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Modern Gymnast - February 1964

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Page 1: Modern Gymnast - February 1964
Page 2: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

Another AMERICAN known 'round the world This is an American trampoline. It is a fine trampoline ... part of a long line of fine trampolines. People in Africa, Europe, Asia, South America, Australia and North America use American trampolines. This is a strong trampoline. Children use them in school physical education classes and recreafion programs. High school and college students use them in competitive gymnastics meets and in physical education programs at

school. Adults use them to stay phys­ically fit (and for fun) . This trampo­line has quality built right in. It doesn't cost very much. Many schools hove several. Trampolining develops fine coordination, which is needed for all sports. (Coordination is im­portant for dancing, too .) America's leading college coaches buy Ameri­can trampolines. They think they're great. In a trampoline, it's perform­ance that counts and American tram-

polines are tops. Get American trampolines for your program -they're great. Your students will think you're great, too.


, j

I j

Page 3: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

FrankEndo 12200 SOUTH BERENDO



The f inest oil -arou nd gymnastic canvas shoes availab le t oday. Worn · by U.S. and Internat ional Champions. Elas t ic strops across the top prov ides fo r th ot perfect snug f it and appearance. So les mode o f long-wear ing wh it e ru bbe r . Orde r same size os your street shoes or d r aw outl ine

o f f oot on pa per f o r cor rect si ze. In wh Ite

only . Al l sizes . Price IS $2.50 per pair , ppd .

LEATHER HANDGRIPS ... .. . . $ 1.40 pro ppd . (GOOD) As illu strated above . Small , Medium & Large .


A strapless athletic supporte, brief made from Lycra-Spandex, a 2-way stretch elastic. Seamless for comfort and recom­mended to be worn under the gymnastic pants with all the necessary supporting features , White in color, Sizes: S, M & L $1.50 ea. ppd.


Made from 100% ny lon with soft leaTher sales. Excellent for all apparatus work. White in color. Sizes: X S 4-5 ONL Y

5 6-7 $1.85 pr , M 8-9


Several reservations are still available t oward thi s wonderful Spec ial Package t our. Anyone interested should immedi­ately contact. Mr. Frank Endo, 12200 So. Serendo Ave., Los Angeles 44, Calif. , f or the complete tour brochure.



BUILT BETTER WHERE IT COUNTS MOSTI • ONLY Gym Masterbuildsa low, flat, solid steel base to insure the utmost

stability and safety. Bars will not tip even under the most vigorous use. Mats lie flat over the .base.

• ONLY Gym Master has calibrated "sure-set" safety spring pin and lock­ing knob adjustment-changes height and width quickly, easily.

• ON LY Gym Master has select hickory laminated steel-center 11 '6" rails that provide greater resiliency.

• ONLY Gy~ Master has lifetime rubber base grips to insure greater sta­bility, prevent marring of f loor.

• ONLY Gym Master includes roller trucks with swivel casters at no extra cost.

• Measures a full 1'6" betweel1 uprights-meets all Olympic, NCAA and all other competition specifications.

GYM MASTER UNEVEN PARALLEL BARS The same base, bars, neck and adjuster are used for both the regular and uneven parallel bars, In addition, this unit includes a simple ex­tension sl eeve to fit the base upright. No weights or tie-downs required for performance of all competitive routines,



3200 SO. ZUNI ST. • ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO exclusive sales for produ cts of FENNER-HAMILTON CORP.

Page 4: Modern Gymnast - February 1964



NOTES FROM THE EDITOR ... ..... ....... ........... .... .... Glenn Sundby 5

CHALK TALK ... .......... ... ..... ...... ............ ........... ... .. .... ..................... 6

FLORI DA CLI N IC ...... .... .. ...... ................ .. ......... .. ... Jeff Hennessey 8

U.S.G.F. DIRECTORS REPORT ..... ...... .... .... .. .. ...... ... Frank L. Bore 10

WESTERN GYMNASTIC CLINIC ... ... ...... ........ .... ..... .. -Sam Bailie 13

HELPFUL HINTS ... ... ......................... .... ... ........ ............ J im Farkas 22


PALMISTRY FOR THE GYMNAST .......... ... ....... Edword J. Scrobe 24



GYM FITNESS .... ........... .......... ... ....................... Morgaret Korondi 30

CARBON COpy ......................... ..... .. ... .... ... .. ........ ...... Herb VogeL32

TRAMPOLI N I NG ............... ... ........ .... .... .................. .. Jess Robinson .... 34

LETTERS ........... ........ ... .... .......... .................................... ... ... ......... . 36

W·ith this edition we we lcome Dr . James S. Bosco, Assistant Professor at San Jose State College (Calif. ) to our staff. Dr. Bosco will be editing the new " Research and Fitness" department of the M.G.

. . THE MODERN GYMNAST is published by American Physical Fitness Research Institut"e, Inc., 410 Broadway, Santa Monica, California. Application to mail at second class postage rates is pending at Santa Monica, Calif. Published monthly except ~une, August and October which are combined with the previous month's issue. Price $4.50 per year, SOc single copy. Subscription correspondence, THE MODERN GYMNAST, P. O. Box 611 , Santa Monica, California. Copyri ght 1964 by AMERICAN PHYSICAL FITNESS RESEARCH INSTITUTE, INC., 410 Broadway, Santa M on ica , California . All pictures and manuscripts submitted become the property of THE MODERN GYMNAST unless a return request and sufficient postage are included.

Page 5: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

REPORT FROM WASHINGTON: A House Agriculture subcommittee recently recommended una.nimously a multi million-dollar federal research program on how to make cIgarettes safe. Rep. Harold D. Cooley of North Carolina (in the tobacco belt ), said $5 to $10 million would be needed this year to get the program under way.

Below is a copy of a telegram our Institute sent to: President Lyndon B. Johnson, Orvill e Freeman (Sec. of Agriculture ), Representative Harold D. Cooley and Rep. Alphonzo E. Bell, J 1'. (Our District Representative in the House of Representatives. )



We hope our readers will also take action and write, or ca ll and let your Congressman and other Government officials know how yo u feel on the subject. We do not have the facts on the budget for the "Presidents Youth Fitness" program but doubt very much if in five years they have had 2% of the amount to work with that the Tobacco industry is asking for one year to clean up their product. And even if they do clean it up it will not be an aid to health and well being ... It will just be a little less harmful and acceptable habit with government blessing ... I can hardly wait for the new TV commercials, "Our Cancerette has the . seal of approval of the United States Department of Agriculture" ... We think this is a very serious matter and a threat to our national health. We hope YO will also take action and add your voice to ours in protest to the House Subcommittee's recommendation. If you at all doubt the seriousness of this smoking situation ... get a copy of "Smoking and Health ," a recent report published by the Government Public Health Service .. . or write to us and we will send you free of charge a copy of the booklet "Smoking and Cancer Prevention" which was written by Warren Wells and published by The American Physical Fitness Research Institute, Inc. early in September 1963.

INTRODUCTORY, ~RTICI!.E· With this edition we welCome Dr. James S. Bosco, Assistant Professor. at San Jose State College (Cali/.) to our. staff. Dr. Boscp will be editing the new "Research and fitness" de p'artment ol the M.G.- ED.

Page 6: Modern Gymnast - February 1964


The First world's Open Trampoline Cham­pionships will be held on <larch 21st, 1964 at the Royal Albert Hall, London England. Trampoline teams from England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Switzer­land, South Africa and the United States are expected to compete in the competition. Each team will comprise two men and two lady com petitors. According to meet director Ted Blake the event will be judged on a knock-out basis with an international panel of judges. Following the competition will be a meet­ing to discuss and organize plan s to estab­lish the first International Federation of Trampolining as a sport in its own right.


OFFICIALS CODE The Nor thern California Officials Associa­tion has been doing a wonderfu l job in help ing to further Gymnastics in the Bay areas_ An item we found interesting was their proposed "Code of Ethics for Gymnastic Officials". We think you'll agree_ CODE OF ETHICS FOR GYMNASTICS OFFICIALS

I . An official must not instruct without the invitotion of the host coach.

2. An officia l must not discuss the merits, qualifications, or faults o f other off icial s with those who are not officia ls.

3. An officia l must not conduct himself in any manner which is likely to injure the reputation of the Association or any of its members.

4. An official may speak to competitors im­mediate ly before, during , or immediately after a scheduled meet only on topics pertaining t o the conduct of the meet.

5. An officia l should direct or receive any complaints on the conduct of the meet through the meet director I meet referee . or host coach.

6. An officia l is not t o toke part in gym­nastics activities immediate ly before. dur­ing , or immediate ly after a scheduled meet.

7. An official should endeavor to make un­biased and independent decisions.

8. An off icial shou ld make every effort to facilitate the conduct of the meet.

9: An official should endeavor to honor every judging commitment. .

10. An officia l shou ld be concerned with the general welfare and sa fety of the com-petitors. .

1 1. An official should be systemat ic and prompt in his dealing with the Associa ­tion, coaches, and administrators.

12. An officia l should endeavor t o be prompt in reporting to assignmer:ts. .

13. An official shou ld dress In an appropri­ate manner.

RING POWER Pictured here is another do it yourself ex­ercise idea for developing more power in the "Cross" position. These photos taken at the Finnish Gymnastic Federation train­ing site in Helsinki. Finland demonstrate the system of combining a spotting belt, rope, pullies and a extra set of rings to lift or lower yourself to or thru the cross posi­tion . By placing the ropes behind the back this same system could be used to pull up from a back lever to a " Maltese" cross, thru to a Planche and on up to a handstand . _ . sort of lifting yourself by your boot straps. It is not necessary to attached the pullies to ano ther se t of rings, they can be attached to garage rafters Hi-bar etc. (but be careful not to attach them too low as with all your your added power you may bomp your head on the beam, ceiling or bar. )_

Donna Schaenzer

FLINT OPEN Donna Schaenzer of Southern ' Illinois Uni­versity was the Seni or Women's Ai l-Around champ, in the Flint, Michigan Open Cham­pionships held in January. Don Friend of Flint was the top scorer in the College men's AA division and Richard Kihn of Toronto Tokal Club won the top All-Around honors in the Senior's Men's division. According to Doug Walker, Recrea tion Con­sultant of the Matt Program the meet was a real success and there was a large increase of entries in the high school division.


CHANCES" was the title of a fine articie written by Grace K aywell and published in the November edition of DANCE MAGA­ZINE. If you can still find a copy around we suggest you pick one up_


The USGF National Champion­ships will be h eld at the Univer­sity of Iowa, Iowa City , Iowa _ .. April 16-17 & 18, 1964_ Make plan now to attend _ .. as a great time will be in store for all. gym­nast and spectator alike __ . don't forget the dates April 16, 17 & 18. Circle your Calendar now! ! ! For information or ~ched ule of events (which will be fully de­£cribed in March M·G_) write the USG F Office, also Please Send Publicity Photographs -and Re­quests for Entry Blanks To US_G _F_ P.O_ Box 4699, Tucson," Arizona_

Page 7: Modern Gymnast - February 1964


v .-~ .::.;";:~ .... ',' <

Richard K ihn Don · Friend

Scene from West Pair" Beach worshop pictured in DANCE MAGAZINE

Page 8: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

11 1.1

Clinic Time at Sarasota GY m

Space Ball Workout



Southwestern Louisiana Universi ty (This Clinic was conducted from December 24th, 1963 through December 31st, 1963 in Sarasota, Florida) .

The South gymnastic team, under the direc tion of LSU Coach Bill Bankhead, lost a close one to the orth , Coached by Al Stumpf of the Bu ffalo Turners, 51· 45. T he meet was in doubt until the last event when Betty Maycock, 1960 Olympic team member from Kent University saved the meet for the North team wi th a beaut iful free exercise exhibition.

T he slar·studded 15 men and 6 women members were behind until the t rampolin e event when the South won the first three places and went ahead 39 - 38. Representing the South on the trampoline were Wayne Miller of Lafayette, Lo uisiana, NAAU cham· pion and Jim Yongue, also of Lafaye tte, while the North was ably r epresented by Jim Anderson also of Lafayette. Miller and Yon· guc stole the show wi th the finest exhibition ever seen at the National North·South mee ts 13·year history J im Yongue scored an average score of 9.25 fro m the 4 j udges. Yongue brought the house down wi th his fine per· formance. The 2000 gymnastic fans in the Municipal Auditorium in Sarasota were given a preview of things to com e from the Lafayelte boys. Wayne Miller, who two nights before had scored an unbelievable 9.9 Oll t of a poss ible 10 score, was the final compet itor on the trampoline. He opened his rout ine wi th a t)Vo and a half twisting front


Space Ba ll Demonstrat ion at N-S Meet

Trampoliners in North-South Meet, Wayne Miller 1st, Jim Anderson(n) 5th and Jim Yongue 2nd (all from Lafayette, La:)

double somersault and ended with a double twisting double back somersault and brought the house to its feet while the four j udltes were showing scores of 9.9, 9.9, 10 and 10 for an average score of 9.95 and the highest score of the night. .

