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Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

Date post: 13-Nov-2014
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An Intelligently presentation I gave on developing a modern web app with Node, Angular, Sass, and Jade. Github repo for the app mentioned in the presentation is at https://github.com/jhdavids8/intelligently-node-course My apologies for the inconsistent fonts/odd type. I developed the presentation in Keynote and exported to PPT, which then was converted by Slideshare. A few extra layers of complexity caused the final Slideshare to look significantly less attractive than the original presentation.
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MODERN WEB DEVELOPMENT: JAVASCRIPT GALORE Jamie DAVIDSON and Roberto Fuentes Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson
Page 1: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular


Jamie DAVIDSON and Roberto Fuentes

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 2: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

Who am I?

Web Developer/Full Stack Engineer

2+ years Rails experience

Angularjs, coffeescript, sass

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 3: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

What we’ll cover+

+ Express

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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DisclaimerI don’t really know node

But let’s learn together

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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Why Node?

✓Same language you use on the client

✓You’re building a data-intensive, real time application

✓you’re building your company’s mobile Web app

✓You want to use the newest stuff

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 6: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

If you’ve only be using jquery for your javascript, you might want to stay away

It’s still a teenager, so it requires patience

Documentation, conventions, and libraries are still being established




+ What should i know about node

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 7: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

Node package manager (Npm)

essentially, it’s bundler

npm install [library] --save

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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+ Web frameworks


SocketStream- “Dedicated to building single page realtime apps”

Derby Sails - Rails inspired

Tower - Also Rails inspired


Many others

The cool kidMeteor

The default

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

You can only build a web server with node. you need one of these to build a web app

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AngularjsJavascript mvc on the client

developed by google

Models, controllers, templates, Directives

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 10: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

✓Well, google developed it

✓you’re building a website with rich functionality and interactivity

✓you hate full page loads

✓you want to write tests for your client-side javascript too

Why Angular?+

✓small learning curve

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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one-page web apps = difficult seo management

there’s a fight to be the de facto mvc Js client winner. angular may win, it may not

documentation can be inconsistent (although i hear it’s better than ember’s)




+ What should i know about Angular

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

HTML and css

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Sass over css+

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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Browsers don’t know what a sass (or scss) file is. they still want css

with node, use compass to automatically compile sass to css. rails uses sass by default

it’s easy to understand. there’s no reason to not use it




+ What should i know about Sass

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

When used correctly, it can make cross-browser styling much, much, much easier4

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plain old html also sucks+


Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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Browsers don’t know what a haml or jade file is. they want html

jade is default in node and will automatically handle conversion to html

it’s easy to understand. there’s no reason to not use it




+ What should i know about haml/jade

closing html tags

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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Let’s Build Something!!

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

But first, visit:http://cryptic-headland-3164.herokuapp.com/

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There are no tests

But you should follow test-driven development

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 19: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

+ Step 1: The Core


Let’s use some Coffeescriptnpm install coffee-script --save

Define your routesRemember, unlike Rails, Node and

Express aren’t magic

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

A lot of this file is setup for you by running:

express [project name]

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+ Step 1: The layoutviews/layout.jade

Better FontsTypekit

Google FontsWebfont Loader

CSSAlways include Foundation

Include a route-specific stylesheet

Template Inheritance over Layoutsapps/views/home/index.jade

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 21: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

+ Step 1: Routes AND VIEWS


Set Page-Specific VariablesSet page title and page-specific stylesheet name

Route-Specific HTMLNothing fancy yet


Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 22: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

Download Node, NPM

Install dependencies with ‘npm install’

Install Foundation and use compass to compile scss -> css

Use Fonts with typekit and Google Fonts. Load them with Webfont loader

create a basic layout with foundation

handle a route to the homepage. define a simple view to render

+ STEP 1: Summary

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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+ Step 2: CLient-side javascript

Same rules apply

1. keep it organized(i.e. not a whole bunch of jquery selectors)

2. keep it to as few (minified) files if possible

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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+ Step 2: asset Pipeline


Time for some Rails-like magicnpm install connect-assets --save

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 25: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

Download connect-assets

SEtup your directory structure for some rails-like magic

one javascript file to rule them all!

+ STEP 2: Summary

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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+ Step 3: Setting up a database


Mongo and Mongoosebrew install mongodb

npm install mongoose --save

Mongo ModelsRequire them! Again, no magic

Your Mongo Servermongod

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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+ Step 3: Defining a model’s schema

models/users.js apps/users/routes.coffee

✓Define an api for our users

✓No redirects or renders. All json

✓require the route in app.js

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 28: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

Download mongo and mongoose

define a simple user model and its schema

Define a rest api for our users

Get ready for angular js

+ STEP 3: Summary

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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+ Step 4: Gimme some angular

assets/js/skill-show.coffee Dependency injectionHTML5 Mode

assets/js/services.coffeeAutomatic REST

Download angular-resourceBeware of minification


Initialize and add users

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 30: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

+ Step 4: angular in the view


New scope

Bind to a dynamic model

Display all users

Create a new user

Default text when we have no skills

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 31: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

Create your angular app. reference it with ng-app

use $resource for automatic rest communication with a model

minification gotcha

controllers create a new scope where we create variables and define events/methods

remember ng-repeat, ng-model, ng-submit, ng-show....you’ll use them in every app

+ STEP 4: Summary

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 32: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

+ Step 5: Adding skills and searching

Add a new skill

Bind to new ‘query’ modelFilter users based on ‘query’


Show only when editing

Special Angular form select

Toggle the button when we go into ‘edit mode’

A new controller/scope for every user

ng-init acts as a scope ‘constructor’

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 33: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

We can automatically search a collection client-side with one line of angular

ng-init is used to initialize a variable in the current scope

a controller inside a controller creates a child scope. the 2 scopes can communicate with each other through events

use $watch to monitor for changes

+ STEP 5: Summary

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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+ Step 6: Creating a directive

Notice the embedded Angular bindings

Directives are probably the most complicated aspect of Angular

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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+ Step 6: routing a one-page app

Old apps/home/views/index.jade views/partials/users/index.jade

move to

change to

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

Page 36: Modern Web Development: Node.js and Angular

Directives act as ‘widgets’, allowing you to define a unique/complex dom structure for a single dom element

the directive documentation kinda sucks

ng-class = conditional css classes

the $routeprovider acts as a route handler: given a specific url, fetch and render a specific template

ng-view defines where the template is rendered

templates can contain angular bindings/expressions just like a view

watch out for seo with one-page apps/a lot of dom manipulation

+ STEP 6: The final conclusion

Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson

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Startup Institute boston // follow me : @jamiehdavidson
