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Module 2 - Adjectives

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  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    Revised by J. RosaRevised by J. Rosa

    July 2011July 2011

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives




    What Is An Adjective?What Is An Adjective?

    Adjectives & IntensifiersAdjectives & Intensifiers

    Attributive AdjectivesAttributive Adjectives

    Predicative AdjectivesPredicative Adjectives

    Gradable & NonGradable & Non--GradableGradable


    Try Your Luck!Try Your Luck!

    Practice ExercisesPractice Exercises

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    This module is designed to giveThis module is designed to givestudents a refresher course on thestudents a refresher course on the

    function and types of adjectives used infunction and types of adjectives used inEnglish. By the end of the module,English. By the end of the module,students should be able to identifystudents should be able to identifyadjectives in a sentence and determineadjectives in a sentence and determine

    what type it is.what type it is.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    Just like in Spanish, English has wordsJust like in Spanish, English has wordsthat modify, or describe, nouns. Therethat modify, or describe, nouns. There

    are two types and they have a veryare two types and they have a veryimportant function within the language.important function within the language.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    SpanishSpanish--speaking students often tendspeaking students often tendto incorrectly identify nouns becauseto incorrectly identify nouns because

    they instead identify the adjectivethey instead identify the adjectivemodifying it. Many times, this occursmodifying it. Many times, this occursbecause adjectives in English can onlybecause adjectives in English can onlycome before the noun and not after it.come before the noun and not after it.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    Adjectives modify, or describe a noun,Adjectives modify, or describe a noun,although nouns can assume this function onalthough nouns can assume this function oncertain occasions (possessives, for example).certain occasions (possessives, for example).

    Adjectives themselves can be modified byAdjectives themselves can be modified byincluding a determiner (usually a qualifier orincluding a determiner (usually a qualifier orintensifier). These determiners specify theintensifier). These determiners specify thedegree or quantity of the quality for whichdegree or quantity of the quality for which

    the adjective stands. Adjectives canthe adjective stands. Adjectives can onlyonlycome before a noun.come before a noun.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    Adjectives are also modified themselvesAdjectives are also modified themselvesby words calledby words called intensifiersintensifiers, which, which

    indicate grade of intensity. Someindicate grade of intensity. Someexamples areexamples are very, slightly, somewhat,very, slightly, somewhat,andand highly.highly.

    Intensifiers also modify adverbs theIntensifiers also modify adverbs the

    same way.same way.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    EX:EX: TheThe talltall man. Here, the adjectiveman. Here, the adjectivetalltall is modifying the nounis modifying the noun manman byby

    indicating what type of man he is.indicating what type of man he is.AndAnd

    TheThe very tallvery tall man. Here, the intensifierman. Here, the intensifierveryvery is modifying the adjectiveis modifying the adjective talltall bybyindicating just how tall the man is.indicating just how tall the man is.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    AnAn attribute adjectiveattribute adjective is one that comesis one that comesdirectly before a noun, like indirectly before a noun, like in newnew carcar

    oror bestbestfriendfriend. Notice how the adjective. Notice how the adjectiveis right before noun? Its calledis right before noun? Its calledattributive because it describes anattributive because it describes anattribute, or characteristic, of the nounattribute, or characteristic, of the noun

    it is modifying. You can only findit is modifying. You can only findattribute adjectives before a noun,attribute adjectives before a noun,never after.never after.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    Look at this sentence.Look at this sentence. The tall man isThe tall man isvery handsomevery handsome..

    The wordThe word talltall is functioning as anis functioning as anattributeadjectiveattributeadjective. It modifies the. It modifies thenoun that comes after it.noun that comes after it.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    AA predicate adjectivepredicate adjective is one that isis one that isfound after the main verb of afound after the main verb of asentence. Everything after the verb issentence. Everything after the verb isconsidered to be part of the predicate,considered to be part of the predicate,which is why these adjectives bear thewhich is why these adjectives bear thename.name.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    Look at the following sentence:Look at the following sentence:

    The girl in the movie seemed veryThe girl in the movie seemed very happyhappy..

    The wordThe word happyhappy refers directly to therefers directly to thegirl (subject), since it is she and not thegirl (subject), since it is she and not the

    movie that is happy. It is amovie that is happy. It is a predicatepredicateadjectiveadjective, since it follows the main verb., since it follows the main verb.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    As a whole, adjectives are eitherAs a whole, adjectives are eithergradablegradable oror nonnon--gradablegradable. Certain. Certaintypes of adjectives can be categorizedtypes of adjectives can be categorizedby degree (or grade).by degree (or grade).

    Ex: somewhat late, rather late, veryEx: somewhat late, rather late, verylate, and extremely late.late, and extremely late. NonNon--gradablegradable

    adjectives do no express degree in anyadjectives do no express degree in anyway.way. Ex: dead, mortal, nuclear.Ex: dead, mortal, nuclear.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    Lets see if you can identify theLets see if you can identify theattribute adjective in the followingattribute adjective in the followingsentence:sentence:

    My little brother is quite smart.My little brother is quite smart.

    little smart

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    Now see if you can find the predicativeNow see if you can find the predicativeadjective in this sentence:adjective in this sentence:

    The large dog seemed somewhat angry at me.The large dog seemed somewhat angry at me.

    large angry

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives



    11. Jack is very smart.. Jack is very smart.

    2. My little sister is in school.2. My little sister is in school.

    3. I would love some hot coffee.3. I would love some hot coffee. 4. The man is quite happy.4. The man is quite happy.

    5. Andrew was sitting under a big tree.5. Andrew was sitting under a big tree.

    6. Would your nice friend help me?6. Would your nice friend help me?

    7. This burger is yummy!7. This burger is yummy!

    8. I hate cold soup.8. I hate cold soup. 9. You can see my house from here!9. You can see my house from here!

    10. Cindy showed us a new car.10. Cindy showed us a new car.

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


    Youve done a great job! See you nextYouve done a great job! See you nextmodule!module!

  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives


  • 8/6/2019 Module 2 - Adjectives

