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Modular Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems

Date post: 07-Dec-2014
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Presentation at the 2nd International Workshop on Model-driven Approaches for Simulation Engineering (held within the SCS/IEEE Symposium on Theory of Modeling and Simulation part of SpringSim 2012) Please see: http://www.sel.uniroma2.it/mod4sim12/ for further details
Modular Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems Mandeep Gill
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Modular Mathematical Modelling of Biological Systems

Mandeep Gill

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Introduction● DSLs can aid modellers to both develop and

simulate models● We are developing a DSL to describe biological

models that are comprised of ODEs● Core DSL can be extended to include many

features, include model reuse, validation and high-performance simulation

● We introduce the domain, our motivation, and present the current and future features of the DSL

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Biological Modelling● Overall aim to model entire human body, from

genomic level upto whole organ and body level in an integrative manner

● Several major aims, including,– Increased understanding of biological processes

– Personalised medicine and treatment

– In-silico experiments into disease and drug function

● Models are painstakingly derived from multiple sets of experimental data, from multiple disciplines, even across multiple species

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Biological Modelling

● Typically model from a continuous, deterministic perspective, using ODEs and PDEs

– i.e. Cell cycles, signalling pathways, cardiac electrophysiology

● Cardiac cell models typically investigate electrophysiological changes during an action potential

– these are governed by the function of ion channels within the cell

– Flow of charged ions within capacitative membrane causes changes in cellular potential

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Cardiac Model Example

δV =−I stim+∑ I ion


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Cardiac Modelling● Modern cardiac models can contain over 60 ODEs,

this can take a significant time to simulate– more so when considering multi-cellular, tissue and

whole-organ models

– Sensitivity analysis, and parameter fitting and estimation can require many simulation iterations

– other biological areas, e.g. cell-cycle models, can contain significantly more ODEs

● Need to simulate such models fast...

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Cardiac Modelling

● Cardiac models are typically,– tested and created in Matlab,

– published as a set of equations,

– finally reimplemented in C/Fortran for speed.

– hinders understanding, alteration and reuse of models

● Such models are tailored to their implementation language, i.e. Matlab/C, preventing potential optimisations

● Several high-performance simulation environments exist - i.e. Chaste

– However requires models developed in C++

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Biological DSLs● Need to create our own DSL to combine easy

model development with high performance● For cell modelling two DSLs exist, SBML and

CellML– XML-based and declarative, rather than operational

– Intended for model curation purposes, with extensive support for metadata

– Not designed for rapid model development and simulation

– Does not support features such as model validation or reuse we're interested in

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Model Reuse● Models are continuously developed and improved

from,– newer experimental research and data

– previous models and simulations

● More complex, integrative models derived from the composition of existing, smaller models, e.g.

– Cardiac models derived from multiple ion channel models

– 2D and 3D tissue and whole organ models derived from finite element method and single cell models

● Require a mechanism to reuse models within DSL

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● DSL developed to describe mathematical (cardiac) biological models from deterministic and stochastic viewpoints

– Influenced by CellML

– With syntax similar to Python and Matlab

– Based on sound, computational foundation

– Features to support model validation and model reuse

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Example : Hodgkin-Huxley Model

component calc_i_K (V, E_R) => i_K where {

val i_K = g_K * pow(n, 4) * (V - E_K)

val n = potassium_channel_n_gate(V)

val g_K = 36

val E_K = E_R - 12


Components similar to functions

Constant values can be set to the results of expressions

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Example : Hodgkin-Huxley Model

component potassium_channel_n_gate V => n where {

val alpha_n = (-0.01 * (V + 65)) / (exp(-(V + 65) / 10) – 1)

val beta_n = 0.125 * exp((V+75) / 80)

val n, dn = ode(0.325, alpha_n*(1-n) - (beta_n*n))


ODE can be defined by setting the initial value and delta expression

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Model Validation - Type System

● Ode is type checked statically during compilation to enforce correctness of model equations

– i.e. checks nonsensical statements,– 5 + True // error

● This ensures that a valid model may always be simulated successfully

– although makes no guarantees regarding the correctness of the results

● Type information is used to guide optimisations during implementation

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Model Validation - Units System● Type system extended to support static checking of

units-of-measure● Units can be created within the model and assigned

to values– used to check that all equations are dimensionally


● Algorithm can infer the correct units and safely convert between units of the same dimension

Infers that V is of unit milliV

component membrane (i_Na : milliA, i_K : milliA) => V where {

val Cm : microF = 0.075

val V, dv = ode(-87, -i_Stim + i_Na + i_K / C_m)


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● Cardiac models often contain similar or repeated components

● Idea encapsulated with a module system– enables sharing/reuse within and between models

– leads to repository of reusable model components





module HHModel {

import HH.Leakage

import HH.KChannel

import HH.NaChannel

component membrane _ => V where {

// calc dV here...

} }

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Parameterised Modules● Allows a module to take user-defined modules as

parameters● Increases module flexibility, useful for

– modifying parameters and separating experimentally derived parameters from model definitions

– sensitivity analysis

– modelling experimental procedures such as clamping




Can switch between implementations so long as modules exhibit same interface,

calc_I_K :: (Float : milliV, Float : milliV) -> Float : microA/cm^2

module HHModel(KChannel) {

// as before...

} }

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Current Status

● Base language is defined, including syntax and semantics

● Can develop models using all DSL features

– Just can't simulate them yet!

Define OdeLanguage

Language type and unit system

Language Module system


Stochastic Support


To do

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Current Status – High Performance Sim

● Use partial evaluation and run-time code generation

● Generate model-specific simulation code

● Target multi-core CPUs and GPUs

Define OdeLanguage

Language type and unit system

Language Module system


Stochastic Support


To do

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Current Status – Stochastic Modelling● Biological systems inherently

stochastic● In certain cases we should

model stochastically– e.g. Effects of drugs

– model continuously using SDEs

– model discretely using Markov-chains and the Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (SSA)

● Increases CPU requirements

Define OdeLanguage

Language type and unit system

Language Module system


Stochastic Support


To do

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● Cardiac modelling is computationally expensive and can be hard to program efficiently

● DSLs allow concise expression of models and may enable higher performance simulations

● The Ode DSL provides several novel features for cardiac simulations

● Language (almost!) complete, work remains on the high-performance implementation

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Acknowledgements● Supervisors

– Prof. David Gavaghan, University of Oxford, UK

– Dr. Steve McKeever, University of Oxford, UK

● Thank you for listening

● Questions?
