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Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya [email protected].

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Anaesthetic management of patient with Maxillofacial injury Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya www.anaesthesia.co.in [email protected]
Page 1: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Anaesthetic management of patient with Maxillofacial injury

Moderator – Prof Anjan TrikhaPresenter - Priya


[email protected]

Page 2: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Krishna 25years/male Student Resident of Delhi

Page 3: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Pain and difficulty in chewing × 1 week Restriction of mouth opening ×1 week

Chief complaints :

Page 4: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

History of present illness : H/O fall from tree one week back Following which patient developed Pain and swelling on left side of jaw Pain on opening mouth Difficulty in chewing food No H/O loss of consciousness No H/O oral, nasal or ear bleed

Page 5: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Past history No H/O any previous GA exposure No H/O asthma, TB,DM & any drug allergy Personal history : Non smokerTreatment history : Inter maxillary wiring was done after

traumaFamily history : Not significant

Page 6: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Alert, conscious &oriented No pallor, icterus, clubbing, cyanosis,

edema and lymphadenopathyVitals PR- 70 beats/min all peripheral pulses

palpable BP – 124/78mm Hg R, upper arm, supine Weight – 58 kg

General physical examination

Page 7: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Inter incisor gap – wiring present Length of upper incisor -<1.5 cm No buck teeth or loose teeth MMP class – could not be assessed Upper lip bite – unable to do because of

wiring Thyromental distance = 6.5 cm Sub mandibular compliance - normal

Airway examination :

Page 8: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Neck movements Flexion - adequate Extension - adequate Neck thickness normal No short neck Nasal patency – equally patent, no deviation

or growth seen

Page 9: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

B/L vesicular breath sounds present No adventitial sounds

Cardiovascular system: First and second heart sound heard, no

murmur present

Respiratory system :

Page 10: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Higher mental functions normal No sensory and motor weakness

Abdomen : No visible swelling No organomegaly

Central nervous system :

Page 11: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Hb – 12gm% Platelets – 2 lakhs/mm3 TLC – 8400/mm3 Na/K – 140/4.2meq/l Urea/creatinine – 20/0.9mg/dl LFT - WNL


Page 12: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

OPG X-ray – fracture in ramus of mandible left side with inter maxillary fixation (IMF) in situ

Page 13: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Fracture mandible left ramus with reduced mouth opening posted for open reduction and internal fixation

Provisional diagnosis

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Open reduction and internal fixation of mandible fracture with plating

Surgical procedure planned

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25 year old male with left mandibular fracture with interdental wiring in situ posted for open reduction and internal fixation

Summary :

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Nasal intubation laryngoscopy guided after removal of wiring


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Nasal intubation – its inherent risks Sharing of airway Access to airway Extubation issues PONV prophylaxis Post operative airway obstruction

Problems :

Page 18: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Inform about procedure & risk Written consent Premedication

aspiration prophylaxis- oral ranitidineantisialogogue – Glycopyrrolate i.m nasal decongestant – xylometazoline

drops Pre op fasting Wiring was removed on the day of surgery

Preoperative prepration

Page 19: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Check machine and emergency equipments Standard monitoring – ECG, NIBP, pulse

oximetry,capnography iv access secured – extension tubing Nasal prepration with xylometazoline drops Softening of nasal tube Preoxygenation for three minutes

Ot prepration

Page 20: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Sniffing position Induction – fent 2mcg/kg, propofol 2-3mg/kg Mask ventilation assessed ->Vecuronium –

0.1mg/kg Lubricated 7.5 size nasal RAE tube

introduced through rt nostril Tube guided into glottis under laryngoscopy Equal air entry confirmed

Page 21: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Eye padding, oral packing done Positioning for surgery Maintainence – oxygen, air and isoflurane,

vecuronium, fentanyl Antiemetics – dexamethasone and

ondensetron Monitor airway pressure

Page 22: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Reversal – neostigmine and glycopyrrolate Removal of pack and thorough suctioning Extubation – fully awake, adequate tidal

volume, following commands Postoperative- Oxygen by face mask Pulse oximetry Beware of vomiting aspiration

Page 23: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

RAE (nasal) tube, naso pharyngeal airways, warm saline, magill forceps & LA jelly

Fibreoptic bronchoscopy, suction apparatus Lidocaine preprations- 2% viscous,2%

injectable solution,10 or 15% spray,4% topical solution

Eye pads, throat pack, small pillows & rolls

Intravenous accesses secured

Specific equipments & tools

Page 24: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Fibreoptic guided intubation after i.v induction,paralysis & IPPV awake with sedation Blind nasal intubation- awake post induction and paralysis Light wand guided Retrograde intubation tracheostomy

