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Module 6 - Lesson 3 - How To Implement Module 6 Of The … · 2019-02-21 · Module 6 - Lesson 3 -...

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____________________________________________________________________________ Module 6 - Lesson 3 - How To Implement Module 6 Of The Adrenal ReCode Webinar Kris: There we go. Christa: There we go. Hi everybody. Happy Module 6 Webinar. You know what we want to hear. Kris: Yes. Christa: Yes. We want to hear what is new and good. Type it in and say hi. Sylvie, so happy you're here from Massachusetts. Laurie. Helen from Virginia. Susan Erica from New Mexico. [00:00:30] Denise in Seattle. Kathy from PA, Sandy from Savannah and Karen from Massachusetts, another Massachusetts girl. Kris: Coaster. Christa: Yeah. Laura Anne from New York. Thank you guys. I know it's seven o'clock over there. And thanks for tuning in tonight. Maria from Georgia and Lisa from Vancouver. Gustavo, South Florida. Kris: Jennifer from [Ohai 00:00:53], I love Ohai. Christa: We love Ohai. Oh, good. So glad to be with you guys [00:01:00] all tonight with Kris Bradley, our Emotional Mastery Coach. You remember her from last week. So we want to hear what's new and good and so I want you to type that into the chat and then we also want to take some questions and comments and concerns from Module 5. But while you're typing in what's new and good any questions and comments or concerns from Module 5, namely on the mirror exercise [00:01:30] that you did and the daily accountability work, that was a big module, that moved a lot for a lot of people and it's going to change your life when you have it in action over and over again. It's going to completely change your life and your relationships. What I really want to comment on as I see Virginia's comment of really behind because I did pop in the Facebook group right before this. And so, if you're feeling [00:02:00] really behind or if you're feeling overwhelmed, then I want you to just audit the rest of the program. Just be with us in the webinars if you can make it, let the information soak in without taking action and feeling like you have more homework on top of more homework on top of more homework, © 2018 THE WHOLE JOURNEY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Content may not be reproduced in any form.
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Module 6 - Lesson 3 - How To Implement Module 6 Of The Adrenal ReCode Webinar Kris: There we go.

Christa: There we go. Hi everybody. Happy Module 6 Webinar. You know what we want to hear.

Kris: Yes.

Christa: Yes. We want to hear what is new and good. Type it in and say hi. Sylvie, so happy you're here from Massachusetts. Laurie. Helen from Virginia. Susan Erica from New Mexico. [00:00:30] Denise in Seattle. Kathy from PA, Sandy from Savannah and Karen from Massachusetts, another Massachusetts girl.

Kris: Coaster.

Christa: Yeah. Laura Anne from New York. Thank you guys. I know it's seven o'clock over there. And thanks for tuning in tonight. Maria from Georgia and Lisa from Vancouver. Gustavo, South Florida.

Kris: Jennifer from [Ohai 00:00:53], I love Ohai.

Christa: We love Ohai. Oh, good. So glad to be with you guys [00:01:00] all tonight with Kris Bradley, our Emotional Mastery Coach. You remember her from last week. So we want to hear what's new and good and so I want you to type that into the chat and then we also want to take some questions and comments and concerns from Module 5. But while you're typing in what's new and good any questions and comments or concerns from Module 5, namely on the mirror exercise [00:01:30] that you did and the daily accountability work, that was a big module, that moved a lot for a lot of people and it's going to change your life when you have it in action over and over again. It's going to completely change your life and your relationships.

What I really want to comment on as I see Virginia's comment of really behind because I did pop in the Facebook group right before this. And so, if you're feeling [00:02:00] really behind or if you're feeling overwhelmed, then I want you to just audit the rest of the program. Just be with us in the webinars if you can make it, let the information soak in without taking action and feeling like you have more homework on top of more homework on top of more homework,

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because that's the opposite of the ReCode. We want to get you to a calm place and to do the work. You stay in your calm place or you get to your calm place before you take on something new.

And just like life, [00:02:30] this is not a linear process. And so, I saw how amazing you all are supporting each other in the Facebook group. And it's okay to say hey, I felt like I had it in Module 2, you start making me put metrics on my macros and I lost the plot. Like I get it because I told you I hated it when I first started this work. But if you could move through that resistance, really all of life, the whole of life is about reading through resistance, right? If you can master resistance, you can master your physical, mental and emotional [00:03:00] health. And so, stay in Module 2 if that's where you are until you're feeling strong enough to wrap your brain around this metrics thing, right? These modules, they're not going away, they're going to be there. You have access to them for a year. We're going to send you a survey at the end of The Adrenal ReCode and we're going to take all of your feedback seriously.

This pace that we've laid out, it worked for our beta group. But if I see that this is the majority rules [00:03:30] because this group is obviously much larger than our beta group, the majority rules, I may extend, I may extend The ReCode to a 12-week program and you can do it over again. You have access to all the improvements we're going to make, you know, until basically one year from when you purchase the program. And if you're stressed out about the one year access, for $99, you can always renew for another year, you don't have to pay the entire thing. So take the pressure off yourself. Please. Try to make [00:04:00] this be an enjoyable exploration of where your health mental emotional and physical can go. Enjoy the community, enjoy the bonding, ruminate on the concepts.

I don't know if you saw Megan [Northcute 00:04:15] I don't know if that's your last name Megan, but she posted in the group, she goes, here's what I did when I thought it was overwhelming and she broke it down into the simplest turnouts. And I sent it to the customer care consultants I said, please save this to send out to people who are feeling overwhelmed.

Kris: [00:04:30] That's great.

Christa: Yeah. That's that. That's just what I wanted to say from [inaudible 00:04:36]. Now let's look and see everybody. Okay Nancy, is that Nancy Jensen? Okay, from Houston, I'm making huge, huge movement in this emotional work. Did I say huge? Yes. This stuff works, if you work it, right? Works if you work it. So,

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congratulations, Nancy. I'd love to hear more about that. Share your story in the Facebook [00:05:00] group and tag me.

Sandy, living in the present. We're going to talk about this tonight with Kris. So peaceful. Just being aware as the first giant step.

Kris: Absolutely. Absolutely.

Christa: You're going to talk about that tonight.

Kris: I'm very excited about that part. Very excited.

Christa: We're curious also, who's gone through Module 6, who's done the releasing trap negative emotions exercise already, who's gone through the forgiveness process. Now, Sandy, looks like you did. Okay, the tools are amazing. The forgiveness exercise [00:05:30] and release of negative emotions and where they're holding my body tight and stress. This is life changing and I'm so grateful to be part of this program. Thank you. We're so grateful that you found your way to us.

I did a lot of like praying before to attract the right people that are ready to do the work, that are going to dive in so that it's this beautiful figure eight, like we're putting it out there, but you're also receiving it. This is a partnership. I'm so glad.

All right. Ruby from Northern Cal, [00:06:00] I love seeing you guys here and also on the Facebook group. This module is so enlightening so far. Awesome. Great. Haven't read it all. Okay. Kathy, yes, we're here with you. Lori, catching myself when I start telling myself negative beliefs. Yes. I'm working on undoing-

Kris: It's huge.

Christa: Isn't it? I'm feeling empowered because I can see that so much bad I felt about myself is simply not true. That's the story. That's the story, [00:06:30] the ego, the memorize self and it's there to take away your light. And so if you just recognize that and you say no and it may never go away. But the more you become aware of it, the more you control it instead of it controls you.

Kris: Awareness is the first step.

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Christa: It totally is. Incredibly difficult, yes, but equally amazing. Thank you. That's an honest assessment. Actually been reading what you've been writing in the group despite an honest assessment of all of my programs. I never purport them to be easy [00:07:00] but they are thorough and they're effective. And hey, we're doing this thing. And you're here. That's like 50% of the challenge in the battle is making the choice.

Kris: Showing up.

Christa: Yeah, I think I shared with you that we got thousands of emails and normally for launch where we get all these thousands of emails, we get all the same people enrolling. But so many people were too afraid to enroll and they wanted to say let these guys go first. Let these guys go [00:07:30] first and see how they do and then maybe I'll come in the next one. You guys are pioneers and I'm so proud of you.

All right, we've got Gustavo and Helen, they're doing EMDR. Do you want to explain, Kris, what EMDR is?

Kris: Well, I'm not 100%, that's not really my specialty. But I know, I know that it works amazing. It has to do with eye movement. People I know, I've had clients that I've recommended go and take [00:08:00] sessions in EMD and it's been very, very effective.

Christa: Well because it's in a similar way and maybe Helen and Gustavo you'd agree to like they're releasing tracks negative emotions, you have to go into this really deep place that is outside of thought, right? You can go to a therapist and kick around your problems for decades. But if you could get below the level of thought or I know you say above the level of thought, whatever it is, like then you can find where you're storing this stuff. And really, it's a great trauma release.

Kris: Absolutely.

Christa: So, [00:08:30] way to go guys. Renee, sending healing love to everybody.

Kris: Wonderful. Thank you.

