways than one, and I couldn’t have done it without the support of
both Glenn and Mike.
Secondly, I would like to thank Ross Davidson, for his time, patience and expertise in C++.
His guidance and problem solving skills have been extremely helpful and have aided my
programming development, which is a skill that I will carry forward. I would also like to
thank my supervisor Piran White for always being happy to help, answering questions and
providing feedback. His independent perspective has helped greatly in formulating
arguments and developing key messages.
Thirdly I would like to thank some important people in my life. My parents have been the
biggest rock, always believing in me, even at my lowest points. They have listened to my
worries, my joy, put up with my bad moods and took an interest in my theories and results,
all with love and support. They have helped me above and beyond and I couldn’t ask for a
better family. I would also like to thank my friend Rachael for having an ear to listen and a
shoulder to cry on! Rachael has celebrated the good times with me and distracted me from
the bad, and has always found words of encouragement when I needed them most.
I would also like to thank Kevin Kane for employing me, having an income has come in very
useful in my fourth year! He has been very understanding and flexible with my working
hours in these hectic last few months, and I am truly grateful. Finally, thank you to Team
AML for their friendship and humour which have made my transition to London so much
easier. They have told me time and again that I should hurry up and finish my PhD so I can
join them in cocktails during happy hour. Now that time has come, and I say cheers to that!
Author’s Declaration
I declare that this thesis is a presentation of original work and I am the sole author. This
work has not previously been presented for an award at this, or any other University. All
sources are acknowledged as references.
Wildlife diseases have the potential, not only to impact greatly on the populations of
wildlife species themselves, but also on human and livestock populations. A demonstrative
example of how detrimental zoonoses can be to human health and the economy is the
recent swine flu pandemic in 2009, which has origins in both domestic pigs and wild boar
(Shoham 2011). The disease outbreak started in Mexico and the USA and quickly spread
worldwide followed by vast media coverage. The official worldwide death toll according to
the World Health Organisation (WHO) as of 28th March 2010 was 17,483 (Girard et al.
2010). As well as the impact on human health, the economic impact of Mexico alone was
estimated as > $3.2 billion (Girard et al. 2010). Wildlife diseases also have the opportunity
to affect biodiversity and conservation efforts (Daszak et al. 2000; Smith et al. 2009; Pagán
et al. 2012). Mathematical modelling is a tool which can be (and is widely) used to simulate
disease systems (Renshaw 1991; Keeling & Rohani 2007) by manipulating equations in order
to gain insights into the behaviour of the modelled system. Mathematical modelling will be
used in this thesis in such a way to understand the effect that host fluctuations, disease
dynamics and spatial heterogeneities have on the efficacy of wildlife disease surveillance.
The literature surrounding wildlife disease is reviewed in the next sections and the impact it
has on human health, wildlife health and conservation and the economy is outlined to show
the importance of wildlife disease research.
1.1 Wildlife diseases and Humans
There is an increasing understanding in the literature that wildlife diseases pose a threat to
human health (Bengis et al. 2004; Belant & Deese 2010; Kuiken et al. 2011). The World
Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) stated in an editorial that ‘Surveillance of wildlife
diseases must be considered equally as important as surveillance and control of diseases in
domestic animals’ (Vallat 2008). In a comprehensive literature review carried out by Talyor
et al, it was reported that out of all the infectious organisms known to be pathogenic to
humans, 61% were zoonotic. It was also found that out of the 175 diseases considered to be
“emerging” (Lederberg et al. 1992), 75% were zoonotic (Taylor et al. 2001). This was higher
than expected by the authors and is indicative of the importance of wildlife disease
research in terms of predicting and controlling emerging outbreaks, and promoting human
health and safety. In comparison with human and livestock systems, with wildlife disease
there are many added complications in terms of population demography and habitat
location, and even though momentum is building behind wildlife disease research it is still
the most poorly understood (Jones et al. 2008).
There are many examples of zoonotic diseases in humans for which wildlife species act as
an intermediary for disease transmission. Nipah is an RNA virus initially detected in pigs in
Malaysia in 1999 (when at the same time it appeared that pig farmers were suffering from
an outbreak of viral encephalitis), it is closely related to the Hendra Virus discovered in 1994
in Australia. Host infection by Nipah virus is associated with a marked respiratory and
neurological syndrome which can be followed by the sudden death of pigs. In the later
stages of the initial outbreak of this disease, Nipah was characterised as causing a high
mortality rate in humans when it emerged that the same causative agent was to blame for
both the pig and pig farm workers mysterious illnesses. The outbreak had devastating
consequences for the Malaysian Peninsular’s pig farming industry with an overall loss of
1.08 million pigs and a reduction in pig farms from 1885 to 829 (Nor et al. 2000). Although
the catalyst of the original outbreak of Nipah virus in pig farmers was domestic pigs (Chua et
al. 1999), the natural host for the disease is fruit bats. The main drivers associated with the
spread of this virus were identified as deforestation, drought and the expansion of pig
farming in Malaysia. Fruit bats were forced to move out of their natural habitat as a result
of depleting resources available to them, and nearby agricultural areas with productive fruit
orchards were an appealing choice. These areas were also home to a large number of pigs
which increased the chance of transmission from bat to pig and as a knock on effect, from
pig to human in the initial outbreak (Bengis et al. 2004). The subsequent 2001 Indian and
Bangladeshi outbreaks of Nipah virus were assumed to be caused by the ingestion of fruit
and fruit related products that had been contaminated with fruit bat saliva and urine (WHO
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS) is an infectious respiratory disease which is endemic
to the Americas. The natural host of HPS is thought to be rodents, and is typically carried by
the deer mouse (peromyscus maniculatus) in the United States. Transmission from wildlife
to humans is through the respiratory route as a result of airborne dispersion of rodent
excretions (Bengis et al. 2004), and a study carried out in 1998 of 177 cases of HPS in 29
states, estimated the casefatality proportion to be 45% (Young et al. 1998). Outbreaks of
Hantavirus in humans in the United States have frequently been linked to changes in
environmental conditions which are highly favourable to the rodent populations (Epstein
1995). The HPS epidemic in the American Southwest of 1993 followed an abundance of
rainfall increasing the food sources available for the deer mice. The high population
densities driven out of their burrows by flooding increased the chance for the virus to
flourish and transmit within rodent populations and eventually onto human populations
(Epstein 1995) which can be likened to the perturbation effect (Tuyttens et al. 2000; Carter
et al. 2007). Human activities such as herding livestock and cleaning out rarely used rodent
infested areas have been attributed to increasing the risk of human exposure to HPS
through contact with infected urine and faeces (Armstrong et al. 1995).
Avian Influenza (perhaps the highest profile wildlife disease threat given volume of past
epidemics and the risk of a pandemic outbreak in the future (Swayne 2009)) is an infectious
viral disease found in birds (particularly wild water fowl) caused by strains of the flu virus
not unlike the strains found in humans. In wild bird populations it often causes no clinical
signs. Some forms of avian influenza have mutated in such a way that they are able to
transfer from birds to humans populations. An example of this was demonstrated in 1997,
when an outbreak of H5N1 (previously thought to only infect birds) was first reported in
Hong Kong causing 18 cases of infection with a 33% mortality rate. The clinical progression
in humans of this Influenza strain can be categorised into three stages. The first stage of the
illness would usually show mild upper respiratory tract infection and fever, or be
asymptomatic. The second stage is marked by additional symptoms of severe pneumonia,
haematological liver and renal abnormalities. Finally the third stage shows a highly
developed illness of acute respiratory distress syndrome, multiple organ malfunction and
ultimately death (Tam 2002). The incidence of human infections reported in all major
outbreaks of Avian Influenza to date has happened in people who have high level of
interaction with poultry. It is thought these infections represent direct birdtohuman
transfer of the virus, as fortunately there appears to have been negligible humantohuman
spread. Nevertheless, the adaptation and mutation of these poultry viruses could lead to a
new subtype of Influenza which is capable of sustaining itself within a human population
alone. This is a key concern to public health services around the world as the threat of a
highly contagious new pandemic could be potentially looming ever closer (Bengis et al.