Airway management choices

Page 25: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

A clinical situation in which a conventionally trained anaesthesiologist experiences difficulty with mask ventilation, difficulty with tracheal intubation or both

Difficult airway:

Page 26: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

It is not possible for unassisted anaesthesiologist to maintain the SpO2 > 90% using 100% O2 and positive pressure mask ventilation in a patient whose SpO2 was > 90% before

or It is not possible for the unassisted

anaesthesiologist to prevent or reverse signs of inadequate ventilation during mask ventilation

Difficult mask ventilation

Page 27: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Difficult laryngoscopy It is not possibe to see any portion of the

vocal cords after multiple attempts at conventional laryngoscopy

Difficult tracheal intubation A clinical situation in which intubation

requires more than three attempts or ten minutes using conventional laryngoscopic techniques

Page 28: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Performance by a reasonably experienced laryngoscopist

The use of the optimal sniffing position The use of OELM One change in length/type of blade

Optimal laryngoscopy attempt

Page 29: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

History Specific tests for assessment

◦ Difficult mask ventilation

◦ Difficult laryngoscopy

◦ Difficult surgical airway access

Radiologic / photographic assessment


Page 30: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Congenital difficult airways

Acquired◦ Rheumatoid arthritis, Acromegaly, tumors of tongue,


Iatrogenic◦ radiotherapy, Laryngeal/tracheal/TMJ surgery

Reported previous anaesthetic problems◦ Database


Page 31: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Inter-incisor gap : >3cm Buck teeth + Length of incisor: <1.5cm Upper lip Bite MMP class Palate: arching / narrowing TMD: >6cm Mandibular compliance Neck length: sufficient Neck diameter: thin or thick Neck movement

11 point scoring

Page 32: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Mouth opening

Evaluation of tongue size relative to pharynx

Mandibular space

Mobility of the joints


◦ Neck mobility

Specific Tests

Page 33: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

With maximal mouth opening Acceptable value > 4 cm Positive results: Easy insertion of a 3

cm deep flange of the laryngoscope blade

< 3 cm: difficult laryngoscopy < 2 cm: difficult LMA insertion Affected by TMJ and upper cervical

spine mobility

Inter-incisor Gap

Page 34: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Samsoon-Young’s modification of Mallampati Test

Patient in sitting position Maximal mouth opening in neutral position Maximal tongue protrusion without arching No phonation

Evaluation of tongue size relative to pharynx

Page 35: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Class III or IV: signifies that the angle between the base of tongue and laryngeal inlet is more acute and not conducive for easy laryngoscopy

Limitations◦ Poor interobserver reliability◦ Limited accuracy

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Page 37: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Correlation between MMP score and laryngoscopy grade

MMP class

Cormack and Lehane grade

Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 Grade 4

Class I (73%) 59% 14% - -

Class II (19%) 5.7% 6.7% 4.7% 1.9%

Class III & IV (8%)

- 0.5% 5% 2.5%

Airway Management, Jonathan Benumof

Page 38: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Thyromental distance (Patil test) Distance from the tip of thyroid cartilage to

the tip of mandible Neck fully extended Minimal acceptable value – 6.5 cmSignificance Negative result – the larynx is reasonably

anterior to the base of tongue Very low sensitivity-20%

Mandibular space

Page 39: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Modification to improve the accuracy Ratio of height to thyromental distance

(RHTMD) Useful bedside screening test RHTMD < 25 or 23.5 – very sensitive

predictor of difficult laryngoscopy

Sternomental Distance (Savva Test) >12.5cm

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Patient is asked to hold the head erect, facing directly to the front maximal head extension angle traversed by the occlusal surface of upper teeth

Grade I : > 35° Grade II : 22-34° Grade III : 12-21° Grade IV : < 12°

Evaluation of Neck Mobility

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Page 42: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Placing one finger on the patient’s chin One finger on the occipital protuberance

Result Finger on chin higher than one on occiput

normal cervical spine mobility Level fingers moderate limitation Finger on the chin lower than the second

severe limitation

Angle traversed by the vertex or forehead > 90° from max flexion to max extension is a specific +ve test for atlanto-occipital joint.