Christa: Excellent. All right, creating happy in the midst of life. Thank you, Christa. You're welcome. Denise, emotional work, great. I need this to actually apply all the modules better. Yes, Denise, thank you for saying that. And those of you

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who feel so stuck and so anxious and then you start with part two and that's exactly it. And part two might be what you need to feel calm enough to [00:09:00] implement part one. And so, that's the thing, we're going to really talk about that in living the ReCode, and like how do you put everything you've learned here together to be able to live this way and stay in balance, still have fun, still eat things you want to eat and do things you want to do but these tools where you have this rock solid self reliance.

So Marilyn loved you are releasing trap negative emotions. Yes. Body stopped buzzing and became peaceful.

Kris: That's huge.

Christa: Yeah. [00:09:30] Emilia, time consuming but fascinating. Yeah, it is time consuming but honestly, some of the best work you ever do. And so, think about it this way, if you feel like it takes a lot of time, it's kind of how I feel when I take a yoga class. It's like, oh, I don't have time for that, and then I go do it, creates so much space, so much peace. I get things done with so much more flow than I otherwise would. You're doing work to remove decades worth of trauma and belief systems so that you can then go as the crow flies through life. [00:10:00] This stuff will slow you down for decades or the rest of your life if you don't do the work versus being able to, you'll gain that time back in spades.

All right. I would totally hold anyone's hand, many hands who's nervous about doing this. Thank you Nancy. I haven't heard of EVOX Voice Mapping.

Kris: No, sounds interesting, though.

Christa: Yeah. Gustavo is emotional and beep. And it feels amazing when you finally [00:10:30] let go. Nancy, I broke through some major things and today I have a headache in my right temple and I receive it because I know this is the release of my body. Yes. Like a dance with myself. This is great, guys. Thank you for sharing. It's good to know where you are. Jennifer's been doing clearing negative emotions, awoke last night, went to work. While I was trying to get back to sleep, I feel lighter and more optimistic.

Kris: Good.

Christa: You are so very welcome.

All right. So shall we dive [00:11:00] in now to emotions presence and forgiveness. We've got another powerful module here for you. But this is kind of

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the end of that deep dive, the deep digging. I mean, things are still going to come up for you but it's like the first cut, the surgery is happening. And when we get to forgiveness is when you start to put some soothing balm on it and I know you could share that Nancy, your message to me, the team [inaudible 00:11:29] so much [00:11:30] to me.

Okay, so let's see. We are going to go off of camera and we are going to screen share so you can see our presentation. Bear with me here. All right. All right. We're rocking this thing now. Okay. So, here, we are talking about the power of emotions and I know a lot of you have read through this but it's [00:12:00] a good repeat and when we do our presentation, we can give you alternative ways to see it.

So think about what our emotions. They're this natural state of mind that arises and it's usually from our relationships our circumstances or our mood. And we often feel like we have no control over them, like they just happen to us. And we want to flip that script with Module 6. And that's why we have our amazing Emotional Mastery Coach here.

So, [00:12:30] our emotional and physical health, they're inextricably linked. So every emotion that we have, our body responds in kind. Every thought, every feeling, and our body is going to respond to that. That's fully proven within science, which is why I had to do this program. I work in an emotional component in all my programs but obviously this is the deepest dive because I think it's some of the most important work that you'll ever do.

And you look at this clinically, we [00:13:00] know that statistically women live longer than men. And the reason that is most clinicians think is because they cry more often than men do. Because crying releases stress hormones from the body and we don't allow ourselves that luxury often enough. And when they study tears that are cried from physical pain versus tears that are cried for emotional pain, the tears cry from emotional pain have high levels of your stress hormones and neurotransmitters that produce [00:13:30] stress hormones in them.

So holding back tears is leaving these trapped negative emotions in your body and it's going to cause anxiety and weakened immunity, which is why we encourage you to do whatever you need to do to release it. Watch a sad movie and cry like a little too much for the plot line because you're releasing other things, so you don't have to make a big thing out of it. But when you know you have something to release, be present to it and allow it to go

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Anger and arguing. [00:14:00] This is really important, right? Especially someone who, my path to this work was getting out of a toxic relationship. A 30 minute argument slows healing by 24 hours. And if you argue regularly, you're constantly doubling that time. Suppressed anger doubles the risk of dying from heart attack, stroke or cancer. This is why I created The ReCode because I can have all the healthy food, I can eat according to my macros, I can take my supplements and do yoga, but if I didn't [00:14:30] get out of that toxic relationship, you better believe I would have gotten cancer, it would just be a matter of time.

Love and laughter. Flipping this. Everything we're doing is raising your nerve growth factor here in The Adrenal ReCode. And you could really kind of cut your time to healing by falling in love because it raises nerve growth factor for a year, and nerve growth factor restores your nervous system, improves your memory and you can create new [00:15:00] brain cells. This is part of The ReCode process. Whether you're going to love and laugh or not, you're getting this healing.

But hey, why not do it through laughter because when they study, people are watching funny movies, they're going to comedy shows, they're hanging out with people that make them just crack up. Like the beta endorphins are being elevated by 27% in human growth hormone, which is going to keep you young looking and feeling 87% just by laughing. So [00:15:30] you're going to be able to sleep. Those of you still having this inveterate insomnia, try to focus on what can help make you laugh because you really let go of all your burdens when you do that.

Okay. So in order to dive a little deeper now that you understand, like, there's a lot of clinical facts. This is not some airy fairy thing. It's now these emotions, how they affect us, how can we get more of the good ones and less of the bad ones. And [00:16:00] that's really understanding that emotions are the engines of creation and manifestation, and they are not just responses to thoughts or external events.

And so, just that sentence alone I want you to think about it because we're going to really go into it in Module 7 when we're writing, you know, we're revolving your beliefs in the next module. We're creating empowered beliefs from your memorized self. We're creating the present self in the next module. And so much of creating what you want in life [00:16:30] is feeling the emotion beforehand. It's creation and manifestation. A lot of us have gotten really good

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at manifesting what don't want, so we have proven to be powerful manifesters. We know we can then flip the script and manifest what we do want.

So positive emotions, hey, we should be doing more of what makes us feel positive as long as it's something good, right? Like I was saying to Kris beforehand, it's not like wine or coffee. It's like, you know, yes, that makes us feel good but it's not something that is [00:17:00] a band aid I guess, it was what I'm saying. Like one glass of wine, you feeling pretty good. Two, you feel great. Three, you feel like crap, right? Not something like that.

And the negative emotion, that's a signal. Hey, just listen to it as a messenger with detachment to try something different. And how we interpret our emotions is everything. And if we can interpret our emotions as separate from who we are with a level of detachment, we will have the power to change or [00:17:30] create, recreate because we don't take it personally. Do you want to comment on that?

Kris: When somebody says, well, I'm just an angry person or he's just an angry person or I'm just, I'm an anxiety ridden person, that's not true, that's not a fact. I may have anger, I may be experiencing anger but I and anger are two separate [00:18:00] things. And when we can separate them from who we are, then they lose their energy.

Christa: Yeah, yeah. That's exactly what it is. Just like we were talking about the trigger. How do you constantly downgrade the trigger of emotions? All right, so we're going to talk about how to do that and I'll toss it to you for releasing trapped negative emotions.

Kris: Thank you so much Christa for having me here. This is something that's near and dear to my heart because the way, [00:18:30] for most of my life, definitely my childhood and up into my early 20s, I was a bundle of trapped negative emotions. Trapped negative emotions, they're negative beliefs and thoughts that we've carried within us for a long time and they're often a source of physical pain and even below that, chronic illness.

How do they become trapped within us? When we're taught, we're told not to express them, it's not okay to express our emotions. [00:19:00] It's very common, especially in male and boys where, you know, boys don't cry.

Christa: That's a whole belief system.

Kris: It is.

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Christa: Yeah. So it's basically like telling you you're not allowed to feel.

Kris: Right. You're not allowed to feel. Or girls or really anyone, you're over emotional, you're over emotional. It also can stem from a traumatic event or a series of traumatic events that we can't process. So we stuff them. You know, there's a saying that God gives us only what we can [00:19:30] handle. And while that's true, I say, God gives us only what we can handle and we stuff the rest sometimes.

Christa: We do. And I would like to piggyback off of that by saying that denial is the shock absorber of the soul. And if you can't process it, you have to deny it to buffer the shock until you get to a place where you're calm enough and removed enough to be able to process it.

Kris: Absolutely. Absolutely. We are coming out of the physiological [00:20:00] survival mode by healing our physical bodies, I want to say, by making a commitment to heal, by by joining this program, The Adrenal ReCode, it sets the ball in motion for negative emotions to clear right then because you've already gone through the process to heal your bodies on a physiological level. And so, that makes it that much easier or more ripe to be able to do this work of releasing negative emotions and being in present moment awareness which we'll talk about later.

Christa: [00:20:30] Yeah. All right, so, we've got about, I think probably half of you have gone through Kris' trapped negative emotion meditation and half have not. This is the process, this is the process. But if you could go through it and explain it because we don't have just one negative emotion.