Jim Yonltue and Jim Anderson teamed up for the South to win the National Gym. nas tic Clinic spaceball championshi ps held at Lido Beach. Neither had ever played spaceball , a game of volley ball and basket· ball played on a trampoline, but were able to adap t themselves to the skill s and won the tournament.

T wo Lafayette H igh School students, New· ton Elberson and Donald Walters, placed 1 and 2 on the trampoline in the cl inic 13 ·15 a~e group championships.

This year's National Gymnastic Clinic queen was Miss J oyce Yielding of Oklahoma City. The 17 yea r old 5 foo t 7 beauty with brown hair, blue eyes, and 36·23·36 measure· ments is a senior in high schooL Miss Yield· ing has been interested in gymnastics all of her life, her ot.her pastimes are all outdoor sports, ballet and cooking.

The highlight of the clinic competition was the Olympic Qualifying rounds and closing out the clinic was the 13th Annual lorth· South Meet.

OLYMPIC QUALIFYING Six teen gymnasts were named to take part

in the final U. S. Olympic Sq uad tr ials to be held at the World's Fair in New York in A ugust of 1964.

Leading the way in the Women's Division was 19 year old Marie Walther, who scored 74.80 to top the 10 other women competitors. In second place was Olympic Veteran Doris

Fuchs with 74.10 points. Third place went to Avis Tieber from Dallas, T exas, while Kathy Corrigan of South Weymouth , Mass. and Linda Metheny of Tuscola, JIlinois com· pleted the top five. Sixteen year old Makado Sakamoto topped the men qualifiers with a total score of 111.65. Makado won two events, the hori zontal bar and side horse.

During the evening young Wayne Miller , present Na tional AAU trampoline champion, and Jim Yongue, 3rd in the NAAU, put on a crowd rousing performance. Both Miller and Yongue hail from Lafayette, Louisiana. On completion' of the demonstration, the judges scored Miller with a score of 9.9 for the highest score of the night. As a final eye catcher Miller exhibited his triple twist· ing double back somersault.


Women Marie Wall!her .. ............... ....................... 74.80 Doris Fuchs ... .... ... ... . .. ..... ... ......... .. 74.10 Avis Tieber ............ .... ....... .... .... : .. .............. 73.50

~i~tSr ~~;~~~~n .. ::::::::::::::: :::: :::::::::::::::: :::::~~ :i~ Betty Maycock ..... . .. ............ .. 73.15

~:~~~e R~b~~~s .. : :: : :::::::: ::: ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::;6:~~ Barbara Moonis ......... ........ . ......... 70.35 Carolyn Bowers .... . .... ..... 68.35

Men Makato Sakamoto Greg Weiss ........ ... . Abie Grossfield J ay Werner .... . Don Tonry ... . . Sam Sakamoto

........ 111.65 ........ 111.50

. ...... ... ............. .111 .40 ..... ..... ................ 110.40 ... . ................ 109.10

. .............. .103.55

Page 9: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

John Crosby

Don Tonry

Marie Walther 1 st All Around Olympic Trials

Rusty Mills

Jim Amerine

Makaro ~akamoto I st Side Horse N-S Meet


Page 10: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

USGF Director - Frank t301A


February 1964 The u.s.c.r. has adopted an official awards system and

I hope all of you will soon have an opportunity to see these awards. The 1964 u.s.c.r. Nationals will feature them. They consist of a plaque . . . for each place, in each event ... showing an action fi gure of a gymnast working on that event. In this way the winner of the side horse, for instance, will receive a gold·colored plaque with the side horse illus­trated on that award . I have seen the initial awards and they are absolutely perfect. We expect this system of gvmna;,tic awards to revolutionize the gymnastics .system entirelv. The January M. G. carries photos of two of these awards for your information.

-::- -:.:-

ATTENTION: U.S.C.F. registrants ... we now have U.S.C. r. membership plaques (ivory on walnut colors) available for those of you who desire them, and they may be ordered through the V.S.C.F. office. They are designed for wall display ... say " Member" "United States Gym­nastics Federation" and the January Modern Cymnast car­ries a sample photugraph for your consideration.

+:. -x· "*

The Southern California Cymnastics Association is doin g a" tremendous job of bringing gymnastics into new areas in Southern California as well as providing voung gymnasts with numerous opportunities for competition during the entire year. They have developed a new scoring system aimed at development of better gymnasts and it is leading the way to mure and beLter gymnastics for Southern California.


The Eastern Intercollegiate Gymnastics League has adop­ted a new system of team competitions for their league. The system calls for three men from each team to be scored in each event as that team':; >,("nre. J n short it means that team "A" might have a first place, third place and fifth place in the Horizontal Bar and the three gymnasts who scored those places had scores of 9.2, 9.0 and 8.3 ... team " A" has a team score in the Side Horse of 26.5 (total of the three scores received). Their opponents team "E" therefore took second, fourth and sixth with their athletes scoring 9.1, 8.8, and 8.1 for a total team score for team "B" of 26.0 This system is likened tQ the F.LC . (International) system and reflects scores of all three team members in each event ... regardless of their place and it also serves to keep sco res


closer. In the cu rrent method of scoring which calls for 6·4-3-2-1 as points a warded for places 1 tl~rough 5 the team sco re for the hypothetical situation shown above would have been - team "A" 9 points ... team " E" 6 points. The sixth man's sco re would not have counted at all even though he was only two-ten ths of a point below the 5th place man. If yo u begin to see sco res from eastern schools shown in the stati stics surveyo r the newspapers and it r eads in the hundred points ... thi s is how it was a rri ved at. You could then divide the team "core by the number of men on that team and arrive at an average team member's sco re .

. ::.

Mr. Jerr y Todd , gym nasti cs coach at Pasadena City College is doing another ou tstanding j ob of supplying gvm­nasti cs people with weekly stati sti cal surveys of how the co ll egiate gym nast ics teams are doing . .Terry did the job last season and its accuracy as determi ned by the final standing of the NC AA Championship was ver y good.


We hope to encou ra!!e as many of yo u as possible to ob­tain and wear the l ' .S .C.F. sweatshirts in your regional colors . I See M. C. for i\ovember, 196:1) . These sweatshirts ma y be ord ered through the L S.C. F. offi ce, and take ahout three weeks for delivery in most cases ... availabl e in three sizes and in the following colors ... red. dark blue. light blue. cinam on (ta n ) " dark green. oran ge, black. Co~t. " ~n·. 2 5 .. let tering is 'T .S.A. (emblem ) Cymnasti cs I:edt'l"fltinn " .


In 1964- th e ( ".S.C .F. hopes to begin another session of its proj ected long-ra nge developmental plan. The "Eastp. rn Cymnastics Clinic" . .. to be conducted in the Eastern and Southern portion of the e.S.A. at the same time as the " "II/ estern Cymnasti cs Cli nic" (now in it's third veal') is being cond ucted in Tucson, Arizona. Dec. 26- :10. 1964-should see the two ( ' .S.C.F. events goi ng at the same time with a grea t li st of in structors at both locations.


The Second Annual U.S.G.F. National Championships . . . are scheduled for April 16, 17 & 18, 1964. At University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa. Plan now on at­tending!!! The meet will feature two divis'ions for men and two for women, the all-around, trampoline and tumbling and be conducted over a three day period with afternoon and evening sessions (compulsory and optionalsl. The awards for this meet will be the newly designed and adopted U.S.G.F. Offical Awards and if possible wear our regional colors as warm up clothing, or on blazers ... let's all turn out for this great event and have a repeat of last years when it was the largest national open meet held in 1963.

The Pennsy lvania Coaches Association has really been working. The Eastern Intercollegiate meet (hosted at Penn. State Univ. 1 will also feature the first Penn. State High School Champiomhip . . . for boys and girls. This meet should be a grea l s ucces~ in its first ~lage. The Pennsylvania group has constructed a series of routines ... not compul­sori es .. . but rather guides to allow one to qualifv them­selves before enterin g the meet. They are shown in this issue of the M. C. for your information and they might well be used in other states as similar guides for beginning gym­nastics programs. Congratulations to the P ennsylvania State Coaches Association and good luck with that meet in March.

.::. ~:.

Page 11: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

forw upward to kip position, kip to st. arm support , on backward sWing dismount with Y2 Inward turning rear vault over either bar (12-13), to a

PARALLEL BARS From a few running 'steps, jump to upper CHm support in middle of bar, forward uprise (3), sw ing back to momentary shoulder­stand (4), roll forward and bock uprise, swing to handsl'and-hold (8),

"J"'f~ Y~'OO~~~O'{~ ~~* ~~ ~ ~ ~~1 n

cross stond sideward.

STILL RINGS Jump to straight hang, lift body arched with bent Grms t o st. inverted hong, farw. downw. sw ing to bock uprise, lift legs to L position and hold, press. bent arms piked body to shou lderstand (ho ld) (6-7 ), st ral (Jhten arms, fall back to pi'ke hang . backward dislocate, to

QUALIFYING ROUTINES RECOMMENDED tor high school girls Interested in entering State meet on March 7th. Coach must de termine whether her girls are capable of performing the below routines, or exercises of equ iva lent difficulty, before entering them in championships. The below routines have va lues of around 70 points when performed excellently.

arched body lowered to back lever-hold (II), lower body ta German hong and with an intermediate swing lift body arch to inverted hang positi on ( 13), sw ing body f orw. down to f orw. inlocate, f orwa rd double leg stradd le disount t o stand ( 16-17).

HO." VAm ~oo' .00" !A ~ I!\ f to rea r stand sideward.

l~~ ¥~ ft ~~ ~~ · ~ Ii . ~ ~ ~ ~f f1' t ~... .~. 'U' ,,' I ~ ~r ~ ~ •• ..ii .... 'fDn Z'i- ••

FLOOR EXERCISE Crv>s right leg f orward ci rc ling arms sideward upward, "round (13), 2-3 ste'ps t o' gallop, to immediate single leg deep sitting (2), step forward w ith L leg and c.c. full turn arms sideward with right leg position ( 16), backward rol l ove r ohe shou lder with arms Sideward t o knee extended backward (3), 2-3 running steps skip to cartwheel (5), step scale (18), lower rear leg in di rection of next length % turn and raise forward to momentary handstand to forw. roll to figure four wnh legs body with arms lifted upward (20), 3 running steps to roundoff buunce (9), roll up on knee and lunge forwa rd on R. leg (10) , straighten leg, urward with Y2 turn (23), walkover forward to stand (24). small hop. f orw. ,. turn In new di rection with slide step . and hitch kic~


Page 12: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

~o UNEVEN PARALLEL b.:..r<S Moun't with overhand grip to forward pull­over', move rt. hand to H.B. rt. leg ove r L.B. It hand and It leg same to rear sitt ing positi on, extended hang from H.B. swing legs forward upward and squat under H. B . . to arch back front support, pivot around one arm to side saddle sitting position (7), turn to rear seat, place hands to H.B: with arched back ('I), place one f oor on L.B. other lifted high

onto single leg kip to front support on H.B. (11), f orward roll to thigh bounce circling both legs over L.B. to single leg hang on L.B. (14), fall backward in single leg hang and return to straddle seat on L. B. (1 6), Y2 turn t o rear seat hands on H .B. (18), high underswing shoot with Y2 turn to sidestand faci ng bars ( 19 ).

6 BALANCE BEAM Mount with It leg cut over bea'm to sit one.. :,ackward ro ll to neck stand (3), r oll f orward t o single leg stand (4), step f orward to scale-hold (5), one step f orward with gallop, one step ond deep knee bend (7), Y2 turn arms sideward, forward roll (8), through straddle to backward rise t o squat stand (9), straighten legs to stand, one step and hurdle leap (10), two steps f orward with body and arm swing forward (11), Y2 turn pi vot two steps upward kick o f leg to lunge f orward (13), straighten leg one step Y4 turn side kick, catrwheel dismount (15).