1.2 Wildlife disease and conservation Biodiversity can also be affected by the emergence and spread of wildlife diseases. If the
pathogen in question induces a high enough mortality rate in the host, there is a risk of
losing entire populations of species and endangering many others; disease induced
reductions in population size may significantly increase the chance of local extinction due to
demographic fluctuations. Recent outbreaks have demonstrated this, for example in
Australia the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) is thought to be behind
the fall in population size and perceivable extinction of at least 14 highelevation species of
rainforest frog (Retallick et al. 2004). This fungus is not unique to Australia, and it’s affects
on the amphibian community can be felt worldwide. Using information from a “last year
observed” database, Marca et al deduced that the frog genus Atelopus has undergone 67
species extinctions since 1980 (Marca et al. 2005), which have been generally attributed to
Bd. Bd has been categorised as an amphibiotic emerging infectious agent (Daszak et al.
1999) and is considered to be pandemic. In 2008 the World Organisation for Animal Health
reported Bd as a notifiable pathogen (OIE 2008).
The impact of pathogens on wildlife conservation can be damaging when endangered or
threatened species are affected by an outbreak of an infectious pathogen. The Tasmanian
devil population has continually declined by up to 90% from 1996 when a debilitating and
aggressive facial cancer tumour was first reported known as Tasmanian Devil Facial Tumour
Disease (DFTD) (McCallum et al. 2007). This has caused the Tasmanian Devil, which was
originally listed as “lowrisk” in terms of endangerment in 1996, to be officially categorised
an “endangered” species as of 2008 by the International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN) Redlist (Hawkins et al. 2008). In the conservation biology literature emphasis is
placed on the possible adverse consequences of wildlife disease due to a decline in genetic
diversity (Epps et al. 2005; Schmid et al. 2009). The lasting effect of a decline in genetic
diversity within a population is the reduction in the ability to adapt to changes, for example
loss of habitat or fragmentation. A more immediate disadvantage is the incapacity to resist
pathogen infection. DFTD is a prime example of how loss of genetic diversity within
populations amplifies the risks posed by disease (Jones et al. 2004). This case highlights the
importance of surveillance and early action against emerging diseases threats; as DFTD was
not quickly identified it has already spread across a large range of the species which makes
eradication difficult (McCallum 2008).
Canine distemper (CDV) is a viral disease affecting the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal
system, skin, reproductive tract, eyes, and nervous system. It is classified as producing
clinical signs such as nasal discharge, transient fever, diarrhoea, and weight loss. CDV has
been recognised as a pathogen of domestic dogs, however numerous CDV infections of wild
species have been documented (Leisewitz et al. 2001). In 1994, the Serengeti National Park
lion population were subjected to a devastating outbreak of canine distemper. This led to
the overall population reducing in size by approximately onethird (i.e. 1000 animals)
(RoelkeParker et al. 1996), a significant blow to the conservation and protection effort of
the Serengeti National Park. However, as a consequence of intense monitoring of the lion
prides, detailed observations were collected on the incidence of CDV and their movement.
From this data it was deduced that it was unlikely lion movement patterns could account
for the spread of the disease, which eventually led to the exploration of other potential
reservoirs of the pathogen (Haydon 2008). It has been suggested that the most probable
reservoir for CDV in the Serengeti lion epidemic was the domestic dogs of the local villages.
Between 1991 and 1993, the seroprevalence of CDV increased in their population which
preceded the 1994 outbreak in lions (RoelkeParker et al. 1996). This 1994 outbreak of
canine distemper illustrates quite clearly the risks posed by wildlife disease but also to the
great advantages of surveillance. It would have been impossible or at the least very difficult
to determine how the outbreak evolved without such rich data collection.
1.3 Wildlife diseases and the livestock industry
When a disease is classified as notifiable, it is required by law that it is reported to
government authorities if discovered. This can lead to restrictions placed on the movement
of livestock from affected premises and subsequently impact on the “disease status” of a
country possibly leading to a ban on trade until the country is considered “disease free”.
Therefore, there is potential for tremendous economic impacts when wildlife disease can
transmit to livestock. Bovine TB (bTB), caused by Mycobacterium bovis, is a focal point for
wildlife control because of the adverse consequences of the disease on livestock production
(Donnelly & Hone 2010) and the significant affect it has on trading as a result of EU trading
standards and procedures (Caffrey 1994; DEFRA 2011). bTB is categorised as a bacterium
which causes chronic incapacitating disease in cattle, humans and various wild species,
including the badger (Meles meles) (Bengis et al. 2004). During the comprehensive
Randomised Badger Culling Trial (RBCT), designed to establish if culling badgers reduced TB
in cattle, badgers were shown to be a source of infection to cattle (DEFRA 2013). The trial
results suggested that culling of badgers over a fixed area of 150km2 would lead to an
average of 16% reduction in bTB incidence in cattle in the local area. However, there are
also negative impacts of culling which can lead to an increases in disease e.g. the
perturbation effect as mentioned previously (Prentice et al. 2014). This situation has put a
strain on the economy as infected cattle have decreased production of milk and infected
carcasses will be seized at abattoirs if detected (Amanfu 2006; Firdessa et al. 2012). Known
infected cattle herds are put on a trade lockdown as required by the EU trading standards
and are prohibited from moving until bTB free status is achieved. There are also added
economic problems which come with the slaughtering of infected cattle. It is estimated that
approximately 28,000 cattle were slaughtered in 2012 through bTB infection (DEFRA 2012)
and the burden of compensation falls on the government or else must be absorbed by the
individual infection sites which could result in farms going out of business if the financial
impacts of the cull are too great.
Schmallenberg is an emerging livestock virus that has been detected in parts of Europe and
the UK and it is transmitted via vectors such as mosquitoes and midges to the livestock
hosts (DEFRA 2012) and wild ruminants (ECDC 2012). The virus is characterised by the host
showing clinical signs including a decrease in milk production, watery diarrhoea, and
occasional fever (Elbers et al. 2012), and there have also been reports of congenital
malformations in ruminants (van den Brom et al. 2012). DEFRA has stated that the most
likely cause of Schmallenberg in the UK is due to infected midges being blown across the
channel, most probably from France (Conraths et al. 2013). Although this is not a notifiable
disease as yet, it is being closely monitored and any farmers who encounter the disease or
suspicious symptoms are advised to contact their local vet. Impact assessments by the EFSA
(2012) and Harris (2014) suggest that if this virus were to spread further across the UK and
Europe it is likely to have serious adverse economic impacts on the farming industry (EFSA
2012; Harris et al. 2014) as meat and milk production could be badly hampered.