Kris: Exactly. Okay so, releasing trapped negative emotions exercise is a process and there is no race. This could take [00:21:00] one time, it could take 1000 times to do. So we have to be kind and we have to be gentle with ourselves, okay?

So step number one, inquiry. What that means is rather than going through life with this background unease, meaning we're just not feeling well, we always have a level of anxiety or a thread of anger that's with us. [00:21:30] What we're being asked with inquiry is to stop, rather than just, we learn to live with that over time and it just kind of becomes a normal way of life. So with inquiry, we're asking you to stop and examine your emotions. Is there a specific emotion that is the theme in your life?

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All right. And so then we want you to, it's really not super important for you to articulate something, some of you will automatically know, yeah, [00:22:00] my theme is anger, my theme is frustration or my theme is anxiety. But for those of you, don't feel like if I can't articulate one specific emotion, it's okay. You can still go through the process and something will come up along the way.

So we have you do a lot of breathing, relaxing, and releasing through this process. And the reason why we do that is so that you move from your headspace from thinking into a place of feeling and surrender.

Christa: [00:22:30] That's beautiful.

Kris: And we also have you do, when you go through this process, through this meditation, to choose one emotion at a time. It's really important that you do that because otherwise, if you're choosing two, three, four emotions at one time, it can get overwhelming and confusing. And so we'd rather you work on one emotion at a time. And now you might have to go through that same emotion numerous times. You may have to do the meditation, the release on a specific emotion [00:23:00] more than once, and that's okay too. Like I said, there's no race, there's no rush.

Christa: Not to do it repetitively either.

Kris: Right. And so step four, list. So look at the list of negative emotions that's in your handout. And there might be, maybe your negative emotion isn't on there and that's okay too. So, what we want you to do is find your negative emotion and then have your positive emotion counterpart because when you do release the trapped negative emotion within your body, [00:23:30] becomes like a vacuum or a space. We want to be able to put a positive emotion in it, into that space. Okay?

So then, you choose the emotion and then you go through the process of releasing it. So when we make the choice, we get assistance. We take a stand. When you put out a bold statement that I am ready to release this trapped negative emotion, we get a lot of help [00:24:00] from the universe. And then it's really important that you send yourself loving thoughts because you've been carrying the burden and cutting yourself off from really enjoying life. So send yourself loving thoughts and compassion. Compassion is a big part of this.

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Christa: Sorry to interrupt you but in Module 5, that was really designed to help free everyone from victimhood or martyrdom in those ways. And [00:24:30] so, compassion is the antidote to that because, yes, everyone's been through a lot and we need to feel compassion for ourselves versus sorry for ourselves because compassion is power and feeling sorry is powerless.

Kris: Absolutely. Yeah. Compassion, right, sending yourself compassion because we've all been through a lot and unfortunately, unconsciously, these trapped negative emotions do hold us back from enjoying life, fully enjoying life. They keep [00:25:00] us stuck in a cycle of illness too. So, I hope you can listen to the recording, the meditation, the recorded meditation and I'll take questions and stuff if you have already gone through it. If there's anything that's holding you up or anything, I'm happy to take a question.

Christa: Yeah, sure. Yeah. We would really love for you to share your experience when we come back to camera because even if you've done it, okay, what's the next one that you're going to be working, maybe do one a week, you know, or whatever, or just do them as they come up for you. It's kind of like, oh, [00:25:30] I'm hungry so I eat. Oh, this emotion's up so I clear it, right? Okay.

Kris: Exactly. Okay. So moving on to one of my favorite things is present moment awareness. So, the first line reads the present moment is the only place that life truly exists. And that is very, very true because the past is gone. There's nothing we can do to go back into the past to change anything and the future is yet to be. [00:26:00] And realistically, we're not even promised the next five minutes. All we have is right now. And life is a series of present moment.

But we often do find ourselves frequently living in the past with reminiscing, which sometimes can be nice and regret and projecting our past situations into the future. And this creates anxiety and worry about future events and circumstances. So, it means that we're not truly living, we're just existing. And a good example of this [00:26:30] is, if you can think back to when you were a child and you had school break for a week, and that school break seemed like it would last forever. It seemed like it was, or even just a weekend, it would seem like it lasted forever. Now a week goes by in a flash. We blink our eyes and a week goes by. That's because children all they know is living in the present moment. They're playing with their toys, they're in make believe. They are truly living in present moment [00:27:00] so it seems like it lasts forever because they're there and they're in a place of peace and joy

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But as we get older, we live in our past and regret and we just project that into the future and we miss the present moment entirely. And when that happens that means we're not truly living, we're just existing. And that's no fun.

Christa: It is, it is no fun, I agree with you.

Kris: Living in the past definitely causes depression and living [00:27:30] in the future causes anxiety, whereas living in the present brings peace, and truly, the only place peace exists is in the now.

Christa: Yeah. We have recommended reading. If you click resources inside of your modules, there's recommended reading that goes deeper into all of these concepts and A New Earth I believe is your favorite book of all time, right? Really, Eckhart Tolle has been a pioneer for presence and peace [00:28:00] and it works.

Kris: It does.

Christa: We've got an exercise for you if you haven't done it already.

Kris: So yeah, so in this exercise, you know, just get into a quiet place and write down a list of emotions that you're feeling currently or that you often feel. And so, I just gave an example here. These are common emotions that people feel. Fear, worry, regret, remorse, sadness, hopeful, anxious, frustration, overwhelm, gratitude, and joy. [00:28:30] And on the exercise, we're asking you to kind of categorize them. So you see these three boxes, past, present, and future. And we're asking you to take your list of emotions that came up with and place them into one of the three categories.

And so in my example, for the past box, regret. I'm regretful or I'm remorseful or I'm sad or I'm frustrated about something that happened in the past. [00:29:00] Frustration can also be future, something in the future that maybe something hasn't come through or maybe there's something that's an obstacle about some future event that's keeping me in a place of frustration. Overwhelm, I'm overwhelmed because maybe there's too much to do for the future. I'm anxious, I'm worried or I'm fearful about something that's pending in the future. I'm also hopeful, now hopeful, it seems like that's a real positive emotion and [00:29:30] it can be but it's also, I'm hopeful things work out. That's putting me in-

Christa: It can be paralyzing too.

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Kris: Yeah, right. And so in this particular example, when we move to a place of gratitude, which I'll talk about more next couple of slides, that immediately puts us in the present moment. And then joy, I'm feeling joy right now because I'm in the present moment. I'm so grateful and I'm in joy because I'm living right now. You could [00:30:00] feel joy when you think about something in the past, that's wonderful, or joy when you're excited about something in the future and that's okay too.

Christa: It's funny how emotions that can work similar, like for those of you who have anxiety, I have some of you taking GABA at night which neutralizes adrenaline. And when they study emotions, gratitude neutralizes fear and overwhelm and anxiety. It's the antidote to it. And so, for those of [00:30:30] you, you're doing the work, I always say, if you've done my programs before and been following me for like, you can't plant flowers in a junkyard, right? You can't be present unless you do the releasing trapped negative emotion exercise, and then you can learn then to use these different positive emotions, namely gratitude to neutralize what's happening, but you've got to be present to what's happening. Oh, I'm living in the past or the future, gratitude to my tool.

Kris: Absolutely. Okay. Okay, so step number three, [00:31:00] becoming aware. So yeah, you may be thinking that in the present moment you are feeling frustration, fear, anxiety. So why wouldn't you put those emotions in the present box? Well, the answer is because those emotions like we talked about stem from past experiences or fear, or fear of future events. The thing about staying in the present moment even when you are feeling these feelings, is that when we release our story, in other [00:31:30] words, I am angry, fearful, sad because of the story, when we look at that emotion without a story, it loses its energy and it begins to dissolve.

So, moving forward, when you become the observer, this is where that this comes into play when you are feeling those feelings, those negative emotions in the present moment, even if they do stem from a past or future event. When you become the [00:32:00] observer, it prevents you from your emotions controlling you. You become the observer by facing the emotion directly and not attaching a story to it. And catch yourself. Catch yourself when you're feeling the emotion and ask yourself does this emotion belong in the past, present or future. And it's hard sometimes you just feel crappy in the now and that's okay because we don't want you to stuff it, we don't want you to say, well, I am feeling crappy in this present moment. But I can't, I've got to be in joy, I got [00:32:30] to be in, no, then we go back to step one with trapped negative emotions. We don't want you to stuff your emotions.

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So, the way out of that and there's another wonderful way out of it which we'll talk about in just a minute about gratitude, but the way out of that is allow yourself to feel the negative emotion without attaching your story to it. And what happens when you do that, when you can go into that feeling of, let's just [00:33:00] say anger. I'm feeling angry right now. And instead of saying, I'm angry because this happened to me, I just go deep within the anger. And this is part of the trapped negative emotions exercise if you do the meditation I have, it's a somatic release. You go in and feel it in your body and look at it and remove the story around it. And then it just becomes anger.

And what happens is, it's pretty [00:33:30] amazing, but the emotion without the story attached to it begins to dissolve. That's really amazing.

Christa: It's great. It works. I've done it a lot with Kris.