Continued from PaQe" 5 RESEARCH AND FITNESS the physical education profession has not studied intensely enough the ef­fects of participation in the multitude of activities which it embraces. Some excellent work has already been done but remains relatively uninterpreted by practicing physical educators. With the current national concern about the physical fitness of the American pub­lic it behooves the physical education profession to analyze critically and report objectively the total effects of sports activities on participants. PURPOSE

. The purpose of this column is to offer a medium for the presentation and dis­cussion of results of scientific ann. scholarly research in the field of gym­nastics. It is also hoped that the exist-

. ence of such a medium will stimulate much needed research. The column is a Iso foreseen as a possible outlet for presentation of studies annually spon­sored by three lational gymnastics organizations and several gymnastics equipment manufacturers. SCOPE

At present, a broad scope of subject areas is anticipated but future empha­sis on specific areas may be influ­enced by reader interest. The present plan is to run a series of articles deal-


ing with research in: a. The effects of participation in

gymnastics on anatomical, physi. ological, and psychological vari­ables.

b. The mechanical analysis of spe­cific gymnastics moves.

c. The effects of various physical fitness (training programs ) on performance in gymnastics.

d . The comparison of gymnasts with other athletes and non­athletes in various components of physical fitness and person­ality.

The above list includes only a few of the specific areas to be included. READER PARTICIPATION

Send manuscripts or reprints of ar­ticles directly to James S. osBco, Men's Physical Education Department, San Jose 14, California. Whenever pos­sible, photographs, graphs, tables, charts and other visual material should be included, Manuscripts, etc., will not be returned but receipt of all mate­rials will be acknowledged. Original Theses will be accepted and returnen. but . this procedure is not recom­mended.

Reader comments, ideas_ criticisms, etc. , will be most welcome.


1943-46 Member of gymnastics teom­Lawrence Turn Verein, Lawrence, Mas­sachusetts

1947-51 Member of gymnastics teom­captain, 1951 - Springfie ld Col lege, Springfield,Mass.

1951-52 Assistant Gymnastics Cooch­Univers ity of Illinois, ·Champaign, III.

1953-54 Varsity Gymnastics Coach -Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois

1954-61 Varsity Gymnastics Coach -University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts

Presently President, Northern California Gymnastics Officials Association

DEGREES B.S.-Springfield College, 1951 M.S.-University of Illinois, 1952 Ph .D.-University of Illinois, 1962

RESEARCH EXPERIENCE 1951-52 Moster's ThesiS, University of

Illinois 1954-6 1 Research Assistant (summers)

Full year, 1959-60 Physical Fitness Re­search Laboratory-University of Illinois

1959 C. H. McCloy Award for Research in Gymnastics

1960 Research on Olympic Athletes -Rome, Italy

1961 to Present Sponsoring Master's thesis and conducting personal reseorah, Son Jos~ State College

1962 Doctoral Dissertation: "The Physi­cal and Personality Characteristics of Champion Male Gymnasts"

Page 13: Modern Gymnast - February 1964
Page 14: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

A van full of Clinic partic ipants wh ich include: Ernesti ne Russell, Joe Nappi , Paula Crist, Carolyn HacKer, Joanne Hash imoto, Valeria Berea. Inez Coon, Glen Gail is and Coach dri ver Carl Strube an the outside.



The 1963 Western Gymnastics Clinic was held December 26 - 30, in Tucson, Arizona. Hosted by the University of Arizona the clinic drew some 500 participants from eVf~ry part of the United States . The fi ve-day event was marked by near 80 degree weather every day and gymnasts thronged to the outdoors for work-outs at every opportunity.

Highlight of the week-long clinic was the East - West All-Star Championship. This years meet was outstanding in every way and the U. of A. gym was packed to capacity with 2800 paid spectators to see the competition. It marked the first time in the Southwest that a packed house watched a gymnastics competition and sets the pace for the future.

The instruction at the clinic was by far the outstanding feature . . . and it would be difficult here to illustrate properly the tremendous amount of work put forth by so many coaches and teachers. Just look at the following names and yo u will understand what made the 1963 Western Clinic the greatest ever . . .

Coaches and personalities present . . . Don Robinson from Aurora High School, Colorado; Joe Giallombardo and Victor Lesch, from the Illinois High School League; Mr. Charles Calhoun, hom the Cleveland Turners; Bill Meade and Herb Vogel, from Southern, Illinois University; Dick H olzaepfel from the University of Iowa ; Dr. Ralph Piper from the University of Minnesota; Dick Smith and Chic Johnson from the Univ. of Oregon and Eugene High School respectively ; Mr. Erwin Volze from the Los Angeles


Turners ; Gordon Maddux from Los 'Angeles State College; H. G. "Brud" Cleveland from Santa Monica City Collf'ge; Inez Caon from L. A. State College ; Mrs. Ernestine Russell Carter from Lansing, Michigan; Harold Frey and Lou Pershke from the University of California;. Capt. Jim Tan­aka from the Air Force Academy; Glenn Wilson from the University of Colorado; Jorris Steverson from Arizona State University; Jerry Todd from Pasadena City College; J erry Wright from San Francisco State College ; Charlie Pond from the University of Illinois; Bob Hazlett from New Mexico State University; Roy Davis from Santa Clara High School , California; Ed Franz from Washington Uni­versity of St. Louis; Dr. Donald . Boydston, President of the U.S.G.F. ; Mr. M. R. Clausen, Director of Athletics at Arizona and Sect.-Treasurer of the U.S.G.F. ; Mr. Glenn Sundby, Vice-president for Men of the U.S.G.F. and Editor of the MODERN GYMNAST Magazine; Rich Harris of the Tissen Corporation, Bob Fenner and Jack Woolery of the. Gym-Master Company; Mrs. Grace Kaywell, great ' bal­let instructor from West Palm Beach, Florida and Bruno Johnke and famil y from Warrington, Florida. Cruz Alvarado of the University of Sonora, Old Mexico; G~ry Frank, Sports anouncer from KVOA-TV Channel 4 in Tucson; Ed Gallardo from the Tucson Daily Citizen and Bob Crawford from the Tucson Daily Star Newspapers; Jess and Abhey Robinson from Trampoline, Inc. of California; Martha Tuschi j a from Berkeley, California;

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Equipment was displayed from every major company in the U.S.A. and selection of equipment for each event was left up to the qualifiers for the East - West meet. Our thanks to the Nissen-Medart Corp., the Gym-Master Company, the Porter Company, the American Trampoline Company and Economy Gymnastics Supply for their cooperation , generous supply of eq uipment and assistance during the clinic.

The outs tanding performer trophy in the East - West meet was awarded to Glen Ga ilis of Iowa University for a great performance ... The women's counterpart was a similar trophy which was presented to Joanne Hashimoto as the most promising young (girl ) gymnast as determined by instructors and judges during the entire clinic.

The women's portion of the progr~m was very capably supervised by Herb Vogel ... and a helping hand was provided by Mrs. Grace Kaywell . . . who flew in from West Palm Beach, Florida to help with the "Ballet for Gymnasts" work which is h<;r specialty. Classes were available for officials . . . teachers . . . gymnasts at all levels . . . and intermediate and advanced instructors ... all were well attended and under Herb's guidance timely and effective.

Under the Guidance of Glenn Wilson (U. of Colorado) the East - West meet set many new records in attendance and performances. The ring event will still be talked about nex t yea r and brought the capacity crowd to its feet with Cailis winning the event as last performer in a competition that saw the lowest man of six scoring in the 9.2 area.

'Most of all it was a yea r of recognition for the Western Clinic. The 1963 version of the clinic l:epresents it's third year . . . and the Tucson newspapers, radio stations and television stations gave maximum support to the clinic at every turn . The U.S.A. and U.s.G .F . fla gs decorated the front walk of the U. of A. Gymnasium and it made a colorful walk-in arrangement for gymnasts and spectators alike with the red and blue of Uniw of Arizona fla gs along side. The weather was grea t . . . the gymnastics perfect ... the crowd large ... the clinic outstanding.

Text year the U.S.G.F. will begin to host our counterpart ... the "Eastern Gymnastics Clinic" at the same time as our western clinic is held , only in the eastern part of the U.S.A. (probably Florida L Those of us connected with the "Western Clinic" welcome you all back next year and to those from the Mid-West and East who find the distance prohibitive we wish yo u much success in the new "Eastern Clinic" which will be held in your area .

. ::. *

Sam Bailie, Clinic Director and ex-Iowo gymnast presents the Outstanding Performer award to another Iowan Glen Gaills, great young A ll -Around performer of the University of Iowa.

Mrs. Grace Kaywell of West Palm Beach, Florida and bo llet fame presents Dr. D. N . Boydston (USGF Pres.) with an oil portrait which Grace did of the USGF's First President.

T .Y . lights and cameras at work while KYOA-TY (channec: 4) Tucson's sports announcer Gary Frank interviews Coaches Ralph Piper (Minn.) center and Dick Smith of Oregon.

In a circle of conversation from left to right: Dr . Ralph Piper (Minn.), Charlie Pond, (111.), Glenn Wil son (Colo,).

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CLINIC ACTION Herb Vogel Director of Women's activ ities presents outstonding per­former award tropny to Joanne Hashimoto.

At left, right, be low ond 011 arou 'ld Girls, girls, and more girls all hav­ing a wonderful time learn ing, practicing and competing (a lso posing for the M .G. camera) at the Western States Gymnastic Clinic.

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Above: East team with Coach with Coaches Gordon Maddux

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Charlie Pond and md Harold Frey.


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Helpful hints by "Jim" Farkas, Instmctor of Physical Education, of The Milwaukee Turners,


The Importance To Work "ALL-AROUND" Gymnastics - as we all know - is a demanding sport.

As a matter of fact, its umnatched difficulty, its inexhaus­tible promise of new motion-sensations make it challenging for the ablest athletes, although they hardly can hope to learn all that is available. One simply tries to absorb as much as possible, so much as ambition dictates or psvcho­physical limitations allow. But just how this absorption is taking place will determine whether we can regard gymnas­tic training a wholesome physical educational process, or only a self-centered competitive activity which, although athletic in character, is defective in purpose and incomplete, if not harmful , in its physical effects.

To begin with, we have to rediscover the oft-forgotten purpose of gymnastics. It is physical education. A comp letf and unmatched system of formal exercises, designed , selec· ted and grouped with anatomy, physiology and education in mind. It has been brewed in many countries of advanced civilizations and cultures; has evo lved with the progress of natural and social sciences. Gymnastics is then not a pastime. It is a tool by which people's bodies can be molded and minds can be influenced in a definitely advantageous way for the individual and for the society. Similarly, as medico­therapeutic prescriptions cannot be selected without pro-

fessional interacti on, the use of gymnastics is also prescribed by (or should be) who are trained to know the phvsiolo­gical effects of gymnastic exercises, and who use them in a balanced system by which they predictably can reach de­sired physical educa tional ends.

Wherever the egOIstIc or chauvinistic impulses drive human individuals to eX'{;eIl , to appea r to be better than others, competition can be employed in a constructive way toward the realiza tion of secondary, eouca iiona:, goal . With such considera tions the physical educational gymnastics developed an offshoot - the competitive gymnasti cs. To fit a gymnastic competition into the time and space its events were limited to the necessary minimum in number!' , but still complete in their total effect upon the individual. This search and requirement for a total physical educational effect is the most significant principle that the · F.I.G. , the highest international authority 'in competitive gymnasti cs, is determined to uphold despite such unconcerned deviations as our American indu Igence in the sponsorship of specializa­tion. This specialization in single events of gymnastics has produced harmful effects half a century ago when kyphotic hacks w'ere popularly known as " Gymnast's Backs" (caused

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by shortened pectoralis muscles, derived thro ugh speciali­zation in predominantly supporting exercises). The onesirled effects of only one gymnastic event will p roduce a marked physical change in one par ticular part of the human body with which the rest of the sys tem will lose postura l and fun ctional harmony. - There are, of course, gymnastic events in which speciali zation will not p roduce h armful ef­fects (like Tumbling, Va ulting, Floo r Exercises) but even tLese will develop inferior gymnast specimens compared to those who train and compete in all (p resently 6 fo r men, t for women ) events. If the difference is not always ap­parent in ph ysical dimensions, it is definitely more pro­n ounced in functional versatil ity.

But, besides the all important physical educational con­siderations concerning many thousands of youngsters who engage in this sport , there is such a thing as national sport­politica l interest. We have realistically recognized the need to improve our athletic achievements in all sports, so we could regain the respect of world opinion which is in­fluenced, in no small degree, by such exhibits of physical culture as Olympic Games and World Championships. Presently our high schools and colleges turn out scores of

competitors wh o are masters of single gymnastic events. Yet their skill is no asset in regard of a rational Team because internationally only All-Around gymnasts come into consideration. The number of All-Around American gym­nasts is still quite small, compared to other nations who ha\re abolished specialization many decades ago. And , ap­pa rently, this nu mber will remain short of our minimum needs as long as high schools and colleges do not place more emphasis on the educational aspects of gymnastics and re­mai n unconcerned about long-range na tional sport-political interests. Schools succumb to the pressure of students who have a distaste to fa ce complex assignments. (Generll lly we can expect a man to be so capable, how tough the job is he is undertaking. Little men select little ch ores) . - Rut let us suppose that we may gain an athlete of the first mag­nitude out of every 1,000 All-Around gymnasts. With this though t in mind we must see that something more is neerl ed than a gymnastic program matched to our wishes. We sh ould match our program rea listically to those with whom we com­pete, to the standards of the world. - That is, only if we want to be a pa rt of the sh ow.