Foot and mouth disease (FMD) is an infectious virus affecting ruminants and is
characterised by clinical signs including loss of appetite, sudden death of young, lameness,
blisters and reduced milk yield. Although recent outbreaks have been predominantly in
livestock, wild ruminants can also play a role in the introduction and spread of FMD (Condy
et al. 1969; Ward et al. 2007). The disease can have severe consequences for animal health
and the economics of the livestock sector as exemplified by the 2007 outbreak in the UK.
During August and September 2007, FMD caused large disruptions to the farming sector
and cost hundreds of millions of pounds in control efforts and slaughtered animals (Cottam
et al. 2008). For example in Scotland there was an export ban on live animals imposed until
the close of the year, the effect of this was a reduction of market prices, although the real
measure of this depends on the initial state of the market before the outbreak. This
represented a considerable cost to farmers of livestock and in turn also represented losses
to the overall agricultural supply chain (Scottish Government 2008). The burden of a
restriction on movement requires farmers and other branches of the agricultural supply
chain to diverge from the usual procedure and these effects can be exacerbated if farmers
keep their stock for a longer period because of lower market prices, all of which
demonstrate extra cost and strain on the livestock economy.
1.4 Wildlife Disease Surveillance
Surveillance is the first line of defence against wildlife disease and the threats it can pose.
Wildlife disease surveillance aims to limit and end outbreaks of disease before they have
the ability to cause major damage to public, livestock and wildlife health (Belant & Deese
2010) . When used in an efficient and comprehensive manner, surveillance can be
instrumental in controlling and overcoming disease outbreak (FAO 2011). There is an
increasing recognition of the necessity of wildlife disease surveillance (Jebara 2004; Kuiken
et al. 2011). However, there are a range of issues associated with surveillance of wildlife
disease, e.g. poor knowledge of basic ecology and distribution of host species, this makes it
particularly challenging even when compared to surveillance in livestock and humans.
The wildlife disease surveillance strategies currently undertaken in Europe are few and far
between (Artois et al. 2001). The protocols for these activities are still informal and as of yet
there is no structure in place to facilitate coordinated surveillance/reporting of wildlife
disease between countries (Kuiken et al. 2011). As previously mentioned, there is an
increasing acknowledgement that greater priority should be placed on wildlife disease
surveillance, driven in part by the numerous examples of zoonotic outbreaks in the human
population (SARS, Swine Flu, Avian Influenza etc). Leading international wildlife
organisations and influential veterinary editorials have highlighted the importance of
wildlife surveillance effort. The director general of the world health organisation for animal
health (OIE) asserted that “Surveillance of wildlife diseases must be considered equally as
important as surveillance and control of diseases in domestic animals” as well as concluding
that the surveillance of wild animal disease is essential (Vallat 2008). In the first EWDA
meeting for wildlife health surveillance on 15th October 2009 in Brussels, 25 representatives
presented summaries of the wildlife health surveillance in their respective countries. Based
on these summaries Kuiken et al. (2011) showed that there are significant differences in
surveillance approach across Europe. The number of surveillance schemes in action per
country, the intensity of those schemes, the number of animals examined, effort in terms of
the number of people employed, and the sources of funding vary greatly. The authors
categorised the differences in surveillance in each country by three different levels; no
general surveillance, partial general surveillance and comprehensive surveillance, of which
the UK fell into the later. As a result of this, there was a consensus among the participants
that wildlife health surveillance in Europe would profit from a more formal network of
people actively contributing to this research area (Kuiken et al. 2011).
When undertaking surveillance of a given population (i.e. a group of individuals of the same
species interacting within some defined area), the task becomes a lot easier if the
population is closely managed (i.e. livestock), but unfortunately this is not the case when
considering wildlife populations. Compared with surveillance in livestock there are many
added complications to wildlife disease surveillance, for example locating the population,
estimating accurately the size of the population and understanding the demography and
transmission dynamics of the population including interactions with other populations and
the wider community (i.e. other species). These added complications can make it difficult to
obtain the samples required of a successful surveillance system (Nusser et al. 2008). Many
wildlife surveillance strategies depend on methodologies based on protocols developed for
livestock systems. However, as discussed, wildlife populations are considerably more
complex and to date there has not been a detailed exploration of whether methods used in
livestock are suitable for application to wildlife populations.
Wildlife disease surveillance can be characterised under two broad categories, active
surveillance and passive surveillance. Passive surveillance can be generally defined as the
discovery and testing of naturally occurring deceased hosts (i.e. animals that have not died
for the initial purpose of surveillance). There are instances of routine collection of hunter
killed samples and collection of roadkill animals, but a primary difficulty of passive
surveillance is that the strategy generally relies on members of the public identifying and
delivering a case for diagnostic testing (Rhyan & Spraker 2010). The potential of passive
surveillance is hard to realise in practice since disease detection is quite frequently time
sensitive (i.e. sensitivity of diagnostic tests may reduce sharply with time since death) and
the incentive for the general public to report a case is relatively low. There is also a
considerable chance of bias in the sample when relying on passive surveillance especially if
the hostpathogen dynamic features significant disease induced mortality or if behaviour of
infected individuals reduces or increases the chance that deceased individuals are
encountered. Active surveillance in the context of this thesis is defined as the capture and
subsequent testing of individuals driven by surveillance related objectives. A primary
difficulty with this type of surveillance is that it can be more costly than other options and
only limited funding is available (Lancoua et al. 2005). In livestock systems active and
passive surveillance strategies are much simpler to implement, and as highlighted
previously wildlife systems are much more complex. There are numerous complications
when gathering samples in the field, including dynamic aspects of population turnover,
habitat effects on density and distribution in space and time, behavioural aspects affecting
sampling e.g. elusive nocturnal species trap shyness of animals etc. These complications
typically result from dynamic processes which are subject to stochastic fluctuations making
it more difficult to design and implement randomised sampling strategies.
In summary, both passive and active surveillance have the potential to be effective tools for
wildlife disease research, but they can suffer shortcomings including underreporting, and
difficulties in designing effective surveillance strategies due to the complexity of host
pathogen systems (Stallknecht 2007). There is therefore a need to address these problems
systematically; in particular there have been calls for improved panEuropean mechanisms
including defined standard protocols and data sharing (Genovesi & Shine 2002; Kuiken et al.
2011; “WILDTECH Report Summary” 2014). This is a long term goal which would aim for a
coordinated approach to surveillance and monitoring, to offer increased protection from
disease outbreaks and incursions. For this to work, unquantifiable biases need to be
minimised (e.g. human behaviour in passive systems) and/or accounted for in subsequent
analysis. For the purposes of this thesis, we investigate only active surveillance as the
characterisation of biases in passive surveillance requires a focus on specific surveillance
scenarios and here we wish to explore generic aspects of wildlife disease surveillance. For
example, results not shown indicate the ability of passive surveillance to detect disease
depends strongly on the level of disease induced mortality and the rate at which the
animals decay.
The key statistics we subsequently use to characterise the performance of wildlife disease
surveillance systems are reviewed here. There are several statistics that can be estimated
using surveillance information which give valuable information about the population itself,
disease status and surveillance efficacy. However, in this thesis there are two primary
statistics of interest used to investigate surveillance performance and the effect of
population demography and disease transmission on surveillance efficacy, the estimate of
prevalence and the probability of detection.
1.4.1 The Probability of Detection
The simplest and most widely used approach to estimating the probability of disease
detection is to assume constant prevalence p and an effective infinite population size (i.e.
assume sampling is with replacement/the population size is not finite). These assumptions
lead naturally to a binomial formula for the probability of detecting disease from n samples.