Page 43: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Class A: able to protrude the lower incisors anterior to the upper incisors

Class B: lower incisors just reach the margin of upper incisors

Class C: lower incisors cannot reach the margin of upper incisors

Significance Class B and C: difficult laryngoscopy

Mandibular Protrusion Test

Page 44: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Class I: Lower incisors can bite the upper lip above vermilion line

Class II: can bite the upper lip below vermilion line Class III: can not bite the upper lip

Upper Lip Bite Test

Less inter-observer variability

Page 45: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Age > 55 years

BMI > 26 kg/m2

History of snoring



Predictors of Difficult Mask Ventilation

Page 46: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Difficult LMA Insertion Mouth opening < 2 cm Intraoral/pharyngeal masses (e.g. lingual tonsils)

Difficult Direct Tracheal Access Gross obesity Goitre Deviated trachea Previous radiotherapy Surgical collar

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Diagnostic test

•MMP•TMD•Sternomental distance•Mouth opening•Wilson score•MMP+TMD





Statistical Significance

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Wilson Score 5 factors

◦ Weight, upper cervical spine mobility, jaw movement, receding mandible, buck teeth

Each factor: score 0-2 Total score > 2 predicts 75% of difficult


Combination of predictors

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Difficult mask ventilation Mask fit Obesity Age No teeth Snoar

Quick look back

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Difficult laryngoscopy Look Evaluate…3.3.2 Mallampati Obstruction Neck movement

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L - Look externally (facial trauma, large incisors,

beard, large tongue)E - Evaluate 3-3-2 rule

3 - inter incisor gap3 - hyomental distance2 - hyoid to thyroid distance

M - MMP scoreO- Obstruction (epiglottitis, quinsy)N- Neck mobility

Ron and Walls’ Emergency Airway Management

“LEMON” Assessment

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Difficult EGD insertion Restricted mouth opening Obstruction of upper airway Disrupted/distorted anatomy Stiff lungs/cervical spine

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Difficult cricothyrotomy Surgery Hematoma Obese Radiation / burn Tumor

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Awake intubation

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Why awake?

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Patent airway Spontaneous breath Larynx-No anterior displacement Aspiration-protection Neck movement-minimal Neurological monitoring

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Who needs?

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H/o difficult intubation & Predicted difficult airway

May be considered in the following situations (usually with a coexisting difficult airway):

High risk of aspiration Hemodynamically very unstable Respiratory failure

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Where not to?

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Patient refusal Uncooperative 1.child 2. mentally retarded 3. intoxicated 4. combative Allergic to all LA

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What to inform?

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Need for alternative intubation Difficult, time consuming but safer Slightly uncomfortable but pain-free Injections required for better tolerance Recall ± LA complications rarely Experienced physician-extra safety measures Pt may opt for conventional - last resort

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Do you premedicate?

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BZD…Midazolam 20-40mcg/kg i.v bolus Opioid…fentanyl 0.5-2.0mcg/kg i.v bolus remifentanil 0.05-0.5mcg/kg/min Ketamine…0.2-0.5mg/kg i.v Propofol…0.25mg/kg i.v bolus 50-100mcg/kg/min infusion Dexmedetomidine…1mcg/kg i.v followed by 0.2-0.7mcg/kg/hr Inhalations…Sevo / Des …pediatric DA

Anti-anxiety : Options

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Adequate fasting H2 blocker Metoclopramide Sodium citrate


Atropine 10-20mcg/kg i.v or i.m Glycopyrollate 5-10mcg/kg i.v or i.m Scopolamine 0.3-0.6mg i.v or i.m or s.c

Aspiration prophylaxis

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0.025% to 0.05% oxymetazoline nasal drops in each nostril; once before shifting from ward & once in holding area.

4% cocaine + 2% lidocaine + 1% phenylephrine

Mucosal vasoconstictors

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Any preparation?

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Staff to assist Monitors : ECG, BP, EtCO2, SpO2 Supplemental oxygen Airway equipments-Difficult airway cart Surgeon ready for tracheostomy 1. Pt in extremes 2. Airway catastrophy

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Airway Anesthesia:

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What are the options?

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Flexible fibrescope guided Blind nasotracheal Rigid fibrescope guided Trachlight / light wand guided ILMA guided Other SGA guided Retrograde intubation Direct laryngoscopy

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Supine sniffing position

Guided by breath sound or capnography

Lubricated tube Patent nare Gently advance

Blind nasotracheal intubation

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Five response positions: •Position T (Trachea): Goal position! Breath sound +; tube advances, patient coughs

•Position A (Anterior): breath sounds+; the tube stops , and the patient coughs

•Response A:withdrawal and re-advance; neck gradually flexed

•Position L or R (Left or Right pyriform sinus): breath sounds STOP, unable to advance tube, NO coughing; tube may be palpable on one side of the neck.