Kris: And I had the same, this is kind of a little side note, I had a similar example, a story that happened to me where I had a severe migraine headache and nothing, was physical pain and nothing I took could, no Advil, nothing took care of it. And instead [00:34:00] of trying to avoid my pain, I stopped, I got still, I became the observer and I went into my pain and my pain level went from a 10 to two, I'm not even kidding. It was really really amazing. When you face it instead of trying to run from it, it's incredible.

Okay. I want to talk about the gratitude interruption. The fastest way to interrupt your emotions and shift to the present moment is to focus on being grateful for something. And [00:34:30] I'm going to tell you a little personal story here that's really, really amazing. So years ago, I was going through a very difficult time, it was bad financial time. My husband had lost his job and we were late on our mortgage and our credit was starting to tank and there was threat of foreclosure, there was all of this anxiety going on. And it was just, it was really, really uncertain time and I was just [00:35:00] filled with anxiety and worry, regret. I mean, you name it, I was filled with it.

One day, it happened to be in January, I do live in Southern California. So I went for a nice walk with my dogs. As I left my house and I began to walk up this big hill, I was filled with all of these negative emotions, just terror really. And when I got to the top of this hill and I looked around at the beautiful surroundings, I felt the warm sun [00:35:30] and my skin and I looked down and I saw my dogs and I immediately began to focus intensely on gratitude and I felt my body shift deeply into the present moment.

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I realized there's nothing I can immediately do to change my circumstances. And to be honest, and I mean, there's nothing I could go, I can't invent a time machine and go back and change [00:36:00] things so that my present is different. There's nothing I can do foreseeably for the future. All I have is right now. And at that moment, I started focusing on how grateful I was to live where I lived, how grateful I was for my strong physical body, for my husband, that I have healthy children. And what happened was peace. I experienced a true sense of peace. And I made a commitment right then to no matter what happens [00:36:30] to stay in this moment for as long as I could, to stay in gratitude, in the present moment.

And then a funny thing happened. It began to expand. The next day came along and I continued to live in the present moment and we started to get good news. And then my husband got a job offer and so on and so on and so on. And I just, from there, I made a commitment that no matter where my mind went, I would bring myself back to [00:37:00] the present moment, and my out picture completely changed. A year from then our whole life was changed. Our financial worries were gone. And as long as I kept myself, pulled myself back into that present moment, it was wonderful.

Christa: We put a lot of pressure on ourselves to figure out the how and to fix it, and really all we have to do is get present and surrender and accept. Again, it's also relaxing [00:37:30] resistance to the present moment.

Kris: Absolutely right.

Christa: And you know that saying, before enlightenment, chop wood carry water, after enlightenment, chop wood carry water. It's kind of like that. Like yeah, you have this epiphany, then you're able to go forward with it.

Kris: Right. Right. The present moment is where life happens. It's the only place that life happens. The present moment is life itself. So yeah, the more you allow [00:38:00] yourself to consciously experience the present moment, the more peace you will feel. It's a muscle, you have to build this muscle. So that's why we're going to be getting into the weeks ahead, practicing and exercising your gratitude muscle in order to build it and strengthen it to create endurance.

Okay. And so now we are asking you, this is very exciting, it might not be for some of you, it might seem overwhelming but I really don't want it to be. For one day only or heck, I'll say even for [00:38:30] half a day or even for one hour, no matter what has happened to you in the past or what looms in your future,

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what I was going through all those years ago, focus only on the present moment.

So that doesn't mean that you can't prepare for a future event, like if you know you have to go, you're thinking about I've got to make lunch for my child to go to school. It's not about that. It's you can still be in the present moment while preparing for [00:39:00] a future event or whatever. But if you feel your thoughts going to the past, like you're feeling regret come up or you're feeling worry or anxiety come up, catch yourself and bring yourself back to the present moment. What you can expect from the challenge, I mean, what I experienced was absolutely so incredible and mind blowing that I wanted to shout it from the rooftops and I haven't [00:39:30] gone back.

Christa: Yeah. So this is your breakthrough moment type of thing. We were talking right before the webinar if I can interject. I don't know if you guys know, these paintings where they have two different images in them but really you can just see one overtly, right, they say, oh, it's an old man on the right and a beautiful young woman on the left, but you can only see the old man. And you stare at it long enough and you stare at it and you stare at it and then, oh, then you get to see both.

And after you see both, you can never [00:40:00] not see them again. You always see that. And so that's kind of what this challenge is like. Once you get the breakthrough, you're like, I can never not see it again. And the first breakthrough is the most challenging, that's what I would call the presence challenge. But then after that it gets easier and easier and easier. Same thing with The ReCode, right? It's the whirlpool that we're shifting, but the presence challenge has to break through and interrupt the pattern of living in the past and the future.

Kris: Absolutely. And the more you are in the present moment, the more peace [00:40:30] you will feel because piece is the only thing that you'll experience in the present moment. Peace is the present moment. And the more you do it, the more it expands and the easier it gets.

Christa: All right. Thank you. Is there anything else you want to say before we move on to forgiveness?

Kris: No, let's move on to forgiveness.

Christa: Okay. Some of you have emailed and you have done our ReCode forgiveness process, and some of you haven't. But I always like to lead with [00:41:00] the

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clinical and the studies so that you know the tremendous health and social benefits that going through this process and truly forgiving has. Lowering blood pressure. Clinical studies that forgiveness balances out cortisol levels. That's where a lot of you maybe need to go through this before your cortisol starts balancing out and then the food will reinforce this. It's going to be different for everybody, but it's proven, when you can go through a process like this, you create less inflammation and a more harmonious hormonal code, [00:41:30] which is everything that we're going for in The ReCode.

And so, we have case studies that are in your handouts on the impact of forgiveness, that's the handout, the impact of forgiveness on physical health. There's one study that was done by Charlotte vanOyen, she's a psychologist at Hope College, and she asked people to think, just to use your thoughts, this is the power of thoughts, just to think about someone who hurt or mistreated or offended them. And when they thought about this person [00:42:00] or this past offense, she was monitoring their blood pressure, their heart rate, facial muscle tension, right? So that's something to be aware of as you go through this process in day to day and sweat gland activity.

And so, what she found out in her research is that when people recalled an old grudge, the physical arousal soared. Just with the power of your mind, your body is responding instantly. Blood pressure, heart rate increased, they sweated more, they were in fight or flight and they felt less in control. [00:42:30] And so then she did, she flipped the script and had her subjects empathize with their offenders or imagine forgiving them. And when they practiced forgiveness, and she started to study, they showed no more of a stress reaction than normal wakefulness produces. So that's when we say, you know, forgive others even if they don't deserve forgiveness. You deserve peace. And that's what this is all about.

There's case study number two, forgiveness and [00:43:00] age and how they go together. So another study was done by psychologist Lauren Toussaint at Luther College. And he showed that the benefits, the physical benefits of forgiving increase with age. So that's why this is something that we want this to kind of be a continual process for you.

They had a survey, they had a study with 1500 Americans and they asked, to the degree with which a person practice and experience forgiveness and that's from self, [00:43:30] others God, whoever you feel that you need to forgive, they then reported in on their physical mental health after going through it and they found that older, especially middle aged people were able to forgive more often than young adults did and felt more forgiven. But if you are younger and

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you're in this program, like you're more advanced and you can get on this now so you don't collect along the way things that you need to forgive.

So basically this is people aged 45 [00:44:00] and older when they had forgiven others, they reported of these 1500 people much greater satisfaction with their lives and less symptoms of psychological distress, less nervousness, sadness and restlessness. So, this is really wonderful because your immune system and your hormone system are constantly communicating with each other which means that it's really important that we do not disrupt our immune system with our thoughts because [00:44:30] if we do and we hold forgiveness back, well hey, you can't fight off bacteria and other infections, right? You can do gut thrive as many times as you possibly want to but if you don't move through and boost your immune system in the other root cause ways, you're still going to need to rely on something that's not meant to be so repeated so much.

And then I give you case study three which if you read it, it's my forgiveness story so to speak, and I really [00:45:00] think that no matter what's happened to us in life, it's crucial to respond with empowerment and discernment that leads us in the direction of our highest and best selves. Because what is the alternative to not forgive? What is the alternative? It's becoming jaded and perennially suspended in pain. And that's a choice that we can make or that we cannot make. And so, you can go through and you can go through your handout and you can read my full story but I give you kind of the top insights [00:45:30] from my experience in that and that's going to help you to continue on your ReCode with a lot less resistance. It's going to help you to trust the process.

So many of you, when we surveyed you and people coming in, what is your number one goal to achieve in The ReCode, peace and deep healing. And so, you can't skip over forgiveness if you want peace and you want deep healing. [00:46:00] It's a crucial step for physical and emotional healing and a lot of you, some of you have been writing in and we already know that it's allowed this release for you, a lot of tears coming out.

This forgiveness process, it's something that, I put it in here because I went through it myself. I went through it, I took myself on a baby moon to Hawaii and I was working with Sylva Dvorak at the time and I really wanted to be able to forgive my ex for everything especially before the baby [00:46:30] came and went through this process. And it was just so profound and so helpful and really just gave a lot of detachment and healing and and you can fill all that

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up, there's so much more space for all the other emotions that you want to feel.