= 1 − (1 − ) (1)
a = the probability of detecting disease
p = the prevalence
The above formula can be used to carry out a power calculation as follows. Rearranging
equation (1) in terms of n, gives an estimate of the sample size required to obtain a
= ( )
( ) (2)
This required sample size increases rapidly as prevalence tends to 0, as demonstrated in
Figure 1.1. This can lead to “over sampling” especially for smaller populations, since the
underlying assumption is that the population is infinite. To counteract this effect which
would lead to the repeated sampling of individuals, a number of authors (Martin et al.
1987; Artois et al. 2009a; Fosgate 2009) have considered modifying this approach based
upon the hypergeometric distribution which accounts for finite population sizes. This
approach leads to the following sample size calculation
= 1 − (1 − )/ × [ − 0.5( − 1)] (3)
where N = the total population size
D = the total number of diseased individuals within the population
p =
= prevalence
Figure 1.1 shows equation (3), demonstrating the effect of modifying equation (2) to
account for finite population sizes. Without this modification, at low prevalence, the sample
size required to detect disease presence can be greater than the population itself. As noted
above this would entail sampling the same individuals more than once which is clearly
inefficient and given perfect tests completely unnecessary, at least if the disease status of
individuals is assumed not to change over time. This is of course consistent with the
assumption of unvarying prevalence on which both equations (1)(3) rely. The hyper
geometric correction implemented in equation (3) ensures the maximum sample size
required is capped at the total population size.
Figure 1.1: Effect of disease prevalence on the sample size required to detect disease.
Plots are shown for varying levels of diseased individuals when the probability of detection
a = 0.5 for both equation (2) and (3). Plot 1.a shows the effect of number of diseased
individuals on sample size requirement described by equations (2) and (3) for a fixed
population size of 100 (i.e. maximum prevalence is 0.1). Plot 1.b shows the effect of number
of diseased individuals on sample size requirement from equations (2) and (3) for a fixed
population size of 1000 where again maximum prevalence is 0.1.
Equations (3) can be rearranged to give an equation for the probability of detection for
finite sized populations analogous to equation (1):
= 1 − 1 −
Note that equation (1) is the form that will be used herein when referencing the binomial
equation for the probability of detection.
1.4.2 Estimating the True Prevalence: Bias and Standard Deviation
In addition to simply detecting the presence of disease, surveillance may also be called
upon to accurately estimate the prevalence in a population. However, as we show in this
Equation (2)
Equation (3)
thesis achieving this can be quite difficult in the face of demographic fluctuations within the
population. In contrast the standard approach is to ignore such fluctuations and assume
constant prevalence p and population size. This leads to the conclusion that the number of
infected individuals in a sample of n individuals, from a population with prevalence p, is
drawn from a binomial distribution with Bin(n,p). Which has mean np and variance
np(1-p). Therefore under these assumptions we find that the binomial estimate of
prevalence is np/n =p and therefore
E[surveillance estimate of prevalence]= E[true prevalence] (5)
i.e. the bias of the surveillance estimate (under the above assumptions) is equal to 0.
Given the variance in the binomial estimate of the number of infected cases in a sample of
size n, the standard deviation (std dev) in the corresponding estimate of prevalence from
surveillance is:
as before, p =prevalence and n = sample size.
As with the probability of detection in equation (4), there can be corrections made to
equation (6) to account for the finite size of the population. Frequently in survey research,
samples are taken without replacement and from a finite population of size N. In this
instance, and especially when the sample size n is proportionally not small (i.e. n/N > 0.05),
a finite population correction factor (fpc) is used as a prefactor on the right hand side of
equation (6) to define both the standard error of the proportion. The finite population
correction factor is expressed as:
= − − 1 (7)
Figure 2 show the bias and standard deviation using the binomial theory based on the
assumptions of constant population size and prevalence. As stated above, the binomial
equation does not predict any bias in the surveillance estimate of prevalence as the
predicted prevalence is equal to the true prevalence, p. However, the error in this estimate
is nonzero and varies with true prevalence, as can be seen in Figure 2.b. Note that the
correction factor in equation (7) is less than 1 for any N>2 and sample size n>1, and
therefore the error in the estimated prevalence shown in Figure 2.b will be reduced when
accounting for the finite size of populations.
Figure 1.2: Using binomial theory to estimate the expected bias and std dev in the
surveillance estimate of prevalence. Plots are shown for sample size n = 10 and varying
levels of prevalence in the population for equation (5) and (6). Plot 2.a shows the predicted
bias in the prevalence estimate from surveillance. Plot 2.b shows the predicted std dev in
the prevalence estimate from surveillance.
1.4.3 Improving wildlife disease surveillance
In recent years, in line with the heightened interest in wildlife disease discussed above, a
number of authors have identified a need for both improved implementation and
methodological developments to enhance the design and evaluation of wildlife disease
surveillance (Stallknecht 2007; Hadorn & Stärk 2008; Artois et al. 2009a; RyserDegiorgis
2013). In order to effectively do this, it is important to consider the ecology of the
population under surveillance as this will have an impact on the results obtained (Béneult et
al. 2014). A strategy that worked for one type of natural population may not necessarily
work as well in another. Understanding how the dynamics of the hostpathogen interaction
affect the efficacy of surveillance is key, and potentially the most important step towards
improvement of surveillance systems. However such effects have yet to be systematically
considered in the literature. There have, however, been attempts to improve wildlife
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0 .0
0 .1
0 .2
0 .3
0 .4
0 .5
0 .0
0 .1
0 .2
0 .3
0 .4
0 .5
disease surveillance design by incorporating weighting schemes based on habitat suitability
of the observed population (Nusser et al. 2008; Walsh & Miller 2010). However, there are
also other factors that should be taken into consideration if required, for example dispersal
of populations, population fluctuations, disease stability, seasonality and environmental
change. In this thesis we use mathematical modelling to explore how key ecological
processes that govern wildlife populations, in particular demographic fluctuations,
stochastic disease dynamics and spatial heterogeneity, impact on surveillance. Simulation
modelling could make a positive contribution to this area, as testing out scenarios in the
field is either very monetarily costly and/or time consuming or altogether unfeasible. By
running simulations, what is expected from different surveillance strategies in a wide range
of hostpathogen systems can be explored. Using such studies, it would be possible to
better understand the results obtained from a given surveillance strategy.
1.5 Modelling Wildlife Populations, Disease and Surveillance
Mathematical modelling is a tool, or more correctly a set of tools, used to represent
different mechanisms in the natural world, and in particular enables prediction of system
level impacts that results from interactions between multiple mechanisms (LucioArias &
Scharnhorst 2012). Such techniques have a long established role in mathematical biology.
Translating descriptions of biological processes, such as hostpathogen interaction, into
mathematical language is beneficial for many reasons, for example, the precise
mathematical language aids in formulating ideas and recognising underlying assumptions as
well as utilising mathematical techniques to manipulate equations in order to gain insights
into the behaviour of the modelled system. Unfortunately nonlinearities and population
heterogeneities, which are of key importance in many biological systems, make such formal
analysis of associated mathematical models difficult and typically intractable. However a
key advantage of this approach to biological research is the use of computers in performing
calculations and running simulations. This is a considerable time saver and also enables the
exploration of many scenarios that would be unfeasible to study in the field. There are,
however, compromises to be made with this approach. As with most natural interacting
systems, the dynamics of a hostpathogen interaction are potentially extremely complicated
and it is important to identify the key elements to include within the model since
encompassing every aspect is typically unfeasible and such a comprehensive approach is
unhelpful in terms of generating insights/understanding into how the studied system works.