•Response L or R: slight withdrawal till breath sounds resume; slow rotation of head to opposite side and re-advance.

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Position E (Esophagus): Breath sounds STOP, tube advances, NO coughing.

Response E: withdrawing until breath sounds resume and then :1. Extend patient's head and re-advance.

2. Largely inflate cuff, advance tube until resistance is felt, maintain some advancing pressure on tube while cuff is slowly deflated.

3. Apply posterior pressure on the larynx and re-advance tube.

4. Leave one ETT inside esophagus to block it and insert another ETT to intubate the trachea.

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Explicit descriptions of DA◦ Difficult face mask ventilation◦ Difficult laryngoscopy◦ Difficult tracheal intubation◦ Failed intubation

Purpose- facilitate mx. of DA, ↓adverse outcomes

Focus on anaesthesia care All locations, all ages

ASA task force on management of DA (Anesthesiology May 03;98)

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Basic preparation◦ Inform◦ Ascertain help◦ Preoxygenation◦Supplemental

oxygenation throughout

Portable storage unit Rigid laryngoscope

blades ETTs ETT guides LMAs FFOI equips RI Em NI a/w vent Em invasive a/w Exhaled CO2 detector

ASA task force on management of DA

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Strategy depending on◦ Anticipated surgery◦ Patient condition◦ Skill & preference of anaesthesiologist

4 basic problems 3 basic management choices Primary approach Alternative approach Exhaled CO2 to confirm tracheal


ASA task force on management of DA

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LMA in ASA DA algorithm

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Strategy for extubation of DA◦ Awake?◦ Adverse impacts on ventilation◦ Further A/w management plan◦ Guide for reintubation

Follow up

ASA task force on management of DA

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Open ended, wide choice of techniques Emphasis on prediction of difficult airway No stratification of available a/w devices No expression of strength of


Limitations of ASA guidelines

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Management of un-anticipated difficult intubation in an adult non-obstetric patient

Paediatric, obstetric patients & patients with upper a/w obstruction excluded

Flow charts based on series of plans Careful planning with backup plans Maintenance of oxygenation takes priority Seek the best assistance available

DAS guidelines(Anaesthesia.2004.59)

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• Complete explanation of the reason for performing the airway nerve blocks, is essential

• Consider (a) an alternative plan, i.e the direct spray of LA or

spray with a nebulizer (b) the time available (c) the patient's condition

• Use of appropriate sedation to maintain patient comfort

• These techniques should be practiced in nonemergency situations so that when their success is required for a difficult intubation they can be performed appropriately

Points to be considered prior to the performance of airway blocks

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Topical ◦ Spray◦ Jel◦ Injection◦ nebulization

Nerve blocksindividual multiple

Airway anaesthesia

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Available Lidocaine Preparations

Preparation Dose

Injectable/topical solution 1% , 2%,4%

Viscous solution 1%, 2%

Ointment 2%,5%

Aerosol 10%

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• Amount of LA absorbed varies• Systemic absorption of topically applied lidocaine is

limited• 5 mcg/ ml , toxic limit of blood lidocaine• Chinn and colleagues found plasma lidocaine levels of

0.44 μg/mL after inhalation of 400 mg of nebulized lidocaine

• Baughman and associates found that patients breathing 4 mg/kg aerosolized lidocaine developed plasma levels of less than 0.5 μg/mL

• Oral lidocaine produced even lower plasma levels

because much of the dose is swallowed & subjected to first-pass metabolism by the liver

• Swallowed lidocaine in the setting of topical airway anesthesia can cause nausea and vomiting

Systemic Absorption and Toxicity

Page 90: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

• Lidocaine applied directly to the trachea and bronchi results in higher plasma levels

• Viegas and Stoelting found plasma levels of 1.7 μg/mL 9 minutes after tracheal installation of 2 mg/kg lidocaine

• Sutherland and Williams in their study found that despite a total dose of lidocaine (5.3 ± 2.1 mg/kg), the mean peak arterial plasma lidocaine concentration was low (0.6 ± 2.1 μg/mL)

• Gargling of large volumes (0.3 mL/kg) of 2% lidocaine may be associated with peak lidocaine concentrations approaching a potentially toxic level

Systemic Absorption and Toxicity

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Total dose of lidocaine should be limited to 8.2 mg/kg in adult pts

Take extra care in elderly & pts with liver, cardiac impairment

Minimum amount of lidocaine necessary should be used when installed through FOB

Thorax 2001;56 (suppl 1)