~:- .::.

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Herman L. Masin, Editor Scholastic Coach 50 W. 44th sr-:--New York, N. Y.

Dear Mr. Masin,

~ January '4, 1964

Upon my return last year from the National Institute on Girl's Sports (University of Oklahoma - Nov. 4-9), I sat down to gathe r together materials for an article on caring for a gymnast's hands. This particular problem had been ment ioned by some coaches of. gymnastics for girls and women.

I started with the Japanese book on gymnastics (Takemoto) which has a short section on what to do about "gymnastic hands" but this was not satisfactory. Then, in a few days, I started catching up on "clipping" the various professional journals to which I subscribe and I happened upon the article by Ed Scrobe.

His article, without doubt, is the most complete ever published in any language. It would have been silly for me to have attempted such an article after having read "Palmistry for the Gymnast."

I would like your pe rmission to re - print the artic le in The Modern Gymnast. I believe many more people should be exposed to this-e:Kcellent article and our publication will probably get to ' a more selective gr oup of gymnasts than does the Scholastic Coach. In addition, the a rticle will be ead b an e \7ho a r e p imarily conc €r nc d ;':i th co.omctics .. Unfortunately, many of our young me n in gymnastics think it's a sort of · symbol o f manliness to wa l k about with hands cove'red wit h to rn skin.

If a re-print is possible, we would also like to use your photos. Naturally, we will include an app r opriate reference to your magazine along with information about Mr . Scrobe who is well known to those of the gymnastic community a nd for whom there is the deepest re spec·t .

IVfost gym nasts are currently utilizing some form of hand guard. Although different in design and material. all serve the same purpose.

Most widely used is a ca lf·leather guard des igned to cover a broad area of the palm and encirclin g the two midd le fin gers, with a buckl e clasp to be secured around the wrist (see Fig. 1) . W hile this type of guard af­ford s broad coverage and protects the vital port ion of th e hand, the fin gers and adjoin· in g pa rt s of hand alongs ide the guard are left ex posed.

Ano ther type of guard , made from the ,ame type skin or s imilar fl ex ible lea ther , is des igned en tirely differently: Consis ting of one piece of lea ther about 10 or 12 inches lonl!. the guard is inte rtwin ed through two slit s mad e throu!!h the center. It encircles the middl " finge;'- only and is secured by a buck le and clasp arou nd the wrist (see f ig. 2l.

Still another type is a home·made affair, eas il y bui lt of rt'l!ul ar gauze, which can be used for one or two work outs. It's made simpl y by twisting an ord inary piece of gauze int o a long strand and placing it around any fin ger of the hand , securing it

We hope you will coope rate with us in this matter for I believe it about tl1{' wri st with a knot or bow. This will would be a mighty long time before I could gather the same kinds of a fford some protection. Tn fact, i f the gy m· mate ria ls to present in an o riginal way , and even then I ' would probably nast des ires, he can improvise one for each be very tempted to "st e al" a great deal from Mr. Scrobe. Both he and fin ger ( see Fig. 3). your publication deserve full credit for a.real contribution to gymnast ic,' At bes t, hand guards can only delay the ana. / ' L effects of fri ction. They won't prevent the

, '7 /, .. , rips, tears, blisters, and cracking of the skin. Very Since:~' f ;; /t { [ ' , Even the protected part of the hands may

; ' ';l ... \ become sore and blistered , due to the con-em ., I )J t - stant action of the guards rubbin g against

""t .. OO' ======I 'I 'r ~ . ~ 'h, p,t", --, • -- r L Unfortunately, the fingers are left un · >. , protected. While it 's true that they encoun ter

much less fri ction than the palms, they are, however , subject to blisters, tears and rips.


One of the more vital concerns of every gymnast is the care and conditioning of his " too ls" - the hands. W ith training becoming in creas ingly longe r and harder , the burden on the hands is constantly intensifying. The ravages of fri ction in the form of blisters and tears (rips ) are constant gangers, and tbe perfect method for safeguarding aga inst them has ye t to be devised.

J n seeking methods of extending the capa­city of the hands and palms, our athletes are continually picking up ideas from one ano ther and modifying them to suit thei r particular needs. The end result has been a wid e assortment of pract ices, none of which can be unconditionally guaranteed . What works for one a thle te won't necessarily suf­fice for another.

Nevertheless, the hand guards serve a dis· tinct purpose. They allow the gymnast to train longer before soreness sets in and makes the hands susceptible to blisters and rips.

The judicious gymnast, then , must look for ways that will eliminate fri ction and thus save his hands, giving them time to recover for the subsequent workout. One simple pre· caution is to terminate the workou t at the first sign of soreness when grasping the ap­paratus. This will prevent a tear or blister ana in sure an uninterrupted training regi­men,

At first thought, it might seem that the elimination of thi s troublesome fri ction would solve the entire problem of hand care. Such is not the case. The presence of fri ction is indigenous to the sport. Without it, the gymnast would find it impossible to obtain the fast, secure grip that's essential to skill execution - say, for example, on the hori­zon tal bar and rings . W e must therefore ac­~ent fri ction as a necessary evil.

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Fig . 1. Calf-leather guard that covers broad orea of palm and encircles two middle fingers, with buckle clasp secured around Wrist.

The problem now reverts to (l) the con· di tion of the hands BEFORE the workout , (2) the abuse they undergo DURING the workou t. and (3) the care and conditioning of the hands AFTER the workout.

BEFORE THE WORKOUT The hands should be clean before the

trainin O' sess ion begins. Magnesium carbonat e ( chalk" or maggy, as it's known in some areas ) will be more effective and be retained Ion O'er if excess oils and dirt are removed frO l~1 the hands. A more secure grip will be the end result.

Removal of dirt particles will prevent thcm from bein g ground into the palms or int o any open breaks in the skin which could later causp. infection. The chalk , or magnesium , , hould be applied thoroughly to the gripping areas of the hands. Hand guards should he properly fitted so that they're taut when the hand~ arp in th e gripping position.

They . hould he inspected frequently for ir· re!!ul a~ iti es: for example. dryin g out of the l e~ ther' (causing it to become brittle and thus tear readily). thinning of the palm por­tion due to excessive use, stretch in !!; of the entire guard so that it no longer fits snug­lv, and. lastly , buckle and clasp condition. Any overlap or roll of the guard in the palm indicates that it's too large.

Gymnasts utilizing hand guards constantly must be cp.rtain to maintain a minimum of two pairs in working condition, in the event one pair breaks down. Alternating the use of both pairs will insure longer life 3nd , most important. comfort. Both will be broken in and relldy for use when needed.

DURING THE WORKOUT In the free exercise and long horse events,

the athlete doesn't have to worry about the problem of friction , since the grips are very fleeting and don 't subj ect the hands to dis­comfort.

The side horse, parallel bars, hori zontal bar and rings, on the other hand, offer vary­ing degrees of fri ction during training. Many gymnasts wear hand guards on all these events to r etard as much as possible the friction on the hands.

As stated previously, blistering, tearing, and ripping of the hands occur most , fre­quently when the danger signal is ignored - when the hands become "hot" or feel a " burning" sensation. The gymnast in his zeal, may damage his hands. He'll then haye to pos tpone one or two training sess ions until the hands heal.

With experience, the gymnast will learn when to divert his energies to another event that won ' t adversely affect the already sore condition of his " tools. " The more exper­ienced gymnast has an advantage in that he doesn't have to grasp the bar as tightly as the novitiate or less experienced gym­nast. This, unfortunaely, comes only with time, practice, and experience.

The relaxed hut secure grasp indisputably extends the work capacity of the hands. The tight grasp increases fri ctionaly tcnsion and thereby decreases the capacity of the hands.

The specialist on the horizontal bar, for instance, has a peculiar problem. His work­outs must be continuous and progressive, despite the fact that the horizontal bar exacts more a ttrition than any other event in th e fonn ' of ri ps and tears. This gymnast, and the rings specialist as well, must cer­iainly utilize the greatest of care in the con­ditioning and care of the hands, for the toll of specilization is exacting.

AFTER THE WORKOUT The popular misconception th at building

callous quickly through brine baths, medica-

Fig. 2 . Single strip of leather that en­circles middle finger only and is secured to wrist by a buckle and clasp,

Fig . 3. Ordinary piece of gauze twisted into a long strand, encircling any finger( s) and secured about wrist with a knot or bow.


Page 26: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

ti ons, and the like, will prevent blisters, has caused severe hand troubles for many gy mn as ts. Call ouses serve a two-fold pur­pose : II) the protection of the layer of skin beneat·h from damage in the form of Tips and blisters, and (2) insulation against the ever-present force of friction.

The soreness which foll ows a strenuous trainin g session can be treated effec tively with a light coa t of vaseline, which will soften the skin and allow it to recover its elast ic quality. The fl exibility of the skin is conducive to optimum effi ciency of the hands for Ivorkouts.

Since magnesium or chalk robs the skin of its natural and necessa ry lubricants, it becomes hard and brittle after a long work­out. Vaseline, or any substance with these lubrica ting qualities, is a good remedy but not a paliacea for the subsequent blisters and or tea rs which follows a poorly planned train ing session.

The presence of bunched-up callous, or ca llous that exhibits a definite " ridge" or protrusion from the palm or fingers, calls for a treatm ent not uncommon amon!! gy m­nasts - "shaving." While this is a good technique, the Ti ght amount of pre~sure must be applied with the razor hlade. Only enough callous should be removed so as not to expose the next layer of new skin too lIluch.

In usin g the blade (alone or within it s receptacle), the gymnast lIlUSt exercise ex­treme caution. The removal of too much of the calloused portion may cause a blister during the next workout. It goes without say in g that the poss ibility of a hurried job of shaving may also result in a cut.

sa fer Illethod, perhaps just as e ffec tive is the use of an emery board , emery cloth, or any abrasive capable of sandin!! down the callous. There's little risk here of removing an excess of callous. In order to sarld effec­ti vely, the hands should be in a semi-hard­"ned or brittle state - th e usual cond ition after a workout.

S till another method currently in practice is the soaking of the hands in epsom salt solution, bath salt solution, or even plain warm wa ter. The callouses soften and then can be rubbed off wi th a rough clo th or material.

How about the treatment for ' blisters, tears, and rips? This is of prime concern to every gymnast, since his rate of progress will be determined largely by the ability of his hands to hold up over the extended train · ing periods he has to undergo today.

It's understood that the trea tment of the hands before and during the workout will determine also the ext ent of damage to the hand s. Scrupulous and methodical attention to this will certainly help the gymnast move ahead without the ' inconvenience of many postponed workout s due to damaged hands.

Let's begin with the treatment for blisters. If the blister i ~ still intact and not ruptured, it should be allowed to remain in that state until the pressure of the fluid becomes noticeable. The blister will, due to the pres­sure of the fluid , soon become hard to the touch.

This is the proper time to lance it, using a sterili zed needle and puncturing it close to its base on the skin . Draining of all the fluid is important, but the resultant " fl ap" of excess skin shouldn 't re removed . It serves as a protective cover for the new skin beneath and also prevents the entry of' dirt.

During the healing process, the gymnast should be wise enough to refrain from any gymnastic activity which will aggravate the injured portion of the hand. Many gymnasts however, have been successful in con tin -


uin !! tra in ing by affixing an add itional cov­erin g of ga uze over the blister and under­nea th Ihe hand guard.

Tn a day or two, Ihe ksin under the " flap " wi ll have hard ened sufficiently to remove the " fl a p." This "hould be don e as carefull y as poss ibl y in order 10 extend the area of the injury.

Suppose, however, Ihe blister tea rs from Ihe ha nd so that Ihe " flap " isn't intact but is attached only at one point? The " flap" must Ihen be carefull y removed. There may be, with this type of an injury, an oozin g of blood and fluid , which norm ally stops after a few moment s. Exposing this open wound 10 the air will dry the injured membrane and consequently crack or "split" the damaged area.

A light app lica tion of some lubricant is Iherefore indicaled to have the skin retain it s elasli city. Four or five applications during the day will has ten the healing process and , again , protect against infection. At any sign of splitting or hardenin g, a lubricant should be applied.

What about a "crack" in tha t part of the palm which folds and creases? This presents the Inost diffi cult problem to many·gymnasts. The area around this crack must be shaved down as nearly as possibly to the same level of the dee pes t part of the crack, and the in­jury mu st be kept well -lubrica ted to prevent furl her and deeper spreading of the injury.