“In principle models should be developed from the simple to the complex” (Murray 2002)
and this ethos has been adopted throughout this thesis. With every added complexity
introduced to the model description, the longer and more intensive are the methods
required to handle the equations. Insights obtained from relatively simple model structures
are more generic and can also aid in the understanding of more complex models.
1.5.1 Temporal Modelling of Wildlife Populations with Disease
When simulating natural populations it is essential to account for key demographic
processes in the model, e.g. births, deaths and immigration. An example is shown in Figure
1.3 which illustrates a population subject only to birth governed by a logistic growth rate. In
this thesis, a primary interest is that of pathogen transmission, and we model both primary
and secondary transmission. Primary transmission occurs when a susceptible from the
modelled population becomes infected by routes including, infected water sources,
contaminated food, and transmission from an individual outside the modelled population.
Secondary transmission occurs when a susceptible individual from the modelled population
becomes infected through contact with an infected individual within the modelled
population. Vertical and pseudo vertical transmission represent the infection of offspring
and young individuals by parents. However, unless such transmission is infallible vertical
and pseudo vertical mechanisms are not capable of sustaining infection and in this thesis
we do not consider such routes. Nonetheless such mechanisms could easily be incorporated
as part of the models presented here. As well as these elements describing demographic
processes and disease dynamics it will be important to model key aspects of the process
surveillance in order to assess how it performs in differing circumstances.
Compartmental models have been used frequently to describe hostpathogen systems in
wildlife disease research (Renshaw 1991; Murray 2002) as they aim to reduce the
complexity of hostpathogen dynamics into a manageable number of disease status
“compartments”. There are many different examples of such compartmental models; some
of the more wellknown include SI, SIS, SIR, SIRS and SEIR. In these compartmental models S
represents a susceptible state, I an infected state, E a latent state (i.e. infected but not yet
infective), and R represents a recovered state (recovered from disease and no longer
infectious or able to be infected). There are two broad categories of mathematical
modelling which can utilise such compartmental structure, deterministic and stochastic. In
both cases the model state space typically represents the number of individuals in each
category. Deterministic models ignore the random fluctuations that can be observed in real
systems, solving standard differential equations simultaneously to update the model at
discrete time steps. The deterministic nature of these models means that, starting from a
given input they will always return the same output. Continuous time stochastic models
incorporate random variation by utilising probabilistic equations to determine a series of
events which update the model at randomly generated time intervals and potentially (for
multiple event types) in a manner that is also stochastic in nature. Such stochastic processes
naturally lend themselves towards not only population level representations (e.g. where
numbers of susceptible and infected individuals are tracked) but also to individual based
models where the disease status over time of each member of the population is
represented. There are pros and cons for both deterministic and stochastic approaches and
the differences between them are now demonstrated with a simple birthdeath process SI
A Simple Compartmental Model Worked Example
Consider the components of the state space S(t) and I(t) which represent the number of
susceptible and infected individuals respectively at time t. Birth is represented by logistic
growth defined by Verhulst (1845), and since this is a feature embedded throughout the
models used in this thesis a more detailed explanation is required. Deterministic logistic
growth is defined by the following equation:

where N is the total population (S + I), r the intrinsic growth rate and K the carrying capacity.
Figure 3 demonstrates a population experiencing deterministic logistic growth over time
until reaching the carrying capacity, K. All individuals born via logistic growth are
susceptible, which implies no vertical or pseudo vertical transmission.
Figure 1.3: An example of a logistic growth curve A Plot is shown to demonstrate how the
population increases over time using the logistic growth equation. Despite an initial
exponential increase growth is ultimately limited by the carrying capacity, K.
If there is also a per capita death rate, d, and a density dependent secondary transmission
with contact rate . The deterministic approach then describes an SI model with births and
deaths as:
Given that = +
The biological mechanisms underlying this model are summarised in Table 1 below, which
shows the rate at which each event occurs as well as the associated change in the
population. In the next section we describe how the basic model description shown in Table
1.1 can be implemented as a stochastic model.
Table 1.1: SI model with rate and effects for each event type. A table is shown which
contains the rates of all events which can occur at each time step with the associated effect
on the state space. This model can be implemented as a discrete state space stochastic
process or with a continuous state space, as a deterministic model using ordinary
differential equations or an analogous system of stochastic differential equations (see text
for details).
Figure 1.4 demonstrates how S, I and N population sizes develop over time using both the
deterministic and discrete state space stochastic approach (described below).
Figure 1.4: Deterministic and Stochastic Time Trajectories. Shown here is the total
population (green), the susceptible population (blue) and the infected population (red) over
time for both a deterministic and discrete state space stochastic Gillespie implementation
of an SI model with births and deaths. The parameter values used are = 1, = 0.06,
= 5 , = 50, and starting with initial conditions of S = 39, I = 1.
Event Rate Effect
S = S + 1
Death of S S = S – 1 Death of I I = I – 1
Infection S = S – 1 I = I + 1
0 5 10 15 20 25
0 1 0
0 1 0
As Figure 1.4 shows, the outcome of a stochastic and deterministic simulation, although
following roughly the same pattern, can be quite different. Deterministic modelling has its
merits, but in the interests of understanding the impacts of variability on the dynamics of
hostpathogen systems, a stochastic approach has been used in the models developed in
this thesis.
The mechanisms summarised in Table 1.1 can be used to formulate an integer valued
discrete state space continuous time Markov process. This then provides a natural
stochastic description of the assumptions implicit in equations 8 and 9 (made explicit in
Table 1.1). Under this Markov process, the probability that a given event occurs during a
short time interval (t, t+ Δt ) is given by its rate multiplied by Δt. The stochastic model can,
and in some of the models of this thesis will, be simulated using the Gillespie algorithm
defined by Gillespie (1979). To run Gillespie’s algorithm, starting from time t when the
system is in state x(t), the time to the next event, , is randomly chosen from an
exponential distribution with parameter, (()), which is the total rate (i.e. the sum
of the rates of all possible events) evaluated at time t. The event, then occurs at time +
and is chosen from the set of possible events with probabilities given by the rate of each
possible event divided by (()). The derivation of the exponential waiting time
distribution for a Markov process which is the basis of the Gillespie algorithm is as follows.
Let –
()= probability that no event has occurred up to time t ,
w hen starting at (0)at time t = 0.
Then considering the change in () over a small time gives,
+ | () = | () 1 − ()
Where to first order in , 1 − () = probability that no event has occurred in
a small time interval (,+ ) i.e. 1 the probability that one of the set of possible events
did occur.
Rearranging this equation and taking the limit as → 0 we find
( |(0))
≡ lim
⇒ | (0) = ()
This last line follows on noting that, by definition, nothing has happened at time t=0 and so
0 | (0) = 1. Note that this equation forms the basis of the Gillespie algorithm since it
shows that the time to the next event has an exponential distribution.