So, if you haven't already gone through the forgiveness exercise, you're going to go through it over the course of the next week. And how it works is you create a list of anyone you can think of in your entire life to date that irritated [00:47:00] you, created pain for you or got you angry. This includes you. We have some things that we need to forgive ourselves for and we need to, that's where compassion comes in. The list needs to be a bulleted list, don't go on writing paragraphs and paragraphs but include the names and a really short title.

You may not even remember someone's name, like I put in here, the boy in fifth grade, he threw a rock at me. We have these little circumstances especially as children that shock us and maybe [00:47:30] create a belief system kind of like you see in Tamra story, I think it was age six, she was running and playing with her friends and somebody stopped and said, "Hey, you're adopted." There's a forgiveness that needs to happen there because it took her piece away in the moment. It got her feeling different. And so, just really kind of do a catalog of your life. You're never going to do a bigger forgiveness process than you do now and then you'll be able to do little ones after this.

Write anything and everything you can think of, don't hold anything. [00:48:00] Now, if, well, I'm going to get to that in the next one. So, even if you don't think that you have anything you held anything against the person or situation, if it comes up, write it down anyway, just get it up for release. Okay?

Some people are going to have two to four pages full of names. That's perfectly normal. And you keep it in your ReCode journal. Then write a list of all the things you want to forgive yourself for and then you're going to go and you're going to create sacred space in a solitary [00:48:30] room, light a candle, whatever works for you, whatever you normally do. Essential oil, incense, sage, Palo Santo. Take a few deep breaths and just make sure that you're not going to get interrupted so you can get into that deep place because when we get into the deep place, the story has no idea how to descend down into the depths. So you won't be responding from your story.

Go down the list, one name at a time. Have the image of that person in your mind and then you say, I forgive you, I release you, [00:49:00] I hold no forgiveness back. My forgiveness for you is total, I am free and you are free. May we both be blessed.

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Now, here's the caveat. Some of you may have some people or past situations that you're entirely too angry with to be able to flow right into this. And that's okay. That's totally okay. What you're going to do in that situation, I didn't add it there. Okay, so what you're going to do in that situation is you're going to write it all out. This is another opportunity to release [00:49:30] trapped negative emotions in a different way. Write out whatever you need to tell that person, you use as many expletives as you want. You go scream into your pillow, punch your pillow. If you got a punching bag, punch it. You can cry, scream in the shower. Whatever it is that you need to do to release that and let it go so that that person can go on the list and you can forgive them for your own peace. That's why you're doing this.

This process took me a few hours, for you, maybe 30 to 60 minutes. [00:50:00] But it's really important to stick with it until you feel complete, until the entire list is complete. Okay?

And then we have you, there's one song if you're too angry that I put in there that I love called Praying by Kesha. And that's for those of you you really get angry because no matter what happened, no matter what someone did to you, try, try. I know it can be hard to not wish them ill, right? This song is Praying and it's like, [00:50:30] you know, I hope you're somewhere praying, I hope your soul is changing. And that's it. That's what you can hope for them and then you let it go. And then you can play the song, pray for forgiveness. Then there is more room for gratitude where you can give more gratitude. I put a TED talk in there I'd love you to watch as well as a gratitude prayer by my favorite Don Miguel Ruiz who wrote the Four Agreements.

Then what we want you to do [00:51:00] is just when you're writing in gratitude at night, just do a nightly release. It's part of your sleep routine. It can be literally 30 seconds while you're brushing your teeth, before you close your eyes. Just a quick mental review of the day. Is there anything I need to forgive anyone for, is there anything I need to forgive myself for. And that way you don't stack it up so you need a big forgiveness cleanse. What I'm saying is kind of like why we have our, drink our lemon water and all that to keep it going on a regular basis.

So presence [00:51:30] and forgiveness and the power of emotions. And so what we focus on expands, that is your ReCode mantra for Module 6. And now we want to hear from you. Okay, hang on. Here we go. All right, we're coming back to camera. Hi. We're enabling the chat. [00:52:00] we're enabling the, oh good, you already typed in. Great. Okay for your questions.

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So let's start with Sarah. Boom. What is your definition of forgiveness? My definition of forgiveness is I no longer carry pain in response to your actions. And that could be towards somebody else or it could be towards yourself, is forgiving is letting go and not having an emotional reaction anymore. Being able to surrender and release and truly be free from the experience.

[00:52:30] Okay. So Kris, let me have you take Lisa's question. She says, do you deem grief as a negative emotion? I find the grief of losing both of my parents over the past few years to be a trigger to my anxiety, need to control and feel safe.

Kris: Absolutely, and I'm really so sorry for your loss. Grief is a negative, it's a negative emotion, but grief is kind of an animal all into itself. [00:53:00] When we experience grief, some loss, some profound loss, it is something that changes our life completely. And grief is nothing, we don't get over grief. What happens with grief is grief, the loss that we experience, the grief that we have is part of who we are. And then over time, life builds around the grief. So we have other experiences, sort of, [00:53:30] not take the place but build around it. And then, of course, when we have anniversaries like the birthday of the loved one that we lost comes up or a holiday or the anniversary of their death, it brings us right back into that emotion of grief that, to that feeling of grief.

It's really just about sitting with your grief. And when you when you are pulled back into it, allowing yourself to grieve, know that it's not going to be something that is going to take over your life [00:54:00] and you'll be in the the bowels of it for the rest of your life because life will build up around it. But it is, it's something, when we lose somebody, especially somebody very, very close to us, a pet, I mean, they say that losing a pet is just as hard as losing a human loved one oftentimes. We just have to be patient with ourselves.

It's not really something that you can go in like a trapped negative emotion, something [00:54:30] like anger or frustration or anything like that. It's just something we have to be patient and loving and compassionate with ourself and just know it's not something that you just get over or release. I wish it were but unfortunately, it's not. Just know that life will build around that grief and it won't be as painful.

Christa: And kind of surrendering to it versus ...

Kris: Yeah, absolutely. Don't try to stuff it. Just be with it.

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Christa: This is a [00:55:00] good one. There's a lot of people in relationships that they are in the gray zone I call it. And [Althia 00:55:06], thank you for being so brave to share this. I have a fear and anxiety about whether to stay or leave my husband of seven years. How do I deal with that in the present moment? This is great stuff because I talked to you as a confidant when I was making that decision.

Kris: Yeah, right. Yeah. Of course. So, that's going to be, I would say, I would give you the advice Althia, if you [00:55:30] have fear and anxiety about whether to stay or leave your husband, that's about inquiry. You've got to go into, you've got to go into that fear and that anxiety and ask yourself why. Why do you have fear and anxiety? Why are you contemplating leaving your husband and really go into those emotions directly, pierce them rather than just [00:56:00] living with them as a background on ease in your relationship, which of course is not bringing peace into your relationship.

I'm sure he's probably feeling it, you're obviously feeling it and living it. So, sit quietly and investigate and go into those emotions around your relationship. I feel that you'll find your answers, or at the very least, the fear and anxiety will start to dissipate so that you can have [00:56:30] more of a direction on how to go forward.

Christa: Yeah. The entire goal, and just Althia, I'll speak to experience since I was in the gray area for a while, you can never make a decision out of fear or anxiety. So you have to release the trapped negative emotion and you have to get to a place of detachment where you can truly see it objectively because in that place of detachment is the only place where you can hear that inner voice and trust that inner voice enough to make the right action.

[00:57:00] Sometimes that means a little detachment for me. Maybe six months or five months before I filed for divorce, I moved out for a week and a half and I was like, my natural state of peace and calm returned. Like this is all situational, this is all, and then I had another trip a couple of weeks before I filed and same exact thing happened. And I was able to make a decision with proper discernment that was the right decision and it wasn't from a place of fear and anxiety. It was from [00:57:30] a place of my deepest truth.

Ruby. If we have processed something already in the past with forgiveness, would it be beneficial to do it again in this exercise? Sure. Because the fact that you're bringing it up means there's a little bit more work to do. So when you get into your sacred space, whatever gets downloaded, whatever comes to

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you, maybe won't come to you in the moment, you don't put it down. But if it does, then put it down because you're creating with intention something really powerful and why not, right?

[00:58:00] Susan Erica, I appreciate your share on grief. I have lost my beloved parents and dog. I remember that, and the conscious uncoupling with my former husband, I'm at the moment in my space of observing and being gentle with myself and acceptance in the moment.

Kris: Wonderful.

Christa: So this is beautiful for you to see Lisa and you guys can support one another within the Facebook group. Thanks for sharing that.

Kris: Thank you.

Christa: Yes Ruby, resonates with the same inquiry [00:58:30] as well. So good, we touched on that. You guys, life is a lot and we walk around acting like it's not and we don't share that. This is the big stuff to look at and become your own best friend, get to that place where you love being with yourself and in your own body and you trust yourself, you rely on yourself. I know I'm strong enough to get through absolutely anything life brings. That is, [00:59:00] it's the greatest sense of security, peace and calming to the nervous system. That provides healing and that's what this process you're going through is going to give to you. That's what you're giving to yourself by going through this process.