One experienced gymnast had his own peculi ar method of dealing with this sort of hazard. He would press a circular piece of lape (adhes ive), firml y over the area and allow it to remain while he continued to train , employ in g hand guards. Occasionally, a~ tl e situ t"on denlandf> d, he wnuld apply a fresh piece of adhesive tape.

Another gy mnast , using the same tech­nique, applied a small amount of vaselin e directly on the wound and then over the ad­hes ive, changing it periodically. In both instances, results were gratifying.

Experience seems to be the best teacher, as always. The wise gymnast, however, will keep his ears open and exchange ideas WIth fellow athletes until he can find the tech­nique for him. Gymnastics is an individual effort and, logically enough, the care and maintenance of a gymnast's hands will al­ways be an individual effort.

There's littl e doubt that further research into this problem will eventually eliminate it, an d thus enable all gymnasts to pursue their goals undaunted and unhampered by the deteriorating effect of fr icti on on I he " tools" of the ir trade - their hands.


January 6, 1964

Qear . Mr. Frederick,

Thanks very much for your kind words about Mr. Scrobe's article on palmistry for the gymnast. It certainly was a fine piece, and I 'm glad you were so en­thusiastic about it .

t' li be glad to give you permission t o reprint it in your journal. I'm including the photos herewith.

Cordia lly, HERMAN L. MASIN Editor, SHOLACTIC COACH , 50 W . 44th St., New York 36, N . Y .

-d 1 2

,~-... ; .. ,




A. B. Frederick

The teachin g machine is a modern inn o­vation in educa tion. The diversity in type and usage of these machines has been de­scribed in a government publicat ion.':'

The teaching machin e is designed to be used with a program med curriculum in which the authors have attempted to iso lale all of Ihe elements of a parti cul ar subj eci area. These elements are so presented and a i ran6cd that the s tudent is led L ulti­mate learning of the material in a se ries of progressi ve steps.

The applica tion of the universal conce pt of use for teaching machin es presents a n interesting chall enge 10 physical educators who are engaged in the teaching o f gym­nastics.

The program must be of such a des ign that the student will be successful at each step. At any point at which the student does not experience success, the se t curri­culum diver ts him to a series of concep ts which are designed to clear up specific and known areas of weakness. Students will progress at dlttenng rates ot speed depend­ing on the number of times they are diverted to such material. The r ole of the teacher is one of interpretation No machine can be devised to do the complete job. At best, these devices are extremely useful teaching aids

It is therefore the purpose of this paper to present a programmed approach to a selected gymnas tic skill which would fol­low the principles of presentation of modern teaching machines The material below is an attempt to write such a program for the back handspring. (Also known as a fli c­fla c, fli p- fl op, 1,& back somersault and flip) In this paper the term, " flip". will be used to refer to the stunt

1. What is the back hand spring ( flip )? (Show picture sequence or movies)

A. Rather than being a true handspring, this stun t is better defined , as a jump. A loose translation of foreign terminology for handspring is a jump with the hands. In the flip, the arms are used mainly for sup­port with a sup plementary push be­ing supplied by fully extending at the shoulder joint. This la tter move-

* .. U.S. Dept o f Health, Education and Welfare, Teaching Ma chines and Programed Lea rn ing­A Survey of the Industry .. Washington: U.S. Go't Printing Office, 1962. ($.55)

Page 27: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

ment gives the feelin g of a bounce from the hands when the stunt is performed correctly. We have, then, an arched backward jump through a momentary hand support finishing with a snap-down to the feet.

B. Elements of the flip 1. Physical characteri stics of the

successful performer a. Demonstrates adequate back

fl exibilty; can do back bend without collapsing to floor. ·

b. Above a v era g e abdominal strength (Necessary to a pro­per snap-down)

c. Can support weight on the hands ; kicks to momentary handstand easily

d. Demonstrates explosive leg and arm power

2. on-physical elements a . Displacing center of gravity of

the body in the backward di­rection

b. Learning how to feel the exact moment of loss of balance backward

c. Jumping backward from flat footed drive

d. Overcoming fear II. PROGRAM- In this section the r eader

will find four groups of stunts. Each group has a direct relationship to the flip and should be mastered prior to any attempt to start the flip progres­sion which is found in III. The groups of stunts below (A, B, C and D) are not necessarily in the correct order of difficulty. Therefore the abdominal series might be taught at the same time as the weight support series.

A. Weight Support Series 1. Movement task under theme of

weight support- How many dif­ferent stunts can you do from a front leaning rest position with your knees bent?

Dur!ng thi s movement task, the arms remain strai g ht as shown. The ob ject is to ge t each s ~u dent to discover how many different pos i­tions o r movements he can do.

7, Jump to straight from: a. Tuck stand b. Pike stand c. Straight stand

arm support

~~~~ ( ~ ", \~~ /~~ ~~ " \

V Very Similar t o a lOW ' ": :;:, ~ forwa rd dive and roll ~

2. From position in (1) stu-dents practice dropping and ' ex­tending the shoulders keeping the arms straight. (Shoulder shrugging)

3. Kicking to free support from one knee.

a. How many movements can you ~ perform from a front leaning ~ r est position? (Movement task

(~=: So,,",,'''

() '--~ '\::;. 4. Same as (3). ~

5. Kick to momentary handstand a. Return to a stand on one

straight leg. b. Return to pike stand, leg,

stretched 6. Kick to momentary handstand flex knees and sna~extend to stand.

:::f':. I U\d~'O' f~' ;£ p,,,)ble)

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8. Swedish Fall (Start on knees and progress to fall from stand)

9. From the lowest section of the Swedish box, kick to handstand

wi th assistance at edge . With further assistance, jump to hand support on floor directly below box. If no collapse occurs, the gymnast should be ready to withstand a similar support effort during a back handspring. (Fig. 3)

B. Flexibilty series 1. From back lying position, bend

to crab 2. From back lying position, bend

to bridge

3. Perfo-rm back bend from one knee (other leg extended forward )

b----.J Should be practiced with a n alternation

of knees .

4. Backbend from stand- Prior to ac­tual performance of back bend, students are taught to feel the necessary forward movement of hips to preserve balance when up­per body moves backward . This same movement takes on an ex­plosi·ve quality during the flip. Practicing hollow (arched) jumps will serve to prepare the novice for this feeling of abrupt arch. Progression for back bend : a. With spotting (Knees and el­

bows bent ) A single spotter of the same size as performt'r or slightly larger stands in front of partner (legs straddl ed ) . Spotter then clasps hands around partner 's waist to as­sist in lowering him to fl oor.

b. Same as "a" with minimal spot from the side under small of back


Page 28: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

c. Backbend with straight arms and bent knees

d. Straight arm, straight leg back­bend

Note : "c" and "d" are not par· ti cularly necessary for the suc· cessful completion of the flip . It is more important that ab­dominal strength be devolped . A student with enough supple­ness to perform " d" but hav­ing little abdom in al strength will do a poor back handspting which will resemble a qu ick back limber with little or no explosiveness which is neces· sary for flips done in succes­sion.

5. Flexibility in the shoulder joint Note: Adeq uate fl exibility in the

should ers will assure the pro­per arm whip which is associ­ated with the fli p. Two poss ible exercises are shown below. They are especially recom­mended for those who cannot pass straight, stretched arms (overhead) beyond the ears. Many high calibre gymnas ts have been observed warm ing up with an attempt at the mod­ified back planche position.

6. Kick to handstand and 'go over to bridge

7. From bridge, attemp t to kick one knee up force full y enough to raise both fee t from fl oor. (Early pro· gression step for back walkover )

C. Abdomina l Strength- Tes t : Can stu· te d hold a hanging "L" for 5 ec­onds; Can student do "V" balance seat without use of hands? ; Can student lower to a back lying posi­tion from sittin g in such a way that it is a slow deliberate movement with no sign of a sudden collapse? 1. From hang on any overhead sup­

port , tuck one knee to chest 2. Sa me as above, tu ck both kn ees

to ches t 3. Extend one tucked knee to " L"

position 4. Extend both tucked knees to " L"

position ; hold 5. From long hang, raise stra ight

legs d irectly to " L"; hold 6. There are many so·called abdom­

inal exercises but there are few which r ea lly place total stress on these muscles alone. T ll'! writer recommends the exercise below as one which places a def· inite load on certain abdom inal groups.

a, Active exercise


I ,



, 1,'1

" ,I \:


b. Passive exercise

D. Jumping Progress ions With Associ- .A good preparatory exercise , known as 0 \\ r--.. ated Arm and Leg Action sk IIng exercise, is sometimes used. W ithout \ Y( ( 1. Simple coordinated jump- NI uch leaVing the fl oor, Simply move from positi on . \

trouble will be avol'ded latel' on No. I (a rms overhead) t o position N o. 3 and . \ bock to pos it ion N o. I. "It ~

if the novice is taught to jump C? . \ /./ correctly from two fee t. The co- J W particularly important. The" pri- """" __ ' ___ ~. ~ 0/ ordination of arms and le"s is /,/( j .

mary obj ecti ve is to brin g the ~ ~ / arms foreupward as the le"s are V straightening. " . / /

2. Rhythmic jumping to a slow waltz /If, /'j ,. ' / I (3 low hops alternated With one -high hollow back jump) i P J

3. Momentary handstand , fl ex legs ~ ~ mediate high hollow back jump. t .>--.. and snap to stand with an im- )-",1 '~7~ () IJ Spotter stands to rear of jumper to ass ist with jump and to pre- ~ ~ vent overbalancinu ) p

III. FLIP PROGRESSION ". I)alan ce \) '-t ' " (j A. Learning to place body off f V rearways 1. " Mill-the-Man"

_~ ~ V () '\) )) -=, ~2~3":::"'--4-:---5--

j(/\\ ~:-f/\ \\ r~ ~\ "---. !;\~ \\ /)~\

1/ \ ~ \0 (2 ~ f)LI P

Use either a wall as shown or work wit h a portner . The posi tion shown is held f rom 5-8 seconds. Ve ry f ew people wi ll get as h igh as shown, however.


f.::::::::'" Bock ond f orth <--

2. Practice of sitting .action Objective: To. d iscover exact point o f imba lance.

3. From stand, arms extended up­ward, lose balance rearways with spotter in back to assist up to original posi tion again.

Page 29: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

B. Assisted arch-over with body com­pletely stretched. Note: In the suggestions which fol­

low below the arch of the body must be maintained until a mo­ment following the contact of the hands on the mat. These sug­gestions take precedence to" any use of a spotting belt. In the writer's opinion, the average tumb­ling belt is not constructed prop­erly for spotting this stunt. A modified belt has been suggested by Kunzle of England which is more suitable. The methods sug­gested below have all proved to be safe and effective.

1. Hand spotting 2. Arch-over apparatus (Horse,

buck, box, etc.)


~~~ ~ :::::----' Swing of arms

shou ld be enough tq cause body to \

drop from appa ratus Again, core "shou ld be taken to see that " on I arched body position is maintained untlll a m oment after the weight is token on the hands.

3. Partn~r~ of same' size 'stand back­to-back, arms extended. P erform­er places his hands in proper position. Partner grasps wrists and assumes a position with his hips lower than the hips of the other. Assisting partner bends forward forcin g the other to arch over through a handstand.

OBJECTIVE TO THIS POINT To go beyond this point, the teacher"

should observe sufficient flexibility 'and strength. A simple test to determine satis­factory progress is accomplished by a single spotter who, from a kneeling position, gives the learner assistance through an arch-over. If the spotter finds that he must expend considerable effort to get the tumbler over , he continues to practice the exercises above. If the spotter uses only a soft push, the student may go on.

e. Sit off-balance and throw L A spotter kneels at each side of

the performer. Each spotter places the hand of the arm most distant from learner so that the thumb catches the in­ner border of the latissimus dorsi muscle. The hand nearest the tumbler is placed on the back of the thigh just below the hip. Note: If it is apparent that the

tumbler does not recognize thp point of imbalance he must con­tinue to practice those exercises which will result in such learn­ing. Spotters should also look for any twisting movement at this point.

2. Grasp low bar and throw back from the position shown below. (Arrows indicate points of sup­port by the spotter.

3. Using the spring board as an aid at this step of the progression.

OBJECTIVE TO THIS POINT If proper progress is made, the spotter

should' definitely note that less pressure needs to be exerted on a one-hand spot from the side of the tumbler. The spotting hand should be placed near the small 6f

_the back in the center of the back. If such is the case the solo flip should be encour-

Arrows show where support is needed

Only one spotter shown; there should be a spotter on each side. When skill improves a single spotter as shown on the right will be sufficient

/}I/o, ~

I;;!) \~ /)

aged. In the writer's experience, the "earlier this is encouraged the better. If all of the above steps are completed satisfactorily there should be no trouble.