British Thoracic society guidelines on FOB

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Predominant nerve supply of airway

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Anterior ethmoidal nerve Anterior 2/3 of nasal septumLateral wall of nose

Sphenopalatine N Posteroir 1/3 of septumFloor of nose

Glossopharyngeal N Posterior 1/3 of tonguePosterior & lateral pharyngeal wallAnteror surface of epiglottis

Internal br of superior laryngeal N Larynx includ. Vocal cords

Recurrent laryngeal N Below the level of vocal cordstrahea

Sensory innervations of airway

Page 94: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Plethora of sensory fibers Multiple origins Topical application – the best and safe Nerve blocks

Sphenopalatine NAnterior ethmoidal N

Nasal cavity and nasopharynx

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Method of packing nasal cavity

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Sphenopalatine & Ant Ethmoidal N block

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Vagus, facial, glossopharyngeal N Topical anaesthesia sufficient in majority Gag reflex difficult to suppress by topical



Page 99: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Deep ,sub mucosal pressure receptors Postrerior 1/3 of tongue Gag happens more on oral intubation Glossopharyngeal nerve (GPN) – the

afferent arc

Gag reflex

Page 100: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Glossopharyngeal nerve block

Page 101: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

GPN block

Page 102: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

GPN block

Page 103: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

The use of a tongue blade facilitated by application of a topical LA to mouth

If air is aspirated, needle needs to be withdrawn

If blood is aspirated, it is arterial (carotid artery), the needle is too posterior and too lateral. It needs to be redirected medially

Clinical Tips

Page 104: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Topical spray Atomiser Spray as you go Transcricoid injection

Nebulized lidocaine Superior laryngeal nerve block

Anesthesia of Larynx

Page 105: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Innervations of Larynx

Page 106: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

External approach ◦ Cornu of hyoid◦ Cornu of thyriod◦ Thyroid notchInternal approach

piriform fossa

SLN block

Page 107: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

SLN block – Hyoid landmark

Page 108: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Superior laryngeal nerve block- thyroid cornu as landmark

Page 109: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

• Caution not to insert the needle into the thyroid cartilage, injection of LA into vocal cords cause edema

• If air is aspirated, the needie pierced laryngeal mucosa & to be retrieved

• If blood is aspirated (superior laryngeal artery or vein), needle to be redirected more anteriorly

• For evaluation of vocal cord movement, only the internal laryngeal nerve needs to be blocked

• For awake intubation, SLN and RLN need to be blocked

Clinical tips

Page 110: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

SLN block – piriform fossa

Page 111: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

SLN block – Piriform fossa

Page 112: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Translaryngeal injection Spray as you go Labat’s technique

Trachea and vocal cords

Page 113: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Cricothyroid membrane

Page 114: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Technique of transcricoid injection

Page 115: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Transcricoid injection

Page 116: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

• Pt needs to be informed that the injection of LA solution make him or her cough

• Contraindicated in patients with unstable neck

• During the block, pt should not talk, swallow, or cough

• Catheter left in place until the intubation is completed for injecting more LA if necessary& to decrease the likelihood of subcutaneous emphysema

Clinical tips

Page 117: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Non invasive Useful in pts at risk of aspiration Injecting LA through suction port of FOB Wait 30- 60 sec before advancing to deeper

structure and repeat the maneuver Two methods

oxygen spray techniqueCatheter technique

“Spray as you go”

Page 118: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Attach three-way stopcock to suction port Connect oxygen tubing with flow@2-4 l /min Through other port of 3 way inject LA Advantages

high Fio2 deliveryclean lensdisperse mucous awayaids innabulizing LA

Oxygen spray technique

Page 119: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Pass a angiographic or epidural catheter into suction port of FOB

Till it project 5 mm beyond FOB lens Inject LA through proximal connection Allows accurate placement of LA

Catheter technique

Page 120: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Safe, non invasive technique Useful in pts with unstable neck, ↑IOP &ICP Needs pt’s cooperation 5ml of 4% lidocaine @oxygen flow of

6L/min, ultrosonic nebulizer over 10- 15 min period

O2 flow < 6L/min yields droplet size of 30- 60 microns

Nebulizing LA

Page 121: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 122: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 123: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 124: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 125: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 126: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 127: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 128: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 129: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Le fort classification

Page 130: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 131: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 132: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 133: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 134: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 135: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 136: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.
Page 137: Moderator – Prof Anjan Trikha Presenter - Priya  anaesthesia.co.in@gmail.com.

Sub mental intubation


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