Okay. Nancy, I did the forgiveness work, big time work with my marriage in 2011 but there was way too much to process at that time. Yes. Way too angry and confused and traumatized to really forgive. I found it frustrating to myself having [00:59:30] to forgive and forgive and get to the deep feelings of hurt, betrayal, loss. Yes. Okay. All right. With being adopted of rejection and abandonment. Yes. But last night, breakthrough moment, I did the forgiveness work. I was the only one in my house of six people, both dogs asleep in the quiet, I really forgave.

Kris: Wonderful.

Christa: Whoo, I have chills. Because the first time I realized I'd forgiven, truly forgiven, I released me. [01:00:00] I feel, as an empath, I literally feel what you feel, I'm so happy for you.

Kris: That's wonderful.

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Christa: People always said, it's what forgiveness does but until you get through processing it right, since 2011, it's hard to truly let yourself be free. In the quiet of the night I said the prayer and completely forgave and was set free. Today I have a headache in my right temple but like you said I celebrate the release. Thank you for this, I love you all so much. And I'm finding I'm able to love me, yes, more now too. Nancy, we love you back. Congratulations.

[01:00:30] In part two, I included Marion Williamson's poem, Our deepest Fear from Course in Miracles. And that's true, what you did just now by letting your own light shine, you unconsciously give others permission to do the same. So other people that are afraid to do this work, look at what happened with Nancy and look at the payoff at the end. Because you deserve this.

Okay. This is good. So Sandy's asking to [01:01:00] speak more on how to downgrade the trigger of an emotion especially for an emotional empath in social situations where I'm reading their emotions. That's you to the umpteenth degree. Go for it.

Kris: Thank you, Sandy, that's a good question. Well, you know, being an empath, we do. We feel other people's emotions. I always say that a lot of that is where knowing where your [01:01:30] energetic, your emotional boundary and another's begins because being an empath when you go into social situations or go to the grocery store or any place out in public and you're around other people, oftentimes we leave feeling, we went in just fine and we come out feeling a whole gamut of emotions, sometimes even physically sick.

I had a friend who couldn't go into Walmart or Target without having to run to the bathroom and have a release. [01:02:00] And it was because she's an empath and she had her shields down her, her guard down. This might sound a little bit airy fairy, but it actually works. And it's about, if you can go into, before you're going to engage in a social situation or go out to the grocery store or wherever, doing just a little meditation, getting still and quiet, going within and visualizing stepping into almost like a bubble. When I [01:02:30] do it I kind of see like, Glinda the Good Witch in the Wizard of O when she comes floating down in a pink bubble. However it manifests for you. But going in and visualizing, almost like you have a shield or a bubble around you, you step into your energetic bubble.

And what that does is, first of all, it defines where your energy boundary is. So, when you go in and you see it, how far does it extend from your body? Does it extend a foot, does it extend five feet? How far does it go? It takes a little bit of

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imagination. But when you go in, you can step into this [01:03:00] energetic bubble and kind of put up your shields. What happens is when you go into a public place or into a party or whatever, your energy is contained. So what you know what you're feeling does belong to you. If you do feel a negative emotion, it belongs to you. But you're not picking up the energy from other people.

Christa: Yeah, I don't think it's airy fairy at all. I mean, so much of what's going on in life is unseen. I actually do that [01:03:30] every time before I go on TV or speaking or anything, when there's going to be a large group that I'm presenting to as a protection. So, next module, next week, I put together an establishing healthy boundaries exercise for you, which is key part of really claiming your power. And that's when we're strengthening, right? It's like we went through the surgery, we've got the soothing balm, hey, now we can lift weights. And I think that's going to really [01:04:00] help you, Sandy, as an empath. Okay. All right. Yeah.

Sue, I saw this quote outside of a church once just when I needed it. Forgiveness is a choice which allows healing to forgive. So true. Yeah, we love you.

Kris: Yes.

Christa: Yeah, you're welcome Althia, it's hard to detach, we have a two year old son. I like the idea of time to myself to feel my true nature. That's [01:04:30] the only way. And then you pray, you pray for the highest and best of all involved and you trust that that is what's going to happen, the highest and best for all involved. Yes, yes. Amy, looking forward to doing this work. I've wanted to forgive many people for many years and I've tried with no success. Good. Do it this week because we're all, Tamra, Chris, myself, we're all going to be in the Facebook group. You've got three hours of support and so what we want to know is go through this, let us know where you're having trouble [01:05:00] or just share for the sake of sharing because it lifts it off of your heart.

Kris: Absolutely, we're here to help.

Christa: I've been carrying so much pain and anger for so long, I want to lighten your load. Well, you are going to lighten your load. Good. All right. Nancy thanks you Kris for answering the empath and social situation. She's going to a 30 year reunion this weekend. Okay. You went to something and you couldn't eat for three days, threw up one night from the intensity. So just take yourself [01:05:30] where you want to go. So create the situation and the outcome you want in your mind in a short visualization before you ever get there. That's

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going to be really helpful, Nancy, as you go forward, or Sandy. Imagine the situation, you know, imagine how you show up in the situation.

Kris: And rest in the comfort of knowing that you're in your bubble and it works, it really, really works. And you'll notice that when you go out to this particular 30 year reunion or wherever you're going, [01:06:00] you'll notice that you come back and you're not drained. You're actually energized because all of the energy you're feeling is contained within this bubble and it's yours. It belongs to you.

Christa: Yeah. And it does, it kind of changes the people that are attracted to you, right? Because if you have this protection up as an empath, the energy vampires, they say, that's not easy prey know and they'll find somebody else.

Kris: Oh yeah.

Christa: Emilia says, can you please speak about forgiving seemingly insignificant little things [01:06:30] like being disrespected by the in-laws in small ways but often it's so hurtful? How do you overcome this according to your methods? So that's a great question because you know what, it's not insignificant at all. If you feel disrespected by your in-laws, they're supposed to be your family. And so, go through the forgiveness process and write out the most recent things that they've done that have felt disrespectful towards you and forgive them for that and then know that you really need to pay close attention in Module [01:07:00] 7 when we get to establishing healthy boundaries because we teach people how to treat us.

And we're going to talk about, and so, I really kind of played with how to phrase this, but I'm talking about in the next module of holding power in your being. We want to get you to a place where you have this rock solid self respect and self reliance and you show up in an empowered place and you put off a completely different energy. That says, I'm kind, I'm loving, excuse [01:07:30] my language, but don't fuck with me, right? That's where we want to get you to. And I feel like through this process I've been able to get to that place, I want you to get to that place. It's I respect you, you respect me, and you'll do it in a way that they have to treat you differently. But forgive them first so that you will be able to set boundaries from a place of self love and power, not from a place of anger.

Kris: I do want to add something on that. This is a wonderful thing to, [01:08:00] we talked about in other webinars about the work of Byron Katie, the four questions in the turnaround. I would highly encourage you Emilia to do the four questions and turn around the mirror work on your in-laws because I had

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a similar situation where I felt totally disrespected and insignificant to my in-laws and I avoided them like the plague. And it was hurtful to my husband and probably hurtful to them as well [01:08:30] but I did feel disrespected.

And it wasn't until I did the work, the four questions and the turnaround through Byron Katie that I realized that there was something in me that was disrespectful to them. And even though I couldn't see it at the time, it helped me turn it around. Where am I disrespectful to them? Where am I, I'm holding back from them. I'm not treating them kindly. It was [01:09:00] a hard pill to swallow because I was really set in my ways like, no, they're treating me like crap and I don't want to have anything to do with them. And I really shut my energy off to them. And it wasn't until I did this work that then I could go and do the forgiveness work and it was forgiveness work for them. But it was also forgiveness work for me around my relationship with them. And now, we have a pretty good relationship, you know?

Christa: Yeah, that's really wonderful advice. So if you can go, first, [01:09:30] before the forgiveness process and before the boundaries and and use those questions, you know, is it really true and you're mirroring questions and get to the truth of it, then put the forgiveness in the past and maybe you put yourself on the list to for that, but also anything that you've experienced with them, then you'll be ready to do the boundary work and shift it. Okay, great.

Sandy. Where does reflection fall in past, present or future? I like to reflect, and is it true that if I give gratitude after reflection, [01:10:00] that keeps me in present. I feel I have a rich inner life and need to reflect to process.

Kris: Yes. Reflection is wonderful. Depends, like, you know, if you're reflecting on your past, something really negative, if it helps you process it and you can then shift to a place of gratitude after the reflection, then yeah, you've got it. There's nothing wrong with reflecting or reminiscing on the past then bringing yourself back [01:10:30] to the present moment. You say, you feel you have a rich inner life and you use reflection to process and that's wonderful. There's no right or wrong way. It's all good.