D. Solo Flip 1. Attempt with double thick mats 2. Single mat 3. Wooden floor or free ex. mat

(When the tumbler feels he is ready to do the 'stunt on cement, you may be confident that he has mastered the flip. )

E. Snap-down; flip F. Round-off; flip lIt is recognized here

that the round· off should be mas­tered in a similar program of pro­gressive steps. Although the stunt is not quite as involved, it must be done well in order to combine it with 'the flip . The last phase of the

' \ :::::;.,

7l~ ,,,,",000.< round-off must be performed as a snap-down . If the round-off is done in such a way that the learner bounces high at the end of it, he is probably ready for this combination.)

G. Series of flips~The first attempt will be for two in a row. Spot the second one. Progress -ivill be noted here when the end of a series of flips builds momentum and speed rather than slowly losing momentum.

FINAL NOTE Bear in mind at all times that the coor·

dination and feeling for a good back hand­spring is often lost. It is a most discourag­in a thing for a gymnast. Therefore, the m­st;uctor should be wary of any situation which will result in a poor flip, especially at the learning stages presented above.


Page 30: Modern Gymnast - February 1964


By MARGARET KORONDI Olympic Gold Medal Winner

P ersons who do not have real weight prob­lems usually ga in a few lbs. during the Holidays. Who can res ist all the goouies around Xmas and New-Years time. Attend­ing a lot of parties, inviting neighbors to your home, visiting friends e tc. Let 's face it, yo u take in many more calories than yo u should. At the same time you mIss all yo ur activities, gym classes, with the ex­cuse : " . . . have to get prepared for the Holidays." During the Holidays of course yo u want to relax and enjoy yourself and forge t the usual daily routine.

Now that the Holidays are over and you are back in yo ur daily schedule-perhaps yo u find your favorite dress .i s too tight, yo ur tummy bulges are showing and your thighs are curving out.

Let's go to work. 1. Step on the scales, then determine how

much yo u should weigh. 2. Afrer you kno ¥ ho,,, In uch you hen"

to lose, work out your diet plan. 3. Step in front of your mirror and

honestly determine the areas in which yo u wish to change your figure.

4. Make your exercise plan. 20-30 minutes daily. After general warming up , do the exercises for yo ur particular need.

i.a. If you know your desirable we ight yo u will not have any problem to determine whether yo u ga ined too much or not. For those who do not know, and have not paId much attention to thi s problem before, thi s CHART will help to solve that problem.

WOMEN 4 ft. 10 in. 92-104 Ibs. 4 ft. 11 in. 94.108 Ibs. 5 ft. 0 in. 96-110 Ibs. 5 ft. 1 in. 99-115 Ib, 5 ft. 2 in. 102-119 Ibs. 5 ft. 3 in. 105-122 Ibs. 5 ft. 4 in. 108-126 Ibs. 5 ft. 5 in. 111-130 Ibs. 5 ft. 6 in. 114-135 Ibs. 5 ft. 7 in. 118-139 Ibs. 5 ft. 8 in . 122-143 I bs.

2a. For each lb. you want to lose, yo u have to eat approx. 3500 calories less needed to maintain your desiable weight. For ex­ample, if your ideal weight is 120 lbs.­your daily calori c intake should be 1200 cal. -Now you gain 5 lbs., so you have to eat 17 ,500 cal. less in the next few weeks. Your daily intake will depend on how fast you want to shed those extra lbs.

3-4a. You should do all around exercises. starting each session with warming up, stretch-ing and bending exercises. After de­ternming your "weak spots" you should do some special exercises to improve your ap­pearance. If you are a beginner, join a Group Exercise Class-and write to the Modern Gymnast- for your free Illustrated Exercisp. Chart.




To help you we are go ing to give you some EXERCISES.

1. Very effective for slimming waistline. Stand with feet apart, hands at side shoulder level. Bend and twist from waistline, touch left toe with your right hand, left arm swings up and helps to increase the twist. Turn and twist to apposite side, touch right toe with left hand, while swinging right arm up . Repeat 8 times then return to starting posi­tion. Stretch, then repeat exercise 5-15 times.

2. Tightens and firms tummy and ' thigh muscles. Lie on your back, then turn to your left sid for two seconds. Swing arms above your head, arch, then turn to your right side. While turning keep feet together, body straigh t. Roll from one side to the other for 30 seconds in the first two weeks, then work it up gradually to 2 minutes.

3. Improves posture, and is a very good :,tI etching x r ':' . S ta d with f et apart bending your right leg. At the same time lift right arm and bend to your left side. Left arm is kept in line with your left shoulder. After holding that position bring yo~r left



arm up beside your ears. turn from youi· waist and bend forward on your right leg (as shown). Head is held between ai'ms, back is straight. Hold this position, then repeat the whole movement several times.

4. Especially good for improving tummy muscles. Lie on your back , lift both feet 90 degrees off floor, after holding it for the count of 4, cross your legs at ankles, once the left then the right leg should be on the top.

Change your leg position 8 times, then slowly return to the starting position. Re­peat the whole movement 4-16 times.

So m.e tips on reducing: If you are on a reducing diet, here are

the liquids you may have: Fruit juices, such as apple, grapefruit. orange, plum , prune, pineapple and apricot. Avoid grape juice. Soups:

Clear soups only, tomato soup made with water, clear bouillon, consomme c I ear chicken broth, clear beef broth , strained vegetable soup. No cream soup or bean soup, and remember crackers are not liquid. Dessert:

Only one is allowed: J ella. Beverages :

Take the low calorie drinks or cold tea with artificial sweetener.

The ALL LIQUID DIET is very effective; sameple menu follows. Breakfast:

1 glass of fruit juice, 2 cups of coffee or tea (no cream or sugar). Mid-morning diet rite cola, coffee or tea. Lunch:

Strained vegetable soup , 1 cup plain jello with roilk, 1 glass hutternl ilk. Coffe or tea. Dinner:

Tomato soup made with water, orange juice, large dish of plain jello. Coffee or tea .



Page 31: Modern Gymnast - February 1964


Gymnasti cs is growing in popularity 111

the U.S.A ., but it has not as ye t taken it s proper place in the American school sys tem. As an activity that in volves the whole body it should be a part of every school Physical Ed ucation program .

In Europe, Gymnasti cs plays a major role in the school and in most countries it is introd uced to the children in the Kinder­garten. From thi s s ta rt they grow up' healthy and s trong with gymnasti cs as a base for an enjoyable exercise pa tt ern and habit. M uch benefit is ga ined by all from this early start in gy mnast ic fundam entals, es­pec iall y for those tha t later on find gym­nastIcs a wonderful sport and enter compe­tion.

Gymnasti cs along with track and field ac ti vities should be a vigorous and major part of a ll American school P .E. program s, not j us t a lso in the lower grades but es­pec ia ll y in the ea rl y formati ve years of a child s I i[e_

Chil dren in these earl y years a re very acti ve but in most cases knowledge for va ri e ty movements is st ill limited . Their movements a re usually too slow or too fa st. unsure, uncoordinated a nd the enduran ce is poor. The nerve system is und eveloped as well as the system of controll ing the punctual movements and coordination. But their imag ination is very colorful. There­fore ,,'e would like to suggest the foll owin g :

1. Use crea ti ve exercises to keep the a t­tention

2. Use a big va ri ety of movements 3. Be sure to include the basic exercises :

walk ing, running, jumpin g, hoppin g, throwing, climbing and crawling. Do di sc ipli nc and ordcr excrcises and some rhythmical dancin g preparation .

4. In th is ea rly age group we do not teach real sk ill s, excep t preparatory exercises and maybe a few simple tumblin g skill s, like : rolls, candle_ back bend, pre tzel, etc.

5. The gym games are ve ry impor tant. [ wo ul d say the most im portant in th at age group . Of co urse these games have to contain certain exercises, and th t' same time they will build the chi lds men tal qualities. The imit ating games improve the child s imag in ation and creativity. The tag and racing games teach the child to take pa rt and be a part o[ the group. This developes the sense of gettin g along with other child ren and bein g sociable. Also im­proves willpower, cou rage and dec isiv­ness. Proper games ha ve to be selected kee ping in mind the children 's ment al ability. Start with simple ones, li ke : runn ing in group to certain place, then running around an obj ec t and back to the teacher. Some imita tion acti vi­ties could be applied too, li ke : choo­choo tra in , birds in the nest, dog runnin g, jumping like a rabb it, ca t and the mou se etc.

You can also make them stop- sit- li e d own to certa in s igns or signals wh il e running, wa lking or skippin g arou nd the r oom.

The most difficult games [or thi s agc g roup are the tag games, pa ir chasers, cha in chasers e tc.

Do not bore the children by p layin g the s ame ga me too long.

T he teachers job is the following: 1. Keep the childrens interes t alive 2. Expla in and demons tra te clearly 3. Make the children practi ce the learned

movemen ts and skill s 4·. Co rrect mistakes

Miss Greta Korondi (four year o ld) demonstrates several of the movements tisted be tow.

H er e are some basics for beginners : Startin.g positions

Standing with feet together Standing on toes Squatting Si t li ke an indian Sit with straight· leg in front of yo u Lie on yo ur tu mmy Lie on your back

Warming up movementss 1. Ring the church bell.

Sta rting position : on the count of 1-2 stand with feet apar t, arms above head, fin gers clasped, on the count of 3-4 bend forward and down. Return to starting position. R e­peat the mo vement several tim es. 2. H ori zont al arm swin g. Starting posit ion. on the count o[ 1-2 stand with fee t apa rt , lift hoth hand s to yo ur left s ide (shoulders level) for the count :-4 swing yo ur hands hori zont ally to your 'gh t side, turning from wai st. Continue winging from one side to the other for 5-30 seconds.

3. Toe touch. Starting position: stand wi th fee t apart , arms hor izontal, [or the coun t 1-2 bend to you r left sid e, ri ght a rm stays leve l with ear, lef t arm will cross in front o[ body. For the count 3-4 do the same to the other sid e. Repea t and change sides seve ral times.

Fundam ental .AoT/ns oj motions. (In;itating movement s. 1

1. Walking: a. Regular wa lking, b. Walking on toes, c_ Walk ing on heels, d. Walkin g like so ldiers, (lif t knees hi O'h ) e. Giant walk , (long, deep steps) " f. Duck walk, (in squatting position, back

straight as poss ible) g. Cra b wa lk, (sit down arms behind yo u,

bend knees, than lift your "seat" a nd sta rt wa lking backward s on hands and fee t l

h . Elephan t walk, (walk on hands a nd fee t, lifting left leg and left arm at the same time kee pin g knees straigh t, repeat leg and arm lift to the right s id e. I

2. Running a. Pl ain runn ing, b. Run li ke a dog, (on hand and fee t ) jum ping a. H op on both fee t, h. Hop on one leg, c. Jump like a rabbi t, (start from squa ttin g

POSItion. reach in front with both hands a t the same tim t'; than jlimp wi th both fe et close behind yo ur hands ) We will continu e in our nex t Iss ue with

mure fundam ent al stunt s or tumb li ng and rh ythmical move ment s too.


Page 32: Modern Gymnast - February 1964


Southern III inois University, Carbondale, III.


BALANCE BEAM "Straddle Swing Movements Continued"

This article, the third of a series covering straddle swing move­ments continues to illustrate the variety of "stunts" that can be mastered through the development of" a few simple principles of movement. The reader is referred to the last two M. G. issues for discussion of these principles and fundamentals r equired to master the advanced varia tions of the "s traddle swing". Some of the variously covered are (1) to squat stand (2 ) Toe (foot) lever, (3) Arabesque, (4) Splits and (5) "Whip over forward roll".

This particular article studies the "straddle swing" to the English Handstand ... illustrating two methods which can be used to per­form the stunt, with suggestions on teaching - sa fety techniques which may be employed to ease learning.

A. Straddle swing to English Handstand (closed position) lVlethod 1. Saln principles of straddle ~ vi ing apply ( cc previous cuticles) .

Closed position refers to "legs together" .

PI. 7 - WAIT, allow feet, legs and body to rise up and over point of support before straightening the arms. The arms at this point are bent in a "static" hold position .



Pt. 8 - As body nears 90 degrees, arms are straigh tened. NOTE, the forward body lean over the point of support (shoulders ahead of hands) . It is at this point that the arms are straighteneg, press­ing down into the beam (press ing down to go up ) which allows the body to ri se with minimum effort, stretching the body or extending the body up and out of the sho ulders. This "static" hold position is a critical spo t in performan ce. The girl fears that the forward lean may result in a fall to the face or too grea t of swing will produce uncontrolled effort. THIS POSITION CAN BE TAUGHT and the required strength and control developed with handstand push-up illustrated.