For the model described in Table 1
= 1 −
+ + +
Thus starting at time t and the time is advanced to + with the inter event waiting time
drawn from the exponential distribution. i.e., ~ exp () where () =
{(),()} represents the state space at time t. After the time to the next event is
calculated, the event which has occurred is chosen randomly by generating a number from
the uniform distribution, ~ (0, ). The next event is:
+ + +
Note alternative orderings of event types (and associated rates) are allowed but the order
used does not affect the statistical properties of the model. The state space is updated
accordingly, the rates are recalculated and the above process is repeated until some
maximum time, , or an alternative stopping criteria, is reached. An alternative
stochastic approach which ignores the discrete nature of populations (and hence is closer in
spirit to the deterministic model) is that of stochastic differential equations (SDE’s). The
Gillespie implementation, e.g. of the SI model described above, is a continuous time
discrete statespace Markov process in which the number of infected individuals (I) and
total individuals (N = S+ I) are represented as integer variables.
Table 1.2 shows the expectation and variance of the updates that would be obtained during
a small time interval from the Gillespie algorithm implementation of the model based on
the description of events shown in Table 1.1. (i.e. from the discrete state space SI model
with births and deaths). Comparison with Table 1.2 enables both drift e.g. fN,B(X(t)) and
diffusion e.g. gN,B(X(t)) functions to be identified
However the SDE approach makes use of continuous variables to represent the state space.
Using the simple compartmental example above, we can represent the change in the
system state variables during an infinitesimally small time interval dt as the following set of
stochastic differential equations:
() = , ()+ , ()+ ,()+ ,()
+ , () () + , () ()
+ ,()() + ,()()
The reader will notice that here we have chosen to represent the dynamics in terms of the
numbers of infectives and the total size of the population rather than using the number of
susceptibles and another variable. Therefore the state space at time t is now represented
by the vector () = { (),()}. The quantities BB(t), BDS(t), BDI(t), B2ry(t) are independent
Brownian motions corresponding to each of the four event types. For small but finite dt the
quantities dBB(t), dBDS(t), dBDI(t), dB2ry(t) can be interpreted as independent draws, from a
zero mean Gaussian with variance dt, for each event type and each time point 0,dt,2dt, ...
,T(0,T). Thus e.g. E[dBB(t)]=0, E[dBB(t)dBB(t)]=dt and E[dBB(t)dBDS(t)]=0. The so called drift
term , () represents the expected change in population size N associated with the
birth event conditional on the system being in state (), whereas the diffusion term
, () represents the variance in this update. There are analogous drift and diffusion
quantities corresponding to each state variable for each event type. These are detailed in
Table 1.3.
Table 1.2: Expectations and variance-covariance rates. Expectations and variance
covariances in changes (during the time interval t to t+δt) to the state space {I(t),N(t)}
associated with each event type in the discrete statespace model described above for the
SDE implementation. All such quantities are shown to first order in δt.
E- type
Event E[δN|X(t)] E[δI|X(t)] Var[δN|X(t)] Var[I|X(t)] Cov[δN,δI |X(t)]
B Birth
0 0
DS Death of S − 0 0 0 DI Death of I − − 2ry Secondary
Trans- mission
Table 1.3: Expectation and variance-covariance. Expectation and variancecovariances in
changes (during the time interval t to t+dt) to the state space {I(t),N(t)} associated with each
event type in the SDE model as described above. All such quantities are shown to first order
in dt.
The SDE implementation is the diffusion limit of the Gillespie implementation if it is
constructed in such a way that the first and second order moments of the stochastic
updates in the differential equations correspond with those of the Gillespie
implementation. This ensures that the results are consistent between the two
implementations. It is easy to see that this consistency is achieved if the values of the drift
and diffusion terms in the SDE model are chosen by comparing Tables 1.2 and 1.3. This then
suggests, for example that , () = (1 − / ) and , () = (1 − / )
with assignments corresponding to other combinations of event types and state space
variables made in an analogous manner (i.e. matching up the entries describing
expectations and variances in updates shown in Tables 1.2 and 1.3). For events which
change both state space variables the above formulation also ensures that associated
updates also have the correct covariance, between changes in N and I.
There are pros and cons to both the SDE and Gillespie implementations, for example the
Gillespie algorithm is computationally more intensive whereas using SDEs is faster and
therefore facilitates more accurate estimation of model statistics (i.e. a greater number of
realisations can be run). However, the discrete nature of the statespace under the Gillespie
algorithm represents a more natural description of the population and the processes that
affect it. In particular, it provides a more accurate representation of population dynamics
for small populations.
E - type
Event E[δN|X(t)] E[δI|X(t)] Var[δN|X(t)] Var[I|X(t)]
B , () , () , ()
1.5.2 Spatial Temporal Modelling of Wildlife Populations, Disease and Surveillance
As well as describing the temporal ecological interactions in wildlife systems, mathematical
models can also include spatial temporal dynamics. Research has shown how extrinsic
spatial heterogeneity (i.e. habitat and land use), has an impact on disease prevalence and
persistence (Hagenaars et al. 2004). This finding is important in terms of disease
surveillance and this is taken into consideration in practice by targeting known habitats of
wildlife species (Nusser et al. 2008). However, as far as we are aware, there has been no
research or practical application which has addressed how intrinsic spatial heterogeneity
(i.e. as generated by demographic fluctuations and disease dynamics) will affect surveillance
and the efficacy of surveillance strategies.
The implementation of spatial stochastic models used in this thesis (see Chapter 4) builds
on the basis of a nonspatial model, incorporating dynamics and time increments as
described in section 1.5.1. within a spatial metapopulation. Here each node or “patch” in
the defined space updates through time via birth, death and immigration events etc. Every
patch is connected in the spatial area by a distance kernel describing the spread of disease
between patches and it is this mechanism which controls the spread of disease from patch
to patch. The distance kernel decays with distance and thus limits the extent to which each
patch can transmit disease. The closer the patches are, the more likely they are to pass
disease to one another. Because every process added to the model increases complexity,
the simulations become ever more computationally expensive. There are many uses for
both spatial and nonspatial modelling approaches (Tilman & Kareiva 1997), small scale
spatial heterogeneity is less significant (i.e. a single population) and it is these instances
when nonspatial methods may be more appropriate. However, when dealing with large
scale metapopulations, as can be seen in this thesis, spatial heterogeneity is an important
factor to include.
1.6.1 Aims
The overall aim for this thesis is to investigate how attributes of wildlife populations affect
surveillance efficacy. We focus primarily on the statistical calculations of prevalence
estimation and the probability of detecting disease. This is implemented in a generic
exploration and then subsequently with more specific examples.
1.6.2 Thesis structure
Chapter 2
Chapter 2 uses a nonspatial stochastic simulation model to implement a systematic
exploration of the effects of pathogen transmission and host population dynamics on the
efficacy of disease surveillance systems. Our results suggest that for the vast majority of
disease systems this leads to over confidence in terms of both the power to detect disease
and the bias and precision of prevalence estimates obtained. Accounting for such ecological
effects will permit improvements to surveillance systems and better protection against
emerging disease threats.
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 utilises the results in Chapter 2 and applies these findings to two worked
examples of disease systems in the wild: badgers and tuberculosis; and rabbits and
paratuberculosis. We show that similar effects to those characterised in Chapter 2 can be
seen in these disease systems and we explore other sources of complexity and bias which
have the potential to affect surveillance efficacy. This demonstrates the potential of the
nonspatial stochastic model to be used to quantify effects in real systems and also shows
its potential as a tool to explore the potential impacts of known or putative sources of bias,
illustrating the power of our approach to inform surveillance.