Christa: Yeah. You're welcome, Emilia. All right, let's see here, if we missed anybody. It's only 5:11 so if you guys don't have any more questions on the physical or the emotional rather, you're welcome to answer whatever questions, [01:11:00] ask any questions you have even if they're clinical. Let's see, this might be the first webinar ever. Jenny, we did not answer yours. Is it not true that God only gives us what we can handle? That's not in the Bible. God will most certainly give us more than we can handle. Why? So we will not be independent of him? So we

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will rely on him and grow in our faith and in turn help others [01:11:30] and when they go through struggles and trials. Not to say all struggles are from the Lord, not saying that at all.

Kris: Yeah, that's true. There's a saying that, with all suffering, there's a doorway, there exists a doorway to peace. So through our suffering and through our struggles, we have the opportunity to, wherever our faith lies, to enter in through the doorway of peace. Thank you for sharing that, I appreciate that.

Christa: [01:12:00] Pressure turns coal into diamond. Mine the diamond from whatever you've been through. Mine the diamond from the emotions, the experiences, the trauma and then let it go.

Kris: Yes.

Christa: All right. Sandy is asking, okay, I'm going to stay on the forgiveness route because Kathy asks something and then, you're writing out your clinical questions. Okay, I wrote out a list of people I needed to forgive and I was a little overwhelmed. I think [01:12:30] I will be at this a long time.

Kris: There's no race. There's no rush.

Christa: Yeah, yeah. Just go through. It's kind of like when, and I think I said this before, you kind of clean up before the cleaning lady comes. Just do that. There's layers and levels, you know, and then in Spring you do a deep cleaning. It's like you got to kind of clean up before you get to the other layers. And so, it's a process and it's your own unique process and just trust it. As long as you're moving forward which you all are because you're going to be here [01:13:00] if you weren't meant to.

Okay. So if you have any more questions for Kris, go ahead and post them on emotional mastery and I'm going to answer some of these clinicals that are coming in. Sandy, tier two, how do we know if we should remain on the supplements going forward? Well, you have enough of your DFH Complete Multi for the entire program and you shouldn't need, so I governed [01:13:30] it to basically help you go forward with the supplement plan so that you don't need them. Now, need to really read up on a lot of those supplements if you're doing the food, you're doing the emotional work, but there might be some that really worked for you, like GABA to sleep. You can stay on a multivitamin, I mean, that would be great. You can if you need enzymes here and there.

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But ideally, you've now done the healing work to get most of your nutrition from food. And if you have further more personal questions, [01:14:00] then you can post them in the Facebook group when I'm there on Friday and tag me. Even if you can't be there at my time, which is 10AM Pacific, post them before like nine or eight and tag me in them because I'll do a sweep of the group then and answer specifics. Like hey, I'm almost running out but I have these symptoms, what do you think. I love supplements and I love talking about them.

Ruby. What iron supplement do you recommend? I didn't see one in your book, Christa. [01:14:30] I love Floradix and Gaia Herbs. Those to plant based liquid iron, they're non-binding, they're non-constipating, they're easy to absorb and you can get them at any health food store or online.

Jennifer, can we stop eating so much meat yet? And if so, how do we adjust to continue healing without it? No, you can't. I'm sorry. Were you the one that was vegan before coming into this program? [01:15:00] You know, your body will tell you when you can start eating less meat, when your symptoms go away, when your temperature and pulse regulate, when your moods are good, when you sleep is good and you're happy and you're energetic, then you can downgrade and let go of the meat, maybe move just to fish and eggs and shellfish. After a while from that, if you wanted to start putting in more plant based foods, allow your body to tell you if that's working for it or not. And so by [01:15:30] continuing your logs once or twice a week, you're going to know and you're going to know that you feel different. So this is a another tuning into you question.

To continue healing without it, you have to ascertain a certain level of healing to where your body, that whirlpool is now going, your body knows how to generate energy, it knows how to get the carbohydrate into the cell and stoke the fire and burn energy. And then you'll be able to eat less meat. But there's going to be times in life especially when [01:16:00] your big stressors come that you're going to need to go back to relying on meat to get back to balance quicker. That's my opinion. Okay?

Diane, why after I eat does my bra dig into my chest and I have to unbutton it? You're funny, Diane. I can't answer that because I'm not sure what you're eating. But if I looked at your log, if you want to post that Friday, I need to see what you're eating so I can tell you is [01:16:30] this an inflammatory response, maybe you're eating food that you're sensitive to. If you added in dairy to your meals and you haven't been eating it for a long time, it can cause bloating. So,

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you're going to have to post logs for me to be able to answer that question and/or are you eating too much because we only want you to eat until you're 80% full and you may want to take a digestive enzyme with your meals. So those are off the cuff without knowing much history.

Kris: Or you could just take your bra off before you eat.

Christa: Yeah, [01:17:00] there you go. Yeah, Sylvie, thanks for saying that. I need a couple weeks to be able to forgive my long list. Maybe I should then make Module 6 a couple of weeks. What do you think? When I redo it. That's fine. You can take weeks, you can take months, or in Nancy's case, you can take years. Just don't judge yourself. As long as you do it and you show up, that's all we're asking. Just show up. See what happens.

All [01:17:30] right. Nancy. When we do this emotional work, will we crave certain foods? I find all of a sudden doing the work, I'll need a sweet potato pancake or suddenly I have to get up and exercise hard or do some push ups and then I want a piece of dark chocolate. Tonight I want egg drop soup but I want another egg in it. These are what I call supportive cravings.

And so supportive cravings will fill a need and destructive cravings will take away nutrition from the body. So these are all supportive cravings, [01:18:00] and I'll tell you, so, you read in the clinical materials, sugar is the antidote to stress. And so, you will need more roots and fruits or it's fine to have some dark chocolate. That's fine. Just don't go eat gummy bears. So you're good. And if you want another egg and that throws your macros off, you are, you trump the logs, you trump the protocol. Put another egg in it, you need more protein to ground. That's probably what that means because you end up going in so much doing [01:18:30] this work that whatever you need to kind of come back down and ground I trust that you are far enough along the path that these are supportive cravings.

Amy, I'm wondering about probiotics. I know you've talked about this before. Curious for my situation. Testing showed low number in variety of gut bacteria, prescribed 100 billion CFU probiotic, take saccharomyces Boulardii for Candida, yes I do recommend it. Have been trying to do every other day but mood suffers and slower bowel [01:19:00] function. What should I do?

You should, if you have a lab test that shows a low number of species, then you should for sure take your hundred billion CFU strain, take it until the bottle's finished. Sacch B, you don't want to stay on for more than three to four weeks because it can actually generate more yeast if you overtake it. And so, go

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ahead and take it and finish it and then you're going to go down, you're going to cut it to a quarter, you're going to go down to 25 billion CFUs after that [01:19:30] when you finish this bottle until that bottle is gone. And then after that, you shouldn't need probiotics except for a couple of times a week.

Gloria. When you say GABA to sleep, you mean L-Theanine, right? No Gloria, I actually have been talking about one of my favorite amino acids to work with is called PharmaGABA, and that's a neurotransmitter we have in our brain. And when it's low, we get anxiety. And a lot of people, we deplete it with stress. [01:20:00] And so it's an added one for those who have a lot of anxiety, can take it during the day but it really helps at night because it neutralizes adrenaline. L-Theanine, it's a wonderful amino acid and that's something that if it works for you you can stay on it and it's also safe for nursing, those of you who are nursing. But GABA would be in addition, PharmaGABA and you can email the team and they'll send you a link to the one we like.

Nicole is here so she, oh good. Nicole, thank you for being here by [01:20:30] the way. Nicole posted the link to the Gaia iron, Ruby. And if you would post a link to PharmaGABA, that would be great. All right. Althia. Okay, I like this. We're mixing the emotional and the clinical, this is like living in ReCode. Okay, I'm going to let you take this one, Kris. I'll let you read it out.

Kris: Okay, Althia, how do I release anger towards someone, my husband, when the anger is ongoing and we fight frequently and live together? Yeah, so that's, you know, that's not as simple, it's not like, [01:21:00] that's really not necessarily a trapped negative emotion, that's something that's ongoing. But the trapped negative emotion work is deep seated emotions that are stuck within our body. But, you know, regarding this question, this is something that again, the Byron Katie work, the mirroring work is is is really important to begin the process of releasing the anger towards your husband when you have to live together and it's ongoing.

[01:21:30] So, this is like, the statements, are you angry towards him because he should be doing something or shouldn't be doing something or a combination of either should and shouldn't. When the should or shouldn't statements come up, that's a sign that you need to do some work around it. And doing those four questions and turn around your husband and stuff will unlock that. And it will release you from the anger and it will give you a better perspective. It's being the observer.

[01:22:00] Instead of just living largely unconscious with our partners and having this anger or having a negative emotion regarding your relationship

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and just living with you, it's like having a third person in your relationship. You have you, your husband and this anger that sits, it sleeps between the two of you that's there at the dinner table with the two of you, whatever. It's looking at it and facing it and finding out why. It might be [01:22:30] a case where there's something that you're angry towards yourself about that you're projecting to your husband and maybe he's doing the same thing. But I would highly suggest that you really go into the, I think it's called thework.org, the Byron Katie work and do the four questions and the turnaround-

Christa: Yeah, they're in Module 4 and 5.