This type of handstand is more difficult to master as one tends to tL in po hi n of hand stand t 0 early and individual must press,

straight arm - straight body the remaining distance to the completed position. Many girls do not have the strength or control of the upper shoulder and back required. Of course, as mentioned and illustrated later, this control can be developed and may be necessary, particularly with a girl with minimum back fl ex ibility .


Page 33: Modern Gymnast - February 1964


B. Straddle Swing to spl it leg English handstand, Method II. In this method, the gymnast is taught to rely on the "splitting legs"

to assist in continuation of the "lift" of body to position and "back flexibility" to allow a cont.rolled distribution of body weight up and over poin t of support.

All of the straddle swing principles apply and the movement is similar to Method I, above, up to and including Point 7.

Pt. 8 - Leg A is ex tended up and downward, and could be called the "lead" or thrusting leg, simultaneously the other leg, B, is thrust upward and backward and can be called the " insurance" or control leg. Both legs are snapped up and down to the split posi · tion , the lead leg A reaching for position with the " insurance" leg working as a counter· balance of control. The legs, as stated forced upward and into split and are locked into fin al position with a force· full arch of the back. The forward body lean over the point of support , the focus of the eyes between hands. the "static" hold of the b.ent arms is exactly the same as explained in Method I, above. The press down into the beam is timed to coordinate wi th the splitting of the legs and the lockin g into the arched back position.

Pt. 10 - The final hold position is a position of balance with the perfect split of legs while in the inverted position.

Pt. 11 ·12 - The " roll out" is accomplished wi th a quick closing of the legs, straightening of the back, ·and momentary full ex tension of the b ody upward through the closed leg position. The usual for· ward roll principles then app ly to complet.ion .




'0 140"0 " - .1..

INSTRUCTIONAL A D SAFETY SUGGESTIONS The illustrations are selj-explanatory, but some points should be

kept in mind.

A. Over head Mechanic: Pulleys should be located ahead of the start ing position to a point slightly ahead of poin t of hand support. This allows the coach or spotter the advantage of "pulling assistance" to position and "spott ing control" in the roll out.

A. Folded ]\Irat: P reviously shown can be used as a supplement in any of the methods of instructional ass istan ce covered or used as a " free" practice safety and confidence build er for use in "solo" efforts.

I. Hand Mechanic - Same as A, above. Hands should be moved to as close to the waist belt of the gymnast as possible, for greater control of the effort.

II. ]\IIA UAL (Hand spotting) - 1. Left hand place on leg of performer and follows the straddle swing of the legs down and up. 2. R ;ght hand place under shoulder of performer, upward lift is applied at point 7 in both methods described. 3. Care should be taken to avoid allowing the performer to split too earl y and use spotter left hand as a " booster" push off point. 4. A spotter on both sides, keeps performance effort equal.

III. STATIC POSlTIO 1 - The development of necl&<;sary strength can be obtained by : 1. Regular pushups 2. Hand stand push·up, hand held or aga inst wall, attempting to keep back straight. . . 3. Handstand pushups in the, point 7, position (see illustration lIl a. 4. Hold poin t 7 position, emphasis on body lean and elbows held close to body. lIIIa l 5. " Hollow" back roll up to handstand (see I1lb )

NEXT ISSUE: Option "Exits" from the Handstand , and Straddle Swing combination ideas.

4~ ADO


Page 34: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

Frank Schmitz

By Jess Robinson

Trampolining was great at the Tucson Clinic. tnstruction for trampolinists was constructive and given with great enthu­siasm and performances by Frank Schmitz, George Hery, Steve Johnson and Fred Sanders were oustanding. Both Schmitz and Hery started their routines with triple back sommersaults, Frank lifted a Rudolph (front sommersault with a 1% twist ) out of his and George performed a barany out fliffi s (double front sommersault with a half twist in the second sommersault) on his


second bounce. !t, was a pleasure to watch these top notch performers work.

Frank Schmitz surprised us-not with his work on trampoline as we had seen him perform and knew what to expect- but with his modesty. His words of greetina were "Why did you print tha t I have triple back~ in swing? Every time I walk into a gym someone asks me to swing triple backs. I don't have that trick in swing." This, of course, led us to ask if we had erred in printing he did perform two triple back in swing. "Well, I did them once but I don't have them, and the time I did them I was so dizzy I had no idea where I was. I'll probajJly never do them again." We said he deserved credit for performing the feat even once and also that we went alon a with his line of thinking- once is too much for a stullt like that.

It was a disappointment that Danny Mill­man, last year's trampoline event winner, did not attend the clinic. He had paid his registration fee and would have welcomed a "get even" meet with Frank. (Frank de­feated Danny in the 1962 AAU Nationals in Seattle but everyone wh{) has seen them both work recently agrees that only the judge's predilection will decide the winner if they both hit their routines when they do meet.) When Christmas vacation ar­rived, Danny, who is a freshman at the University of California at Berkeley, rea­lized he needed that time to bring his studies up and decided on his own to with­draw from the clinic and spend all but one weekend of the vacation on campus. On that weekend h,e came to Los Angeles to visit his folks and , daring the time here he spent Saturday rlfiernoon at the Los Angeles Coun­ty Hospital doing a trampoline demonstra­tion for bedridden children.

A sort of form letter came in the mail from Richard Warner. He has a 'problem and would appreciate help in solving ' it. The letter reads : "Two years ago a ai r! in the junipr high school in our town : uf­fered an , injury while bouncing on the school trarv.p'oline. , Although the trampoline was not directly at fault , the school board banned the us.e of the trampoline in all East _1eadow . schools. In our high school we have an almost ]j~and-new trampoline that has not been used ' since. As there are many of us that would like to see it back in use, we would appreciate any comments or opinions on this situation and on high school trampoline use in general."

It is normal for the school board to fear the trampoline if they don't know about it, and Mr. Warner is approaching the prob­lem correctly by asking for information to show the benefits of using the apparatus. We are sending all material we have avail­able. If anyone reading the column can help, please write: Mr. Warner, 349 Pros­pect St, East Longmeadow, Mass.

Routines for trampoline competition on the South African tour as follows: Men­(1) '%, back, piked, touching ankles (2) Back cody, piked (3) Barany (4) Hollow back sommersault (layout) (5) Back with full twist (6) PI! front with full twist (7) Front cody, tucked (8) Straddle bounce (9) Back. tucked (l0) Double front. -Wom­en-(l) '%, back (2) Back cody tucked (3) Back, tucked (4) Barany (5) Hollow back (6) Back with full twist (7) Barany (8) Back, piked (9) Swan dive (l0) PI! front.

UNUSUA L 'STUNT OR WILD ROUTINE A handstand back sommersault. At the

Tucson Clinic Frank Schmitz bounced back and forth from his feet to his hands until he go t exactly the right bounce and then threw a back sommersault from his hands.

Fred Saunders

RECORD OF THE MONTH 7 Back Sommersaults with triple twist

performed by Fred Sanders of Michigan.

SAFETY AND SETTING RECORDS Pros and cons of publishing trampoline

"Records" and "Unusual Stunt and Wild Routine" each issue were discussed recently, Brought up III favor of the features was the fact that everyone interested in tram­pol ining would want to know what [ea ts were being accompl ished. The only con thought was the ,features might possibly tempt a trampolInists to attempt tri cks or try to set records that were beyond his capabilities. . Our thinking on this is setting a record IS no more dangerous than swinging a routllle or on the other hand, the conse­quences of attempting a back somersault c~n be just as disasterous as attempting a triple tWistIng double somersault if the perform er is not capable of performing the stun t. In either case, safety Ii s in tIl performer using good judgment. An example was Fred Sanders at Tucson. He wanted to repea t his record' of seven triple twistinrr back some rsaults in swing but could do onl~ four or five before he would get off balance and stop. At no time was there any con­cern about his safety because he used aood judgment. For safety , good jud"ment ~ust be practiced from the first I~oment the tram polinists sets foot on the tram poline.

FLIP BOOKS Each day 's mail brings more requests for

charts listing point-rated trampoline funda­mentals. One came from England and an­other from Australia last week. This shows the demand for this type of material.

This being the case, we are offerin " a flip book picturing the back pullover. The book shows the progressions of learnin u the pullover from sitting and from standin a then from bouncing and the pullover ~~ stomach d rop. There are eighty photos and each has a helpful hint written under it.

If you would like this flip book just send 10c to cover mailing costs. For fundam ental charts send a self addressed stamped en­velope. Mail to J ess Robinson, c/o Trampo­lIne, Inc., 4207 W. Magnolia Blvd. , Burbank, California

Page 35: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

1. Sior l pullov~r whil~ bouncing 2. 80unc~ an forward pari of th~ Irompolin~ b~d 3. Do not loke exc~uive bOl.lnC~5 b~fore beginning Irick 4. Us~ arms 10 help depr~n bed

Page 36: Modern Gymnast - February 1964


THE MOPERN GYMNAST P. O. Box 611 Santa Monica, California 90406

Dear Sirs :

Please send me a Subscription to the Modern Gymnast magazine : Name ____________ _

Address City ___________ State ____ _ Zip, __ _

PLEASE CHECK $ 4 .500 One Year (9 issues)


$ 7 .50 0 Two Years (18 issues) $10 .000 Three Years (27 issues)

All foreign subscriptions $5.00 per Year 0

o Check o Cash o Money Order

o Please find $ for Gift subscription to be sent to the names enclosed .


In the ="OY . - Dec. issue of Th e Mod ern Gymnast y ou wrote a n a r t ic le on h a nd stand p ed esta ls praif' in g their utility in develop­ing s tre ngth fo r th e rings. I am interes t ed in acquiring- a Het and would apprec iate a ny informatio n you h ave avail a ble r egard­ing the manufac ture r 's l.oca ti on and th e ('ost p e t" se t.

Thank yo u Dav id Scherb, R ialto, Calif.

ED. We be li eve several of the equipment companies (who adverti se in the M. G.) would be interested in produ ci ng the pedes­t a ls if sufficien t interest f ro m M. G. readers is f cr warded to them.

OLD DOG NEW TRICKS ]l ea r 1\1 ... SundbY:

I th ou g ht y OU wou ld be in tel'este<l to k no\\' that the U niY e r s it y o f U tah (t h e oldest u niYers ity west o f the Missouri -1 ~50 ) ig finall y b ri nging itself up t o elate by ~lar ting a gynl t ea m. ' Ve' l'e going to make up for lo s t tim e, so wa tc h for us 'Utes ' in t h e f u ture.

S incere ly, I<eith Ahone, Salt Lake C ity, Uta h

HELPFUL .. POINTERS il eal' Mr. SundbY,

This year we a r e starting our fir!jt- r t'H r

In high school compe tition. I s ubscribed to the M. G. about a yea r ago a nd th e maga­zines have been a tre m e nd ous h e lp. I be­lieve that wittLout the M. G. we wo ul d s till no t be ready for competition . I t hink that t h e "Hel pful H ints" column by Art Shul'­loek is ver y good. vVe have learned very muc h fro m each of these, I think th e full pi c tured r outines on a ll events are pa rtic ­ul a rl y ins truct ive and we w ould li ke to see more of t h e m if it is ' poss ible for you. I would like to kn ow w h e r e in New York th e Olympi c Gymnast ics tria ls a r e t o be h eld a nd if sp ectators a re a llowed a nd if ther e will be a ny charge for admitta nce.

Faithfu ll y a nd g r a tefully Bob Hic ks, Gol den High Sc h ool , Golden . Colorado

ED . The Olympic Gymnastic T ria ls will be he ld at the Worlds F ai r in New York ......

EXCITED D ear Glenn :

What has ha.ppened t o Rop e Climbing?? Jus t two or three year s-- ag,o Gymnastic fa n s atending high school, ju n ior college, c~ll ege a nd top - l evel nation a l competi tion loudly exp ressed their excitement at the event wh ich is no""v seldorn , if ever seen. It was th r illing as a. s p ec tator event in which the gym resounded with shouts of ellC'ou ragenlent, s on1ething too often laCk ing in sO lll e 'amateur sport~ today. But t h e exc i te m e nt of the opening r o pe c limb event in g Ylllnast ic meets h as died to a 111unner. The only place in the world where rope c limb compe tition still pe r s is t s is in high sehol s a nd juniol- colleges in the Southern Califo rnia a r ea and a few other scattered area s ,~ n a high sc h ool leve l. A ll in tercol­legiate anel national competition has been r ecent ly discontin u e d f or o n e excuse or another: it is not o ne of the s ix interna­tional events towards which o ur c,ountty 111USt gear its gyrn n ast ic progran1, i t i s n tim ed even t a nd t h erefor e belong's in track a nd finally , it h as not b een a major ' even t in the E a stern U nited S tat es a nd therefore the W e stern h a lf of the n a lion must remove it from comp etition .