Chapter 4
Chapter 4 extends the nonspatial model used in Chapter 2 and 3 to explore spatial aspects
of wildlife disease and wildlife disease surveillance and their subsequent effects on
surveillance efficacy. This chapter focuses on disease incursion events, representing
emerging or reemerging disease threats, and in particular the amount and extent of spatial
spread of disease in the system at the point of first detection by the surveillance system.
Different spatial surveillance designs are considered and compared to give a better
understanding of the key mechanisms driving surveillance performance in spatial settings.
Chapter 5
Chapter 5 is a general discussion which brings the results from the preceding chapters into
the wider research context.
This Chapter was originally written in the style of a paper with the intention of submitting to
Ecology Letters. Submitted September 2014, First Author: Laura Walton.
2.1 Abstract
We present the first systematic exploration of the effects of stochasticity in pathogen
transmission and host population dynamics on the efficacy of wildlife disease surveillance
systems. The design of wildlife disease surveillance currently ignores fluctuations in these
processes. Our results suggest that for many wildlife disease systems this leads to bias in
surveillance estimates of prevalence and over confidence in assessments of both the
precision of prevalence estimates obtained and the power to detect disease. Neglecting
such effects thus leads to poorly designed surveillance and ultimately to incorrect
assessments of the risks posed by disease in wildlife. Understanding such ecological effects
will enable improvements to wildlife disease surveillance systems and better protection
against endemic, emerging and reemerging disease threats. Our results suggest a need for
a wider exploration of the impacts of ecology on wildlife disease surveillance.
2.2 Introduction
Surveillance is the first line of defence against disease, whether to monitor endemic cycles
of infection (RyserDegiorgis 2013) or detecting incursions of emerging or reemerging
diseases (Daszak et al. 2000; Kruse et al. 2004; Lipkin 2013). Identification and
quantification of disease presence and prevalence is the starting point for developing
disease control strategies as well as monitoring their efficacy (OIE 2013). Knowledge of
disease in wildlife is of considerable importance for managing risks to humans (Daszak et al.
2000; Jones et al. 2008) and livestock (Frölich et al. 2002; Gortázar et al. 2007), as well as
for the conservation of wildlife species themselves (Cunningham 1996; Daszak et al. 2000;
Evenson 2008).
Recent public health concerns e.g. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (Artois et al. 2009b),
Alveolar Echinococcosis (Eckert & Deplazes 2004) and West Nile Virus (Valiakos et al. 2014),
have heightened interest in wildlife disease surveillance (Vallat 2008) and led to a growing
recognition that current approaches need to be improved (Mörner et al. 2002). For
example, there is no agreed wildlife disease surveillance protocol shared between the
countries in the European Union (Kuiken et al. 2011). Furthermore several authors have
argued that improvements are needed to the structure, understanding and evaluation of
wildlife disease surveillance (Bengis et al. 2004; Gortázar et al. 2007).
Much current practice for wildlife disease surveillance (Artois et al. 2009a) is based on ideas
developed for surveillance in livestock including calculation of sample sizes needed for
accurate prevalence estimation (Grimes & Schulz 1996; Fosgate 2005) and detection of
disease within a population (Dohoo et al. 2005). A common feature of these methods is that
they ignore fluctuations in host populations and disease prevalence. These assumptions
lead naturally to sample size calculations (for both disease detection and prevalence
estimation) and other analyses, based on the binomial distribution and associated
corrections for finite sized populations such as the hypergeometric distribution (Artois et
al. 2009a; Awais et al. 2009). Fosgate (2009) reviews current approaches to sample size
calculations in livestock systems and emphasises the importance of basing analyses on
realistic assumptions about the system under surveillance.
However, although constant population size and prevalence may often be reasonable
assumptions for the analysis of livestock systems, they are considerably less tenable in
wildlife disease systems that are typically subject to much greater fluctuations in host
population density and disease prevalence. For example, practicalities and changes in
population density make it much harder to obtain a random sample of hosts of the desired
sample size in wildlife disease surveillance programmes (Nusser et al. 2008) compared with
livestock systems. Furthermore the importance of temporal (Renshaw 1991; Wilson &
Hassell 1997), spatial (Huffaker 1958; Lloyd & May 1996; Tilman & Kareiva 1997) and other
forms of heterogeneity (Read & Keeling 2003; Vicente et al. 2007; Davidson et al. 2008) in
population ecology and in particular their role in the dynamics and persistence of infectious
disease has long been recognised (Anderson 1991; Smith et al. 2005). However, such effects
have yet to be systematically accounted for in the design of surveillance programmes for
wildlife disease systems, or in the analysis of the data obtained from them. Although there
have been some attempts to account for spatial heterogeneities in the design of wildlife
disease surveillance by incorporating weighting schemes based on habitat suitability of the
observed population (Nusser et al. 2008; Walsh & Miller 2010), we are not aware of any
attempts to account for temporal fluctuations in prevalence or host population size. Here
we address this gap by assessing the impact of stochastic fluctuations in host demography
and disease dynamics on the performance of surveillance in a nonspatial context.
We demonstrate analytically that correlations in fluctuations of prevalence and population
density bias prevalence estimates obtained from surveillance. Simulations, using logistic
models of population growth and susceptibleinfected disease dynamics, support this
finding and further show that variation in prevalence estimates can be considerably higher
than would be apparent from standard calculations based on constant population size and
prevalence. We also explore the impact of fluctuations in population density and prevalence
on the ability of surveillance to detect the presence of disease. An approximate argument
indicates that, in comparison with the detection rate obtained by assuming constant
prevalence, the true probability of disease detection is reduced by fluctuations, and this is
confirmed by subsequent simulation. The potential range of possible detection rates is
assessed by simulating a spectrum of hostpathogen systems at two sampling levels to
demonstrate the potential range of performance that could be expected when surveillance
is deployed in the absence of knowledge of the underlying wildlife disease system.
2.3 Methods
The model represents a host population subject to demographic fluctuations (births, deaths
and immigration) and the transmission of a single pathogen. At each point in time t, the
statespace represents the total population size N(t), with I(t) of these infected and
S(t) = N(t) - I(t) susceptible. In addition the prevalence is then given by p(t) = I(t)/N(t).
The birth rate of individuals is logistic, rN(1 – N/k), with intrinsic growth rate r and carrying
capacity k reflecting the assumptions that population growth is resource limited. Individuals
have a per capita death rate μ and immigration occurs at a constant rate ν.
A proportion γ of immigrants are infected, but otherwise all individuals enter the
population (through birth or immigration) as susceptible since we assume vertical and
pseudovertical transmission are negligible. Susceptible individuals become infected
through primary transmission (contact with infectious environmental sources including
individuals outside the modelled population) and secondary transmission (contact with
already infected individuals from within the population). Primary transmission occurs at
rate β0 S(t) while secondary transmission occurs at rate βS(t)I(t).
Disease surveillance is incorporated into the model in the form of active capture, testing
and release at per capita rate α for both susceptible and infected individuals. All
surveillance testing is undertaken assuming perfect tests, which means that our measures
of the performance of surveillance reflect a best case scenario. A summary of this
conceptual model is given in Table 2.1 which shows all demographic, epidemiological and
surveillance events with their corresponding rate and effect on the statespace.