Kris: Wonderful. Doing that the four questions in the turnaround. You can even go on YouTube and you could [01:23:00] type in the search engine Byron Katie releasing anger. There probably would be, she has so many of these things where she has somebody on stage and she's doing a releasing anger about a spouse or a significant other and you can really be able to see the work in action there. So that's what I would suggest. It's not as simple as going, I mean, not that it's simple to release trapped negative emotion, but this is something that you're living with.

Christa: Yeah, when you're living with [01:23:30] it day to day. So that's like, I got to reiterate, you know, doing what you need to do, going to take a yoga class, taking a night off, finding your peace and finding your space to be able to understand. And doing the Byron Katie work, and I don't want you guys to think that it's always going to come back on you because it's radical personal accountability. It could be taking over accountability.

And there was a personal story that actually Tamra and I were at the Chopra Center here in La Costa and we were taking [01:24:00] a women's wellness workshop weekend. I remember it was Memorial Day weekend. I had had a fight with my now ex, has addiction issues, supposed to be home nine o'clock or something that night, never showed up until 7:30 The next morning still drinking. I leave that day to go to the Byron Katie workshop, right? And Tamra was like, just go, in front of 200 people, just tell her the problem and do the work and have her work on it right with you. [01:24:30] What did we come to? Yes, is it really true? Yes, he is an alcoholic and you cannot save him. And in this case, this is really true.

We don't want to take over accountability either so that detachment is really important and by doing the work, it's not always going to spin you one way or the other in terms of this is what you have to do or they have to do, it's going to illuminate the truth. This work is really ...

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Kris: Powerful, very powerful.

Christa: [01:25:00] All right, let's see, Gustavo, so-

Kris: Corolla first, I think she ...

Christa: Oh, Corolla, hi. What are your thoughts on taking one to two milligrams of melatonin most nights to sleep, long term okay? No, short term is okay because you should produce, like within your pineal gland and a healthy pineal gland produces the right amount of melatonin that you need to sleep and then your body can produce human growth hormone from that. So you can use melatonin as a band aid but you want it train your body to produce [01:25:30] your own melatonin and the way that it does that is through exposure to darkness. So you want to make sure you're away from screens an hour before bed, sleep with one of those sleep masks, I love the 40 blinks sleep masks. Get blackout curtains. And so maybe you do a nighttime meditation in the dark before you go to bed and start to acclimate your eyes and therefore your pineal gland to be able to produce more of your own melatonin.

So, I think a few months on melatonin is no problem. One to two [01:26:00] milligrams of time released. And then you know, as you don't need melatonin anymore, you get really kind of crazy vivid dreams or you wake up groggy and it's like, hey, it's time to back that dose off. So you can titrate yourself off. That would be the best way. If you're taking two for the next like week, you can do that and then go down to one go down to half and titrate off.

Gustavo, so non clinical and non emotional, I gravitate towards this kind of work, Christa. I'm wondering if you can recommend higher [01:26:30] education, schooling. I can't right now because this is just something that I created and put together. But we have, it's come from a lot of different schools of thought and put it together and our own experience. And so, let me think about that, Gustavo. All of the books, if you go to the resources page of, inside the module, it lists all of the books that we love [01:27:00] from this. But for right now, I don't have something that comes to mind for higher education. Do you?

You kind of have to do a piecemeal, like you'd have to go do The Work by Byron Katie and she's got a 10 day. Or there's all these different workshops.

Kris: Or you can just to get the book Loving What Is.

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Christa: That's on the resource list. Loving What is.

Kris: Loving What is is a powerful, powerful book. It's life changing. I would start there.

Christa: Yeah. Okay. Okay, Rachel, [01:27:30] okay, we're going to take, my goodness, you guys, there's more questions coming in. We're going to take two more questions and then whatever we end up missing, you can post in the Facebook group. Kris will be there Thursday from ...

Kris: Thursday from nine to 10.

Christa: Nine to 10 tomorrow, Tamra, from 10 to 11, she can also answer a lot of these questions and I'll be there from 10-

Kris: Tamra is 11 to 12.

Christa: Thank you. 11 to 12 Pacific. I'm 10 to 11 on Friday. So whatever we don't get to, [01:28:00] please just right after this post it in the group to tag us. Let me see, I wanted to answer Rachel. Rachel, I've done part one and I've read part two but I haven't done the real work. How do I get past this stall and move forward? I wonder if I'm holding back using the excuse I don't have time. Do you have thoughts on that? You want me to jump in?

Kris: Well, yeah, why don't you jump in?

Christa: So, let me tell [01:28:30] you. I want you to watch The Hero's Journey by Joseph Campbell. I recommended that in the resource list. And so, what's happening is fear. And so, maybe you heard the old Native American paradigm. It's like, I have two wolves living inside of me and one is angry and wants to kill and the other one's loving in kind. And then he says, Well, which one of these wolves is real? And he says, whichever one you feed.

[01:29:00] That's really where we are here. And in this case, that negative wolf is resistance. And one of my favorite authors who I absolutely love is Steven Pressfield. And I just listened to his book called Turning Pro. And he talks about what's your turning pro moment. And he talks about the difference between an amateur and a professional. I'm not talking career wise, it's with whatever you do, an amateur and a professional, like an amateur will spin [01:29:30] in circles and you give into your resistance and you will distract yourself. But we all have what's called turning pro moments where you no

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more resistance. And all you have to do is his words is put your ass where your heart wants to be. Those are his words in the book is just show up, right?

I had no idea how to create the Adrenal ReCode and I was like, I'm going to create there's so much information, right? How was I going to do it? It'd be easier for me to go for a jog or do something. It's like no, I'm going to sit there and I'm good to [01:30:00] face the blank page and I'm going to just dive in. And then you get to play with the muse or whatever it is for you. But just show up. Just go into Module 4, carve out an hour, read through everything, fill out your memorized belief chart and sit there until it's done. That's my advice. Do you have any other advice?

Kris: I think when you're truly ready, there's not going to be anything that's holding you back and it will happen.

Christa: Yeah. You [01:30:30] do have time. I can say I don't have time, we can all say that we don't have time, but you're putting yourself first and like going back to kind of what I said in the beginning is this is what's going to give you all the time in the world to enjoy your life and have peace and it's going to readjust things in the most profound way.

All right, last question. Jennifer. All right, it's a heavy questions. My husband is a broken man. He's 72. [01:31:00] In the age of 16, he was in a family car accident that took two sisters, a brother, oh my God, and his Father, I'm so sorry for him, his mother and he barely survived. The community response and family response were very painful. I'm his fourth wife. We have been friends since 1968 now married 29 years. I married him knowing he needed healing, it has been quite the ride. I adore him and want joy for him, yet I so need to know how to have healthy boundaries for myself as I hurt so much for him.

Next module [01:31:30] is going to be helpful for you. I would never consider leaving him. I love him. I need to protect myself better so that I can heal too. I'm just going to ask Jennifer that you hold on until we get through the next module and that you keep doing this work and how Kris talked about that protection, I think that we can sometimes be remiss and I was, you think, oh, I'm married to this person or this is my my mother, my father. Like I don't need to have boundaries with this person. We need to have boundaries with every person [01:32:00] in order to protect yourself. It's not a mean thing, it's not a negative thing but you need to do what you need to do to show up for yourself because you can't feed from an empty cup. That's the work that we're going to continue to do.

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Page 36: Module 6 - Lesson 3 - How To Implement Module 6 Of The … · 2019-02-21 · Module 6 - Lesson 3 - How To Implement Module 6 Of The Adrenal ReCode Webinar Kris: There we go. Christa:


Kris: The biggest gift you could give to him is by taking care of yourself so that you have the energy.

Christa: And that you also have detachment from his emotions and from his pain. If you didn't already listen to [01:32:30] the Dodging Energy Vampires Podcast. I'm not saying your husband is an energy vampire but he's someone who is in pain and it will talk to you about, you know, women was super traits, like we want to fix everything and all we need to fix is the need to fix within ourselves. And if you can get to that place where you love him, you accept him with his pain and his pain isn't your pain and you can trust that he can live with that and you can also be happy.

Yes. [01:33:00] All right guys. All right. Last one. Banana cashew or the snack, how long until we need to get to sleep, until your temperature and pulse before bed is telling you you're cool until you don't wake up in the middle of the night or you don't wake up with your heart pounding. That's when you keep the snack in. There are going to be some nights where you just naturally forget about it and that means your body didn't need it. But if you feel your stomach growling or you feel stressed or that tired but wired feeling or a loud nervous system when it's dark, late at night, then you need the snack.

[01:33:30] Okay. This was quite the session. Thanks for showing up, thanks for opening your hearts and being courageous and sharing with us and letting us share this work with you. Lots of love, have a wonderful evening wherever you are in the world and we will see you next week.

Kris: See you next week.

Christa: Same time.

Kris: All right.

Christa: Bye.

Kris: Bye.

© 2018 THE WHOLE JOURNEY. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Content may not be reproduced in any form.