T h ese moti ves ::for r emoving nope c limb from hi g h er level s of compe tition seem bo th unjus tified and m eaning less in the eyes of hundred s , yes hundreds o f hig h school and college athletes who h ave been act ively competing in the sport. Sure ly t h ese athletes were not cons ulted when their s l>:)!'t was dro pped from compe ti tioll. I s incere ly hope that controlling organiza­ti ons will in th e future emphas ize we ll ­rounded athletics progra.ms which. w ill a t-

Page 37: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

Scenes from SOKOL 1963 Summer Gymnostic Training School

t r nct as m a n y o f OU I' you th a s i)oss ib le IJY o ff el'ing then1 a w iel e vari ety of sport ev en t:-; froln \\"hi c h to c hoose.

S in ce re ly, Paul Davi s , G le ndale, Califo rni a

ED . Our personal feelings are that although Rope Climbing is a wonderfu l early train· ing aid for Gymnastics, body condition in g and physical fitness, as a competitive event it belongs in Track and Field . We fully recognize wonderf ul part and g lories past history Rope C li mbing has played in competitive Gy mnastics especial ly in the high schools. H owever we truly believe that 'f accepted by Track and Field whel'e it would be more at home with events that stress height, speed, distance and timing the future ac h ievements and popu larity of Rope Climbing would far surpass it s past association as a Gymnastics event The M. G . wou ld we lcome further com· l11ents from readers on the subject . .. Rope Climb in g in Gymnastics. First Ca ll1inent L eave it in Gymnasti cs wh el'e it ol'ig inat eLl! It is })l'ilnarily :1.n i ndoor sp ort an d as slic h wOlild tend to be more adapted to the gyn1 t h a n fh e la\\"n 01' track. A l so thel 'e is n o inte rpre ting the c lo c k wh e n it comes to fin e pOi nts sco l'ewi se . I am certain that the SRO c r owd in Tucs on w lQuld hH \'C en­joyed th e c l ilnb and w ould ha\'e g iY en t h elll one lllor e thing t o r e m e nlber and pu ll th e lll bac }( n ext year- -Linoty p e operato l'

S 0 K 0 L U. S. A.

Dear Glenn: EncLosed please find a few photos from

our Firs t Training School, as well as our initial information b eing ,sent out for our Second Invitational Summer Gymnastic Training School. We h ad a very s uccessful sch ool in 1963 even though we were late in starting. We are expanding o llr scho.ol this year to s ix individual weeks of train­ing and hope to out-do last year's efforts. If yo u h ave space for any of our material we wo uld appr eciate it if you wauld help u s again with our public relation s.

E ver)"one is en joy ing your expanded :Modern Gym nast. .Things seem to be hum­m ing in the gymnastic field and you r maga zine is r eally pushing things a long. Wish you continued s u ccess and remain sin cerely,

Nazdar! John M. Babuska


Slovak Gymnastic Union S 0 K 0 L

of the United States of America 285 Oak Street - P. O. Box 468 Perth Amboy, N. J. - Tel. 826-3272

Scandinavian subscribers send sub­scr ipt ions ta Hellmut Rohnisch, Ore­bra, Sweden; 1 year skr 26:-, 2 years skr 44:-, 3 years skr 57:- for direct mailing from ·U.S.A.


SOKOL of the

. United States of America 285 Oak Street - P. o. Box 468 Perth Amboy, N. J. - T el. 826-3272



West Cheste r State Col lege Assisted by

Olym pic and College Qualified Gymnastic Instructors

FEE: $70.00 For a Seven Day Period

INCLUDES: Personal Instruction in Gymnastic5,

Room, Board, Linens and Recreational Activities

(Location To Be Announced) Plan to ottend the following periods (s):

) Ju ly 12th through 18th ) Jul y 19th through 25th ) July 26th through August 1st ) August 2nd throug h 8th ) August 9th throuiil h 15th ) August 16th through 22nd

( ) Other (p lease specify) Level of Gymnastic Ability: ( ) Beginner ( ) Intermediate () Advanced Highest Competition Entered ... ... ..... . Hobbies ..................•.......... ... ...... ................. Local Newspapers .... .. .............. .... . ...... ... .. .. . Names and Addresses of Other Interested Applicants ............... .

Name .... .. .... ........ . . Sex. .... .. ......... Bi rthdate.

Address ... ... .............................. . (Street)

(C ity) (State) Age ....... . Phone

Pa;~~t',~ Sig~;;t"~;~ If A'ppli~;;;';i ' 1~"U;';d~; 21 Years Of Age

\1 GYMNASTIC SHIRTS ' \ Designed and used , '" . 'f , by leading authori·

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European styling and . tailoring. Made from

our own famous hel - r enca stretch nylon or stretch fa ill.'. Many styles to choose from at' prices you can af· ford. Now being used by hundreds of major colleges, clubs and organ izations . Made in t U.S.A. ~

6· Warm-up JACKETS

And PANTS Made of heavyweight hel, enca stretch nylon or cot­ton wit h terry liner.

- Styled it om famous . Euto. pean garments. Used by teams representing the U.S .A. in man y major meets. Guaranteed for wear, fit and comfort . Available for women , and ch il dre;, also, in a multi­tude of co lors.

Cambridge "Continental" • LEOTARDS

No other leotard like it in the world! Made with six seperate pan­els and darted at the bust line. Gives perfect fit for ease of motion.

See your local dealer, or write us for free cata· log showing en· tire line.

CAMBRIDGEL· -Div. of GILBERT Manufacturing

Send To: Cambridge ltd, 211 N. 5th St, Columbus IS, Ohio




I I I I I I i I I I I I t ._------------------------_.


Page 38: Modern Gymnast - February 1964


P·59 GYMNASTIC PANTS. New imported lightweight knit fabric, made from imported yarns with elasticized weav· ing. Half the price of other imported pants! Zipper on side, and elastic waist, band . Crease sewn in. Special formed ankle cuff with elastic strap in off· white only. State waist and inseam measurement when ordering. Available in waist sizes 24" , 26", 28", 30", 32", 34" and 36" . Price prepaid .. : ............... ........... .. ... $11 .50

HIGH. SCORE SHOES . ~ Long·weerin, leather sole. Heavy

duty canvas top , 3" ·wide ellStie . instep strap keeps shoes e~tra

snug·. Available in white only, no half sizes. S·6 SHOE, pre· paid , per pair .................... $2 .40

LAMPWICK ,HANDGRIPS Soft·but· tough lampwick ma o terial provides protection and relief from sore , blistered and cilioused hands . Com· plete with straps. LH HAND· GRIP, prepaid, per plir .. $1.50

LEATHER HANDGRIPS Heavy duty two ' piece hand· 'grip with buckle Ind rovets. OB HANDGRIP, preplid , per pair .............................. $1.50

IMPORTED CHALK Finest imported, soft Ind light type preferred by gym· nlstists Ind Ithletes every· wheri. Eight 2·oz . blrs to the lb . CM2 CHALK , per lb . plus posta,e ........... _ ... $1.50

SEND FOR FREE CATALOG This 4S,pI,e buying rtfere~ne _ shows you where to · Ii nd every ~. hard·to· loclle gymnastic item. -SlveS you time. SIVes you ' IIIOney.

----------------- --GYMNASTIC SUPPLY CO., INC. 250 W. Sixth St., Sin Pedro, Calif.

Send P·57 Pants. Sizi ____ _ _ LH Hlnd,rip. _ S·6 High Score Shoes. Size - ' __ . _ DB Handgrip . _ CM2 Chllk. _____ Ibs.

Enclosed is _Check _Money Order.

NAME ADDRESS _________ _

CITY ____ _ STATE ____ _



CO. Suppliers of American &

Foreign Gymnastic Apparel AME RICAN SLIPPERS GERMAN




Bedard - A name long known in the f ield of gymnastics .





$1 .66 pro ppd. - ~18,OO doz , ppCl Sizes Sma ll, Average, or La rge.

P a-t. P end.

LOUIS PERSCHKE 616 Richmond St. EI Cerrito l Calif. Phone 524-629 1


Qu."tlty Del crlpt lon Unit Price I each Used Wrest ling Mat

IS'x I8' x2" ...... .... .................. 100.00 I each Used Wrest ling Mat

20'x20'x2" .. .. ...................... .. 125.00 3 each Mats 5 'x30'x3" Plast ic coated

grey top & red sides$ 150 ea. 450.00 12 each Ql ympic Parallel Bars wI ll '-6"

rails, NEW Norwegian .... .. .. 400 .00 9 each Olympic Horses, Norwegian mole,

NEW w/ wooden Pommels .. .. 250.00 2 1 each Olympic S'x-O" Horizonta l Bars

Norwegian mode, NEW .. ...... 130.00 each Used Side Horse w/ wood pommels,

odiustoble Heavy Base ...... .. .150.00 each # I 14 Spring Boord

Used, Good Condi t ion .......... 40.00 each Off iciol Women's Balance Beam

Onl y-No Legs, Li ke New.... 120.00 3 each Reuther Boaro-Demonstrator 58 .00 I each Mot Cove r, 22'x22' Vinyl

Good Condition .. .................. 65.00 40 sets Parallel Bar Ro il. , 10'

NEW, Slightly Warped ...... .. 19.95 5 sets Parallel Bar Roils, I ! '-6"

Steel Core, Demonstra tors .. .. 40.00 I each # 150 Parallel Bar (Used) 10'

Rails. Excellent Cond ition .... 195.00 " each Offic ial Cl imb ing Ropes, 18 '

Manila #282, Demonstrator 14.00 2 each Twisting Belt # 415,

Demonst rator ......... ,........ 75-00 each Officia l Parallel # 151

with I 1',6" rails ........ .... .... !l10.00 each Horizontal Bar, Combined # 180

w/ Floor plates (Reg. 150) .... 90 .00 each Trampoline, Off icial-Floshfold

wI web bed, cables, roller stands, Demonstrator (Reg . $510) .... 395.00

each Trampoline Medort AeroMot, Solid Canvos Bed & Springs 150.00

.. each Trampoline Pit Frames, 9x 15' LIKE NEW .. .. ...... .. .... 39.00

I each Medort Clock-Face Basketball Scoreboard Similar to Our BR5530 .. ......... .. ...... .. ...... .... .. . 160.00

ALL ITEMS F.O.B. SAN PEDRO, CALIFORNIA AND SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE. Sat isfaction Guaronteed on all items. . GYt .. 1NASTIC SUP~l Y CO., iriC.

247 West Sixth Street Sa n Pedro, Ca lifornia 90733

FILMS: 1963 N.C.A. A. FINALS--16mm. Rent<:ll $8.00. 19 62 N. C.A.A., 1963 Pasadena Invi­t a t iona l and other fi lms. Write Philip S. Shurtleff, 2874 Georgia St ., Oakland 2, Californ ia .

The GYMNAST Off ic ial Journal af the British Amateur Gymnast ic Assoc ia­t ion, is now a full size 8 Y2 "x 11 " Publ ication, with a new price of : 6 issues for $2 .00 50¢ a copy.






All Wool Nylon Stretch Exlan & Cotton


Any Color - - - stripes - - - trim - - - lettering

Send for Cata log . . .

468 Rockaway Avenue Valley Stream, L.I . , N.Y.

Sales Agencies Ope~ .

Page 39: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

the hidden quality

in premier's new

Floor Exercise Mat is ...

PREM I ER has developed a com- tic ally reduces heel and ankle injuries. pletely new FLOOR EXERCISE The new matfeatures acover that does mat for men and women, that dras- not require floor plates.

• 40' X ';'0' x ~"vinyl coated hair fe lt in 4 sections

• 42' x 42' fine mesh du ck cover not 7"equiring floor plates

• Gray in co lor with l' maroon border

• Light weight-easily Tolled or fold ed for storage

• Priced within ],ollr budget

See yo ur dealer or "w rite direct for the dealer neares t yo u. •


Page 40: Modern Gymnast - February 1964

Performance and Appearance ... a I N ISS E N I Tradition Sure Nissen gymnastic equipment looks great. Why

shouldn't it with its bold, modern design and luxurious

nickel chrome finish. But beneath this practical beauty

is the rugged, dependable, proven craftsmanship that

pays off where it counts-in championship perforrrtance.

All in all, some impressive reasons why Nissen gymnas-

tic equipment is preferred by more gymnasts and coach­

es than all other brands combined. For additional infor­

mation, write:

NISSEN CORP., Cedar Rapids, I.owa, 52406 Phone 365-7561, Area Code 319