2.3.2 Statistics generated from the model
Since we allow immigration of susceptible and infected individuals neither the population
nor the disease will become extinct and we therefore assume that long term averages are
equivalent to ensemble expectations (typically approximated by averages over many
realisations of the process). Each simulation is run for a period of time to allow the
population to reach equilibrium before long run averages are calculated. For example, the
expected mean E[N] and variance Var[N] of the population size are recorded along with
the expected mean E[p] and variance Var[p] of disease prevalence. Similarly other statistics
such as the covariance between the prevalence and population size are calculated as
During a so called surveillance bout individuals are captured at per capita rate α, and both
the total number and the number of infected individuals caught are recorded. Note this
could be easily extended to account for imperfect disease diagnostics by recording the
number testing positive but here we assume perfect tests. When the surveillance bout
ends, either because a target number of individuals has been caught or because an upper
time limit has been reached, the sample prevalence is recorded. In addition, if at least one
infected individual was caught we note that disease was detected. Therefore over repeated
surveillance bouts it is straightforward to estimate the probability of detection PD (the
proportion of bouts where disease is detected) and the mean E[psurv] and variance
Var[psurv] of the prevalence estimates obtained from active surveillance.
2.3.3 Model Implementation
The model is implemented as a continuous time continuous state space Markov process,
based on a set of coupled Stochastic Differential Equations, SDEs (see e.g. Mao 2007) and
simulated using the EulerMaruyama algorithm (see e.g. Higham 2001). For details see
section 1.1 in Appendix 1. The model is also implemented as a continuoustime discrete
state space Markov process (also described in section 1 in Appendix 1), which is simulated
using Gillespie’s exact algorithm (Gillespie 1976). The SDE implementation has been
constructed so that it is the diffusion limit of the Gillespie implementation. To achieve this,
the first and second order moments of the stochastic updates in the differential equations
are chosen to correspond with those of the Gillespie implementation, ensuring that the
results are consistent between the two implementations. The Gillespie algorithm is
computationally more intensive whereas using SDEs is faster and therefore facilitates more
accurate estimation of model statistics (i.e. a greater number of realisations can be run) and
more extensive exploration of parameter space. However, the discrete nature of the state
space under the Gillespie algorithm is a more direct implementation of the model described
in Table 2.1 and provides a more accurate representation of population dynamics for small
Table 2.1: Model structure. Event, Rate and Effect on the State Space of the model.
Conceptually the effect of each event affects an individual and this is reflected in the
discrete nature of the corresponding changes in the state space. However, given this
underlying conception of the model there are a number of different implementations which
can be considered including via the Gillespie algorithm and stochastic differential equations
(see text for details).
Event Rate Effect
Birth (1 − /)) → + 1 Death of Susceptible → − 1 Death of Infected → − 1 Susceptible Immigration
(1 − ) → + 1
Infected Immigration
2.4.1 Estimating Prevalence
In order to develop an understanding of the properties of wildlife disease surveillance using
the above model we now develop expressions describing prevalence estimates obtained by
continuous surveillance i.e. continuously deployed effort resulting in per capita capture rate
Consider the interval [0,T] during which the population history is
[0,T ] = {(N(t ),p(t )): t [0,T]} where N(t) and p(t) represent the population size and
disease prevalence at time t [0,T] respectively (see above). Let nT represent the total
number, and iT the number of infected individuals sampled during this time interval.
Conditional on the history [0,T ] the expectations of these quantities are
E| [0,]= ∫ ()

Assuming perfect testing (as we do throughout this paper) the surveillance estimate of
disease prevalence is simply the ratio psurv(T ) = iT/nT. If the stochastic process
representing the disease system is ergodic, and given the inclusion of immigration (see
above) we can rule out extinction, the long time limit of this estimate can be equated with
its ensemble average (expectation over all histories) i.e.,
lim→ () = E[]= lim→
This can be reexpressed in the more suggestive form
E[]= E[()]+ [ (),()]
E[ ()] (1)
Thus when the covariance Cov[N(t),p(t )] = E[N(t )p(t )] - E[N(t )]E[p(t )] between the
population size and the prevalence is nonzero the surveillance estimate of prevalence is a
biased estimate of the true prevalence, E[p(t)]. Since Cov[N(t),p(t)] will be zero when
either N(t) or p(t) are constant, this result leads to our first and most important conclusion,
efficacy of surveillance. Effect of host demography and disease dynamics
We now focus on surveillance estimates of prevalence based on finite sample sizes, and
compare these to the continuous sampling theory prevalence estimate (see equation 1).
Using the SDE implementation of the full model, Figure 2.1 illustrates how population
fluctuations and disease dynamics in the hostpathogen system affect the efficacy of
surveillance (in terms of the bias and variance of estimated prevalence). These results are
generated by simulating the system for a range of values of the death rate μ, with other
parameters fixed. As the death rate increases the expected population size decreases and
demographic fluctuations increase. For a given rate of disease transmission β, increasing the
death rate reduces expected prevalence, and therefore simulating for different values of μ
generates the range of prevalence values shown. Details of the parameterisations used are
given in Table S.1.1 (see section 1.2 in Appendix 1). The resulting relationship between
demography and expected prevalence for particular disease characteristics (here a fixed
transmission rate, β) is illustrated in Figures 2.1.a and 2.1.b which show increasing
population size and lower demographic fluctuations as expected prevalence increases.
Simulations not shown here show that our results generalise, holding for transmission rates
relative to a recovery rate (governing an additional transition from I to S) and death rates
relative to birth rate, r.
Figure 2.1.c shows the bias in the surveillance estimate of prevalence E[psurv] - E[p(t )]
obtained from the same set of simulations. Results shown are based on 106 surveillance
bouts with sample size m = 10, where for each bout sampling is conducted at rate α until
10 individuals have been caught and tested. The bias predicted by continuous sampling
theory (which does not account for sample size) is also shown, and in this case is extremely
accurate i.e. it agrees with simulation results. Figure 2.1.c shows the bias in surveillance
estimates of prevalence for four different transmission rates. It is important to note that the
results shown are conditioned on the underlying prevalence E[p(t)], and therefore for a
given prevalence the populations associated with higher transmission rates are more
variable than those with lower β. We therefore conclude that such variability increases the
bias of surveillance estimates of disease prevalence. Finally, Figure 2.1.d shows the
standard deviation in surveillance estimates of prevalence obtained from the same set of
simulations. Comparison with the variability in prevalence estimates expected under the
zero fluctuation assumption reveals that fluctuations in our simulated wildlife disease
system considerably reduce the precision (increase the variance) of estimates obtained by
surveillance. The variability of these estimates also increases with demographic
fluctuations. Thus, the dynamics of the hostpathogen interaction are integral in
determining the efficacy of surveillance in terms of prevalence estimation.
Figure 2.1: Effect of host demography and disease transmission. Data are shown for a
range of values of the death rate μ which controls the stability and size of the population,
and thus determines disease prevalence for a given transmission rate, β. For β=1 plot 2.1.a
shows that expected population size increases with expected prevalence E[p(t)] (i.e. as μ
decreases) whilst plot 2.1.b shows that the coefficient of variation of the population size
decreases. For the four values of β indicated and fixed sample size m=10, plot 2.1.c shows
the bias E[psurv] - E[p(t )], and plot 2.1.d the standard deviation in surveillance estimates of
prevalence, versus the expected value of true disease prevalence in the system, E[p(t)].
Results shown are based on 106 surveillance bouts using the SDE implementation of
